Dear friends,
First, my most heartfelt gratitude to all of you
Today, I want to begin by thanking you all for your donations (be they in the form of money, expressions of support, or prayers. I am immensely grateful for your financial help which came in many forms, from PayPal to checks, and even with Amazon cards. I wish I could thank you all personally, you sure deserve it, but physically I don’t the time to do that, not even for those of you who have been most generous. Besides, I don’t want to have a one policy towards those who donated a little, and another one towards those who donated a lot because I know that most of you have very limited means and because in the end, even an email with just a few kind words can do more than any sum of money.
There might be some of you who are disappointed that I did not acknowledge their support or express my gratitude personally and they might note that other blogs do that. Please keep in mind that the Saker Blog is pretty much a one man show with limited means, whereas other blogs typically have a major sponsor and several people working on the blog.
So all I can do is thank you here, which I do from the bottom of my heart!
Next, I want to update you on how the blog is doing.
“State of the blog report” – the good news
I think that the blog is doing absolutely great, better than my wildest expectations in fact. I attribute that to three key factors:
- A truly world-class “GUEST ANALYSES” section
- The excellent job done by the moderators
- The excellent job done by the Saker Community translators
Let’s look at each one.
First, try to make a list of all the guest contributions this blog enjoys, note the topics and where the contributors are from, and you will see why I am so proud of the “GUEST ANALYSES” section. Frankly, I consider my contributors to be the most precious treasure of this blog and I can only thank God for having directed such interesting people to my blog. While a minority of obtuse visitors like to get angry and wonder “how could you post this?!” because they don’t like the fact that this blog does not have “ideological purity” and posts a host of different point of views, I think that most readers very much appreciate this true diversity (minus a few, select, ideologies such as Nazi, Zionist or Latin/Papist articles). I sure learn a lot every day from these amazing contributions and I am most grateful to each of these authors who, in spite of not being professionals (with a few exceptions), manage to provide a type of information and viewpoint rarely found in “ideologically pure” media outlets.
Next, I want to repeat again and again: without our moderators I would have no other option than to completely shut down the comments section. Not only do I most emphatically NOT have the time to moderate myself, I also believe that this blog has come under a sustained attack by trolls, paid or not. I will write more about that below, because that is a very important issue which will only get worse with time.
Finally, I want to express my deepest thanks to our tiny group of translators initially 3, now mostly only 2 people! Not only are their translations superb, I also know that all my translators are not exactly swimming in free time or money and yet, they keep producing superb translations day after day after day. This staying power is what is the hardest in our struggle, and yet they keep up their work. They are SO dedicated to their job, that they don’t even wait for me to ask for help – they spontaneously suggest documents for translation. Let me tell you, if these guys were working for a government or a corporation, they would get either a medal, or a pay raise, or something else to acknowledge their superb work. All I can do is to thank them and also convey the following to all of you, especially the Russian speakers:
Translating Russian documents, articles and videos from Russian into English is still one of the most important things we can do to prevent a war and to help Europe and the USA free themselves from their current occupation (Europe by the USA, the USA by Israel). I KNOW there are A LOT of Russian speakers reading this blog and I assume that a few of them would have the time to help with translations, even if it is just one hour per week. So here is my appeal: if you speak Russian, PLEASE contact my Director of Research, Scott, at to see how you can help not only us, but Russia, Europe and even the US!
That is not to say that we don’t face difficulties. So let’s look at them next.
“State of the blog report” – the not so good news
First, the US deep state has been very active in suppressing pro-Russian blogs, and mine is no exception. Since YouTube is not crucial to my work, and since I don’t monetize the blog in any way and since we pay top dollar to host our servers away from where they could be simply disconnected (sorry, can’t go into details), the Saker blog was probably hit less hard than others. Still, it is pretty clear that US search engines have pushed the Saker blog way down from where it used to be and that has resulted in fewer new readers than before. No biggie, really, as I truly don’t care about quantity but only about the quality of the audience we reach. Yet, in spite of all that, our readership is pretty constant, fluctuating most depending on the international situation: more in times of crises, less in times of relative peace. All in all, this issue is not a worry for me.
Second, much more worrisome to me is the very steady increase in the efforts of trolls to sabotage the comments section. Here is a sample of the kind of methods I have observed them doing:
- Hijacking the comments section by posting off-topic (and typically inflammatory) comments.
- Saturating the comments sections with a tsunami of comments.
- Creating “straw-man” arguments and then attacking them. Typically, such troll comments begin with “in other words what you are saying” or something similar: thus, the true meaning of the posted article is obfuscated.
- They like to write stuff like “Saker, this is unbearable, get an editor” or “that article is machine translated and not real English” to try to discourage a new guest contributor. They apparently don’t care that in my submission guidelines it is clearly stated that “please do not worry too much about your knowledge of the English language. English is my 3rd or 4th language (out of six) and I make tons of mistakes: grammar, typos, verb coordination, etc. Contents are far more important than form, so worry first about contents and second about form. After all, this blog is about ideas, not language. Try to make your text clear and understandable, but don’t try to sound like Shakespeare (it won’t work anyway)“. All I have to say to these pretend well-wishers is this: if you want to help, help by offering your help with editing (so far, only 1, clearly sincere, person has done so). And, just to be sure, let me explain that being an editor for a blog like the Saker blog is hard because 1) the turnover time must be very short (we are mostly event driven and time is critical) and 2) editing without corrupting the original meaning is hard, especially if you do not know the mother tongue of the author (and I strongly suspect that those who bitch about “poor English” speak only one language, hence their need to pontificate about this). Finally and crucially, please keep in mind that the author’s English is probably A LOT better than your knowledge of his/her mother-tongue! Show a little understanding and humility and remember that the expertise these authors share with you, is something you get FOR FREE. If that is not good enough for you, get a refund! :-P
- Last, but most certainly not least, most trolls love to engage in ugly ad hominems and generally nasty comments. I think of it as their “signature” of sorts. But some are very smart and avoid that. We still know who they are, trust me!
Herb, my wonderful friend, CTO, IT guru and head of moderation and I already have a long list of names/aliases and IP numbers which we have banned and I can tell you that if not for that concerted effort at pushing trolls away the comment section would go to hell almost instantly.
So, here is my second appeal:
Friends, we ALWAYS need more moderators. Always. Ideally, we would want to have moderators available 24/7 365 days a year, but this is very hard to achieve, if only because that often means finding people living in very different time zones. So, again, if you can, PLEASE contact Herb at and see with him if you can help. Again, even if only for a few hours per week!
I will be honest with you: moderation is a thankless job because you hardly ever get a thank-you and you always will be the first one blamed if a comment is not posted soon enough or if you dare to actually enforce the moderation rules. Yet, thankless as it is, it is an ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL position.
[Sidebar: while assorted trolls, imbeciles and other low-IQ folks constantly whine about the Saker blog being “censored”, I can tell you that a lot of key supporters of our community have expressed to me their admiration for how the comments section is moderated. I can’t tell you how often I heard the comment “your comment section is the best, high-quality comments section on the Internet” but it is A LOT. I will say that I fully agree with this opinion and I am aware that the credit for that goes ENTIRELY to Herb and his team].
Next, a few interesting and potentially important questions to you:
There are a number of ideas floating among some of the core-members of the Saker community (about 20 people or so) and myself which I want to share with you and get your feedback. Here they are in no specific order:
Podcasts: I have not recorded a podcast in eons; do you miss them? Do you want me to resume them? If I do, they will have to be shorter, on one specific topic. Q&As are also an excellent option and is the one I would prefer.
Articles on Patristic Christianity aka True Orthodoxy: from time to time I leave the realm of this secular world and like to go into spiritual issues. Is that interesting for you? Would you want me to either post good texts on this topic I find elsewhere, or I could, from time to time, write such a text myself. Is that a good idea?
Articles on other religions: I have always had a passion for comparative theology. Over the years, this has turned to a real passion for Dvaita Vedanta and Islam. While I myself will always remain a traditionalist Orthodox Christian, I do not find the study and understanding of other religions impious in the least. In fact, I submit that ignorance is NEVER pious in any way, shape or form. Hating other religions does not make you better, it only makes you more ignorant. Oh I know, there will always be those who will accuse me of apostasy as soon as I dare write something they either disagree with or, more often, don’t understand. Tough luck! After all, there is a very good reason why I wrote in the submission guidelines that “Please assume that the target audience has a graduate-level college education or equivalent. I am fairly sure that most of my readers are over 40 years old, most of them are well read and well-traveled“. If you realize that the articles posted here are “above your pay grade” (as they say in the USA), then I suggest you stop commenting and expressing your frustration with your inability to “get it”.
Anyway, would the rest of you be interested in more articles about comparative theology?
I happen to think that far from being “dead” – religion might well become a crucial factor in this new 21st century and that intelligently (not using sources likes “Jihad Watch” for example) discussing them would be a great asset for this blog. But your opinion is the one which will decide that (I can still do that on my own, so-called “free” time).
Please keep in mind that if you convince me to try out any of the ideas above, that would give me even less time to do what I already do now. Unless I suddenly get a generous sponsor, I have to keep my full-time and day-time job and all my work for the blog will be done on my so-called “free time”.
My initial thought was to post a poll in the comments section, but they decided that I should be convinced by the quality of comment rather than by any quantitative measure. So no poll. Just this question:
What I do ask you is to tell me in the comment section whether any of these ideas are of interest to you and, if yes, why?
Next, my dire warning:
A look into 2021 – brace for impact as a perfect storm is forming on the 2020 horizon
My friends, I am sorry to say that I think the next year will probably be a perfect storm! I have explained in many articles why I think that, so I will just summarize it all here:
- In the USA the next Presidential election will most likely be a disaster. The Dems are dead set to use any and all lies and tricks to try to remove Trump, while the GOP hopes that by selling out to Israel it will remain in power.
- The US is tanking on so many levels that I will only mention a few crucial ones: politically, socially, economically and militarily. The Trump-disaster has shown beyond doubt that this is not about personalities or who gets to sit in the White House. It is about a system which is profoundly 1) corrupt 2) dysfunctional and 3) unreformable. From now on it’s all “down” for the USA. I love this country and many of its people (even while I hate its ruling elites) and I take no pleasure is observing this. In fact, I would argue that folks like myself and many, many others (I think of Dmitry Orlov, Ron Unz or Andrei Martyanov) have truly done all we can to avoid that outcome, but we were too few and too isolated. Now it is too late.
- The EU is in absolutely TERRIBLE shape. Frankly, the Europeans deserve a lot of that pain because instead of defending their own national interests, they preferred prostituting themselves to the United States and the AngloZionist Empire. Now the the chickens have come to roost and it hurts. Besides, the EU is just as corrupt, dysfunctional and unreformable as the USA. This will get worse before it gets better.
The bottom line is simple: the Empire is dying and this puts the entire planet at risk of war. Why? Because war is typically what myopic, ignorant and messianic leaders like to use as a way out from a crisis.
Do not worry too much about Russia: she is fine ready for everything and anything the Empire might throw at her. She is ready politically, economically and, most crucially, militarily. It is now becoming obvious to me that the hyper-cautious, some would say “flaccid”, policies of Putin towards the endless stream of sanctions and provocations by the West has given Russia the time she needed to prepare for every contingency, including full scale nuclear war. Russia made it there now, and she is so far ahead that no amount of promises of miracle weapons systems will allow the West to catch up for, AT LEAST, a full decade.
This is a comical way to express this new reality:

Translation: we are waiting for your nuclear attack
The above is obviously meant as a joke, but it also expresses a huge sense of self-confidence by the Russians. And whether you appreciate the humor or not, it is also an expression of a profound change in the dynamic of international relations.
The US leaders probably understand that, but they still might harbor illusions about some small and triumphant war against, say, the DPRK, Iran or Venezuela (especially since the latter, unlike Russia, cannot strike the US mainland directly).
The “show” is also over for the puppet President in the Ukraine and for his neo-Nazi masters (see here for a discussion).
Latin America is in deep turmoil. Uncle Shmuel has successfully ousted the legitimate leaders of Brazil and Bolivia, and the reaction is felt (I think I even saw a news item saying that the Colombian FARC will resume their armed struggle – don’t take this to the bank, but my feeling is that this might be true).
As for Africa, Central Asia and the Indian subcontinent – they are all under various degrees of crises.
The bottom line is this:
I believe that next year a major political crisis in the USA is inevitable. Furthermore, both Europe and the Ukraine are on the brink of major political and economic problems. And, finally, there is, in my opinion, a real possibility for a large scale war involving the USA and Israel: a war they will inevitably lose, thus creating a huge risk of nuclear strikes (at least in the Middle East).
What does that mean for us?
Well, first I strongly suggest that you prepare for a major crisis. Make sure that most of your money is not in any bank (get small silver or gold coins; ammunition and medicines will also become currencies if things get really ugly), prepare emergency food rations. Stock up on weapons (handguns and/or rifles) and the needed ammo if you can. If possibly, try to locate/organize some place you can go and remain for a month or so (no less!). The worst places to be in case of a severe crisis are 1) big cities 2) isolated rural cabins/homes. I know that some survivalists advocate the “bug out” option, but in reality, unless you are in a group and well-armed, I consider this a dangerous option. The safest place is to be in a community, preferably a small town, where you have friends and you know and trust your neighbors. If you do not live in our native country, be ready to evacuate to safety on very short notice.
Second, assuming that we don’t have a full-scale war or major social violence, prepare for economic hardship: even if you keep your job, your income will likely go down. If you are self-employed, make sure to stock on whatever goods you need to provide your services. If you work for somebody else, prepare a “plan B” in case you get laid-off.
I am not an economist, so take that with this caveat in mind, but all my contacts in venture capital firms and traders all tell me that the US and EU economy are so enmeshed that if one collapses, so will the other. Some say that if either the Euro or the Dollar drop in value, the other one would become a reserve currency. That might be true if the fluctuations come from speculative moves, but if the entire economy crashes or some major disaster happens, then I would not trust the stability of any currency (though the Swiss Franc might do way better than the Euro).
Last, but not least, while we cannot prevent what must happen from happening, it is still our moral obligation to try as hard as we can. To me this means that I got to keep this blog going. Oh no, not because I have any illusions that this might change anything, but simply because, as Roger Waters sang, “each small candle lights a corner of the dark” and because each of us has to at least strive to be that “small candle”.
God willing, things look worse than they really are and, by the prayers of the Holy Theotokos, we will all survive the next year without any major cataclysm. But, as they say in the USA – “prepare for the worst, hope for the best, and settle for anything in the middle“.
No matter how small our role is, we have to try to play our part with dignity and courage!
In spite of all of the above, I sincerely wish you a very happy new year (that is, if you celebrate it on Dec 31) and all the best for the next year. God willing in December of 2021 we will look back on the year passed, enjoy a big sigh of relief, and thank God for His protection!
Kind regards, hugs and cheers!
The Saker
Thank you for the blog Saker. I think a weekly podcast would be a great idea. I appreciated the interview by the Solari Report by the way.
Thank you Saker for your supreme effort in providing and operating this blog. Of course the same to all your helpers.
Why don’t you consider the Duran’s format show? It seems to work for them.
Is Israel now a colony of China?
Israel seems to think so.
Saker say’s “USA controls EU”, “Israel controls USA”, but according to latest Israel news, that China control Israel
I think a better way to word this is that Chinese Jews (Xian, … all over China) have influence China&Israel.
There are Owners, white collars, and blue-collars. In this case the white&blue collars don’t even see the owners, they don’t even know who they are.
Podcasts YES!
Orthodoxy YES! It’s one reason the Anglo-American-Zionist-Khazarians hate Russia. So we should understand the religion better.
Comparative Religion Why Not? The essence of the Vineyard is the exploration of Civilizations, and the future, if we have one, will be the end of Western Civilization and the dynamic interaction of the Eurasian Civilizations.
Personally, I think humanity will be saved by Putin and the sacrifices of the Russian People. His wisdom seems to be the reason all relevant leaders trek to Moscow or Sochi to talk with him. Certainly, he is what President Xi is attracted to in their strategic partnership of coordination for the New Era.
So your efforts, Saker, are vital in the Info Wars. The Saker Blog is a resource and a safe publishing site for many analysts and thinkers whose articles often are on vital topics and who offer insights and facts necessary to support the education and nurturing of people around the globe. Truth and sunlight is the antidote for suppression and mendacity spewed by the MSM, academia and officialdom.
