I just saw this:
While I “love” (so to speak) the “in my great and unmatched wisdom” (not similes to indicate a tongue-in-cheek self-deprecating comment), I even much prefer Trump threatening to “devastate” the economy of the country with the 2nd biggest NATO military. Heck, he also threatened Europe and even the rest of the world.
As a Russian, I am in heaven, truly. Trump is destroying the Empire faster and better than all the combined powers of the Russian/Chinese/Iranian intelligence community ever could.
But as a resident of the USA I am absolutely appalled because this narcissistic imbecile (dumb narcissists are the most unbearable!) is destroying not just the Empire, but also the US, country and people I love very much!
And when I see what might replace Trump (except Tulsi Gabbard) I am very, very afraid for the future of this country and its people.
This being said, I have a feeling that Trump will be re-elected.
After all, a narcissistic imbecile who does not start wars is still A LOT better than a narcissistic imbecile who will start them (every Dem except Gabard, again).
Yes, there is a real difference between bad and worse.
But this is a sad, sad situation for the USA.
But for the rest of the planet – this is truly a moment to behold: yet another empire is coming tumbling down and, as is often the case, not by a foreign attack, but by self-destruction.
I hope that the people of the USA will not suffer what Russia suffered in the 1990s but, honestly, I agree with Dmitry Orlov: it will be even worse here.
God help us all!
The Saker
Also when discussing D. Chump’s narcissism, one must remember his nepotism.
All that aside, the dems have nothing. Creepy Uncle Joe is being exposed (not that meaning), Col. Sanders had a heart attack, Tulsi will never be allowed to lead the party, guess who that leaves. That’s right folks, HRC to the rescue. The only person who can handle a phone call at 3am will come back to haunt us. For sure she will completely overplay her hand, but it will be filthy dirty along the way.
She will not return, we have reached peak politics and its all downhill from here. Political qualitative easing is all that is left, it was fun for them while it lasted, now the political nightmare begins.
Creepy Joe and Colonel Sanders are non starters. They are just old white guys. Okay, one is Jewish, but he’s still white.
Beto and Buttplug are a joke.
Kabbala Haaretz and Corey Torah are even worse.
Crooked Hilary isn’t going to make a comeback and go for third time lucky. Even she isn’t that crazy.
By a process of elimination, that just leaves Pocahontas.
Orange Jesus will wipe the floor with her.
The Democrats persist in choosing candidates that are an absolute gift to the Orange Man.
He must go down on his knees every night and thank his lucky stars for the DNC.
I feel beeing jewish is worst than being white. Beeing jewisch do not make you a better human. It means beeing a convert to judaism(religion). It do not mean beeing a Hebrew. Jews do not lie too much in this case, they dont call themselves Hebrews
What knocks Warren out of the reckoning, in your opinion. She looks the least insane of them all.
In comparison to the rest of the Dem bunch Warren seems to have the most to offer.
It is possible that she nevertheless cannot win against Trump—in the USA that we all know and love to hate and hate to love.
Is she appealing to swing voters?
That seems to be the crux of current electoral politics in the USA.
I don’t think she “presents” very well.
She looks like a school marm to me—not presidential.
Thatcher had a makeover and it did a lot for her public persona.
To duel with Trump Warren is going to ahve to learn some jokes and loosen up!
The 2nd half of that tweet:
Donald J. Trump
Verified account @realDonaldTrump
2h2 hours ago
….the captured ISIS fighters and families. The U.S. has done far more than anyone could have ever expected, including the capture of 100% of the ISIS Caliphate. It is time now for others in the region, some of great wealth, to protect their own territory. THE USA IS GREAT!
Thanks Amarynth!
Just putting aside the utter buffoonery of these two tweets, I think Trump is actually revealing quite a lot about his Syria policy…
1. “If Turkey does anything off limits..”: A threat…Turkey has gotten green light for something (Idlib?) But anything else (Kurdistan?) Is a big NO…
2. “Turkey and Europe must watch over captured ISIS fighters”: After Idlib assault, Turkey will have to look after ISIS and possibly recycle them as refugees to Europe.(Interestingly, yesterday, Germany”s Seehofer warned Europe to support Turkey with money and/or accept more refugees as the next wave of refugees will be even bigger than in 2015.)
3. “It is time for others in the region, some of great wealth, to protect their territory”. He wants Saudi Arabia, Israel to do more.
4. “USA is great”: Mission accomplished, USA is getting out.
Well, I must say, this makes sense.
Hope you are right, SG!
Could Trump be speaking in riddles?????
Sort of like, playing the court jester/fool role to himself and his “courtiers” in the Congress and the “liberal” media?
Kind of like the “holy fool”?
Has anyone noticed any response yet from him regarding teh Judicial Watch bombshell?
That is an excellent link you shared. I just came across an excellent article by Matt Taibbi. Don’t always agree with him but always find that he has an interesting perspective on issues. It is only a bit off topic but most certainly relates to Trump. Consider this a gift in return.
LT, Thanks for the link. I generally like Taibbi and I agree with how he expresses himself here regarding his take on Trump and Trump’s enemies. I also like his mentioning the fact taht Trump does not seem to grasp the power that his actually his as head of the Executive Branch. (A point that I (in my infinite wisdom!!!) have made a couple of times!) But his enemies most surely do and their worst nightmare is that he actually might figure out how to drive this thing and put the pedal to the metal and take it up to 180.
Here is another very good (IMO) analysis by Tom Luongo, which I sent to the Saker offlist as I thought it offered some indispensable perspectives.
I wrote:
Re timing, it’s the Gazprom contract, stupid.
I have come to appreciate Luongo’s savvy.
Trump is like a lumbering, inarticulate Quasimodo, ducking the slashing knives.
Like Luongo I hate 99% of Trump. But the Long Knives are WORSE.
All of those tweets are Quasi ducking and weaving with the only weapon he [thinks he] has or actually sort of understands.
He is embattled and beleaguered and of course it is partly his own fault for hiring enemies and not recognizing that he needs some very brainy people around him to stay a few steps ahead of the Long Knives. Especially in the media. Again, I wonder what Melania thinks of all of this.
Maybe Barr as a product of the Deep State himself will deliver for Trump.
SG, love the King Croesus tale—might it be that USAians and others have misinterpreted the meaning of the 2016 election (as Croesus misinterpreted the words of the Oracle)??.
Furthermore, although Trump himself is scarcely oracular, as you point out, there is more than one way to interpret his Tweet-borne meanderings.
Melania will do a better job with her eyes closed and hands tied behind her back and so would the local street sweeper operator!
LOL Katherine, riddles just like Delphi!
Trump would do well to learn about the Delphic Oracles and King Croesus….a cautionary tale..King Croesus asked the Delphic Oracles if he should wage war on Persia (i.e. present day Iran). The answer from Delphi came, that Croesus would “destroy a great empire”. He thought this meant he was heading for victory, so he waged war, and ended up destroying this own empire.
