[this analysis was written for the Unz Review]
In early July I wrote a piece entitled “Does the next Presidential election even matter?” in which I made the case that voting in the next election to choose who will be the next puppet in the White House will be tantamount to voting for a new captain while the Titanic is sinking. I gave three specific reasons why I thought that the next election would be pretty much irrelevant:
- The US system is rigged to give all the power to minorities and to completely ignore the will of the people
- The choice between the Demolicans and the Republicrats is not a choice at all
- The systemic crisis of the USA is too deep to be affected by who is in power in the White House
I have now reconsidered my position and I now see that I was wrong because I missed something important:
A lot has happened in the past couple of months and I now have come to conclude that while choosing a captain won’t make any difference to a sinking Titanic, it might make a huge difference to those passengers who are threatened by a group of passengers run amok. In other words, while I still do not think that the next election will change much for the rest of the planet (the decay of the Empire will continue), it is gradually becoming obvious that for the United States the difference between the two sides is becoming very real.
This is probably the first presidential election in US history where the choice will be not between two political programs or two political personalities, but the stark and binary choice between law and order and total chaos.
It is now clear that the Dems are supporting the rioting mobs and that they see these mobs as the way to beat Trump.
It is also becoming obvious that this is not a white vs. black issue: almost all the footage from the rioting mobs shows a large percentage of whites, sometimes even a majority of whites, especially amongst the most aggressive and violent rioters (the fact that these whites regularly get beat up by rampaging blacks hunting for “whitey” does not seem to deter these folks).
True, both sides blame each other for “dividing the country” and “creating the conditions for a civil war”, but any halfway objective and fact based appraisal of what is taking place shows that the Dems have comprehensively caved into the BLM/Antifa ideology (which is hardly surprising, since that ideology is a pure product of the Dems (pseudo-)liberal worldview in the first place). Yes, the Demolicans and the Republicrats are but two factions of the same “Party of Money”, but the election of Trump in 2016 and the subsequent 4 years of intense seditious efforts to delegitimize Trump have resulted in a political climate in which we roughly have, on one hand, what I would call the “Trump Party” (which is not the same as the GOP) and the “deplorables” objectively standing for law and order. On the other hand, we have the Dems, some Republicans, big corporations and the BLM/Antifa mobs who now all objectively stand for anarchy, chaos and random violence.
I have always criticized the AngloZionist Empire and the USA themselves for their messianic and supremacist ideology, and I agree that in their short history the United States have probably spilled more innocent blood than any other regime in history. Yet I also believe that there also have been many truly good things in US history, things which other countries should emulate (as many have!). I am referring to things like the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the spirit of self-reliance, a strong work ethic, the immense creativity of the people of the US and their love for their country.
It is now clear that the Dems find nothing good in the US or its history – hence their total support for the wanton (and, frankly, barbaric) destruction of historical statues or for the ridiculous notion that the United States was primarily built by black slaves and that modern whites are somehow guilty of what their ancestors did (including whites who did not have any slave owners amongst their ancestors).
Putin once said that he has no problems at all with any opposition to the Russian government, but that he categorically rejects the opposition to Russia herself (most of the non-systemic opposition in Russia is profoundly russophobic). I see the exact same thing happening here, in the USA: the Dem/BLM/Antifa gang are profoundly anti-USA, and not for the right reasons. It is just obvious that these people are motivated by pure hate and where there is hate, violence always follows!
To think that there will be no violence if these people come to power would be extremely naive: those who come to power by violence always end up ruling by violence.
For the past several decades, the US ruling elites have been gutting the Constitution by a million of legislative and regulatory cuts (I can personally attest to the fact that the country where I obtained my degrees in 1986-1991 is a totally different country from the one I am living in now. Thirty years ago there was real ideological freedom and pluralism in the US, and differences of opinion, even profound ones, were considered normal). Now the apparatus needed to crack down on the “deplorables” has been established, especially on the Federal level. If we now apply the “motive, means & opportunity” criterion we can only conclude that the Dem/BLM/Antifa have the motive and will sure have the means and opportunity if Biden makes it to the White House.
Furthermore, major media corporations are already cracking down against Trump supporters and even against President Trump himself (whom Twitter now threatens to censor if he declares that he won). YouTube is demonetizing “deplorable” channels and also de-ranking them in searches. Google does the same. For a President which heavily relies on short messages to his support base, this is a major threat.
[Sidebar: one of Trump’s biggest mistakes was to rely on Twitter instead of funding his own social media platform. He sure had the money. What he lacked was any foresight or understanding of the enemy]
Paul Craig Roberts has been one of the voices which has been warning us that anti-White racism is real and that the United States & Its Constitution Have Two Months Left. I submit that on the former he is undeniably correct and that we ought to pay heed to his warning about what might soon happen next. I also tend to agree with others who warn us that violence will happen next, no matter who wins. Not only are some clearly plotting a coup against Trump should he declare himself the winner, but things have now gone so far that the Chairmen of the JCS had to make an official statement saying that the US military will play no role in the election. Finally, and while I agree that Florida might not be a typical state, I see a lot of signs saying “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic” with the word “domestic” emphasized in some manner. Is this the proverbial “writing on the wall”?
The Empire is dying and nothing can save it, things have gone way too far to ever return to the bad old days of US world hegemony. Furthermore, I have the greatest doubts about Trump or his supporters being able to successfully defeat Dem/BLM/Antifa. “Just” winning the election won’t be enough, even if Trump wins by a landslide: we already know that the Dem/BLM/Antifa will never accept a Trump victory, no matter how big. I also suspect that 2020 will be dramatically different from the 2000 Gore-Bush election which saw the outcome decided by a consensus of the ruling elites: this time around the hatred is too deep, and there will be no negotiated compromise between the parties.
In 2016 I recommended a Trump vote for one, single, overwhelming reason: my profound belief that Hillary would have started a war against Syria and, almost immediately, against Russia (the Dems are, again, making noises about such a war should they return into the White House). As for Trump, for all his megalomaniacal threats and in spite of a few (thoroughly ineffective) missile strikes on Syria, he has not started a new war.
By the way, when was it the last time that a US president did NOT order a war during his time in office?
The fact is that the Trump victory in 2016 gave Russia the time to finalize her preparations for any type of aggression, or even a full-scale war, which the US might try to throw at her. The absence of any US reaction to the Iranian retaliatory missile strikes against US bases in Iraq in January has shown that US military commanders have no stomach for a war against Iran, nevermind China or, even less, Russia. By now it is too late, Russia is ready for anything, while the US is not. Trump bought the planet an extra four years to prepare for war, and the key adversaries of the US have used that time with great benefit. As for the former world hegemon, it can’t even take on Venezuela…
But inside the USA, what we see taking place before us is a weird kind of war against the people of the USA, a war waged by a very dangerous mix of ideologues and thugs (that is the toxic recipe for most revolutions!). And while Trump or Biden won’t really matter much to Russia, China or Iran, it still might matter a great deal to millions of people who deserve better than to live under a Dem/BLM/Antifa dictatorship (whether only ideological or actual).
The USA of 2020 in so many ways reminds me of Russia in February 1917: the ruling classes were drunk on their ideological dogmas and never realized that the revolution they so much wanted would end up killing most of them. This is exactly what the US ruling classes are doing: they are acting like a parasite who cannot understand that by killing its host it will also kill itself. The likes of Pelosi very much remind me of Kerensky, the man who first destroyed the 1000 year old Russian monarchy and who then proceeded to replace it with kind of totally dysfunctional “masonic democracy” which only lasted 8 months until the Bolsheviks finally seized power and restored law and order (albeit in a viciously ruthless manner).
The US political system is both non-viable and non-reformable. No matter what happens next, the US as we knew it will collapse this winter, PCR is right. The only questions remaining are:
- What will replace it? and
- How long (and painful) will the transition to a new USA be?
Trump in the White House might not make things better, but a Harris presidency (which is what a “Biden” victory will usher in) will make things much, much worse. Finally, there are millions of US Americans out there who did nothing wrong and who deserve to be protected from the rioting and looting mobs by their police agencies just as there are millions of US Americans who should retain the ability to defend themselves when no law enforcement is available. There is a good reason why the Second Amendment comes right after the First one – the two are organically linked! With the Dem/BLM/Antifa in power, the people of the USA can kiss both Amendments goodbye.
I still don’t see a typical civil war breaking out in the US. But I see many, smaller, “local wars” breaking out all over the country – yes, violence is at this point inevitable. It is, therefore, the moral obligation of every decent person to do whatever he/she can do, no matter how small, to help the “deplorables” in their struggle against the forces of chaos, violence and tyranny, especially during the upcoming “years of transition” which will be very, very hard on the majority of the people living in the US.
This includes doing whatever is possible to prevent the Dem/BLM/Antifa from getting into the White House.
The Saker
Again I have an issue with the word Anglo meaning a people with power!
It has been a propaganda coup to attribute power to a group who lost it in 1066, the doomsday book shows the disappearance of the Anglo elite.
The Norman and Norman dynasties of Europe backed by Jewish money is what rules the West.
Its no surprise the same names crop up at the top generation after generation wrapped in a false history created by the propaganda arm….for goodness sake the Brits still have Stockholm syndrome worshipping those parasite Windsor or Battenberg or whatever their name is.
Power is never given it is only ever taken!
The Norman families still exist in America in U.K in Europe and will continue to do so until they are removed.
FYI: http://thesaker.is/terminology/
The Saker
Another excellent article. What is missing from the article is the map introduced by Igor Panarin, Dean of the Russian Diplomatic Academy, back in 1998. The map shows the breakup of the US into six parts. If memory serves me well, Panarin expected the breakup by 2010. I always pointed out that the year 2010 was premature, and I was proven right. The map, however, is basically correct. I think Panarin made a few minor mistakes, leaving some southern states outside the former Confederacy.
The chief weakness of the US lies in two factors. First of all, it does not possess the history and traditions of Europe. European history is more than two thousand years old, laying the foundations for culture. American history is not that old, and the country began to expand far too quickly, before culture was cemented.
Secondly, the US is a nation of immigrants. Did all those ethnic groups manage to assimilate ? The latest events prove they have not. As the old saying in the US goes, ethnic groups in the US do not live together, only side by side, the basic ones being: European Protestant/Catholic, Latino Catholic, Chinese, native American and Afro-American. Emphasis should be made on the European Protestant/Catholic group, which is heterogeneous. The US Civil War of 1861-1865 had a lot to do with the fact that the Germanic North was fighting a basically Celtic South.
What precisely is going on in the US ? First of all, we are obviously seeing a clash of ethnic groups. At the moment this clash is not too severe, but has all the ingredients to be very severe in the future. Secondly, the US is paying the price for it’s illogical inception. As I have written before, the US is a banker creation, created in 1776 when George Washington, a freemason and Rothschild’s agent, started an insurrection on behalf of the bankers, who needed their own colony on the North American continent. Geography was used to create the “American” nation, which in 1776 did not exist. According to conservative historians, a mere 7 % of “Americans” joined Washington, while at the end of the “revolution” you had mass emigration of immigrants back to Europe, something historians either like to ignore or belittle. Using geography to break up a country is still used by banker controlled elites, like in the Balkans, where the Bosnian and Kosovar “ethnic” groups were created, event though there is no such thing as the Bosnian and Kosovar languages and ethnic groups.
And what does all this mean as far as the US is concerned ? It means the US was created by the rich for the rich. I believe that in the Declaration of Independence the word “democracy” was not used. The overall result is that the US elites have transformed the US into a feudal entity. Not only have we seen a huge transfer of wealth to the elites, but after 9/11 the US was transformed into a military police state. When I lived in the US during the 1980’s, the country was already a police state. It is now a military police state, where there is no difference between the police and combat troops. They look identical. As for the US political system, it’s basically a joke. What we have are two kangaroo political parties, controlled by Wall Street. As one analyst has stated, they are nothing but two hands controlled by the same head. They exist for entertainment purposes, trying to convince the people that they live in a “democracy”.
The article is correct that the elites are using the current demonstrations in order to remove Trump, with Trump being either the actual political target or an excuse. For example, the BLM movement is Soros created and financed, used for good old fashioned internal subversion. However, I find it difficult to believe that Soros, and the elites who support him, cannot understand that starting internal strife in a multi-ethnic country can lead to something very dangerous, like the break up of the country. Is this, perhaps, the intent ? After all, the bankers incited the 1861-1865 civil war in the US, when they came to the conclusion that controlling two countries instead of one was more easier. Are we seeing a repeat performance, the difference being that the intent now is to break the US into more than two entities ? Time will tell. Just to remind readers that the Montana-Colorado region has more oil than Saudi Arabia ever had. Some ten years ago an analyst stated that the oil was reserved for Canada. If you take into account Igor Panarin’s map of the break up of the US, where he pointed out that northern US states would join Canada, then that analyst could well be correct.
Finally, we come to the question if there will be a civil war in the US. The article is correct when it states that there won’t be one. I said the same on a number of occasions in my comments. There is no way that the 1861-1865 conflict can be replicated. After all, who would fight it ? How many men would be prepared to leave their families and go and fight, especially in this day and age when so many families are struggling to survive, living from pay check to pay check, with many working two jobs a day ? No way. However, what is possible is a spontaneous dissipation of the country, a break up, especially if a financial crash was to occur. This would be more dangerous than a civil war, as the US Federal Government would be helpless to prevent it, as it would have no loyal forces to do so. For example, take a look at what happened in New Orleans in 2005 during Katrina. When the city became flooded, 50 % of the police force did not show up for work, staying home to protect their families. Of the remaining 50 %, some 25 % came to work, while the remaining 25 % went on a looting rampage, some of that shown on the Internet.
