By Matthew A. Winkler for ==>>Bloomberg<<== (yes, Bloomberg not the Kremlin’s press office!)
Sanctions meant to punish Russia for snatching Crimea from Ukraine one year ago were supposed to hurt Russian business. And they did. Russian stocks, bonds and commodities had the worst performance in 2014 of those in any emerging market.
That was then. Now the picture is changing, with investors starting to favor Russia in 2015. The ruble, which became the world’s most volatile currency last year after President Vladimir Putin’s land grab, is stabilizing. The swings in its value narrowed this year more than any of the other 30 most-traded currencies.

Investors in Russian government securities denominated in rubles have earned the equivalent of 7 cents on the dollar so far this year, as measured by the Bloomberg Russia Local Sovereign Bond Index. In contrast, anyone holding similar government debt in emerging markets across-the-board has lost 1.1 percent in 2015.
The picture is even rosier for Russia’s corporate bondholders; they’ve had a 7.3 percent total return in 2015, leading the gains in the index for emerging market corporate bonds compiled by Bloomberg. And while shareholders in the global emerging market stocks measured by the MSCI Emerging Market Index gained 1.7 percent this year, the 50 Russian stocks in the Micex index are up 11.9 percent — better than the Standard & Poor’s 500 or any other North American market.
The ruble’s relative value helps explain why there are some signs of confidence in Russia. Although the ruble remains the most volatile of the 31 most-traded currencies this year, its swings are narrowing. This is visible in implied volatility, a measure of traders’ bets on how much the currency’s value will change day-to-day. After surging in late 2014 amid the widening Ukraine crisis, the ruble now is fluctuating the way it did in 2009.

Business also appears to be on the rebound. Some 78 percent of the Russian companies in the Micex index showed greater annual sales growth than their global peers, even though the shares of these Russian companies lagged behind their international competitors, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. That’s consistent with a two-year improvement in the relative value of Russian companies.
One possible reason for the growth? Sanctions. With foreign goods unavailable, Russians had to choose homegrown products and services.
For all the disruption caused by the sanctions, Russian companies represented in the Micex index are more profitable measured by Ebitda margins (earnings before taxes, depreciation and amortization) than the rest of the companies included in the global MSCI Emerging Market Index.
A number of Russian companies are outperforming their global peers. Magnit PJSC, which operates a chain of discount supermarkets with a market capitalization of $16 billion, is one worth noting. The retailer’s one-year revenue growth was 31.66 percent, overwhelming the 0.87 percent increase in sales from its global competitors. Novatek OAO, a $22.8 billion independent producer of natural gas in western Siberia, is another. The company saw its sales increase 19.5 percent, compared with 0.76 percent from its global sector. And then there’s Rosneft, a $41 billion international brand with production in western Siberia, Sakhalin, the North Caucasus and the Arctic, which reported an 18.26 percent annual sales growth when its international competitors disclosed a revenue increase of just 0.76 percent. By any conventional measure, the shares of these companies are cheap.

Are global investors optimistic about corporate Russia’s continued resilience? It seems so. The shares outstanding of the largest U.S.-based exchange traded fund tracking Russian companies — more than 90 percent of the companies in the ETF are Russian — surged 5 percent so far this year. At the same time, an ETF that’s a proxy for money flows into and out of Russian equity shows a 27 percent increase. Putin’s Ukraine adventure has led to instability in the region and frayed relations with the West; what it hasn’t destroyed is confidence in corporate Russia.
Matthew Winkler, editor-in-chief emeritus of Bloomberg News, writes about markets
To participate, tickers TRF and RSX are available in the American stock market.
Dear The Saker,
Bloomberg with a twist….”Sanctions meant to punish Russia for snatching Crimea from Ukraine one year ago”…….”The ruble, which became the world’s most volatile currency last year after President Vladimir Putin’s land grab”…….”Putin’s Ukraine adventure has led to instability in the region and frayed relations with the West;”……they just can’t help still getting those digs and lies in, can they?
Sadly for the US/EU, they are the one’s that are hurting and the RF is doing well – the boomerang effect the Russians warned of – boy that must hurt! ;)
Veritas, One should never invest in something based on lies and falsehoods. Clearly, the head of Bloomberg can’t even do the most basic Due Diligence required, rendering his product just more market junk to be ignored.
Karlof, can you be more specific as to what are the lies here, and what the truth actually is?
I am sure that many people would like to invest in the Russian markets. Where, in your opinion, is reliable information available?
Why do you assume that Winkler is lying?
