Okay, his video is not about Russia vs the USA, it is about the destruction of what I call “sexual differentiation” in the West. But while I was listening I thought, “yup, he is right” and “at least in Russia men are men and woman are woman” (and, just for any dumb macho retard would you misunderstand what I mean by that, what I mean is that the ideal Russian women is NOT a cheerleading bimbo with big boobs and no brains or some submissive silent slave – Russian women are not only allowed, they are *encouraged* to be BOTH feminine AND smart! Just compare the very high-IQ and very feminine Maria Zakharova with the dumb cows à la Heather Nauert or Sarah Sanders used as “spokespersons” in the USA…).
When JPW describes a generation of soy-boys who will get whopped by normal, healthy, boys he is absolutely correct. And I think that the very same thing will happen to the Empire: it will get whopped by countries in which man have retained their warrior and protector ethos and when parents can be sexually differentiated so as go give their children the sexually-balanced education which nature (and, really, God) intended for them.
True, western military commanders are not all like Conchita Wurst (yet!), but they already look like the typical kind of office-plankton which produces petty administrators like Philip Breedlove or yes-man like David Petraeus. Compare these faces to Gerasimov or Shamanov and you will see which country has retained it’s martial ethos and which one has lost it completely.
The Saker
But it seems something here is being set up.
I mean, all the news commentators in “The West” for the last 25 years appear to be undergoing a strange sort of octave shift. It’s also notable in entertainment; saw the musical-movie version of Les Miserables and found it difficult to hear how high the male voices are (except Javert, the villain).
This is not normal in the “west” or anywhere, I’m afraid. Tucker Carlson talking on television is typical. Not knocking the fellow, but compare him to the Buckley/Vidal verbal squabble of 50 years ago. Both men then had “typical” (deep) media voices. Tucker is typical for now. How? Why do such things occur?
I have been told (which is to say it is a rumor) that the GI Bill for Education following World War II was the true Castration Moment for the male on this side. Something about University following 1945 became Big Momma if the result is anything to go by.
But it might be the fluoride in the water too. Doubtful though: Men in foundries and driving trucks just don’t talk that way. It’s only them. But they are not a majority, maybe they can be removed.
I love this site, but this particular topic is annoying and irrelevant except insofar as it distracts attention from the main game.
The decline of the West isn’t about sexual differentiation or lack of it, but about imperial overstretch, corporatism, imperial capitalism, the dominance of the financial, energy and military sectors over the more productive sectors of the economy in the name of profit, and numerous related structural political-economic factors. All of which are symptoms (or maybe causes) of rampant neo-colonialism.
The rise of Russia and China is a great thing, the world desperately needs a counter-balance to the murderous and endlessly greedy American empire – but they too will eventually face the same problems with capitalism: a structurally rapacious system for which enough is never enough – especially if oligarchs gain control of the state, which thankfully they haven’t as yet or we would all be in much more trouble than we already are.
But lack of gender differentiation? Give us a break, it’s a complete side show.
A “complete side show”? This really depends on your faith, worldview, and values, no?
If we were to believe Herodotus, “effeminating” males is a time-honored practice to subdue a nation.
“…to make sure of them [Lydians] never rebelling against thee [O Cyrus], or alarming thee more, send and forbid them to keep any weapons of war, command them to wear tunics under their cloaks, and to put buskins upon their legs, and make them bring up their sons to cithern-playing, harping, and shop-keeping. So wilt thou soon see them become women instead of men, and there will be no more fear of their revolting from thee.”
As for us Orthodox Christians, we believe that straying into illicit gender behavior results in chasing the Holy Spirit away. “My spirit shall not stay with humans forever, because they are flesh” (Gen 6:3 LXX).
First it resulted in a flood, then in fire from heaven. Given the widespread apostasy, I am afraid this time we are paving the way for the antichrist.
So, you decided to judge people. Is this a Christian tradition?
Throw your rock but remember, I youll eventually be judged.
I don’t think you, orthodox, are following Jusus teachings on this matter.
Not far way ago it was about races. I think is time to update your views from Jesus perspective.
Just out of curiosity; have you ever read the Bible?
« Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God. (1Co 6:9–10 NAS)
Such are the words of Apostle Paul. So, pray tell me, how do you propose we understand this?
