Dear friends
As usual, I will present you with a bullet point “state of the blog” report, something I try to do once a year.
The short summary is that the blog is doing great, in spite of a totally crazy 2021 year.
I will be honest and admit that this was a tough year on many levels for the entire Saker community and for me too. Between the pandemic, the many risks of war,the explosion of the COVID death cult, the quasi-imposition of a full-spectrum “Woke” ideology over the entire Zone A, the internal collapse of the USA and the external collapse of the AngloZionist Empire, we had our hands (and minds) “full”, to say the least. But, at least we made it, and for that I am grateful.
Speaking about the blog itself, here is a summary of 2021 developments:
- Earlier this year I made the decision to stay out of internal US politics. I did that for a host of different reasons, but one of the beneficial side-effects of this was to give me much more time to focus on the international scene. Besides, following the events of this year I have lost interests in US internal politics anyway: what would be the point of arguing about who should be in the pilot’s seat in an aircraft which has now lost its wings and is uncontrollably tumbling to the ground? While the USA is not quite country 404 yet, it is headed that way and I don’t see the point of scrutinizing this process.
- The other decision I took was to sever all my ties with the Unz Review. Again, I did that for a host of different reasons, but just like with internal US politics, not having to think about the frankly toxic environment at the Unz Review has freed a lot of time for me to focus on what is important: the struggle for the next international order.
- 2021 was a “clean-up” year for the blog in many ways, we got rid of A LOT of trolls, we made some minor changes to how moderation works and we simplified the structure of the blog. Not big differences, but nice little touch-ups.
- Readership wise, the blog is stable (and has had a stable readership for several years now). Much more importantly, the quality of the guest authors has shot up even higher than it was before. I have to admit that I take immense pride in the quality and true diversity of all the guest authors which, I remind you, are all offering original contributions (with a few special cases like Pepe Escobar), and they are doing so not for money (they are not paid), but because they appreciate the platform the blog is offering them.
- An increasing number of my articles are now regularly translated and posted on Russian websites, which is always something I appreciate and am grateful for.
- The other Saker blogs (French, Italian, Serbian, Latin American (Spanish+Portuguese) and Russian) are all doing well. They remain 100% editorially independent and they are run autonomously without any interference from me. My thanks and compliments to them all!
- Financially, the blog is doing okay so far (donations are stable), but I have to admit that I have concerns for 2022 which according to the best sources I have is very likely to be quite bad for the economies of the USA, EU and China. That is bound to affect the donors to this blog and that might force me to spend more time on my daytime job and less on writing. Considering the very real inflation which has already hit the USA very hard, and which will only get worse in 2022, I am preparing myself for a very tough year ahead.
- It is quite obvious that the future of this blog will be greatly influenced by what will happen, or NOT happen, next between the USA and Russia. Let’s hope for the best, but prepare for the worst, and pray with hope that the worst (a real war involving US and Russian forces) does not happen. But if it does, this will beg the question of what the purpose of this blog should be under such conditions. One of the main goals, if not THE main goal, of this blog was to try to do everything possible, however marginal and humble, to prevent a war between Russia and the Empire. But if that war does end up happening, then the blog would have failed in its most important goal. Then why continue it?
- I have been working on this blog for almost 15 years now and I wrote the very rough equivalent of 8 PhD theses (in volume, if not in quality), hence the four books (each about 2 PhD thesis in length) of articles and analyses I published. I will admit that I am exhausted and that I won’t be able to maintain that pace forever. I have addressed this issue by refocusing the blog on international policy issues, by not dealing with the Unz Review anymore and by choosing a more flexible format for what I write: not only full length 2’500-3’500 words analyses but also shorter, quick reaction, comments and posts. God willing, I will be able to maintain that level of output (in quantity and quality) during the next year.
I now want to especially thank the moderators who have the hardest job out there and who have done a superb job in very difficult circumstances. To every one of these moderators I want to express my most heartfelt THANK YOU for all you have done. It is only thanks to you that we have one of the best comments section on the Internet (something a lot of people, including many guest authors, have mentioned to me). The credit for that is ENTIRELY yours and I want to thank you in the name of our entire community!
In terms of our IT infrastructure, we are doing very well, thanks to those who help us maintain it, especially Herb, our “IT boss” (and head of moderation, by the way!). As of today, I have no special concerns about this nor do I feel the need to make any changes.