First time posting. Most of you here will read the first part of my nom de merde and immediately conclude that I am doubly deluded. Maybe so. or else check here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHud_qBZrhM for other recent comments. (It’s a trap! where you may meet the Amazing Polly. )
Trump OFTEN speaks in riddles; gematria nonsense or coded sense. I don’t have time to decipher, but the Twit-quote strikes me as such. You can find examples decoded if you search “SerialBrain2” on Reddit or gYoo-Tube.
SB2’s gematria is something like astrology in the excessive possibilities of interpretation, but there ARE clearly coded messages flying about. Start with “Nasdaq glitch July 03, 2017” on Duck-Duck-Go. That was a Deep State message to Trump.
We all know that the biggest thing (open source) the US military did was stand aside and let Syria and Russia clean out ISIS. And Trump pretended to bomb stuff when the US MSM pretended that al Assad used chem weapons. The Orange Jesus also supported a coup in Saudi Arabia which may have importantly cut off ISIS’ allowance, and may have undercut the sex tracking trade through the bloody oil mafia state.
I will either cast my 2020 fantasy vote for Tulsi Gabbard or vote for Trump. The Trump Show all may be a deadly squabble among Deep State factions, but it is more than a dumb rant of a narcissistic game show host. Something is being dismantled with great purpose. Hope we all survive it.
Yeah, amazing too, in a different way.
Now, it’s no more the US which created al-Qaeda and all its innumerable offshoots, it’s no more the US which federated, trained, funded and directed the Takfiris in Syria.
No, instead the US had one terrific and historical victory which will prove, yet again, that the US is the country on the hill, the land of the brave, home of the free, homeland of the “greatest fighting force in world history” etc. etc. etc. etc.
And Russia in all that?
Well, she just “propped-up” “animal Assad” of course.
Nothing to do with defeating the Wahabi nutcases, of course…
I wonder if he even believes this crap himself?
Ignorance works the same way knowledge does. It is the data for the ‘mind processes’.
The topic overwhelms Trump. He understands money outgoing and money incoming. He knows weapons sales win him friends among those working behind his back. He feels the MIC will save him from impeachment or worse from the IC.
The corporate state of corruption is beyond reform. But he uses the MAGA topic The Swamp for his speeches.
He’s not a dolt. He’s “illiterate” to geopolitics and schemes of Empire. He just knows that he is riding a behemoth beast of a Hegemon, and can frighten anyone outside of Russia, China, North Korea and Iran.
Most of all, he can terrorize the vassals.
He never had a strategy. He is purely transactional. His greatest “deals” have been stillborn, aborted by the Deep State’s machinations. There will be not missile treaty with Putin, no trade deal with Xi, no peace treaty and denuclearization of the Peninsula with Kim, and absolutely no dealing with the Cleric in Tehran.
He will be fortunate that the Dems may pass the USMCA trade deal. Though the odds are not good.
The opposition to Trump are perfectly likely to create the momentum to send the economy into Recession.
Impeachment is part of that strategic goal.
Trump never had friends on Wall Street, especially the banks. Only Wilbur Ross, working at Rothschild, saved the Trump Org and Donald when he was in deep bankruptcy. Wall Street particularly doesn’t like Trump screwing over China, especially since they already okayed US 51% ownership inside China for Financial Services sector. That is Trillions of Dollars Donald is setting fire to.
Ignorance is a cruel teacher. Trump is close to learning that lesson.
The crap he believes is the crap he creates. Everyone else’s crap stinks. His crap, he thinks don’t stink.
“He’s not a dolt. He’s “illiterate” to geopolitics and schemes of Empire.”
Interesting analysis, you may be right. Also, he apparently watches way, way too much TV. Does he read books? Dunno. I doubt it. [Like the Clintons and Obama and Keith Richards, I don’t believe DJT actually “wrote” his “books”.]
The one thing I believe about DJT is that he is of an elite, but he is also from _Queens_. Kind of like Kennedy was Irish. Not enough status to get the admiration of E. Howard Hunt and his ilk. Thus the “whistleblower” (sic) antics that are currently making a laughingstock of the country.
Any more insight into his character from people on the east coast (who should know) would be very appreciated. What Trump does or doesn’t do next to protect his presidency is of more than minor importance, e.g. “Pence.”
He might not be that ‘illiterate to geopolitics and schemes of Empire’. His success in wooing India to become the spoiler of Eurasia integration by ‘massaging its Himalayan ego’ and stoking it anti-Chinese hysteria is not to be taken lightly. A Indo-Chinese military confrontation is a distinct possibility, as well the relocation of the ‘Takfiris’ to the aleready jihadi infested Indo-Pacific area.
One may wonder whether the ‘Orange woman’ would not continue this trend if she would replace the ‘Orange man’ I am talking about the through and through ‘Indo-Pacific’ woman, of course, the disciple of Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa and a devotee of Hare Krishna (if not of Kali, the head chopping and blood drinking ‘goddess’).
> A Indo-Chinese military confrontation is a distinct possibility
I think that is, on the contrary, extremely unlikely. Absolutely no way with Modi & Xi & Putin around.
The Saker
I see you are fond of Tulsi Gabbard. I propose you think again. Her name used to be on the Roster of the Council on Foreign Relations, and we all know who created that.
Her membership in the CFR does, of course, trouble me.
As do many other issues: https://thesaker.is/what-tulsi-gabbards-caving-in-to-the-israel-lobby-really-shows/
But I am also aware of two things:
1) to err is human
2) people change
So this CFR-argument (guilt by association) is a canard which proves nothing.
This is why I ignore it
As for me being “fond” of her: I simply can tell the difference between her and all the rest of the candidates (in both wings of the Republicrat/Demolican party. YMMV of course :-)
The Saker
very much correct in your statements dear saker. until now most americans haven’t realized that trump is their best man to tear america apart. america is the swamp and by threatening everyone in the world with economic destruction, with enemies everywhere, america soon will have no one on its side when it disintegrates. finally, the syrian kurds found out they have their modern day pilate.
Was a huge fan of Tulsi Gabbard for years. Then I heard she had been a member of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations). Was taken aback. Is she “controlled opposition”, I wondered.
Am cautiously pessimistic about her now. Hope I am too pessimistic.
Any thoughts, Saker?
I’ll give you a thought…No-one, no-one gets into that position without a) serving a purpose, to be discarded later or b) being able to be controlled.
I like her a lot (no, not for her good looks only!) and I like 99% of what she says.
Then there was this: https://thesaker.is/what-tulsi-gabbards-caving-in-to-the-israel-lobby-really-shows/
Which was a big letdown.
Also, I think that her fundamental mistake is to try to use the Dem party (just like I always regretted that Ron Paul used the GOP).
I wish folks like Dennis Kucinich, Ralph Nader, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Mike Gravel, Tulsi Gabbard and others to form a party with a few, very basic but crucial ideas:
1) restore full civil rights inside the USA
2) withdraw as many troops form aboard as possible
3) declare a policy of non-intervention
4) declare a policy of absolute respect for international law
5) drop countries like Israel and Saudi Arabia from any aid, especially military or intel
6) inject money into the US economy, but not only (or even primarily) to big corporations
7) restore the sovereignty of the US people over banking, finance, etc.
