Dear friends,
Frankly, I am exhausted: I could not sleep last night at all, and one of my chronic pains in my leg has just flared up, so I need time to rest and get the meds to kick in. So, here is what I suggest;
First, I can confirm that the operational cauldron in the Donbass has locked in the Ukie forces facing the LDNR. I have seen at least two maps confirming this, but I will wait for something more precise before posting it.
Second, I am getting mighty fed up debunking western PSYOPs narrative. I know I can’t really ignore it all, but I need a day away the toxic cloaca known as “western political discourse”. Ditto for the two week of rabid hatred against all things Russian (Orwell, in his naivete, thought that 2 minutes of hate was a max, he would be amazed to see that such hated can be sustained for week, months and even years!).
Third, if there are important developments today, I will try to cover them.
If not, expect my next report by tomorrow, I expect a lot of changes which will be able to be shown on a map.
Right now I leave you with an OPEN TREAD primarily to exchange for INFORMATION (and not opinion, predictions and other stream or consciousness types of “lyrical” comments).
Thank you
Why do you spend so much energy “debunking the west’s psyops”…they’re not even that effective on the west anymore. Just spend more time posting and discussing the actual truth. Part of any psyop is that the psyop worked…
This one may amuse you…..
Curtesy of Paul Craig Roberts
They should provide the name of news channel, which aired fake body bags video. So far I can guess that probably it is German news channel for english speaking audience.
Russia should create site collecting majority of these fakes.
> Russia should create site collecting majority of these fakes.
There is one:
The site “War against fakes” is both on Telegram and … – https://xn--80aaenqccitej3b1b.xn--p1ai/
And there are many
Well, actually, this is the faking of a fake. The video is not from Ukraine, it is a climate change protest. Conveniently, the guy talking has a mask so you can’t read his lips. Here is the original:
Paul Craig Roberts always argues the same thing the Russian Federation should stop pussy footing around and crank things up which is precisely what NATO wants.
The US like an American football team always uses a playbook – this is playbook Syria/Yugoslavia. Syria PsyOps, Yugoslavia military ops – brave Bosnians/Ukranians (and assorted head choppers) and a planned no-fly zone (which is another word for an air bombing campaign). The only problem is that the brave air boys do not want to meet the black box of S400 and the navy boys do not want to place their carriers in jeopardy of the zircons.
The ideal situation for the Russian Federation is for Ukraine to wake up and realize that it has been duped by NATO and clean its own house – get rid of the (neo) Nazis and the guy who is pulling the (neo) Nazis and Zelenskyy’s strings: Ihor Kolomoyskyi. To do this it will take time. Time for Ukrainians to realize they have been lied to. You also need good guys – heroes to take over. Hence the rather gentle treatment of the UAF.
The UAF is already realizing that their American wonder weapons are not effective (not surprising given their origin (US = corrupt procurement of over complex systems) and age (Stinger designed 1967, Javelin designed 1989 – think Sopwith Camel in WWII) and that the resupplies that never come are just NATO bullshit to keep them fighting. All they need to do is to get the balls to frag the (neo) Nazi enforcers and they can go home. Who do you think they are going to hate more in the end – the Russians who treated them well or the US and Brits who betrayed them. Note US 0 refugees Brits 300 – maybe they realize what is coming.
When the Russian Federation intervened in Syria all sorts of NATO talking heads predicted disaster, claimed they were ineffective and questioned their tactics and strategy. Russian tactics and strategy got former rebels to sign up to the Syrian Army and pushed the head choppers into Idlib where eventually the local Syrians will turn on them. They will do the same in Ukraine.
Our job is to clean house in our own countries and kick out the corrupt politicians and oligarch masters in Washington, London, Paris, Berlin, etc. who got us into this mess. Freezing next winter and riding bikes not cars to work when Russia honored its contracts may encourage us to do so.
I saw a video of a so called Russia soilder begging forgiveness for
Invading Ukraine. It was quite pathetic.
I wonder if Geneva Convention will like that.
If it’s real he was tortured.
@ThorvidA… That Bitchute video is a voiceover of another German video. A fake of a fake if you like.
Here is the original…
I wish that were true . I am in Ireland and if you make a half reasonable comment on any online forum then you can expect to be viciously dogpiled .
>if you make a half reasonable comment on any online forum then you can expect to be viciously dogpiled .
That’s part of making the psyop seem like it’s working. What percentage of twitter accounts are actually bots? Over half? Same with forums.
You’ve heard that any revolution only needs 15% of the population to work? It’s exactly the same with psyops…hell…most revolutions are psyops, that’s sort of the connection here. So…they use AI bots to project out that a majority of the population is going along with the psyop, inevitably 15% of the people do, and that’s all the evidence they need that over 50% did. It’s sick, but once you see it, you can’t not see it.
a tl;dr version: Twitter Is Not The World.
odd that it needs saying.
It’s the projection of reality. It’s never going to *seem* like the socials reflect reality. It’s what “they” use to make reality seem a certain way. When we play along with what they’re projecting, we’re making it so.
Hi Des,
Same here in the Netherlands. It is just unbelievable and scaring at the same time, such mass hysteria, mass hyonoses
Take care man.
I’m sure as an Irishman you will recall the scandal on the death of Adolf Hitler, when our own dear Dev went personally to the German embassy in Dublin to deliver condolences to the German state on the death of their leader. Shortly afterwards, Churchill berated Ireland for its refusal to fight alongside the Allies, and on Dev going to the German embassy. Dev’s reply was that Ireland was a neutral state, and performed the rites of diplomacy to all nations as a neutral state, and admonished and compared Churchills threats of war against small nations like Ireland to the tyranny that had just been overcome.
It is shameful to see the Irish state abandon neutrality for the sake of keeping relations with the people who are fueling the Nazis in Ukraine. It is even more shameful that an Irish government, or person, could have any truck with a regime who empty prisons and hire criminals to enforce mob rule. Anyone remember the Black and Tans?
We’ll see how the Gardai react to facing off against armed fanatical groups of Nazis who will be given refuge in Ireland. They have already seen the nice face of them, when they gently rammed the gates of the Russian embassy in Dublin. This is like the UVF getting out of Portadown, and ending up in Tallaght. Worse, as these Nazis are the guys the UVF adore.
As an Irishman, I totally concur. The Taoiseach and most of the Dáil are traitors. Whatever happened to our neutrality?
Indeed, we had the Prince of Evil, John Bolton, interviewed on Irish radio this week saying that Ireland should join NATO. Why an Irish radio station should solicit the views of such a monster, is beyond me. This same week, I listened incredulously as William Browder was interviewed and lauded as a champion of democracy and justice. And the next interviewee up was a British Imperialist journalist and then an Irishman who served in Afghanistan with the British Army boasting of how proud he was and how the Brits admired our fighing men. Today, on perhaps the most popular Radio show, with Joe Duffy, a jumped up social worker, I listened nauseated to Irish men tell of how they simpy have to go to Ukraine to fight for the poor Ukies. One said he had served in the French Foreign Legion. Interestingly, one caller advised our hero that the French set up the Legion so as not to have to send their own young men to die for France.