One thing which we did less of this year is translating Russian language articles into English. Frankly, this is a very time consuming task and all our translators have their own, quite full, personal lives. Considering the more or less semi-acceptable quality which machine translations provide, it is infinitely easier for me to quickly machine translate a text, then fix some of its worst mistakes, and post it rather than ask somebody already very busy for an original translation.
The one thing which frustrated me most during 2021 was the quite shockingly poor quality of Russian PR efforts. This includes translations of crucial texts/speeches made in a pace I can only call “criminally slow”, the general bad taste and vapidity of what RT and Sputnik produce nowadays (it’s even worse than it used to be) and the many articles which are clearly posted by Atlantic Integrationists which simply parrot AngloZionist narratives, post crude anti-Chinese propaganda, bash Islam as if RT was Foxnews and feel the need to show us mostly nude freaks on a daily basis. By the way, the contrast between that garbage and the quality of at least some (but not all, of course!) of the Russian-language media aimed at the Russian public is quite amazing. My conclusion is that by the end of 2021 Russia has completely failed to present her own narrative as a credible alternative to the mental prolefeed distributed by the legacy AngloZionist media in Zone A. The Iranian Press TV (, the Chinese Global Times ( and CGTN ( and Hezbollah’s al-Manar ( are all much more interesting English language information sources. The English version of the TASS website ( is pretty decent. Finally, I also recommend all of the following blog: (in no special order)
- Andrei Martyanov’s Reminiscence of the Future (
- Bernhard’s Moon of Alabama (
- Dmitri Orlov’s ClubOrlov (
- Michael Hudson’s personal website (
There are, of course, more good blogs and websites out there, but those are the ones I personally check out every day.
Okay, that’s it on my end. If you have any questions, comment, complaints, criticisms or requests please drop them in the comments section. I won’t promise to answer them all, but I will at least read them all.
I wish those who celebrate the new year today a joyful and peaceful New Year’s Eve celebration and all the best and, above all, peace for the upcoming year!
Kind regards
Happy New Year Mr Saker. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to keeping us informed and educated.
Greetings from Londonistan.
Cпаси́бо. С наступа́ющим но́вым годом!
A heartfelt THANK YOU for providing this platform for INTELLIGENT debate, discussion, fan, and a look into our, sometimes, bleak future.
Wish you a productive, rewarding, new year 2022.
Lone Wolf
Saker, I’m sharing the entire post-Maidan-time with you and the Vineyard. To me it’s a crucial piece
of the rejuvenated Earth and I’m deeply thankful for having found a home ánd comunity for my political understanding and my special kind of work.
To you and your family and last but not least to the moderators and other helpful ghosts from me in
tiny town in Bavaria the heartfelt good wishes for a new uplifting year.
Cheers, mundo in Murnau
to you and your dear ones a very good 2022,
full of blessings!!
Greetings from an Italian American Catholic living in Canada…
All the best to you mr.Saker and keep your courage in your work which is the light in the darkness . It’s really, really,really bad times for all world but I’m believing .👌 👍👍 👌
All the best for you, Andrei, and your family. My best wishes for the Saker’s community.
Congratulations Andrei, for the great job!
For you and all your beloved ones, a new year plenty of joy!
And NO WAR in 2022! (God provide!)
Happy New Year 2022 and thank you for offering us an alternative vision to that of the West because that is true diversity, that which allows the conscience to see that there are other worlds, other points of view.
Hope you have a very Happy New Year. Would you please give me your spanish Saker blog’s URL? Enjoy a lot!!
Not sure what you mean when you say that the future of the blog depends on what happens next between Russia and USA…?
All I can say is, if the worst should come to pass, we will need you more than ever: there will also be a massive purge on twitter and other social media (just like there was for the capitol hill “insurrection ” and Covid)…it will difficult to get & interpret news…msm propaganda will go into overdrive..
Be well, dear Andrei!
Thanks to Saker and to everyone who works behind the curtains. Stay Safe and see you on the flip side.
Thank you for your time, effort, insight and opinions. I wish all the best to you and yours.
Happy New Year to All !
I did want to report this, as it is a real warning sign:
For the first time, an E-8C battlefield surveillance plane and an RC-135V Rivet Joint signals intelligence aircraft flew over eastern Ukraine on December 27, 2021. These type of aircraft were used in the Iraqi wars to give definitive data on ‘enemy’ troop concentrations prior-to and during offensive movements.
