In the distant 2017, I wrote a piece I entitled “Manipulated minorities represent a major danger for democratic states“. After reading the comments to my recent “Has the first domino already fallen” post, I have decided to repost that old one as I (hope) that it has a new relevance today, when the USA is been torn apart by the Woke ideology and Europe by multiculturalism. I also see a direct connection between this issue and the US/NATO/EU war against the Serbian nation.
So I repost it below and open the floor for comments.
Kind regards
Manipulated minorities represent a major danger for democratic states
(originally published on August 25, 2017)
First, a quick disclaimer or, should I say, a clarification: When I speak of minorities, as I will below, I do that as a person who belongs to a long list of minorities. I was born in a family of Russian refugees. Right there, that makes me part of a (rather small) minority. Furthermore, I lived most of my life in the French speaking part of Switzerland, that again makes me part of a minority. Then, I am an Orthodox Christian. That is also a minority inside of the so-called “Christian” world (in reality a post-Christian world, of course). Moreover, I am a traditionalist Orthodox Christian, a small minority inside the much bigger “world Orthodoxy”. And inside that, I am a Russian inside a majority Greek Church. I also lived for 5 years in Washington, DC, which was something like 70% Black and, at the time, openly and often rudely hostile to Whites (I never thought of myself as a color before, but I sure felt like one during those 5 years). And now I am a “legal alien” living in the USA. Anyway, while I am “White” (what a nonsensical category!) I suppose, that hardly makes me a typical WASP. So I am quite used to “being a minority” (and I quite like that, would I add). Just thought this might a useful clarification before I engage in the following thoughtcrimes.
Question: why does the US foreign policies always support various minorities? Is it out of kindness? Or a sense of fairness? Could it be out of a deep sense of guilt of having committed the only “pan-genocide” in human history (the genocide of all the ethnic groups of an entire continent)? Or maybe a deep sense of guilt over slavery? Are the beautiful words of the Declaration of Independence “we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal” really inspiring US foreign policies?
I submit that the real truth is totally different. My thesis is very simple: the reason why the US always support foreign minorities to subvert states and use domestic minorities to suppress the majority US population is because minorities are very easy to manipulate and because minorities present no threat to the real rulers of the AngloZionist Empire. That’s all there is to it.
I think that minorities often, but not always, act and perceive things in a way very different from the way majority groups do. Here is what I have observed:
Let’s first look at minorities inside the USA:
- They are typically far more aware of their minority identity/status than the majority. That is to say that if the majority is of skin color A and the minority of skin color B, the minority will be much more acutely aware of its skin color.
- They are typically much more driven and active then the majority. This is probably due to their more acute perception of being a minority.
- They are only concerned with single-issue politics, that single-issue being, of course, their minority status.
- Since minorities are often unhappy with their minority-status, they are also often resentful of the majority.
- Since minorities are mostly preoccupied by their minority-status linked issue, they rarely pay attention to the ‘bigger picture’ and that, in turn, means that the political agenda of the minorities typically does not threaten the powers that be.
- Minorities often have a deep-seated inferiority complex towards the putatively more successful majority.
- Minorities often seek to identify other minorities with which they can ally themselves against the majority.
To this list of characteristics, I would add one which is unique to foreign minorities, minorities outside the USA: since they have no/very little prospects of prevailing against the majority, these minorities are very willing to ally themselves with the AngloZionist Empire and that, in turn, often makes them depended on the AngloZionist Empire, often even for their physical survival.
The above are, of course, very general characterizations. Not all minorities display all of these characteristics and many display only a few of them. But regardless of the degree to which any single minority fits this list of characteristics, what is obvious is that minorities are extremely easy to manipulate and that they present no credible (full-spectrum) threat to the Empire.
The US Democratic Party is the perfect example of a party which heavily relies on minority manipulation to maximize its power. While the Republican Party is by and large the party of the White, Anglo, Christian and wealthy voters, the Democrats try to cater to Blacks, women, Leftists, homosexuals, immigrants, retirees, and all others who feel like they are not getting their fair share of the proverbial pie. Needless to say, in reality there is only one party in the USA, you can call the the Uniparty, the Republicracts or the Demolicans, but in reality both wings of the Big Money party stand for exactly the same. What I am looking at here is not at some supposed real differences, but the way the parties present themselves. It is the combined action of these two fundamentally identical parties which guarantees the status quo in US politics which I like to sum up as “more of the same, only worse”.
I would like to mention an important corollary of my thesis that minorities typically more driven than the majority. If we accept that minorities are typically much more driven than most of the population, then we also immediately can see why their influence over society is often out of proportion with the numerical demographical “weight”. This has nothing to do with these minorities being more intelligent or more creative and everything to do with them willing to being spend much more time and efforts towards their objectives than most people.
So we have easy to manipulate, small groups, whose agenda does not threaten the 1% (really, much less!), who like to gang up with other similar minorities against the majority. Getting scared yet? It gets worse.
Western ‘democracies’ are mostly democracies only in name. In most of them instead of “one man one vote” we see “one dollar one vote” meaning that big money decides, not “the people”. Those in real power have immense financial resources which they cynically use to boost the already totally disproportional power of the various minorities. Now this is really scary:
Easy to manipulate, small groups, highly driven, whose agenda does not threaten the ruling plutocracy, who like to gang up with other similar minorities against the majority and whose influence is vastly increased by immense sums of money invested in them by the plutocracy. How is that for a threat to real people power, to the ideals of democracy?!
The frightening truth is that the combination of minorities and big money can easily hijack a supposedly ‘democratic’ country and subjugate the majority of its population to the “rule of the few over the many”.
Once we look this reality in the face we should also become aware of a very rarely mentioned fact: while we are taught that democracies should uphold the right of the minorities, the opposite is true: real democracies should strive to protect majorities against the abuse of power from minorities!
I know, I have just committed a long list of grievous thoughtcrimes!
At those who might be angry at me, I will reply with a single sentence: please name me a western country where the views of the majority of its people are truly represented in the policies of their governments? And if you fail to come up with a good example, then I need to ask you if the majority is clearly not in power, then who is?
I submit that the plutocratic elites which govern the West have played a very simple trick on us all: they managed to focus our attention on the many cases in history when minorities were oppressed by majorities but completely obfuscated the numerous cases where minorities oppressed majorities.
Speaking of oppression: minorities are far more likely to benefit and, therefore, use violence than the majority simply because their worldview often centers on deeply-held resentments. To put it differently, minorities are much more prone to settling scores for past wrongs (whether real or imagined) than a majority which typically does not even think in minority versus majority categories.
Not that majorities are always benign or kind towards minorities, not at all, humans being pretty much the same everywhere, but by the fact that they are less driven, less resentful and, I would argue, even less aware of their “majority status” they are less likely to act on such categories.
Foreign minorities play a crucial role in US foreign policy. Since time immemorial rulers have been acutely aware of the “divide et impera” rule, there is nothing new here. But the USA has become the uncontested leader in the art of using national minorities to create strife and overthrow a disobedient regime. The AngloZionist war against the Serbian nation is the perfect example of how this is done: the US supported any minority against the Serbs, even groups that the US classified as terrorists, as long as this was against the Serbs. And, besides being Orthodox Slavs and traditional allies of Russia, what was the real ‘crime’ of the Serbs? Being the majority of course! The Serbs had no need of the AngloZionists to prevail against the various ethnic (Croats) and religious (Muslims) minorities they lived with. That made the Serbs useless to the Empire. But now that the US has created a fiction of an independent Kosovo, the Kosovo Albanians put up a statue of Bill Clinton in Prishtina and, more relevantly, allowed the Empire to build the Camp Bondsteel mega-base in the middle of their nasty little statelet, right on the land of the Serbian population that was ethnically cleansed during the Kosovo war. US democracy building at its best indeed…
The same goes for Russia (and, the Soviet Union) were the USA went as far as to support the right of self-determination for non-existing “captive nations” such as “Idel-Ural” and “Cossakia”. I would even argue that the Empire has created several nation ex nihilo (What in the world is a “Belarusian”?!).
