Professor Stephen Cohen is, in my opinion, the best Russia specialist in the USA. He is also a wise, decent, honest and courageous man. A friend send me this video of him this morning (he begins at 1:38) and I can only agree with him. We are, once again, looking at the very real possibility, or even probability, of a hot war between Russia and the USA. As I write these words I ask myself whether I am exaggerating or not, and I come to the extremely depressing conclusion that no, I am not. Things are really that bad. Professor Cohen seems to have some hopes left for todays Tillerson visit to Moscow. I sure hope that he is right. The future of mankind might depend on the outcome of this visit and, alas, I have to say that I am not hopeful at all. My best hope is that somebody in the Kremlin can convince Tillerson that Russia will fight. That is all I personally can hope for even though I realize that even if Lavrov and/or Putin convince Tillerson, Tillerson might not be able to convince the crazies in DC. God help us all!
The Saker
This video is no longer available from youtube … do not know why … Saker Webmaster 2017.04.12 3pm GMT
Tell everyone that means anything to you that you dearly love them right now, as it may be our last opportunity to do so if the lunatics in the USA have their way.
Look, the lunatics (Roth-child led Pharisaic Talmudism) have had their way with the USA since at least 1913 (Wilson/Fed). They immediately lied the US Americans into war with Germany (100 years ago) which is since then run by the same Nazis.
Holland and Britain (British Empire) were already taken over by Jews in the 17th century.
The Western system system is far more corrupted and run by this evil mafia than most think. Their latest charlatan Ziotrumpo – in sheer depravity unprecedented since Roth-child bastard Adolf Hitler and worse than Ziobama even – again irrefutably proves this. . . . . . . .It doesn’t make any difference who is (s)elected (by them) to sit in the White House (Texas from Donbass was damn right about that).
Iran, Syria, North Korea are one of the very few countries who do not have a Roth-child Central Bank. What a surprise that they’re the ones demonized and attacked. Here’s the latest beautiful vid. of the Orthodox Christian (Jew) Brother Nathanael about that (3 min)
Amazing to watch the talking heads try to twist and manipulate Cohen – looking very foolish in doing so. Even more amazing is the way the military talking head twisted the history of the Iraq war from a narrative of “we lied then so why should you believe us now” to “we made a few little mistakes then but we are all fixed up now so you should believe us”. If folks like him put the kind of talent that they use to slice and dice words manipulatively into real thought and real communication, what a better world we could have overnight. The military talking head guy should emulate Cohen.
This is eerily like a hostage situation.
The Trump & Co. have taken Syria, and the whole world, hostage.
It is like a “Samson” option: Do as I say or the whole temple comes down.
Putin and Co. and I hope Tillerson have to act like hostage negotiators.
To get Trump to “release” his hostages.
But then how does one “disarm” these hostage takers?
Impeachment is looking better and better all the time . . .
It might stave off WW3 for a little while.
You disarm a nuclear hostage taker by putting and nuclear gun to his head!
Reply to Paul
‘Talking heads’ ? Look instead at the body language of the two individuals on each side of the distinguished academic as the blonde rinsed bimbo adds to the testerone charged performance, by helping stifle Stephen Cohen’s remarks about who’s behind to latest “chemical attacks”…
But why bother with such trifling details when a gung ho, trigger-happy, ‘leap before you look’ US psyche is saying to everyone ‘make my day’ ?
According to Sputnik news, Russia will not fight even if US increases military strikes in Syria.
I don’t know who Vladimir Jabarov is and if his statements carry any weight..
What if Russia cuts its exposure in Syria but fortifies it’s own and Iran’s border against Daesh, like this preventing the further spread of ISIS…? I realise this would be tragic for Syria but if the stakes are getting too high then what other alternative exists.
Regarding hot war between USA and Russia surely there are some American military men who are still sane? Who are they? They need to receive exposure ( interviews, op-eds etc) in the alt-media asap!
By “saying” you refuse to fight,you give the total advantage to the bully. When a bully is threatening you and you say “no matter what I won’t fight back”. Does anybody in their right mind think that will get the bully to stop. That he will suddenly turn into a “saint” and say,”oh I’m sorry I was so mean to you,please forgive me”. Or instead would he not just hit you more.Why wouldn’t he,he knows now you won’t fight back.
You can always say I wont fight first and the beat the crap out of someone later if the fight actually happens. Saying and doing arent same things. Your analogy is rather poor.
You don’t have to beat the crap out of someone if respond appropriately in good time. If a bully touches you then a slap will set him back, and if not, then an all out fight is inevitable anyway. You don’t want the situation to escalate to where it becomes to serious and letting him get away with initial contact encourages him to do more.
Putin did move some military to Syria and that should have been, perhaps was, a deterrent to the US to escalate brazenly.