Katherine, Veritas pulled all the requisite quotes showing Winkler doesn’t have any handle on the real context of the actual events in Russia & Ukraine–that’s the primary falsehood. The performance facts are altogether different as the various indicators detail. Proper due diligence would include investigation of the ambitious goals announced by both Russia & China as they’re essentially in-tandem and communicating with specialists and publications based there–not EU or USA.
One of the biggest risks to investing anywhere currently are the opening moves in the Third World War being fought by the Outlaw Empire as it tries to keep its unipolar position mostly intact which results in unpredictable volatility and outright market manipulation, the energy market being the most notable to-date. It makes great sense to attempt to ride the coattails of China’s New Silk Roads and Russia’s Eurasian tradezone. But it’s clear the Outlaw Empire’s goal is to wreck both, which means a level of risk that cannot be managed by investors but must be factored in regardless. Clearly, lots of people are bulish on Russia & China. But we’ve seen that the destruction of its domestic shale oil business is of no matter when it comes to its attempts to destabilize its muti-polar foes. One must ask what economic sector will be destabilized next by the Outlaw Empire in its quest to defeat the multi-polarites, and just how far will it go. The Outlaw Empire really has just one tool to use–its military and assymetrical predations: Terrorism.
Despite the risk, it would seem that Russian and Chinese corporate bonds are the best, as would futures in their currency. But if you live within the Empire, beware as sanctions could wipe-out your investment without allowing for any recourse. That will become more likely as the Outlaw Empire becomes ever more frustrated with its eroding position.
Excellently well said, and precisely the point. Any “global investors” such as Bloomberg references as being confident in Russia will always factor the political situation into risk analysis.
Maybe the author could have tried to make sense of these investors’ confidence by probing their understanding of current geopolitics. But Bloomberg is editorially constrained from telling the truth – which makes it a lot less reliable than many of the subscription investor letters out there, and interviews with people such as Jim Rogers, for example.
Bloomberg is in the same bind all the western media is in – they have to stay on track with the formal narrative, but they also have a business of reporting facts. I don’t feel sorry for them in their quandary.
Nicely put. I like the term Outlaw Empire. Isn’t it simply amazing how the Outlaw Empire can manipulate the price of everything on the planet including currencies. There is no way to invest when there are no markets, just manipulations. How does one know how far Senator McInsane will push The Washington Maniacs into war with Russia? Unfortunately I see no way to predict this. The only people that know, are the maniacs themselves. Unfortunately they can prosper off their self-created future.
Just came back here today and saw your response.
Thank for the clear explanation.
If you are my FB friend please contact me as all of your content has been removed I would dearly love to stay in touch with you
US to train special police forces in Ukraine
By David Levine
19 March 2015
Last week, Arsen Avakov, head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) announced that Kiev is working with Washington to create a unified special police force analogous to American SWAT teams. The force is to be called KORD (Korpus operativno-raptovoy diy—Instantaneous Tactical Actions Corps). Following its American counterpart, KORD will consist of “assault teams” that execute high-risk police actions with a 15-to-20-minute response time.
The announcement came as the US began sending military equipment to Ukraine
More of Ukraine “sucking up” to the US.Its not like they don’t already have a version of a “Swat”.They just want to appear “new and Western” by changing the name and putting their own pro-junta people in it.
In the meanwhile Moscow is pleasing the “partners”,
or threating?
Why at all?!
This news had me smiling and even laughing, as if I were a big time investor in Russia. I’m not. In fact I think interest, usury, bonds, stocks, etc. are a curse on humanity. I personally do not take interest on my money, although I use it and have a debit checking account. I invest in Russia all right, but it’s an investment of love, based on a love reserve and the liquidity of love. More at
Gosh!! Russians must be over the moon that Mr Winkler of Bloomberg thinks Russia is a fit target for exploi…oops, I mean ‘investment’, again.
Hmmm,I wonder if Winkler will have his job after that article.Of course he did get in a few anti-Russian jabs.So he may be safe for now.
Catherine Austin Fitts sites Bloomberg quite often. I guess its mainstream but not so full of lies and emotive commentary as some of the MSM.
Condolences tu Nuland,Mc Cain and the eurocretins…lol
For our french speaking readers(english version soon):
La Russie sort de la crise
21 mars 2015
Par Jacques Sapir
US & EU by going against Russia, are definitely on the wrong side of history. The cycle has changed!
The commies are outcapitalisting the anti-commies. What’s going on here?
Monopoly Man Goes Bankrupt
Another Putinian plot to subvert humanity over to the anti-zionist dark side?
