Check this out: a group of Russian students have somehow projected footage of the Victory Day parade on the White House. They called their project “polite tanks” and they explained that “if Barak does not want to come to the parade, the parade will come to him”. I love it!
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Bloody excellent,take that Obarmie.
I don’t think Barack Obama belongs anywhere else than in the Offal Office. Should the scum set foot in Moscow on Victory Day, he should be flogged to death as a truly wonderful and stunning moral boost to the celebrations.
Suggested music title: Fare ill, Slave Yankee
That was absolutely AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Polite people who know how to make a point with polite tanks… “King Obama” now looks even more childish – if that’s even possible. Thanks for sharing, Saker!!!!
Just brilliant!
They could follow it up with….
“Does Barack smoke in bed?… well go slower then!”
At 3:18 in the video you can see how the Ukrainian army is capable of defeating its own tanks.
You give Obongo way too much credit for somehow running the scene at the White House plantation.
It´s the other way around, as a token, ziocon hand-picked face of the crowd “Mr. Teleprompter” and his husband in drag made it to the White House, not because the hapless clown is intelligent or educated or even elected or something, no. Just because this particular specimen was stupid enough to act as a scape goat and live out the war-partys wildest fantasies, take the heat and go down as the most genocidal sociopatic “president” ever. For his own good, he should have stayed at his “Blue Oyster Club” in Chicago..
The US has gone from the ‘medium is the message’ to ‘the mediocre is the message’ with scripts read by actors, going back at least to grade-B actor Reagan.
In the u$a the message is money, where your character is measured in dollars. The rich are obviously superior people. Poverty is the affliction of the morally weak disposable people.
The international right wing extremist . 01% are ready to accelerate the disposal process.
GMO’s, nuclear war, bird flu, ebola, or starvation. Take your pick. They’re newest ploy ?
Ignoring the truth does not make it go away — it just keeps popping up unexpectedly, to the chagrin of the fascists (who hate the idea of celebrating their defeat in WW2).
Great. We continue with the holograms.
But, IMO, if US and EU leaders reject the invitation to attend the celebrations of the Victory Day, and if it is clear that these leaders do not represent the people they rule ( no, no, they do not represent us!), why not invite any member of the new opposition parties, or better, why not invite some citizens?
That would be groundbreaking.. …. and definitely popular and democratic….
I would had gone ….
Que no, que no, que no nos representan!
Good idea, unfortunately there is no more opposition in the US nor in the European countries.
Don’t count on the Farage, le Pen and other phony “strong” opposition folks.
Europeans don’t feel any pain yet, and this is going to change soon.
Look at 0:29 to 0:30 – fake video on smartphone screen (picture suddenly goes to right while girl’s hands and phone are fixed.
0:38 – sudden reformatting of the “projected” picture, hidden by mis-focused shot.
Use your eyes and brains, guys.
Can’t you take a joke?
@ Vsevolod
Yes, I downloaded the video and looked carefully at the indicated times using the VLC player. Yes, something moves, something gets out of focus, but it was impossible to see whether it was faked or not. However, in absence of independent confirmations of eyewitnesses I do believe it is a fake.
Right after “9/11” the US government had even “Osama Bin Laden” supposedly “admitting live” on a video to the WTC plot, which was clearly a fake: with investing enough care and skill one can make even _cats_ “talk” on videos!!!… … This thing with the White House would be something trivial to accomplish in comparison.
BTW, the beautiful music that is played is the famous Russian march Farewell of Slavianka (Прощание славянки), meaning, farewell of a Slavic woman. Check its history at .
And your point being what exactly Schlomo?
@ “flush”
And … who might you be dear? A local Mossad prop :-?
Thanks for the links. Now I get Nussiminen’s point: “Fare ill, Slave Yankee”, ha!
Yankee barbarians – and culture :-)
What a howler! I hope the Obama family enjoyed the show.
Like the sand box NATO vid this is funny .Seems that it may be the wave of the future in not having to leave the farm to make a point . Much better then having to endure pepper spray and abuse from the authorities . I am thinking this may put a cramp into the many $$$ in bail and lawyers fees and really not have much a effect on the US economy though :>)
Talking about tanks, zamerican and brit presstitutes are making a lot of fuss about an alleged break down of 1 of the T-14 units during rehearsal.
Poor devils.
Take a look;
Russia unveils new ‘masterpiece’ tank — and it immediately breaks down
Putin’s Shiny New Tank Breaks Down
Funny to read some of the stupid comments that go like; “more russian junk”, etc.
Outstanding! Good job! No to hypocrisy! If you dare to prohibit and push other countries not to do what they want to do, the parade coming at ya’. Ave Russian Federation!
you got to be a special kind of dumb to fall for this cheap video montage
You’re absolutely correct, Jimmy. This piece won’t ever be broadcast by your respectable, trustworthy Ziomedia. Glory to infallible, invincible George Soros and his highly talented media whores, most notably Pussy Riot.
At taking the White House with photons … They could get a free Cuban torture holiday for that crime!
That was “Attacking” … :-/
Why don’t you work on stopping Russia from threatening and invading neighbors…
Kleinbürger — hast du Angst? Glaubst du nicht, daß ein amerikanischer Schreihals dafür ist gut genug?