The Orthodox understanding is this:
Sin is a disease that prevents from to become temples of the Holy Spirit. This is why Prophet David was saying, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. (Psa 50:12LXX/51:10 Masoretic)
Do the doctors judge their patients? Of course not. However, they make no effort to “condemn” the disease as an unnatural state of being. Likewise, the Orthodox Church holds that sin is a spiritual disease, an unnatural state of being, that makes a human incapable of becoming a vessel of the Holy Spirit. Our goal is to wash ourselves, and make ourselves clean, by removing our evil deeds from His sight (Isaiah 1:16). We need to consecrate ourselves and be holy; for He is holy. (Lev 11:44 NAS)
As a lexicological postscript, in the LXX, the word “holy” is «ἅγιος», a Greek word that shares the same root with «ἁγνός» or pure—and is a cognate with old Persian word “ayadana” (temple) and the Sanskrit “yájati” (worship). In other words, even the proto-Indoeuropeans, who were definitely pre-Christians, understood that purity, sanctity, and religious worship were closely connected.
Alas, we definitely live in the times of the apostasy, before the son of perdition, when people do not even know the teachings that have been approved by the apostles (Acts 16:4)
side show?
why do you think that I posted it in the “sandbox” section buddy?
The Saker
Goy entertainment at its finest …
Not nice to call women dumb cows
I NEVER called women dumb cows! I call two specific dumb cows dumb cows
Zakharova is a women
and I did not call her a dumb cow
hence, I did not call “women” dumb cows
but yes, these two and their likes, yes, absolutely
they are dumb cows
you disagree?
The Saker
but it is true that western men are being castrated in expressing appreciation how women look and dress. When I see a good looking woman in stretch pants I would be arrested for sexual harassment if I said to her that she looked great, even though she probably dressed that way so I would notice
By the way, this is not the first time I contrasted a feminine and very sharp lady with those dumb cows:
The Saker
To describe a woman as a “cow” to me is also an implication fatness. Fatness and smartness are mutually exclusive. Now calling Nikki Haley a “dumb cow” would be an insult to cows.
Fatness and smartness are mutually exclusive
Wow, coming from somebody trying to impose a PC discourse, that is quite a statement to make.
And I disagree with that statement most emphatically.
One name: Richard Stallman.
The Saker
Sorry I meant to say are not mutually exclusive To describe a woman as a “cow” to me is also an implication of fatness.
That idiotic and ignorant term “soy-boy” needs to die off. It is stupid to use it not just because it is not true in the least, men who eat soy have on average higher testosterone levels, it’s also an ignorant, misguided reinforcement of that moronic notion that it’s “manly” to drink cows milk and eat meat. Oh yeah, it’s so manly drinking mothers milk from a different species meant for infants.
A vast majority of health problems we in the West have today, would drop to insignificant levels if we stopped eating meat and dairy. So many problems which are killing us are self inflicted, and our collective ignorance, as evidenced by our use of stupid terms like “soy-boy,” keeps us from realising it.
It’s so frustrating, the people who know politics are idiots when it comes to nutrition. The people who know nutrition are ignorant, brainwashed libtards when it comes to politics.
Going vegan has been a wake up moment akin to watching Dr. Daniele Ganser dismantle the 9/11 narrative. I’ve never felt better, my health problems have almost all vanished, almost because decades of eating what is essentially slow acting poison will not go away over night.
Instead of broadening our horizons, we ignorantly run into a buzzsaw with a smile on of face. Ridiculous.
Humans have survived on meat and dairy for millions and millions of years, yak milk, goat milk, cow milk, elk milk reindeer milk, mammoth milk, eating meat since no freakin’ plants grow in the arctic, and less so grown in colder climes, but humans, meat, milk and all, survived. Agriculture is a relitivly new process, in the thousands (perhaps five-ten) years, due to receding ice caps, yes global warming existed back then also, just less human psychosis to worry about it.
The majority of todays ills are foisted up an unsuspecting populace through, over processed foods filled with death causing chemicals, chemicals treating water, chemicals from heavy industry, and my fav……………over vacinating to the point where vacinacition is a schekle collecting scam…………..see; Italy fires vacination board.
“Survived” being the key word here. You can survive on it alright because meat can keep us alive and consuming milk will not kill us. But it’s far from healthy or health promoting to consume it when you have the option not to do so. It’s not only not needed, it’s harmful to us, we have the luxury to choose what we eat.