. I seldom listen to Irish TV or radio news, or any TV news for that matter, but I have noticed a tread over years for our national broadcaster to interview scum from the Royal United Services Institute, or the International Institute for Strategic Studies, apologists for empire. There is a very clear lobby in Ireland to move us back to a virtual part of the Empire, and lots of compradors only happy to assist in the effort. They spit on those who fought and gave their lives for our Freedom from Empire.
Neither King nor Kaiser!
Someone would want to remind the crooks running Ireland on what our Republic and constitution was to be based on.
Serving the 5 presidents of the EU hierarchy was never mentioned.
Serving the US State Dept certainly wasn’t in it.
I concur with Kincora. Ashamed to be Irish—from Ulster..
Never heard of the Blueshirts ?'Duffy_Blue_Shirt_Movement_fascist_salute.jpg
Anyway Eire is not at war with Russia, is neutral, not in NATO, with a seat in the UN Security Council.
There is only one way out of this mess :
Convoke an International Conference to Establish A New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations
Petition is circulating widely in diplomatic circles.
Just to fill in some history – the Blue Shirts of Count Kalergi’s Pan Europe, the template for the EU, was founded at the time of Duffy’s crowd, the Fine Gael forerunner, mainly Gardai.
At that time the British Monarch was practicing with the King – see London Sun 2015 Your Royal Heilnesses – still on youtube.
There is not in this wide world a creature so mean,
As that mongrel of mongrels, the Irish shoneen!
Ireland is at war with Russia, you only had to listen to the political leaders say so. Ireland has contributed war material to Ukraine, a clear violation of nuetrality, They have allowed US troops use Irish airports to transport troops to war zones for years, a clear delineation of neutrality. They have imposed sanctions against Russia, an act of war, and clearly support the Nazi regime in Kiev. Russia has declared Ireland an unfriendly nation, after personal attacks on the Russian embassy and its staff.
The Blueshirts were fascists, every country had them, not too many nations have employed forces like the Black and Tans. Irish governments have suspended the rule of law so many times in Ireland, that even Apartheid South Africa wished it had the legislation to use against people like Ireland does. Emergency powers have been in use in Ireland since 1940.
Ireland does not have a permanent seat on the UNSC, and Ireland needs to legally enforce neutrality into the constitution, rather than let it be a hostage to corrupt politicians, of which Ireland has the most.
Nation building with other nations, is nothing more than empire building with a new name. National security begins at home, not at a conference of international
Pan Europe means no nations. Hitler destroyed every nation he got his hands on. Nations can freely collaborate internationally – they are not parochial. Eire has a 2022 UN Security Council seat, precisely in this crisis and can use it’s status, not in NATOstan, to propose a new architecture. Be uppity, not a shoneen!
Never heard of the Irish Blue Shirts? The photos are all in Wiki.The FG forerunner, mainly Gardai?
This is obviously the Pan Europe of Count Kalergi’s Blue Shirts in Ireland.
Pan Europe being of course the EU template. Pan Europe meaning no nation states.
Surprised Eire is so pro EU?
And about this time the current British Monarch was practicing with the King as revealed by the London Sun in 2015 – Your Roal Heilnesses – on youtube, so far.
BoJo offered a Government-in-Exile to Kiev, since lumped on Poland. No visa requirements for Kiev in Eire.
Same thing happened to me…
I made a joke that Putin should get Nobel Prize in Medicine for ending pandemic on a youtube channel called The Golden State Times and they threatened to banish me for using “abusive language” or something. Can’t even make a joke with these snowflakes and that channel fairly right wing… unreal.
Here in Ireland, I am dismissed even by my family as a conspiracy theorist when I try to draw their attention to such as Scott Ritter, Prof John Mearsheimer, Col Douglas McGregor, GIlbert Doctorow, John Helmer, and so on. I dare not mention the saker or Andrei Martyanov as they are clearly Russian propagandists.
I am hugely disheartened that at this time in Ireland, when we have the most educated generation in Irish history, that so many people are incapable of critical thinking. Ireland deludes itself that it has a quality educational system. We stopped educating decades ago when our Universities became sites of vocational training for lawyers, sociologists, teachers, accountants etc etc etc. The second level system when I went through it was far superior to our current third level system in terms of imparting true life skills, i.e., being able to think and always, always looking for both sides of a story. I think at least the Anglophone world, if not the whole Western world is finished, degenerate, dissolute and depraved. Stick a fork in it, it’s done. It only excels in corruption and selfishness.
Am Irish and agree totally.
Here is a test – show them the Duffy Blue Shirts photos linked above. If these same say conspiracy, well you might just have found out why.
I agree, the level of anti Russian hysteria here in Ireland is phenomenal… Especially when one considers there’s no historic tradition of anti Russian feelings here, but of course, we have become the poster boys and girls of the EU and we really do take our new role very seriously..
I am very sad to report that one colleague who was learning Russian has been totally taken in by the 95% western orientation of the mainstream media in Japan. There is all kinds of psychological trickery in play that take in the unwary and leave them in shock. Probably the non-stop presentation of images of a dire humanitarian crisis is most effective. I hope my attempt to convince her that the west does propaganda too and to “forgive Russia” will have some effect. I truly think I am the first person she’s hearing the other side of the story from. If certain people hate me from now on for “taking the side of a monster” I accept that as something of which I can be proud. This is war, and we stand firm for what we believe is right.
I fully sympathize with Andrei–he’s doing the lion’s share of very miserable work. I hope he can take a refreshing break.
Get well Soon Andrei,
Take it easy. You can always catch up with events.
Don’t burn yourself out.
And donate, if, like me, you appreciate that there is an excellent resource that circumnavigates the Globohomo gatekeepers to give us the other side of the story.
German Atlanticist Press today toning down coverage instead of 10-15 articles, it’s only 3-5. No idea what this signals, but it’s a major shift on emphasis.
Also, I’m in Zagreb Croatia on business today and while walking in city center noticed some prominent graffiti in big red letters – VVP
Samizdat is winning hearts and minds
Take a few days off Mr Saker, Ukraine will still be there when you feel better. We are only part way through the first act of a 10 act play.
I wish to say that Mr Khadrovs reply to being sanctioned by Japan was simply epic. Comedy gold.
Shrunk their noodles and made it look easy.
Consider asking him to comment further.
You rest. Your stuff is bedrock. Good.
Can you provide us a link?
I managed to find a link
Thanks anyway.
[In case my previous comment doesn’t appear, I’ll clarify – I asked for a link, unsure of who Mr. Khadyrov was. Then I looked in RIA and found the link. If my original comment does appear, feel free to delete whatever is within the brackets.]
joey_n – here is Kadryov’s telegram channel.
