I have recently written about the large scale military exercises conducted by Russia in the Far East and I remember that some clueless commentator (from the BBC I think) wrote that while the maritime component was directed at Japan, the land component was directed at China. At the time I did not think that it was worth spending any time debunking this silly notion, but today I will mention that far from threatening each other, the Russian and Chinese military are, yet again, conducting joint training and military exercises. While in the previous joint exercises Russia and China had trained together on the seas (Joint Sea 2013), this time they are doing so on land.
The latest Sino-Russian joint military exercise, called “Peaceful Mission 2013”, is being conducted at the Chebarkul military training grounds in Russia’s Chelyabinsk region and involved armor and artillery (about 70 pieces of heavy equipment, such equipment, including tanks, armored personnel carriers, reconnaissance patrol, 120 mm caliber howitzers, 152 mm self-propelled artillery and a number of engineering and maintenance vehicles), army aviation (Chinese helicopters crew from the Shenyang Military Region few over 4’000km lead by Russian helicopters and special forces units (350 soldiers). In spite of that big firepower, these exercises were characterized by both Russian and Chinese officials as “anti-terrorist” training. Cute.
Here is a short Russian TV report just to give you sense of what this all looks like and to gauge the mood of the participants:
Bottom line: far from threatening each other (an old dream of the Anglo elites) Russia and China are making unprecedented efforts to jointly train together with a strong stress on interoperability. In other words, the two countries are practicing joint military operations against a common enemy.
My guess is that the next thing we will see are joint military operations by Russian and Chinese air forces.
The Saker
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Good news on the military front, but would like to hear a lot more work done on the BRICS Development bank & exchange mechanisms, which are where the major threat to sovereignty currently lies (in my opinion), ie. the vast Western banking/lobbying/trading cartels.
In news relating to the other major threat to Russia, Saudi prince Bandar recently paid a visit to Moscow, likely to see how aware Moscow is of the threat of the vast Jihadi hordes that he is helping to run, & how much he can do to divert suspicion…
MK Bhadrakamur has a good writeup on it at the Asia times:
A spy who tried to scale Kremlin wall
Saker – this is off-topic but it is something I have noticed a lot lately. The comments section in Yahoo stories about Russia is overwhelming pro-Russia and generally pro-Putin even though the stories are invariable negative toward Russia. The comments number from the hundreds to several thousand. Here is a typical example. Enjoy!
@KenM: Bandar can go to Moscow all he wants, and the Russians will talk to him very very nicely, all smiles, and then he can go home with nothing. Why? Well because of course they also know that he is “our man in Riyadh” :-) If Obama and the G8 could squeeze nothing out of Putin, little Bandar won’t get much either. As for the conflict in Syria, it has gone too far for any kind of behind the scenes barter. Now its a zero sum game in which there will be a winner and a loser and the Russians feel that Assad made it.
@Anonymous: interesting. but it also kinda makes sense. Think of it this way: Putin is implementing the kind of policies most people in the West would like to see their own politicians implement: externally – firm stance in defense of international law and peace; internally – social policies, fight against corruption, nationalization of strategic assets, peace and order and respect for civil rights and pluralism. Many folks in the West also realize that the agressor in the Russia-US tensions is the USA or, better put, the US-EU-NATO block and they don’t like it. In the West the only really rabidly anti-Russians are the Balts and the Polaks, but most of Europe does not feel that way, nevermind the Americans who clearly know that for all the hysterics of McCain, Putin is no threat at all.
Yes, it is nice to see that the Ziomedia’s propaganda is showing some cracks and that people start asking the right questions :-)