Ohhh….rubles is getting stronger! I was hoping it would stay low, since I am going to Russia for Victory Day in May! =)
Just joking about hoping the ruble stayed low! Whatever is good for Russia I am happy about (don’t know anything about economics, whether stronger rubile is good or bad, I just want Russia to be strong and the russians happy).
I myself is so happy to have booked and paid flight and apartment from May 8 to May 11. I will be waving the russian flag continually for 3 days! I even learned to sing the russian Anthem. This will be the trip of my Life! (First time ever to Russia.)
I admire you tremendously. I hope to visit Russia myself one day. I’m sure you’ll have a fantastic trip.
Russia on balance is in better shape with a low Ruble, I also hope it stays low also. It allows outside money to come into the country, such as yours as you enter and spend, and from people who remain outside but who buy Russia’s exports. It’s like a see-saw balance in a way, as it tilts one way certain economic directions take charge, as it reverses, they reverse. It has very little to do with the internal economy, except that everything has a global aspect nowadays. It’s just the relative cost of money between nations.
The only hardship is for the ordinary Russian people as they experience inflation, and prices go up. I don’t know what nation you’re coming from, but in the US we have real inflation already of close to 10% per year – but the government’s official statistics are lies that deny this, and nothing is done to help the people most hurt by inflation.
In Russia, the government acknowledges the true rate of inflation, and the hardship on the people, and regularly discusses measures to help the poorest and most unable to cope. You’re visiting a nation that cares for itself and its people. There appears to be a true partnership between government and governed, such as used to be the case in Europe, although never in the US, and which is seen nowhere in the west nowadays.
Have a great trip!
Thank you very much for encouraging me. And thank you for info and explanations.
I wish I had a lot of money to spend there, but even though we (my sister and I) are on a little tight budget, our main reason to go is to show Russians that we like Russia, and to add numbers of statistics about foreign tourism in Russia. It is such a shame that political leaders refuse to go there for Victory Day, so we decided that at least we could go…=)
It is not a long trip for us, we live in Sweden (as is evident in my posts, English is not my first language…).
Ouch — Sweden, one of the most neocon puppet states! Gradually we will be hated all over the World, and now I understand how it can be for people from US or Israel, to be seen with suspiscion, even if they personally work hard to counteract the evil dealings of their country. I try to do everything I can in Sweden to spread information of the geopolitical situation (as well as the need for “spiritual” evolvment), and my hope is that my trip to Russia will give me even more inspiration (and boost my studies of Russian language…).
Again — thank you for your kind reply. Who knows, in the future many of us will meet together in Russia.
All the more reason to oppose ANY “Free Trade” agreements….in the interests of national survival. The world was a lot safer when nations strived for Autarchy.
Please don’t celebrate too early:
– the article is about the stock market. Not about citizens. They certainly feel the effects of the lower ruble and oil price.
– there is a delay of a few months before oil price swings affect the gas price. So some effects take time.
Well, yeah, but there was a nugget or two in there about economic things that matter to real people. Specifically, Russian companies are seeing robust sales in Russia (because they can’t import stuff due to the sanctions). That would mean those companies can create jobs. Including production jobs, which the importing did not create.
Effectively, it seems the sanctions are imposing an import-substitution economic policy on Russia, a country still fairly well situated to operate such a policy relative to many more seriously de-industrialized countries. This puts them potentially a leg up on much of the world, which has been hamstrung by “Free Trade” agreements designed precisely to make local industrial policies impossible. Gosh, brer USA, don’t throw us in that briar patch!
The beauty of the internet. You can go as far as you want, in the end you always end with with a Bloomberg artice! :-)
Hi Saker,
there is an issue I can’t understand.
Will Russia be part of the Chinese lead AIIB?
I saw that many european countries asked to enter as founding member (I think the deadline is 31 March, but apparently Russia hasn’t asked or hasn’t been offered yet membership.
Do you know anything about it?
Russia wasn’t one of the 21 countries that signed the original agreement to form the AIIB, and still isn’t one of those who have agreed to be founding members. There’s very little on why not.
Neither the AIIB nor the Great Silk Road project was initially to Moscow’s liking. The AIIB aroused suspicion, as does any China-dominated fund, while the Great Silk Road project was seen as a threat to plans to raise the capacity of the Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur railways. However, sanctions are causing Russia to rethink its position. Moscow is now seeking sources of external financing for its own infrastructure projects, and is therefore interested in the AIIB. These exact same considerations lay behind Moscow’s support for the BRICS development bank.
“The rebellion begins to spread in Ukraine”
Gracias, Elsi, por el video. Por lo menos cinco mil manifestantes. Pero no se que significa las banderas. Me allegre que no ocurrio nada de violencia.