I’ll tell the kitten story again. A few years back there was a crowd of ‘free’ cats (outdoors) around the food dish, and a small kitten decided he wanted to eat, and moved in growling, even batting one of the full grown cats away. Everyone gave him room and waited until he was done, as he started growling and staring down anyone who tried to eat. They ate when he was finished. Another time when an older cat was eating a kitten tried to eat too and the older one put his paw on the kitten’s head and push him away, where he waited his turn.
Among animals, it is generally not the size, but the aggressiveness or determination (“courage”) which determines who will win a contest. Larger animals often do not want to be injured, even slightly, if it can be avoided with no significant losses. It’s similar with people: no one wants to fight with even a squirrel despite being so many times bigger, and scratched or bitten. Aggressive posturing, growling, and puffing up fur or feathers, is a common form of defense among animals — but generally in defense rather than aggression. If the intended victim seems likely to put up a battle then usually a predator will look for easier prey.
A vigorous defense early on gives better chances of avoiding a defeat. Kim Jong Il seems to understand this, BTW — North Korea has still not been attacked, and you would have to be crazy to try it.
Paul Joseph Watson talks tonight to some veteran with inside contacts, saying Trump will bomb North Korea in a couple of days – North Korea is at full alert right now I think
Watson then goes on to really bother me so I turned it off – Assad been bombing his people for six years.
I can’t stand that Alex Jones bunch because of their take on China – they’re idiots –
Re: Sane american military men. More than needing exposure,they need to act as is required by the oath they all took to uphold the US constitution. Time is short.
This kind of attitude is the kind of attitude that created Stalingrad.
I guess the Russians prefer to fight and die in their millions on Russian soil rather than have some casualties far from home, perhaps thousands, or even tens of thousands.
It’s a strange mentality that to be fair makes no sense to me.
I don’t know any Americans who prefer to fight and die on American soil with millions of casualties, for some reason they prefer war in far off places.
Why is that?
IOW, one country respects sovereignty/humanity, and the other does not.
Guess which is which…
If you really think this is about ISIS infiltrating Russia you must have totally missed the massing of NATO forces on Russian borders.
I’m fairly amazed that you have missed it to be fair.
By the way, if Russia gives up Syria they can’t complain when Belarus cuts and runs from Russia later this year either, or Central Asia for that matter.
Why would any of these countries trust a Russian security guarantee? I know I wouldn’t.
Just take a glance at the history of Russian allies over the last two decades!
I’m not sure there is a “security guarantee” with Belarus..Shanghai Cooperation Organisation has only 6 members and not one is Belarus, Syria, nor Ukraine.
What are the treaty obligations in SCO regarding collective security? Is there an article 5 equivalent?
Absolutely agree with Professor Cohen…big time…
Notice what he said…The Russians may be moving to a war footing…and Lavrov and diplomacy may be hanging by a thread…
Or at least to that effect…
Everyone here should carefully listen to this tape…
Prof. Cohen never got to the two questions that the Russians have for Tillerson… Let’s see:
1. Are you for real?
2. Are you shriven?
dear mod… sorry to interject – but wilkerson on rt is indisputable delusional…
or anyway so I see…
and that implies that the entire gang is really out of their minds… wilkerson being a member of the class in question
Poetry preceding your link was deleted; it better belongs in the Moveable Feast Cafe – Thanks, Moderator
Cohen, in my opinion, was way too conciliatory. He was lied to his face by all three fools on the panel, and he merely posited a ‘disagreement’. I really would have liked to have seen him bring out the point that the continuation of this false narrative will lead to conflict. With the sheer idiocy demonstrated on this show, it would seem there really is no hope. .
If Cohen had done what you suggest he should have done, we would not be seeing a CNN film clip on this discussion. Remember CNN decides what to air and what not. Do you really think you’ll ever see a discussion on CNN (or any of the western media outlets for that matter) where the American position is convincingly and thoroughly torn apart?
Here’s a good example:
Fox TV interview with a 12 year old girl and her mother who had been caught up in Georgia’s 2008 invasion of Ossetia is abruptly cut off when they thank Russian troops for saving their lives and accuse Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili of being the aggressor in that war.
Chinese officials need to get involved in Syria to independently verify that chemical weapons are not loaded on to Syrian or Russian planes. This will put a stop to future chemical weapon false flags, once and for all.
The order of regime change is Iraq —> Libya —> Syria —> Iran —> Russia —> China
Regime change in Syria has got to be China’s redline, as much as it is Russia’s.
The “moderators” jumping on Cohen and saying the issue of who was behind to latest “chemical attacks” was not worth talking about shows how corrupted, brainwashed, and prepared to defend the Zionist/US lying narrative, the US/NATO-MSM is. And back to barrel bombs? Did the US not notice they just launched 59 slightly more sophisticated barrel bombs of their own? And the “moderators can’t see there is little functional difference when 26 of those US kinda-guided barrel bombs went off course and killed innocent civilians?
However, when known straight-shooter websites like Zero Hedge are running stories like this?
