Dear President Trump,
We write to you with angst just days before the Passover holiday when the Jews escaped the oppressive tyranny of Pharaoh in Egypt. The Assad regime in Syria appears to have conducted a nerve gas attack against Syrian civilians yesterday. At least 58 civilians have been killed in the attack, marking the worst chemical attack in Syria since the August 21, 2013 chemical massacre. We believe that a strong response from the U.S. is essential to stopping these war crimes.
This attack is a violation of multiple U.N. Security Council resolutions prohibiting the Assad regime from using chemical weapons passed under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter. Local medical workers observed that victims were gasping for air, and video footage from the area showed dozens of dead bodies with no apparent external injuries.
Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin called the attack a “stain on humanity,” and urged the international community to “join together to bring an end to this murderous insanity and make sure these types of images will never again be seen anywhere in the world” and called on “world leaders and the heads of the world powers to act now and stop the criminal murdered taking in place in Syria at the hands of the Assad regime and act to have chemical weapons removed from the Syrian territory.”
Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel said in 2012, “the so-called civilized world isn’t even trying to stop the massacre. Its leaders issue statements, but the bloodshed continues. A situation that has lasted 13-odd months is not about to end.”
The Assad regime will not cease these brutal attacks unless it faces the threat of serious military repercussions such as airstrikes against air bases associated with chemical weapons and suspected storage facilities.
We therefore urge you to fully appreciate the importance of this moment and to act decisively to avoid dire consequences. Specifically, we recommend that you adopt the following measures:
• Verify, with the various departments in your administration, that today’s attacks in Syria were indeed carried out with a nerve agent.
This would mean that the Assad regime still possesses nerve gas and therefore did not comply with the September 2013 chemical agreement.
• Order targeted airstrikes on Assad regime air facilities, jetways, and fix-wing and rotary aircraft so as to prevent the regime from carrying out further chemical attacks with nerve agents.
If today’s horrific atrocity is not met with a firm response, Assad likely has more attacks planned on an even larger scale. The world today is looking to your administration for leadership.
Rabbi Alison Adler
Rabbi Daniel Askenazi
Rabbi Justus Baird
Rabbi Ben Berger
Rabbi Jonathan Biatch
Rabbi Jason Bonder
Rabbi Jill Borodin
Rabbi Mark Borovitz
Rabbi Daniel Bouskila
Rabbi Debra S. Cantor
Rabbi Mari Chernow
Rabbi Yosi Cirlin
Rabbi Chuck Davidson
Rabbi Ellen Weinberg Dreyfus
Rabbi Menashe East
Rabbi Judith Edelstein
Rabbi Dr. Zev Farber
Cantor Rebecca Joy Fletcher
Rabbi Avidan Freedman
Rabbi Ruth Gais
Rabbi Rachel Gartner
Rabbi Daniel Goodman
Rabbi Mel Gottlieb,Ph.D.
Rabbi Maralee Gordon
Rabbi Steve Greenberg
Rabbi Dr. Yitz Greenberg
Rabbi Arielle Hanien
Rabbi Ari D. Hart
Rabbi Dr. Richard Hidary
Rabbi Sarit Horwitz
Rabbi Rachel Isaacs
Rabbi David Jaffe
Rabbi Marisa James
Rabbi David Kalb
Rabbi Jeremy Kalmanofsky
Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky
Rabbi Elana Kanter
Rabbi David Kasher
Cantor Dr. Evan Kent
Rabbi Riqi Kosovske
Rabbi Emma Kippley-Ogman
Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum
Rabbi Andy Koren
Rabbi Eugene Korn
Rabbi Dr. Robert L. Kravitz
Rabbi Daniel Landes
Rabbi Aaron Leibowitz
Rabbi Darby Jared Leigh
Rabbi Joshua Lesser
Rabbi Joshua Levine Grater
Rabbi Leah Lewis
Rabbi John A. Linder
Rabbi Andrea London
Rabbi Yehoshua Looks
Rabbi Marc Margolius
Rabbi Ariel Evan Mayse
Rabbi Avram Mlotek
Rabbi Dan Moskovitz
Rabbi Kehillah Dina Najman
Rabbi David Novak
Rabbi Micha Odenheimer
Rabbi Haim Ovadia
Rabbi Laura Owens
Rabbi Shuli Passow
Rabbi Robin Podolsky
Rabbi Aaron Potek
Rabbi Aviva Richman
Rabbi Tracee Rosen
Rabbi Scott B. Saulson
Rabbi Robert Scheinberg
Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger
Rabbi David Seidenberg
Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller
Rabbi Dean Shapiro
Rabbi Bonnie Sharfman
Rabbi Garth Silberstein
Rabbi Daniel Raphael Silverstein
Rabbi Suzanne Singer
Rabbi Jenny Solomon
Rabbi Robin S. Sparr
Rabbi Joseph Telushkin
Rabbi Victor Urecki
Rabbi Devin Villarreal
Rabbi Elyse Wechterman
Rabbi Simkha Y. Weintraub
Rabbi Ora Weiss
Rabbi Zari Weiss
Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz
Rabbi Shawn Zevit
Rabbi Jill Berkson Zimmerman
They need to talk to Syrians before making such a statement.
notice how they predict/promise futher gas attacks on an even larger scale…
many commentators have also predicted more ”rebels’ attacks”.
seeing how they provoked trumps reaction, they were celebrating.
i would not give you any odds on betting there will be more.
The statement sounds like it is influenced by Israeli propaganda. I think this is the telling part:
“The Assad regime will not cease these brutal attacks unless it faces the threat of serious military repercussions such as airstrikes against air bases associated with chemical weapons and suspected storage facilities.”
Lets assume the fake news in the statement is true. Is it really the case that the only viable response is a military attack? What about diplomacy? The Russians have been warning about more false flag attacks.
No, this foul language is 100% American, this is the American state, system (and the rest of the Pharisaic Talmudism run West, including their colony in the Levant) speaking.
These Pharisees, white-livered liars, two-faced terroristic scum, schizophrenic psychopaths, false flaggers control the entire system in the West. It is also Trump’s ‘religion’. Cynthia McKinney might be the only exception on Capital Hill.
If not for Joseph Stalin they’d have controlled, enslaved, massacred, ruined the whole world by now, which they pretty much did anyway, since the 17th c.
If the Saker allowed the use of a thumbs up vote, I would use it for this comment.
It would be useful for any reader to obtain a copy of the book, The Controversy of Zion, by Douglas Reed for a full account of how the rabbinic system has worked over the centuries for thousands of years to properly understand the depths to which Jews are trapped within their own system and the extent to which the rabbis infiltrates society in countries across the globe. This is a REAL problem for the world that the world must recognise or suffer the very real consequences of a rabbinic victory and the institution of their New World Order.
Again, all the comments miss belling the true arch-conspirators, by engaging in the endless and futile “sectarian moral/law debate” frame which is used as a psychological screen on any who hold religious beliefs.
This diverts readers from considering cui bono, and exactly which family currently stands largely hidden from examination at the apex of the Zionist/Deep State/Bilderberg warmonger/bankster pyramid… The Rothchilds. Like the Medici (and many other corrupt famous families) before them, the Rothschild cabal has learned it is profitable to publicly identify with a particular strategically influential religious stripe. Any criticism of the Zionist/Rothschild project as supported above is met with accusations of “anti-semite”. How convenient.
The Rothschilds have admitted to their generational to commit intentional crimes against humanity since declaring “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.” (Mayer Amschel Rothschild) and “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” Gutle Schnaper, (Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s wife).
Religions have never brought widespread, lasting peace between cultures, nations or sects holding differing god-based belief systems. Never.
Let that sink in… NEVER.
Those wielding power and influence see to it. The problem is not which religion is “right”, it is that no religion can ever be “right” as they are always corrupted and manipulated by those in power. QED, religion is the problem, as an all too-available tool that cannot be protected from those who would use it to create war, not peace.
The rabbis who signed this warmonger screed are merely following the foundational cultist lies their cultural/religious upbringing has programmed them to. Having been brought up Christian, I understand just how difficult it is to break that cultist programming… surely our parents, teachers, holy men, politicians, cultural icons, journalists, business leaders etc. would not lie to us, or be so mistaken in their own comprehension/morality to be completely wrong in their thoughts and actions… but the evidence says that may exactly be the case.
The cult of war (cleverly disguised, packaged as religious/political belief), which profits only the 0.001% and their minions continues to divide and destroy.
It is required to take away a major tool used to divide us. Look to the edges of he universe and the smallest quanta, and see no “god” of the type espoused by the major belief systems of the world. There is no need to hate the other over a “god” conflictingly described in ancient books, that none of the sages can agree on even the most basic requirement… which translation or interpretation is the “true” one?
But the mainstream religious sages and 0.001% powerbrokers agree that war is the answer, based on the “morality” described in those same ancient books.
Free yourself, free us all. Whatever ultimate power there is in the universe (and beyond) it is not to be found in the continued incestuous metaphysical mental meanderings based on the guesses of late-bronze/early-iron age tribal leaders and priests. After more than 6,000 years of this “god-search” navel gazing, if the answer was there to be found in those writings, humankind would have found it.
More war by proxy.
Israeli planning and pressure on all fronts.
How it is done: the tail wagging the dog.
But all they got was 23 missile strikes, more Russian-Syrian air defenses they will have to fly against, and deeper resolve by all the world that supports a secular Syria.
They will have to write a new letter complaining that they need assistance to house and feed all the al Nusra fighters and “families” fleeing into Israel.
The Israeli master plan is more war. War fought by others in behalf of that plan.
Has there been any confirmation of the “downed” Israeli jet fighter? I’ve heard lots of claims but nothing substantial. Heck, there was even a claim I read it was a F-35 and was super duper classified because of it.
They downed a drone.
The jet was probably hit, but flew back to Little America where Peace dies and Wars are born.
The Synagogue of Satan proudly sign their names on Satan’s Contract for more Demonic Forces to be unleashed upon Christians and Muslim Syrians.
Surely these Demons of Hell pricked their fingers and signed with their Talmudic blood? After all, Satan does not prefer his unGodly contracts signed simply with “Bic” red ink pens.
In Christ,
Carmel by the Sea
Where are these Rabbis when Israel is bombing innocent civilians, schools, and hospitals?