Try searching on Google for the author Kazianis and see if you can find this article, go to the The Federalist website ( and search by the author Kazianis and see if you can find this article.
You won’t it is being censored.
Why? Because in every scenario of the esteemed think tankers a NATO war with Russia one billion people died.
Now don’t you think they could have mentioned that when the U.S. and its allies in Europe have repeatedly said they are committed to that “open-door” policy for NATO.
Tell your friends to tell their friends and get everyone to call their National Assembly Deputy/Congressman/MP, unless you want you and your children (and in my case grandchildren) to be one of the1 billion people who dies.
It was featured last night on Tucker Carlson.
Yes, I know, that is how I eventually found it.
What was not on Tucker Carlson is that you cannot find it on Google or The Federalist’s own search engine (which is probably ‘powered’ by Google) – now ask yourself why would they censor it.
That one billion death toll equals almost precisely the total population of the US, Russia, and the NATO countries.
I thought I saw a headline last night that the Ukrainians had detonated the building with the 200 women and children in it in Kharkiv. Does anyone have any information about that?
Haven’t heard any such thing.
Ukraganda is now passing off its own destroyed equipment as “Russian”.
Somewhere I read that people had escaped from Mariupol, by some secret path and they’d stated that it happened there, I think by shelling, (false flag attempt). Not seen it anywhere else though.
@David Sant
It was Ukro nazis who did it. That is what I read , and it was mined, not artillery or missile fire. Azov Battalion or whatever. Either they were stupid or just didnt care. Well they started off a soccer hooligans; so cant be too smart to start with can they?
You Tube shut down Solovey live If somebody watching that now can watch on Ural live.
May I suggest chiropractor? Very helpful, from my experience.
Or capsaicin, refined from hot peppers and very effective for diabetic nerve pain when topically applied.
Try KAILO patch, adhesive patch non-chemical, nonelectrical (but based on low intensity electromagnetic field), that dramatically reduces pain. Type kailo patch in your browser for further info and pricing.
Rest and may Lord heal you Andrei.
Consider cupping, a very effective remedy for all musculoskeletal issues for millennia.. If a licensed practitioner is not in your yellow pages/online, many Egyptians trained in MBBS or other expats from West Asia/Africa know it, go to one of their convenience stores/falafel shops/Coops and ask around.. Larger cities usually have a communal source.
I had it done myself yesterday for my lumbar spine, with immediate improvement while still on the table.
Also beneficial for chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, migraines, even anger and other blood-borne toxicities.
[Creatine monohydrate helps muscles grow back safely.]
Only if you workout with weights, and eat within 30mins high carb, protein and fat.
I saw on RT that a large truck rammed into the Russian Embassy in Dublin. Maybe the West isn’t so civilized, after all.
As Ghandi answered when asked what he thought about western civilization : “That would be a good idea”.
The idiot who did it will now find himself charged with criminal damage and probably other crimes.
Already in hand.
Hardly rammed. He backed his truck and broke down the outside gate. Very tame by traditional Irish standards of violent protest.
Just seen this:
“Poland ready to place all its MiG-29 jets at the disposal of the US”
In light of the statement from VVP to declare war on any 3rd party that gets involved, surely the US can’t be stupid enough to fly sorties from Rammstein, (unless they are deliberately trying to start a war with Russia). If not then how do they think these aircraft can be of use given Russia’s air superiority and the loss of most (all?) operational airfield’s..
One S-400 can wipe out all of them. Then the bases from whence they flew get Mr. Kalibrs.
Problem solved.
I suggest this means the Poles are about to do something which they know will be considered war by Russia. So they are preemptively moving their air force to Ramstein and “under US control” in the hopes to preserve it from the fate of the UAF.
Crazy stuff. They will give out all MiGs for free and after that they will wait patiently for some used ones and they will happily pay for them. It is a robbery of taxpayers money in the plain view. They are sending some juicy donation to USA’s military industrial complex.
Warmongering lunatics and thieves.
Note what they said, they are not prepared to deliver them to Ukraine.
They are “ready to immediately and free of charge move all their MIG-29 planes to the base in Ramstein [Germany] and place them at the disposal of the Government of the United States of America” - reads the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
This is a chess move, let the US and Germany out it out not Poland who gets some new planes.
As for Poland asking the US to take over their MIGs – I think there is a bit of dark humour involved on Poland’s part. The (brave!) US have been trying to ‘encourage’/’greenlight’ Poland to take the lead and commit suicide. The US can then have another ‘Putin victim’ to scream about. Maybe the Polish regime is not that stupid after all!
Yes. It looks like USA is being on lookout for new idiots, who will fight with Russia instead of them. Ukies took the stand and failed miserably.
I hope my crooked goverment at least won’t fall for this trap.
Finally, someone in the Polish government is using their brain…let Brandon and the Germans deal with this, haha.
They’ll let the Poles put their old WW2 jets in Germany so the Ukrainian kamikaze pilots can fly them into Ukraine against the latest Russia high-tech jets. Then the US will send new jets to Poland to replace the old ones. So the Poles win, the US war industry wins, and the Ukrainian kamikaze pilots…oh well.
All good points, unfortunately if these aircraft are used in direct action or a false flag, then the outcome for us all is going to be bleak and short
Apparently Ukrainian air defense shot down a Romanian Mig-21. I guess it was flying on Ukraine’s border?
“Ukrainian air defense achieved the first grand ‘victory’ in the air. At the request of the Romanian Ministry of Defense, the Ukrainian General Staff is urgently investigating. The Romanian side has clearly stated that the recently crashed Romanian MiG-21 fighter was shot down by the Ukrainian S-300 anti-aircraft system. In the wreckage, the fighters found elements of the rocket.”
Of course they’re trying to escalate the war. Of course they know old planes are cannon fodder that will get wiped out by new missiles (and they’ll carefully watch, with instruments). The point is not to end the war; the points are to get more Superbowl commercials footage badbad narrative; create orders for more $$$flying ordinance; funding for both spooks and military; and to keep the Endless War going as long as it can be stretched out.
The US nuke-capable missile bases in Poland and Romania are still unresolved.
A more important question is whether Russia will send missiles to the US base in Germany, or what. What happens next if they do?
U.S. does not have a military runway in Poland???
Hello have to hang somewhere, covid put friends’ heads in a blender and hit chop, Ukraine hit liquefy. Saw on CIG, this seems worrying news and curious what people think.
Poland Official Announcement: The authorities of the Republic of Poland, after consultations between the President and the govt. are ready to deploy immediately and free of charge all their MIG-29 jets to the Rammstein Air Base and place them at the disposal of the Government of the USA. At the same time, Poland requests the US to provide us with used aircraft with corresponding operational capabilities… Polish Government also requests other NATO Allies owners of MIG-29 jets to act in the same vein.
