by Jorge Vilches for the Saker Blog
Dear Europeans
For your own children´s sake — on my knees and with my saddened eyes humbly looking downwards — I beg of you to please stop the current self-destructive nonsense dead in its tracks by immediately demanding from your political class to import the bloody Russian oil normally once again as Europe had been doing for dozens of years. The impact that the ban on Russian oil has upon your daily lives now and for years yonder is such that at the very least a Referendum should have been held. But it was not, and without consultation, the EU leadership acted on their own.
Please be advised that the EU un-elected brass simply does not represent you or your needs. They were all voted amongst themselves into their positions like members of a committee in a private country club. If left unchecked, EU politicians will now continue misrepresenting you and, on your behalf — with your hard-earned assets and livelihoods – will keep on picking a most unnecessary and prolonged armed conflict with Russia, eventually forcing upon you a total war scenario where chances play out all very strongly against you, with Russia probably resulting unscathed.
their war
European leaders crave for their war, so they can´t think of a better way to provoke it than by applying ever larger and ´meaner´ sanctions on Russia as if (a) sanctions were effective and (b) as if Europe could win such war (not).
Accordingly, we now have yet another set of spanking new EU “sanctions” in package No. 6 that will eventually backfire flat on Europe´s face – like all the others — such as banning the insurance and financing of oil tankers that carry Russian oil. Accordingly, the EU is now trying its very best to
(1) bankrupt the successful Western oil tanker insurance business by reducing the number of participants
(2) induce higher shipping and insurance costs worldwide by reducing the number of participants
(3) foster the development of yet another Russian import substitution service namely oil tanker insurance & financing
(4) seriously hinder the world´s economy by not allowing deliveries of any oil tankers carrying Russian oil anywhere (EU or non-EU) thus cutting off some 15% of the world´s oil supply from the world market and necessarily sending its price yet higher with yet more EU-induced inflation as if we had not had enough already, please brace for it.
(5) force the construction of a new Russian-Chinese-Indian oil tanker fleet leaving idle part of today´s fleet
(6) tempt Russia to embargo strategic value-chain upstream items with captive consumers cascading into multiple failures thru lack of nat-gas, rare earths, inert gases, potash, sulfur, uranium, palladium, vanadium, cobalt, coke, etc.
Ref #2
Ref #3
Ref #4
lost war
Russia does not need to fire a single shot or land a single missile on European territories to win such a total war. Think tanks in Europe and elsewhere know this but say nothing. It´d be plenty enough for Russia to just shut off your nat-gas supply, period. And not even to the whole of Europe. It could possibly be to only, say, some limited area in Germany.
But you need not put up with any of this. Europe should already have learned from history books and its generals not to underestimate or discriminate against Russia. Let alone cheat on it repeatedly as Europe has done since the downfall of the former Soviet Union. Yet again, history will not be kind to anyone directly or indirectly involved, including yourselves. Equivalent events took place in Europe not that long ago and winter will not care what was said where or why or by whom. It will just freeze and starve Europeans to death with no mercy. Just ask the Germans: they should remember, or the French, they like history a lot. Russian attrition warfare is most efficient in any territory.
Please do not waste any more precious time with forever failed attempts to find substitutes of any kind. Quite simply it is very easy to prove in a matter of minutes ( see plenty of references below ) that God Almighty has no adequate oil available for you in large enough quantities anywhere on planet Earth other than Russia, let alone deliverable at refineries and processing plants per your own needs and capabilities. You simply cannot dismiss one full third of your oil supplies in one sudden stroke of a pen and assume that nothing important will happen including a very negative direct impact upon the price YOU pay. It´s market dynamics 101 that only a fool would dare to ignore, so innocent masses of humans should not pay for the stupid decisions of some few unelected groupie politicians that know jack about basic technical requirements. This is a live & kicking very tough field engineering for dirty-fingernails folks that don´t talk much, not yadda BS at a Brussels cocktail party with laughs, plenty of drinks, hot air, and photo ops.
bid forms AWOL
And not a single one yet making the scene, go figure… The current EU course of action necessarily calls for the 2022 execution of at least 100 projects related to the Russian oil ban thus allowing for non-Russian oil imports. Probably many more than 100 projects need to be executed if all refineries, processing plants, ports, pipelines, logistics infrastructure, etc., etc. are taken into account. But let´s keep it simple and in round figures. The Schwedt refinery alone will require 11 major projects at the very least already described in a previous article. As Schwedt can no longer export anywhere, large areas of nearby Western Poland will be left without fuels now having to urgently find an equivalent Polish supplier close by (???) if any. Same for Slovakia´s Slovnaft which will now also have to quit exporting – but unlike Schwedt — making it unviable although possibly still operational for domestic markets albeit with a huge new deficit to be paid by …?…?… (!!!). Who or how will Slovnaft export markets be supplied now is a dangerous mystery because of rough geography and unexistent logistics plus a newly required distribution infrastructure. All in all, we are talking hundreds of billions of euros that Europe does not have — and should not print — to be paid back in 40 to 50 years’ time long after (supposedly) fossil fuels have been phased out of the EU. This in and of itself does not make any sense whatsoever, but it does blend in perfectly well with other nonsensical stuff of this surreal non-Russian oil sourcing idea. Banks should logically reject approving any financing of dead-on-arrival projects such as these. Still, be it as it may, pre-feasibility and feasibility studies should right now already be underway “puffing smoke” as engineers say amongst themselves in such circumstances. Yet no headlines announced on anything, no bid forms issued or trans-European call for bids, no joint-ventures, no engineering firms, plans or specs guidelines, no bidding documents, no tentative schedules, no consultants, no commissions or committees, no bid opening and contract award dates: nothing. Of course, one very serious possibility is that the effective EU plan is to keep on buying Russian oil as always but now from third parties instead at a MUCH higher price with kick-backs here and there no? So all of what´s missing would actually be another European fake as the Maastricht Treaty acceptance criteria just to name one. This would at least make EU “sense” no? Can´t make this stuff up…
no diesel so freeze
Europeans: even in theory, there are no viable oil-field reservoirs able to expand their production for the enormous quantity and type of oil blends you need even if they wished to or if geopolitics allowed them. So what would happen then without massive amounts of high-quality diesel fuel that European transportation and industries require?
There is no viable tanker fleet afloat either for such an unexpected and suddenly imposed massive supply-switch project, with complex geo-climatological access and serious sea lanes issues plus seasonal requirements with dedicated facilities yet to be designed, built, permitted, and commissioned, and with terribly limited installed infrastructure at key unloading ports from heavy-duty/heavy traffic roads to cranes and dedicated storage facilities. The same goes for nonexistent in-land logistics for delivery of such yet unknown boutique oil blends with still-to-be-seen minimum quality specs and anywhere near the enormous un-findable quantities as Europe requires no matter how you dice it or slice it or pray for it. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Just maybe some “fly-by-night” un-vetted headache providers. You are thus running around in circles with the very serious and certain risk of freezing and starving millions of Europeans to death very soon which Russian oil has solved for you for decades. And whichever narrative you choose, it will always be your own stupid needless fault, not Vladimir Putin´s for Heaven´s sake who is still willing to sell Russia´s oil to you with very important discounts, something which you should not ever take for granted despite Europe´s recent shameless robbery of legitimate Russian savings deposited at Western banks, including personal individual accounts and assets.
So for your own benefit please stop the Russophobia right now, reverse the current unwarranted course 180 degrees, return the money robbed, by your own doing change your leadership ASAP, accept Russia´s territorial claims, accept the decline of Europe and the Western world at large, drop the Anglo-Saxon Brexitology superiority philosophy, guarantee Russia´s existential security and stop the shameful European nonsense now exposed for the world to see.
Otherwise, enter your very own European angry pitchforks with lit torches that will fix this fast. Are you ready?
Ref #5
Ref #6
Ref #7
Ref #8
Ref #9
Ref #10
Ref #11
pitchforks ready
Not that long ago, the French Revolution was planned and led by the middle classes. And in the very near short term that will be the new game of the game throughout Europe if the EU leadership insists on fighting a-la Don Quixote its inevitable dependency on Russia. Besides, in case you didn´t notice, Russia is winning on all fronts, militarily, geopolitically, logistically, socially, economically, and financially. The Ruble is as strong as it cares to be and Russia is the only world power able to self-sustain independently from what happens in the rest of the world. After many years of trying to accommodate your requirements, Russia simply does not care anymore what the West thinks, does, or threatens to do. It can now beat you at any of the three at any time. Your sanctions work against Europe, not Russia. You must see and feel that for sure, so why do you fake being blind? Or are you “brain-dead” per President Macron?
Russia´s Foreign Affairs Minister Sergei Lavrov nailed it for history: the West is simply not “agreement-capable” with the post-Brexit US-led Anglo-Saxon leadership in charge. Did you not have enough with Victoria Nuland´s loud and clear “ fuck the EU ” audio recording? What else would you need to accept what´s really going on? Maybe having a character such as Volodymyr Zelenskyy ruling the Ukraine? He already is… Why has European leadership now turned so unwarrantedly Russophobic? You do not need to be their friend, but why should you make Russia your enemy even proposing an anti-Russian coalition cartel? Ref #12
European infighting
A network is only as strong as its weakest link. As initially explained in the “their war” paragraph, just-in-time fragility will trigger cascading failures throughout Europe in a matter of days, if not hours. So what´s the European game plan for the 21st. century without energy security? Fighting even more yet again amongst yourselves? What will become of Europe without Russia as a business associate and energy provider? Are you aware of how weak European economies and fragile finances currently stand? Did you know that 85% of the world´s population does not belong to NATO?
Hungary et al will continue to receive cheap and excellent Russian Urals blend through the Druzbha South pipeline for a yet undefined period of time. This would mean a wholly unfair competitive environment with tremendous advantages for some few over those fed with new unknown expensive non-Russian oils plus the costs for the corresponding retro-fitting / reconversion downtime (or plain non-performance) kicking them outright out of the market for an unknown period of time possibly bankrupting them and creating extraordinary logistics problems to consumers throughout Europe. Allowing for the Druzbha South pipeline to continue feeding 15% of Europe with excellent Russian oils will provide the perfect comparison standard of practice. And it would reveal the fallacy that Russian oils can be substituted easily and without enormous great pains per Ursula von der Leyden´s historical bad joke: “the EU will make sure to phase out Russian oil in an orderly fashion to allow us and our partners to secure alternative supply routes minimizing the impact on global markets”. It´d be like trying to change your car´s engine oil while cruising at 150 km/hr on a German autobahn.
quantities & qualities
By any means, there are definitely not enough adequate oil blends around to satisfy European requirements without continuous Russian high-quality Urals supply. And also please understand and accept once and for all that a specific oil blend is not just “an oil blend” to be plugged & played anywhere anytime. A very specific refinery or processing plant tune-up needs to be specifically matched with an always constant high-quality oil blend in large enough quantities and for a given desired output such as diesel. No “open architecture” is possible here, that´s just for IT nerds, not for chemical engineering realities. And definetly there are no vendors all lined up happily willing and able to sell you their oil blend in unlimited quantities already fully adapted to whatever plant you may have for whichever desired production output you may need. And also any door-to-door pipeline performs infinitely better than the best batch-delivery system, let alone with un-prepared ports thousands of kilometers away from “beach-front bazaar” vendors.
Should ´climate change´ already agreed goals reduce or further increase worldwide oil production? Which is it, please make up your mind. Furthermore, oil-field production will be very hard to maintain into the near future because of constant shale reservoir depletion, fracking prohibition, ever-increasing labor shortages, rising drilling costs due to worldwide inflation, and temporary or permanent lack of missing components caused by supply chain disruptions.
Ref #13
Ref #14
no people no project
For decades Europe has streamlined supplies and specifically matched its processing capabilities for the Russian Urals blend which means that now Europeans cannot just suddenly switch to whatever little and bad oil blends are found elsewhere. It just does not work that way. If any of that is attempted, the result will be absolutely disqualifying higher prices and costs plus un-thinkable risks for the whole European economy. Furthermore, Europe will spend a FORTUNE it does not have while simultaneously risking project non-performance of the trouble full reconversion projects required ending up with many half-finished facilities that will not be anywhere ready on time, or ever. And as 95% compliance is not enough to produce a single drop of a processed product (diesel or whatever) this means that under current circumstances and 2022 established deadlines until Europe has 100% modified and retrofitted facilities up and running you really have NOTHING. Additionally, the human resource challenge related to all of the above is insurmountable and probably un-compliable. Ref #15
Wow, best description yet of the Vassals of the EU and their current dilemma, trying to change their oil while traveling 150kms on the autobahn!! Keep up the truth telling.