This International Community of Commenters is always in flux, but a constant is a high level of thought, regardless of from what nation the comment is posted, or of what age the commenter may be. The Saker Blog sets the pace and carries the standard. Keep it going.
Oddly enough, I fully endorse the comparative theology aspect that you are talking about. Being a musician I always explore the music of the peoples of the world the empire seeks to destroy. I find most of it to be a thing of devastating beauty. Were more people aware of the theology, the mythology, customs and music of those who we seek to destroy, I think there would be a lot less public support (as if there really were any… get the headlines on the way home for work to be apprised of what evil your tax dollars are supporting, even if you work three jobs and live in a tent under the freeway) if they knew who they were committing genocide upon. One uniting factor of our adventurist wars is that they are all tribalist peoples. First the american indians……….and now the world. There is a reason Hitler built his final solution around america’s treatment of the actual occupants of the land.
I was thinking of this aspect of zionazi empire trying their best to destroy as much culture as possible in their target victims (i.e. Syria and what they did to Palmyra)
I think the same way Hollywood and other BS anglosheep propaganda tries their best to create conflicts, fear, fragmented culture and fragmented self – the military of the modern day MORDOR (USSA and it’s slave UK) tries to wipe out record of historic greatness, so to disorient their victims.
Similar to the way marketing works – it’s there mostly to install fear and dissatisfaction, especially with self (according to a very interesting book on the subject of marketing I read : Brandwashed).
This is probably a trick from their psychopathic handbook of exploitation and parasitic HIV-style approach to dealing with their victims (the rest of the world).
SO preserving everyone’s culture, monuments, museums buildings and social customs, cohesive rituals etc – is always a good idea.
Anglozionazi psychopaths have no culture and they like their victims disoriented and without any proof of historic superiority (compared to zionazis who have nothing).
Viruses, psychopaths, HIV etc like their victims weak and lost
Exactly. Fomenting a coup in Bolivia and a civil war agsinst the indigenous majority is just so business as usual for the USA.
Dear Saker,
London Paul is more or less saying the same thing as you.
Anyway, I wish you and all a Happy X’mas and Happy New Year.
Hopefully things don’t turn out to be as bad as we think.
Hope dies last, and some of the things I had predicted (such as a war on Iran) did NOT come to pass, by the grace of God!
Right now, the situation reminds me of the hurricanes we have in Florida.
It MIGHT and it is even LIKELY that they will make landfall.
And then, by the mercy of God, they don’t happen.
Hurrican Dorian could, in theory, remained a CAT5 right off the coast of Miami and then it could, in theory, slowly progress along the Florida East coast. This was a very real possibility. And IF that had happened, then hundreds of people would have died, and Florida would have been absolutely devastated.
And then, it never happened.
We had some rain (okay, a lot of rain) and some winds (not very much)
and then hurricane Dorian just left.
This CAN still happen.
My duty to my readers and to the Saker community is to warn everybody, kuz we sure know the corporate media ain’t gonna do it, right?
But maybe a big war will NOT happen. This is still possible.
So our hope makes sense, it is still NOT delusional.
But only if we are aware of the dangers ahead.
But yes, God willing, our poor planet will be spared a major cataclysm.
I sure hope so!
Kind regards
The Saker
Saker, re: hope dies last and the disasters you are predicting,
let’s hope that your dire prediction regarding some catastrophe hitting the US does not come to pass (and my assessment says exactly the opposite: ie it will not occur, there are economic reasons such as the return of capital flows towards the USA, etc. and other unexpected (for me) developments). Your predictions will require the contingencies you recommended: the number of people that would die just from neglecting alone would be huge. Still, your recommendations are valuable and eye opening, some surprising insight that lay persons in survivalist matters like us/me would not consider. BTW does your prediction also include peripheral countries other than the USA, like Canada, UK, Western EU, Australia & NZ?
Regarding your request for feedback: An excellent thing you’re doing, here’s my feedback:
Podcasts: you nailed it! Your proposals are bang on: they should be shorter, single topic, etc. and done more often if possible.
Orthodoxy: Yes because it’s mind blowingly illuminating (I am Hindu/Vedanta) and I consider your postings on this both broadening and deepening of knowledge, at the very least it provides a mini primer on formal theological studies as a western academic discipline, but it also supplies tools on identifying true Christianity (orthodox, a compassionate, eastern, contemplative, non-earthly, spiritual religion from the mind-control/society-control cults masquerading as Christianity in certain sectors of the West – I’m sorry if this might offend some, but it’s the way I see it). In fact, it supplies mental tools to assist in understanding other religions too (I am grateful, and want more)
Other religions: Yes! It helps dispel prejudice and ignorance.
Re: Indian subcontinent
I disagree, that region has become more stable not less: Bangladesh’s economy is booming, the Maldives have thrown a tyrant into prison with an overwhelming mandate from it population for their current government, India is more unified and stable than its ever been in its post colonial history with its economic structures poised for growth and its military power unchallengeable in the region even by China, Nepal is no longer in turmoil, Sri Lanka has just elected a leader that is respected by their population that may carve a path independent of both India and China (which is stabilizing, because a proxy struggle between great powers within Sri lanka is not stabilizing). Only, Pakistan is a basket case, they are near bankruptcy, but ironically even that is stabilizing because that makes it harder for them to ignore China’s advice to abandon terrorism as an instrument of statecraft; their cross border infiltration has definitely taken a dive under combined IMF, Chinese, Iranian and Indian pressure. Iran has not been bombed or attacked (they’re too strong), (Iran, although not part of the Indian subcontinent, is both culturally and physically part of this region as well as the ME). Afghanistan is status quo, they’re stability is neither improving nor deteriorating.
Lately, the moderation of your blog’s comment section has greatly improved, i hope that continues, and I realize that it’s not easy.
Best wishes to all.
Thank YOU Saker for everything YOU do! Your site is a huge flashlight in what is increasingly a dark, dark world.
I would like to read more about religious topics especially about Orthodoxy, Judaism and Free-masonry.
You have given excellent advice for prepping. I agree staying within your community is good advice. My auntie told me that when Belgrade was being bombed, in her little neighbourhood previously completely anonymous citizens organised into teams to go around and make sure everyone was ok and help people get to shelters before nightfall.
I would say food is important but not as important as one would think because if things get really bad you will lose your appetite anyways. Mental “food” is very important in the form of real, accurate and useful information, and also anything that lifts the spirit. This is why I am glad that you intend to keep this site going whatever happens. Let us hope we all have access to electricity and internet in order to read it!
Be well Saker! God bless you!
I read in this great book:
that our bodies can survive and prosper without any food for a very long time (and we actually become more intelligent and stronger – not weak as most people think. That’s how evolution formed us.
I think he said the world record on fasting was about 380 days and the guy had no muscle loss and felt great.
Think of that if there is a war and no food.
For most of my life I always used to buy whatever I wanted (especially food) – and I find that ELIMINATION is actually my favorite and most powerful tool.
TO achieve anything – it’s usually much more effective to eliminate something (i.e. grains or sugar if you wish to lose weight and look better and fitter). Or eliminate toxic people from your life etc . More effective than buying anything.
I find it’s the ultimate expression of ABUNDANCE (most people act in a scarcity-based way – always worrying they will not have enough of something).
The power of Elimination is my favorite discovery and I use it whenever I can
When in doubt, just think what you can eliminate to simplify your life and to make it more focused and effective
Sometimes food is one of these things
Serbian girl
You can survive many days without food, but it is important. You can buy Emergency Food (275 servings for under $100), and it lasts 20+ years. Water is more important – your body closes down after 3- or 4-days due to lack of water. Get yourself several good quality water filters, because if the SHTF then water will become a premium resource. But unpurified or filtered, it can also be deadly.
Unfortunately some of us live in countries where everyone except the criminals is disarmed. But you can always buy bows, hunting arrows, machetes and other self-defense, self-reliance weapons.
There are also many good sites to visit for guidance in the prepper world. My advice would be to source what’s good or useful to you in your circumstances and print it.
Hope this helps.
Dear Mr. Saker,
First, I am apologize for breaking the rule of the blog by using the insult words in my respond to the person name “Odidi ODIDIVA Mfenyana” in my report on Paracel and Spartly islands. I admit that I lost my temper on the people like that when they insult my parents, my grandparents, or other people who just protect my right to share what I think about the island instead just insult and attack only me. I promise I will try to control my temper.
Second, I just don’t understand how can president Evo Morales can let the co’up happen in Bolivia. Doesn’t he has any back plan? Where does the “Christian Nazi” come from? How can the entire (if I correct) can turn 180 degree by attacking their own citizen and protect the fascist?
Finally, if I am an US citizen, I will vote Tulsi Gabbard without any regret. However, what I concern about Gabbard is her bias viewpoint on US military history. I mean I truly don’t what she is going to do if she was elected to become US president? So I truly don’t know or understand Gabbard agenda.
Best Regards,
Unorthodox Black Sheep VN.
Dear friend
NO WORRIES! Rules are here for a greater purpose, not a end in themselves. In Russian we say “rules are for the cause, and not the cause for rules”.
I will try to answer your questions in the near future.
Kindest regards
The Saker
Thank you so much!
By the way,
How can the entire (if I correct) can turn 180 degree by attacking their own citizen and protect the fascist? (my typo)
should be
How can the entire the police system (if I correct) can turn 180 degree by attacking their own citizen and protect the fascist?
Best Regards,
Unorthodox Black Sheep VN
Just my own observation Black Sheep, but military and militarized police are trained to follow orders and act as a unit, not independently. So, the powers of evil only need to put in place commanders who are following their orders and those under their command will do as they are told. Perhaps some, listening to their conscience will see the evil and withdraw but the majority will follow orders. The parasites ruling the west always follow the same playbook. They put their people into positions of authority to make sure their program is followed.
This brings me to Tulsi Gabbard. I really don’t think it matters who sits in the pretty white house from now on going forward. The same foreign agenda will continue to advance. My own understanding is that each newly selected president is taken aside early and is given the speech about how things are and will be. There is always someone like Henry Kissinger who is brought in early to speak to the new leader. One way or another they will be made to tow the line. Voting in national elections has become a fool’s errand.
To Craig Mouldey,
Thank you so much for your explain. That make me concern more about Gabbard. Unfortunately, she is the most safety choice to avoid WW3.
Best Regards,
Unorthodox Black Sheep VN.
Gabbard is AIPAC, she is also owned by Israel.
That’s all you need to know.
An eye witness after the Obama inauguration said that George Bush (daddy) sat Obama down in the White House and began, “OK, Ni**er, here’s the way it is and what you’re going to do…”
And so it goes….
Yes the either toe the line ( and never cross it) or tow the line as “tote that barge lift that bale”
All the police chiefs were trained in Israel back in the early post 911 years, Ferguson riots were the first example of a Israel (IDF) trained police chief and his team responding to blacks ( palestinians on USA soil ), and how Israel handles the situation.
Today all the cop-shops have been trained by Israel.
I hope this answer the question for all.
Lastly, why does this blog totally ignore the 10,0000LB Gorilla “ISRAEL”?????
I don’t know where you get that from.There are many articles on the blog exposing Israel.And countless comments on the blog attack Israel.We aren’t ignoring Israel here.
Let’s see, first you post as “Vietnam Reader”, and yes lots of people did go nutz. Let’s see why.
First you need to know history, and I think Saker focuses mostly on MENA-Russia-Ukraine, his specialty, but many of us here live in Asia. So we know all too well what is real.
Let’s visit what your CIA has done to SE-ASIA
1.) Completely destroyed Laos to this day, 1/2 the country has millions of land-mines, that kill frequently
2.) Destroyed Cambodia millions of people died, under cover of ‘vietnam war’, to this day human life has little to no value in Cambodia, because of the generations of murder.
3.) Turned vast regions of Thailand into ‘whore-houses’, because children who earned $5/Month, could have sex for $5 and make that much in 5 minutes, to this day many city-red-light zones in Thailand are 95% HIV. This occurred because Thailand hosted air-bases for bombing campaigns, and pilots wanted booze&young-boy&girls when they weren’t bombing. Same is done now in the so called ‘green-zone’ of Kabul, its just a cover for child-prostitution.
4.) Bombed most of North-Vietnam, Agent-Orange decimated forests and farmland, destroyed much of South-Vietnam on the way out ( SAMPSON OPTION )
All told ten’s of millions were murdered in the 1950’s, 1960’s and 1970’s, even in Ireland in the 1950’s the CIA was recruiting Irish Hooligans from Dublin, Kerry, everywhere in Ireland and sent them to Vietnam with guns to randomly terrorize people. I know the Irish mercenary angle cuz I used to drink beer with these guys in Ireland. The USA was actively killing in SE-ASIA 10+ years before they ever legitimately got congress to authorize funding. Had to create the “Gulf of Tonkin” incident to legalize the ‘war’ (GENOCIDE).
OK, so the above is just a tiny history of “Vietnam War” orchestrated by USA-CIA-ANZ-Mossad-MI6/UK, why? Because large oil fields had been found offshore of Vietnam ( Pentagon Papers ). All of the area had been a “French Colony” for 100’s of years, but the French left, just like the Portugese left Macau. But the USA saw the French leaving as a power-vacuum in the 1950’s so they stepped in, by the 1960’s the French were furious and demanded GOLD for their US-DOLLARS. The USA nearly bankrupted itself in attempt to take over the “Pearly of Asia” ( name of the se-asia, vietnam in general )
Then along comes Vietnam-Read/black-sheep, to post vast amounts of CIA-Fact book propangda, and warm people up to the CIA thinking, then he tell’s us he’s a USA citizen,which means he was born in the USA. I remember in the 1970’s 10,000 South-Vietnam that had support CIA were dumped in Garden-Grove Calif, and I talked to many, and they all told the same story “I love USA”.
What’s it all about? Israel is trying to get the ‘controlled opposition’ to warm up to the idea of Israel-China ( think ASHDOD ) building the largest deep-water port in the INDO-Pacific near the Spratly-Island so that Israel who owns Nike ( & all vietnam made apparel ) can own Pacific shipping, just like the new ASHDOD allows them to own the Mediterranean (MENA/EU/ASIA-MINOR)
Saker question response:
Have myself often thought about, and have seen numerous commentators mention, the great question of the ‘meaning of suffering,’ often with the resulting proclamation of unbelief stemming from the overwhelmingly incomprehensible mystery of life. There seems to be no answer to this question of suffering, or rather, the answer is, ‘just wait and see,’ and, ‘all things will be revealed at the end of time,’ or another answer, perhaps the answer most heavily weighted, ‘Christ died for us sinners.’ All of these answers are fine, in as much as, much of this life is unknown generally, and therefore the expectation of a timeless angelic transitioning toward divinity is enthralling and exciting, but does almost nothing to give solace to the unredeemed. Where is the meaning of life, when life is torture and trial, and all men universally daily deny God?
There seems to be no answer to this question of suffering, or rather, the answer is, ‘just wait and see,’ and, ‘all things will be revealed at the end of time,’ or another answer, perhaps the answer most heavily weighted, ‘Christ died for us sinners.’
That is the kind of sloganeering you hear from modern “Christians” and that has NOTHING to do with the real, original, Patristic teaching on evil, suffering, the Incarnation, the dogma of Redemption, etc.
This is one of my biggest frustration, one which a lot of other traditionalist Orthodox Christians share: so many people nowadays are totally disgusted with the kind of pretend Christianity they see around themselves, they then (very logically and predictably) come to conclude that Christianity is hypocritical and worthless. That REACTION is absolutely sane. But the tragedy is that these people SINCERELY believe that they know what Christianity is, when in reality what they know and reject is a total fraud, a pretend-Christianity which has nothing in common with the real thing and which the Fathers would instantly condemn for heresy and hypocrisy.
Where is the meaning of life, when life is torture and trial, and all men universally daily deny God?
You CAN find the answer, but only if you do two things:
1) First, begin by assuming that you know absolutely nothing about real Christianity and that every word you were told about it is a lie.
2) Second, you will need to study. A lot. No less than 6 months worth of reading.
Finally, you will need, sooner or later, to meet face to face with Orthodox Christians, not necessarily clergy, but Christian who know what their faith really teaches and who will take the time to direct you towards your goal.
Sorry, there is NO quick way out here, no in our insane post-Christian world! (the pagan world was, in sharp contrast, MUCH more receptive to the real Christian message).
Good luck and don’t hesitate to contact me directly if I can help.
