You have heard about it, but thanks to the fantastic work of Vox Populi Evo, here it is, fully subtitled in English :-)
You have heard about it, but thanks to the fantastic work of Vox Populi Evo, here it is, fully subtitled in English :-)
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yippee -I was hoping some days ago …………..
The greatest challenge for Putin
Links to this video:
With English subtitles:
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Saker, thanks a lot for this (although the transmission was continually interrupted).
One correction in the subtitles – I hope you agree that the phrase – Вы хоть понимаете, что Вы натворили – is more accurately translated as: “do you at least understand what a mess you made.”
It is a stronger statement than the translation that has been done…
Your comment..Russian
wow, simply Smashing!
What an incredible treasure chest of wisdom from Putin!
Its beginning to look like the empire and their MENA stooges have decided fight Russia through the “back door”,and attack Iran. We may be coming to a “showdown” time there. Little bit by little bit they are trying to push a “Shia vs Sunni (actually Wahhabi Sunni)” war.
In the very strong case that that is true. What are the strengths of the two sides.Iran has 2 and 1/2 times the Saudi population. And beyond question a better motivated and battle hardened military. Even adding the other Gulf States (some of which won’t fight against Iran) the Saudi military draws the short stick in a real war. Unless (as they hope) the Saudis can get Pakistan,Egypt,and or Turkey and the US. And maybe even Israel (though doubtful there) to join them. I’m thinking China and India could prevent Pakistan from joining if they want to. Russia could also make it totally clear to the US,Turkey,and Israel,that getting involved would be seen by Russia as a national security threat and acted on in the most strong manner possible. That nothing would be off the table in a case of that happening.Which leaves Egypt as a wild card. Is Russian and Chinese influence strong enough to stop Egypt from getting involved. Or is the risk of the MB terrorism spreading in Egypt enough of a threat to keep Egypt out of any war there.
If I was advising the Iranians I would have advised a long time ago to try and make a formal military alliance with Iraq. That would make it difficult for the US to meddle more in Iraq. And give Iran the ability to very openly join in defeating Daesh (the Saudi “rent-a -terrorist” gang). While at the same time reinforcing the ability to help Syria through Iraq. While its true that throughout the entire Muslim World the Sunni population easily outnumbers the Shia. In the “Shia crescent” areas the populations are equal or maybe even more Shia in total. And the large Shia minorities in Eastern Saudi Arabia and in Turkey might come into play as well. They allying with the Kurds in Turkey could make a sizable problem for Erdogan there. And if the Shia in Saudi Arabia rebelled and seized the oil rich East. And worked in league with the Houthi in Yemen we might see the al-Saud removed from power (as well as the oil prices skyrocket).
So while the Saudis “might” think they have advantages. When we look at those advantages one by one. We can see holes in that idea. Some have asked about why Iran hasn’t done more to help in these wars. And while I can’t be totally sure as to why. I suspect they may be waiting for the official sanctions removal to be enacted. And for the (I think this month may be the date) unblocking of the 100 billion frozen in Western banks for years. As soon as that happens they need to draw every penny of that money out of those accounts and put it in untouchable accounts outside the West,or just move it to Iran itself. That would then free them to act more forcefully in the fighting against Daesh.
If I’m not wrong the big money will not be released at once.The yankees are not stupid.It is like the IMF versus Greece or even for their darling(the Ukies).You never got the full amount, you must show some results.We are not even sure that the money is still there in the US banksters coffers(since 2008 nobody knows the exact situation of these banks even with the QE).
I agree with your analysis. Iran and Iraq forming a military pact would be excellent. Though the advisement here should go to Iraq instead, since it is Iraq who appears to hesitate to alienate the U.S. – its conqueror, occupier and “benefactor”. But then, stranger things have been known to happen.
If Nour al- Maliki was still in charge a formal alliance with Iran would be doable, but remember that the US engineered his removal and installed Haider al-Abadi in his place.
This was done primarily to undercut Iranian influence. al-Abadi is a US stooge.
The lure of money is one of the empire’s biggest weapons. It is a mistake to give up your strengths in exchange for money as you will lose everything at some point.
A recent article by Leonid Ivashov talked about how Russia rejected the idea of having allies in the 1990’s and early 2000’s because Russia (actually, its oligarchy) wanted to be friends with the US. Russia refused working with China on an anti-missile system, refused to become close to Iran, and even failed to resist the loss of influence in Germany, France, and the Ukraine because any rocking of the boat would have annoyed its oligarchs. Those who give the Russian establishment the benefit of the doubt see this as Russia being weak, but those of us who think the Russian oligarchs are mostly the criminals who intentionally destroyed the USSR in order to steal everything see it as the same problem as before, just in a different form. When Iran needed a friend, Russia wasn’t there. It was after a gun was pointed at Russia’s head that friendship with Iran and China started to look good.