Gracias Elsi. Muy interesante el articulo y video. Los manifestantes con banderas Rusas. Eso me gusto bastante. De nuevo, gracias.
Under the “wise direction” of “Petro”; by Manlio Dinucci
What’s the deal with communism? The terms has been so misused and politicized we need to rethink it.
It doesn’t mean no personal property, or no business, or no earning money — it does mean no profits, and profits mean getting money not for producing anything but just by having money: usury, renting, exploiting workers.
R.D. Wolff says some useful things about this BTW. He talks about worker owned and run businesses, which is essentially communism, where everyone gets a say how the business is run and how the earnings are distributed (never say ‘profits’ when you mean ‘earnings — production of real wealth by working’). You can have competition within some limits, and do business with innovation, increased efficiency, etc. It just means you don’t have capitalists who exploit others by means of just owning the means of production (and ‘own’ is a legal invention determined by law — law which is written by those with the money and power — can anyone rightfully ‘own’ a river or the land of a nation which should be part of the commons?).
We need to radically change how society and economies are run — radical meaning ‘root’ — rethinking the basic assumptions and power relationships, as well as the legal and cultural norms. And no, USSR, and China were never full fledged communist in operation, although it had some important elements — but you can’t say communism failed when it was never actually done properly there to begin with. Even the socialism there left much to be desired compared to what it should have been.
You are quoting what was essentially the bait to get people drawn into it.
Communism is a very simple concept in reality. You (the people) own nothing, the state/Party owns everything. That’s so-called “state capitalism”, the wet dream of every bankster. That’s why they propped it up with so much effort and cash from the very beginning.
No system that puts itself over the individual can be called “good” or even usable. True communism would be like a hippie commune or what Jesus taught his apostles (sell everything and share with the poor, while living in a commune where everyone works together and shares everything). Obviously only workable for smaller groups of people in a somewhat separate, “smaller” environment.
Obviously not what we had in Stalin’s Russia or China during Mao, which was really a fascist state behind the thin “communist” facade. It was a fallacy.
Always nice to see an expert on Stalin’s USSR.
Just say Stalin = Hitler already.
and the other way round:
rather, no individual that puts himself over the “people´s chosen system” or say, self government is any good, acceptable or in a longer run, viable.
This is updated rubles:dollar chart.
select 1 year from top tab above chart.
Presently 62 to USD; at collapse low it took 69.
just one example of the propaganda he runs that site:
Embedded link in article says on March 20th a uke bond issue was “guaranteed” by the USSA!
Actually more correctly that would be by the FED bankster gangsters.
Over the course of 10 days, NATO will parade 120 combat vehicles across the region in an effort to prove how quickly the West can confront perceived Russian aggression. Here’s more from Military News:
3/22 So Kolomoiski used his private armies on Thursday to take over Ukrtransnafta. Then on Sunday he took over Ukrnafta, barricading himself inside. His opponent is the Ukrainian state. Both facilities are located in Kiev. He calls for recognizing DPR/LPR as de facto authorities in E Ukraine & for financial federalization of Ukraine wherein 90% of tax revenue wd be retained by the regions. He must have some hefty support as he is personally present– Mossad?
Whoever gets control of the regular army controls the Western revenue-stream, so I can’t imagine anything less is his objective. Can anyone make any sense of this? Just looting? oopsnshd’ve given the link; it’s on fort russ
I posted the relevant paragraph and link in the webmaster article comments.
A real game changer if this is right. Perhaps Kolomoiski sees the writing on the wall for the US government in Kiev.
Sounds like Kolomoisky is ‘re-casting’ himself, now that he’s burnt toast: he owned/owns the airports and is almost certainly behind both the takeover that brought down MH-17 and the removal of the gold reserve.
His Swiss permit is only annual and far-from-guaranteed renewable. He’s either desperate or AIPAC see him as a better ‘bet ‘ than Porkchopsky: I am inclined to the former, as he is too heavily implicated in MH-17.
some footage likely recent ongoing arctic russian drills all forces.
runs 8:40 mark to 10:18;
claim made that (it’s all in Russian) they’ve even invited NATO in to see their command center/bunkers to show them they’re serious!
anyone can translate the piece?
Anonymous on March 22, 2015 • at 10:13 pm UTC
some footage likely recent ongoing arctic russian drills all forces.
runs 8:40 mark to 10:18;
claim made that (it’s all in Russian) they’ve even invited NATO in to see their command center/bunkers to show them they’re serious!
anyone can translate the piece?
