Dear friends,
Since some of you have requested it, here is the YouTube upload of the 2nd Saker Podcast. By the way, there are a couple of instances (4 I think?) of a kind of echo in the latter part of the podcast. This is already the case in the original audio track and I am not sure whether my microphone (Zoom H2n) or my software (Audacity) is to blame. Sorry about that and I will try to fix this problem before the next podcast.
Kind regards,
The Saker
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I don’t really tune in for long discussion on language. Come clean on your slanders against hero and patriot Colonel Igor Ivanovich Strelkov, who helped save NovoRussia
Of topic question but wondering if you could tell me if you see any significants in the Gazprom acquisition exchange. In which it gets control of WINGAS, WIEE and WIEH. I interested in your thoughts in general and in terms of its effect on south stream. Also what is your view on south streams likely hood of success.
Im sorry Saker but I really dont understand the second name you say at 1:16:30. Vladimir Putin of course and the other one?
And thank you for this Podcast really great work. The biggest thing I ask myself is if Novorossia will get bigger with Odessa, Charkiw, Nokolayev, Saporoschje,…like Mozgowoj said some time again, and then get like an federalisation in an new country. I also doubt that Ukraina will remain with this name (it’s like you know from polish descent) and also the flag, the symbol is Khazarian descent and former Khazar territory. Maybe thats also an factor for this whole conflict. But I doubt that Galicia will remain with this new country, nobody wants them and they want Evropa :D
It would, no matter how you look at it, be a shame if Kyiw wouldnt be a part of the russian world, even if it isnt like the “start” of Rus, but the Orthodox. ALso I would like to now whats the business with the coal in Ukraine? Will Russia really seel it?
I really like the utube format for your talks, very nice.
What a wonderful thing it would be if the world Saker community came together at some place. There we could meet all meet, all wonderful commentators on this blog and share conversations, (Wherewolf where are you, American Kulak and etc?) All hosted by the Saker of course, and in different languages, who would of course present lectures along with many others.
Maybe even Putin could drop by, and Strelkov too, just for the ruffling of feathers, colour and intrigue.. The internet is nice but face to face conversation is so much better.
Serbian is not full of Turkish words, as a matter of fact there are only few of them, those that found way to many other European langguages ( kiosk or tschai comes to mind). There was hardly any mixing with Turks, even Serbian converts never spoke nor understood Turkish. Influx of Turkish words in Bosnia is very recent and has to do with engineering of the “Bosnian nation” ( established by the communists in order to weaken administrativelly and politically Serbs).
Serbian girl
[from Blue]
Was it Dmitry Rogozin you said you liked?
Soundcloud was 66KB, and GOM wouldn’t play it — I don’t know what codec it is missing — but I couldn’t get UM Player, which normally works with most everything, to do it either (every time I hit ‘play’ it reloaded the fonts again, which is a strange thing with UM likes to do for reasons I don’t understand).
Mediafire was 53.6 KB, and was OK with GOM.
Youtube was 320.4KB — much larger (maybe because of series of still photos?), and of course longer to download and takes more disk storage.
I noticed that ‘echo’ thing seemed to also switch left and right channels.
Good listening in any case.
The economic structures mess up many countries, and the world in general, and now have little to do with tangible wealth, production or living standards.
Thoroughly enjoyed it Saker. Thanks. Welcome to my world.
interesting iran version of that British East India Trading Company flag there–stars replaced with death skulls, likely inferring members of the Skull & Bones 322 club.
Iranian version of U.S. drone captured in 2011 already flying
Voltaire Network | 18 November 2014
A senior US arms control official announced that the NATO ballistic missile defense system is aimed at defending US allies against a limited number of ballistic missile strikes from rogue groups or states such as Iran and North Korea and not targeted at Russia.
Good world globe view this pdf boeing 2009 (like they’re not planning to milk this for B$$$) shows arc of range across globe
they use acronym GMD, same as GBI.
SASCHA; The name you didn’t get was Hasan Nasrallah. Saker very recently printed a long speech of his.