So, what exactly is going on ? Are the US elites inciting all of this internal strife to remove Trump, so that their status in the country would be fully secure ? Or are domestic and foreign elites (namely bankers) doing their best to have the country broken up, with an enlarged Canada taking over from the US ? We shall see.
“And what does all this mean as far as the US is concerned ? It means the US was created by the rich for the rich. I believe that in the Declaration of Independence the word “democracy” was not used. The overall result is that the US elites have transformed the US into a feudal entity.” — check the similarities between the flags of the British East India Company and the USA. It is a corporation presenting as a country and the ‘democratic’ politics are simply Plantation Inc. Human Resources Dept theater. Other than the ownership elite, the rest of the warm bodies are either crew (military/police) or cargo.
Yes. As I have written before, the American colonies until 1776 were under Crown control. After 1776 they were placed under banker control. The US flag uses five pointed stars, which is the family emblem of the Rothschild’s banking empire. The five pointed star represents the five Rothschild’s brothers, who ended up controlling the finances of Western Europe.
I have long since felt that government in the US was like a restaurant. Running the kitchen is a head chef, setting the menu, directing the preparation of the food, etc.
Every 4 years, with much drama, we get to vote for the wait-staff. Nothing changes in the kitchen…
No offense naturally, but Its doubtful that any of that will occur and the status quo will remain mostly intact for the foreseeable future.
No need to wear the sunglasses for the future does not look bright.
No offense taken. However, sometimes a foreigner can see through a situation better than a native, as he can compare what is happening in the US to what happened in the past where he lives (Europe). In all honesty I have severe doubts if the US will survive in it’s present form. The status quo which you mention cannot last for ever, as proven by history. Few people love a status quo. Now I am waiting to see what is going to happen after the November elections.
I can already tell you what will happen, Trump will be elected and basically nothing changes, and (it) may not last forever but sure it can last a long time, there is even a good chance it will out last you.
How long is a long time? Months, years, decades?
In my observation change happens, seemingly overnight. One day things are business as usual and then, although there are warning signs and cracks, all of a sudden something breaks open completely.
Long time means like 50-100 years, and by then, there wont be anywhere to hide, you must produce or make everything you need to survive beyond that, god wouldn’t have it any other way, no (internet) slouchers either, everyone works their ass off or doesnt eat.
Love this quote that seems so simple and innocent yet so Buddist and valid: As Deng Xiao Ping has been quoted to say, “It doesn’t matter whether a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice.” It doesn’t matter if you have a left leaning or right leaning, or capitalistic or socialist, or “democratic” or “authoritarian” government, what matters is if you deliver good governance for the people.’
I wrote this a month ago after seeing some figures and considered an implausable solution… compared to other countries the graph-curve for US income distribution is disgusting. It is so far apart from the equal distribution line it can barely fit on the same page. Look at the sad situation below and try and consider what can save us.
https://youtu.be/evuYJEThr-g http://www.cowdisley.com/videos/UMImovie.mp4
On another note it is sad to see such a powerful state that held so much promise decline. To list the things that prevent America from being Great Again may require a page larger than the Declaration of Independence.
Legacy news media consumption and grievence studies education is about as healthy for your brain as eating a cigarette sandwich is for you body. ‘No legacy is so rich as honesty.’ Shakespeare. “Tonto, I’ve got a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”
https://youtu.be/ZL-MTP3vD3I http://www.cowdisley.com/videos/education.mp4
Sorry, but the Normas in England didn’t last long. Only few, mainly aristocrats, crossed the channel. They built extensively for while yes, their Castle Keeps still standing in many instances. But they were eventually socially userped by the Saxons, who are still the rules.
Anglo refers to the people of modern day Jutland in Denmark, Northern Germany, the Netherlands, and Friesland, later joined by Saxony and some from Gaul and French points East.
To we Cymraeg they have always been “Saxons” and still are. The Normans weren’t liked, but were tolerated because to a large extent they left us alone to battle with the Danes in Ireland. Eventually they just faded and the Saxons predominated, as they do today. Recent DNA studies across the entire island – Britain- showed they are now all French and German to 80% with a mixing of all sorts for the remaining 20%, apart from the Cymraeg. We are still who we were.
But the world isn’t ruled by Normans I think.
They managed to keep speaking French until Shakespeare’s day, 600 years long.
They installed a hereditary aristocracy which in many ways is still there.
Their class base rule has had a deep effect on the UK and around the world, until current times.
And the Saxons everywhere mixed with all kinds of other Germanic tribes.
It’s not that easy to isolate the DNA profile of the progenitor of all of them.
The Normans (of Viking/French composition) did not exactly disappear from England. They eventually merged with the local population. In the 16th century another 250.000 French Huguenots arrived in England, again merging with the local population. It was by sheer luck that the English language survived, as it was almost entirely replaced by French. This survival had a lot to do with the introduction of the printing press, which brought the people together, as there were many local dialects of English. As late as the beginning of the First World War, an Englishman from the south had the greatest difficulty understanding an Englishman from the north. The introduction of the radio changed that. As for the Normans, their contribution was lasting. They introduced the Latin culture, bringing England closer to the Continent.
“It was by sheer luck that the English language survived, as it was almost entirely replaced by French”
sorry but… it wasn’t replaced by french (this one speaked by the nobility)
and it din’t survive also… the proof is that old english is almost a germanic Language.
Eglish have become a mix some kind of bastardized language. Today’s english is half French, about a half of the words are of french extraction, and the grammar become more latinized due to the french influx.
(and I am not speaking about last century changes)
Most of the longer words (three syllabes or more) are french, and they are used by more cultivated people.
Shorter Words (two or less syllabes) plus most of the verbs are of germanic origin, and are more ussed by lower social extraction people (with less studies or cultural background)
if you don’t believe just analize what and how you speak.
Yes, old English is a Germanic language. If you read the Chaucers Canterbury Tales, the original, you will see how German the English language was at that time. Modern English is nothing more than a union of German and French with some Scandinavian and Celtic words. However, I stand by what I have written. It was sheer luck that the French language did not take over from the English.
The language of Chaucer is Middle English which had already assimilated the French influence. Modern English remains a Germanic language. The French influence which is huge, is almost entirely on vocabulary. French influence on English grammar if it exists at all is negligible. All accounts indicate that post 1066 only the Norman aristocracy spoke French. The vast majority of the population continued speaking their native tongue which gradually evolved into Middle English with the gradual adoption of a large French vocabulary (as well as numerous grammatical simplifications having little to do with French). It is no more surprising that English survived the Norman invasion than that any number of local languages have survived in the face of conquest by foreigners.
Majority English people are not genetically anglo-saxon, dna studies show they have Britannic roots, the anglo-saxons were a minority who settled in south eastern England.
“Majority English people are not genetically anglo-saxon”
True and thanks for pointing it out..
But Hitler [bear with me!] – and by extension Germany – has become absurdly popular amongst a certain layer of American ‘truth seekers’ in reaction to Holocaust overkill. (Unfortunately, staying true to Hollywood oversimplification, they’ve simply switched the black and white hats – no such thing as a nuanced view. Or indifference.)
Thus it has become increasingly popular to position England as a sort of lesser Germany. Not only genetically and linguistically but also and most especially culturally.
Germany in turn is touted as a singular genetic entity (Aryan TM) when it is in fact considerably more mixed than any of its Baltic neighbours.
One of the commenters above claims that England was latinised by the Normans…..in fact it was latinised by the Romans, unlike the Dutch and Germans [ the Rhine was the barrier between Roman Europe and non-Roman] , a difference that can still be felt today. And like all of Europe pre-schism Ireland and Britain were Christianised as Orthodox. Germany was Christianised primarily as Roman Catholic, post-schism.
Major new study into DNA reveals mixed ethnic make-up of the UK – AncestryDNA
Study looked at the nation’s ethnicity dating back 500 years from 26 global regions[i]
Reveals the genetic make-up of the average UK resident, and variations in English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish genetic make-ups
Average UK resident is 36.94% British, 21.59% Irish and 19.91% Western European (French/German)
The genetic make-up of the nation has been revealed – with Yorkshire proven to be the most ‘British’ region in the UK, while London is the most ethnically diverse and the East Midlands the most Scandinavian region in the UK.
maybe you are correct.
And they came back from the crusades with esoteric knowledge and ways of doing things to establish their power in the long term, i.e. Freemasonry. A networked system. Some visible and some invisible, interwoven with duplicates. It’s a very clever way of doing things and very, very difficult to overcome in the long term.
Cookie boy, somewhere way up above, the Windsors formerly adopted the English surname in 1917, interestingly enough, the year of the Russian Revolution. Their predecessors Germanic use of surnames was then abolished.
All that remains of the former Battenberg family, a branch of the Hesse-Darmstadt, rulers of the Grand Duchy of Hesse in Germany, is the popular Battenberg cake sold in every supermarket and grocery store in England today.
German biscuits, or “cookies,” as the inhabitants of the country of the USA call them, are well known but less popular. The Queen still gives her corgi’s a German biscuit as a treat.
The British were the enemies of Russia and still are. You can follow historical political date connections between them over centuries.
You say Norman, they call themselves Anglo, and Anglo-American (Establishment). It’s a bit like Saxe-Coburg-Gotha vs Windsor. As long as we know who is being mentioned, it’s good enough for me, and a greater number of people will understand what is being said if the commonly used name is used. Otherwise, some minds might switch off, or short circuit.
The Saker is correct that the Democratic faction has and will continue to engage in any and all reprehensible actions to seize power. But the BLM protests are small potatoes. The police are the biggest criminal mob in the U.S. Undisciplined and unprofessional in their conduct. Lacking an effective chain of command. A lawless and criminal force. What else could be expected given the general state of affairs?
The original protests were spontaneous expressions of people who rightfully believe that things should be better. The Democrats seek to hijack these sentiments and add public violence to the mix. Would that the larger Black community would repudiate this. People have the right to protest against corruption by state power. It serves to acknowledge this as the means to separate them from the parasite Democrats.
There appears to be evidence that many Blacks are disenchanted with the pandering Democrats. Welcome more of this. A great slogan for Trump would be “The Democrats Will Betray You!”
There is some merit to your argument, however not all police are that way. I may be wrong but my experience of the police is that the local departments are more in line with the attitudes of the region. I hail from the south and many of the shenanigans that are happening in places like Seattle and Oakland wouldn’t stand a chance here. Even in Atlanta, they had a little bit, but it was quickly put down by the police. The Balkanizing of the states is quite likely, however Saker is right that there would be less coming together as territories and more individual fragmentation of society.
Americans manage to be upset with the BLM protests largely because they’re so used to being Americans that they think everything in the United States must be somehow normal. The basic outlines of the local status quo must be necessary, sort of eternal.
But if you look at policing in the United States, it is far from normal by world standards. The number of people imprisoned, the number of people killed and brutalized, is not “just how things are” in any other well off country; many of the statistics are ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE worse than in most places. It can’t be necessary for the police to kill that many people if in most other places the police don’t do anything of the sort. And if the police are unnecessarily killing thousands of people, how can that be represented as “law and order”? It’s a massive deviation from what normal countries would consider either law or order.
If the police in Germany or Spain or New Zealand started acting like the US police, there would be massive outrage and the government would probably fall if it didn’t do something immediately. BLM is really a matter of trying to assert normal expectations of civilization.
The police are better organized and worse than you believe. They are the enforcement arm of the intelligence run drug cartel. Bribes and asset seizures pay them nicely. They are also complicit in many hoaxes, whether they are “lone gunboys” at schools to facilitate the disarmament agenda as well as the faked shootings/ killings of primarily black citizens. This is not to say that all the shootings are faked, but careful analysis of the high profile cases ( Sandy Hook, Trayvon Martin, Boston Bombing, Freddy Gray ) can only lead to the conclusion they were staged. The PTB are “gaslighting ” us, in an attempt to drive us insane.
How well are they doing?
Careful study of recent events reveals fakery. I saw nothing in the recent videos proving anyone died. The video of the shooting that kicked off the Kenosha “riots”, shows that the officers gun is not actually shooting. None of the “riot” footage has any angle greater than 180 degrees, or use of drones. The actual scope of participation is unknown, but the past complicity of the police in staged events leads me to believe these events are more staged than real. A nice insurance fire in the background gives enough realism to the shot to sell the public.
The takeways are many. Police shootings tell citizens they can be shot too, irrespective of race. Other themes like “guns are bad, terrorists are real” bolster the control and mic agendas. And the latest “Psy-opera” tries to convince us a civil war is at hand. Likely to justify the cancellation of elections or imposition of martial law. And it’s not about Trump. He too, is playing along.
The worst part is that when you tell people they are being played, they get angry at you, rather than the people who played the trick.
I must agree with the Saker here. For all of his obvious faults Trump is preferable in very significant ways to the evil cabal of supposed democrats who so self righteously act as if they are entitled to rule. For me the real clincher is the question of which candidate is least likely to cause serious harm to the world through military aggression against other nations. The thing I like about Trump is his obvious lack of capacity to politically organize a campaign of foreign aggression. And his lack of interest in doing so. That is a godsend for the rest of the world. It “trumps” every other issue. I keep remembering a dream I had about a year ago. The dream contained the prophecy that America is about to be broken in order to prevent it from doing any more harm to the world. And that breakdown would commence in January of 2020.
