Original link: http://middleeastobserver.net/saudi-expert-defends-intensified-bombardment-in-yemen-ansarullah-vows-painful-response/
During a recent political talk show on RT Arabic, Saudi military expert Mohammad al-Qabibaan defended the recent intense escalation of the Saudi-led coalition’s bombardment campaign in Yemen, describing the relentless airstrikes of recent weeks as “successful operations” designed to force the Houthi Ansarullah movement to sit down at the negotiating table.
For his part, Nasr al-deen ‘Aamir, a representative from the Sana’a-led Media Ministry, said that the Yemeni Army had no choice but to respond to the intensified coalition bombardment that was targeting innocent civilians and his country’s civil infrastructure, and vowed that the army ‘will respond by striking locations’ that hurt Riyadh.
Source: RT Arabic (YouTube)
Date: 26 December, 2021
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Mohammad al-Qabibaan, Saudi Military Expert:
I believe this (Saudi-led) escalation is the correct path, in order to say force the Houthis to sit at the negotiating table, this is one. Point two: this (escalation) is not carried out for the sake of revenge – thanks be to God, whatever is fired at the (Saudi) Kingdom from missiles and mortars is being dealt with and with great expertise. However, the purpose (of this escalation) is to support the peace process.
The international community calls for peace; the international community and the UN envoy and all sides call for sitting at the negotiating table. These special operations that the (Saudi-led) coalition is carrying out, occurred after the statement of our brother (General) Turki (al-Malki) that there will be operations of restraint by Saudi officials and the coalition, so that the Houthis and those who support the Houthis may come to understand that there is a desire for peace, and I believe you remember Mr Mohammad (the RT host) the proposal put forward by the coalition states. So in my opinion, I believe these operations have been successful, and they call upon the Houthis to sit at the negotiating table…
Okay, ‘successful operations’… but what supports this new strategic approach by the coalition which exposes many civilian sites (to airstrikes)? The images that we are seeing, at least those that are coming from the other side, (appear to reveal) the targeting of civilians and civil infrastructure, roads, bridges, hospitals…I mean, this is what the images show?…
Mohammad al-Qabibaan, Saudi Military Expert:
Frankly speaking this is not new in terms of the behaviour of the Houthis, in how it benefits from civilian sites and hospitals, schools, and even mosques, in order to hide its weapons, recoup its plans and spread out it (capabilities) as it sees fit. So (the Houthis) benefitted from this, and the international community usually looks towards the side that wields greater power, and (expects it) to practice more restraint, and that it avoid targeting civilian sites.
The (Saudi-led) coalition announced, and gave a deadline, and also confirmed to the international community that it was the Houthis who were moving the battle into populated areas by using such sites. Yesterday or before yesterday, brother (General Turki) Malki announced that the Houthis had six hours to remove its weapons from where? From sports facilities. This is the biggest proof that the (Saudi-led coalition’s) intelligence (apparatus) is working really well and in cooperation with its partners in Yemen, and that these weapons were stored in such locations. This to some extent may affect the reports that the UN humanitarian team produces, and they may benefit from reports that say the coalition forces carried out such operations. Otherwise, I reassure you that the coalition states are carrying out operations back by intelligence (information), operations which send a message that the Houthis may understand.
Okay that’s clear, I move now to Mr Nasr al-deen. With regards to these latest developments, in your opinion, what are the reasons for this escalation that is unprecedented at least in recent times? Could we say that one of the major reasons (for this escalation) is the (developments in the battle) for Ma’rib?
Nasr al-deen ‘Aamir, (Yemeni) Media Ministry Representative:
In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful. There is no doubt that when we wish to analyse such issues, we must not forget the stance of America. Because from the very first moment this war came from Washington, was announced in Washington, and is directed from Washington. This escalation would not have come – and in this form – if it were not for the frank statements issued by the American envoy to Yemen, who it was said was coming for the sake of peace. (The US envoy) called upon what he called the ‘Yemenis’ to confront the Houthis. He called for war, escalation, the escalation of the fighting, (only) then did these (airstrikes) come with such intensity.
As for the (potential) consequences of (this heavy escalation of airstrikes) on the various fronts (of the battle), I believe this (airstrike campaign) has an impact, however, (these strikes) cannot be justified at all because we are liberating Yemeni land. After all we are responding to (foreign) aggression and liberating Yemeni land.
