the MSF campaign @, #independentinvestigation, hopefully will not be changed by sell out forces within that organization. The US government thinks it can destroy a country/infrastructure and then say, “Sorry?” and that is it? oh yes, including throwing a couple of $$$ here and there mainly into the off shore bank accounts of local oligarchs/drug lords. That is not making amends.
it is time for the chickens to come home to roost. It is called retribution ( not revenge which is a different animal). Do you even know what you have done?
No, no, no. They don’t think they can destroy a country/infrastructure and then say “sorry” and get away with it.
They think they can destroy a country/infrastructure and then say “You ignorant ragheads should be more grateful that we helped you out!” and get away with it. So far they’ve been right, and they’ve been doing it for more than a century. Let us hope it doesn’t last too much longer.
Exactly right! Look at Vietnam,Afghanistan,and Iraq (there were/are others,but these are enough for a pattern).In total millions of people killed,wounded,lives ruined.And not one, “I’m sorry” even.But don’t get me wrong,there is a lot of sympathy and regret inside the US over those wars.But its all for the “poor soldiers” having to be there.And “forced” to save those “ungrateful,savage” peoples.As well as the trillions of dollars we “were forced” to spent “helping” those “ingrates”.I’m sure you must realize that “exceptional “people ,are always the givers.And “unexceptional” people are always the takers.And if you “don’t” realize that, just talk to our citizens they’ll set you straight on the “facts”.
Bob, I remember seeing an old Yankee documentary about the H-bomb tests in Micronesia. The peaceful inhabitants being forced off their land were repeatedly called ‘the savages’ by the Yankee commentator. The inversion of reality and projection was sickening, but typical.
Yes indeed. Just to give my “more than a century” some context, I’d add in the US occupation of the Philippines at the very beginning of the 20th century, complete with brutal, atrocity-studded warfare against attempts at independence.
“So far they’ve been right, and they’ve been doing it for more than a century.”
History is laterally dynamic so likely
“They think they can destroy a country/infrastructure and then say “You ignorant ragheads should be more grateful that we helped you out!” and get away with it.”
is no longer an option.
However it would be impolite not to thank the opponents for their contributions of foolery which proved, proves, and likely will prove useful.
teranam 13, I’ve already seen one MSF flunky who seemed very keen on NOT bringing the Yankee mass murderers to account. Either a Kouchner Zionazi loyalist, or someone who appreciates just how psychotically homicidal our global overlords really are.
Almost certainly the photo of the kid shaking hands with Reagan isn’t Putin. His autobiography is pretty frank. Not only is it that as an extremely poverty stricken child of a factory worker he would have been highly unlikely to ever get anywhere near Reagan, he would have talked of it in his Bio – and there is nary a word.
This was EXACTLY my own thought as I looked at the photos!!
Closest comparable image to hand: 007.
Funny to see it immediately put in writing by another.
Putin is a trained intelligence officer. He has to be able to handle himself under multiple physical—and social—challenges. He has to be able to handle a gun, a car, a plane–whatever.
But he is also a mensch. That shows in his not being embarrassed to getting out and dancing, pouring tea for a little girl, giving her his attention–unaffected. Tagging a bear—presumably this is a learning experience for Putin. So much the better. There is a lot to learn in life.
Dancing may be one of Vladimir Vladimirovich’s favorite things, who knows? But can you see our Mr. Cool Obama doing any such thing? There is nothing spontaneous about him.
In fact, Obama is the one who is a cypher, not Putin.
Putin looks to me like a normal human male with superior capabilities.
Obama is a pod of some kind. Weirdly androgynous and cold.
I waded through ‘Soul Mountain’, a Chinese Nobel Prize winner.
Among the worst books I’ve ever read.
Nothing more than an extended midlife crisis Riddled with arrogance and pretension posturing as insights.
The only thing I learned was the author really, *really* resents women.
He is much-championed by the French alt-Left, a bunch of pseuds that award charlatans of all stripes for their insults to human intelligence.
It was the most enormous relief to turn to Basil Pau’s ‘China Revealed,’ a magnificent collection of photographs (he worked with Bertolucci) accompanied by a candid and beautifully-written account of his personal history – warts and all – with the ‘dragon’ (China.)
Don’t normally expect ‘coffee-table’ books to contain such luminous and illuminating text. But this one does. Pau may have the same ‘vices’ as his Nobel prize-winning compatriot, but – oh! – such a different sensibility. He has a huge range of empathy and a truthful, critical eye.
Of course, his total lack of pretentious drivel – and the fact the book is mainly pictorial, not textual – meant he would never get a nomination.
Great pics Martin!!
Arent his dogs absolutely beautiful?
He looks like he has a playful and funny side too – I bet he can ‘deadpan’ like a pro. (“Have I told you about my Siberian cannibal ancestors, Barry? Strictly kosher of course..”)
I’ve been looking for you. I wanted to be sure that you had seen Starikov’s explanation (staging) of the immigration crisis. Of course the Turks began it by turning the people in the refugee camps loose, but there was more to it.
“””””Putin, Rebels Once Again Show Kiev Is Main Obstacle to Peace in East Ukraine
Putin has just salvaged the Minsk II peace deal by convincing East Ukraine rebels to postpone elections even though Kiev has never held a dialogue with them called for by the agreement
What’s new is that Europeans may finally be starting to hold Kiev to account – at least a little”””””
Also think about what can be done when and in which order.
Martin, thanks for the Russia Insider link. There’s a lot of good information here. But a pro-West bias is evident. For example, the statement “In the past few weeks, the main roadblock to the implementation of the Minsk-2 peace settlement has been proposed local elections in Donbass,” is the opposite of truth. The main obstacle has been Kiev’s refusal to implement election and special status laws with the approval of the DPR/LPR as required by Minsk 2.0. The elections in Donbass were a mere issue trumped up by Poroshenko, Merkel and Hollande to obscure the real obstacle: Kiev.
– Russia will pay price for Syrian airstrikes, says US defence secretary – (From the Guardian 8/10/2015)
« Ashton Carter was talking at a meeting of Nato defence ministers in Brussels on Thursday during which the foreign ministers agreed to increase a Nato response force intended to move quickly to flashpoints.
There were no plans to deploy the force to Turkey, though the Nato secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, suggested its existence alone should discourage future Russian or Syrian incursions on to Turkish territory.
“They have initiated a joint ground offensive with the Syrian regime, shattering the facade that they are there to fight Isil [Isis],” he added. “This will have consequences for Russia itself, which is rightly fearful of attacks. In coming days, the Russians will begin to suffer from casualties.”
Carter said that Russian missiles had come within a few miles of hitting a US drone over Syrian airspace, but he restated a US refusal to coordinate its own air campaign against Isis with Russian forces because of the Russian emphasis on supporting the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad.
Germany’s defence minister, Ursula von der Leyen, said Russia must recognise that if it targeted opposition groups in Syria that are fighting Isis, “Russia will strengthen Isis and this can be neither in the Russian interest, nor in our interest”. »
So,where does Turkey “think” they will get the gas from? and at what cost? Do they think its May.Last time I looked at the calendar it was October,which leads directly to Nov,Dec,Jan,etc.Certainly,it doesn’t get as cold in Turkey (most of it) as in Germany.But still loosing 60% of its gas at one sweep (with an election around the corner) is a poor idea on their part.And since Russia imports farm products from Turkey,which could be cut off in a heartbeat.That is another poor idea for Erdogan.I doubt the Turkish farmers would be nearly as “mild” about their protests as the EU ones were.The only thing they could try was to block the Black Sea.But that would give Russia the excuse to block it on their side.Which means not a single ship could enter or exit the straits into the Black Sea.And if NATO tried to defy that blockade,we’d see just how accurate those Russian missiles are.And find the sea a floating NATO graveyard.
