Kiyoshi Hatanaka for the Saker Blog
Serbia is a country that, as even its President Alexander Vucic has publicly admitted, supports Russia in the Ukrainian conflict by an overwhelming majority of at least 80 %. That is very likely an underestimate. The people of that small Balkan nation feel intuitively that Russia has acted correctly and that it is their only international friend. They know their history and realize that at each critical juncture over the last two centuries Russia, whether imperial, Soviet, or the Russian Federation of today, is their only reliable ally. In August 1914, as Europe’s Germanic powers were plotting the invasion and demise of Serbia, after falsely accusing it of complicity in the Sarajevo assassination of Austria’s heir to the throne, Archduke Ferdinand, it was Russia alone among the great powers which in the global storm that was brewing unequivocally stood up for Serbia. Czar Nicholas II literally risked the stability of his empire (and as subsequently became clear, also his own and his family’s life) in order to oppose the assault on Serbia, which triggered World War I.
In World War II, Serbs remember the key role played by the Soviet Army in driving out Nazi occupiers after a brutal and murderous four-year occupation. During the troubled nineties of the last century, after the collapse and dismemberment of the Soviet Union Russia was too embroiled in recovering its own sovereignty to be able to do much for the Serbs. But Russia’s unwavering subsequent support for and insistence on the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which marked the conclusion of the Kosovo conflict by defining Kosovo as an integral part of Serbia again made Russia a key guarantor of Serbia’s statehood and independence. Russia’s position on the Kosovo issue has effectively nullified Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence and ensured that Serbia’s claim to the province which was forcibly occupied as a result of NATO aggression in 1999 remains inviolable and valid from the standpoint of international law. The Serbian nation knows that and deeply appreciate it.
If we fast forward to current events, a sharp discrepancy has emerged between the sentiments of the Serbian people and the policies pursued by their government. The Serbian government appears increasingly to be playing a slimy double-faced game, guided primarily by its own political survival rather than concern for the country’s honor or desire to properly represent the overwhelming sentiment of its citizens in international forums.
That game, which is gradually aligning official Serbia with NATO and the Western powers which the Serbian people despise was recently played out in two landmark votes in the United Nations. On March 3, to the utter dismay of the Serbian public, the government voted in favor of a UN resolution proposed by leading Western countries to condemn the “Russian invasion of Ukraine.” Government spokesmen quickly pointed out that notwithstanding the questionable UN vote Serbia still had no intention of imposing sanctions on Russia, but the damage was done. Russia was nevertheless kind enough to exclude Serbia from the list of “unfriendly countries,” which it published soon after that.
Perhaps encouraged by Moscow’s leniency, on April 6 the Serbian government raised the stakes and continued to test Russia’s patience by casting another hostile vote, this time to suspend Russia from the UN Human Rights Council, again in response to the pressure of Western governments.
A member of the Russian UN delegation commented diplomatically on that occasion that he found the vote of “our Serbian friends” difficult to understand.
The Serbian government is taking the country on a dangerous path by giving in to Western pressure and blackmail. The first vote might have been explained away as a fluke, but the second vote against Russia cannot be described otherwise than as a slap in the face. The legitimate question that arises now that we can clearly see a hostile trend toward Russia emerging in the conduct of the Serbian government, is how far will these provocations go and what further acts unfriendly to Russia are bound to follow?
Qualified Serbian analysts are of the opinion that once the new Serbian post-election government is formed, a set of measures against Russia will inevitably be adopted on orders from the collective West. That may very well include joining Western “sanctions,” though it is not clear exactly in what form because trade with Russia on very favourable terms is a one-way street which benefits only Serbia. Russia is not likely to suffer much by being deprived of Serbian plums, apples, and other agricultural products, but the fragile Serbian economy certainly will.
On a more serious level, there is widespread speculation in political circles in Serbia that the government’s Western overseers will demand that Serbia demonstrate its solidarity with Western countries by also plundering Russian property on its territory. A prime target would be NIS, the mixed ownership energy company which ensures that Serbia receives from Russia the gas and oil it needs at an extraordinarily favourable price. Will Serbia shoot itself in the foot by disrupting its energy relationship with Russia, which is so vitally important to its people and its few remaining viable industries? That remains to be seen, but Germany, UK, and other Western countries have already done it to their own detriment, so something along the same lines can be expected also from the politically insecure and heavily blackmailed Serbian regime.
Official Serbia having recently set two important precedents which mark its subservience to the Western bloc and pliancy in the face of Western pressure, what is next? Obviously, the collective West’s “unfinished business” in Kosovo is still at the top of the agenda. For Kosovo’s secession to be recognized under international law, Serbia must give its consent and sign off on it. The government has been moving steadily in that direction for the last eight years, granting the secessionist regime one attribute of sovereignty after another, but so far stopping short of the ultimate step in fear of the popular reaction. It is stymied also by Russia’s thus far inflexible position as a veto-wielding member of the UN Security Council that the only solution it would approve is the one that is within the framework of Resolution 1244, which mandates that Kosovo is part of Serbia. The question can therefore be legitimately put whether the regime is intentionally annoying Russia in the hope that it will be irritated enough to put Serbia on its list of unfriendly countries and drop its insistence on Resolution 1244, which is what effectively prevents the secessionist entity’s legalisation as a sovereign state separate from Serbia? Time will tell, but well-founded suspicions of foul play abound.
The other important issue on the agenda that must soon some up is Serbia’s membership in NATO. It is an issue that perforce will soon have to be put on the table in light of the collective West’s increasingly bellicose attitude toward Russia, which many interpret as deliberately leading in the direction of war. Assuming that war with Russia is being planned, absorbing Serbia into NATO would be a military and political necessity. Not, of course, in the sense that anyone at NATO headquarters seriously expect that Serbian soldiers would willingly shoot at Russians (even the World War II collaborationist regime flatly refused to send a single Serb to the Eastern front and the Germans could do nothing about it), but because, like Hitler when he was preparing Operation Barbarossa, NATO needs to at least neutralize its Balkan flank.
We should be alert therefore to the likelihood that pressure on the Serbian regime to join NATO will gain in momentum and intensity and will not encounter stiff official resistance. An indication of that is that NATO’s chief lobbyist in Belgrade, a woman who shamelessly asserted that depleted uranium remaining after the 1999 bombing was not only harmless but could even have certain health benefits, was recently rewarded for her 5th column activities by being appointed Serbia’s ambassador to Croatia.
It is important to bear in mind, nevertheless, that with the Serbian media being roughly evenly divided, on the one hand, between Western-owned outlets pushing the Empire of Lies version of events in Ukraine, and television and print outlets under the control of the duplicitous regime pushing a slightly watered-down version of the same party line, the Serbian public is largely shut off from reliable information about Ukraine and just about anything else.
In light of that, the spontaneously organized mass demonstrations in Belgrade and other major cities against the government’s March 3 vote condemning the “Russian invasion” are an important milestone. They indicate that the brainwashing process in Serbia at least is far from a resounding success. They are also a repudiation of NATO’s war plans and of the political betrayals of NATO’s local collaborators. Serbian mass protests are a message to the Russian government and the Russian people that Serbia stands with them and that the decisions of the ruling cabal in Belgrade are null and void.
On April 15 there will be another popular gathering in Belgrade, this time to denounce Serbia’s vote to suspend Russia from the UN Human Rights council. Yes, there are now copycat demonstrations in many Western European countries in support of Russia. But it bears pointing out that this time also, as on March 26 1941, when they poured into the streets to denounce their cowardly government’s signing of the Axis pact, the Serbs again are trailblazers in opposition to global tyranny.
Hitler and now the collective West after him correctly categorized Serbs as an incorrigibly troublesome element in the Balkans. May the Serbian people continue to live up to that glorious reputation.
This is the defiant poster that is circulating in Serbian social media these days:
After Serbia’s shameful action against Russia in the United Nations, when it voted to expel Russia from the Human Rights Council, I say:
That action does not reflect the position of the overwhelming majority of Serbia’s citizens.
Serbia is surrounded by wolves and full of hotheads. China has sent air defense systems and Serbia has conducted night military live fires. Being stupid is not a good plan – standing tall while your big brother is engaged in Ukraine against the entire west. Putin understands Vucic’s situation. Serbs may have to fight but they need to avoid it until big brother is freed up.
I added a red flag. by mistake
My apologies
Keeping a cool head and waiting until big brother is freed up to help you face NATZO’s “irresistible armed might” shows patience. But to be afraid to face one’s own government? That’s sheeplish.