Amerikaner = Stimmen aus dem Sumpf.
[MOD: Petty bourgeoisie – are you afraid ? Do not you think that an American loudmouth is good enough?
Americans = voices from the swamp.]
Sure thing.
As soon as NATO or the USA has not bombed any other country for one month, we’ll make Russia leave. . Oh and if you could tell us where Russia should be leaving from.
“70th anniversary of the victory over Fascism. What was the country that contributed more to the defeat of the Nazis? Movies and manipulation of history.” By Vigne for Blog del viejo topo:
“May 9 will be held in Donostia the 70th Anniversary of Victory against Nazi-fascism”
“May 9 we will celebrate in Donostia the 70th Anniversary of Victory of the Soviet people against Nazi-fascism in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). We will do a tribute to the fallen soldiers and survivors in this war, which will also be extended to the Basque anti-fascist fighters and victims of a defeat that weighs today. In short, we will honor the memory of the antifascist fighters of yesterday, today and forever”.
“70 years of victories” by Andoni Baserrigorri for Boltxe Kolektiboa.
“Although more than one would like take the picture of the communist Red flag, vitorious atop of the Reichstag in Berlin, disappear, the truth is that these days we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the annihilation of the Hitler´s Nazi regime by the Soviet army directed, also that despite more than one, by Stalin.(…)
(…)Twenty million Soviets died beccause of the fascist madness. The immense sacrifice of this people, which also saw its best industrial zones dismantled, attacked its infrastructure, and faced the brunt of the fascist aggression, has never been recognized by the West, which in the yankee movies points itself the weight of the suffering and the glory of victory.(…)
(…) Interestingly pockets of resistance in Western Europe were almost entirely of communist tendency, both maquis and urban armed cells. That is the historical reality.(…)
(…) The cases of absolute heroism of the Soviet people demonstrate the determination to struggle of the people, the siege of Leningrad, the battle of Stalingrad and many more leave it clear that the USSR was the tomb of fascism. 70 years later the world is still indebted to the Soviet Union and only the anti-communist fanaticism refuses to recognize it. It is curious that after twenty years of the demise of the USSR, its very name and the name of communism continue terrorizing the bourgeoisie. Perhaps this communism is not as dead as they thought as desired.(…)
(…) They are not grandfather´s war stories. They are lessons from yesterday, whose memory must be an example of militancy to new and younger generations of militants to know that with fascism neither you debate nor discuss. Fascism only can be fighted and, if possible, annihilated, as in Berlin, Stalingrad, Leningrad and many more battlefields where young Soviets, showed what anti-fascism was. It is not a pose, or an urban tribe. It is a style of militancy and combat.(…)
I have not laughed that hard in quite a while.
Brilliant!! Witty!! Fun!! Delightful!! Russians are sooooooo funny. Too bad Obama and the State dept do not have any sense of humor. I just adore this. I especially love people takiing pictures of it. btw, was it complete with sound? I believe the Russian youth topped themselves from their art show, Putin spanking Obama.
Say, did you watch Victory parade in Vladisostok? Heading up the parade were boy drummers in sharp uniform suits. Looked to be about 10 y.o. At the end of parade were group of trained dogs like German shepards, with their handers. Dogs had collars laden with medals! I loved it!!
In their moment of silence, servicemen removed their hats and knelt/bowed to the dead veterans. What respect these people have.
What would be the place, where Russia will attack America?
Sergey Vasilyev (Seva-Riga)
May 10, 2015
Before the Celebration of the Victory Day “our western partners” and their many close-knit fans from within Russian Federation, somehow concentrated mainly on the city-hero of Moscow, (we don’t count Ukraine that evolved from the All-Union granary to the post-soviet mental asylum) rather boring, but quite strongly throughout April reminded “vatniks” and “colorads” about their aggressive nature:
Thanks to their tireless work, we all know that Russia, being the most aggressive entity in the world, constantly attacking his peacefully farming western neighbors:
It all started with the Teutonic missionaries with their innocent “piglet” which was attacked by crafty and cunning Alexander Nevsky with his army near Pskov
After an absence of adequate response to this barbarity from the Greenpeace and “Progressive” world (that is-Western society) brazen Russians have not stopped.
Treacherously attacked the Swedes at Poltava,
Terribly upset at first the Poles and then the French right in Moscow
Cruelly and politically incorrect behaved once more with the whole Europe at Stalingrad and Kursk.
That is, around the clock Russians behaved absolutely badly, covering virtually the entire space from the Baltic to Vladivostok with traces of their aggression against peaceful, pacifistic West, who’s history completely reject violence and who engaged exclusively in cultivation of pink ponies, pooping with butterflies.
After such a historical background, it is clear that the Russian attack on the United States is only a matter of time, and you just have to guess the correct location of the forthcoming aggression. Where would be the Russian attack on America? Where will treacherous Putin cause his treacherous blow? In Rostov? In Sevastopol? Or by old Russian tradition – in the suburbs of Moskow?
What is your opinion?
Odd, didn’t see anything about this in MSM.. ;)