They are signing backlogged Satan’s Contracts to kill other people.
Response to Carmel of the Sea :
Scholars consider the text where the reference to the Synagogue of Satan appears – I believe – twice (Apocalypse of John) to have an origin outside of Christianity, as Jesus of Nazareth and Christian themes are conspicuous by their absence. Ben Gurion, Moshe Dayan, Shimon Peres were all steeped in this baleful messianism.
Note also the heinous biblical reference to Egypt from these four score rabbis who are simply another sign of the return to Yahwism, A manifestation of the warlike cult at the heart of the Rabbinical and Talmudic Judeosphere – by which I mean the jealous, bloodthirsty, merciless – for gentiles in particular – deity of the Tanakh (Old Testament), apparently essentially – and selectively – compiled by the priest and scribe Ezra (according to Spinoza and later academics).
Alias Yahweh, the ‘national’ Iron Age god of predominantly the kingdom of Judah and – consubstantially by a process of absorption or assimilation – of Israel (Samaria) too. The de facto world government – via the central banking system and the mass media – is more or less a fait accompli today. If the truth be told, Imran N. Hosein would probably not be in disagreement withmuch of what I have to disclose about this messianic agenda.
Hopefully what follows will alert you and your fellow citizens to the workings of this hyperactive school of mischief making to subvert, dissolve, absorb, subjugate all other religious communities and belief systems. It officiates as the High_Council_of_B’nei_Noah, set up to indoctrinate B’nei Noah communities worldwide and endorsed by a group claiming to be the new Sanhedrin.
Many Jewish religious groups alongside Zionist Christian Evangelists, are prominent in this international enterprise now propagating the so-called Seven Laws of Noah, notably the Chabad-Lubavitch movement ; this being a very wealthy, highly organised, allegedly Hasidic sect, whose late leader, a Ukrainian born Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994) launched the global Noahide Campaign.
Here is someone, popularly referred to as the Rebbe, whose partisans – called Lubavitchers or Chabadniks – draw their morals from doctrines inspired by the Babylonian Talmud and other classical works of Rabbinical Judaism which give prominence to apocalyptic redemption, for which they hope and pray, so as to pave the way for world government managed under auspices of a distinctly Jewish flavoured theocracy.
Here we behold the religious and political guru of messianic Israeli prime ministers Binyamin Netanyahu and Ariel Sharon and of senior US functionaries such as Paul Wolfowitz, Senator Joseph Lieberman, Senator and retired General Carl Levin, Michael Chertoff, Orthodox Jewish rabbi Dov Zakheim. People whose official and unofficial actions link them to game-changing events like 9/11 and the invasions of Iraq, Syria etc. Neither can we overlook the precepts of a would-be spiritual leader whose life was spent teaching his followers to differentiate racially or religiously between Jews and non-Jews, between Jewish embryos and non-Jewish embryos etc. I kid you not.
Moreover at his behest, during the month of March 1991, a mind boggling piece of subterfuge was enacted in Washington DC. On Tuesday 5 March, deceptively billed as a vehicle for recognizing the eighty-ninth birthday of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, a disarmingly worded, harmless-looking Joint Resolution was sprung upon and voted by an almost empty House of Representatives. It was endorsed two days later by a US Senate ballot, likewise without a recorded vote. Thus on March 20, 1991, twenty days after the end of the blood soaked Operation Desert Storm, the initiative was signed into law without a murmur by President George HW Bush.
Public Law 102-14 specified March 26, 1991 as «Education Day, USA». It is a piece of legal mumbo-jumbo to purposely hide the fact that Jewish inspired Noahide Laws were to «become the national, though undeclared, religion of America». In 1978, the US Congress asked President Carter to designate Mr Schneerson’s birthday as the national Education and Sharing Day to recognize and pay tribute to his efforts for a better education for all American citizens (sic). Public Law 102-14 remains to this day enforceable as American federal law.
Unbeknown to the vast majority of US citizens, but available for consultation at the US Library of Congress, this statute declares that the “Seven Noahide Laws” (from the Jewish Babylonian Talmud) are the principles upon which the USA was founded, and that it is America’s responsibility to transmit these “ethical values” to future generations in the United States and the world. Regarding these so-called “ethical values”, for your information, the Seven Noahide Laws set up a two-tier judiciary, one for Jews and one for non-Jews.
For example, under the section “Laws Before Sinai”, one learns that, with few exceptions, the breaking or transgression of the Noahide Laws is punishable by death by decapitation. Blasphemy, idolatry, adultery fall into this category. Furthermore a Jew may rob, rape or kill a Gentile with impunity. But woe betide the hapless,
blasphemous or adulterous Gentile or the non-Jew accused of slaying, despoiling or sexually aggressing a Jew.
It might possibly also interest readers to learn that a certain Rabbi Meir Kahane organized one of the very first Noahide conferences in the 1980s. In 1968 this American-Israeli, Orthodox rabbi, ultra-Nationalist politician and teacher, founded the Jewish Defense League (JDL), a violent far right terrorist organisation, He was also the founder of the extremist Israeli Kach movement which existed from 1971 till 1994. This Jewish nationalist-Orthodox dogma (subsequently dubbed Kahanism) inspired the American-Israeli doctor Baruch Goldstein, to perpetrate the infamous Cave of the Patriarchs massacre in Hebron (الْخَلِيل al-Khalīl) on February 25, 1994.
We do indeed need to be aware of how this tiny, but inordinately influential minority of religious fanatics is infiltrating all our political institutions with the intention of ‘reincarnating’ physically the biblical judaic kingdoms temporarily united under David and Solomon.
The 1982 Oded Yinon Plan or the Zionist Blueprint for Eretz Israel and the Middle East which lays the basis for the bloodbath unfolding in Syria has visibly spilled over into population centres dotted all over the globe. Not that NATO’s media circus reports as much about Ankara or Damascus as they do of events in London and Paris.
The carnage wrought by the Atlanticist mercenaries in Ukraine, Iraq and Syria indicates that their masters will have no qualms about provoking an even more massive bloodbath by attempting to replace the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem-al Quds (القدس) with another Jewish temple, this being part of the approved messianic agenda to enslave non-Jewish humanity at large and eradicate all who refuse to kowtow to this satanic master plan.
The Rebbe’s children have even infiltrated the Kremlin in the person of Shalom Dovber Pinchas Lazar. Hopefully Vladimir knows how to keep his Chief Rabbi on a short leash.
You have been warned.
Recommended bibliography :
The Noachide Laws and The Chabad-Lubavitcher Movement Extract : “Chabad sponsors huge telethons where the likes of Neil Diamond, Adam Sandler, Elliot Gould, Jon Voight, Regis Philbin, Howie Mandel, etc., show up to lend support”.
Victor Ostrovsky : How Mossad got America to bomb Libya and fight Iraq
De yahwisme au sionisme by Laurent Guyénot (2017) 25,00 € TTC
OCCIDENT & ISLAM Sources et genèse messianiques du sionisme
De l’Europe médiévale au Choc des civilisations by Youssef HINDI
Préface de J-M Vernochet EAN : 9782917329825 256 pages, 15x21cm, 16 € TTC Paru en sep. 2015
Le mythes fondateurs du choc des civilisations ou Comment l’Islam est devenu l’ennemi de l’Occident by Youssef HINDI Préface by colonel Roger Akl EAN : 9782917329900 200 pages, 15x21cm, 17,50 € TTC
Paru en sep. 2016
I’ve seen this Lubavitch/Noahide angle pop up a lot recently, specifically with regard to 102-14. Interesting to see the JDL link.
In looking into this, I was concerned at what even the most moderate interpretation of these laws according to the Lubavitch Rabbi that became so celebrated – being that yes, the Jew does extend love and peace to all, but justify anything “in defense”. It is against the Rabbi’s teaching to surrender a single inch. Which is exactly why we see the psychotic polls from Israel why 75% support their rapacious army. In their heads, Israel and its interests are wall that cannot be crossed. Anything is allowed to defend it, because if everyone just respected their boundaries, they would be welcomed with love and peace.
This is the very definition of exceptionalism, apartheid, and the arrogance of a “Chosen people/Master race”. Of course the Zionists interests are not static, not for Israel or the world. Refusal to accept their worldview is therefore to attack their security, and is its own justification for any crime they commit, from the plight of the Palestinians to 9/11, to ISIS, to who knows what is next.
The rabbis sincerely believe that the Jew has been commissioned by God to go into all the world and subdue the nations, to bring them into submission to Israel. In order to bring that about on such a massive scale they believe they must destroy the world first and then rebuild it – thus we have such policies as the Oded Yinon Plan and Cultural Marxism being implemented all over the Western world.
We are in a fight for our lives, our children’s lives and the future of the world, folks. This is not ‘conspiracy theory’: it is proven fact.
Just one question: How do you explain the multitudes of liberal Jewish people in the US who have been participating in pro-Muslim rallies in the last could months while protesting Trump’s policies? Why are there so many American Jewish people (you can find them on the US East Coast in New York, etc.) that are pro-Palestinian? Do you seriously think that hundreds of thousands of people are “in” on such a conspiracy?
My belief is that this is a little sensationalist. Jewish people are not a monolithic ideological block. They have their own differences of opinions between conservative, religious Netanyahu-supporters and more liberal atheist types.
The real divide among Jews is Zionist or non-Zionist and all the degrees of that choice.
Zionism is Jewish Nazism or Fascism, as you prefer.
They are intimidating and they shame/stampede even thinking, decent moral people into backing their policies.
The fear and shame deployed by Zionists is deployed against Jew and Gentile alike.
No group is monolithic, including the Jews, but pro-Palestinian here is also anti-Trump so liberals would support that, and it’s not clear that isn’t a major motivation. At the same time, there has not been anything near such protests against zionism and war when the Democrats and liberals were pushing for it. There is a lot of cognitive dissonance around, and many, of all religious affiliations, have swallowed the propaganda and/or dysinformation, from both the neoconlib war mongers and the zionists.
ACTIONS over words. The jews en masse have their collective self-image heavily invested in being perennial victims- while comprising the richest, most powerful elite on the planet. Why has there been no US peace movement like Vietnam? Jews control the American peace movement just like they do the media, and all the Obama bombings of Israel’s Arab enemies under his admin favor ISRAEL. Hence not a bit of protest from the jewish “left”. Whether left of right, dem or GOP, the jews’ top priority is THEMSELVES and the countries they occupy are coerced into defending them, even at the hosts’ expense.