I am fully aware that in the typical TV watching westerner any discussion of minorities focusing on their negative potential immediately elicits visions of hammers and sickles, smoking crematoria chimneys, chain gangs, lynchmobs, etc. This is basic and primitive conditioning. Carefully engineered events such as the recent riots in Charlottesville only further reinforce this type of mass conditioning. This is very deliberate and, I would add, very effective. As a result, any criticism, even just perceived criticism, of a minority immediately triggers outraged protests and frantic virtue-signaling (not me! look how good I am!!).
Of course, carefully using minorities is just one of the tactics used by the ruling plutocracy. Another of their favorite tricks is to created conflicts out of nothing or ridiculously bloat the visibility of an altogether minor topic (example: homo-marriages). The main rule remains the same though: create tensions, conflicts, chaos, subvert the current order (whatever that specific order might be), basically have the serfs fight each other while we rule.
In Switzerland an often used expression to describe “the people” is “the sovereign”. This is a very accurate description of the status of the people in a real democracy: they are “sovereign” in the sense that nobody rules over them. In that sense, the issue in the United States is one of sovereignty: as of today, the real sovereign of the USA are the corporations, the deep state, the Neocons, the plutocracy, the financiers, the Israel Lobby – you name it, anybody BUT the people.
In that system of oppression, minorities play a crucial role, even if they are totally unaware of this and even if, at the end of the day, they don’t benefit from it. Their perception or their lack of achievements in no way diminishes the role that they play in the western pseudo-democracies.
How do we with deal with this threat?
I think that the solution lies with the minorities themselves: they need to be educated about the techniques which are used to manipulate them, and they need to be convinced that their minority status does not, in reality, oppose them to the majority and that both the majority and the minorities have a common interest in together standing against those who seek to rule over them all. Striving to remain faithful to my “Putin fanboy” reputation, I will say that I believe that Russia under Putin is doing exactly the right thing by giving the numerous Russian minorities a stake in the future of the Russian state and by convincing the minorities that their interests and the interest of the majority of the people are fundamentally the same: being a minority does not have to mean being in opposition to the majority. It is a truism that minorities need to be fully integrated into the fabric of society and yet this is rarely practiced in the real world. This is certainly not what I observe today in Europe or the USA.
The French author Alain Soral has proposed what I think is a brilliant motto to deal with this situation in France. He has called his movement “Equality and Reconciliation” and as of right now, this is the only political movement in France which does not want to favor one group at the expense of the other. Everybody else either wants to oppress the “français de souche” (the native, mostly White and Roman-Catholic majority) on behalf of the “français de branche” (immigrants, naturalized citizens, minorities), or oppress the “français de branche” on behalf of the “français de souche”. Needless to say, the only ones who benefit from this clash is the ruling Zionist elite (best represented by the infamous CRIF, which makes the US AIPAC look comparatively honorable and weak). As for Soral, he is vilified by the official French media with no less hate than Trump is vilified in the USA by the US Ziomedia.
Still, equality and reconciliation are the two things which the majorities absolutely must offer the minorities if they want to prevent the latter to fall prey to the manipulation techniques used by those forces who want to turn everybody into obedient and clueless serfs. Those majorities who delude themselves and believe that they can simply solve the “minority problem” by expelling or otherwise making these minorities disappear are only kidding themselves. To ‘simply’ solve the “minority problem’ by cracking down on these minorities inevitably pushes them directly into the warm embrace of the big manipulators, it turns these minorities into a powerful anti-majority weapon. This is the big danger of movements like Alt-Right or the National Front in France – their actions only serve to “weaponize” minorities. Mind you, this does not mean that the concerns and grievances voiced by these movements are without merits, not at all, it’s their (pseudo) “solutions” which are the real danger.
There is only effective way to defuse the explosive potential of minorities:
- Educate minorities and explain to them that they are being manipulated
- Educate those joining anti-minority movements that they are also being manipulated
- Offer the minorities a future based on equality and reconciliation
- Put the spotlight on those who fan the flames of conflict and try to turn minorities and majorities against each other
At the end of the day, this is an identity issue. While we all typically have several co-existing identities inside us (say, German, retired, college-educated, female, Buddhist, vegetarian, exile, resident of Brazil, etc. as opposed to just “White”) in manipulated minorities one such identity (skin color, religion, etc.) becomes over-bloated and trumps all the others. By restoring a healthy identity balance inside its various minorities and by fostering those identities which most residents have in common a society can counteract the toxic effects of those who strive on conflict, chaos and mayhem. Truly, the latter are our only real enemy and they ought to be treated as such.
The Saker
The issue of empire supporting minorities is complex. The empire really seems to be a runaway plane crashing. However, it is necessary to ponder, and be careful. WOKE’s ideology and multiracial ignores the genetic research of Asian scientists. The book A Brief History of Humanity, written by the Jew Yuval Noah Harari, has a preface by Obama, and says that the small genetic differences between the three races in the world, are insignificant, and do not bring big differences. Chinese and Russian genetic researchers think differently. The resistance needs to practice real science. It is necessary not to run the temptation to seek either extreme in this thorny question, and perhaps necessary for the healthy coexistence between peoples.
Woke ideology may be wiping out England, and Prime Minister Theresa May wept at her farewell. Is this a message?
France is also being taken over by the Woke ideology, and apparently the Zionist media is ignoring the resistance that is taking place in France now. Germany, which is the largest ethnic group in the United States, seems to be the sixth eye. But can France be saved?
There’s something revealing happening now in France, and in the political milieu. Zemmour calls himself a Gaullist and a Bonapartist. as a defender of a centralizing French state and led by a conservative and unifying executive power of all the French.
He criticizes the primacy of liberalism, as an ideology that destroys social structures and reduces the individual to the condition of a consumer; opposes gender ideology; and believes in the theory of
*grand remplacement* that predicts the submission and replacement of the French autochthonous population by immigrants, namely Muslims. sources say it is sponsored by Russia.
The problem is that the French are seduced by macron. france has now become a muslim african france. macron is a banker whore who likes ugly women and doesn’t like metaphysics. As students of macro politics, we have to keep an eye on him. he advocates strategic meeting of france with russia. and we cannot abandon anthropology, and the genetic studies of serious Asian scientists, because it is a fundamental element.
Marine Le Pen is a fake. Le Pen is a woman, and it’s hard for a woman these days not to be a feminist, at least in some important respect. Culture from and including Beatles, Rock has become propaganda. It became soft power. The trustworthy culture is the classics. But it’s hard to know how French cults are dealing with soft power. Zemmour, is setting the French presidentials on fire. It ties up the field of the French ultra-right.