Kind regards
The Saker
the only book on religion I ever read is this one – I have it and I really like it and it was voted the one of the best books in the world published about 8 years ago by FT, the Guardian etc (as was his other book Reformation)
Very well written and interesting even for the non-religious – the author is a prof at Oxford and Cambridge (and comes from a family of bishops I think)
It illustrates how Christianity changed over centuries and why.
He explains that it was likely due to an engineering fault that Islam was invented:
“With Ethiopian backing, a local Miaphysite ruler, Abraha, now came to establish a kingdom in Southern Arabia which had Miaphysite Christianity as its state religion. This might have become the future of the Arabian Peninsula, had it not been for a major disaster of engineering: in the 570s the ancient and famous Marib dam, on which the agricultural prosperity of the region depended, and which had undergone thorough repair under King Abraha, nevertheless suffered a catastrophic failure. After more than a thousand years of existence, it was never rebuilt until modern times. A complex and wealthy society which had flourished on the irrigation provided by the dam was ruined forever, and with a collapsing dam must have perished much of the credibility of Christianity throughout Arabia. 500 miles to the North, in the same decade that the dam failed, there was born an Arab destined to be a new prophet: Muhammad. The memory of the end of the Marib dam was still traumatic enough to win a mention in his revelations in the Quran, where the disaster was described as a punishment from God for Sheba’s faithlessness.
Around 570, Arabia was a society very conscious of the ecological disaster caused by the failure of the dam at Marib. Travelers in the south-west of the peninsula could see for themselves a dying society apparently unable to save itself, after centuries of wealth and fame throughout the region. Religious conflict, ancestral pride in Mecca, the compromised state of the Jerusalem sacred site, God’s judgment and power over his people: all were there for a sensitive mind and a poetic genius to contemplate and sculpt into a single message. To appreciate this historical context makes it easier to understand the effect and character of Muhammad’s proclamation of Islam (a word meaning ‘submission’).
This is an idea for ‘comparative religion’, which, to my mind links-up with the question of the meaning of suffering, since an infrastructure collapse, such as you mention, equates with a generalized ‘punishment’ or crisis: God’s judgement of corrective consequence. It’s unremarkable that we modernites can only make one-dimension analyses of history, since the other dimension of the spirit is verboten, and in this case above, Islam is a consequence of the mundanity of trivia only, and not to be confused with supra-natural interventions, such as the Koran implied. It seems appropriate to me to not so much reject any Western themed, factual re-constructionism, i.e., pragmatic instrumentalism, as to simply believe the exactly opposite conclusion, that matter and stuff are the instrument by which God intervenes, in a manner beyond the clear comprehension of anyone — through a glass darkly — since the multifaceted workings of the world, of just one single day alone can not be resolved correctly, the question of ages and eras is fool’s errand finales.
Certainly, the birth of Islam is viewed as a whip to the Orthodox, because of the furnace refinery effect in the conquered Eastern Rome, whereby a thousand-year reign of Orthodox government was reduced to the second-class slavery of the balkans, an enforced capitulation, as in the crypto-Christians of Turkey, and the overall humiliation of defeat and ignominy. It seems that, from a gloss perspective, and an Orthodox worldview, this is tantamount to a spiritual war on earth, with each and everyone of us pitted as two-faced actors in an incomplex game: good versus evil. Evil reigns imperfectly because the foundation, and the beginning and end of all things is the good; so although Islam is a scourge to good, Islam has not precluded goodness in the world, and in fact the very opposite is the case now, whereby Islam, the proverbial anti-Christianity devils, now acts as signpost to true belief and the lost traditions of past times. We Westerners have lost everything, except that which we don’t want, which is the curse of an unavoidable death of this body, so Islam allows us a reckoning of the exact reason why, which is faithlessness caused by the over-arcing dependence on the trivial and platonic unreal, rather than the most real, or only reality, of God alone.
This is mostly directed to The Saker:
Once upon a (long) time ago I was sick with a very strange and debilitating ailment that MDs were at a loss to understand much less treat. [A Doctor of Osteopathy recognized as a pathology and organized a “support group” to keep a couple of dozen people going. What helped keep me going and getting better was coming across a phrase (from “alternative medicine “practitioners): “Earth School” meaning that after The Fall we had to (re) learn to be the finite persons were conceived to be, I invite your response.
Saker, if you please
First item re Christianity: Years ago I read a history book on the topic of Renaissance History. The (American) author, competently enough treated the Council of Florence. He wrote that the Eastern Christian members of the Council agreed to the filioque doctrine [Holy Spirit proceeds from the father and the Son] but that the political class in Russia cancelled (at least) that part of the agreement. Response requested and looked forward to.
A short answer is that not all Eastern Christian ‘members’ of the Council of Florence did agree to the filioque doctrine (actually the whole compact of compromise, the four points – filioque, azymes, purgatory and papal supremacy). The ‘political class’, i.e. the Grand Prince of Muscovy and All Rus, sided with the ‘dissenters’ (as it was his sacred duty of protector of Orthodoxy and its doctrinal and worship purity). In the end all Orthodoxy rejected the Florentine compromise. After the fall of Constantinople and Ottoman subjugation of the Orthodox peoples of the Balkans, Russia remained the only Orthodox power capable to resist both the spread of Islam and of papal supremacism (soon to be joined by Protestantism) and the hope of the Orthodox dhimmis subjugated by Islam.
@ Anonymous Thank you for your answer. Do you have any suggestions for further reading? (I have skills in philosophy and theology.) English would be preferred for my reading, But I might be able to make it in Attic Greek, although not in Russian.
You should peruse the classic:
“The History of the Council of Florence”, by Ivan N. Ostroumoff.
Available on Kindle and in numerous editions. You can find a digital copy @, but is atrociously digitized.
For more specific Russian problems one cannot do without :
“The Byzantine Commonwealth”, by Dimitri Obolensky. Available on line also.
The most frequent phrase in the Bible is “Be not afraid” for a good reason.
Now my dear friends, take a moment and enjoy this beautiful song by Vera Lynn: We’ll Meet Again
Saker, we are happy to support you!
yes..The Vineyard is right at the top of the blog heap in my estimation..terrific articles, journalists and comments.
and the praise the Saker rendered to his Mods are worthy..they deserve it. I know their work for some of what I surrendered for posting was rejected..and in just about every cased the decisiosn not to post up was correct.
yes indeed! the sakers mods are seriously worthy.
I have been suspicious of Vlad Putin from the start dur to the way he came to power in a deal with The Yeltsin. the success of Russia is indeed crucial to the ordianry people of the world. I did not want Russia to fail, want Russia to go from strength to strength. another Russian dictatorship woukld not have been a success as such..probaly just a check on the empire. but what Putin has built is terrific indeed.
I admit that I trust Putin more now than I ever him literally. and the Saker is almost entirely responsbile for the development of my trust in Vlad Putin. I thank the Saker for that. I too am happy to support the Saker
“Be not afraid, saith God the Lord. Be not
afraid ! thy help is near. God, the Lord thy God
saith unto thee “Be not afraid.” – Isaiah 41:10
“Be Not Afraid” is a marvelous chorus from Mendelssohn’s oratorio “Elijah”—gives you goose bumps, to hear and definitely to sing it in a large chorus.
Thank you!!
I did not know who Vera Lynn was, though I heard Roger Waters mention her in his album “The Wall”. Thanks so much for your kind support and for introducing me to her!
Kind regards
The Saker
“We will meet again” is a song that Stanley Kubricks picked for end of his masterpiece “Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb”. Thought it is appropriate given doomsday clock closing in, besides, it is wonderful song and I am glad you liked it. There is something about it, makes me sad and very happy at the same time. In a way, reminds me on Lily Marlene, also found on her repertoire.
I have a problem with the religion I know a bit..that I grew up in..Roman Catholicism. as I have noted the other Christian forms they too suffer from what I consider to be the deliberate lies of content..of the religions.
Adam and Ever is very difficult for me to deal with. Adam and Ever are white and I am not. Adam and Eve and the entire Pantheon of the Christian religions formed part of relgious justification of racism and established an ideologica framework we had to believe that made little sense and did not clarify ways we could life properly, that we could deal with reality
in any case currently science has really shaken the foundations of religion..the Christian ones..and no doubt the Eastern ones as well for they are all derived from the same source..old African mythology. by scientific discoveries it is unlikely that the major religious figure of Jesus Christ never lived though for the christian relgious he was fact. the story of Jesus seems to be a later rendeing of the African myth os Isis/Osiris and Horus to set up first the Catholic Church..subsequently further catholic rendering from schism and independent start-up, other Christian religions
Rupert Sheldrake and the Electric Univesre tendency have eroded religious beliefs by scientific fact and theories like the likelihood that the human mind is not located inside the human head but outside of the human body in the electric field generated by the electrified human biological body
and there is a whole lot more but this is the best I can do right now. I would like to see religion, the catholic Church in particular begin to deal with all of this, to get in there and with science prove out what is right and to correct itself, while bringing its doctricnal base into line with popular needs and interest. I dont se any reason why the catholic Church cannot admit that there are no positive outcomes for the ordianry population of the world in capitalism and that if humanity is to progress, to survive, to win a chance at indefinite survival in nature we must evolve ways of social organzation that makes such survival possible. Capitalism does not produce any certainty realtive to human surviva;..indeed it is organzationlly the greates threat to human survival that exists
the Catholic Church should be a major check on Jewish excesses in the world. its is not..rather it is a facilitator of such excess
what I am trying to say I can deal with realgion only in the senes of relgious reform and transformation by doctrine, based on what is currently known to be basic about life. and by that I mean the human species is one, we kbnow its origins, where it came from, how it changed over the tiem we have been here. there is one evolutionary human story that is much older than the time allotted in the bible for the human time on planet Earth so far. Religious reform is essential, to bring all reglion into line with truth. in doing so we may lose the sky gods but I dont see anythng wrong with that. they are already irrelevant
by Sheldrakes calculation the human soul..which is human consciousness, memory, personality ect is outside the body. this for sure is the truth and if so there is no human souls inhabiting the human body. the biological content of the human head has biological functions in which no trace of human consciousness and intellectual activity and memeory can be found. the human body dies and is transformed back into the substaances out of whcih it came. and that can survive from the human body would be what is contained in the electric field itself where human consciousness resides. that is where hope for a continuation after death in some form resides..not in belief in a human sould inside the human body.
and if that is indeed the case, there is some sort of existence for us when we die but from this point so far it has absolutely nothing to do with the sky gods. therefore god as it is is an unknown quantity to humans..probably the very content we refer to as nature itself that is busy in its own career creating all sorts of potential universally out of which we came. it should be and must be the job of relgion to keep humanity in line with truth.. which is god..truth. and to do so religion must be in tune with the popular interest not on the side of minority exploitaive groups whose domination depends on the creation of, the propagation of and installation of lies in the popula consciousness, to maintain exploitation of the masses of ordinary people of the human species
religion is reform itself..bringing itself into truth, to live that way permanently onwards, its job to work with all instutitons to establish and maintain human fitness in that we may go on to achieve and express, to create and become whatever is our ultimate potential in nature
otherwise for me at least religion is pointless and if it is not reformative in this way, brining itself fully into line with HUMAN interest..the interest of our species cant see any value in religion
There is real history recorded about the beginning of the Christian Church and the works of the Holy Apostles. You would benefit greatly by learning some of it. For example, it appears you have never heard of Saint Moses the black.
Science hasn’t shaken my beliefs one iota. Real science will support history and my beliefs. Let’s not forget that so-called science often changes their minds in time. They have a lot of secular theories but they don’t actually ‘know’ much.
There is real history. Read it. In God’s Kingdom race, nationality, skin colour is irrelevant.
A regular podcast would be great especially a Q&A. I’ve seen on other podcasts where listeners can record their question vocally, the host plays it and then answers it. Guarantees a variety of topics and probably a lot less preparation required on the part of the host.
Also I’d like to see more content on China and Eurasia and how the relationship between Russia and them is developing.
In particular, I hope this can become a platform where everyone can give suggestions rather than just opinion. I mean how can we fix things in Russia and worldwide, for example, how to bring if not all but part of the Balkans back into the Russian sphere. Suggestions on improving economy, how to deal with the Empire etc.
Saker, your website is a godsend.
Regarding the “perfect storm”, 2 scenarios worry me. The israelis have continued to up the severity of their provocations in Syria. How far they will go, how much is bluff, how much is fanaticism, remains an open question. If they keep on this same course, it will escalate to open war.
The other is will trump, or actually his likud owners, initiate a war against a weaker nation (not a peer, such as China or Russia) to garner support for re[s]election. There are plenty of potential victim countries zionazia wants to crush, getting a little extra support for their trump quisling might be an incentive to cross the line.
RE: Articles on Patristic Christianity aka True Orthodoxy….a very serious YES! Afterall, it was you my friend that guided me to true Orthodox Christianity. Initially, by your well thought out and written articles on true Orthodoxy, then by your precious time you took to help me find a church. Glory unto God and THANK YOU!
Glory be to God for all things, dear Steven.
Please drop me an email when you have some time (NOT urgent!) and let me know how you are doing.
Kind regards
Th Saker
Thanks for the update, Saker, and the analysis, warnings and blessing.
I would add: Keep up, stay faithful to what you know is true in the core of little (humble) ways build community among those with whom you live …do what is put before you.
Yes a hard rain is going to fall .but It is not the life you live. … It is the courage you bring to it that matters. Even as your heart may be breaking.
The quality of this blog and the importance of the nodal position it occupies should never be underestimated.
the bear is hilarious.
.podcasts in which you are in dialog with another person are my favorites.
And what happened to your friend the Imram?
I scan your blog daily and appreciate your efforts to inform and educate. .I have been studying the USA political games since the late 1960’s, and 1913 setup of the unconstitutional Federal Reserve was the date the “Ancient Evil” sunk its fangs in the American jugular vein. It has been all down hill from that date.
In addition to your view of the many possibilities of 2020, I do believe you have missed one factor that will make 2020 and beyond much worse I offer the outlook/reports on the following website.
Peace be with you , fill your heart
Merriel Sanders
Great blog, one of my first go-to sites every day.
Good articles, great commenters.
Thanks for what you AND your entire crew do.
Would like to see more coverage on the New Silk Road as I believe it to be the saving grace for a sane world and a checkmate move on western hegemony.
I don’t have the words to express my appreciation for this (Dec. 11) message. It gives me a bit of hope and courage…and that bear drinking vodka at the military site is the funniest, most truthful thing I’ve seen all year. Got posters? So anyhow I know many intelligent people who have fallen for this anti-Russia BS and it”s exasperating because the syntax, the linguistics, the whole tone of it rings false. Maybe, being an alcoholic ergo a consummate liar, I know lies when I hear them..
Theological discussions can be interesting, but how sophisticated is the reader? In my case, not very, but I’m always interested in the underlying ideas if they’re “distilled” enough for my unsophisticated palate…In any event, it is I who is grateful to you; and a few others…if only we were neighbors!
if only we were neighbors!
Please drop me an email and let me know where you are (if you want, of course)
I sometimes travel ;-)
Kind regards
The Saker
Saker, I’ve been here since 2014, and you can lay all the blame for that squarely on the shoulders of Larchmonter. He found me and lead me here.
This site is a beacon of truth and thoughtful discussion. While I sometimes do not agree with the direction of some articles and postings, the fact that they are here and open for discussion says reams about this site, different views of different events and concepts of our changing world.
Your comment on the coming apocalypse I believe is prescient. I have mentioned a couple times that old comrades of mine for the last three years have quietly been moving from cities and highly settled areas along the coasts of US and have moved away from what one described as the hedonistic culture and life to a more settled, and traditional, life in the small towns and cities of Central US, many saying clearly they are moving ‘home’, to their roots, and bringing their wives and children with them. They are preparing for what you predict, and the locals welcome them as family and friends. They are stocking up and arming up, and rumor has it that the local law enforcement organizations in their areas are fully aware of the coming disaster and many have pointed mentioned that they are aware of each and every career criminal in their midst, most of which activity is driven by opiate addiction. It seems that by day three of the crisis, this opiate epidemic will be over in the heartland.
When the disaster strikes, it will seem to be sudden as the ‘information media’ are ignoring the every increasing downward spiral of US and Europe, Europe being joined at the hip to US since the war and occupation of Europe by US. If and when the dollar/euro crash, it will be a world class catastrophe and it’s not something I’m looking forward to at all, the interruption of commerce and trade will be the stuff of legend, but with time and the calm direction of Russia and China, things will eventually return to ‘normal’, whatever that ‘normal’ may be at the time.
