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Amazing info Andrei!
Thank You for this excellent introduction to the Logistics of modern warfare pertaining tp see the location of your Enemy and eo ipso your posibility to act upon this information !
That was an interesting overview of some of the math needed to get projectiles to where they need to go.
I suppose it’s good for artillery officers to know how this stuff works, but fortunately they dont actually have to do the math out in the field. That’s what the computers are for. In a fully integrated and automated system there are many levels of engineering and any one engineer normally doesn’t have to know more than their part of the system. Someone obviously has to have a big view of the system so they can manage the integration of all the parts and that person needs to be good.
Making complicated systems work also has to be learned on the job in something like an apprentice system. Once you get out of school, you go to work and they break you in little by little, all the while learning the intricacies of your trade. And the thing with a complcated weapons system is that all the parts have to work. A really good lead design engineer is an artist of sorts and they’re not that easy to find.
I dont know anything about how Russians run their engineering enterprises but they obviously are managing to put their best people on key projects and shield them from politicians.
I’m no military expert, however, looking at satellite photos it certainly looks like the airbase was struck by something explosive from air. There are large craters next to where planes were parked.
Large craters could just as easily from sabotage… though get sizeable amounts of high explosive in place would indicate an inside job.
Those craters are located where 500lb. bombs and crates of those rockets one always sees the su-24’s firing would have been located.
It was great stuff. Andrei is one of the only people I am aware of that can get into the nuts and bolts of the concepts which apply to modern warfare. It is complicated to watch him but, well worth it.
I love your take on the trolls, you are a gas man. Go Andrei.
In support of missiles on Saky:
If you think the images are not photoshopped, be my guest.
I’ve handled aerial images, satellite images, U2 plane and SR-71 images and I can assure you, they are easy to manipulate with Photoshop.
These are far (steps away) from the raw image, unprocessed beyond the initial capture.
Without seeing the images just prior and just after these frames, you are accepting a pig in a polk.
We do not have perfect information.
Presumably, the Russians have a pretty good idea what happened.
The gas station attendant dropping a cigarette seems more like a (sarcastic) coded message to me.
Ukie Rambo MacGyver types pulling it off doesn’t seem at all likely.
And a very similar scenario played out in Belarus.
And Lloyd Austin just happened to reiterate an attack on a NATO member would invoke Article 5.
Confirmation would be a significant Russian retaliation.
That online doppelganger over at smoothiex12’s place can’t fool me here.
Thanks for staying strong and in the fight for truth.
Considering the Maginot-type defensive work that NATO has built in Donbas for 8 years, it looks clear to me that they no intention to go on the offensive to reclaim Donbas or Crimea.
Nazi getting nukes, shelling civilians : it was a trap to get the Russians to attack and get decimated, a military disaster to obtain a political goal : get rid of Putin, breakup Russia into small bits, plunder.
Russia saw the trap, took the bait, cautiously. Russia’s long term goal now is to create a western buffer zone free of militarized rabid russophobics. It requires to destroy the EU attractiveness as an economic zone, starting with Germany. EU values (The Way of the Rainbow) are not that attractive for Easterners when home is frozen and plates are empty.
@Kiwimoon: “It requires to destroy the EU attractiveness as an economic zone”
I’ve had same ideas since April 2022. However USA seems to have same aim: destroying EU as potential competitor and making it hapless US owned vassal. The wet EU dream died out in financial crises, 2007-2010.
Wow this is like some university level engineering courses I had in the early 80’s lot’s of math and drawings. Even simple stuff by figuring ranges based on the angle off the bottom of the ocean of sounds.
Can’t help but wonder if all this clever war making cost would be applied to fixable problems . At the same time domination by psychopaths does not lend itself to win-win outcomes.
Hard to picture the US bouncing back from the a behind kicking they’ve been insisting on for decades. It boggles the imagination to think of the gear the Russians have not already displayed. Would they hold back a few things or is it more important to get experience in their deployment.