RF tersely told NATO they’d hit any base that hosts war planes, that’s above Poland’s pay grade and they backed down as apparently did NATO. Seems USA found a way to raise the stakes, they’ll fly them out of the US base in Rammstein daring the RF to hit the USA. Do these planes have the range to operate in UKR? Or, maybe it’s about getting more capable planes to Poland.
Could you provide any source backing this claim?
RT just had it up on Telegram feed. They are back up.
OK. NVM. I see some articles in news outlets above.
When they will do with these MiGs? It is just yet another shooting target for Russia.
Sounds like the US twisted the Poles’ arms to supply the fighters, so the Poles said: “Fine, YOU deal with it, and give us something better in replacement.” So the problem is in the Americans’ lap. Germans are anyway not happy about how Rammstein is used for various war crimes, so this is liable to set the cat among the pigeons…
That would make no sense at all,of what use should the fighters be,so far away from the war zone?
More “capable” planes could be brought to Poland without moving the old ones to Rammstein.
The worst scenario,if this is done, could be false-flag attacks with these machines, redecorated in Russian design.
The thing is that I remember reading somewhere from “Até” (ex-Rafale pilot) that MIG-29 have low autonomy and have to be positioned near the frontlines. Ramstein is far from the front so it would be an elegant way for Poland to extricate itself gracefully out of this mess.
This is actually cute. You want some relics, sure, I’ll drop it off in your house, and take something newer in return
After that it’s all up to you, don’t call me
This is one way to end this stupid conversation with the UK and US and Germany. It’s a great 3 for 1 move
It’s good to see the Poles seems to have learned the value of UK security assurances in WW2.
Get rest! I get the part about not being able to sleep… have to use extra help!
Talk about debunking west’s nonsense – MoA has a good piece –
I saw the guy yesterday… if you know nothin’, he’d be convincing, but I smelled a rat. Well, sure enough!
Almost funny, I have to say.
The only joker in the cards is the idiocy of the western elites (i.e., the “total war” crowd). I guess they never studied the 1812 campaign, and how that ended. Bistro, bistro, anyone?
RT is back up!
China has asked the US for information on their biolabs in Ukraine.
Western media maintains a blackout of the biolabs news.
New York Times quote: “If the Ukrainian forces in the east are not already withdrawing, they could be potentially encircled and destroyed soon, according to an analysis by Konrad Muzyka, a defense analyst for Rochan Consulting.”
Being positive, it’s an objective Western analysis and confirmation.
NYT today on Mariupol under siege: “it is the last city standing between the unification of Russia-backed separatists attacking from the east and Russian troops advancing from Crimea.”
Your health first Saker. This crap will defnitely be here after you get some rest. My best to you.
From todays Martin Armstrong blog……… I stood up and warned the war cycle would turn up in 2014. What happened that year? Ukraine overthrew Yanucovof and that began the separatist movement in Donbas and this was the start of the Minsk Agreement. McCain and Graham traveled to Ukraine in 2016 to undermine that separatist movement simply because Donbas were Russians. The war we have today is directly the result of the behind-the-scenes proxy war against Russia that they began in 2014. Both McCain and Graham both opposed Trump in 2016, and it was John McCain who handed the fake dossier funded by the Clintons to claim Russia was interfering in the 2016 US election. Its hard to believe the people of that somewhat conservative state keep electing Graham as their senator…..
While less likely, has nuclear war ever been closer? I’m afraid not. We saw the Russian president on TV ordering his nuclear forces to be placed on high alert, and he mentioned the economic sanctions and aggressive language as the causes of the order. Today we saw pres. Biden banning oil imports from Russia and saying it will cause “further pain.” People are rightly worried.
Most politicians wish to rule and you cannot rule a nuclear wasteland. It is prudent to worry but if it does happen you being worried did not stop it.
Wishes are not enough. A president should not speak like a concentration camp guard (“further pain!”).
Many of us are also trapped on this side of the world. They have censored information coming from Russia. They only supply us with their war propaganda on TV. Now Borrell is threatening to sanction people who circulate other information.
Thank you Andrei for your valuable work, it is not only information, it is also a great emotional support. We are in different countries but our cause is the same. Rest assured.
“In January 2021, NATO published the final draft of a lengthy study it called Cognitive Warfare. Its intent is to explore the potential for manipulating minds—those of others, our own — beyond anything heretofore even attempted. “The brain will be the battlefield of the 21st century,” the document asserts. “Humans are the contested domain. Cognitive warfare’s objective is to make everyone a weapon.”
From here:
– includes a link to the study & a very good artciel.
Explains a lot, on the Psyops / Propaganda.
Courage Saker – Courage for our Friends.
Zelensky’s speech to the UK Parliament – via video link (10 mins)
It contains ALL the propaganda we’ve been hearing to date. in full, stated by a president.
Quite remarkable – not least in view of previous post.
I understand why you are exhausted, sterling work.
On the PsyOps to me they evidence two things.
First the fact they are massive means that they were planned a long time ago. If getting troops ready to invade takes weeks imagine how long it takes to get journalists and social media “influencers” ready.
Second the PsyOps are evidence that NATO planned this long in advance and have only been wrong footed because “Putin” or as I refer to it the Russian Federation did not do what was expected of them – just go into the Donbas. This is Barbarossa where the USSR invaded in May 1941.
US Senator Marco Rubio in his latest utterance of diatribe said, ‘Iran is helping Russia by sending oil and fuel’ for war in Ukraine. These Western so called political figures’ idiocy has reached comical levels never seen in history except may be just before the collapse of the Roman Empire.
Marco is smart but evil. He knows how to craft his statements for maximal effect. Of course he does not believe what he is saying.
INFORMATION (philosopher Émile Chartier, aka Alain):
“To learn to stop thinking is by no means the least part of the art of thinking.”
« Apprendre à ne plus penser, c’est une partie, et non la moindre, de l’art de penser. »
Please, for our sake (…if not for yours…) give your body-soul a break, Saker. What we are all going through these days is indeed mercilessly exhausting. Take care!
Yours always
Today in Spanish National TV, they were speaking about a pretended Russian bombing on Ukraine while showing images of firefighters with the badge “Feuerwehr” on their jackets, written in German!!
Maybe the mistake was deliberate. I am sure that not all journalists are on board for the WWIII express, but they all have mortgages to pay so we only get petty acts of resistance.
Shaun Walker (a journalist who I always assumed worked for MI6), in the Guardian on Monday, half way down his rip roaring story supporting all things Ukrainian, totally debunked the Ukraine downs two Russian Ilyushin story.
Half way down is where the editors (censors) do not read.
Muy buen trabajo Andrei
espero con ansias las novedades de mañana.
Pepe Escobar on his twitter account has confirmed that 450 Jihadi terrorists have arrived in Ukraine from Idlib:
I hope the RF take out all of these terrorists in one go and is tracking them.