It’s not a conspiracy; it’s a network of people with the same worldview acting on that worldview from positions of power over many decades, with the results we witness today.
They need to stop referencing the 2013 gas attacks. Even Obama new he was being played by McCain and company. On this season of Easter maybe they should BTFO and let the Christians in Assads Syria celebrate.
No, act decisively in Hollywood before the White Helmets strike again.
Every rabbi who signed on to that discussing letter in now a war criminal promoting aggressive war. This puts them in the same war criminal category as goebbels, and as far as I am concerned, subject to the same prosecution and punishment. They are professed killers.
Israel is a state which was founded on Terrorism. The Terrorism of the Haganah, the Irgun Zwei Leumi and the Stern Group. The blowing up of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem carried out by the Irgun (led by Menachem Begin) in July 1946 and killing 90 persons, mostly civilian Arabs, was the beginning of the period of terrorism, assassination, murder and occupation as well as the usurpation of Arab lands.
Yitzak Shamir leader of the even more notorious Stern Gang, defended the various assassinations committed by the Irgun and Stern gangs on the grounds that “it was the only way we could operate, because we were so small. So it was more efficient and more moral to go for selected targets.” The selected moral targets in those early days of the founding of the state of Israel included bombing of the King David Hotel and the massacre of Deir Yassin.
April 9, 1948: A combined force of Irgun and Stern Gangs committed a brutal massacre of 260 Arab residents of the village of Deir Yassin. Most of whom were women and children. The Israeli hordes even attacked the dead to satisfy their bestial tendencies. In April, 1954, during Holy Week, and on the eve of Easter, The Christian cemeteries in Haifa were invaded, crosses broken down and trampled under the feet of these miscreants, and the tombs desecrated. The Israeli military conquest, therefore was made against a defenseless people, who had been softened up by such earlier massacres as Deir Yasin {250 Arabs; men, women and children were massacred there}.
And so the process of murder, annexation, and apartheid carries on today. How dare these rabbis, these putatatively holy men, call for more of the same. I am heartily sick of this self-righteous zionist call for ever more violence against generally defenceless, stone-throwing Palestinians.
Doubtless the ‘anti-semite’ card will now be played. But this is simply a smear tactic to divert attention away from what is going on in Israel and the disputed territories and the despicable behaviour of the army of occupation esconced therein.
The neocons and Zionists are fast approaching a day when Israel lies in ruins and Washington is a smoking radioactive hole in the ground.
Good prediction.
Male sterility and breast cancer rates are off the charts in Israel.
Radioactive radiation in Washington, DC is 509 x normal @ 2,548 CPM.
Reminds me of the times of Prophet Elijah-so many false ones
Even US neocons are not that blatant:
“In a speech at the Herzliya Conference, Israel’s military intelligence chief, Major General Herzi Halevy, took Israel’s long-standing position that it “prefers ISIS” over the Syrian government to a whole ‘nother level, declaring openly that Israel does not want to see ISIS defeated in the war.
He then said Israel will do “all we can so as to not find ourselves in such a situation,” suggesting that the Israeli military is looking at direct support for ISIS as a matter of policy, and not just rhetoric.”
“Ya’alon: In choice between Iran and ISIS, I prefer ISIS”,7340,L-4755215,00.html
“To Weaken Iran, Start With Syria”
he taketh peace from the earth
The life on earth could be so damn easy without guys like that. Pure heaven we could have.
However, the story looks like a hoax to me.
Along with the rabid rabbis, Frau Freeland further drags what’s left of Canada’s good name into iniquity:
Canada announces sanctions on 27 top Syrian officials in effort to pressure Assad
“Earlier this week, Freeland urged Russia, a longtime a (sic) supporter of Assad, to break with the Syrian president and help broker his departure in order to establish a lasting peace in the troubled region.”
As if. Perhaps Freeland might like to take ger nasty little butt to Damasacus and hear what real Syrians think? Was that a ‘No!” I heard?
More from the CBC and Syria:
‘He doesn’t see us as human’: Survivor describes horror of Syrian chemical attack
Let’s deconstruct some of this shaped propaganda from Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland’s state broadcaster, the CBC.
“It was a strange smell,” he said. His eyes began to blur and “people started vomiting, foaming at the mouth, fainting.”
Sarin: Odorless in pure form. Impure sarin can smell like mustard or burned rubber.
Yes, so this could indicate impure Sarin, a more likely scenario with rebels rather than the Syrian state. However there is a visible difference between drooling and foaming at the mouth -so that foaming footage was fake.
“Initial symptoms following exposure to sarin are a runny nose, tightness in the chest and constriction of the pupils. Soon after, the victim has difficulty breathing and experiences nausea and drooling. As the victim continues to lose control of bodily functions, the victim vomits, defecates and urinates”
None of the video /pictures showed victims vomiting, defecating or urinating. Fake doctors, pure acting.
Constriction of the pupils can also be effected by many drugs e.g.:
“Opiate class drugssuch as Heroin, Fentanyl, Codeine, Methadone and Morphine stimulate the parasympathetic side of the autonomic nervous system and cause pupil constriction”
“When asked why he thinks his town was a target, the elder Al Yousif said of Bashar al-Assad, “there’s no power standing in his way. He doesn’t see us as human, he sees us as terrorists”
That’s a pretty lame reason for a winning Assad to gas a handful of residents for no military objective and which he would know would cause worldwide condemnation.
“Idlib is rebel-held territory, but Al Yousif said he is a farmer and that his son was a student before the war”
The ‘war’ started 6 years ago and being a farmer/student and ISIL are not mutually exclusive.
“Turkish officials say autopsy results on three victims who were brought to Turkey for treatment prove that chemical weapons were used.”
Given that Turkey supports ISIL, Assad’s downfall, and a no-fly zone in Syria and was implicated in producing/importing chemical weapons to Syria previously plus Erdogan’s consistent duplicity invalidates any ‘proof’.
Nejdet Al Yousif shakes his head. “If there was a chemical depot there, would we keep our kids there? Are we that stupid?” Yes, but since you are a farmer you wouldn’t be privy to rebel military inventory and since the USA had advanced knowledge of the attack it would be a simple matter to ensure mislabelled chemical containers were transferred there.
Undeniable fact: All Syrian state chemical weapons were destroyed and with US involvement and confirmation but this excluded chemical weapons in rebel areas of Syria.
“And what about concerns of the divisions in the country, that Assad’s departure would leave a power vacuum? Who could come next?
Abudlhamit was adamant, “Whoever comes into power, they can’t be as bad as him,” he said”
Want a bet?
“His son agreed. “Our only hope is Assad’s end,” he said”
Ah! The ending CBC Canadian state broadcaster meme: “Assad must go!”.
I wonder how much the “victim” was paid? Given the White Helmets is a complete psy-op scam, you can be certain no CBC crew was anywhere near actual Syrians.
And… it’s gone… the “He doesn’t see us as human” story has dropped off the CBC main website pages after less than 1 day. I had to click through other “Syria” stories to find links embedded in those other stories get to it. Maybe because the story leans so heavily on the “sarin gas” aspect, which is refuted within the story by the “victim” claiming there was a “strange smell” Sarin gas has no smell and is colourless.
I liked the “28 members of his family killed” touch, with the disclaimer “CBC could not confirm”… then why mention it?
And the “douse a rag in cola” advice seems pretty much exclusive to a couple MSM stories, no mention on the US’s guide for the US public for things to do in case of chemical attacks. There were more references on the dangers of mixing pool chlorine and cola than any supporting info on the “cola rag” premise.
And of course CBC does not allow comments on such stories, as years ago when they did, many Canadians spoke truth to the Zionist/MSM lies there (same for other Cdn “news sites”). Comment posters helped bring down the Harper Tea Party North junta. Now only the Official LibCon Duopoly Propaganda is allowed on any MSM site.
The CBC has been fully a part of CIANN fake news at least since Harper. The tradition continues and deepens.
Harper was an arch Zionist who took Canadian support for Israel to a whole new level, even eclipsing the Americans with his rabid sycophancy.
He made numerous visits to Israel and signed all kinds of deals and pacts with them.
Somehow I’m convinced that Harper was actually a sly Crypto Jew.
Be that as it may, since then, Canada has cast aside its historical reserve and comparative objectivity, and is now front and center in the Zionist Project.
These days it regularly issues resolutions in support of Israel and is quick to sanction countries and individuals that fail to toe the line on Israel.
Et tu Canada?
Yet another beautiful country ruined by the odious influence of the unmentionables.
Mad, it is also true, in trumps, in Aust-failure. Abject groveling and sycophancy to Israel and the billionaire local Jewish sayanim like Frank Lowy (one of the ‘lucky’ insurance beneficiaries of 9/11)is ABSOLUTELY compulsory in all aspects of life. The ‘antisemitism’ smear is widely used to vilify and intimidate, often by Murdoch’s Evil Empire. A hugely disproportionate fraction of ‘human interest’ stories, particularly on the Government-run ABC, are about Jews, who are SO fascinating, and, of course, as is de rigeur throughout the West, the Holy Holocaust has become a sort of pseudo-religion, while EVERY other genocide or similar atrocity in history, including the genocide and dispossession of our own indigenous, is nearly totally ignored.
The indigenous question leads to one particularly nauseating obscenity. The Rightwing fakestream media promotes a tiny cabal of collaborationist indigenous figures, creeps who argue for coercive assimilation and cultural genocide, and, in one nauseating example, used a regular appearance in one of Murdoch’s rags to sing the praises of the Jews for creating their own country out of nothing but their all-round wonderfulness. So we had a ‘representative’ of one people viciously dispossessed and nearly exterminated by Western colonists, singing the praises of another European colonial enterprise, while totally ignoring the suffering of the indigenous Palestinians. The need to abase yourself to gain approval from the Jewish grandees has a tellingly destructive influence on the moral and spiritual decency of societies where they gain more power than is fit for any group to wield.
Well, many, many slaves grow so accustomed to their chains composed of lies that they come to grow very fond of them, and so despise the thought of losing their chains that they actually develop hostility and hatred for one among their ancestors who advised, “KNOW the truth.”
