The big news of the day is that the Russian forces finally decided to, shall we say, change pace, and by all accounts the intensity of the artillery, aerial bombing and missile barrage which hit the Ukie forces in the town of Avdeevka was absolutely unprecedented and following this barrage the LDNR forces broke through 8 kilometers of just about the most heavily defended sectors in the entire theater or operations. The Ukrainian 95th Airmobile Brigade (one of the most combat capable unit of the Ukrainian Army!) was defending this sector. According to reports, this entire brigade was basically wiped out.
Here is what you need to know about Avdeevka: this is the very heavily defended location from which the Ukronazis could unleash their terror against the civilians in Donetsk. Now that this entire town has been flattened, the people of Donetsk can now finally hope to live in relative (Ukie Smerch MLRS and Tochka-U missiles can still reach Donetsk!) peace.
So, not only did Russia encircle the entire Ukrainian forces in an operational cauldron, she then proceeded to cut that single force into two smaller cauldrons (but both still contained in the bigger, operational, cauldron) and now as a show of force, she destroyed the most combat capable Ukrainian unit in the most heavily defended town.
The “message” here is clear: we strongly encourage you to lay down arms or else…
One Ukrainian blogger even believes that there will soon be (or already are!) three mini-cauldrons (see map with cauldrons in blue).
However, as I mentioned before, we should not make too much of these or any other maps. We can use them to get a general sense of what is going on, but we should not use any of them to substantiate a conclusion, especially if that conclusion clashes with what we otherwise also know.
In the case of this map, what we see is a concerted effort to close down the entire Donbass cauldron and then move westward.
I won’t discuss what is happening on other part of the “front” (not an appropriate term for this type of conflict) but I might post one more map tonight if I come across an interesting one.
What about the informational war?
Well, inside Russia it is going rather well. Check out this (machine) translation of a recent article about public opinion by two different organizations:
The VTsIOM and FOM published regular surveys that demonstrate a confident increase in the support of all power institutions. Indicators of the approval of the activities of the President, the Government and the United Russia and confidence in them go to the transcendental subsidiaries. Since the starting point for the growth of optimism is in February 24, it can be said that military special operation in Ukraine continued within Russia in special operation of sociological. And the dynamics of its implementation is so great that the goal should be understood quite quickly. In the surveys of the VTsIOM, the level of approval of the actions of Vladimir Putin, last week rose highly, and therefore in a new study digit moderate – just 74.2%. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishutin has grown up to 48%, but the government’s rating took off immediately almost 50%. The direct question about the trust brought these results: the president has exceeded 77%, the head of the Cabinet of Ministers approached 60%. the party United Russia, according to the VTsIOM, now has a rating of 39.4%, which is 3.4% more than the previous value.

Modern Germany’s hero: a Nazi Jew (got to love that!)
So it appears that at least INSIDE Russia the Empire of Lies has lost the first PSYOP battles, but there will be many more to come, and the objective reality the government is dealing with (The Empire of Lies wants to totally “cancel” Russia by any and all means) is tough. The economic decisions of the government in particular (we will have a translation about that soon) leaves a lot of very unpleasant questions, at least in my mind. But more about that later.
Outside Russia, the PSYOPs of the Empire of Lies did to Russia what the Russian military did to the Ukies in Avdeevka: comprehensively beat the crap out of Russia’s rather clumsy PR efforts. As a direct result, we now have Ze on the cover of magazines and 100’000 Brits volunteering to house Ukrainian refugees.
How noble indeed!
Too bad that the same generosity was never shown to the Russian people in many centuries of anti-Russian warfare…
I do not recall such noble feelings from ANYBODY when the Nazis were shelling the LDNR and when Poroshenko PUBLICLY promised that the kids of the Donbass would go to school not in Kindergartens, but in the bomb shelters. No, for some reason those 100’000 Brits did not offer to house them.
Clearly, Russian lives do not matter one bit. Not one.
I have to share with you that I am convinced that most people in Zone A truly and sincerely couldn’t care less about Russian lives, even innocent civilians can be murdered, tortured and otherwise disappears but that triggers no “teary eyes” in the West, not even from many Orthodox Christians.
As I have mentioned several times, this war has been a HUGE “coming out” for the West which now has shown its true face.
Putin put it best when he called it the Empire of Lies. But it is even more than that, it is also an Empire of Indifference. And, finally, the Empire is truly and really an Empire of Hypocrisy.
That is what Russia and all those Russians who refuse to condemn their President, country and people (who were forced into this war!) need to accept: while Russians have had no hostility towards the West until now, at least: this is now quickly changing according my contacts in Russia. Even when the Soviet Communist system was battling AngloZionist imperialism worldwide, the Russian people always knew that the enemy is a ruling cast, an ideology, and some specific segments of society.
But never the people of the West.
Stalin once famously wrote the following words:
“Some people in the foreign press say that the Red Army aims to exterminate the German people and destroy the German state. This, of course, is stupid nonsense and stupid slander against the Red Army. The Red Army does not and cannot have such idiotic goals. The Red Army has its own the goal of expelling the German occupiers from our country and liberating the Soviet land from the German fascist invaders. It is very likely that the war for the liberation of the Soviet land will lead to the expulsion or destruction of the Hitler clique. We would welcome such an outcome. But it would be ridiculous to identify the Hitler clique with the German people. The experience of history tells us that the Hitlers come and go, but the German people, but the German state remains“.
And that was, again, the hyper-villain and Uber-butcher Stalin! He said that in an official order dated February 23, 1942, while the German forces were engaged in truly genocidal mass murder all over the Nazi occupied Soviet Union.
In contrast, the Nazis not only wanted some areas to be declared Judenfrei/Judenrein while their modern-day heirs clearly want the world to be Russenfrei/Russenrein. And its not only the Poles who like to say “Poland up to the Urals, after that – China”, this profound acceptance of the total lack of value of any Russian life is now something very common in Zone A, and it will only get worse since “Biden” will now explain away all his (long list) of failures on Russia, Russians and personally Putin (the “new Hitler”, of course!).
In other words, Russians everywhere should fully expect to be shown less mercy by their Western neighbors than the mercy the German people could expect from Stalin during WWII.
To give you an idea, here is what a red-blooded Romanian warrior tried to post in the comments section:
What can one add to such a lyrical statement? Maybe that Romanians left a “truly unforgettable legacy” in the Ukraine during WWII and the same spirit lives on in modern Romania? Or maybe that folks coming from a country with exactly ZERO agency would do well not to try to roar like a lion, but maybe squeaking like a mouse would make a better fit?
As for Russia and Russians, we will survive modern Nazis just like we survived their previous iteration. By then Russians will hopefully be a little more mature and a little bit less naive about our Ukronazi “brothers” or their masters from the Empire of Lies.
And, no, we will never surrender. Ever :-)
Speaking of surrender, here is a nice photo of some Russian soldiers with lots of Western weaponry:
Finally, the “obligatory” maps! Today I won’t wait for Readovka, so here is an animation of the move of the frontline from RIA Novosti. Again, it is just a map which should NOT be trusted, but I think that it shows us something of value: how the front moved from day 1 to today, day 19.
What about the Nazi volunteers?
Turns out that one of them, something of a hero in Zone A, died within 20 mins of his first contact with the Russian forces (see here and here for details). The fact that Russia destroyed the NATO base in Iarovov probably does not help.
Which really leaves the Empire of Lies only one option: false flags.
Here is a good explanation from a guy in Kharkov:
Please watch the full video and listen to Lira’s arguments, he spells it out very well.
I will just add these simple comments one thing:
- the last time that the Urkonazis were losing badly, they did MH-17
- They are losing even much MUCH worse now than they did then
- Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior
Do I really need to add anything?
PS: FYI – Readovka just posted their “red” map
Chinese FM raises six key questions on US bio labs in Ukraine, demanding truth
By Global Times
Published: Mar 14, 2022, 08:54 PM
At Monday’s routine news conference of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, the spokesperson for the ministry rebutted the US’ inconsistent and flawed responses regarding its biological laboratories in Ukraine, urging a full clarification of its bio-military activities within and outside its borders.
When a BBC reporter asked that the US claims seem to suggest that its secret research involving viruses in Ukraine has nothing to do with the military, Zhao Lijian, the ministry’s spokesperson, directly pointed out that the US response to the issue so far has been contradictory and confusing.
Under a 2005 agreement between the US and Ukraine, US Department of Defense representatives are authorized to participate in all activities related to Ukrainian facilities, and Ukraine is prohibited from releasing information that the US determines to be “sensitive.”
According to the US submission to the 2021 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) Meeting of States Parties, the US has 26 laboratories and other cooperative facilities in Ukraine.
“We can’t help but ask: Did the US send teams to Ukraine or not? What exactly is the scope of their activities? How many collaborative facilities are there? What sensitive information in the field of public health is not allowed to be disclosed? Does Ukraine know what the US is doing in Ukraine?” Zhao asked.
Public information shows that tens of biological laboratories in Ukraine were operated on the orders of the US Department of Defense, that the US has invested more than $200 million in these laboratory activities, and that US research was aimed at establishing mechanisms for the covert spread of deadly viral pathogens.
Russian officials said that Russia found more than 30 biological laboratories affiliated with the US on the territory of Ukraine and that the relevant items were urgently destroyed, but traces of plague, anthrax, and other pathogens were found.
While the US initially slammed information about its biowarfare labs in Ukraine as “fake,” on March 8, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland admitted the existence of US-funded “biological research facilities” in the country.
“If the information released by the US itself is inconsistent and full of loopholes, how can the international community believe that the US is fulfilling its BWC obligations?” Zhao asked.
The US is the only country that opposes the establishment of a verification mechanism for the BWC. At the same time, for decades the US has been accusing other countries of not complying with the treaty, and even sanctioning and using force against these countries.
“When it happens to the US, it evades inspection, which is a typical US double standard,” Zhao said.
The spokesman urged the US to make a full clarification of its bio-military activities within and outside its borders in a responsible manner and to stop opposing the establishment of a verification mechanism for the Biological Weapons Convention, which would help restore the international community’s confidence in the US compliance with its international obligations and would also help raise the level of global biosecurity.
The World Health Organization has “strongly recommended” to the Ministry of Health in Ukraine to safely destroy “high-threat pathogens” that might be housed within the country’s public health labs in order to prevent “any potential spills.”
Global Times
I’m American but support Russia in this war. I don’t like how the American Democrat/Left, and New World Order folks use Ukraine as a piggy bank. I don’t like how Zelensky is a Klaus Schwab WEF guy like so many of the lefties who run Western nations are. And I see no reason whatsoever why NATO should have pushed itself into Ukraine, or why the US had any business instigating the 2014 coup. US national security is not dependent upon events in the Ukraine but Russia’s is. The US ought to stay out of Ukraine. I think Biden is a schmuck and that the American Dems are criminally corrupt.
About the bio labs… China, Russia, US, UK, etc. They all have them! I don’t know why the US funds/controls them in Ukraine but some/all of those were probably former Soviet bio labs. If US should come clean about bio labs so must everyone. So far the Chinese and Russians only mention US labs. What about their own labs where deadly pathogens are stored and can be weaponized? So this aspect of the war is not as clear cut as the Russians would like to suggest in my opinion. Of course this bio labs story is important since a US run/funded bio lab in Wuhan China was responsible for the release of the Covid virus. Will all nations give up their bio labs?? Not a chance!
Good luck to Russia and Russian people. The US and the West are caught up in an insane hysteria and have been since our “progressives” morphed into socialists, communists and fascists. We no longer have free elections in the US and free speech is under increasing assault.
If your President Putin and the Russian people are seriously fighting not only to protect Russian people in places like Donbas, but also to stand up against and try to repel the 1 world/New World Order forces in the West (but Putin has had many contacts with Schwab so not really sure of his feelings on this issue) then freedom loving peoples everywhere must support you!
Finally, you must read Archbishop Vigano’s statement on this issue. He believes Russia is in the right, and that your President and people, if true believers, can lead Russia, as the “3rd Rome,” to save Christianity, which is nearly destroyed in the West (and almost certainly destroyed in the current Vatican.)
I sincerely hope that when this is all over, the legacy of these events will be how Russia saved Western Civilization. How ironic for a country that many in the West believe not even to be central to Western Civilization. I hope to be able to visit your country one day.
Slovenian rouge PM Janez “the War profiteer” Jansa is currently visiting Kiev to sell some more weapons. Something he is very good at and learned the trades of business, when selling weaponry on extra overpriced prices to Bosnians in the ninetees. This creature is a true oportunist, it is just sucking out of Ukraine what rest can be sucked out, in other words he is picking up the scraps after the west already did a perfect well oiled job. Small country, small vulture. Congrats Ukraine for welcoming such creatures, the history records a lot of stuff. Oh, and BTW, the quasi leftish president Borut Pahor, who comes from region of the country that did most in fighting fascists and nazis during WWII and who had in history always spoken for freedom end peace, shed lions tears over people murdered from 41-45, is now supporting PM. This is beyond any logic and ethos, these people are simple traitors to Slovenia and to the values of EU, which they have full mouths of. Disgusting!!!
“Putin put it best when he called it the Empire of Lies. But it is even more than that, it is also an Empire of Indifference. And, finally, the Empire is truly and really an Empire of Hypocrisy.”
It ‘s all right, certainly “the empire of hypocrisy” fits best of all.
But living in Italy I want to give a minimum of comfort to you Russians: I disapprove the empire and all the European and Italian rulers of the empire and I think and believe that the “special operation” wanted by Putin is right not only for Russia but also for divine justice.
I know, there are INDIVIDUALS like you all over Zone A (and even more in Zone B)
But no CROWDS like you :-(
and, as Hegel pointed out,
quantitative differences eventually result in qualitative differences.
I have heard it said that, in the Spiritual world, its not the quantity that counts, but the quality …
You are right
Thank you
give us a time, sooner or later truth will down on people, i closely observe public opinion here, and after first shock worn off there is second thought and questions arise, someone somewhere said that roughly half of poles are cheering russia in secret but won’t say that in public i believe it may not be far off,
the truth always float and this time is no different
I wouldn’t say that Saker, a lot of people like Salvino or myself are in the West. I am pretty frank and honest about what I am thinking and not many so far have challenged me on it. I am living in Germany and a lot of people understand that the Mainstream Media is pretty much just bringing Propaganda nonstop and I am sure at least 10-20% of the population are on the side of Russia. I know one guy who even has the Russian Flag flying openly on his house.
I hate Nazis, this whole thing disgusts me to no end, ignoring 15.000 dead people in the Donbas and in Luhansk and then lying all the time about the reason why Russia and Putin went into the Ukraine? Absolutely disgusting. Forgetting the 27 million people who died because of the Nazis in the 2. WW? Unforgivable!
Video at link below.
‘Can you imagine this?
Kherson, for the first time, city residents were allowed to commemorate the liberation of their city from Nazi occupiers, since 2014 it had been forbidden by pro-Nazi authorities in Kiev.
We used to have the Soviet flag. Not sure if mum still has it, if she has, I think I’ll give it a wash and iron and stick it up somewhere very high.
My grandfather was sent to Ekaterinburgh during WW1. I’ve read the war diary at the National Archive. I always wondered why Churchill ordered it to be put under a 70 year rule not 30. When I read the diary I realised it was to cover up war crimes committed by the Americans.
The British refer to it as “the unfortunate American incident” whereby they shot over 2,600 “Bolsheviks”. Later on, to their credit, when they were ordered to shoot over 2,100 “Bolsheviks”, they refused on account of them only being peasants. The Americans continued shooting “Bolsheviks” (peasants) throughout the diary, The word Einsatzgruppen springs to mind.
There are almost daily defections, the 3 most common reasons being lack of pay, lack of food and treatment (by the Bolsheviks).
Every time an attempt was made to save members of the extended royal family, the Bolsheviks got to them first and executed them. From memory I think only 2 female members were taken to Canada. One of them said what the British did was too little, too late. I rather suspect it was done on purpose.
For historical reference: on what date(s) did the shootings of the “Bolshevik” peasants occur?
Saker, this may or may not be the case in europe, but i have my doubts about the USA. You know it effectively has three parties: Neocons, neolibs and the “america first”-trumpers. The later in terms of popular support is the largest of all three, and they’re nationalists, NOT nazis. While i don’t have exact numbers (polls are BS), it’s very possible the majority of trumpers not only acknowledge that russia has every right to do this, and that the Empire pushed her into a corner where she had no other choice – not just that, many in the trump-movement actually like russia.
So in summary: It might be “individuals” in europe, but it’s definatelly “crowds” in the USA.
I agree that US Americans are much less likely to hate Russians than Europeans
But the US media is even worse than the one in the EU
But I hear you
and, yes
we have the same enemy, and we know that ;-)
Saker, among Black and Brown people in the USA there is much support. I am speaking of the common working class people like myself (Chicano). Those of us elected or in power follow along with the prevailing American/USA/Zionazi sentiments, unsurprisingly. Many of us know that historically Russia did not support enslavement of African people, not did Russia take part in the extermination of my people as UK, France et al. Peace upon you and your people sir.
People like Tulsi Gabbard are making a mockery of the neos in America and will garner much greater support than even Trump who did nothing to understand and negotiate with Russia. Give us time, and inflation and economic strife, too.
Trump in my opinion is just “old”. Not Biden-mentally-defunct-old, but just “an old man with old experience”. What set him apart and made him a statesman was something incredibly simple: His main loyality is with the actual people he fucking represents. In a (political) world full of whores and prostitutes, that’s a “killerapp”. Combine this with based no-bullshit business experience, and you got someone to actually set the economy straight.
But now that we forced the globalists’ hands, we have entered a different battlefield. And i’m not sure Trump is still the right man for the job: He’s clueless about computer technology, and failed to expect the threat from big tech for that reason. He’s clueless about science, fell for the ‘operation warpspeed’-scam (which was zero-speed in fact: The so-called “vaccines” were developed along with covid as a package: Justification and actual payload). And he can’t explain in simple terms the green energy scam, most likely because he doesn’t understand the tek, only that the results (symptoms) make no sense.