100% true
I think Iran has been hoping they will be able to negotiate a reasonable, new status quo via the US. It is very obvious just from the disproportionate amount of times the Iranian backed media is ‘unavailable’ and the ‘on the ground’ propaganda – well at least here in London where I receive anti Iranian pamphlets through the door in my East London home – that Iran cannot avoid this military confrontation. It is equally clear that the US will have to be at least indirectly involved as the Saudi military and their proxies are having the ar$es handed to them in Yemen and now in Syria. In fact this overt move by the KSA is probably a direct result of their failures on the ground. I doubt Egypt will join the Wahhabis in an all-out war against Iran.
Putin really nails it when he describes today’s EU with its total surrender to US imperialism. He’s also dead right on the Ukraine as a terminally failed state bound to export people to the EU countries. As long as the Russian government has this sort of fundamental, correct understanding — at least on the more critical issues — accompanied by resolve and national self-respect, these quite silly references to ‘Partners-this-Partners-that’ are pardonable, yet absolutely pointless, figures of speech.
A truly awesome interview. Putin is without doubt one of the masters of interviews in modern history (maybe in history period). No other leader I can think of comes close to him today.
Thank you to Vox Populi EVO for the dedication it took to translate, edit, time, subtitle, transcode and upload this.
While some of us piss away our creative time away on comment wars, others spend their time constructively making a difference.
Thanks to the Saker site for this riveting and effective interview (as professional as the best the MSM could produce when they actually had intelligent people in their ranks).
Food for thought: Shouldn’t Rossiya – HD or the Russian Foreign Ministry do the translations and put it out on the internet themselves? More proof proving Saker’s point that the Russian State machinery still has a way to go to better advocate for themselves.
Your welcome
You deserve donations for the work you do.
Certainly a fascinating, well put together documentary with, on the whole, good subtitles – I think given I have no way of knowing how accurate the translations are.
It’s interesting to see how much more direct this is than previous attempts to depict the true situation in the world – there’s so little now of “colleagues and partners”. The scene of the ghastly murder of Gaddafi is dreadful – I couldn’t watch. But the last part, in answer to some very direct questions, is a monologue of passion, intensity and anger from President Putin; it is, quite simply, absolutely brilliant. A true Tour de Force.
However, a bit sad to hear myself dismissed by President Putin, a man I have the highest opinion of, as an “obedient simpleton”. (Nurses, in his view, are comparable with gardeners and construction workers. He doesnt seem to have much of an opinon of any of us. ).
I don’t know, of course, the sort of training and standards of Russian nurses. Perhaps they are very poor.
But I have directly, on the spot, saved at least 5 lives, contributed to the saving of more, and given years to comfort and care of the sick, desperate and dying to their expressed great gratitude. And then gone on to achieve a First Class Honours in Molecular Biology and Genetics (3 from a class of over 200), and a Masters of Science.
Not bad, I think for an “obedient simpleton” :-)
Yes, I agree with your discomfort about lumping together nurses, gardners, et al and labelling them “simpletons”. Perhaps a quirk of translation, or perhaps an unfortunate choice of words by an otherwise very erudite, balanced, astute and mature statesman. Perhaps he should have said “to do menial and underpaid jobs like cleaning toilets and to do labor in gardens….”
The term ‘nyanka’ means a baby sitter of sorts. ‘Med systra’ would mean medical nurse.
It would not matter if he meant “nyanka” because the work of the “nyankas”, as that of the plumbers and construction workers, is also of vital importance for society.
Besides, I’ve never met a construction worker who was an “obedient simpleton”, as will agree anyone who has had works at home, these workers when they come to your house and once accepted the work take the lead, come and go when they want, and manage doing things the way they want instead of what you had thought.
— The term ‘nyanka’ means a baby sitter of sorts. ‘Med systra’ would mean medical nurse.
Quite right. The word, used by Putin, meant “nursemaid”, – a lowly servant doing all the dirty work, and not a “nurse”.
The translation in the film does not convey the message of Putin.
So, do not get offended, Mod :)
I have the highest regard for Nurses it’s prima-dona doctors that try to mask their lack of knowledge with arrogance that I have no respect for. You don’t have to justify anything regarding your profession (or yourself). In India we call your profession the profession of saints and those who attain divinity through love and self-less service (the Hindu concepts of Bhakti-Yoga and Karma-Yoga – the best of the 4 paths to Godhead and enlightenment); Bakhti-Yoga is the path of most lay Christians to heaven. I envy you that you are in a profession that gives you the opportunity to earn meaningful good-graces towards the supreme through your daily duties, while I feel empty that I work only with numbers, technology and science that seems to have no direct benefit to mankind (only a supposed abstract benefit). You and your profession make a difference, do the rest of us?