This latest Turkish/NATO BS is just an enhanced part of the “Big Bluff” they’ve been trying since the Ukraine coup.Unless they are willing for WW3 right now.They the will curb themselves.Of course I could be wrong.But I really don’t believe they are stupid enough to commit a mass NATO suicide.
Hi UB, I really enjoy reading your posts which are always interesting and well thought through.
Only one objection, you wrote:
“””””The only thing they could try was to block the Black Sea.But that would give Russia the excuse to block it on their side.Which means not a single ship could enter or exit the straits into the Black Sea.”””””
I don’t understand how you mean this.
Sadly Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine are no longer members of the Warszaw pact anymore.
And Crimea is far away from the Bosporus (Crimea: the West still conitinues to claim it is integral part of Ukraine and will probably continue to do so for the next millennia, or its own aka our all end).
So how would Russia block the Bosporus from its own side without invading foreign countries or “illegally” blocking international waters?
That was my point really.If Turkey puts herself as an enemy of Russia then Turkish territory is fair game,that includes the Bosporus. I looked up the treaty governing rights to the Bosporus.I was hoping to see that Turkey couldn’t do that.But I saw that under the “law” the Bosporus isn’t deemed an “International water way”,but as Turkish property.There are sections that say that only if its deemed a “threat” to Turkey can they stop commercial vessels going through it.But they can military vessels whenever they choice.And they can regulate the cargo on commercial vessels as well.So in a stand-off with Turkey,Russia could “legally” close off entry and exit from Turkish territory (i.e.the straits).And Russian subs and missiles wouldn’t have much trouble enforcing that blockade if they choose to.So while that would be an extreme measure to need to take.So would the Turkish denial of Russian passage in the straits.So one would need to counter-balance the other.And yes,we would probably be moments from war if either was done.
” “They have initiated a joint ground
offensive with the Syrian regime,
shattering the facade that they are there
to fight Isil [Isis],” he added. ”
‘Facade?’ Putin and Lavrov have persistently and consistency stated their support of Assad’s legitimacy. Russia is in Syria at the invitation of the Syrian government. Everyone knows this.
Does the moron think by endlessly stating the sun rises in the West and sets in the East it is therefore true?
I really don’t know how either Putin and Lavrov manage to keep cool heads in the face of these constant provocations. As for Assad..he must think Hell is too good for them.
The US and West in general is truly plagued by the most venal, criminal class of politicos. Carter and his ilk make Tony Soprano sound like the Buddha.
eimar, the evil criminal and monster Russophobe, Brzezinski has climbed out of his v\crypt to recommend the US take out the Russian forces in Syria, to protect their billion dollar investment in Daash. Looks like the evil old reptile wants to take us all with him in his long overdue demise and rapid transfer to Hades.
re “s and this can be neither in the Russian interest, nor in our interest”. »
Jesus, the arrogance and patronizing vibe of these people.
Is it stupidity, or are they pretending?
Surely if writers and reader on this blog and others can grasp Russia’s basic game plan in Syria vis-a-vis “moderates” in teh west and ISIS in teh east,, then the German defense minister should have enough gray cells for the job.Apparently not. Or, she is just pretending and is just a mouthpiece.
But informing a sovereign country—a real sovereign country, Russia—of what’s is in their best interest a la Sister Mary explains it all to you, and this nanny type lady is an official of a colony, Germany, not a real sovereign couintry—well, the mind boggles at the hubris and childishness. Make von der Leyen look kind of like a Nuland clone.
Is anybody going to comment on the latest global scandal: Nobel literature prize 2015. goes to Svetlana Alexievich!?
First, she is not writer at all, she is just a journalist.
Second, she is born in Ukraine, but is Belarussian and an anti-Lukashenko dissident. What she is most famous for is her hatred of Putin’s Russia.
” At a news conference today, Alexievich was asked about statements that she hates the Russian people. She replied: “ I love Ukraine very much. And when I was on Maidan, on the square recently, and saw the photos of the Heavenly Hundred, I stood and cried. It’s also my land. ”
So she cried for “Heavenly Hundred” on Maidan, but of course she didn’t cry for hundred or more murdered Odessans, not to mention thousands of dead civilians in Donbass.
This is another absolute degradation of Nobel prize.
This is more sick than Obama’s prize, because Obama’s prize is for peace, and it is always 100% political, but this…. this is outrageous! This is nothing short of declaration of war on Belarus. The West is not giving up its plans to conquer Russia at all.
And how do the real writers feel about all of this?
Western world is so degraded. Slavoj Zizek is considered the greatest philosopher, and Svetlana Alexievich is considered the greatest writer in the world! It was never like this. We have never fallen so low. Mediocrity enthroned.
Please refrain from constantly posting links to Mainstream Media sites. You have been asked before to stop. They have been removed, as will any others you post. Thanks.
What we need to understand fully (Russians especially) is that there is nothing ,”nothing”,connected to the West the Empire doesn’t control.Be it banks,business companies,media,politicial parties,sports,group associations,”nothing”.So when I see things like you mentioned I’m not at all surprised.And I don’t give any thought about a “Nobel Prize” at all.Well,maybe that isn’t true totally.It does “piss me off” that they defile awards like that.But it certainly doesn’t surprise me.
I was thinking the other day about a related problem (a friend was having financial problems because he was helping Novorossia).And it reminded me of a fact I’ve always known.Love while great,doesn’t move the World,money does.As long as the Empire has money (fiat or not doesn’t matter) to pay their stooges.There will always be a long line of them ready to serve it.Supporting Russia doesn’t “pay”.Which is why we have such a hard thing finding supporters.Now those we do have are “true” supporters of course,and that’s great.But still,we are always out numbered at least two to one.On the one hand,I wouldn’t trade any of the great loyal supporters we do have for Empire stooges.But on the other hand.We (as in Russia and China,not me or you) need to figure out a way to make sure we can finance our supporters better.And not let them lose out and have to drop out over funding problems.
I suspected this, Wend, as soon as I saw the award, never having heard of this ‘genius’ before. The Western campaign to demonise Russia has long gone beyond the psychotic. The Literature Prize is now as debased as the putrid ‘Peace Prize’. And the psychotic Yankee power elite are reacting to the destruction of their terrorist death-squad creations in Syria with deranged demands to attack and destroy the Russian forces. At least it makes plain their total support for the jihadist butchers, but does, sort of, risk thermo-nuclear war.
So the Nobel Prize in Literature went to a journalist who has spent her writing life assembling non-fiction books that are fodder for Russophobes.
IN her books Russia is vilified for Soviet sins. The Nobel Prize has a recent history that is clearly a propaganda tool. They did the same a few years back with China, giving the Peace Prize to a dissident who has about seven devoted followers among the 1.3 billion Chinese.
Every institution in the West is used for these hateful intrigues.
They debase what little culture is left in Western societies.
And the double bang they get this year is to hit Belarus, where she comes from and which is a target for color revolution.
Lukashenko should wise up, put the Russian Air Base in Belarus and join the Russian World before they destabilize his country next.
Those new sniper rifles the US is sending the nazis in Ukraine can shoot into Belarus as easily as they can kill women and children in Donbass.
Yes,if the Empire /NATO “wins” in Ukraine,Belarus is certainly to be next on their “menu”.I can’t believe Lukashenko isn’t able to see that.Does he think he would be the “one” leader the West demonizes and then lets stay in power.It just doesn’t work that way with them.