We can assume that this info will be provided to ‘allied advisors’ and forwarded-onto the Kievan command structure. This info is very detailed, right down to patrol-level forces. Really dangerous, as it gives the means to know exactly where to ‘push’.
The Russians know the capabilities and intent of these aircraft. I imagine they are on the tightest of alerts, right now…
Please post off-topic subjects either under the appropriate post or in the MFC. Any further will go to trash. Mod.
Also (mod)
The topic has been opened for discussion here:
And also in the MFC.
What about the proposed treaties, let alone the speeches. Of course it was several days ago, but what I saw were machine translations when their should have been better translations already. I mean, what, did Karen Donfried get machine translations too? If not why not the general public (when I read what I actually read, not several days later)?
Thanks a Lot for your contribuition to clear the brainwashing mess imposed by ziomedia.
Have a Very Happy New Year, together with your family and friends.
Greeatings from Brasil,
Júlio César
Happy New Year! I would appreciate if you could post and comment an article by Vladislav Surkov, Putin’s former right hand on Ukraine and main handler of DNR/LNR during hardest years of 2014/2015, published late in 2021. In the piece Surkov advocates for Russia to permanently export chaos to its neighbors, lest it ends up engulfed by chaos itself. This point contradicts what you’ve been saying about Russian intentions in Ukraine and beyond. Wish you could do that sooner than later. Cheers and best for you in 2022!
Well, that Sukov and I have different opinions on various issues is hardly surprising, considering how complex and contentious these issues are in the first place.
As always, time will show who was right.
Kind regards and all the best for 2022!
Happy New Year to all and happy early New Year to our Asian friends who celebrate the year of the tiger in about a month from now.
I am grateful for this blog and the analysis presented on it. I am especially grateful for the comment section. In my opinion it is the best if the entire web. I enjoy having the opportunity to read different points of view expertly articulated by the readers themselves. The moderation team does a tremendous job in allowing various points of view while at the same time filtering out the garbage. This is not an easy task.
I hope the purpose of this blog can be fulfilled and a war with Russia can be avoided but as if today I am not optimistic.
The best of wishes to you and yours for the coming year.
May peace reign, eventually, and the world at least begin to heal.
Thank you and all contributors to the site for your tireless work. You make a difference, a light in a sometimes very dark place. May your god be with you all.
S’novym Godom from Nato Occupied Latvia.
May the new year bring Latvia at least the beginning of its liberation from NATO!
Dear Saker and the community
Greetings from Down Under.
Sydney rang in the new year with a burst of joyous fireworks of hope and harmony for our future.
Best wishes to everyone for a healthy and peaceful New Year.
Happy New Year!
Saker, un feliz ano novo para você e sua família.! :-)
Thank you, Andrei for keeping the Saker humming. It is one my main go-to sources for understanding the dynamic relations between the American Empire and Russia-China-Iran axis. From my perspective, we are seeing the rot/putrefaction of late-stage American capitalism, which has progressed to the point where its very survival is contingent upon constant debt monetization (aka money printing) to prop up financial markets and the military. This is becoming increasingly tenuous as this orgy of money printing and debt has created gigantic bubbles in every asset class- ‘everything bubble’, increasing inflation and threatening to derail the dollar’s role as world reserve currency and viability of western capitalism. Unfortunately, empires in decline, being ‘run’ by weak and ineffectual ‘leaders’ do not always behave rationally. As you point out, the most dangerous situation confronting the planet is a war between the US and Russia. There will be NO winners from such a conflict. I am posting a link for a piece I published, summarizing the effects of nuclear war on the US. See-
Happy New Year.
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, as usual greetings for Mr Raesky and his outstanding staff, you’ve done really an outstanding job and I consider it really top, personally my everyday read. So meinen Freunden, vielen danke und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr oder feliz ano novo!
Happy New Year. Thanks for your work.
Agree with your list of blogs to follow. I follow the first 2. I used to comment on MoA, but stopped when dealing with the Covid deniers and election fraud nutcases became too much. I really spend too much time commenting in general (which I’m sure a lot of people agree with! LOL)
As for what to do if a war breaks out… Well, it depends on the war, doesn’t it? A conflict between the US and Russia is likely to go nuclear, in which case we’re all dead and the blog becomes irrelevant. A conflict between Russia and Ukraine, however, would seem to me to definitely require the continuance of the blog. Same with a war between the US and Iran, which is equally likely. A conflict over Taiwan, ditto.