Right now I consider the USA to be an occupied country, by at least two (similar but not identical) foes: Zionists and bankers.
I want the people of this country to get it back again.
So “full sovereignty” would be my choice for a slogan and core program.
Yeah, I know. Ain’t gonna happen. And I am not a politician, so what do I truly know?
I fear for the US, I really do. Yes, I fear MORE for the rest of the planet, but I also really fear for the USA.
In truth, this country does not need a different President.
This country needs a profound regime change.
My 2cts, cheers
The Saker
“Right now I consider the USA to be an occupied country, by at least two (similar but not identical) foes: Zionists and bankers.”
Add “Anglo” and you are spot on.
Basically, they are a symbiosis – “AngloZionistBanksters”
The end of western civilisation.
Was about time:)
Do you mean Anglos as in, the City of London? Many feel London is toothless, a bystander on the side lines watching the US shoot itself in the foot and balls. From where I sit the City supplied the weapon and the ammo, and control far more than some wish to accept, imho.
sean the leprechaun
I am afraid you are wrong. The Rothschild’s and Rockerfeller’s control the US Fed and the EU Central Bank. Prince Philip, the Queens husband, is commander in chief of all freemasons. The HQ of US Freemasons is in Washington DC, which controls the politicians, as well as people from other top professions.
Great idea, Saker. The “Full Sovereignty Party”. Or “US Sovereignty Party”.
The two-party system has been the bane of the country, very useful to the elites and useless to the rest of us.
In particular the DNC is beyond redemption and a national embarrassment. (“disgrace” is another word)
Really need to forward your list to Tulsi 2020. I hope and pray she has some people old enough to remember life before magic phones working for her.
I used to think Auslander’s theory that they’ll run Hillary again was out of bounds, but I’m not so sure. Willie Brown is floating the idea, seen today on the ‘Hedge. If this actually happens, the game is truly up, and any third party would be enough of a threat to “split the vote”, which is what the Dems always accuse you of doing personally if you don’t support their leader. I for one would like to see it. In that case even a write-in vote for Gabbard could be a threat.
But like you said, she needs a consistent platform beyond “no more regime-change wars”, which you have helpfully provided.
Surely (?) someone from Tulsi 2020 reads this site. How about it, guys/gals? Reading comments at the Hedge, Tulsi has a lot of admiration from the so-called right, i.e. potential Trump voters. Hmmmm.
Forget inventing a new party. They are ALL toxic sludge that inevitably produce ever more anti-democratic candidates.
What is needed is legislative assemblies full of real independent representatives. Representatives who see their roles as not first advocating a fixed party position(sponsored by the .1%), but as first representing their constituents range of needs, views, aspirations etc to the assembly, then as members of that assembly applying their minds to how their constituents needs, views, aspirations etc can be best met for the greatest common good. The test goes from “do I agree with this clown” to ” can this person be trusted to honestly convey my position, and to do what delivers the best possible result overall”.
We can only dream. That is where all great journeys begin.
Well said. The US is analogous to Chin Dynasty China, which pulled a bunch of smaller areas into one large country through mass murder basically. But it fell.
So while a regime change is a shorter term fix (think Ukraine, Iraq, Chile and all the other US interventions), it needs dynastic change, a completer reset of its basic assumptions of what is, what its history actually is, and a commitment to totally change how it thinks, starting with rapacious capitalism.
What China has going for it is its Confucian basis. The US doesn’t even have that. So prospects for it becoming civilized as distinct from barbaric are uncertain.
Here is food for thought.
Whether you agree or disagree, you will have something to think about (watch the embedded video too):
Hi, LT
I guess today we are on the same wave length regarding the attempted Trump takedown.
Just read this second piece of the day by Luongo, which you link her (see my link, above).
I agree with Luongo on this.
We are really seeing the clash of the titans.
“Everyone” seems to have turned against Trump. Only a few of his traditioinal enemies on the left seem to be seeing through the madness. Such as Stephen Cohen and Wayne Madsen.
the spectacle is like a giant squid attacking a whale—all we see are the roiling waters and gross tentacles and suction cups and horrible beak and eye occasionally breaking the surface of the water as the squid attempts to drag the whale down and drown it and then consume the body.
You have been reading Taiibi!
“all we see are the roiling waters and gross tentacles and suction cups and horrible beak and eye occasionally breaking the surface of the water as the squid attempts to drag the whale down and drown it and then consume the body.”
Could not agree more. Wish I could loose my optimism; so many disappointments.
Once the Ukraine switches their oil and natural gas exports to Europe from Russia to Euros instead of d0llars that is about the final nail in the Petrol D0llar scheme. Side note, searching on Russian oil pipelines through the Ukraine now returns nothing. If memory serves me correctly I believe it’s over 2 million barrels per day, or about 6% of the world’s d0llar sold crude, not counting natural gas.
Re:”Ukraine switches their oil and natural gas exports…” Ukrainian exports?? Where they’ve got oil+gas to export? The minuscule amount they produce doesn’t cover even a fraction of their own (much reduced since “independence”) consumption.
Check out Gazprom:
perhaps this is out of date. . .
”I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!)”
Corollary questions: What’s with the uppercase ’E’ and when was last time Trump tampered with Turkey’s economy?
I think Bashar al-Assad would be quite pleased seeing Trump wreak havoc upon the Turks. Stupid is as stupid does.
Basically when the US was very upset that the Turks bought the S-400 system. Send their currency tumbeling big time and made inflation a bit issue over there. Not enough reason to totally destroy their economy but it surely took quite a big of an hit.
Since the Turks need a lot of capital inflows to stay afloat, it is not hard to kill their economy.
And this is why the Turks are turning to the Russia-China-Iran trio, and the SCO.
Which is what every country which wants to protect itself should do.
All those tied to the USA (most right now) will sink with it when it sinks.
The EU better figure that one out really really fast, or it will hurt.
But then, the poor EU is burdened by the “New Europeans” who make even Trump looks smart…
Kind regards Hugo
The Saker
The Saker
Latest news on RT is that Russia and Turkey have abandoned the dollar in mutual trade. They will use their domestic currencies. It’s going as analysts have predicted, countries abandoning the dollar, as it’s backed by nothing, except of course the US military.
Regarding the EU, it looks like they are still speaking and discussing.
Some Germans want to create a EU real Power (beginning with Von Der Leyen), while some other Germans are already considering losing the Chinese market as they do not think that the transatlantic bond can be weakened in the context of the incoming new cold war.
My guess is that the EU will remain weak and clueless.
The economy that Trump killed was the US one, but it was already a zombie, so doesn’t really count. How many times can you kill a corpse, even one lurching about.
