Important note: the word “provocation” in the English voice-over is a mistranslation from the Russian word провокация (“provokatsia”) which, in this context, clearly means “false flag operation”. Putin is unambiguously stating that he knows that the Syrian military did not use chemical weapons but that this was a staged event.
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According to Doctors without borders Syrians in Ghouta claim Saudi supplied rebels were behind the gas attack.
@Robert: According to Doctors without borders Syrians in Ghouta claim Saudi supplied rebels were behind the gas attack.
Not quite. Doctors Without Borders are referred to in the article as a source on how many people suffered from these attacks, but the claim about the Saudis supplying gas were come from:
“numerous interviews with doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families, a different picture emerges. Many believe that certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the dealing gas attack.”
The distinction is important because unlike normal doctors, Doctors Without Borders is, as an organization, a front for the French external intelligence agency DGSE (which will soon be run by a gentleman whose name is, I kid you not, Bigot, and who is a rabid Zionist ex-French ambassador to Israel). That does not at all mean that each MD working for MSF is a spy, but that means that MSF is permeated with DGSE officers and that the organization therefore has a very specific, shall way say “political sensitivity” which just happens to be nicely in tune with the French foreign ministry :-)
My 2cts, cheers,
The Saker
Is Putin signaling that business as usual is over? Meaning the days when Russia humors the US by pretending to believe its false flags are passed?
Because if Russia, through its own and alternative media, is prepared to challenge the official narrative then it’s a very different game.
And even if Putin won’t bring up 9/11 the powers that be have to be nervous at even a remote prospect that he might.
Yes should have spotted that thanks.
To your knowledge is the Red Cross similarly compromised? I donated to them last year and received a phone call thanking me in which I took the opportunity to point out how NATO had abused its mandate in Libya.
As I said Saker, ‘music to my ears’.
Putin is playing a great game of chess here, and I can’t emphasize ‘great’ strong enough.
ASG weighs in on possible responses:
She raises some interesting potentials.
Look like UK commons vote has rubbed off, perhaps this is his way of getting out?
He’s left it to a congress vote, which leaves roughly 2 weeks for hard core lobbying, media propaganda blitz to fool the American public, or some sort of ‘incident’ occurs causing action?
Twitter feeds mentioned the delay in his speaking was that he was on the phone, perhaps to Putin?
@Lysander: Meaning the days when Russia humors the US by pretending to believe its false flags are passed?
Putin is a hyper-pragmatist and always looks for the end goal. For him to challenge the official fairy-tale about 9/11 makes no sense. So why he emphatically affirms his belief in the fairy tale, he has RT not only regularly interview 911 Truthers, but they even hired a high-visibility one (Abby Martin).
In this case however, the false flag is “indirectly directed” at Russia or, at least, at Russian allies, so here he is not going to play dummy and declare that he buys it.
@Robert: To your knowledge is the Red Cross similarly compromised?
Each country has its own Red Cross so this is hard to say. There is The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies which, as far as I know, is clean. Then, there is the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) which I recommend you avoid giving money to (just look who their main sponsors are, and you will get the picture). IIRC you are in the UK and I would imagine that the British Red cross does a non-political but very useful work to help the British people in need, just like the other national Red Crosses do. I see no reason to distrust them, but keep in mind that I am not personally familiar with the British Red Cross.
@Anonymous1310: ASG weighs in on possible responses:
She is exactly correct! She says:Any attack on Syria that aims to severely or significantly degrade its military capabilities, and in so doing, reverse all the Syria Arab Army’s hard-won military gains and shift the balance of power in the rebels favour, will further draw Hizbullah and Iran in the conflict. The Syrian Army is a red line for both Syria’s allies; for Hizbullah, the weakening of the Syrian Army is both an existential issue for the resistance and a national security issue for Lebanon and Iran
I emphatically and totally agree with that! This is why she concludes with:If I were a Zionist right now, I would be praying for nothing more than a “slap on the wrist” strike, from the safety of my bunker.
Yup! If Obama picks a really low-end “sissy option” then there is still a small possibility to keep things reasonable. But if the Americans actually try to meaningfully hurt the Syrian military Hezbollah, and even possibly Iran, might attack.
@Anonymous1424:Look like UK commons vote has rubbed off, perhaps this is his way of getting out?
Well, it was a historical, truly momentous event: the Brits dumped their most vital ally! Man, if the Americans had ANY brains left in the White House they would really engage in some deep soul-searching to try to understand how in the world they managed to even alienate the Brits! Even under Dubya such crap did not happen. And I would also argue that the Brits are anything but dumb: having lost their empire they have become very skilled at smelling when a situation turns potentially very bad. Their intelligence and diplomatic corps is far superior to the American on and, again, if the Americans had any brains left in the White House they would be engaged into some very serious analysis of how to get out of this mess and never be caught like that again.
But then, when I think of what is in the White House, I despair…