And the ZH comments are also largely NOT the usual ZH US-rah-rah, invade first/diplomacy later. This means the US is not convincing the trend-setters who the sheeple know have a knack for seeing reality. Don’t think for one second Zero Hedge readers are not telling their family/friends/coworkers that Trumpty Dumbdy and his Zionist/US/NATO psychos are risking war with Russia/China, possibly nuclear.
Any guerilla marketer will tell you a handful of key trend-setters is a more effective influence than huge$$ media ad campaigns.
Iraq was the last time the Rothschilds tried to stampede the goyim to such an extent… doesn’t seem to be working this time. Congrats to Bolivia’s representative for holding up Powell’s WMD-lie picture in the UN.
so do you think that Piecznik is for real ? I didn’t before tonight, but watching him tonight on that link from Zero Hedge – I liked the guy – except for that comment about how humiliated the Chinese President was – and how scared because Trump was so brave blahblahblah –
Like I said – The Alex Jones guys – and he’s one of them – are so stupid about China its unbearable
Dr Cohen is a super good guy – and an expert… thanks for posting the video! I’d have never seen it otherwise…
Saker and all – some time ago there was a story mooted about a predictive computer system the Russian State uses to compare situations as similar or dis-similar to previous situations with respect to western attacks…
I myself would like to know what “Ivan-the-Computer” says just now…
And also about that predictive computer system in reality…
re: the two questions the Russians will ask that Prof. Cohen was not able to present :
see the video at the bottom of this article with Maria Zakharova
1. by what means?
2. to what ends?
I like Cohen a lot also. I think if he was Trump’s adviser on Russian-US relations we wouldn’t be in this mess.But you see how the others on the panel attempted to lie about the situation in Syria.I do think its not too late to prevent war.But it can’t be prevented if the US continues with its bullying tactics.No independent country can accept that,and stay independent. If the US succeeds with that it will set a precedent for them to use in the future.We know how they have demonized Putin already. We might well see a day soon when they demand “Putin must go”.Or any leader around the World that stands up to them.Success in bullying is a slippery slope that leads to war at the end.The problem lays with how much does a country let themselves be weakened before saying “no more”.That might be the edge between winning or losing if a war is forced onto them.Let’s not forget that Ukraine lays in the midst as well.The US has already said Crimea belongs to Ukraine,not Russia.If the US succeeds in Syria.Why would they not decide to demand Russia return Crimea and/or the LDPR to the junta.Appeasement only makes the appeased hungry for more.WE have seen that countless times in history..I see no reason to think it would be different today.
appeasement is a rhetorical term, the scientific term is either tactical retreat or strategic retreat, though naturally these actions are often themselves tricks or fake. no rational person would appease an aggressor otherwise, even for a moment… this implies that any appearance of appeasement would naturally be a deception… which all war is based upon… yup. Ol’ Rex, that goodfella, is on very thin ice…
I have heard it said by men who worked for Tillerson’s company that said company was, as were all such companies, “a criminal enterprise masquerading as a legitimate business.” On occasion, when such men collect enough proofs, there are suits at law…which may go to out of court deals, or, one assumes, when the corespondent person is of a suitably low class, the more traditional solution – liquidation… So I have heard it said, by men who are in positions to know.
This makes it difficult, seriously, to imagine Lavrov not having plenty of “ammo” on the immediate level that professional criminals understand.
Sure, Mr L will be polite… Why not? It’s Rex that wants something, hat in hand…
So give him the 15 cents and send him home…
The true test of Trump came in his choice as Sec of State. At the time, I felt that Steve Cohen would have been the perfect choice. Instead, Trump –predictably–chose the CEO of one of the most environmentally criminal corporations in history. EXXON has weaseled out of the disaster it created with the Exxon Valdez, but is sure to pay dividends to its shareholders, environment be damned.
So what is the difference in style between Cohen and Tillerson? Well, you can see Cohen’s attitude. And Rex “Friend of Russia” Tillerson just threatened Russia with his impudent “It’s the USA or Syria–take your pick”, demanding that Russia betray her ally Syria, in exchange for what?—more future betrayal by the US. That’s Tillerson—and Trump.
actually I don’t think that the cool heads in Russia and China will be driven into anything by a bluthering bully like Trump – he doesn’t know what he’s doing. They do – they are not going to blow up the world because Trump says so.
Amazing how the neo-Communists in the federal government can spin rampant speculation into “intelligence” and it is accepted hook, line and sinker by the “fourth estate”. How do you get from”chemical weapons were used” (though there is even doubt about that) to “Assad used chemical weapons”?
The only evidence the point to is that Syrians bombed near the area of the attack. They have nothing whatsoever to say about (i) the Syrian and Russian explanation that the bombs hit a terrorist chemical weapons depot; or (ii) that the terrorists released gas at the time of the bombing to provide a causus belli for the Drumpf. They do not even try to disprove it. Because, in the end, they are evil warmongers bent on total world domination and truth, justice, peace and security mean nothing if they cannot attain their nefarious objectives.