Jim Stone has a chuckle/rant up about the panic in the USSA alphabet agencies over their being taken to task over their intel failures in seeing any of this coming from Russia at all.
Arrogant bully-boy thug talking big to hide his fear, or totally psychopathic thug willing to risk human extinction to protect the US investment in jihadist death-squads. Either way, a monument to human villainy.
There is a special level in the circle of Hell for those who apologize for premeditated evil per this NYT article. The Hegemon will defend the right to keep its CIA death squads activities classified.i. e. those who “in the chain of command” called in the strikes. At least they stopped blaming the Afghans.
Often there are rants against ZeroHedge by some commentators (part of MSM, infiltrated by CIA or whatever).
But did anybody ever notice that they list this very blog on the left side of their page? Apparently they are doing so for quite some time, because they are still pointing to the old url from before the migration to the new blog format:
Oil Price
Peter Schiff
Rebooting Capitalism
Shanky’s Tech Blog
Slope of Hope
SmartKnowledgeU Blog
TF Metals Report
The Burning Platform
The Daily Crux
The Economic Populist
The Hammerstone Group
The Market Ticker
The Trader
The Vineyard Of The Saker
Themis Trading
Value Walk
Variant Perception
View From The Bridge
Wolf Street
The officials made the remarks during a security conference in Moscow, Russia Today reported on Thursday.
Addressing the event, Zamir Kabulov, the Russian presidential envoy to Afghanistan, said, on several occasions, Taliban groups which had refused to join Daesh were “set up” to be targeted by US airstrikes.
News now coming out that the Sep 24 Kunduz toll was much higher than first made public:
“We are continuing to try to contact the [missing] staff. We cannot speculate on their whereabouts,” the charity said in a statement on Thursday.
The agency, known by its French acronym MSF, said it has set up a hotline in a bid to trace 24 staff and the nine patients who are still unaccounted for.
All propaganda guns blazing from the usual suspects.
Seems the Moldovan ex-KGB Russian-linked ISIL enriched- uranium dirty- bomb- plot AP story hasn’t taken off.
The photos of run-down middle-aged guy toting green carrier bag of ‘dirty bomb stuff’ probably lacked a certain ‘oomph.’ (Bag looked clean enough to me..)
Maybe they should have topped the plot-salad with a couple of Illuminati lizard folk?
* * *
Sooo..back to the old stand-by, Iran.
CNN – citing Pentagon officials (names? nope.) ‘reports’ four of the Russian Cruise missiles crashed in Iran (pics? nope.)
The Iranians say no reports at all anywhere in Iran of the event. But what would they know? They only live there.
R; @ Langley they teach their students to ‘try’ to reach for ‘oomph’ to end up with to a ‘triumph,’ but in the backstreets of Baghdad, that’s slang for a little dog’s intestines.
it does not matter, BBC says that a “certain Iranian newspaper” says it is credible information, no mention of the newspaper, Iran government refutes it etc. The news item is spoken so rapid so as to make it a “fire and forget” news, which will be dug up later in this coming war.
Yeah….anonymous “officials”…….. BBC 2 Newsnight really going to town, says are Pentagon officials……Ash Carter says he expects rus.casualties in the next few days…..beeb 2 prog has Poro stating Uraine and syria is new russian front..a belt of instability was was right all along…interrviews Stoltenberg……who backs up Turkey as ” first respondent”…..he is looking a bit scared….says Nato is not defenceless in this situation if another incursion….Nato is responding to protect its allies….some people say uk foreign policy may soon decide lesser of two evils is to deal with Daesh…..Peter Ford ex uk Syrian ambassador was actually very reasonable and against mainstream hysteria…..which says events could easily lead up to a hot war…..oh well…..if they want one ……
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian defense ministry rejected reports alleging that four of the 26 cruise missiles fired from Russia’s Caspian fleet at ISIL targets in Syria have crash-landed in Iran, saying the reports are part of the West’s “psychological warfare”.
A source at the Iranian Defense Ministry told Sputnik that it has not received any report indicating the crash of the Russian missiles on Iranian territories, describing the allegations as “psychological war”.
Russia’s Defense Ministry also denied the US media reports of the alleged incident, stating that all missiles hit their designated targets.
“No matter how unpleasant and unexpected for our colleagues in the Pentagon and Langley was yesterday’s high-precision strike on Islamic State (of Iraq and the Levant) infrastructure in Syria, the fact remains that all missiles launched from our ships have found their targets,” ministry’s spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.
We could try looking at this complete mess from a different angle. Considering that the psychopathic scum in Washington are basically just gangsters in suits, and right evil ones at that, and not very bright either, and due to the size of its military, America has become basically a gun for hire to the highest bidder.
Regarding events in Syria I have a feeling Washington has accepted a truckload of cash from the Saudis and Qataris to basically do the hatchet job on Assad and his government same as they did to Ghadafi in Libya.
With the Russians now stepping in and saying enough is enough they are going to find that contract impossible to fulfil.
It reminds me of this crime programme I saw once, there was this Puerto Rican police department that was basically run by a cold blooded murderer for a police chief. Him and his select “team” within the police department would take contracts from Puerto Rican gangsters to whack their enemies or witnesses to their crimes. They would also use their privileged positions as “officers” of the law to carry out their own heists and robberies. The whole sick scam was exposed in the end. These Washington nut jobs are exactly the same.
But, the 1-2% were personally Chosen by God to rule over the ‘little people’ forever. If humanity refuses to obey their God-ordained Masters, then they will richly merit their destruction. The sheer malevolent, malignant Evil of the Western elites, plus their incomprehensible arrogance means that human survival into the future is a very tenuous prospect indeed.
While it’s true that Washington is one big “Offal Office”, the problem with the US runs much deeper. The Pindos are morally bankrupt as a people; that’s the only sane conclusion to be drawn from their total hatred, disgust, and contempt with regard to other peoples, nations, and cultures — in short their psychotic Exceptionalism. If you compare today’s Germany with the US, it becomes very clear indeed what difference a resounding imperialist defeat right at home makes on the national psyche.
Q; If you compare today’s Germany with the US, it becomes very clear indeed what difference a resounding imperialist defeat right at home makes on the national psyche.
R; Would it be fair to conclude that fascism is just one of the many masks a people can hide behind?
The players may vary, but does the play itself actually change?
Very true. More specifically, in the West the alternative of fascism comes in handy when class privileges, entirely dependent on imperialist rampage, are at stake and this rule applies to the Oligarchy and the grovelling Western middle classes/labour aristocracies alike. In places such as the US and the Zionist Entity, fascism is especially appealing since the very national identity there is based on European settler colonialism with all its well-known niceties. And, as opposed to Germany and Italy, there have been no sufficiently “humbling experiences” at home yet to render the fascist option less attractive.
Looking at Southern Europe, we see that in places such as Spain and Greece fascism competes with “radicalized” Social Democracy to protect the middle classes/labour aristocracies, used to their First World lifestyles. Indeed, not even the instant, total capitulation before the Eurocrats by Tsipras dealt any fatal blow whatsoever to his popularity among the Greek electorate. Quite telling, to put it mildly. As for the fascists in these countries, they are vehemently anti-immigrant but also anti-Oligarch and, consequently, totally hostile towards Zionism and Russophobia — at least for their PR purposes.
Eastern Europe, by contrast, has no “radicalized” Social Democracy to speak of. There, fascism is entirely based on Russophobia and ecstatic bootlicking of zionism and Western imperialism. And with all that comprador garbage passing for “nationalism”.
