The horrible events in Pakistan immediately brought to my mind the barbaric attack by Wahabi Chechens against the school in Beslan. It is amazing for me to see that, apparently, attacking schools and taking children hostage is a God-pleasing action in the sick minds of the human reptiles known as Wahabis. They also love to slit throats, torture and, occasionally, eat livers. Truly, this ideology which we can call Wahabism or, probably even more accurately, Takfirism is satanic in its very core. Ramzan Kadyrov is very wise when he refers to these militants as “shaitans” or devils. He is, I think, quite literally true.
Unlike the Anglo “coalition of the willing”, the Russian and Syrian armed forces have done a superb job killing as many of these “shaitans” as possible, as have the truly Muslim Chechens. But one can only kill people, not ideologies. And Takfirism cannot be eliminated by Russian or Syrian guns. Takfirism can only be defeated by Islam. This is what Ramzan Kadyrov has done in Chechnia and this is what Hezbollah is trying to do in Lebanon and this is what Iran is trying to achieve in the Middle-East.
In this video, Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah explains the nature of Takfirism and the threat it poses to the Muslim world:
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Quting Saker
Ramzan Kadyrov is very wise when he refers to these militants as “shaitans” or devils. He is, I think, quite literally true.
Ramzan Kadyrov should call them
a stooge of Natoists.
The biggest evil is NATO thereafter Wahabists
Follow the money and all the various sectarian movements will lead to the same Satanic forces. The Jehovah’s Witnesses for example was founded by the scion of opium traders.
Anonymous said…
“Ramzan Kadyrov should call them
a stooge of Natoists.”
Spot on. These are funded and created by NATO and their Arab Vassals.
Chechnya, CIA through Pakistan. Remember Muslim Chechens use to drink alcohol and commit other vices and suddenly the war fell on them. Whabbism came to the majority during the war as people tend to go back to their faith and this was perfectly prepared for them beforehand.
Xinjiang Muslim separatist, again US involved up to their necks.
You need to stop the funding and interference from outside. If it was internal it would stop, but if its financed and planned from outside, then it’s to combat.
What most of the humans don’t understand is : when england/usa talk about Human Rights they mean something else… For London/Washington ‘humans’ are only them – others are sub-humans. For a while – uk/usa may consider sub-humans as humans – but only if sub-humans obey usa orders. Today we see that in anglo terms wahabi canibals are ‘humans’, other syrians – sub-humans. It is easy to understand English/ usa policy if keep in mind the definition given above ;)
The pact of evil US UK strategy is to go on war whenever the economy is in a total mess at home, to loot wherever the opposition is weak and resources plentiful.
We americans at instigation of english scumbags(THATHER TOOK THE CREIDT FOR HELPING THOSE TEERORISTS)helped Saudi Arabia set up hundreds of madrasas in Pakistan to indoctrinate poor Pakistani boys into extreme religion and guns, sending them as “Taliban”, litteraly “students” to mop up Afghanistan. Well, let’s for once stop the problem at the core, and STOP funding Wahabi and Salafi cells by Saudi Arabia. Saudi Wahhabi branch of Islam is truthfully nothing more then a sect, a rather extreme and crude sect of Islam. It has been brought to power in Mecca by Saudi Family,who were installed by the british as british agents in the middle east.
Al Qaeda is a CIA creation. Muslim Brotherhood is a Muslim Fascist outfit created by Brits to “fight Communism”.
The Taliban have American support as evidenced by the American evacuation of Taliban to Pakistan. The Brits installed the House of Saud to rule over the oil-fields, er I mean, the people of the area. They foisted a cruel form of Islam on the people known as ” Wahabiism”.
English are too coward a race to fight anyone on their own. They need proxy-nazis, wahabi terrorists from Saudi Arabia, muzzahadiin etc.
Better to destroy that English nation and give relief to the human kind.
Excellent video. Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah speaks the truth. As a Christian I agree with what he says in this video 100 percent.
It is quite unfortunate that these abominations these devils commit, they attribute to Islam.
Islam is a peaceful religion and it is being hijacked by some crazies.
God help the good Muslims in the world and protect them from these crazies and from those that are ignorant about Islam.
Regards from a Christian,
Carmel by the Sea
The issue is partly with Islam itself. While there are plenty of good Muslims, they are good people both thanks to and in spite of Islam, rather than simply because of it. All religions and ideologies have their faults, but amongst world religions, Islam appears to have a greater number of core issues to deal with. As with all religions, it leads to many doors, of which some can lead to morality, while others lead to peril. I am afraid the latter outnumber the former.
Protestantism of the American variety, as practiced by various charismatic and evangelical groups, suffers from similar issues.
Nasrallah speaks much truth, but his words are coming from a member of a Muslim religious minority that is amongst some of the chief targets of these ungodly hordes. The criticism is founded, but it is a criticism of someone who has found themselves on the opposite side. The real criticism must come from the Sunnis themselves, and not just the Sunnis who are on the receiving end of the attacks, as is usually the case, nor should it merely be criticism of the so-called ISIS. The ISIS didn’t fall from the sky, and its members didn’t start killing yesterday. They come from the Salafist and Wahhabi Gulf states, from Bosnia, Turkey, Jordan, Tunisia, and their extremism is shared by the Salafist movement they were part of back home. The people they left behind may not be as violent, they may contend with just an occasional burning of churches and small-scale massacres, as in Egypt, but that in no way lessens the fundamental faults that are at the core of such Islam. The Islamic world must deal with this extremism head-on, and it must do so through a fundamental rejection of such Islam. That cannot simply be criticism based on self-interest, temporary enmities and the like. It must be a fundamental rejection of such an Islam, because it is wrong and it is not in line with the idea of the One God, who is the source of all good.