Dear anon, I think it’s important enough to translate. I couldn’t find this episode translated from Russian into English and translated it myself. Here it is.
[8:40 of the video of the Russian Saturday March 22, 2015 news.
We got this report, centralized, from the Ministry of Defense. This is the recoding of the tests of the new anti-missile system S400 Triumph. The strange thing about this report that while everybody’s attention was directed to the large scale military drill in Arctic region, this new anti-missile system test was conducted in Astrakhan region. (South Russia) The Triumph complexes there showed itself well, hitting all the intended targets.
However, you might ask what is the connection? Turns out the Astrakhan region was the preparation ground for the troops that did so well during the military drills in Arctic region. Today, in Murmansk, S400s started their first day on duty.
Since we are only the civilians, our good military guys translated it for us.
Sergey Moskvchev, the Division Commander of the Strategic North Fleet. “We all had seen the lamp diode television sets in the past. Now, everybody owns the plasma TV sets. This complex (Triumph)is the next step after the plasma TV sets with the full HD and more, so to speak. ”
(10:20) Ideally, it’s all secrets upon secrets. However today Moscow took a sort of strange step by inviting the Military Attaches of many different countries to the brand new Command Center, the NTsUO, which is located on the Frunze embankment in Moscow.
Our correspondent Aleksandr Baletski answers the question why. “Three helicopter pads, more than 1500 kilometers of the connection cables, underground constructions capable of taking a direct nuclear strike. this is the most secret structure of the modern military forces of Russia, the National Center of Defense Command. Today in the first time this center opened its doors, not just for the foreign diplomats, but for the military attachés of more than 50 countries.
You can see the full range of emotions from stunned to surprised. For example look at the Attaché from Latvia. His German colleague explains why.
Rayner Shvalb, “I’m very impressed with this command center. It provides capabilities of the full control and monitor of everything taking place in the military. It adds to transparency between our countries. ”
The military diplomats, connected to the intelligent services of their countries, were asked not to take any pictures. This center provides a real time control of everything with the troops in every given moment. Most importantly, the main message came from the Assistant Minister Anatoly Antonov about so called “Russian military threat.” The West is trying to scare itself with the so called “Russian military threat.” This week military drills in the Artic regions and in the Western regions of Russia had caused a real hysteria amongst the Western partners.
Anatoly Antonov: “The West is creating and propagating the image of Russia as a monster that is going to drive its tanks through the Western and Eastern European countries. It’s all not truth. It’s all part of the information war against Russia. We don’t want to go to war. ”
the new edition of the Russian military doctrine is the document that intends to provide the security of the country in time of danger to the country. This was what the Assistant Minister Antonov asked the military attachés to convey to their countries’ governments, especially in countries members of NATO
For them on the multiple screens it was shown the military drills and given the detailed description of the troops. The foreigners obviously were thrown off by this openness of the Russians. They started feverishly taking notes on the fighter jets SUs, tanks T-72, also Iskanders in Russian language without even translating.
The US military attaché with his customary nonchalant also scribbled something.
Bruno Russy, “This is the real transparency, as it comes. The same practice we use in our Switzerland.”
Mohamed Usyp, Egypt. “That we were allowed to see such a confidential management center means that there is nothing here the Russians want to hide.”
“What do you think about the Russian military drills?”
“It means that you’re ready to defend yourself. And if you’re ready to defend yourself, it means you’re ready to help other countries in their fight with terrorism.”
Just today the US moved fighter jets and the US troops to Estonia for the military drills that will last till the mid April. Right on the Russian borders. Non NATO members Finland and even the neutral Switzerland. Canada is conducting the military drills in Arctic region. Today, the US troops started the Dragoon March from Baltic to Germany to demonstrate the easiness they cross the European borders.
This Russian military drills took place exclusively on within the boundaries of the Russian Federation and were called upon by the NATO threats . Many western diplomats known about it.
“What do you think? Where the threats to Russia are coming from?”
Zolan Stoykovich, Serbia.” You know this better than me.
The Assistant Minister Antonov: ” We know and see what our colleagues from NATO are doing. We have capabilities for these. I’m very critical of the Western flamboyant marches and demonstrations of force near Russian borders. We are not planning to attack anyone. ”
Nowadays, the military cooperation between the Russia and the West has been stalled. But this doesn’t mean that we going to sever all the contacts. the Ministry of Defense promised that the NATO representatives will be invited to one of the next military drill. Let them watch and observe. (14:33)
<em Romnashka, thank you. Beautifully done.
Dear Moderator.
Thank you for your kind word.