The thing I most loath about the “democrats” is that they are profound liars and prostitutes without any fealty to principle and are willing to sell themselves to the darkest forces in the world. Evil forces which are deeply skilled at global deception, divide and conquer. Soros and BLM come to mind along with the Rothschild Banking cabal. Just because theses phony democrats are loaded with University degrees does not make them wiser or more honest. The Saker is right – As things stand now the democrats are actually profoundly Anti-American. They serve alien forces.
As things stand at the moment it is not possible for Americans to elect a “good” president. All that can really be hoped for is a figurehead that can most effectively move the nation through its own mass denial. But that is no more than offering a spectacular vomiting of releasing sickness and distortion. Here Trump contributes. A lot of people loath Trump because he so personifies American sickness, without seeing that they have to face these same qualities in themselves. As was said earlier Trump serves the revolution, dialectically.
Well said.
Yes, that is true.
The American people still have a choice, while the world is turning into a corporate national socialist hell, the plans are well underway and even declared by their policy organisations where the politicians take part such as WEF, Munich Security Conference, and so on. Europe is in dire straits and the system is not democracy anywhere, EU is also designed as a dictatorship run by the EU commision, and not governed by the corrupt politicians in the EU parliament. The president is Ursula von der Leyen of the National socialist Fabian Society, London School of Economics, same as George Soros and David Rockefeller who both has created the corporate fascist government based on national socialsim as the policies of the Comittee of 300, Rothschild controlling organisation (Co300, ref. Dr. John Coleman). People have long been removed from having any influence (such as in democracy).
A lot will hinge on the people of USA since they are protected by the Constitution, to make the right choices beginning with this election and hopefully create reform of the system based on the Constitution. The constitution has for years been the main target of the corporate globalist fascists whether called the Dems, BLM or Antifa fascist forces or whatever else that will be conjured up or replace them. There are a sort of synergy with the Republican party as well, and I think that Trump is not one of them.
On this new global government is it to be based on the historical national socialism of the Fabian Society, and controlled by the corporations. The Rothschilds control more than 50 % of the world’s wealth, and their syndicate probably more than 90 % of the world’s gold. So while the policies come down those pathways backed up by that corruption of policies, it makes it difficult for people to mount a political solution. Gold bars and other riches and corruption and today they own the tech companies that forms a large part of the attack forces censoring and deplatforming individuals with other ideologies and policies such as democracy and constitutional ideologies.
I suspect that immediately after taking office, a Biden administration would immediately do what Biden has always done, which is continue putting people in prison, especially black and brown people. The Democrat sympathy for protests is solely an anti-Trump move; if and when Trump is removed, the Dems will pivot to law and order. They don’t give a fig for racial justice or any other kind of justice. The protests are just a convenient way to signal that America is out of control as long as Trump is president. Once no longer needed the protests will vanish from the streets, similar to how the left went silent when Obama took office. Only time will tell, however.
I think the same. Riots will escalate if Trump is reelected because the dems will go crazy. Will Trump be strong and smart enough to keep the situation under control?
I Don t know.
Yes, like the way women were organized in january 2017 to protest and “resist”—what? The fact that Trump mentioned grabbing a few pussies. Who gives an eff. The guy was elected pres. Clinton also grabbed p’s. But the women were all organized in some way to immediately take to the streets, go into hysterical paroxysms of fear/disgust/horror/ loss of bladder control . . .
My fear is that this was just an hors d’oevre and we are going to see a lot more large-scale countrywide groups organized to protest in DC or elsewhere.
Hillary has already announced the action.
How dare she “advise” Biden not to concede.
Is she now regretting that she conceded, which she didn’t really do, actually—recall the craven bitch had some kind of emotional collapse of her own and let John Podesta bring the bad news to her supporters. Zero class. Is she now wishing that she had “not conceded”; and the post-election riots etc. that they are doubtless planning for November had started earlier, the day after the2016 election, and who knows, she (or Nancy Pelosi) might be president now!!
Is this directive to Biden an ex post facto directive to herself because she lost her nerve? Her nerve either to concede “like a man” that is, with honor, or actually fight!!
Clinton did NEITHER!
The Don’t Concede advice might have been relevant in 2000 and 2004 (Gore, then Kerry both backed down instead of calling out vote count irregularities in Florida/Ohio.). But the picture was different in2016 and it sure is different now, when weh ave had 4 years of the opposition party simpoly not accepting the results and tyring to pull apart Trump’s presidency. .
And now this tacky bitch is telling Biden what to do—in advance of the election.
I sure as hell hope these people don’t get in. I am surrounded by Trump haters. I am also a Trump hater. but I fear those aroiund Biden more than I fear those around Trump. Although Pompeo and Pence are terrifying in their fundamentalist craziness.
An excellent video, BTW:
By a guy named Youssef Hindi, on the background to the Zionist idea and the current situation for Israel vis-a-vis Israeli vs. diaspora Jews.
In French, with good subtitles. And the French is pretty easy to follow if you speak it at all. Well worth watching. He has written a couple of books and is not a nutter.
Here is his amazon.fr page:
The correct link to Youssef Hindi’s video with English subtitles is this one:
I was unable to get the right URL from the Unz Review comment where the video was embedded.
I do hope many will take the time to listen to this. It is only ca. 23 minutes.
Perfectly correct. Bought and paid for riots are just a tool. When the job is over the tool goes back in the box until needed next time.
“Once no longer needed the protests will vanish from the streets, similar to how the left went silent when Obama took office.”
“The left” that went silent when Obama took office is not on the left. It is on the right. The Democratic Party and its sympathizers are on the right.
I can‘t say how many friends and colleagues of mine came – over the course of the events in the US in the past months – to exactly the same conclusion.
„Trump ist das geringere Übel“ – Trump is less worse.
But in any case, there will be more violence to come.
When Trump wins, the violence will erupt – when Biden wins, it will happen on a continuous level and never end – or end only, if the perfect socialistic state finally is erected.
Concur on your take, Saker.
It is imperative to prevent the Dems from getting the White House and the Senate, too.
The Bill of Rights will be liquidated and chaos will sweep every town.
I have warned for years about the Cult of Liberalism. As all Cults face their inevitable doom, they go violent. Most make last stands, some commit mass suicide. The Dems want chaos everywhere.
Then there is the cult above the visible cult(s). I thought cream was supposed to rise to the top, not psychopaths.
You confirm a suspicion growing in my mind too Saker. Not only is the demise of Empire now inevitable, irreversible, so is the utter mayhem which will follow it. All sense of obedience to the Constitution, that it actually matters, that Law does matter, has gone.
But America has treated International Law as a whim for them to ignore for so long, how can it be surprised that this has come home to roost?
I would like to add a comment though, from Fred Reed, also from the Unz Review: that America is not racist, and doesn’t have a racist problem. Yes, there were bad things done to Americans of Negro ancestry, but this was not endemic years ago. America has welcomed people of European and Baltic origin; Polish names and similar are fairly common. The Lithuanian Jew Richard Feynman was feted, winning a Nobel Prize for physics; Chinese names, Korean, Indian, are found among top CEO’s, producers, others who are socially accepted success stories.
America has a problem with Afro-Americans. There are too few like Thomas Sowell, too many like the mobs of thugs with their own made up names.
What is clear is that the AngloSaxon Culture, the way the minds of the people work, is too vastly dissimilar to that of the African American. And I think I am seeing this in the UK now too, although to a lesser extent. Those who thought to bring a wholly alien people to be among them and used as slaves had no concept from Complexity Theory; that Like/Similar will always be drawn to Like/Similar and they will form the strongest, most enduring bonds.
The problem is complex to solve, although simple to deduce. Africans cannot live in an AngloSaxon Culture, period.
However, what to do now that they do, and are being made the tool to destroy that which they feel no commonality with, no allegiance to, cannot recognise, adapt to, or want, or know what to do with – that is a very pressing worry.
It’s clear things cannot go on as they are; providing all Afro Americans with a space to call their own and leave them to it is not going to happen; the working white population of America is not going to be prepared to keep supporting a people who hate them for long; — truly, given we have a shortage new lands or planets, what is the answer going to be??
African-american did not go to America by choice, they we forced by the most brutal people on Earth. African people combine very well with Europeans to produce a high-breed offspring. If you doubt that, but are scientific minded, you might experiment by dating an African man. If your cultural conditioning is such that you are unable to conduct the experiment above, then I recommend you do a thorough inquiry on that thing you call “minds” in your comment above. If you cannot conduct an inquiry on the “minds”, then I ask you, as a woman to woman; “are you not a unique individual in the whole world “? Is it practical for someone else to expect & impose on you to become like them ?
Christ teachers that we should, “do onto others as we want done to us”. I ask you, ” how were we
to recognize and appreciate ourselves without the “mirror” we call others ?”. So grow Pamela, leave the child behind, time is not on your side.
“… Africans cannot live in an AngloSaxon Culture, period. …”
Well, perhaps, not merely in the current AngloSaxon milieu (which, to be accurate, is not a bona-fide culture), but also in any actual European culture. One has in mind here the so-called Afro-Americans, of course.
One problem for the Afro-Americans is that their original genetic pool has been irreversibly adulterated over the past couple of centuries (through massive rape by their violent Anglo “owners”); and another, that their original rich cultural heritage (transmitted experience & learning of untold generations) has been thoroughly obliterated. A mere glance comparing physical features of an authentic member of any one Negroid ethnic group in Africa, and of an average Afro-American testifies to the former; a vast difference in their intellectual proclivities and conduct testifies to the latter. We are talking here about two entirely different groups of people.
However, a complete loss of one’s cultural heritage is at least equally starkly perceptible in today’s white inhabitants of North America. Any schooled continental European visitor can tell you so. Moreover, as some have observed, the black inhabitants in N.A. might even have a great long-term advantage over their white co-habitants, in that they possess far more vitality, a life-force, in contrast to their obviously rapidly degenerating white brethren.
Colour revolutions coming home to the USA.
Bravo Saker, “Reconsidering the Presidential Election”. Although I have been observing the events unfolding through the last US Presidential elections and the upcoming some things have become very transparent. This article follows my observations as well along the same lines but the Saker adds tremendously to them.
“Welcome to the Event” Step right up! Ladies, Gentlemen and those of voting age of all persuasions, let us cast our vote or as others encourage us to do cast it as in trout fishing requiring multiple cast so we can hook that sucker. There is the saying, “There is a sucker born every minute” and although P.T. Barnum may never had originally said ‘there’s a sucker born every minute, he believed it!
This creates quite the dilemma as to who the sucker really is and is being caught in this event hook line and sinker? Is it the insider 1% (rentiers) and their vassals that has wagered on the outcome for future rewards, or is it sucking up the suckers who have become the renters and are involuntarily getting taken to the cleaners and charged for the fleecing through taxes, loss of treasure, commons and unalienable rights to pave the way for those who have “the fix is in”? Although to most (99%) it is not The Kentucky Derby, The Hats or The Mint Julips but does have the Excitement of the Hunt. There is nothing like the preparations for the Event accumulating into the Celebration of an anticipated outcome of promised hope & change. Bets are placed, favors called in and futures built as well as ended for others on the outcome of the Event!
De’jà vu
The term de’jà vu is French and means, literally, “already seen.” Those who have experienced the feeling describe it as an overwhelming sense of familiarity with something that shouldn’t be familiar at all. Say, for example, you are traveling to England for the first time. De’jà vu is the feeling that one has lived through the present situation before. Although some interpret de’jà vu in a paranormal context, mainstream scientific approaches reject the explanation of de’jà vu as “precognition” or “prophecy”. Wikipedia
Today I experienced De’jà vu and for those who have waded through the intro and still remain you too can glimpse the future through the past. Some have the ability to call a spade a spade skirting all PC and other Orwellian Speak that blots out the truth. George Carlin Your Rights Are An Illusion comes to mind as a comedian and another who is a little more known to younger voters who is just as serious and is responsible for my glimpse of the future past and even predicted The Event De’jà vu quite accurately in the past and I believe the future coming Event. Why Trump Will Win – Michael Moore Explains the past Event.
This is a no brainier with reality hiding in plain sight. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory of motivation which states that five categories of human needs dictate an individual’s behavior. Those needs are physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. Please note the activities taken place in Portland (you can consider other places in the news) I don’t see the homeless and hungry as of significant numbers on either side.
But the numbers especially in the early stages who were assaulted verbally, physically or psychologically (which affects the mind or relates to the emotional state of a person) with threats of violence as they walked or drove to work, grocery shopping or normal routines of living. Watching the disturbances on TV or hearing it on the radio is also psychologically disturbing on the same levels as the preceding.
Please note the first is not a factor (Homeless & Hunger) as I mentioned earlier so the next on the list is safety needs of Security and Safety (property & physical).
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
Physiological needs – these are biological requirements for human survival, e.g. air, food, drink, shelter, clothing, warmth, sex, sleep. …
Safety needs – Once an individual’s physiological needs are satisfied, the needs for security and safety become salient. OK, after this refresher course who do you think will turn out the vote? If one does not understand this regardless of who you do or do not want to win the election you are indulging in grotesque self-deception.
To Michael Moore, the future Event has not changed from the past but as this refresher points out the citizens have had a few more things to add to the funeral pyre.
Well, the anti white racism may be real, but: for one it ‘s not as real as the anti black racism has looooong been among typical whites and their systems until the 70ties.
In cold, crude terms, so to say, it would be their turn.
Second, even if concesso that anti whitism has turned real and concesso that it s in principle a bad thing – it will NOT have the power, the resilience and and means to maintain itself as soon as Biden and associates take their chairs in Warshington.