I´ll try Kosta as best I can. Cordially Jorge
What if one of the main aims is not to hurt Russia but rather to make diesel unavailable in Europe under the pretence of sanctions against Russia? Then it all would make sense. Ursula von der Lügenwhatever and all the other officials are neither stupid nor naive. Sinister yes, but not stupid. It is you who is naive if you outright assume that a declaration by politicians equals to their actual intention.
Besides, the Russian army have deployed only around 5% of their entire artillery arsenal into the Ukraine, meaning that the conquest of southern and eastern Ukraine will drag on until the summer of 2023, if not 2024. We can explain the shortage of foot soldiers with political considerations, but not that of artillery pieces.
Just like the Russian government was part of the covid scam they also appear to be part of the plot to increase the prices of energy, food, and fertilisers, so that the vast majority of human beings will have to spend their entire income on essentials.
This doesn’t mean that everything that happens is part of single plan nor that major countries and supra-national entities are all in alignment. No, the cultural and personal sanctions against anyone or anything related to Russia was definitely a surprise for the Russians (though not the economic sanctions) . Similarly, the oil-for-Ruble move was most probably unexpected by the West. But the Ukraine operation by and large appears to be something generally agreed on by all major global stakeholders though their particular aims do not necessarily have to overlap: Russia would have preferred a quick Ukrainian surrender after which economic sanctions would have continued anyway. The West would prefer internal unrest in Russia and a collapse of the government. But they all agree that humanity needs to depopulate itself as well as to drastically reduce per capita consumption of non-renewables. Russia and China intend to use this crisis to strengthen their national states and their security apparatus. The US-led Western bloc on the other hand appears to gradually transfer sovereignty to a mix of private companies, unelected boards, and supra-national entities. But they all agree that both per capita consumption as well as the number of those who do consume has to be reduced to keep the earth habitable for the coming generations.
Hence, the choice we as voters, consumers, and producers have appears to be between socially conservative, manageably kleptocratic, and reasonably censoring one-party nation states versus a nominally democratic but in practice fanatically theocratic one-world government based on Transmania and Negrolatry in which the greatest ideals are self-mutilation into sterility (a.k.a. sex change) and the worship of Bantus as the holy innocents to replace them. Anything else is trivial.
SZ, I´ve known about the de-population idea of certain Western circles (WEF et al) but had not heard about Russia and China having the same goal. Can you please share any sources on that ?
The goal is genocide of native Europeans and replacement with Africans, etc.
So this is another war between Jewrope and Europa.
Carefully orchestrated by Jewnited States of America and their kosher boy Stoltzenberg.
Guess we will soon be able to see them positioning themself financially, just as seen before 9/11.
And never forget that the Jews running Jewrope and Jewmerica are ethnically Ukrainian Khaazars. That’s why Ukraina is the center of this conflict.
Hi, there ! Because of Russia´s counter-sanctions all-important titanium is now hard to find thusly impossible to make production plans without known quality and quantity of supplies same as with oil or any other essential component. Shortly there may be none. Boeing and Airbus not happy.
Same for semiconductors / microchips affecting everything from planes, to cars, to trucks, to machinery at large …to any audio / image / screen equipment etc etc etc…. because of Russia´s counter-sanctions regarding non-availability of neon gas required for etching such.
Boeing shut down means the states of Washington + Oregon + Nebraska pretty much also shut down and others deeply affected.
The importance of this sentence cannot be exaggerated…” Russia to embargo strategic value-chain upstream items with captive consumers cascading into multiple failures thru lack of nat-gas, rare earths, inert gases, potash, sulfur, uranium, palladium, vanadium, cobalt, coke, etc.” The key term here is “UPSTREAM” as Russia may produce less than 5% of world GDP– the West´s favorite metric / indicator of economic activity — but it impacts say, 50% ?
Russia plays excellent high-level professional chess, not badly-played high school checkers…
I agree with every word you wrote but I fear there will be no pitch forks until it’s too late. I am single and live a simple life so the current inflation hasn’t really effected me yet. However, I was speaking to a neighbor who has a large family and asked him how he was coping. He told me he wasn’t happy about the inflation but it’s a price he’s willing to pay because Putin wants to make all of Europe a new Soviet Union and he must be stopped. I asked him if this is what he truly believed and he replied “yes, of course “. I don’t know if this belief is common where I am but I don’t see any anger yet among the community, it seems people are just going about their business but are more cautious about how they spend their money
Alex, thanks for your valid input. True enough, many people do not yet understand the origin of the pain and suffering that´s coming to them as a direct result of these illegitimate decisions made on their behalf by EU politicians. When hunger and freezing temperatures do hit them though, they´ll all instantly understand.
The title of this article has a very important question mark at the very end, the answer to which is what everybody is looking for. Alex, the pitchforks will come, soon enough though ? I can´t know that, but sure hope so. Cordially – Jorge
People are still in denial mode. I was mentioning to one of my purchasers that we need to acquire enough microchips for a two to three year manufacturing period due to Russia’s impact on the noble gas market. The response was, “we’ll just build helium plants.” I had to explain infrastructure development to mine, process, store, transport and that in emergency mode we were in a two to three year program at best, if we started now.
The stupid, it’s everywhere right now.
I read you JackJC and agree that many people don´t yet get what´s going on. But when the SHTF they´ll all understand very rapidly I´m afraid so that´s why avoiding or re-channeling a serious conflict with Russia is essential otherwise it´d be unmanageable. Europe doesn´t have to love or befriend Russia, just have them as business associates, and business is business. Cordially, Jorge
Jorge, thank you for your educational articles. I do think tho that you are too optimistic in your statements that people will immediately understand when the SHTF at least in the US. The media is so controlled that people, including much of the media, believe what they are told to believe by those controlling the narrative.
I fear a a more fascistic EU will emerge to suppress the pitchforks ….as France as already amply demonstrated. They mightn’t have to go that far as smartfones amd social media already give authorities full spectrum visibilty of where threats are might eminate from ….
Geoffrey, I understand and agree with you as France has already effectively suppressed its “yellow vests” phenomenon. But what has happened and what you indicate would be valid like, say, today… or maybe tomorrow or next week. But what I am foreseeing is a very different scenario whereby ends do not meet at all for a MASSIVE amount of people freezing or starving to death. And because of the EU´s non-consulted leadership illegitimate decisions (equivalent to a declaration of war, no ?) such situation is now definetly in the cards. So then and only THEN would the pitchforks show up throughout Europe ( or almost ) not before. Cordially – Jorge
France may well have suppressed the Yellow Vests movement, but the movement did not throw their vests into the garbage pail, they are hanging in the closet and they will reappear en mass when things start getting real bad!
Anglophile, predicting what will / may happen is difficult of course, but I true what you say in that the Yellow Vests are the best and most politically organized group currently existing in Europe outside established political parties all of them part of the problem, not of any solution.The Yellow Vests remind me of the May 1968 revolution (remember Danny “The Red” Cohn-Bendit ?) in that among other things the YV represent the politically alienated masses of today´s politics. Wikipedia has it that the Yellow Vests were initially motivated by rising crude oil and fuel prices (sound familiar ?) a high cost of living (YES) and economic inequality (YES again) etc. etc. So, we shall see but when push gets to shove I wouldn´t be surprised if the Yellow Vests took the lead. Cordially Jorge
I live in the USA in the Midwest. I talk with a lot of people. They all think Putin is the master killer and wants more land. They even think Russia is still a communist nation. I explain about the Nazi in Ukraine I get glassy eyed looks. My last resort is to explain that the national religion in Russia is Christianity. Still glassy eyed looks.
Have them check out this Russian Live Streamer:
They will be surprised!
So what fresh hell is this, Vlad?
Public sporting event in Moscow with well behaved physically trim young people with security that seems to be nothing but bored teenage girls in T shirts?
(note five minutes into the below link: the LACK of heavy handed fully armed druggy ex military war criminals hired by international based private security consultants or even cops wielding machine guns guarding… the VIP lounge?)
I bet these ruthless Russkies even think this nightmarish dystopia might attract older people BACK to public events too?
Obese chance of that happening
As I’ve stated many times, the biggest enemy of the People are not the unelected politicians like U.VD Ist Class C**T Leyen who make ill conceived reckless spin the wheel decisions based on personal hate and in compliance with perverse American whims, no, it’s the People themselves.
The People get what they deserve, end of, and what they deserve is a protracted period of suffering (cleanses the soul ). Give the apathetic fuckwits a good taste of the harsh realities of our dependence on Russia. Let those Mofos pay through the nose for diesel, heat, light and their 5-A-Day nourishment intake.
I’ve suffered their inherent ignorance long enough and when the penny finally drops, as desperation seeps in, as anguish nears, I’ll cackle hysterically like Hillary and remind them of the many warnings given and ignored (told ya so).
I live in Pennsylvania and people are pretty much the same in thinking. However most just don’t have a comment and seems to not want to think it through what is really happening. When this first started, the special military operation, most peopke were loud and arrogant that we will show the Russians and it was like most thought victory was going to be the next day. The ones tnat spoke out the most insulting President Putin and Russia is the Christians I know. Tney are the biggest haters of Putin and Russia. Fools tbey are. We have by the zionist influence on the churches. Yeah so many would say has a murder and was in the kgb. When asked for them to go on tney are like stomped becuase that’s all tney know and tnats all tbey repeat.
Hello Alex and Jerry,
I had the same experience.
I grew up in East Germany and a very good friend of mine also from East Germany now lives in New York.
Eventually when we talked on the phone recently the conversation turned to Ukraine and Russia. She took the side of Ukraine and then I started to explain a few things. When I told her that the msm like cnn, bbc and German msm are spreading lies and not telling the true side of the story she reacted very very surprised. She said that the only news she watches is cnn. I kept explaining that explaining that there has been war in Ukraine for 8 years, about the nazis, about the support by the west. She said that her partner hates Putin and wishes someone would kill him. I replied that is is very naive to think that Putin is making decisions on his own, that the Duma is democratically elected and that Putin is not a dictator.
When you were socialised in East Germany you would learn at school about the Military Industrial Complex and that it needs war to keep up the economy and rising profits. She should understand it but I know when you live in the west you are in a bubble.
People in the West do think they are the centre of the universe. That they are the majority. I told my friend that it is wrong to think that the whole world is against Russia. Au contraire! Nearly the whole of Asia, Africa, Latin America is siding with Russia. This is the majority of mankind. Their voices are not being heard yet to the fullest but they soon will.
Many people in the West are in for a huge surprise if they don’t start getting information beyond their convenient msm.
There was a time when a certain Region in East Germany was called “das Tal der Ahnungslosen” the “valley of the clueless” because they could not access any West German Television at that time. Well today you can call the entire Western European and anglo Saxon population clueless.
Absolutely true. The American propaganda machine is a pinnacle of human creativity.
For 7 decades, Russians are on the way here to kill, steal and rape.
They have yet to land, though.
Meantime, the anointed Ones laying waste to all Life.
@JerryW You summed it up very well. The “Western population is completely brain dead on this issue, You get the same response from people who are intelligent in fact, and educated on paper but lack critical thinking skills.
It’s ironic that “liberalism” especially the American version has destroyed the liberal concepts like free speech and critical thinking.
The security state’s marriage and coordination with the MSM is open and complete. They know they can literally get away with murder. America’s political system is also bought and sold out in the open. We’re living in dystopic times when you combine a full-throttle information war and little critical thought and last but not least infantile emotionalism. The Western Leaders are behaving like babies and the population is even more infantile and confused.
Pitchforks carriers would be stopped on the way… they are old fashioned and hard to find.
However….a Shillelagh can be used as a walking stick, is found throughout Europe in any forest or hedgerow, can be fashioned easily with basic tools and is legal to carry without license. Short versions can hidden up the sleeve and metal detectors fail to detect them.
Even in the remotest parts of the world, we are ready and quite able. No guns required or needed.
Finally, someone who’s taking matters seriously.
Problem is Nick, tooled up and ready to rumble, which of the Wizard of Oz folk characteristics, tin, wood or straw, do we overcome first? Ignorance coupled with cowardice are not easily remedied.
Hi WTFUD and all.
Using some Compartmental Security to answer you…..with the greatest of repect offered.
Believe me when I say it is hard to find cowardice amongst anyone affected by elite horrors. It is also hard to find ignorance from anyone in that group. Human nature takes over: especially when family members were lost. People in this category do not believe the media or governmental BS because they know they were the culprits.
The time will arrive automatically. You only have to ask the Chinese about that. They construct graphs for the prediction. However the parameters used are in a time delay and that comes from the data collection methods and their beliefs.