As for the constant denigration of Russia and President Putin, including by some who should be foursquare in his corner, here’s a dose of reality. He inherited a world class catastrophic mess on his assuming the presidency. Mother Russia was almost dead, the heartbeat faint, she was in her death throes. For close to twenty years he has backed and filled as he bought time to repair the disaster he was handed by many of the very people who thought, and prayed, that he would fail. He surprised everyone, pulling Russia up by it’s bootstraps and collar and repairing the best he could the mess he had. He has rebuilt the Russian Economy and Armed Forces from the ground up while at the same time defending Russia and beginning to take an active part in stabilizing various areas that are now spheres of interest to Russia and her security. In doing so he has brought on himself from some a hatred of all things Russian and at the same time brought vast respect and almost adoration from those he has helped and saved from the disaster that is US foreign policy. He will go down in history, he and his troika, as the premier statesman and statesmen of the times. And, bottom line is Russia and Katai will survive whatever disaster hits US/Europe. There will be economic distress for many, but in the end, we will prevail.
I could start with your first sentence. It was this:
and this: “vineyard” what took care of me when the fascists took over in DC and Kiew and a ‘revolution’ appeared as a half revolution, turning the below to upside.
To me the vineyard is one of the lifeboats after the rule of titanic elites be they red or blue.
And the Russian Civilisation was 2014 the shore of the time after and Saker’s Vineyard and the Cafe
for special are places to meet new planet inhabitants where the early one’s meet for heaven’s sake,
and, yes, we live in a small coutry town, all you say is true. We are some of the anonym candles.
And like Larchmonter’s all your words I read speak what my heart speaks. It’s the same breed
of the good part of the revolutions of the 20 Century.
Greetings Sir !
It was your articles on Orthodox Christianity that initially got me interested .in your site. I am studying the question of “suffering” as one who suffering, lives in a community of those who are suffering and born in a world populated by those who are suffering. I am talking about suffering as experienced both physically and psychologically. Take a hungry man , his problem is one hunger. Give him lots of food, suddenly his problems multiply . Take a look at human history from ancient times and notice how it is written in blood. War after War. Civilization, Education, Modernity and Religion have all been tried in vain Orthodox Christianity as a Practice has been very useful in my studies towards understanding ‘Suffering’.
Thanks The Saker
I find this a very, very interesting article and had immediately the wish to comment.
Concerning the „good news“:
From all blogs I know, this one is the most interesting and fascinating. I would like to add one reason for this. It is the personality of the Saker, his love, his faith, his humility, his humor, his instincts. Of course, there are also his (political) ideas and analyses.
Politically speaking, the subject I have learned most from the Saker Blog, concerns Russia and her strength. Her military strength, her economic strength, and her strength with respect to the Ukraine. This was really new for me. And secondly, I got a much better feeling for the broad influence of the Zionists, even If I still hate those ideas which see behind every problem „the Jews“.
Also from the point of view of a „guest contributor“ (more to this later), I would like to underline the
very valuable work of the moderators; I really learned a lot from the comments to my articles. By the way, I often ask me: when do the moderators sleep?
Concerning „the questions“:
Personally, I do not very appreciate podcasts since I have a language problem. While I am able to read English, listen to English is much more difficult.
Religion and theology: Personally, my interest is not so big – while it was the first time in my life that I learned something about orthodoxe christianity. And this, of course, is very helpful. In this context, please allow me to cite from the recent (very good!) interview of President Assad with the Italian RAI News 24, cited from, December 9:
„Question 3: Aren’t you afraid that this kind of ideology that took place and, you know, was the basis of everyday life for people for so many years, in some ways can stay in the society and sooner or later will be back?
President Assad: This is one of the main challenges that we’ve been facing. What you’re asking about is very correct. You have two problems. Those areas that were out of the control of government were ruled by two things: chaos, because there is no law, so people – especially the younger generation – know nothing about the state and law and institutions.
The second thing, which is deeply rooted in the minds, is the ideology, the dark ideology, the Wahabi ideology – ISIS or al-Nusra or Ahrar al-Cham, or whatever kind of these Islamist terrorist extremist ideologies.
Now we have started dealing with this reality, because when you liberate an area you have to solve this problem otherwise what’s the meaning of liberating? The first part of the solution is religious, because this ideology is a religious ideology, and the Syrian religious clerics, or let’s say the religious institution in Syria, is making a very strong effort in this regard, and they have succeeded; they succeeded at helping those people understanding the real religion, not the religion that they’ve been taught by al-Nusra or ISIS or other factions.“
Concerning the „outlook“:
I agree that 2020 will be very probably a tumultuous year, but also a year of big decisions. I think that 2019 was a really bad year for the Western hegemonic forces or, if you prefer, a very good year for the worldwide anti-hegemonic forces. I feel that the Western hegemonists will not survive another year like 2019. So, we must expect that they will try a last push, in the next four to six months, I would say.
My personal „advice“: If you are depressed, read something from Nasrallah, Khamenei, or Assad. You will be encouraged by their confidence, optimism, and faith.
And finally:
The most important event in 2019 for me personally was the fact that articles, which I wrote, were published on this blog. It was somewhat unexpected for me and I was really proud. When I started publishing articles on my facebook blog in 2015, it was merely for me: clarify my ideas and express another point of view, unlike the „common“ point of view in my country. Not in order to convince somebody, just to make clear that other points of views exist.
Now, it has become less individualistic. In some sense, I got a member of a community (which was never easy in my life). This was not so straightforward. As the Saker knows, I had some crisis since I was shocked by some ideas on this blog. But this was due to my proper misinterpretation and lack of knowledge of the nature of this blog. Thanks to the Saker’s intelligent reaction, I could overcome my crisis.
By the way, I would appreciate personal contacts with other members of this community.
By the way, I would appreciate personal contacts with other members of this community.
This is an interesting concept, one which I support.
If you email me and tell me where you live, I can try to put you in contact when members of our Community (which exists on all continents, even faraway Australia and NZ!)>
Kind regards
The Saker
Podcasts ?
Absolutely, brother!
The bigger your heart, the calmer your mind, the purer your intention, the more refined your soul, the better to share your insights and wisdom not only in (narrow-band) writing, but also to use your voice a a vessel for full-spectrum dissemination of your integrity, humanity and wholesomeness. Too many especially young people are so engulfed by the mind numbing and soul crushing assault of the Mafia Media Matrix and, if unlucky, have never witnessed a ‘true man’ in action. We owe it to humanity to abundantly share what we have realized to be 24 carat gold, and what therefore begs to be shared whenever and wherever the opportunity arises… : )
To answer your questions…
Podcasts yes eg Catherine austin P of the Solari Report – Brilliant
Comparative religion …. not for me as religion is a man interpretations world …. Interesting for some yes…
WW!!! if and when it occurs will have a ” religious theme” and rationale —– My belief…
Comparative military analysis and all that is connected to this yes….. (My back ground is comparative political behaviour and analysis) EU and Pacific but not US/Canada/Russia.
I would also encourage an indepth analysis on things nuclear ….. (Not reactors but aftermath of nuke detonations)
source Abolition-caucus invite Prof Stephen Starr to comment. Use of nukes is the end of life …. period …
Finally I love your essays and guest writers but rarely respond in the blogs.
One final point – (The EU illegal migration crisis occupies me and has done so for close on 40 years….. The undocumented migrants of alien cultures to european cultures which have flooded europe whom are mostly male with limited skills – has swamped EU agencies As stated before there are millions here now (Euro stats for those who wish to spend months wading thru obscure documentation plus national government s achives)…
This by itself has created an internal crisis ……. and this is too big a crisis to summarise in a paragraph or debate here . I believe that these ongoing wave s of migrants will bring the EU to its knees without any other crisis unfolding which are of course. I did believe in the EEC prior to it becoming the EU. The economic thing did work….. But the political supranational state has been hyjacked by finance imposing Austerity which was once called Structural Adjustment Policy (SAP) which is today sinking EU social institutions. SAP destroyed wider africa and south east asia in the 80s (IMF WB origions.)
Thanks to all too who comment
and thanks to you Saker….
Saker, my 2 cents:
1) I think what most people come for to the site is your long analytical articles on geopolitics. Those are pretty much the best / most objective you can find on the internet, as you have a very unique background (Russian + European + US) and insider geopolitical experience, and are therefore able to make very sharp and interesting conclusions. Personally, I would like to see more of those, and I’m slightly disappointed each time I refresh the site and there’s no new “Saker analysis”. However, I understand those are pretty hard work, since they probably take hours and hours to write. I’ve referred numerous people deeply interested in geopolitics to them, have translated them to some other languages, and without exception the comments were extremely positive, some people actually expressing an incredulous admiration along the lines of “how can this guy know so much about Russian politics and culture, and at the same time write so deeply on NATO and US inner workings”? I’ve actually talked about you to Colonel Cassad before (my mutual friend on LJ for many years), and he also has a good opinion of you (though ideologically you are pretty much on the opposite ends of the red-white spectrum).
2) Podcasts – do them, absolutely do them! I actually donated a decent amount back when you were doing Soundcloud to pay for your membership, in the hope that you would go on doing regular Soundcloud podcasts. Regrettably, this seems to have gone under a bit. I understand that there have certainly been reasons, but still, I think that after your analytical articles, podcasts are the next best thing. The Solari report interviews are a pretty nice replacement, but I have some gripes with them:
– they come out too rarely, just once a quarter
– Catherine is IMHO a bit too narrow and self-assured in her fixation on US inner kitchen politics, lacks the wider view somewhat, and tends to go on rants which are quite orthogonal to what you – her interview guest – are saying. It’s not a big deal, but is a little annoying at times.
– the sound quality on your end is awful (probably because of it being through a phone call?)
I think Q/A podcasts once every month or so, just done by yourself, would be an excellent idea. And you don’t really need a paid platform for that, either – it’s easily done with free tools.
My questions for a Q/A podcast atm might be:
– what do you think about the eternal Russian “преемственность” question, i.e. “who will come after Putin”? this is probably the one thing that worries me the most in current geopolitics.
– what is the chance that the Dems manage to oust Trump before the next election under whatever pretext? atm it looks to me that if they don’t achieve that, their chances of winning the election are pretty much zero since they have no candidate worth anything. unless they engage in real, big-time fraud, of course, to the tune of 1996 Russian presidential elections.
– Sergey Miheev (a very sharp and astute Russian politologist) has recently said on his “Iron Logic” radio show that, should the Dems win (by whatever means), there’s a big probability of a major, aggressive, backlash against Russia (perhaps even military), since they would be taking revenge for all the “Trump years” of humiliation and impotence. what do you think on that?
Quick reply: yes, Mikheev is great. I wish we had the means to translate his interviews and statements on TV.
Thanks for all the suggestions!
Kind regards
The Saker
Dear Saker,
I am out of words to express my gratitude. Your writing is bringing tears to my eyes. Such a clear Mind, such strong will and such a big heart. I really really appreciate what you are doing. Everything is just a about perfect. Dont change a thing.
Kindest regards
( I am not a rich man…but I lost focus on you donation program. I will look to Pay Pal to see if I can still send you a small donation.
I have sent you an edited copy of my long post above. its awful..typos and all that. I hope you can replace it with this. I am diabetic featuring hypoglycemia and at times it gets away from me. I end up incoherent and completely unaware of it
if you cant do the replacement forget about it. toss this post)
I have a problem with the religion I know a bit of..that I grew up in..Roman Catholicism. and I have noted the other Christian forms, that they too suffer from what I consider to be the deliberate lies in content of the religions.
Adam and Eve are very difficult for me to deal with. Adam and Eve are white and I am not. Adam and Eve and the entire Pantheon of the Christian religions formed part of relgious justification of racism and established an ideological framework we had to believe, that made little sense and did not clarify ways we could live properly, that we could deal with reality effectively using
currently science has really shaken the foundations of religion..the Christian ones..and no doubt the Eastern ones as well for they are all derived from the same source – old African mythology.
by scientific discoveries it is unlikely that the major religious figure of Jesus Christ ever lived though for the christian relgious he was fact. the story of Jesus seems to be a later rendeing of the African myth of Isis/Osiris and Horus to set up first the Catholic Church..subsequently further catholic rendering from schism and independent start-up, other Christian religions were created
Rupert Sheldrake and the Electric Univesre tendency have eroded religious beliefs by scientific fact and theories like the likelihood that the human mind is not located inside the human head but outside of the human body in the electric field generated by the naturally electrified human biological body.
I would like to see religion, the catholic Church in particular begin to deal with all of this, to get in there and with science prove out what is right and to correct itself, while bringing its doctricnal base into line with popular needs and interest. I dont see any reason why the catholic Church cannot admit for eg.. that there are no positive outcomes for the ordianry population of the world in capitalism and that if humanity is to progress, to survive, to win a chance at indefinite survival in nature we must evolve ways of social organzation that makes such survival possible.
Capitalism does not produce any certainty relative to human survival;..indeed it is organzationlly the greatest threat to human survival that exists.
the Catholic Church should be a major check on Jewish excesses in the world. its is not..rather it is a facilitator of such excess
what I am trying to say is I can deal with religion only in the sense or phase of relgious reform that must occur, that transforms religious doctrine and practice into relevance, based on what is currently known to be true and facile about life. and by that I mean also the human species is one, we know our origins, where we came from, how iwe have changed over the time we have been here…
there is one evolutionary human story that is much older than the time allotted in the Bible for the human period on planet Earth so far. Religious reform is essential, to bring all reglion into line with truth. in doing so we may lose the sky gods but I dont see anythng wrong with that. the sky gods are already irrelevant
by Sheldrakes calculation the human soul..which is human consciousness, memory, personality etc is outside the body. this for sure is the truth and if so there is no human soul inhabiting the human body. the biological content of the human head has biological functions in which no trace of human consciousness and intellectual activity, and memeory can be found. the human body dies and is transformed back into the substances out of which it came.
and what can survive from the human body may be only what is contained in the electric field itself, where human consciousness resides. that is where hope for a continuation after death in some form resides..not in belief in a human soul inside the human body that escapes at death. and if that is indeed the case, there is some sort of existence for us when we die but at this point, so far we can see that it has absolutely nothing to do with the sky gods and their srories.
therefore god is is an unknown quantity to humans..probably the very content we refer to as nature itself, that is busy in its own career creating all sorts of potential universally, out of which we should be and must be the job of relgion to keep humanity in line with truth.. which is god..truth.
and to do so religion must be in tune with the popular interest not on the side of minority exploitative groups whose domination depends on the creation of, the propagation of and installation of lies in the popular consciousness that facilitate religions domination..not human survival.. to maintain exploitation of the masses of ordinary people of the human species
religion must reform itself..bringing itself into truth, to live, exist that way permanently onwards, its job to work with all institutis to establish and maintain human fitness in that we may go on to achieve and express, to create and become whatever is our ultimate potential in natureotherwise for me at least religion is pointless: and if religion is not reformative in this way, brining itself fully into line with HUMAN interest and survival, into the total collective interest of our species, there is, would be no value in religion.
(replacement post. if unable to – toss)
oh my! thenks mod!
Dear Ben,
Recently, a relative who knows my ideas about the world just a little bit, asked me: why do you think that your understanding of the world situation is the right one, and not the „usual“ understanding, namely that which is supported by the Western media?
In short, I answered that this is good question and that, finally, it is question of faith. I cannot „prove“ – and I do not intend it – that I am „right“ and they are „wrong“.
In my eyes, faith is one of two essential contents of religion, The second is that religion is relied to a community.
Faith means for example that you are convinced that you should try to do the best and that you should try to find the truth. In Western history, concerning truth, an opposition was created between religion and sciences. Knowing religion and sciences both quite a bit, I am convinced that this is a wrong opposition. In Western universities, people who are really working to find the truth are a (very) small minority. Present Western sciences are no less „occult“ than the religion which they criticized.
Moreover, Western sciences created an opposition between rationality and feeling, an opposition which is completely irrational. Moreover, they have forgotten the heart. So, even if I am/was a mathematician and do not have a religion, I would not support sciences against religion.
Nobody can prevent you to have your faith, faith in your values which rule your life. This is, I think, the essential thing.
Typos or not, Ben, I thought your post was interesting and inspired.
Relax, Adam (אדם) literally means “red”, and there is an etymological connection between ‘adam’ and ‘adamah’: “red clay” or “red ground” in a non-theological context. Adamah (Biblical Hebrew : אדמה) is a word, translatable as ground or earth, “dust of the ground”. The Biblical phrase ‘Son of Man’ is always rendered by ‘adam’.
