The more I listen to Ruslan Ostashko, the more I like the man. This latest video is nothing short of brilliant. I sure hope that the Kremlin is listening too!
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Ruslan is a smart chap. Well done.
Is it just me or are there no english subtitles?
At the bottom right of the video window you should be able to see a CC button. Clicking on it will give you english subtitles. …mod-hs
Anonymous: There are English subtitles. Could it be your browser?
Top class thinking… hit the money nerve.
This sounds like “Don’t get mad, get even.”
I hope it works.
Taking fraudsters on on their own preferred field of combat is assured victory….
The upward “I was ordered to by X, Y or Z” defences in striving to preserve their heritage ought to be fun.
Leave it up to the Russians to come up with a counter strategy and not play dead after being bullied.
Why Russian journalists don’t make any documentaries about the doping in Germany? In contrast to German state TV(that started this propaganda campaign against Russian athletes in 2014) they could do it without fabricating conspiracy theories because German athletes and politicians admitted it openly. That way people could see Western double standards even more easily. They would ask why for example the German football team is not banned from the World Cup and the European Football Championship.
Schweinsteiger says he stops by three or four times a month for treatments. Sometimes he’ll take injections, including Actovegin, before every match at major tournaments.
“You feel it after five minutes in the legs,” he offers. “It brings them back to life. It is perfect for me.”
Schäuble about doping:
“We want those agents restricted and used under a doctor’s responsibility, because there appears to disciplines in which without the use of these means of competitive sports competition in the world competition can no longer be kept up today.”
How about posting the link so those stuck using an apple pos can access the subtitles?
“How about posting the link so those stuck using an apple pos can access the subtitles?”
Ruslan Ostashko. Five minutes of common sense: How Russia will be punishing WADA
Download Firefox.
Thanks Scott.
The Olympics come and go, but Russia can also respond assymetrically at its leisure. Open up Arctic and Siberian investment to international investors from China, Japan, India, Brazil etc, while banning US, British, and German companies from EVER having a bite, without even saying or making it seem so, but they would get the message. THAT would really hurt…for a very, very long time. You see, the West’s childish anti-Russia tantrums are about just one thing – Russia’s unexploited riches in natural wealth, and is what drives western corporations behind the politicians giddy with lust, and why the US Deep State wants Putin out of the way. Make the morons regret it painfully where it hurts most..their pockets.
Scanfish, you are so right! But it’s not the “American” people, it’s the people who own everything. Get it?
He assumes that western courts will be impartial. He cites past success in foreign courts for Russia as in indication of future success, but litigation is expensive and time consuming, and regardless of what he says, the outcome is always unknown.
If one doesn’t try, one doesn’t succeed. Good strategy: throw many complaints “at the wall”, always more and more, Do-It-Yourself if that’s possible, and eventually one or more will stick. Keep on working at it relentlessly. They don’t have to be important issues, “rinky-dink” works too, and every time you win, you “throw” more at the wall. Eventually the wall (the court) sees that things that are unfair or illegal need to be fixed.
Sounds simple and unpretentious. It is but it works.
Perhaps if the Russian athletes and others do not follow Rulan’s recommendations it might be because to beat your opponent at his own game, you must be better at it than they are – and you must be totally invulnerable to dagger thrusts in the other direction (perhaps in areas outside of the Olympics). Also, when it comes to winning in civil court, one must have “deeper pockets” than one’s opponent (bearing in mind that most of these Olympic officials are probably indemnified against any civil action taken against them.)
One other thought – perhaps the preferred policy of the Russian government, with its different values, is not to stoop to combating the Americans in their own game, although it is clear that such a standoffish posture does have its down side.
Good luck getting justice in western courts, they will need it – lots of it. How naïve the Russians can be about the west and its institutions!
Does this Russlan not follow the other news, ongoing for years now, about how swift justice has been for Iran?
Go for it, & see if you have anything left after a decade or 2 of lawyer fees in owned kangaroo courts.
Latest was yesterday ex-prez Amadinejad? penning that open letter asking Lord O “Where’s the money, Lebowski?” LOL
Then there’s the opposite extreme: see how FAST Philippines got that UNCLOS fraud ruling after they snapped their fingers & paid off the right people?