Cultures who these days still consume a lot of meat and dairy are so unhealthy, if you give them western junk, they suddenly become healthier and live longer. Twinkies and Cola had a real positive effect on the Inuit.
Meat is not healthy, it is not “manly” either, it’s actually the opposite. The stuff in meat clogs up your arteries to the point where your flag pole is unable to extend and perform.
A current fad, the “carnivore” diet, is a good example. One of the most prominent faces of the diet, a disgraced doctor named Shawn Baker, revealed his blood test results. After eating only meat and salt for over a year he became diabetic and his testosterone levels dropped to those of an average 100 year old woman.
I don’t think the problem is with meat and dairy per sé but modern meat and dairy, which is farmed in such intensive industrial ways that it is guaranteed to be full of toxic germs, lacks nutrition not to mention radiation from various nuclear disasters over the last 60 years. Average white bread in europe has around 20% nutritional value of say a 1950s loaf, ditto vegetables. The other point I would make is that the life span of our meat munching heroes of yore was roughly half what ours are today. The Roman legions marched on corn bread if I’m not much mistaken and meat was a perk of the rich eaten a few times per year, at least in Europe, not sure what the eating habits were like in Eurasian territories. As for the high voices, It is believed that the enormous amounts of hormones flushed down the toilet by women on the pill have been turning fish from male to female for a few decades now and maybe having a similar effect on men, not sure about the veracity of that but there’s plenty to read about it via search engines.
Humans are herbivores, something painfully obvious if you stop accepting strokes, heart attacks, obesity, diabetes, indigestion, many forms of cancer, hypertension, cardiovascular disease etc. etc. etc. as facts of life and start looking at them as abnormal. It is not normal that we have this ridiculous amount of diseases. You can brush some off and attribute other factors as the cause, but at some point we need to take a real hard look at the stuff we voluntarily send down our own bodies, instead of blaming factors we have barely any control over.
Everything about our physical features screams herbivore. The fact that our tongue has no protein receptors, unlike carnivores, meaning we can’t “taste” meat, we need to first drench it in plants and cook the hell out of it to make it palatable, and even then all we really taste from the meat itself is the calorie-rich fat. Our intestine is the perfect length to digest plant fibre, the same body to intestine length ratio as every other herbivore on the planet. Our primal ancestors used to live in trees, which explains our binocular vision, instead of the predator theory. Think more Koala, less Leopard. Don’t even think of bringing up “canines,” those tiny stumps couldn’t bite through an elks skin, let alone kill anything. If you want to see real canines, look up gorillas, those are more impressive, but still, gorillas are herbivores. Our hands, our bones, our anything really is not meant for killing prey. Humans are the best at mimicking behaviour, we analyse, we learn, we adapt, it’s how we evolved so quickly. We probably learned to eat meat from observing carnivores in the wild, and hunger will get anything down. At some point in our history it probably was essential to eat meat just to survive harsh winters or barren wastelands, but those times are long gone. No sense keeping up the self abuse with harmful food. And FYI, the theory that meat made us human has been debunked, plant starch is what actually made our brains grow, not animal protein (which is, again, just recycled plant protein, in other words, inferior. Animals don’t produce their own protein).
Dairy is so disgusting, looking back I still can’t believe I drank it decades into my life. It’s mothers milk from a different species, full of essential nutrients to grow a 60 pound calf into a 500 pound cow. I wouldn’t drink mothers milk from a human woman, the notion alone would bring out disgust in most peoples facial expressions, but at least it would be my own damn species. Instead, we happily gobble up breast milk from a different species as if it was the most normal thing? Eww!
I’ve talked about the nutritional aspects of the vegan diet in this comment section without even touching upon the insanely damaging effects the meat industry has on the planet. The meat and dairy industries produce more pollution than all cars, bikes, planes, ships and boats combined… COMBINED! Environmentalists who eat meat can’t be taken seriously.
In terms of resources, if we actually ate the plants we grow just to feed the 170 billion animals we slaughter every year, we would produce enough food to feed 24 billion people with the agricultural areas we use up right now. With a ton of more freed up space currently occupied by the animals.
Serg, I feel for you, feeling disgust at so many good, nutrient-rich foods.
And oiu are right concerning the terrible env. effects of factory farming of different sorts.
But understanding env. downsides does not lead to changes in theh basic metabolism and nutritional requirements of H. sapiens.
