Translated and subtitled by Scott Humor

Sometimes, reading news makes you think that post-Soviet limitrophes see “totalitarian Russia” even in their dreams. Upon waking up, they write about their nightmares in blogs.


Sometimes, reading news makes you think that post-Soviet limitrophes see “totalitarian Russia” even in their dreams. Upon waking up, they write about their nightmares in blogs.

A recent example of how ruling classes in Russia’s neighboring countries suffer has been a native of Russian Kursk Pavlo Klimkin, an individual infected with the Bacillus Svidomizm. Here’s what this patient tweeted after the Federation Council decided to approve the law on the celebration of the day Crimea became a part of the Russian Empire.

    “By yesterday’s attack on Crimea, Russia shows weakness, biting at the declaration of a number of civilized countries. A pathetic move: dig a little history to find a fix for today’s crimes. The Russian Federation is looking for arguments in its past, and the civilized world is looking at international law.”

Even if you ignore Klimkin’s illiteracy and inability to formulate a sentence, this statement will still reveal a pathological twilight of the Ukrainian Foreign Minister’s mind.

The “civilized world” Klimkin drools about, actually uses largely the Anglo-Saxon law of precedents. This means looking for arguments in the past, and on the base of these arguments making decisions in the present. Had the Ukrainian Minister not been an imbecile, he would have understood that he had written nonsense, and as a rule of thumb is better to keep silence, hoping to pass for a capable person.

Another example of a twilight of the minds lives in Latvia. This political figure, a Deputy of the Sejm, is named Alexander Kirsteins, who “Latvienazed” his last name by adding an “s” to it but left his first name to be “Moscals.”
It’s a shame, Alexanders. Because every Riga patriot knows that the king of ancient Macedonia was actually called Alexanders, but the ugly Russians stole the last letter from the European monarch.

Now, this patient tweeted the following.

    “Only when Russia breaks up into small countries on ethnic composition, military conflicts will end, and peace will be established in Europe for many years.”

And again, we see an inability to evaluate what was written, exactly same as it was with Klimkin. If Kirsteins were sane, he would remember the history of Germany, thanks to which the Latvians received thir written language, and he would realize that a collapse of a large country does not lead to a decrease in a number of armed conflicts, but leads to massacre in the format of “every man for himself.” No… I know this is what Kirsteins and others like him wish to Russia, but you cannot be so stupid and not even being able to find your wish list under some appropriate historical analogy.

Our fellow citizens, for example, immediately found the answer to Kirsteins, pointing to the similarity of his statement with the program of the Third Reich.

“We have already passed that. Then, in the end, his skull will be hidden in the forests of Brazil and he will be considered a victim of dictatorship,» – mocking Kirshtejns a snide journalist Armen Gasparyan.

It is a sin to make fun of sick people, of course, but after all, Klimkin’s ailment, and mental illness of the Deputy of the Sejm of Latvia are clearly dangerous to others. No, not to us, but to the citizens ruled by these two, who after hearing this nonsense might start believing that they can “get to Moscow”.

It’s possible, crazies, it’s possible. But it looks something like this.


Transcript in Russian


Scott Humor,

the Director of Research and Development

My research of the war on Donbass is available at the book store

The War on Donbass, which is called by the Western politicians and media the “Russian aggression in Ukraine” was a staged psyop.

My illustrated investigation titled Pokémon in Ukraine reveals how this psyop was staged, by whom and why.