The panicky screeches of the Western “Völkischer Beobachter” outlets debunk themselves for now so spare yourself and know that we are grateful for your service.
He helps with the hard thinking
Just a remark : I find it extremely difficult to find actual information. The two Telegram channels I was using, Intel Slava and CIG, have slowed down to a trickle of news. As the days go by, the flow of information is petering out and I don’t know how to interpret this.
General question around : what do you have as reasonably trustful sources on the ground ?
I got this from someone else’s comment to a different article, and it’s almost as good as it gets. I think voenkorr is short for War (voen) Correspondent (korr)
That site is in Russian, so use Yandex Translate. (English + French) (russian)
use translation:
Poland has decided to transfer its Mig-29 inventory to the US gov’t. The planes are to be flown to the US’ Rammstein AFB in Germany.
will be interesting as they will have to stage out of a closer base…range from Ramstein to Kiev is a little over 1 thousand miles, range of the M29 without external tanks (which you would jettison if going into combat) is under a thousand………and would that then make the USAF spy planes flying along the polish/ukraine border directing hostile aircraft legitimate targets???
Dear Andrei – I do not read anything from the West, and have not done so for years.
Ain’t worth. It is empty of informatino, borring and toxic. Serves no good puprpose. My mind is healthier.
Please take a rest, and relax. Shot of vodka if it helps.
Saker take care of yourself we need you healthy. Try not to read nonsense i myself read only your blogg and ocacionally chinese global times since Rt is blocket, i avoid completely Us, european msm to keep my mental health.
Please stop discussing this Mig-29 vs F-16 nonsense. This is utterly ridiculous. Please don’t take that seriously.
By discussing this with a straight face, we look like idiots trying to decide where unicorns live or when the B-3 bomber (reference to the movie “wag the dog”) will force “Putin” to capitulate or not.
Please, seriously, this is sub-laughable.
It may be ridiculous, but that is exactly The Point!
The UKUS tried to strong-arm Poles into becoming a party in this war for a couple weeks by now. By this point the Poles (the Poles, the most rabbid Russophobes on this planet!) got so annoyed to pretty much tell them – publicly – to GTFO!
Whichever way you slice, it is significant.
Agree. Poles basically signaled to US today (03/08/22) that if any MIG-29 should be given to Zelensky, per Zelensky’s public ABC interview of bashing of Biden and US last night (03/07/22) of not sending fighter jets, you, the US, takes responsibility. US has been agitating this whole mess, without contributing much. As usual, US will back away, US doesn’t want its Germany base annihilated conventional or nuclear.
The planes are useless, except for maybe a provocation. Rather, this spectacle of the MIG-29s featuring in a very public game of hot potato between the US and Poland is one of the most pathetic things I’ve seen. How wonderful that “Nuland” is all wrapped up in it. What a clear indication of the real position of the US.
Disagree, this seems significant and is hilarious:
Apparently somebody finally “woke” in Warsaw, and with an excellent sense of very dark humor.
Just saw this brief blurb in Sputnik that was a surprising admission by a US official: “The United States has no direct evidence of war crimes in Ukraine besides what is seen on social media, Defence Intelligence Agency Director Lt. Gen. Scott Berrier said on Tuesday.”
Yeah; they have just finished deleting it all.
With so much hatred, the West is preparing its subjects for its plans: whether it is a great war in Ukraine, or in the whole of Europe, will also depend on the intensity of Russia’s response.
Just saw this, it is supposed breaking news (according to Forbes).
Given it’s from US media I wonder how real it is but there you go. I can certainly believe some noodle-heads will be supporting it.
I saw first-hand in 1999, that Forbes took money. Forbes Business TV had a weekly program which they offered to public libraries, schools, and any entrepreneurs dumb enough to fall for it. Each show, Forbes put the spotlight on 3 “up and coming” new businesses. But one of the 3 companies paid Forbes to be on the show, while the other 2 companies were just filler. $ 50,000 was the standard fee. Each and every week. I was told this in some detail by the CEO of a company that had just paid to be on the show.
First of all thank you so much to deliver information to us. It is is really dificult to see something in this fog of war. Someone here knows some other internet pages where i can get more objective information about what is happening in the Ucraine. Thank you
I would recommend you download Telegram app. There you can follow so called channels that cover war in Ukraine. There are short news and videos from the ground. Intel Slava M is in English.
I downloaded it but it’s complicated. It’s not one click away like windows media or youtube. I clicked on the Nikita Mikhalkov program and it took me to “channel”, clicked it and on to what looked like the starting place, a click there and back to channel. Gave up after a while!
The alternative is to use Telegram via your browser and open your favourite channels through Google Translate Website tab.
Not ideal as most of the larger videos don’t load but its perfect for following regular updates and having multiple channels open at the same time.
there was a concerning piece of news over the weekend claiming that Putin would stop the military operation immediately if Ukraine agreed to change the constitution to remove the NATO amendment, and recognized Russia’s sovereignity over Crimea and the independence of the two eastern republics. Apparently the project of “demilitarization” and “denazification” was dropped. The news came from Peskov and was commented on very critically by Nikolai Platoshkin, the former Soviet and Russia’s diplomat and historian. I understand that that he is somewhat of a character, sometimes at loggerheads with Putin, but what he says makes a lot of sense to me. For Russia’s military to leave Ukraine without securing a lasting internal security, political and administrative changes, in whatever scenario of a future Ukrainian state or states, would have catastrophic consequences for Russia. Whatever Putin would get on paper from Zelenskyy would be worthless and immediately countermanded by Washington (and his hardliners at home) . Under normal circumstances, I would not give this too much weight, but in a situation where, that other than the East, Russian forces are not making any headway toward the obvious targets, Peskov’s announcement is worrisome. What do you think?
Soloview, I asked myself the same question.
A possible chain of events would be the following :
– an agreement is reached, limited to the separation of Novorussia from Ukraine and the acceptance of the Crimean vote of 2014.
– the ukrainian government would immediately be toppled by “Nationalists”, denouncing this agreement.
– Russia declares it has nobody to talk to that can represent Ukraine at a national level.
Russia would then have to continue its operations in order to assist regional governorates formed by ukranian civil-military structures to establish control over the country.
It would enable Ukrainians to liberate themselves (in a way) and also enable some ukrainian military units loyal to their country to weed out nationalist(Nazi)/NATO/Jihadist militias.
(This is just one of a hundred possible scenarios)
Removed. Please no attacks on other commenters, breaks site rules – remain civil. Mod.
It’s impossible! Russia is playing for time, achieving its goals, and the denazification of the entire historical territory of Russia and the Warsaw Pact countries is just one of many tasks.