This imperative statement is extremely threatening to those who love their chains, that they will pile on more lies, more chains very long before even considering that there might be any truth to know, even if they were so inclined.
Clearly, these signator slaves are NOT so inclined and want nothing more passionately than to impose their own chains upon as many other slaves as possible.
I used to admire Canada.I imagined them as the “sane” Anglo-state. But that time is past. They along with Britain,Australia,the jury isn’t totally in yet on New Zealand,but I suspect them too.Have joined with the US in the unholy “5 eyes” alliance. And see all those states as acting as one. Its sad to say they will probably all share the fate of the US if World War breaks out.Some people portray New Zealand or Australia as good places to run to in a nuclear war. But I don’t see that at all.As eager allies of the US they would also be prime targets.And certainly if the War involved China.There rush to be the “junior” pardners in the US ‘s World domination plans,seals their fate to the US’s.
Trump who was elected by Americans to put “America First” – inspite of all the negatives directed against him by the Jew-controlled MSM – has now done a 180° on most of what he was elected for:
No endless foreign interventions/entanglements
Yes to working with Russia
NATO is obsolete
China is a “Currency Manipulator” and must be punished
NO to the current FED chairman Janet Yellen
America First! America First!
Less than 100 days in most of the campaign promises have been discarded.
There sre several reasons for Trumps policy reversals, but the main one is:
In America, it has been “Israel First” for quite sometime now, and Trump has been made to understand this in no uncertain way, that things will remain that way for the foreseeable future.
The whole US is “Israeli-Occupied Territory, to paraphrase Pat Buchanam, and until Americans wake up and deal with this fact, everything else that they attempt to do will be a complete waste of time.
Dont they know rule over them?
Who or which group has it become a crime to criticize or even offend?
A gathering of liars that is what are those Rabbis. I would listen to them if they were taking a similar position againt Israel awful behaviour with the Palestinians in Gaza and the West bank.
I can’t help it. I never was before, but I am now antisemetic, and to hell with the Jews. I don’t like — I’m appalled by it — but I can’t deny the feelings or reaction that arise within me, from the years of such abuse by them. It’s not that I would do anything to them, or that I don’t know that there are not many fine people who are Jewish, but I’m at the point that if a Jew tried to engage me or tell me anything I would just walk away, telling him I didn’t want to hear it. About the same thing as when an evangelist tries to tell me about his primitive conception of religion: take it somewhere else — I don’t have time for that.
It’s because they identified themselves as rabbis — from The Forward — and try to do there religious game on me. They are not speaking as just people but as Jews — Jews — I’m fed up with it and the massive violence and lies from Jews. Jews — Jews — always damned Jews. And most of the rest of them just sit there and play the same game, and tell the lies, with their sanctimonious grins.
I’ve finally gotten just too pissed off to make the effort to try to ‘fair’. I don’t have the energy for it anymore. They brought it on themselves, never let it go, and finally succeeded in condition me to just react.
Frankly, it’s the like with Christians — I used to be one… But I saw what they were doing, their bullying, their arrogance, their being so damned sure of what they thought and how they could tell everyone else what to do and what to think — as fanatical as neolibcons, John Birchers, or even nazis.
It’s even getting close with the Muslims, and all the other religions — including the ‘America is the best crap — all thinking they have some special pipeline to ‘god’ and truth, as if they were somehow better or more special than anyone else, while they spout their nonsense. I’m fed up with it. I’ve reach the limit. None of them can just sit in a closet and play with their warped minds in privacy and mind their own business but have to try to remake the world and everyone in it with incredible hubris.
I keep hearing ‘I believe…’ as if anyone gives a snot what they believe — without evidence or logic, but just regurgitating the nonsense they heard as children or how they adapted their neurotic fantasies to some other people’s neurotic fantasies, and then try to take over the world according to their myths.
I just don’t have any ‘tolerance’ for their stupid games left — if they can’t keep it to themselves then they can all go jump in the lake, and I hope they do that before they destroy the world.
It is interesting that these ‘Men of God’, never mentioned the word God. I also find it very shrill and tone-deaf of them to belong to something as Nazi-sounding as ‘Forwards’. Was there not a mass of mags and such called Vorwarts in the Third Reich. But this just illustrates the fact that Jews are not merely not immune to Nazism but actually practice it in ‘The Jewish State'[sic]. They practice all aspects of it from theories of racial superiority to ironically enough, the persecution and methodical genocide of the local Semitic populations.
Arguably, though they claim to be, they are not Jews in any historical or racial sense of the word, but Khazar Talmudists – A Turkic Tribe from the mouth of the Volga.
Revelation 3:9: King James Bible
“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”
Dear Franz. “Vorwärts” is the traditional German socialdemocratic party newspaper.ärts_(Deutschland)
That liberal/progressive movement used to be popular with Jews, just like the more radical communist movement. Progress – forward … get it?
In this way, the North American “Forward” can be seen as an offspring founded by émigrés.
And also, they *are* Jews – just not from Palestine or other Mediterranean ressorts, but from the Volga (Khazaria), yes. It’s even the largely dominant Jewish branch. They converted to Judaism, which made them Jews. That’s more than 1000 years of being Jewish. It’s about as long ago as the conversion of my Saxon / Suebian / (what else?) ancestors to Christianity.
Note that “Jewish” does not mean “Judean / Galilean / Samarian”. Most of the original (biblical) Jews probably converted to Islam and are now called “Palestinians”. Some did not, and they look just like Palestinians/Levantinians (alleged “Arabs”, which they are not – another confusion).
Stabbed Israeli Jew mistaken for Arab criticises violence – 10/2015, The Guardian
Do take a look at the guy on the picture.
So what is the meaning of “Jewish race”??? It’s a Zionist myth. “Race” was en vogue at a certain point in history, and so some intellectual Khazar Jews referred to themselves as the Jewish race. And why not? But then they confuse it with Palestine and the biblical Jews, and the term becomes misleading and you could say even fraudulent.
So, the dominant Jewish race is from Khazaria (The Thirteenth Tribe, by Arthur Koestler) and has no historic connection whatsoever to Palestine. They migrated to the land and expelled the non-Jews in the aftermath of WW2 (The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, by Ilan Pappe), aided by Azi Americans preparing them in DP camps in defeated Germany.
By the way, your beloved “Nazi” party was aided to power in Germany by Azi America precisely to push (relatively wealthy) Jews out of Germany to make the Zionist colony prosper and florish. The Zionists had all other countries close the borders to Jews so they could only go to Palestine.
Israel wouldn’t have happened without the muscle of Azi America.
Of course, the individual is relatively powerless. The thing to learn is to not buy the propaganda of your leadership, to not serve your military and your so-called intelligence services.
The problem is that the leaders are much smarter than the sheeple. Even on blogs like this one, major propaganda bugaboos such as 9/11, nukes and ICBMs are still promoted, albeit unwittingly.
Good points but…do you seriously think that nukes and ICBMs are fake? I’m sorry but my great uncle worked in the American nuclear development program after WWII. He actually worked on developing nukes and was involved with dozens of tests. They were not “fake”, nuclear weapons are very much real.
Pharisees have not changed their tune for at least a couple of millennia. Synagogue of Satan is entirely apt. Evil begets Evil. They have promoted their rotten version of supremacy and “chosenness” since the beginning, holding themselves arrogantly and completely unjustifiably up above all other human beings on this planet. We have all been created in the image of the Creator. The Talmudites arrogance and their continued proliferation of their evil and psychotic teachings from one generation to the next as well as their push for enslavement and mistreatment of the “goy”, wars, destruction of western society, warping and twisting of moral values, massive theft of wealth from the majority of goys and corruption of governments and educational systems will never stop until a unified humanity takes a stand.
A pharisee is a pharisee is a pharisee, like a poisonous snake is a poisonous snake is a poisonous snake.
Awesome and thank you! I’m new to the Saker and this one caught my eye to see where he and others might stand on the whole “Jew” thing. There is zero doubt they are truly the same devil worshipers assuming the identity of ‘the people of God’. The real ‘Jew’ is the Palestinian!
I would like to add this.
‘What if the people speaking out about the Jewish problem as a collective tribe are not doing so out of hate and/or racism?
What if they have discovered that this ‘tribe’ has seized positions of power and influence to enforce a self -serving global Jewish agenda?
What if they are doing it because they see the plight of humanity with all its endless wars, poverty, death, destruction and endless suffering?
What if they are trying to awaken you out of love and compassion and some are mistaking it for racism and hatred?’
Bottom line, this ‘tribe’ of phallus worshiping war-mongering blood-,turned neo-Jews, posing as yesterday’s Israelites, are the number one threat to humanity on earth.
If you want the truth about Jews, read:
“Jews Must Live” by Samuel Roth
“The World Conquerors” by Louis Marschalko
And if you speak Russian,
“200 Years’ Together” by Alexander Solzhinitsyn
The Nazis supposedly killed millions of them. This Fiction, known as “The Holocaust”, has been used to swindle the whole world for decades. It has been used to excuse every atrocity done by Jews. It has also been used to extort money, and steal property.
Yes, as a matter of fact Roth-child’s Hitler Project – including the ‘holocaust’ – was their biggest false flag and hoax ever, which probably main objective was to forbid all ‘anti-Semitism’, using this false flag and hoax as a pretext. (I wonder how many Jews, let alone non-Jews, know that, though)
Years back I was friends with a fair number of Jews — real human beings, kind, conscientious, generous, honest. Most of them are dead now. I don’t hear much of that stuff from Jews, or any other religious person wearing it on their sleeves.
I try to be good and nice, but I can be an SOB sometimes too — but I don’t try say it’s because some god is pushing me into it. I just get ornery and foul tempered, sometimes would just as soon smack someone with a stick as look at them. That’s not my religion and has nothing to do with my spiritual leanings, and if I tell someone to go to hell I don’t make excuses for it or mean it in any literal or doctrinal sense. When some woman called me up this morning looking for money (despite my being on the so called ‘no call list’, I told to go to hell and hung up. Frankly, I could care less where she goes as long as she and her ilk stop bothering me.
And none of that is going to interfere with my forming a judgement of what is true or advocating war and mass murder, or torturing people.