I have a question… as the ‘anti-IS US led coalition’
1. has not been invited by President Assad to bomb Syria
2. has not been given a UN mandate to bomb Syria
why can’t Assad tell them to ‘go to hell and get out of his country’?
I have not seen this question asked or answered… ?
In which Kozin says:
“The Kremlin does not conceal the main aim of its military operation in Syria: The aim of Russia’s air campaign is to prepare the ground for offensive by the Syrian regular army and allied Syrian armed opposition forces who hope to regain control of IS-infested lands and restore peace and stability in the country.
Russia will welcome any assistance from the outside world in suppressing this highly virulent disease. It will be a strong backer of Bashar al-Assad as a single leader in Syria who can actually save it from a nation-wide collapse facing large-scale terrorist threat. Therefore, ***Moscow will not accept any interference into Russo-Syrian affairs.**** In other words: either cooperation with Russia, Syria, Iran and Iraq or abstention from any wrong-doing to undermine their interaction.”
It would make sense to me if Assad would also say the same thing, namely:
” I am in charge here in Syria. I choose my own and my country’s friends, thank you. Now butt out, all of you who are breaking international law. When this is over I’ll see you at The Hague.”
“Putin called on the United States who claims to “know the situation on the ground in Syria better than any other side” to provide the Russian Defense Ministry with data on the locations of ISIS terrorists in Syria, if these claims are actually true.” — link to SANA.
When you call ‘a spade a spade’ the whole deck can go wild/bananas/berserk, but that’s like reshuffling them, not get a new set of cards.
FUKUS is as naked as naked can be, and what an ugly monstrosity it really is.
It will take many decades to come for the wold to see the truth, but one day mankind will thank Mr. Putin and Russia for standing up to the bullies.
Beethoven honored Bonaparte by dedicating his 3rd symphony to the man, until the formal corporal crowned himself emperor. I’m not a composer, but I surely hope Mr. Putin will stay himself, as I think he will. The long and winding path to the future is filled with pitfalls and tribulations, although MSM propaganda wants me to believe it’s going to be a smooth ride, as a long as I stay tuned in to reality TV.
There is more at stake for the US than only Syria. If the US would really go against ISIS/ISIL Saudi Arabia (and other Gulf States) could end the Petrodollar System by selling oil for other currencies than the Dollar.
Punny headline of the day, downright filled with Hillarity, too:
Hillary Clinton’s emails scandal a ‘political witch hunt’: Political scientist
US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s email scandal is largely motivated by partisanship and is a “political witch hunt” by her detractors, an American political scientist says.
“I believe that probably 80 percent of this Hillary Clinton personal or private email server discussion is politically motivated and a waste of time,” Wilmer Leon said on Thursday.
Thu Oct 08, 2015 4:28
Russia Reportedly Uses Infrared-Guided Smart Bombs Against ISIL in Syria
TEHRAN (FNA)- One of the weapons used in the Russian war against ISIL may be a little-known self-aiming smart bomb known as SPBE, the daily Rossiyskaya Gazeta reported on Thursday.
Russia has recently carried out operations destroying ISIL vehicles, in one case as many as 50, and in another instance 20 tanks. This may be evidence that Russia has been deploying SPBE smart munitions, RIA Novosti reported.
The SPBE is a self-guided bomb that uses infrared guidance and is able to strike tanks and other military equipment with great precision. Unlike its US counterparts, it does so at a relatively low cost. The bomb was developed from the more advanced and expensive KAB-500Kr guided bomb, which is effective for destroying high-value targets such as bridges and command posts, but less effective for multiple targets such as military equipment.
ISIL Terrorists Hiding from Russian Airstrikes in Syrian Residential Areas
TEHRAN (FNA)- The ISIL Takfiri terrorists are hiding in residential buildings in the Syrian province of Deir Ezzur to avoid Russia’s airstrikes, reports said.
The ISIL terrorists suffered a significant loss of life and equipment due to the airstrikes conducted by the Russian Air Force; this has forced many of the terrorist group’s militants to move their families to safer quarters inside the Iraqi provinces of Anbar and Nineveh in order to evade the swarming fighter jets.
Recently, the terrorist group has taken an old approach to evading the relentless Russian airstrikes – they have chosen to find shelter in residential apartments because the Russian Air Force does not target these buildings.
Syrian Armed Forces Launch Large-Scale Offensive against ISIL
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army started large-scale offensive against ISIL in Idlib and Hama provinces on Wednesday. [PHOTOS]
the MSF campaign @, #independentinvestigation, hopefully will not be changed by sell out forces within that organization. The US government thinks it can destroy a country/infrastructure and then say, “Sorry?” and that is it? oh yes, including throwing a couple of $$$ here and there mainly into the off shore bank accounts of local oligarchs/drug lords. That is not making amends.
it is time for the chickens to come home to roost. It is called retribution ( not revenge which is a different animal). Do you even know what you have done?
No, no, no. They don’t think they can destroy a country/infrastructure and then say “sorry” and get away with it.
They think they can destroy a country/infrastructure and then say “You ignorant ragheads should be more grateful that we helped you out!” and get away with it. So far they’ve been right, and they’ve been doing it for more than a century. Let us hope it doesn’t last too much longer.
Exactly right! Look at Vietnam,Afghanistan,and Iraq (there were/are others,but these are enough for a pattern).In total millions of people killed,wounded,lives ruined.And not one, “I’m sorry” even.But don’t get me wrong,there is a lot of sympathy and regret inside the US over those wars.But its all for the “poor soldiers” having to be there.And “forced” to save those “ungrateful,savage” peoples.As well as the trillions of dollars we “were forced” to spent “helping” those “ingrates”.I’m sure you must realize that “exceptional “people ,are always the givers.And “unexceptional” people are always the takers.And if you “don’t” realize that, just talk to our citizens they’ll set you straight on the “facts”.
Bob, I remember seeing an old Yankee documentary about the H-bomb tests in Micronesia. The peaceful inhabitants being forced off their land were repeatedly called ‘the savages’ by the Yankee commentator. The inversion of reality and projection was sickening, but typical.
Very typical.You should see videos made about/during the Vietnam War.In them the term “savages” would be the “nicest” term used for the Vietnamese.
Yes indeed. Just to give my “more than a century” some context, I’d add in the US occupation of the Philippines at the very beginning of the 20th century, complete with brutal, atrocity-studded warfare against attempts at independence.
“So far they’ve been right, and they’ve been doing it for more than a century.”
History is laterally dynamic so likely
“They think they can destroy a country/infrastructure and then say “You ignorant ragheads should be more grateful that we helped you out!” and get away with it.”
is no longer an option.
However it would be impolite not to thank the opponents for their contributions of foolery which proved, proves, and likely will prove useful.
teranam 13, I’ve already seen one MSF flunky who seemed very keen on NOT bringing the Yankee mass murderers to account. Either a Kouchner Zionazi loyalist, or someone who appreciates just how psychotically homicidal our global overlords really are.
re latest on the hospital war crime of Kunduz: from RT
Here’s some more photos of Vlad. And not one of him golfing!
Compare this to the golf-aunt:
Those are great pics of VVP. He sure is easy on the eye. A friend of mine says he’s James Bond who became president. Not an inaccurate description.
I doubt that’s him as tourist on red square with Ronald Reagan. Also I couldn’t open the Obama’s “golf aunt” links..
> I doubt that’s him as tourist on red square with Ronald Reagan.
Add me to that.. Whenever I see that image I find it hard to believe that this is in fact VVP.
He looked much different from youth to now.
Whatever: He really loves animals, you can see this.
