By Jimmie Moglia for The Saker Blog
A man’s life’s no more than to say ‘one’ – Hamlet tells his friend Horatio. And Voltaire has a character from one of his novels declare, “… We in a manner begin to die the very moment we are born: our existence is no more than a point, our duration an instant, and our globe an atom… I consider myself as a single drop in an immense ocean.”
On the other hand, whatever we see, new or old, flourishing or declining, either directly or by a very short deduction, leads man to the consideration of his own end. Accordingly, we find that the fear of death has always been considered as the great enemy of human quiet, the polluter of the feast of happiness, and the embitterer of the cup of joy.
All this the world well knows. Fear of death is inevitably linked to desiring the continuation of life. Apart from the disputes among statisticians, the current pandemic has a relatively low mortality rate, heavily slanted towards the elderly. But the engine of fear, fortified and fed by the oxygen of publicity, has more or less driven the world (or large parts of it) to an economic halt – simultaneously producing the weaponization of health care and an unprecedented upheaval of social life, comparable to the effects of a war.
Consequently, what a punctiliously censored minority still considers but a strain of influenza has become a catastrophe, a tragedy, a cataclysmic, apocalyptic, monumental calamity.
In the whole thing there are events so paradoxical as to appear lugubriously comical. Such as, for example, New York State governor’s Mario Cuomo decision of ferrying Covid infected patients to retirement homes. Whose residents, weakened by age, health conditions and a reduced immune system would be inevitably more prone to infection.
Or the mass pilgrimage of vaccine enthusiasts in the Emilia region in Italy, to the nearby independent Republic of San Marino to get a shot of the Russian Sputnik V – given that the news and noise about the killing properties of European and/or American vaccines could no longer be easily squashed.
In fact, as of Mar 12, 21 the combined deaths linked to the administration of Pfizer and Astra Zeneca vaccines (data actually published by the manufacturers) exceeded 500 with 70,000 plus reported cases of severe and/or debilitating reactions.
Furthermore, who would have thought that, through a driven, clever, peculiar and extraordinary sequence of events, an inevitable combination of instinct of self-preservation, desire, weakness and assuefaction to unchallenged ideas propounded by authorities, would become the instrument and the engine for establishing a new world order – what everyone now glibly calls ‘The Great Reset.’
One year ago that notion would brand its holder as a conspiracy theorist. One of many who pry into the world of conjectures, and amuse themselves with phantoms in the clouds.
Yet, that the rulers of the world should find in medicine the ideal tool for the great reset should not surprise. What is surprising is the spectacular, seamless and almost worldwide coordination of the operation.
With the meager power of hindsight it seems logical that corporate medicine is the optimal engine because – notably in the West – medicine has substituted religion as a root ideology, exchanging the transcendent for a temporary immortality while ignoring the paradox and contradiction in terms – for temporary immortality is no immortality at all.
It is then also congruent that medicine is the perfect vehicle for establishing a new mode of government, a new therapeutic order. For promised salvation, as a remedy to the fear of death, can tame, restrain and constrain in the mind of man the wild democracy of his passions.
Furthermore, the therapeutic order blends equally well with the palpable drifting of Western politics towards a kind of communistic capitalism, which, setting aside particular ethnic and cultural traits, differs from the capitalistic communism of China in degrees though not in substance.
For while China clamps down on freedom of expression, the corporate media is the Western equivalent of the Chinese voice of the party. And even the New York Times, which traditionally exhibited a shrewd eye for the limits within which dishonesty is the best policy, has long given up any pretense. While social media shuts up and censors dissenting voices, when not directly punishing their utterers.
In this respect and as an aside, not long ago a now deceased European tycoon predicted that the day would come when, to carry out capitalistic right-wing reforms, it would be necessary to rely on the Left. The United Kingdom, Italy and other European countries are examples. In the US capitalism is more strongly associated with war. It was then natural that the Left would win the recent elections, however fraudulently was the operation performed.
Furthermore a sanitary emergency becomes an effective method of government of people and institutions the more the government can hide its real nature behind a therapeutic ideology.