Aiming points depend on your requirements, knee for down, temple for down and dead. This important point allows the operator to make the personal decision to kill or not.
As for the victim, the pychological and helpless feeling will provide the message. The pain will reinforce that for months. End of career without death being applied is success.
One of them said “They will chase us down the streets when they find out…” A very perceptive person, but: she forgot about who would be very patiently waiting at the other end of the decades long street that she was running towards…… It might be lots of angry people or simply one old man with a walking stick……or maybe a Mother with a lead weighted teddy bear in the pram that her “taken child” owned..
Personal anger gives you the ability to face your foe and punch them in the face. Stronger methods of persuasion towards normal human behaviour will be applied by those affected with loss.
We did not start this game but we will end it for sure. This is their fear and the reason poisons and diseases are used to remove as many players from the game before they can succeed in their wishes for this distopian realm they wish to construct. We learn that Zelinsky positioned armaments on top of Plague burial pits. I guess in the vain hope that incoming missiles would vapourise the remains into some death mist that he hopes would blow over Russia. I can vouch from my personal experience that such danger is so far removed from reality that it can be safely ignored. If that does not convice the Russians then send in a fuel/air device that will do a different kind of vapourisation.
Never forget to keep an eye on the immigrants near your place of abode. They might require lessons of humanity applied for their own learning curve. There are very good reasons why most are Military age men and all the elite governments freely provide houses, cars and food plus a nice benefit package for these players. Take notice that when they commit a crime, they are quickly taken to a distant area where no-one knows them. No other action is taken by any court. I witnessed this in my own town where a young local girl was raped by three immigrant perps. The court sent them up country with zero fine/sentence.
Stay very aware with open eyes and closed mouth. In the Second world war, walls used to have ears. Nowadays everything has both ears and eyes….including all of Kansas ;-)
nearly 99 % of population in the West is brain-washed and believes the sh.t from their media 🙂🙂
Maybe 95% is more like it. People change. Some people learn.
Hi. I run into the same type of comments about Russia’s designs of conquest. It is scary how effective the propaganda of the Cold War and Russia-gate has been.
@Alex : “there will be no pitch forks until it’s too late”
And even after “it was too late” their will be no pitch forks either because political zealots never admit their failuries and miscalculations. The last thing Russia haters will do is show penitence. For instance economists never admit and segret their mistakes. All they say at the end is that “things are getting interesting”. We will now march deep to the heart of western arrogance and smugness.
“high school checkers” Maybe in pindostan/colonies.
Checkers are/were for Kindergarten/primary school at most in the normal world.
Russia plays chess, the Chinese play Go, and the Americans play Snakes and Ladders.
Don’t forget antimony. Russia controls 80+%!
Akram, good point I missed, that´s an excellent “gotcha” buddy. Please do keep covering my back Akram ! Cordially Jorge
Antimony production metric tons content by country
1 China 145,000
2 Canada 7,000
3 Russia 6,500
4 Bolivia 4,000
The Chinese play Go, a game where each move is final, so contemplation and a long term strategy are critical to success.
The Russians play chess, a game where patience and a long term strategy are rewarded when accompanied by sharp tactical play.
The Americans play video games, where the action is instant and frenetic, and there is no long term strategy, just survival. But if you die, you just push a button and start all over again.
Joe Tzu plays with his ice cream.
Dear honorable señor Vilches,
This is your best piece yet: direct, clear, with hard hitting language that delivers a complete picture. If the unelected EU Deciders do not heed your warning they will pay a price that is very dear to them. Alas, the hard working, tax paying families of the EU will also pay a big price.
You have done us all a tremendous service and rest assured that your efforts are highly appreciated!
Many thanks and warm regards,
Dear Gianni, your words mobilize me very very deeply and make it worth the effort. By warmest and respectfull koala bear hug for you from this oldish sea lion here that from the bottom of his heart thanks you so much for taking the trouble to thank me. Cordially Jorge
Hi Jorge,
I live in Garbageville / Riot-town (Portland Or) area. I’ve been reading and appreciating your writings here for a few months now. Keep up the good work!
One clarification, Boeing is heavy in the south Puget Sound area of Seattle, but not so much 300 miles south in Oregon. There is one major plant in Gresham suburb of Garbageville, and there’s probably a myriad of smaller sub-contractors. Boeing has also been moving operations out of the PNW for awhile.
Your point still stands, but ore-gone won’t be affected that much. South Sound yes, but Seattle sucks anyway so the more damage the better.
Stu, thanks for all the pertinent details and for your patience and persistent reading of my humble articles. By you saying what you said though makes all the difference to me. And also glad to hear that at least your Oregon surroundings would not be affected as much. Thanks for covering my back buddy I´ll take your input into account. Cordially Jorge
This war ius waged on European countries, not Russia. How obvious does it need to be ?
No mercy please, because it just all has to implode so that the masses can finally wake up and stop giving power to those elitist beasts. Even in the stubborn Netherlands, so few people still know what it is really about. They do complain and think that the government is not doing a good job, but they hardly understand the seriousness of the fraud. Mind you, it is also very difficult to condemn your own background and come to the conclusion that your own culture is totally rotten. In fact, you have to come to the conclusion that you yourself are not virtuous to some extent. Until you really wake up.
“Your sanctions work against Europe, not Russia. You must see and feel that for sure, so why do you fake being blind?”
The issue with official EU energy policy mimics the grandiose statements of Zhelensky. Both are fundamentally dishonest, based on dissembling and with the true target being the destruction of their own people. Zhe and EU Technocrats make more sense if we understand they serve an external eugenicist Boss working on a Guidestones project. Technocrats are supranational team members part of a Club implementing this project. Every nation or region has its unique flowchart. All countries are targets, willingly or unwillingly. For the willing EU, the most efficient means is to withdraw life-critical energy in a rapid fashion while gaslighting them with endless debates and hysteria which makes it difficult to think and reflect. For the compliant Zhe, it is to drive men of military age into the one-way meat grinder and their surviving relatives out of the Ukraine, where they will be easier pickings.
“You can tell where a system wants to go when it refuses to learn..” CAF
“Zhe and EU Technocrats make more sense if we understand they serve an external eugenicist Boss working on a Guidestones project. ”
You may be right.
“Years ago, I saw the pamphlet for donations to build the Georgia Guidestones. My father, a millionaire, had been solicited for a donation in late 1977, but Dad refused. . . . I do believe Dad was correct. Dad was murdered after refusing to donate. He was 73.” brochure talked about the importance of getting the Global Population down to under half a Billion.
As usual the Western refusal, incapacity, to deal with physical economics.
And a refusal to deal with the actual force driving the elites, both elected and appointed to extremes.
Simply dismissing them as irrational, demanding citizens “to do something” is a recipe for the disastrous Jacobin storming of the Bastille in Paris.
Start for brevity with the 2008 bank bailout. It did not even matter Lehman was not a bank.
What was done to address the root causes, and the sheer force to rush through murderous bailouts?
We now face a crash that makes Lehman look like a dogs dinner.
This must be dealt with, $1,2 quadrillion nominal debt that can never be bailed out. Any business with such a red line must be put under bankruptcy reorganization.
Without this say goodbye to the physical economy.
The center of this financial madhouse is the City of London, and its subsidiary WallStreet.
Glass-Steagall bank separation is the first step to dealing with this.
Meanwhile in Russia Glazyev of the EAEU explains it, here and at the saker not long ago.
▪️How the Russian foreign exchange market was formed and what role speculators play in it
▪️What does it mean to block our foreign exchange reserves?
▪️The role of offshore companies in the Russian economy
▪️Why the dollar is becoming “toxic” to the whole world
▪️Bottlenecks of the Russian economy
▪️Will there finally be import substitution?
▪️Can currency be confiscated?
▪️Fair ruble exchange rate
▪️What is a three-stroke mechanism for sterilizing money?
▪️Has the bifurcation point of the old system been passed?
▪️When America Defaults
▪️In what the USSR were pioneers
▪️What was the basis of the European and Chinese economic miracle
▪️Should banks make money? And much more
There have been decades of campaigns to reorganize the bankrupt financial system – As Schiller noted France in 1792 had a great moment, and found a small people. This cannot happen again, what Caesar declared “the fault lies not in the stars, but that we are underlings”
Whether stalled diesels, production ramps, frozen dinners, cold coffee, shivering kids, will find a small people is the question. Imploring them “to do something” cannot work without pointing out smallness, at the risk of getting the pitchfork.
Spot on. We are not all Russophobes in the UK. Shameful how gullible the sheep are to MSM propaganda. I sincerely hope the media pay extremely heavily for their treasonous ways. They have been building this anti Russia/ anti Putin BS for fucking years. You can look back and see it oh so clearly. Utterly despicable. Western leaders and their cult owners are evil, insane, narcissistic psychopaths who are out of control. I hope they also pay for their actions-preferably with their miserable lives.
Lisa, thanks for your favorable comment and thorough reading of the article. Cordially Jorge
Glazyev – Events like this only happen once in a century.
This is not a a statement for small people, underlings, nor Jacobins. When Russia speaks like this it is the exact opposite, pointing out the smallness of the EU, USA citizens, who are actually open for grand ideas, a massive threat to the establishment, who are actually the trolls.
” Victoria Nuland, for years was the top U.S. diplomat for Europe who angered some of the very people she is supposed to cultivate by crudely disparaging the European Union in a leaked phone call on America’s Ukraine policy ” – per Reuters
US Secretary later promoted her to an even higher position.
“The daughter of an eminent Yale University professor, she landed in some hot water this when a recording of a mobile phone call surfaced on the internet and caught her saying “Fuck the EU.”
Victoria Nuland in person acknowledged her own voice by saying that “it came through loud and clear just as I said it”…
Yale University is America’s greatest fascist haunt. Way back when, Yale was one of the leaders of the JFK assassination cover-up and the alma mater of George W. Bush.
Just some perspective.
Yale is home to Skull and Bones, one of the prime loci whose membership forms a secret and cross-generational network of power and influence in the USA.
They swear loyalty and promise assistance to one another, not to their country.
I am glad you remind us of these words by Nuland, in the setting of the unfolding catastrophe. They are linked. Nuland is clearly a lifetime member of the Club, and they knew the plan for Europe long ago.. so perhaps her contempt was not merely about beings without agency, but of a people whom she knew had been condemned??
It reminds of strange words of my father who read of a GCC royal talking from a middle eastern conference where he said words to the effect that “Europe would soon have a standard of living less than the [destroyed] middle east.” This was some 5 years or so ago. And Nuland’s words were from 2014, of the approximate time frame. So this is long-term agenda which is unfolding now, evident to Zone A technocrats and elites.
But how can you wake up a people who blindly trust their malignantly traitorous “elites” that work day and night to escort them off the cliff? Unfortunately, it appears you are right when you say above, “When hunger and freezing temperatures do hit them though, they´ll all instantly understand.” By then it will be too late for many if not most..
Won’t Russia’s new markets in Asia have to adapt their oil refineries to process the Urals oil?
William, I am very short of time right now and as much as I´d wish to reply to your question right now it´d be impossible. Still, yours is a very valid and often-asked question already replied to many many many times before in different articles. So I kindly request you to please review my very last article here in “The Saker” less than a week ago whereby your question is replied to in length in specific reference to INDIAN refineries. Cordially Jorge
This exact question was posted and answered in detail by Jorge in a thread of one of his earlier stories.
Yes some will need to do so but others are already up and running in this supply chain…keep in mind that with large flow of supplies secured in a new long term contract, the investment risk of any new major conversion investment, is then reduced and can go ahead…
but the real issue here is that once the volumes really start flowing to China and India et al, these are long term contracts…and there will not be any additional volume available (in sufficient qualities) for western Europe, however much it might plead and wear out its knees for forgiveness…It is anyway time for Russia to give the combined West “a taste of its own medicine” and be more selective about who it wants to trade with…IMO…
Yep, and I even foresee not only HUGE pipelines being constructed to China and beyond starting right now through the BRI but also spanking new refineries designed and built from scratch specifically dedicated for Russian Urals blend. And when that is up and running Europe will be left only with an energy insecurity deficit not solvable in an easy way and…” once the volumes really start flowing to China and India et al, these are long term contracts…and there will not be any additional volume available (in sufficient qualities) for western Europe, however much it might plead and wear out its knees for forgiveness”… Cordially – Jorge
” these are long term contracts”
“Long-term contracts” are the magic words.
Abracadabra . . . Presto!
Yes they must but only once and to one blend because Ural oil quality is very stable while Europe must find their oil from multiple sources with varying quality.