The new paradoxic racists simply miss the power, the media and can t find out the political short cuts to make their points or policy prevail
There will be no civil war locally. States have to break away, else police will just arrest people who defend against criminals, as is tbw case in many western co countries for decades.
I disagree on empire. Is very strong. Orders go out, shut down planet, faithfully listened all over, except China . But China is once and future king, new annointed one.
Trump wins or we all lose, the empire controls every country, every state government, globally. US is centre and will be until they move it to China.
Americans, you hold the world and you choose the path. Choose god, family and your constitution and in saving yourselves you may yet save the rest of us vassals.
Dear Saker,
Good blog. However, I would like to present a slightly different way of seeing the difference between Trump and the Democrats.
It must be remembered that behind the Democrats (and the establishment Republicans) lies the Deep State and their Globalist financiers. And behind the Democrats political operation is the Globalists’ chief political operative, George Soros.
The publicly stated goals of the Globalists and Soros are a ‘Global Government’ based on ‘Global Institutions’, and an ‘Open Society’, ie. a border-less world. In such a border-less world, under global governance, the ‘Globalists’ have no need for the U.S. as it exists today. They have already de-industrialized the U.S. and are actively working to replace the dollar as a global reserve currency (https://bitcoinist.com/bank-of-england-mark-carney-suggests-global-cryptocurrency). Indeed the only thing that the Globalists need from the U.S. is its military, as the backbone of NATO.
In other words the Democrats are not trying to stop the decay of the American Empire, they are actively
pursuing it, with the objective of transferring the Empire from the U.S. to Globalist run global institutions. If they succeed the U.S., in a few short years, will be a Western Hemisphere version of India.
Trump, on the other hand is an American patriot. He is trying to preserve as much of the U.S., and its empire, as he can. He may not be able to preserve the Empire in its current form, but by amputating everything but the essential pieces (i.e. the U.S., Israel and its Five-Eyes Anglo brothers), he may be able to halt the rot and begin the task of rebuilding.
This election is really about the future of the U.S. Halt the rot and begin the task of rebuilding under Trump, or transfer the remaining wealth and power of the U.S. to transnational Globalists under the treasonous Democrats.
I am curious why you consider Trump a patriot and why you believe Israel is an essential piece of the U.S. Remember the great patriot escaped the draft because of bone spurs which never prevented him from golfing or dancing. The problem with that is some working class stuff without connections had to go in his place. Also, Trump had no problem manufacturing his clothing in China before he became anti-trade with China. Also, he had no problem hiring illegal immigrants to work in his resorts before he became anti illegal immigrants. Also, as a former resident of Philadelphia I remember reading an article in the Philadelphia Daily News the hardships his casino bankruptcy caused for the small contractors he had hired. He didn’t have money to pay them but had unlimited cash to pay for the silence of women he had affairs with.
I have been voting in presidential elections since 1972, and wonder why we have to settle for the less of two evils? Why can’t everyone who is dissatisfied with the choice between Trump and Biden get behind a third party candidate?
To reply:
‘why you consider Trump a patriot’ I say that Trump is a patriot because I observe that, as president, he considers only the interests of the U.S. and its population.
‘why you believe Israel is an essential piece of the U.S.’ I don’t believe that Israel essential. However, I observe that, almost universally, U.S. politicians do.
El Cartero:
“Why can’t everyone who is dissatisfied with the choice between Trump and Biden get behind a third party candidate?”
Because Americans are indoctrinated to believe that voting for 3rd party is wasting your vote : “Go ahead throw your vote away!”
Two Party System – Simpsons (0:37) https://youtu.be/l3M4br46s7A
I think you are perfectly right: the democrats are the American arm of the globalists, who just intend to let the US people rot.
And as a European, I really hope that they are defeated, so that we can here in Europe fight against weakened globalists institutions (EU, UN, IMF, WHO etc). Should he be reelected, Trump will fight the EU, and that will be a good thing for us here.
What America is passing through, and likely to see much more of, is something even deeper than a breakdown of law and order or a crumbling of democracy. It looks to me like a complete civilizational collapse, a crumbling of a society and its people, together with an implosion of collective memory, pride, culture, language, manners, work ethic, religious belief, and all and any norms of civilized behavior. Where else but in the gutters and slums inhabited by the worst and most miserable sort of men do we hear four letter words and incestuous abuses used all the time? Well, I am wrong! You hear them in America – perpetually – in its media, in its highest public spaces, and by the highest and most educated of its people.
What we are seeing is a society literally burning itself down, tearing down its history and heritage, and language and literature, and culture and civilized conduct – in short wrecking and damaging itself, in some kind of deranged collective suicide. For the rest of the world the big worry is simply this: who will retain control of the nuclear buttons?
Disgusted; You are quite right in seeing a total civilizational breakdown. It is much deeper than just capitalist imperialism. We are on the cusp of a major shift in civilizational epochs. What you are seeing is the terminal breakdown of 5,000 years of patriarchal dominator social relations. It began in dynastic Egypt with the separation from the feminine principle and really geared up with the patriarchal power of the Roman empire. Our heads are so confined inside the matrix of patriarchy that it is difficult to see outside it. The Mayan Elders understand this. They had their time of the Fourth Great Sun. Now in 2013 begins the epoch of their 5th Great Sun. The difference between the 4th Sun and the 5th Sun being the shift from one sided patriarchy into a union of both female and male principles, in balance. For this shift to happen the denial of the universal feminine must be coughed up. The American patriarchal empire is in massive denial regarding this shift. It is the struggle to release this accumulated 5,000 years of denial and repression of the universal feminine that is driving America down at this time. The healing that America needs so desperately is to embrace the integrative power of the universal feminine. But the power structure of patriarchy is desperate to hang on tooth and nail. And for most the ways of the divine woman are unknown.
Does the divine woman inflict pms consequences on her lesser?
I dare say that feminism, female suffrage, and women in power have played a huge role in the downfall of western civilization in the last century.
Hi Snow Leopard,
Sorry, but feminization of society or fall of patriarchy is not, repeat not, what my post had in mind. Not at all. This forced feminization, the LGBTQ nonsense, and the false focus on gender issues is part of the problem. I was lamenting the collapse of civilization, not proposing any solutions.
Saker: “I also tend to agree with others who warn us that violence will happen next, no matter who wins”
Totally agree. So much doubt has been cast on the election (mail-in ballots, etc, etc) and the illegitimacy of Trump as a President that the ‘result’ will needed to be decided in court – which will take weeks if not months – and even then the ‘result’ will not be accepted by the losing party (who I suspect to be the Dems)
Saker: “In 2016 I recommended a Trump vote … my profound belief that Hillary would have started a war against Syria and, almost immediately, against Russia …”
Again, totally agree. Clinton was ‘owned’ by Wall St and in Julian Assange’s words was “consumed by her ambition”. As we all know – All Wars Are Bankers Wars – Smedley D Butler, see: https://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/warisaracket.html
Saker: “I still don’t see a typical civil war breaking out in the US.”
Disagree. There will be a civil war – not between the Dems/BLM/Antifa & the Fed Government but when the losing party’s ‘blue states’ eg California (which would be the 5th biggest geoeconomic unit if it were a country) petition to secede – and esp. if Martial Law is declared – *then there’ll be a civil war!!!
Just like AUG 1991 – we are *living* history and just as Putin said that the ‘dissolution of the USSR was the cataclysmic geopolitical event of the C20th’ (words to the effect) the dissolution of the US will be the cataclysmic geopolitical event of the C21st!!!
But prepare to be patient as this process can take up to 2015 to come to its final conclusion
And the rest of the world can breathe a sigh of relief – by the US being broken up – it makes for a safer planet!
Onwards and upwards!
Except California is RED…..right now…Tyson….(you need some other sources that are not MSM/Fake Left..)..and will send its electoral college votes to the Trump column…IF there is not sufficient “ballot harvesting” to turn it BLUE.
And if their vote is stolen…..the majority of Californians will NEVER happily go along with any CIVIL WAR against the rest of the country.
They will be Against Gov Newsome….Pelosi, Shiffty………………with a vengeance.
How Am I SO confident???
Because I know that Crimes Against Children will be revealed before November and I know that ALL this chaotic crap going on……………is fundamentally DEFENSIVE…Deep State Desperation that is already turning ordinary folk against the crazies in very large numbers……….even before they find out the whole ugly truth about the Crimes Against Children..
Just follow 2 minutes of this clip regarding Gov Newsome and the bill he signed to make sodomy with a 14 year old boy or intercourse with a 14 year old girl “legal”:
To “get the vote out”???
Nah, I don’t think so. Much more likely to TRY to bolster his own defense…..in court.
Multiply THAT dymanic by many dozens of people whose names you know……and hundreds or even thousands of names you never heard of.
That’s what’s going on. And the supply lines and logistics are being cut.
Which is why I’m not worried.
I’m confident.
California can’t survive on its own.
It is entirely dependent on water from other states.
Its main exports are easily replaceable items.
Yes and California GDP is based on fast internal debt growth, which it can’t maintain without “unintended consequences” without the backing of a powerful military capable of controlling the worlds economic interests on its behalf. I.e the same what the US military is doing for USA right now.
Perhaps CA could build some desalinization plants?
That might make enough water for the people to drink.
The venture capitalists and the movie stars . . .
But maybe not to keep the San Joaquin Valley hydrated for growing America’s salad.
Maybe CA will have to find something else to do . . .
The idea of California ha always been a disaster waiting to happen.
It is a totally improbably business and social plan.
That should have read up to *2025 to come to its final conclusion
besides the Empire´s coming internal convulsions it may be even more interesting looking at the external effects of the coming times, as these will not just affect themselves but also have also huge consequences on the internal battlelines with in the Empire.
How will the Empire´s vassalls react, primarily Europe and Latin America, once they realise the end of their “protection”?
Will the independents and enemies seize the opportunity in any meaningful way to cement their independence and liberty and build their own blocs?
What will the accompanying economic breakdown mean for the rest of the world?
In which form and shape will the ruling zionist fungus entity come out of this period?
Saker, let me tell you about a conversation I had with a couple of Trumpets on Disqus some time ago.
It started out with all three of us in broad agreement: that there was zero evidence of “Russian meddling” in Trump’s election. But, they said, look how good Trump is, he didn’t swallow any nonsense from China, he called them out on their inventing the “Chiba virus” in Wuhan. I asked where the proof of that was. They said Trump has proof. I asked why he didn’t give out the proof. Was it the same kind of “proof” on the basis of which Bush invaded Afghanistan and Iraq? They said the invasion of Afghanistan was perfectly justified because “those (ethnic slur directed at us brown people) had attacked America”. I asked where the proof of *that* was, since the Taliban had repeatedly offered to hand over bin Laden to a third country if evidence was provided of his guilt but none ever was to this day. They said they did not need evidence, they *knew* bin Laden was guilty and that was enough for them. These, you’ll recall, were the same people who began by talking about how there was no evidence that Russia had “meddled” to elect Trump. Then they blocked me (something only democratic party supporters had ever done before) so I could no longer reply where they could read it.
Trumpets are only supporters of law and order when it suits them, not a nanosecond more.
Yes, Trump supporters include a lot of dumb, ignorant, flag-waving imbeciles.
But here is what you are missing:
those pro-Trump flag waving imbeciles at least don’t hate their own country.
Dems do. All of them.
Trump supporters don’t realize that they are being lied to.
Biden supporters don’t care that they are being lied to.
At the end of the day
Where do you see the most hatred?
The Saker
All I see is that Trumpets hate us brown people openly, while their “opponents” hate us covertly. In other words the Trumpets stab us in the front while the democratic party does so in the back. That doesn’t make any difference since we’re stabbed anyway.
I beg to differ. That is a HUGE difference.
I don’t live in the US so don’t care at all what is better for internal politics; however, I do care about what is better for the world outside the US.
As you pointed out, Trump broke the vernish and the lies. That is, for the world at a large, a vey good thing.
The Empire used to rule by cheating and convincing some percentage of the local population everywhere that the US was “democratic” and “kind” and “fair” and “lawfull”, etc. And some people indeed believed that, and by belieing it were strong empire supporters.
Trump destroyed that false image; by doing that, even if it probably wasn’t his purpose, he freed a lot of minds out of the empire fascination.
With Trump the world know that the Empire is evil and harmful, and that it is better to search for other ways.
The Trump opponents, if they come back, will try to make the world believe theye are “kind” and “fair” again, and enslave the minds again.
For that reason I hope Trump is reelected.
(and I think, BTW, that is the reason the elites and Deep state hate him so much, because, most probably unknownlingly, he broke the most valuable tool of domination the empire had.
If you want a Tolien analogy, Trump is just a stupid orc that destroyed the One Ring
That is the only good reason to support Trump. He has done damage to America’s image internationally, and it will not be easy to reverse.
I would actually argue that the various bureaucrats and intelligence community members attempting to attack Trump did more harm to America’s imperial ambitions than Trump himself did, ironically. They believed Trump would be bad for the empire and massively overreacted based on that belief, and in doing so they ended up damaging their empire more than Trump alone ever could have.
And pray how do you see the Trumpists’ hate for the browns and how have you deduced the covert hate of the democrats towards browns? America, for all its blemishes, is the most equal opportunity society that has ever existed in the history of the world. Want proof? See those millions and millions of brown and other colored people who left their own countries and made America their home? Now if the hatred (overt + covert) towards them was really 100% as you allege, how did these browns get into America in the first place, thrive, succeed, and prosper? Some strange hatred, I think, that allows the hated to prosper and be happy!