But conveying to a ‘believer’ an alternative to his beliefs is more readily bound to failure than success. For one, the current medical narrative overwhelms any alternative. Therefore many, actually most, when meeting with different ideas, antithetical to those they hold and the world upholds, react with repressed irritation. For suddenly an important foundation of their inner world, on which their perceptions are based, is questioned.
Yet, even a cursory knowledge of the history of medicine could possibly crack the irrefragable resistance to entertaining any reservations about the dynamics of the current pandemics and their political-sociological-cultural implications.
Before continuing I should make it clear that I have the greatest respect for medicine – especially for those latter-day Michelangelos who essentially recover the life and reconstruct the body of humans involved in traumas and accidents.
Therefore, relating the following history of how the word ‘charlatan’ was born through an oblique association between medicine with charlatanry smacks of ignorance and arrogance, two semantic relatives often found together. Perish the thought! The intent here is to recall the chronicles of distant events, too secondary to attract the attention of most. And, as we will see, just as the devil is in the detail, the limits are in the lexicon.
‘Charlatan’ is a compound word of medieval Florentine language origin. One is ‘ciarla’ or ‘ciarlare’. Benedetto Varchi, a linguistic historian whose work was published in 1570, says that, “The word ‘ciarla’ and the verb ‘ciarlare’ are applied to those who speak only because they have a tongue, while having nothing else to do but talking. And because they cannot do anything else, what they say is nonsense, as they don’t know what they are talking about.”
The other contributing word is ‘Cerreto’, the name of a medieval fortified town close to Spoleto, in the Italian region of Umbria. ‘Ciarlatano’ then derives from the lexical admixture of ‘ciarla’=nonsense and ‘Cerretano’=an inhabitant of Cerreto.
For it came to pass that in the 14th century the citizens of Cerreto were granted the right of fund-raising for the benefit of certain hospitals of the “Order of St. Antony.” This is documented in the Statutes of Cerreto for the year 1380.
What became very urgent was the need to re-build and re-organize the hospitals and the “system of charity” (read ‘free health-care for the poor’), which had been disrupted and almost destroyed by the plague epidemic of 1348-49, and by subsequent recurrences. A plague that, allegedly, killed about one third of all Europeans.
The system of fund-raising was managed and administered by sundry official concessions, and related concessionaries. It was a meritorious and lucrative activity, for contributing to the funds were not only the offerings by the poor but the elargitions of the rich.
The plague of 1348, induced perhaps the first Great Reset, which also affected the ethics of mercy. The wealthy could reduce the time and intensity of their after-life sufferings, caused by sins committed in the nether-world while building their fortunes. The discount was proportional to the size of the elargition.
The collectors from Cerreto were essentially social workers and mediators between the rich who survived the plague and the infirm poor who crowded the ‘hospitalia’ of the lower Middle Ages. Numerous Cerretans, however, took a cut out of the offerings, or set themselves up independently in business. Masuccio Guardati, called the “Salernitan,” in chapter 18 of his ‘Novellino’ reports as follows: “… the Cerretans, as pseudo-friars of St. Antony, roam around Italy, asking for money in exchange for promises (made to or by St. Antony). Under this disguise, they pretend to be the mediators of miracles.”
And in the “Confessional of St. Antony and Mirror of Conscience” (Florence, 1477) reference is made to the “Cerretani, of whom it is better said that they go around more stealing than collecting offerings.”
The degeneration, due to widespread trickery and treachery, accompanied by petulance and imposture, prompted the bishop of Spoleto, on the recommendation of Pope Innocent III, to invite the Franciscan preacher Bernardino da Feltre to visit and deliver sermons of reproach and redemption to the locals. Bernardino was famous for his tirades against any form of license and greed – a kind of Billy Graham ‘ante litteram.’
Bernardino da Feltre (1439-1484) was made a saint shortly after his death, an impossibility today because he was also a virulent anti-Semite. (See my article )
Not everyone was pleased. There were ideological efforts to justify the wickedness of the Cerretans by dating back their origins to Paganism. In other words, they were disguised pre-Christians priests of the ancient goddess ‘Cerere’ (hence ‘cerretani’), further corrupted as time went on.