Do you notice a pattern? Trump is a geezer. A kindhearted geezer with the right principles, but still a geezer not up-to-date with nowadays tech. And neither is he prepared to deal with the degree of evil and despotism the globalists represent. Watch any – literarily any – speech or interview he gives, and you see he keeps being surprised by the latest globalist move. To be fair: So is the average american citizen. But that’s not what you want in a leader: You don’t want someone in charge who’s reacting to the globalist cabal, but someone who takes the initiative and acts proactively.
Even people like Tulsi Gabbard are just reacting. And she’s way younger than Trump.
If you haven’t guessed it yet, what the movement really needs in charge now are the young “firebrands”. But at the same time you want the “brand recognition” of Trump for elections. So i guess the best Presidental candidate right now would actually be Junior, with Trump’s endorsement and a crew of firebrand advisors.
If you visit Gab (main Twitter alternative for Trumpers), you will see that the majority there supports Russia or at least want America to not intervene in the war.
Hmmm…not so sure about GAB, but GETTR..?? THAT mu friends is the ticket..Talking of MEDIA Corruption, up here in Canuckistan, they are GOVT paid. 100% shills for DEAR Leader, Justine the “magnificent” (in his puney little cranium). And its the same shit here too.
Zelensky was actually in Ottawa TODAY and addressed the House of commons with a thundering full house Standing O. Unreal….
One wonders how he got here and whatever the Hell for when theres a war going on in his caliphate
Trudeaus Jet I’m thinking..
And where oh where is Teflon Tony.?? No one has seen Hide nor hair of FAUCI, that Criminal – in the Ukraine maybe looking to scavenge some Bio Weapon material..??
Random thoughts on a Tuesday nite.
I side with Vlad.
I heard Gettr has banned pro Russian stuff and Nick Fuentes who’s a pro Putin american nationalist. F Gettr. Its useless. Neocon twitter
Regarding GETTR – a warning:
GETTR censorship is worse than censorship on Twitter.
Today my GETTR account got deleted, including all posts, without warning or comment. I can no longer access any of the posts and none of my posts can be seen.
I have been blocked on Twitter but that was with a warning and a sort of explanation (a ridiculous and Kafka-esque explanation, but at least an explanation). But GETTR— they just delete you.
My last post was a link to a video of Gonzalo Lira on YouTube (!).Here is the linked video:
The text in the post was completely harmless. So GETTR’s censorship is also worse than YouTube’s censorship.
GETTR had already previously deleted single posts from my account, also without warning or comment, including posts that merely linked to external sites. That has *nothing* to do with free speech.
So GETTR *pretends* to hold up free speech, but in reality is much worse than Twitter. They are hypocrites and liars.
RT just joined Gab. Its getting a good following there
You are correct! I am a proud American nationalist – Trumper, and I do support Putin and Russia in this Ukraine Special Operation. Clear out all the Ukrainian neo-Nazi scum who have been shelling and murdering the civilians in the DPR and LPR these past 8 years! Destroy all of the US funded bio weapons labs (or “research” facilities as Victoria Nuland called them)! Totally destroy the money laundering capabilities within Ukraine that funds all of the corrupt American and other world “elite”!
Frank D2
Trumper? Illegal, anti-humanitarian sanctions on Ven., Cuba, Iran, nonstop Yemen bombing.. c’mmon!
You are correct about the Trump supporters. My family is filled with Trump supporters. Two weeks after the Russian commenced the action in the Ukraine, my brother called me cold turkey and said that he hoped I was supporting the “right” side in the Ukraine war. He explained that Russia was clearly right and all the rest of my family agreed. My brother not only supported Russia but ordered pro-Russia and pro-Putin bumper stickers and tee shirts, a bunch of RT merchandise and even applied for a UniPass card when Visa and Mastercard disabled usage of their cards in Russia. Trump supporters were endlessly reviled by the American media for over four years, including the culmination in 2020 when all networks (including the supposedly conservative Fox) said that Biden won fair and square. Trump supporters have learned for years not to trust the media and I predict that they either are or largely will be soon on Russia’s side.
Most people in the US don’t understand what transpired in 2020. First, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin had the same anti-Globalist / anti-Progressive-Liberal world view. It does not get anymore explicit that this:
Vladimir Putin interviewed by the Financial Times | FT
“You really are on the same page as Donald Trump.”
Second, Putin understands that the American voter does not run the United States. The US Intelligence Community does. Here the Senate Majority leader tells Trump who the Top Dog is in Washington, DC.
Schumer Warns Trump: Intel Community Has Many Ways to ‘Get Back at You’
John Mearsheimer says that Trump was the only president since Kennedy to run and win against the Liberal Hegemony / Regime Change foreign policy of the United States. Trump was a direct threat to the American Empire. And the CIA fought him every step of the way. Remember RussiaGate? Mueller? That Trump was impeached for simply DELAYING an arms shipment to Ukraine. And John Bolton sabotaging Trump’s talks with Kim Jung-un by demanding the “Libya Option” for North Korea.
And this battle goes as far back as John F. Kennedy, not supporting the CIA Bay of Pigs Invasion and not getting involved in Vietnam:
Kennedy’s disavowal of official US involvement in the De Gaulle coup came with a disturbing addendum — the American president could not vouch for his own intelligence agency. Kennedy told Alphand that “the CIA is such a vast and poorly controlled machine that the most unlikely maneuvers might be true.”
French press accounts referred to the CIA as a “reactionary state within a state” that operated outside of Kennedy’s control.
Trump realized too late who his real enemy was. Had he had a second term the CIA would have been completely neutered:
Trump Implements Kennedy’s NSAM 57 to Cut CIA Out of Power
And here is the public announcement:
Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller announces implementation of NSAM 57
Thanks to the US Corporate media, no one saw this press conference.
And NSAM 57 would have taken these forces in Ukraine (and their BioLabs) out of CIA control:
CIA-trained Ukrainian paramilitaries may take central role if Russia invades Ukraine
Whether you personally like Trump or not, the above was what the last 5 years were all about… ALL OF IT, including COVID19 being used to change all of the election laws.
The globalist faction that runs the American Empire saw to it that Biden was elected in 2020 and were planning to “run the tables” and take Putin and Xi out as well. The got rid of Trump and have now moved on the Putin…
PS: Once you begin using this lens then all of the “little things” fit right into place. Who was the first Israeli official to call on the Biden Administration? Yossi Cohen. Why waste time with the politicians over an existential issue?
That is very interest forum comment. It’s actually a thesis, a well argued and consistent presentation of the underlying US actors and their motives for a sequence of high profile and internationally expanding political events from mid C20th USA to present. A gazillion years ago I studied political science, and in essence, back then we were taught everything fits within a “lens”. Those lenses’ are the different schools of political thought that perceive and structure critical historical and contemporary events somewhere along an ideological spectrum, from the utopian model, the pragmatic model, and the realist model. With age comes the invariable realization that the realist school is the most brutal, the most depressing, and ultimately the most truthful.
Your comment is a very interesting read.
Mr. Trump was unfortunately all hat and no cattle. He loved to talk … to bluster, but he never understood how to use the real power that was readily available to him if he hadn’t trusted his care to people he mistook for leaders.
In fact, he reminds me of those non-Ivy grads who build actual companies who think they are picking up real talent to further build and run their companies when they land an Ivy alumnus, and then wonder why the million dollar hotshot jumps after a couple years for the ten million dollar offer at a larger company. Trump was impressed by the guys with the stars on their shoulders, perhaps the most political and least leadership-capable of America’s military; they know how to punch the right holes on their tickets to advance their careers, but one of the things missing from that ticket is a category for demonstrating the ability to win wars, e.g. they just need time in a combat zone, not actual success in it … this explains why America excels at starting twenty-year wars.
Here in England I have seen no cracks in the anti-Russia / poor Ukraine narrative in either mainstream politics or media. There is no Tucker Carlson, Jimmy Dore, no Tulsi Gabbard here. The majority support the Russsia=Putin=Evil line, though I suspect a large chunk of that comes (as usual) from well practised intellectual / moral chameleonism: a love of being in the in-crowd and horror of standing out.
Much like the covid narrative where – whatever your view of the reality – most people went along with it and most normal discussion died away on demand in the first half of 2020, because it became no longer respectable as supposedly dangerous, selfish, anti-science – etc.
Of course what I’m describing is the the corpse of critical thinking. A lot of people who have this tool in the box, and it can be very sharp, have failed to realise that it’s no use without the moral courage to use it and treasure it in others.
The one group, a sizeable organised minority much expanded since covid, that is at least sceptical of the BS blizzard and where you’ll find a lot of support for Russia is in the movement to highlight medical harm, for bodily autonomy and against biometric and related coercion.
My own view is that Russian operation is totally rational and justifiable and the western ‘response’ (though it’s as much an attack itself) is very unwise, desperate, will do a lot of damage in the west (at least), and a deep disgrace. But our focus should be on putting our own house in order – a job of epic, historical, multi-generational proportions.
Personally I’m planning to leave with my family, away from this deep insanity and false safety, to somewhere that does not feel so claustrophobic and has at least a fighting chance of joining the optimistic Eurasian movement, where we (especially my daughter) can find more real, normal men and women (and where the sun can warm body and soul, more!) Probably gonna be Turkey – for better or worse!
Try George Galloways weekly show. The Last one was here
Often has very good guests and encourages calls of those who want to disagree with him.
Newfield: It is such a weird reality we live in now. Totalitarian regimes used to go to great lengths to hide the truth from their people. However, our elites leave the truth out in plain sight for anyone to discover… and just rely on a lack of curiosity and the fact that most people are too uneducated to put it all together. It is completely counterintuitive and amazingly effective apparently.
So, we in the West DEMAND a free press but never take the time read what it produces.
It sadly reminds me of a bumble bee that exhausts itself flying into a glass window when the door was wide open.
Rokossovsky: Thanks for the reply to my first ever post here!
What I suspect here is: people sense and unconsciously fear the fragility of their whole life world, it’s like you live in a magnificent wooden house that’s slowly rotted from within. If you push one wall the whole structure may collapse, it’ll certainly be a big DIY job, cold draughts will disturb your sleep, most of all the neighbours will no longer be impressed. The more educated, the more secular-humanist you are, the more you cherish illusions but lack faith, the more you are at risk.
But we need to examine ourselves. Do we intellectual dissidents who are at least more awake to the truth of the world, do we use this knowledge to free ourselves and the world about us, or wallow in impotence while setting ourselves above our neighbours who are comfortable in their wilful ignorance?
I hope you’re right because eventually the bumblebee stops bouncing because he’s flown out into the fresh air (or I suppose just drops dead)!
Tom St. Alban,
I think your comment captured completely the essence of this:
“In an era when metaphysical and existential certainties are in a state of crisis, when people are being uprooted and alienated and are losing their sense of what this world means . . . ideology inevitably has a certain hypnotic charm. To wandering humankind it offers an immediately available home: all one has to do is accept it, and suddenly everything becomes clear once more, life takes on new meaning, and all mysteries, unanswered questions, anxiety, and loneliness vanish. Of course, one pays dearly for this low-rent home: the price is abdication of one’s own reason, conscience, and responsibility, for an essential aspect of this ideology is the consignment of reason and conscience to a higher authority. The principle involved here is that the center of power is identical with the center of truth.” ~ Vaclav Havel, “Power of the Powerless”, 1978
Well done!
That’s one of the main reason why the soviet union fall. The government had been hiding everything and nothing got out to inform the public. Now are the occidental empire who are doing the same and the results will not be different. It will fall very soon.
Once again we are traitors in our own country. First came Covid and now Ukraine. I tirelessly share this blog. I try to make people look the other way. In some cases it remains silent but in many cases I am a Russian troll, a traitor, Putin’s whore really the darkest side comes out. I now understand why so many Jews were deported in WW2. I am ashamed of the Netherlands for a prime minister who tries to lecture President Putin, Prime Minister Rutte who allowed a pedophile party in his own country, who tolerates a party that keeps women out of the party. Who has sent thousands of families into the abyss and labeled them fraudsters. Forced house sale, placed children out of home. Why? because families had supposedly filled out their tax forms incorrectly. This failed cabinet has therefore fallen and has been re-elected and installed again. Gave us dictatorship and now push us into war…with Russia! These are psychopaths with a million followers! So yes Saker! there are many who are awake and screaming loudly but we are not heard. Because we are Russian trolls. The Netherlands…The European Union is broken.
If you share information on the web, or on your own site, you become the target of pro-EU trolls and a whole fifth column of whistleblowers and NGOs whose only job is to monitor the internet and record all speech in support of Russia. And then pass it on to the police and the secret services. It’s not a representative sample of the population.
Go among the people and talk to them. Very carefully. And then you will find that support for Ukraine is not that great, and you may be surprised how many people support Russia, or are at least able to fully understand its actions.
The main problem is that the silent majority is really scared. They are not afraid of Russia. They are afraid of their own government and the executive of their own state. That is tragic.
Right, PM Rutte (aka ‘lachebekje) is the ‘Kapo’ of Empire’s Most Faithfull Vassal (the Netherlands), to keep the prisoners in line. Now sending armour to the Ukraine. Where I live, the Chinooks and Cougars are up in the air, training for deployment in the Ukraine. I suspect that he has already earned his candidacy for the NATO SecGen post, once that other vassal collaborator from Norway (also vying for EMFV status) leaves his post. This Kapo has all the necessary credentials, thanks to his vow that he will leave no MH 17 stone unturned.
Добрый день. Вы можете зайти на ТГ Борис Рожин, думаю, что вы с ним знакомы. Не лично конечно. Я предпочитаю – статьи подкреплены ссылками на источник. Здесь есть карты боевых действий. – к вечеру будет несколько карт за 15 марта.
Из последних новостей – В “Бердянске разу восемь воинских частей и подразделений сложили оружие.
А3130 – военно-морская база «Восток».
А0373 – 9-й дивизион надводных кораблей.
А1965 – 501-й отдельный батальон морской пехоты из состава 36-й бригады МП.
А2611 – 66-й отдельный гаубичный артиллерийский дивизион из состава 406-й артиллериской бригады.
А1980 – 21-я отдельная радиотехническая рота.
Отдельный взвод борьбы с подводно-диверсионными силами и средствами.
3-й патрульный батальон из состава 23-й отдельной бригада охраны общественного порядка.
1491 – 8-й пограничный отряд.
Видео от одного из наемников – – То ли американец, то ли грузин.
Honestly I think in Italy the situation is about fivety-fivety so I wouldn’t say that there are few people like him, there are definitely crowds, but that doesn’t change anything as we are not allowed to vote basically…
Salaam. Story on RT Italian workers at the airport are refusing to load planes (Pisa a/port)-USB union which they were told was to bring humanitarian supplies to Ukraine, when in fact it is weapons being loaded.The seaport workers are supporting the airport comrades.We have been here before, Turkey arms in containers.Venezuela arms in containers, eventually,said humanitarian cargo was destroyed by fire, on bridge connecting Colombia and Venezuela.
italian people in particular is the only country so far where someone is doing something against sending arms to ukraine.
as i recall there where and are scheduled protests against sending arms as humanitarian help.
thats probably the same all over e.u. but no one else said or did something.
here in my corner the first days the mayor sent a full bus to pick refugees. between the woman and children came army looking types, with that nazi feeling.
this is gladio iv. we are being fed rabid nazis as refugees. they will mentor them until they create a nazi base here.
i ve seen similar when swiss, belgium, uk,fr, nl antifas showed up here a few years ago, with huge pockets, buying property and creating groups…
Time is a funny thing. In the early days of the Covid scam, there were really very few of us who were seeing the truth and asking the right questions. Now, two years on, the momentum is really building and all the WEF scamsters are sh***ing their pants because they have nowhere to hide on the Covid19 arguments.
Miraculously, all mask mandates are disappearing, all travel restrictions are now gone in England, including for the unvaccinated.
We know that we can’t afford to let up, the Scamsters will fight to the death.
I think that the people of the West will realise what is happening to them when the economic reality hits, just as they realised the reality when the vaccine deaths and adverse reactions hit big time.
Then I wouldn’t give too much time for either Biden or Johnson, hopefully the French won’t be stupid enough to re-elect Macron this spring, but I have my doubts….
When the petroyuan emerges, Europe will realise that they backed the wrong horse.
After all, most European politicians don’t have principles, they just back horses….
In the beginning, it was all “cancel” Russia in Zone A. But, the vehemence in the attack has shocked many people here. There is an awakening in regard to the inconsistency of lies.
That number of people will grow. The lack of compassion and ruthless attack is what did it. Freddie Sayer’s UnHerd finally covered the Nazi problem in a,way that people can understand.
In Canada, our Gov really over played the hand when they accused truckers of being Nazis. The go to since 2015 has been to call everyone Nazis. But then, evidence of our Gov assisting literal Nazis was brought out.
That cognitive dissonance will only last for so long.
We have a massive diaspora of Slavic peoples in Western Canada, and 120 years of community cannot be erased no matter how much our Gov wants that. Recently, our internal protests have shown that love and freedom is far stronger than the hate leveled by our governments.
People are waking to the manipulation of media and how it is weaponized for geopolitics. Some of us are very vocal in standing up against the targeting of Russian people abroad, and the culture.
What I am saying is that in Zone A, the tide is turning.
We live in America, but unlike most of the US population, we heartily approve of Russia, President Putin and what they are doing in Ukraine.
We have lived long enough to realize how terribly evil the US system has become. We deeply agree with the sentiments that Russians have towards the US & its allies.
Our Italian friend noted about 4 years ago that the great Italian author, Losardo had completed a non-biased book about Stalin. It was to be published in English, but thanks to the US & the UK corporate publishing houses, they refused to allow it be translated into English.
Thank you, Andrei and all of you for providing us information that is never revealed in the EU or in the US.
A few years ago on another blog, one commenter stated he was a total Stalin fan because he had Trotsky whacked.
LOL. Now that is funny in a twisted sort of way that I love.
“It ‘s all right, certainly “the empire of hypocrisy” fits best of all.”
I agree although I think “cultures of mendacity” explain it better.
I noticed this change in the organizational level with a certain generational change over coming through in 2010-15 time frame although the early seeds of began to emerge in the late 1990’s. I write from Oz, but I put the tipping point and accellerated effect signified by Bill Clinton and the removal of the Glass-Steagall Act. But it was a very bipartisan event and therefore I see it as a generational effect.