Just leave the damn cat alone instead of teasing it, and it won’t scratch or bite you!
////// Ps blue. When the parasites call. Be exquisitely polite…. Put the phone down, walk away, don’t hang up.
It ties up one of their lines….. Inconveniences them. I’m on a “do not call”, but have found this ^^ technique more effective.
They lose a line until I can be bothered putting handset back….. So They learn to not call. They stop for a while, then presumably a new contract is released, it starts again…. until they learn….
I get greater satisfaction thinking I’m “returning the favor” by annoying them even more than they were annoying me, (well actually I’m more than just annoying, I’m impacting their bottom line, and that thought pleases me and I see that as compensation for the inconvenience) …… Maybe I’m getting as crotchety as you!!!!! ///////
I’ve done that at times, but they hang up after a short while with no response. Lately I’ve been getting calls, maybe twice a day, and no one is there and it goes dead after a bit. A messed up computer I suppose.
If I’m in the mood I listen to the number, press ‘1’ or whatever to get a live person, and then give them a runaround before telling them they are in violation of federal law by calling me. It all depends on my mood and what I’m doing at the time.
Crotchety is one of my art forms — but it’s getting almost too easy to be crotchety these days. (Like it’s getting too easy to become antisemetic, and anti-religion, too — even misanthropic.)
I worry I’m beginning to channel Don Rickles — and he only croaked April 6th. Patron saint of trolls! I wonder what he would have to say to the hockey puck rabbis who wrote the letter pushing for war (despite being Jewish). They said he died of renal failure, hypertansion, and diabetes — I guess being 90 years had nothing to do with it. BUt he was a good man — he regularly contributed to the Prostitute’s Union in Tel Aviv — and the ones in Queens all his life too. He wasn’t cremated — they roasted him instead. Those rabbis are going to be roasted too.
Here is something of interest:
In 1948, 50 Prominent Jews wrote a letter to the NY Times warning of the fascist and racist tendencies of the now leaders of Israel.
Before Israel, there was, I hear a lot of ambivalence about the desirability for a Jewish state, such as Israel.
Unfortunately, those voices have been mostly squelched.
As for the rabbis, like most true believers, whether of the Abrahamic religions, other religious fundamentalisms or even diehard ideologues of the Left or Right, it becomes impossible to have a discussion. Heck, don’t you remember how Trump was going to fix everything, according to many of the people here at the Saker?
It has been said that the greatest cause of suffering is not physical suffering but attachment to Views.
Yes ‘Human’, you are right. The Pharisees have not changed their tune. Here is confirmation by one of these Rabbis himself, as for WHO the Pharisees WERE(are):
“Pharisaism became Talmudism, Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism, and Medieval Rabbinism became Modern Rabbinism. But, throughout these changes of name, inevitable adaption of custom, and adjustment of Law, the spirit of the ancient Pharisee survives unaltered. When the Jew reads his prayer, he is reciting formulae prepared by pre-Maccabean scholars; when he dons the cloak prescribed for the Day of Atonement and Passover Eve, he is wearing the festival garment of ancient Jerusalem; when he studies the Talmud he is actually repeating the arguments used in the Palestinian academies.”
Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, President and Professor of Theology, Jewish Theological Seminary of America, The Pharisees, Vol. I, page xxi.
Why have you printed this here with no accompanying analysis?
Is it important?
How seriously should this be taken?
Ex CIA and intelligence personnel have written a letter against the strikes – is their view less important than the view of the Rabbis that you have chooses to print?
“Ex CIA and intelligence personnel have written a letter against the strikes – is their view less important than the view of the Rabbis that you have chooses to print?”
I personally find it newsworthy. Isn’t a rabbi supposed to be a jewish scholar and a teacher who provides spiritual and pastoral counselling?
One would expect a document written by such a group of highly educated religious leaders to be filled with great wisdom, conveying a message of peace and restraint.
Instead we get this letter to Trump. Wow.
Trump has always been very pro-zionist. I doubt he needed to be “co-opted” into that position. He grew up in New York City.In the Jewish business World of NYC,the center of Jewish zionism in the US.Just as most people do in the US.And certainly in NYC. I suspect he was raised on thinking of Israel as the zionist homeland of the Jews.And to his mind that is all there is to it. Israel is good,anyone opposing Israel is bad.He doesn’t have the intellectl to see “gray” areas in a debate.To him the Israelis are the “white hats”. I figure a letter from those warmongering Rabbi’s was just confirmation to him that Syria is Israels enemy.And thus wears a “black hat” in his view. Anybody thinking Trump won’t be as pro-Israeli as other US Presidents (maybe more so) has their head in the sand. His whole life’s record,should show them how mistaken they are with that thinking.
Hey Rabbis, how about showing concern for Israel’s daily murder of Palestinians who are killed just because they happen to be Palestinian? Or maybe you really do regard Palestinians as untermenschen?
Shooting and lying – a textbook example of IDF impunity.
Or maybe concern for Israel’s support (military and medical) for ISIS?
They’ll show the same sympathy as shown by the US to our drone strike civilian victims. That is,zero concern.
Paranaoiac, warmongering rabbits.
Men of God urging death, destruction and war, just in time for Pesach.
Christ was right. They are the “Synagogue of Satan” and eternally “Scribes, hypocrites and Pharisees.”
At least the ‘rabbis’ have provided a partial list of membership.
Well, yes, and I deduce from this that the American Jews (and others elsewhere, doubtless) are working overtime to prevent a Syrian victory over the terrorists, which they consider to be a catastrophe for their Greater Israel project.
The involvement of Rabbis reminds every Jew and every Zionist Christian of the religious dimension of the Yinnon Plan. Even those who are against such projects understand the import of the message, and will think twice before opposing it.
They are seizing this unique opportunity of an apparently unbalanced POTUS so fascinated by his new superpowers that he will dance with joy every time someone shows him where to drop the next bomb.
And now that they have convinced him that no other country in the world has any weapons worth a second look, he will give no thought at all to any reaction from Russia or China. He thinks he has cowed Putin and Xi by dropping “MOAB” in their neighbourhood. He has never heard of “FOAB”, and his handlers will not tell him.
Therefore, expect more bombs tomorrow, or perhaps even tonight. And WWIII in just a matter of days.
Target Israel and Saudi. Both wicked.
@ Pandos…
Both are “constructed” states: spawned into being by the British – to serve British imperialism.
And here we are: 100 years after the Balfour “agreement”.
There are other Jews more representative of an enlightened and inclusive Judaism for our times. Here is just one of many examples. Alas, the majority seem to remain silent in the face of the irresponsible, false and warmongering statements contained in the letter of the rabbis to Trump:
You are right. There are many (still a minority though)Jews that are appalled at Israels crimes. Many of the most devoted workers for Palestinian rights in Palestine/Israel are Jewish Israelis.So its wrong to paint all Jews as zionists. But still just as in the US or in nazi Germany with those peoples. The majority of Jews Worldwide do support Israel. No matter how horrible their crimes are.
Jews have always had their own “religious” teachings that indoctrinate their children into believing that they are somehow “special” and above other human beings as a human is above an animal, for example, cattle (“goyim”, “goy”) and that their “god” is somehow different from the God of all human beings and all of Creation. Those children grow to be adults that, in turn, teach the same supremacist cult views to their children, ad infinitum. Thus the spiral of supremacism, war, theft, deceit and corruption against other humans (perceived wrongly by them as “goys”, subhumans) who live on this planet continues not only unabated, but increases geometrically with the passage of time. That some jews, who are still exactly created as all other beings are created, can somehow push through their lifelong indoctrination and be against their “religion”‘s narrative is, for me, a welcoming sign that the conscience instilled by Creator is alive and well in everyone, even Jews, although their own egos and teachings usually bury it deeply within their hearts and work against it. They really seem to work hard to hate and abuse everyone else for their own supremacist benefit.
I don’t believe for one second that Judaism is a religion of peace. All the actions of the Pharisees / Jews over millennia, including their holy books, are contraindicative of this. If a snake is black in color, why would we call it a white snake? I think that they have confused and disabled most of the planet’s peoples’ cognitive / reasoning abilities to discern between what is actually happening, what they are actually doing (ie: their actions) and their propaganda, which is thick and heavy and full of deceit and threats, lest they lose control of the narrative.
I think that humanity has to wake up to what that group, under cover of Zionism, has done to this planet and the people here. The so-called Neocons and Neoliberals are their direct representatives and captains. Have things progressed for the better under their control? If the answer is “No”, then things have to change if we want a better and more just world for everyone.
You should have met the little Catholic girl I met as a kid who told the other kids they were going to hell because they were ‘public’ (not going to Catholic school) — or all the Protestants who say the same thing to those who are not members of their sect.
It’s not just Jews, its the religious and other holier than thou true believers — including a fair number of academics, school teachers, politicians, and the many others who are so absolutely convinced they are right about stuff, and can become outraged if anyone disagrees with them. Some people are merely vulnerable to this attitude, while others specialize in it.
Yes, you are right, but little Catholic school girls and regular religious bigots don’t control governments, financial institutions, education systems, militaries, judicial systems and mass media and threaten (nuclear) war and thereby ruin (and run) the world. Neither do their religious “leaders” regularly denigrate and persecute Palestinians (or anyone else) as “animals” and call for their slaughter and steal their land.
Christians and other spiritual adherents are NOT taught from an early age that they are “chosen” or that other human beings are on the level of animals or subhuman. In my opinion, this is a huge difference between true spirituality based on divine love and, in my opinion, a cult. You are right, most people who are taught the spiritual principles of Love and nonviolence to ALL others only do lip service to it and are often as guilty of heinous crimes, but they ARE taught these principles.This then becomes a defect of the individual, not of the religion. Most adherents of such religions do take these principles to heart and will most often help others and not hurt them. What does Judaism teach?
Do you believe that Palestinians, for example, are human beings on par with Jews? Do you believe that ALL human beings are on par with Jews? If your answer is “no”, then from my point of view, you need to reexamine your morals and your beliefs.
I think that most people on this planet have awakened to this Jewish / Zionist nonsense and are becoming increasingly more alarmed at the precipice the world has come to because of the machinations of the Zionist “elite” in the west and their compliant minions.