It’s actually Romashka meaning daisy. In spring 2014, when the NATO war on Ukraine has just started, I listened to the online radio scanners in Donbass. There wasn’t any organized self-defense forces back then. People were standing against Ukro-fascist tanks with their bare hands, trying to keep peace in the region, locals were sharing borsch, bread and cigarettes with the Ukro soldiers. Donbass asked the US junta in Kiev for the autonomy and the use of the Russian language. People’s demands were very reasonable and everyone (but not the US State Department) still hoped that this Mexican standoff would end up peacefully.
Suddenly, one night in late March someone reported seeing paratroopers dropped on Slavyansk. Locals, armed mostly with sticks, organized the search party walking streets and checking roofs and vacant buildings. Someone reminded to listen to the yard dogs barking excessively. Several sniper paratroopers, most likely the NATO special forces, were discovered and liquidated, but some remained at large and started shooting the locals. Next came the information, that the self-defender sniper nicknamed Romashka was killed in the duel with the paratrooper-sniper, who was also killed afterwards. Romashka was one of the very first heroes among the self-defenders in this NATO war on the Russian Mir (world and/or peace) . I use his nickname to keep memory of him alive and his fight with the Satanists going.
I will drop an email to the saker gmail. Please, let me know if you need to translate some videos from Russian to English, or from English to Russian.
Thank you Romnaska2. Greatly appreciated. Translating this was very kind of you.
God bless.
Carmel by the Sea
> “The picture is even rosier for Russia’s corporate bondholders; they’ve had a 7.3 percent total return in 2015, …”
That’s absurd. You would only have made those returns if you had bought in to Russian corporate bonds on 1 Jan 2015, and who would have done THAT? If you were already holding the bonds, then the losses you made on them in 2014 would not have been made up yet. Totally junk article.
Russia has made financial progress though (all ignored by Bloomberg) – changes in areas that will lead to de-dollarisation and decreasing US domination of world finance; new ties with Turkey, Egypt, Cyprus, Greece, Uganda, North Korea; consolidation in Crimea, South Ossettia, Abkhazia; splitting the EU over sanctions, with Greece, Cyprus, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary saying they won’t renew sanctions.
Published On: Sun, Mar 22nd, 2015
News | By Christof Lehmann
Poroshenko’s Election Statement bewilders rebelling Ukrainian Republics
Christof Lehmann (nsnbc) : Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, on Saturday, said that elections in Ukraine’s Donbass region may take place as early as 2015 but not before all foreign troops have been withdrawn. The statement bewilders the political leadership of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and the Lughansk People’s Republic (LPR) who note that Kiev continues to violate the ceasefire and appears to be preparing for war while it adopts laws which nobody intends to implement.
President Petro Poroshenko made his statement during a televised interview with Inter Television on Saturday.
It’s a time-honored practice by US, EU and now Kiev to give contradictory signals. Hinders your enemy’s ability to form a coherent counter-strategy, since some members of his group will focus on some signals while others will focus on the opposite signals.
When your purposes are nefarious clarity is not usually an advantage.
Thanks for the link, anon.
poroshanko getting more and more detached from reality
And if you add his drinking binges… He’s a goner. Lol
Re: Poroshenko’s ambiguations
On one day, Bibi Net’yahoo says there will not be a 2-state “solution,” not on MY WATCH!
Next day, Bibi Net’yahoo says he is much in favor of a 2-state “solution” (and always has been), but first some things have to change. Is this not SO like that statement from Poroshenko?
They both speak in “talking points,” probably delivered to them daily by the same talking-point creators.
yes netanyoohoo is also a puppet
Timely, what with Monsatanto getting its evil grasping claws into ukraine and its meters deep chernozem soils now
Susanne Posel (OC) : The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a research outreach of the World Health Organization (WHO) have classified insect and weed killers containing glyphosate as “probable carcinogens”.
Glyphosate now falls under the second level of concern; meaning it is classified as a “probable or possible carcinogen” and those exposed to the chemical could have an elevated risk for developing cancer.
Russia appealed to Germany and France on Saturday to ensure Kiev does not try to incite violence in east Ukraine to encourage the United States to send Ukrainian forces lethal weapons.
Paris and Berlin helped mediate a peace deal in the Belarussian capital Minsk on Feb. 12 to try to end fighting between government forces and pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine but the truce remains fragile.
In an interview with Russian television, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said he was concerned Kiev might stage “provocations” to try to persuade the United States that it should aid Kiev by sending it lethal weapons.
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The United States is determined to maintain pressure on Iran after a deal on the Islamic republic’s nuclear problem is reached, CIA director John Brennan said on Sunday.