May God almighty be with us all, because this can only deescalate by I divine intervention right now.
In the New Testament it is made clear that “Divine Intervention” is mediated through our human actions.
The israeli war, by proxy, against Syria continues:
UK, US Circulate New UNSC Draft Resolution on Syria Chemical Attack – Envoy
“UK Ambassador to the United Nations Matthew Rycroft said that US, UK, and France circulated a new draft of Security Council resolution on the recent chemical attack in Syria.
The United States, France and the United Kingdom proposed a draft resolution condemning the attack and claiming it was carried out by the Syrian government forces. Among other things, it emphasized the need for the Syrian government to provide investigation teams with information on flight plans, flight logs, names of all individuals in command of all helicopter squadrons and provide access to relevant air bases.
Russia submitted its own draft resolution on conducting a proper investigation into the incident. It also suggests forming an investigation team “based on the principle of a broad-based and balanced geographical representation” that should have safe and secure access to the site of the incident.”
Meanwhile it gets more obvious who the responsible party for the this war ci.e and false flag are:
White Helmets ‘Made Up Syria Gas Attack Story in Campaign for No-Fly Zone’
“According to the independent organization Swedish Doctors for Human Rights, the video shot by White Helmets group purporting to show a chemical attack in the Idlib province of Syria in March 2015 is clearly a fake.
“They (allegations about chemical weapons attacks) have been put forward simultaneously with the request to Western powers to establish a no-fly zone in Syria. So, of course, this reference should make us very cautious as to whether there really was a gas attack.”
“If you consider that Syrian opposition forces, that coalition, renewed their petition for a non-flight zone in Syria two or three days ago, then I think that the conclusion is rather obvious,” Noli said.”
The false flag and missile attack were obviously coordinated beforehand as part of a renewed zionazi strategy to destroy Syria.
Put an said today that more of these false flag ops are being set up and it looks very much like the zionazi strategy used for starting a war of aggression against Iraq is now in full swing against Syria.
One look a the western zio-gay media should be enough of a confirmation of this. It is almost exactly like it was in 2002.
The people in the U.S. press are cultists. Beyond the Orwellian doublethink going on in this interview, a second disturbing feature is its length. Cohen had much to say and no time to say it.
Finns remembered pretty well the Soviet era after WW2 when top politicians tried to probe what Kreml really was thinking. The key element was not that diplomacy line but much more vital – KGB line. I’m not sure how much things has changed since 1991 but it won’t surprise me at all, especially when things are going pretty bad and dangerous, that diplomacy line man Lavrov has not much to say to Finns, or Swedes or who ever but those in Russian security service – military channel – Putin. Lavrov is “out” (for a while). The reason why Xi Jingping made short visit to Finland was likely – i guess – the Arctic Economic Council and comming Finnish Presidency on it. And with Nordstream 2 you may guess why Americans have been more and more busy penetrating to Finland. America is fighting against inevitable – Eurasian economic integration, their horrible nightmare.
‘He’s winning on golfing’: Angela Rye pounds Jeffrey Lord with common sense about Trump’s first 100 days
Is there nobody in the upper echalons of the American military command structure and intelligence that has a working mind and common sense ??
Have they completely lost their minds ???
Is it possible that there are people that are so corrupt and arrogant that they are blind to their own destruction ?
I have studied evil and have lived with evil and have become evil. So i know how evil corrupts and blinds.
However for many people out there, the further they are away from evil, the less they suspect or comprehend that evil can destroy entire nations.
This is why children need to be taught what evil does to you, what arrogance does to you, what greed does to you and does to society, and what happens to leaders of the most powerful nation on Earth with nukes when they become evil.
Demosthenes said it well: “Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true.”
And Caesar too Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.
And Orwell, who wrote that it is difficult for men to believe that which might badly affect their wallet – the precise words escape memory…
Anyway those are specific example of the general principle expressed as “Those whom the Gods would…and all that.”
So yes, they are all nuts. The have to be nuts or they wouldn’t be the people they are in the situation they’re in – to wit, screwed.
Stephen Cohen is indeed the most rational and objective of the US’ Russia specialists. I have followed his work since the 1970s. He has his drawbacks (an attraction to Bukharin), but all in all, if only there were more like him speaking up for sanity in the US today.
Professor Cohen direct quote from above tape…
Also just found a report from January 7…that says Israeli satellite imagery confirms presence of Iskander battery in Latakia…
Now I think the pieces are coming together…
Assuming that Israeli information is credible and that Iskander has been there now for at least two months…it would mean that Russian Military staff had already begun ramping up…?
Why two months ago when supposedly Putin-loving Trump was about to assume the throne…?