Revolutions are invariably a tool of Satan and always end up promoting his goals. There is no need for any demonstration ever except for demonstrations in support of ones nation and religion.
Serbia is not hostile towards Russia or China and wont be so in the future.
Doesn’t mean we have to spit in their faces, Russia avoids conflicts for as long as they possibly can get away with too.
Almost every US regime change operation hijacks legitimate protests. Nuland would just be itching to take on Serbia. Protests gain little and could lose everything.
The choice is clear. Repeat the tragedy of Maidan 2014 and end up like Ukraine, or stand up to the Degenerate West and spare the Serbian people a fate worse than death; becoming a vassal of the degenerate West.
I’ve heard that the Chinese have just sent several plane loads of military equipment to Serbia. Any idea what it is and what’s going on?
Old contract for air defense weapons being delivered as per contract.
Draw a 400km radius from Banat north and now draw a 400 radius from Kalingrad – does that Illuminate the topic :)
And not the S-400???
I hope the quality of the Chinese air defense is better than the quality of the Chinese parts I buy. Chinese “steel” is soft crap, like they can’t make good steel or they know they can get away with cheap shit lead alloy. The Chinese knock-off car parts are likewise crap compared to the high quality Japanese and German and Taiwanese parts and tools.
Don’t get me wrong, I hope it is effective and I hope the Serbs can afford lots of missiles for their air defense systems, which is like bullets for a gun, need lots of them and lots of barrels to shoot them, and good control to make sure the targets, such as Israeli F-16s, don’t escape by flying in front of civilian and non-combatant aircraft. I am likewise sure TWA 800 was shot down in a live fire missile test involving civilian airliners in the high traffic area of New York and New Jersey. I am also sure that Jew F-16 pilot that deliberately caused the gratuitous deaths of those 12 Russian patrol plane crewmen sleeps well. Then again, MH-17 shows the demonic MOSSAD-controlled CIA thugs really do not care about anyone’s life but their own. It certainly appears true that Jews kill Christians and other goyim with no remorse whatever dating back to the Bolshevik mass mutilation torture of Christians from 1920-1952 until God finally put Stalin into eternal hell and Beria shortly thereafter.
Anyway, here’s to the Serbs, may Clinton’s blowjob come back to haunt him and may his eternity in hell begin soon.
“Chinese “steel” is soft crap..”
Well, you have to buy HARD crap then! Everything is made in China these days. Good crap, medium good crap and bad crap!
This is true, I bought a generator made in China, designed in France. Utter rubbish but it must have met the design specs of the French company as they were happy to sell it to me. That was the second time it happened with French “engineering” and last time I bought French, replaced it with an Hitachi. Really if you buy cheap crap you will get cheap crap and the French crap wasn’t even cheap.
Depends on the French buyer and importer, if they believe their customers “you” is only willing to pay x amount for said product, and the seller still wants to maintain a healthy profit, then the quality will be sacrificed. Thus the factory will produce accordingly, long way to say it’s not the producer’s not willing to make a good product but what the customers are willing to accept at said price.
Sounds to me like those who produce need to read the W. Edward Deming’s book entitled Total Quality Management to solve their quality problems.
Good old Deming, an American who helped Japanese reach unprecedented level of quality with actual production costs lower than what USA has to pay to produce inferior product….
Of course, he was ignored by USA industry and science. His basic idea seems innocent enough – improve quality to reduce costs. However, he maintains that “Quality is made at the highest level of management – responsibility of the management” and “Better quality leads to better sales and better life for all – workers, society, even profits. Well, higher profits are OK, but to ask top management to do their job, and insult to injury, for the benefit of entire society, no, that could not be accepted. Cooperation over cut-throat competition, no way.
To keep this within the topic: Nice to hear something nice about Serbs from a non Serb, OK, non-Slav. Thank you Mr. Hatanaka.
I dodnt understand. Are you saying Twa 800 was accidental ? Ie they were shooting live- fire with a civilian airliner to test their weapons but DID NOT plan to shoot down the airliner?
Huh. Chinese steel is bad? Like, I mean, in what way? Do you buy one quality but receive another? What firm do you work for?
Do you not see any benefit of including lead in the material to improve machinability? By the way “lead alloy” doesn’t exist.
Kindly, Swedish industrial miller. We literally have the best steel on Earth but if I buy 2172 and get 2172 I don’t complain.
I’m sure that the FK-3 SAMs are made of the same “lead alloy” that you got.
You should thus pass along your complaints to the Serbian Ministry of Defence c/o Nebojša Stefanovi at Birčaninova Street 5, Belgrade, Serbia.
Minister Stefanović will certainly appreciate taking time out from his busy day to consider your expert military opinions.
LOL! Minister Stefanovic is a NATO stooge like his former boss Vucic. Also Stevanovic’s father was involved in arms supply to Ukrainian Nazis and ISIS terrorists. So Russian soldiers died because of Serbian politicians’ actions.
There is a NATO office placed directly in the General Staff office of the Ministry of Defence. All higher officers have pledged allegiance to NATO and Satanists. Lower levels are still patriotic.
Stefanovic is a 100% incompr and is a plagiarist too. He plagiarised his own doctorate. Serbia is a joke but it took a lot, even a genocidal bombardment to bring Serbia into the hole she is currently in. The others were only too willing to prostitute themselves to the Satanists. No questions asked.
Those that keep raving how Serbia is surrounded by enemies fail to recognise that their favourite Albanian, Pres Vucic (or is it Vuqiq?) had 10 years to do something about it. Needless to say that he didn’t do much. Belarus and Russia had to force him to take free fighter aircraft and tanks a few years back.
He is buying Chinese gear for which he hope is easier to incorporate into NATO. He is buying a Chinese knock off while the Chinese themselves are buying the real deal from Russia. Russian of course were willing to sell S-400 to the Serbs too.
And how he thanked Belarus: by introducing sanctions on Belarus people.
The only thing that can save Serbia is a Russian base somewhere in Serbia.
I like the pseudonym of the author of the text. The text itself is spot on.
Spot on Original Marko!
Vucic seeks to rule just like his mentor in Montenegro, Don Milo Djukanovic as the West aspires to turn Vucic against Russia as they did with Milo, to great distrust and anger from the population.
Well, Serbia is America’s bitch.
So Serbia incorporating into NATO would be the Serbs openly admitting what they de facto already are.
“Those that keep raving how Serbia is surrounded by enemies fail to recognise that their favourite Albanian, Pres Vucic (or is it Vuqiq?) ”
It’s neither, it’s Musliu, in reference to Fahri Musliu, an Albanian journalist from Kosovo who worked in Belgrade in the 1970s for RTB (Radio Televizija Beograd) in the same apparent department as Aleksandar Vucic’s mother. The rumour arose from the fact that Vucic has quite a strong resemblance to Musliu, & in the last 10 or so years, Vucic has quite often shown a very positive attitude towards all things Albanian. One could dismiss this is pure coincidence, but Vucic himself felt the need to go on friendly TV Happy with his parents & spend 2 hours reminiscing over his childhood as if to gain credibility. Why do that? It is a very strange thing to do. And then when you watch the programme, there is a lot of strange behaviour on Vucic’s part. For those who know, Vucic built his political career in Vojislav Seselj’s Serbian Radical Party, a hard line nationalist outfit, & up until his split from the party in 2008, presented himself as the hardest of hard line Serb nationalists. Then he went pro-western as if overnight. When he entered government in 2012, Fahrir Musliu – who was still in Belgrade working for BBC world service, left & returned abruptly to Kosovo. On the programme Vucic appeared with his parents, he didn’t know certain elementary facts about his father’s family history, Andjelko Vucic – which for a Serb is very very strange. One could write it off as ignorance, & for the most part, the rumour that Vucic is possibly half Albanian & the bastard son of Fahrir is something I take with a pinch of salt, until I see some real evidence. But, in the real world, the truth is often stranger than fiction, by a factor of 100, & some of the most outlandish conspiracies turn out to be true over time. One fact Vucic didn’t know about his father’s apparent family were the names of his uncles who were killed by the Ustasha during WWII. For a Serb this is unheard of, I myself, & all the Serbs I know, we all know the names of everyone in our family who died in all the wars of the 20th century, even more distant relatives. I have a second uncle who was called Milko Vasic who is well known as an army commander who was murdered in an ambush in Croatia at the start of the war in 1991, just for example, it was a famous incident where the base was ambushed & all the soldiers including the commander, my 2nd uncle, were killed. So for Vucic to not even know the names of his family members murdered by the Ustasha during the war is suspect – but, suspect is all it is, it doesn’t really tell us anything, it just raises suspicions. If it turned out that he was the bastard son of Fahrir Musliu though, I would not be in the least surprised. It would make a lot of sense.