They came originally from the Orient, in partibus infidelium (land of the faithless). And the term ‘cerretano’ was reconducted to the Byzantine-Greek word ‘keratas’, meaning ‘scoundrel’. But the humanists of the time did not buy this notion. Lexicographer Ambrogio da Calepio (1440-1510), in his dictionary of 1502, for the entry ‘Cerretani’ writes, “Those who take all the world for a ride, with a bit of wine and ugly superstition….they hail from the castle of Cerreto.”
The notoriety of the Cerretans-charlatans even reached Machiavelli, who in his 1512 satirical poem ‘L’asino d’oro’ (The Golden Ass) says,
“Lately a certain Cerretan.
Of whom many are seen around,
Promised that he would heal his father”…
And geographer Leandro Alberti (1479-1522), in the pages dedicated to the Duke of Spoleto, from his book, “Description of the Whole of Italy” writes,
“There is found, among high and rocky mountains, Cerreto, a castle of recent naming and full of people. From there the Cerretans derive their name. They roam throughout the whole of Italy, pretending to sanctity through various means and with diverse colors, to obtain cash. And therefore from them it is derived the term, which – when someone importunely and shamelessly asks for something for free and colors his words with new ways and fictions in order to obtain it – it is said of him that he is a Cerretano.”
But it took about a century for the word ‘cerretano’ to migrate into multiple European languages as the word ‘charlatan.’ The meaning remained though its history is forgotten.
Perhaps expectedly, the Cerretans, having experienced success from promising discounts in the sufferings of the Afterlife, turned themselves into a kind of faith healers of the infirmities of the nether world.
Which is why, when, where and how the reproachful and irreverent association came about.
For the gulf between medicine and charlatanry has widened through the centuries, but a sense of a presence, a lingering, a difficultly-measured in-between grey area has never completely disappeared.
As recently as 1998 the medical doctor and poet Alessandro Bajini wrote that “… man is often disappointed by medicine, which is much ‘earth-earth’, and by faith, which is much ‘sky-sky’.” Meaning that patients were dissatisfied by both allopatic (if-you-don’t-feel-well-here-is-a-medicine-from-Big Pharma) and esoteric medicine (in the style of Indian gurus, faith healers and similar).
In the XIX century, the respected doctor Peter Lahan wrote that, “The practice of medicine is besieged on one side by charlatanry and on the other by science.” And in the report covering an international medical congress held in 1985 we read that “…in the Western industrialized world, medicine is claimed to be a homogeneous, well defined, contradiction-free resource field, and a solid common good for society, but actually it is a profoundly contradictory and problematic resource…. for the deepening of the diagnostic gaze and the strengthening of therapeutic means have changed the cultural background on which concepts, values and symbols concerned with human health and its opposites: disease, precarious aging and premature death, are based.
The doctor, from a direct contact with the patient and his environment, has gradually developed an increasingly mediated relationship: a technological mediation often exasperating and destabilizing. This changed relationship tends to close the spaces that belong to the patient as a person… The technological boom in contemporary medicine and the uncontainable increase in healthcare expenditure risk being paid for by a decrease in profit, economically, and by a growing dissatisfaction of the health-care providers and especially of the health-care provided in terms of well-being.
The dissatisfaction of patients, regarding their own well-being, due to a techno-medicine often more efficient than effective, is the fertile ground that has yielded a renewed breed of healers, exorcists, sorcerers and wizards.”
This was said in a Medical Congress in 1985. 35 years later, the needle has further shifted towards technology and mechanization.
How do you know? – you may ask. Or rather, on what authority can you say so other than having read it? In answer, authority I have none, but during the last five years I have held a part time job as a certified medical interpreter for Spanish speaking patients. I participated in about 2,000 sessions, during which I saw and/or learned about different pathologies, illnesses, conditions and treatments.
As many or most will probably agree, social phenomena do not occur in isolation. In the instance, the technicalization of medicine has evolved with the simultaneous mechanization of patients – meaning here that all patients had/have a car. And the analogy between the car and the body is too tempting to be overlooked. The body is made of parts and so is the car. The remedy for a defective car is the garage, for a defective body is the clinic.