There’s something to be said for being correct in one’s analyses, even if being correct does nothing to improve the situation. Let’s face it, none of us have the power to move the dynamics of the world in any given direction. If we did, we’d be in charge. My focus is primarily on figuring out how to survive what’s happening. That’s why I started my own Substack newsletter, The Five Essentials, at The “Five Essentials” are: philosophy, attitude, knowledge, skills, and technology. One needs all five to survive in this world, especially the way things are going.
Let’s hope 2022 is an improvement over 2021 – but I’m not holding my breath.
You are wrong Mr. Hack, a tiny thing can turn a ship, look up trim tab, bucky Fuller.
Happy New Year and thank you Saker.
A Happy New Year To All. Health, Wealth and Tolerance.
In 2021, like before, Saker did a splendid job. I also deeply appreciate the guest contributors who are authorities of wisdom in their own right. Moderators and other unnamed members of the community, you deserve appreciations.
I expect the community to contribute more.
I wish you peace and health in this New Year, 2022!
I can only say thank you for so much you have taught me fir the last five years since I found you.
I finally visited Moscow thus November 2021
Thanks for your work. Happy new year.
That’s an interesting charge, failing to stop a war. But is it grounds for termination or not?
Well one mans ending is another mans beginning.
Cheers to yous and the years twenty twos.
“Not sure what you mean when you say that the future of the blog depends on what happens next between Russia and USA…” (Serbian girl)
More than likely the personal cost of “American Psychosis” on an enemy-supporting resident alien will be greater than normal times etc.
Personally I am optimisitc but the Saker intro is very good at pitching the 2022 context. Buckle down; get out of unproductive debt; find a local niche with resilient supply chains (food etc); and manage expectations while this tsunami wave of criminal mendacity begings to beach.
If the whole show goes down (as in total ICT plantation management etc) I’d hope the Saker Blog has the capacity to continue to run a simple old email out newsletter etc. Reminds me of that old buncker scene in one of the Terminator flicks. Or even on of those olde Listserv systems. I have noticed a whole lot of very simple and ordinary everyday IT systems (e.g., email) are all upgrading their signin security and many are requiring double verification via email/sms code etc. Why? I suspect as preparations for … Expect more “access denied” experiences, imo.
However, I’m sure the Iceland hosting will a very reliable platform — it will just depend on whether access to it via browser, or internet service provider, or censoring national 5-eyes government is operative. A WW3 scenario may well be a risk, however I doubt some hot sparks over Ukraine will cause such a hyper-reaction. BUT plantation control is the policy and the pandemic is clearly winding down to a nasty head-cold level of state concern. So, they (the mass media) will need soemthing to keep scaring the horses.
IT-wise this blog seems to work ok. Personally, I like the “preview” feature on blogs like MoA that helps fix some typos before they go to print. Not sure how hard it is to implement. There is good science (neurology) on why it helps force new brain pathways so one is not just reading the same old brain-buffer etc.
All-in-all the Saker blog is a very good source of reliable and sane commentary covering a very complex world.
Well done, and have a safe, happy, and prosperous (as possible) 2022. The USA mid-terms will be interesting to watch. However, apart from the finger puppets du jour, I’m not sure much will change at deeper levels unless/until there is a real woke-up (wake up) call in the wings. Recent Putin/Russian demands sounded new and fresh but I sense the crispness wilting with passing days and “phone calls” between talking heads. Make demands, give reasonable time and then enforce, … (which Russia seems to have done), … or simply buncker down and wear the pain over the longer term. No right-wrong answer really. Just a choice between various pain and strain strategies.
As someone who reads this almost every day (and who contributes modestly), I wish you well in the new year.
While I may disagree with certain of your personal positions, I agree completely with your general assessment of our predicament at the current moment.
I mostly want to commend you for your efforts here in creating a space for in depth public discussions on certain international topics, that is absolutely unique and without par in my opinion. The discussion here is very informative and diverse, while the censoring kept to a minimum, which is necessary to keep these kinds of message boards free from becoming just absolute drivel. So kudos to the moderators.
Let us all wish for peace, and prepare for the possibility of otherwise.
The Saker is far too critical of RT. The website is excellent, and is in no way inferior to any other website on the Internet. Yes, it occasionally portarys some rather scantily dressed young ladies, but that is an exception.
However, RT TV needs to improve. It presents a rather limited number of topics, some of them being quite unimportant. These topics are repeated every hour with only a limited number of news updates. I trust we shall see improvements during 2022.