I don’t think you have any objective or “hard” data to support your claim that either Trump or his supporters “hate for the browns”. If you do, it would be useful to produce the evidence.
It’s a fact that Trump is far less eager to kill “brown” Arabs and Afghanis than his predecessors. The really hard question is what lies behind Trump’s reluctance. Maybe he simply doesn’t like mass murder or maybe he thinks less wanton bloodshed will keep the Empire afloat longer.
You would have better luck with the argument that Trump favors the American 0.01%, but even here, his rhetoric of bringing jobs back to the US says he wants poor people to have real jobs. I have see absolutely nothing from the Democrats or the Republicans about bringing back jobs to the US. Nothing.
I will be writing in the names of Jesse Ventura and Cynthia McKinney for President and VP respectively. If you do a write-in, be sure to get the spelling correct so your ballot doesn’t get tossed out. It can’t change the electoral college vote because I’m in a blue state.
I was a Trump supporter until Soleimani and al-Muhandis were murdered and Trump claimed credit for it. Perhaps Trump was blackmailed into making the claim, or perhaps he and Adelson popped the cork on a bottle of champagne to celebrate. Perhaps Trump got both blackmail and the champagne. But those evil murders slammed the door shut on a peaceful solution for the region. Things are very murky by design, but that was when I decided we are probably being played by Trump. However, it should be clear to anyone who watches closely: the Deep State is more closely tied to the former Obama clique and that combination is pure evil. More evil than most people can understand.
Here is where i think you miss the point, Saker.as far as “enemies” of the US hegemon is concerned, if electing Biden will cause total anarchy or civil war in the US, then yes, that’s preferable! If US wants to destroy itself, Hallelujah, as far as rest of world is concerned…
I think PCR is correct, the Republicans and Trump base are not capable of organizing and resisting, enfeebled by their submission to patriotism, etc.
President Harris will restore law and order and install the biosecurity state.
The depradations of the current security state will be vastly extended.
Saker, thank you!! This is exactly what is happening. When I went out to talk with the Antifa cadre ( not the low lifes) two months ago their stance was “no compromise” and that the time for “dialogue” was over. The question then becomes, Whom do the technofascists plan to use to take out the low-life thugs after their usefulness is over? Expect some heavy duty hired mercenary action on their part. And that is when it will get very, very dicey.
There is no vanguard party–chaos and break down of the most simple services will follow a contested election.
I expect the Russian owners of our mobile home part to make some kind of deal with the Russian gangs operating in a nearby town. I figured ( again, what do I know? absolutely nothing!!) that if we hired someone to stand guard at the entrance with cell phone and appropriate armaments in hand from 9PM to 5AM then every resident would have to come up with $75-100$ a month but if we negotiated with the owners to pay half, then everyone could probably come up with the 35-50$. The Social organization could address itself to fund raising for the truly financially strapped folks. Again, only one member of the board does not freeze up with deer in the headlight look on his face when I bring up a discussion of future possibilities. As it stands now, everyone here believes in their G-d given responsibility to pay their rent on time so the owners are very fortunate to have the current group of renters. Given that the Democrats in the State government have been forced to grant rent amnesty due to their politically motivated shut downs (otherwise, thousands of people would be evicted), I would think most rentier capitalists would be breaking out into a bit of a sweat especially the small fry..
So that gives us some wiggle room with the owners here…most of the residents live on fixed incomes and those with Calpers pensions, well, that is another discussion I will not bring up since it does not concern the residents as a whole. Sigh…. we need to float some balloons at least but everyone is in such denial about Trump’s ability to save them, that I am forced to information gather quietly. ( Thank you Amarynth for your very practical, tough and ultimately kind advice).
Consider CB. No reason to depend on cell phones.
Also look into SSB.
1917, Weimar and the Great Depression. All in one.
Perfect storm.
It took folks with an institutional memory to orchestrate this.
As they say: practice makes perfect.
Trump also supports the riots. Otherwise he would order his FBI to shut them down.
FBI do not have any jurisdiction to crush rioters that is a local policing matter which comes under the mayors & governors of the state. Federal agencies can only intervene if requested to or to protect Federal property.
This is one of those rare occasions where i disagree with the Sakers View. But lets say the Saker’s view is correct, well, may be that would be what is needed for the Rest of World to be (comparatively) safe from From the Rampaging Sinking Titanic!
Better a swifter end to the Empire.
Biden for President.
A sober and somber evaluation of the upcoming US Prez election. We probably all agree that 2020 has been a rough year so far. Looks like 2021 will get even worse, much worse …
Are you too influenced by pct?
If this follows the script of previous wars, there will eventually be a Night of the Long Knives purge in the US.
If opposing factions cannot co-exist, the solution is simple. Any bets?
“in their short history the United States have probably spilled more innocent blood than any other regime in history. Yet…”
What enormous good must be encapsulated in this defensive “yet…” to outweigh the centuries of destructive lunacy. The continent is my birthplace. The nation is its misfortune. I do not consider Mount Rushmore, Plymouth Rock nor Disneyland part of my cultural heritage. The first of these, misnamed after an insignificant New York lawyer, is really called Tunkasila Sakpe (Six Grandfathers), one of sites of legendary medicine man Black Elk’s vision quest. This devastated sacred mountain represents what we have done to the entire continent. Due to a deep attachment to the natural environment of California from earliest childhood, I can unequivocally state that this is my most meaningful cultural heritage, and not the arbitrary institutions of an arbitrary nation, arbitrarily named after Amerigo Vespucci (a silly choice).
After all, the two hundred odd years of our national existence are but spit against the winds of tens of millennia of secret indigenous histories. The sacredness of being human has ceded to fanatic patriotism embedded in bureaucratic institutions with shallow significance. The great warrior chieftains of the continent outshine the presidents.
You are welcomed, brother, by a European speechless poet. After I left
Akwesasne Notes 1980, I imagined in my soul being an anonymous American native,
or ‘Indian’, silently going ashore at an European coast, since then watching them …
hence, my definite horror, when the European green liberals and ‘defenders of human
rights’ went with the CIA in Ukraine.
But I found a home for my soul in Russia/China and their civilization traditions as well
as in Bavaria.
What the demons can’t avoid: to let the new world begin with you, and your Vineyard.
I’m surprised the similitudes of the current situation with the 1917 Russian revolution does not attract mor attention neither here nor on other platforms.
We have the same king of people that use the same kind of method to tyrannize the population. i.e. the decadent upper-class who uses the misery and rage of the lumpenproletariat to go on the population.
The “normal” population has no understanding of the global scheme and cannot act/react. They are terrified by the consequences of standing up against the revolutionaries and on the other hand, they feel guilty about they getting better off. In other words, they are “neutralized”.
There is no reason to believe that the same causes will not lead to the same consequences. In 1917 the legitimate government was weak and had no support of the population and was overthrown. Then came the provisory government (Kerensky & co) that was acceptable to the upper-class, but who could not resist to the same forces that overthrown the old regime. Then came the real thing.
There is no way to save the situation without “extremist” thinking and acting and there is nobody out there who could embody this resistance.
So, yes, the situation will repeat and the passive population and the decadent bourgeoisie will pay the price for their sins.
The antithesis to Empire and street riots is precisely located within the human capacity for creative reason. This is what the ideals of the American Revolution were based on. You develop the nation by developing minds. Most cultural contributions in recent decades had the effect of undermining reason and wisdom, replacing it with greed, vanity, and lifestyle pleasure seeking without temperance. The only way out, is to dump Empire and all it’s cultural and ideological mythologies, and return to the ideals worthy of the name.
It’s funny, but big chunks the left and the right see the need for wiping out the current system to make way for a new system, but they have different targets. But only a few have.a clue of what to replace it with. The elites are pulling strings on both sides, but hate Trump because he is not a member of the Davis big club, despite being a billionaire.
By the leftists aiming at the common people, they are missing the target. Privilege resides with oligarchs who are funding them, and many more surrounding the Globalist elite. Main Street businesses they are burning have much more in common against Globalists in terms of grievances, but the rioters are blind to this. This is the usual pattern.
I want my country back. If you are going to burn stuff, start with those who brainwashed Antifa and.BLM, innto thinking their enemy was can moon people, heh.
While the war between American Internationalists (Democrats, Establishment Republicans) vs American Nationalists (Trump, deplorables) has spilled out in to the open for all to see, it is importiant to understand what it is they are fighting for.
Only then will you understand why the significant social changes have taken place in the US. Only then will you u fees tans why corporate America supports the riots.
The Democrats seem to be on a path that will lead to the collapse of the USA as we know it. It seems a very short sighted and foolish thing to do. But what if there is method to there madness ?
What if they are destroying the US not out of some nihilist self destructive madness but because they have already fleshed our what is to come after the collapse of the US ?
Aaron Russo , the Hollywood producer, made a documentary (must watch) about what is to follow after discussions he had with a member of the Rockefeller’s who tried to recruit him.
What is to follow the collapse of the US ? The North American Union and the Amero.
Just how is this to be financed? You know, afterwords?
Thank you for a clearer definition of the sides. Russia and China need to wake up and understand this “Nationalists vs Globalists” battle, and help fight the Globalists, or the Goobalists will end up owning us all, under one-world government. The days of playing for geopolitical advantage are over, it’s sovereign nations or New World Order. That is the implications of the Global Reset being discussed by western oligarch elites.
I believe what we are actually seeing is the slow death of the democratic party, and these people either win or go down w/a fight, we have been seeing the fight. But then the loss of the fight for those whom can not stand to lose, leads to a suicidal mentality like we saw right after the 016 election.
A loss (or even a landslide god forbid) in this election for a good many democrats will spell an inner doom that can only lead to the death of an ideology and the predator party that lives by it. I mean they will be thinking “how could we have been hoodwinked by our own media”?
I think the most likely development is as follows:
The pressure is on for the imperial managers to use the US military and the vassal hordes armies, or lose the opportunity all together. We have yet to see a large “final” showdown which was postponed from the 2016 election. The focus of domestic unrest will be shifted away to foreign conflicts with Iran, China and Russia, with Iran being the most likely candidate. If they bomb Iranian refineries, it will simply cut off energy supply from China, making it a sitting duck without needing a direct engagement. There are plenty of evidence to support this; strategic bombers flying in the Ukraine and Crimean borders, ramping up/tightening the Chinese blockade, deep incursions in the Arctic/Barents sea, NATO tanks massing on Belarus border, Serbian isolation etc.
The window of opportunity for covering domestic economical and societal decline through foreign militarism is closing, which should work to accelerate it. Of course a costly war will also accelerate fore mentioned decline, but initially it would cover it. China, Iran and Russia needs to fortify and expect the worse very soon. The gambling mentality is high here, due to the fact that the elites themselves don’t have too much to lose in the worst case. If they lose, it could still work to push forward one-world-one-government/organization agendas anyway.
You’re being conned by the consummate con man, Donald J. Trump. He’s only in office because of Sheldon Adelson’s “thirty pieces of silver” thrown at him in the final weeks before the election in 2016. He has reciprocated by cancelling the Iranian nuclear deal and moving the US embassy to Jerusalem.
His Christian Zionist base thinks he’s the new King Cyrus and they have their Rapture suits all dusted off and ready to go. War with Iran and Russia will bring their warrior messiah back to the planet Earth to smite the unbelievers, which includes you, Saker, as I’m sure your brand of Orthodox Christianity is not on their approved list. They will come out in droves to vote for him again in November. He will win the election handily because he is the consummate con man who has conned Americans into thinking he’s the “law and order” president when in truth he has been laundering money for the Kosher Nostra for decades. They will pull strings and he will be reelected. Done deal, Saker.
I have a question — how coherent is the US military?
Asking because the Dems have suggested that they might want the military to remove Trump from office. And of course, the officers take an oath to ‘defend the Constitution’, but as you said, there isn’t much left of the Constitution. And of course, the catch is that, if there’s a coup and the military takes over, that would mean abandoning any pretense of a Constitution, so they wouldn’t be defending it, right?
Anyway, there was a video clip (and Trump is an expert at video clips, bumper stickers and tweets) in which the ‘reporter’ asks Mr. Trump about this matter, (in reference to a negative op-ed by Mattis, as I recall) and he said the generals don’t like him, but the troops do.
So my question, and I know probably less about military matters than anyone else here, my question is: how solid is the ‘chain of command’? How likely is it, that if the generals order up a coup, that the lower ranks will comply? And, how infested is the US military with Obama-era freakazoids? Is the army as insane as some of the corporates are, with this SJW nonsense?
Are there historical examples of an army turning ‘upside down’?
In reference to your question of the military, there are some brass who are doing coup-talk lately and tying in to some publications. Also a recent twitter thread showed they are teaching critical race theory at West Point. CDC was also revealed to be doing it after the presidential executive order banning it in the Federal Government. Plus the Obama purge of officers was extensive, replacing them with ones more of his stripe. So, yeah, it looks like a potential problem.
Yes, I was aware that there was coup talk among the brass .. and it’s interesting to hear that West Point has gone.
But I was wondering if the Saker, with his deep intimate knowledge of military affairs and history, has a feel for how likely it is that a coup order will be followed.
Of course everyone has heard of the Vietnam war-era tradition of ‘fragging’, and we know that the chain of command was less than 100% reliable then and there.
But a lot has changed since then. We now have ‘all volunteer’ fighting forces, abetted by extensive ranks of mercenaries and automation. It also looks like we are in no way ready for a foreign war against any substantial enemy (any enemy with air defenses). In addition, there are quite a few ex-military and now ex-police, who would likely oppose the coup, but are not organized.