It is not show. For this alone I like him already. He is a good-hearted human being.
Obama images: Odd, for me in FireFox on UNIX they work.
No plugin or anything needed, it’s direct links to jpg files without any scripting:
Almost certainly the photo of the kid shaking hands with Reagan isn’t Putin. His autobiography is pretty frank. Not only is it that as an extremely poverty stricken child of a factory worker he would have been highly unlikely to ever get anywhere near Reagan, he would have talked of it in his Bio – and there is nary a word.
re James Bond who became president:
This was EXACTLY my own thought as I looked at the photos!!
Closest comparable image to hand: 007.
Funny to see it immediately put in writing by another.
Putin is a trained intelligence officer. He has to be able to handle himself under multiple physical—and social—challenges. He has to be able to handle a gun, a car, a plane–whatever.
But he is also a mensch. That shows in his not being embarrassed to getting out and dancing, pouring tea for a little girl, giving her his attention–unaffected. Tagging a bear—presumably this is a learning experience for Putin. So much the better. There is a lot to learn in life.
Dancing may be one of Vladimir Vladimirovich’s favorite things, who knows? But can you see our Mr. Cool Obama doing any such thing? There is nothing spontaneous about him.
In fact, Obama is the one who is a cypher, not Putin.
Putin looks to me like a normal human male with superior capabilities.
Obama is a pod of some kind. Weirdly androgynous and cold.
VVP is the man of the moment. No doubt about it.
I waded through ‘Soul Mountain’, a Chinese Nobel Prize winner.
Among the worst books I’ve ever read.
Nothing more than an extended midlife crisis Riddled with arrogance and pretension posturing as insights.
The only thing I learned was the author really, *really* resents women.
He is much-championed by the French alt-Left, a bunch of pseuds that award charlatans of all stripes for their insults to human intelligence.
It was the most enormous relief to turn to Basil Pau’s ‘China Revealed,’ a magnificent collection of photographs (he worked with Bertolucci) accompanied by a candid and beautifully-written account of his personal history – warts and all – with the ‘dragon’ (China.)
Don’t normally expect ‘coffee-table’ books to contain such luminous and illuminating text. But this one does. Pau may have the same ‘vices’ as his Nobel prize-winning compatriot, but – oh! – such a different sensibility. He has a huge range of empathy and a truthful, critical eye.
Of course, his total lack of pretentious drivel – and the fact the book is mainly pictorial, not textual – meant he would never get a nomination.
Totally recommend it.
Great pics Martin!!
Arent his dogs absolutely beautiful?
He looks like he has a playful and funny side too – I bet he can ‘deadpan’ like a pro. (“Have I told you about my Siberian cannibal ancestors, Barry? Strictly kosher of course..”)
I’ve been looking for you. I wanted to be sure that you had seen Starikov’s explanation (staging) of the immigration crisis. Of course the Turks began it by turning the people in the refugee camps loose, but there was more to it.
Perhaps you know more about it than the rest of us since you are right there in Germany. Anyway, see what you think of this.
regards, -P
Russia! Please stop sabotaging Novorossiya!
Who knows what corrupt “deals” are being cut in the capitalist corridors of power…
I understand such worries, but you have to see it in perspective:
“””””Putin, Rebels Once Again Show Kiev Is Main Obstacle to Peace in East Ukraine
Putin has just salvaged the Minsk II peace deal by convincing East Ukraine rebels to postpone elections even though Kiev has never held a dialogue with them called for by the agreement
What’s new is that Europeans may finally be starting to hold Kiev to account – at least a little”””””
Also think about what can be done when and in which order.
Martin, thanks for the Russia Insider link. There’s a lot of good information here. But a pro-West bias is evident. For example, the statement “In the past few weeks, the main roadblock to the implementation of the Minsk-2 peace settlement has been proposed local elections in Donbass,” is the opposite of truth. The main obstacle has been Kiev’s refusal to implement election and special status laws with the approval of the DPR/LPR as required by Minsk 2.0. The elections in Donbass were a mere issue trumped up by Poroshenko, Merkel and Hollande to obscure the real obstacle: Kiev.
– Russia will pay price for Syrian airstrikes, says US defence secretary – (From the Guardian 8/10/2015)
« Ashton Carter was talking at a meeting of Nato defence ministers in Brussels on Thursday during which the foreign ministers agreed to increase a Nato response force intended to move quickly to flashpoints.
There were no plans to deploy the force to Turkey, though the Nato secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, suggested its existence alone should discourage future Russian or Syrian incursions on to Turkish territory.
“They have initiated a joint ground offensive with the Syrian regime, shattering the facade that they are there to fight Isil [Isis],” he added. “This will have consequences for Russia itself, which is rightly fearful of attacks. In coming days, the Russians will begin to suffer from casualties.”
Carter said that Russian missiles had come within a few miles of hitting a US drone over Syrian airspace, but he restated a US refusal to coordinate its own air campaign against Isis with Russian forces because of the Russian emphasis on supporting the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad.
Germany’s defence minister, Ursula von der Leyen, said Russia must recognise that if it targeted opposition groups in Syria that are fighting Isis, “Russia will strengthen Isis and this can be neither in the Russian interest, nor in our interest”. »
And within the recent days :
– Turkey Could Reconsider Russian Gas Purchases Over Airspace Violation
– The Islamic State is training Russia-born militants in Afghanistan, some of its instructors possessing US and UK passports, a top Russian diplomat said Thursday at a security conference in Moscow.
– The US and Turkey have threatened to shoot down Russian warplanes if they stray into Turkish airspace, following two accidental, momentary violations of the Syria-Turkey border by Russian military aircraft.
So,where does Turkey “think” they will get the gas from? and at what cost? Do they think its May.Last time I looked at the calendar it was October,which leads directly to Nov,Dec,Jan,etc.Certainly,it doesn’t get as cold in Turkey (most of it) as in Germany.But still loosing 60% of its gas at one sweep (with an election around the corner) is a poor idea on their part.And since Russia imports farm products from Turkey,which could be cut off in a heartbeat.That is another poor idea for Erdogan.I doubt the Turkish farmers would be nearly as “mild” about their protests as the EU ones were.The only thing they could try was to block the Black Sea.But that would give Russia the excuse to block it on their side.Which means not a single ship could enter or exit the straits into the Black Sea.And if NATO tried to defy that blockade,we’d see just how accurate those Russian missiles are.And find the sea a floating NATO graveyard.
This latest Turkish/NATO BS is just an enhanced part of the “Big Bluff” they’ve been trying since the Ukraine coup.Unless they are willing for WW3 right now.They the will curb themselves.Of course I could be wrong.But I really don’t believe they are stupid enough to commit a mass NATO suicide.
Hi UB, I really enjoy reading your posts which are always interesting and well thought through.
Only one objection, you wrote:
“””””The only thing they could try was to block the Black Sea.But that would give Russia the excuse to block it on their side.Which means not a single ship could enter or exit the straits into the Black Sea.”””””
I don’t understand how you mean this.
Sadly Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine are no longer members of the Warszaw pact anymore.
And Crimea is far away from the Bosporus (Crimea: the West still conitinues to claim it is integral part of Ukraine and will probably continue to do so for the next millennia, or its own aka our all end).
So how would Russia block the Bosporus from its own side without invading foreign countries or “illegally” blocking international waters?
Hi UB, no problem.
I bet you confused the Bosporus with the Sea of Azov?
No bad thing, though.
Given that you are some 11 thousand kilometers away.