As a German living in USA 40yrs I can say I feel the same.
Well said. With all the attacks on us who side with Putin, Russia, and justice being on the side with God is comforting.
Yes here in Ontario 🇨🇦 not to many support Russia.
God is indeed on the side of truth.
Please update the article to clarify that the sniper’s death is just a rumor and most likely false.
This link is a “Fact check”. We know the value of fact checks; they say the exact opposite of what is true. The fact that they deny it is an indication that it is probably true.
If I see him alive, I may change my mind…
If it can be seen, it can be killed. He was seen.
Dear John,
Would you say that the media, in all of it’s stupidity, set him up for the kill beautifully?
The consensus on his Facebook page is that he is still alive. This all assumes he was ever real and not just another war psyop to begin with, like the Ghost of Kiev.
The claim that he was killed in Mariupol has to be false, how could he get inside a blockaded city when he was not there on March 14th,
This is a very self-pitying article, Andrei, though the tactical updates are appreciated. Yes, there’s a PSYOPS going on and Russia has had its ass handed to it in that regard. Yes, Russia is being treated unfairly by the elites and indifferently by the common people of the West. This is war, and you’re complaining about hurt feelings? Go listen to Scott Ritter sometime and that should reorient your perspective as to what’s important here.
Russia has launched an operation that will wreck havoc with Western European world in the near-term, American politics in the intermediate term and the so-called “rules based order” in the long term. Of course these interests are going to fight back. Why do you think the Russians haven’t committed their aerospace forces to the fight?
We’re at the very beginning here. Much more to come.
This is a very self-pitying article, Andrei.
You know, even if you were 100% correct, that is not for you to say or judge.
I want to remind you that neither you, nor Ritter and nor I are fighting on the frontlines. So we have that all three in common.
What differentiates us is this: I am Russian and you are not
In fact, judging by your alias, I assume that you are if not necessarily an Anglo, then at typical inhabitant of Zone A. If so, then YOUR people forced MY people into war, and now you have the gall tell me that my outrage is self-pitying?
That right there says A LOT about you: your tone really says it all, thank you for making my case :-)
Now kindly don’t show up again, Save me the effort!
My family is religious conservative American. I have been the one in the family that defends and explains the Russian side of things. But recently my father asked me not to defend Russia around him. Fox News has always been controlled opposition and apart from Tucker Carlson, the American evangelical conservatives are brainwashed into the MIC war hypnosis. Those of us who see the light in America are going to be demonized for merely trying to see the Russian point of view in all this. It’s a dark time, and probably will get a lot darker here before it gets better.
Hang in, let it ride, they will understand at some point. Let them come to it.
It’s worse than that!
The entire Left vs Right, Liberal vs Conservative was created by Masons to run western societies.
They impose these categories on us to better divide and rule
And, in the realm of religion, “conservatism” is a dead end.
TRADITIONAL Christianity is the real thing.
Not “conservatives” (or, for that matter, “liberals”)
The devil’s best trick is to make people believe that he does not exist.
Biden is a titular leader, a Globalist pedophile versus Putin a Orthodox Christian nationalist, the powers of darkness will try to destroy the Christian and his people. Evil will not prevail. Ultimately the Lord our Savior Jesus Christ will win. Keep your faith strong!
The psyop against Russia, Russia, Russia has been going on for years here, overthrew an elected president.
The people in charge of the US are destroying the country, they cannot help themselves, what evil does. The mRNA clot shots are killing the useful idiots, innocents, for many the future and children. Food shortages, societal collapse and a civil war are imminent here, plain to see. The US is very likely to see a major population reduction. Evil loves company and does not want to go out alone.
The future for Russia is bright from my point of view.
I love my country, I fear what the good Lord of the Light will rightly do to those of us who turn away from him.
David Sant,
If I were u, I wouldn’t worry so much because at this moment the US’ culture is extremely busy living in its own created world of lies and therefore refuses to see the truth. I am not a Christian nor do I know much about religions but I know of a story in the Bible that talks about the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah which resemble the final stage the West seems to be at right now.
When America eventually begins to implode economically there will be an inward-looking scramble for power. Who will get the natural resources, who will seize possession of the nukes? We can expect right-wing European-Americans to eventually prove victorious. What becomes of Western Europe then? Germany can be expected to reassume its natural position as Western Europe’s first power. That should make Russians nervous. It will be best to keep Western Europe within the North American sphere of things. Keep them tied to us. Keep them looking westward and not eastward. To put it bluntly, the Germanic/Nordic peoples already have their Lebensraum here in North America. Our “Ukraine” is in the American Midwest which just so happens to be heavily populated by the children of German immigrants.
Andrei –
the common American, the working class, one that earns honest living with honest work recognizes
the basic facts in this case. They do not think Putin is stupid or psychopath as portrayed by prestitutes.
Trumpers, do have more appreciation for Putin than for their own president, and do not believe what
they were told. They remember the stollen election. Of course, everyone in USA is intimidated to say anything positive about Russia, but in 1:1 you can hear things that may surprise you.
This is a BIG improvement from the time you will be offered one way ticket to Moskow, the moment
you make any statement critical of USA. I have a feeling that things are changing slowly.
As a material (not spiritual) culture, Americans will start waking up when gasoline hits $10/gallon, and
be patient, you will not have to wait long. Stay strong!
I too, a common American. Marked as a “Deplorable” by the corrupt Obama/Hillary regime. I believe the election stolen, and the pandemic, a plandemic waiting for an oppurtune time. It was time. It had many benefits but the first and most important was that it was the first salvo in removing trump by empowering big tech to fraudulently influence the elections.
The best I can hope for, well, is the army recruit on the cartoon US military armed forces, the one who gloats over her 2 moms and what the army can do for her, will find that she will be sacrificed. In turn, the 2 moms will rapidly change their opinion about the armed forces, about women in the armed forces, and that the virtue signaling was not worth the life of her daughter or the young humans that could be sent to the Ukraine should the US/EU try and pull off a false flag.
We are here because we cannot see the threat through Russia’s eyes and the threat is as clear as day and easily represented by the “What if Russia took Mexico and put offensive weapons on the US border.” But today, today’s Americans, shallow, stupid, the most sacrifice I think they can bear is the 5 minutes to find the perfect Ukrainian flag graphic on the web, to replace the “I’m vaccinated masked selfie”, even though, for the life of them, they have no idea where Ukraine is on the map.
God help us. My sympathies for the Russians being forced into having to defend against this existential threat and to the Ukrainians, having been bamboozled and pushed into this mess for selfish Western hegemonic goals.
Dear Andrei,
From my point of view this is not fair to classify people in “anglos” or “frenchies” or anything else. I know that there is very decent people everywhere, and there is still decent people in the West. I’m sad to have to say that, but when Serbs were exposed to unprecedented vilification, very few poeple in Russia took their side or were concerned (except decent patriots and communists – a minority). Russia was in a deep love affair with America and the West, so the Serbs were the condidered troublemakers. In the West people were indifferent, but who can blame them? It wasn’t their cause.
I’m afraid that the weak spot of the Russians, and generally of slavic peoples is that they search always for the approval of foreigners. It comes certainly from a lack of confidence in oneself. The important is to be on the side of Christ and of Truth, and let forget the approval of those who are not. We should correct our own sins and weaknesses, and do not ask the impossible to the “anglos”, “frenchies” and others.
“there’s a PSYOPS going on and Russia has had its ass handed to it in that regard”
Actually, this where you’re completely wrong. As I wrote in a comment under another of Mr. Raevski’s articles: the purpose of a psychological operation is to defeat the will of the enemy to fight; everything else is a side show.
On this regard, the western psyop failed miserably – the morale of the russian military involved in the Urkainian operation and the LPR and DPR militias is even higher than when it started; and the support for it in Russia proper actually increased. As far as the russians are concerned, for them is completely irrelevant what the westerners believe, or think, or being said – for them, West is no longer relevant, except as potential existential threat, and when the state of affairs reach such stage, you don’t negotiate with such a threat, you don’t try to convince it, you don’t play mind games with it; instead, you evaluate it and plan to take it out when the need arises.
As for russian psyop – I would’ve agreed that it failed, if the russians were actually running one. However, all reports, even those, provided by Mr. Raevsky, indicate that the russians didn’t really put much effort in it – they don’t need it, they clearly stated what their goals are from the beginning, and went in Ukraine not to play mind games with the UkroNazis, but to exterminate them. You don’t need a psyop to achieve that – high-precision long-range missiles and artilery will do the job much faster. And, as I wrote above – the opinion of the western public is irrelevant to the russians.
Personally I am convinced that in the PSYOP part of the war there is a deep battle going on. However I note a recent PSYOP own goal with Marina Ovsyannikova (who has a Ukrainian father) on the Channel One Russia TV channel.
Imagine the situation, the US is engaged in a special operation to de-communist Canada where China has organized a coup, China has used its money to ensure all of the leaders are communists from Quebec (who have banned English throughout Canada and imposed French as the official language) and China has integrated Canada’s military with a Chinese run military alliance. China and the US are not at war – yet. A half French Canadian producer appears on ABC TV news with a poster written as follows:
Stop the war, don’t believe the propaganda,
here you are being lied to.
Now would you think this was a message to the American or Chinese public (apologies for the Chinese characters they were generated by Google translate). How would you an American interpret ‘here you are being lied to’ on that poster – is it a reference to the poster or ABC News?
If what I suspect has happened, now she has done what the CIA wanted, I hope Ms Ovsyannikova’s relatives are soon released by their CIA run death squad captors.
To be honest, I have no idea how an American or Canadian would interpret such a message – I’m neither of those. And where I live – the people don’t trust the presstitutes anyway, but also see no reason why to waste time and effort to argue about what the MSMs say. As the bulgarians put it – говори си, не ми пречиш. Roughly speaking it means: keep talking, I pay no attention to you at all.
Assuming that you’re either Canadian or American, I have a question: why do you people believe the MSMs at all? By now you should’ve learned that it’s easy to determine when the talking heads are lying – their lips are moving.
I’ve lived in the USA my entire life (early 50s). I’m of Polish descent (4th generation American). I’ve lived in many different parts of the country – currently rural South where Trump won about 75% of the vote, but I grew up in the Northeast where it’s nearly the opposite (though not nearly universal in either area or anywhere else, except for some extremely leftist urban areas). The attitude toward the cabal and the news is really binary among Americans. There are people who believed the entire narrative about the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, the Kung Flu, believe the 2020 election was the most honest ever, and are completely taken in by the war propaganda. They are impervious to reason and hold these beliefs as quasi-religious. I see it as something deeper than being fooled or misinformed, due to their observable inability to even discuss or process any information that challenges their beliefs. It seems spiritual in nature, or a form of hypnosis.
Others easily see through all of this and pretty much did from the beginning of each hoax. The two types of people live side by side in all parts of the country, just in varying proportions. There are places where it is 80/20 each way, and places where it is 50/50. This is the case in workplaces, and is even the case within individual families. That is not uncommon at all. I know several families within which this strife exists, and more than a few who have stopped talking to each other.
The third group is people who don’t pay attention, or pay little attention. They have some false beliefs but could be convinced otherwise – just that no one has ever exposed them to real information. I think a large percentage of the young are in that category.
@Michael Jones: “This is a very self-pitying article, Andrei”.
Andrei is hurt by the unkind words because he is too young to be aware of a similar systematic campaign of hatred (allegedly against “Militaristic Germany”; a propaganda campaign concocted by British Militarists between 1899 (when Britain realized that the Royal Navy needed oil, and there was no oil in the British Empire) and 1918 (when Britain smashed Germany as an industrial competitor and grabbed oil rich Mesopotamia from Germany’s ally Turkey). Russia is today’s Mesopotamia.
Pray do not feel offended, it’s nothing personal; just business.
Pardon my ignorance, although I have been reading a lot of Saker and other blogs since the very beginning, but still confused – what is Zone A & Zone B?
How many times more are you going to ask this?
I want to know the same thing, just started reading the blog.
Zone A is the preferable Western area. US/UK and Europe. Zone B is everyone else. The deplorables.
Australia and New Zealand are definitely Zone A, with the Japanese and South Koreans also being honorary white people.
Zone A is US and combined west with all its vassals
Zone B is the rest of the world. China/India/SA/Brazil/Russia
thank you!
Zone A is populated by Elves, Hobbits and Humans.
Zone B is filled with Orcs and ruled by Sauron.
If I remember the Lord of the Rings correctly I believe Zone A is in fact Mordor (USA) and Isengard (the EU) and the MSM are the nine riders.
Zone B is everyone else in the book who wants to be free from Sauron (the collective “Joe.Biden”) in Barad-dûr (Washington). The one ring is a piece of paper with a hollow promise printed on it known as the US dollar.
The only thing I want to add is I truly hope Zelensky and Poroshenko are captured or killed. Dead or alive makes no difference to me but these people need to see their crimes punished.
Nope…i think the Russians need Ze for the post conflict resolution….making him a matyr also plays into Zone A’s hand. Better to let him stimmer and boil in the cauldron of his own making…
He most likely won’t stick around. He’s got billions stashed away in Costa Rica and a massive mansion in Miami (Pandora Papers). He has been funded by Kolomoisky and Soros, pure puppet. He didn’t have the guts to find a way to get the neo-nazis under control because that was never his mission to begin with.
Chances are, what he will do is disappear at some point, like nothing ever happened.
Similar to how to Guaido (Venezuala), another CIA puppet, appeared and disappeared. They reappear, when it’s their tun to do some “acting” again. Since they are all literal actors.
Remember Yemeni President Hadi? In 2015, he escaped to Saudi Arabia, got asylum there and has since served as Saudi trump-card in launching attacks on Ansarullah. Saudi hold a somewhat legitimate President of Yemen and use him in their war on Yemen, to restore order and facilitate the return of Hadi to his rightful position.
Now, what would Zone A do to Ukraine if they hold Zelensky in a safe place out of Ukraine? He is an incumbent President of Ukraine, elected with substantial majority and new elections can’t be hold in a war thorn country. Thus he can serve as long as needed.
Russians must get him first and protect him at any cost. Poroshenko is an empty gun. Yanukovych can to some extent take this position, since he was overthrown as a result of a coup, but this can be disputed. Zen is the man.
“Elected with a substantial majority” – we will never know how honest those elections were. A population that elects a comedian for President gets exactly what they deserve…
He has already been in hiding for two weeks, not anywhere in Ukraine, so, sure, he could come back and continue serving as the puppet role he has been in, but under, Russian command. Although they would never be able to fully trust him, since he already “sold his soul”. At most, they will keep him around (under tight control) until they can do another election.
The assassination of Zelensky would be a total PR disaster for Putin, since the western msm would of course blame him. Which is why it could be the perfect false flag operation if US and nato ultimately realize they are going to be the losers in this conflict.
Dear Saker…about the disregard, hate, etc…I must say that I never noticed this…and I remember Truman. In our family the Russians and the Soviet Army were always heroic. They still are. I don’t dispute your observation, you’re surely correct, but I myself never before noticed anti-Russian sentiments among the general people of the US. I did notice it in Italy back in the 1960’s…but I was drinking with fascist veterans of the “Eastern Front”, and they were older men while I was a young fella…observing.
As to now…you’re absolutely correct…our 5 minutes of hate, so to say, makes it impossible to speak frankly and of facts. Since we ordinary deplorable nutzlosen have no power it probably doesn’t matter.
However, many US persons might change their minds if they saw “some people” standing at the Bar of Justice and learned what crimes they’ve done and what they’ve stolen. The Russians were seen twice in US history as heroic saviors – 1860’s and 1940-45… Let us hope for a third such period.
Actually, 3 times. The very first one was in 1775 when Catherine the Great refused British repeated pleas for Russian military units in order to put down American uprising.
The CIA-MI6 US-uk funded biolab in Salisbury, UK is apparently only 2-3 km from Skripal’s home and the park bench that an army nurse/medic conveniently found him drunk on the deadly novichok. Just so happens that novichok is one of the nerve gases this biolab specialises in. Coincidence that isn’t it not?
If “novichock” Skirpal pair would have been dead. Most probably agent BZ or fast opiate.
John Helmer recently said he thinks Skirpal and daughter are actually dead now.
As to “novi..”….chemistry expert boffin David Collum says it’s so simple that you could probably just throw the reagents (which are common) “in a bucket” and get enough to kill yourself.
My sister-in-law in Salisbury claims that the Skripals were given refuge (!) in the home of the Earl of Pembroke (14000 acres of land near Salisbury with a big house open to the public and crawling with security officials). I don’t know how accurate this is but have never heard anything about them since 2018.
they were disappeared by the Brits
When this scripal farce happened, there was an article in a local newspaper that spoke of an accidental opiate release that affected some people. Then, they changed the article to say it was a deliberate novicok poisoning done by Russian agents.
That nurse just happened to be the Army Head of Nursing, how serendipitous…how convenient :)
Even more striking that the army nurse who “discovered” the Skripals was the Commandant of the British Army nurses.
The odds were 45,000-1 (Salisbury population ) so using English fair play rules it’s just another coincidence , like how Russian forces uncovered a huge cache of UK stamped wmd’s in Mariupol. Someone’s trying to frame UK ’cause we’re not genocidal maniacs, my local MP assured me.
Does anybody know or can look at this video
It’s supposed about threats of killing children,but I can’t verify it,because I don’t understand the language.
The short English subtext looks horrifying.
That guy looks like an avid coke user, sniffing his way through his story,even boasting a picture of Eichmann.
Please, could someone explain?
It is a mercenary who says that since he is not in the military the Geneva Conventions and the Laws of War do not apply to him and so he gets to commit any atrocity against Russians he wants.
Just a garden variety defender of democracy and a free Banderastan.
Thanks a lot. So it’s one of those creatures, predestined to be send to hell, where he belongs.
Glad, he’s at least categorizing himself adequately – fair game.
He hasn’t really thought that through, has he?
Translation: I’m a cold-blooded killer, and laws don’t apply to me.
More correctly, he is a common murderer and is subject to ordinary criminal law.
Also, if captured, he does not fall under the protection of the Geneva Convention. Therefore, he will most likely be shot on the spot.