Is Muslui from an Orthodox, Catholic, or Muslim family?
“Is Muslui from an Orthodox, Catholic, or Muslim family?”
I have no idea, the name Fahrir indicates he is a muslim, although I don’t see why it matters. Ibrahim Rugova was born into a muslim family, & converted to Catholic Christianity, so has Ramus Haradinaj, the Vatican has been proselytizing in Kosovo fiercly since 1999, one of the reasons the Vatican will not recognize Kosovo as an independent state is for this reason, they demand that Albanians en masse convert to Catholicism, at which point they would recognize its supposed independence. As for Fahrir, it’s more important that he worked for BBC & VOA, which places him hardcore as an Atlanticist agent of influence.
Thanks for the write up. Good to know some of the facts you laid out.
So the masks are coming off of Serbia, too. Found out today, by way of checking fake news that someone sent me about Chinese paratroopers having landed in Belgrade, that actually Uncle Sam has been training with Serbian paratroopers from at least 2017 to 2021. So it would be the totally cynical Western move to turn Serbia into a golem to be unleashed on Russia. Which will not be able to accomplish much … but still! Historically and spiritually, that would be a significant blow.
Suburb of Nee Belgrade is chockablock of the American paramilitary.
Air defense, the Serbs bought it two years ago apparently. The Chinese are still salty about the bombings.
Imagine what they can do with newer tech, lol.
FK-3 Sams, the export version of the HQ-22, flown to Serbia on 6 H-20 transport aircraft.
April 10 another 6x Y-20 (not H-20) . not sure this is done yet.
Something wonderful is going to happen, humanity and planet are being LIBERATED as we “speak”.
God Bless, Holly Mother, Russia!
Glory be to the Father, and the Son and Holy Spirit
I won’t tell you 😉
FK-3 (HQ-22) air defence system purchased in 2019. First battery delivered with chinese planes few days ago.
Serbia needs to thread a fine line to remain independent and not be destroyed. So let’s not be too hard on the current gov’t.
Also note that Serbia/SfRY has tied a strict neutral line since 1948 akin to Sweden or Finnland
BTW – the Yugoslavs were the only occupied country to liberate themselves in WWII. The Partisans story is well known.
This is not true. Yugoslavia was partly liberated by Soviet Union. They liberated Belgrade and a large part of it. Yugoslavia also has a terrible civil war in that time. The northwestern parts were liberated in the very last days of the war and in Slovenia the last major German army surrended only 3 days after the official end of the war, because they tried to escape partisans and Russians an tried to reach British forces in Austria. Partisan fighting sadly caused more deaths between own people than foreign forces. Civil caused a lot of suffer to this days.
Tito was a demon, cut a Communist and the Communists were willing to confront the European powers to support Tito. But Drazha Mikhailovich is the true hero of Serbia (along with Nikola Tesla, another national hero, who caused three generations of electrical engineers and solid state physicists).
Tito and the Partisans were given false credit for many key successes the Serbian/Montenegrin loyalists/”Chetniks” has against the Germans. Churchill and the BBC were doing propaganda for Tito and were intent on seeing him win, even if it meant killing a huge number of Serb anti-communists, and even though most all of Serbs didn’t want him nor communist. Tito and the Partisans literally invaded and attacked Serbia, with help from U.S. an British air force – they acted as his air force the way they later did for the KLA in Kosovo. The Partisans actually opened up roads for the Germans that the Serbs had blocked. Meanwhile, the Soviets, even though they witnessed Serbs/loyalists fighting with the Germans (which surprised them as they were only getting pro-Tito propaganda) would actually disarm these forces afterwards, and then they’d be hunted down and killed by Tito’s forces.
And Tito asked, two months before the Germans were kicked out of Belgrade, if his and the Partisans could ride in a victory parade there once the Germans were outed. The Soviets agreed and it was made to look as if Tito and the Partisans were responsible even though they couldn’t even fight a frontal battle with the Germans and even though their style of fighting got many civilians massacred.
Tito and the Partisans would shoot at Germans around the villages and then would flee when the Germans came after them. The Partisans would be gone so Germans would destroy the villages.
The destruction of the villages and murder of the people would help in recruiting more fighters for the Partisans as the people would be left with no home nor farm to care for and their relatives would be dead.
WWII was another complex time in your history, which a Serb friend once related to me. You add more details that I will further question him about. Thank you, and Hail Serbia !!
There was no Yugoslav partisans. They were 95% Serbs. Croatians were (are?) Nazis and Muslims and Albanians were in the SS Handzar and SS Scender Bey divisions respectively. Slovenians capitulated to Hitler and welcomed the Nazis like they always do. Some of them were then ethnically cleansed by Germans and escaped to Serbia. Among them was a chilled called Milan Kucan whi became President of Slovenia who betrayed Yugoslavia and ordered an attack on the Yugoslav army in the then Yugoslav republic of Slovenia.
Things are pretty much the same as they were in 1941.
@Topol: “Yugoslavia was partly liberated by Soviet Union.”
Yes, but as I wrote in my previous post, I remember a Russian lady praising the Serbs fought the Nazis in WW2, “fought them tooth and nail”. And as a Brit I admired the cool courage of the Serbs in 1999; in order to subdue Serbia our Prime Minister (who was President of the EU) had to order NATZO to drop even more bombs on Belgrade than Hitler did. It was only when NATZO threatened to “mow the lawn” by carpet-bombing Belgrade that the Serbs gave in.
Let’s just remember the Serbs did not give in to NATO. It was the delegation of Russia first by Primakov and later Chernomyrdin who negotiated UN resolution 1244. In not so many words Russia warned that Serbia would be wiped off the map. Yeltsin was getting angrier about the bombing but Russia but was weak militarily with mass corruption and selling of weapons. Part of UN resolution 1244 was a UN Russian peacekeeping force in Kosovo which never was fully realized. The most embarrassing was a Russian force that made it to Pristina , Kosovo only to be faced down by NATO and lefts with his hind tails behind its asses. Something probably still engraved in Putins head how Yeltsin embarrassed Russian prestige.
Correction – Serbia didn’t give in in 1999. The war party abandoned every one of their war aims. Read 1244.
Exile still buying into the Tito/Partisan myth. Tito was a British creation to impose and anti Serb government in Yugoslavia. The reason for this otherwise inexplicable project was the desire on the British to save the Vatican’s usefulness in the Cold War, which the British were planning since the Battle of Moscow in Dec. 1941. And what were the British saving the Vatican from? From justice at Nuremberg for the Catholic Church role in the Serbian Holocaust in the Independent State of Croatia where between 750,000 to a million Serbs were murdered for the simple reason the were Orthodox and not Catholic. The US got away Scot free with killing millions in Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Honduras, etc, however Pope Pius XII beat the US for that distinction thanks to Winston Churchill. .
Agree with your stance 100%.
With Exile, only for the first sentence.
Serbia is heading toward one of these impossible situations that we already had several times in our history.
I hope Bianca is in right regarding dying empire not being motivated to destabilize Serbia/Balkan at this moment. Domestic destabilization potential might be even more dangerous threat. We are extremely talented to recognize what is directly oposing our best interest and then rush straight that way.
My name is Bond. James Bond and I work for THE Queen. My next task is to save the world from Elian invasion, and I can tell you that Tito was Martian from Venus. I have that intel from CIA official and you can check that in Encyclopedia Britanica page 374.
Okay Okay – I’m guilty of being a (Monarchist) Yugo Nostalgic.
Yes – The Royal Yugoslav Army of the Homeland fought the Occupiers and their collaborators to a degree that is not well known even today.
Yes – The Partisans were focused to a horrifying degree on getting neutralist villages to support them. The practice of attacking occupiers from a neutralist village to force a reprisal is true.
Yes – it true that the English betrayed the Royal Yugoslav Army in the Homeland in many ways.
But…’s true that the Yugoslavs ( Orthodox ) liberated themselves.