The Saker is correct about RT. The site is clearly pushing some borderline pro west propaganda and some seriously poorly researched articles. The mods are an absolute disgrace too. I do not know what to think of Simonyan.
God Bless you Saker! Your work has helped keep me sane for several years now. Please keep going – С Новым годом!
Happy New Year, folks.
To start this happy atheist New Year, I’d like to point to an interesting new video report about Russian drones (inc. the drone that zapped another one recently). For non-Russian speakers, activate auto-translate by turning on subtitles first and then auto-translate. It’s very interesting and shows that Russia has not only matched up adversaries in drone technology but is also in possession of an automatic “Disposition Matrix” like the USA (in terms of military tracking and destroy capability):
Драги Андреј & Saker Comunity,
Best wishes for 2022, the Comunity prospers and we all survive. Hopefully, AZ empire de-escalates peacefully.
Happy new year and Best Wishes Andrei and the community!
In the course of time, my daily news sites are identical to yours. There are other channel I check frequently: the youtube channel ”Geopolitics in Conflict” Definitely worth checking out!
Happy new year!
Dear Andrei.
Many years ago I began looking for alternative news sources, because the news we received from our Western MSM didn’t add up, like 9/11 and later “weapons of mass destruction”.
I finally found the Saker blog and boy, the information coming through from Andrei, other writers and commentators, was like receiving “The Red pill”.
You wrote:
But if war does end up happening, then the blog would have failed in its most important goal.
Then why continue it?
I hope the Saker blog continues even though war could break out, especially as the first casualty of war will be the truth. I believe that if war breaks out it will be very short lived, because the forces uniting globally against the warmongering tyrants, has finally gained momentum.
Dear Andrei, Thanks for your honesty and hard work to build up an international forum informing the world.
I wish you and your family and all users of the Saker blog a safe and Happy New Year.
We’ll wishes to everyone in the New Year.
Andrei, I fully understand you may need to close the blog should a conflict break out between Russia and the USA. No one wants to be tossed in the Kesh for ‘sedation’ when trying to apply ‘common sense’ to the situation…
Do take care, health and family first…..
Cheers M
I agree
Safety and health of Andrei and his family comes first.
Happy New Year, and hopefully one without the threat or the actuality of a major conflict. Greetings from somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic.
Just a comment though on RT.
While the News Broadcast is still acceptable, and some of the specials are quite well done and informative, their website is mainly a letdown except for the contributions by a few authors like Mr. Robinson.
But in comparison to the features and the quality of production offered by CGTN, especially shows like the Big Picture, the discussions with Wei Tian or Liu Xin, the analysis by Robert Kuhn, or the shows about Chinese culture, technology, etc., RT is maybe in the third league at best.
CGTN is incomparable better (of course, some of it is, like in any other state-funded Broadcasts, a propagandistic effort, mostly when it quite rightly in some instances, but also uncritically in others, praises the efforts of the party) than any other national broadcast I watch, from the often Russophobic Deutsche Welle to the quite interesting features of the NHK, to France 24. CGTN beats them all by miles.
I forgo watching any US channels and have eliminated the BBC a long time ago from my to-watch list.
Why does Mrs. Simonyan not take a lesson from China on how to portray both the nation and its international relations, instead of producing something that is more akin to Fox News than a serious broadcast? CGTN is also one of the rare channels that even daily features its relations with and the efforts of Africans in their nations
Why does RT produce so few features concentrating on Russian history, culture, technology, internal politics instead of pounding us with the drug problems in the USA or the gun violence there?
I don’t give rat’s wet behind about how the USA or the EU destroys itself, except as a counter-propaganda effort. I want to see from a national channel broadcasting to an international public that nation’s qualities, problems, international relations outside of their main target, the USA.
Too bad I have to agree with you, that if RT is the window to Russia, it needs severe cleaning efforts, and I find it quite incomprehensible that President Putin seems to care little about this.
Thank you Saker! I am perfectly satisfied with the current state of the blog. In case of open war, I think that internet access would be hampered in general, but let us pray to stop before that point.
Best wishes for the new year everybody and to all the readers!
I got this beautiful message sent to me,
made me feel very positive and hope it has the same effect on you :
“Believe me, if you knew
Who is with you, you would
not fear anything the
world has to offer”
St Macarius the Great
Happy New Year to this wonderful community (Orthodox and Chinese New Year coming up soon!)