Or how about that mega-scam fraudster Lance Armstrong pulled for 6 years—did the runners-up get any redress at all, since clearly they were the champs each of those years?
NOPE! Official ruling was that the records show there was NO winner those 6 years!
As far as I know, the UNCLOS fraud ruling was a theater, literally – a private arbitrary court manned, set-up and paid for by the Philippines. Of course they were fast in their ruling – the Philippines did not want to pay salaries for years. :D
“Their goal was to ban from the Olympics all Russian athletes, and that’s what the boycott would achieve.”
Careful here. That wasn’t their goal. Their goal was global negative publicity, as much of it as possible. Their ideal scenario would be one where Russia is always present and always being banned. If Russia wasn’t attending the Olympics, then no athletes = no opportunity and they would have to look elsewhere for spectacles of mass attention. Which are predictable.
Very, very astute, Ted. Yes, this explains everything, the real reason for the “ban Russians, they cheat propaganda”. They have managed to tar Russia and its sports widely all over the world. Very dirty play, but very clever and very successful.
God loves revenge. That’s why he often makes it so successful. As a public service I remind revenge seekers 2 important points.
1. Don’t seek revenge in a moment of anger. Serve it up cold.
2. Never let on that you got even. Play innocent.
Very good!
Revenge is a dish best eaten cold.
Our forefathers and -mothers knew a thing or two about revenge. And thye weren’t talking about courts of law as the locus of revenge . . .
Also, perhaps revenge can be sought on another “field” of battle, where only a few will understand the connection . . .
Isn’t this why countries have secret services, etc.?
What would MOSSAD do?
Njet gavarich russkie?please any chance of brief text file – not even subtitles. I iz ignorant anglo yob brought up in the colonies..Passeba.
US swimmers seem to be coated with special anti friction skin paint. Australian media focussing attention on water flow and droplet formation on US swimmers skin. As I understand it the use if a coating is directly in contravention of the rules and is akin to wearing full body suit.
And this from a totally useless media whore named Samantha Lane in Australia’s ‘Sydney Morning Herald’:
Despite bald and shocking evidence of a systematic, state-sponsored doping program in Russia unearthed by a World Anti-Doping Agency probe, the IOC chose not to apply a blanket ban on that nation’s athletes on the eve of these Games. It’s a decision many think looks particularly weak in light of the International Paralympic Committee’s verdict to do the opposite.
Wonderful! I also wrote a piece to use Russian lawyers and Russian new courts new international laws to break up the criminal use of sports money to erase a whole country genocidally! I am watched, have few ways to post effectively, just a tiny bit. Need help.
Oops, that statement regarding skin paint was a hoax told to me and I apologise for posting it.
I agree, this is a tough man and a good strategy to teach the us gangster how the future will be for them.
Revenge is a meal, which has to be enjoyed cold!
Long live Russia!
I like this commentator. Presents his ideas clearly.
Russia won the Yukos case overturning the £50 billion judgement and the attempts to confiscate Russian assets.
This looked like a lost cause because of the quests embrace of Khordokovsky
The also won a recent judgement in the UK on another thief Pugachev( not sure of spelling)
They won the compensation for not building the nuclear facility
So this can be done.
What an excellent idea. Maybe they should organise crowd funding for the legal actions. I am sure there are many, many people around the world who would want to contribute some way towards justice for Russian athletes. Go after the IAAF as well!
Attention Mods please.
Not trying to divert away from this site, but some people seem to have trouble with the subtitles, and as it happens, Fort Russ published a transcript here:
Five Minutes of Common Sense: WADA might have won the battle, but will lose the war
I hate to see our volunteer translators do double work. This has been translated twice now, by J. Arnoldski for Fort Russ – and they’ve been carrying Ostashko’s pieces regularly in recent months – and independently by Eugenia for the subtitles.
Perhaps the Saker team could talk to the FR team and see if there’s a way to save work? You’re all heroes in my book, and share the same cause. I hate to see wasted effort anywhere.
Casus belli?It the olympics stupid…….
Attempts to Destabilize Crimea Will Be Met With Tough Response.
Attempts to destabilize the situation in Crimea will be met with stringent measures, Crimean leader Sergei Aksyonov said after the announcement of foiled terrorist and diversionary plots Wednesday, reaffirming the safety of the peninsula’s residents and visitors.