A doctor actually suggested the analogy. During an intervention to remove a small cist in the throat of a patient, his heart stopped for one minute. The patient recovered but in the aftermath of the surgery the doctor came to speak with the waiting relatives and told them about the occurrence. At which they were reasonably upset and complained for not having been told immediately- a practically unwise if not impossible request. Nevertheless, in order to sooth the worried relatives the doctor said, “…. This is why we do not make these interventions in a garage.”
Nor it ends here. The car may just be fine, but every so many miles, it is driven to a garage for routine maintenance. In the sociological analogy, the body is brought to the clinic for a routine medical check-up. Far from me to question the practice – I only report it. Even hearing from a doctor that you are in perfect health may have positive psychological benefits.
That the body-mind system is infinitely more complex than a car-parts assembly none will question. And even discounting the impropriety of the analogy, only the body-mind system can tell us how we feel. Its never-resting, dynamic operation is called metabolism. And metabolism, conceptually and practically, is very different from medicine. Or rather, individual care of metabolism comes before medicine, and medicine is the second or last resort.
Perhaps for this reason, either Hippocrates or a contemporary said that after the age of 30 a man ought to be the physician of himself.
More than 1000 years later, in the 10th century, the Salerno Medical School had this Latin inscription at the head of one of its books, “Si tibi deficiant medici, medici tibi fiant haec tria: mens laeta, requies, moderata diaeta” (If you lack doctors, let these three things be your doctors: a serene mind, rest and a moderate diet.”
Nor is the clinic-garage analogy the first instance of puzzling associations. New discoveries have inspired different ages to create new models to define physiological analysis, medical practice and, in the end, medical truths.
Take the alembic for example. Its use was known since the High Middle Ages, but it had remained for long a mysterious and cabalistic device, used by alchemists and sorcerers. However, it acquired widespread use and notoriety in the XVI century, as the engine of distillation.
From the alembic medicine drew the model for the direction of fluids in the body and their purification. Subtle gaseous humors ascend from the lower to the upper body, cleansing its components of pollutants in a process of filtering and decanting.
Gerard Dorn, a French alchemist (1530-1584), and a follower of Paracelsus’ medical theories, represents man actually inside an alembic while alongside, at different ascending levels, are represented a burner, a boiler, a condenser and a spout.
To obtain a positive medical outcome, a satisfactory distillation occurs only if the direction of the gaseous humors is facilitated by the position of the body. Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592), in his famous ‘Essays,’ subscribes to this model describing the type of heat that is generated in the feet, to be transformed into vapors “that grow and exhale.”
Francois de Bassompierre, in his memoirs, gives proof of the theory by the way he used to recognize the cadavers of Turkish soldiers, killed during the siege of Vienna in 1529. Their key characteristic – he wrote – was their rotten teeth, caused by wearing a turban, a headwear that impaires the distillation and therefore the ascension of the cleansed vapors and the complete purification of the body.
The theory of the distillation of humors gradually shifted towards a theory of ‘invisible emanations.’ Writes Pierre Bailly, in his “Questions nouvelles et curieuses” – (New and curious questions, 1628), “If fresh laundry has the power of cleansing and attract impurities, then as much, as long and as often we wear fresh laundry, the more quickly we will be purified.”
Mademoiselle de Montpensier, found herself in Paris at the time of the famous “Frondes” (a rebellion by the nobility against the King) in 1649. She had to escape quickly and take refuge in the Castle of Saint Germain. Another carriage, adventurously carrying her accoutrements and general wardrobe, only reached her 10 days later. In her Memoirs she writes that, during those 10 days and being short of clothes, “I was compelled to wash my nightgown by day and my daygown by night.”
And in a subsequent further evolution, the ‘invisible emanations’ turned into ‘impalpable humidities.’ Which increased the intermediate stages between health and illness, as most of the symptoms remained hidden (today we would call this patient an asymptomatic carrier). This state of affairs created medical management problems. In her memoirs, Madame de Maintenon (1683-1715, mistress of King Louis XIV, the “roi-soleil”), writes, “According to the doctor I am very well, but according to me I feel horrible.”
In the context of medical visits, it is worth mentioning that the popular ‘medical check-up’ was an American invention. In an amusing and somewhat irreverent book written by a European doctor, he recalls having heard of the ‘check-up’ in the 1950s, from some sailors who plied the American route.