I also want to add:
Good things can happen on Jan 1st!
Vladimir Putin came to power as Prime Minister during the summer of 1999.
On Jan 1 2000, he assumed as acting president, following the resignation of Boris Yeltsin on Dec 31st 1999.
Dear Saker,
Thank you so very much for the great work and the free education in geopolitics.
Happy New-Year 2022 to All involved!
(English is not my first language.)
Hi to all,
I rarely post anything online but wanted to thank the Saker for everything he has done to enlighten our views of the world. I am following geopolitic closely for more than 20 years now and what got me into it was foremost the huge gap between the values preached by our various “leaders” and what their actions really are. While I do not share the Saker religious belief, he is 100% right that the west demise in the end will be caused by not upholding universally recognized standard of justice or goodnessa, aka the “moral high ground”.
I fully agree with your choice of blogs to follow with the important addition, to me, of Strategic Culture Foundation. I find this one well worth checking daily in the hope that Alastair Crooke has a new post.
I wish you and all contributors to this site best wishes for what looks to be a most interesting 2022.
Happy New Year Saker. Thank you for everything you do. The most classic novels always have their heroes in a fix that they always defeat. Be of good cheer, it’ll be interesting to see how we all beat this.
“…Let our noble wrath boil over like a wave
This is the people’s war, a Sacred War!”
This post is dedicated to the Saker.
Saker’s is a one man’s army against the Empire war on Russia.
The dedication to his cause, reflected on this blog and his prolific work, speaks volumes (no pun intended) about his patriotism, his love for Russia, his quest for global peace and harmony, and his search for meaning in a world lost in lust, greed, and possessiveness.
Russia is now engaged in yet another battle for survival. Who could have imagined that, 3/4 of a century after Russia’s defeat of Nazi-Fascism, Ukraine, of all countries, was going to become a modern hotbed for neo-Nazis and their ilk. Or that Ukraine was going to become a launchpad for Russia’s worst enemies, where Russian symbols and Russian people would become targets of hate, and monuments to the martyrs of the Great Patriotic War, were going to be defaced and desecrated.
Truth is, the war against Russia never stopped with the fall of the Soviet Union, therefore, the Sacred War in defense of Russia remains as imperative today as it was during WWII. The face of the enemy has changed, the aims to destroy Russia remain the same. In this new year 2022, let us renew our vows to do whatever is in our reach to denounce the Empire war on Russia, which stands again facing enemies in defense of humanity, and against oppression, and subjugation.
As an inspiration for the struggle ahead, I’d like to share a few versions of one of Russia’s patriotic songs, called Russia’s second anthem, “Sacred War.” It is a song my heart sings as a eulogy to the 30 million Russians that lost their lives defending their beloved country, and the rest of humanity, from the Nazi-Fascist beast. No matter how many times I listen to it, I always cry. I am not the only one. If you watch some videos where the march is played in theaters, you’ll see people openly crying. Inevitable.
This time, I dedicate this song to the Saker, and his patriotic war against the new version of the fascist beast that rises its ugly head once again, thirsty for blood, power, destruction, exploitation, and domination of the weak.
Long live Mother Russia!
Lone Wolf
PS: I present three versions, there are thousands of others! The first one is with the Red Army Choir, of course, at the Bolshoi Theater, with General of the Army Sergey Shoigu in attendance. The second one is by the Alexandrov Ensemble (RIP), with Greek subtitles. The last one is a rare recording by the Red Army Choir. The first and third versions have English subtitles.
Свяще́нная война́ (Svyashchénnaya voyná)
Встава́й, страна́ огро́мная,
Встава́й на сме́ртный бой
С фаши́стской си́лой тёмною,
С прокля́тою ордо́й.
Пусть я́рость благоро́дная
Вскипа́ет, как волна́!
Идёт война́ наро́дная,
Свяще́нная война́!
Дади́м отпо́р души́телям
Всех пла́менных идей,
Наси́льникам, граби́телям,
Мучи́телям люде́й!
Пусть я́рость благоро́дная
Вскипа́ет, как волна́!
Идёт война́ наро́дная,
Свяще́нная война́!
Не сме́ют кры́лья чёрные
Над Ро́диной лета́ть,
Поля́ её просто́рные
Не сме́ет враг топта́ть!
Пусть я́рость благоро́дная
Вскипа́ет, как волна́!
Идёт война́ наро́дная,
Свяще́нная война́!