The constant refining of design and procedures is one way to keep your edge, like why build carriers when you can’t defend them in a peer war? Profit, or ugly headlines if one ever sinks. Both
I can relate how a layman would be impressed. But for a MINT person in general, or an engineer in particular, this is actually pretty basic stuff. I do not intend to insult Andrej, because he is mostly addressing laymen. So his way of presentation is absolutely appropriate.
“Special military operation” vs “War”?
I believe Russia has called its operation “SMO” and not “war” because it allows to crank up the pain dial significantly, in legal terms, for trade (export of key elements : wheat, petrol, gas, fissile material, titanium, etc). Indeed, all significant commercial contracts between private companies include a clause for Force Majeure, allowing a party in the contract not to fulfil its obligation in case of War, without penalty.
So far, as “SMO”, Gazprom is doing its best to fulfil its contractual obligations, it supply gas, Russia supplies petrol, Rossatom supplies fissile material. The day Russia declares “War” against Ukraine, all the Russian companies can claim Force Majeure, and void the contract without penalties. No more gas to Europe, no more petrol to hostile countries, no more fissile material to US nuclear power plants. After a very cold winter, a hot summer without air condition. Of course, then, food will be more critical than AC…
Russia hasn’t started serious stuff yet. Beware the patient Maestro.
Also, above you have already reflected an analysis that is conclusive for me. Probably also because I think almost exactly the same.
Maybe its time they did start the serious stuff,fewer people may die in the long run,they should hit all the Ukrainian bases in the West of the Country and rail depots near the Polish border,thats where all the arms are coming in those Himars and other such weapons should never have reached Donbass.
Has anyone read the Maneuverist Papers no 22 by a senior US Marine officer trying to come to grips with the RF SMO?
Apparently, the US has decided to end the war on its own terms. Ukraine is being directed to attack the nuclear power plant. If successful, it will likely become the world’s worst nuclear disaster. It will contaminate enormous areas, likely making them uninhabitable. The US doesn’t care. It will be Europe that suffers, not the US.
And then, the US can put all the blame on Russia for attacking the plant. The US and all of Europe can claim that Russia was losing dramatically due to sanctions and weapons being supplied and so Russia attacked the plant to save face while in the process of being defeated.
These are not my thoughts. Rather, this is what the US and Europe will claim.
Interesting. As a layperson I think about the movements of the ship/vehicle, what have you, being targeted or pinpointed. What if it goes into evasive maneuvers, perhaps intentionally behaves erratically. With this I’d think it’s important to know when you’re being locked on for positioning.
Keep a permanent eye on Glazyev. He explained (see YouTube) that Russia has kept Donbas unresolved as an “anti-Ukraine”. The same way NATO tried to use Ukraine as an “anti-Russia” (Pakistan as an anti-India, Taiwan as an anti-China etc).
My belief : Russia will take all of Ukraine, except Galicia. Galicia will be used as an “anti-EU”, with Poles pouring in. Like 8 years of Galicians being shelled, a nice karma for what these cockroaches did to the “doryphores” (Donbas). Karma is a bitch.
Here is a brilliant analysis by a an anonymous US Marine on the tactical Russian military strategy that is destroying the Ukrainian army-
Apparently “Marinus” the author is rumoured to be Retd USMC Lt Gen Paul K Van Riper. The same guy whose Red team (Iran) in 2002 war games destroyed the Blue team (US Navy armada – 16 ships lost, including an Aircraft carrier)
Excellent article, his admiration for the attention and mastery of the mental and moral aspects of war by the Russian General Staff is high praise indeed.
There must be some way out of here
Said the Ukies to Mr Z
There’s too much con-fusion
We can’t get no relief
All along the Donbas frontline . . . . .
Andrei M,
I didnt see your 3D calculation in this or anything taking into account Gravitation or RF flux which can throw out the positioning. Nor your 4D. Plus there’s a few other things I cant mention to factor in amigo.