Homo sapiens is an omnivore. Can eat just about anything. Like a pig.
Which may be why (I have heard) South Pacific islanders call human beings “long pig.”
But needs certain basics. One of which is animal fat and another of which is vitamin D.
Just one e.g., regarding animal fat: the beta caroteen in a carrot requires animal fat to be converted into vitamin A in the body. So eat your carrots with butter.
You’re wrong, humans are not omnivores, real omnivores have different physical features humans do not have. Animal products are not nutrient rich, they are calorie-dense, everything you can get from eating dead animal parts you can get in abundance from the plant kingdom, and more often than not, in better quality. For example protein, plant protein is in fact the only complete protein, unlike the long outdated and debunked myth that plant protein is incomplete. The source of which was an article in Vogue magazine from the 70’s. Animals do not make protein, if you can prove they do, there is a Nobel prize on your horizon, it’s recycled plant protein. Another one is iron, you get heme-iron from animal products and non-heme-iron from plants. The difference between the two is that one is a harmful substance to humans, the other isn’t.
Companies used to advertise bone health on milk cartons, they don’t any more, because the calcium you get from milk is harmful to bones, and calcium from plants is healthy.
If you believe eating dead animals is healthy, you are the one misinformed. I have gone through this, I used to be a meat eater for most of my life, I used to look down upon vegetarians as pansies, vegans I thought were completely nuts, now I am one and my only regret is ever wasting my time eating dead animal parts. It’s disgusting and please, save your pity for yourself for you are eating yourself into an earlier grave while damaging the environment and paying more for the privilege, not just at the counter because meat is more expensive than plants, despite being subsidised to the tune of billions with your taxes. You are then paying for medicine and medical procedures to counteract the effects of your terrible eating habits.
From my perspective, conversations like this are akin to politics in the US, I am telling you Russiagate is a witch hunt and you are saying I am a moron because there is a “mountain of evidence.”
Please shut this conversation down. Its off-topic and getting personal. Any further will go to trash. Mod.
I’m supportive of plant-based diets and lived vegetarian for 15 years. Respect the soy, sir!! Plants promote different aspects of health with the petrochemicals they contain. Soy contains estrogenic properties which shouldn’t be shrugged off or taken so lightly.
The oestrogen content in soy is actually beneficial to both men and women. Plant oestrogen saturates oestrogen receptors in the liver so that damaging oestrogen is actually unable to bind and go into the system. If you consume too much soy, then it becomes a real problem, but unless you are gobbling up 25 kilograms, that’s over 50 pounds of soy a day, it’s not a real problem. animal oestrogen is also damaging to women, it’s said to promote breast cancer while soy is actually counteracting it.
People hear oestrogen content in soy and jump to their usual shallow and idiotic conclusions… “Omg soy has oestrogen! You’ll become a soy-boy from eating soy!”
I think you are confusing lignans (phytoestrogens from flaxseeds which indeed are weak estrogen agonists and a health food) with the phytoestrogens in soy.
Soy is only consumed in a fermented form by the traditional asiatic cultures (miso, tempeh, natto, soya sauce) . The tiny sprinkling of tofu in miso soup is as much raw unfermented soy they allow themselves to have..
Stay away from unfermented soy (which includes soy milk!)
Serbian Girl:
U R right.
Bear in mind also that a lot of milk is consumed in traditional societies in the form of some kind of curd (cheese) or soured milk such as youghurt, kefir, etc.
Also must add, that since most soya is geneticly modified, a gene tweek here or there may indeed be producing soy-boys caught up in a social engineering agenda. And that apple and potato that never rot……….hmmm plant based diet, eh? Not! Grandda didn’t fight two wars and live to 96 on plants…………he ate a balanced diet. With ‘balance’ (perhaps, ‘moderation’) being the operative word.
Granddad didn’t breathe in exhausts from billions of cars, planes, bikes, ships etc. Granddad wasn’t surrounded by dozens of signals, think of how many signals your own phone sends and receives, bluetooth, wifi, 2G, 3G, 4G, LTE, 5G soon, UMTS, GSM and so forth, the amount of wifi signals I can detect with my devices in my house today represent a 3000% increase from 10 years ago.
Granddad also didn’t get most of his food packaged in plastic, also not treated with chemicals or pumped full of hormones. He also didn’t get GMO food and probably drank water directly from a well.