But then the Russians can have fun with him when he gets captured. This goes both ways.
He’s a Chechen. Many Chechen rebels were invited into Ukraine a while back simply because they were anti-Russian. This is part of the reason by Kadyrov is down there. He wants revenge on these Chechen rebels because he blames them for killing his father. This a Chechen Ukrainian living in Ukraine for some time. He’s a reporter on that large Ukrainian network. It’s now been edited and he has since apologized.
“There are no Nazis in the Ukraine” anyone? In plain view, in Ukrainian television. I bet that you won’t see his performance in Western media.
We will see I he will play a tough guy around some angry Chechens.
hmmm….will Russia visit all those laboratories…
Thank you Andrei for this well taught analysis.
Being Canadian I was happy to see that you talked about this Canadian sniper who died 20 minutes after starting fighting the Russians. I saw him on tv before his trip, with his wife proudly wearing a Ukrainian ribbon and his child, bragging about his killings in Afghanistan, and the fact he was the “best snipper in the world” and would fight the Russians to make a better future for his child. (This is from memory).
I was shocked and humiliated when I observed the gang of heavily armed thugs with machine guns facing unarmed truckers, women and children and even handicapped, supported by our brave snipers watching them from the roof of adjacent buildings. I was asking myself how anyone with a minimum of pride could be low enough to do this. And my one million$ questions was: why don’t they fight the Russians? I would like to see how well they do. Now I have the answer.
Being truly patriotic, I would like to see my Canada as truly sovereign and prosperous, not what it is now, a falling country run by a bunch of losers and small tyrants.
Careful, the info about the Canadian sniper might have been a rumor.
I honestly don’t know.
I will keep my eyes open, but the sight of Canadian snipers threatening women and children put a chill on my spine, and I will never forget where Canada stands today.
Seeing our tax paid “soldiers” traveling to nazi ukraine to fight the Russians produces a strong sense of disgust.
I hope Russia breaks the cage we are all locked-in in the West, and enough people will wake up and have the courage to add heir own and save themselves.
Robert, so happy to see you saying this. My wife and I are fighting daily because she is sucked into the Govt. propaganda we see everyday. I said the exact same thing you said- I am saddened and sickened to see my tax dollars spent on a bunch of our soldiers training and/or fighting against the one country that is hoping to STOP the advance of these evil US/UK/Zio entities to their goal of world domination. If Putin and Xi can stop this evil contagion against humanity I would be shouting it from the rooftops!!
Byw, my wife and I were at it again when we saw the comedian addressing our Parliament thru Zoom call. I was so pissed at watching the trained seals all standing, smiling and clapping after Ze finished his speech. So sickened to see it in MY FUGGIN COUNTRY!!
Have you allowed her to view the music video of Ze on youBoob?
A feature of failing societies is gender confusion.
Perhaps you should sit her down and let her watch the entirety of Patrick Lancaster’s video on YT of the Donetsk cluster bombing. It might jar her little world a bit to see senior citizens blown up and bleeding out in the town square.
Rumor or not, all those mercs with experience in mentioned US wars, without benefits of aerial cover, pristine comms and enemy that is not goat-sheppard, will have hard time in Ukraine. Realisticaly, to be killed the very first day is not surprising in such situation.
The motivation of western mercs will quickly wane after stories of Yavorov Range and Avdeevka fortifications spreads out. Soon, Russians won’t have to bomb fortifications. Just announcement they will, should be enough to scare off personnel inside.
Propaganda can instigate vengefull rage in people, but that never can be compared with determination that is consequence of lifetime of oppression. Induced emotions have short life, and shatters when primal fear kicks in. Survival instinct trumps the best
I don’t know the full strenght of Ukrainian Mobile Brigade but my guess is around 3,000 – 4,000 men. Perhaps i’m wrong. Normally infantry Brigade is bigger than meganized units. In some armies 5,000-7,500. Any idea?
Yes, their “brigades” are really conceptual.
They never match their full TO&E
Concerning the 100,000 Brits whose hearts bleed for the poor victim Ukranian – I have lived in Britain my entire life, of Serbian parentage, I lived through the atrocious 1990s where the propaganda campaign was second only to this one now – it was truly fascist in its anti-Serbian hatred. But, when it comes to the masses, & this goes for pretty much most countries, the mass of people neither love or hate anyone, Ukranians, Russians, Malasians, whoever. The masses are ignorant & don’t care. I remember, back in the 90s, when trying to make sense of the anti-Serb propaganda then, reading Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent. I never bought into Chomsky’s thesis (& Herman’s), because the way the mass media works, the culture it cultivates & moulds, is designed to encourage ignorance & indifference. It encourages narcissism, egotism, self-obsession, & in this it is largely successful, most people don’t care about anything. Literally anything. Other than their own comfort. In the west, & especially the Anglo west, society is so atomised that most people don’t even care about their closest relatives. Example: I hooked up with a life long friend the other day, a bona fide Englishman, & asked him how his parents were – he didn’t really know, he hardly sees them or speaks with them. This is more the rule than not. And in this kind of atomistic, severely alienated society, vulgar materialist, egoist, most people couldn’t care less about anything in particular. Ambivalence is the rule of the day. The media propaganda does not, in my view, serve to brainwash, it does not even convince most people about anything for any amount of time according to polling figures. The media is a narrative setter, it sets the narrative for the upper echelon of society, 25% of people who fall into the professional classes, administrators, higher level managers, up to the politicians & beyond them the ultra wealthy ruling class – the 1 per cent, who set the narrative. Whether they believe it or not is not of importance, the message is, this is our position – in Anglo legal culture the saying is: it is not what you know, it is what you can prove. The media narrative instructs the upper echelon of society that this is what the position of the ruling class is, you don’t have to believe it, just abide by it, & repeat it if anyone asks you – if you can internalise it, that would be good, & some do, but it is not essential. So no one believed the narrative on the pandemic, but the narrative was the alibi of the ruling class. So when it comes to Russia, the only people who really care are the 1 per cent, as cliché as I know that may sound, & even they don’t care in the sense that it is consequential to their interests, they care about that, & not much else. The western world is vapid, if they could hate someone you could say well at least there is some emotion, but no one cares. And no one cares about Russia or Russians, & neither do they care about Ukrainians. Those 100,000 Brit do gooders, they care about their image, their fake morality, about looking good & being able to show off. If they cared about Ukrainians for real they would condemn the British government for its role in provoking this conflict in the first place.
Fantastic post Srbalj. Your observation are spot on. With the Ukraine war looking to rapidly speed up the fall of the $USD (taking the £, € & ¥ with it) we are already starting to see those not buying the pre set narrative openly called ‘traitors’ as happened to Tulsi Gabbard today. The scapegoating and blame of those ‘not with us are against us’ is increasing daily. I sense some desperation amidst the vanity, virtue signaling & faux humanitarian angst. I also sence that the average person is starting to pick up on this and through self interest start to question the motives & consequences of NATO expansion. It is a start.
Watching the US contemplating buying Iranian or Venezuelan oil, and Nuland suggesting China could influence Putin to seeing things their way tells me they are completely clueless as to how to handle the situation. It has spun way out of their control.
I checked on the Gabbard Tw account. She is obviously part of the narrative so aptly described by Srbalj.
“Tulsi Gabbard 🌺
14 mrt.
#6. Furthermore, according to the DoD there are two biolabs in Ukraine that have been under Russian control for some time: “Russia illegally took possession of two Ukrainian-owned laboratories that BTRP upgraded in 2014 and continues to deny Ukrainian access to these facilities.”
So she parrots the CookieMonster and Rubio show, suggesting that the contents of these labs in the hands of Russia will be used against US/world (whatever that means).
“Tulsi Gabbard 🌺
There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine which if breached would release & spread deadly pathogens to US/world. We must take action now to prevent disaster. US/Russia/Ukraine/NATO/UN/EU must implement a ceasefire now around these labs until they’re secured & pathogens destroyed”
Anyone who “serves” (serves up – death maybe?) in the US military during Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam etc. is/was a moron and especially Tossme Gasbag. When all you’ve got to go on as a politician is that you served in an illegal war against peasants and lost but are proud of it as a major accomplishment then you deserve to be a SALE item in a Libyan slave market.
“25% of people who fall into the professional classes, administrators, higher level managers, up to the politicians.”
I call them “the overseer class.”
Every aristocracy or elite needs and never has any difficulty in recruiting one.
But there are the lower-level elements, too, the police (esply political police) and army (esply political troops).
I am a Serb who lived in in the UK (am back in Serbia) – I agree with you – they don’t hate or love anyone – they are just trained to signal obedience (like in a cult).
I also found it interesting how in England next door neighbors go out of their way to avoid each other – and I noticed most English people I met (in London) are not at all close to their cousins.
Basically their mentality is the exact opposite from our (Serbian) mentality.
Also I have to say everyone I know here in Serbia is on Russian side – they think Ukis are kind of like Croats with their Nazi collaborating Ustashe
Dragi Srbalj i Tomo,
Born in Serbia, grew up in another former Yugoslav republic, then moved to UK and ended up living in Ireland, I can say I’ve had the exact same experience as you in UK and Ireland.
A lot of people I met are selfish, materialistic, mentally lazy, don’t give a shit about anything, lack the ability to think critically, and quite a few of them are completely devoid of any compassion even for their fellow Brits or Irish. Londoners – and literally all other cities’ dwellers I ran into over the years definitely don’t want to know their neighbours. Yes, their society is atomized. The name of the game is “I’m fine and fuck everyone else”.
Recently I ranted about Ukrainian flag waving in Dublin and how disgusted I am with the Irish media. Latest example – last night, on Virgin One channel, one of the talking heads – an actual editor at a newspaper – essentially claimed there are no nazis in Ukraine. He used different wording, but the meaning was implied.
However, none of that garbage matters. Their opinions, their lies to the public are rrelevant. So what does matter then?
Something that always makes me rage is the thought of a video clip I saw back in 2014. An execution. A bunch of Ukros hanged two people, one of their victims was a heavily pregnant woman. The Ukros stood around, laughed and made jokes while the two people were dying. I’m not even able to describe what I feel when I think of what those nazi beasts have done. I could never forget what I saw.
That and incalculable other crimes commited by Ukronazis were ignored by the west (and most of western people) for full 8 years. I’m not even sure why do we expect them to care about that when they don’t even care about the person right next to them.
So what matters?
The ground truth matters!
One of these days there will be news that all nazi battallions were wiped out, that creatures such as Yatsenyuk, Turchinov, Avakov, Yarosh, Tyahnibok, Poroshenko, Yuschenko, Kolomoisky, etc have been caught and put on trial or simply liquidated, that Ukro military ceased to exist, and that Vicky Nuland’s and Robert Kagan’s heads “mysteriously” exploded.
When that happens, I will put out a Russian and Serbian flag so everyone can see them, then get a bottle of the most expensive alcohol money can buy in this Euro-reich latrine and drink it all in one go as if I was drinking those nazi beasts’ blood!! Do I care what neighbours and people across the street are going to think? No. They don’t deserve another thought. As their own saying goes: I’m fine and fuck everyone else.
Where can I get a Russian flag?
I forgot to add something in relation to my previous comment – Russia apparently losing the propaganda war. I’m not sure you can lose something you do not even participate in. I don’t think Russia even considered fighting on this front at all, because – dare I say, that the Kremlin views it the way I do? I have no way of knowing, but I suspect they do, & for that reason, they don’t care much about the psyops & propaganda war because they are not trying to win over anyone in the west. They set up RT, in my view, to actually target the 25% I mentioned before, to ruin the western narrative in galvanising against Russia – & in that, even though I really never liked RT, I think they partially succeeded. But they always knew that they could not avoid a confrontation in the end, & when it happened, it would not matter what one says on the information front. This current hysteria proves it, there’s nothing you could say to change any of this, because this is a 1,000 year old civilizational war. It was going to happen, no matter what.
Very insightful analysis. “Creating narrative” is long-form propaganda, sustainable in peacetime but not during war. Watching real-time collapse of narrative during American withdrawal from Afghanistan made evident to common person. Russian TV in west very interesting experiment, obviously directed to elite viewer. I never quite understood true purpose until now. Very interesting dichotomy: RT shut down operations in USA but product is still available there, while product is being censored in Europe but operations continue there. Your post clarified this most distinctly!
I agree.Srbalj,
How can media that is blacked out in western countries and others be counted in the propaganda war when it is not there at all?
The only propaganda war being fought now is to let people know who do not have access to sites such as here,to let them know when they start spouting BS about the war, by asking a simple question.
Do you know the background to this conflict?
The answer given will be enough to tell you if it is worth pursuing the conversation.
In fact the best way would be for Russia to put up geostationary satellites relaying TV to the countries denied service now.This would be doable and very costly.
Almost impossible to block,as far as I know.
I am certain that it wii be done sooner or later and up to now was cheaper to piggyback on western systems.
Perhaps Russia was being too cute for its own good here.
Who knows?
The propaganda war is something that we Americans have been working on and are hopefully getting good at, in the same way the Donbass militias are with conventional war… for example, Salty Cracker. He might be a bit difficult to follow if you’re not a native English-speaker but he is hilarious, reports the news as accurately as he can, has hundreds of thousands of enthusiastic followers and is probably the best example I know of our propaganda insurgency. It’s probably that insurgency that has led to the Empire of Lies being in such trouble as it is within Zone A.
Basically, all the pro-Ukraine propaganda blasts out over the “approved” channels while our insurgency eats away under the surface, and very effectively I might add.
Dear Srbalj
I remember the Empire’s war against the Serbian nation very well.
In fact, it had a deeply traumatic effect on me. As I mentioned in my mini-bio ( I was raised in a rabidly anti-Communist family of White Russian emigres and a truly believed everything I was taught.
Then the US/NATO/EU attacked the Serbian nation, over and over again.
The vicious, rabid, ugly, stupid, uninformed, ignorant, arrogant and generally nauseating hatred the people of the EU showed their Serbian fellow Europeans (Yugoslavia was a neutral founding member non-aliened states too!) was typical Nazi, through and through.
At the same time, the US, UK and Germany were backing Wahabi terrorist in Chechnia who had slaves, tortured people, kept people in holes for months and even years, who tossed a wild wolf and a Russian national into a pit to see who would win, etc. etc. etc.
That hate for Serbs was also the same hate for Russians. In fact, one US Neocon once quipped “we beat up Serbia to show the Russians what we could do to them next”. How true!
And I have to say that it felt like blinders were taken off my eyes.
Then I traveled to Russia, right after the coup, in September of 1991, which I also visited in 92 and 93 and I saw with my own eyes what “democracy” meant for Russia.
And I have to say that it felt like one more set of blinders were taken off my eyes.
Then 9/11 happened. It took be 7 years to figure this one out, but I did.
And I have to say that it felt like one more set of blinders were taken off my eyes.
Then the GWOT happened.
And I have to say that it felt like one more set of blinders were taken off my eyes.
by late 2021 early 2022 I really thought that I had finally shed ALL my blinders.
Oh boy, I was wrong. I still had A LOT of blinders to lose, and I am in that process right now.
Each time it is incredibly painful and depressing. But since each shedding brings me at least one small step closer to the truth, I accept that. My outrage and pity are not for me, as Michael Jones wrote, but for the millions of my fellow Russians who suffer due to yet another war which was imposed on us.
But, as with every past painful shedding, the pain gradually morphs itself into determination and wrath.
That is why I prefer pain to delusions.
I cannot fight in the Russian military or volunteer for the LDNR (besides, the last thing they need is another aging westerner pretending to be some kind of heroic combatant). I fight with the weapons I have: my brain and a computer.
And the more hate against Russia I feel, the more determined I am to continue to fight my tiny modest “keyboard war” with every drop of energy left in my body and soul.
Right now Orthodox Christians celebrate Great Lent. During that period we make a lot of prostrations. The symbol here is clear: no matter how often and painfully you fall, you should always rise back up in hope. This is meant spiritually, of course. But that is also the ethos of the Russian civilization.
This is why Molotov concluded his speech (full text here: VERY TIMELY and worth a re-read!) with the words
“Our cause is just. The enemy shall be defeated. Victory will be ours“.
That is as true of Russia as it is of Serbia, of that I am sure.
Dear Andrei
Western propaganda machine is becoming completely crazy. Everything is so blatant, that only blinds don’t see it, that is the majority in the western world. Alas, this is the result of a lack of culture, of poor education and confidence in reductionist visions of the world. But, if it can be a consolation for you, Serbs were beeing exposed to enven worse vilification for more than ten years, and without support from anyone. The difference is that Russia has many friends in the world.
Poeple who were recruited to vilify Serbs are on the same job with Russians this time.
Intolerence toward other peoples and races is something deeply rooted in western eites. But while, antisemitism, anti-black racism, and other forms of racial hatred are formally condemned, anti-serb and anti-russian hate speech is perfectly legitimate according to the standards of the west. The great general Zukov said in 1945 “We have win this war, and I am afraid that Europe will never forgive us for that”. Perfectly true.
Curent situation is the epilogue of a 1000 year war of western Europe against Slavic peoples. That was a war for their assimilation and fusion into western cultural area. Only Russians and Serbs still resist; they keep the apostolic orthodox faith and cyrilic script. From a western suprematist point of view, this resistance is their main “sin”.
Serbian generals and politicians are in the Hague jail till they die simply because they resisted to the expansionnist western bloc.
I think that deep rooted stereotypes of religious origin have left their imprint on the world view of western elites. This is what the famous political theorist Carl Schmitt called “political theology”.
Be blessed and please forgive me my poor english
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“That is why I prefer pain to delusions.” You have made a remarkable philosophical journey, Saker.
From my perspective and presumably most of your other readers, all in the correct direction. There is perhaps one more bridge to cross to be free of delusions, however comforting. You looked at Tower 7 imploding on 9/11 and realized that building had not been hit by an airplane, but was full of asbestos, unrentable, and owned by the same billionaire as the equally problematic Tower 1 and 2 and had an epiphany which as you say “felt like blinders were taken off my eyes”.
Someday when the current war is a subject for Russian history books and you have enough free time to think deeply have a look at the Hubble Space Telescope Deep Field pictures and ponder on them.