International mediators have been negotiating a deal with Iran aimed at limiting its nuclear activity. Tehran
another one of the many Dr. Evil Mini-Me’s out there spouting off.
Dagestan, North Caucasus Mar 21
one of the prime hotbed locations mentioned as scene of some kind of “2nd front” psyops/invasion, perhaps with a big terror launch timed to the next phase (Mariupol?) of the uke war.
MOSCOW, March 21. /TASS/. Seven gunmen have been ‘neutralised’ in the Russian North Caucasian Dagestan’s capital Makhachkala, the National Anti-terrorism Committee’s information centre told TASS on Saturday.
“A total of seven neutralised gunmen have been found during a detailed inspection of the scene of an armed clash in a five-storey residential block of flats,” the committee said.
The Empire has apparently given up on trying the destabilization tricks it’s been subjecting Russia to for the last year since the coup in Ukraine, seeing that their plans have been failing and apparently have given up on trying . That’s likely the reason for improving of the economic situation in Russia.
(How the last American invasion of Russia turned out.)
When we were at war with America:
Traditionally, the U.S. and Russia have never fought with each other. However, it was in our history episode, when the Americans with arms invaded the Russian land.
The idea of military intervention in Russia originated in the ruling circles of the USA even before the victory of the October revolution. On the eve of the October armed uprising, October 24 (November 6) in 1917, the U.S. Ambassador to Russia, David Rowland Francis in a telegram to Washington offered to send to Russia via Vladivostok or Sweden several divisions of American troops.
February 21, 1918, the same Francis, reporting on the situation in Soviet Russia, offered to immediately launch a military intervention. “I insist,” he wrote, – the need to take control of Vladivostok and Murmansk and Arkhangelsk to pass under the control of Britain and France…”.
The Republican Senator from Washington state miles of Poindexter, calling for intervention, said that “Russia is just a geographical expression, and no more than she ever will be. Its strength, cohesion, organization, and recovery is gone forever. The nation does not exist…”.
First, ahead of Americans in Russia, the British landed: 9 March, they started in Murmansk landing from the cruiser “glory”. March 14 to Murmansk with a new group of invaders arrived English cruiser “Cochran” and 18 March – French cruiser “Admiral”. The Americans joined: may 27, in the port of Murmansk became an American cruiser “Olympia”, which soon landed a detachment of U.S. infantry. The first in Russia, 4 September 1918 he joined the soldiers 339 infantry regiment. Despite the fact that the American forces consisted of only the protection of military property, the situation on the front forced the command of the occupiers to leave the military of the USA is on the offensive in the district of the Vologda railway and Dvina.
The total loss of the American contingent in the North of Russia amounted to 110 killed in battle and 70 people died from cold and diseases. The losses forced the Americans to evacuate its troops from the Russian North, and by August 5 in Murmansk there was not one American.
However, 10 days later, the U.S. state Department officially announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Russia. This meant not Soviet Russia and the Bolshevik government, and Russia in General. In the Declaration of the state Department talked about the demise of Russia as a state. On the same day began the landing of American troops in Vladivostok. The American expeditionary force in Siberia were under the command of major General graves and consisted 7950 soldiers and officers. In Russia were redeployed units of the 27th and 31st infantry regiments, as well as volunteers from the 13th, 62nd and 12th infantry regiments.
American troops were unprepared for the harsh conditions of Siberia. Widespread had problems with supplies of fuel, ammunition and food. Horses of U.S. troops accustomed to life in a temperate climate and have not been able to operate in sub-zero temperatures, the water in the guns with no additives just froze.
The most remarkable fighting between Russians and Americans in the far East has become the battle at the village of Romanovka, June 25, 1919, near Vladivostok, where the Bolshevik units under the command of Yakov Trapezina attacked Americans and caused them loss in 24 men killed.
The last American soldier left Siberia 1 April 1920. During the 19-month stay in Russia, the Americans lost in the far East 189 soldiers. Source:
In the beginning of this article the writer wrote” Putin’s land grab” about Crimea. That is what the West calls it, a euphemism for theft. Why?
No, usually they call it illegal annexation, and often claim that’s what started the conflict there, conflict being their word for genocidal blockading and bombing their own cities..
Land grab is very mild by comparison, and seems to be mentioned at all just to provide a time line for the financial aspects they concentrate on. Finding anything positive about Russia is a big first for Bloomberg.
to Suzanne Majo De Kuyper
The West calls Crimea a ”Putin’s land grab” because they considered this historic part of Russia as being in their own western grab.