Saker, Donald Trump is a Real Estate Developer and Real Estate Developers tear things down and something new and better gets built. The rebuilding will be done (I hope) by (I hope) Tulsi but the Millenials, Gen Zs and Xs will have to get their noses out of Social Media and figure out what has been going on all their lives. We have to suffer the bad side of Trump because of the f#%king Democrats who talked BS for the last 4-5 decades and never did anything useful for their sycophantic voters who watched TV and listened to NPR all day and got Brainwashed. They didn’t wake up until their idol lost an election to a Reality TV host. The main benefit is going to be that it appears he won’t start any more wars, and hopefully will bring the Troops home. In addition he set a Trap for these maniac Democrats who walked right into it with their Eyes Wide Shut, so make a lot of popcorn, sit back and watch all the fun.
“Real Estate Developers tear things down and something new and better gets built.”
New and better? Do you mean like the destruction of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Imperial Hotel in Japan? The replacement is certainly newer.
Trump issued his withdrawal edict late last night (Sunday) apparently in the opinion that Lindsey Graham and the rest of the neocons would not sober up until this morning.
I thought he made it clear that the US understood that Europe doesn’t want their head-chopping, throat-slitting ISIS terrorists back and that the US was leaving it to the Turks to take care of the problem.
Once Congress and the media sobered up and returned to work this morning, the cries of agony started up.
Ignoring ISIS, they screamed about the Kurds, our great and noble friends and partners in the destruction of Syria.
That is when Trump backed down and issued his bizarre tweet.
Why? Is it possible that he threw that in as a little red meat, to get the TDS dogs off his trail?
Apparently, the withdrawal has already started.
Will the Deep State have enough time to organize a “chemical weapons attack” to stop it this time?
I sat here for the longest time wanting to comment but not knowing exactly what to say. Is Trump showing signs of extreme stress? Look at what is surrounding him. Never-ending venom from the Democrats who now have no connection with anything decent. They are right out of their minds. Almost the entire political class is corrupted. It isn’t as if Trump only had the choices he made to pick from for his government. He might have had someone of the stature of Ron Paul as secretary of state instead of war hawk Pompeo. There are solid people in economics who could have told him the truth and how to fix it. Instead, he filled the swamp with the most awful people and the country is circling the drain. The only positive thing I can say is that Trump hasn’t started any new shooting wars. But he doesn’t seem averse to tens of thousands dying from economic war. The shooting war is just so messy. Death from starvation or lack of medical care is much more palatable. And he is involved in his share of this which can develop into genocide. Trump has several loves. He loves the military-industrial complex and nothing could stop the deal worth billions to sell arms to the Saudis who use them to slaughter children in Yemen. He loves the Zionists. He may not love the international bankers but he is indebted to them. I’m sure the fall will be very great but it can be prevented only in theory. In reality, it seems near impossible to fix this.
You are correct sir, first the debt bomb must go off, then the debt hangover must be waited out, could be, or should be a debt default occurance, mostly public debt. New laws instated, truth in design, truth in advertising, truth in education, probably some more. Then, and only then, use a new currency, backed by gold (which includes economic aches and pains mostly to the lower classes), a fair tax at the register only, and in just 2 or 3 decades was the cost of living drop right in front of your very eyes as the health of the nation improves, cancer suddenly goes extinct, material things last longer, more citizens are like one another(less fights, more happiness). It can all happen, but not until politics is reformed, and the resistance over there is overwhelming.
“it will be even worse here.”
I have said a few times elsewhere and maybe in my great wisdom also here:
The one saving grace, or basic condition, of the USA is that it has quite a lot of space.
Quite a lot of territory in more or less temperate climes.
So, as long as there is rain and a rain barrel, many folks in the USA go back to the land and figure out a way to live.
But but but so many of the USAians are so spoiled, or they have such weird political convictions that they hold so dearly that it cancels out either self-preservation or actually working together with a few others to survive. But hard times present hard tests. You never can know how you will fare when push actually comes to shove.
we will just have to get out there and see how the sheep are separated from the goats.
Which reminds me of Burmese pythons.
The Saker lives near those swamps infested with Burmese pythons.
I am sure they are edible! and oh, the skins are valuable. And, they have job openings for snake hunters.
Just one example of how resourceful Americans and others might find ways to turn disaster into opportunity . . .
No, we’ve been pushed, the health of this nation has been crumbling for quite some time, aside from gvt reform leading to a better educated citizen, this path can not(and will not) be changed, its baked into the proverbial cake like a teen with bad breath.
Good post, Katherine, and food for thought. There were once hardy traits in the wagon trains, they might have to resurface by necessity.
The various parts of the country really have very different resources/people/trading partners, and the Swampy Cities on the East Coast and Hollywood on the West have literally nothing whatsoever to do with any of them, other than dictating propaganda. When the lights go out, people might remember the relevance of being good neighbors.
The Hollywood “Road”/Zombie-movie apocalypse scenarios are too simplistic, Hollywoodians think everywhere is just like L.A./NYC/DC, and it just ain’t so. L.A. and DC are the dystopic nightmares, not (all) the provinces.
Necessity is of course mother of invention. Also learning what people did in the past. There are people out there living in different ways, quietly.
I’ve spent time out of the cities this year in different regions, and barring nuke holocaust, I think there is a forgotten underbelly of basically decent people here and there that you never hear about. We have a “mind your own business” attitude in some places that could be useful. Go through LAX and ask yourself do most people share the plastic surgery, virtue signalling idiocies and aggro attitude in, say, rural New Mexico or even the Cattskills? I don’t think they do.
L.A. and rural America are different planets; Red/Blue maps don’t tell whole story.
The country is a weird mix of places with no clue and places with ein bisschen clue, regions of more and less sanity.
OTOH those films coming out of Skid Row in LA show what strategies and ideas the elites on the coasts have for dealing with human problems, aka “none”.
“The times are out of joint.
Oh, cursed spite
That Trump was ever born
To set them right”.
Maybe he really thinks he has draining the swamp under control….feeling jubilant…err despite North Korea finding him a toothless and clawless lion…and what is “offlimits” exactly to this megalomaniac psychopath ….cruise missiles everywhere….watching gleefully as Iran and Iraq continue with internal strife if not more ….China seems a bit more wary now of the ME…..Hezbollah getting whupped he might believe if things are being engineered by IDF and Saudi….does much depend on Israeli getting back into that they think is effective government?
Ok, you are discussing Trump and the USA. Which of course makes sense. Nevertheless, there is also Syria and Iran and the Middle East. For me, the decision of a partial withdrawing from Syria shows that the power of the USA is crumbling. Their front lines are too expanded so that they are obliged to abandon some positions. This is a victory for Syria and their allies.
The deception of the pro-occidental forces in Europe is big. They blame Trump for this decision. They cannot accept that his decision is a consequence of the West’s decline.
Dear Saker, greetings from my tragic Brazil.
You wrote, “I have a feeling that Trump will be re-elected”. I am afraid you might be wrong.