I must take issue with the continue (mis)use of the term Anglo-Saxons. It’s as if 1066 never happened. The Saxons were destroyed by the Normans. The Saxons, before their destruction were known for a form of democratic society, whereas the Normans brought feudalism. It is feudalism which is being imposed yet again.
Rhodes and Milner went on to form a secret society. As Rhodes had written earlier:
”Why should we not form a secret society with but one object the furtherance of the British Empire, and the bringing of the whole uncivilised world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, for the making of the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire.”
Cecile Rhodes takes issue with that. Feudalism it is indeed.
1877:Cecil Rhodes,”Confession of Faith”
Vince, I fully apologize for any ´offensive´ implication as non was intended whatsoever. I´m no historian but still can (sorta) follow the much-discussed impact the battle of Hastings had both sides of the English Channel. And I am also very proud of the strict and thorough British / Irish education I received from Mr. John Healy way back then… that still persists. At any rate, the “Anglo-Saxon Brexitology” I refer to only involves the ´exceptionalistic´ attitude brandished by the current leadership both sides of the English-speaking Atlantic. Cordially, Jorge
Vince: I must take issue with the continue (mis)use of the term Anglo-Saxons.
Hmm . . seems like a fair point l will have to look into.
But the term, ‘Anglo-Saxon’ rolls off the tongue much easier than, ‘Whitey’.
Anglo-Norman fits the bill perfectly.
“ fuck the EU ”, was it not Dmitry Medvedev that said this (maybe not these words)? Thanks again for your time and effort to educate us, it is worth a porterhouse steak and a bottle of Chianti for sure.
Hahahhhhahh oooohhh yesssss I will accept your proposal anytime with any (good) Italian wine like a Chianti or Sasella (?). But, nope, it is my understanding the it was Victoria Nuland — and ONLY Victoria Nuland — who said such phrase of which she was very proud of yadda yadda I even heard the interview with her own voice etc etc.
By the way, the “educative” experience you refer to is mutual. Cordially – Jorge
Sassicaia, tenuta Bolgheri, toscana
Jorge, thank you, but Grampa and Grandma are prisoners in the largest open air prison in the world, Canada. Being in a state of not accepting the Bio-Weapon injection, the government deems us to be prisoners. We cannot leave! So be it, we fight to the end, and are prepared. The meal in question will have to be virtual and the exquisite tastes will have to be taken from the memory banks of previous meals, and that is easily done.
Have a pleasant evening sir.
Enjoy the Virtue Value Show.
Euro-Insane-Union cannot hide the centuries old internal hatred amongst neighbor countries – nothing has changed. We are about to witness sentiments of European degeneracy. Supremacism lingering alongside tribal nationalistic display of petty – jealousy – blame… and in the center of it all, the Anglo-Saxon loathing of slavs, yet above all, deep seated hatred of Russia.
European Values of Supremacist Degeneracy & Double Standards is despicable & their so called rules based order is equally unacceptable and beyond salvation.
E io continuo a dire che la chiusura delle forniture di gas e petrolio all’Europa avrebbe di fatto evitato che le armi arrivassero in ucraina salvando moltissime vite umane.
Drastico di piú Alessandro e anche Russia non potrebbe reazzionare cosí senza provocazioni che certamente adesso l´Europa ha fatto. Possibilemente siamo molto vicini a la chiusura delle forniture di gas perché di petrolio la vigenza oggi e piena. Ma Russia non bisogna di fare questo perche la chiusura de titanio o cobalto o potasio o neon o palladio e lo stesso dal ponto di vista economico e di lavoro per molte personne. Abraccio per te Alessandro di Giorgi
Machine Translation:
More drastic than Alexander and even Russia could not react this way without provocations that certainly Europe has done now. It is possible that we are very close to closing gas supplies because oil is in full force today. But Russia must not do this because the closure of titanium or cobalt or potasium or neon or palladium is the same from the point of view of economic and labor for many people. Abraccio for you Alessandro Di Giorgi
Grazie per la tua risposta
“accept the decline of Europe and the Western world at large, drop the Anglo-Saxon Brexitology superiority philosophy”
This is the core issue that explains their irrational, suicidal behavior: They are not ready to accept that their “15 minutes” of preeminence in World history have expired.
Technically speaking, solving this issue by backtracking on sanctions and agreeing with Russians for a long-term oil and gas contract is somewhat easy. The biggest problem is that it will become blatantly apparent that the EU doesn’t call the shots anymore. And from there to a loss in financial and commercial importance is just a matter of a few front-page articles and analyses.
“Technically speaking, solving this issue by backtracking on sanctions and agreeing with Russians for a long-term oil and gas contract is somewhat easy.”
Easy?, I don’t think so. Re-read Mr Lavrov’s statements, the RF are no longer interested in cosying-up to the EU/West. The damage is done in the relationship IMO and will take a long period of time to reinstate if ever.
Proposing a “French Revolution”, which as sabotaged by the Jacobin’s Storming of the Bastille, freeing the Marquis de Sade carried along on the mobs shoulders, was a tragedy, and repeated would be a farce, as Marx put it..
Duke of Orleans, Philipe, used exactly the Maidan technique, of shooting at an unruly mob, from the Bastille, causing a riot. This is Victoria Nuland’s model, with cookies for effect.
The French Revolution started at the Tennis Court a month before, the First National Assembly, to carry on the successful US revolution in France. Instead Britain’s Robespierre and Marat put first the leading scientist to the Guillotine, the executioner saying we have no need of science.
The Yellow Vests of France know full well what happened, are aware of any attempt to repeat.
Jorge…another fine essay…all of what you write is music to my ears. it all makes total sense…but…I circulate your various essays and find that there are still many business colleagues, academic colleagues, friends, who are trapped in an unreal mindset where all your common-sense, logical and rational arguments are simply dismissed as “conspiracy theory” and “Putin supporting loony”…and i had always assumed that these colleagues were sufficiently brainy to ‘be able to “get” the context of things…it does make me wonder why they are still living in this dark world with their heads stuck up their backsides….
I have collected the links to all your recent essays for easy reference and it might be useful for you to add this to each of your essays >
Jorge Vilches – 2022.06.07 – For-Europe-From-Russia-With-Love
Jorge Vilches – 2022.05.31 – Europe-Now-Cheats-Or-Suffers
Jorge Vilches – 2022.05.27 – Dear-Ursula-You-Are-Dead-Wrong <<
Jorge Vilches – 2022.05.22 – Germans-Swedt-Hard-For-Russian-Oil <<
Jorge Vilches – 2022.05.15 – Why-Russais-Oil-Ban-Is-Impossible <<
Jorge Vilches – 2022.05.08 – Europes-Mad-Ban-On-Russian-Oil <<
Jorge Vilches – 2022.05.04 – NATOs-New-World
Jorge Vilches – 2022.05.02 – New-Pure-Bred-Schroedinger-Seizable-Euros
Jorge Vilches – 2022.04.28 – The-Schroedinger-Euros
Jorge Vilches – 2022-04-28 – Russia-Has-A-Plan-The-West-Does-Not
Jorge-Vilches – 2022.04.23 – A-West-Mandated-Russian-Default-Who-Wins-Who-Loses?
Jorge Vilches – 2022.04.13 – Bretton-Woods-3-The-New-Big-Bang-Suicidal-Europe-Saved-By-Gold?
Maybe the Euro-Lemming population does need to experience the coming total crash of their lifestyles, to finally wake up? Maybe this is inevitable, since neither the Sock-Puppets and Marionettes, nor their String-Pullers in the Financial-Mafia are going to stand down that easily…and the brainwashing by this 1% has been amazingly easily absorbed by a dumbed-down western society…
Original Analyst, thank you for putting together a current listing of my recent “The Saker” articles, always handy to have it ! Regarding your … ” sufficiently brainy to ‘be able to get it´ crowd ” just as consolation please be advised that the very same happens to me !!
That´s why I constantly repeat that mine is a very LONELY task and that I do welcome your ´pat in the back´ enocuragement as a badly acknowledgement which I much appreciate, otherwise I would not be publishing here and I would not call and feel this is home to me. Now then, one possible explanation for your comment is that otherwise ´bright´ brains can and many times are politically captured very easily. That´s why I dislike the term “intelligent” it means many different things to different people. That´s possibly why Notary Publics in some cultures at least use the term “capable” rather “intelligent” referring to individuals in front of them approving a given legal statement or entering into a given transaction. For example, Notary Publics would leave on record… ” hereby in front of me, John Doe CAPABLE individual aware of circumstances and of his acts…etc etc etc”. Just sayin´ here…
Your colleagues, and mine are “being small” – going along to get along, to hell.
That is why such articles must begin by challenging the smallness, not by mocking, but with irony. Never appeal to smallness, it is but a mask.
Putin, Lavrov, Glazyev never appeal to smallness – they know where that led before.
To underestimate the force of utter irredeemable bankruptcy the elites face, is to seriously underestimate their complete insanity.
Here the German Marshall Fund reported in Handelsblatt :
„Wir müssen uns auf den Einsatz taktischer Kernwaffen vorbereiten“
is openly calling to use nuclear weapons.
These people are so deranged they do not even think of oil engineering. There is no way to handle these on a case-by-case, pump-by-pump, tanker-by-tanker basis.
What do you think Moscow reads this as?
It looks sure like Handelsblatt and the German Marshall Fund is warning about a nuclear 9/11.
Against whom, by the same 9/11 perps?
Apropos a comment I posted a short while ago on European citizens’ inability to influence their fate, I later went on to read Alastair Crooke (May6, 2022); here’s the relevant excerpt: ” …. Britain’s tool for preparing the battlespace against Germany a century ago was old-fashioned diplomacy. Britain engineered a diplomatic alliance versus Germany. But the US has brought a new tool to preparing the European battlespace: its an inversion of Antonio Gramsci’s thesis that the cultural space is the most productive arena of political struggle.
Thus, instead of culture being the site of revolutionary action against an élite (per Gramsci), US and European social-platforms and MSM, cleansed of non-western rivals, have become precisely the site where the ‘system’ – the élite – can reassert itself, neutering the possibility of political resistance by dominating the cultural sphere”
The term Anglo-Saxon ..
Is in popular use now, thanks to Mr Lavrov, who used it in one of his speeches within the last six or eight months. I noticed it, as it was an address that we posted at the Saker Blog.
So, I think it is a valid term and we seem to be in good company if we use it 😄
Lavrov clearly referenced Cecile Rhodes’ British Empire – see quote and link above.
Trouble is, being in the company of Rhodes, is bad for health, longevity, and business.
Using the phrase with a Rhodes link would be better.
Anglo-Saxons spread like plague and like plague they cleaned the places off their original inhabitants(America and Australia) or brought untold miseries to the locals(Africa and Asia). Their cunning and tendency for piracy is as legendary as their lies.
Love your work Jorge, keep it coming please!
Thanks for your encouragement pasha, and a most respecfull koala bear-hug for ya !!
“Pitchforks soon in Europe?”
Please forget the pitchforks!…
The only potential weapon, old decrepit Europe now barely manages to walk with, and ever so slowly, is either a cane, or an umbrella. More lethal weapons are required, I believe, if one is ever to be victorious again in a total war or in a true revolution.
Decadent Europe’s colonial and imperial eras are over. “The Future Is Asian” (Parag Khanna).
There are many of us in the UK and even in the USA who see what is happening. We do not hate Russia, and despise our craven and distructive leadership.
I am too old for pitchforks now but by god we need them.
Paul, I loved the way you put it man. I am also too old for pitchforks (trust me) but oh yes now that it´s come to this by God we sure need them… Cordially Jorge
Why do you constantly write Russia and Europe? Russia is the largest Nation (by landmass) in Europe. Please, please, please, Eastern Europe and Western Europe. We are a divided Europe, made so by the US.
Fred, sorry there, I might probably be mistaken. Still, I had it that yes Russia WAS Europe… but only till the Urals mountain chain. From there on eastwards Russia was Asia. So all of Russia put together would be EURASIA. Hmmm… agreed ? Firm hand shake to you Fred from Jorge
” I had it that yes Russia WAS Europe…”
When my European colleagues in our talks mentioned Russia as the part of Europe I used to tell them to look at the map first to realize who could at least be a part of whom.
We could state that Russian civilization in terms of culture etc., yes, somehow closer to Europe then to Asia but that’s all.
So I think it might be the time to start admitting that Russia is the separate part of the World. It can not be divided into two parts by Ural mountains. Should be as the one whole piece.
Part of the World No.7 (after current six ones).
By the way, the phone code for Russia is +7 too.