The implications are as profound as Tower 7 for anyone with a rational view of the universe and existence. Just planting an off topic seed based on the direction of your life journey.
And by the way, get more sleep. The news can wait another hour or two. Your health is more important.
@Saker and Srbalj.
Just for the record, my moment of awakening was the same as the Saker’s. The gang rape of Serbia caused me to flip and start digging for an explanation. Why was the EU, which I had hitherto thoroughly supported as a peaceful postwar organization, dropping more bombs on Belgrade than Nazi Germany did? After digging into modern European history I added the z to NATZO; at first it was a little z for Nazi, based on NATzO behaviour in Serbia; then, as I dug back further, to 1899 and the British takeover of South Africa, which heralded the coming century of Anglo Capitalist Resource Wars, the little z for Nazi became a capital Z, as in Anglo Zionazi Capitalism. Which is what we see in Ukraine today.
I am a US citizen, and am still nauseated when I think of the American attacks on Serbia, and the accopanying propaganda – including a memorable Time magazine headline “Bringing the Serbs to Heel”, conveying the unspoken-because-unnecessary assumption that the Serbs were at best some sort of semi-domesticated animal, perhaps equivalet to a dog or a monkey.
As a “Vietnam Era” young person, I had always been suspicious of the USA’s actions, but for me the violence perpetrated on the Serbs, and the self-congratulation within both government and media, was the last straw. Any act or words coming from the American State are to be presumed false/evil, until proven otherwise. And you will have a very long wait for any proof otherwise.
Exactly same elite narrative construction was used during pandemic. And truly its intelligence does not matter. It is maybe even better if narrative is stupid, because it forces one to stoop lower: if you pretend to believe this nonsense you will pretend to believe everything, you will obey all commands, will go to all lenghts. And yes, it works on educated classes more, those that have to signal they accept elite narrative, not to be canceled.
A throwaway for possible pickup.
On this idea of stooping. My sis keeps throwing tiktok bytesizes at me in which is seemingly the best of the best in the west she can find to counterpoise my known position (common low point). To this, various ‘traitorous types’ and ‘Putin-haters’ get filmed doing ‘their dumb’. Yeah, 5th and 6th columnist stuff and all that, but, do Mr Putin’s govt’s best ppl ever go head to head with these very types, on camera? Like, get em all together in a big auditorium (& “pull it!”) and let em fully vent off until there’s nothing left to vent? Collate the gripe pile into major categories, and put that shit to rest once n for all? Data spreadsheets, hard economic data, from govt sources dealt with in detail, corobbed, believeable, and using such to whittle down the gripe pile until only the core of something substantive remains? The point of necessary popular change? Ask, what do these ppl want? If “liberal western values”, then invite them to emigrate out of Russia, to claim their happy Western life full of liberal dollops of everything. The one not shown so much on 90210 happy TV Street, the one of endless riots, cop killings, ever rising crime, urban decay, rampant racism, endless warring against resource rich nations, the ugly end result, ethnic ghettos, political division, strife everywhere you turn, attempted coups (that DC thing), burned cities by those BLM, Antifa, wokists on a SJW march. Businesses and lives galore gutted, then bias skewed reporting. Racio profiling and religio-affils of dormers, that’s very revealing by itself. The vast $waste on warstuff while cities rot and fall apart, and the homeless enlarge whilst borders go down. The debt, the manner of West’s corrupt-to-core fiat bux $ystem.
And in pictures, images galore, don’t spare the images. Real time sat zooming to corob data. We know they can zoom in on the angels dancing on a pinhead. Call the event “A Total Propaganda Event”, but make it something fresh, new, modern, savvy, confronting, disturbing, unimpeachable, unheard of in this very tecky era.
Point: fencesitters are nobodies friend. Untrustworthy and tending to traitorous acts. Exhaust them all in one place. Everything they got, bring it, reveal it without mockery or shame, stand by it and fall with it. Just like legal suit. Presentations, complete disclosure, counter arguments until only agreed hard facts/data remains.
Opinions must stand on hard data. Definitions need be agreed, words redefined even if need be.
And most telling, up front, enforceable legal penalties for spreading slander, lies, western psyopganda and all that, separating the all-in from the wannabe, clueless, pussy-rot rebels.
We’re not there yet, so how do/es we/Russia move closer to it? If change for change’s sake is demanded, change the formatting into a hard core all-in dialogue, even with all side’s best dialectitians. I say, the cultural Rock can move, but it won’t roll to “meh, 🤔wherever😕” with no eyes to see its final resting place.
Catch the drift? Evolution happens, right?
Sbralj, please break your stuff down into paragraphs! It’s so much easier to read.
I was in Spain at the time and the media barrage about “brutal” Serbia was relentless. You just could not find any alternative news as the internet was just beginning. I got my hands on Diana Johnstone’s book “Fool’s Crusade” and began to understand what I had long suspected. Then I watched footage taken by a Serbian camera crew who were filming a UK ITV crew as they selected an incredibly skinny guy (who was born like that) behind a fence to make it look like a concentration camp. The images went round the world.
It’s amazing how many Ukraine experts we suddenly have: Family members lecturing me about the situation when I followed the Saker’s brilliant day-by-day analysis in 2014 and have been following events since. As Dmitry Orlov says, if you didn’t know there was a civil war in Ukraine for 8 years you have no right to an opinion.
Very, very good observations Srbalj.
A civilization sure of its strength and values cannot act in this way. Thus it appears that the Western counter-civilization and its elites are :
– Greedy: They have been seizing other people’s property by violence for centuries.
– Ethno-centric and racist: Only they count, the others exist only in the wars that are made for them. They are denied the right to life.
– Weak: Someone who is strong does not behave like that.
– Scared of the poverty of their country and their inability to invent a future for themselves. They only succeed in looting others.
– Arrogant: To the point of blindness, they think they are virtuous when collectively they are not. On the contrary.
– Ultra violent, a ”Clockwork Orange” civilization: To avoid their victims looking them in the eye, they cut off the heads of those who do not submit.
– Liars: always all the time. They lie first to themselves about the reality of their actions.They lie to themselves in order not to see themselves as they are: bloody predators.
– Unhappy: Happy people radiate life, not death.
– Immature: Repeating endlessly the same pattern of suffering against others, for centuries, is a proof of collective immaturity. The inability to grasp the true nature of their leadership, their plundering and to bring about the necessary renewal, is proof of this.
In view of my intimate companionship for 30 years with the extermination of my family, I know that the values of the West are not those of enlightenment: the rule of law, scientific rationality, democracy and freedom; but those of darkness, the cult of self, the law of the strongest, lies, greed and capitalist usury imposed as universal and inescapable truth. The power of the West, its well-being, is dependent on the colonial structure of the world with its corollary: the others, all the others, do not have the right to organize themselves and to prosper. All their wars are aimed at refusing otherness, to prevent the expression of the creativity of those who can surpass them.
It is indeed the empire of lies, it is indeed the empire of hypocrisy but, I would disagree with the empire of indifference. From the perspective of the population (and living in the UK) I would suggest it is more The Empire of the Manipulated. Lost, the people have handed their emotional and intellectual keys over to their handlers. They no longer have any cognitive context to understand global events. Therefore, the outrage and hate (or compassion) when required is readily available to be directed by their ‘experts’.
Indifference is not false. Bush, Clinton and Obama, invade 9 countries and killed eleven millions people. The west did not manifest his solidarity with all this victims. It is indifference, which exclude not manipulation. Political regime of the collective west is ochlocracy not democracy.
“They no longer have any cognitive context to understand global events.”
There is no teaching of or requirement of a passing grade in logic for either high-school diploma or bachelor’s degree in America.
This is neither accidental nor inconsequential, since any “education” without logic is only another sleazy indoctrination of slaves.
How right you are John! The utilitarian or servile arts enable one to be a servant of a corporation, or business and earn a living. This is what accounts for education now days in the West and even that is questionable. A true education, in contrast, teaches one how to live and rise above the material environment and therefore live a free life in gaining truth. A true education should provoke a comprehensive view of Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric as well as induction, poetics, and figurative language. I’ll leave aside the four arts of quantity pertaining to matter (math and its applications).
Even though, I was educated in the West I am forever grateful for my critical thinking professor who taught us we are in school to learn how to think and not what to think. He showed us how to think.
@ Saker
Which really leaves the Empire of Lies only one option: false flags.
Thanks for the daily report.
This late into the game, Russia might be able to see the signs that a false flag is coming, and the approx. timing.
False flag is the use of a (pardon the redundancy) false event as a pretext to disguise a premeditated action as a reaction, a delusion to convince people this “reaction” is the “only” right course for the country, and ultimately for them. Behind the false flag there is a political process and a decision made on a course to follow, whose confirmation as the correct choice will be given by the results, success or failure. Either way, the PTB will be justified before the masses convinced this was the only “morally” correct path for X country to take.
I believe Russia will be able to determine the moment the West’s political will goes on a suicidal mission. The rest is the show, the concoction, the fabrication.
Lone Wolf
It doesn’t matter if the west doesn’t care about Russian lives. What matters is if they respect/fear them. I certainly don’t care how many Ukie troops get killed. Sounds harsh but I think most people feel that way whether they know it consciously or not. We are a tribal people.
Wasn’t it Stalin who said one death is a tragedy and a million is a statistic.
I rember my sister telling me that Arabs don’t value life like we do. I said we value their lives even less that’s why we keep killing them. Of course thar went right over her head.
One death…etc see Chaplin (brief) on the matter of mass killing…
I remember very vividly the repeated pronouncements by the US military and its house-intellectuals during Vietnam about “the _Asiatic_ contempt for human life.”
I can’t quite agree that all germans are hostile towards Russia. The stupid psyoped media consumers certainly are, but since years there have been quite a number of my fellow men been in favour of good relations with the russian people. People who all have seen cultural values and traditions sacrifized at the altars of greenism, cancel culture and so on. They usually have been ostracized by the media as Putin fanboys and what have you My estimation is that these are at least 5% off the population
I would estimate US support for Russia and Putin at 15-20%. Anyone else want to chime in?
I’d opt for 15-20% in Germany as well.
(Even though Stalin’s Red Army most definitely wasn’t merciful. That part of the article is IMHO completely on its head. But anyway, things have changed.)
I always try to get your website each day. I’m an American…a US citizen. You fine folks only hear comments from our Main Media, and of course, from our less than honorable leader. Many of us…many educated and understand geopolitics, truly honestly understand Putin’s speeches. The Ukraine government is nothing than a puppet to our neocons in our government. That government and some of its Ukraine citizens, bought into the American political ideas of good USA..bad Russia. How stupid can they be…when you live next to a big bear, with a strong leader…methinks it is better to get along with that bear. Ukraine was a bad neighbor to Russia, and played by our corrupt political leaders.
So, again I say, don’t judge all of the west and the USA by what you read and see in our main media people and our …at the moment, very weak leaders. Many of us must take the garbage out of Ukraine. Best to each of you in your future days, months, and years. Ed
Payback for that missile/ cluster bomb that killed innocent civilians.
I’m in the West, and I have never once believed any of the propaganda vomited out by our so-called ‘Leader’ and MSM. I’m disgusted and ashamed of the fury and vitriol put upon the Russian people and their leader Mr Putin. I have always admired the Russian people for their resilience and strength in times of adversity, especially when Nazi Germany attacked their country. Through the years of struggle, hardship the determination the people of Russia have only grown stronger and more resilient, especially to the sanctions and lies espoused by “The Empire of Lies.” Mr Putin, I salute you and the people of Russia. You are a leader who will be on the right side of history, while the ‘leaders’ of the West will fade into infamy and oblivion. God Bless.
I am British and yes the hate and propaganda is rabid,even the more liberal voices have all bought into the nonsense,problem we have is we don’t have the time to educate people about the history thats led to where we are now,many of the cattle just form their opinion from the last BBC or SKY broadcast,its weaponised ignorance,even when i have proved people wrong with evidence,they deny reality,its like some mass hynosis has taken place,we can compare it with what took place in Nazi Germany at the hands of Goebbels and Julius Streicher,and we know how that ended.
Romanian here. Our country has been run by US shills since the 89 revolution. Lots of bad blood against Russia since the Communist days, coupled with decades of western propaganda. Rah-rah NATO… idiots. We don’t all think that way, for what it’s worth. Thank you for useful info about a conflict I hope we won’t be dragged/pushed into. The fog of war is very thick over here.
Regime change starts at home. Time to get to work!
He got a lucky kill, anyone can get lucky. The past several years in most major war games the Chechen snipers hold most records…..hmm, poetic f’n justice if the a…hole is dead, killed in Maripol, I heard the Chechens are there.
Cheers M
I have watched a few videos from this Chilean, Gonzalo Lira. However, I find a bit strange that he is always in his hotel room, even though some people have doubted that he ever was in Ukraine. Why doesn’t he seem to make a little effort to prove that he is really there? I don’t follow him in any social network, but his Youtube channel has no video showing him walking around Ukraine, taking a train or things like these. Can we really trust him?
What an ignorant question. The guy has posted several videos of himself in Kharkov, where he lives with his family. He has posted a lot of videos debunking the western ‘narrative’ and quite frankly I would trust him over you.
Before posting a dumb question, and than ending it with a terrible remark. Do your research
Thank you for the replies, everyone. As I said, I had just checked his Youtube channel and I don’t feel like following him in any social network (I don’t follow anyone). But, anyway, I found this video of him walking around Kiev.
Freedom, you are wrong: my question is not deep, but is not dumb. Actually, it is a very important one, I would say. If you are going to trust people just because they say what you want to hear, well, then I don’t think I am the stupid one. But, anyway, I’m now convinced that the guy is really there
He had several videos of him in kiev and Khartov too i believe. The day he showed the hotel he was living in was the day i worried for his health, the next day he was in Khartov smart enough not to release proof untill he was ready to run.
Hes also a very perceptive mind.
Watch all his videos and he tours Korkov to show wherr he is actually located. He states that he’s being pursued by nazis and is basically in hiding.
“Can we really trust him?” – Darcyniano
Should we not trust Gonzalo Lira, and instead trust the administrative talking heads for Joe Biden, Boris Johnson, etc.? Or, much worse, the major news networks?
You fail to appreciate that the man is broadcasting from Ukraine, a war zone, and to roam about taking videos for your consumption would make him suspect, although he did do some of that. The Ukranian secret service (SBU) would already have him on their radar because he is doing personal video updates from on the ground.
The things he reports on are also available elsewhere, so you only have to connect the dots to see that he is speaking the truth.
I mentioned this on here concerning FALSE FLAGS before this site let me comment, they didnt let my first comment on here but did my 2nd. Anyway FALSE FLAGS somewhere i heard a rumour about a huge store of “Ammonium Nitrate”? 9000 TONS in fact in ODESSA,s PORT. Just remember the Massive explosion in LEBANON,S PORT Area apparently only 2700 Tons , so imagine what 9000 TONS would do. Not sure if anyone else has heard this, sure could be total crap PROPAGANDA.
Lebanon Yemen Syria, this fals flag won’t work with Russia in Ukrania:
God bless Russia and help her brave soldiers defeat the evil Western-financed Neonazis. One question comes to mind: whatever happened to the Covid-19, Omicron, digital health passport, mask and …? We don’t hear MSM talk about this killer pandemic anymore since Russia launched its mission against the Nazis.
That’s because one fake narrative had to give way to the other…. Them shills ain’t smart, running two psyops at the same time was a mission too far.
I can actually see two type of NBC agents being used by Russian forces. Especially, in bunkers and trenches. Probably an incapacitant that slows mental and physical activities or causes sleep temporarily. Or possibly an irritant like Adamsite, CS, or Chloropicrin. Both of these types of agents are non-lethal in most cases. Russia has long been recognized has the best in the world in defensive and offensive NBC operations.
Fighting in cities is slow, usually motorized rifle battalions are used and if contact is suspected most of the work is done dismounted. The amount of ammo used is significantly higher than most other types of combat. This creates significant logistical problems for the UAF and the Nazis as they are unlikely to be resupplied.
In short there is no doubt about the outcome of this special operation and if the Kiev government cared about the regular people of Ukraine they should be asking about terms of surrender at this point. That is the humane thing to do!
About the PSYOP, at least in Spain where I live (probably the least pro-NATO country in Europe) I am feeling a change in the public opinion despite all the propaganda or maybe because of it, people are starting to realize that the official info is full of lies and childish stories. If public opinion started about 99% for Ukraine, today in the newspapers comments section you can read many people, maybe 40%, stating that Zelensky is a fool who has been kidded by NATO and should surrender instead of asking his people to die. The former internal affairs minister, Jorge Fernández Díaz (center right Popular Party), openly said on TV (program Horizonte, cuatro TV, 10th march) and later on newspapers that the US were looking for this war because they did not want to lose their control over the EU and now we will have to buy their gas at double price. Other senior high rank military officers (retired) agreed and also said that the Blitzkrieg is only in the journalists heads and that the pace of the Russian advance is average considering they don´t want to destroy the cities.
Nice! 40% support and the Right is for Russia!
On our TV, there is absolutely no pro-Russian views allowed at all outside of the Tucker Carlson show on Fox. Everything else, forget it. All of the major newspaper and magazine media online and off and on board with the propaganda express.
Well, PLEASE, do not generalize about Romanians because of an insane entity who might not even be really Romanian. Now, I will give a LIST with REAL Romanian personalities who think with their brains, know history, cannot be fooled by the MSM, and do NOT hate Russians. That is a moron, Basarabia is not even in Russia, it’s in Ukraine…now, follow these people on Facebook, Sorin Simion Meici, Oana-Elena Lovin, Adrain Onciu, Daniel Tomozei Dimian, Cristi Dinica, Dan MV Chitic, Geaorge Razvan Avramescu, Sergiu Mihalcea ( and look at this gentleman credentials ) Senator Diana Ivanovici Sosoaca, Paul Ghitiu, Cozmin Gusa…follow them on Facebook. Yet, YES Romania has now the most corrupt and incompetent government in her history…period…”servants” to US, EU and NATO, who do not give a damn on their own people…yet, maybe ALL Romanians will wake up…
Hello Saker. Thanks for another insightful analysis.