Гнило́й фаши́стской не́чисти
Заго́ним пу́лю в лоб,
Отре́бью челове́чества
Сколо́тим кре́пкий гроб!
Sacred War
Arise, vast country,
Arise for a fight to the death
Against the dark fascist force,
Against the cursed horde.
Let noble wrath
Boil over like a wave!
This is the people’s war,
a Sacred war!
We shall repulse the oppressors
Of all ardent ideas,
The rapists and the plunderers,
The torturers of people!
Let noble wrath
Boil over like a wave!
This is the people’s war,
a Sacred war!
The black wings shall not dare
Fly over the Motherland,
On her spacious fields
The enemy shall not dare tread!
Let noble wrath
Boil over like a wave!
This is the people’s war,
a Sacred war!
We shall drive a bullet into the forehead
Of the rotten fascist filth,
For the scum of humanity
We shall build a solid coffin!
Let noble wrath
Boil over like a wave!
This is the people’s war,
a Sacred war!
Я из России.
С большим интересом читаю ваши статьи, доверяю вашей информации и большой компетентности.
Thank you for the great job, Andrei! This is an outstanding platform for discussion in a world of censorship, reppression and silence… Hopefully you will be able to provide it for as long as necessary. Happy New Year to you and your fantastic team!
Absolutely correct, it’s quite a sad example of how to destroy a very trusted news source. It really was the the site, the channel to go for factual research, smart interviews and thorough investigations for some years. And let’s not forget RTYT had the most view clicks already, over 3 billion, more than any other news outlet on YT before even Simonyan took over (now 4 billion). And I would love to know why and by whom she got choosen, given her background and also former connections to Soros according to Scott Humor. Rumor has IT SHE also has been – in some ways – responsible for what is going on with Sputnik and RBTH(Which got revamped & dumbed down to a point, that they had to close down their free commemt section and only registered users can write something now, because of an ‘endless’ stream of highly critical replies and harsh feedbacks.)
Maybe Saker it’s time to ask for an interview with some hard topics!!??
We are at war, the “Pseudo-Reality of the Bamboozle” (perpetuated by The Powers That Be) vs. the “Reality of Common Sense” (defined by individual experiences and truth).
“A point of view can be a dangerous luxury when substituted for insight and understanding.” Marshall McLuhan
Thank you, Saker and the greater “Saker” community for your dedication to “insight and understanding.” Here is to your success in 2022. We are all in this together.
Best Wishes for a healthy and secure 2022 to you and your family, Andrei.
I finally got around to looking up your essay “Why do I live in the USA?” You finish with the question “So now it is my turn to ask a question: what in the world makes you ask such an utterly irrelevant question?”
You are assuming in your explanation that the people asking the question are hostile as in “Go back to Russia/China/Wherever”. Being located in a southern state I expect you get a lot of that if you voice a nonconforming opinion at a meeting.
However, the reason I wanted to ask the question is concern with your personal & family safety, particularly since your anonymity was blown a few years ago. It is not exactly a secret to anyone on this blog, least of all yourself, that the US has a long track record of locking up or murdering people opposing the oligarchy or MIC or just being the wrong colour or ethnic group. Most recently Chinese. Guns are readily available and there is no shortage of extreme right wing ultra-patriot crazies running around, just like in Ukraine.
Anyway, having read your explanation I understand why you are there. But if things get too dangerous and you need to bail out of the US, consider Vancouver. Part of the AZ NATO empire, to be sure, but reasonably sane and with good internet connections. Minimal snow for a few weeks and a lot of rain in the winter, but no hurricanes. Temperate rainforest. Like Seattle without the guns. And a wide range of political parties that carry on civilized debates without hysteria. We have a history of taking in dissenting American refugees.
Of course, being Swiss you could pick any EU country. The south of France sounds nice. Whatever; just keep yourself and your family safe somewhere with reliable high speed internet and decent weather.
Thank you for the update sir. I can’t thank you enough for The Saker blog and I’m sure the countless hours of work.
I hope yours and your family the best of health, love and friendships in the New Year.
Take care and God Bless,
Aka CJ Rogue News
Hello Saker: Earlier this year I machine translated almost a half million words of Russian history to English for my own reading pleasure. I know nothing of Russian nor even the Cyrillic alphabet but it was easy and the English came out very good with grammar, meaning and adding up to conclusions. I used from Germany. It works very well with Chinese also.
Happy New year!
May I ask how is Scott doing?