If Putin was dismissive towards your profession (as well as gardeners & construction workers), it’s simply proof that he makes mistakes because he’s a human and therefore imperfect. As competent as he is in his current role, he doesn’t possess full insight in all spheres or he would not be so dismissive of the value and effort of those who transform knowledge into a practical manifestations of actions that runs the human world (i.e. professions/people that transform empty knowledge into real world benefits thru direct personal physical actions). All beings are a work in progress, perhaps as Putin grows older and wiser he’ll understand that such elitist euphemisms are myopic and unwise. However, he’s still orders of magnitude more intelligent and wiser than the perverted idiots running Britain, Brussels and the factionalized anarchy in Washington.
Thank you so very much for your lovely and encouraging words Mirror. You have no idea how much they mean to me. I will take much of what you said re the Hindu perspective into my thoughts.
It is true, I often said, no-one goes into Nursing because they are seeking high financial rewards. We are the forgotten profession. When we are needed, our patients are very grateful, but when they – hopefully – recover and go home, they forget about us. And that is good since we are happy they can forget being ill and desperate. Thus nurses are always poorly paid, and under valued. But we learn from our patients,and we gain so much from the pleasure we get from being able to help them. You are correct regarding the “Prima Donna” doctors, who, outside of England, were the worst people for denigrating treatment I ever came across. In fact they were a major burden. Only in England was I treated with respect by them – and only have I ever heard an activist politician / journalist say, of misappropriated public funds “that money could have paid 5000 nurses for life” from England.
As regards Mr.Putin, yes, I agree, he is a man, not God, therefor not Perfect. I never expected him to be, although I have yet to fault him as a President given the appalling problems he was presented with when he first shouldered his immense task. I have never admired anyone so much, and that has not changed.
I suppose that when I assumed that both the President, Mr Putin and the man Vladimir Vladimirovich, had faults, I had not thought such elitist arrogance and dismissiveness of those he see as of lower class being among them. I had thought he had respect for everybody who lives their lives with decency, integrity and honour; even if those are lowly rewarded. Did he regard his factory worker parents as such, I wonder?? But then again, if he were someone I had zero respect for – a Poroshenko for example – I would not care what he said. It’s only when someone we hold in such high esteem makes such comments, they can hurt and sting so deeply.
Perhaps it was only an unfortunate aberration, said in the heat of the moment. I hope so. I will continue to regard him as the hope of the world, as a great and once in millennium statesman.
Again, thank you for your kindness.
I think Putin was reflecting on Ukrainian workers performing poorly paid jobs in western European countries, where they will be regarded as simpletons, instead of being well paid and respected in their own society.
That is an interpretation you are, of course, free to make. To me, having listened to it about 4 times now, given the context not only of the words but of his voice, it doesn’t come across that way. In fact the two sentences – if they are 2 separate ones – are so run together they seem as one. That nurses, gardeners, construction workers or (people who will work in those jobs) are “obedient simpletons”. However, as I’ve said, maybe it was just a “communication glitch”. After all, Mars is retrograde now – always a bad time to communicate well :-)
There are millions of “Ukrainians” (West Russians) in the RF. Including many in the current Russian leadership. So I doubt that Putin would be insulting Ukrainians as a people. I think he was talking about what Ukraine was able to accomplish in the past as one of the most industrialized parts of the USSR. Compared to now,with the economy dying,and most of that industry from the past destroyed.
my take was he contrasted ukraine high tech industry, which was possible and
for now broken with the quality of jobs ukrainian would be able to achieve, given the high unemployment in europe already and the decades long influx of ‘guest workers’ and now the massive increase in refugees.
wirhout language and qualifications what else is open to them.
ukrianians are the last in the queue for jobs at this time.
Working as a nurse in any country in Europe, or the world, without knowing the language is totally impossible, and also an standard accredited university degree is required, therefore the example does not fit.
He’s a great leader, a great person and a charm, but there has skated more than I was when I broke my elbow.
Poor of him the next time he fall into the hands of a nurse…..
Dear PS, I have not seen the documentary yet, but, could you please tell me at what minute he is talking about nurses so contemptuously?
It turns out that I am also a nurse. It turns out that while I’m on vacation, I am also the nurse of my mother, and this is not to be any proper merit of mine, but it is a task that perform most of proletarian women who are not millionaires or simply prefer take care of their own.
To care, from a holistic approach that encompasses the human being in all its facets from birth to death, is the foundation of the nursing profession, in peace and in war, extensive work to all women in the world who care for their children, their husbands, their elders and disabled.
Some men also do, and do very well, but they are very few compared to the number of women serving the rest of world citizens, especially the most dependent, most of the time without pay.
PS, although some people, when they hear you’re nurse seem them that it is little, or look you over their shoulder, it is because those people or have never been sick or have never taken care of anyone, or they are heartless, or scoundrel, or both at once.