I don’t have specialized military formation, so I gladly accept any correction for possible mistakes or misappreciations of mine. Anyway, I’d like to share some points.
At the beginning of the operation, many people expected some kind of “Blitzkrieg”. It seems clear by now that things will not play this way. What I see (and makes me confident), is that the Russian and Donbass forces advance metodically, cleaning every day some portions of territory, which they keep. I am not aware of any report of Russian/Donbass significant retreats, not even in the most hateful russophobic publications.
The fact that the RF and LDR keep increasing the liberated area (without involving significal reinforcements so far) seems to me quite a good sign, specially considering that the Ukro military has gone full “Ichkerian” since the beginning of hostilities. Hopefully Russian’s shows of force like the ones against the foreign mercenaries and the butchers in Avdeevka will continue as often as needed. I see them as signals that the Russian Armed Forces are, generally speaking, satisfied with the pace of operations.The increase in internal public support that you signaled should reinforce their determination as well.
In that sense the disgusting sociocultural Pogrom against Russia in the west, hopefully, will marginalize even more the inhumane Atlanticist ideas in the RF, and not only there. I believe that in Zone B (which as you have noted comprises a wide majority of mankind), the memories of the global atrocities of the Anglozionists are well preserved – The slaughter by USA “Finest soldiers” of at least 7,000 Panamanian civilians in two weeks in 1989 to give only one example. For what is worth many in Africa, Asia, Latin America have manifested our sincere support and gratefulness to Russia, and we plan to keep going.
Hope you have a most blessed day.
Dear Andrei,
I sense a tone of sorrow and grief in your writings about the relation of all these people to Russia and Russians.
You are wrong to be in such mood, you should be happy because:
JOHN 15:18
If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me first.
JOHN 15:19
If you were of the world, it would love you as its own. Instead, the world hates you, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.…
Here in Serbia, over the centuries, we get the same treatment as you know…
Nevertheless, we should fight the dragon cheerfully because it is our duty..
Do you REALLY think that the ribbon of St. George is a dominant symbol in todays Russian Armed forces by ACCIDENT…
My God bless all faithful although self admitted sinners.
Thank you for sharing John’s words.
They are always good to remember, and there’s always maybe someone who’s hearing them for the first time,
Love, from another faithful though self admitted sinner, also an M.
I think all this cancelling of Russia is going to stiffen Russian resolve.
Concerning Western attitudes towards Russia, there are definitely xenophobes in America who place no value on foreign lives. Americans generally have a poor appreciation or understanding of foreign countries. However, the xenophobes are not everyone. I think what we are really seeing is the degree of control of the propaganda. It will be interesting to see what happens when this propaganda is faced with the reality of Russian success and the economic problems. The economic warfare may end up destroying the U.S. economy.
With that said, there has been a steady deterioration in America. The institutions are breaking down, and behavior has been degenerating, as displayed, for example, by the press.
Just a reminder that many roads lead to Kolomoisky:
How One Ukrainian Billionaire Funded Hunter Biden, President Volodymyr Zelensky, And The Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion
There is also a link to MH17: After the event, Kolomoisky was prank-called by someone claiming to be a supporter. The conversation was recorded.
P: And what about the Boeing?
K: What do you mean?
P: well, what was Poroshenko thinking about?
K: What? There is nothing to wonder about. Apparently it was an incident. Nobody had any intent to take it down. [smirk]
P: Well, I am sure it is the work of your people.
K: Oh stop that. What are you telling me? [big grin] Gave a shot accidentally – wanted to shoot down the one plane, hit another. It is totally normal. Not that bad. Sorry about the Boeing, sorry about the people, however it is a trifle. Some serious stuff gets into [ap]prentice hands and this kind of **** rubbish is a result.
P: So you believe that we did that ****?
K: Generally, no, but there was another [end of recording]
Chatter from Ukie ground staff mechanic at that time…404 SU25 pilot returned with empty racks, overheard to say “wrong plane”… The idea being that VVP aircraft was intended target.
Thus explains “…but there was another …”
No, these dots do not connect to the facts of the destruction of MH-17.
In one sweep of radar (just under 10 seconds) MH17 went from controlled flight to 3 large pieces of falling debris.
A B777-200 is a huge aircraft. There are no air-to-air or ground-to-air weapons that have such massive overkill power.
As for Kolomoisky, he may be out of reach (Switzerland), but not all of his assets are out of reach. Not much for him to smirk about today.
It was shot down by a Ukrainian jet, the one that returned to his base in Kolomoisky’s territory minus one missile. He fired the missile at the plane. It hit the plane on the right hand side near the wing. Then he unloaded a 30 mm machine gun at the cockpit. The cockpit was riddled with holes from a 30mm gun. It looked like a bloodbath in there. That’s all it took to take down the plane.
Dozens of witnesses on the ground saw the jet rising towards the plane and then the plane started falling from the sky. No one saw a Buk trail and the US CIA says that there was no BUK missile in separatist hands at the time. Half of the CIA says the plane was downed by a Ukie jet.
There was a Spanish air traffic control reported who was tweeting in real time about the incident. He said that Interior Ministry people came into the tower and started asking, “Did we just shoot down a jet? Why did we shoot down that jet?” It was obvious to them that Ukraine had downed the jet. The Interior Department people then confiscated all of the air traffic control tapes and all of the foreign traffic controllers were laid off. I watched this Spanish ATC guy tweeting these tweets in real time. It was shocking to say the least. He’s a real person as he was tracked down by a reporter later in Spain.
The affair seems to have been done by a faction of the Ukie military close to Kolomoisky who almost runs his own army over there in Dnipro. And yes, the purpose was to kill Putin’s jet but they missed and shot down M17 instead.
The European team took its sweet time to go out there. It finally showed up two weeks later. They claimed that rebels were keeping them away from the site but the rebels said that they EU people were free to come to the site. When the first reporters got there, they reported that drunken rebels were everywhere. This was to add to the fake “drunken rebels downed the jet” story. However, the rebels are not allowed to drink alcohol and they said no one was drunk. This appears to be a fake story.
There were a lot of reports that the rebels were messing around with or disrepecting the dead bodies. But since no inspectors came out for two weeks, the rebels had those bodies on their hands and they had to deal with them. They brought in a refrigerated truck to store the bodies in.
An interview with two rebels talking about taking down the jet soon appeared. It was quickly denounced as an SBU fake by Ukrainian intelligence. The two rebel leaders named in the tape do not even exist.
However, hackers broke into the site of Kolomoisky’s Dniper Battalion and on their private Facebook page they were congratulating each other over the attack. The high spirited discussions were posted online. Another hack found a letter written by US DIA agent operating out of the Embassy in Kiev asking the Ukrainians when the jet shootdown false flag was going to happen. So this shows foreknowledge.
A British BBC news team went there and recorded interviews with locals saying that a Ukrainian jet was seen right behind the jet at the time and that the plane went down soon after. This interview went on for about 10 minutes. It stayed up on Youtube for about one week until it disappeared, never to be seen again. Queries to BBC were met responses that there was no such video.
An early Malaysian investigation involving 133 people found that a Ukrainian jet had downed the plane. It was published on the first page of a Singapore magazine. The issue soon disappeared from the stands and the Net. Soon afterwards, the entire investigation team was fired and a new fake team was put in instead. And the government changed its tune on who did it. We do not know why the government changed its mind on this issue.
An Australian government team then investigated the attack. If the plane were blown up by a Buk, the Buk would have hit above the plane and wound have showered the plane below with shrapnel. Everyone in the plane would be full of shrapnel. The Aussies examined eight bodies and found no shrapnel, and therefore concluded that no Buk had been fired. The team was quickly fired by the government and their report disappeared.
Malaysia was coerced into giving up the black box which they recovered to the Dutch. The Dutch has since kept the box and will not let anyone look at it. The Dutch then wrote a huge fake report about the attack, saying it was downed by “flying projectiles” which could be missiles and 30mm bullets. This report was then shelved and a new team was put in in their stead.
Supposedly an investigator went out the site months after the crash and searched around and found a tiny bit of scrap metal. He brought this back to the investigation and they immediately announced that it was a piece of a Buk missile. How they proved this is not known. Why there was only a single piece of Buk at the site when there should have been thousands is not known. A new report was written blaming Russia and the separatists for the downing of the jet. The entire report was based on this one piece of metal and how they could determine that this metal was a piece of a Buk missile is just beyond me.
No one outside of NATO countries has been able to look inside the black box ever since. NATO has not told us what is in the black box; no one has any idea what is in there.
The Ukies set up a false flag involving a Buk missile near the place where the plane was downed. A CIA photo shows people in Ukrainian army uniforms with beer bottles scattered all around the launch site. The idea was to set up the fake idea of drunken separatist rebels shooting down a jet out of incompetence.
In addition, the day before the attack, a Ukrainian force drove a Buk missile across enemy lines. A truck with a Buk missile on it showed up at a gas station near the site of the shootdown looking to fill up its tank. The men wore army uniforms and said they were Russian soldiers. They wore Russian uniforms. But they spoke oddly, speaking Russian with Ukrainian accents and they used phrasing that most Russian native speakers would not use.
In my opinion, this Buk was driven here and parked to where locals could see it order to set the stage for the false flag – “See, the Russians had a Buk in the separatist area after all!”
The rebels said we never had a Buk because the Russians would never give us one. Immediately after the jet went down, stories went out from the US accusing the rebels of doing it with a Buk missile. Before there had been the slightest investigation into the matter! Obviously they were working from a preconceived script. The US claimed it had all sorts of evidence pinning the attack on the separatists. But they never revealed any of the evidence.
And the story kept changing almost every day. When the story keeps changing, you are almost always dealing with some sort of false flag or fake attack. The US never presented any of this intelligence evidence that it said that it had, claiming it was classified. This is where I first saw Atlantic Council (NATO) – CIA – Deep State agent Elliot Higgins doing his fake “citizen journalist” work. He has appeared many times since, every time to defend some false flag, lie, or fake attack. I hope they pay this spy well.
Long-ago Boeing aero engineer here (although non-B777). I investigated MH-17 intensely at the time. I agree with most of your analysis, with details different at the beginning:
The Ukrainian ground-attack jet did not have the altitude capability to reach a B777 at cruise altitude. However, it’s infrared-seeking missiles could. The pilot probably fired upwards in a climb, without a clear view of the a/c.
The missile used had a small warhead, probably sized for taking down another fighter. This missile (might have been two) likely detonated in the exhaust area of one of the B777’s huge engines. Rather than slicing-up a fighter engine, it probably wrecked the engine’s turbine and caused a loss of thrust. The B777 pilots may have never known they were attacked (at that time) and thought it was an engine failure.
The loss of thrust caused the B777 to descend to one-engine-out cruising altitude. This put the fully-controllable a/c within the flight envelope of the Ukrainian jet. From that point, it was as you said:
“Then he unloaded a 30 mm machine gun at the cockpit. The cockpit was riddled with holes from a 30mm gun. It looked like a bloodbath in there. That’s all it took to take down the plane.”
I would add that it was subsequent airloads that broke-up the B777, not the missile or even the 30mm strafing. From the debris trail on the ground, it appears that the a/c went into a high-speed ‘stall’ after the pilots were slaughtered, broke off the tail and the cockpit sections, and the pilotless wing & fuselage section fluttered to the ground like a leaf. Still deadly, but it was not a high-speed dive into the ground. (This was what allowed the bodies to be intact-enough for different “conspiracy theories” to be put forward by early non-gov’t observers.)
Also, the Ukrainian pilot who was fingered as the perpetrator “committed suicide” a few days later…
Have been following it closely since 2014; same conclusion. would appreciate a few links to the hacked info pls…never saw that. Heard about the “prank call” K conversation…not the DIA bit and the Ukrop FB posts. Bought the Helmer tome “The Lie That Shot Down MH-17″…lots of info supporting an alternative scenario…nothing supporting the Buk.
> Outside Russia, the PSYOPs of the Empire of Lies did to Russia what the Russian military did to the Ukies in Avdeevka:
Excuse me, Saker, but you are wrong; you are being blinded by the flash and losing the big picture.
The Russian military is indeed destroying Ukrainian military (and whatever nato or merc that may be there too); that is indeed very true.
But the Empire of Lies PSYOP is _NOT_ doing a similarly mirrored thing; not at all.
Yes, the westerne PSYOP has a much higher firepower, and it does have the ability to completely saturate the information and the weak minds on specific time and space spots. But:
1. it is limited in time and space (it is already eroding)
2. it is not destroying the truth, just temporarily eclipsing it.
Just as a sun eclipse doesn’t annihilate the sun, the western PSYSOP won’t anihilate nor truth, nor morale, nor resolve from mankind.
If you want a military analogy of what the western PSYSOP is; then it is like the US coaliton in Korea; they had complete firepoweer superiority in the skies and artillery; yet the Koreans and Chinese volunteers were able to use tunnels to protect themselves, and after the last shells and bombs exploded they were still keeping the position and able to fight.
In the end the US coalition was forced to retreat to the original 38th parallel demarcation, and sign an armistice.
In the end the western PSYOP will fail.
If you remember, in 2014 there was also a lot o PSYOP against the Crimean reunification; they invested a lot on it in the West; yet who still cares about it among the sheeple ?
Yes the current PSYOP is much more intense; but it is not intense as in “stronger”, rather more intense as in “hysterics”; its intensity is just a desperate (and vain) attempt to hide their complete failure.
> this war has been a HUGE “coming out” for the West which now has shown its true face.
How can you believe at the same time that the West is “wining the PR” and that it is “showing its true face”.
The false face of the West has been its strongest and most lethal weapon ever; and they are destroying it.
Actually the PR defeat of the West will be of epic magnitude.
And it won’t take decades, it will be fast.
(but, I agree, not days eithers, the bubble will still grow some more weeks and maybe even months; but it will pop)
Yes, you are right. Western propaganda has a Best Before date at the time it is manufactured and that date is getting shorter every time.
The truth cannot be held down forever although powerful vested interests will try. Every time the truth emerges and it is carefully compared with what the media said at the time to conceal the truth, it erodes a bit of collective confidence.
Some zombies will always root for their team, regardless – aping the thoughts they have been instructed to ape in the belief that it is for their own good. Few people in the west rallying around the Ukrainian flag truly understand the situation. In any case, they have no impact on it anyway. They are merely a “vote” at the corrupt voting machines and nothing more.
But the thinking people, especially those in other countries that matter whenever the US is trying to establish another “coalition of the willing,” are turning away.
The Korean situation you mention has a very relevant twist for this conflict, today.
Shortly before reaching the 38th parallel demarcation zone, US troops had been driven back relentlessly to the south east corner of Korea, where they faced imminent defeat in Busan province, at the 35th parallel,
Check it out on a map.
That the US snatched victory from sure defeat and ‘turned’ the war around happened for one of two reasons.
1 Wikipedia says it was a surprise suicide attack 400km behind enemy lines at Incheon that luckily turned the tide.
2 Ron Unz suggests bio-warfare, was the reason for eventual US ‘success’ at the 38th parallel.
Draw your own conclusions on the probable truth.
Western propaganda is not only attacking Russia, it is attacking its own citizens, trying to turn every group against every other group. The West is controlling its media and clamping down on all dissent in any area, labeling those who dissent or protest at all as domestic terrorists, starting lately with parents at school board meetings expressing outrage at what schools have been secretly doing – and not doing, like actual education. Why did it have to be secret if the public could have supported it?
This can’t continue, although it is frightening and seems to include all power centers and to be ferociously uninhibited by legal structures. This is on top of the lockdown completion of the destruction of the economy. There seems to be a strong (unheard!) reaction to the whole mess developing. Just look at the trucker convoys, also labelled like parents.
“100’000 Brits volunteering to house Ukrainian refugees.”
Sickening, I guess £350 a month is a good bribe. Hope the refugees are going to be checked out, and the Nazi’s weeded out… Probably not, as MI6 has warned the Home Office about relaxing visa’s due to the ‘risk they could include ISIS terrorists, mercenaries and mafia-linked criminals’ (
As to a chemical false flag, that appears to be the ‘in’ the US/UK are currently pushing, if they do, (note Z has been say NATO is weak and suggesting will not honour Article 5, Then it’s highly likely Europe gets wiped of the map, at the very least….
One wonders how well the ultra-Nationalist (i.e. “white”) Ukros will mingle with the not-so-white immigrants of recent years. Could be a reality check of immense proportions.
Calling nationalist Ukrainians “right-wing” is clearly a mistake, if they only hate Russians. I’d call them “left-wing”, like Scottish, Catalan, Canadian, or black American nationalists.
Indeed, also more ‘plausible deniability’ and little less embarrassing to the government that shipping them here on royal navy ships, (ala Salman Abedi, [ ;
And probably cheaper/easier than the support of the ‘Libyan Islamic Fighting Group’ ( ; But still as easy to maintain the relationships i guess.
As you say probably an unfortunate reality check for for the gullible saps virtual signalling there supposed ‘humanitarian compassion’ brought about by a £4,200P.A. bung, when little Johnny signs up for the BNP or worse! Still it might just cover the rise in energy costs…..
“100’000 Brits volunteering to house Ukrainian refugees.”
You know what they say about house guests and fish, after three days they start to smell. Just more chaos for UK.
“100,000 volunteering” if the counting was anything like the covid numbers counts it is probably off by quite a bit.
Please don’t think all Westerners are assholes, we live in a Propagandarchy run by Murder-Clowns, and the machine to promote Western values (Domination, Capitalism and White Supremacy) are very advanced and powerful. Right now a significant number of the fuckwits are squeeling for a No Fly Zone because they’re stupid.
Coach Red Pill is excellent. One of the best ´analysts´ I have seen on the war. I hope he survives it.
Fine and Clearly Articulated. Yet; above all, highly informative. Keep on with provide us with solid data and daily maps.
Here’s is some good news for Russia and Iran.
Sadly we all know that even a written signed agreement means nothing to Amerika.
Thanks for the update
Suspicious. If a serious false flag takes place, the previous sanctions will no longer be relevant, so easy to agree to whatever.
Just listened to the comedian addressing the Drama Queen and Canadian Parliament asking for more money and help, from Justine, couldn’t even address the Drama Queen as Mr Frodeau….. where’s Chuck Woolery with that hook.