Finally note – the orthodox during 1941-45 suffered unspeakable extermination campaigns. The Holocaust arguably started on 28.April 1941 in Gudovac where for the first time in WWII a entire population was executed only because of their orthodox religion. The first death camp in WWII was created on Rab (Prag?) . the only death camp for children in WWII was at Stari Gradinski. The 750,000 – 1,000,000 who were murdered at Jasenovac are just a small portion of the orthodox victims in Yugoslavia during WWII
But the problem is that the current government, has for years now, given away Serbian rights and power in Kosovo, when resisting, refusing or at least delaying that wouldn’t have damaged its survival. So the Vucic government harmed Serbia to please the anti-Serb west and got nothing good for Serbs. Serbs in these “negotiations” are making the same mistake as Russians by allowing them in the first place and then being out maneuvered by liars who don’t honor their parts in the agreements. So Serbia, or Russia, keep giving in or giving ground, in these “compromises” and then have to deal with extra harm.
I seem to remember that some years ago Russia unjustly voted for a UN resolution to sanction (in the proper sense of the word sanction namely, to approve) an invasion of Serbia by NATZO.
Maybe this present unjust UN vote against Russia by Serbia is a brotherly tit-for-tat with no hard feelings?
Both votes were strategic mistakes.
Wow, how little do you know about the history of Yugoslavia. Who liberated the capital city, Belgrade? Let me give you a little hint:
“By the end of September, the Soviet’s 46th and 57th Armies under the command of Marshal Fyodor Tolbukhin were concentrated at the Yugoslav border with Bulgaria. The Soviet 57th Army was stationed in the Vidin area, while the Bulgarian 2nd Army (General Kiril Stanchev commanding under the operational command of the Red Army) was stationed to the south on the Niš rail line at the junction of the Bulgarian, Yugoslav, and Greek borders. This allowed the arrival of the Partisans 1st Army from Yugoslav territory, in order to provide support to their 13th and 14th Corps collaborating in the liberation of Nis and supporting the Soviet 57th Army’s advance to Belgrade, respectively. The Soviet 46th Army was deployed in the area of the Teregova river (Romania), poised to cut the rail link between Belgrade and Hungary to the north of Vrsac. Pre-operations were coordinated between the Soviets and the commander-in-chief of the Yugoslav Partisans, Marshal Josip Broz Tito. Tito arrived in Soviet-controlled Romania on 21 September, and from there flew to Moscow where he met with Soviet premier Joseph Stalin. The meeting was a success, in particular because the two allies reached an agreement concerning the participation of Bulgarian troops in the operation that would be conducted on Yugoslav territory.”
Give a credit when a credit is due. Without the Soviets the partisans would not have liberated Serbia for another year.
Absolutely. My father was fixing Russian planes when they liberated Yugoslavia. It was mostly Soviet army that chased back Nazi Germany. There were naked Germany soldiers strewn across the fields from the Katusha rockets and bombing . Naked because the gypsies stripped them clean. The unfortunate part of this event is that many Cetniks greeted the Soviet liberators only to be hunted down by the murderous Partisans.
This should serve to (once again) demonstrate that western “democracies” are IN NO WAY democratic.The Govt. of Serbia , installed by the EU, which is clearly shown to be an adjunct branch of NATO, is essentially an occupation government .In fact the governments of Germany or the US or Britain are no more responsive to the wishes, or demands of their people. The elections theatre in France has only one possible outcome
+1 I think Serbia in many ways are way ahead of the curve regarding public awareness of ‘democracy’.
How it works is if your a NATO member, your under Empire occupation. Your also automatically subject to EU rules. To qualify for politics you need to be blackmailable, any true Patriot will be eliminated by some constructed scandal … or if neccessary liquidated.
I’m from Norway and love Serbia and the Serbian people. Spent a few years there, happiest days of my life.
Things where messed up, but at least everybody knew. Planning to move back if possible.
Thank you @iR,
Manu people in Serbia are not aware how precious is the environment we have here.
Regarding freedom of speech and public policies.
Reporting from Ukraine in Serbia is reflecting this perfectly. I believe you can not find that level of balanced approach and freedom of speech anywhere in EU.
As a student of Western education, Vucic learned Western values. To lie, cheat and steel. He learned them well. Already he is replacing Chinese and Russian military equipment with French, US and other NATO standard weapons. Those secret Chinese weapon deliveries, nope, Vucic himself leaked the info. Vucic is arming Serbs so they can join the rest of the Western dogs of war into the great global battle field on the wrong side of history. Like Zelensky, Macron, Duda and other puppets, Vucic’s next act is to rob his country of everything. While it burns under Russian anger, he and his degenerate offspring fly away into the sunset on a private jet and into a Miami mansion where they will watch dying Serbs on TV like a Netflix show while virtue signaling among themselves how they are just because they adhere to Western values.
What a traitor that dog of a human turned out to be. If it wasn’t so windy outside right now, I would spit at him in disgust.
That is no really a excuse. There are thousands in the West who were under the same West education and values but manage to think by ourselves and support Russia now.
To be educated in the West is not a excuse. Vucic is just a betrayer to his own country and to his people.
Not total betrayer, at least he try to have closer ties with China to compensate EU, but a betrayer.
It is not unique anyway. Just take a look at Spain, licking the ass of the 2 powers (UK and USA) that work hard to destroy Spanish empire.
Or Chile, where a grand daughter of Allende is supporting the US.
Or Argentina, not opposing those who bring her to a debt trap.
Or Japan, dominate for the ones that destroy its spirituality with a nuclear genocide
Fact check! Western education across disciplines conditions it students to view themselves as superior. To view target groups as meaningless and disposable. The indoctrination can be found in Ivey league and public schools alike. Hate is a pillar of western values. Wester tolerance is hate put on hold. This is not a gripe session, but simply an observation. Vucic was taught to prepare the disposal of Serbs for the benefit of the chosen group. Because he hates Serbs.
Western education has long been influenced by Jewish supremacism, through religion and politics. The hate you mention begins there.
it’s not true. He graduated from the Faculty of Law in Belgrade with an average grade of 9.44 – which has nothing to do with his political career, especially his character.
Another huge fail!!! He graduated in the 1990’s while being Seselj’s page – that is a burek-delivery boy. With yogurt. He has no clue of law. If he did he would not have trampled on the Serbian Constitution ever since he rose to power. The Brussels and Washington Agreements come to mind.
Can you imagine a professor of the University of Belgrade awarding anything less than a 9 to a Seselj burke-boy in the 1990’s? People were getting killed for much less in Belgrade in those years.
I despise Vucic and his cartel because of his war mongering of the 1990’s. It was he who called on murder of 100 Muslims for one Serb which is a purely Nazi tactic that Nazis implemented against Serbs during WWII.
He is of my age roughly and whilst we bled on the frontline, he was buying his first properties in those years, getting a beard wife and was happily working for the Brits as a war monger. He was in charge of war mongering on the Serb side. They had direct interlocutors on the Bosnian Muslim, Albanian and Croatian sides. They all worked for the Brits and Germans. Later the American Satanists joined in taking everything over.
He has no love for Serbia as he is not a Serb. His biological father is an influential Albanian lobbyist from whom he inherited many physical attributes including being chinless and fat lips. His mom’s colleague. Allegedly. Resemblance is astounding. His offspring has permanently semi opened mouth so prevalent with our Albanian neighbours.
Everything he does is to do with the promotion of the Greater Albania which is a German/Anglo project. He is fully on board with it including the construction of highways from Albanian ports toward the border with Russia for an easier of transfer of materiel in the future war against Russia.
Yesterday he met with another NATO stooge whom he accused of stealing hundreds of millions. So together they will work in getting those “sanctions” in place against Russia. I don’t think Russia will survive without Serbian blackberries, apples and raspberries.
BTW, the official that voted against Russia at the UN is Minister Mihailovic’s son. Minister Mihailovic is a well-known NATO asset. She is from Tuzla currently in Bosnia. So she is not a Serb either.
I do not trust Vucic either. If his policy is “to try ” to get along with everyone, bending now toward Russia, or later toward EU and Nato, it will fail. The moment will come, and it may be not far away, when a “clear decision” will be asked from him, and I am not sure he will favor Russia. But, at the same time, I would have never thought Lukashenko to be such a good Russian partner, and I was pleasantly surprised by my mistake!
The guy just looks like a soft, weak soyboy. Physiognomy is real.
Quell’ che si deve rimproverare alla Russia è il non aver appreso la lezione fornitagli dallo zio Sam,
Cercar di influenzare le masse con giornali ONG e protezione o condanna dei leader politici,
Come in Pakistan, il proteggere il presidente uscente dovrebbe essere una priorità, e non lasciarlo in balia di sicari e mercenari.