That was my point really.If Turkey puts herself as an enemy of Russia then Turkish territory is fair game,that includes the Bosporus. I looked up the treaty governing rights to the Bosporus.I was hoping to see that Turkey couldn’t do that.But I saw that under the “law” the Bosporus isn’t deemed an “International water way”,but as Turkish property.There are sections that say that only if its deemed a “threat” to Turkey can they stop commercial vessels going through it.But they can military vessels whenever they choice.And they can regulate the cargo on commercial vessels as well.So in a stand-off with Turkey,Russia could “legally” close off entry and exit from Turkish territory (i.e.the straits).And Russian subs and missiles wouldn’t have much trouble enforcing that blockade if they choose to.So while that would be an extreme measure to need to take.So would the Turkish denial of Russian passage in the straits.So one would need to counter-balance the other.And yes,we would probably be moments from war if either was done.
Oh, thanks for the detailed info.
Didn’t know it that precisely. Must have a look.
Russia’s response to Carter:
The US is looking weaker day by day by day. Russia must be doing something right.
” “They have initiated a joint ground
offensive with the Syrian regime,
shattering the facade that they are there
to fight Isil [Isis],” he added. ”
‘Facade?’ Putin and Lavrov have persistently and consistency stated their support of Assad’s legitimacy. Russia is in Syria at the invitation of the Syrian government. Everyone knows this.
Does the moron think by endlessly stating the sun rises in the West and sets in the East it is therefore true?
I really don’t know how either Putin and Lavrov manage to keep cool heads in the face of these constant provocations. As for Assad..he must think Hell is too good for them.
The US and West in general is truly plagued by the most venal, criminal class of politicos. Carter and his ilk make Tony Soprano sound like the Buddha.
Roll on retribution. Some day. Soon.
eimar, the evil criminal and monster Russophobe, Brzezinski has climbed out of his v\crypt to recommend the US take out the Russian forces in Syria, to protect their billion dollar investment in Daash. Looks like the evil old reptile wants to take us all with him in his long overdue demise and rapid transfer to Hades.
re “s and this can be neither in the Russian interest, nor in our interest”. »
Jesus, the arrogance and patronizing vibe of these people.
Is it stupidity, or are they pretending?
Surely if writers and reader on this blog and others can grasp Russia’s basic game plan in Syria vis-a-vis “moderates” in teh west and ISIS in teh east,, then the German defense minister should have enough gray cells for the job.Apparently not. Or, she is just pretending and is just a mouthpiece.
But informing a sovereign country—a real sovereign country, Russia—of what’s is in their best interest a la Sister Mary explains it all to you, and this nanny type lady is an official of a colony, Germany, not a real sovereign couintry—well, the mind boggles at the hubris and childishness. Make von der Leyen look kind of like a Nuland clone.
O tempora, o mores!
Is anybody going to comment on the latest global scandal: Nobel literature prize 2015. goes to Svetlana Alexievich!?
First, she is not writer at all, she is just a journalist.
Second, she is born in Ukraine, but is Belarussian and an anti-Lukashenko dissident. What she is most famous for is her hatred of Putin’s Russia.
” At a news conference today, Alexievich was asked about statements that she hates the Russian people. She replied: “ I love Ukraine very much. And when I was on Maidan, on the square recently, and saw the photos of the Heavenly Hundred, I stood and cried. It’s also my land. ”
So she cried for “Heavenly Hundred” on Maidan, but of course she didn’t cry for hundred or more murdered Odessans, not to mention thousands of dead civilians in Donbass.
This is another absolute degradation of Nobel prize.
This is more sick than Obama’s prize, because Obama’s prize is for peace, and it is always 100% political, but this…. this is outrageous! This is nothing short of declaration of war on Belarus. The West is not giving up its plans to conquer Russia at all.
And how do the real writers feel about all of this?
Western world is so degraded. Slavoj Zizek is considered the greatest philosopher, and Svetlana Alexievich is considered the greatest writer in the world! It was never like this. We have never fallen so low. Mediocrity enthroned.
More sad than angry….
Please refrain from constantly posting links to Mainstream Media sites. You have been asked before to stop. They have been removed, as will any others you post. Thanks.
posting links to MSM is ok by Saker policy…mods have changed Saker policy ?
What we need to understand fully (Russians especially) is that there is nothing ,”nothing”,connected to the West the Empire doesn’t control.Be it banks,business companies,media,politicial parties,sports,group associations,”nothing”.So when I see things like you mentioned I’m not at all surprised.And I don’t give any thought about a “Nobel Prize” at all.Well,maybe that isn’t true totally.It does “piss me off” that they defile awards like that.But it certainly doesn’t surprise me.
I was thinking the other day about a related problem (a friend was having financial problems because he was helping Novorossia).And it reminded me of a fact I’ve always known.Love while great,doesn’t move the World,money does.As long as the Empire has money (fiat or not doesn’t matter) to pay their stooges.There will always be a long line of them ready to serve it.Supporting Russia doesn’t “pay”.Which is why we have such a hard thing finding supporters.Now those we do have are “true” supporters of course,and that’s great.But still,we are always out numbered at least two to one.On the one hand,I wouldn’t trade any of the great loyal supporters we do have for Empire stooges.But on the other hand.We (as in Russia and China,not me or you) need to figure out a way to make sure we can finance our supporters better.And not let them lose out and have to drop out over funding problems.
I suspected this, Wend, as soon as I saw the award, never having heard of this ‘genius’ before. The Western campaign to demonise Russia has long gone beyond the psychotic. The Literature Prize is now as debased as the putrid ‘Peace Prize’. And the psychotic Yankee power elite are reacting to the destruction of their terrorist death-squad creations in Syria with deranged demands to attack and destroy the Russian forces. At least it makes plain their total support for the jihadist butchers, but does, sort of, risk thermo-nuclear war.
So the Nobel Prize in Literature went to a journalist who has spent her writing life assembling non-fiction books that are fodder for Russophobes.
IN her books Russia is vilified for Soviet sins. The Nobel Prize has a recent history that is clearly a propaganda tool. They did the same a few years back with China, giving the Peace Prize to a dissident who has about seven devoted followers among the 1.3 billion Chinese.
Every institution in the West is used for these hateful intrigues.
They debase what little culture is left in Western societies.
And the double bang they get this year is to hit Belarus, where she comes from and which is a target for color revolution.
Lukashenko should wise up, put the Russian Air Base in Belarus and join the Russian World before they destabilize his country next.
Those new sniper rifles the US is sending the nazis in Ukraine can shoot into Belarus as easily as they can kill women and children in Donbass.
Yes,if the Empire /NATO “wins” in Ukraine,Belarus is certainly to be next on their “menu”.I can’t believe Lukashenko isn’t able to see that.Does he think he would be the “one” leader the West demonizes and then lets stay in power.It just doesn’t work that way with them.
That’s what I’m saying. But Kukashenko clearly plays his own power games.
See my earlier comments in (Ctr^F search for Lukashenko)
Damn me, “Kukashenko”. It was an unintended misspelling caused by too much shifting from tab to tab while typing.
Was not intended.
In the Nobel Prize context, it should be spelled Litterature. Total zio-trash.
Pepe Escobar at his best:
Jim Stone has a chuckle/rant up about the panic in the USSA alphabet agencies over their being taken to task over their intel failures in seeing any of this coming from Russia at all.
PLEASE you say! Here is Carter directly threatening Russia…
“Russia will pay price for Syrian airstrikes, says US defence secretary”
(The Guardian)
Arrogant bully-boy thug talking big to hide his fear, or totally psychopathic thug willing to risk human extinction to protect the US investment in jihadist death-squads. Either way, a monument to human villainy.
re: Putin’s popularity in Iraq…an amazing article given the source and prejudices:
(according to //
re: Who is fighting in Northern Afghanistan?
a listing of US war crimes ( these are not “oops) :
Anonymous, please could you do one post with all your links rather than post after post with one link. Thank you.
why, is there a shortage of space on the www ?