They told him that, with the check-up, the patient was able to know his state of health and what could or would happen to him in the future. The patient’s economic conditions had an influence. And often it happened that the poorer patient was found healthier, while the wealthier had to undergo sundry additional tests and treatments to prevent future likely infirmities.
There have been voices against the excesses of medical pseudo-authority and pharmaceutical miracle-marketing. Seminal, in this respect, were the books by Ivan Illich, “Limits to Medicine”, “Medical Nemesis, The Expropriation of Health,” and “The Rise and Fall of Modern Medicine”, written by a medical and impeccable source.
Even so, what is the link between the evolution of medicine and the new therapeutic order, that seemingly and seamlessly blends with the neo liberal, globalist ideology?
The link, I think, is straight-forward without resorting to conspiracy theories. The decline of religion and religious feelings in the West has been widely documented. But the sense of the Transcendent, of which religion is a conduit, never completely dies out in humans. When religion fails, a vacuum remains. Techno-medicine seems the nearest alternative – in time, moment and properties – to fill the vacuum and give the Transcendent a substitute habitation and a name.
To conclude, the implied purpose of medicine is to extend life indefinitely, which, lexically speaking, is a definition of immortality. The paradox cannot be denied. For, as of now, all that lives still must die, passing through nature to eternity.
Therefore, from the social and semantic point of view, medicine stands on the very narrow ledge and lexical limit that divides immortality from the indefinitely extension of life.
Historically, massive disasters and bloodbaths can be (also) traced back to doubtful lexical interpretations – for example, the interpretation of ‘Freedom,’ ‘Equality,’ even ‘Fraternity.’ The ‘Rights of Man’ led to thousands losing their head during the Terror. Communism caused countless victims, in the name of mythical equality. Capitalism, along with its agent, the invisible hand of the market, brought massive misery and poverty to millions. Imperialism led to WW1, WW2, Hiroshima and maybe WW3. Exceptionalism has caused America to be among the most hated countries outside her borders. And now therapeutic capitalism attempts to deprive humans of basic, common, long acknowledged individual liberties.
For what is worth, I think that a great improvement would occur if most, but especially the so-called authorities, were not spending much of their energy into upholding their own importance. To quote Spanish writer Carlos Castaneda, ”If we were capable of losing some of that importance, two extraordinary things would happen. For one, we would free our energy from trying to maintain the illusory idea of our grandeur; and two, we would provide ourselves with enough energy to catch a glimpse of the actual grandeur of the universe.”
The problem is, as I see it, the West has run out of opportunity for different thinkers.
If you don’t subscribe to the current orthodoxy then there is no room for you, no platform to challenge the status quo, and now there are laws to deal with the different thinker.
Could we be entering the new dark age, we have everything we want or need except meaning, collective goals etc, the West has become soulless.
We are ruled by a new priesthood looking for the spectre of opposition in every person, they now have electronic warfare as a tool against us, is this fight against these new zealots our final stand against the automaton?
A gvt big enough to give you everything you want, is also strong enough to take everything you have.
This is what happens when you have too many experts and not enough information.
Thank you for your essay Sir
– gavishti
Here’s a new rap about the plandemic –
Where what you see, can never be,
and what you know, just isn’t so.
Where bad is good and wrong is right.
Where truth went down without a fight.
Where you might just say, every day is opposite day.
Can I offer you a mask or an anal swab?
Rape is the law, if its for a good cause.
Oh no, it isn’t mandatory, that would be cruel,
but you have no choice, that’s our only rule.
Before you enter I must tell you about the world’s deadliest disease.
It can take you out with a single sneeze.
It’s a clever bugger too, it can’t take out a violent mob
it only thrives in those with jobs.
But luckily, we have the only cure,
it won’t stop it from spreading but that’s all we know for sure.
So “What does it do?”, you may ask.
No one knows, so please be sure to double mask.
“It’s super safe” the doctor said.
Even if you end up dead,
because the antidote can’t kill you since
it’s the leading cause of coincidence.
Now roll up your sleeve and let’s go,
I’ll take you through the backwards show.
Where doctors kill and science shills
for our lord and saviour, a man named Bill.
To your left you will find our grand display
of courageous men with nothing to say.