Situatiin is optimal. Government being dragged into NATO compliance — with or without membership — but people are letting the collective West know how they feel,
As for fears of Western pressure — ye it is real. But it will go only so far. US is not just distracted by Ukraine, but by troublesome develooments in Asia. Cannot get support for its Ukrainian political positions. Nor broader sround the globe. Why start anything in Serbia?
It is not West making Vucic cry. It is the newly rich oligarchs in Serbia who make their fortune of EU, importers lead the way. First, they bring expensive oroducts people crave, and see to this that domestic production is sufficated,
It i s like being a Caribbean island economy. Geared to priduce what dominant power telks then, but orevented from developing economy, this perennially imports dependent.
Thank you for the comment, always good to read your point of view, enjoyed to read your comments on Novi Standard from old days, while comments there still had sense.
Don’t you think that Serbian economy and related power distribution switched from oligarchs keeping monopoly for specific goods import to something more productive lately?
Looking from inside, I see grown IT, construction, food processing and weapons industry along with agriculture (much space for further development) and some other areas with decent results. What you describe look like what it was 10 or 15 years ago.
So, so unfair and one-sided analyse of situation in and around Serbia, and regard Serbian government current and future obstacles, challenges and options. Detail explanation of Serbia’s vote in UN, without mention of background challenges and choices Serbian government was facing and still is to face due to it’s determination not to sanction Russia.
Lack of good will to take all factors and specific Serbian position in count. Even part related to Russo-Serbian history was pretty one-sided.
Sad, but expected.
No good choice for Serbia in comming months and years.
make no mistake about the Anglo/Khazarian West will make Serbia and Hungary it’s next target they hate Slavs. Russia is the only thing standing in the way of a Slavic purge.
Russia is the only thing standing between humankind purgue and genocide.
Not only Slavs, full humankind.
Every decent person in the world should be in Russia side.
It is pretty obvious what the US, NATO, EU elites are planning for the world population. A dystopian nighmare of the worst kind.
We don’t have to wait a lot so they stop letting people have kids, love, families.
Russia is the only thing standing against them, and the future of the humankind is at stake.
Hungarians aren’t Slavs, they are Magyars.
They are a mix of Slavs and Magyars. Magyar Turkic rulers over Slav substratum. Turkic Magyar language was retained , whereas the same thing happened in Bulgaria but the Bulgarians kept their Slavic substratum language.
I thought the Bulgars were lesser Slavs and came from the Ural Mountains. Asking, not arguing.
This may help:
The map above, created by, shows the genetic makeup of European countries based on Haplogroups. These groups each share a common ancestor and can be one way of looking at the genetic makeup of a population.
In humans, haplogroups can either be based on Y-DNA which is passed from father to son or mtDNA which is passed from mother to offspring of both sexes.
The map does highlight some rather interesting things. Here are just a few:
– The British Isles have much more common with people from France, Spain and Portugal than they do with people from Scandinavia.
– While Finland shares some similar background to the Baltic states, it’s Y-DNA groups are quite different from the other Nordic countries.
– Austria and Germany despite both being German speaking, have quite different Y-DNA groups. However, – Austria and Hungary look remarkably similar.
– The Balkans is probably the most genetically diverse region in Europe.
– Iceland only has significant numbers of people from 4 different haplogroups.
Do not forget, Vucic is a chetnik. Chetniks and ustashe were collaborated with Germans, Italians and Bulgarians. Chetniks and ustashe committed terrible bestiality during ww2 and they repeated that in Bosnian war. Those people are scumbags of Balkan nations.
Your comment is tendentious, especially in the part about the role of vetniks in the Bosnian struggles in the last war. this is not a place for settling accounts with Serbs, nor is the topic Chetniks-Partisans. the problem is much more complex and you can’t just throw a bone.
Wrong. The Chetniks fought the Axis and Nazi invading powers. The Chetniks successes against the Germans were falsely credited to Tito by the Churchill and the BBC. The Chetniks were having major success in the summer of 1944 before Tito invaded Serbia and actually re-opened the roads for the Germans.
And the Italians broke with the Germans – they actually surrendered to the Chetniks, but the British talked them into going to the Partisan side and around 5,000 of them the Venezia Division fought on Tito’s side in the attack on Serbia. The Chetniks to whom they surrendered only wanted their weapons, as they were very short supply, they weren’t helped, unlike the Tito and the Partisans who were lavished with aid from U.S. and Britain, but the British prevented that.
Correct, Chetniks fought the German Nazis.
The idea that Vucic is a chetnik is pretty ridiculous. Vucic is very New Age/ Open Society type of politician.
What amazes me much more is that his party was able to gather up some idiots that can even write English to go around the web poisoning every single article on Serbia with their particular brand of historical revisionism.
What are you talking about? Vucic was a Communist first and foremost and then like many turned into a “Natuonalist” He was the minister of communications under the Milosevic regime. The only Chetnik collaborators were the Nedic regime and other rogue military units such as pecanec. Draza Mihailovic was the leader of the Royal Yugoslav army and Cetnik movement who was railroaded by Tito and the British as a German collaborator.
Vucic has nothing in common with cetniks who were special forces of the WWI. He is a NATO scavenger. The Chetnik-ustasha parallel was made up by Croatia communists to obfuscate the fact that the first Croatian Nazi state (first ever Cro state) had in its constitution purely genocidal elements with Serbs, Gypsies and Jews from having no rights whatsoever leading to the genocide of the Serbs, Gypsies and Jews in their newly Nazi state of 1941-1945. Current Croatia is a legal continuation of that genocidal entity.
Serbia never had such misanthropic laws.
I really would like to see Vucic and his scumbag goverment try to tell the Serbian people that they are joining NATO or putting sanctions on Russia.
I would really like to see that.
You shall see that soon.
Vucic would pay 100 – 200$ per person and Serbs would remain silent.
you claim that Serbs are a corrupt people, unlike yours, is that Mario? This space should not be used for “our” Balkan skirmishes. according to surveys by NATO accession agencies, the number of respondents supporting it is only 14%, with virtually three-fifths of respondents opposing the idea. Need at
When interpreting this information, keep two things in mind: first, these attitudes are based on emotions and
negative memory of the recent past, so it is not surprising that such a high percentage of those who believe that
Serbia should not become a member of the pact; on the other hand, it is not strong or overly visible in Serbia
a campaign that would promote the positive aspects of membership, which greatly influences the attitudes of the respondents.
However, a strong fifth of respondents believe that Serbia will become a member of NATO in the future.
Masters of the Universe
Rulers of the Earth
We decide who lives or dies
which laws and lies are birthed
No one would love them
if not for the nukes
the blackmail the sanctions
and CIA spooks
the stealing the lying
the torture the spying
the starving and dying
and flag falsifying
they are vulgar and crass
and bold as brass
and expect everybody
to kiss their ass
the exceptional nation
whose main occupation
is forced subjugation
and world domination
don’t dare to point out
their crimes or hypocricy
or they may decide
to send in the democracy
Until the great fall
that ends the Cabal
we must put up our fronts
and bow to these l….ovely folks
No idea what will happen to the Vučić government. They try to please both sides and will thus lose both sides. But probably it does not matter any more. I have a very strong feeling NATO has already decided to go to war against Serbia – too close to Russia, guilt by association. The logistics infrastructure has been put in place (improvements to Greek ports, autobahn to Kosovo). A week ago Stoltenberg said NATO will support Bosnia. Today Truss accused Serbia(ns) of separatism in Bosnia. The U.S. troops pouring into Northern Greek ports and moving north can easily turn left. That all these things are not lost on the other side and that they are not willing to just let it happen has become clear with the five or six Chinese Y-20 strategic airlifter landing at Belgrade (?) today. The stage is set. Vučić most likely is only a passenger any more. What a time! :-(
UK just imposed sanctions on Bosnian Serb leader, Dodik.