What’s happening in the USA right now is a true color revolution, by means of hybrid warfare, no less. It has been already proven that the real criminal is Biden instead of Trump, but… who cares? MSM is in full Orwellian mode, and Dems will asap begin to abuse the investigation powers which an impeachment procedure grants to – that will, in turn, unveil other skeletons Trump has in his closet, adding feedback for the whole process, on and on… Hybrid war. Color revolution. A domestic one, this time. Eventually, Trump will be impeached.
It’s very, very sad.
won’t happen. Trump will be re-elected easily. want to bet?
This is the 3rd time from memory that Trump has declared he wants out of Syria.
Maybe it’s time to believe him.
It seems to me that Pres Trump is dismantling the one world govt .
And he’s winning. Not bad for an imbecile!
He is obviously not as alone as he appears to be.
He is either an actor in an ingenious zionist plot or he is a champion who should be supported.
I think this will prove to have been a power struggle between the US military with Pres Trump as its face and the deep state forces in the cia, fbi and spread right throughout government and judiciary.
Pure cynicism by some here will mean that you missed the show.
Look at Trumps moves with an open mind.
Understand that he is not omnipotent.
Don’t forget the mess he inherited.
The battle is mostly domestic.
The enemy is the devil himself.
Perceptive, LBD!
Heed the fact that he doesn’t care if foreigners fall all over themselves laughing……………………. or vomiting: They Won’t Vote!
And he very much desires to be underestimated and ridiculed by you, me thinks.
Another little clue to the Method in the Madness:
The Capitalizations and Spelling “Errors”….are not errors. They are code.
There’s ample evidence of that.
Now, I don’t watch TV…..but one benefit of watching the slick black man from both coasts is that he aggregates what is going on on TV………..with a style that will keep the foreigners here almost as amused with American Hopes for Trump….and returning to Republic …saying Bye to Empire, We Were Never Supposed to be One….while the Witch is given equal time …………to frighten you into a Red October Halloween Mood:
But for those that don’t have that much time for the American Political Kabuki ….just cut to the concluding part…. as we withdraw…there’s a travel log in store for y’all ..for the local pride of..now ioan……and Romania:
10,461 views•Oct 7, 2019
“except Tulsi Gabbard”…that’s all I needed to see. Oy!
It is almost impossible to locate a “team” to pull for in this charade:y
-trump makes one want a more sane civilized world and American govt; (really, seriously, who in the hell could possibly utter the following phrase: “in my great and unmatched wisdom”) I have no explanation!
-,dimocrats have no one, say again, no one; tulsi does not have a chance but I do give her credit for standing in there despite all of the abuse the msm throws at her;
-pence gives me more concern than i can describe: he is an evangelist, a messianic, who seems to be waiting for or wanting The Rapture. If that does not give one pause, penalty points for not paying attention. Take a look at pompeo as another evangelist if one wants an idea how stupid and ideological one can get but yet lie with abandon and a straight face at every opportunity.
Again, when the situation seems beyond dire, rest assured that it will get worse.
Look, I know this is a serious site and mostly we have serious discussions. But each time I read that
“I, in my great and unmatched wisdom”
I just fall apart laughing and I imagine I hear incredulous laughter coming from all the 4 corners of the earth.
Larchmonter has it right: “The topic overwhelms Trump.” I follow his tweetstream and just after the impeachment talk started, he tweeted like two nights and two days straight. He eventually tweeted a piece about a run-away luggage cart or some such thing that someone grabbed and nobody got hurt. I kid you not. I had to turn the stream off eventually, just for peace and quiet.
OK, we can all go back to serious discussion now … rotflmao
I wouldn’t laugh so hard if I were you and yours, the actual case is called obstruction of wisdom “justice obstructing wisdom” and the congress is being held to task over it, [among many things, (hence political civil war)] rather than call it for what it is, Trump spins the narrative web and watches as the fools butt heads over the latest and greatest tweet storm.
I’m gonna crack this case.
George McGovern, 1972: Why don’t we just declare victory and leave?
Donald Trump, 2019: We’re victorious. Let’s leave now.
The way I see it, this is progress.
I could not disagree more.
Trump or no Trump the USA goyim fire sale was coming. Trump is now the greatest leader in the Universe – as he stands by and the empire of chaos burns. But that is exactly what the occultists want – so Trump is giving them what they want. The cousin marrying imbeciles will regret asking for a wish from the casino pimp.
Saker you should celebrate the many gifts that the master blaster has brought to the world – without him the fire sale would never have been televised – America’s elite and their globalist kosher nostra are finally exposed as the POS scum that they are.
Just look at the chaos that the empire of chaos has brought even to its facade of democracy and the coming 2020 elections for President of the Galaxy.
Trump is doing everything right by going into cluster f**k mode. Keep in mind had the clinton witch been anointed Madame POTUS hosebag we would all be died and the purge of humanity well under way in 2019.
5d Chess, what if Trump was chosen right for this task? Demolish the sick empire without enabling a 3rdWW?
at least they have a chance to survive and start back from their ruins..the other option would be life annihilation of this planet. peace
Not sure I’d say “chosen” — but voted in at the right time, with the right temperament, to do the demo-job on the parasitic (and largely illusion) virtual empire. Down the slide from Globalization ideology to Trade Wars. Probably, hopefully, not World Wars (too soon at least). Let the pressure out in peripheral skirmishes etc.
Otherwise, I think you are close to the programme in play.
I always thought he might be one to play the “rope a dope” game and take the punches (and burn through and ‘fire’ a few Agency dopes along the way) until the right moment (when many have shown their colors) and then pivot into a full on push-back attack on the way to the 2020 election.
What is happening now fits that scenario.
The guys down at the Duran have set a nice plot landscape centered on Rome.
“Barr & Durham travel to Rome, as walls close in on mysterious Professor Mifsud”
Saker: First of all, great post title. To those of us who lived here, Trump before presidency was kind of like the English Royals or “Madonna”, a fixture of the 1980’s and unavoidable, like the weather or the plague (or hair gel and shoulder pads). It’s nice to see your usual no-nonsense use of language “cut-to-the-chase”, with style and flow.
But also about Trump, Mein Gott, the way the media are treating him. It certainly generates sympathy and support for those who dislike (not hate) the man. I actually listened to Bloomberg radio last night… A “summary” of the Biden/Ukraine stuff that was so counter-factual, it was jaw-dropping. I couldn’t believe it. MSM (Bloomberg a semi-major player) was spinning the truth so blatantly. Friends of mine on the left seem to lap this stuff up, without doing a simple google search on the facts. The overall ignorance about what happened in the Ukraine in general is appalling. Why aren’t more people curious?
Biden bragged about this stuff on camera back in Jan. 2018, and if you listen to MSM, you’d never know. That’s a pretty blatant burial of “reality”. My family doesn’t know (till I tell them), no one knows. The “case history” is obvious and out in the open, still they buried it. Chutzpah in spades.
The Biden “impeachment” nonsense is so appallingly bad that they’re literally saying black is white, and they don’t care. They don’t even hide their cover for the intel agencies anymore.