Éric Zemmour is a no-brainer when it comes, very skilfully, to Muslim immigration or feminism. If he’s a Zionist, it’s too early to know. After all, he has Jews who are not Zionists. His new book “La France n”a pas dit son dernier mot” (“France has not said its last word.” Son of Algerian Jews who went to France with Algeria’s independence, he preaches that immigrants, mainly from Muslim countries, they must fully embrace French civilization or else return to their own countries. Zemmour provokes so much discomfort that the very existence of the debate has been disputed, as if the journalist and writer were an unspeakable being who deserved to be outlawed by civilized society.
Zemmour has already had three convictions. His history as a polemicist can be summarized by the titles of his books. The First Sex deals with what he calls the demasculinization of French men by feminism. France’s Suicide focuses on immigration and, more generally, on civilizational decline – a topic whose historical grandeur does not intimidate him. The latter brings a ray of hope: France Hasn’t Had the Last Word Yet.
Éric Zemmour would reach the second round of the April presidential election in France, but would lose to the current president, liberal Emmanuel Macron.Harris Interactive’s survey for Challenges magazine puts Zemmour, without a political track record, and defending a far-right line in the decision, toppling right-wing leader Marine Le Pen, for the first time.
The polemicist, who has not yet confirmed his candidacy, would obtain in the first round between 17% and 18% of the votes, ahead of Le Pen (15% to 16%). The poll shows an intention of votes between 24% and 27% for the current president. Never has a candidate registered in such a short time an evolution like that of Éric Zemmour in voting intentions. According to the poll, Emmanuel Macron would prevail with 55% of the vote in the second round against Zemmour, who continues his progression in the polls, surpassing National Regroupment candidate Marine Le Pen.
Is this current adoration of the majority of the French for Macron, is it a sign of decadence, apparently with no return? Wokes victory in Europe? Christianity is a dialectical construct, used as soft power by the shrewd and shrewd Emperor Constantine. Christ was a serious, important and interesting philosopher. However, the empire’s minorities rely on Constantine’s Christianity, which is open to multiculturalism, and even to Woke ideology.
The future of the empire also depends on the next step of France, the industrialists of Germany, who seem to have surrendered, and a Christianity more devoted to the teachings of the brotherhood of Christ, than the reckless Woke ideology and as a weapon of the empire.
In my opinion, Zemmour is the prototypical “National-Zionist” (I think that Soral was the first to coin that term, but I am not sure). As is Marine, just with a lot less brains.
As for Europe, I see that as a post-Christian society in which the western Churches (Latin or Reformed) have discredited themselves so much that they present ZERO threat to the Empire or to the National-Zionists. In fact, western post-Christian “Christianity” is now a tool in the hand of the Empire.
Kind regards
The great fraud of National Zionism (by the Saker):
Andrei….i think you need a good database of your articles to pop them out whenever needed.
And this one should be in your signature (not only in bottom of website):
Maybe leave out the Biden part, he is historically irrelevant for such a historical terminology :-)
Q: “why does the US (Western) foreign policies always support various minorities” ?
Once, being different were traits that you should proud of, because it set you apart from the multitude, and made you a special person.
However, minorities are easy to present as individuals who are being persecuted, even though the minority are not being persecuted, but are just different.
Today, western propaganda massively institute conformity by targeting female emotions.
Promoted by commercials, being “different” has become a worst case scenario for every female in the west, and thus Media manipulation against any kind of persecution is easy to sell by manipulating emotions.
As an example of the power of emotions.
This picture ended the Vietnam war:
Could such powerful emotions be exploited by warmongers almost 40 years later?
In 2013 Syria was presented on western media as targeting school children with Napalm bombs, allegedly send by Assad´s jet planes. The BBC shoved a scorched brick wall of an otherwise untouched building and neighborhood, as evidence of the Napalm bomb attack.
Napalm bombs burns down whole cities to the ground, but the majority of western voters fell for the crisis actor scam, and the media manipulations resulted in the Syrian population being sanctioned and bombed even more by the Empire.
In the West, male voters stopped seeing TV long ago, as they hate being manipulated by emotional porn defying logic. And the media knows that the only TV viewers they have left, are female Voters.
Thus the western TV media and politicians have gone into full brainwash mode.
You are spot on. As my old colleague used to say; “Girls watch tele, boys listen to music”.
No hope to have for Zemmour. He was promoted by media Tycoon to make a fake buzz and then he is candidat to spoil the election or even to be elected. The same media are making his promotion indecently. France is falling on deeper.
Okay, but WHO exactly will:
“Educate minorities and explain to them that they are being manipulated;
Educate those joining anti-minority movements that they are also being manipulated;
Offer the minorities a future based on equality and reconciliation;
Put the spotlight on those who fan the flames of conflict and try to turn minorities and majorities against each other”.
One definition of politics is: who gets to do what to whom? There is a power relationship here that you seem oblivious to. Do you seriously believe that your minorities are going to joyously and passively accept your educating and offering? As if they haven’t seen it all before? Has your majority suddenly shaken off its sleep-walking complicity in that power relationship?
you seem oblivious
In Russian we say that if something “seems” to you you need to cross yourself :-)
And logic does not suggest that the sole reason for not mentioning something is not being aware of it.
With that being said,
This is the age of the Internet, and that gives lots of info to those willing to search for it. There is also a gazillion ton of bovine excreta there too. So it is for the said minorities to think, research and come to their own conclusions.
And by “education” I don’t mean create some Russian version of RFE/RL – God forbid.
But just a sincere attempts to inform, such as this blog tries to do.
As Roger Waters once wrote, each small candle lights a corner of the dark.
Hopefully, there will be more and more candles and together, they will make the darkness recede :-)
Now that I have replied to your question, may I ask what explains your rather emotional tone towards either me or what I wrote? I am just curious, so feel free to ignore my question!
Well, my “rather emotional tone” was towards what you wrote, not towards you. As the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. While I understand that imbalances of power between people are simply a fact of life, human nature being what it is, I have seen far too often those in positions of power, authority or influence over others, be they parents, bosses or government authorities, assume that the way to resolve differences is simply to ‘educate’ others to their point of view. To me, this is arrogant and destructive idiocy which only ever results in closing down the possibility of further dialogue (and hence learning) and in hardening any resentments held by those subject to it. In my view, people in positions of power, authority or influence need to reflect on, and be careful of, the responsibility that they hold. In my experience, power reveals its great potential for good when it is simply given away, for example by those with power asking questions such as: “what do you think is the best thing to do here?” or “how can I help you in this?”. The metaphor of each small candle lighting a corner of the dark is a beautiful one, but to equate it with educating minorities seems a bit of a stretch to me. And those in positions of power, authority or influence need to understand that language always expresses relationships of power and its potential for coercion. As Antonio de Nebrija wrote in the dedication to Queen Isabella in his Castilian Grammar of 1492, “Language has always been the perfect instrument of empire”. Well, we all know what came next in the Spanish conquest of the Americas. I suppose I could also note that one of my grandfathers was interned during World War II for no other reason than that he was a priest and therefore seen by the powers that be to be someone who might exercise within his community the ‘wrong’ sort of leadership. Meanwhile, his wife and children, including my mother, had to get by (which they did) on the generous charity of their church community. While interned, my grandfather patiently endured being ‘educated’ by the authorities as to how to be a ‘good’ citizen. Sorry to ramble on but you did ask. Best wishes.
Thank you Saker,
I read this gem back then and it has aged well.
All empires behave this way.
The US is merely the latest in a long long line.
It is amoral real politik, of ruthlessly controlling target regions, using time-tested divide and conquer technique.
I saw most of these issues (1-7) at play, while living as minority myself in USA.