Although there is no security threat on the ground so far, the presence of EUFOR forces has increased when it comes to disturbing the peace in BiH, especially with the entry of the remaining contingent of 500 soldiers. In addition, the command of “Althea” (EU military mission in BiH), accepted the offer of France, to perform training flights over BiH with jet planes. It is stated that the flights will take place “across the Western Balkans”, with “Rafale” type aircraft, from the aircraft carrier “Charles de Gaulle”, which is currently training in the Mediterranean. none of these exercises, or the movement of ground units, take place by chance. The West wants to send a clear message, not only to BiH, but also to Serbia, that Serbs are seen as a potential source of crisis and intends to act preventively. To show by showing strength, to look from the EU to these countries to follow everything that happens in the political environment. Dodik recently reacted sharply to Germany. If the German Minister of State says before the Bundestag that the National Assembly of the Republika Srpska has taken concrete steps leading to secession and that it is an attack on the whole of Europe, said the Serbian member of the Presidency, does the esteemed ambassador need to write that it is a lie and that The National Assembly of the Republika Srpska has not taken any similar action, and such a qualification is a chase for one entity in BiH. “If it refers to history, then neither she nor the members of the German Bundestag should forget that fact when addressing or talking about Serbs,” Dodik said.
He said that he did not believe that a similar debate in the Bundestag could take place at the expense of the Jewish people, so he wondered where that forgetfulness and lack of reverence came from when it comes to Serbs.
– I had nothing against the mission of Altea, but if we watch military vehicles near the building of the television, school and kindergarten, we have to ask ourselves what this is about. Is EUFOR perhaps estimating that threats to peace and stability in BiH are coming from these facilities? And last but not least, how the German ambassador succumbed to the bad habits of some of her colleagues and in this way interfered in the internal affairs of BiH – he said.
Rade, the US admitted it set up its new rapid reaction marine force in Albania so as to keep an eye on Greece and Serbia. It was in their own military newspaper “ The Stars and Stripes” . Diplomatic weasley language “Serbia and Greece a source of discontent “ etc
So NATO is already bullying a NATO power -Greece -as we speak.
NATO is a malicious “mafia protection racket “ run by the Yanks and this new Russian war has allowed the Yanks to get their sharp claws even more into its “allies” .That means you as well , Stupid Germany and France.
The EU has played its cards so poorly regarding Serbia, it really is no wonder that a vast majority of the people are against joining the EU. (A recent Euraktiv article claimed 80% are against EU membership)
It seems like little things, but:
There is a constant hectoring from an EU politician Viola von Cramon, MEP member from the German Green who keeps telling us that Serbia needs “do more” against Russia.
Then, a German tourist came to Belgrade recently, and started kicking up a fuss about how Belgrade’s Hotel Moska needs to be renamed to Hotel Kiev…he took a picture the building and it went viral on twitter.
Hotel Moskva has been around for ages, and is a popular place to eat cakes and pastries. Noone wants to rename it, and people got quite annoyed about this.
Regarding threats against Serbia and Serbian officials, they are very real, some are economic, and some are death threats.
Serbia is the only European country not to have imposed sanctions against Russia, and Air Serbia still flies to Russia. It has already happened several times that flights to Moscow and St. Petersburg had to turn around due to bomb threats.
A recent incident involved a NATO jet shadowing an Air Serbia flight and used it as cover to enter Russian airspace.
As for the votes in the UN, I think many people are attaching far too much importance to them. Serbia’s vote would not have changed the outcome either way, and it does not affect the bilateral relationship with Russia.
Many Serbs however are annoyed about the vote as well. There is a undercurrent “fed up” ness and anger. Vucic needs to pay attention to this.
The German tourist did get ratioed severely though. He was made out as the fool he is.
Hotel Moska got its name because Russians financed its building. Ukrainians didn’t help Serbia at all. Now they did help Macedonia when the Albanians were attacking it the summer 2001 (were about the one country to offer and send it weapons), but that was before it was a total U.S. puppet, and probably those from the Donbass region were at least partly behind Ukraine’s decision to help. Many of the weapons were made there too.
Hotel Moskva today is fully Serbian owned. (They put a message on their website when Russia was cut off from Swift.)
Regarding Ukrainians, the Serbs historically have a lot of affection for (Eastern) Ukrainians. There is a monument in Lugansk which portrays a Serb, a Russian, and a Ukrainian standing together hands interlinked. Underneath there is an inscription: “There are no holier ties than brotherhood bonds”.
Serbian settlers from the Military Frontier/Krajina were invited by Imperial Russia to settle in today’s Ukraine where they formed two autonomous regions named after their homeland:
New Serbia/Новая Сербия (1752–1764) around Kirovohrad Oblast
Slavo-Serbia/Славяносербия (1753–1764) around Bakhmut in todays Lugansk-Donbass
Hard to argue with your summary as it reflects what I am hearing from family and watching the non MSM news who promote the theory that since Biden and Co. won power the pressure on certain Balkan politicians has increased with threats of personal sanctions due to involvement in organized crime?
Whether this is real or not I’m uncertain but the optics of voting against Russia twice in the space of a few weeks looks bad even to Vucic’s base supporters so not sure he’s willing to rush any provocative actions such as introducing sanctions or privatizing Russian assets but then again the recent poor showing in the elections may cause Vucic to escalate matters to appease his handlers?
I don’t know what do you want from the Serbs anymore. We were bombed twice in the 90 tie’s by Nato, the last time for 72 days. The Chinese embassy was destroyed in that bombing, and neither did they dared to do anything, nor the Russians. Now you want us to do what, attack Nato from the south, dare them to do something ? Who do you think will get clobbered by Nato because they can not do it to the Russians directly?
It was 78 days and nights of bombing. It went on until around June 10th.
@Pdu What do they want from Serbs anymore?
Maybe provoking Serbs to do what they proved are perfectly capable of doing so many times in history.
On 27th of March and during 90s last time.
To stand up against uncomperable stronger force, to be the mouse that stand up to fight an elephant again, like we did in WWI, than on 27th of March WWII, and during 90s.
Never mind millions of lives and sacrifices absolutely not in line with our size and strength.
Don’t you know that crazy Serbs can do it? So help them.
The west need to destroy Vucics undeniable semi-soverignity that is so painful to watch among all slaves around. So they create shameless campaign in media they own in Serbia along with 5th column traitors.
On the other side East so much need that Serbs crazy element to rise against West and make ritual suicidal rebeliation as we previously did so many times.
That is why 6th column stand against current Serbian government is becoming so irrational in its argumentation (or lacking any).
So we have this crazy mix of irrational haters (towards current Serbian policy) coming from West (both mentally and physically) and East (mentally).
Russian government on contrary is the single entity having full understanding of fragile Serbian position and the fact that there is no good option for Serbia these days.
The ways in which the West is blackmailing countries need to be accurately described. The sale of Milosevic was only recently announced in Serbia. I am quoting a man who mediated in the sale (the word is intentionally used because it is a real sale). Translated by Google.
The value of that exchange is best seen by valuing everything that would have been missed if the exchange had not taken place. What would be, in the jargon of economists, the opportunity costs? The Ministry of Finance, ours, calculated that the direct costs of that kind, together with the financial sanctions, which were again reduced, would be around 10.5 billion US dollars. So it’s not exactly for a handful of dollars. Indirect costs would be far higher, which is a loss in terms of GDP growth that would have occurred if the exchange had not taken place. In such circumstances, the average annual economic growth rate from 2001 to 2008 could be a maximum of one percent, instead of the 4.9 percent recorded. And that would mean that the GDP in 2008 would amount to only 13.7 billion euros, I am intentionally switching to euros because they have become a unit of measure in Serbia, instead of 32.7 billion as it was actually recorded. That gap of 19 billion euros would be the indirect costs of refusing to extradite Milosevic to The Hague, and only for the first eight years after 2001. It is not difficult to calculate how this gap would increase, “he said.
In a similar way, the new American ambassador blackmailed Vucic with sanctions. Serbia should have been exempted from EU sanctions related to the import of oil and gas from Russia. If it does not implement all EU decisions, it will not be exempted. This is just one of the blackmails that can be inferred from Vucic’s dumb excuse. True, he said that Serbia decided to abstain, but that because of the pressure it had to vote for.
The news hasn’t mentioned it , nor on these sites, but the Greek people have been striking and blocking arms being shipped to ukraine via greek railways. For over a month! Don’t ever think people always match their governments in thought. Web – search it!
I also would like more from Serbia and Greece but what can they do? They are loyal, tough ,sincere and clever allies but they are relatively small and powerless. That is the shame of it all. They fought the most to kick the Nazis of Continental Europe out , barring Soviet Europe of course, but they have been betrayed and weakened.
Give the two nations some power and economic progress, and you watch leaders also rise to the occasion. The present ones , of all major parties, are only satraps, and should and will be shot then.
Greece is on the list of countries which have sent weapons and ammunition to Ukraine.
automatic kalashnikovs
RPG-7 anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade launchers
Jojo. April 11, 2022.