If one day the nurses in the world and the world’s women decide to go-slow ( there are reasons, then I put some few ), the world simply would be chaos.
Hi elsi. Yes I agree, I think most people who are dismissive of any good nurse probably has never needed one for themselves or a loved one; also they may have, but have not been able to understand what it takes to do the job well. Having said that, I do believe that – modern methods in the Western world anyway that started with the American idea to switch training from Hospitals to Universities – has ended up producing exactly what President Putin labelled them as. I should know, I was involved in teaching many. It’s just that most truly good nurses these days are “old school”, but many young ones do try; but nursing has been decimated in the West just like everything else has – end of an Empire continuum. As regards the Documentary, it’s right at the end, where the interviewer says “We had to get President Putin back” and Putin has different tie on, and in response to Vladimir’s question about Ukraine and what is happening there. That is where Putin says “what good has the Maidan done the people? They may get a Visa, so what, it’s not even a Work Visa. And even if they get a Work Visa to Europe, what work will they do? Nurses, gardeners, construction workers; as Obedient Simpletons?.”
I do hope you are feeling better, and that your fracture heals soon.
Un abrazo compañera y gracias por estar siempre ahí, de guardia.
Well, I am that “old school” trained at hospitals and also train future nurses today and I think that we have a good refill with them, very dedicated and kindhearted people.
As regards to my region, training is of very high quality and is well appreciated in Europe, where many young nurses have emigrated after the crisis / scam of 2008. Here in the Basque Country is a rather prestigious profession and our “public” health care system is internationally renowned, being one of the former Directors of Health of the Basque Government, Mr. Rafael Bengoa, Mr. Obama adviser on public health issues.
I once asked The Saker for their podcast how the Russian health system was, but he could not answer me, because he said he did not know.
But Mr Putin, in his Annual Adress to the Nation, which I saw in full, said something about “insurance companies” that provided health services which must improve the attention given to Russian citizens, with which, I suppose, it is a private or mixed system, by experience in Spain, the worst,
With this, most probably, the Russian nurses are underpaid and overcharged for sure ( well, overcharge is the chronical dissease in nursing all over the world ).
An error, since a good health system is vital to the nation and the health of citizens can not and should NEVER be a business, as was so well understood by “some” leaders of the former USSR.
if that comment had been made here in Spain, had not gone unnoticed by the College Nursing Organization, which, surely, would have raised a complaint or at least a note to the main newspapers. It turns out that here we have nurse organizations and trade unions to defend not only our dignity as workers but also our rights.
Russian and world nurses rise up!
Dear elsi!
p.s. I’m a man and almost 40, but I visited my beloved Grand-Ma every 2nd day, until she died in the night of Maidan in February 22nd aged 93 (here in Berlin).
She was fully at her senses until the last day before her death. Many 25 year old’s in the modern world are not using as many brain and heart cells in their entire life, as she 1920 model did until almost being 94!
Those who do not care for the elderly are rats.
In today’s western society they always talk about their “values” and about “equal rights of women”.
The reality is: Women are treated as 2nd class citizens on the job market.
And nurses are getting treated as 4th class I don’t know what.
Although they are the ones deserving recognition, the biggest respect and getting honoured.
The status / social situation of those caring for the vulnerable says it all in a nutshell concerning which values a so called “societly” really has and lives!
Today’s values: Latest iPhone, latest BigMac, Latest FoxNews.
Cheers, %martin
Martin, it is clear that you are a lovely person with a great heart, probably because of that, you’re a communist. Therefore, readers and commenters of this blog we consider ourselves fortunate to deserve your presence here. Never let anyone, in Serbia or anywhere else, makes you feel diminished or that you are not worthy.
It is fortunate that you could enjoy and take care of your grandmother up to such an advanced age, and, for sure you have enjoyed it a lot, as I enjoy my older patients, and you have a great memory.
Do you know that I care and I have cared of various Soviets who were “children of war”, those who leaved from Spain becuase of the Civil War and were welcomed by Stalin? They told me and tell me many stories, they are poor, Martin, even after having been doctors themselves and have worked a lot in the USSR, but very educated people.
Elsi, thank you for the compliments.
But as for my GrandMa: I miss her.
And yes, she was one of the last parts of Germany where I had the feeling of being at home.
Now I only go out at night. The degenerated zombies I would see here during the day – that’s more than my soul can deal with.
Elsi, yes: Doctors got less funds than those completely uneducated ones removing the garbage bins (working on garbage trucks).
That was unfair.
This was a big mistake.
But now in the West again – not all, but many – doctors get too much money.
On the other hand now we in the EU have so many millions of jobless academics: Spening so many tough years studying, then not even getting any paid job (my whole family, parts in Catalonia [!]).
No, it isn’t better now. For what all this education if many end up as Taxi drivers, in Pizza shops or the girls as hobby-prostitutes?