The new name of the continent could be some combination of Europe+Russia+Asia …
Like EuRuAsia or it may remain as EuRoAsia, where Ro stands for Rossija [Россия] ‘cos that is how the original name Russia is pronounced.
Something like that.
By the way, thank you for your truthful and realistic overview of the current situation.
Turn up the heat in similar way further, dear Jorge!
Жги в таком же духе и дальше, дорогой Хорхе!
“divided Europe, made so by the US”
Please! Ya gotta read deeper than that.
We have our own problems here in the USA, and the root of all of them is the UK ruling class.
refer to “As he saw it” 1946, by Elliot Roosevelt
Foreword by Eleanor Roosevelt
downloadable pdf at
The term anglosaxon is fully valid since leading historical figures like Cecil Rhodes uses it in a very general manner and it is not meant as only a racial characteristic but more so a cultural one. I believe this is how Lavrov and many others use it, as a cultural label
The future for EU looks bleak. All those Mediterranean countries that rely on tourism. Germany which relies on its industrial exports. Also given the high cost of labor in the EU as well as providing a huge and very expensive social welfare program for all their citizens who are used to having a certain living. If they do listen to Mr. Vilches warnings then it means they would have to divorce the US and give up the current zionist banking mafia altogether. Of course their only hope is the Saudi Arabian oil. But considering current geopolitical uncertainties in the ME and also increasing technological capabilities of the Houthies to disrupt Oil shipments from SA, one can conclude that those in charge of EU are simply gone crazy.
– The future for EU looks bleak.
US is going downwards
Japan is going downwards
China is going downwards
Russia is going downwards
Africa is going downwards
You are over generalizing I think. Yes of course the entire world will face economic problems but we could say that both Russia and China will fair much much better than EU-US in the not too distant future because they are self sufficient and not part of the western casino system. So when this system falls apart, Russia – China as well as other independent countries with much smaller economies like Iran, Venezuela, Cuba … won’t go down like those in the west.
In relative terms: Nothing beats Switzerland as a safe place
But Germany & France are also good. France need to import fertilizer? No.
Southern Europa are bread baskets as it is. One cannot starve Portugueses to death. Not possible.
Countries with a sea line, like Vietnam, is food safe. Not so with Laos, or inland Alaska.
We have learned Lebanon and Egypt are completely dependent upon wheat import. Forget West Europa.
Per capital $68,400 (2020 est.)
Even with crude oil at $500, the Swiss will survive. They have public transportation as backup when car is too expensive.
Per capital $12,400 (2020 est.)
Every price increase will be a problem then. Why not flee to Sweden?
The cost of filling up a highway trailer rig with diesel in US is $1000. At one point the drivers will go home. They cannot afford to work.
The system is different in EU, with a fuel tax of 50c? per litre as a starting point. That will be removed when fuel becomes too expensive. Then VAT on diesel will be removed for professional driver. Then transport will be subsidized.
US police is reported as sometimes having no budget for gas left.
I agree with you yet again maskazer. Thanks lots for your always valid feedback. Warm bear hug from Jorge
Jorge Vilches,
Thanks to you for your article which addresses the most important issues in today’s world.
– very expensive social welfare program for all their citizens
Tax level in France and Finland was on level 55% last time I checked.
Those 55% (from the private sector) are of cause transferred to oligarch accounts in Panama …?
No. Those 55% are transferred to education, health, pensions and social benefits.
This is exactly what the article is referring to that if the Europeans don’t listen to the warnings then all those 55% tax will no longer be transferred to education, health, pensions and social benefits.
In crisis time, having a HUGE state like France or Finland, means state has a HUGE amount of money to reallocate. In Africa governments will have little money to allocate for … homeless cats or whatever.
– Household income or consumption by percentage share
lowest 10%: 3.6%
highest 10%: 25.4% (2013)
Household income or consumption by percentage share
lowest 10%: 2.3%
highest 10%: 32.2% (2012 est.)
Compare that to a state riddled with unequality
– Household income or consumption by percentage share
lowest 10%: 1.7%
highest 10%: 31.3% (2010)
France PPP
Per capita $42,000 (2020 est.)
Lowest 10% $15,100
Israel PPP
Per capita $38,300 (2020 est.)
Lowest 10% $6,500
We can conclude here is the masters in Israel will go down the drain, not the French.
Russia and China is closer to Israel than France.
” Lower crude production in Russia — to the extent it’s not replaced by OPEC, the U.S. and others — is a tailwind for oil prices. In tanker trades, the longer distance traveled by post-invasion Russian cargoes has boosted spot freight rates for Aframaxes (tankers with capacity of 750,000 barrels) and Suezmaxes (1-million-barrel capacity). These small and mid-sized tankers can be accommodated at Russian terminals.To the extent Russian cargoes are eventually replaced by Middle East exports, tanker demand would shift toward higher-capacity VLCCs (very large crude carriers; tankers with 2-million-barrel capacity) ”
” To the extent lost Russian flows can’t be replaced by new refinery output elsewhere, that’s more bad news for diesel buyers. The average retail price of diesel in the U.S. hit a new record high of $5.703 per gallon this week ” –
“19:17 we’re gonna lose four to five million barrels a day of Russian crude and another million barrels a day of kazakh
19:22 crude within the next two months and it’s just going to be gone so that’s the single largest disruption
19:29 to oil markets ever and it’s just around the corner . . . “ ?
Russian monetary policy is now back to pre-Ukraine war levels with the interest rate even slightly LOWER.
The Russian Ruble is now the STRONGEST it has been in years prior to the Ukraine invasion.
“Sanctions” really hurt Europe (and the US) not Russia.
How can you still believe in the European sheeple Jorge?
Denmark just had a vote where 2/3 of the population voted for full military participation in all braindead NATO’s military wars and interference.
Do you and the readers here see any but very small reactions from the populations in Sweden and Finland to their unwise throwing out proud traditions of neutrality and enter into a suicidal member ship of NATO?
I mean, the politicians in European countries could claim they have a gun pointed to their heads and have the obligation to make the country go around. They have an excuse.
But the sheeple who should back up and support their politicians against this foreign blackmail in their internal affairs by the democratic chance they got to vote and declare their NO to this bs, are just pushing their politicians further into a corner by saying YES to a braindead organisation, suicide and psychos.
Then someone and the sheeple would claim they have been brainwashed and therefore are not to blame. They were only children and hobbits and followers and supporters.
So what excuse do the sheeple as adults have for their suicidal choice? An illusion that psychos will protect “my comfort, my exceptional life and profile”, cowardice, an imagination someone else will do the dirty work, group and majority think, cowardice, sadistic lust for the opportunity to kill defenceless minority and defenceless people by choosing the bully’s side.
See, we all have a choice, a free will, and we get this choice presented many times in our lives. We cant claim we didnt got the chance many many times to chose right, and if we constantly refused right when we get the chance, our Saviour says there cant be any forgiveness.
So the Europeans have already made up their mind. They are only in for clima bs, the Bully’s military interference and green lgbt rights.
This we have already proved during the virus and lock down period, and we have now proved it again during the Ukraine war, its proved in New Zealand today where CO2 taxes are put on farmer’s every single shep and cow blurbs, and this will be proved again again the next many years.
Your first paragraph betrays the situation. The “Europeans” have no say, no referendum, nothing. They cower under their beds like children from hiding from ghosts. Your words are wasted. The time for words, diplomacy, is over, as Lavrov laments. There must be “pain” until the leaders admit defeat and begin to talk.
JGarbo, I agree. The difference is that, in my view, pain is definetly coming soon (winter). And when it arrives it will be so overwhelming that the pitchforks will hit the streets, unless — pray lots — Europeans react right NOW clearly, definetively, and humbly. Otherwise they will most probably fight AMONGST themselves first as I mention in the above article. Cordially – Jorge
Once we reach an unbearable crisis point on energy and possibly food shortage, at least France and possibly Germany will have their messengers knocking at the doors of Kremlin and begg for a negotiation of peace. (Which entails a divorce from the psychopaths running Washington and Brussels). I wonder if this is already happening very confidentially.
Nobody is sick enough to commit suicide for the despised evil empire, which is already history.
Fear and corruption were the elements that allowed Washington run its global predatory system, but this will end once the European elites notice the abyss facing them.
Cheers from an Argentinian in France.
I read you Mario, we are on the same page. And for very personal reasons, I just love to hear from an Argentine in France, just like Carlos Gardel in “un argentino en Paris” ajajajjj. Warm bear hug for ya Mario
Un abrazo, amigo.
As a wag said during the 2008 bail-outs – never mind Eu politico’s words, watch their feet!
Author Nikolay Nikolaev, Radio Sputnik put it beautifully :
“As frightened Estonian citizens report on social networks, the amount of payment for gas for an ordinary consumer has increased tenfold. And these are only flowers, autumn-winter berries are still ahead.”
have you forwarded circulated your articles to economists Michael Hudson…Richard Wolf in USA . Steve Keen from Australia???
JJ, oh yes. Thanks for the idea, etc. And as a matter of fact I don´t even need to in the case of Michael Hudson as we both communicate regularly and he also reads “The Saker” every day. Michael has quoted and referenced by articles in his books many times. Steve Keen surely does also, although I would just have to guess about Richard Wolf. In the European Parliament many reps read my articles in “The Saker” and some of them express their full approval. There is ever-growing fracture and division amongts MEPs and I imagine that soon that situation will come to a head. Europe is on the brink of hunger and freezing. Many know that, not just us here. They need to change their leadership ASAP and that would be a HUGE step. Cordially Jorge
The behaviour of the EU only makes sense in the context of depopulation. Once you accept that they want Europe to depopulate, the climate scam and Russian sanctions make good sense.
Interest rates went negative in Europe 8 years ago. But pension funds need an 8% return to meet their obligations. In most European countries, they are obliged to invest a large portion of the pensions in “safe” government bonds. By now, they are essentially bankrupt. Politicians need a war to hide their incompetence and corruption. Hunger and cold will allow politicians to keep the people under tight control. I doubt very much if any of my friends will even consider the pitchfork solution. They are a pathetic lot. Sad.
Totally agree. Let’s not forget, European robocops will definitely act against their people. I have no doubt about this.
I can’t remember who said this, of which I’m not sure of the correct comment but I’ll try to post it. It goes something like this:
Nothing compares to the surprised look on a politicians face as he is led up the gallow stairs and the rope is placed around his neck for refusing to listen to the people.
Another FREE lesson/warning regarding the general dynamics of the energy business, another good dose of reality from our man Jorge, with love to all them Man Friday’s who can’t see the forest for the trees.
“For your own children´s sake”
EU is heading for a childless society with a population incapable of ungluing their eyes away from their phones.
This article is enlightening and practical. As an American , I can only do my truth. Stay closer to virtue and let that be comforting. Reject the narrative that has constrained and violated our rights. Without energy, our society collapses with far reaching negative outcome and ruined lives. This article is such an eye opener. It positivity sings. I read all of them.
Thanks Dave, I try hard !!!!!
Nice to know I always have you as an attentive audience !
Cordially Jorge
To fully understand why the French vote for their executioner, it is necessary to know that at the time of the elections the opponents of the European liberals are treated as fascists or far right, this triggers a kind of switch which is analogous to the “crime of thought “of Orwel”.
This mechanism has been skilfully maintained for thirty years.
Wouldn’t it be great if someone put together a list of 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐬 are enjoying the benefits of monopolizing the shipping industry as the result of EU sanctions? It would have been illegal for them to do this kind of thing during peacetime.
Duane, I´m not sure if it´d matter that much in the grand scheme of things as there are yet more important consequences as outlined from the very beginning of my article. Depeneding upon how this situation unfolds they could very well be bankrupting the whole sector now. Still, the answer to your question is pretty well-known. These insurers are most predominantly British with headquarters in Singapore-Upon-Thames, sorry I meant to say London… (hahahah) Cordially, Jorge
It is an error to assume that Europe consists of independent nations governed by democratically elected officials.
The CIA (and MI6, and Mossad) have been balls-deep in European politics since 1945 and their primary responsibility is assuring complaint regimes (both abroad and at home). Ukraine is just the most obvious current example of this. The undermining of the Yellow Vests, Nunland’s ‘fuck the EU’ call, and Merkel’s tapped phone are others.
A popular uprising across Europe is the only hope for a peaceful future. The EU and NATO are already showing signs of fragmentation, and this will only accelerate as economic conditions worsen. But the fight against the fascist foreign intelligence services that effectively control most of Europe is going to be difficult until the US and UK are in such serious trouble at home that they can no longer function in this regard.