They don’t provide, or lead, or slay.
They smile, nod, and let you have your way.
To your right you’ll see our exhibition of empathy.
Where the rich stay home,
and through their phone,
demand that old folks die alone.
Follow along the yellow dotted line,
to our memorial of dissent, our evil shrine.
The thought criminals and sense seekers and those who disrupt,
the ones who tried to turn us right side up.
They did not shrink to double think,
so all of them died from “suicide”.
Thank you very much for visiting THE UPSIDE DOWN!
Now please return to the circus with the rest of the clowns.
Good description of the fix we are in. I think common sense still prevails outside the techno elite bubbles, but the madmen have the bullhorn.
True !
Like the bullhorn of Billy Gates –
The link you put was incorrect. Mod.
This was not the link you placed on your last comment. Thanks for putting the correct link. Mod.
“Could we be entering the new dark age, we have everything we want or need except meaning, collective goals etc, the West has become soulless”
the west has lost its soul, and with that it can create the coronavirus 3.0. Humanity is lost, it does not follow principles.
Lukashenko said Belarus has no friends. Lukashenko is crazy, he has Hitler’s eyes. Bolsonaro also has the same eyes as Hitler.
If humanity does not pay attention, the coronavirus could evolve into something very deadly. The world is not paying attention to Brazil, perhaps because of some prejudice. The truth is that the UN should intervene in Brazil.
The BRICs, Russia and China need to understand the Brazilian complexity. Whoever dominates Brazil will have a lot of strength in geopolitics. Brazil has concrete potential to become a global power like Russia and China. With Lula and Brics, Brazil followed this path.
The long military dictatorship in Brazil prevented the world from knowing the real Brazil. Hollywood propaganda and the military only presented Rio de Janeiro and its carnival to the world. ORFEU NEGRO is not Brazil. There are cities in Brazil that have German or Italian as their official language. In these cities, Portuguese is a second language.
Russia and China are continental, this is not a problem. The problem is the Brazilian elite that is confused, has an identity problem. The real and economical Brazil is São Paulo and the south, which have become heavily industrial.
Brazil is simple: the south-central Anglo-Saxon rules Brazil (just look at the blue eyes of the military dictators generals and Bolsonaro). The problem is that they still think they are Europe and, paradoxically, they are taking too long to accept African Americans as civilizational brothers.
The largest Italian city in the world is São Paulo, with 6 million Italian descendants. The Italians, the Germans came to Brazil and forgot that they no longer live in Europe. They still maintain the same mentality as before the two world wars. Neofascism proves this.
For example: BOLSONARO is the synthesis of this reality. Bolsonaro is a descendant of Germans and Italians. Bolsonaro’s great-grandfather was a Hitler soldier and lost an arm, according to his television interview.
Anglo-Saxon European south-central Brazil needs to understand that it is no longer European, that it needs to form a new civilization, a civilization like the European, but with the inclusion of African descendants. This integration needs to happen and only Brazilian Europeans will succeed.
On the day that this happens, Brazil will be among the 5 potentials on the planet.
However, the global powers do not want this to happen, just as they do not want Russia and China to prosper.
The world does not give much importance to Lula da Silva’s candidacy. However, this can make all the difference in global geopolitics. Isoo can save the world in this pandemic. Even if they allow Lula da Silva to return, however, the CIA and the powerful will hinder and sabotage the government. The Brics will have to make a difference.
Brazil is the only country in the world that has the Bolshoi school. Putin knows the importance of Brazil. Lula can be the lifeline, for the pandemic to continue for many years, and for Brazil not to create a super virus.
OK, Jimmie. I give up. You are a intelligent, cultured man…so, what is the catch? We know that Carlos Castaneda was not spanish. He was a american citizen born in Peru. Ready, shoot.
Natural measures for long term health and modern intervention for short term emergency and trauma, would create a much cheaper and more effective system of maximizing everyones health. All sides have their charlatans and rent seekers, however since the Rockefeller takeover of medicine it has been purely about creative addiction to increased profit. Vaccines mandated by and charged to government are the holy grail of endless cashflow. That they also serve a totalitarian political objective no doubt has hastened this ongoing process.