Cheers M
Saker, you evidently don’t see it but the number of people in the United States discovering what this is all about is growing exponentially. I knew it right off. I have moved to a higher level of understanding: Russia and Putin may not realize it, but they are about to liberate us Americans indirectly.
What was it that Rastafari guy said….mental slavery or some such…..
Cheers M
Salaam,Sean- ” emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our mind.Have no fear for atomic energy,for none ah them can tell the time”,Part of a verse from,”Redemption Song”-Robert Nesta “Bob” Marley.We the ordinary citizens,those “basement dwellers”,the “wild and maddening herd”,the”basket of deplorables”-need to awake and arise-up against these addicted liars- particularly those in the west.Thanks for the knowledge Saker-good health- Salaam.
Positive thinking is good. But the militarized fascist state is not going to give up even if it means decimating their own population.
The army has been conducting domestic gurellia warfare drills.
How do you know this? Thx.
I don’t think the Zelensky regime is getting the message from Russia. Personally I think the only solution in Ukraine is an unconditional surrender like Germany did in WW2. After saying that Ukraine would under force agree to not joining NATO. Then today a regime spokesman says Ukraine needs to formally ally themselves with a nuclear power like Britain so Russia wouldn’t be able to push them around. How on earth would a military alliance with Russophobic Britain be anyway more acceptable to Russia,than Ukraine joining NATO would be. No,there is no agreement that Russia can make with that regime that they will honor .I can’t believe they don’t see that.
Are we a little surprised that the regime in Ukraine is still holding it together? Generally before an invasion you look to pay off as many as you can. Now sure if that was attempted with Ukraine but it doesn’t seem to have succeeded if it was. Mind you, they are purging so many people daily that it is scarcely giving people a chance. Seems like the effort underway is to make Ukraine absolutely ungovernable by anyone.
May I ask why government buildings in Kyiv are still standing? Should they not all be flattened? Every single day we see another provocations from Ukraine. Have Russia thrown out FIFA, INTERPOL, even the chess federation is looking to ban Russian players. Have to end this regime at all costs. They cannot be left there.
I’ve got personal knowledge of the deep Russian hate in the US. With a last name being a Polish spelling of a Belorussian name and a first name of Aleksei, I got it pretty good as a kid during Reagan’s “evil empire” days. So I’m not surprised. Wasn’t surprised in 2016 when the hate programmed into the Boomers rebloomed, not surprised now.
I disagree on the infowar, though it could have been better. If you have no chance in a contest it may be better to not expend resources in it. Censoring Russian media from the start made it a nearly impossible task, and the last 6 years made had the US public primed for “Putin bad”. In my opinion, Russia conceded the info space in the west and concentrated on Zone B. Not so much in “information warfare” but simply by presenting reality. And by most accounts, this strategy appears to be working. Zone B sees the humanitarian mission concurrent with the military. Zone B sees Russian leadership being calm, rational and prepared. They also see the opposite from Zone A “leadership”. So perhaps an infowar battle was lost, but the war may be won.
And has the age old question of Russian philosophy (are we European or Asian?) finally been answered? Granted, Russians weren’t offered a choice in the matter, but if nothing else a path forward is now clear.
This is good one. Another awakened from Matrix. American mercenary, who survived yesterday rocket attack and managed to escape from Ukraine, warns everyone that trip to 404 country is a trap.
It is not a walk in a park. He also said that many mercenaries don’t even get a gun and there is huge shortage of ammo. Of course Ukies are hiding true number of the dead.
Hmm admitting to crossing border in red cross jackets and badges ….. thats not trivial
I closely followed the wars in the former Yugoslavia and was appalled at the West’s depiction of the Serbian people as beasts, not humans. This was repeated daily on all TV channels Ann newspapers (in the UK, at least) from 1992, when the West declared Yugoslavia to be dead, until the 1999 NATO bombing of Serbia and Montenegro. At the time I would speak to the English and declare myself as a Serb and a supporter of General Mladic, Karadzic, and President Milosevic. I did this to gauge their reaction in light of the non-stop anti-Serbian propaganda. To my surprise hardly anyone reacted. Most people didn’t know what I was talking about, and if they did, then their response was more of sympathy than hostility. I did this little experiment many times and concluded that Western propaganda was not as effective as I imagined. What is happening today, however, is very different. I had my haircut they other day, and the working class men in front of me in the queue were talking about Russia, not football. They spoke with hate. Many of my intelligent friends also hate Russia. I have stopped trying to reason with them because I think they will hate me, too. What we are experiencing today is something far greater than a mere war. We are seeing two civilisational models emerge. This is The Great Schism version 2.0.
What we are experiencing today is something far greater than a mere war. We are seeing two civilisational models emerge. This is The Great Schism version 2.0.
Absolutely BRILLIANT summation of what is going on.
Would you allow me to use your quote either in a text or even a title?
You flatter me, my dear friend. Please use my words as you see fit.
One civilization will use its abundant resources and intact manufacturing base to build into the 21st century; the other civilization will descend into catabolic collapse where it first eats its dead, then its living.
Hello Saker
I’m a non-westerner who has tried to find information about the Yugoslav wars and the context of NATO bombings of Serbia. However, all the sources out there are controlled by the hegemon and they depict Serbians as the guilty. Alternative information is suppressed so it’s hard to find anything from Serbia’s perspective.
If you wouldn’t mind, and if you have time, can you write entire article about the background of the Yugoslav wars and the NATO intervention?
Or can you kindly name any sources to read?
Not surprised they didn’t know what you were talking about,i am British and most everyday people i come into contact with are as thick as pig shit on these matters,i would give General Mladic a big medal,he tried to protect his land and people,when he was on trial in that Reich Court in the Hague he told the Judge to go F.. himself,i thought that was great,he knew they couldn’t do anything to him he treated the whole Circus with contempt.
“We are seeing two civilisational models emerge. This is The Great Schism version 2.0.”
I think you are right. I’m sort of living it, torn between wanting to ‘save’ my country and at the same time hate want it now stands for. I’m a western European but ever since NATO’s war on Yugoslavia, I’ve become more and more convinced of the west’s moral bankruptcy (and you don’t have to be religious to see it). With every passing year, I see western liberal democracy slip further and further away from what it claims to be. It’s dropping its mask and what’s beneath it ain’t pretty.
For the last ten years or so, I’ve been telling people around me that we’re living in the final stages of western liberal democracy. Most looked at me like I’m crazy. But the evidence is all around us. In most EU countries, parliaments and government formation malfunctions to some degree or other. It’s structural. In Italy and France they’ve been resorting to all sorts of tricks to keep the right people in power. It’s the illusion of democracy by letting people tick a box every few years.
It has turned into a liberal demockery.
Many people here see it, or it least feel that something is wrong with our system, even if they can’t put words to it. But they still believe they can fix it from inside, by voting for parties on people on the fringes, who are not part of the establishment. i doubt that will work. I fear that the rot is too deep.
The world may well be splitting into two different civilisational models, still, I wonder what the west will turn into once this Great Schism is complete. Perhaps it will continue to be ‘liberal’. But then it will no longer be democratic, or even seriously pretend to be.
I read more on this site about beard trans women than climate collapse. Yes, Empire of Lies, but wake up and smell the coffee: _every one_ eventually on the globe will suffer from starvation, not only the “degenerated atheist” West. For now, there’s one civilisational model: extractivism.
Not a good analogy. To me, it looks more like a continuation, perhaps finishing, of WWII. First, the Nazis survived, quite a lot of them, indeed. They have spread all over 5-eyes and many other countries, continue pushing their satanic ideology, most recent specimen being globalization and implementation of Mengele-an medicine.
Marshall G. Zhukov quote, 1945 in Berlin, is the most adequate here: We freed the world from Nazism but they will not forgive us.
In fact, what V.V. Putin did since he came to power in 2000 is pretty much the same what I.V. Stalin did when he got rid of L.D. Trotsky , around1928, when he said to his closest friends that USSR has only about 10 years to prepare for war.
The real industrial revolution started right then and there, ruthlessly building large scale infrastructure, massive electrification, mining, technological plants, schools, institutes and universities in order to rebuild army and air force.
Putin followed the similar steps for the last 21 years, rebuilding military, state, agriculture, etc, but being absolutely aware of history, did everything to avoid Stalin’s mistakes, and there were quite a number of those. Most notable ones are: Putin didn’t throw 5-th and 6-th column into gulag, prepared for this war incredibly well, made sure that the timing for all his actions is the right one, and above all, preparing legal documents and making acquisition of enemy documents a priority.
I think that he is preparing not just Nuremberg 2.0, involving Nato countries and Ukrainian neo-nazis. It looks, from his Feb 4-th declaration with Xi Jinping, that a Nurenberg 3.0 might also become a real thing, in not too distant future. This would involve all Asian, African, South American and even European countries that suffered for many years, and are still suffering, economic strangulation, occupation, deaths and destruction.
A prospect of such a court, is the real fear of a global deep state, as evidenced by the level of organized repetitive hysteria in zone-A MSM.
On the other hand, my wife tells me, you can never get rid of Nazis. Why? In most populations , about 4% are psychopaths, and this % is fairly steady.
By their nature, such psychopaths are attracted to state power like flies to …. However, as someone once said, a trick is to keep this 4% out of state or government apparatus, to avoid large scale damage.
Už i ten nejzatvrzelejší, nejnenávistnější muž, co jel s kamionem s humanitární pomocí na Ukrajinu a tam mluvil v místě s celníky a pracovníky a ukrajinskými lidmi, pochopil, že všechno je jinak a přijel trochu pokornější… Opravdu.
Posílám všem lidem dobré vůle sílu. Svět nemusí dávat na odiv lásku k Rusům a přesto každý jednotlivec možná klopí oči k zemi studem…hanbou
This french mercenary though he was in a video game or in a saffari (Yavoriv).
Sorry, in french.
>not even from many Orthodox Christians.
It’s been painful (in a comparatively small way) for me as I have watched many of my Orthodox brothers and sisters in the USA denigrate Russian lives. May God change their hearts.
50% of Romanian woman are permanent residents in whore houses somewhere in the EU. If not currently there, they probably have been there. Because no jobs are around to feed their families. A German rules over them. Lol. But her hate is directed at Russians. Almost like they are getting punished for failing the Wehrmacht.
Self Reflection these days is truly rarer than Unobtainium.
That is not quite true. Most are catering for old westerners that need care and want to have it at home.
And it is a Romanian of German ethnicity that is president. Germans live there for 800 years now. It is their country to. Speaks perfect Romanian. And Romania, like Hungary and Germany have not boycotted Russian oil…
Hey buddy,
No need to insult the Romanian people! What’s your nationality? I’m sure I can repay the “compliment”, but I’d rather not…If you don’t have anything of value to add here, you should refrain from posting garbage! I’m surprised your idiotic and insulting post has passed moderation…
Probably Gypsies instead of Romanians. A lot of Gypsies pose as Romanians and Romania is FULL of Gypsies.
Russians are only the latest lightning rod for us here in the West. I will tell you we do hate each other even our own family members with the same vitriol you are experiencing towards Russians now.
I noticed it myselfe especially in the last 2 years. If you are unvaxed, untested, healthy and dont belive in fairy tales you are hated by your community. They wish illness and pestilence upon you. They want you unemployed and homeless. Once you are broken they might reconsider and let you back in, but only if you submit, repent and beg for forgiveness. See there is something egalitarian here, as one suffers all have to suffer.
Its a very pathetic concept as in reality its just as we drown we want to take you with us. Sometimes i think its existencial envy where we want to tear everything apart as we notice how deep we have fallen.
You’ve fallen for a false flag operation. Both parties work for the same interests, and it’s not us.
Divide and conquer: create a state where citizens are at each others throats so that they don’t unite against their common oppressor. Dem vs Rep, black vs white, conservative vs liberal, rich vs poor, religion vs religion. Where hate rules intelligence is absent.
Watch what happens when the GOP takes over congress later this year. Nothing will change. Same in 2024 – if we even get there.
Sorry, but Trump’s behavior against China, Iran, Venezuela, Syria, Saudi Arabia and so on plus his love affair with Israel negates your entire argument. Did he stand for some different things sure but just another politician in the end.
…was based on new thinking about economic nationalism .” . and inhumane cruelty, from illegal sanctions on Ven., Cuba, Iran, Syria.. what were they thinking.. or were they?
There is no way Trump would have become the candidate of such a corrupt party like the GOP without being an insider. You fell for the ruse, many did and in the last decade many fell for the same type of “independent” “outsider” in many countries, mine included. The people that were put in place by Trump in his cabinet were all insiders, all of them, those that were not were abandoned like General Flynn, how can you reconcile such cognitive dissonance?
Russia can do the entire humanity a service: Bomb the World Economic Forum, Headquarters of European Union, and Palais de Versailles and the White House; kill Klaus Schwab, Macron, Ursula Von Leyen, George Soros, Bill Gates, et al globalist-cabal-satanists nazis. Stop all nonsense war and take Ukraine back. Americans et al do not give a rat ass about Ukraine and Ukrainians. Ask Americans where is Ukraine, most of them do not where it is.
I’m currently serving a week’s suspension from Twitter for wishing the Russians would “accidentally” bomb Klaus Schwab.
Jamie and Jojo, I would wish what you wish for Jamie, oh how I do. JoJo, great respect to you!! It’s an accolade to get suspended from Twitter!
Thanks Andrei for your insights.
However, don’t be too mean on us Westerners please. We are not all that bad. I am a Westerner and I hate what the Cabal – Uncle Shmuel have been doing to us. New Westerners are: disgusting exhibitionist poofs with ostrich feathers, degenerates of various sorts, abortionists, and most of all: totally selfish arseholes, brainless green-ists, a new sort of autists. I am talking about people like this:
Our traditional values are something else, they are not dead (yet) and I am sure they are very close to yours, too.
Even the much-hated Nazis fought the same Cabal that is trying to screw Russia and Ukraine now, and has enslaved the west already. By the way, the Ukronazis drew their Wolfsangel the wrong way around.
After the scandemic, there is mounting dissent against the devils in power. Once you are done there, can you lend us a few of your folks so we can clean up the mess here?
With sympathy and my best wishes,
Thank you Lollus, that needed to be said. If Germany was a free country and not US-occupied territory, our relations with Russia would be MUCH different.
(Oh, and our relationship with ourselves ….)
Outside Russia, the PSYOPs of the Empire of Lies did to Russia what the Russian military did to the Ukies in Avdeevka: comprehensively beat the crap out of Russia’s rather clumsy PR efforts.
I think VVP, Lavrov and Shoigu reached the conclusion that the agreement incapable AngloZio empire was beyond hope, and they set about forging a multipolar world of surviving nations. (Without adequate diesel, propane and methane the US ceases to exist, and it drags Western Europe down with it.)
Putin carefully explained what he was going to do and why. Now he’s doing it (deNazifying Ukraine.) His explanations of recent weeks are for internal consumption only. Forget the West; agreement incapable people do not deserve consideration.
In addition to Tucker Carlson, who must weigh his words carefully, we have James Howard Kunstler, Paul Craig Roberts, Ron Paul, Iliana Mercer and Oliver Stone. All drowned out by the Chorus of Fools. It’s sad.
From Vanessa Beeley on Telegram
A Russian soldier fighting in Ukraine wrote this:
Our grandfathers did not erase Berlin from the face of the earth at that time, and Berlin took about 80,000 lives of our soldiers.
It’s a pity that our grandfathers didn’t have our progressive public and elves on pink ponies. They would have told them how to do it.”
To be honest Andrei, I think it would be good to separate cleanly on the one hand tactical-strategic analysis of the war, on the other hand the informational / psyops aspect. I think it would be worthwile to spend more time analysing the movements on the battlefield and trying to make sense of the various info.
It’s really the most confusing war I’ve ever seen. The first Donbass war, and then the Syrian theater, seemed complicated at the time, but compared to this it’s kid stuff. Every day I’m oscillating between extreme optimism and complete despair. Between people who predict the imminent collapse of the Russian army, and the exact opposite – predictions that the Ukies will break soon. I really would like to understand better where we’re going.
Naw, come on. Nothing was as confusing as the battle for Aleppo.
Micron, its really not that confusing. This is not total war, nor the American “shock and awe” varient. This is a strategic, politically-oriented conflict for the Russian government and a life or death struggle for the Ukrainian government. Everything else is just information warfare. Every night Shoygu goes to sleep secure in the knowledge that when he wakes up the next morning, very little will have changed. Those changes that are anticipated are scheduled. For example, once the three prime ministers from Poland, Czechia and Slovakia leave Kiev, the Russian forces will bomb the sh*t out of selected Kievan targets. Then they will pause to let the Ukrainian government consider their options. In a few days, rinse and repeat. There are scheduled “events” all over the Russian calendar. The attack near Yavoriv was one of those events, scheduled to take place just before the Nato exercises near Norway and the Arctic territory. There will be another such scheduled event in the Donbass after those Nato exercises – one descisively favorable to Russia and an order of magnitude greater than Saker posted about earlier today. This “special operation” is just that: an operation. It is not remotely inclusive of the Russian capabilities and – surprising or not – the. U.S. military is not much invested in it. There are some individuals in the U.S. government who are GREATLY invested in it, but not as many as you think. The Russian sanctions levied today should give you some idea who they may or may ot be. The Russians are likely to continue this until April, and then they will commence their second series of scheduled events: more westward-oriented but not particularly dramatic. They key to understanding this is not to let emotions cloud the analysis, just like the military does. There will be no chemical attack, no nuclear war, just an exertion of Russian influence in their traditional hinterlands and some disruption of the existing economic structure.
Every town I hear about now, Gorlovka, Adveevka, slavyansk is absolutely etched in my mind. Because the 2014-15 campaign is absolutely etched in my mind. I followed it then, and I have forgotten none of the horror.
The Donetsk I have seen on videos is beautiful. It reminds of of Switzerland, but with people who cannot really fathom what is being done to them. Such people are so easy to have as friends, and as friends would do anything for you. I also cannot fathom the resoluteness required to turn such people into enemies. To do so is to destroy basic humanity itself.