I read you Black Cloud. Good analysis, excellent conclusion… points well taken. My only issue is that, say, Spaniards or, say, Italians at large, all think and feel that they ARE “a nation governed by democratically elected officials”. If they were not — as you say — they´re´d be a serious short-circuit with unfathomable consequences. For example, angry pitchforks in the streets. Cordially, Jorge
It’s coming. It’s not just the US where there is a huge disconnect between government and citizens. It will be easier for Europeans to invoke regime change than Americans. Europeans are more homogeneous by nationality, language, and culture and they are not divided against each other the way Americans purposefully have been by every possible demographic: income, religion, race, politics …
One possibility is that the Davos crowd DOES understand the repercussions and their intent IS to put millions of people into destitute poverty and deprivation of basic human needs.
i think that with every article lately, i mean these people with public agendas openly declare the message of the guidestones that it can be interpretated that way but most people deny it and they are the sleeping majority.
the one redeeming factor is that it only takes a certain minority to effect change.
i don’t know if thats true tho
Bill, yes, that´s one possibility I admit it. Question: what would happen if people realized that´s the case ? Would they just allow to be pushed around and accept an unnecesary and unwarranted losing war from minute 1 against hypersonic nuclear Russia without their nat-gas nor oil nor nothing else from cobalt to palladium to neon to titanium to potash to sulfur… starving and freezing to death in a matter of days ?
Would they not complain or try to do something about it such as deposing their leadership ? Wouldn´t Europeans rather relate to (or even befriend) the excellent business associates that Russians are and have been for decades ?
I understand the current European “hypnosis” of sorts but… are Europeans really REALLY really THAT stupid ? On behalf of my four European grandparents I loved and benefitted so much from I´d rather not think so… But what do I know… Europeans might be THAT stupid after all, go figure…
Our biggest enemies are normalcy bias, ingrained presuppositions and binary thinking – – as I have learned from my own experience. The only question is whether the awakening occurs before it’s too late.
Not to worry, Uncle $hmuel and his jew banksters will save Europe. Isn’t that what the EU
stooges are counting on?
Of course there’ll be no referendum. The EU is an authoritarian project. Same reason Sweden and Finland didn’t consult the people about joining NATO. It would have been voted down.
There would be no Ukraine War if the USA and its Eurotrash allies had not been arming, militarizing and Nazifying Ukraine for the past couple of decades since the end of the First Cold War.
However, Americans will be more than happy to let the Europeans bear the brunt of the “economic blowback” from this war.
That’s how America operates in general.
There is no honor among thieves … or between the American Mafioso and his European henchmen.
As Henry Kissinger has stated: “To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.”
“one very serious possibility is that the effective EU plan is to keep on buying Russian oil as always but now from third parties instead at a MUCH higher price with kick-backs here and there no? ”
Well, why not?
Isn’t this the USA MIC business model?
Why not do the same in Europe?
I reckon European business critters are no less greedy than the American strain.
Okay Taffy, but if Europe kept on buying Russian oil “below the counter” two points there:
(1) it would become obvious for EVERYONE including Europeans that the ban on Russian oil is a LIE… and the EU brass may even also dig a deeper hole for itself defending that it is not a LIE… but still it´d be an obvious LIE as no tanker vessels would arrive from elsewhere other than Russia, now insurance companies would also have to LIE per the first paragraph of my article re EU sanction package #6, no modification of nothing would be done nor of any distilleries or processing plants or anything else as these would still be fed with traditional real Urals Russian blends they know by heart a mile away. Can´t do that chemical and plant engineers and unions would know it, opposition parties would know, it´d be a political suicidal policy MESS
(2) still anything Made-In-Europe would cost 50% more because this “triangulation” is bloody EX-PEN-SIVE trust me can´t do it on the cheap and in such ENORMOUSLY large amounts its 35% of oil imports to Europe affected they´d have to be faking and LYING about receiving from elsewhere without modifiying anything !!!
No dear Taffy no it wouldn´t pass the smell test sorry to say the EU leadership has now STUCK Europe with importing non-Russian oil blends from…?…? at what price…. ?…? etc etc etc etc
Still, many thanks for the input Taffy !!!
Hi, Jorge,
Thanks for your response, which details even more problems with such a total effing money-wasting mendacious “middleman” carousel worthy of Rube Goldberg.
(In case you haven’t heard of Rube Goldberg:
I guess I should have added a /sarc/ or a /snark/ emoticon, because my comment was entirely sarcastic!!
Have a nice weekend!
Taffy, okay, true enough I missed your “Rube Goldberg” sarcasm. But that´s fine though because as I always insist we have a very important “collective thinking process” going on here and this one is a good example. Let me explain.
Taffy, I mis-interpreted your comment, took it very seriously, and responded accordingly.
Still, there was a grain of truth behind it all because, as I explain in the article paragraph ” bid forms AWOL ” (please re-read it) there is not even one SINGLE sign that Europe has any plans underway to actually comply with the ban Russian oils idea by December 2022 because, otherwise, they WOULD HAVE plenty visibly going on regarding all the necessary work for such project to become a reality. But, no, there is nothing indicating progress along those lines, only “bid forms AWOL” meaning NOT complying with any of the stuff required to ban Russian oils and import the same amount of non-Russian oils.
Sooooo, that means an open possibility certainly exists for both points (1) and (2) described in my previous post just above to actually COME TRUE as Europe, instead of buying only non-Russian oils would actually keep on buying REAL traditional Russian Urals oil but “below the counter” (!!!) which means, as the article says… ” one very serious possibility is that the effective EU plan is to keep on buying Russian oil as always but now from third parties instead at a MUCH higher price with kick-backs here and there no ?”…
What if this is ALL bullshit?
If Europe are doing nothing to prepare for a change of oil stock, that means one of two things. Either they do not intend any interruption to the stock or they are committing suicide. I think the former is more likely.
If Russia is still supplying oil to its enemies, that means one of two things. Either they are a part of the scam with everyone getting what they want (high energy prices and inflation to save the banking system and enriching yet another entrenched oligopoly (after the tech sector, the security sector, the health sector and the armaments sector got their cut of the action)), or one of your options Jorge.
Russia has not finished the job in Syria. This disturbs me.
Russia continues to play its part in the plandemic. This disturbs me.
The status quo remains (apart from the collateral damage!).
Wealth is being transferred from the bottom to the top at a steadily increasing rate.
The enemy’s of civilisation are not named.
The normal divisive rhetoric prevails.
What are we to think if the SMO ends just in time for sanctions to be lifted?
My faith is tested!
Little Black Duck, trust me I read you very well all along your lines of thought. Now regarding Europe not really “preparing for a change of oil stock” it could very well be that EU politicians are just concerned about front-page headlines to be perceived as “active” but have grossly under-estimated the technical difficulties which will not allow them to comply with any of their goals at the set speed. At this slow pace, by Decemeber 2022 nothing will be done or, worse yet, what will be done would be terribly done and be utterly harmfull. Cordially Jorge
And what if this is all Kibuki theater and the underpinnings for the “Mother of all false flags” events?
It appears to me that Russia has the only plan and everyone else is guessing wrong.
I’m rather amused at all the shuffling going on……best fiction drama show on TV ;}
True, European plebes will not suffer through a winter of food and energy shortages just to “stand with Ukraine”.
That is why NATO is bound and determined to have a hot shooting war with Russia. Then every sacrifice is chalked up to commitment to the war cause and complainers get The Treatment.
Those potential pitchfork carriers will have neither the time nor the inclination to march when their countries are on a true wartime footing: conscription, censorship, disrupted economies, military control of travel and the ever present eyes of the state hunting for enemies who do not demonstrate full-throated support for the war.
So, no, Jorge, there will be no preemptive strike by European people against their governments no matter how insane the policies. Future historians will marvel at our decade as they do about 1933-1938 Germany — how could this happen? The answer is revealed in this pithy quote from Goering as related by Gustave Gilbert in Nuremberg Diary: “…voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”
Still doubting? The numerous revolutions from 1917-1923 occurred after those countries’ WWI experience, not before or during.
Yes David, I read you, not pre-emptive… But in the midst of the events, it would be people IN THE GOVERNMENT itself + people IN THE MILITARY proper that grab the pitchforks because it is also THEM that are freezing and starving to death because of a failed EU policy on U-k-r-a-i-n-e of all places, no ? Cordially, Jorge
Thanks for noticing me. You do great work.
The Volksgerichtshof was a political court established after the Reichstag fire. It was given jurisdiction over offenses generally classified as “treason”.
Of more than 3,500 defendants from 1934-1945, 30% were sentenced to death.
Their spirit may have been willing, God bless them, but to their shame the flesh of tens of millions of Germans was weak.
There will be no pitchforks among the military or government class in the US. Only the Generals and Admirals could pull off such a feat… and they won’t. The ones who would have were purged during Obama’s regime. The ones who are left are essentially part of the ruling class and support the government entirely.
As for those actually in government, they are so arrogant that they cannot possibly envisage a situation in which they are wrong.
Pitchforks may indeed take place, but it will happen in places such as Estonia, Poland, Romania and anywhere that the grip of the US and Europe is not so secure.
There will be no uprisings among American citizens. They believe every word the government, the media and fact checkers utter and write.
Roger, thanks for your feedback. Yes certainly pitchforks would never happen today amongst the military or government class in the US, with or without General and Admirals. No Sir, no. At least not yet… not now.
Still, we here are talking about Russia and the European situation, not what may or may not go on in the US however right you might ( or not ) be. Regarding Europe, methinkxs that pitchforks could show up in the streets of every and any European city, not just in Estonia, Poland or Bulgaria as you suggest. And American citizens and their respective thinking are not important for this analysis, let alone the “fact checking” community Americans have now invented. Cordially, Jorge
Anyone suggested that Germany has a referendum on leaviing the EU?!
That would put the willies up all the parasites that hate Germany but want all their EU contributions….
How about this Jorge!
Dear Euro-peons,
If you’d be equally comfortable driving/riding a horse and carriage/cart around on your Orwellian Amazon Plantation, then so be it.
UK Working Class Householders received the VOTE –
In Cities 1867
In Countryside 1884
For Non Householders (adults living with parents, servants, apparently soldiers in barracks)
It wasn’t until the Representation of the People Act 1918 that working class women were allowed the vote, which became free to all in 1928.
Now where do I put my X or thumb print?
A nice song/s of yesteryear by The Wurzels – A Yokel (uneducated country folk band ) –
‘I gotta brand new combine harvester and I’ll give you the key . . . .’ and
‘I knows I can’t read or write
But I’s can drive a tractor. . . .’
You can take the girl out of the street but you can’t take the street out of the girl.
Bottom line Jorge, people are shit-scared of freedom, making decisions for themselves, and would rather hand over decision-making to a bunch of short-sighted unscrupulous grifters . . . . and then enjoy a good moan when they’re knee deep in manure.
Nothing of that will really happen in Western Europe, because govts (like in France, Benelux)are blocking the real price of energy, decreasing VAT from 21 to 6 %, giving social tariff for 50% of the population, sending money checks to people etc…they are also increasing pensions and salaries.They will not increase interest rates very long, they will iso print QE like crazy again. Expect another covid wave + lockdown or any other manufactured virus or plague in the Fall.
Of course on the medium / long term it will increase their debts even more, but they don’t care inflation delete debts it is the plan (great reset).This is done on purpose.It allows them to force their crazy green deal agenda.
And since when bourgeoisie cares about popular and medium classes?They control all politicians(majority and fakes opponents), all msm, justice, police, army. They can not lose face, they invested too much on Ukraine victory’, which will never come of course.
Russia must inflict on NATO EU the worst humiliation(one they can not hide)of their life, which means total destruction of Ukraine, maybe Moldova, Georgia + 3B just after. Poland, Romania + Bulgaria at a later stage.
Western european politicos don’t care a second about Ukraine and all former eastern Europe countries. France and UK will even be very happy to destroy Germany economy controlled by NED USAID Greens and SPD.
They will capitulate only when things will get catastrophic for the core EU + UK (Benelux, France, Spain, Italy, nordics, Austria, Switzerland). Portugal, Greece, Croatia, Cyprus, Malta are irrelevant.
war is on,
my thesis is precisely that …” things will soon be getting catastrophic for the CORE of the EU + UK (Benelux, France, Spain, Italy, nordics, Austria, Switzerland)…” meaning that, a-la-Frank Sinatra, the end is getting nearer my friend. And when their populations realize this they will get their pitchforks out just like they´ve done before many many times. It´s not my opinion, it´s history my friend. Cordially Jorge
I don’t see how Germany can be considered not-core EU.
I thought Germany was not only core-EU but the strongest economy in the EU.
Are you saying that Germany is the designated goat to be slaughtered “for Azazel”?