It is astounding how small-minded men are, to indulge in their eternal hatreds, while exposing themselves to control by a third party.
Minorities are easy to lead by the nose.
And since no national leader can please all diverse groups, there will always some issue exploitable by AZ Empire to create civil war or deep animosities which can be leveraged..
Even in homogenous nations, without minorities, issues can be created, based on tribalism or class or regionalism or political party, etc..
They are experts at creating division between people.
And their utter hypocrisy is revealed in supporting Nazis in one state and Communists in a neighboring state, for example!
Absolute Machiavellis.
Among their first action plans are to assassinate indigenous leaders and to destroy the shared historical memory of a target people, so no new leaders can arise to connect the dots and lead the subjugated out of the slavery.
Like the Mongols burning the world famous libraries of Baghdad, or the Inquisition or Third Reich of books, or the aerial firebombing of world cultural heritage site of Dresden, or Facebook/Twitter/YT canceling …
Once a people indulge in such evil, it is a race between them completely genociding their targets versus the Lord providing some respite/solution to the target (or the Empire just collapsing due to overextension and internal moral rot).
Minority politics is important because we all feel like a minority. My Dad entered WWII because the little Jewish boy couldn’t go to school in Germany, just like Malala couldn’t go to school in Afghanistan. My Dad was the son of Irish settlers and relied on his education to raise him up into the middle class. And our rulers play on this. For example black sheriffs are hired to arrest white pot smokers, creating a new minority. Then you have to deal with the whole Zionist thing where the presumed minority is actually the Caucasian Financiers of Europe with nukes while the minority Palestinians eat dirt and cannot have guns. Really, we all think we are a minority of some sort, a button to be pushed by their leader’s bidding.
Minority politics is important because we all feel like a minority
Well, I sure don’t and I think that many others also do not use this “loaded” category (essentially a meaningless one to boot)
Saker, thanks for answering that you don’t feel like a minority — even though your article starts by listing your legitimate claims to that fashionable status.
Reminds me of the answer to a BBC interviewer, from an Algerian Arab who liked France and disliked Arabs because his mother was a Berber, a descendants of the pre-Arab inhabitants of North Africa:
Interviewer (sympa): What a terrible conflict of loyalties!
Interviewee: No conflict. I know who I am.
Thank you, Honorable Saker. As an immigrant who came to this country back in 1964, I am stunned by decline and fall of this country. Nowadays everyone is labeled a color, white or black, whoever they may be. Not giving their country of origin any value, as if it can be thrown into the garbage once they arrive. Now labeling everyone a color, has an “us versus them” mentality, no matter from what angle it is coming from. Also the word “minority” is one I really do not like. I feel as if I’m being treated as a minor, not able to think on my one, in need of someone to pat me on the head and state that they will take care of me.
Yes, the US really is insane about this.
When I first came to the US, it was in Washington DC for 5 years, I had no idea whatsoever that somebody saw me as “White”. Then the local blacks in DC, who clearly hated me, slowly made me realize that they did not see beyond my (admittedly white) skin. So I always told them: “stop! I am Russian, I or my family had ZERO to do with your history and the US Gov’t which you hate so much also hates my people”. That worked in most cases, and usually got me a beaming smile, some form of apology, and a long conversation.
FYI – I was born in Switzerland, Zurich, with 3 official languages and 1 more national one and 26(!) cantons with A LOT of real autonomy and self-rule.
In my Geneva (were I mostly lived in CH) amongst my best friends we really had all “colors” represented: a few whites, one yellow, 2 blacks and a few mixed-bloods and NOBODY even paid attention to these colors (other than enjoying different languages, cultures and foods!). We even joked about it: I had a friend from Germany who looked like Hitler’s dream (blue eyes, pink skin, blond hair) whose best friend was from Angola (very very black). We always called them “Black and White” like the blended Scotch whisky!
Okay, I survived DC and now I STILL do not think of myself as “white” – especially since my family has plenty of tatar/mongolian ancestry (which we are all very proud of, by the way).
Culturally, I am a Russian with strong cultural influences from Argentina, France, Greece, Spain and Brazil.
All that with 50% Dutch blood (via my father who did not raise me, and played no role, at least no good one, in my life).
So, for me, ALL racists/racialists are nutters and I thank God that the concept of “Russian” is not a blood based one…
I am a mongrel, a mulatto, a mixed-breed, etc. – and I am quite happy with that?
I pity those who only have one identity – how boring that might be :-)
God bless you, Honorable Saker. A quick story. Had a fellow employee who one day told me that Americans are really stupid. I asked him why. He was asked by a couple of black guys where was he from. He stated that he was from Tunisia. They gave him a perplexed look. He again stated that he was from Tunisia and that he was African. Mind you that his appearance is like a Parisian with very curly hair and a very white skin tone. He stated that they broke down in laughter, ridiculing him endlessly. He kept stating that he was African by birth, but they couldn’t stop laughing. He was very upset about that experience. After that story I now know that many Americans have no brains whatsoever. P.S. This happened when I also lived in the Beltway area of North Virginia.
Not al US Americans are that dumb, but some are. Once I was in a cab in DC, as a student, say late 80s, and the cabbie told me that he studied Russian at a Maryland U. I told him that I spoke Russian and that made him really happy, but he did not realize that I was Russian, not studying Russian. And then he told me:
“you know, we even have a Russian student, he is certainly KGB!”
this piqued my interest and I ask him “how do you know he is KGB”?
His reply was priceless: “well, he is from Moscow and they are all KGB there”.
I did not bother telling him the size of the population of Moscow city (nevermind the Moscow region!).
Another genius, this time from American U (which I also attended) once asked me this:
“Is it true that Sweden is socialist?”
I thought for a while (I was not sure), but then I replied “yes, as far as I remember, the current government is socialist”.
His reply was “wow! do they also have a wall?”
I had NO IDEA what he was referring to.
Another US friend (an expat who visited Europe and was a typical US expat) quitely whispered in my ear “he means like the Berlin wall”.
I was speechless
then I asked him whether he knew that Swedes tourists traveled all over the world.
He looked quite confused by that :-)
but, seriously,
these are exception, not the rule, at least not in the colleges of the 80s and 90s.
My personal experience showed me this, there were basically two types of US Americans studying (the then still) Soviet Union.
1) rabid commie haters who wanted to join the CIA or the State Department from Day 1 and who were beyond hope or cure.
2) mostly military guys who sort of “bumped into” the entire “Soviet area studies” thing and who gradually started to “study the enemy”. These types were very different. They saw their Soviet counterpart as professional colleagues. They never expressed any hostility to the Russian nation or culture as such. Some even became russophiles!!!!
I had one teacher, a former Naval Intel guy of POLISH origin, who not only taught the best course I ever had on the history of the Russian military, but also became a good friend and mentor. I helped him perfect is (already pretty good) Russian. The former Navel Intel guy actually *loved* Russia (albeit he never was a Communist, but then, neither was I). I owe him a lot as it was his superb class which made me go into military analysis in the first place.
Anyway, I had a rule of thumb: CIA or DoS guys mostly are assholes and rabid Russia haters. But US military officers (especially the command/staff/HQ type) are mostly well disposed towards the Russian people.
Also, the US officers I met at the time were real officers, not only in rank, but also in their mindset: patriotic and truly honorable. I made a lot of very good friends amongst them.
Never with the freaks from the CIA/DoS or those who wanted to join these two institutions. We call them the “political science geeks” (as opposed to us, the “security studies” folks).