….NOTHING left to be said………let’s stay calm and focussed …maybe an unspeakable DREAM will come true…….let’s see….
blessings to mankind
There is a special level in the circle of Hell for those who apologize for premeditated evil per this NYT article. The Hegemon will defend the right to keep its CIA death squads activities classified.i. e. those who “in the chain of command” called in the strikes. At least they stopped blaming the Afghans.
Often there are rants against ZeroHedge by some commentators (part of MSM, infiltrated by CIA or whatever).
But did anybody ever notice that they list this very blog on the left side of their page? Apparently they are doing so for quite some time, because they are still pointing to the old url from before the migration to the new blog format:
Oil Price
Peter Schiff
Rebooting Capitalism
Shanky’s Tech Blog
Slope of Hope
SmartKnowledgeU Blog
TF Metals Report
The Burning Platform
The Daily Crux
The Economic Populist
The Hammerstone Group
The Market Ticker
The Trader
The Vineyard Of The Saker
Themis Trading
Value Walk
Variant Perception
View From The Bridge
Wolf Street
Russian officials have suggested that the United States is plotting the deterioration of the security situation in Afghanistan and the expansion there of the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group.
The officials made the remarks during a security conference in Moscow, Russia Today reported on Thursday.
Addressing the event, Zamir Kabulov, the Russian presidential envoy to Afghanistan, said, on several occasions, Taliban groups which had refused to join Daesh were “set up” to be targeted by US airstrikes.
News now coming out that the Sep 24 Kunduz toll was much higher than first made public:
The medical aid agency, Doctors without Borders, says at least 33 people are still missing, five days after a deadly US airstrike on its hospital in the northern Afghan city of Kunduz.
“We are continuing to try to contact the [missing] staff. We cannot speculate on their whereabouts,” the charity said in a statement on Thursday.
The agency, known by its French acronym MSF, said it has set up a hotline in a bid to trace 24 staff and the nine patients who are still unaccounted for.
All propaganda guns blazing from the usual suspects.
Seems the Moldovan ex-KGB Russian-linked ISIL enriched- uranium dirty- bomb- plot AP story hasn’t taken off.
The photos of run-down middle-aged guy toting green carrier bag of ‘dirty bomb stuff’ probably lacked a certain ‘oomph.’ (Bag looked clean enough to me..)
Maybe they should have topped the plot-salad with a couple of Illuminati lizard folk?
* * *
Sooo..back to the old stand-by, Iran.
CNN – citing Pentagon officials (names? nope.) ‘reports’ four of the Russian Cruise missiles crashed in Iran (pics? nope.)
The Iranians say no reports at all anywhere in Iran of the event. But what would they know? They only live there.
@ eimar,
Q; lacked a certain ‘oomph.
R; @ Langley they teach their students to ‘try’ to reach for ‘oomph’ to end up with to a ‘triumph,’ but in the backstreets of Baghdad, that’s slang for a little dog’s intestines.
@Daniel Rich.
Clever :)
And Iran has also trashed the missile story calling it “psychological war”:
it does not matter, BBC says that a “certain Iranian newspaper” says it is credible information, no mention of the newspaper, Iran government refutes it etc. The news item is spoken so rapid so as to make it a “fire and forget” news, which will be dug up later in this coming war.
I shared a link to this image and Saker’s url on twitter and so far it got 64 re-tweets and 19 stars.
Ahh, best regards to the CIA reading my name, damn bastards.
MOD response to US charge that four or more cruise missiles fell short into Iran.
Full denial and put down by the Russians of the dopes at anonymous US department of hegemonic murder.
Yeah….anonymous “officials”…….. BBC 2 Newsnight really going to town, says are Pentagon officials……Ash Carter says he expects rus.casualties in the next few days…..beeb 2 prog has Poro stating Uraine and syria is new russian front..a belt of instability was was right all along…interrviews Stoltenberg……who backs up Turkey as ” first respondent”…..he is looking a bit scared….says Nato is not defenceless in this situation if another incursion….Nato is responding to protect its allies….some people say uk foreign policy may soon decide lesser of two evils is to deal with Daesh…..Peter Ford ex uk Syrian ambassador was actually very reasonable and against mainstream hysteria…..which says events could easily lead up to a hot war…..oh well…..if they want one ……
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian defense ministry rejected reports alleging that four of the 26 cruise missiles fired from Russia’s Caspian fleet at ISIL targets in Syria have crash-landed in Iran, saying the reports are part of the West’s “psychological warfare”.
A source at the Iranian Defense Ministry told Sputnik that it has not received any report indicating the crash of the Russian missiles on Iranian territories, describing the allegations as “psychological war”.
Russia’s Defense Ministry also denied the US media reports of the alleged incident, stating that all missiles hit their designated targets.
“No matter how unpleasant and unexpected for our colleagues in the Pentagon and Langley was yesterday’s high-precision strike on Islamic State (of Iraq and the Levant) infrastructure in Syria, the fact remains that all missiles launched from our ships have found their targets,” ministry’s spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.
We could try looking at this complete mess from a different angle. Considering that the psychopathic scum in Washington are basically just gangsters in suits, and right evil ones at that, and not very bright either, and due to the size of its military, America has become basically a gun for hire to the highest bidder.
Regarding events in Syria I have a feeling Washington has accepted a truckload of cash from the Saudis and Qataris to basically do the hatchet job on Assad and his government same as they did to Ghadafi in Libya.
With the Russians now stepping in and saying enough is enough they are going to find that contract impossible to fulfil.
It reminds me of this crime programme I saw once, there was this Puerto Rican police department that was basically run by a cold blooded murderer for a police chief. Him and his select “team” within the police department would take contracts from Puerto Rican gangsters to whack their enemies or witnesses to their crimes. They would also use their privileged positions as “officers” of the law to carry out their own heists and robberies. The whole sick scam was exposed in the end. These Washington nut jobs are exactly the same.
@ know the truth,
Everybody knows the truth, but nobody can say a thing, coz careers are on the line.
Analysis of US and Israel Foreign Policy in IR Theory Perspective.
How many guilt trips can a person take, before s/he concludes ‘enough is enough?’
Get rid of the 1% + 2% so 97% of mankind can live in peace?
But, the 1-2% were personally Chosen by God to rule over the ‘little people’ forever. If humanity refuses to obey their God-ordained Masters, then they will richly merit their destruction. The sheer malevolent, malignant Evil of the Western elites, plus their incomprehensible arrogance means that human survival into the future is a very tenuous prospect indeed.
While it’s true that Washington is one big “Offal Office”, the problem with the US runs much deeper. The Pindos are morally bankrupt as a people; that’s the only sane conclusion to be drawn from their total hatred, disgust, and contempt with regard to other peoples, nations, and cultures — in short their psychotic Exceptionalism. If you compare today’s Germany with the US, it becomes very clear indeed what difference a resounding imperialist defeat right at home makes on the national psyche.
@ Nussiminen,
Q; If you compare today’s Germany with the US, it becomes very clear indeed what difference a resounding imperialist defeat right at home makes on the national psyche.
R; Would it be fair to conclude that fascism is just one of the many masks a people can hide behind?
The players may vary, but does the play itself actually change?