Even the worst ‘Hedge paid troll is (by merely looking at headlines) better informed on the matter than a radio listener would be.
Was “Pravda” in the olden days so contemptuous of its listeners, its audience?
FOX, the other arm of the MSM, loves Trump.
You have been suckered by the game.
I used to read the Pravda for a living for a few years.
The western media is MUCH worse than not only the Pravda, but pretty much all the Soviet media (which I also watched, read and listened to).
In a Soviet subway you could see almost everybody reading something.
Nowadays US schools produce mostly functional illiterates and narrowly-specialized ignoramuses with no memory or roots.
In many ways the Soviet systems was much worse.
But also in many ways it was much, much better.
The Saker
I really think there is no chance that ‘my great and unmatched wisdom’ is not a joke. It’s kind of funny. Trump is stupid though. Before the 2016 election I told friends it was a choice between stupid and evil. I had no idea how correct that was. He is much stupider and his enemies are far more evil than I could have imagined.
The tweet above is just an attempt to get the bleating imbeciles Lindsey Graham, et. al. slightly off his back. The Syrian Kurds have committed treason by teaming up with the US, which was a foolish decision, for which they will probably pay dearly. Their best choice for the past couple of years was to make deal with Damascus, it seems to me. But, they kept holding out hope for their own little mini-Kurdistan in Syria, which was very unwise, considering that the 4 countries with Kurdish citizens (Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran) are opposed. Iraq is a special case, as it is controlled by the US, so the Kurds do have a lot of autonomy there. They could probably get a good deal from Assad.
I’m glad we are getting out. We should have left long ago.
The US Empire will not survive Trump’s successor.
So, end by 2032 at the latest.
History teaches that sooner or later all Empire’s implode and fall. And this tweet from Trump is just complete Mad Hatters Tea Party stuff.
The Anglo Zionist Empire is literally falling before our eyes, and yes, many here and other independent sites have detailed the vast crimes of the AZE, including the destruction of entire countries. Such monstrous deeds that many in the West fully ignore. Ask anyone at random what they think about the situation in Yemen or Palestine.
I recall the abject misery and Dickensian levels of poverty and many elderly people on the streets selling all their possessions after the vile Yeltsin came to power in Russia. And almost no one in the West gave a rats tinker. Now its our turn. And many in Australia (just one example) haven’t got a clue what’s coming.
The utterly pointless, if absolutely correct and well-intentioned, Extinction Rebellion, is being ignored in most Western states, and will fizzle out until the next climate cataclysm rejuvenates it. But in the UK it is being met by real police state over-reaction and repression, and in dear, old, Austfailia, a failed state that has collapsed totally, intellectually, morally and spiritually in forty years, the reaction has been utterly unhinged and hateful, as you would expect. And bi-partisan, too, with the maggots that infect the stinking carcass of ‘Labor’ joining in, too. Meanwhile fires ravage Queensland and NSW, a very poor reward for their loyalty in voting for greed and coal in the election in May.
Mulga, pretty much agree with your sentiments, however in regards to Extinction Rebellion, I believe that the rank and file members are genuine, I am very sceptical of the actual leadership of XR. Why would they hold training sessions on deliberately sidelining the radical left i.e Anti Capitalists left.
As I’m completely computer illiterate and have tried like 32 times to post this link: Wrong Kind Of Green ‘Extinction Rebellion Training Or How To Control Radical Resistance’. I highly recommend Wrong Kind Of Green blog run by an environmental activist called Cory Morningstar.
And I agree with you on how screwed Australia is. Completely politically and morally bankrupt. Screwed.
I agree with everything, except that I don’t love the U.S.
Then I urge you to (re)-visit it and separate
1) the political regime
2) the society
3) the people
4) the wilderness
I was speaking about #3 and #4 :-)
Yep. i know there are some cool cats overthere and that there are some breathtaking sceneries, but as with everything in life, you gotta take the whole package. Maybe after the Trump vs Clintons saga ends.
And, see above, “space.”
It’s the space that makes the “society” and the “political regime” somewhat bearable.
Because one can actually get away from them for long stretches of time.
I wonder if a black eye is forthcoming?
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The “Black Eye” Club LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You all have got to see this webpage you just have to. the pictures of them is simply unbelievable?
This actually deserves an entire essay and blog post all its own and who better than to do it than Mulga?
I have become more and more convinced that President Trump would like to lead the US back to a 1790 – 1945 situation with 33% tariffs on all foreign goods, in short a country with minimal imports and exports and few foreign entanglements. ( Dare we say, like Russia? ) Those tariffs permitted our labor force to earn 33% more income than global prices would have allowed. As for competition, between anti-monopolist laws and a very big country, US businesses were kept efficient and made great / long lasting products.
I am old enough to remember when US made stoves, washing machines and lawn mowers lasted 25 years. Now they may work for 5 years. Our top-of-the-line, Chinese-made Whirlpool washer has needed a repair man twice in 3 years, while the Chinese-made Kitchen Aid refrigerator door rusted during that same time.
By the way, President Trump comments about his “great and unmatched wisdom” are a typical expression of self-deprecating blue-collar, “Queens humor,” which seems to work very-very-well with deplorable rally goers across the country.
To me, Trump’s tweet regarding Turkey seem like a prank and a subtle stab at HRC , who, after Biden saga might actually run for president next year. So this is like a rehearsal for more stabs that he’s going to need …
Look at the tone of this tweet. I mean, “in my great and unmatched wisdom”.. WTF …This things are only said when you’re in a good and playful mood.
This tweet works wonders in destroying the Empire as we know. A very serious Empire which becomes a joke.
Like intended.
This is a purposeful tweet. Good one.
He really did say “my great and unmatched wisdom”, did he? Are you sure this isn’t parody from one of the fake Trump Twitter accounts?
Are you saying threats to start new wars and all the sanction wars don’t count?
nobel peace prize and reelected?
Don’t be too pessimistic, Trumpuska vs Pocohontas would be a hell of a show for 2020.
A few years ago, we noticed that reality surpassed fictions (like House of cards).
Today their fictional benchmark is no longer Hose of Cards, but ‘Idiocracy’ (Gr8 movie by the way).
I hope, we Euro Minions, will regain our sovereignty, kind of, or at least change overlord and realign with Eurasia
More Duck Soup than House of Cards, I’d say.
It was my fondest hope that Trump would prove the uncontrolled demolition man who brought the Real Evil Empire down, and so he is proving-hooray! But he couldn’t do it without the assistance of the equally insane moral and intellectual delinquents of the ‘Resistance’.
Trump is A G….People who love to eat babys do not like how trump talks…
It’s a toss up whether SNL or Tweets supplies the most ironically humorous stupidities.
Or is it AOC and her “just society” ignorance?
Beware the man on a white horse and doubly what comes after!
PMCs private military, approx 200000 according to Saker regulars, will fill the gap.. EretzIsrael and Co., would not permit a Real withdraw. Turkey has S 400s in place almost. Ineffective against us Israel drones though.