Yes Taffy, in the spur of the moment I missed that so you are definetly correct. Germany IS part of the core-EU and also the strongest economy in the EU. Cordially Jorge
PS: please just above try to read my response to your Ruby Goldberg sarcasm.
Stop using the ”Europe will freeze”: no, it will not happen in Western Europe(including southern UE).Here in Benelux we did not get a single real winter for let’s say 10 or 15 years.Last winter two or three nights at -1 or – 2 celsius.No snow at all.It rained a lot for sure, but real cold no more.I know that in Germany and eastern Europe the weather is colder of course.Even in Scandinavia it is not cold as it used to be 20 years ago.
war is on,
OKay, but whatever the thermometers may indicate… I´m saying… that Europe would still “FREEZE” with low temperatures humans are not used to for their traditional survival, forget schools, forget hospitals… Without Russian fuels, Europe would stop dead in its tracks, pretty much stand-still only “moving” to kill each other with lots of “great reasoning” as they´ve traditionally done in the past centuries with almost no food no fuels no medicines around them. So let´s not get hung up on details Do you get the picture ? Do you agree ?
war is on : “Stop using the ”Europe will freeze””
As a Finn I know what cold weather is but here’s interesting thing many people do not understand. Warming buildings did not take half of energy. Actually at least in Finland it is industry taking slice of some 50% of energy, traffic take some 1/6 and the rest is warming buildings, water, lights etc.
My brother worked 8 years in Netherlands and Germany and found how surprisingly cold those local houses were even in October. In Scandinavia and Finland houses are far more energy effective. Same must be in Canada? Finns are still using lots of wood for heating and can sharply reduce energy costs. 1 kilo dry birch has around energy value of 4,15 KWh.
And when it comes the climate change it’s mostly fake over claiming every people living outside urban areas very soon understand. Even in Finland there is huge difference of snow cms inside town and 5 km out of it. Urban heat effect is very well unveiled when comparing snow. Besides – snow itself is one reason why houses in Nordic countries are not as cold as southern people are thinking. KWhs numbers for heating are many time highest in December, not in Jan and certainly not in Feb.
So the main point here is that majority of energy goes to industry and traffic not warming buildings. That explains also why energy consumption has quite good correlation with size of real economy adjusting of course with temperature figures.
On the other hand Finland, having such a short growing season, will starve to death at a snap of the fingers from its “leaders”. Especially since distances are long, fuel is nowhere to be found, and all the food transport, storage and distribution chains are owned by one or two essentially criminal cartels/monopolies.
I live on the northumberland coast, nova scotia. Our house has a mason fireplace for its only heat source. We burn 4 cord of wood each winter, due to triple glamze windows and double walls with 25 inches of insulation. We grow most of our food ….i suspect more people will be doing that in the near future.
European Infighting:
“What will become of Europe without Russia as a business associate and energy provider? Are you aware of how weak European economies and fragile finances currently stand? Did you know that 85% of the world´s population does not belong to NATO?”
It has seemed obvious from the very beginning of the end of the USSR that the US and the Western European countries, that made up the NATO bloc at that time, had their eyes on Russia’s economic assets and natural resources. The US Oil companies would love to own, or at least control, Russia’s oil, and gas fields. But so would the European’s. The encirclement of Russia by NATO advancement is nothing less than a gang of thieves working together to pull off the greatest heist of the century. Before that, Iraq was the United States greatest heist. If the Ukraine heist is successful, there is no need to be concerned about “…weak European economies and fragile finances…”
Lloyd Austin had made it quite clear to the world that he does not expect a Kiev victory in Ukraine. Ukraine is about reducing Russia’s ability to wage a major war with NATO and the US. Which can only mean one thing, the heist will happen reactively soon after Kiev is defeated, and after Russia has spent much of it weapons and military capabilities. So, then the question is, will Russia resort to a nuclear option, either the West thinks not, or it plans to provide the first strike. I have been hearing for a long time that there are powerful people who believe that the West (or at least the US) can survive a nuclear confrontation if the West strikes first.
Nuland´s Cookies´… yeah… yes…hmmm… you´ve got lots of valid food for thought there. I follow ya, we read you. One “objection” though is that historically and demostrably Europeans have only been only reeeeaaalll gooood at one thing, i.e, fighting amongst themselves, not in beating Russia to anything worthwhile. Now then, Russia´s think tanks also know much more about all of this than ourselves and beyond. So…
The only other serious issue I have with this very valid description of yours is I´d guess that regular folks in Europe today do not know about any of this and me thinkxs they would get their pitchforks sharpened and their torches lit as soon as they found out. They do not want their leaders to make war… let alone a losing war with RUSSIA !!!
Also, Russia´s most 99.5% probable victory in Ukraine would (fortunately) prove you wrong — highly respectfully and most cordially, of course — but still “wrong” in the sense that it would NOT mean that Russia has spent “much of its weapons and military capabilities”. Nope, no Sir, just the opposite. Them are very clever, not in any hurry, easy peasy attrition warfare everywhere tic-toc tic-toc … not with any ´shock & awe´ doctrine as the West would have it. For these things them Russians appeal to their Asiatic side, not their other European brain lobule they also have. That´s why I said in my article that Russia is winning in ALL fronts… Them play chess, not checkers… Follow me ?
Regarding nuclear capabilities, as we speak Russia has flight-ready & flight-proven hypersonic vectors which the West does not… So the “first strike” option — which Russia does NOT want — is still theirs not the West´s. Cordial hand shake for ya Nuland´s…
If the Russian military were to launch hypersonic missiles to simultaneously take out the headquarters of CNN, the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, MSNBC, Sky News, Sky News Australia, ARD, ZDF, Fox News, Time, ABC News, The Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, NBC News, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Forbes, The LA Times, Reuters and the Drudge Report our problems would be resolved and the peoples of the US, Europe and Russia could all agree to disagree and get back to a normal life.
Kevin, you’re looking in the wrong place.
Only two missiles – City of London, the 1 sq. mile of bankers head offices
The Vatican, 109 acres, (as much a geopolitical player as the Pentagon, going as far back as the the Great Schism (1057) and The Crusades (1095 – current).
Not that I’m condoning violence – but if we want World Peace tomorrow ….
The US “bet the farm” on regime changing Russia, and then moving on to kneecap China. A plan that is going very, very badly, in reality, and yet still, even now, they press on and on and on…
Yes Casey yes. And them might “lose the farm” so that´s a problem no ?
Bear hug from Jorge
The truth is ugly and hard to swallow.
Putin has just served US/EU/ NATO a large bowel of Macaroni and Tuna casserole. A hideous cheesy meal served in Australia by lonely & desperate Karen’s in the 70’s and 80’s.
This article represents the ingredients. The horror, the horror, there is no escape. The US dollar gets the crusty bowel. It’s the cheese on the pasta that destroys any relationship.
Yet I find the article very interesting indeedy. President X from Beijing will be serving seconds in the South China Sea shortly. That should just about do’um .
Of course being in the EU I cannot access any of the links in Jorges’ wonderful article because of dear Ursula’s ban on rt (and also strategic culture ‘forbidden 403’) and others. Free speech is not allowed, following on President Ze’s method of banning all political parties not supporting him. Having Ukraine in the EU will add another few billion euros to annual costs to our energy bill.
I´m sorry to hear about the RT ban you have to put up with rosemerry. I wonder if VPN would help to avoid any of that, please check it out. Thanks for your favorable comment rosemerry, it helps to keep me going in my very lonely task which, if it weren´t for you gals and guys, I wouldn´t be able to keep up with. Cordially Jorge
The collapse is the main goal of the NWO.
They are dump enough to not understand that the collapse=no NWO.
Lets play the game, they cut our heat we burn them by the stake.
I thought maybe all this is part of the Great Reset. Many WEF members involved here.
I missed this epic! I tell you Jorge – you certainly know how to “deliver the goods”, and, yes, the EU is in for very fun times – just THREE months (90 days) until it starts getting cold at night; it’ll take that much time for the Eurocracy to “convene” a meeting, let alone get anything under way!
Those of us living at the “north” end of NSW don’t really know what cold’s like – even our “winters” are pretty balmy, however I have spent time working in the UK (Harrogate), and their winters start early (November at the latest) and seem to end late (snow in March being not that uncommon). Here, we can still swim on our pool in our winter – OK, we’ve got effective solar heating and a pool blanket, but it is nevertheless an outdoor pool, and you’d NOT be wanting to swim in a UK outdoor pool mid-winter there!
It’ll be an awful experience for all of them – after all the main (only) forms of domestic heating in the UK are electricity, or gas, the cost of both seem to be rising astronomically! Combine this with the added invisible costs to producers / shippers / importers and they are in for a really bad time indeed.
I wonder how long it’ll be before we see grim images of people swinging from lamp-posts. It has happened before, and can happen again.
Hello Phil S. thanks again for your always kind words and valid feedback. Take care Jorge
I only can bow to you for telling the real truth. We here in Canada’s west hear only BS from our government and the ruling party in Ottawa still believes that the Ukraine will win. What fools they are! Again I thank you to tell us the real story and keep up the good work!
Walter, thanks for the bow there as I do try hard but still appreciate your favorable comments a lot. Cordially Jorge
As a chemical engineer, I enjoy reading your articles and hunger for the technical details. Yes, whilst Europe has upstream technical problems, do you have any information on Russian downstream technical problems – I’m particularly thinking of management of the Ural oil reservoirs i.e. to what extent does Russia depend on Schlumberger, Baker Hughes for its oil field technology and thus can it replace these skills and technology with its own?, and if the fields are forced to shut in, is it true that the reservoirs will only be able to return to 70% of their current production?
Craig, thanks for letting me know that — you being a chemical engineer — enjoy reading my articles and hunger for technical details. So welcome aboard ! Craig, at least you and I know — possibly other readers also — that your question in many ways is THE question isn´t it ? I´ll try to keep my answer short, but it´d be very difficult to really answer anything without making it longuish, at least for a post in a “Comments” section, so sorry about that. But it so happens that your question Craig — unintendedly of course — in a way and from the technical perspective at least places my credibility at stake as I also know that we have many many “peepers” here that mostly do not participate but do read and do care to get valid input from anyone, including us two.
Craig, refineries and chemical processing at large are two topics I understand and have been exposed enough to know that what Europe is doing is sheer madness. And that´s why I stuck my neck out a bit and warned everyone about it. But actually I know and have expertise and life-long experience not with refineries but rather with oil-field upstream and downstream technology. So I feel my answer to your question is 100% pertinent. For obvious and not-so-obvious professional reasons I should not dwell any further on this and will just proceed to reply to your question.
I may also split my reply in parts and this would be Part 1 with Part 2 and Part 3 in separate posts hereafter.
Part 1:
The short answer to your question Craig is I firmly believe that Russia will NOT have any oilfield management problems for the next 5 years and possibly never for reasons to be mentioned later. Dependency on the major service companies is very limited for the time being, and may possibl turns out to be “zero dependency” . And there are several possible shut-in scenarios to be discussed later, okay ? In principle, this problem can also be overcome but yet again it all depends upon the right Urals reservoir management about which Russians are the world´s top experts of course whether we like it or not and accept it or not. The technical importance and the role of the services companies is terribly exaggerated by the service companies themselves — and the oil & gas establishment also — but the POLITICAL power of a couple of famous oil & gas service companies is tremendous and many times ignored. But with Ukraine events international politics have been thrown out the window so that does not matter that much anymore. End of Part 1 and Part 2 will follow, then Part 3
Craig, this is Part 2.
Regarding service companies “stuff” like chemical treatments and tools all of those can be obtained from ´friendly´ third parties through “triangulation” but this time the other way around. So Russia can spend the dollars it doesn´t want any more in buying this stuff in the open market at a probably higher price or, maybe at an equivalent price because Russia is a great consumer of such. China and India would surely be helpfull with such purchases and disguise them as their own while also spending up the dollars they don´t want any more. Regarding operational know-how it´s not that complicated and Russian oil field experts and technicians should know pretty well how to go about their use and procedures, at least they would know better than most junior engineers from the service companies that they normally get in Russian oil fields.
All of that for at least a 5-year period. AFTER that, the possibility of new service-companies technology comes up depending upon how much they really develop. Reserach & development budgets are now very low because of the supposedly to-be-limited future oil & gas production per climate change goals. So how much and how good NEW oil & gas technology will the future hold is up for grabs, a mystery in many ways. And it could be very little NEW coming up so Russia wouldn´t be missing much. Furthermore they could develop on their own for THEIR reservoirs not anybody else´s with import substitution policies which Russia has achieved successfully many times before. So for a 5-year period it´d be pretty much business as usual. And for a longer time horizon we can´t know but it all depends on how the ball bounces and cookies crumble.