Well Putin has spoken on this too. No more Normandy talks and these are acts of terror:
Looks like we now have the answer as to why Russia was keeping quiet about the border incident the other day. It is intereseting to note that Russian citizens were also involved – Chechen?
No surprise liars in Kiev deny – I am sure there is lots of evidence to back up these attacks from across the border.
The usual Olympic misdeeds and just as Russia and Turkey finish their meetings (plus Azer/Iran and Armenian)…….
Translation in English?
Even though I belonged to the ‘boycott’ camp, I herewith renounce my membership :-)
Still think an alternative to the money-go-round of international sports events is required: starting with abolishing all advertising.
Footballers look like billboards these days..
Me on the contrary was never in favour of boicotting the games, since this is what they wanted, Americans.
Btw, seen last night the female gimnastic final and must say that was trepidant, with Russia starting in the 4th place and finally winning the silver medal. The Chinese were very good, and reminded me of those epic gimnasts of the past with that infantile figure, only one of them had a fault in her floor exercise, but they initially had the second place.
Also, found that in the American team had all the same muscular figure, not feminine at all, and, curious enough, one girl in the team, the one with a jew surname, made his floor exercise to the rhythm of “Kalinka”….
@”Also, found that in the American team had all the same muscular figure, not feminine at all,
Well, I guess that might be the new feminine, because how else are you gonna do the moves that Simone Biles does? They require, quite simply, incredible strength to get the spring, hence the height, that she achieves, hence the complexity of her moves.
Like Nureyev, flying off the ground.
I was thinking of doping of any kind, since they all have the same figure.
Obviously to me all that strenght is not coming from grandma stews for sure….
I liked more the expressive and feminine style of the Chinese and the Russians, much more natural figures, despite the accusations coming specially from the US, of course this is a matter of tastes. And, besides, liked also their humility. American athletes I am finding them very godlike….Phelps is unbearable….Sorry to say….
2016 Gymnastics: Olympic Preview-Russia VS Usa TEAM
Here Alexandra Raisman floor exercise.
The torso is completely masculine, in ther times female gymnasts did not have such a figure and also made great achievements.
Here the great Nadia Comaneci.
Nadia Comanici was lovely. Of course I remember her.
Nadia was also 14 years old at the time.
These comments remind me of the invidious comments made about many dancers who don’t have the right “look” for ballet, and these dancers that don’t have the right look don’t have much of a chance in ballet.
The world of gymnastics has changed. These current gymnasts are older (now a legal requirement—obviously there are questions as to how gymnastic training affects growth of young athletes). And some of them have a very different body type that is not the ballet type. I don’t think it is fair to assume that broad shoulders and narrow hips are a result of drugging if there is no evidence of such.
I cannot wait until they take on the fascist Canadian MacLaren firm……and then I will write to the below-zero Canadian prime minister.
He should be the first target.
It’s not like he hasn’t managed to give Rus plenty of ammunition with his blatant ignorance/lack of transparency of methodology and protocols.
That alone proved it was political, even before the contemptible Paralympics ban.
Just when you think the globalist apparatchiks can’t go any lower, they go and prove you wrong..
Pleas please please provide translations-subtitles for nonrussianspeaking readers. Would be grateful. Ritsaart Boeke
There are English subtitles. As instructed above “At the bottom right of the video window you should be able to see a CC button – in settings. Clicking on it will give you english subtitles”. Mod
I had to put the video on full screen before the captioning button appeared. Using Chrome on an iPad-mini. On out of date versions of both…
Let us recall one thing on worldwide famous and oversold sports. The American NBA for basketball.
It shows 20 over teams, all highly professional, they Go To Olympics and are labeled a show.
in a rough calculation NBA has over 400 pro players from coast to coast paid for with indecorous salaries.
In the courts they perform physical near impossibilia, day in day out, recalling that the minute-split substitutions are a must.
Now one question: How Many guys fm NBA have been caught or picked up by any WADA for a simple doping exam, in say, 80 years?Not a single soul so far, otherwide we all would have heard of it.
Yet few circus pros can compete with their physical pirouettes.
Naturally they are all saints and behave like ones, including in olympics.
Throw that big shit to the fan, saker!
I’ve always found that “interesting” too. How pro athletes can be classed as amateur for the Olympics.