Furthermore, these airstrikes are absolutely not targeting weapons stockpiles, as your guest and the (Saudi-led) coalition claims. The (Saudi-led) coalition stated with regards to Al Thawra Sports City and the Al Thawra Sports Stadium, that it contained weapons (stockpiles). I personally called on all media outlets working in Sana’a, and I personally went with them to that area from the very first moment after this announcement was made, and no (weapons) were found at all. Similarly, all the sites that (the Saudi coalition) is targeting are (say) main roads, while they say they are ‘weapons storage facilities’. They call bakeries ‘weapons storage facilities’. Children are killed, then that say ‘weapons storage facilities’. in these locations. This is a narrative which they got use to repeating in order to justify their crimes, yet this does not change the reality and we have the right to respond to these massacres. In addition, we have no concern for the condemnations coming out of the American and French embassies, because they have no sense of (human) feelings whatsoever, because they are glutted with Saudi money and oil, and thus (their condemnations) will not have any effect, and (our) operations in response will continue.
Okay, how will this situation be dealt with? Is Ansarullah capable of bearing further strikes, whether strikes targeting civilians or military sites or civilian sites being used as military sites, we saw how the (Saudi) coalition has said that it has widened the list of targets that it has, meaning that the campaign will go on until they manage to force the Houthis to sit at the negotiating table, as Mr Mohammad said?
Nasr al-deen ‘Aamir, (Yemeni) Media Ministry Representative:
Let me tell you something. We admit that they know what hurts us. (The targeting) of civilians hurts us, yes correct. (The targeting) of children hurts us, yes correct. The siege targeting and starving the Yemeni people hurts us, yes that’s correct. However, we are in a very difficult situation. (Yet) we know what hurts them (too). And we will strike the areas that hurt them. They themselves know the areas that hurt them, because they are concerned with their wealth and not their people. Why do we not target the Saudi people? Because we know that (their rulers) do not care about them. They target that which hurts us, that is, the Yemeni civilians.
Ultimately, this war was imposed upon us and we must fight. Our decisions (are in reality) seeking (a just, lasting) peace. We wish and call always for peace. However, (this war) has been imposed upon us. When the civilians, roads, children and women are struck, what are we suppose to do? Stand and smile at them? We must respond. This is a religious, moral, constitutional and principled commitment by the Yemeni Army, that it respond to these massacres, and the whole world does not concern (the Yemeni Army) and nor will it affect (its resolve).
“… we will strike the areas that hurt them. They themselves know the areas that hurt them, because they are concerned with their wealth and not their people.”
Good statement.
Yemen must pursue war crimes, convictions of official,s and massive reparations, or else hell to pay.
Meet the new Zionist boss (Biden). Same as the old Zionist boss (Trump). Smile and grin at the change all around. Pick up my guitar and play. Just like yesterday. Then I’ll get on my knees and pray. We don’t get fooled again.
Every time someone is missing at the arab negotiating table, another town gets blown up in the name of peace.
C the problem yet?
Great interview. The relationship between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and US has remained essentially unchanged since the meeting between FDR and Saudi King Abdulaziz bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud, aboard the USS Quincy in the Great Bitter Lake, Suez Canal on Feb. 14, 1945 (see: https://www.politico.com/story/2019/02/14/this-day-in-politics-feb-14-1945-1164052). This ‘relationship’ has endured through Democratic and Republican administrations. As Donald Trump, in my view, correctly stated ‘Saudi Arabia and its King would not last “two weeks” in power without American military support’. Thus, the ruling elite in KSA are little more than US/UK stooges/vassals, taking their marching orders from Washington. The US is determined to continue the war on Yemen, using KSA as their proxy and have no intention of ceding control of the Bab-el-Mandeb strait (a strategic ‘choke point’) or the Arabian Peninsula to the Houthi/Ansar Allah movement, who they view as an Iranian proxy force. Further, the Pentagon will want to be in full control of this area for their war with China/Iran. Link follows. See- Strategic Importance of the Indian Ocean, Yemen and Bab-el-Mandeb Strait Aur 5, 2020; Link: https://thesaker.is/strategic-importance-of-the-indian-ocean-yemen-and-bab-el-mandeb-strait/
For an emerging on going change in policy see Chute video titled, “Ethiopia gets drone help from international community to turn the tide of conflict”.
Possibly, the Saudis are caught stuck in mud trying to save face in this another Washington mess as seen in the European saga but pointing finger at Russia. There is more.