Hi Elsi
I have read, do not remember exactly where, that hospitals in Russia are under threat of the neoliberal economy like elsewhere. Savings, closing downs of hospitals and so on. Well, that is an expected result of the existing and preferred economy of the elites all over the world.
So I would say russian and world nurses and doctors rise up.
From my perspective I must add that it is even worse to be doctor/female, because then you are attacked from above (your chief) and from below (the nurses/females). And you are less paid that the doctor/males and I would say even low paid compared to your education, your responsibility and fatigue. Between the doctors no solidarity.
I feel solidarity with the nurses all over the world.
I hope you feel solidarity with the female doctors and support them, because they may need it.
At least in northern Europe, where I live, it is very complicated to be a female doctor. Very often we do a much better and more engaged and timeconsuming work compared with our male colleagues.
Dear Leliah,
Sorry to hear what you say and that you feel so attacked by your bosses and nurses and you are so underpaid. It’s amazing to hear about this since northern Europe has always been considered the most advanced area of the EU, at least socially. However, it may be the sign of the times, when it is clear at many levels that rather than moving forward we are moving toward lands we had left behind.
For my part, here in the Basque Country, the medical profession, as well as nursing, is practically occupied by women, having the medical career a high score of access and be women the ones who get the best scores. Also they get most of the places in the public health system, one of the last redoubts of quality employment in Spain. And I say that is one of the last redoubts of quality jobs, because, despite the privatization attempts of the current central government of the PP in certain Communities where thay were/are in charge ( not here in the Basque Country, fortunately ), the so-called “White Tide” ( because they dropped to the streets with their work uniforms ), which were part of the protest “Movement 15M”, managed to paralyze and throw back some of these privatization projects in the Autonomous Community of Madrid. This was achieved through the mobilization of both personnel and health system users (citizens / patients), something no one government, be it puppet either of Merkel or the USA, can endure.
Therefore, comrades, unite yourselves and defense your rights in the streets, disseminate information about assistance conditions and the consequences that will bring the privatization of health services, in general, always, lack of access and galloping deterioration of the quality and residual debt to pay for all citizens once the concession to private companies finish.
People of Europe and the world, RISE UP!
Health is not a luxury but a fundamental right, and we can not allow it to be a business for insurance companies and multinationals!
Down with the TTIP that goes much about this!
They are waiting across the Atlantic, like vultures, waiting to give the morsel to our public health and education systems and our pensions!
( Here there was a hospital that was in the hands of an investment fund ).
Wake up, people of Europe, before it’s too late!
Everything you say is true Elsi.
Also ‘blue’ comment below (a Vineyard mod I presume) – very true.
I’ve been at both ends – as a psychology student I worked, among other places, as a carer in a hospice and in several old people’s homes.
I then lectured in developmental, psychiatric, neuro and general psych to university student nurses.
There is something of a ‘divide’ in how the profession should progress, and the debate is ongoing.
The qualities – personal, psychological – of caring and empathy can be partially developed through training. They are crucial for effective nursing.
But university is not the place.
Nor is the current economic model underpinned by neo-liberalism conducive to good training. It evaluates care purely in terms of cost and demographics.
Most of the scandals in recent years relating to nursing homes have been ‘solved’ with micromanagement and very controlling legislation. This increases the stress aspect of the work, and completely destroys the ‘human touch’ . (The same to a large degree has happened to teaching.)
The main reason is fear of litigation.
Unless a community-service model is introduced to inculcate a psychology of caring/empathy (ideally integrated with the education system from say twelve onwards) the nursing profession will move towards essentially paramedic/academic specialization, but lacking a core professional ‘identity.’
I think it is ironic that a profession (in this country anyway – Ireland) that traditionally had a lot of social prestige (and relatively well-paid with experience) has moved towards this academic model in an attempt to acquire ‘kudos.’ Especially since the medical profession has been traditionally disliked and distrusted. (Its only relatively recently that they have adopted a peer-relation model to patient-care, including accepting challenges to their diagnostics/prescriptives. They have to earn respect. Even more importantly, they have to explain.)
I am all for academic input for sure, but at the level of teaching research-evaluatinon only. Anyone can get information – its the tools for extracting intelligence that are important.
Everything that’s really important to nursing as a profession should be learned on the job.
This is actually a very wide-ranging subject and I, and others have only touched on aspects of it. It goes to the heart of what kind of society we wish to be part of (as Elsi essentially explained.)
* * *
Re Putin ‘s remarks:
I can’t download this video, so my impression of what he meant are based on what the posters say.
I think he means that the Maidanites who believed EU membership would grant them job ‘shangri-la’ were “‘simpletons.’
I agree.
They were certainly extremely ill-informed . Have they any idea of the jobless rate in the EU?
Did they not know about GReece?