If we now look at VVP’s recent comments that the Tomahawk attack on Syria was in the making for quite some time…perhaps months…it all begins to fall into place…
VVP is not known for making groundless public statements…he doesn’t play that game of deception…if he has information that he doesn’t want to make known, he simply keeps quiet…when he feels the time is right to make known previously secret info…he puts it out honestly…
[A very good policy…unlike the ‘fancy footwork’ psyops game of the empire…which gains them nothing…the opponent…ie Russia knows the real story no matter what you say…so all the BS maneuvering is just going to trip you up…]
Professor Cohen again…
‘…They [Russians] are not going to begin a hot war…they don’t want it…but they are worried we might…’
Folks…this says it all…Stephen Cohen is a very knowledgeable and plain-speaking intellectual…in fact he can be considered authoritative…a true heavyweight in his field…
I tell you this brings a lot of relief to me…especially if that Iskander sighting is real not fake Khazar nonsense…not sure on that considering National Interest is a neocon rag that will print any kind of fiction…
My question now is how long Russian intelligence has been aware of the Syria invasion plan that is clearly now about to be sprung…with Turkey invasion from north as my educated guess…?
Russian Intel must have clearly known about Erdo’s big hoodwink for quite some time…heck even to the guy on the street the yapping coming out of Erdo in recent months has been enough to make that plain…
1. He said just a couple of months ago that removing Assad was Turkey’s goal…and that Assad had probably killed way more than the estimate of 400,000…probably closer to a million…
2. After capturing Al Bab he said that his army intends to continue and ‘liberate’ much more territory…
3. Even the fact that as soon as the terrorists from Aleppo were evacuated…little Bernays doll ‘Bana’ ends up on Uncle Erdo’s lap for a photo op in front of the whole Western hyena media…
4. And now after these obvious zigs…we have a zag…just days before this latest false flag gas story was blown up like a hydrogen bomb by the media and team Drumpf…ol’ Erdo was making cooing noises about Operation Euphrates Shield having completed its mission…while not removing a single tank or soldier…
Just how can one miss all of these cues…?
Does anyone seriously think that Russian Intel has not been all over this scumbag’s ass since hour zero…?
I will say at this point that the whole narrative of the Turkish coup…and supposedly the US involvement…and Erdo turning to Russia…who had supposedly saved his bacon…?
Phht…that’s the sound of hot air blowing out of a tire…
That’s how much credibility Erdo’s whole spiel has right now…in hindsight of all that has happened…
I would not be surprised that VVP knew all this even in advance of the fake ‘rapprochement’ but played along with it since that would be the smart thing to do..
From a practical standpoint…I am still convinced that if the empire has decided to invade Syria…and I believe that to be the case…then the invasion will come from Turkey…
The question mark is how actively would US forces support the Turkish invasion…?…they have been deploying troops into theater and to nearby Jordan etc…we know that much…supposedly to fight Isis…yeah what a crock…
Now I would imagine that Russian signals intelligence has a huge dossier of all intercepted comms…and is perfectly aware of what is going down…
At this point I am not aware of any logistics movements of the big military transports to and from Syria…although this does not necessarily mean that those are not taking place right now…
I am equally sure that for an effective invasion, Turkey would have to mass a considerable concentration of heavy armor and infantry near Syrian border…that would be actually preceded by getting the logistics pieces in place…ie getting the trucks ready and loaded with equipment etc…
That will certainly be visible in the smallest details to Russian intel…
oh come on – as if Trump could have picked a professor as S of S –
Tillerson’s the only one Trump picked that was sensible. …and I’ve heard somewhere tonight that the Russians like Tillerson –
and I don’t think that Turkey is going to be allowed to invade Syria right now.
I’m still hoping this will calm down, and that the missiles were for China President.
But that video of Piecznik says that the massing of american troops on the border of Jordan is not a good sign…
“… I am equally sure that for an effective invasion, Turkey would have to mass a considerable concentration of heavy armour and infantry near Syrian border … that would be actually preceded by getting the logistics pieces in place … i.e. getting the trucks ready and loaded with equipment etc… …”
The US has already been doing exactly that in the Baltic and Poland for quite some time – a gradual process that will very soon result in a massive accumulation of military hardware & troops. In all appearances, the Anglo Zionist Empire is systematically preparing to strike in a short order on two fronts at once – in Malorussia and in Syria.
Professor Cohen can be found weekly on the John Batchelor show. Really excellent interviews.
The mere thought that the terrorists might have perpetrated the chemical attack is not even allowed to come up. It’s “irrelevant” according to CNN. (And all the rest of the MSM.)
While that is precisely the crucial point and question. Assad would be mad to gas children who are no enemy let alone a danger to him, just a day after the US said that as far as they’re concerned he could stay in power. While the previous time the US was going to attack Syria -2013- was because he supposedly had used chemical weapons.
But that’s how war propaganda works: show pictures of dead children, say you have trustworthy but classified proof that Assad did it, and that’s enough to get the emotionally shocked masses to approve of military intervention for yet another regime change.