Iran China still unable repair expand pipelines.
No major change..
Too bad and very sad..
PS.. Fantastic VVP67 skywrite over LA
To those that question if this was a parody tweet, no it was not. Please check for yourself.
Here is Mr Trump’s twitter – You can see the blue ‘verified’ checkmark next to his name, i.e., the proper twitter account.
So, you can scroll down and find that specific 2 part tweet around 19 hours ago as of now. (Trump tweets incessantly, so be prepared to scroll down quite a distance).
Or, you can do directly to the 2 part tweet, here:
Those that say it is a joke? So, which part is a joke, the ‘great and unmatched wisdom’, or the threat to completely obliterate and destroy the economy of Turkey, if they dare do something that Mr Trump does not like?
To my way of thinking it is better to accept this as serious, because if he is joking about destroying the economy of other countries, we end of with a type of imbecilic psychopath, and not merely an imbecilic narcissist.
By saying that there are limits in what Turkey will do, Trump signals the military that he has an agreement with Erdogan that the invasion will be limited (to the buffer zone).
The Turks will establish their buffer zone anyway, nothing can stop them from doing so, fighting against Turkey isn’t an option. US military bases are useless when surrounded. Also, it would be a logistical nightmare to supply surrounded bases. But leaving the bases could lead to a backlash inside the military: For them, the Kurds are the friends that helped to crush terrorists, and leaving them alone would be a betrayal.
The tweet makes perfect sense if you put it in the context that is Trump fighting against the CIA. The CIA has the media (operation Mockingbird was never stopped) and most of the politicians (some get their cut from the drugs/weapons/energy deals, others are blackmailed). Only the military can protect him.
The Kurds know that the operation is limited, otherwise they would join Assad’s forces now. They know that they can wait because they will keep the oil fields as bargaining chips.
I read Tom Luongo last column about those tweets.
According to him, those tweets show that Trump is all in a provocative mood, and that the war against “the swamp” is now in the open. No prisoners.
By putting his big and clumsy hands in the Ukraine pot (see also this: https://theduran.com/update-on-the-mh17-case/), Trump has triggered the war against him.
And it looks like he dumped Israel in the process.
It looks like Trump is now alone, nothing to lose. I guess they will get rid of him sooner than later, in a way or another.
Kapimo, Thanks for this link.
I just read it.
Gosh, I think everyone should read this.
But Luongo doesn’t seem to think that Trump is alone (as Kapimo states) with nothing to lose.
Maybe nothing to lose in a sense, but if his base is ponying up on the fundraising side, it sounds like attempts to get rid of Trump via a trial could have major backlash and he is thus not “alone.”
Romney seems to be central to the impeachment drive. Romney *now* represents . . . Utah!!!! ‘Wow!
Does Utah swing that much weight?
As much as Massachusetts, where Romney used to hang out?
But I digress.
Maybe Luongo is dreaming, but what he says makes sense to me.
I can’t believe I am saying this, but at this point I think this is the time to get behind Trump, against the CIA and the rest of the Swamp.
I like the comment that his fundraising is good enough for him to be able to shuck Adelson.
I hope that that is true.
Per Luongo the next 30 days will be crucial.
Plus in this time frame Brexit’s date with fate.
Thank for you reply.
There is much food for thought in Luongo’s text, which complement The Saker analysis of the latest Trump tweets.
Regarding the “Trump is alone” assertion, my understanding was that Trump was helped by some power networks when he got elected, mainly what some call the kosher Nostra (with Netanyahu as figurehead) and maybe some factions in the MIC.
In the past few days, Trump told Zerensky to go and speak to Putin, and told the Saoudis they had to figure out a solution regarding the Yemen-Iran problem they have. The latter is a rebuke to a commitment he took during his campaign, namely to crush Iran.
I think at last, having to accept the limits of his “art of the deal” with Iran, and having to chose between war with Iran or instant US humiliation, he chose peace and instant US humiliation. By doing so, he also rebuked the kosher Nostra that had him elected in the first place for this Iran war. That is why I say that he is now alone (except maybe for a few factions in the army as far I as can perceive it).
But you are right, he isn’t alone as he benefits from some popular support.
Anyway, this is a BIG shift of position from Trump, and at last some hope.
As a resident in USA you are appalled.
As a russian in heavens.
Well guess how the hell should your perfect opposite Ted Snowden be feeling in Moscow right now?
I don’t know and, frankly, I don’t really care.
Our cases are SO different, as are our circumstances
that I really would not make comparisons
The Saker
I hope there are more clowns like Trump so the world’s misery can come to an end sooner than expected.
While I agree with Saker that trump is a “narcissistic imbecile”, it is these sorts the zionazi-nazis want as leader figureheads in their colonies. They are easy to keep under thumb and make for good psywar theater to keep the occupied public occupied with nonsense.
“After all, a narcissistic imbecile who does not start wars is still A LOT better than a narcissistic imbecile who will start them (every Dem except Gabard, again).
Yes, there is a real difference between bad and worse.”
This trump sales point worked in 2016, I hope people wont get suckered again. As Putin said a few years ago, 2015 or 2016, I believe, it doesn’t matter which individual running becomes prez, the u.s. will follow essentially the same policies (paraphrase). And that is what they are doing under trump.
A big deal is made here and elsewhere about trump not starting new wars. This is nonsense it’s part of the zionazi-gay psywar to maintain support for trump and the israeli likud extremism he is tasked to sell. The trump regime has not started in new wars, but have maintained and greatly expanded existing ones. The way the regime has expanded some of these wars is essentially causing a similar level of destruction to the victims as a military campaign.
How many times did the obama regime bomb Syria? How many times has the trump regime bombed Syria? The so-called Syria pull out being hyped now is merely the american moving a few dozen troops a few km south of the Syrian-Turk border. This withdrawal is not trump’s initiative, he was told by Turkey, either help us move your Kurd proxy army away from our border, or gtf out of the way. The trump regime has literally no option but to comply. I’ll explain that further down.
The other ongoing israeloamerican wars, some examples:
Iran, obviously greatly expanded. Russia, obviously greatly expanded. China, obviously greatly expanded. Venezuela, obviously greatly expanded. Yemen, obviously greatly expanded. Cuba, obviously greatly expanded. DPRK, obviously greatly expanded.
Others, such ukraine, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina, Greece and many others have at the least seen israeloamerican (zpc/nwo) aggression maintained at previous levels, not reduced, and likely have been further hit by covert actions and planning which has not reached the public domain yet.
So why didn’t trump send in the troops, 2003 style, yet? Because he can’t, not because the regime doesn’t want to. The u.s./nato military is already stretched close to the max, they are physically unable to conduct the sort of wars the bush and clinton regimes ran in 1991, 1998, 2001 and 2003. This has been extensively discussed here ( by Saker and many others) and at many other sites.
It has to do with the u.s. revamping their military into an overstuffed police force, potential adversaries catching up and surpasssing in tech and performance and victims learning how to counter american (and israeli) military actions much more effectively. If israeloamerica/nato were to try another major war like 2003 Iraq now, it would either lose or see casualties at an unacceptable level.