Read below…
I don’t know if that’s correct nor the context. It makes sense to accept that, though. Those look like the “conditions” the “negotiations” surely seek: the independence of the two republics, no more NATO plans, recognition of Crimea…I don’t know if changing the constitution was a Russian demand. Anyway, according to media reports, Putin says that as soon as Ukraine accepts Russia’s negotiation positions/demands, the firing will stop. I doubt that removal of the present government is a negotiation demand (I don’t think so). I think said outcome would bring a change of government in the coming election anyway. We don’t know if the fanatics would later come back, but more likely that they wouldn’t! Achieving all those things in a definite way is what seems attainable under a Ukranian state, and it would be like Putin…a combination of things that gets his result, leaving others bewildered/surprised. Pompeo said recently that he’s “elegantly sophisticated”, “genius”, and earlier that he was “very saavy.”
From what I read on RT today, “Ze” is not there yet: “‘I’ve become less passionate about this issue after we understood that NATO isn’t ready to accept Ukraine. The alliance is afraid of controversial things and a confrontation with Russia,’ Zelensky said.” RT. (“Why didn’t you understand this before the invasion?” someone says in Ukraine.)
I live in Canada and I’m going to give you a brief overview of the propaganda being used here. Since the outbreak of the operation in Ukraine we have seen our Finance Minister, Chrystia Freeland ( has a degree in Political Science ) march at the front of a parade of persons hoisting Ukrainian Flags in downtown Toronto. She was maskless and the person beside her and also leading the parade was the Mayor of Toronto. He wore a mask and she didn’t. You know. Because of the deadly virus. This is after the dissolution of the Trucker Convoy in downtown Ottawa. So within a week we’ve gone from peaceful protest bad to Pro Ukrainian protest good. On top of this we’re now playing the Ukrainian National Anthem at the start of hockey games. And just so you understand how effective the propaganda propogates ( Gerge Bush Jr. ” gotta let the propaganda propodate ” ). My neighbour who’s profession is installation of professional lighting for theatres, schools, Broadway plays etc… Now has turned his pair of garage lights into the colour of the Ukraine flag.
I guess it’s to be expected when the people running these operations have had 30+ years of running Colour Revolutions. How hard can it be to organize a parade, a National Anthem Choir, and penetrate the brain of a twice jabbed plus a booster zombie?
The propaganda has propogated…again. Lied too, hoodwinked, and had…again.
Strange how quickly people pivot from wearing masks to hoisting the Ukrainian flag, despite (in all likelihood) not knowing where to find Ukraine on a map just a week prior. There’s a YouTuber out there (Quantum of Conscience) that speculates people like this are “on the download”. It sounded crazy when I first heard him say it, but now I know exactly what he means. People get their latest programming from the MSM and off they go spouting what they’re programmed to spout with nary a moment of critical thought. Truly frightening.
Victoria Nuland is “quite concerned Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of Ukraine’s biological facilities.”
‘Victoria Nuland is “quite concerned Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of Ukraine’s biological facilities.”’
Interesting… but stupid. Are those “facilities” weaponised or not? If not, why worry? If so, who weaponised tham – and when will they be hanged?
Considering that Russian MOD has already stated some of the facilities worked with anthrax and many other military agents, I’d say they’re pretty weaponized.
Btw here is MSM having ‘fact checked’ the U.S. biolabs in Ukraine “conspiracy theory” as “fake Russian propaganda.” Now only a day or two later the U.S. gov’t via a desperate/scared sounding Nuland has fully admitted it….
“There is a little misunderstanding in US analysis of possible Russian answer to eventual direct participation of NATO in conflict – through Poland or elsewhere. US most clever experts exclude preventive nuclear strike being sure that Russia uses this ultimate weapon only in the response to previous nuclear strike of the West. They are wrong in that. We are already in different stage of conflict. For Russia it means to be or not to be. For the US certainly it is highly important but not existential. So be not so sure. We’ve crossed the border.
I remind: I am (almost) always right in my analysis. Don’t try to find how. You’ll never know.”
Alex Doogin
Removed. Mod
Thank you for all your efforts! Take care of yourself man!
Vox Day is once again on point in regard to the fake cassualties on the Russian side:
I’ve found this site through Vox btw
The supposed fake video is a redoing of an Australian die in extinction rebellion type stunt..,it’s a fake fake not a genuine fake
It’s a fake fake fake video. It’s pro-western, made to look like a Russian fake video of a Western newscast of supposed dead bodies. How far can this be repeated before my head spins completely off.
The US, frightened by the threat of military defeat, urgently removes the casus belli from the US/NATO
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland
“The Polish authorities, after consultations with the president and government of the republic, are ready to immediately and free of charge transfer all their MiG-29 aircraft to the base in Ramstein and transfer them to the disposal of the US government.
At the same time, Poland is asking the United States to supply it with used aircraft with similar operational capabilities. Poland is ready to immediately agree on the conditions for the purchase of these machines.
The Polish government is also calling on other NATO countries that own MiG-29 aircraft to take similar measures.” state secretary-from-to-delivery-of-aircraft-to-ukraine
MiG-29 fighters have been in service with the Polish army since 1989. The first aircraft were purchased in the USSR, Poland received subsequent Soviet fighters from the Czech Republic and Germany. The latter gave the planes to Poland for a symbolic sum of €1 when Poland refused to use the planes.
MiG-29 fighters were in service with the 22nd tactical air base in Malbork and the 23rd base in Minsk-Mazovetsky. Before a series of MiG-29 crashes, including a plane crash in which the pilot died, the Polish army had 32 such aircraft. Three crashed in 2017-2019 and one burned out on launch in 2016.
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Ten little Ukrainians went to Belarus…
SBU arrested one more Ukrainian negotator with Russia, it is not certain if he was executed too or merely detained.
So, it is now 2 of 5 negotiators team.
Zelenskyy might be the next “pirate”.
Thank you so much for all you do to keep us informed, Saker! Hope you get your well-deserved rest and your leg is better soonest. If it’s inflammation bothering you may I suggest treating yourself to helpings of blueberries (number one anti-inflam fruit) or other berries, and dark cherry juice. My very best to you and yours.
We are now treated to the spectacle of Europe being forced under American sanctions to stop all imports of oil and gas from near neighbour Russia, whilst simultaneously the US breaks its own sanctions to try and obtain oil from Venezuela.
Will the Europeans raise a slight objection?
Before the collapse of the exchanges zhsnfkzhst think 1-2 weeks. USA moving fast
Commodity disaster! The war in Ukraine has plunged world markets into a state of complete and utter chaos.
Michael Snyder
– Only not the Russian special operation in Ukraine will provoke the economic collapse of the American capitalist system, but the planned sanctions that followed it and the inevitable bursting of bubbles in the financial market, prepared by the West.
The question is who will suffer the most. The US sent its EuroReich/NATO to be slaughtered under the sanctions skating rink, trying to make Russia and China suffer as much as possible.
The so-called Europe has long been sentenced to death, but dodges. And today the United States is forcing her to commit suicide in a particularly perverted, cynical way: to die of cold and hunger…
Obviously, Russia’s response will be in only one direction: in the redistribution of profit along value chains in the global division of labor from the final stages in favor of raw materials.