My question remains — which way is it likely to go —
USA will enter a period of violence and unrest, whoever wins the election, but it will not be allowed by Elites to collapse, since most of these Elites still live there and have their wealth in USD. If Biden wins, the southern states and places like Utah will do everything they can to stop liberal values and BLM provocations. Anti-Biden comments seem to outnumber pro Biden ones on political sites.
I have not read much about USA history but I know Utah fought against the USA federal government several years before the Civil War but it is not well known even in USA. There was a plan by Mormons to set up a massive Christian state taking up a lot of the western USA. Texas was also a independant country before joining USA. California is Latin Catholic based society, alien to Protestant values. If history was different we could easily have had at least four countries in the land that is now USA. Since the begginings of USA, there have always been groups that hated the USA federal government despite the propaganda. But now USA Federal elite has the massive media and military behemoths to protect it.
What is going unmentioned by everyone is that the votes are not counted fairly — or at all, in many cases!
There is an apocryphal statement by Joseph Stalin that goes something like: “The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”
It doesn’t matter if Stalin ever said such a thing or not. The truth is that the thrust of the observation is accurate.
Ever since the publication of “Votescam: The Stealing of America”, by James and Kenneth Collier almost 30 years ago, those who have wanted to know have understood how modern elections are rigged and the outcomes decided by corrupt, hidden hands.
With easily hackable, electronic voting machines, votes can easily be, and are! — flipped electronically to whatever candidate the hackers and/or programmers have decided will win.
The Diebold machines are notoriously easily programmed to flip votes — and do!
Hacking voting machines: Easier than ever imagined
And now there are millions upon millions of mail-in votes, and voting without I.D.
And yet The Saker and others on this forum implicitly appear to believe that votes are truthfully counted and that the vote of the people decides the election.
No. Emphatically no.
What is true is that there will be something called a “national election.”
But it is a show. It is a form of popular entertainment, or of mass mental and social entrainment. The result has already been determined. It has been bought and paid for. It has been arranged.
It has been PROGRAMMED to happen. The outcome is already known by the system managers who operate at a level above the public, political discourse. It has been predetermined. What is going on now is a carnival sideshow to flummox and bamboozle the masses.
The big show is just about to start. Think of Donald Trump as a reality show actor (oh, wait! …) brought in as ring master to do the honors, or as a sacrificial bull at a gory bullfight, destined to charge dramatically around the ring as the assembled multitude oohs! and aahs!
But the script has already been written. The bull, the picadors, the matador, the roaring crowd, the pontificating commentators, etc. all play their appointed roles, while in the back room the promoters of the show are counting their take from the paying gate.
Mass violence has programmed. It has all been arranged. The show has been centuries in the making and the drama will very soon run its tumultuous course. The denouement fast approaches.
No, Mr. Saker, it does not matter for whom anyone votes in November, or if they even vote at all.
The next phase of the drama has already be programmed and set in motion. It will run its inevitable course without regard to whether or not you vote, or for whom or what.
Ballot boxes will be lost, tossed into dumpsters — or magically found! — as necessary. Electronic voting machines will flip votes to one candidate or the other as they are programmed to do. Mail-in ballots will be mailed in — or somehow not delivered! — return to sender! — as desired.
Free and fair and honest elections are a charming, romantic notion that bear not the slightest correspondence to harsh, modern world reality.
The election has already been decided by its owners — and that ain’t you or me!
“The election has already been decided by its owners — and that ain’t you or me!”
So, who are the owners, and what have they decided?
Have they nudged (nudge nudge) Hillary into instructing Biden as to what his role is, namely, Don’t concede.
Like a stage direction?
Katherine, in all honesty, I’m not in that loop, so I cannot say with precision who the owners are. It is likely that they never show themselves publicly, not in any identifiable way. Anyone at all who appears in public is line management, at best middle-level management. That includes the Rothschilds and anyone else who ever appears publicly as an influential person. The owners are someone or something above the level of multi-billionaires, above the World Economic Forum, above the United Nations, above heads of state, above kings and queens, above the IMF, World Bank and Communist Chinese Party, above the Vatican.
The election is an important, commercial property. It’s an expensive show, a major entertainment venue.
It is also obvious that the voters do not determine the outcome of the election, which is thoroughly rigged, well in advance.
What have the owners decided on?
Violence, chaos, mayhem. That is evident.
Just wait, things are only getting started. The owners will select whomever best advances their agenda of violence, chaos and mayhem. If an indecisive outcome, or split decision, best advances the owners’ agenda then there will be a declared (or undeclared) tie and the contest will go to a tumultuous, riotous, violent, contentious, fractious, noisy, confused overtime period to decide the matter. If the owners want to violently Balkanize North America then they will make the Federal government in Washington, DC to chaotically collapse or will simply vaporize the place, by one means or another, and move on to the next phase of their “Earth” drama. The “show” must go on.
The charade of voting means nothing, nothing at all. It merely perpetuates the illusion and delusion of popular control of the extremely anti-human, inhumane control system.
The voters are numbered and tagged chattel, human livestock. The vote is managed, not counted. The people swarm hither and thither. Decisions of their governance and social control are made for them, not by them.
Please see:
Global 5G roll-out
Global Covid-19 mandatory lock-downs
Obvious preparations for upcoming civil war in USSA
Obvious preparations for coming WW-III
Obvious, upcoming, rigged, electoral muster-fluck in 7 weeks in USSA
and on and on …
So in other words no hope at all for anything no matter the outcome? Any thoughts at all about how to resist, fight etc such doom and gloom that you write about. Just so you know I’m not attacking you.
I believe self-realization is ultimately the only solution. No political party, no national election is ever going to provide that to anyone, and unless and until a person is self-realized, he or she forever remains at the mercy of the psychopathic, satanic forces and personalities that run this demonic, sh!t show called “Earth”.
It seems to me that it is not so much a matter of resisting, as it is of orienting oneself towards successfully transcending a game that is fundamentally unwinnable.
In the Christian scriptures, Satan offered Jesus Earthly power and Jesus’s response was; “My kingdom is not of this world.”
As to what this world is, a fair case could be made that it is an incredibly complex and very real seeming, virtual reality program generated by an extremely powerful, rogue, satanic A.I. that it has set up in demonic opposition to what might be termed “Real Reality” and the “Real Creator.”
A being looking for the exit therefore becomes more and more preoccupied with the “real” as opposed to the fake. And there is nothing faker than endless centuries of political games that lead ever downward — even as politicians speak of peace! revolution! democracy! new roads built of silk! — in long historical spirals and cycles devoted to war, getting ready for war, recovering from war, genocide, economic exploitation and depression, more and more destruction of the global ecology, etc. It’s a profoundly entropic process. It’s nihilistic and deadening.
New elections and another slate of criminally corrupt candidates (and most of them are criminally corrupt, most of the time), in whatever country of the world, are not going to resolve the problems of this planet and the human race.
Just will not. So intelligent beings (or those who aspire to be intelligent) look elsewhere; they inquire in other directions.
I wish Saker et al would publish the full text of Brusilov’s letter to Pravda in both Russian and English…as the determination of the shape of the US will probably be determined as it was in Soviet Civil War…by the officers.
Trumpie/Ponce and Beydon/Camila > either way the principle is clear: Two idiots r bettern one genius…Putin & Xi r not idiots…
It will be up to the army.
In this regard some may recall the famous letter in Pravda Aleksei Brusilov wrote. Similar persuasions may be expected any time now.
This is another symptom of the Globalist Agenda vs Main Street USA
Democrats Trying to Hand IMF $3 Trillion for Globalist Agenda
Michigan Democratic Congressman Bill Huizenga Has sent this Video because the Democrats have Denied him any right to Speak Out of the Floor to object to what the Democrats are trying now – to fund the IMF to help with this globalist agenda.
Here is the mood of the country:
and it is even uglier out here on the West coast where all the fires in Washington State mysteriously stop at the border to Canada.
The mood is correct, but the fires “ending at the border” is because the map used was a database of US fires only, and so by definition only showed US fires.
There are a few active fires north of the border, but less of them..
The background color is fire danger level.
Select Active Fires in the overlay drop-down to draw the fire markers
NOT CLIMATE CHANGE: Arsonist Caught on Video Starting Brush Fire in Kelso, Washington
It seems to me that the backbone of the democratic party resides in the public unions. Guess what? Due to this pandemic upon us these public unions may be on the road to ruin.
Come September I am expecting a mass layoff of public workers. Governments are broke. No tax revenue coming in to pay the workers. This includes the teachers. We may see a total breakdown of the educational system. Online education is not going to work. Online government is not going to work. Online anything is anti-social. As humans we are social creatures so anti-social creations including artificial intelligence AI as primary systems erode our humanness and human virtues.
Anyone who has been awake has seen how government functions are dying out since the lock downs. Everything is done online but with less live people to operate the online system. Most government buildings are shut down including the court system. Prisoners being released due to the financial situation. Government is just fading away. People already not able to pay property taxes. It is definitely getting interesting. The great reset is not only coming for the financial world but also the world of government.
I mostly agree with what The Saker says but have a different view of what the outcome will be. In addition my view of the current situation in our country seems to fit in with my understanding of what went on in Germany 1930 to 1934. But this time a different outcome.
In my view the leadership of the Democratic Party are the traitors of this country and it’s people. This condition has been building for over 70 years. Joe McCarthy was right but back in the time most people were in denial of the plan of the communists. I think they were really excited to win the 2016 election and bring in the new government on the 100 anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. Trump ruined their plan and so the last 4 years of pure hell against his administration.
All I can say is I am ready for what comes in November. This is definitely a time when the fence sitters are going to get knocked off the fence and the apathetic ones are going to feel the force; like the donkeys they are, who get hit by the two by four.
I believe that America still has a future and a public house cleaning is in order. We can no longer allow scum and self serving power hungry ego maniacs occupy our positions of leadership in our governments from the bottom up.
What is coming I believe is a natural outcome of our negligence; or rather our dereliction of duty, to maintain the integrity of our republic. May the outcome be productive and insure our republic continues to shine after this most necessary purge of this foul leadership in all our institutions.
About ten years ago, there was a brief, populist Left wing movement known as Occupy Wall Street. Unlike today’s Antifa/BLM, it was quickly crushed. Why? Because it was over the correct target! And with a Left wing President in the White House! (If it had been Occupy Congress, it would have been crushed even sooner.)
Antifa/BLM are allowed to run wild because they are not a threat to the Ruling Class Deep State. They only divide the rest of America even further, and give the Ruling Class the excuse to crack down even harder on us, while they laugh at us behind our backs.
That is why BLM is a government sponsored NGO.
“How long (and painful) will the transition to a new USA be?”
Longer then the one Russia went trough when Sovjet fell is my honest opinion, i am just glad that this time i will not see the haunted eyes the Russians selling their belongings on the Kirkenes town square had and the fishermen selling vodka, cheap cigarettes and hashis at the docks in Ålesund.
“violence is at this point inevitable. It is, therefore, the moral obligation of every decent person to do whatever he/she can do, no matter how small, to help the “deplorables” in their struggle against the forces of chaos, violence and tyranny”
Yes, yes it is.
A “blackpilled” essay Saker, i sincerely belive you are frighteningly near the truth and none of us will live in the world we grew up in before long.
Thank your lucky stars that you’re in Norway. Those of us in the US of f-ing A are not so blessed. We see violence in the streets and many of us know that it is pure street theater. It’s all about agents provocateurs doing their thing to raise the chaos level to the point where we will do just about anything to stop it, including reelecting Trump. This is exactly what was the case in Germany in 1933 and you know how that went down…
“I am referring to things like the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the spirit of self-reliance, a strong work ethic, the immense creativity of the people of the US and their love for their country.”
US is stolen territory built upon the bones of 50 million genocided native Indians and millions of people worldwide. There is nothing beautiful about that. That alone should revoke it’s right to exist as such in a better world. The amount of unspeakably bad karma united snakes of america has accumulated in its short history would have made my decision to leave it very easy to take. In fact i wouldn’t have gone there in the first place.
If you want to go after evil, why not go after the top evil-doers in the current period of history, who are now engaged in a long-term project to break apart sovereign nations and enslave all under the banner of high finance, rather than scorekeeping past grudges?
I assure you, the ultra-wealthy globalist corporate types who fly around in Gulfstream jets, are much more responsible for our common downward state of affairs and future doom than any racism embedded in the common person. Even fairly rich people are threatened by the globalists thirst for expansion, and forget middle-class and working poor, they are simply along for the ride. Yet the emphasis you point out relating to “stolen land” does nothing to get at thIs problem we all face. And from experience, I know that that line of focus on who-stole-what is a mental Chinese finger trap; propaganda invented to reduce all conversation to a historical blame game, making it a dead end for accomplishing anything from it.
They have hidden the most precious thing from you, the ability to see past grudges to the bigger picture of our common future and development, threatened by a global elite who male modern slave-trading a side hobby. Who-stole-what is essentially from the same inventors of Criticsl Theory, a form of guilt-trip shame-on-you politics, straight out of the Frankfurt School and the Tavistock Institute, an arm of British Military Intelligence. Note Global Warming is the same Guilt-trip Malthusian politics, how dare we exist and make a carbon footprint. Shame on us for breathing. That’s how the ultra-rich want us to think, totally pointing fingers at each other as they steal everything and destroy nations with street riots.
To the Trumpers here. I have no problem with you seeking ‘law and order’ internally. It is a hard decision who to vote for (or perhaps it is not for some), though my view is that a vote will do nothing. And even is Trump is elected, and you get your promised law and order, (which I don’t think you will – I think street violence will only increase for some years), Trump is an assassin.