Most would end up doing low-paid work, at the entry-end of the construction, health and trade sectors of EU, i.e be exploited as cheap labour.
Those with wanted trades ( e.g. plumbers) would have to undercut the locals to get work, while still paying the same rents (sky-high in non-rent-controlled EU).
For example, no matter what his catering qualifications, an aspiring Ukrainian chef is unlikely to become the next Gordon Ramsey by virtue of EU membership.
Unless he had good connections, he would not get much more than ill-paid kitchen-hand work. Coupled with the considerably higher cost of living, especially rent, most such would be worse off, not better.
This is quite different fr om denigrating professions/trades per se, its simply pointing out that they all have hierarchies.
Dear eimar, “blue”, from what I am aware after nearly a year of moderation ( I say now because I’m no longer moderator ) is not and never has been moderating, at least for the time I did that work. What he was is a dedicated commentator, at least the two years I’ve been discussing here, sometimes a bit grumpy, especially when someone refuted him anything, but a very educated and informed person, and from what I became aware through the last exchanges I had with him, seemed to be a very old and delicate person with few resources and who suffered many difficulties, even to post here with his old and slow computer, as he told me not long ago.
I send him a big hug.
You are right also in all what you say, in Spain it is difficult to find a job of any kind, even of plumber or construction worker. There are people, Spanish, who works 12 hours for less than 600 euro, with no rights at any level, and free dismissal on the part of the employer. This is the labor reforms implemented by the current conservative government and began to implement the former so called “socialist”, imposed by the Troika after the bankers crisis /scam of 2008 .
As Grieved points out, I really can not believe Mr. Putin can have any low concept of the nursing job or of any other, I find it hard, really, does not fit me with his path, but, also, I can believe that when one remains at the top for so long, it is perhaps easy to feel altitude sickness, and lead to forget the own origins, especially when everything around us, including new friends and family, also move at such a “high level” standard of life.
Elsi – I honestly don’t think Putin said what people are construing here. He was referring to the highly educated and capable workforce of Ukraine finding no work in Europe. Nurses were the only profession he mentioned, then it went down to tradespeople (gardeners, construction workers), and from there it became a general description of anyone who would do what they’re told for a minimum wage. No doctors, engineers, scientists.
I don’t believe it’s even in him to belittle nurses. I don’t think you believe that either. I’m sure one of the other things the streets of Leningrad taught him was the highest respect for the medical and caring professions. Personally, I think Putin would be appalled to learn of the way people here misunderstood what he said.
Does anyone else have a problem downloading Liveleak? Tried Yandex, Opera, Firefox, but can’t download episodes 1 and 7. Right click shows those episodes as Liveleak player, the other episodes show JW player.
Yes – exactly the same problem. Frustrating that VPE doesn’t upload the video to its YouTube channel. I hadn’t figured the player difference except to notice you can’t switch players on 2 and 7 – these are the ones I can’t download, as well as this beautiful full length version embedded here.
As someone noted already – why doesn’t the producer of the documentary supply its own subtitles? And strive to spread the video around?. But now to rub salt into that wound, the people at Vox Populi do all the work to make this great translation and the video is trapped at LiveLeak.
Pulling up a browser to watch a video is crazy. The same problem exists with “President” – a glorious documentary doomed never to be seen.
Very sad. But beautiful documentary. Wish it was on YouTube, so the world could see it, and spread it around.
I couldn’t agree more Grieved. Same with “President: 15 years in Power”. However, I read on RT that they had to stream it live due to copyright reasons, so it seems the issue rests with Rossia 4 as I think the home channel that made it is called.
They seem happy to stick to the home market, unaware, perhaps of the millions around the world who would benefit by seeing their excellent work – and the good it would do to get this message out across the wider world as well.
There’s gratitude for you: VPE puts this stuff up for free, spend hours translating, mixing and transcoding and we have people whining and complaining. Wow.
I’m guessing that one of the reason’s he doesn’t put it on YouTube is those folks would be pressured to take it down and ban/strike VPE’s account on a fake copyright complaint.
If you want to protect the video (i.e. download it in case VPE’s account getss taken down, you can enter the following query in google: “how to download videos from liveleak player”.
Gee why didn’t you think of that? The first link you see,” videograbber”, may meet your needs and eeveryone else here that is upset that they can’t download it.
BTW: Vox Populi EVO (jobpac?) is OK to download it? We ought to ask his permission before you do this.
No, it’s not about whining. It’s about something other than ingratitude, it’s about wanting to help spread the word and not knowing how to do it.
I can send a video to someone I want to watch it, or I can have them over to watch it, but I don’t want to rely on streaming from the web and I can’t just send them to a link, especially not one they don’t know, such as LiveLeak – not as easily, not without more explaining.
I would buy this DVD if I could get it with subtitles. I’d buy a dozen and send them to people.