The current global crisis in all respects was created by the Pindos themselves – and they must be given an exhaustive answer. The main thing is not to let them gobble up the next victim, leaving the full one for the next round of the cycle. And certainly we should not become this victim!
It’s time to pay the price of hyperinflation for injecting unsecured trillions into the remnants of the economy. And Gearer will spread everywhere. I hope that Russia, cut off by sanctions from the Western world, will somehow feel it…
We are witnessing the abolition of the entire monetary and banking system. The abolition of the old money economy as a whole.
Rising wheat prices expected to lead to more suffering
Matt Phillips
Rising wheat prices expected to lead to more suffering
Iraq to create strategic stock of wheat by importing 3 million tons – minister
“Я надеюсь, что Россия, отрезанная санкциями от западного мира, это как-то почувствует…”
Я надеюсь, что Россия … НЕ почувствует!
Following WWI John Maynard Keynes tried to explain how the European economy was so bound together that the economic crippling of one key part of it, Germany by way of the Versailles Treaty, was bound to lead to general economic disaster.
Evidently, the US and its Eurominions took this so much to heart as a desirable general murder-suicide that they’re not even waiting for the end of a war but jumping right to the project of destroying the globally intertwined economy by attempting to cripple one key part of it.
The wonderful irony is that Russia is in a much better position to survive this destruction while it guarantees the collapse of the empire and especially the empire’s lackey Europe.
(Amazing how in just over a hundred years Europe has gone from world domination to the gates of a new dark age from which it likely never will emerge, as nowhere on earth has less of a future. Good riddance, for its despicable cowardly subservience to the empire.)
n noun (in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as affecting their future fate. Øinformal good or bad luck, viewed as resulting from one’s own actions.
karmic adjective
karmically adverb
from Sanskrit karman ‘action, effect, fate’.
I found this:
“The Coca-Cola Company says it is suspending its operations in Russia.
It is the latest in a string of well-known Western brands to halt their work in the
country – after similar announcements today from McDonald’s and Starbucks. ”
It is hard for me to understand why these bio-toxic matter has not been removed much earlier from RF, say, at the time of GMO prohibition law. It appears that RF is becoming the most organic industrial state in the world. It can, I am sure, generate its own much tastier import substitution, if needed.
Coca-Cola GmbH “did not stop its production” in the Third Reich and continued to supply the Nazis even after the US officially entered the war in 1944 (when the Wehrmacht had already been defeated by the Soviet Army))).
They just renamed the drink from Coca-Cola to Fanta, abbr. from the German word “Fantasy”.
Fellow reader B.F. wrote in an older thread that McDonald’s in Russia is bound by Russian law, and as such their hamburgers are supposed to be made with 100% real beef, unlike in the US where the burgers are ~11% (or 10?) beef plus a combination of chemicals.
I don’t know about GMO ingredients, but by this same token I can only imagine that Coca-Cola and Pepsi sold in Russia were bereft of high-fructose corn syrup like in the rest of Europe.
There is hope you guys. Tucker Carlson tore the Empire of Lies a new one is his monologue last night. He is perhaps the last good WASP…I mean besides me of course.
PS. We shouldn’t underestimate the load on Putin’s shoulders. He is essentially trying to teach Russians how to be Russian again after decades of their traditional culture being left to atrophy in the atheistic Soviet bloc. Perhaps he is not actually the philosopher-king, or whatever, Russia deserves, but he is getting the ball rolling.
Russia will end the Special Operation whenever it wants.
More precisely, when the tasks are completed and the goals are achieved.
And this:
– the national security of the Russian Federation (and China))) will be de facto guaranteed: military, economic, political, …;
– the transition to the New Economic Model will begin, the reformatting of markets by redistributing profits along the value chain in the global division of labor with the final stages of the use of resources and resources.
Once again, I think that by May 9, the sacred holiday for Russia, the Day of the USSR Victory over World National Fascism, Nord Stream 2 and the rest of Russia’s demands will be fulfilled.
And if not, the world will only get worse.
“Why do we need such a world in which there is no Russia” (Putin))
I have read various accounts of the number of Ukranazi coup regime forces that are deployed opposite Donbass and are now all presumably surrounded, the number varying from 40000 to 100000. I have no idea of the correct figure or if that includes just official forces (Ukrainian army and Azov nazis) or also counts the other nazi militias, including Aidar which is very much in the area and Pravii Sektor which only yesterday was posing with Boorish Johnson’s NLAWs and boasting it would send troops to “stabilise the situation”. Also remember before the conflict began those puff pieces in the Brit media of British “volunteers” who were “helping” the “heroic Ukrainians” to “fight the Russian army” which was “just fifty metres away”? I have no idea if these people actually existed, or, if they did, they left before the fighting began. If they are still there and alive, I have little expectation that they’ll be given any mercy from the LNDR forces. The Russian army might be more forgiving.
Some info on the composition of the Ukrainian ultra nationalists, because it isn’t just about Azov and their members(1000-3000).
Work and research in progress ongoing on getting info on units active to show the wider picture.
Hi Saker,
Today is women’s day and you know how it is celebrated in Russia.
My wife, russian born, just remember me this morning…
So today, a break is welcome, even on russians TV just some movies.
War is not over, and there is a lot to come and comment.
Take care of you and yours.
I can tell you that are some good people and analysis here in France, far from the msm intox.
Take care
Salutations de France et merci pour vos articles
Coca-Cola and McDonald’s are withdrawing from Russia. Good riddance. Time for Russian state to support healthy choices, give financial support to local entrepreneurs who want to sell healthy food and drinks.
Yes, I concur, this is welcome news!
And it is now an internet meme:

“Russia has already been cut off from CNN, Pornhub and Facebook. The US is now working on depriving Russians of MacDonalds and CocaCola. If they keep going with these sanctions, Russians will soon be among the healthiest, well adjusted and best informed people on the planet.”
Not Pornhub!!!
Life is meaningless…
Spanish language blog and commentary
publishes a daily update based on several sources
Hello Hyper!
Putin instructed to limit the export of certain products and raw materials abroad (to “unfriendly countries”))).
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 8, 2022 No. 100 “On the application of a special economic measure in the field of foreign economic activity in the security department of the Russian Federation”
Publication date: 08.03.2022
Publication number: 0001202203080005
Lapidary and primitive: If within 2 (two) days the enemies do not come to their senses, they will not have what we consider not to give them.)))
Prohibition and restrictions on import and export according to the lists determined by the government. Those. State control of foreign trade is practically introduced.
If the list includes gas and oil, metals, mineral fertilizers, … then)))
And the ban on the import of nuclear waste and the export of nuclear fuel for FES is an analogue of HEU-LEU, this time for *everything* (!) of the arsenal of American democracy.
The military-political leadership of Russia receives a tool that gives it the opportunity to rock tension – stock market panic on world stock exchanges, like on the keys.