Trump says he wanted to ASSASSINATE Assad, blames ex-defense chief Mattis for staying his hand.
So, I know all the full-on Trumpers will make excuses for this, quick excuses, screeds of excuses, telling me I don’t get it, buried in screeds of Queue Anon garbage, with plenty links to youtube babble-heads, telling me what exactly Trump actually meant to say, and how stupid and clearly dumb I am. Yet, in reality, we know Trump is an assassin, because he killed General Suleimani. There was no war here, it was an extra-judicial killing of the worst kind. And this is after Trump made excuses for the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, which was another extra-judicial killing of the worst kind. Trump seemingly in his own mind looks like an Emperor, that may speak out and control life or death on anyone else that he chooses. Get over it that he is a good man that will help with Law and Order. If he does, he will do it for Trump, not for you. ‘Law and Order’? yeah right!
I learned something from The Saker. (OK, I learned a lot from him :-)
But in this case, what I learned is that things may get worse.
Nobody thinks Trump is an Angel. He’s a SOB, but he’s the People’s SOB, who can’t flutter in the wind when the deep state runs through its dirty tricks list. Republicans of the neocon variety are also up to their necks is Spygate.
if you are keeping score (which seems to be the thing) Obama has Trump beat in the droning department and many others.
Flynn was all about exposing how ISIS was supported by CIA, (Benghazi weapons depot near the Consulate) and Cleaning out the intelligence agencies responsible for all the crap since 9/11. The longer they drag his case out, the more gets exposed on just how evil and cunning and soulless they are.
If it takes a Trump to do that, so be it. That’s also why things are going haywire with Russiagate, impeachment, Covid19 and riots. It’s like that famous scent from The Exorcist movie, but where Trump plays the priest, and deep state plays the possessed child.
Trump is necessary to save the US. The other side wants to replay communist feudalism, run by Globalists of the Rockefeller mindset.
I understand pragmatism. Just be clear that after you will have to find another ‘people’s sob’. Trumps talks a lot, be very sure that you understand the ‘droning’, the troop withdrawals which are generally just a swop out with Nato troops, and the real price of sanctions.
What worries me is that the US is going to have to exist without its military industrial complex. Money, sheer money is an issue here, not even starting with debt.
But I do understand pragmatism. I wonder how many really understand that.
The main concerns around insiders are:
1. Getting Trump re-elected
2. Mail in-voting leaving the election in limbo
3. Military coup led by the usual suspects, perhaps In combo with #2.
4. Cultural Marxism, BLM and Antifa, infiltrating a significant portion of our institutions and younger population, backed by subversive Soros judges and prosecutors who just let them back out on the street. Also they are getting police to back down from scenes and defunded, to be replaced with street gang thugs running no-go zones.
4. Biden shows signs of mental unfitness. This suggests other plans are afoot. His running mate is stuck in BLM Green New Deal mode, which is genocidal
5. The Neocons in the admin are hazardous to Trump during this election sequence. Of particular concern are Esper, Pompeo, and perhaps even Pence. Esper did not put generals who spoke contemptuously of the President on notice. It’s a violation of Article 88. The problem with Pompeo is, like Bolton, whenever he talks about Russia and China it’s confrontational. This is not in keeping with Trumps campaign goals. Pompeo is essentially trying to maintain pressure on both Russia and China so Trump has no one to work with when the economy tanks. Note India-China border clashes, again, to subvert friendly terms to prevent cooperation potential. Trump was talked into hitting Iran’s general by these people and now he’s stuck with it and whatever happens, which may play right into their hand.
Outsiders do not yet know if Bill Barr and Durham will deliver the goods on Spygate, or if it will become another sham investigation.
What we do know, is the Constitution is on the line in this election. And we know to expect anything, including another big event like 9/11. Sane people must guide their fellow citizens safely to the other side. That means intellectually, spiritually, politically, and culturally. And it would be a good idea for well-meaning people and nations to do what they can to support Trump as this plays out. Because if the US is taken by globalist financiers the rest are likely to follow, and global war is not far behind.
I would add, that the surveillance state set up after 9/11, is the main weapon of the Masters off the Universe, and it must be trimmed back to protect privacy, or bad things will keep happening. Flynn was a threat to this, and that is where the urgency came from to take him down. He knew where all the skeletons were buried. That is also why they hold him still. Assuage knows who really gave him emails, and it wasn’t Russians, same thing, it would blow the whole Muller Investigation foundation.
Everything flows from this spying capability, including Spygate FISA abuse, blackmail ops against people of power, etc. It’s like the Death Star in Star Wars, we must find a weakness and take it out.
Also, in 2012, Obama changed the law preventing the citizens of the US from being targets of US government propaganda, and it’s obvious they are taking full advantage with a Operation Mockingbird on Steroids.
Dear Amarynth,
Many thanks for all you do for this blog and for your often sage perspectives.
I am surprised that you are “worried” that the USA might have to “survive” without its MIC.
Because it is the MIC that is wrecking the USA and the rest of the world.
Re Trump: We are not children. The hugest problem with the last three years is that Trump Derangement Syndrome has totally sidelined any genuine discussion. That includes: What is really the lesser evil?
Trump with America First, or Biden, with American Last?
I implore all here to read Whitney Webb’s ““Bipartisan” Washington Insiders Reveal Their Plan for Chaos if Trump Wins the Election” before you double down on which is the lesser evil.
Here is the URL:
We have to understand which faction it is that actually plans to disrupt the election and the aftermath. IMO these are the most dangerous group currently on the scene. And of course they are the ones who utterly disrupted the Trump presidency to the extent that we will never know what type of presidency Trump might have managed to conduct.
Please recall, too, that Hitler was never actually elected. It was machinations behind the scenes that actually brought him to power, and then his being named chancellor by Hindenberg. Then the Reichstag fire gave him the pretext to dissolve the Reichstag (Parliament) and rule by decree. It would be very easy for either faction to try to get its hands on the levers of power via an “emergency.” The country is already softened up by the covid psy-op and the riots and the firest to believe that it is beset by an emergency that only emergency powers can deal with.
It is not yet clear to me whether Trump or the group that is willing to do anything to get rid of him is the bigger danger to our “democracy” such as it is.
Please read Whitney Webb’s piece.
Cheers, Katherine
Mike Whitney is also writing about this, thank heaven—as he has maybe a larger and in any event different readership:
I think if Trump was the patriot and good man of the people waiting for the right moment to pounce and take down the globalist deep state etc. Then he would probably have to accept that he would most likely have to sacrifice his life and those of his family.
Ah who knows but what a freaking big terrifying mess it all is.
Peace to all
Read this article about Twitter & the Chinese virologist suspended after just her first 4 Twitter posts:
Her sharing the scientific article on how SARS-CoV-2 has to have been lab created ties in with at least 4 other scientific papers by Australian-British, two other Chinese groups, & Indian virologists. Censorship & in the case of the Indians alleged death threats to suppress this news.
This is relevant to the election if you observe the Dem Party narrative & behaviour throughout the pandemic & lockdowns, including the call for postal ballots.
Dr Li-Meng Yan was from a prestigious Hong Kong university – and appeared on British TV. HK was a former British colony – and you know about the Stay Behind policy. You also know that HK ‘democracy’ activists eg Jimmy Lai and Joshua Wong are being funded and sponsored by CIA front organizations like the NGO, National Endowment for Democracy
Her paper’s title is [quote] “Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome *Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route”
Notice the use of the word “suggesting” and the lack of the word “proves”
Not being a virologist / immunologist I’m not in a position to counter any of her claims. But given the above facts I suspect this is yet another of the Empire’s salvos across China’s bow
Recall that in May 2019 Trump actually boasted that China would not become the world’s biggest economy “on my watch” ?
China would not become the world’s biggest economy “on my watch”
My working hypothesis is that in a hybrid war scenario China (like Russia) is determined not to react to any of the Empire’s aggressions – no matter how multi-vectored they are
The Dems are using the fear of death/disease to call for the curtailment of civil liberties to garner votes. It will backfire
Concerning the kindergarten fairytale “Trump is a lesser evil”:
Trump says he wanted to assassinate Assad, blames ex-defence chief Mattis for staying his hand
“… US President Donald Trump has claimed he wanted to “take out” Syrian President Bashar Assad in 2017 but was deterred by then-Defense Secretary James Mattis – after previously denying an assassination was even discussed. … …”
Was this after the last fake chemical incident staged by the fake White Helmets? We know that was their role, like photos dead ducks in the fake British Park Bench poisoning to convince Presidents to take aggressive actions against fake terrorist acts
Yes, that is terrible.
OTOH, is n’t this kind of par for the course for American “leaders”?
Obama and Hillary have Qadaffi’s blood on their hands, Bush has Saddam’s on his, and that is just for starters.
I’m sure others more knowledgeable than I can list many other leaders who have been offed at the overt or covert behest of our leaders=. Oh, yeah, also JFK, MLK, RFK, Malcolm. Obama with his drone strikes.
This provides context around the chemical incident, Trumps response, and Putin asking at the meeting with Tillerston, in that context, “who is setting US policy?”
Stephen Cohen: This is Most Dangerous Moment in U.S.-Russian Relations Since Cuban Missile Crisis
and provides a beautiful sample of why Stephen Cohen, Russia expert, be badly missed.
He could see the mechanism of the deep state behind the curtain.
Stephen Cohen Is Dead: Never Forget His Urgent Warnings Against The New Cold War
Useful opportunity to vote for Tulsi
Edward Snowden With Joe Rogan…(2 parts)
Everyone who is concerned about the coming election—and what sentient person is not concerned to freaking out about the mayhem that is planned—must read this report by Whitney Webb on TIP (Transition Integrity Program). That name is a gigantic joke in itself, because it contains teh word “Integrity.”
““Bipartisan” Washington Insiders Reveal Their Plan for Chaos if Trump Wins the Election”
Anyhow here is the URL:
This group are gaming what to do to get rid of Trump regardless of whether he actually wins or loses.
They are prepped to go. As Whitney puts it so well, adherents of ths plan and group have already well “seeded” the idea that Trump will not leave the White House if he loses.
This is akin to the classic “And have you stopped beating your wife, Mr. Smith?”
Having planted the seeds that Trump is the instigator of their plans and they are just “responding” to his planned refusal to leave the White House. Classic agents provocateurs. But so many otherwise intelligent pepole have fallen mentally ill with Trump Derangement Syndrome —these people are very fertile ground for this “seeding” operation. They will nod and say, yes, the country must take preemptive steps to stop Trump from refusing to allow a smooth “transition” under any set of circumstances.
But wait! It was the DEMOCRATS who already undermined the *previous* transition! They started talking about the rogue presidency before Trump was even inaugurated. They already had cartoons on him in jail, they started the Russiagate nonsense, they already had plans to remove Trump as of January 2017. ANd they have the balls to anoint themselves the “transition integrity” team. ..
Whitney Webb also follows her own line of investigation and evidence to reach a conclusion that the big stakes here are two different camps on the future of AI and the way AI scenarios will be imposed on the USA.
The Covid psy-op certainly has softened up a lot of Americans to think that being controlled by total surveiallance and replaced by robots is inevitable and even a good idea. But which portion of the US population, and how softened?
The “holiday” season will be a watershed for this country, and the world.
Please, read Webb’s article.
So many here seem to be commenting from outside the US, or outside the frame of reference of native born Americans. That would include our host.
The shock troops of BLM/Antifa are very sparse. Portland has been held in suspension by perhaps 200 people. Kenosha might have been 100. There are no infantry behind the shock troops. There is no groundswell of support behind the crazies. When looting occurs (thinking here mostly of Chicago, where I live) they can recruit enough ghetto street life to make a show, but it is a small show. When they have a bag of loot the looters are done, they have no politics at all. Part of recruiting that street scum is a promise of few arrests and no prosecution. The district attorney here has made good on the no prosecution deal. But this cannot and will not continue. (DA here in Chicago is purely an actress. An actress barely able to find her cues and hit her marks.)
The shock troops are largely the children of the elite. They may select out the progeny that have mental health issues and drug problems, it is still the elite sending their own to battle. There is a limit to this, it can’t be expanded. What keeps it going is they are the wealthy and privileged and completely immune to prosecution. The police know they are the rich and connected and are afraid of them.
What is striking is the media. The media are universally complicit in a narrative that is plainly ridiculous. America is not being torn apart by riots, America is being frightened by a few hundred idiot children and endless breathless reporting about their antics.
If all consumers of news believe there is a huge uprising maybe that makes it true. My advice would be stop believing any of the drivel being reported. Most of what is reported is purely a media phenomenon.
So much good sense and sound thinking but the curdling effect of a small portion of nonsense has resulted in an indigestible product. Yes, the Dem politburo is run by vicious, lying criminals, and yes, they represent a horrific danger in their mad, dangerously unmoored animosity toward Russia and China, and yes, their infantile and insincere catering to, and coddling of, a whole host of ridiculous special privilege mobs is both cynical and perilous, and yes, a Biden/Harris regime would be a disaster that would be, if anything, more likely to provoke a devastating war than the sick poltroon now in office would.
That said, the idea the the BLM/Antifa portion it is using in its anti-Trump mania represents any kind of real threat to the country, or its sham institutions is pure nonsense. The Dems are neither in control of those who are doing the damage, nor delighted with their minor destruction. That damage is wildly overblown and represents no danger either to Pelosi’s geriatric junta or to Trump’s hold on power. And when you speak of “deplorables” as victims of this black race thing you are simply wrong. White racists are a huge portion of the country and a far more serious threat to meaningful law and order than a tiny minority of blacks and rogue whites could ever be. The country is fucked either way in this election. That’s reality.