We are free to think as we choose, however the amount of people clamoring to get their hands on a vaccine is astounding, covid if one truly investigates is a bit of a nasty flu and nothing else, the fear propaganda drive of the medias would have made Goebbels blush. People are now demanding a vaccine for a minor virus without having any idea of the long term effects. Truly as Jimmy wrote the fear of death is in play, one well manipulated by our overlords.
It also seems that taking vaccines during a pandemic is not their intended use, they are to protect against a future virus after the body has been activated against it, not while the virus is still in pandemic level circulation, as to do so creates too many cases of partial antibody creation which then allows the virus to mutate around much quicker into a more deadly form. Interesting was that the so-called new “deadly” strains originated where AZ vaccines were being administered.
The vaccines addicts claim they follow the science, that espoused by the experts, however they of course never look at who is funding their experts or that they never hear an opposing view as often better qualified experts have been banned and cancelled.
There are well grounded fears by experts with outstanding credentials that these new tech vaccines will in the end actually destroy our immune systems permanently and they explain how. Does one believe that our for profit science can make a better immune system than our creator, that they are simply readdressing his ignorance at designing our body so poorly? As in all things who would benefit if our natural immune system was ruined and if so what future are we handing our children? Is this unfounded paranoia, perhaps it is, but when the conversation is so obviously manipulated by those we mistrust on so many other issues it seems a little prudent to be skeptical.
They are going to weaken the body somehow, only time can tell the damage.
Good comment. There are only a couple of small problems. The so-called “virus” has never been isolated/truly identified, so creating a “vaccine” for a theoretical something is a bit difficult. Also, the Pharmafia’s “vaccines” aren’t vaccines at all, but genetic manipulation devices whose effects are totally unknown. Don’t fall into the trap of Pharmafia’s twisted logic or semantics.
Gravel Rash is correct. Although the authorities seem to fallen for their own propaganda. It is amazing to see Fauci worshiped. He contradicts himself frequently and often outright lies. He is an obvious sadist, smiling when he informed US people that Baseball would be shut down. Soon lawyers will be in action and the truth will come out.
“the authorities seem to fallen for their own propaganda.”
Although apparently not conceived by all,”coercion”, “ideology”, “propaganda” are close synonyms.
Consequently “propaganda” is not an ocassional practice/resort of “authorities”, but define/encapsulate “authorities”.
Consequently “coercion”, “ideology” and “propaganda” are constants the assays and forma of which vary.
“Accordingly, we find that the fear of death has always been considered as the great enemy of human quiet, the polluter of the feast of happiness, and the embitterer of the cup of joy. All this the world well knows. Fear of death is inevitably linked to desiring the continuation of life.”
Unfortunately, there is actually not much fear of death,—otherwise, warfare would be an extremely rare phenomenon not common the way it has been throughout history.
Instead, throughout history, humans have shown how fear of death and/or survival instinct are actually equated with “dishonor” and “cowardice” and by this or similar means humans have been embracing death rather than avoiding it.
Quite the contrary my Anonymous, humans do fear death, or in the case of mask wearing, are scared to death of something, even if its just mandates by their gvt.
And old people have always sent their youth off to war to fight their ideological battles, this has gone on basically forever.
No, all too often humans feel it is a grand heroic praiseworthy deed to defy any fear of death and embrace death or at least seriously risk death, for any number of crazy things,—ranging from mountain climbing, to dying and also killing for “some cause”.
If the fear of death and/or survival instinct were that strong, then even young people, especially, would not let themselves be led to slaughter in war.
Fear of death is the most real , yet it is very hidden fear.
It is hidden, because we are forgetful of it .
We are mortals and we have to accept it.
Concept of Survival is transcendental one and is evading mortality of man .
Surviving for how long ?
So it is the transcendence that makes some people overcoming fear of death .
Thanks again for the fresh spiritual air in the stuffy world of today .
Dr. Johnson comes to mind, “…he whose stupidity has armed him against the shafts of ridicule will always act and speak with greater audacity then they whose sensibility represses their ardor, and who dare never let their confidence outgrow their abilities.”
…. and to think we are dealing with a president!!!!
Amazing , tought-provoking, pleasure-to-read essey.
Thank you again Mr. Moglia!