The idea that Adam was ‘white’ derives from the heresy known as ‘pre-adamitism’ of a ‘converted’ Jew, Isaac La Peyrere (17th century) which posited that there must have been two creations of man: first the creation of the Gentiles and then that of Adam, who was father of the Jews. The theory was roundly condemned by the Church, but enthusiastically received in America. That’s the basis for 19th century theories of polygenism and modern racism (Aryanism, British Israelism, White supremacism).
Dear Ben Sampson,
I have not read anything by Rupert Sheldrake recently, but I have in the past pointed out to him details of Russian research on telepathy that started in 1913 and continued right through the Soviet period. It continues to this day, as well as research conducted by some Russian people in their own apartments. These people (and the official medical research institutes which are the safest places to conduct this and related research) have more effective techniques than Sheldrake, techniques that I drew to the attention of Rupert Sheldrake, suggesting that he find someone in Cambridge who could translate into English the YouTube videos to which I had drawn his attention. I have not checked whether or not he has done so.
I also look regularly at some Electric Universe sites, especially:
I am a Christian and I do not find any of this incompatible with Christianity. Our brains are not ‘meat computers’ but transceivers, and our memories are stored outside our brains. Nevertheless our souls remain on Earth and will do so until the Day of Judgement.
Hello Saker,
Firstly, may God bell you.
As for my opinion on producing more podcasts, I am not a big fan of podcasts so I won’t really miss them if they disappear from the blog. I am however a big fan of your posts on religion and would like to read more.
Dear Saker, thank you again for your generosity here :) Your turf your rules
so I will just offer one ‘advice’…
I would caution you on “more articles about comparative theology”
Unless you are prepared to invest more on leashes, lashes and possible band-aid for snow-grade,
you should know (and you know v.well) we aint in Plato’s Republic
so the other extreme end of such high minded discussion is “My god is more powerful than your god)
and its an open invite to even the TBGL, in reverse and other 1000s of baskin flavours flies and insect here and there…
Its gonna be worse than a hell hole and they will have fun on the HARD RIDE until they brake you.
Some of your younger readers, of more seeker minded may be harm, lost or ‘killed’ in the discovery open season…
Furthermore The PPL of the World should focus on ‘surviving’ and over-riding the ‘in our face’ circus show. Perhaps then comes spring time, we may have a better ‘safe space’ for higher chats :)
Nevertheless, I get it that PPL are seeking what is after ‘this’, which unfortunate for me, I have bound myself not to join that pay grade (the rather divine conversion w Hdan was once off and last time). I dont want to be, even remotely mistaken, as Barry Hopium promoter, as one who is serious about such question of what is after ‘this’ must hold.
But allow me to be more general and frame it to be suitable for all ages –
Traditionally, aka according to one’s belief, ‘this’ or god or the unknown can be of one or combination of the below,
1) God is an external entity
2) God is an internal entity
3) I am God/god image/god spark (and there may or may not be an external/internal god)
4) There is no god, just IS-NOTHINGNESS (aka The Force dont care about your personal welfare or continuation to exist – anything more than The Force of seven seas care about a grain of sand) → hurts the ego and the narrative the most! ←
5) I cannot know god beyond what I choose to belief, therefor god is merely my belief (why not make sh*t up – is this how religion business got started?)
ON the coming fate of USSA, again for the collateral damage grade, my suggestion is to run. I observe USSR and the QING dynasty burning, USSA will have enemy within and without when ‘they’ activate it. Your friendly neighbour will point a gun at you, for your cat food. NO joke. One Second After’ is a good book to read for the graphic details in USA-flavour. This calculation is on preserving your bloodline (as they say – the dead dont talk back). This is what ‘they’ do with their fancy off-USA island and fairy bunker land – its all about preserving the bloodlines!
Is there light at the end of tunnel for the collateral damage grade? Can the whole thing be blown over like Dorian miracle? Can I show you a miracle ‘spell’? YES and NO.
YES the whole thing is a farce and all-about-nothing ego story anyway. Nothing more. Notice how they take out ‘country and their The PPL. They go for ‘choke-points’ (to put it lightly and cryptically) You can do the same, back to them, to save USSA (if thats your thingy).
NO even if you save USSA, the stench will kill you anyway. And furthermore, it always comes back to The Price. And who’s who of getting paid undeservedly or got the alleged Marie-Antoinette-Red Queen treatment. And how will you pay for The Price to Rebuild? with no friends in anywhere on earth?
That’s why I suggest ‘run’ as the best and safest option on your individual level.
There is a high chance many will be moved to migrate, by force of nature, anyway. Its kinda part of the story, like in WWI and WWII.
But that would mean USSA is hollow out and the enemy can attack my country much easier? Yes, that also means you remove yourself and your family, NOT to be collateral damage grade, to be used by them when they activate their plan. YES you will be safer, your family and your cultural group will be safer. And USSA is already dead, why do you want to be buried with it? Leave and you can give your bloodline a chance to live a more normal life in another safer country. OR you come back later and call the land by another name. You can even make whatever to be ‘money’ as you fancy. This is how they play ‘the game’. Is it not?
On nuk, I think I can more safely crossed that off the imminent threat list. Why? Because VVP display a few blazing fast precision focus new toys with the subtle msg – if they are stupid still to think ‘mad’ is at least guaranteed, well, not anymore. There is higher chance that if launch, the ‘item’ will be met with another blazing fast toys and explode in their air space, even b4 they leave the country. Bad luck for the collateral damage grade below but war is war. Still there maybe some chance a sneaky one get through and they get ‘lucky’, of which we go back to ‘mad’. Also if you open the earth map flat, who is surrounding who is still a ROUNDED question.
Another sign of ‘relief’ is that BIS and other entities alike are jumping ship and moving “assets” (including contractors and handlers) – the subtle msg? They want to live. Even if its in the new world coming, under some new rules, and new bosses.
Subtle msg – USSA lost the toys and the money game.
That’s all my unfounded imagination (and belief)
and I may have open too many cans of worms.
Pls take to Cafe if you wish to bounce some of your ideas in respond. TIA
Pls forgive my lacking and unqualified and extended one ‘advice’.
Let me loop back to the beginning, your god your story.
And ultimately, before that, the gatekeeper – Saker’s turf Saker’s rules.
Thank you Saker, all the mods, and all the great minds and great sharing here from all over the sane world :)
p/s maybe we should have a designated joker’s section? For the soul to live and smile :)
On Shakespears headstone: ‘Blessed be the man that spares these stones and cursed be he that moves my bones’. Today’s actors are intent on moving many bones and of course the curses will follow. As always it is to history we should look for inspiration and solutions. The sad spectacle of the western world cannibalizing its body parts is indeed alarming yet many past empires fell to a similar cancerous sores. The only difference is they had no weapons of similar magnitude as we have developed. Therein lies the joker (or the ace of spades) in the pack.
I really appreciate the honesty of those contributing to the Saker.
End of year stuff is always so revealing – looking back and looking forward mostly with a sense of whimsy, sometimes with despair and always with hope.
Yes, we are most probably (almost certainly) looking to hard times financially – appropriate preparation is just what is called for. We are in almost a global revolution trend and if people are doing revolution, they are not producing or distributing things like food and water and electrical systems become unreliable – ordinary rules of civil society fall by the wayside and people go crazy and things don’t work. A futurist friend describes the cycle as global revolutionary rotating depressions between areas and sectors. We can all see the writing on the wall, but these times also almost invariably bring great innovation as people have to innovate during hard times.
Yes, the guest analysis section is just excellent and I find myself knee jerking seriously when the writers get criticized for things like, their views are different or 3rd language English or something like that. Usually those who criticize speak only one language and do not understand that different languages express things differently. We are very fortunate to have the writers reporting their views from their countries and as we always say in The Saker’s books, we shamelessly sacrifice perfect English grammar in order to maintain the writer’s distinct voice.
Yes, the trolls and comment hijackers have been a pita and on the increase. For the regular commenters, you can help so much by keeping things on the rails, on topic and clean. (If you are off-topic on a tangential issue momentarily, make a small note for the mods (just small off-topic), and keep it small. I find in this way I can help a little). Imagine being a mod and having to deal with the very wide scope of essays on this blog. So, help them to understand your content and comment as well!
Yes to comparative analysis of religious thought. It can only make anyone more conscious.
I also feel that we could do with more economic content. That is such a mess of gobbledygook with all kinds of words, that some unpacking could be of value. It is so that few economists really understand their own field as well, so, any economists out there? We can find a ghost-writer if you feel you’re not up to writing.
Podcasts? A problem .. Yes in principle, but the moment you do a podcast, everyone wants a transcript. I always look to thecorbettreport for this kind of structure as he does it well (This is not meant as a plug although I enjoy his content, but a comment on his structure) .. a video, a podcast and a transcript for most of his work. That would be perfect, but as The Saker tells me, perfect is the enemy of good :-)
But what I enjoyed a lot, was the short notice almost free form youtube discussion that The Saker had with our friends from South Front early in the year. It was just too short notice and people could not plan time for it.
I would love some more of those with the fraternals. This will be the cherry on the cake of podcasts.
Now, to the most important – even if we don’t have all the bells and whistles, we must keep The Saker and the Blog on the air. In my thinking, we should focus on quality, more guest writers with on the ground reporting from their own countries, a friend mentioned we need to write better headlines :-) and this is most probably true.
Many years ago Gerald Celente said something that stuck in my head … In the long term quality always wins.
But why, why should we keep The Saker and Blog going? I’ll just repeat (with a very small change) the dedication that The Saker wrote for his 3rd book!
– For all those who live under foreign occupation (including Russians outside Russia and the Americans inside the USA).
– For all those who resist the Empire
– For all those who have remained human
– For all those who understand that the Truth is objective
– For all those who still love.
Wishes for excellent and loving festivities in whichever way and whenever you celebrate the old ending, and the new beginning. We will be completely nontraditional and probably roll some sushi rolls with friends and kids all taking a turn at trying to perfect a sushi roll. Don’t forget to have some fun in even the smallest thing you do.
I congratulatd the Saker on a ‘fine blog’…you refuse to post that up. but where I make mistakes that make me look bad you grab that and post them up immediately. talk about bad-mindedness! Pheeew!
gotcha Saker!
what makes the saker different of better than any Elitist, racist, undemocratic, narrow-minded white blog anywhere…Russian or not?
you are all the same..proven now! you are worried about trolls: I wanted to see if you the Saker Blog was/is a zionist creation as everything on the net, regardless of claimed ideological orientation seems to be trolling from the Zionist angle. there is much to suggest that the saker is indeed Zionist..the two Guardians Larchmonter and Mumblebrain for sure just about proves that. they remind me of Lenin and Trotsky.
there isnt an internet publication that can be trusted..and certainly not the Saker as you have proved
I call for spontaneous popular revolutionary change, without the dominat participation of any organized minorityinterests like political parties that may be reaction in waiting… so that democratic principles can come to underpin social organzation giving all cultures and people of the world a chance to develop fully. a major result of that would be the expansion and diversity of views on all human questions..not just white domination of all intellectual and academic space.
the white perspective Russian included can be seen as only one currently skewed elitist perspective, which in any case is not enough to get humanity where it must go. the Russian perspefvive can be as flawed and limited and bad-minded as is almost all white perspective in the world
the Russian perspective cant be trusted by people of color. and the saker as elitist cannot be trusted by collective ordianry interests. Russian perspecive, Saker perspective must be totally parsed to see whats relevant about it. from the Saker blog the Russian perspective here is as elitist as its white western counterpart…to be taken with a large pinch of salt..especially the religious aspect
I was going to make a donation after all..but no! I get the message. there was a bit of value here..I can get it and more elsewhere. the sake blog is a blog of flawed humans after all..points nowehere positive ultimately
I bet you dont post this one up! hahaha
I have absolutely NO IDEA of what you are talking about.
What are you so upset about? Please clarify that to me!
The Saker
@ben sampson, care of the Cuckoo’s Nest,
“the two Guardians Larchmonter and Mumblebrain for sure just about proves that. they remind me of Lenin and Trotsky.”
Nothing else to say . . .
ben sampson, You are either part of the problem or part of the solution. Which do you choose? I totally agree with the Saker’s comments and appreciate the site he supports. Constructive respectful dialogue is appreciated by me and assume other members of the forum too. I do not know what you are talking about either.
Thank you for this site. This site is like a refuge in a world full of propaganda.
Mr. Saker,
I’d like to ask whether posting quotes of text other than in English is prohibited in the comments?
I recently posted an excerpt in Russian quoting Zelenskiy’s words about V. Putin’s meticulousness when discussing problems. And it very clearly showed the intellectual level of Zelenskiy himself.
I didn’t translate it fearing that my level of English is not enough to convey the original context.
My comment appeared in the comments section but without the Russian text therefore losing any meaning to be there. Maybe a moderator or the platform software removed it?
Thank you and best wishes!
Why not just use, get the machine translation and indicate that it is a machine translation?
I’ve also lately found very excellent for shorter translations.
Because a mechanical combination of words is not a translation.
And, I can always do it much better than any automatic translator.
There are, however, cases when nuances in meaning and subtle humor are lost in the process.
where did you get the idea that English is obligatory on my blog?!
look at the moderation guidelines, it says NOTHING about any language
yes, the articles are in English
but the comments can be in whatever language you want!
Kind regards
The Saker
Good advice. I remember telling colleagues when I was training to become a probation/parole officer in 2002 that the pending invasion of Iraq would result in the self-destruction of the west as the dominant region of the world. I knew whilst marching in London against that pending invasion that we were wasting our time, but did it anyway because I didn’t know what else to do & told people so, on the train home that night I think I had never felt more depressed in my life. Whilst others were celebrating the biggest anti-war demo in British history, I was thinking the establishment just got what it wanted, a display that it is democratic & free, & that freedom will lead no where, it has no substance. The demo showed it. I wanted to beat Ken Livingstone into next week in Hyde Park, listening to his sickening personalized attacks on George W Bush, talking about Bush & “daddy” instead of what we, we the supposed people, can do to stop this coming disaster. I wanted to scream. This is going to destroy us, I wanted to say, don’t you see, demonstrating is playing into the hands of the oligarchy, we need to organize & where is Ken Livingstone to talk about how we are going to organize this one million that has turned out today? But no, he just wanted to score political points by slagging off Bush & “daddy” Bush & the crowd loved it, I despaired. No one at the end of the demo said here, we are setting up a stall, come, sign up, we will help you set up a local group, get organised, we will start a movement, set up candidates for local elections later on & really go for the power center. No, Ken slagged off Bush, Germaine Greer talked about how women don’t understand war & that’s why it’s a mans game – 4 years after Madelaine Albright bombed Serbia – & everyone went home. Went home & went to bed. Now, 16.5 years later & the west is about to implode. A part of me is glad, I think I’ll hop a plane, go to the land of my ancestors in the Serbian mountains, brush of my grandfathers old shot gun, do some hunting & defend my land if necessary. Or stay here in England & watch the show from up close, may be watch the City of London burn. Who knows? Who cares?
I say “Yes” to each question you posed. I have been reading for blog for a good 3 or 4 years. I found you after Strelkov’s blog disappeared. I closely followed that amazing fight that the Donbass fighters put up to rescue and then stabilize their territory.
I so relish reading cogent and rational analyses of military and political events. There is no other outlet that provides this at the level of your site does. I lived through the mass propaganda of the Cold War and realized in the 1980’s that we were being lied to and deceived by our leaders and their compliant media. It took a long time before your blog appeared and I could access a site that consistently provided accurate information. I am so grateful, as are a few friends who I have turned on to your site.
I live in the US and witness the continued commodification of everything. Youtube is now running 6 second commercials on more and more videos. I traveled for work for 30 years and witnessed first the gutting of airlines with “de-regulation” and the resulting monopolization of airports. I also lived through the impoverishment of in-flight services. In the last 10 years I have witnessed the continual shrinking of the actual seats and legroom. Now, some airlines charge you for checking your baggage.
There seems to be no end to this process of commodifying everything. Any valuing of fellow human beings is an act of deliberate resistance in the midst of a culture of exploitation that began the first moment the colonists set foot in the western hemisphere. Anything built on principles that do not accord with balance and interdependence cannot endure. If not in 2020, there will be a collapse of this exploitative system.
Many many thanks to you and your team who manages and produces this invaluable blog,
Regular podcast? Most definitely!!!