BLUE: Yes, it was Dmitry Rogozin he said wd be his preference as a Putin successor.
Anonymous said…
“A senior US arms control official announced that the NATO ballistic missile defense system is aimed at defending US allies against a limited number of ballistic missile strikes from rogue groups or states such as Iran and North Korea and not targeted at Russia.”
Anonymous, they’ve been saying this for years. Somewhere there’s a clip where an interviewer repeats this to Putin & he laughs out loud.
Here it is where Putin laughs to smithereens the idea that the anti-missile shield is for protection against Iran.
Here’s a rough list of topics addressed and time markers for Saker Podcast #2 on YouTube.
Perhaps useful to those with limited time to listen or wanting to find their way back to a topic to re-listen.
Ukrainian language
Forecast re US power in 20-30 years
Civil rights, freedom of expression & security services of USSR and Russia compared
(and Putin wasn’t actually in the KGB at 26.30)
French weapons mfg, delivery or non-delivery of Mistral class ship, And Russia’s S-300 systems to Iran & Syria
– 32.30
Israel’s future as a nation; Zionist Ideology
– 38.05
Russia’s military capabilities – depends on scenario or mission
– 41.55
Territories outside Russia having Russian minorities/former territories of the USSR
Religion and church organizations of Ukraine & Russia in relation to countries’ cultures
Peter (“the Great”) in history-Russian empire-Roots of Russian culture
[Minor audio problem with l-r channels begins happening sporadically around 54.00, but doesn’t interfere significantly with understanding what’s being said.]
US aims in its war against Serbia
The Saker websites – cooperation, autonomy, diversity, what they have in common
– 1:03:35
Will Novorossiya be adsorbed into the Russian Federation? Long term, short term Novorossiya and Ukraine
Ethnic cleansing
Ukraine as a financial burden to Russia
– 1:11:30
Recent activity of Russia’s planes and ships worldwide – Why?
– 1:13:55
The 1999 apartment bombing – false flag?
– 1:15:45
Successor to Putin
– 1:21:50
Russia’s capability to withstand sanctions
Russia’s need for internal reforms
– 1:24:47
(?) Demonstrations in Russia
– 1:25:30
Good French translation of “Gulag” by A.S.
– 1:26:15
(?) Serbs-Albanians – independence
– End
Once again very informative, thank you.
I was married to a non-U.S. born Ukrainian for a number of years.
Having thus been involved in her family/community, I was struck by the cultural differences; they were significant.
To what extent do you think this is part of the U.S.’s disconnect?
I’m an expat in S.E. Asia now and after 11+ years I consider cultural differences to be a large part of the U.S.’s problem in the world at large.
What do you think?
As for Ukrainian language having “Polish flavour”. That’s normal. Slavic languages form what I call language continuum. Ukrainian language, as most languages is composed of dialects. Literary standard is just political construct. Usually it is based on one of the dialects chosen as a new standard.
Dialects between Slavic countries fluently blend over the political borders. That is dialect spoken on one side of the border is the same or nearly identical to that spoken on the other side of the border. Yet they belong to different languages by classification.
That’s because all Slavic languages originate in the same language which was according to linguists still spoken in 10th ct. It was only after this date that different Slavic languages started to branch out. Again, according to linguists and their classification because there is no way to tell if language in the given region is only dialect or it is already independent national language other than setting some arbitrary rule. All Slavic languages started as a dialects of common Slavic language.
Therefore Ukrainian language having “Polish feel” is natural. Moreover looking from the opposite direction, for Poles, Ukrainian language have “Russian feel”.
The same is valid inside Ukraine. Dialects spoken in the East will be close to Russian language, those in the North to Belarusian and those in the West to Polish and Slovak.
You can find clear language borders in Slavic countries only where they neighbour non Slavic people like Romanians or Hungarians.
You are wrong about the vietnam war. It was not “lost”. That is crucial to understand for a foreign policy analyst/critic. The destruction of the country was acheived and that was the main goal
for “the hidden fist”. To quell a “communist” example that could (sic!) “spread as a virus to other countrys and “destabilize” them.