Excellent approach to sue the pants off WADA and the IOC and federations that interfered with Russian participation in the Olympics. Also a multi-pronged approach is necessary to redefine what is and is not doping. Medronium is certainly no PED Taking away their power and suing those who blatantly used politics so they could not only smear Russia but ensure their own athletes didn’t have to compete against the best taints this Olympics forever. No post hoc new drugs can be added at the last minute without proper scientific vetting is a must for a fair and open Olympics otherwise the Olympic movement is Dead On Arrival. A shame that the US has stooped so low it can hardly complain about crawling under the belly of an ant!
love it
Another proof that Russians play only dirty games.
Can the Russians beat the corrupt American lawyers at their own game? Let’s hope so!
The US State Dept is behind any and all attempts to subjugate Russia. From the Qatar gas line up thru Syria, Ukraine destabilization, wherever however is the bottom line of the US State Dept. These actions began with the US Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki for Political hay on Russia. Nothing has changed.
Sun Tzu:
“When you have the truth, play the your opponent’s game because in their game, he lose always.”
That’s it.
Russia is the South Africa of our days.
Same moves, same motives, same puppeteers. Economic and cultural Isolation, moral scorn, the support of internal strife, classic divide et impera.
What was wrong back then, so it is today.
And do not come at me with all the butbutbut…SA was an apartheid state and the like. I simply do not care. Look at the outcome and not the shinny vehicle presented.
An arguably highly functioning country was dismantled and nothing but raw sewage left in it’s wake. A nuclear power @ that (SA). Even blacks, who remember it, now cry out in nostalgia for white rule. Think about it.
Same with Libya, same Syria, Iraq…
The arguments laid out by the presenter are valid. For minimal investment you tie down tremendous resources – regardless of outcome. Almost regardless, since they will be always renegade judgements.
I personally do not care, have not watched any sporting event of the sort, soccer, or F1, any TV, or any of these childish distractions from the ongoing war on my people now for going on two decades, so it is no skin off my nose.
If you don’t drink, prohibition is not likely to effect ya.
There You is.
Thank you for this ~ enjoyed listening as well as reading the subtitles ~ Viva Russia/Putin,
This strategy may be useful to gain revenge in other areas. The USA is well-known to be the most litigious society in the World (something the “USA, USA, USA!!” brigade do not mention), and one of the most effective means of wearing down any adversary is to use the systems they provide for their “own” use, against them.
Waste THEIR time / resources, not yours.
US Corporate greed has provided plenty of other “tools” that may be used against them (particularly lack of infrastructure investment – “Just in Time” delivery / stockholding mindset / inadequate [or sometimes completely absent] availability of alternative systems should major failures occur).
It may be useful to remember this: –
Note that the “relatively common” 7.62 x 39mm rounds have a muzzle energy of 2 kJ; the Finnish-designed Lapua Magnum cartridge (0.338) delivers three times that energy per round (and fits a number of US-made rifles that used to be readily available from e.g Wal-Mart!).
Then there are the numerous “sniper rifles” manufactured by Barret and many others that take the 0.50 BMG round – 15kJ muzzle energy.
“These weapons are not ‘Available’ to the General Public”?? Money talks especially in the home of Capitalism. They are easily available if “the price is right”.
“Too heavy”? the specialist Sniper rifles are no heavier that many “standard” military assault weapons and with the much higher impact energy, you don’t need to expend over a hundred rounds – two reasonably well-placed rounds per transformer would achieve a “better” result, in a FAR shorter timespan.
I note that we’re still waiting to find out “whodunnit”. I suspect we might be waiting for some considerable time (because I suspect this may have been a “trial run” to see if such an assault was practicable).
Time will tell.
While I agree with Ruslan’s comment, we all know that the US will not be held accountable to anyone.
What an excellent idea.
Really, the Russians need to follow up on this. Not just for their own benefit but also for the benefit of those who are not in a position to defend themselves; or those who have also been stung by the ‘intents’ of Western Globalist nations.
And it’s all legal…
I’d like the Olympics to be, as we “Americans” used to say, “fair and square”.
Go to it! Good luck!!
My feeling is that the Olympics is a money-fund for those who run it. Used to be held every 10 years? Then a more grasping group took over. Maybe those who are being cold-shouldered by the present Olympics should start an alternative?