The parable of the Pharisee and the Publican speaks to the heart of what is being discussed here ; it’s easy to see why Judaism had a problem with a certain person, who was saying some fairly inclusive things.
Troublemaker . . obviously.
Talmud aside, the main theme of the Old Testament (written by Levite rabbi’s) is summed up in one word : Destroy
Here’s an example, and an example from the Quran, a holy book they drag through the mud on a daily basis in their Jew controlled MSM. – thus continuously insulting 1.5-6 billion people. —
— Old Testament– ‘ You must Kill and Destroy those whom worship another God’
Exodus 22:20
— Quran — ‘ Be Righteous and act Justly towards those who worship another God’
Fake rabbis.
Too much wine Rabbi?
The men who taught me included Rabbis.
Not one was so stupid.
Oi Veh!
They forgot to mention the real name of the author of this document and left out his signature, which would be that of Satan.
Maybe someone should ask these Rabbis where their concern for humans is concerned when one needs a DNA test of Jewish racial purity to become an Israeli citizen and how many Syrian refugees Israel has and will take in? The number is 0.
Just as it is when Madelyn Albright is pretending to care for Syrian Muslim refugee children in 2017, when she said it was a good thing, “it was worth it” to kill 500,000 Iraqi children / murder when it was good for Israel, over a 10 year period.
Madeleine Albright says 500,000 dead Iraqi Children was “worth it” wins Medal of Freedom
Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright expresses ‘deep concern’ over Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’
Yes she does not want to ban them she just wants to kill all their children for her god which sounds to me like the flaming beast with horns.
Video links, Racism in Israel against all Goyim / humanity not an isolated incident. They are from “SOS Racism” so again I hope you will allow it on this site for all to see.
The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land by Israeli government and people it’s not just a few it’s the majority of Israel and the Israeli government
Jews want Africans OUT.
Ester Vorknach: Sick & tired of racism in Israel
Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews
By Marcy OsterOctober
18, 2010 10:40pm
JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his
weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews.
“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the
world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion
of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat.
“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will
reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat,” he said to some laughter.
Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel,
A DNA test to prove racial purity to get citizenship this is the very definition of racism how can it be more racist??
Indian Jews resist DNA tests to prove they are a lost tribe
Indian ‘Jews’ resist DNA tests to prove they are a lost tribe
Inigo Gilmore in Jerusalem 12:01AM GMT 10 Nov 2002
Members of a remote community of Indians who claim to be descendants of one of the 10 lost tribes of ancient Israel are resisting plans to carry out genetic tests to prove their Jewishness.
Franz, JVP are gatekeepers. See what they did to Alison Weir and others. They also appear to have had a negative influence on Mondoweiss, where the range of permissable conversation has gradually contracted.
I have always had my suspicions about them. I probably tried too hard to come up with some ‘good’ Khazar fake-jews to be fair and balanced. There is not that much positive material out there.
Thank you for pointing that out.
You should have met the little Catholic girl I met as a kid who told the other kids they were going to hell because they were ‘public’
Blue did you grow up in Philadelphia by any chance? When I was in elementary school, menacing Catholic kids would come up to me and ask: “Are you public?” and then sometimes want to fight me because I didn’t go to Catholic school. Even back then, I thought the phrasing of the question was absurd.
But some of them had second thoughts when they found out my Methodist minister father was friends with some of the priests.
New Jersey — so I guess it gets around. There’s a lot of things in religion that have nothing to do with what religion was ‘supposed’ to be, i.e., in terms of spiritual expression, and then takes over. I think it’s strange how there is all this stuff– intellectual pollution — where people try to wade through it to find the ‘heart’ and the spiritual of it, when all they really need to do is just find it withing themselves to start with. Buddha said about that, but then look at all the Buddhists, even, who go off on dogmatic BS, and get into wars and all that. It’s like most humans can’t just sit still and examine their own being and the reality of existence — or get indoctrinated not to do that, from when they are little kids. It seems that 95% of religion is just politics, rituals, and money or power.
This is nothing but a push for more land grab from Syria.
Zionists want nothing but partition of Syria and the main obstacle for it is Assad.
It is laughable these rabbis are mentioning UNSC resolutions.
If anyone has a complete disregard for UN than it is Israel.
How arrogant, self righteous, cynical.
But have to recognize one thing. Nobody so far in History has been so competent in ”selling a disaster or tragedy” and billing it for so long to everyone at such profit levels.
It is time more than ripe for them to stop ‘selling the Holocaust’
That means the preparation for direct intervention in Syria by the IDF.
“… Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel said …”
Need read no more… Check the following excellent exposé on the abominable arch-fraud Ellie The Weasel:
A complete exposure of the monumental fraud which is still going on:
“Warren B. Routledge: Holocaust High Priest—Elie Wiesel, “Night,” the Memory Cult, and the Rise of Revisionism”, 2015, available in PDF.
@ WizOz
Thank you! Here is the pdf copy of the book you cite, it is well worth reading indeed:
Note not one semite in those signatures all members of the Ashkenazi mafia the kosher nostra. What vile bunch of hypocrites.
Sure — the US should utterly disable yet another enemy of Israel so that the 7 million “Israeli” Jews will control without challengers the ME for the long haul. Both US destruction and bombing of opponents and the nuclear bomb assure Israeli supremacy, this country in which people make up “Middle Eastern- sounding names,” this rank poseur. Iraq might have stood up to Israel, keep it from dominating, but the US saw to Iraq at the behest of the same people, destroying everything, allowing even cultural treasures were ripped off by thieves without the US doing anything. Iran was cutoff at the knees by sanctions, this nation of 70-80 million people. To be an American has always been a shame, something to apologize for, but today, no apology can cover the idiocy of the administration.
The Rabbis claim humanity in their argument, but not one raised even a cross word, much less a chain letter when Israel slaughtered 531 children in August 2014 along with 1500 non-combatants in Gaza! These Rabbis probably thought they had it coming for complaining about the theft of their land and property, jobs and fields, inventories and demand deposits. So the US, as so many times before, will once more do the bidding of Israel because if we don’t we are promised ruined careers, and awful events because this mob stops at nothing.
So now, who controls US foreign policy? Can you guess? If you answer “Jews!” you are an anti-semite with a brain. Value the brain, everything everywhere is anti-semitic, no big deal
Troublemakers – like no other. Evidence?
Perhaps those rabis should talk to these rabis
I prefer the latter.
This is nothing else just a Guinness book record of the world Hypocricy
As if it was not known, this letter shows who really ‘call the shots’. The ‘prophetic’ tone seething with the inextinguishable hatred for Goyms, calling for the destruction of ‘Pharaoh’, shows that this represent the marching orders for the ‘fulfilling of prophecies’:
“Isaiah 17: When Will Israel Nuke Damascus? The Clue in Psalm 83”, By Tim McHyde / April 7, 2017
Update: Is Trump’s Syria Strike Prophetic?
“Isaiah prophesied the destruction and abandonment of Damascus, Syria over 2,700 years ago [Isaiah 17:1 (ESV) — An oracle concerning Damascus. Behold, Damascus will cease to be a city and will become a heap of ruins]. Yet the city continues today, despite so many Middle East wars and predictions that “this year” it will finally come to pass. So what’s missing that has been holding this prophecy back? Israel’s strike on Iran? Or perhaps the overlooked prophecy in the Psalms about a future Arab war alliance targeted at wiping out Israel.
Of course, the Damascus of the Bible is still recognizable today as the well-known capital city of Syria. Appropriately enough, it even has the famous distinction of being considered the world’s oldest continuously inhabited city, inhabited from prehistoric times.
Given that, you would think there is little debate that this prophecy is plainly unfulfilled. Yet, you will find Bible commentaries that mention how Isaiah 17 was fulfilled in other events of the Bible, such as in 732 BC when Assyria defeated the Arameans and their capital Damascus (2 Kings 16:9). The problem is that although the prophecy has been partially fulfilled in the past, this does not mean it does not have dual fulfillments, as is often the case with Bible prophecies. Usually all parts of the prophecy are not fulfilled until a later, final fulfillment. In this case, the part about Damascus ceasing to be a city and becoming a heap of ruins is plainly not accomplished. That’s a bleak picture that stands in contrast to Damascus’ status as the oldest city. (In fact, Bible skeptics use Isaiah 17 as proof that the Bible is not true!)
If this is correct, then Isaiah 17 is a dire warning for this capital city of 2.5 million people. One day the city will suffer tragedy of some kind leaving a heap of ruins in its place’…
[Plans were drawn for long]:
1. Prophecy points to the end of Damascus through a nuclear weapon, such as Israel, the archenemy of Syria, has been building and testing for several decades.
2. Other Arab/Muslim capital cities are also destroyed following a joint attack by Syria and other Arab nations around Israel, per Psalm 83.
3. Before Damascus is destroyed, Psalm 83 describes an alliance of Israel’s neighbors bent on wiping out Israel and all memory of her.
4. Taking on a nuclear power like Israel is suicidal until nuclear parity is achieved. One bomb or “suitcase” nuke is not enough when you’re provoking a country with missile defense and a capable nuclear arsenal”.
The Chabad occupied latrine called the White House is ready to strike. The ‘most powerful man in the world’ is an insane buffoon, like in the Feast of Fools (Latin: festum fatuorum, festum stultorum) the survivor in the Middle Ages of the Roman Saturnalia, when the normal order of society was turned upside down and put under the command of a ‘Lord of Misrule’ (the Buffoon, the Fool, the Jester) who was permitted to do all sort of mischief.
At the end of the appointed time for the Carnival, the Fool was sacrificed.
‘And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will slay with the breath of His mouth and abolish by the majesty of His arrival’.
What should we do in these circumstances? Follow the counsel of Avva Pamvo, the great Father of the Desert, relayed also by Saint Seraphim of Sarov, in times of great turmoil resembling ours, when Satan was unleashed for a while:
“In those times, the love for God in most souls will grow cold and a great sadness will fall upon the world. One nation shall face off against another. Peoples will move away from their own places. Rulers will be confused. The clergy will be thrown into anarchy, and the monks will be inclined more to negligence. Church leaders will consider useless anything concerned with the salvation of souls, as much for their own souls as for the souls of their flocks: indeed, they will despise any such concern. All will show eagerness and energy for every matter regarding their dining table and their appetites. They will be lazy in their prayers and casual in their criticisms. As for the lives and teachings of the Holy Fathers, they will not have any interest to hear them, much less to emulate them, but rather they will complain and say that ‘if we had lived in those times, then we would have conducted ourselves similarly.’ And the Bishops shall give way to the powerful of the world, giving answers on different matters only after taking gifts from everywhere and consulting the rational logic of the academics. The poor man’s rights will not be defended. They will afflict widows. They will harass orphans. Debauchery will permeate these people. Most will not believe in God. They will hate each other, and devour one another like beasts. The one will steal from the other. They will be drunk and will walk about as ones blind.”