The point is, our bodies can’t handle this assault of negative influence from our “modern” environment and we have to compensate by reducing as much of it as possible to be able to still live to 96 these days, like changing our diet to the healthiest possible, a plant based whole food diet. My neighbour dropped dead 2 months ago, 52 years old, heart attack. A family member of a friend had a mild heart attack as well, he is 27 years old… my biology teacher 15 years ago said it’s impossible for someone under 35 to get a heart attack, times have changed. My mothers colleague had his veins on his legs cut open because they were full of cholesterol, his wife had a stroke which paralysed half her body. That is not normal, that is the result of a lot of negative influence from the poisonous environment we created and called it “modern.” Our bad diet just makes it exponentially worse.
Also, in the US most plants are GMO, to single out soy is unfair and dishonest. A silver lining for soy though, is that most of the soy that is grown world wide, somewhere between 90-95% (which is also roughly the same percentage for GMO soy vs. 5-10% organic), is not being used to make tofu and soy milk for the tiny amount of us vegans to eat, but is used to feed farm animals. So the meat people eat was grown using GMO soy, the animal is also injected will all sorts of hormones and anti-biotics to keep it alive in horrendous conditions. Doesn’t sound like a good deal to me. I’d rather just take my chances with a plant than all that garbage.
If you grow that plant yourself you have food safety (animals also)……….you control the inputs. If you eat plant based foods grown by ‘others’ you are at their mercy, for their truth, which may differ from one’s own. Never said don’t eat plants, was just pointing out our human survival over millions of years did not include a ‘plant’ based diet, and we are still here, but alas, like all great things, we too, one day, shall pass. Planetary evolution is what it is, with or without humans. The main point I made, as I tell anyone seeking enlightment…………is, ‘moderation’ with everything is the key, except ‘love’, which is an unconditional all in thing
_ ” meat people eat ” …
Most important content of difference meat versus no_meat
is type and content of energies found in meat versus fruits and vegetables.
Point is type of energies , frequencies , in meat , and milk…
Those ” animal ” frequencies entered in man
through food, meat, have animal content.
Animal signature.
Animal stamp.
And having animal frequencies of energies inside its , human body ,
holds ,
prevents man from stepping up further and above in spiritual development.
No spiritual growth is possible with animal energies within man’s body.
Man can not grow if he is as animal , with animal frequencies.
There is no spiritual animal. As there is no spiritual man , stil animal.
That is the point.
That is why real monks do not use meat and dairy as their food.
I agree with you comment, but you must accept the fact that soy is said to have destructive effects on men and women alike.
“A vast majority of health problems we in the West have today, would drop to insignificant levels if we stopped eating meat and dairy. ”
There simply is no evidence for this.
On the contrary, there is evidence that nutrient-rich foods lead to improved health. These include grass-fed beef and real raw milk (on which I , thankfully, was raised).
Vegans are not well known for robust health. After a period of improved health from discontinueing ingesting fast foods loaded with sugars, etc., they tend to languish into chronic health problems stemming from various deficiencies.
There is evidence that unfermented soy products contain or produce chemicals that are estrogen mimics.
See https://www.westonaprice.org/soy-alert/
Cut down on grains, eat reasonable amounts f high-quality meat and dairy, avoid trans fats (eat butter!!), eat lots of vegetables, never use the word “veggies” (unless you are under the age of 8), and you will be fine.
The Saker wrote: “True, western military commanders are not all like Conchita Wurst (yet!), but they already look like the typical kind of office-plankton which produces petty administrators like Philip Breedlove or yes-man like David Petraeus.”
The Cardinal of Vienna has joined in the fun. Conchita Wurst speaks during a special mass. The Roman Catholic church is finished. Too bad most Roman Catholics worldwide are too apathetic to care.
Cardinal Schonborn hosts disturbing gay-themed service in Cathedral:
I am blow away by this.
I mean, I was never a fan of the Latin heresy, but that even beats my own laundry list with this group.
Wow, just wow.
I did a quick search and seems like Mr Schonborn is still a cardinal in good standing.
Again, wow.
I am speechless…
Thanks for that info, I will pass it around.
The Saker
The topic of military leaders is a topic that fascinates me.
During the opening months of many wars, what history shows is that much of the military leadership is found to be incompetent and replaced. This is certainly true of English history and American history.