Yes, I am aware of that, which is why I differentiated between the gov and the people in my post.
That woman who is currently an ambassador of Serbia in Croatia is/was chief of Atlantic council for Balkan as I remember… She’s practically a scumbag.
That’s exactly why she’s in Zagreb. Let them stand her for a while, so we can rest a bit.
The one that uses the word Hitler in a discussion has lost.
It appears that the Serbian government is acting contrary to the wishes of the Serb people. The exact same thing is playing out in Pakistan with the ouster of Imran Khan’s government. The west, or at least Washington, really does seem intent on taking on both Russia and China at the same time. I can’t see it being a successful decision, but watch this space. This war is a long way from being over, victory in the Donbass notwithstanding.
Will anyone touch the subject of Finland?
It is about to become a member of NATO and so far from Russia, blogs and forums like this one, nada, nothing, zip.
Just wondering why the silence and inaction in every sphere.
Anyone else think that by getting the NATO group to send its weapons to the Ukraine ,the USA either by design or accident , is disarming all its allies ,and thus making them vulnerable to attack by the US if they ever should rebel ?
Slovakia gave its only Russian AA to the Ukraine, which was promptly destroyed by Russia. Any and all US – supplied gear to Slovakia will have remote kill – switches , right?
The US can then sell to European countries expensive replacements for the equipment they sent to Ukraine. From the American perspective that is a win/win
It is probably to get them to buy more US weapons, or is a side benefit of the arrangement. The military-industrial complex is large share of the US economy.
Does anyone know where in Ukraine the Slovakian S300 was hit?
The Serbians are sensible.
They know who are the devils in all this.
A leopard never changes its spots it appears.
The 1990s NATO Serbian action was all about testing Russia’s response.
Well, some walking around in streets, flag waving and meaningless posters is a cheap way to get a good nights sleep. Yet that dose not change anything, at some point one must say “you actions prove your words mean nothing”. If Kosovo gains independence then the Serbs simply didn’t care enough. Same thing with the Russian votes.
I believe many citizens of their respective countries whereby their WEF controlled lackeys locked them down for 2+ years now support vicious neo-Nazi thugs, and a global Kristalnacht against Russian people, would feel the same way as the Serbian citizens.
Not In Our Names.
Will real Serbians tell me why he was voted in again?
Because we are under soft NATO occupation. I can’t think of any other real reason. People just won’t vote, and the government always win the elections as it seems. Do you see how many Serbian are here and they still chew on old confusions who was right or wrong in ww2. My people need an overhaul. Totally confused and misplaced in space and time.
It was NATO’s flagrant misuse of its “irresistible armed might” against tiny Serbia that started me digging into 20th century European history. The memory hole went back to 1900 and a motto chalked up in the British Foreign Office: “Mesopotamia, Oil. Serbia, gateway to Mesopotamia.”
Serbia was, and the Russian Ukraina is, a route through which Anglo Zio Capitalist Europe plans to steal oil and gas from Middle and East EurAsia.
Are the Serbian people like the rest: sheeple led by a donkey?
By the way, Serbian love for Russia during WW2 is reciprocated. At the start of NATZO’s war against Syria, a propos of resistance by tiny counries to “irresistible armed might”, I read a glowing post from a Russian lady who remembered how Serbs had “fought against the Nazis, fought them tooth and nail”.
No. Soviets liberated just northern Servia+Belgrade. Maybe 10% of landmass
So true. The rest of the former Yugoslavia were domestic Nazis. Serbia was the only one occupied by Nazis.
I´ve noticed a surge of new accounts on different sites calling our Serbian brothers “Russian” and “Fascist”…
Zombie idiots or a push by the 5 eyes?
Mod: Thanks for the heads up.
“Germanic powers were plotting the invasion and demise of Serbia, after falsely accusing it of complicity in the Sarajevo assassination of Austria’s heir to the throne, Archduke Ferdinand”
The germans blamed again.
The present generation of serbs themselves confirm their predecessors committed the assassination and defend it.
The accussed Gavrilo Princip likewise admitted it and was proud of it when Princip and his accomplices where standing before a serbian court in 1917 and according to a british source a London agent of Grand Orient was involved.
“How the British Crown created the Balkan powderkeg” by Joseph Brewda
I particular the paragraph “How the british ran the Sarajevo murder”
“In World War II, Serbs remember the key role played by the Soviet Army in driving out Nazi occupiers after a brutal and murderous four-year occupation.”
Mr. Raevsky, you accuse the westerners for rewriting the history to suit them, and rightly so, but in this particular case you’re doing exactly the same. Serbia wasn’t liberated from the Nazis by the Soviet Army; this was done by Bulgarian First Army with the assistance of Tito’s guerrila fighters, after Bulgaria joined the allies in 1944 (indeed under overall soviet command, but still..). Of course, the serbs would like to forget it, especially after Stalin-Tito break up.
To be precise – Soviet parts of the Red army entered Beograd from the north, First Bulgarian army of the Red army from the south.
Yeah, that is one of the big problems with Serbians, they managed and continue to alienate all of their neighbors, whining that they are surrounded by enemies (no country around is their enemy, save for the region of Kosovo, but it is true that they are not liked even by the Serbians from Srbska Kraina and Republic Srbska in BiH)), thus puting themselves against everyone and eventually ending a true victim. Proclivity to twisting and lying by omission or not. Unreliable even when given a choice. There are many exceptions of course. I witnessed this during the 90s. Pitty.
The Bulgarian army helped liberate small parts of Yugoslavia with the Partisans as did the Albanian partisans. The Soviet Union liberated Belgrade and northern Serbia. Further , the Partisan army only grew in strength late in the war mostly with Croatian army units switching sides. The British forced King Peter II to renounce General Mihailovic which resulted in some Chetnik’s joining the Partisan tanks without fear of retribution.
It was easy for Bulgarians in 1944 to liberate Serbia. They spent years 1941-1944 there as occupying force, same soldiers, same units, just different commanders. Bulgarian occupying forces are remembered as worse than Germans. And yes, those were the same soldiers, not some other nice Bulgarians instead of the bad ones who were skinning people alive (first hand experience, one of my grandfathers was skinned alive because he was a teacher, and Bulgarians believed that all teachers were communists). That was in eastern and southern Serbia. My other grandparents are from central Serbia. They do remember Russian soldiers, for better or for worse. Never mentioned Bulgarians though.
In any case, Bulgarians are not in a position to claim liberation of Serbia. We suffered in 3 wars in 20th century from Bulgarians. Not even Croats claim to have liberated Yugoslavia after many Home Defense units joined Tito’s partizans in 1944/45.
Bulgaria always stands by whoever is winning at the moment (Austrians in WWI, Germans in WW2) only to turn the coat and join whoever is winning at the end (SSSR in 1944, Warsaw pact till 1990 , then NATO ). Perhaps, if Russia wins in Ukraina, Bulgarians will join them if they decide to march to Paris or London? Statistics is a bitch, eh?
It seems likely that the US has twisted quite a few arms recently to create the impression that all of Europe is on the same page as the US in terms of the confrontation with Russia. I assume that Serbia is just playing the game… or else.
The question of joining NATO intrigues me. If Serbia desires to be an ally of Russia, they might actually be more effect as a member of NATO than as an outsider because NATO likes to operate with consensus. As a member, Serbia could prevent some drastic actions against Russia that they cannot prevent now. Of course, if they think they are under pressure now, taking a contrary stand as a member of NATO would probably bring even more pressure. But it could potentially give them some control.
What do you think happen when you go against ‘consensus’ ? It is known to have consequences. The Norwegian parliament suggested to pull out of the Libyan ‘Peace Operation’ … then out of the blue a Nazi exterminated half the Labor Youth movement. The politicians got other things to talk about after that.
Due to the presence of large 5th columnists and vested dollar interests in the Russian, Chinese, Iranian governments, every countermeasure taken by them against the evil West, is of a truly passive nature which doesn’t correspond to the seriousness of the threats. That’s why people in other countries find it very difficult to put their whole trusts on Russia, China and Iran, while their corrupt government officials as in Serbia find it the greatest opportunity of lifetime to fill their pockets with Uncle Sam’s bribes. Given the seriousness of Western threats against their independence, the three aforementioned countries must take prompt procedures by getting rid of the 5th columnists asap. The vast majority of people around the world also would like to see formation of a military alliance amongst the countries of the zone B. The current war in Ukraine isn’t just Russia’s responsibility. All the other countries of the Zone B must actively cooperate and help Russia in her efforts to defeat NATO. It’s very important that in order to be able to defeat this evil beast, western access to earth’s resources in particular abundantly cheap oil/gas must be curtailed. America’s devilish playfulness is exactly proportional to how much cheap energy it consumes. let’s put it this way, No Oil – No False flags by the empire of lies. The Zone B military/strategic alliance must therefore, curtail Western access to the energy and make it work only under its own rules – financial, insurance standards etc…. The evil West would only receive the needed energy if and only if it obeys the rules, or otherwise will not have access to oil/gas.