I am British and people are being offered a substantial amount of money to take in those from Ukraine.Like mercenaries profiting from war.Poverty levels are rising and fuel increases are hitting hard.There has also been a huge shortage of cheap labour that thousands of Ukrainians would help solve.
Always remember Britain is total paid up member of Empire of Lies. What the US says Britain repeats.Any dirty job the US wants done Britain does it. Even the Trident submarine nuclear subs are totally dependant on US systems and permission for use.It is totally reliant on the whims of the US
Many Britons are as ignorant as Americans about world events. There is complete arrogance,stupidity and many are very racist.A barrage of propaganda has very easily controlled and directed the British to the current barbaric levels of Russophobia. I really need to leave!
This interesting map/message was posted as either a possible leak from MoD or simply an expert’s take on the situation. It goes to show that only idiots believed the operation would be a quick one:
auto translation:
“Possible plan of Russia’s operation in Ukraine. Includes four phases:
I. Capture of the territory from Belgorod to the south, to the Crimea. The main goal is Dnepropetrovsk. Air support needed. 2-3 weeks.
II. Blocking of Odessa. If necessary, the use of sea and air components. 2 weeks, may take place simultaneously with the first phase.
III. From the north, east and south, the seizure of territory in the Cherkassy region. Air support required. 3 weeks.
IV. Capture of territory from Kyiv to the south, through Vinnitsa to Transnistria. Air strikes are needed. The duration of hostilities in Kyiv is unpredictable, it can exceed 3 months, the goal is 4-6 weeks.
In general, it will take 9-12 weeks or up to three months.”
I think that map has been deleted, as it must have been too accurate!
Russians are not special. Americans don’t care about any foreigners be they Mexicans, Arabs or Persians of which they don’t differentiate, Africans, Eskimos, Hispanics, Europeans or Ukranians. We hold all the world in contempt because we are the exceptional nation.
Another interesting tidbit from Telegram military channel:
“As it became known, Poland is becoming a key hub for the supply of Western weapons to Ukraine. Deliveries are carried out through three well-protected border crossings in Western Ukraine. By March 10, a total of 17,000 (!) Anti-tank systems (Javelin, Milan), grenade launchers (NLAW, Panzerfaust 3 and various M72 variants), as well as 2,000 missiles for Stinger MANPADS were transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The supplies are coordinated by Polish intelligence.
In addition to the Yavoriv training ground destroyed over the weekend, Ukrainians are being trained in 19 more camps near the border with Poland. There they are taught a basic course in the use of anti-tank weapons, as well as the use of more complex weapons, linked into a single system.”
One interesting thing about these Javelins. Allegedly almost 20,000 supplied to Ukraine (astonishingly breathtaking number. Only 2500 “Stinger missiles” were given to Taliban in the 1980’s in a multi billion dollar program to arm the Taliban).
But what’s most interesting is I have not seen a single video of a Javelin actually being used in any way to kill a piece of Russian armor. I’ve seen videos of NLAWS but not a single Javelin. So with the purported 17,000 of them in the country, this must tell us either 1. the numbers are a big lie or 2. the Javelin is an utterly useless system that is not having any success whatsoever on the battlefield.
The information about the “19 other training camps” along Polish border is troubling, though not unexpected. Hopefully Russia can iron these out as well.
The West really wants a new Vietnam. They really never learn from the past. They don’t have a hint that the misery they are inflicting to others they might suffer themselves at home some day. This string of Washington started wars must end at some point. I have witnessed already too many of those wars in my life. Are those people in Washington humane beings or just war zombies? Perpetual agression. Unbelievable!
Good day to all of you. The Saker is my best friend these days. Thank you so much. My spirit goes up after every moment and every sentence. I’m coming from a deep religious background and worked in few churches. So I can tell you all what I feel about it from a spiritual point of view. From the bible we can read that the father of all lies is Satan. My strong feelings is that Satan is occuping the west. Every single nation in west is so demonized so they see daily lies as truth of all times. It’s a spiritual battle in west and Satan is winning. Poor devils. Many years ago I wondered why ayatolla Khomeni in Iran talked about the USA as the big satan.(1979 and forward) Today I understand why and I agree. Also I can read about the great Babylon and I believe that USA is Babylon that will fall and will be crashed to the ground. All this can be read in the book of revelation chapter 17-18. Just because they trusted the father of all lies and that is Satan. It’s very simple.
A very good updated/detailed map of the current situation:
It includes brand new developments like the fact that Rubizhnoe has fallen or about halfway fallen, and reports state it will fall fully by end of tonight. This will be Severodonetsk in the crosshairs and fully surround it on 3 sides. The pocket will then be fully closed on that large and important city fairly soon.
Also shows Popasnaya which is also being currently cleaned up by LNR forces. And we can see the push towards Andiivka from Donetsk, which Saker talked about. Meanwhile on the southern flank we can correctly see Ugledar being stormed and the LOC shifting up past Bereznove which was just taken yesterday almost right up to Donetsk proper.
The only thing really missing is the incursion from Izyum towards Barvinkove which occurred but it is at least indicated by the large red arrow. There where you see Oskil near Izyum, the Ukie forces are blowing multiple bridges on the river and retreating, but slowing advancing Russian forces via the blown bridges.
But at least you can start to get a sense of the cauldron beginning to truly form here.
at Rubizhnoe.. friend of the family.. ukrops deliberately mined apartement blocks to blow them before Russia LNR came…telling them this is how you will remember us as they moved on. Cannot post video it is in mp4 format
Nightvision; your link has been corrupted. Could you re-post?
Saker, here in Bulgaria, I don’t think the info war has been won by the west. I wasn’t totally sure till today, had a loooong conversation with Bulgarian friend.
She told me most, almost all Bulgarians are behind Russia, understand Russia’s actions and agree with what Russia is doing. She told me Bulgarians are having anxiety discussing the subject, it comes up every day in conversations, but then people quickly try to change the subject after they start, scared to go deeper because they don’t know what is going to happen. She told me at the same time, the Bulgarians felt sympathy for the Ukrainian refugees, but that sentiment seems to be changing somewhat. Evidently what has happened there are either quite rich Ukrainians coming through Bulgaria with their porches and a bit arrogant and disdainful and not very thankful for any help the Bulgarians provide, and the poorer ones seem to be also not thankful but slightly on the grifty side. This was quite a surprise to the Bulgarians.
We spoke about what might happen to Bulgaria and we thought maybe Bulgaria would “fall between the cracks” and not belong to either side. She told me that Bulgarians are looked at as Ghetto Dwellers (I guess similar to snow niggers). But we figured this might actually be a good thing, that Bulgaria might go for doing like Russia, become self sufficient and not get pushed into chemical agriculture and other stuff, and that Bulgaria might actually thrive ok by itself. We are hoping, anyway. Bulgarian population, and of course me too, all support Russia. The Western Info only seems to solidify solidarity with Russia.
This is great! Bulgaria supports Russia!
Nathaniel Rothschild the heir to the Rothschild dynasty demands British politicians to stop Putin and the Russians in Ukraine. The Khazarian mafia is getting worried.
At 15:20 in the video. This has been posted one a few places on the net.
OPCW Promoting Mass Murder
Yes, I agree, a false-flag chemical weapons attack is coming. I just heard it in the news broadcast on my car radio. I never follow mainstream news, so I was horrified by the level of warmongering rhetoric in the news by the he Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE. Russia was continuing its “war of aggression”. NATO had announced that Russia will next launch a chemical weapons attack. The CW same story was all over the Western media already four days ago:Biden warns Russia:
It is possible that a thousand people will die of “Novichok” in Kiev or Kharkov this week. Bellingcat will find the evidence that Russia did it. OPCW will demand that war be waged on Russia.
The two criminal organization most responsible for the coming nuclear holocaust are Bellingcat and OPCW, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. They have promoted mass murder by rewarding terrorist use of chemical weapons. After every terrorist attack in Syria they falsified evidence to accuse “Assad”, in an attempt to start a Western war of aggression on Syria.
I first noted the foul play at the OPCW in April 2013, after the March 19 sarin attack on the Syrian Arab Army in Khan Al-Assal near Aleppo. The Western plan was to turn the OPCW investigation of the attack into an Iraq-style invasive inspection regime and end Syrian sovereignty. I explained the plot to my friend Adam Larson who wrote this article for Global Research:
In August 2013 the OPCW investigators (not “inspectors”) finally arrived in Syria. The same night terrorists filmed themselves firing up to a dozen sarin rocket to sparsely populated areas near the front lines in Ghouta, the area surrounding Damascus. It took Adam and other eight years to find the launch site of the rackets shown on the grainy nighttime videos. This find refutes all claims of “Assad” or the Syrian Army being responsible for the attack.
Every warmongering channel was immediately flooded with massacred children. The terrorists claimed they had killed 2000 people in total. No evidence existed or was ever presented that anyone had died while at sleep in their homes. No search and rescue work ever happens. To me it is obvious what happened. Hundreds of mainly Alawite hostages were killed with poison gasses in confined spaces, most likely cellar prison cells.
Bellingcat emerged as a co-conspirator in the Ghouta hoax. For the last nine years the two organizations have been twisting the truth and thus promoting World War 3. OPCW was finally exposed as a criminal organization during their fabrication of the Douma massacre and hoax chlorine attack.
There are now hundreds of post and articles online about OPCW criminality. I will post just one from our blog.
For more see these archives:
“I was horrified by the level of warmongering rhetoric in the news by the he Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE.”
Thanks Petri for feedback. I respect the Finnish people a lot, among smartest in our suffering world. Many years ago they paid teachers more than doctors! I was in Rovaniemi in Lapland on Midsummer Eve in mid-1980s, when sun does not set, eating reindeer meat and in a tent with the Eskimos! What a land
What is your sense of Finland? Are the majority Russophobic? Do they believe the MSM BS? Will they join NATO? This would be catastrophic. I hope they stay out of this spreading war. And if they did, the Swedes would jump after Finland into the catastrophe too..
That Romanian poster must have forgot how they got beaten badly when they joined the German nazis in invading the USSR. They lost so badly that when the Soviets were about to invade Romania.The Romanians stabbed their German allies in the back,flipped, and allied themselves with the Soviet Union. Saving themselves from massive destruction from trying to fight the Red Army. After the war those Romanians that had been German stooges were punished by the new Romanian government. Lot’s of history that poster forgot about.
To be fair here with the Romanians, they were caught between a rock and a hard place. The Ribbentrop–Molotov Pact deprived them of Bessarabia and Northern Bucovina while the Vienna Dictate of Northern Transylvania.
Going to war alongside Germany was regarded then, by Romanians and Romanian government as a just war, for recovering of a land that was historically Romanian.
Not being an industrialized country and with a high fighting spirit outside the defense of its territories, Romanians did not make the best soldiers out there when many hundreds of kilometers away from home, and with an arrogant ally that in fact has supported the loss of territory by Romania.
However, the Romanian commenter that The Saker mentioned is likely younger person, born in the belly of the Bucharest Metro after 1989, from an orphan Romanian mother and a gypsy boy, and likely used to sniff glue.
The fact that after 30 years since the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the present apparent threat of Russian Army approaching Moldova, the first thing the government there was to apply to EU, instead of voting to get re-united with Romania (in the Romanian blogosphere that idea has not appeared, and when seeded nobody gives it any attention), shows that Bassarabia is not necessarily Romania (and I am very sorry, as a Romanian, to see that)), which would have brought all the perks, EU, NATO, with the price of discarding Transnistria, which was never Romanian land, speaks volumes….
Dear Saker,
I very much appreciate the quality of this blog. As a military layman I have already earned some virtual stripes & stars……(never mind they are only in my subjective judgement). As a financial professional who has been working and living in this delusional, artificially inflated Western phantasy land I have taken a long intellectual journey to figure out what the world we live is all about. Without reinventing the wheel I simply started to read the history books (eg. Antony Sutton), the truth vs. what I was taught at school, etc. To my surprise if one only follows the facts carefully, enough for the last 200 years, all the dots miraculously turn into very clear albeit depressing picture: the ‘wanderers’ desire to claw back their motherland ……if you catch my drift. Let me please allow to mention only few milestones. Starting from 1870 in the USA (cartelisation of the economy and amalgamation of power and money through 1913 FED Act), shortly after the so called Balfour Declaration, then covert Nazi funding prior and through WW2 (e.g. I.G. Farben or Nationale Treuhand), in the meantime the true cause of the Pearl Harbour tragedy and then post WW2 clandestine operations like e.g. Keelhaul or Paperclip (just to name the few). However, in the context of your strife I guess the most relevant history lesson points to converting former USSR as the loyal and delivering on heavy lifting war goals’ ally into public enemy No. 1 in literally 48h or so. (thanks Trumann and Churchill for your heinous contribution to the humankind history). No point in explaining what happened btw 1945-1989 (again primarily thanks to guys like Brzezinski or Kissinger and their doctrines / paradigms). Likewise the break-up of the USSR and its subsequent ramifications. What very few realize is that vast portion of contemporary Ukraine territory used to be a part of Khazaria or if you like ‘the promised land’ from which the ‘wanderers’ were expelled by Russians and Mongols’ ancestors (primarily). It is a ‘Wonderland’ the clawback of which the ‘wanderers’ have been dreaming of for ages. Vicissitudes forced them to migrate everywhere, but its most vindicatory faction ended up settling in the used to be the ‘the land of the free’ on the other side of the globe (I am clicking from Poland)……….Here you go! I believe in a nutshell this is the genesis and the overall crux of all problems the world has suffered for the last two ages or so. For sure since the Bretton Woods I occurred and its geopolitical ramifications. The rest is a complex derivative of hydra the world has been grappling with. With no luck until now. How long more?…….I am leaving you with this question while sending wishes of tenacity for speaking the truth to all psyops playing with our life and destiny while profiteering from this global casino (covertly fostered by the City of London and its global offshoots). Keep it up!
Brits offering housing to Ukrainian refugees but not Syrians/Afghans isn’t anti-Russian, it is based on white vs non-white (ie in-group preference or “racism”). Much outrage over here in the UK about people on TV expressing inner truth that these refugees are different because they have “blue eyes and blond hair”, or shock that this is happening in europe.
absolutely Matt; jaw dropping that such blatant racist underpinnings to the hysteria afoot is going unrecognised or is received with such hateful indifference
This is correct. The other element is religious, but that is belied by noting many Syrians and Palestinians are Christian, yet treated no better than their Muslim brethren by the Brits.
The other hypocrisy to expose is Ukraine victims vs. Palestinian victims. The media shuts down one but glorifies the other.
About 40% of Palestinians are Christian and roughly 30% of the population of the Levant is Christian
If I recall correctly, one standard deviation beyond the mean of a bell curve will encompass around 15% of the total. I would be shocked if more than 15% of the American public has a) any interest in international affairs, and b) enough means (free time, a decent internet connection and knowledge of how to use it) to pursue that interest. Exhausted by just trying to keep their head above rising debt, most are reduced to viewing the evening news.
Andrei, American Russophobia exists because the public has been fed it for as long as I can recall. In grade school I was taught to hunch under my desk hoping to survive incoming Russian missiles. 55 years later, I voted for Trump because the was the ONLY presidential candidate who wanted to pursue friendly relations with Russia. You live here – you saw how our would be masters immediately flushed that hope straight down the toilet, making it politically impossible.
My point being – our fellow Americans weren’t born to be natural Russophobes. They were TAUGHT to be, all their lives.
I am very grateful for your efforts to correct this. But I do want to say – respectfully – that your rising anger and disgust is best directed at the sociopaths in high places who brought this about. Ordinary people are simply pawns in the game. Deluded they are, but evil they are not.
“The big news of the day is that the Russian forces finally decided to, shall we say, change pace, and by all account the intensity of the artillery, aerial bombing and missile barrage”
About time Andrei.
The Ukranian army has had more than enough time to decide which side they are on.
I hope Western Ukraine starts to see more action imposed on them by the Russian forces. Secure the border with Poland.
From Telegram. How secret weapons deliveries to Ukraine are being organized
“🇱🇻🇺🇦 This is how the Ukrainian army is being supplied under the guise of humanitarian aid.
Latvian citizen Martins Vilyums supplies ATVs, walkie-talkies, night vision devices, binoculars, knee pads, headlamps, portable chargers, tablets, sleeping bags and other items for military needs. From time to time, ads like “need tires for a 4×4 field” appear on his Facebook page.
In the same place, he reports that deliveries are organized through the territory of Poland.
Transport – a white Wolksvagen minibus with Latvian license plates AB 4345, the inscription on the board is “humanitarian assistance”.
In Vinnitsa, equipment is received and handed over to the Ukrainian military coordinator Kateryna Demyanuk.
#Latvia #Ukraine”
To the shame of my birthplace, the same is happening from Pisa Italy, weapons hidden between humanitarian aids. The workers of the airport organized a strike when they realized what they were loading (I found only italian links, but you can machine translate). So from Latvia to Italy, this order is clearly given at high level.
Russia has had experience with being hijacked by an alien atheistic parasitic pathology. They have recognized the same characteristics in the Ukrainian regime. This time they acted. It would be helpful for Russia to denounce any historic affiliation with Bolshevism once and for all though. The west will miss the high culture of Russian literature, theater, dance, athletics, music, painting and sculpture, cuisine, etc. But what the west will miss most is the natural bond with Christian Orthodoxy and spirituality of Russian culture. Instead of a chance to heal the Great Schism between east and west, the west drove the wedge deeper. But through Christ, anything is possible including restoration. Some day?
I fail to understand how 100000 Brutish morons allegedly volunteering to house Ukrainian refugees would be a defeat for Russia. The vast majority slyly be Nazis and all a social and economic burden, especially as Russian countersanctions (including sanction blowback) take effect. Interesting also that the Indian liberal blue yellow flagwagger Quisling class has largely fallen silent about Ukraine.
Western civilization began with Charlemagne, who dreamed of becoming emperor and invented the Filioque. This led to gradually increasing differences between East and West and eventually Schism 1.0. The Filioque is a lie, because the Holy Spirit comes from the Father and not from the Father and the Son, as the West has persistently lied. Thus, the entire Western civilization is based on this founding lie of the Filioque. Is anyone still surprised that this is an Empire of lies ….
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