Now that was in the 1986-1991 period.
God only knows what the Neocons did to the Pentagon and US military since.
I don’t have any contact anywhere in the US Admin so I really have no idea.
I invite those with more current and personal knowledge about what is going on in DC to chime in
My take is that the older US Armed Forces people are the more firmly they are have the feet on the ground. But it has to be stated that the level was declining and, especially, with what I call a collapse of Russia Studies field in the US (and the combined West)–at this stage one has to consider a level of propaganda (inevitable in any military in the world) with overall intellectual decline of both rank and file. Testimonies by Colonel Heffington or by Tim Bakken–both professors in West Point are terrifying to those who understand the issue. As Heffington writes: “Academic standards are non-existent at WP.”
Those are stunning (and scary) revelations.
I am pretty connected to the USMA and have to say that today this institution is in very sad shape for the reasons listed. It is heartbreaking to see the standards lowered to an abysmal level. Some of this is the result of the academy’s desire to compete in collegiate sports. Some of this is the result of “wokeism” and the notion of radical egalitarianism. No longer merit, no longer “Suum cuique”. Lying, cheating, and stealing are quite normal today. Getting caught is the only crime.
“Now that was in the1986-1991 period”
Those were interesting times with the draw down of forces in USAREUR but not so good for a person of your skill set. Maybe the last truly intelligent Army chief of staff Gordon Sullivan was around about this time. He certainly had a very different approach to problem solving on the operational level.
The later unitary executive era was interesting to me because internally there was very open talk of the American Empire and it’s interests. This was presented to the American public as American exceptionalism. No other country would ever again wield such power, the end of history. Oh, those heady days of hubris. An AI directed robotic battlefield was very much en vogue with future Army planners and DARPA.
Yevgeny Primakov belonged in the dust bin of history. A multipolar world order was something of a joke back then. War with Russia seemed so unlikely and if it was mentioned you might have been ridiculed. Things started to change in Russian military thinking after I left the service. Valery Gerasimov has appeared to have taken Primakov’s ideas and translated them to a very effective form of Russian 4th generation warfare. I remember reading in the Military Review an article “The value of Science is in the foresight” which described this process. I think the Russian military is much better at answering the question “what constitutes success?” than their US counterparts. AI is a very good tool to extrapolate outcomes and likelyhood but if there is infighting on what constitutes success then what use is it?
The whole US political situation seems so unstable to me today. I personally have never met any of today’s top military leaders so I can’t make a personal impression. From a distance they don’t look up to the task.
I was not talkign about students, but about the US officer corps inside the Beltway
It’s high time we concentrate on our similarities, i.e. HUMAN BEINGS!!!
What is a human being? What is a life well live as a human being? Not a men, woman, black, blue, asian, muslam, etc… In the end, we are all ONE in this, and the reality of how we survive on this planet will eventually bring us together because we will have no choice.
I do not want to believe that we wiil destroy ourselves because I am an optimist and believe human beings will evolve their AWARENESS and inteligence enough to realize and develope solutions to see us through and possibly off the planet to other greater horizons.
Visionaries and prophets, true prophets are needed…NOW!! We could you a few with forward visions instead of always looking back and interpreting old visions that have served their time.
Love and Joy, the seagull.
“Why the Empire always supports minorities”
I woudn’t say “always”, rather “as much as it finds it convenient”.
In Latin America, many indigenous tribes are clear minorities that very often oppose the Western concept of land private property, which many indigenous people consider communal and non possessible. Washington doesn’t want to support them at all.
An example is the Mapuche nation in Southern Argentina and Chile. Washington never rised a finger to protect them from clear persecution and unfair ruling from the judiciary system. A current example is the extradition, trial and conviction of Facundo Jones Huala, whose constitutional rights were not respected in Argentina.
That said, if Washington found a local indigenous leader opposing Maduro in the Guyana Esequiba area (the one disputed with Guyana) they would support him or her without hesitation.
I woudn’t say “always”, rather “as much as it finds it convenient”.
True! Good example.
But why would the Empire need the Mapuche when Argentina was mostly ruled by comprador elites anyway?
I would argue that the scumbag Argentinian politicians (long list here, I will skip it) where EXACTLY the minority which the Empire used against the people of Argentina, hence the famous “¡Que se vayan todos!” which was directed at the entire political class: a mix of sleazy corrupt Italians and no less sleazy corrupt Jews (calling themselves “Russians”, by the way – hence the question I heard often when I said that I was Russian: “real Russian or bullshit Russian” (ruso o ruso de mierda).
Poor, poor Argentina! I wish Che would come back and save his country of origin!
“…and no less sleazy corrupt Jews (calling themselves “Russians”, by the way – hence the question I heard often when I said that I was Russian: “real Russian or bullshit Russian” (ruso o ruso de mierda).”
I would add some insights about this.
Argentina received many Jewish Eastern Europeans with strong Russophile roots and staunch Communist beliefs (my family being an example). Since many Easter European Jews migrated under the Zarist and later Soviet rule (although were from Ukraine, Poland and such), all of them were tagged as “Rusos” by the local Argentinians. We don’t take offense since immigrants from Arab countries were all tagged as “Turcos” (Turks) since almost all of them came with Ottoman passports, although they were Syrians, Lebanese and such.
Regarding the Jewish community in Argentina, even though the majority are supporters of Israel and the Western block policies, a very sizeable minority (which includes me) have a strong left wing nationalist ideals and are very well versed in local and International political and social issues. It is those of us who are usually called “Ruso de mierda”, the ones who supported the Left-wing Peronist policies and the local adaptations of Marxist theory (not just copy-paste of the European experience).
I guess that the person who asked if you were a native Russian or a shitty Russian wanted to know if you were an actual person born in the Russian land or just an ordinary Jew.
Very interesting take! You might well be right, I remember all this as a kid and very young man, not like you as an adult.
I will see that strong Russian language and/or cultural (say food) roots does not make russophiles and, as you say yourself, the majority of Argentinian Jews are pro-Israeli, which makes those two conditions mutually exclusive.
Also, the vast majority of Jews in pre-1917 Russia did not consider themselves Russian (92% of them iirc spoke Yiddish at home, not Russian – that is by memory – from a census of the late 19th century or very early 20th century), if only because the state considered them as Jews, as opposed to both Russians and Karaites. Add the heavy Jewish proportion in the early Bolshevik state (careful here, while most Bolseviks were Jews, most Russian Jews were NOT Bolsheviks, they were pretty much all over the left of the time, including Bundists and socialists, etc.) and the fact that most of the White Russian emigration was viscerally anti-Communist, many also served in the so-called “Russian Protection Corps” and you get all the recipes for a clash or, at least, a strong animosity between Russians and Jews from Russia. One example, most White Russians in Argentina were totally pro Videla while large numbers of Left leaning Jews were the main object of the repressions of the post 1976 military coup (many were in the Tupamaros and, even more so, the ERP).
This all is a tip of a much much bigger iceberg which deserves a full book and several PhD thesis.
The way I see it now is that we are not responsible for our ancestors did, especially if we can take some distance and either condemn it or, at least, not endorse or whitewash it.
What I do remember is that a lot of Argentinian non-Jews had very strong anti-Jewish feelings (yes, the German emigration after WWII did feed those feelings), just remember the discussions around the “plan Andinia”. The Israeli false flag attack in BA ( only added to these tensions.
