Andrei Martyanov translates the questions from PolitWera.
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Andrei Martyanov translates the questions from PolitWera.
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How excellent to be invited into this cross-cultural translational discourse!
Blessed are the peace-makers!
Around 35:00 it is asked “what the ‘blip’ has Russia done to deserve this hostility” etc?
Imo, it is not driven by state-to-state hostility per se. Rather, it is driven by a rapacous colonial-capitalism “resource extraction” industry (on its last legs) driving a for-hire military industrial complex touting itself for the “Smedley D. Butler” racket-of-the-day award.
Yes – I would like to second that. As blogger elsewhere said, the Western financial system is desperately in need of collateral to backstop the mountains of excess credit (ie debt) it has created. Getting Russia’s commodities – and its educated workforce – fully into its maw is too big a prize not to risk nuclear war for. (Ernst Mandell portrayed WW2 as being between 5 empires: German, Japanese and US for expansion, British and Russian for survival). Entering WW1 & WW2 late the US certainly had economic motives foremost in its collective elite’s mind. The reverse, losing (economically) to Russia and China (and all the global south eventually) means the collateral (real world wealth) the West’s financial system is based off will shrink enormously, heightening its instability and hastening its demise. Well worth the risk of a major war!
IMO the West’s official championing of LGBT+ is, (1) a wedge issue to prevent workers coalescing against NeoLiberalism, and (2) a way for elite’s to mask the extremely reactionary/conservative economic policies of NeoLiberalism by shouting loud about their adoption of equally extreme social liberalism, hence cleaving to the term ‘liberal democracy’ as the populace generally understand the term. All Western ‘centre’ parties of both right and left are now extremely conservative economically and extremely liberal socially, ergo Tariq Ali’s “The Extreme Centre”.
What a fabulous discussion!!! More of these two together in the future please.
Thanks for this discourse
I love hearing Russian such a beautiful language
Please post more of my mother tongue whenever possible and…
Video of the new Chechen armored vehicle “Akhmat”
Nice…but did you see the new patches on the Chechen uniforms?
Even nicer – “To Kiev”
Interessting talk. Lot to reflect on.
The world is not in a good position when the last card in the US military deck seems to be a first strike.
The attack on Russia and the upcomming conflict with China, seems to be last minute desparate accellerated attempts at implementing the grand plan before Empire goes under. Although seemingly hopeless, there doesn’t appear to be a plan B. The leadership don’t seem to understand that the days of making a reality for others to follow, is all in the past.
Very interesting! Hope this format with the three of you is repeated in the future! Thank you!
There is some documentation (questionable yes) that suggests around 1250 the Russians and Persians ran out the Khazarians from what is today referred to as Ukraine. This would account for age-old animosity on a feverish level toward both Russia and today’s Iran.
If, we consider that the Khazarians were aka akanazi jews (in other words – jews that were jews in name only) and that they fulfilled their doctrine of infiltration (all positions of power – global), then we are able to understand today’s world environment better. Perhaps it is important to note that the “fulfilment of this doctrine” did not include any moral restrictions.
Look and see.
Dear Puzzler,
You are spot on about Russia and Iran. What many do not know is that they were also evicted from China. This is among key reasons (vengeance) this world war is targeting China for destruction, even at the expense of the formerly useful host USA.
From the incomparable Larry Romanoff:
Here a good rundown what the Sassoons did to China, on this topic you cant trust white washed wiki.
“China Remembers – A vast crime by the West, on its People.”
Very good to have all three interacting, and to hear PolitWera’s questions and comments, on top of Martyanov’s and Johnson’s consistent excellence.
Nice to see Mr. Martyanov speaking in Russian. It adds somehow to his image as to background and knowledge in one’s mind.
What an enjoyable discussion, please do more of these. Yes the translation takes more time and concentration, a good listrner will understand, Outstanding bridge building Andrei Thank You !
I did not understand at least 2/3 of the talking, but this video was still one of the best lessons in history and the current situation. Even with the Russian language it was clear we were seeing three competent professionals. Excellent format. Thank you.
Thanks Mr.Martyanov you make dust off self study russian text book…you broadly translate/explain Mr.Johnson
Excellent discussion. A.Martyanov is too self-critical, he did a fine job translating.
I enjoyed this very much. Great for my own Russian study, and nice to hear Andrei speak in Russian. Not to mention the meaningful questions from Politvera and new insights from Larry.