Hi there :)
Keep your spirits up, even in these dangerous times. There are influential American thinkers casting doubts about the chemical incident (Scott Adams) and patriots starting to debunk and investigate those claims (Mike Cernovich and others). But here is something that Mike Cernovich wanted to do but is unable to, which is actually very important:
Mike Cernovich wanted to find reliable combat veterans-turned-journalists to go to Syria to setup live feeds in places such as Aleppo, Damascus, etc, to show America and the world, the real situation on the ground. And probably interviewing the residents there as well. Combat veterans, not civilian journalists, due to the war-time dangers and hazards such as IEDs and mines. He said that his eligible associates all declined, not because of the danger, but due to political pressure that if they do go, they will lose their journalist credentials, something like that.
But if Mike is able to do that, that would be a real changer in the US, firstly among the Trump supporters, and then to the rest of the folks on social media. Of course that is assuming the real situation on the ground is as real as what alt-media such as RT, Sputnik, Fort Russ, Almasdar. etc are reporting to be. :)
The SAA and Russia armed forces are not wasting much time trying to prove their innocence. The occurrence of that chemical incident proves that those jihadis in Idlib and Hama are now probably the primary threat, which should be defeated ASAP. Evacuation of people in the 2 besieged enclaves have to be ensured first, while allowing more green buses to “re-allocate” jihadis from southern Syria to Idlib. Once that is completed, I hope there are more TOS-1 and ATGMs secretly deployed to Aleppo and Hama to punish those jihadi-rats. It will be difficult, but the sooner Idlib is liberated, the better.
Scott Adams thinks those confusing positions about Syria of the US administration are simply A-B testing by Trump. Maybe, maybe not. Better assume now that he is Clinton on steroids, guard against possible mischiefs and get more real gains on the ground means the sooner the bloody war against Syria can end.
I hope Lavrov is showing Tillerson pictures of Wichita Falls and Mushroom clouds.
Would that get the message through?
I am asking myself whether the reason this moment has been chosen for escalation is the danger of a Le Pen victory (or even a Melenchon victory now) in the French election which would assuredly lead to a French withdrawal from NATO, and you can imagine half-a-dozen countries would immediately follow Le Pen/ Melenchon’s lead.
If Article 5 is invoked before Le Pen is elected and French soldiers have died, what chance does she have of winning? Changing course?
I’d say none.
It’s a very tight timetable over the next four weeks.
Here’s a useful website that Americans in particular should check out.
It’s interactive and offers a very pertinent and illuminating vision of their (possible) future:
I believe Russia, Iran and China’s response may turn out to be asymmetric — they might elect to wage full financial warfare by having gold directly bidding for oil. Make the US dollar just another, “normal”, non-reserve currency, and you radically reduce the power of the Empire. The economic crisis in the US would require that all resources be turned inward (but maybe I’m just wishful thinking).
Attention all Neocons, Lib war hawks, Clintonites, self-appointed indispensables and manifestly destined strutting peacocks etc.:
What did Putin say about getting in a fight? Something to the effect that if a fight is inevitable then get in there first. Now count how many nukes, subs, missiles, aircraft, tanks Russia has.
Think on that with what’s left of your puny intelligence.
One of Australia’s most prestigious universities has become the centre of a movement that believes Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad has been framed by the West for last week’s chemical weapons attack.
The University of Sydney is standing by a controversial senior lecturer, Tim Anderson, who has dismissed the sarin gas attack in the Idlib Province as a “hoax” and called Syria’s six-year civil war a “fiction” perpetrated by the US “to destroy an independent nation”.
Of course Tim Anderson is being smeared.
More info on SOTT
Yes, and today a courageous pollie, Andrew Wilkie, stood up and questioned Assad’s role in strike
His has been vilified in both the mainstream media and also our national broadcaster, the ABC
I cringe when I hear our senior politicians endorse the America position, so he is a brave man to speak out.
From the ABC News:
‘Mr Wilkie said he wanted to make it “absolutely clear” that Mr Assad could have been behind the attack, but said it seemed unlikely for a range of reasons.
“To be brutally honest, if you want to kill a hundred people it is far simpler just to drop a couple of high-explosive bombs from an aircraft on a village,” he said.
“It’s a very unlikely choice of weapon when you know it is going to attract such a strong military response from the United States.
“It’s a very unlikely choice of weapon when you know it is going to complicate your relationship with your ally, Russia.”
Earlier, US Defence Secretary James Mattis said there was “no doubt” the Syrian regime was responsible for the gas attack.’
GM – the slant of the ABC article was that Wilkie, a former military intelligence analyst, is a bit simple and out of touch (if not a traitor)…. whereas US Defence Secretary James Mattis is an important man who should be believed
Hope your wrong about the potential for conflict between the US and Russia
In an inter-related world, things can only go badly – except for the elite who will be safe and after make pots and pots of money …… on the corpses of children
….. oh, and I saw a report that two children were killed in the strikes, not sure if I am correct, but you have to wonder why those two children were less important than the children killed in the gas attack …. let alone the 1000’s of children killed by American action all over the world …. I am sure all those dead children are not interested in what killed them, after all, dead is dead
Chemical weapons are hardly the choice to destroy a munitions or weapons depot — which is what the target was.
great news Babushka – Tim Anderson is wonderful – he contributes article to Global Research – awesome news Girl !!!