Something along the lines of the Solari Report, as others have suggested.
My suggestion:
A monthly or once in two months podcast covering the following.
1. Where the Empire is at and where is it heading?- Critical recent events, response of the Resistance, dangers, risks to one or the other side.
2. State of the Empire- politically, socially, economically, diplomatically and militarily. What this means for us global plebs, response of the Resistance.
3. Analyses of critical recent events- This should also include important but little noticed events that have happened in little mentioned places.
4. State of “Swing nations” such as Turkey, India, Egypt?, Saudi?, Brazil?. India gets far less attention than it deserves. My contention is that if India sides with the Empire, the agony will be prolonged. If India sides with the Resistance it will be over sooner.
Articles/podcasts on other theologies, philosophy:
Most definitely. The way people (and by extension nations) behave is a consequence of their core theology/philosophy. One format might be to link the way different countries behave and the fundamental values/philosophy/theology of the country. As you have pointed out Russia behaves in the way it does because of its basic Orthodox values and Western Europe behaves in the way it does because of its basic Papacy values. The same would apply to other countries so it would give us an insight into their behaviour.
Similarly the Chinese behave in the way they do because of Confucian, Taoist, Buddhist, Marxist?, Mao thought? values. And India behaves the way it does because of Vedantic (dwaita, adwaita), (any others?) values. Similarly for other countries.
You never did explain why a rishi is not the same as a prophet.
Regarding your suggestions,
Every other article touches on the state of the Empire, where it is and where it’s heading and all in perspective of current events. All of this is covered ad infinitum here from various contributors. It’s all highly subjective no matter how much argumentation you lay down, as no one knows the future (The Saker admits he was wrong regarding Iran war in 2019) and I basically think that this “Empire” topic is more than covered here.
I would rather see the Saker shed some light on more enduring problems and histories and facts, such as history’s of puppet nations, fake fly-by-night nations, fake religious views (papists and their deviant ways and many deals with devils) , feminism and its impact on various societies, pederasty and its rise, the atomized societies etc…
Also I would read about that even if it were printer backwards in chinese But I would prefer it to be video clips with semi decent graphics that would capture a wider audience.
Dear Saker:
…just a big “…Thank YOU..!”
For all the invaluable effort that you make permanently to opening our minds and forcing to think..! This is for “The Gang” too, behind you, of course.
Not speaking English (…I´m Argentine, and I need subs to watch a movie…), I can´t appreciate properly videos and podcasts, maybe it would be possible if the material has subs included with it.
Respecting to your “not so Shakesperian English”, well, you are one of the very few writers that I can read almost like in Spanish. It´s really a pleasure to read your articles, so, “your goal is perfectly made”. ;)
I will thanks you if you write more articles about compared religions. From what I’ve read on the internet on this subject, yours are superb. “Christianity and Judaism” is excellent, as the others about the Latin Church and the history of the Church in general.
There are a lot of things about I would wish to write, suffice it to say that this is perhaps the best blog BY FAR I have found in many years of searching for “other bells”.
I hope God helps you keep ringing it.
God bless you and the yours, “Noble Bird”..!
Sincerely, Miguel.-
(…BTW, the pic with “The Ugly Bear” is just SUPERB, bro..! :D :D :D )
Since I know a little bit about the internet science of Search Engine Optimization, or ‘SEO’, I use tools to measure the health of a website. There are basically two ways to view a website. One, the number of links from other websites to it. The website, has at present, almost 3 million links from over 3 thousand websites. That means that ‘the internet’ shows a lot of ‘trust’ in it. For a small obscure website, its rating is over 50 which is not as high as Google itself, which has a rating of high 90’s.
But the key metric is called “organic traffic”, that is, the number of people searching for a specific term and go to that website. The results are catastrophic. In March of 2017, it had over 40,000 visits per month. ‘Something’ hit the site really hard and by June, 2017, only about 2,000 visits per month. The site recovered somewhat in 2018, reaching 30,000 visits.
And since then, has gotten totally smashed. Most recent is 590 per month. These numbers are just estimates based on what the SEO analytical website, Ahrefs, shows. Nonetheless, I have not seen anything like this since the Propornot scandal broke back then.
The only way people can know about this site, since Google is clearly making it disappear from Search Engines, like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and so on, is to spread the website link by email, social media (where it is probably getting suppressed as well). Or word of mouth.
That’s the reality. It’s obvious that the Saker is hitting some nefariously sensitive nerves. Why is it the atrocities and crimes that are being committed are done so, seemingly shamelessly? But on the other hand, they really don’t want the information and viewpoint of the Saker and the team to be widespread.
As to the warning of the Saker about imminent crisis, one can just feel it in the air, like a sword of Damocles, and prepare as one might, its very unpredictability make it hard to prepare for, especially for those of us outside the US who are US citizens. We have to be spiritually prepared to face things as they are. However, as I have seen from close old friends and family, most people are in deep denial about the nature of the problem, which will make it even more difficult to deal with.
Hi subhuti37
Thanks for all that info! Frankly, I never cared too much about numbers, but your info is interesting.
So if I get you right, what measurably went down are the number of Google (and other search engines) referrals to the Saker Blog but not, if I understand this correctly, necessarily the number of visitors. I can tell you that while we did not track individual visitors the number of pages served each month went from a max of 3M to a min of about 1-1.2M. Dunno how much are repeat visitors, dunno how much are webcrawlers/bots. But here is what I figured and please tell me if I am wrong:
I think that most visitors to the Saker blog do NOT come from search engines. I think most folks type in in their browser or click on bookmarked pages.
So my questions to you are:
1) Am I correct in my assumption?
2) Do I even care? Frankly, my blog is targeted as a very specific audience and not at the big wide world. In other words, I don’t even notice or feel anything from these search engines. And why should I? If, as we believe, we serve, say 1.5M pages per month and Google succeeds in reducing that by 39500 (4000-500) visitors, this still only accounts for a tiny fraction of the 1.5M (nevermind the max of 3M).
3) Also, since I don’t have advertisements, if the REAL number suddenly feel by, say, 80%, I still would probably not notice much of a difference since I believe that I have a “core readership” which is MUCH smaller than the number of pages served, but which is precisely the one I want to reach. Am I missing something?
Finally, if you think you can help, assuming that help is needed, I would be grateful if you could email me so I can put you in touch with my IT team and maybe you guys can brainstorm together as to what can be done (again, assuming there is a need to do something to counter Google’s suppression)?
Anyway, thanks a lot for your info and concern. It is much appreciated.
Kind regards
The Saker
Dear Saker,
It’s been documented by a number of alternative website, such as World Socialist Website, Counterpunch, Greanville Post, and so on, that Google has altered its algorithm so that organic searches (people looking for information but not on a specific website) are directed away from some websites, like yours, and towards others.
So, for example, if someone searches for a word ‘Russian analyst’ They put the name of some Russophobic website higher up on the first page of google, and push a website like ‘’ further down. We don’t really know exactly what tricks it employs, but the results clearly show that some websites are being targeted.
True enough, it has not degenerated to the point that they are blocking a whole website. So if people know your web address, they can find you. However, the website New Eastern Outlook actually has articles they repost because they say that google “de indexes them”, basically sending a particular web page down the memory hole. I think Eric Zeusse mentioned that some of his articles disappeared. The website that archives old material, (BTW which has lots of down the memory hole material that is like going to the bookstore in 1984), sometimes had articles but now they just disappear.
So it is only in some cases, for example Youtube, will take down a video they don’t like. That means it’s gone unless someone downloaded it. Rarely will they take down a website, but they can do it. And of course, websites are regularly attacked, yours probably having experienced that.
If Google decides to make it harder for people to find something, they’ll do it. That is apparently what’s happened to If you like, I can send by email documentation of what I’m describing.
There is only one long term answer to the problem with the predominant search engines and their censorship: Creating new (community) search engines that are based on principle.
Why this is not happening and has not happened yet is a mystery.
In other words, instead of all the alternative communities jumping through hoops to find sites with integrity: How come the various communities (progressive, anti-war, center conservatives, etc) are not building central search communities (together?).
15 years ago I would have done this myself but I am getting too old :)
just a short comment on 1) – you are absolutely correct. 80% of traffic is direct, i.e. people who just type the site name, or have it bookmarked. 11% is from search.
I recommend you install the Similarweb Chrome extension and check it for yourself, it’s free.
This is most interesting.
Glad that we now have a confirmation.
Again, thanks!
The Saker
Thank you for doing this. With or without a comment section, your clear eyed analysis is what keeps me reading this blog.
As for comparative religion, I find it less interesting than the geopolitics, but that’s just me. I have spent most of my life ignoring religious matters, never really willing to suspend my disbelief. However, and recently, I have come to realize that it is an important, vital aspect of civilization. Carry on, if you will.
And a huge thank-you to the moderators. I have followed various internet news sources for decades, and can remember the largely unmoderated Usenet. There is a seemingly endless supply of unpaid trolls out there, and with the subject matter of this blog, and the current atmosphere of deliberate Russophobia here, there may be a few paid trolls…
Love your bear, he’s price less. Poster-Boy for all that is Russia.
That said, let me be the first to say, that your OPS here on this blog the past month, have been 90% pro-Schmuel, now the fact that you don’t or refuse to see this is what-ever,
Call me a troll as you wish, but like the ‘old you’ I too fight the long fight, and IMHO I have fought this fight longer than you.
All is Israel, All is owned by Israel, and you yourself right here say “USA is owned by Israel”, an “Eu is owned by USA”, so you know, but why pray tell do 90% of your OPS not know this simple fact?
(This is sarcasm comment, please don’t take it too serious)
Hmm… let check in the past month, November, who is new OPS (If my memory serve me right):
Ghassan Kadi
Naresh Jotwani
Vasily Kolosov
Jimmie Moglia
Fabio Reis Vianna
Paul Schmutz Schaller
Godfree Roberts
Pepe Escobar
Ramin Mazaheri
Unorthodox Black Sheep VN (old name is A Vietnamese Reader)
None of those author below are pro-Schmuel but the most suspicious one is Unorthodox Black Sheep VN due to his Sinophobia report in the blog. So in conclusion, no need more evidence, it’s must be him, and he must be an AngloZionist agent and he come here to hijack the blog.
mortimer is right, he is very genius, he does not need use his common sense but blind emotional only to detect the Black Sheep guy. How dare the disinformation agent Black Sheep come here to destroy “China is good guy” dream.
We have to applaud mortimer for his effort to detect the Zionism agent. Very genius, he does not even investigate and build reasonable evidence to find the agent.
Look like before mortimer can find more agent, only Black Sheep does not escape from his wrath and the remain 89% of 90% had escaped magically without any trace but better than nothing.
Everyone, congratulate him for his blindly effort.
I am a Protestant, so, while I was interested, I didn’t really understand what many of the issues were that you have referred to in your religion articles, although I asked a Catholic friend, who was also a bit baffled. I’d guess that a fair number of your readers have the same background as I do. It might be useful to give us a little help.
Could you be specific on the kind of help I could offer?
I mean, specifically: what baffles/intrigues you most?
If you let me know, I will do my best to help!
Kind regards
The Saker
I turn 70 this year. I spent the first 37 years of my life in the US and the last 33 in its blindly-obedient vassal to its north called “Canada”. My life in the US included being involuntarily included in a draft lottery in the late 1960s. (Luckily, my birthday was pulled later in the lottery, so dear old Uncle Sam couldn’t force me to kill anyone in SE Asia.) Approaching draft age made me wake up and wise up politically and I’ve remained in that state ever since.
Saker, I think you have a fantastic web site. I love it. I enjoyed reading your above article because I realize that the measures that my wife and I have taken pretty much jive with what you have recommended, although I think that one should also include deciding upon a painless method of suicide should a nuclear exchange take place that one might at least temporarily survive. The latter is IMO especially true for people my age and older. Considering the incredible number of accidental deaths by carbon monoxide every year, that might be a good way to avoid slow, painful radiation poisoning, impending social chaos, etc.
I would like to add to your rather dark assessment of the US deterioration the possibility, if not the inevitability, of US false flag operations. IMO, the importance of false flags cannot be overstated. For just one recent example, look at what the Skripal false flag and a thouroughly corrupted MSM were able to accomplish in the “minds” of most people living in the UK and other countries. You want to demonize Russia? Just stage a false flag in Salisbury, “investigate” for a few days; declare Mr. Putin to be the culprit; call upon the other US vassal nations to support the investigation’s findings; don’t give Russia any opportunity to refute the allegations and, voila, Russia is miraculously transformed into a very bad nation. Russian diplomats are booted out of Britain, US, Canada, etc. and “sanctions” are then imposed. Mission Accomplished! So easy. The very recent WADA actions are IMO another false flag to demonize and punish Russia.
Unfortunately, IMO, it is almost certain that false flag will be the tool that the US and its numerous vassals will employ in the future, not simply to demonize and sanction Russia, but to outright attack Russia. “Russia” will have to do something especially heinous in order to literally force the perhaps ignorant POTUS to more or less immediately launch a massive nuclear attack from such a close distance that it might destroy Russia’s ability to retaliate. I think that the movie “Sum Of All Fears” pretty much spells out such a scenario, but the upcoming real-world false-flag will likely be carried out by desperate, high-level, panicking US deep state operatives, just like those who testified in the impeachment circus, perhaps doing what they sincerely believe is necessary, even without the knowledge of the POTUS (as the Syrian White Helmets “gas attacks” probably were).
After an “intolerable act by Russia”, If Russian subs and land-based mobile ICBMs could be destroyed in an all-out first strike, that would prevent retaliation from those particular forces. After seeing those Russia-hating impeachment “witnesses”, I have no doubt that they are at the very least discussing the ramifications of a surprise, “pre-emptive” first strike.
Is the US transnational Elite willing to go gentle into that good night? That is the question. Most recent, increasingly-desperate US+vassal-state acts indicate that it will not. By failing to accomplish in 2019 what they would have easily accomplished a few decades ago, the US Elite see themselves as being increasingly pushed into a not-so-exceptional-after-all corner in which they have absolutely no intention to remain. Doing just exactly what is going to get them out of that corner and back into the world’s driver’s seat? IMO, we’ll find out very soon.
Big thanks Saker and others for this amazing blog! I find your articles on religion extremely illuminating so, please, more comparative theology. Cheers!
I hate to say it but I feel you may be right. It’s time to dig in for the long haul.
Dear Saker,
Thank you for this update. I comment occasionally but not as often as others, though I do read the comments which at times are as informative as the article itself. I’m not highly educated or informed that I could have much to contribute to these comments. What I am is an old man, newly retired from self-employment, living in the woods in a cabin (not far from a small town), who is also a convert of nearly two years to Patristic Christianity (OCA). For most of my life, I was a dry sponge, hard and useless. Now I am a wet sponge, absorbing everything. I have no problem with articles posted by Muslims, for example. Some of these people are highly moral and logical in what they say. I don’t feel threatened by them even though we would not find agreement on theology. It makes me think of the attitude of the Russian missionaries who came to North America. St. Herman comes to mind and is one of my favorites. They didn’t view the natives as evil pagans and were afraid to be contaminated by them. They saw them as moral people who had a few areas where they needed to be enlightened. This is the attitude we should have daily in our dealings with those who are not Orthodox. I would have no problem even with Muslims as neighbours or others. I’m surrounded by those who do not belong to my Church. I’m likely the only Orthodox Christian for many miles around. But we have to love our neighbour as Christ commands us. So yes these articles are all good and I would appreciate more regarding Patristics. I read an article last evening linked on facebook from the Russian Orthodox Community in Canada. It was FOIA documents released from the CIA regarding their involvement in using or turning the Orthodox against each other, or more specifically turning Istanbul and Greece against Russia and the Moscow Patriarchate. Reading this hurt me some. What the hell are these ‘Patriarchs’ doing, being tools of evil forces of this world to attack their Christian brothers living under another political ideology? And this is still going on with the usual suspects. So, I would like to become better grounded. I believe this is the ancient Apostolic Church, but as usual, from time to time there is a serious problem with the ground crew! But God is the same yesterday, today and forever.
I like podcasts. They don’t have to be long podcasts. James Corbett of does one. Very easy to follow. He picks a subject and gives some background and facts for us to chew on. It’s good.
Regarding 2020 in the U.S. and the rest of the west, I mirror your concerns exactly. I expect the worst.
Regarding your site not being ‘ideologically pure’, that tells me this is not a propaganda site. Thank you.