May I ask you how things are today? Has anything changed and, especially, anything for the better? By that I mean that intra-Argentinian nationalist tensions being replaced by patriotic (non ethnicity based) sense of solidarity? How about the feelings of Latin American solidarity (which Mercedes Sosa so wonderfully sang in her “Cancion con todos – Salgo a caminar):
Salgo a caminar por la cintura cósmica del Sur
Piso en la región más vegetal del viento y de la luz
Siento al caminar toda la piel de América en mi piel
Y anda en mi sangre un río que libera en mi voz su caudal
Sol de Alto Perú, rostro Bolivia, estaño y soledad
Un verde Brasil, besa mi Chile, cobre y mineral
Subo desde el Sur hacia la entraña América y total
Pura raíz de un grito destinado a crecer y a estallar
Todas las voces todas, todas las manos todas
Toda la sangre puede ser canción en el viento
Canta conmigo, canta, hermano americano
Libera tu esperanza con un grito en la voz
Todas las voces todas, todas las manos todas
Toda la sangre puede ser canción en el viento
Canta conmigo, canta, hermano americano
Libera tu esperanza con un grito en la voz,
Or Pedro Aznar in his masterpiece “Uracan”:
Las aguas claras del día brillando sobre el trigal
Mañanas de uvas y vino recordando tiempos de paz
El gusto a frío en la aurora el pan más tibio que el sol
Yo pienso en el frío que ahora habita mi corazón
Hay en los ojos del pueblo la misma enorme tristeza
porque los brazos de acero nos frenan como represas
Pero lo que ellos no saben, lo que no sabrán jamás
es que aquí en nuestra tierra, de la montaña hasta el mar,
sopla una brisa ligera que va a volverse huracán
Ah, pero ellos no saben que un día será un huracán
Amigo conserva tu mente viva y atenta al engaño
que la hora justa y precisa sonará tarde o temprano
Que sepan tus hijos pequeños que es duro y largo este viaje,
que ni dolor, madera o tiempo doblegan un corazón salvaje
“I will see that strong Russian language and/or cultural (say food) roots does not make russophiles”
The cultural environment didn’t help either. Anti-USSR official policies (requested by Washington during Cold War) made it difficult to import books in Russian language and broadcast films, except for the iconic ones (The cranes are flying, Moscow doesn’t believe in tears, the Tarkowsky films, An Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano, etc).
USSR activities were closely watched (my friends at the SARCU Institute, Argentine Society of Cultural Relations with the USSR, were surveilled by inteligence agents from SIDE when studying Russian there), at least until the late 80s.
My grandpa’s home had many books in Spanish and Russian from MIR Printhouse, partly because they spoke Russian, partly because many good technical books came from there.
“May I ask you how things are today? Has anything changed and, especially, anything for the better? By that I mean that intra-Argentinian nationalist tensions being replaced by patriotic (non ethnicity based) sense of solidarity? How about the feelings of Latin American solidarity (which Mercedes Sosa so wonderfully sang in her “Cancion con todos – Salgo a caminar):”
It changed for the better, if “better” means less intra-cultural tensions or less real antisemitism. The Jewish colectivity dwindled from the 80s and 90s. Many factors contributed to this change:
– Assimilation (many mixed marriages)
– Emigration (to the EU or the USA)
– Globalization (imitation of consumption patterns or cultural behavior of the Western powers)
– Impoverishment (a significant number of Jewish Argentinians depend on charity, much more than in the past)
– Malvinas War (helped to get rid of elitist nationalists).
– New waves of immigration (Eastern Europe, Peru, Bolivia, Senegal, Korea, Taiwan, etc.) contributed to replace Jewish people as “menaces” to job security by these newcomers.
Current nationalism is mainly embraced by the Kirchnerist branch of Peronism and its allies (the ones in power right now). It is based more on a fuzzy Latin-American identity instead of one based on place of birth. Decades of strong presence of Chileans, Bolivians, Peruvians and Uruguayans have cimented that perception.
Thanks for your perspective. I think the answer to your question requires one taking a second glance at the divide & conquer strategy to dominate and exert your power over the Empire. The Roman Legions were mercs and proxies from a myriad of non-italians. The shock troops of the Roman Legions were foreigners. So is the case with the proxies of the Empire. Do you remember of the Gurkas fighting at Las Malvinas (aka the Falklands) on behalf of the UK? Empires have always used “minorities” to exert power.
Rome is very different case: in the regions which they conquered, they made it possible for the locals to become Romans, to enjoy the same rights and obligations. Like Alexander did before them and like Russia did after them.
But they Anglos saw themselves as a superior race on a mission, which is a HUGE difference.
The is probably one of THE biggest differences between the real Rome and the fake, invented, Rome of the Franks and Crusaders which replaced it in the West.
The Roman Army was not exactly composed by ‘mercs’, but in the sense that they were volunteers. Legions were theoretically composed of Roman citizens. Auxilia were recruited from the ‘peregrini’, the ‘proxies’ from conquered populations. But as a rule they were recruited for a period of 25 years, both in the Legions and in the Auxilia and all at the end of service received Roman citizenship, ceasing to be ‘minorities’. Such length of service could not fail to develop a sense of Roman ‘patriotism’ and loyalty to the Empire, the more that the units were frequently moved around the whole extent of the Empire.
I find it so ironic that western military circles heap endless praise on the Gurkha’s combat prowess yet the Crown doesn’t deem them worthy of UK citizenship. I see very similar parallels with them and the hanjians (traitors) from Hong Kong that fled to the UK and found out the hard way that the grass is not greener on the other side.
I still don’t get why Gurkhas even bother basically whoring themselves for the anglos. If they want to fight for the degenerate woke west so bad they’re better off joining the US military or French Foreign Legion. At least those two organizations make earning citizenship easier after honorable service.
Actually scratch the US military off the list, almost forgot how Trump froze the MAVNI program and screwed over many immigrant servicemembers. I would think with the US military always struggling to meet recruiting goals the government would welcome these foreign minorities. Of course, intelligence and consistency is not their strong suit.
Right yesterday I speak with a vet with 20 years in the 2nd REP. Macron has cut the pension to 190 euro a month. He was very bitter and not only for that and he would not enlist anymore.
Isn’t this just a continuation of the British Empire’s techniques of colonisation? It could be more ancient of course but I don’t know my ancient history. The British would study a place like India, America,…, find the most ‘aggrieved’ and motivated minority and align itself with it. And that would match nicely with the Western “Christians'” hypocritical moralistic tendencies, enabling them to mobilize the Anglican Church fully in their task of empire building.
When the Italians invaded Ethiopia in 1936 they did exactly this. They came prepared with a list of our vices – ethnic rivalries, small scale slavery,… – and straight away allied with “aggrieved” ethnic groups, disgruntled clergy, etc. to attack and dismantle the country. Of course, as an Orthodox Christian, the first thing I would say is that we paid and are paying for our vices, and our focus should be on repeating of them.
I kindly request your permission to translate this into my language. This is one of the major political issue in my country.
Absolutely everything I published on the blog is under the Creative Commons license which allows you to copy modify and translate without even have to ask for my permission good luck
Thank you for reposting this.
Reposted full comment below. Mod.
Thank you for reposting this. I remember reading this the 1st time and thinking that this article posed many questions.
In a more uniformed, homogeneous individual state there is a stronger possibility of shared values and beliefs. This sort of society usually is a high trust community with very little crime and has goals that result from consensus.
