Note: the text below was posted on the official website of Poroshenko, but only in Ukrainian, not in English or Russian.  Which is especially interesting since it it addressed not only to the Ukrainian people, but also to the “world community”.  Thanks to “AA” who translated this from Ukrainian into English I can share with you this most interesting speech.  As you will see, Poroshenko wants to create an international coalition against Russia (see the text I colored in red below).  The Saker

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko: Address to Ukrainian people and people of the World in connection of 70th Anniversary of the end of World War II.

Sept. 02 2015

Dear compatriots!

Dear world community!

70 years ago the extraordinary efforts of tens of nations put an end to the most horrible and biggest scale armed conflict for the whole history of mankind- WWII&

Our soil was bloody arena of hard warfare actions. On the very Ukrainian land almost half of all strategical defensive and offensive operations of East European theater of military operations took place, just in Ukraine more then half of Nazi troops were crushed.

We have our own very mournful account of lost peoples in that tragedy. That war, by various estimates cost Ukraine from 8 to 10 million of lives.

Imperishable and light memory to the dead !

Ukrainians bravely battled with the enemy in the ranks of Red Army, soviet partisans and underground fighters, regular armies of Anti-Hitler coalition French, Slovak and other resistance movements, Hundred thousands of Ukrainian patriots were fighting in the ranks of Ukrainian Resistance Army.

Close to 2,5 millions our citizens were awarded by medals for heroic exploits, both civilian and military. For exceptional courage, more then 2000 were awarded by the rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Three times Hero was legendary Ivan Kozhedub, two times Heroes – another 32 Ukrainians. The Victory flag was raised on top of Reichstag building first by our fellow countryman Olexij Berest. A lot of native Ukrainians were on high positions in Red Army command. One of them was Hero of Ukraine, lieutenant-general Kuzma Derevyanko, he was awarded posthumously, for for courage, devotion and diplomatic efforts on post-war settlement of the international relations.

As a recognition of a powerful contribution of our people to the Victory over Nazism, Ukraine was granted the right to became a country -founder of United Nations Organization.

Ukrainian people paid a very high price for its freedom. Every Ukrainian family their personal history of that war and post-war reconstruction. Their stories about heroic fights, life under occupation, evacuation, concentration camps, NASA slavery, terror, famine, Stalin’s repressions, are passed from generation to generation and became National Memory. During WWII, the whole territory of modern Ukraine was occupied by the Nazi and their allies, more then 700 Ukrainian cities, tens of thousands of villages, factories, cultural objects and spiritual objects were destroyed.

More then 3,5 million of our fellow countrymen were displaced to the East – our best workers and specialists of a national economy, 550 industrial factories tens of High Schools, theaters, museums. Most of those factories were and remained on the territory of modern Russian Federation.

WWII is not only deep wound on human civilization. Its also a hard lesson, but conclusions were drawn not by all.

The question of peace and war is still a top priority of international and European agenda.

The Russian Federation has cynically crushed International Law by annexing Crimea and fire a conflict in Donbass, nowadays again destroying system of European and global security.

Impertinent Russian aggression is a threat not only to Ukraine, but for the whole civilized mankind, its security and stability.

The bloody lessons of WWII should not be vain. The aggressor can be stopped only by united efforts, as it was a case 70 years ago.

Ukraine is supported now most of global end European leaders, help that we permanently feel during the time of hardship for us, demonstrate that international community understand hopelessness of a policy of appeasement of an aggressor.

This is why, today when we celebrate 70th Anniversary of the end of World War II and remembering of millions of dead people, we are calling all nations of the free world resolutely to stand together in united front against Russian aggressor which commence undeclared ‘hybrid” war against sovereign Ukraine.

Democratic world must put maximum efforts to recover destroyed system of International order and return trust to International Law.

Today, I want separately address war veterans, members of liberation movement, anti-terrorist operation in Donbass and Luhansk regions, to all who defending our country with arms.

Memory about feat of our grandfathers during WWII and today’s fight for sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country today, as never before, united Ukrainian people. This memory was and will be sacred to all of us.

I am convinced that spirit aspiration of Ukrainian people to built sovereign European country and solidarity of all people of the world in resistance to aggression will lead to restoring peace and will provide successful development of Ukraine.