- Vovk enters the Russian Federation
- Vovk enters the building in which Daria Dugina lived
- Vovk leaves Russia for Estonia
- Screenshots of Vovk in her Minicooper trailing Dugina
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If she came to Russia with a fake ID, as it is supposed by some, she could exit Estonia with a fake ID too…
I ask myself, where did she get the explosive? Is TNT easy to find in Russia? I doubt.
So she might have and had contact and accomplices in Russia or even in Moscow.
I cannot imagine her entering Russia with TNT in the car…Its possible but…
She did not act alone. Certainly had the support of person/people inside Moscow. Let’s await and see what happen next.
You bring up some good points. At first I thought bah! Meriem is probably from Ukraine or something. But then it got me thinking, could this be a false-flag op? I mean is not Patrick Lancaster (the american reporter for the russian-side) not a greater mark? But if this is genuine, rest assured, no matter where that girl goes, her days are numbered before she’s brought to justice (east or west). America would definitely not harbor her or give her leniency (she’d be shipped back to Russia even despite the political heat of the moment).
The red carpet will be rolled out (off camera) where this murderess assassin turns up in Isreal.
So what kind of response can we expect from Russia for this act of terrorism? Will “decision centers” be hit? Will the gloves be taken off and intrastructure taken down in Ukraine?
Not saying this is the right path. Genuinely interested in what will come next.
In the big picture, hopefuly, Russians will only do as usual : grind Ukraine army and territory down some more.
There is a french saying about this kind of terrorist act : le coup de pied de l’âne, or “the donkey kick”. When a sore loser can’t help but give a useless, nasty blow. Just one more proof of mediocrity.
In the personal size of the picture, I hope they hunt down and catch the terrorist team, for the safety of all, and to give, in the act, condolences to the family of Darya, soothe them in their sorrow if can be.
Rest assured, if not the Russians directly, one of the nato countries will find her and bring her to justice….no country on the planet it going to protect a murderer (because it might be our kids next).
Kudos to the FSB for having put this together so fast. Not only did they catch great video footage of her coming into Russia under an assumed name, renting an apartment in the same building as the girl she may have murdered, more video of her fleeing the country, and then the clincher (putting her car up for sale in a foreign country). Now that is good investigative work to solve a murder!
” one of the nato countries will find her and bring her to justice….no country on the planet it going to protect a murderer (because it might be our kids next).”
R U Sirius? They undoubtedly financed it. NATO sucks
She took her daughter with her to the nazi terrorist attack? Early practice makes the master.
What psychos coming out of this shithole Ukraine.
Russia must be prepared with a new generation of brutal rusophobe Ukronazis in future.
Under these circumstances i do not understand the gentle approach of russian Army against the Ukros.
In war there is no good enemy and bad enemy. They are first of all only bad enemies. After their defeat we talk about seperating the good enemies from the bad enemies.
These brainwashed ukro kids are not and will not be good enemies at all. INSANE
0:31 She’s ugly.
Only difference between her and a pit bull is lipstick. What is the ring around her mouth? First I thought it was a mustache but then saw that it wrapped around the lower lip. Chewing tobacco?
The ring around her lip could be lip gloss or lipstick. It seems many women have started putting makeup outside the border of their lips to make them look bigger. It was first done with just lip-liner – where they’d put a colored line just outside the border of their lips, but the lip liner became thicker and thicker. Now some are putting makeup around their mouths like a clown but somehow that is the fashion – though usually not near as much as she is doing.
She’s a member of The Light Upon Nations .. So you have the answer about her look …
A spotter, casing the joint, like an artillery target corrector, might not herself place the IED.
If the IED has NATO isotope signatures, it is a slam dunk.
So maybe the FSB is right now digging up trenches! No rest!
It seems quite possible that the perp’s job was merely to tail the victim and wait for her to get into her father’s car, then detonate the bomb remotely.
And some other entity actually manufactured the bomb and attached it to the car.
There would be far more opportunities for a local cell to do this.
Tass seems pretty sure that Dugina was the actual victim, not the father.
I that case it seems odd to put the bomb on the father’s car.
Unless Dugina herself did not own a car.
There is an odd symmetry in the Skripal and Dugin father-and-daughter pairing.
And then the mother-and-daughter pairing of the alleged perps.
What an evil-looking goblin’ess
From today:
“Journalist Darya Dugina was a “talented person with a radiant personality and true Russian heart,” President Vladimir Putin said on Monday as he expressed his condolences to her relatives following Saturday’s car bombing.
Dugina “showed with her actions what it means to be a patriot of Russia,” the president added, blasting her murder as a “heinous and cruel crime.”
Vladimir Putin signed a decree awarding Daria Dugina the Order of Courage posthumously.
If Vovk is a spy, then a spy would not act alone.
The FSB still have not revealed if the detonation was triggered remotely or by timer.
Are there still many CIA operatives in Russia?
I need to disagree with the analysis of the assassination Dalya Dugina presented here. First the idea that Alexander Dugin is “Putin’s Brain” is wrong. There is one picture that I saw of them together and President Putin was a much younger Putin than he is now, in fact he appears to be the age when he first became President of Russia. He consulted with many people and Alexander Dugin, who is a Eurasianist, and a Philosopher, is someone President Putin would consult with. At that time, the Russia/China Double Helix was taking shape and a Eurasianist is the person to consult with. This is what Vladimir Putin does, he consults with knowledgeable people in order to determine his strategy.
She and her Father are on the Ukronazi “Kill List”, which is similar to oBOMBa’s Kill List used for his “Terror Tuesdays” when he drone bombed people on the list.
My analysis of the assassination of Dalya Dugina is that of one who has considerable Intellectual, Physical, Patriotic and Political Stature in Russia, a person who could become President of Russia. The first picture that I saw was of a tall, very beautiful woman holding a modernized AK-47 and looking like she knew how to handle it (Russia is known for Female Warriors because Russia has needed them so often in the past to fight off European Invasions). I believe this assassination will have an effect on Russians equivalent to the effect that the assassination of President Kennedy had on me and those who were old enough to comprehend what happened on November 22, 1963(there probably aren’t very many readers of this Blog who have a memory of it). Russians have similar feelings about her as we had about him. They will always have a memory stamp who they were with, what they were doing when they learned of the assassination. This is a terrible tragedy will harden the resolve of all Russians.
IMHO, I think that she will be s****ing in her knickers for the rest of her life, which IMO will be cut short in a not too long time ??