A heterogeneous state generally has a divergent set of goals that sometimes overlap and sometimes are at odds with other members within the state. In other words there is generally a state of conflict based on a particular group’s identity or view of the world as opposed to another.
The Empire has it both ways. When it suits the force of education and propaganda artificially produces a form of consensus. At other times within the state differences are highlighted in order to keep anyone group from threatening the primacy of the ruling group. Perhaps the most important relationship is that of the ruler (a small minority) versus the ruled (the vast majority). Power is the end of politics everything else is just a means.
At the core of humanity there are common interests (Maslow’s Pyramid) Z.B. Perhaps when these are highlighted there is the possibility of a multipolar world that allows for individual cultural expression and difference based on respect. Perhaps then difference will no longer be associated with degradation. Each with a zone for expression of culture, language, and view of the world.
Thank you very much @Saker ✌️
The basis of this is as old as mankind. Survival. The smallest dog has the biggest brain the the biggest boll***s. It has to, to survive. Once it has, it will try to establish it’s own fiefdom.
Similarly, man was designed to be united. Yes, united enough to guarantee survival, but not more. Man was designed to live as small tribes. Even if we all looked the same, we will stlll subdivide by the size of our fingernails. That’s what we are.
All these people have done, and the Brits being the first to sense it and anthropologically take advantage of it and see enormous results from it. You may wonder when will the world wake up and realize that, but not. We have the same people put out slogans like “united we stand”, but then, it’s only good in print never in practice.
Ooopps!! The way humans are going with AI and AGI and neuralink etc… we might just end up as hybribs who can get along because we are “programmed” as such?
Are we or are we not evolving? That is the question.
A dog or any other being on this planet does not have “self-consciousness…this divine spark” that gives us memory and imagination.
Now, we can “choose” to create or destroy with such tools. The difference is hiding in our “motivation” – the criteria we use to decide our choice.
The sad situation is that most humans don’t even know they have the choice to select their “thoughts” anymore.
Media and social networks have created the “echo-chamber effect” and we cannot see clearly anymore.
We are “brain-washing” ourselves… like tribes do. We are being divided into tribal-echo-chambers and the “divide-and-conquer” tactic has been multiplied globaly but it’s “virtual”.
Time to wake up and choose again. We are not dogs, we have “freedom of choice”…
However, if we don’t wake quick, we might lose this god-given gift and end up with a dictatorship or/and totalitarian government… a”global” one. Scary, no????
“My thesis is very simple: the reason why the US always support foreign minorities to subvert states and use domestic minorities to suppress the majority US population is because minorities are very easy to manipulate and because minorities present no threat to the real rulers of the AngloZionist Empire. That’s all there is to it.”
My question is, when in the history of the AngloZionist Empire was this not the case, Saker? From the moment that Europeans first set foot on this continent it was all about domination and exploitation of the majority indigenous population. Manifest Destiny was the racist notion that certain Europeans were “chosen” by God to spread across the continent, displacing and murdering the indigenous, stealing their land and resources, and initially consigning them to “reservation”s where the majority of them continue to live in abject poverty to this very day.
If you haven’t noticed that this is exactly what the European Ashkenazim are now doing in Palestine, you haven’t been paying attention. Manifest Destiny equals Zionism equals racism, pure and simple. This is why US Zionists, most of whom are Christian, 80% of whom voted for Trump, get along so well with Likudniks like Netanyahu.
Not an easy article to write!
I agree with your thoughts on the matter! ‘Those in real power have immense financial resources which they cynically use to boost the already totally disproportional power of the various minorities. ……..
Easy to manipulate, small groups, highly driven, whose agenda does not threaten the ruling plutocracy’
How Moscow was able to reconcile with the Chechen people (and other Kavkaz Muslims) and make them partners with a stake in the future of the Russian state was masterful.
Yes, but what future brings in it us to be seen
I do not trust them…and also Russians should not.
There was no reconciliation, actually – never was, and likely never will be. The Chechens (not all, but many enough) simply realized that their choices at the time were limited to either becoming a tribe of rebellious, uneducated goatherders under perennial martial law or reluctant members of the Federation with some prospects for growth and development. They chose the latter, but it never sat well with them, and that reluctance perpetually spills out as aggressive behaviour towards ethnic Russians wherever they’re met. There’s hardly any integration beyond territorial. And potential for another separatist flare-up keeps accumulating as the generation that does not remember the cost of the previous one grows up.
It’s not just the Chechens, either. The fact is that the issue of minorities in Russia is soon going to become very big indeed, as neither they nor the ethnic Russians are happy with the existing status quo. Millions of legal/illegal migrants from Central Asian …stans are certainly not helping things.
If you’re viewing Russia as a successful model of multi-ethnic integration, you should re-evaluate that image; its’ citizens are already doing it.
“We intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones… until the social construct known as the “white race” is destroyed, not deconstructed, but destroyed.
Even if reason tells us, even shouts with all its force the very absurdity of this confrontation between the small and insignificant people of Israel (worldwide Jewry- not just the state of Israel ) and the rest of humanity… as absurd, as incoherent and as monstrous as it may seem, we are engaged in close combat between Israel and the Nations- it can only be genocidal and total because it is about our and their identities.”
Yitzhak Attia , Israel Magazine, April 2003
Since as long as I can remember (in a few hours I turn 54), “my fellow Americans” are by-and-large either apathetic or reactionary, wild or conventional wheel cogs, with little in between — and it just keeps getting worse and worse with no end in site. Now the political limbo stick is under water at the bottom of a six foot ditch in the sand. How much lower can you go??? I do not know what holds the limbo stick together since all but about a nanometer of the right and left ends has disappeared.
Part of the failure is majorities, not supporting constructive solutions. The few concerned are usually paranoid, favor crackdowns, yada, yada.
Andrei’s post is a good analysis of the problem and needed processes/solutions. Unfortunately, it just isn’t the way we in the Divided States operate.
At this point, it seems to me that TPTB have managed to prove that democracies and constitutional republics cannot work (at least Western-style ones in the West). The manipulation works only because so few can think beyond the likes of dichotomous thinking, for every problem there is a culprit, and any idea is crackpoty from someone who “blogs in a basement” unless it is vetted by the likes of Fox Plunderbund or Clinton News Network (depending on ones political leanings) (some form of conventionality mixed with authority appeal), etc.
The people are sovereign is the claim of any real democracy. Of course. How do you get them to behave as a sovereign? Any real monarch who behaved as democratic populations do would soon lose his crown to his ministers, advisors or any casual charlatan passing by. A group of people more unfit for rule I can scarcely imagine.
I would suggest that if the people want to be sovereign they should act as though they are sovereign and start to insist on their prerogatives. They must be feared and command respect. Under current circumstances they act like beggars and cringe before their betters. Race be damned.
I suggest that a very important place to begin would be for people to accept and stand for bread and circuses or, hopefully, a more dignified version of a public income. We need the inversion of the following sentiment.
“‘Bread and Circuses’ is the cancer of democracy, the fatal disease for which there is no cure. Democracy often works beautifully at first. But once a state extends the franchise to every warm body, be he producer or parasite, that day marks the beginning of the end of the state. For when the plebs discover that they can vote themselves bread and circuses without limit and that the productive members of the body politic cannot stop them, they will do so, until the state bleeds to death, or in its weakened condition the state succumbs to an invader—the barbarians enter Rome.””
The above criticism of the would be behavior of the hoi polloi is actually the behavior of aristocracies and elites. A good parasite knows how much he can take. Far from accepting such a criticism the public should grant themselves a generous income, tax the rich to pay for it, back extensive growth policies to raise that income and accept the enmity of the wealthy class and their desire to overthrow democracy.