I think it is plausible that the simplest answers are correct here. Assad Regime used chemical weapons (and nerve agents) on a part of the rebellion that has not given up in order to terrorize them and force them to flee (to Europe? USA?) The Russian military either screwed up and let it happen or were complicit. The reaction of the civilized world was natural and predictable. President Trump is a crafting a flexible real politik to advance US interests. He reacted to the international crisis swiftly, resolutely but in a proportional way. Exactly as Putin has done for ten plus years to make Russia Great Again (but overextended.) Putin and his advisers understand Trump’s vision- it’s their own! So let’s start making some lasting and equitable deals!
Not plausible to me.
Syria doesn’t have chemical weapons.
This is not a rebellion but invasion and terrorists attacks sponsored by other nations and fought largely by non-Syrians.
The videos of accusation were made by terrorists, and don’t correspond to victims and use of nerve gas.
It’s tactically inappropriate to use chemical weapons for the use suggested.
Russians would not be complicit.
The reaction of civilized people would be to investigate and establish the truth with evidence.
US has no interests justifying aggressive war and war crimes.War crimes are not ‘flexible’.
War crimes and the deaths of civilians are not proportional.
It was not an international crisis until the US made it into one.
This is nothing like Putin’s actions. Putin acts lawfully.
Deals can’t be made with the US because they lie and don’t keep bargains.
re THORAX .. mr chesty
“I think it is plausible that the simplest answers are correct here. Trump Regime used chemical weapons (and nerve agents) as part of a trumped up charge against Assad in order to terrorize him and force Putin to double cross him… The exceptional US military screwed or/and were complicit. fullstop “
the last thing Assad would surely do would be to prove the lie that chemical weapons have remained under his control to use again, surely…………..
How did NATO allies reacted? They have all been nodding like bobbleheads, without analyzing the events.
Where is evidence of chemical weapons use by Syrian troops? There is none.
Was there a breach of the international law? Yes, there was.
This is an evident fact. Without an approval by the UN Security Council, an airstrike is carried out on a sovereign country.
And, despite it being a clear violation of the international law, everyone agrees to it, accepts it and starts nodding (in approval) and expressing their support,” Putin said in a preview of the interview, published on the channel’s website Wednesday.
Putin refers to Iraq and WMD discovered in Iraq.
“then began a clear campaign in Iraq, and it ended with the destruction of the country, the growth of the terrorist threat and the emergence of ISIS on the international stage, no more, no less,” — said Putin.
In his opinion, the same thing is happening now.
“And again their partners nod in agreement. Citing our wonderful [comedy] writers Ilf and Petrov, I want to say: “This is boring, ladies”. We have all seen and watched this before,” — said Putin.
Classic humour… ha ha
Quoting from Ilf and Petrov..
“Americans don’t like to waste time on stupid things, for example, on the torturous process of coming up with names for their towns. And really, why strain yourself when so many wonderful names already exist in the world?
The entrance to the town of Moscow is shown in the photograph. That’s right, an absolutely authentic Moscow, just in the state of Ohio, not in the USSR in Moscow province.
There’s another Moscow in some other state, and yet another Moscow in a third state. On the whole, every state has the absolute right to have its very own Moscow.”
― Ilya Ilf, Ilf and Petrov’s American Road Trip: The 1935 Travelogue of Two Soviet Writers
sweet – I didn’t have the patience to read that whole thing when I saw it – Putin cracking jokes !!
In something I’ve read he was very sane about the reason for these bombs – to placate the neo-cons….but earlier he said these strikes (or invasion ?) has been months in the making – so I don’t understand.
But I loved the way Piecznik talked about the Assad family – Assad is a surgeon – ‘board certified’ and he’s been in power for 30 years and he knows what’s going on
By the way – he’s been awfully quiet for the past couple of days – I haven’t read any statements by him.
Syrian Girl is also interesting to look up – she has a FB page that she keeps updated –
Ex-CIA officer Philip Giraldi insists that the intelligence community and military personnel know that the intel shows that this was not an Assad attack. Specifically, Giraldi says his sources on the ground in Middle East – active duty U.S. military and intelligence stationed in the Middle East, intimately familiar with facts – say that the chemical weapons claim is a sham. Giraldi says that his sources are 100% certain the the Syrian air force hit a warehouse of rebels connected with Al Qaeda which were storing chemicals. He says that people in the American military and intelligence are “freaking out” about this, because Trump has completely misrepresented the facts regarding what happened.
Or were the chemicals (and it certainly WASNT sarin) moved their by rogue US-black op agents?
Here’s the timeline: 60 days ago, the RF used the established “deconfliction” hotline to notify the US “partners” of the intended Al Nusra ammo depot target.
