Dear friends,
I just wanted to touch base with you and let you know that the reason why this blog was relatively inactive recently was due to a mix of three factors:
1) I have had an rather insanely busy schedule and a few personal issues I needed to focus on. Things are better now.
2) Most of the stuff in the news recently is boring beyond belief. For example, I cannot find it in me to write anything about the idiotic media event otherwise known as the “US Presidential Election”.
3) I am doing some research on topics which are immensely interesting but rather complicated, such as the events in Dagestan and the interesting debate in the Russian elites on the future of political Islam in Russia. I need time before I can post on these topics.
Anyway, please do not take this relative lull in posts here as a sign of lack of interest – I am simply making use of specific circumstances.
As always, please feel free to post here on anything of interest and keep sending me good articles.
Many thanks and kind regards,
The Saker
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Always interested in anything to do with Russia
As for Obama re Romeny just been accused on a left wing webstie of having a disgraceful attitute for saying that the Democrats are no better than the Republicans.
People seem to want to ignore the Obama administration’s systematic refusal to bring charges against any of the financiers whose spectacularly blatant acts of fraud helped fuel, and then pop, the recent housing bubble. Still, I’ve come to think that a modern Talleyrand might see things differently. Had Obama acted otherwise, the Democratic party would likely have come to dominate the American political scene for the next forty years as thoroughly as it did for the four decades or so after 1932; instead, by giving the country a remarkably good imitation of the third term of George W. Bush, the Obama administration has convinced a sizable fraction of Americans that they have nothing to hope for from either party. It’s symptomatic that a recent Rasmussen poll found that only 17% of respondents thought that a choice between Obama and Romney for president represented the best that America could do.
My view is that the American Republicrat regime is unreformable, that there is no way within the system to vote against Goldman Sachs and change will only become possible after America experiences a major catastrophe, either military defeat or the end of the dollar’s status as world reserve currency followed by economic meltdown or both. Sounds extreme but I reckon one or both will eventually happen.
Glad to know the personal issues are on the way to being solved. But what are the events in Dagestan you refer to? I am much more worried by the events in Tatarstan, a region which was free of terrorism and religious and ethnic conflicts until very recently.
1) Didn’t really notice a lack of post or responses to comments.
2) I think the situation now is far more than the last Presidential election with Syria, Iran, Libya and Hurricane Sandy compare to 2008 when you had the loser McCain and Obama gushing about the fact that the US has entered a post racial era now that he has become President.
3) Why are they only discussing the situation now?
It is ethnic tensions supported by foreign powers aligned with Islamic groups and foreign ideologues that are the main issue like the Gulen movement and Hizb-ut-Tahrir the I thought was what Dugin was tasked with creating an ideological movement that incorporates the Eurasian states into an economic, political and social union but has turned out to be a complete dud.
I don’t see the big deal that an Imam was killed in Tatarstan as Jammat terrorist cells have been uncovered there before and shows there desperation as those types of tactics completely backfire.