Take a look at how the Wahabi crazies in Bahrain are dealing with the Bahraini Shias.
In the meantime some sources report that the regime has lost control of most of the country.
(Thanks to J. for these links!)
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The rebels successfully confronted the Bahrain cops on Sunday so guess what they call on Saudi for help. The KSA is the keystone in the arch. If the House of Saud fell there would be a chance for regime change across the region. That’s why the US can be trusted to back up Riyadh and ensure it wont’ happen.
@Robert: sadly, I totally concur with your analysis. And yet.. and yet the Saudis are notoriously bad soldiers. Just like the Israelis, they are the best of the best for beating up and shooting civilians, but when bullets fly back they turn into instant cowards. Plus the Shias have the advantage of being on the defense and knowing the terrain. As for the Yanks, yes, they are ALREADY behind it all, but I don’t see US Marines directly shooting at Bahrainis as that would result into a political apocalypse for the USA in the entire Arab and Muslim world. They will use proxies and pull the strings.
Now, let me very openly admit and unequivocally state here that Bahrain (or Yemen, for that matter) are TOTALLY outside my area of expertise and that I have no knowledge whatsoever of the terrain, forces in presence, etc. But with that big caveat in mind, I do want to hope that the Bahraini Shia will wear down the regime and the thugs trying to keep it in power. I do want to believe that if the Saudis get a bloody nose, or if some political scandal erupts over this invasion (like an embarrassing video) then the Saudis will cut their losses and run to cover their own behinds. I also hope that Iran and Hezbollah can quietly but effectively help the Bahraini Shia.
I say it ain’t over until the fat lady sings :-)
(maybe I am naive, but that is what I want to believe).
Dear Saker,
The lady is just about starting to sing….
Trouble is brewing in the Eastern part of Saudi Arabia…, in the oil patch…There is news of a town ringed with Tanks and indiscriminate shooting…
Also, there are news that the US 5th Fleet has started or evacuated ALL of their vessels from Bahrain…
How do you interpret that?
@Robert:there are news that the US 5th Fleet has started or evacuated ALL of their vessels from Bahrain
Where did you get this info? I don’t see why the US 5th Fleet would do that. How many vessels are we talking about and what kind?
And, since you have better access to info, do you know how did the Saudi repression forces have performed so far?
Very patchy news so far and no pictures yet…just some bulletins here or there.
I don’t know the size of the 5th fleet…but I know that they have troops on the ground in Bahrain too…we’ll have to wait and see more when available.
@Robert:there are news that the US 5th Fleet has started or evacuated ALL of their vessels from Bahrain
The are conveniently in Oman for a exercise!
Could not access the photos from here in Saudi Saker, as it is being blocked. Can you do something to help access the photos fom your blog?
@Anonymous: Could not access the photos from here in Saudi
Can you grab them here:
If not, please let me know.
Take care,
The Saker
Thank you…I was able to view them…Indeed they are very disturbing ….