The disciple again asked: “What shall we do in such a state?”
Elder Pambo answered, “My child, in these times, whoever will save his soul and prompt others to be saved will be called great in the Kingdom of the Heavens.”
“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom”.
“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Christ is Risen!
Rabbis think they are priests – Judaism has no priests – they haven’t had since the destruction of the temple in 70 ad – is my understanding –
That can explain this bloodthirstiness of Rabbis – they are not priests – their word means nothing except chiching chiching chiching for the synagogues –
The Rabbis urged Pontius Pilate to crucify Jesus too. Now Trump is in danger of going down in infamy like Pilate did.
Very disheartening to see coming from so-called leaders of a faith which, in its most elevated expressions, paints this sublime vision: “And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” So sadly similar to many right-wing Christian leaders, who call for war in the name of the Prince of Peace.
This is RIGHT out of the Oded Yinon Plan playbook. These rabbis are so obedient! And soon their Congressmen will be obedient, too!
Bringing up violations of UN resolutions, when it’s not directed at (((them))). Nice, very nice. It’s fundamentally disgusting.
Since the US goes into a frenzy over the “separation of Church and State”. I wonder whether we’ll see complaints over the Rabbi’s trying to influence government policies for war. Somehow I strongly doubt we will.
The Holocaust-Industry is still alive…gruesome.
What a shameless, deceitful joint statement. Why can’t they just be honest about their having skin in the game and declare that what they care about is not the Syrian people but the State of Israel: they love the Jewish supremacist state so much that the genocide of all their non-Jewish neighbors in the region is an acceptable price to pay. How many goyim lives, in their view, are worth the life of a single Jewish Israeli? 10000 goyim? 1000000? 10000000000? How many non-Jewish people in the Middle East must perish to make Israel-firsters feel safe?!?
While I have no doubt that a number of other Rabbis (notably those of Naturei Karta) would condemn their joint statement, one can only imagine what scriptural underpinnings this particular group had in mind:
I summarize, from this website, the conditions under which lying is permissible:
Thus, there are several circumstances where one is permitted or sometimes required to lie:
” [1] Lying to preserve the cause of peace, not to hurt another person’s feelings, or to provide comfort.
[2] Lying in a situation where honesty might cause oneself or another person harm.
[3] Lying for the sake of modesty or in order not to appear arrogant.
[4] Lying for the sake of decency, i.e., not telling the truth about intimate matters.
[5] Lying to protect one’s property from scoundrels.”
It wouldn’t be hard for these Rabbis urging President Trump To “Act Decisively” In Syria to invoke [1], [2] and [5] as scriptural grounds for lying to gentiles / goyim:
[1] because Syria’s refusal to recognize the legitimacy of the apartheid State of Israel supposedly threatens peace – of Israel
[2] paranoid Israel-firsters think they are always under attack, hence their “pre-emptive strike” philosophy, the excuse proffered by most imperialistic powers “I’m only invading my neighbor because I feel threatened by them.”
[5] Eretz Israel, Greater Israel runs from the Nile to the Euphrates, Syria is Israel’s property according to at least some interpretations.
Now again, I don’t mean to generalize. Judaism doesn’t need Zionism, in fact, for most of its history Judaism was not Zionist. Sadly, nowadays, too many Jews, religious or non-religious, have jumped on the Zionist bandwagon, not realizing that their passionate attachment to a foreign country, to use George Washington’s words, is threatening every host nation by getting them involved in Israel’s wars – by deception.
How many goyim must die for the greater glory and survival of Israel?
Dear President Trump,
Please murder more people in Syria for Israel.
The Rabbis (men of god)
Please go to war with Syria, so we can steal yet more land, to build greater Israel.
There was no “exodus”
Judaism is the “SOUR GRAPES” Tribe. The 10 “plagues” of Egypt are actually 10 INSULTS directed at each of the 10 gods that opposed ATEN, the Sun god of the Exodus.
During the 1980s an earthquake shook Biblical myths. The discoveries made by the “new archaeology” discredited a great exodus in the 13th century BC. Moses could not have led the Hebrews out of Egypt into the Promised Land, for the good reason that the latter was Egyptian territory at the time. And there is no trace of either a slave revolt against the pharaonic empire or of a sudden conquest of Canaan by outsiders.
Modern archaeology proves that the Exodus actually happened to the Hyksos, not the Hebrews, so claiming descent from Moses really doesn’t mean that much since he seems to have stolen all the stories he wrote down (like the story of the flood copied from the Epic of Gilgamesh). At best he is a great self-promoter; at worst he was a hoaxer like Oded Golan. Some scholars, such as Sigmund Freud, have pointed out the obvious implausibilities on the Moses story and have suggested that “Moses”, an Egyptian word meaning “Prince” may have been another name for the heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV), and the story of the Exodus a highly romanticized telling of his attempted return from exile, with the usual spin so that failure to reclaim his throne is sold to later generations as a symbolic victory.
Why would downtrodden slaves “escape” to a PROVINCE of their Master? Palestine/Syria was all subject to Egypt at the time of the exodus. Those were the banished from power worshippers of ATEN that left the center of power for the FRINGE of the Empire, hoping to someday return to power.
Moses was “raised” as an Egyptian Prince, because Moses WAS an Egyptian Prince. As a matter of FACT, the “Hebrews” are EGYPTIAN Aten worshippers who interbred with the Native People of Palestine.
The Hebrews, the participants of the fabled Exodus, were EGYPTIAN refugee worshipers of ATEN, the MONOTHEISTIC Egyptian LIGHT God.
After Amenhotep IV aka Akenhaten elevated Aten to THE god of Egypt (THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME)
the priests of Amon and the lesser gods worked to undermine Aten. Upon the death of Pharoh Akenhaten, the “ONE” god, Aten, was
overthrown. The temples and all trace of Aten were pulled down and erased. The followers of Aten were persecuted and harrassed.
After some years of this, the followers of Aten made an “exodus” (a going out) from Egypt, to the COLONIES of Egypt in Palestine.
Oddly enough, Egypt reached new heights of imperial splendour and prosperity during the New Kingdom (18th – 19th dynasties). Tutmosis III campaigned beyond the EUPHRATES and reached the Fourth Cataract on the Nile; Rameses II halted the advance of the Hittites in SYRIA, which means Egypt marched ALL OVER the so-called Israeli kingdom, because Egypt OWNED PALESTINE.
Jerusalem was ruled by New Kingdom Egypt from 1550-1440 BCE.
NOTE: It is not called a HOMECOMING or RETURN, as it would have been if the participants were SEMITES originally from Palestine.
They THEMSELVES termed it an EXODUS. [EX out of, from, and HODOS, way]
This is people who WERE Egyptian and LEFT, went OUT OF the center of Egypt to seek refuge at the edges of Egypt, but still under the umbrella of Egypt.
The followers of Aten wandered in the desert for years (40?). They assimilated legends, myths, and People, into their Religion and Tribe.
The first generation of refugees passed on, and their religion morphed from a “loving, peace, LIGHT and enlightened god”
to a vengeful, resentful, scab-picking War god.
THIS is why there is NO Egyptian archeological evidence of a Jewish/Semitic presence OR exodus.
The Exodus consisted of EGYPTIANS leaving Egypt in the face of religious persecution that included the complete erasure of the God of the Exodus, ATEN.
It is the tragedy of the Khazar ‘jews’ that they have come to guided by such a bunch of manipulative, low information toadies, both secularly/ideologically (zionists) and ‘religiously’ (rabbis). They are at an evolutionary cul-de-sac.
Today we witness the SECOND Israeli HOLOCAUST of the People of Palestine..
The Canaanites/Amorites/Philistines/Midianites/PALESTINIANS were in PALESTINE long before ABRAHAM passed through from Babylon/Ur ……Israel’s “claim” to Palestine is based entirely on War Crimes and GENOCIDE.
Israel bombs and kills Palestinian children all of the time, but we don’t even hear about it because we have a controlled media.
“The Holocaust is the Holy Grail of white guilt.”
The Jews BRAG about and SELF DOCUMENT THEIR “holocausting” others and then “PLACE A YOKE” on Gentiles for SUPPOSEDLY doing the exact same thing to them.
Everything they claim the nazis did is an EXACT COPY of their own self-recorded history..
Deuteronomy 7:16, 20:16 “And thou shalt consume all the peoples which the Lord thy God shall deliver unto thee; thine eye shall not pity them…thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth.”
Numbers c.5 v.2-4
Leviticus c.20 v.13 well, really the whole chapter
Exodus c.32 v.27
Numbers c.11 v.1-2
Numbers c.16 all
Numbers c.21 v.5-6
Numbers v.26 v.10
KILL anyone who engages in “DIVERSITY” or “INTEGRATION”
Numbers v25 v.4-8
Deuteronomy c.14 v.2
SEXUALLY ENSLAVE any females “who have not KNOWN a man”
a very brief selection, many more in THEIR book.
Numbers c.21 v.03 Canaanites
Numbers c.21 v.24 Amorites
Numbers c.21 v.33-35 Bashan
Numbers c.31 all Midianites
Numbers c.32 v. more Amorites
Deuteronomy c.2 v.34 People of Heshbon
Deuteronomy c.3 v.6 really the whole chapter. threescore cities
Joshua c.12 A list of victims of Israeli GENOCIDE
Numbers c.21 v.25
Numbers c.32 v.39
Numbers c.33 v.53
(just to name a FEW)
Numbers c.33 v.31-34
Deuteronomy c.7 v.2
Deuteronomy c.12 v.28-30
Deuteronomy c.20 v.11-16
Deuteronomy c.2 v.2
Deuteronomy c.7 v.1
Jews SELF-anointed “The CHOSEN People of GOD”
Nazis SELF-anointed “The CHOSEN People of GENETICS”.