This U.S. Navy tender for construction work in Sevastopol, Crimea hints at how the U.S. military coveted controlling the historic Russian Peninsula.
In 2013 the U.S Navy had a tender in place to begin work in Sevastopol, Crimea. Sevastopol is one of Russia’s most important navy ports, so we are not quite sure how this tender would have worked out…unless of course some event in early 2014, would magically force out Russia’s presence from Crimea???
Here you can find the full tender online at the official U.S. government site. This is just one of many tenders.
Everything that you and me and everybody else owns is the property of the US government. It doesn’t matter where in the world the property is located.
Understandingly, that the US gov has hysterical fits every time it gets slapped while attempting to take other people’s stuff. It starts accusing the others in what it tries to do.
Suzanne Mayo de Kuyper,
The US and the West generally follow the Josef Goebbels theory of propaganda, which is to always accuse the other side of the wrong-doing of which you yourself are guilty. Thru its puppets and the presence of CIA and many mercenaries and special forces the US itself is presently occupying the Ukraine. It is seizing its assets thru the IMF and “privatization”.
The purpose of the Western media is to manufacture the consent of the masses of people. Since the one-world tyranny which it is creating would be wholly rejected by the citizenry everywhere it must present an illusion instead of reality. Therefore it is a mistake to expect the slightest fragment of deniable truth.
I hope that all is well w you.
Americans, perhaps something bad happens in your country. Every day 22 veteran of the Iraq and Afghan wars commit suicide. This is not normal figures. One of the reasons why the government is trying hard to keep all military bases outside the U.S. – government and state governments are not able to find work for the soldiers returned home. Employers are reluctant to hire former soldiers believing them to be potentially dangerous.
Some Russian experts (noting that maybe it is a conspiracy theory) think that someone “helps” the returned soldiers to die. No man – no problem as Bob Marley sang. Perhaps the Saker should pay attention to this question.
“No man – no problem as Bob Marley…”
That was Stalin.
I know a Cuban girl that always said: “Menos perros. Menos pulgas.”
Less dogs. Less fleas.
The distance between my comment and yours – 5 dead American soldiers. Think about it, Carmel.
The writer Ribakoff said it. Since you’re being so meticulous. But it doesn’t matter.
We can make not complex calculations: 22 x 365 = 8,030 and then 8,030 x 10 = 80,300. So during the last 10 years, America has lost 80,000 well-trained soldiers. 80,000 is a good army for a little country. For example ISIL has about 30,000 bayonets. And they were able to set the Iraqi army in dog-position.
MAR 22
Some sparring of words at least going on now.
another major dude name to remember.
The ADB is western-backed, run out of Manila HQ.
But likely all decisions are made at the World Bank.
BEIJING — Chinese Finance Minister Lou Jiwei on Sunday criticised the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for what he described as its bureaucratic management, saying the regional lender was not the best example of its kind.
Mr Lou, speaking at the China Development Forum held in Beijing, indicated that the proposed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), led by China, will have an operational policy that is different from existing international financial institutions.
Mr Lou’s statement was broadcast online by Chinese media organisations.
“Putin’s Ukraine adventure…” Mr. Winkler? Which planet do you inhabit? The Washington-created nazi putsch and civil war in Ukraine, please.
Let’s pretend you’re a real journalist, shall we, dedicated to reporting the facts as they really are, not as the Western propaganda delusion-machine wants us to think. How about “Nuland/CIAs’ (failing) Ukraine adventure”, as a first stumbling effort at that unfamiliar realworld reportage?
Failing in Ukraine as any Western hack or politician with two brain-cells to rub together could have predicted, of course…
Breaking: Kolomoysky raids Ukrnafta – Sergei Leshchenko, a pro-West MP from Poroshenko’s party, writes in his Facebook page:
Kolomoysky challenged Poroshenko. The entrance to the “Ukrnafta” (in which the state has a controlling stake) is now locked by gunmen.”>After a few minutes of wrangling, the senior one – with a black helmet – said that it’s battallion “Dnepr-1″ (…). He refused to answer what the territorial defense batallion of the Dnipropetrovsk region is doing here. Outside the entrance to “Ukrnafta” is parked a military armored vehicle. It’s all happening in the city center, on a side street near the Lviv Nesterovskoye area. (…)
Read more here:
Yes, Veritas, the ending paragraph of winklers article is a masterpiece of the standard western gospellic press: “after Putin grabbed land…” and the russian currency became the most volatile one AFTER sanctions….”
Yes, but let us remember all the presstituters of a common phenomenon in most of the planet: that AFTER the rooster crows every morning, the sun rises in the horizon.