Great pod though.
From fortruss.blogspot:
The Western economic establishment can see and understand the essence of the situation. Leading Western economists are certainly aware of the severity of the predicament and hopelessness of the situation the Western world finds itself in, in Putin’s economic gold trap. After all, since the Bretton Woods agreements, we all know the Golden rule: “Who has more gold sets the rules.” But everyone in the West is silent about it. Silent because no one knows now how to get out of this situation.
If you explain to the Western public all the details of the looming economic disaster, the public will ask the supporters of a petrodollar world the most terrible questions, which will sound like this:
– How long will the West be able to buy oil and gas from Russia in exchange for physical gold?
And what will happen to the US petrodollar after the West runs out of physical gold to pay for Russian oil, gas and uranium, as well as to pay for Chinese goods
From fortruss.blogspot:
The Western economic establishment can see and understand the essence of the situation. Leading Western economists are certainly aware of the severity of the predicament and hopelessness of the situation the Western world finds itself in, in Putin’s economic gold trap. After all, since the Bretton Woods agreements, we all know the Golden rule: “Who has more gold sets the rules.” But everyone in the West is silent about it. Silent because no one knows now how to get out of this situation.
If you explain to the Western public all the details of the looming economic disaster, the public will ask the supporters of a petrodollar world the most terrible questions, which will sound like this:
– How long will the West be able to buy oil and gas from Russia in exchange for physical gold?
And what will happen to the US petrodollar after the West runs out of physical gold to pay for Russian oil, gas and uranium, as well as to pay for Chinese goods
For every empire there comes a time for humbling. And for USA that is our time,the time we live in.
I think this is the word to describe the process of transformation from empire to normal country you were looking for.
Staying humble is another topic entirely.
Truly enjoyable experience,keep them coming. They feel like having a drink with a friend.
Ukrainian language is essentially Russiann,with many local words, plus Tatar (Turkish), and Polish loanwords in its vocabulary.
Re: The FortRuss blogspot:
US policy of short-selling gold to support the dollar has been going on for a long while and many countries are taking advantage of the bargain price on gold to stock up. Putin was in no way the author of this US policy. I’m sorry, but it’s ridiculous to call it “Putin’s Gold Trap”.
maybe Putin didn’t plan this but he certainly is taking advantage of the situation.
selling oil and gas for dollars and immediately buying PHYSICAL GOLD,
Russia bought 55 tons this quarter out of 96 tons sold/bought worldwide. a significant portion wouldn’t you say?
I read the whole article which includes China’s actions/non actions in announcing they are not going to buy gold but convert dollars to other assets and currencies and not buy any more US TREASURY BONDS.
wall – writing – dollar demise.
BRICS are taking not of China/Russia moves too.
What do you think the BRICS bank was all about?
Dear Saker,
Thank you for answering your readers’ questions. Enjoyed it very much. (It’s great to know that there’s another person who doesn’t see Peter the Great as great.)
I also agree with you about Rogozin. I like him a lot and would like to see him as president when V.V. Putin leaves. I certainly hope that V.V.P. and his team are seriously thinking about succession.
I have a question. I think that Russians in general dislike to meddle into other people’s (country’s) affairs, or to impose their opinions/defend their positions (well, the USSR period was different, but how Russian was it, anyway?). We just have this idea that everyone has his or her own truth and if you disagree, that’s your problem I’m not going to do anything about that. In the past year a lot of people have been blaming Russians for not being more active in their foreign politics (no NGOs to promote Russian values in the Ukraine, for instance, as the west does). The question is, should we change ourselves and become as aggressive as the US and the EU are in promoting ourselves abroad? Can we do it in reality? Thank you!
I enjoyed the Podcast immensely,thank you Saker.
Uncle Bob
the proper term is ¨dialect¨ as you assume …. here at Hellas we use the term because it’s a reality …. we have five or six ¨ΔΙΑΛΕΚΤΟΥΣ¨ – ¨DIALECTs¨, they are all according the core language but slightly different in pronunciation …. i really like your blog …