Another powerful reason trump has not been able to go beyond hybrid/covert war is public sentiment wont support it and the zionazis know it.
Now these limitations that apply to israel’s trump regime also apply to any other american regime, republican or democrat. The war mongering rhetoric from the othe repugs and the dems is not something they could physically back up now, or could in 2016, either. This posturing should be looked at the same way trump’s phoney antiwar rhetoric now is. It is psywar/election noise to make propaganda points and sucker potential voters.
It’s time to bury the lesser of 2 evil nonsense once and for all and work towards actual improvements in the political scene. Chasing our tails over which polished colonial turd has a better shine doesn’t cut it any more.
You demonstrate that the US foreign policy didn’t change and continued as per Clinton/Bush/Obama during Trump times. And that the only thing that changed is that full open conflict being impossible with the NATO present capabilities and also due to public feelings, the nature of the conflicts is now hybrid/covert.
And finally, Trump would be a zionazi puppet that executes psy-op as per the zionazi schedule, in order to be re-elected.
You imply that there are no 2 evils, but only one.
I have a few questions then:
Was RussiGate a psy-op?
Is the impeachment procedure against Trump a psy-op?
Is the defeat in Ukraine a psy-op?
Is the defeat in Venezuela a psy-op?
Is the defeat in Syria a psy-op?
Is the defeat in Afghanistan a psy-op?
Is the defeat against Yemen a psy-op?
Is the incoming crumbling of KSA a psy-op?
Is the Rojava incoming crumbling a psy-op?
And is the incoming zio-nazi defeat a psy-op?
While your summary of my comment shows a reasonable level of comprehension, your questions are silly and simply a lame attempt at trolling.
sir: you can take the russian out of mother russia but you can;t take mothter russia out of the russky
It is amazing that Trump can turn an overall good move (dis-engagement from middle east) into such controversy with his threat, arrogance, irresponsibility and ignorance.
Simply priceless (or hopeless?)
Keeps him in the media so he can rail against the media so he can keep himself in the media. circle .. jerk.
I don’t think you realize how invested the empire is in making a proxy country out of the kurds.
Trumps’s never been poetic. Neither is any politician or business man I can think of. He was made to say something like this, to this effect. He said it as he knew how.
The destruction of the country and the people, in particular those in the agrarian belt is the point, dear sir. This is the heart of Christianity. Anglo-Zionist is a ruse. Zio-Masonic is a much better option. The weather is weaponized and the price of commodities is controlled setting the stage for the agricultural elite to grab all the land, after the small to medium size local farmers fail to make payments upon the massive debts. The midwest is being flooded by Somolians, inner city blacks, and illegal Hispanics all of whom are perfectly willing to perform tasks for less, or in the case of the former examples, parasitism of the social welfare system. Moreover the GMO-vegan-bug-baby eating agenda is in full swing. Oddly, and perhaps I am not well enough read, the occult societies are rarely ever mentioned on this site. The goal is fairly obvious. Full spectrum domination and population reduction. The emergence of Atlantis (assorted brown mud race) from the ashes of Ameruca tis’ written in the tomes of the Masons.
The occult societies are frequently mentioned on this site – excepting, we actually know the core of that and we know who the battle is against – we call them by their real name, powers and principalities.
But what we do not do, is to call others an assorted brown mud race. This kind talk right out of the white supremacy books may be fine for you, but I just wanted to say it revolts me.
See, we also know a concept such as God’s children.
Oh please, keep your posturing. The anti-white shrieking and radicalization of assorted non-whites (christian or otherwise) is a cacophony, but I should accept the violence imposed upon my people so that you may avoid emotional discomfort. Please. And, by the way, the reference to mud brown race was an allusion to what is in the literature referenced, not a direct labeling of any current people. You should probably read more thoroughly prior to directing non-nonsensical attacks at someone about whom you know nothing, you know, since you seem keen to press that point upon others.
Amarynth, look up Julius Evola, then compare him to Christ, and it will tell you all you need about a character who chose an alias like “Jesus Evola”. If that is a Christian, than we are both birds soaring high the the clouds above Jupiter ;-)
On substance, of course, you are 100% right.
Donald Trump is a narcissistic sociopath who is increasingly unhinged from reality with his messianic delusions of grandeur.
And it’s not Politically Correct to admit this but … Trump is therefore the *perfect* ruler for the American Empire, as he embodies these true sociopathic “core values” of the USA in more naked and chauvinistic form.
Donald Trump personifies America’s psychopathic national character (aka American Exceptionalism) on steroids!
To me, this odd line of his “great and unmatched wisdom” sounds very much like a biblical reference.
Trump specifies his red line for Turkey in Syria by comparing himself to King Solomon:
1 Kings 4:
“24 For he ruled over all the kingdoms west of the Euphrates River, from Tiphsah to Gaza, and had peace on all sides.”
I think a lot of people missed the “leak” in that Trump message,where he says “I’ve done before”. A few months ago Turkey’s currency and economy took a nosedive while Turkey was defying the US. There was talk then that the US was secretly behind that.But the US denied it as just lies.Now Trump just outed the truth with his “I’ve done before” quote.The truth is now out,and the US denial shown to be just one more US lie.
Trump and his globalist handlers are reigniting the war in the Middle East. 1. Objective is to retake Iraq as its leader has put a measure of stability back into the nation. 2. Objective is to release the ISIS terrorist captured by the Kurd “Freedom Fighters” with the help of USA air coverage and arms. The release of ISIS will be two fold: a. To strike Iraq and redestabilize it. b. To bring USA Troops back into Syria to execute the wider war conceptionalized by Dick Cheney the Fascist, Neoconservatives and the Western Bankers and their extreme elite European Fascist/Malthusian/GreenNew Deal Oligarchs. 2. 3,000 American Troops are headed to Saudi Arabia. Why? I believe the primary goal of destabilizing Syria and Iraq is to take out all of Iran’s future capacity to lead the Middle East. Turkey is no better than an ISIS barabaric nation with a glorified quest of reviving the Ottoman Empire. It will not happen. Turkey and ISIS terrorist are the same tools used by the CIA etc. to destabilize the Middle East. When they are no longer needed, they will be eliminated. 3. A Fascist Malthusian war is being waged by all of the major world leaders toward a Zero Days Earth. Globalist Washington and its satttelites are mere puppets to that End — Final Solution — The Holocaust of Mankind from the face of the earth. The New World Order is just a stopping point to that End. Saker, you need to view Putin and Trump from this perspective. (Somewhere in this time line Russia and China will attack tooth Washington and London with nuclear weapons. Why? You see the reemergence of the Roman Empire as Macron has said that an EU army was needed. From this reemerging revived Roman Empire, since the US/Anglo power has been eliminated, A new Hitler figure will come offering his deceptive protection to Isreal. It will be accepted since USA’s power is gone. That is the real prize of the Middle East.