TODAY Israel states that it is creating “A PURE Jewish State”
YESTERDAY the Nazis were creating “A PURE German State”
And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword . . . (Joshua 6:21)
For modern day reinforcement of these “rules” research/google “the KINGS TORAH”
The world has made the same accusations against the Zionist Israel. Maybe its time for the Rabbis and High Priests to take up arms and fight in actual combat and not war of words.
True Sons of the Devil.
John 8:44.
I’m sure the IDF will give them some weapons and Kevlar. Have at it Rabbi’s. You want a war so bad go fight it yourselves.
The chief rabbi of the Israeli army recently suggested it was ok for israeli soldiers to rape Arab women if it would help them fight better ? and then made a PR apology….
IDF Chief Rabbi Sorry for Remarks Justifying Wartime Rape
Cnaan LiphshizDecember 2, 2016Haaretz
(JTA) – Eyal Karim, the rabbi whose appointment as the chief chaplain of the Israeli army was suspended over his remarks on raping women, was sworn in to the position.
Karim’s appointment as the chief rabbi of the Israel Defense Forces follows a Supreme Court review of his suitability last month. The court found no reason to challenge the appointment, which prompted Left-wing lawmakers and activists to file for an injunction, citing quotes attributed to Karim from 2006.
Replying to a reader’s question on the Kipa website that year, Karim said: “Although intercourse with a female gentile is very grave, it was permitted during wartime (under the conditions it stipulated) out of consideration for the soldiers’ difficulties. And since our concern is the success of the collective in the war, the Torah permitted [soldiers] to satisfy the evil urge under the conditions it stipulated for the sake of the collective’s success.”
He has since repeatedly said his statement should not be interpreted as license to rape, as his critics charged. “There is no license in times of peace or war to sexually assault women,” he told Ynet in July.
On Wednesday, Karim published a written statement reading: “I made a mistake when I gave a short answer to a complicated question. I was wrong because sometimes I was not precise with my words and some people found them offensive. I apologize.”
Miriam Naor, president of the Supreme Court, said in a statement last week that there was no reason to further delay Karim’s appointment. The Meretz lawmakers who filed for an injunction against the appointment also withdrew their petition, finding that his clarification was “consistent with the values of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.” ”
Read more:
Re: Israeli Army Chief Rabbi accused of advocating rape of Arab women during war
Wow this is a bad as the attitudes of Salafists and wahabist towards non-muslim women in Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia.
You know you’re dealing with a very warped and sick ethos when the acceptable and “moral alternative to being an advocate of rape is being a tribal racist.
I am almost dumbfounded by the level of moral depravity coming from the supporters and opponents of this Rabbi: They’re saying “oh sorry we misunderstood you weren’t advocating rape of Arab women, you were simply telling soldiers that while, it’s very grave (i.e. disgusting and unclean) to have sexual intercourse with gentile women (why because the rest of the human race belong to an untouchable caste?), under wartime conditions you can go ahead and appease this evil [sexual] urge even with a gentile woman.”
So it’s ok for this Rabbi to describe gentile women as being a lower form of human being (on par with untouchability) and advocate the acceptability of israeli soldiers partaking of wartime prostitution services from non-jews but it’s too much bad PR for his words to come across that he advocated rape of gentile women. Holy warped culture batman.
And this is what israelis claim is the most moral army in the world…. part of this may be because important elements of Jewish theology claim that jews are separate superior species to non-jews… e.g. the influential rabbi Meyer Schneerson head of the largest of the jewish organisations Chabad-Lubavitch preached that non-jews existed only for the service of the jews….
“The important things are the Jews, because they do not exist for any [other] aim; they themselves are [the divine] aim.”
“The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews.”
“Let us look at Schneerson’s words, as quoted by two respected Jewish professors, Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky, in their book Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel (text available online here. This book, praised by Noam Chomsky, Edward Said, and many others is essential reading for anyone who truly wishes to understand modern day Israel-Palestine. (Brackets in the quotes below are in the translations by Shahak and Mezvinsky.)
Some of Schneerson’s rarely reported teachings:
“The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: “Let us differentiate.” Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of “let us differentiate” between totally different species.”
“This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world … The difference in the inner quality between Jews and non-Jews is “so great that the bodies should be considered as completely different species.”
“An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.”
“As has been explained, an embryo is called a human being, because it has both body and soul. Thus, the difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish embryo can be understood.”
“…the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created
as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews.”
“The important things are the Jews, because they do not exist for any [other] aim; they themselves are [the divine] aim.”
“The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews.”
Most people don’t know about this aspect of Schneerson’s teaching because, according to Shahak and Mezvinsky, such teachings are intentionally minimized, mistranslated, or
alison weir bookhidden entirely.
For example, the quotes above were translated by the authors from a book of Schneerson’s recorded messages to followers that was published in Israel in 1965. Despite Schneerson’s global importance and the fact that his world headquarters is in the U.S., there has never been an English translation of this volume.
Shahak, an Israeli professor who was a survivor of the Nazi holocaust, writes that this lack of translation of an important work is not unusual, explaining that much critical information about Israel and some forms of Judaism is available only in Hebrew.
He and co-author Mezvinsky, who was a Connecticut Distinguished University Professor who taught at Central Connecticut State University, write, “The great majority of the books on Judaism and Israel, published in English especially, falsify their subject matter.”
According to Shahak and Mezvinsky, “Almost every moderately sophisticated Israeli Jew knows the facts about Israeli Jewish society that are described in this book. These facts, however, are unknown to most interested Jews and non-Jews outside Israel who do not know Hebrew and thus cannot read most of what Israeli Jews write about themselves in Hebrew.”
In Shahak’s earlier book, Jewish Religion, Jewish History, he provides a number of examples. In one, he describes a 1962 book published in Israel in a bilingual edition. The Hebrew text was on one page, with the English translation on the facing page.
Shahak describes one set of facing pages in which the Hebrew text of a major Jewish code of laws contained a command to exterminate Jewish infidels: “It is a duty to exterminate them with one’s own hands.” The English version on the facing page softened it to “It is a duty to take active measures to destroy them.’”
The Hebrew page then went on to name which “infidels” must be exterminated, adding “may the name of the wicked rot.” Among them was Jesus of Nazareth. The facing page with the English translation failed to tell any of this.
“Even more significant,” Shahak reports, “in spite of the wide circulation of this book among scholars in the English-speaking countries, not one of them has, as far as I know, protested against this glaring deception.”
This pattern of selective omission, it seems, applies to Shahak himself, whose work is largely unknown ……
Does anybody still deny that Trump’s White House has become an Israeli Settlement in the USA ?
These flaming fanatics believe that they are the vanguard of “God’s chosen people.” Most of us are familiar with the results of a nation that believes it is run by the “Master Race.” I sincerely doubt the sincerity of these holy men. Hopefully, these religious bigots will be seen for the toxic, racist fools they are.
Israel and Turkey dream of splitting Syria between them ….
(1) Turkey/Erdogan, dreaming of a new Ottoman Empire, wants Syrian land, Erdogan wants to complete the CONQUEST of Europe that was stopped by SOBIESKI in 1683 …..
(2) Israel grabbing Syrian land for “greater israel”, creating hell on earth while clearing enemy population from around it’s borders and —-
(3) America, the “MASTERBLASTER” from the movie “Thunderdome” a giant moron ridden on and directed by Twisted Jewish Dwarves ……..
Who PROFITS? Who benefits by clearing enemy populations away from their borders so it can steal land for “greater israel” while genocidally flooding CHRISTianity at the same time.
Israel does not have the NUMBERS to flood Europe so it uses the muslums as SHOCK TROOPS. What do the Jews think of JESUS? “As for Christianity, there is a dispute among Halachic authorities, but the vast majority consider it idolatry …. Islam, on the other hand, is not considered idolatry.” Read that last bit again: “Islam, on the other hand, is not considered idolatry.”
There is no way that millions just start migrating out of the Middle East into Europe because of a sudden impulse to do so, some very powerful supporting group is behind this and it simply is not clear what would be the motivation for such a massive invasion this mass movement of people across European borders IS genocide:
Send in all these healthy young male muslims under the guise of refugees. Refugees are women and young children and Older men. These young males should be fighting for Their Country. Instead….like I saw posted in the comments section of one of the links posted…..they are a Trojan Horse for some future escapade. — mass migration
Who has the most desire to empty the Levant of Arabs and send them packing to Europe. You kill so many birds with that one stone it’s irresistible. here Jews are actively AIDDING the invaders.
Who killed Christ and has HATED His followers for 2,000 years?
WHO told you the Syrians used gas Pres. Trump? The “intelligence” community that is also accusing you of complicity with the Russians, That LIED about WMDs, that LIES about everything it touches. That has FAILED to grab Hillary’s servers for inspection after HOW MANY months?! F–K the “intelligence” community, it is not working for America.
So then, according to you, the “intelligence” community must be RIGHT about you and Putin.
ISIS has been happily cutting people’s heads off, burning people alive in cages, on & on, and you want to tell me they would be squeamish about killing some kids for propaganda?! KMA.
“Assad choked out the lives of helpless men, wome and children,” Trump said in remarks from Mar-a-Lago,…. “It is in this vital national security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons.” ………… So we will no longer provide cluster bombs, white phosphorous, depleted uranium, to Israel and Saudi Arabia? Will Trump bomb Israeli airbases the next time Israel uses Cluster Bombs, W.P., D.U., on Concentration Camp GAZA? Trump is going to demand Israel sign the NPT and open it’s nuclear facilities up to International inspection?
Remember Madeline “I am a JEW??” Albright and “It was worth it” about 500,000 dead Iraqi babies?
Given the atrocities inflicted by the Israelis, for decades, on the Palestinians, one has to really admire the sheer villainous hypocrisy of these creatures. And the reference to ‘Passover’ their yearly celebration of the merciless genocide of the first-born in Egypt, even animals, adds another nauseating touch.
Yes, by all means quote Elie Weasel, the liar and fraud…that’ll add stature to your argument. They keep using him as some kind of hero, when he’s nothing more than another liar whose crimes are ignored by MSM.