But if this is aimed at the Russian market by the producers, and everyone is okay with this, I’m okay with it too.
But I don’t understand VPE. They are so hip, and so attuned to a western audience that is hungry for this material, and that dearly wishes to spread the word. I hate to see their work get done and then stop. I guess I was hoping they might read this thread. I guess I should talk directly to them.
But thanks for the hint on searching for a downloader. I did look once, back in the day, but I didn’t think to do it this time. I crawled all over the source code, but didn’t think of the simple solution. Now I’m downloading the full-length version, using a combination of and Video DownloadHelper.
I’m not trying to rip off VPE. But this is how I can watch it again and again, and learn from it the way the producers wanted people to do. Until I can figure out how to buy the DVD. Maybe VPE should talk to the TV station and make a deal? Maybe I’ll contact VPE.
did you try using VLC player? I think it has to do with liveleaks using an old flash player while it is now mostly h264 like utube.. But videolan plays all different formats if you have the files. There are major problems with flash player.. The format itself is not very reliable but since it was designed to show ads, it did not have to be until sites started using it for long clips.
Please do not try to impersonate a moderator. Choose another name. All impersonated comments will be blocked. mod-hs
please check messages in private chat
I have noticed very slow, broken irritating downloads from LiveLeaks using Safari, but I opened this one with Chrome, and it was perfect. Maybe Chrome would work better. Good luck.
This is a beautiful documentary. It could be the promotional case made for the UN. I love the concept that it teaches. The UN and its Chapter VII are the foundation of international law. The documentary begins and ends with this incontrovertible message.
This is what Putin is doing. He strives every day to turn the world back to the recognition of a balance of power such as formed the foundation of the UN. Putin certainly believes this task is achievable. In this documentary, Putin explains a large part of how and why Russia acts in the world, and does so in a profoundly realistic way.
I take great comfort from his perception of the modern world scene. He doubts that anyone in the world is actually crazy enough to start a global war. He knows the people far better than I do. He thinks people – functionaries and leaders – are coming around, as they throw off their reluctance to adapt to modern circumstances. He already knows that most people of the countries whose leaders vilify him are actually on the side of Russia.
He knows that Russia is going to move ahead in security and prosperity, and that the world will reconvene around notions of sovereignty and pragmatic agreement, and that Russia will talk with everyone, with every legal government.
He will win, I think, and he will see this triumph of his humble vision within his lifetime. We are privileged to share this time with this man.
Medical University trained nurses do not “clean toilets” Anonymous. That’s exactly the point. But as I said, I have no idea the training and standards of Nurses in Russia. Perhaps that is indeed what they do. Nonetheless, people need clean toilets, do they not? Some one has to do it. Perhaps it is an issue of translation; in English to be labelled a “obedient simpleton” is like saying one is a dribbling village idiot – it’s an insult. Since I hold no-one in higher regard than I hold Mr. Putin – and that has not changed – I’d rather assume it’s a cross cultural translation issue. At least, I hope so.
I watched the whole thing. Not to beat a dead horse, but I think Putin wasn’t trying to belittle anyone’s profession. He was just making the same criticism that great economic commentators like Michael Hudson or Paul Craig Roberts would make. Ukraine is trading it’s industrial and high technology jobs for service sector jobs that are non-tradable and lower paid. He’s speaking of the hollowing out and gutting of the high skilled and high technology sectors that Ukraine seems to want to throw away to be apart of the EU.
I would agree with this interpretation. Also with the translation ‘nursemaids’ rather than ‘nurses’. In fact one might enlarge the statement to the effect that Ukrainians trained as nurses might in obtaining a work visa in Europe find themselves only offered a nursemaid’s position – that is, low pay for minimal service beneath their capabilities and in general looked down upon.
I’d also like to thank Grieved for placing this link on other sites. I could have wished that the English speakers be heard in that language, but I understand that it is a Russian documentary for Russians initially. I thank the translators very much for their hard work to make it accessible to all – the final interview was particularly interesting.
I think Putin answers the question of his referral to western leaders as ‘partners’ – especially in the instances of Germany and France. Having lost more relatives during WW2, he yet finds Germany a stable conveyance for natural gas into Europe when other avenues closed – and both those countries even persuaded him not to join in the invasion of Iraq – that was news to me. He stressed pragmatism over morality and even over idealism, which is what you want in a world leader I think. And yet I am certain he has deep personal religious convictions.
Not only Russia but also the world is very fortunate we have this man.
absolutely agreed…
…………amazing programme, inspirational.Who will listen, who will heed, who will ignore?Hmm.
Thank you so much for both this documentary and the translation. I wish I could make everyone I know here in the US, who are so quick to flap their gums and utter learned-by-rote condemnations of Putin, watch this and pay attention at the same time! An impossible dream.