On March 29 the USS Porter leaves “home port” in Spain.
On April 4-5 Porter was sitting off the Syrian coast.
April 4 the Hollywood Helmets stage their comical chemical charade.
April 6 USS Porter receives confirmation it will be in combat.
April 7, on command, USS Porter launches a tomahawk missile attack.
April 10-11. The USS Porter has already returned and docked at “home port” in Spain.
So this vessel was out of port just one week.
And during those 7 days, just happened, coincidentally to be sitting off Syria at exactly the right time and place to launch the tomahawk attack?
Yeah, right. All too neat and too many lucky coincidences for me. Oh, and added steak-knives bonus, the USS Porter just happened to have a female commander.
Hollywood will just LOVE this – the movie script is already written, and it’s got everything!
CNN didn’t want to hear what the UN actually said about the Syrian chemical attack on Idlib, brushed off Mr Cohen’s clarification of the UN’s words on the matter while a discussion of a possible hot war with Russia.
Russia will let the US ruin every single State that could not help in a hot war with America. Thats just because the simple reason, that Russia can not waste a single shot, to stay always straght and tight when its going to a hot war.
Russia simply can not go out of his country with its military except it can return to service within at least 24hours. Russia needs every single piece of military at home under super fresh conditions.
In opposide the US wants the Russian to diversify its military over the world to make them weak and to deliver a reason they have done a mistake they could be blamed for.
So the only chance for Russia to survive is to stay as tight and strong as possible in defense position. That is Putins simple but powerful strategy.
The US will have to attack first or there will be no war at all.
Video removed – cannot view it. Must have been too controversial for YouTube?
Just checked it … your correct “This video is unavailable” is displayed … mod-hs
I can’t access the video in Munich, Germany. Any suggestions?
It has been taken down by ‘youtube’ … same here …. mod-hs
I didn’t get to this before the video was taken down, and I’m not having any luck finding it on the CNN website. However, I have seen Stephen Cohen interviews before, and he is absolutely fantastic. Not only is he knowledgeable, but he is also very good at not being thrown off track by the various BS tactics pundits use to try to get people riled and flustered and off-topic, etc. Was this video recent? I am surprised he would even get on to a state-propaganda outlet like CNN.
Wow that was taken down quickly!
the video is available here
No, different video.
The transcript is here:
Cannot find original video. Would have saved it locally if I had guessed it would disappear so quickly. Did save the transcript locally.
Well done Webej!! It is the transcript! Prof Cohen starts about 1/3 if the way down. ..
Btw, have you guys heard the latest from Trump: ” I said NATO was obsolete. Now It’s no longer obsolete” …
IWWW3 is underway and we are fighting right now the “information guerrilla” campaign.
Save important info like this, cause Orwell’s Memory Hole is working to “disappear” everything that defeats or challenges the Hegemon’s narrative.
Having come of age during the Cold War and remembering being taught absurdly to hide under my desk at school, I, too, greatly fear a slip or a slide into nuclear war. I say slip or slide, because I trust that even the most fervent of neocons know that a nuclear exchange with Russia and/or China would immediately end the existence of all nations directly involved and then poison the rest of the planet or more quickly destroy it in nuclear winter. Unless driven by an insane religious vision of inaugurating the kingdom of god, human beings are hardwired to survive. One scenario that may play out is what Greer envisions in “Twilight’s Last Gleaming,” where there is a limited but significant non-nuclear confrontation between Russia and/or China and NATO, in which the West suffers a surprising defeat. Whether this would lead, as Greer suggests, to a regional breakup of the US or, preferably, to a genuine America First policy, whereby we heal our wounds and rebuild our decrepit nation, is anyone’s guess. Things have come to an awful pass in America, where those of us who deeply love what it is supposed to stand for and feel a family-like connection to its history and people (intermixed with shame over its founding genocide, slavery and its aftermath, etc. ), find themselves almost longing for a lesson learned the hard way. I guess it’s sort of like having a son that one loves enough to die for, and then watching him turn into a bully. A good father in that situation (like a true patriot in a nation devolved into plutocracy and perpetual war), might wish that his son (or country) would pick on the wrong guy and get a thrashing, not to the extent of crippling or life-threatening injury, but with enough pain and embarrassment to alter his atrocious behavior.
This columnist is always forthright in his opinions, and does not pull his (verbal) punches.
Ostensibly , he is not in the pay of anybody , and may represent public opinion in his own country.
But his perspective is not usually beyond contemplation.
Folks here may like to read it , consider it , and comment. Or maybe not.
But this type of thinking is extant.
So – regime change(annihilation ?) in North Korea , followed by unification of the peninsula? Anybody?
Does anyone know if that video is still available online anywhere?
Youtube censorship is escalating exponentially lately. Not a good sign.
The video belongs to CNN…they probably scrubbed the original broadcast.
Unlike in Russia & China US has a free press…privately owned on the publics
to Saker webmaster