I command solitary attempts by people like Sheikh Imran, who appears to be a very intelligent and decent man, but even in his criticism the West, and the positive stance towards Russia, there is little talk of the right an daring, and much talk of what comes down to be self-interest. Be a friend to Russia because the Koran says that the Rum will be the closest friend of Islam, and not because Russia is on the right side. I don’t wish to belittle such a stance, but it doesn’t quite satisfy my personal moral standard, which have developed under the influence of my own faith.
Did al-Sayyid Hassan say churches belong to the ummah at minute 11:33?
Thank you, my dear Saker. You are the best. I was so down yesterday while following the news from Pakistan.
This speech from Nasrallah was so excellent.
your sister
The so-called “information war” is being fought here by the good Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. In truth, we turn our back for an instant and the devil jumps up on it to whisper in our ear. But it is only a whisper, as I learned in this very blog, from our friend Mohammed, who seems not to be here anymore.
My teacher once said that to tell a lie was to defeat the very purpose that we humans created our communication for. He also said that we slip and then we correct – in fact we correct because we slip.
And so it goes. I don’t have the Muslim honorifics to praise this man’s name or his effort appropriately, but I rejoice in his work even so. The truth must always triumph, but not without our effort, never without our effort.
I’m only part way through but wanted to make a comment. Hassan says that in peoples minds the use of the word ISLAM is again and again, every day in front of our (non-Islam) eyes associated with the atrocities.
but, I have to say, my love for the true Islam and all its children, grows stronger and stronger, every time I see the abuse of truth…every day through this evil mis-truth.
Not coincidently many of these false prophets live openly and preach openly and are considered “Professor’s of Islam” and spread their blasphemy in London England I have seen them interviewed on Russia Today. SophieCo did an interview with one of these blasphemers. Also many are the product of CIA M15 intelligence like the current Caliph. ISIS is full of American and Mossad agents and they are a mercenary force for Anglo American and Zionists Interests in the region there is no doubt about this it is a fact it is reality. I am not a Muslim and live in Canada and I am aware of this. I have also lived with Muslim people of different denominations as we say in the West for decades devout Muslims who are temples for the spirit of G-d this is evident in every thing they do. And we also have human failings and I am aware of this as well….Thank you for your message.
Hi Again, also, its Fundamentalism in any religion that can become the tool of the adversary.
I can barely imagine if Christians, actually it would be anti-Christians were committing the atocities that ISIS are committing…in the name of Christ…how awful it must be for the followers of the Prophet.
I guess the loss of religion in every type of religion is happening. People are in danger of losing God…or rather, they are in danger of losing their understanding of God.
I guess all I can think of at the end, is when the Arabs came into Europe…the Moors…after they had conquered Spain for instance…all religions lived in Spain in peace. Jew, Christian and Arab together in peace.
But I think that Islam will get more supporters than before, among the people who matter. Not the others of course, but the ones that have intelligence and compassion can only feel deeply for Islam, in its troubles.
what about the ‘Spanish’ inquisition?
wasn’t that in the name of Christ?
“The issue is partly with Islam itself.”
I feel uncomfortable with a religion (in this case Islam) which stresses that all humans having another worldview (the “unbelievers”) will burn in hell for all eternity and must be conquered or destroyed by any available means. This thesis leaves the door wide open for fanatic fundamentalism as we can see today. I know by now that there are also some muslim communities which will accept the existence of other creeds (like Sheik Hosein) but as Imgeum remarks this is partly motivated by self-interest: if this was not a critical time would it be ok to destroy the Rums too?
Btw it is interesting to note that the religions originating from India do not have the same approach: Buddhism has no creator-god, Hinduism has several and both consider that everybody should go to heaven in his own way.
Imgeum from above again:
I was wrong to broach upon those topics. This is a conflict in which all potential allies must be treated as brothers, and held onto with utmost determination. It not a time for ‘social critiques’, comparative religious analyses and like sources of conflict and division. That which we hild in common must be in focus, not our differences.
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend. He is still a theo-fascist and the Zionists import Islam to our nations in order to destroy them.
The solution to the extremist Islam mess is not necessarily to be found in Islam. Perhaps those in the Moslem world can come up with a solution, however the problem is the same spiritual problem that has plagued history from near the beginning of time; the nature of which is described in Revelation (Apocalypse of John) 12:17, “And the dragon waxed wroth with the woman, and went away to make war with the rest of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and hold the testimony of Jesus. ” From these words and the rest of scripture we understand that there is a war going on over the souls of men. For this reason alone the powers that be wage wars that are contrary to all good sense, and also for this reason we understand why God in his infinite wisdom allows truly frightening agents to drive his people from apparent safety to new 8places where he might grant them his mercy and favor.
The answer lies not in diplomacy or politics, but in trust and prayer to Holy One who, in his infinite mercy and justice, provided the cure for what ails us: “…He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (Gospel of John 3:16)