Dear friends,
As promised, we are doing away with “anonymous” comments later today.
Other than that, the blog is doing great and there is nothing special to report.
Kind regards
Dear friends,
As promised, we are doing away with “anonymous” comments later today.
Other than that, the blog is doing great and there is nothing special to report.
Kind regards
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Dear Saker,
last year you pdf published a beautiful calendar, with such beautiful artwork and expression that generated a yearning for infinity.
In these times its good to feel that way every day. Any chance of publishing it again, just for the sake of art.
Other than that just wanted to be first, thanks for tge articles Saker, and your language skill.
Dear Adam
This year we won’t have such a calendar illustrated by our friend, but I will try to find a good one elsewhere and I will post a link to it here once I find it.
Kind regards
Dear Andrei
This is something that has always disturbed me, a funny alias is a lot friendlier. Thanks you for this change!
Vercia V.
Dibs on the ‘Amerikanski’ user ID.
(although I am not your typical Amerikanski — I read The Saker)
To the Saker and his moderators,
A very good decision to do away with the Anonymous handle,
which was like a curtain behind which a lot of verbal mischief
could and did take place. May your blog prosper.
Noel Monteiro
Andrei My Orthodox Brother,
Being that you don’t delve that much into domestic US affairs I think getting rid of the anonymous comments makes sense. You know when I make anonymous comments elsewhere? It’s when I’m worried about Antifa showing up at my door unexpectedly because their friend is a comment board moderator. So when commenting on domestic affairs in my own country and I have something possibly controversial to say, I use anonymity when available. That’s what the Woke have done to the USA.
Long overdue move.
Say the man with no name. Which is exactly the meaning of “anonymous”
This is good news – I would not hesitate to delete nonsense idiotic comments as well, people should learn to have some respect & decent manners.
I am pessimistic about the efficacy of this move.
Actually posting now to see how it works.
Martin Silenus, as in Martin from Dan Simmons’s Hyperion?
I am impressed.
A smart move, Saker.
Looking forward to some constructive discussion.
What is the difference whether I comment as “anonymous” or, for example, “abcd”?
The difference is there can be 10 “anonymous” in a thread. So is it one person making 10 comments? or 10 commentators? or whatever combination
But presumably there’ll be only one “abcd”. So thread readers know who they are reading/ responding to.
Now of course, insisting on names for a comment is not troll or dolt proof, but it will help.
Trashing straight out nonsense junk comments will also certainly help.
When a crowd of people decide to sit in a room together and watch a movie or a performance, everyone wants the d!khead making a disturbance to sit down, shut TFup. Or leave. Let the rest of us enjoy and participate – and so it is here.
People come to this blog because it’s unique… Sakers insights, quality guest writers, effective moderation and a retinue of (mostly) informed readers and commentators who share and inform.
Anonymous trolls are just a distraction.
Weed them out…get them to shut up – or leave.
I am all for it. Make the bubble as small as possible.
What exactly does that mean?
“from Jersey” is not my real last name. Does that mean I can’t post under that non de plum anymore. Or does it just mean that I can’t post unless I supply a valid email address.
I still think you can. At least your alias implies that you’re a ‘Mike’ who is from Jersey, so there’s some identification, unlike the “Anonymous” tag.
Hi Mike, I’m not actually a whale. although my diet and lifestyle went to sch!t during lockdown/s so my midriff *IS* tending toward the blubbery
Over the years regular readers and responders recognise me, and know to either read, or scroll quickly by…[humpf, their loss]
I know you’ve commented here for years…. I always read your posts…. insert sickening ingratiating smile
Mike, you can post as Micky Mouse from Heaven South, just not anonymous.
Thanks that that info, amarynth.
I like my nom de plum.
My last couple of posts, this included, required an e-mail address to post. I thought it was only the Name ‘Anonymous’ that was gone.
Is that a bug or a feature?
WordPress enforces the email and username requirement .. it is not the Saker site. Anything can be entered real or not for the email. Mod.
Dear Saker, I have posted anonymously occasionly here, since long before, I had any idea, who you were. I have however used the same handle, and I have not changed my IP Address, unless away and using a mobile phone, or my ISP is not working
I find your blog a brilliant resource over the last 10 years or so, and I have bought your book, and I really do empathise with you.
Despite, I disagree with many of Craig Murray’s political views, and I have never actually met him, nor Julian Assange, and I understand all the different points of view..
Well so far as I know, You have not been banged up in jail, unlike Craig Murray and Julian Assange, for Telling The Truth.
I try and do that. I just don’t fancy jail.
The rest of this post was removed as it was off-topic. Please take off-topic comments to the MFC. Thanks. Mod.