Still, tools and chemicals and operational procedures are necessary but (a) Russians can solve that and (b) what matters is reservoir management know-how and I´d dare to say that they know more and better than any far away Western vendor just interested in selling their stuff.
There we get into adequate reservoir bubble point pressurization or secondary recovery possibilities and many other ways for that matter. So wells could be forced to be shut-in for a while with lower production if re-opened but that can be overcome, although not forever. So new Russian export projects at large (even Westward because this confrontation is not yet over by any means) ports & docks modifications, inland infrastructure projects and new pipeline construction to Asia is probably going on right now as we speak (no yadda yadda there Craig) as Russians would rather walk the walk rather than talking the talk as the EU has been doing so far. In my article I mentioned the all-revealing “bid forms AWOL” paragraph meaning that Europe has not yet done anything significant about importing non-Russian oils and at this pace will not import one drop anytime soon. I exchanged posts with Taffy in this regard so please look them up somewhere above in this thread.
End of Part 2 please find Part 3 herein later.
Craig, this is Part 3 – Conclusions
(A) So far, the December 2022 deadline is looming getting closer and closer by the week tic-toc tic-toc.
So far, no action yet whatsoever of any sort from the EU and by golly it cannot be kept a secret can it ? And if it were a secret it´d mean it´d be the unsustainable LIE we have pointed out all along and them are just trying to figure out how to CYA with some more yadda yadda. So the EU should already be VERY active on different fronts and it is NOT ( please see my article paragraph “bid forms AWOL”) and subsequent comments I exchanged with Taffy please look them up above in this thread. If the EU were anywhere to at least trying to wean itself off Russian oil in 6 months time they should be “puffing smoke” with specs and contract awards, and detailed engineering, etc. etc. and they are not. So as it is already very late in the game for such inaction, then everything indicates that by December 2022 Russia will continue to export Urals blend normally to Europe in pretty much normal quantities ( or higher because of winter ). I can´t imagine what excuses the EU leadership will offer, but still if this were the case us here and now discussing Russian oil field potential production problems would NOT make any sense as it would not apply.
(B) Russia can always overcome in different ways the potential problem of intially producing less oil after closing down some reservoirs if it´d ever need to but still keeping them adequately pressurized for future exploitation. All of that would be compensated by new sales & revenue developed in and together with Asia in detriment of the Western world in that case cut-off from the future and presumably also without nat-gas and/or coal
(C) Presumably, Russia has been preparing for this day for years and pretty much holds all the important cards. They have Plan + Plan B + Plan C and combinations thereof. The price that Europe would pay for playing “smart ass” with Russia is tremendously high, just like Napoleon payed up and French still remember.
(D) Apparently Russia is fed up trying to befriend and comply with the West and has now already taken the political decision to break away at pretty much any cost always a far “cheaper” cost than what has to be paid by continued relationship with the Anglo-Saxon led EU.
Look at what the Europeans have already accepted. From a standpoint of culture and education they are thoroughly defeated. They have accepted the exploitation of Africa/Africans for their own benefit; the rejection of Christianity; the perversion of homosexuality; and now a full throated assault on biology itself. How could they not also accept their own economic eradication? They accepted their spiritual and cultural eradication long ago. Europe is sick until death, we are watching it die.
All politicians have a Teflon layer on them. Otherwise they would not be able to progress. They are usually cunning, mean, pragmatic and immoral. And don’t do obvious nonsense for no reason. And I’m sure they recognize the danger the United States is preparing for them. Europe reminds me of some guys who didn’t want to go to war so they hurt themselves so they were incapable of war. So the least damage to them. So when we look at a Europe without diesel and a functioning economy, crippled logistics and generally miserable life on the continent, how can we even think that such a Europe would go into conflict with Russia. And Europe does not want a conflict with America. America would have to draw resources across the Atlantic for a possible war. Most of it would never reach Europe. Just as Western weapons that arrive in Ukraine rarely reach the front. I believe that Europe has chosen between total destruction and miserable life – this second option. Maybe that’s not a bad choice.
From Europe (Germany, in fact) I want to give compliments to mr. Jorge Vilches for a good overview of the mess we’re in.
I might add some additional viewpoints, if that’s allright.
The current state of things was emitted quite well with the visit of British FM Elizabeth Truss to the RF. She wanted to give *orders* to the ‘disobedient’ Russians, but apparently didn’t know that the Baltic states are located at the Baltic sea, and thet Rostov on Don is on Russian territory.
Lately, mrs. Truss got soothing words of Maria Zakharova, who pointed out that she is a long-time puppet of power forces, and had to change her views on orders so often that she might get confused once in a while.
(Maria Zakharova has a fine style on speaking pleasant words with a nasty poison pill in it).
And there you have it. People in public charge here in by no means are ignorant or stupid, you are not allowed in such positions where people are educated for (hello CFR). Nor are they emotionally involved, like they are ‘shocked’, ‘touched’, fill in the usual mumbo-jumbo pre-installed on the press declarations.
None of that. It is ice-cold calculation.
The best example is Ursula von der Leyen. Pepe Escobar calls her ‘von der Lügen’, in a sarcastic mood I sometimes call her ‘Nurse Ratched’.
But hey, we remember her here in Germany. She used to be the Defense minister under Merkel. Merkel liked her, because she is so “obedient”. Ask our Bundeswehr how she managed, she left the biggest mess in many decades. Her obedience is only matched by her incompetence to do actual stuff. Lately she was praised by Klaus Schwab in public that she moved so fine to blame Russia for his wanted ‘great reset’.
(There are jokes in Germany about her ‘obedience’ while she has 7 children – having children is quite untypical for a EU politician)
And there you have it. People might think, that some kind of secret society is running the show. There might be some visual idea of many people sitting around a large oval table with many shades, and a secret head of the table in the dark, whispering commands on behalf of a Secret Club. You know, like in the last James Bond movie. Add to that some imagined consiglieres of a secretive cult of men with beards and funny hats, and you’ve got the picture.
You know what, I don’t believe this.
When in all layers of society people with power compete each other, why should this suddenly disappear in those regions? They might think of themselves as “über”-humans (like in the 1st Bilderberg meeting, someone described the attendants in his speech as ‘we are God’s gift to mankind’ – when you and I say that in public, we are sent to a medic), but frankly, I don’t think so.
At best it’s kind of a mafia style distribution of stuff. Families and antique bonds yeah, but still mafia. And they don’t always agree. Like Rockefeller postman Kissinger, ruining the last Davos party.
Back to confused lady Truss. She is a fine example of great expectations in the style of Cecile Rhodes. They think that the Anglo’s are some kind of ‘superior society’, and the rest of the world is to be exploited and are inhabited by minor minds. Sometimes, the outside worlds revolts. A ‘regime’ is founded, while some evil mind popped up. This has to be reverted (‘regime change’, many people here think that ‘Putin has to go’ will solve everything – as if Russians are just some clueless slaves) to have the wanted order back.
This view is hard to turn when it is teached for many years, but really, this could have been true some 130 years ago but it is definitely not the actual state of things.
Add to that, the cynical projects to destroy the economy in order to save the banks might be thinkable only here in the Anglo-run west, but I’m not so sure whether Russia, China, Iran, India and the like will follow suit. That’s hard to swallow when you think you are the Top Cat, isn’t it? These kind of projects have been years in the making and are not easily stopped, and there you have the myriad of conflicts.
Europe is fvcked because we are colonies. And the colony holding families don’t agree with each other. The EU will not survive but damn, that takes long. What follows won’t be pretty. At best some kind of chaotically shattered society Neal Stephenson described in his novel ‘Snow Crash’ (he already decribed the ‘Metaverse’, even the name is the same, more than 30 years ago).
And maybe then we are lucky.
O dear.
Cheers, Rob
Welcome back, it’s been a while
To understand the forces at play in the world, outside China, one needs to comprehend who and what are the Bolsheviks and where they are today. Due to public schooling/indoctrination, the truth will shock 85% of the world. To understand what is in store for the EU, one need only to read the Grand Chessboard.
Dear Jorge,
Greetings from Ireland.
Congratualtions on an fantastic analysis. I wish I could get everyone to wake up and see this, but sadly the Irish are as asleep as everyone else. It makes me quite anxious tbh. I am seriously considering moving the family out of the EU and eastwards to Malaysis/Indonesia region.
The EU has some very difficult days ahead.
I agree Dublin Prof and many thanks for your encouragement ! Your plans make sense, just be carefull and pick a nice place. Firm hand shake from Jorge
Hey there gals and guys, we were proudly RE-published by The Automatic Earth + Debt Rattle yet again please check it out at
This time around the editor Raúl Ilargi Meijer placed this “Pitchforks Soon In Europe” original “The Saker” article in the most prominent 1st. place. Congrats to “The Saker” editors Andrei and Amarynth. As usual, other major specialized blogs could follow. Audience at the European Parliament is steady, so let´s pray some more…
I believe that the “bid forms AWOL” is a key paragraph that, as already commented in an exchange with poster Taffy, means that the EU may have whatever plans for supposedly substituting Russian oil but have not yet proceeded with any effective action for such… and time is running out. Cordially Jorge
Lol. The author thinks we have power. Do you really think our votes are counted? Do you think Putin’s votes are counted? We are ruled by a hoary global elite, and so-called “politics” is a show behind which they’ve always enacted their policies. They want to impoverish the developed world and so we have covid1984 (which Putin also played along with) and now the fake war in Ukraine.
Y’all keep believing the media, alt or otherwise, and y’all keep believingthat the Secondary World is real. The matrix metaphor has been lost on you all.
Flopot, I agree, forget counting votes. But would pitchforks roaming in the streets surrounding government buildings or plain invading their premises imply having any power ? If the military and government personnel were part of the pitchfork forces would that change your opinion ? Cordially Jorge
Is there any truth to Europe having 10 years supply of gas in reserve?
Chris, one of the well-known problems that nat-gas has is that it cannot be stored. You deliver it, you vented, you flare it, or you re-inject it back into the reservoir to produce yet more oil and/or gas.
The article you reference is “tricky cheaty” at best as what the title suggests the inner article does not support. The author gets into a mish-mash of blah blah mentioning naturally and in-passing the possibility of LNG (from the US maybe ? without enough carrier fleet and terminals ? aha, we all learn something every day, don´t we ?) and coal which would have to be from Russia to make any economical sense for Europe.
So cutting a long story short, the answer to your question Chris is a flat “NO” and most probably the Bruegel think-tank authors will get a severe backlash from all of this, a typical European aimless yadda yadda which does not help them any. Europe will not DARE to cut itself off Russian natural gas or else it´d split up right there and then. I could add more but let´s leave it at that understanding the games that Europeans play with everybody´s future including their own. Cordially Jorge
Thank you Jorge!
Thank you Chris for asking valid questions on the basis of what is supposed to be “very serious Bruegel think-tank” analysis which you have every right to bring up. I am convinced the authors of such article will regret having published it ( why did they ?? ) and regarding Russian nat-gas vis-á-vis Europe also I have just recalled that in my article above in the “lost war” paragraph I mention
“… Russia does not even need to fire a single shot or land a single missile on European territories to win such a total war. Think tanks in Europe and elsewhere know this but say nothing. It´d be plenty enough for Russia to just shut off your nat-gas supply, period. And not even to the whole of Europe. It could possibly be to only, say, some limited area in Germany…”
BTW, many times nat-gas is re-injected to re-pressurize the reservoir and produce more and better oil. There is also “gas-lift” technology for similar purposes. There is no way to store 10 years of nat-gas in surface readily-available “reserve tanks” other than the original sub-surface reservoir it came from. The authors of the article very two-step and beat around the bush without nailing it as the tile does. Cordially Jorge
” European Auto Industry Decries EU Ban On Petrol Cars By 2035 ”
Trying to wean themselves from Russian oil has a very high price that Europeans are not willing to pay for.
If the crazed puppeteers of the American Empire know all that (probably), then THAT IS what they want: winter and death for millions of human beings.
The “governments” of Europe have NO legitimacy… but EuroFags – being congenital cowards – wont even raise a finger to save themselves.
Jorge, what a pleasure to run into a good writer who holds lively conversations with his readers! Thank you from my heart. People like you are rarer than hens’ teeth.
Will look forward to your next post.
vera thank youuuuu, comments like your make all the difference to me !!!
I try very hard to make it lively and colorfull to attract the attention — and opinions — of regular non-technically oriented folks in what is a very arid subject but that still affects everybody´s livelihood and everybody´s opinion counts. Warm hand shake to you vera from Jorge