Very true. More specifically, in the West the alternative of fascism comes in handy when class privileges, entirely dependent on imperialist rampage, are at stake and this rule applies to the Oligarchy and the grovelling Western middle classes/labour aristocracies alike. In places such as the US and the Zionist Entity, fascism is especially appealing since the very national identity there is based on European settler colonialism with all its well-known niceties. And, as opposed to Germany and Italy, there have been no sufficiently “humbling experiences” at home yet to render the fascist option less attractive.
Looking at Southern Europe, we see that in places such as Spain and Greece fascism competes with “radicalized” Social Democracy to protect the middle classes/labour aristocracies, used to their First World lifestyles. Indeed, not even the instant, total capitulation before the Eurocrats by Tsipras dealt any fatal blow whatsoever to his popularity among the Greek electorate. Quite telling, to put it mildly. As for the fascists in these countries, they are vehemently anti-immigrant but also anti-Oligarch and, consequently, totally hostile towards Zionism and Russophobia — at least for their PR purposes.
Eastern Europe, by contrast, has no “radicalized” Social Democracy to speak of. There, fascism is entirely based on Russophobia and ecstatic bootlicking of zionism and Western imperialism. And with all that comprador garbage passing for “nationalism”.
Great cartoon – kudos to the artist.
I have a question… as the ‘anti-IS US led coalition’
1. has not been invited by President Assad to bomb Syria
2. has not been given a UN mandate to bomb Syria
why can’t Assad tell them to ‘go to hell and get out of his country’?
I have not seen this question asked or answered… ?
My thought is that as soon as US aircraft are out, stingers will be in. Much safer to keep the US in the air over Syria.
Me, too, I wonder about this.
Why doesn’t Assad call a press conference an d”explain” that Russia and he have a bilateral agreement and it is really no one else’s business, and would the USA, Turkey, and Saudi ARabia please go home.
Tehre is a piece published in Oriental Affairs and reprinted at Global Research, by Vladimir Kozin.
Very long URL:
In which Kozin says:
“The Kremlin does not conceal the main aim of its military operation in Syria: The aim of Russia’s air campaign is to prepare the ground for offensive by the Syrian regular army and allied Syrian armed opposition forces who hope to regain control of IS-infested lands and restore peace and stability in the country.
Russia will welcome any assistance from the outside world in suppressing this highly virulent disease. It will be a strong backer of Bashar al-Assad as a single leader in Syria who can actually save it from a nation-wide collapse facing large-scale terrorist threat. Therefore, ***Moscow will not accept any interference into Russo-Syrian affairs.**** In other words: either cooperation with Russia, Syria, Iran and Iraq or abstention from any wrong-doing to undermine their interaction.”
It would make sense to me if Assad would also say the same thing, namely:
” I am in charge here in Syria. I choose my own and my country’s friends, thank you. Now butt out, all of you who are breaking international law. When this is over I’ll see you at The Hague.”
Several reports that the ape-Kingdoms of the Arabian peninsula are ready to supply the Syrian Jihadists with more advanced weaponry.
What will Russia do in response?
Well, arm the PKK and the Houthis with more advanced weaponry.
Mark my words, when all is said and done, Turkey and KSA will not be on the map. Not in their current size at least.
“Putin called on the United States who claims to “know the situation on the ground in Syria better than any other side” to provide the Russian Defense Ministry with data on the locations of ISIS terrorists in Syria, if these claims are actually true.” — link to SANA.
When you call ‘a spade a spade’ the whole deck can go wild/bananas/berserk, but that’s like reshuffling them, not get a new set of cards.
FUKUS is as naked as naked can be, and what an ugly monstrosity it really is.
It will take many decades to come for the wold to see the truth, but one day mankind will thank Mr. Putin and Russia for standing up to the bullies.
Beethoven honored Bonaparte by dedicating his 3rd symphony to the man, until the formal corporal crowned himself emperor. I’m not a composer, but I surely hope Mr. Putin will stay himself, as I think he will. The long and winding path to the future is filled with pitfalls and tribulations, although MSM propaganda wants me to believe it’s going to be a smooth ride, as a long as I stay tuned in to reality TV.
I’ll buckle up anyway.
Two sets of videos I wanted to share …
The 1st one by StormCloudsGathering :
– WWIII – Syria, Russia & Iran – The New Equation –
The other two come from and was made by Luke Rudkowski from WeAreChange :
[1st part]
[2nd part]
There is more at stake for the US than only Syria. If the US would really go against ISIS/ISIL Saudi Arabia (and other Gulf States) could end the Petrodollar System by selling oil for other currencies than the Dollar.
Punny headline of the day, downright filled with Hillarity, too:
Hillary Clinton’s emails scandal a ‘political witch hunt’: Political scientist
US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s email scandal is largely motivated by partisanship and is a “political witch hunt” by her detractors, an American political scientist says.
“I believe that probably 80 percent of this Hillary Clinton personal or private email server discussion is politically motivated and a waste of time,” Wilmer Leon said on Thursday.
“The fact that the server has been hacked is not inconsistent with the fact that the United States Office of Personal Management; their server was hacked, subjecting almost 21.5 million Americans to identity theft,” Leon told Press TV.
MSF in ‘Kurdistan’ supplying anti-chemical weapons gear to peshmerga, a ‘violation’ of its apolitical brief, if not its humanitarian one:
Wonder what this indicates about the US attack on the MSF hospital in Afghanistan?
1.ISIL in Iraq is using chemical weapons on the Kurds – particularly mustard.
2. Turkey is a NATO member.
3. ISIL supply-lines – which include chemical weapons clearly – reach deep into Turkish territory.
4. Those weapons are also being used against civilians in Syria.
5. So how could the US-coalition not know?
Are those weapons also being supplied to ISIL in Afghanistan?
Is that what MSF knows – and has been bombed into silence about?
More and more it looks like the US attack was premeditated.
Thu Oct 08, 2015 4:28
Russia Reportedly Uses Infrared-Guided Smart Bombs Against ISIL in Syria
TEHRAN (FNA)- One of the weapons used in the Russian war against ISIL may be a little-known self-aiming smart bomb known as SPBE, the daily Rossiyskaya Gazeta reported on Thursday.
Russia has recently carried out operations destroying ISIL vehicles, in one case as many as 50, and in another instance 20 tanks. This may be evidence that Russia has been deploying SPBE smart munitions, RIA Novosti reported.
The SPBE is a self-guided bomb that uses infrared guidance and is able to strike tanks and other military equipment with great precision. Unlike its US counterparts, it does so at a relatively low cost. The bomb was developed from the more advanced and expensive KAB-500Kr guided bomb, which is effective for destroying high-value targets such as bridges and command posts, but less effective for multiple targets such as military equipment.
ISIL Terrorists Hiding from Russian Airstrikes in Syrian Residential Areas
TEHRAN (FNA)- The ISIL Takfiri terrorists are hiding in residential buildings in the Syrian province of Deir Ezzur to avoid Russia’s airstrikes, reports said.
The ISIL terrorists suffered a significant loss of life and equipment due to the airstrikes conducted by the Russian Air Force; this has forced many of the terrorist group’s militants to move their families to safer quarters inside the Iraqi provinces of Anbar and Nineveh in order to evade the swarming fighter jets.
Recently, the terrorist group has taken an old approach to evading the relentless Russian airstrikes – they have chosen to find shelter in residential apartments because the Russian Air Force does not target these buildings.
Western Syria (inland east of Med Coast)
Syrian Armed Forces Launch Large-Scale Offensive against ISIL
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army started large-scale offensive against ISIL in Idlib and Hama provinces on Wednesday. [PHOTOS]
Viva a Russia!!!