Nice video, but I could’ve done without Simon Peres. (I hope that doesn’t make me a bad person). I noticed a couple of English to Russian to English transformations such as ‘think tanks’ becoming ‘analytic centers’ but great job. Putin might seem “cold” compared to a crying Obama (over handgun violence) but it is nice to see a world leader who doesn’t insults his audience’s intelligence.
“Black tears”: by Carlos Tena
“(….) The international press, which until now reluctantly has seen forced to highlight Vladimir Putin as the most respected, influential and true leader of the Western world took the opportunity to put on the cover, with photographs of four columns, the supposedly sorrowful face of Obama (….)
(….) Barack has not shed a single tear for the hundreds of thousands of victims ( children, adolescents, elderly, pregnant women …) that US interventionist strategies have caused (and still do) in Syria, Ukraine, Honduras, Libya, Paraguay Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan.(….)
(….) In my case, I disgust those fellows who have been able to believe in the sincerity of this arrant hypocrite.
For my part, get in your tears by the sieso, Obama.(….)
Below an image of Hillary Clinton also crying…..
“When I see these images me want to invade the US”
“Support Syria, support Assad!:
Our young British Syrian Palestinian comrade, Yanal, from Red Youth and the Midlands region of the CPGB-ML delivers a message to the CPGB-ML’s celebration of the 98th anniversary of the Great Socialist October Revolution – held on November 7th 2015 in Saklatvala Hall, Southall.
This young comrade tells the truth and thanks the assistance of the Russian Army.
Do not miss the video, banned in facebook, MUST WATCH ( very encouraging!)
“On behalf of Red Youth I wish to express in this meeting our solidarity with the Syrian Arab Army and the Russian Armed forces in their fight against the wicked designs of imperialism in Syria!
“The Syrian Arab Army and the Russian armed forces are the main forces that are truly fighting ISIS and the Zio-wahabi entities which came to Syria to destroy the only nation in the Middle East that stood up against US imperialism and its proxy the fascist Israeli Zionist state.
“People feel safer when there is the Syrian Arab Army around. Places like Hama,Tartous,Latakia are completely safe – once the Syrian Arab Army clears the cities of the murderous lackey’s of imperialism.
“Marxist-Leninists were right since the beginning to point out that these rebels were no moderate rebels at all and were funded, equipped and sent by US imperialism to wage war on the Syrian people who dared to pursue their own independent existence. The Islamist group Jabhat Al Nusra and ISIS are but pawns for imperialism.
“The corporate media stayed silent all along since the beginning of the armed intervention on Syrian soil in 2011, up until Isis became so strong that it cannot be controlled. Now the Western coalition forces are inside Syria illegally and attacking the only forces that are defending the country and its people, and doing so under the pretext of “fighting ISIS”.
“This imperialist coalition has not done anything effective against the terrorists and instead they have killed children and civilians. Their drones have murdered innocent families including women and children and the elderly, they are using Syria as a battle ground in their war too dominate the planet.
“By attacking Syria the US hopes to deal blows against Russia and Iran. The countries that did not make any Syrian flee the country unlike what the Western coalition forces are doing. In a matter of weeks Russia has done much more damage to ISIS than the US has in a year. 800,000 Syrians are actually going back to their country thanks to Russia.
“I, as a Syrian revolutionary would like to thank Russia for everything it has done for the Syrian people and congratulate the brave Syrian Arab Army that knows no fears for all the struggle it is doing for the Syrians.”
I’m proud to be part of the CPGB-ML – the only British party that has truly supported the Syrian people in its anti-imperialist Struggle!
Death to Imperialism!
Victory to Bashar al Assad!
Victory to the Syrian Arab Army!
Build the CPGB-ML!
thanx saker/vox populi been waiting for a subbed version, great work
A pity not to have this documentary on YouTube, with subtitles, because in Liveleak does not have a way to download …
thank you to all concerned, especially: VVP
Torrent (slow one)
Vladimir Putin is always interesting to listen to. I do have a criticism of some of the interviews which claim the U.S. genuinely wants to spread democracy. They should know better then to accept U.S. claims at face value. When does the U.S. government ever tell the truth? Probably 50 years from now the real agenda will be declassified and it will be worse then anyone imagines. Some hideous details about the motives behind the Libya regime change were recently revealed in some of Hilary Clinton’s emails:
To download with Firefox, use free add-on Greasemonkey
Install Greasemonkey – Installs simply, like other Fireox add-ons
Go here and install “LiveLeak download” userscript (Safe, free, fast, easy… just a click.)
Now appears a red button (“D/L 720p Video”) to download the video near the video title on your LiveLeak page.
Just click it. You’ll get the HD video with embedded subtitles. Mine’s 598.2 MiB. Enjoy!
Dear Saker,
Very interesting documentary. Any chance of seeing it on youtube where I can downloaded and watching it at leasure, please?