How the breakdown proceeds and manifests, none can predict. What it won’t see is BLM/Antifa in the driver’s seat, in either case.
1) As if the Republicans never steal elections? Please, Murray. 2) I’m surprised that you think Dem elites really buy into that wokester ideology. I’m pretty sure they’re just using it because it suits them. 3) Trump supporters are pretty heavily armed and have a lot of supporters in police departments and the military. I don’t think they will take being “color revolutioned”, if in fact that is what will happen (I don’t rule it out categorically), lying down. A lot of them have been looking forward to a reason to deploy their rather substantial personal arsenals.
You have it right Saker. I knew the election would turn on the “law and order” (not good term but sorta close) when BLM/AntiFa rioters invaded Portland Oregon residential neighborhoods. The local media tried to pimp it off as peaceful but I saw actual video of the “protesters” walking the the streets verbally assailing, threatening, and insulting residents. And since that event, BLM/AntiFA marchers nation wide have gone after “civilians”, even black ones with a fervor that frequently results in violence or threats of violence throughout the entire country. If it weren’t for the forest fires engulfing Oregon and displacing rural Trump voters, I would not be surprised if Trump wins super blue Oregon.
The Federal Reserve selects the President. DJ Trump will be reselected. The Fed and the Banking Cartel will not allow a Biden/Harris Administration. Let the shit show began
When the police work side by side with heavily armed paramilitaries, that is not law and order. If you look at the body count, it becomes clear that the white supremacist right is pretty violent and deadly, the BLM, antifa and so forth crowd, some of which might be considered “left” at least by US standards, not so much. Over the last while, right wing militias have killed at least 14, and that’s not even counting the mass shootings. BLM/antifa have killed one man . . . a heavily armed, violent militia leader. There’s no equivalence here, let alone any reason to claim the protesters are destroying law and order while the police and right wing are enforcing it. It’s the other way around.
The rule of law exists when nobody is above the law, and when what the “law enforcement” bodies enforce is, in fact, the law. The United States, like most democracies, has as one of its foundational constitutional laws the assurance of the people’s right to free speech and free assembly. Protest is not a violation of the law in the US; any laws that purport to restrict it are unconstitutional. Therefore, the police should not be menacing protesters, herding protesters, telling protesters where on public property they can go, and certainly they should not be attacking protesters, beating up protesters, or arresting protesters. Doing so is itself illegal. And they certainly shouldn’t be having people outside of their jurisdiction shoving people into unmarked vans without even the pretence of arrest.
Sure, if they’re setting fire to something it’s legit for the cops to arrest people. But the vast majority of clashes between police and protesters involved no property damage and were initiated by the police. They were attacking the protesters not for committing any crimes, but because they were protesting and there was a desire to cast this in itself as illegitimate. But it is not.
Meanwhile, just exactly what are the protesters protesting? Precisely the fact that the police, and now apparently right wing paramilitary “militias”, are considered above the law–allowed to kill and commit violence arbitrarily. They are the ones calling for a genuine rule of law, as opposed to a thuggish occupation.
I’m actually somewhat surprised at The Saker’s position on this. He doesn’t back US imperialism and he doesn’t back Israel’s oppression of Palestinians. But he must be aware that the US police are the way they are because of US imperialism and even to a certain extent because of Israel–the IDF regularly holds training sessions for US police, so they can learn to police US poor and coloured people the way the IDF “polices” the occupied territories. Meanwhile, US police forces are flooded with military surplus weapons, drones, tanks, helicopters . . . and personnel, veterans with PTSD used to holding down Afghanistan or Iraq. What the US does to the lower classes at home is the flip side of what it does to them abroad. If he doesn’t back the US oppressing other countries, why is he so fine with the US doing the same to its own poor?
This is BIG! Kamala Harris Calls It “the Harris Administration”
Wayne Dupree: Oops! Kamala’s ‘Harris Administration’ gaffe has revealed the Democrats’ *true plans
Vice-presidential candidate is politically ambitious! Wow, so significant.
But sure, let’s face it, Biden is senile so if anyone’s gonna be in charge it’ll be her, just like George W wasn’t interested in administration so if anyone was in charge it was Dick Cheney. Doesn’t matter much because Biden would be a placeholder even in full control of his rather limited faculties. Harris, however, despite having a rather different appearance, is pretty much the same as Biden–an establishment, billionaire-backed law-and-order candidate. She’d probably make a marginally less bad president than Biden, who seems throughout his career to have had an amazing instinct for being wrong about nearly everything.
Despite all this, either would be less bad than Trump, whose trajectory is not so much towards the “trains running on time” classic European fascist model with its heavy interventions in the economy as towards the third world “Inefficiency, rapacious profiteering and kill anyone who complains” Colombian or Honduras model, with its close collaboration between only-mostly-unaccountable police and more-or-less-deniable racist paramilitary death squads.
”But inside the USA, what we see taking place before us is a weird kind of war against the people of the USA, a war waged by a very dangerous mix of ideologues and thugs (that is the toxic recipe for most revolutions!)”
Haha, sometimes even George Soros has a silver lining! He botched it as he tried his luck with Russia and China — both being societies with a real revolutionary legacy — and found out that his own America with its pretend, bogus ”revolution” (an orgy of land-grabbing, genocide, and enslavement) would be much more fertile soil for his kind of philanthropy. Of course it helps him immensely in the US that he’s Jewish, and of course he knows it.
Bottom line: Give me the Russian and Chinese revolutions and revolutionaries anytime, and — for God’s sake — don’t let Vladimir Putin throw George Soros in the slammer. His ”philanthropy” finally seems to bring some really great results!
Very good article. Although, is (all of) this (playing off over the last few months) any different to what has been happening over the last few years in modern day South Africa? There were people saying to keep an eye on South Africa as this is most likely “coming to a county near you”. Did anyone pay attention?
Finally you see the light.
This is the exact reason SO MANY Americans are standing Behind President Donald Trump.
They know he is but one man, but the ONLY PRESIDENT in modern time to say he wants to MAKE AMERICA GREAT. The ONLY one to say, he want TO BRING JOBS BACK. The ONLY one to say he wants to close the boarder to illegal Aliens……AND THE BIG ONE……THE ONLY President to EVER mention the Child Trafficking and sexual exploitation on Minors. THE ONLY ONE…….EVER.
The American Middle Class have been Brow beaten into submissiveness by the MSM, but still believe in better days. THAT is why they stand behind Trump, flaws and all. HE is the ONLY ONE to save the USA from Total destruction and full on CIVIL WAR 2.0.
Just the thoughts of a neighbour from Canada.
Please stop using capitals – its like screaming – any further will go to trash. Mod.
Trump vs Biden? There is this physical principle called “the conservation of problems”. It states that problems can neither be created or destroyed, but only can change change shape and flavor. Per this principle I posit the Saker’s original assessment may be more accurate. Of course, one has to wait to find out what the future truly has in store for us. As to who to vote for, it is a matter of what problems one is willing to deal with. Either way there wil be problems.
A warning to other nations: America is seriously psychotic–like a serial killer on a rampage. The “civil unrest” currently in the USA is nothing compared to what could happen.
However, the real threat is that America’s murderous instincts will not be contained inside US borders but will be deliberately channeled outward against other nations through omnicidal American wars of aggression.
Put another way.. America is like a Black Hole.
It will devour anything that is ensnared in its predatory embrace.
Worse still, America is very much like its bosom ally, Zionist Israel, in that it possesses a delusional and messianic belief in its own moral righteousness as God’s Chosen Nation.
In reality, however, America is more like Satan’s Chosen Nation.
Somehow you are able to perceive the sincerity of those who support Trump despite the fact that Trump is essentially carrying water for the empire (even if not as efficiently as the oligarchy would like). But you seem unable to understand that wide spread support for Black Lives Matter, etc is equally sincere despite the ruling class attempting to co-opt and direct the protests toward their own ends. People are not crazy to think that Trump and the Republicans present a greater danger than Biden and the Democrats; any more than people are crazy for believing the opposite. I readily understand both points of view for which I count myself fortunate but very lonely. The most hopeful development I see is #Unity 2020 https://articlesofunity.org/
Given Trump has used demonizing China as a flag-waving exercise for American ‘patriots’ during the election campaign – doesnt this development shed new light on the bioweapon debate:
Chinese virologist who claimed coronavirus was ‘intentionally’ released, works for a group led by Steve Bannon
“A group of Chinese virologists released a strange new paper on Monday that claims the new coronavirus was engineered in a Chinese lab.
– One of the virologists, Li-Meng Yan, told FOX host Tucker Carlson it was a “man-made virus” that the Chinese government released “intentionally”
– Yan and her coauthors work for groups cofounded by the former Trump strategist Steve Bannon. He directed the groups before his arrest in August
– Some members of the Trump administration have pushed a fringe theory that the virus accidentally leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, but there’s no evidence of this
Yes the Saker is correct the choice is between crazy DEMS and a deal maker / keep my word Trump.
Its appalling the state of affairs things have sunk to but what can you expect from a party controlled by Soros ?
The same Soros who delights in creating economic chaos whereever he allowed to go.
A second Trump term would end the violence… these cowards would turn tail the minute Trump declares a Federal emergency and sends in the National Guard…
And the few paid thugs left could quickly be arrested… and hopefully ‘sing’ about the key organizers of it all!
“Bipartisan” Washington Insiders Reveal Their Plan for Chaos if Trump Wins the Election
A group of “bipartisan” neoconservative Republicans and establishment Democrats have been “simulating” multiple catastrophic scenarios for the 2020 election, including a simulation where a clear victory by the incumbent provokes “unprecedented” measures, which the Biden campaign could take to foil a new Trump inauguration.
A group of Democratic Party insiders and former Obama and Clinton era officials as well as a cadre of “Never Trump” neoconservative Republicans have spent the past few months conducting simulations and “war games” regarding different 2020 election “doomsday” scenarios.
Per several media reports on the group, called the Transition Integrity Project (TIP), they justify these exercises as specifically preparing for a scenario where President Trump loses the 2020 election and refuses to leave office, potentially resulting in a constitutional crisis. However, according to TIP’s own documents, even their simulations involving a “clear win” for Trump in the upcoming election resulted in a constitutional crisis, as they predicted that the Biden campaign would make bold moves aimed at securing the presidency, regardless of the election result….
Why America’s Enemy Is England, Not Russia
America’s sole enemy during the Revolutionary War (1775-1783) was England. Ever since being defeated in that war, England (controlled by the British aristocracy) has tried various ways to regain its control over America.
The British aristocracy’s latest attempt to regain control over America started in 1877, and continues today, as the two countries’ “Deep State” — comprising not only the lying CIA and the lying MI6, but the entire joint operation of the united aristocracies of Britain and the U.S.
These two aristocracies actually constitute the Deep State, and control the top levels of both intelligence agencies, and of both Governments, and prevent democracy in both countries.
The aristocracy rules each of them. The 1877 plan was for a unification of the two aristocracies, and for the then-rising new world power, American industry, and its Government, to become controlled by the wealthiest individuals in both countries. Franklin Delano Roosevelt had tried to break the back of that intended global-imperialist combine, but he tragically died before he achieved this goal.
Russia and the United States: The Forgotten History of a Brotherhood
“A battle lost or won is easily described, understood, and appreciated, but the moral growth of a great nation requires reflection, as well as observation, to appreciate it”. – Frederick Douglass (former slave who would later become a great American statesman and diplomat)
It has always been an utmost necessity to exercise caution when reading the historical accounts of great periods that threatened to change the course of the world. As is widely recognised though not reflected upon enough, ‘history is written by the victors’, and if this be indeed the truth, than we must be aware of what lens we are looking through.
It is a sad reality that most Americans have forgotten that the Russians were their brothers during the American Civil War, a union that was not only based from a geopolitical stratagem but much more importantly was based on a common view of humankind; that slavery’s degradation could no longer be tolerated and that industrial growth was an absolute precondition to free man.
Historians today largely dismiss this as a fairy tale, they spew their vitriolic commentaries, and try to destroy the memories of great people from the past that truly did believe and fight for something noble. These historians would erase our heroes or otherwise would have us believe that they were nothing but small, bitter men that cared nothing for the world. For if we have no memory of such heroes, we have no memory of the fight that was left unfinished…
As someone living under the chaos instituted by Trump, Bannon and CIA; my true wish is to see Mr. Trump hanged by the balls. Come to Brazil ans see by yourself… Dump Trump!
Please forgive this offtopic remark, but I have to comment on this small mention about the bolsheviks in Russia in 1917. You wrote that the bolsheviks restored order in Russia after seizing power. However, I am sure that you’re aware that, that is not true. I know that you’re not a supporter of the bolsheviks or “sovietism” etc. but I still want to say this. The bolsheviks did not restore order, they did exactly the opposite! They were fighting for “international revolution”, against Russian statehood. Russia to them, was something akin to fire wood, something they can use, “chop up” to get the fire going. They did nothing good, and do not deserve ANY (direct or indirect) positive or even neutral mentions, and you correctly mention their ruthlessness and viciousness. Even by portraying them in a neutral manner, will help keep this Soviet myth alive, that they “simply wanted to build schools and kindergartens”. It is one of the myths that the Soviet mentality (Sovieticus) is based on, and is still alive in Russia today unfortunately (to the detriment of Russia). Again, sorry for this little rant.