“An indication of that is that NATO’s chief lobbyist in Belgrade, a woman who shamelessly asserted that depleted uranium remaining after the 1999 bombing was not only harmless but could even have certain health benefits, was recently rewarded for her 5th column activities by being appointed Serbia’s ambassador to Croatia.”
There are ample medical records indicating that, in particular, Serbian throat cancer rates substantially spiked across the 2000’s and 2010’s, correlating to the impact of residual uranium in the soils and groundwater table after NATO used depleted uranium aerial ordnance against the rump Yugoslav state in 1999. There was no pressing need to use such bunker or armor busting ordnance, against the infrastructure of urban centers or satellite towns. There was plenty of cluster munitions dropped as well on same urbanized areas. But the use of depleted uranium was a deliberate and gratuitous act of terror. Using the known potential long term impact for poisoning both the population, and the otherwise rich and [western] pesticide free lands, to put intolerable pressure on the Yugoslav leadership to relent over Kosovo, as they had continued to resist NATO attacks and hold out, and would ultimately do so for 78 days straight of NATO aerial assaults and bombing.
For many Serbians, who experienced this terror bombing firsthand, or lost their relatives, homes or businesses, it is inconceivable that Serbia could be incorporated into NATO within their living memory of these events.
Serbia bought the Chinese FK-3 system, similar to the S300 albeit with a shorter range. There are rumours Serbia is close to procuring 12 new Rafale planes and another 12 used snubbing the Russian SU 24 offer. So Serbia may indeed be moving towards NATO standards which is alarming. If we go back in history Prince Paul of Yugoslavia and foreign minister Stojadinovic pursued an economic and eventually Triparite pact with Nazi Germany. The agreement guaranteed the territorial integrity of Yugoslavia and only transit of German troops. General Simovic with the backing of British agents led to the Coup of Prince Paul and operation punishment from Germany dismantling Yugoslavia. In today’s Serbia Germany and Europe have poured investments in. Vucic has improved the economy and military to a certain extent. Will Serbia align to NATO and the EU? There is support for the EU but little for NATO but those are not mutually exclusive. For Europe, Serbia is a third rate country better served for cheap labour and slavery. Serbia is the last bastion of Balkan support to Russia and must remain so or it will erase thousands years of being on the right side of history. Greece has chosen to be on the wrong side of history thanks to Mitsotakis, no need to comment on Romania or Bulgaria as they have as much courage as mice scurrying for cheese.
“There is support for the EU but little for NATO but those are not mutually exclusive.”
Maybe I’m saying the same as you, but there is no way to get into EU other than through NATO.
This is what struck me as tragic about the pro EU Serbs. Aligning with EU is destructive for the local economy.
You end up drinking imported croatian mineral-water and surplus dumped EU milk, while the local farmers die.
In Norway we had two referendums about EU membership, and voted no twice. Still everything is as if we voted yes, only the politicians don’t get to hang in Brussels and slavishly accepts everything that comes our way. Regarding our NATO membership, that was; and will never be put up for a referendum.
Serbia needs to stay out of EU and especially NATO, and not allow itself to become another cheap pawn of the US empire. Whatever the EU and US are promising Serbia is crap. See promises made to ukraine and all the others. They offer nothing but exploitation, slavery, and death.
I believe that it is not possible Serbia to join sanctions against RF. That will be political suicide for Vucic or anyone else. And that is for sure. Also, Serbs will never enter NATO, never! Life in Serbia was and is difficult for decades. They surrender us with hostile ex Serbs nations, same problem as with Ukranian hatred against Russia now. They hatred and obedience to west is demonic. We need to play smart but we will newer cross to the wrong side of history. Russia is fighting Lucifer itself and Serbs will fight along with her as always.
I’m a Serb and I can tell you one thing: Vucic is a pathetic person and an even more pathetic and spineless politician. The persons he surrounds himself with are pathetic and intellectually very poor morons. The only thing this so called “government” is interested in is selling out as much as possible and filling up their f…g hidden bank accounts. There is not one single person of integrity in the Serbian government. Yes, Serbia needs to take care about its steps and needs to jump around between the different international players a bit, but what Vucic is doing is neither strategic nor brave, its purepy reactionary. The problem: No matter what those idiots do, it needs only a bit media hysteria in the West to remind people “what Serbs really are” – they will never be accepted. Living in Austria, I can tell you that most of Austrians don’t like Russians or Serbs. There are hundred thousands of Serbs here, sometimes giving their children German forenames and absolutely integrated, and you will still find guys here who would say “Serbien muss Sterbien” (“Serbia has to die”), in Europe in the 21st century. At this point I have to differentiate though: If you explain the situation to people and show them other parts of reality hidden by mass media, you will find many who change their mind and there are a lot of good people here who don’t fall for propaganda. But even in decent and kind-hearted people you will find those ressentiments in regards to Serbs, Russians and Eastern Europeans in general. One example: it is politically incorrect to put all Chechens who live in Austria into one pot. But now, since Kadyrows men are fighting within Russias forces, it is even OK to publicly make goat-f…g jokes about the Chechen leader in the forums of Austrias top-“quality-paper” (DerStandard) and it won’t get censored or deleted (I made screenshots of it). But back to Serbia: Even highly corrupt Vucic will fall if he decides to apply the EU’s hysteria too much. No politician will survive an anti-Russian course in Serbia. I would bet good money on my statement.
Interesting to note that when the West calls upon its current allies for its regime change wars, it dredges up the scum of the earth in the shape of the middle-east with Al Qaeda, Islamic Jihad et al. In addition, the neo-fascists in central and eastern Europe are also choice candidates for regime change operations. This latter group have fought alongside the German invaders in the shape of the (Banderist UPA) in the Western Ukraine, and various other assorted groups like the chetniks in Yugoslavia and popular right-wing militias in the Baltics, particularly Latvia and Lithuania who welcomed the German ‘SS Deaths Head’ groups, (Einsatzgruppen) in 1941. There is much literature to mine here.
This is the human filth that the ‘West’ finds acceptable as comrades in arms. But of course such embarrassing information is bound to leak out in spite of the attempts to block the truth. It seems that time will tell and it is not on the side of the declining coalition in the North West Hemisphere.
Great article, and I would add, that Belgrade was liberated by the USSR Red Army, Tito’s Partisans and the Bulgarian Army.
One thing that doesn’t get mentioned is Serbia’s “observer status” in the CSTO, which is the counterbalance to NATO.
I would have to think that the vote against Russia at the UN was cleared beforehand with Russia, otherwise Vucic could be termed Vuk-ic-Brankovic.
Serbia has China’s HQ-22 anti-aircraft missile systems. Soon NATO won’t be able to do anything if Serbia needs to settle some unsettled matters from the recent past.
What exactly would Russia gain if Serbia would flaunt its support in a way leading to open conflict with the Western Empire of Lies? I understand the open support would look good, but what effect would it bring, emotions aside? I am sure Russians already know their only anti-nazi friends in Europe are Serbs, possibly Hungarians and that’s it.
Right now, one of the rare places in Europe from which you can fly to Moscow is Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. One of the rare places in which you have a good number of Russian and Belarus immigrants, together with Ukrainians. Why would Serbia stir anything now? Only the balanced (yes, also “cowardly”) politics will keep Serbia away from the radars of the Empire of Lies. We had our anti-globalist war in 1999, while Russia was too weak to help.
Now we are too weak to do anything, too economically entangled with Europe and US (our main industry is IT) to just break off these connections. The lunacy of the Western Empire of Diarrhea already led them to forbid everyone and everything. Tomorrow they ban cooperation with Serbian companies and we are back to the scorched land concept we had in 1999. Back off a little please, our war wounds deserve some respect.
Don’t forget we denazified Europe twice, with Russia and others. The price we paid led to just 6 million of Serbs today. We had our big moments. Another one might come, but the time is not right for us.
Kudos to Hatanaka-san for a nice analysis!