A couple of examples:
— In WW2, it took the Brits several years to find Gen. Montgomery, who was not exactly brilliant, but merely competent. Montgomery’s success could be summarized as not throwing away men and tanks on stupid attacks before a force is ready, but to instead wait for massive advantages to accumulate before attacking. The only reason this seems brilliant is because the contrast was a bunch of generals who attacked before they had an advantage. Plus Montgomery had the advantage that the winners write the history.
— In the American War of Northern Aggression, the Yankees had an awful time finding competent commanders from their peacetime army. Of the two that they eventually found who were successful, one had quit the army in frustration in peacetime (Sherman) and the other was known as a drunk (Grant). Again, neither was exactly brilliant, but seemed so in contrast to the mass of incompetence that otherwise made up the peacetime officer corps. Sherman made his success based on crimes against humanity such as the burning of Atlanta and his terror tactics on his March to the Sea. Grant made his success by being a large scale butcher of his own troops who had at least figured out that he had more men and material available than Lee.
What is striking in these current times is that the American military still seems to be in peacetime mode in terms of its poor selection of commanders even after some 17 years of Endless Terror Wars. It still seems to be peacetime political processes that determine promotion and selection for key commands, and actual military ability does not appear to count for much. The normal process is that wartime makes actual military ability at least count for something, but that does not seem to be happening in America today.
As another thought, if I remember correctly, the Russian general who defeated Napoleon was so fat that he had trouble sitting on a horse. So I’m not so sure that macho, he-man, warrior-ness has a lot to do with being a successful commander.
“So I’m not so sure that macho, he-man, warrior-ness has a lot to do with being a successful commander.”
Alexander the Great was acknowledged to be an exceptional commander.
And I think there is general consensus among historians today that he was a homosexual or bisexual.
Come to think of it, love of one’s brothers in arms could surely be a major motivator for extreme bravery and self-sacrifice.
I am unaware of evidence that Alexander preferred to surround himself with sissies, but am not an expert in this area.
(I am sick of that word “gay” and have decided to boycott it. Perfectly good word, ruined.).
The Organic movement began in the UK when some farmers objected to adding oestrogens to the diet of dairy cows. The purpose of this was to bring the cows into menses/oestrus at 18 months rather than 30 thus cutting out a year of useless eating. Girls who grew up drinking this milk typically came into menses 6 years before their mothers, this was glossed by saying it was due to a better diet. Boys who grew up drinking this milk had smaller equipment than their fathers, this got so pronounced that once the volume, before inflation, was halved they recalibrated the figures using some point in the 60’s as the baseline. Girls continue to come in to menses earlier and earlier some boys swamped by oestrogens in the womb emerge with ambiguous kit others merely have parts of their brains wired for the wrong gender again oestrogen overload. I guess it’s the same everywhere.[that adds oestrogens to their food]
The “soy boy” is just one type of pathetic masculinity in the Anglophone Imperium in general.
There is another type, just as pathetic–the fake tough guy–who is merely the flip side of the coin to the soy boy.
These types of Anglos like to beat their chests in a show of (fake) masculine bravado.
But beneath this pathetic baboon-like chest pounding beats the heart of an insecure little b*tch.
See Mike Pence’s pathetic attempts to stare down Vladimir Putin at the ASEAN summit or Australian ruler Tony Abbott vows about “shirt-fronting” Vladimir Putin at a G20 Summit over the MH17 (false flag) attack.
It seems that Anglo Americans in general have a thinly disguised inferiority complex with respect to the Putin, who given his judo and KGB training, would likely make them cry for their mommas. And, deep down, the Anglos damn well know it too.
Hence, they try to utilize international summits in order to “signal” their toughness.
Indeed, I suspect that the Anglo Americans’ obsession with Putin is in part driven by deep-seated psychological feelings of inadequacy and also envy with respect to Russia (as symbolized by Putin), which they manifest in their unending Two Minutes of Hate campaigns.
Sigmund Freud once coined the concept of Penis Envy.
The Anglo Americans are suffering from a pathological case of Putin Envy!
‘Iron’ Mike Pence Tries to Stare Down Putin at ASEAN Summit
Tony Abbott vows to ‘shirtfront’ Vladimir Putin over MH17 tragedy
Jordan Peterson makes an interesting point in his book 12 Rules for Life. He said the rise of right wing populist movements around the western world are in part a reaction to the feminization of men.