If they realize and accept that their privileges depend on the internal solidarity of their class and that they must hang together or all hang separately they will realize their need for cooperative action against their enemies. In fact they should have numerous enemies to keep them on their toes. They will have many enemies if weak anyway as current practice shows.
As it is offering the people the role of sovereign without paying them to assume its responsibilities is to assure they will shirk their duties to the benefit of those who can scheme a way to pay themselves. The current concepts of democracy are therefore asinine.
Public duty is folly if one cannot be paid for assuming it one way or another. There are risks to be born. If you want people to work together to command the state show them how they can get money, power and respect if they do so and that they can keep that money, power and respect only if they continue to work together.
Then democracy may live up to its expectations.
The USA has never been a “democracy” and never will be, James. We are the AngloZionist Empire as the Saker loves to say. We’re currently in the process of being brought down by the “minority” that controls international banking and cutthroat capitalism. This has happened to all empires in the past.
Problem is, we are the most dangerous empire that has ever existed. It’s built into our Manifest Destiny/Zionist DNA to end human history and supplant it with some kind of world theocracy. US Zionists, most of whom are Christian, pray for WWIII to happen soon. One of them, Pastor John Hagee, claims that we have nothing to fear from nuclear war, that it will be the fulfillment of biblical prophesy. At least 40 million US Christian Zionists agree with him on this. 80% of them voted for Trump in the last election.
“…they [minorities] need to be educated about the techniques which are used to manipulate them, and they need to be convinced that their minority status does not, in reality, oppose them to the majority and that both the majority and the minorities have a common interest in together standing against those who seek to rule over them all.”
This can’t work for a number of reasons. First, it’s not that they are minorities; as you stated anyone can be a minority if you look at it a certain way. It is that they are groups that tend to have a low IQ and high time preference. They aren’t easy to manipulate because they happen to be X% of society, they are X% of society because the globalists just started to import them in the past few decades. As majorities in their own countries, they are still a problem population.
Second, even if the minorities where of similar ability (like asians) just the fact that race makes an obvious differentiator destabilizes society. Diversity leads to lowered trust, amongst other things.
Third, they do not have a common interest with other low power groups who only offer them future promises of freedoms and the Constitution. Their best interest lies with whomever can offer them the most for their support to stay in power. Far better to be the 2nd tier of a many-tiered oligarchy than tied for top tier with everyone else. Even white people have a long history of deciding it is better to be the enforcers of tyranny than a member of a brotherhood of poverty and oppression. A big part of why specific minority groups are chosen is that they come from societies that have no experience with Western culture. Instead of meritocracy and freedom, they know the patron/ client system. You vote for someone, he gives you free stuff at the expense of the people that voted for the loser.
For longer, more in depth analysis of the use of minorities in the US by the globalists I recommend Thomas Chittum’s “Civil War 2” and this essay:
Equality has usurped Justice, when the former should always be subject to the latter. Imho this is the fundamental reason minorities can be manipulated. Hence if Justice is equally served to all in deeds, minority status seizes to be a political issue. I believe this is how Russia has mostly insulated itself from such problems, as does Egypt with its Christian minority. I understand the topic is vast, but I think this is the right place to start.
It’s the first I’ve heard of Idel Ural Independence Movement.
Do they have a large support base in Russia?
looking on a wiki map they want to literally cut Russia in half
but in the 90s, there was an attempt to create an independent Tatarstan or even indepenent Ural and Siberia.
but after Chechnia, nobody wanted to repeat that experience.
America selectively “supports” minorities in Official Enemy nations as a Machiavellian stratagem to destabilize and balkanize these nations.
In short, Divide and Conquer.
All the Anglo-American propaganda about Human Rights, Democracy, Freedom, or Stopping Another Nazi Holocaust/Genocide™ are deceptions to rationalize this sinister agenda. Period. Full Stop.
The Anglo-Americans in particular are, by far, the world’s leader in terms of weaponizing minorities in other countries as part of their Divide and Conquer ambitions. The British Evil Empire was the foremost practitioner of this malign strategy, but now the baton of leadership has been passed to the American Evil Empire.
Thus, the Anglo-Americans have thus tried to balkanize Yugoslavia (anti-Serbian proxy war); Sudan (South Sudan); Iraq (Sunni vs. Shia); Syria (anti-Alawite insurgency; Iran (Balochistan); China (Uighurs, Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan); Russia (Chechens, Dagestanis); and now even Ethiopia (US backing the Tigray People’s Liberation Front)–all in the past 3 decades alone!
In fact, more attention should be paid to what the Americans are currently doing to Ethiopia, as the USA has imposed economic sanctions on that country and is trying to play the “We Must Stop Humanitarian Atrocities” card against that nation.
Shell Shocked in Amhara, Ethiopia: “I Don’t Even Want to Hear the Word ‘America’ ”
America is truly Machiavellian in its deception, as it has a unique talent for masquerading as a humanitarian crusader who sheds (crocodile) tears over select “minorities” around the planet.
There is a website devoted to this topic created by the writer Yasha Levine who talks not only about his own family’s experiences as “Weaponized Soviet Jews” but also how America weaponizes many other immigrants from around the world *against* their countries of origins.
Operation: Save the Jews
“We love immigrants but only if we can weaponize them against our enemies — especially Russia and China!
Great article! An even longer version would be nice.
A few comments:
– The Anglo and later Anglo/Zionist empire deals extremely harshly with its real enemies. Examples:
– Fred Hampton, murdered by the FBI because of his ultimate crime of trying to unify the opressed.
– Assange, effectively being murdered by the empire because of his ultimate crime of trying to show the bare bloodthirstiness of same.
– Norman Finkelstein, ostracized and impoverished for criticizing Israel.
– Compare this short list of examples with the treatment of the system towards many times far more violent BLM activists.
– Probably the initial best model for successful minority activism was the gay movement in the ’80s, fueled by a subpopulation which in its majority which did not have to spend a lot of energy in superfluous things like spouse and children.
– I do not agree that education is a solution: people will get “educated” in what they already believe. Having said that, I do not have a better proposal other than to keep on pushing for critical thinking.
I think the Quebec French nationalists would love you. They agree 100% with your statement that real democracies should strive to protect majorities against the abuse of power from minorities! And to answer your question, if you will give me a bit of license: Quebec is not a country, but calls itself a nation(with the support of Justin Trudeau) despite the fact that it is merely a province within a country. Here, the views of the majority of its people are truly represented in the policies of the Quebec government. The majority are Québecois de souche and the rest of us can go hang.
Interesting. Until now I thought that this would be nonexistent in any nation in Zone A.
The view of the majority of the people in Quebec are truly represented as long as they are homosexualist, antichristian, and trample traditional Quebecois conservatism. Wokeness really has been insidiously substituted for French identity in Quebec.
They will stand up to protect the right to eat unpasteurized cheese; that’s true; and they do speak French. But it’s all an empty shell of a culture, and the filling is the anticivilization pabulum of the world’s dominant ideology.
Minorities are supported by elites to create division.
Standard practice to divide and conquer.
They cannot plunder and control when people are united.
Yes. Crusades, inquisition, doctrine of discovery, colonialism, slavery, both Latin and Reformed are hand to hand with the elites of their times. Western christianity, since big schism of 1056, is no hope for the people, but only a hand of the two which slap their face.