– Russia has 9 months to build new supply chains, replace the dollar / euro in the calculations, replace old customers with new ones, etc. The task is difficult, but doable. Roughness will be, but nothing critical.
– Europe has 9 months to find a replacement for 150 billion cubic meters of gas / year, 4 million barrels of oil / products / day, and other gigantic list from metals to agricultural products. The task is, by definition, impossible.
The conclusion is obvious. )))
PS But before the start of the special operation, Putin clearly and loudly warned everyone: “And whoever tries to interfere with us will face such consequences that you have never encountered in your history.”
На измор )))
On March 9, from 10:00 (Moscow time), Russia again announces the “Quiet Mode” to open humanitarian corridors.
The Ukrainian side will be asked before 03.00 (Moscow time) on March 9 to agree on the indicated routes and the opening hours of humanitarian corridors, as well as to notify representatives of embassies, UN structures, the OSCE and the ICRC about the planned humanitarian operation.
Also, Russia proposes to establish continuous communication between the Russian and Ukrainian sides to exchange information on the progress of the evacuation of the population.
Humanitarian corridors proposed by Russia:
⁃ from Kyiv and adjacent settlements to the Russian Federation through Belarus, in the South direction – in agreement with the Ukrainian side;
⁃ from Chernihiv through Belarus to the Russian Federation, in the southern direction – in agreement with the Ukrainian side;
⁃ from the city of Sumy along two routes: to Poltava and Belgorod – then by air, rail and road transport to selected destinations or temporary accommodation points, in a southerly direction – in agreement with the Ukrainian side;
⁃ from Kharkiv to the territory of the Russian Federation to Belgorod, to Lviv, Uzhgorod, Ivano-Frankivsk – in agreement with the Ukrainian side;
⁃ from Mariupol on two routes to the territory of the Russian Federation to Rostov-on-Don via Novoazovsk and Taganrog, to Zaporozhye – in agreement with the Ukrainian side;
Andrey N. Moscow
The sad thing about the fermentation of rabid hatred of russians, is that the go ahead for war has started. Pre WW2 the hatred for germans where so big, that there are several cases of innocent people being lynched for nothing else than being of german decent.
This goes way beyond sanctions and hurting putin.
If I where Russian I would be prepared to move out of the Anglo-Saxon world at some point.
Sorry I don’t have a link, it’s from memory … you would probably find someting on yandex.
Dear Saker, I am not surprised you are exhausted. Take rest. My utmost respect to you – as a 10yr reader. Thank you. I have consumed both Spengler’s & Toynbee’s work and it is time; the sun is setting on the west. I know what lot awaits me and I am prepared. Better days ahead for the East and I’m ok with this outcome as I pray for them to escape the clutches of the monster. Take care.
Report from Alina Lipp> (in German but sub-titles are available)
U.s. citizen here.
Nobody believes the government here.
Colonel Cassad daily brief. I cannot imagine the sub-human conditions of those people kept hostage by the Nazi scum, 4,000,000 of them approx.
Briefly on Ukraine.
1. Mariupol. Evacuation through humanitarian corridors has not begun. Only a few people get out of the city. Sweeping continues in some areas of the city. There is also no mass evacuation from Volnovakha.
2. From other cities where the “Day of Silence” was announced today, there was also no special evacuation – who could, tried to get out by train from Kharkiv, from Sumy the terrorists released only foreign hostages. In the direction of the Russian Federation, they try not to let anyone out. The total number of hostages in the hands of Ukrainian terrorists according to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is more than 4,000,000 people.
3. Kharkov. Fighting continues around the city. MLRS of the Armed Forces of Ukraine operate directly from city blocks. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are also trying to entrench themselves in the area of Chuguyev, which they heroically recaptured 2 back.
4. Raisins. The situation is unclear to the end. Locals say that the Russian Armed Forces took the city, but this has not yet been officially confirmed. The city centre was badly damaged.
5. Kyiv. The Russian Armed Forces are expanding the zone of control to the west of Kiev plus accumulating forces on the outskirts of the Brovary area. The Armed Forces of Ukraine claims that there is an accumulation of forces for an early assault.
6. Nikolaev. The governor calls for preparations for early street fighting. The Russian Armed Forces continue to accumulate forces near Nikolaev. There were clashes to the north of the city.
7. Odessa. No major changes. The Nazis are preparing for a circular defense in Odessa, realizing that after Nikolaev they will come for them. The Romanian MiG-21 shot down not so long ago, apparently, was shot down by a Ukrainian air defense system operating in the Odessa region.
8. LPR. Fighting continued in the area of Rubezhnoye and Zolote. There are also reports of ongoing fighting in Popasna.
9. DPR. Donetsk-Gorlovka agglomeration without significant changes. The enemy continues to shell the settlements of the republic.
10. Zaporozhye direction. Fighting was reported in the area of Gulyaipol. There is no progress to Zaporozhye itself through Kamianske yet. On the territory of Kherson and Zaporizhzhya regions, events in the spirit of the CTO in the Caucasus are gradually being promoted – the collection of weapons, the identification of the organizers of the demonstrations, the capture of employees / agents of the SBU / DIU of the Ministry of Education.
In general, after today’s disruption of humanitarian corridors and the refusal of the Zelensky gang to discuss the recognition of Crimea and the LDNR, the answer to the question of further actions of the Russian Armed Forces seems self-evident. Add to this the US ban on Russian energy, which promises new turmoil in the market tomorrow. The conflict continues to unwind, as for both the United States and the Russian Federation it is of a fundamental nature. Ukraine is simply one of the theatres of the ongoing Cold War. At the moment, the hottest.
Lone Wolf
A woman on Twitter messaged me about a friend who was working in an American biological lab in Ukraine.
“My late friend Dean of Odessa University has been deployed to work in Am bio lab . She is no longer alive , has died from undisclosed undiagnosed horrific condition at her home while had been refused any compensation, pension and med assistance.
“You know… yes I should even though I have been targeted already , they’re tap[p]ing my phone, violating my emails, one of my accounts has been taken down- as it’s happened to many fascinating accounts I have been following up. I have written to you out of my helpless horrors and outrage.”
If anyone can do anything for her, as for example post her friend’s story, please do.
For your leg pain, I suggest you visit an Indian Homeopath in your city.
I am prescribed 5~6 very very small sugar pellets drenched in Arnica 30. It takes care of my lowe back pain and my knee pain.
But, first you must consult the homoeopath. He will take your history, then examine your fingers with a pressure point instrument. After that follow his advice.
Most important is that the homoeopath is genuine and not a quack. Find out how long he has been practising. The age should be between 50 and 60. Check with your contacts if you know someone in the Indian/Pakistani community.
You will benefit.
Zaporozhkaya NPP taken over by Russia. A big stash of weapons found on site. Hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers surrendered rather than “fight to the last drop of blood” have returned to their families.