My final comment relates to the cartoon with the Russian bear. Bears are my second favorite wild animal, next to elephants. I love bears and know quite a bit about their behavior. They are probably a good symbol for Russia, but not for the reason generally imagined which is that they are ferocious, man-killing beasts. This is not true at all! Bears are highly intelligent, curious and playful. The mothers teach their cubs all they need to know before sending them off on their own. They just want to live their lives and be left alone, without threat or provocation. They only look for a meal. Don’t threaten them and they won’t threaten you. I’ve read of a biologist and a naturalist who has studied bears for decades. They both concluded that most if not all bears have suffered at least one trauma-related to people.
I am deeply repulsed by the powers and propaganda ruling the west, and even being disseminated by the so-called alt-right against Russia and all countries which don’t submit to the empire. I’m impressed with the progress Russia has made in their recovery from the evil foisted on it by the west. The population needs to come back to their ancient faith. The most beautiful anthem I have heard is the anthem of the Russian Federation. The words about ‘ancient wisdom given by their forebears’ bring tears to my eyes. They need to listen to this history. And the Bishops there need to resist the overtures of the Vatican. And something needs to be done with these disrupters who are puppets of the State Department in Istanbul, Greece, and now Alexandria. Sorry about that but I just blew off a bit of steam.
Keep up the good work. Your site is my go-to in the morning after I follow my routine of prayers and reading about the lives of the saints and bible reading.
“The most beautiful anthem I have heard is the anthem of the Russian Federation. The words about ‘ancient wisdom given by their forebears’ bring tears to my eyes. They need to listen to this history.”
same to me, every week, in their most valuable tradition
If you like the anthem of the Russian Federation, I strongly suggest what I believe the be the best rendition of “God Save The Tsar” I have ever heard (and it’s a capella!).
I would like to read the Saker’s take on the future of the Orthodox faith in America. This is an idea for future content, since it links with Russia’s relationship with the US, as the OCA came out of the cold war era, and contributed somehow to the perpetuation of the split between the two Russian branches of the Patriarchate and the Russians abroad, but now that this divide is mending, and another split is appearing, and this time it isn’t perpetrated by the Communists, but by the Capitalists, the question is: how similar/dissimilar will the Bolshevik be versus the AngloZionists? Will America have a “living church”, as in the USSR, or simply the nine-grams of state dispensation (aka, the supreme measure), or maybe both?
> Translating Russian documents, articles and videos from Russian into English is still one of the most important things
What about texts – may i suggest trying using online collaborative translation services?
I mean – the blanket “you will translate what we would give you” is not very appealing.
Also – “wow, i read this and i want Saker to publish it if i gonna ever translate it”. Because, how would i know Saker woudl find this specific document as amuzing, as i did ?
So i propose there to be a repository of documents (texts) that Saker blog wants translated. So, that people could always and immediately
1) see what documents are wanted and pick ones they care about
2) translate / enhance parts of documents without committing themselves to full document, less so to all the documents
So, how it can be done, hopefully.
1) create a repository of documents on online cooperative translation platform, for example on – but there are also others.
2) when finding a particularly interesting document – convert it into PLAIN TEXT (all pretty formatting stripped away, you would anyway do it for publishing on Saker blog) and upload into the repository
3) maybe announce somewhere on the blog that new document is added waitingg
4) wait and hope that people would find the document inspiring and then translate the document to other languages, paragraph by paragraph, continually enhancing work of one another.
At least they would be given the possibility to learn which docs are needed without need to do a thing to opt in. And then with very little needed to actually starting contributing. No need for full commitments, making an account and translating one single paragraph is already some help.
No, translating video boils down to TWO different tasks.
1) writing down and “timing” (binding phrases to timestamps) the original text
2) translating it
and maybe
3) reading translated text for creating a voice-over (dubbing) new video.
Since there are well known plain text formats for “timed text” (SSA, ASS most often used) – subtitles, closed caption – those can be also uploaded for editing on the services like the described above.
And the translated subtitles can later be added to YouTube video.
In my experience, though, the initial writing down + typing (job 1) is MUCH more tedious and time consuming than actual translation.
wow. The last part of saker s article today has put my breathing to a stop.
I see it took you six or more years of observation and analysis to sudden bump up and stumble into a need of such a warning.
Well the best i could do was just to print it and read again and again.
Tks for all dedication and efforts, saker.
Your posts about orthodoxy are verry interesting to me, both spiritually and as a swede historically. Acording to official history Christendom came to Sweden from England and Germany. The early Swedish saints were almost all englishmen, but I’m sure that’s a false history written by the latin church because archeological evidens rather points to the East, mainly Constantinople and Rus. The Swedish vikings didn’t go West, they travelled the rivers eastward to serve as soldiers in Constantinople and their nobel familys intermarried with the nobel familys of Rus, there was even a Swedish princess who became a Russian Saint, Ingegärd, doughter of the swedish King Olof Skötkonung and wife of Yaroslav I the wise, Grand Prince of Rus, as a Saint she is known as Saint Anna. She was Swedens first Saint but is sadly forgotten in this russofobic country, and few here knows about her. My belief is that if the fact that christendom came to Sweden from Rus became common knowledge in my country, witch since centuries are so sadly russofobic, it could change some of the sentiments against russia in the Swedish psyche, maybe not so much but perhaps a little in the right direction.
The pursuit of truth is the most precious and essential human occupation. I treasure you and your blog for this reason Saker. There is now no higher mission than what you have chosen.
Dear Saker,
Thank you for your blog. I read it most days. The insights and information you provide are invaluable. More than anything they provide me with a clear contrast between the increasingly hysterical propaganda of the monopoly media and what might be the realities on the ground.
The access you provide, through your wonderful community translators, to the views and information from people outside the angloziosphere give me a sense of what is really happening in our world, not what the gatekeepers of truth want me to believe.
More power to your pen!
ps, As a confirmed atheist I find your articles about religion and comparative religions illuminating and fascinating.
Well hello Saker. I want to leave a comment that is really more a personal thanks for your open mindedness and objectivity of character. I am a child of the Cold War like many others. My family were Canadian Marxists and I was raised in the shade of a red banner, so to speak.
With the failure of the left in western nations I lost confidence in the Marxists I knew and quite honestly wouldn’t want them running a kindergarten let alone a country. At the same time I have great respect for the people efforts of a previous generation of leftists who truly were people to admire for there efforts to reform the ugliness of western culture.
It suprised me to find your blog and hear someone from your background be objective about positive and negative aspects of soviet and western leftists in general. There are clearly both.
It has been reaffirming to hear your views in a world that has largely become poorly written propaganda in replacement of news.
That’s it. Thanks. J.
Thank you a lot Mr. Raevsky for your wishes, hopes, dedication and effort. I and the people I share your content with directly or indirectly, truly apreciate it and be certain the day will come where we could manifest these thanks concretely.
Now on-topic:
Podcasts: I prefer written articles, and I think is easier to share and promote written pieces, like Q&As than podcasts, but short podcasts/commentaries (around 15/10/5 min) about core subjects could support some articles or attract people to them. I’m talking from a latin-american, non-english-native-speaker culture so I think it’s a minority stance.
Patristic Christianity: I have developed some interest and taste in religion knowledge through this blog and I see them as core basis of cultures, even if they try to present themselves as laic. I’m very interested now in the russian culture (if so maybe of the profund injustice the western-dominant history has done to it in our eyes, and which we have been made to almost hate and despise since birth through cuasi full spectrum narrative control in my and younger generations) so anything you can add to know better about “Russia’s Soul” will be interesting. I really liked the film “Confession of a Samurai”, and being honest, any russian cultural expresion (not only theological ones) will be very welcome by me at least (liked the Brat 1 & 2 films a lot too). I would like to note that even in “western mirrored” “hollywood-esque” expressions I see russian culture/perspective permeates, coming to mind (as simple example) how an army general lived and acted during the popcorn film “Attraction”, in a way extremely different to what you could see in american/western films. Still on this, I’m grateful for the introduction of terms and concepts as the word “недоговороспособны”, and its cultural weight or significance, and the russian stance on LGBT western-weaponized propaganda.
Other religions/comparative theology: I have learned a lot, and gained interest about judaism and islam through this blog and the “deconstruction” of their core values that help explain so many cultural paradigms. I see war (including the actual “low kinnetic” one) as cultural war in first place, so I think is very relevant to keep posting about these subjects too.
Off topic again,
I’m not the common expected target (have less than 30, not broke although almost, without a grade but maybe with equivalent level knowledge in some areas) and I see some social engineering effort by TPTB to create distrust and/or comunicative dislocations through not only races, nations, religions, polytical stances, genders, social class, etc. but through ages/generations too. The “elder’s” wisdom should and must reach younger generations in order to protect and build the future. This is just an observation, I don’t know what to suggest or make of it, but I think is relevant to think about it, because if “the wokeness” (the serious, cuasi or truly academic one) doesn’t go down in the demographic pyramid, I fear the future looks bleak.
I have been trying to learn how to and do some follow “the money” exercise to get a better grasp of whats going on “up there”, and things doesnt look great. Elites are not bad per-se. I advocate for aristocracy (or “the government of the best” as opposed to oligarchy) and I see elites as fundamental to human societies and development as the working people in the base of it. As a species We, humans, work best as an anthill, the people need the elite, and the elite needs the people, as is suggested in “The Matrix” trilogy, particularly in the last film (the less liked and understood one in my view) where is made clear that humans need machines, and machines need humans. In this sense, the actual, apparent and maybe evident decomposition state of our elites could not bring anything good. What is called “smart money” in markets has long left out the economy for safe heavens and safe assets and the actual economy is running on fumes made of pension/sovereign funds, pyramid schemes on steroids, algorythm rigging, and ship-loads of fake paper interventions that is being used unscrupulously shorten-sighted as if it where their own, to keep appearances while their interests and families move to hidden properties and bunkers around the world. It frightenly feels like they are “ditching us” and ressembles me the pre-catastrophic movements “of the few” during the now american-classic catastrophic film “2012”. Some argue an inside-made “reset” is coming in order to impose a new order/social contract, but what if there is something out of their control driving their fear too and they, not being the most capable ones, are just trying to save their asses while they think they can?
It sounds pessimistic, but I think this is more like to be realistic. Is almost evident that something big is going on. A pessimistic attitude would be then “ok, so nothing matters, lets live like its the last day”, but that is presented as the way to go, to be “optimistic” and I fear that some sections, don’t know how relevant ones, of the elites think like this. I feel it is the other way around, the optimistics are the survivalists, the ones who want to wait and tolerate distress in hopes of a brighter future.
Thank you again Saker for your work. Best wishes and good luck everyone.
Saker… much appreciate your blog, your time, and for what you do, in shining a light on the Anglo Zionist Empire and its psychopathic apparatchiks.
I took serious note of your conclusion, and the perfect storm that will inevitably hit. I too have seen the big black clouds approaching.
I sell a homeless street mag as my only means of income in the second largest city in Australia.
The neighbourhood where I live would be the equivalent of maybe Camden NJ, or South Central Los Angeles.
I’m aware of what’s coming.
I also apologise as in previous comments here, I have been guilty of going ‘off topic’ quite a lot.
As someone who was bought up Catholic, which I renounced at 18, perhaps an indepth article on the Papacy’s historical activities, including its crimes. Perhaps also, your views on Buddhism or Taoism.
I think being your blog that if you believe enough of your readers want to read about religion then go ahead. Like any topic those uninterested can always skip it. Perhaps though for balance it could be noted that the Western religions are not the only beliefs in the world, millions follow others.
followed (lost the connection)
more efficient. Even showing how deep and penetrating Evil can be would be valuable.
Saker, thanks for your blog and many thanks for having such a stamina in pursuing your web site
Replies to your questions (sending them a second time because ran in to some difficulties ( keyboard issues from my cell):
“Quality of audience”: don’t worry. I don’t hesitate to refer to The Saker when needed to very initiated individuals ( in my area: Montreal) in geopolitics and I could see the impact on the evolution of there coverage of there articles.
I do that with other web sourc
Bravo Saker.
You are correct..a candle in the dark. I have only recently come to this blog and it has become mandatory daily reading. My interests are politics and the affects they have on business and the corruption that ensues. I enjoy reading about religions but as an atheist tend to read and pass on. Podcasts are of little interest as reading allows more time to think.
Please keep up the good work.
Thanks The Saker for all what you are doing. I really appreciate your stamina when facing such odds
Suggestions on your requests for comments:
“Quality of audience and members: don’t worry. I don’t hesitate to refer to The Saker when needed on news paper articles of very initiated people in my area (Montreal) . What I could say is that I observe it has an impact on the evolution of their articles. I do that for posts if other web sites which I find as credible as yours.
“moderators”: will get in touch with “”
“podcasts”: doesn’t really impact on me not having the time to listen to any pods. Besides, knowing that they now can generate false videos – which require a significantly more complex technology to make the video credible to the audience- I think it’s a waste of time and energy
“articles in Patristic Christianity” : I think it would be better to link in a appropriate manner in your articles to a spiritual web environment where one can “learn how to communicate and get closer to God” .
“Articles on religion”: I like the expression “comparative theology”. After all we are all talking about knowing more about God. I guess it’s even more than “knowing”. Referencing in an appropriate manner in your articles about comparative theology can only deepen the spiritual experience of your readers. Naturally, you can expect a lot of controversy from theologians – and I’m certain there a lot out there, excluding me, naturally-.
Mr. Saker, pod casts are the way to go my man, not just one-to-one interviews but group discussions like what The Duran does with the two Alex’s & Lavelle, they used to have that guy Sloboda on as well, but he mysteriously disappeared, & ceased appearing on Crosstalk as well, I wonder….. I never liked him anyway, but it’s not about me & my likes. Anyway, pod casts are a great way to draw more people, just look at that complete tosspot Joe Rogan, I hate the guy, he is the ultra liberal nazi, but the format is good, it’s a great way to communicate a lot of information very quickly if you are a good communicator – which I’m sure you know that you are, & if you were to have discussions with those two geniuses Auslander & Larchmonter, who wouldn’t want to watch that I ask you? I would love it, & I’m sure many others would. More informative pod casts are needed on the internet, the only fear is the future of the internet itself, will it survive in its current form? It is not looking good, but then that is out of our hands, if they shut it down for dissident voices then there is not a lot that can be done, unless some kind of alternative appears in the meantime. But yeah, pod casts, do it!
Keep up the writing on Orthodoxy. Podcasts, yes not necessarily weekly; when given a choice between a transcript and spoken word, I choose the transcript, but others may have different preferences. Other religions/Comparative religion as the spirit leads.
Dear Saker
I can’t remember how I stumbled upon your blog back in early 2014, but since then has been a ‘must read’ every day as a beam of light and hope. Time is short, so I don’t comment as much as I used.
I think your current format of guest writers, coupled with your expert analysis works just fine. ‘If it ain’t broke then don’t fix it’. Re Podcasts – short, topic specific (like a Ted talk) would work for many, whilst my personal preference is text which can be reread and forwarded.
All the best from bush fire ravaged Aussie east coast. Dense smoke is still choking our cities and rain is not on the radar. Now my granddaughter’s 16 year old friend and his younger brother were killed in the NZ volcano disaster … the boys’ parents are still missing.
So much tragedy but life must and will go on.
Christmas greetings and blessings to Saker and the Saker community.
I am not worried about Russia , it has a bright future ahead of it . I am worried about a decadent West.
Exploring other traditions and their relations to Orthodoxy is certainly a valuable idea. There is “an apophatic unity of the revelations” as opposed to a “transcendent unity of religions”. There is a hierarchy between revelations and their ‘religious’ application in the world and their exploration should be made with ‘discernment’ (“test the spirits to see whether they are of God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit which does not confess Jesus is not of God. This is the spirit of antichrist, of which you heard that it was coming, and now it is in the world already”).
More care should be exercised in not letting the blog to become a platform for Muslim or ‘ecumenistic’ propaganda. It is noticeable how offensive that was for some Serbian readers, an presumably for some Russians as well. There have been in the (Russian) past various attempts to view Russia’s prophetic role as actually being fulfilled in alliance with the Ottoman Turks and the Crimean Tartars for the “destruction of Babylon (Rome and Vienna, for that matter)”. They did more harm than good.
Best wishes for the new year, even though it is likely to be a tough road. As for suggestions, I would like to see you stripe down further by forgetting about podcasts and theology. They are a waste of your time in view of whats coming. I value your opinions and those of guests; anything that spends unnecessary money should be dumped.
In that vein, I suggest your do away with moderators altogether, by enabling a Comment Qualification process, where you have to qualify someone to post a comment. In that way, you will discourage those who want to pull the trigger in anger at some post, and encourage the regular, or repeat posters. I do not know how to do that, but I expect it can be done. You are under no obligation to host poster who are just looking to make some angry, despicable comment.
A special note on theology: In the following comment I do not want to dissuade anyone from embracing their religion. Yet, for me, in the 4th or 5th grade at my Lutheran school I found myself listening to our teacher who was describing angels coming down from heaven. I, like now, was a skeptic and called out bullshit on this theme. From then on, I have not had a belief in any religion. Not saying that helped or hurt me, but @ 77 years, I still believe that religion was started eons ago by shaman, chieftains, a way to get power in the tribe, and get more spoils of war, including females. I have never criticized others for their beliefs. And while many aspects of religions have positive social values, it’s simply not for me.
If you look at previous centuries it is apparent that this is the same basic scam used by the Catholic church to destroy South American civilization and in collusion with the state, to bring back the gold. Nothing has changed in the interim, The next big scam was the zio’s embarking on the slave trade from Africa for a few hundred years.
500 years later, there is still a clash of religions/tribes (along with the zio’s who profess a religion but in reality, are simply not even atheists, but rather devil-worshipers, and gangsters).
The idea of religions must be moderated by the state, with freedom for all faiths. Lastly, they must hold in check, the universal tendency to start wars over religions.
So tell me Saker, what good could you do by wasting your time on comparative religions, when after thousands of years, they are still fighting and killing each other. It’s not your fight, as it will go on for a like number of centuries. Spend your time on more productive endeavors: those you like, that you are good at, and do not cost much money!
WOW! Time flies, when you’re having fun!
No! Wait! It’s the opposite! Time stopped:
For almost three years I’ve been thinking it’s still been just three years visiting the Vineyard almost daily…..even since just after……. Vicky Brought Cupcakes to Kiev!
But it’s really been six years of adventure, discovery……and connecting on some level of abrasion or cohesion…with so many good, interesting people.
Chins up, Soldiers Who Fight The Good Fight!
Yes, any one of us might die next year…..but when you embrace a battle such as this….you may as well resolve that you are already as good as dead….and leave the fear to those who are not ready to die……….with a smile on top of a grimace, because they have not overcome their doubt …as to whether they should submit to evil in hopes of being spared til last by it, dreading to be among the earliest to fall.
However, I am happy …and not grim:
Even before I heard of the Vineyard….in late 2013, I was of this frame of mind. Five years of “nose to the grindstone” 6 or 7 days a week work to hold it together since the bursting of the housing and land bubble…and I could finally take a few hours a week to poke around on the internet….and in less than a month of browsing I remember thinking to myself…..”By God, we’ve WON!”
How was such a thought….. possible???
You have to compare the consciousness of the last 7 years …of the rapidly growing few …to the very, very few and far much farther in-between that cared to get at all serious………1…2….3 decades earlier.
The proliferation of different voices surfacing on the internet astonished me!
The ability to hear Starikov on the Hebdo Mass FF Psyop in Paris….or Federov on the Failed Moscow “Maidan” after the killing of the sacrificial lamb …and bloody traitorous fool Nemtsov……so memorably described by Israel Shamir…..ironically admitting “envy” at the way that Boris departed this world in the arms of a beautiful model…in gentle evening snowfall…on a bridge ….in sight of the Kremlin….. that the murderers sought to frame in the MSM for the deed they so artfully choreographed.
And to share with Saker re-evaluations of Stalin himself and all of those momentous upheavals of the last century… Martin from Soviet East Berlin held up a most unflattering mirror for any westerner to gaze into….until his own communist religious zeal, intolerance and premature euphoria over the Brexit referendum (Patience, Martin…and Endurance!) drove him on out of here….. I liked him, actually.
Ah the complexity, the richness of the historical tapestry…and its present weaving!
Warm thanks to Saker for the Vineyard looms, the wool and yarn from all parts of the world….. and all the guest weavers, translators, moderators and debaters ….past, present and future.
Pardon my optimism….I’m not trying to be contrary!
One Belt One Road. But that’s a whole optimistic chapter and object lesson in itself of the Power of Ideas….for another time that I wish Dennis could have loved…. the dear, confused old soul!
No, I just try to relate what I see, from my perspective….and have for the last six years:
Yes, much danger persists and much darkness remains to be lit…but it IS being lit…..Aggregate Vision IS improving…..and we are rapidly approaching 20/20.
What’s not to like about that!?
“Well, first I strongly suggest that you prepare for a major crisis. Make sure that most of your money is not in any bank (get small silver or gold coins; ammunition and medicines will also become currencies if things get really ugly), prepare emergency food rations.”
How realistic is it to withdrawal most money out of bank and invest them in the coins, ammo/guns, medicine, or food, as you suggest?
Where would one store these things safely–in one’s basement?
For gold/silver coins, I suppose a safe would work–but still, dependent on one’s savings, that could be quite a lot or coins to store–and protect.
Is there any bank in the world that would be safe to transfer one’s saving into?
I’m not trying to be overly critical of your suggestions but just brainstorming what is practical and doable for the “average” person….
Re Comparative Religion. It is interesting that China and Russia are now strategic partners. Yet their world view is based on a very different assumptions. Chinese culture is primarily based on Confucianism, with admixture of Taoism and Buddhism. I once edited a paper by a college student who compared Western to Chinese thinking. These are all essentially non theistic ethical systems. That doesn’t mean Atheist “I don’t believe in God”. It means, the topic never even comes up when the question of how to lead ones life comes up.
She noted that as far back as Greece, there was an idea of a hierarchy, where, if you didn’t obey the gods, you got punished. Monotheistic religions have a similar idea, of someone who judges the behavior of humans. Thus the idea of ‘sin’. It’s assumed that without that, human society would be unworkable.
She contrasted that with Chinese understanding. Where it’s more like ‘how things are’ that determines results. It does not emphasize a First Cause or an Omniscient Being, but rather, cause and effect. Which of course Western religions also have.
Likewise, Buddhism does not address divine intervention but rather individual action.
Taoism talks about ‘the Tao’, or the “Way”. Also in Eastern understanding as I understand it, causation is based on myriad causes and conditions which are quite hard to understand, in their infinite complexity.
Cause/effect is a continuum. Whether or not such issues are useful to explore is up for question, but I thought that the issue of ethics and practice vs core belief as the basis for a spiritual system could be part of the equation. In China, most people don’t see the existence of God as an issue. Or divinity in general, and yet in terms of character, I found Chinese to be quite deep, at least the ones I met in my travels.
Whatever people claim to believe does not determine their behavior. I was told in 1999 by a devout Christian that the world was going to end in 2000. So asked, so does that mean that a serial killer who professes at the moment the world ends that he believes in Jesus, will be saved, and a person who helped the poor, healed the sick and led a virtuous life but did not believe in Jesus would be damned? His answer, “hmmm…good question”.
One last point is that abuses of authority occur in all systems. And one of the main problems of organized religion everywhere, is that, in order to stay viable, all too often it sides with temporal authority, which may be contrary to its own principles. Thus resulting in many a religious war and persecution of those who simple think differently. Or simply siding with authority against the 99%. That was the criticism of the Tibetan Buddhist theocracy. Great ethics and spiritual practice in theory, but meanwhile 95% were poverty stricken serfs with lots of abuses.
My head aches hust thinking about this, maybe better to stick to geo politics.
You forgot to add Scientific Materialism, which is the current dominant paradigm and mode of thought in the world.
Very important to understand this too.
I am interested in discussing God/man/faith. Since this is an intelligent group, I would be interested in submitting comments/Bible portions on how to get one’s prayers answered faster and using Bible tools to deal with the possibly approaching chaos and darkness. Bible miracles regarding man works like this: (1) God declares His will towards man, (2) man acts in agreement with God’s declared will towards man, (3) God then implements God’s declared will. This is proven by a large body of Bible episodes/verses and by experimental data. God’s will towards man is declared in the Bible, for us today as well as for those in the past. I am interested in interaction and feedback from this group.
These are big words, I know. But I have followed others’ work and have studied and tested the Bible for 26 years, and both theory and experimental data check out. Others have also learned to receive miracles from God. Let me know if the site admin would like to view samples to check for quality.
From Kenya, East Africa…
This article brought tears to my eyes. In 2015, I was desperate for a factual analysis of the Syrian war. When Russia stepped in to save the situation, I felt that that was a pivotal moment in global affairs.
It was about that time that I stumbled onto your website. Since then, I visit daily for analyses and viewpoints from your varied audience. It is truly enriching, enjoyable and informative.
And, Yes, the storm is coming!
Podcasts could be nice, albeit I would like if they were transcripted. And I would greatly appreciate more religion and culture articles – they’re relaxing and take the mind away from the dour political analyses.
As for the collapse, glad I’m in Serbia. Tough times but I don’t think there will be blatant civil war
Respect for not going with the poll option, a well argued point can be overshadowed by two idiots in a poll. Bravo.
Regarding the questions I would really enjoy more of the Saker community translations type videos on various topics. Or for a lack of a better word a “podcast”. These videos have a wider reach and unlike a typical podcast your weekly or monthly videos should be on eternal topics, not daily ones. Things like history’s of puppet nations, fake nations, fake religious views (papists and their deviant ways and many deals with devils) , femenism and its impact on various societies, pederasty and its rise, the atomized societies etc…
These and other topics, in a 15-35 minute videos that are on par with the community translation ones quality wise, would be timeless nuggets of pure gold. It would be easier for sharing as well.
Thank you for having this blog, it’s really great.
You are quite right that if the USA has an economic crisis, then the EU will also fall into it as well. Ironically, the major financial crisis in the USA almost happened as you were writing this ‘state of the art blog’ which shows how fragile the West’s financial system now is. Here are the relevant links:
11 Dec 2019.
12 Dec 2019.
12 Dec 2019.
These links use technical terminology that it not easy to follow if you are not already familiar with it. It may be easy to guess that FX refers to Foreign Exchange but is it easy to spot that o/n means ‘overnight interest rate’? Or that LTCM refers to Long Term Capital Management (a US bank that failed big time in1988 because its management was complacent and did not realise that the environment in which it was operating had changed fundamentally)? The ‘repo rate’ is the rate of interest charged by financial institutions to lend overnight to other institutions. So the ‘repo’ rate is a bit like LIBOR in the UK (the London Interbank Offer Rate) and indeed the repo rate would normally be set in the knowledge of what was happening to LIBOR, but in this case it was about to move rapidly away from any such link to other non-US financial markets, while impacting on the FX and other markets. The impact would have cascaded, like dominoes falling.
These articles show that a series of different but linked financial markets, such as FX and Hedge Fund markets, were about to run out of money at the ‘turn’, that is the end of this year when certain contracts have to be settled. (The end of year ‘turn’ is much bigger than the quarterly ‘turns’.) What the articles just stop sort of saying is that the big US banks, including the biggest JP Morgan, may have been making sure that they were going to be short of liquid funds (cash) precisely in order to cause a financial crisis that would force the US Federal Reserve (the Fed: the US central bank) to restart Quantitative Easing [QE]. That would have been the fourth time, despite the Fed policy now being not to have another bout of QE. The result of the incipient shortage of cash in the major US banks would have been a financial crash, including on the US stock market.
What has happened is that by the time the third link was posted on 12 December the Fed had caved in and announced that it would provide $500 billion between December 16 2019 and January 14 2020. So in effect it has been forced to provide QE4, against its earlier wishes. The US banks seem to have engineered this by buying US Treasury Bills instead of keeping to their normal proportions of cash reserves to finance the other markets that depended on such cash being available when they needed it (in this case, at the ‘turn’ of the year).
So a major financial crash was averted on 12 December. In my view it would have gone global, but Russia and China would have been at least partly insulated, whereas the EU would probably have suffered a major crisis, including even possibly a collapse of the Euro as a currency. Russia is now the most stable economy in the world, having debts that it could pay off more or less instantly from its reserves. It is the only major economy where growth is not financed by debt. China can probably handle its debt problem because it is held largely by Chinese savers and Chinese financial institutions, and so such debt does not have an immediate impact on its currency’s exchange rate with the Dollar or other currencies. That gives China time to restructure its debt in the light of a crisis that starts elsewhere.
In addition, both Russia and China have made a series of currency swap deals that enable them to trade to some extent (that is with some partner countries) without the US dollar. They have also each set up an international payments system that can function like SWIFT (the main Western system) and does not show up in US banks, so that they can for example trade with Iran without the US knowing about it. The Russian and Chinese payments systems are software compatible with SWIFT and with each other, and so in the event of a major crisis they will be able to switch other countries fairly seamlessly to trading with their own international payments systems. These measures, plus their holdings of gold, will help Russia and China to insulate themselves against a Western financial crisis. But a crisis of the scale of the one that was avoided yesterday will still hurt both Russia and China.
if only at least 10% of The PPL understood, or at least knew, what did happen on 12.12…
It’s not over yet. The FEDs repo liquidity doesn’t fill the full “QEs” benefits some people are looking for and is probably just an excuse to appear as if the FED is doing its purportedly job. 12/12 wasn’t “the day” at all, it could literally be any day from these last dificult days before the year closes. Yes, FX means forex exchange, currency swaps and related. As somebody pointed out:
“Based on the information provided, there appears to be a war between the large banksters and the hedge funds. With a stock “market” which only goes up and reaching records every week, investors realize it is highly manipulated (more than normal), so they are not playing the game.
The banksters make money with volume of transactions from participants, and this happens when a market is volatile, but not when it is fixed to only go up. I believe the banksters have been trying to setup a correction, but the over-leveraged hedgies won’t allow it because they have bet on the market to only go higher.
Since the Fed is the banksters, as they sit on the Board of Directors, the banksters will win over the hedgies, and force them out of their over leveraged positions. For this reason, I see a sharp equities correction by the end of the year.”
The REPO market is fundamental to understand our actual economy. It is literally THE main air pump in the world (a trillionary market) for the actual “everything bubble” we have.
America is an economic parasite–but one that tries to invert reality and portray itself as a victim of others.
Without the Imperial Dollar as the world’s only reserve currency, America’s economic free ride off the back of the world will come to a deserved end.
That day is drawing nigh.
Even Putin was recently talking about collapse of American Dollar hegemony, as a result of the USA’s manipulation of the Dollar as a weapon against other nations.
Vladimir Putin: US Dollar Will Collapse Soon
How about a Saker’s Guide to Prepping and surviving the coming financial apocalypse?
I might prefer to die early on in an Apocalyptic event than endure through it an the aftermath. Comments, anyone?
I suggest that there could be a historic archieve of the enemy’s media-mistakes.
Sometimes there are leaks, sometimes there are speeches on local TV, sometimes there are journalism and so on. The internet is now under censorship to remove the truth from history.
Some examples:
Pres. Poroshenko tell his audience how he will win the war. (He almost screamed that the war in Ukraine was on the peoples and that they were “bombed” to live in “holes” in cellars, so that children could not go to shcool, people could not go to work, had no work, had no pensions and so on ).
The documentation of the above scene is very scarce now, and may disappear alltoghether.
We may contribute to have similiar documentation uploaded and stored.
thanks for this update and reminder in the end of this article. i miss hearing those from 108morris108. he died just after his youtube channel with countless outstanding videos got deleted. he might be stubborn with his guts and understanding, but thats ok. ayurveda, turpentine, exploring cambodia on his scooter or on foot, witnessing his journey, his young family, his interviews especially his friend-ish skype chat with Willem Felderhof and Sheikh Imran Hosein… and much much more topics that begining to fade into forgetfullness
thesaker, imran hosein, 108morris108. i forget where i first heard you from, or whom first i found listening to and got stuck. you have been beneficial and resourceful. may god have mercy on us that he may not humiliate us in the hereafter.
Thank you for all yer work and God Bless.
I dont understand whats going on but there is nutten to it really, regardless….
your blog is fine and on-going. long may it shine
all the best
Ben Sampson
“There might be some of you who are disappointed that I did not acknowledge their support or express my gratitude personally” Hi The Saker, I think that most of us who contribute to your blog do not expect any personal acknowledgment. We appreciate the enormous effort you and your stuff are doing, it is us who are thankful to you and your group for keeping this blog going on.
Would like to listen to podcasts.
One is not to take religious or spiritual texts literally. . Until… this century? And with a different understanding maybe.
Sure good idea to dig into that.
Thank you