by Peter Koenig for the Saker blog
Imagine! The western monotheistic world worships all these gods – never mind the contradiction in monotheistic – and variations of gods – the Jewish god, the Muslim god, the variety and shades of Christian gods, stretching from the god substitute in Rome, to the reformist gods of Calvins, Luthers, Zwinglis, and of course, the god of the Freemasons – and surely many more – but none of them has the stomach, the courage in fact – to scream murder for what Israel has been doing to the Palestinians for the last 70 years no end. None.
They are all silenced in awe. Let alone the people who follow these gods. They pray to them, they go to their masses and churches – all begging for the good of their souls – not even realizing that long ago – ages ago, centuries ago, they have ceased having souls. Their emptiness is yawning. Yawning – so big, it’s gotten dark – a darkness ready to swallow the world, the western world that is, because only the western world has all these powerful gods.
And all these gods are gods of love. Imagine – a god of love that doesn’t dare telling his or her disciples and followers to stop hating, to stop killing, to love each other. Are they hypocrites, or just don’t have the guts to stand up and scream? – Aren’t they Almighties with endless powers inspired by endless love, by the godly spirit that is supposedly in all of us?
This godly spirit that allegedly besets us all, is killing helpless and unarmed, Palestinians, oppressed and raped for decades, deprived of their human rights, living in abject misery. Palestinians are slaughtered every day – 17 the other day, a real massacre of Palestinians. Where are the gods? They shut up. Do they even realize that they have the power, the godly power, to holler and yell – and shout for Love and Peace? For stopping the killing? Where are the gods that watch over Palestine? – Are they all sitting in armchairs, above the clouds, zipping beer and watching CNN, BBC, CNBC, DW et all… reporting on the love played out on mother earth, by the gods’ disciples.
Haven’t they noticed, these gods, are they too blind from comfort to see that love, their love, is running amok, that their disciples have forgotten what love is – the very love that is supposed to be guiding us all, since we all are part of you gods?
Gods wake up! – Palestine cannot wait. Palestine is being murdered, every day a little bit. And you, gods, say nothing. Your silence is assassination. Your silence – dear gods, disqualifies you from godliness. You don’t want that. You don’t want to lose the power of love and let evil reign. Do you?
If only one of you powerful gods would stand up, rise up and stand above Palestine with a fist full of roses screaming and yelling so loud that Israel would shrink back into the space they were graciously allocated out of love by you gods, that they would respect the lives of others, these Zionist-Israelis and all these AngloZionists and their vassals, that they would respect the voice of love, the voice that rules their gods’ kingdoms.
Just one god must have the courage to stand up with all his might and shout, NO! – But no, there is no such god.
Do we finally resign ourselves to recognize, that there is no god, that they are all fakes, that they are all excuses for us to keep murdering in the name of god, yes in the name of god, because all we ever do by worshipping is promising that we follow the ways of god, gods word, that we will love as god demands – but god never speaks. So, where is he gone?
Where is our protector, the protector also of Palestine, our father in heaven, to whom we pray to give us peace, every day we pray for peace and love? Where is he? Yet, the merciful god, never stands up to defend the rights of the powerless, those that have been deprived of their very right to live a decent live.
Palestine – you are loved in silence, by gods that have no voice, by gods that have no guts, by-god! by gods that have no soul. One asks, do they even exist, these gods of silence? Palestine your heart wrenching suffering is watched day by day by all these gods, and not one takes his power in his hands, heaves it above his head and shows the world that he IS god, because he knows what justice and love means – and he protects you – Palestine.
Palestine, you are on your own. There is no god to protect you, to bring justice to your people, Palestine – there is no god. Period. You live in a godless, loveless world, devoid of justice. Palestine, until we, the fake disciples of fake gods wake up to our soullessness and go searching for the lost spirit, the conscience that went floating away with our souls following greed and lust – until then, Palestine, you are alone. And only YOUR love for each other and YOUR soul which you haven’t lost will salvage you.
Little by little, some men and women of this godless world, will realize that the only god that has power is the god that lives – again – in us, if we allow him the space that he had when we were born. Only then, Palestine, with these men and women, who are willing to awaken to this dire reality, will you find solidarity and voices that dare to shout and to act as they shout – and bring re-birth to Love – the LOVE and PEACE you deserve, dear Palestine.
Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organization around the world in the fields of environment and water. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for Global Research; ICH; RT; Sputnik; PressTV; The 21st Century; TeleSUR; The Vineyard of The Saker Blog; and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance.
Millions of people all over the world scream murder, when they hear about another Israeli atrocity against the Palestinian people, many of them are Muslims and many others are Christians, only very few are atheists.
The Israelis themselves are only to a small percentage religious Jews, some are religious esoterics most are secular often virulent atheists.
I don’t know about you, but I have actually been in Palestine and worked with ISM for a few weeks, trying to do what little I could, having been beaten up by Israeli settlers and shot at with rubber bullets (it was the man standing next to me who was hit and penetrated in the crutch) and with suffocating tear-gas by Israeli soldiers in the process, because of that.
I feel sad and sometimes really angry about what is happening in Palestine.
But I really don’t like it either when my Christian faith is denigrated and we are called people without a soul.
I also think it’s a ‘divide and conquer’ attitude you atheists are feeding into.
Please think about what you are doing, planting more hatred.
Most people in the mainstream media in Europe and America who are defending Israel and refusing to show its criminality are not religious, they are seculars like you.
Thank you Eve Human for you comment.
The movement most active and succesfull against Zionism is religious and is called Hizb Allah (Those who side with God)
Yes, Peter is not religious (at least as far as I know) but by ‘God’ he clearly is not blaming God, he is blaming religions and, specifically, clergy and religious leaders for their shameful silence. And, frankly, I can only agree with him. Besides the Iranian Shia, everyone else is shamefully looking away and pretending not to see, including my own Orthodox Christians.
We, religious people, very much deserve Peter’s harsh words.
The Saker
The Orthodox Church will probably not have time to make a statement as they are too busy selling off holy land in Jerusalem at fire-sale prices
Apparently the (Greek) Orthodox church, one of the biggest landowners in & around Jerusalem, is in financial dire straits and needs the sales proceeds to pay off debt. One wonders: What debts and to whom? (some are property taxes to Israel, and interest payments.. but the rest is a mystery)? So the the Vatican bank has billions and the Orthodox Church can’t balance their budget….Is this what this is about?
Serbian girl, this land gift to the Zionazis accords quite well with Greece’s turn to Israel and against the Palestinian under the scum-bag swine, Tsipras, and his Syriza filth, and also the vicious social sadism inflicted by Syriza on the Greek people it betrayed after the massive NO vote in the referendum over EU imposed austerity.
Totally agree, Mulga. Syriza is a trojan horse. Unfortunately it’s not just them, and not just Greece.
“But I really don’t like it either when my Christian faith is denigrated and we are called people without a soul.”
There was no denigration but there was wonderment – and why not?
Matthew 26:24
“The Son of man goeth as it is written of him: but woe unto that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! it had been good for that man if he had not been born.”
The creator created the man knowing it would have been better not to have done so (for the man).
Many things describe that but not omnibenevolence.
Are you sure that you don’t believe in a liar?
Sorry…Jesus here spoke about Judas, not all the men of the world (Matthew 26:21-23, 25). Judas betrayed for money, the worst of betrayals.
“Judas betrayed for money, the worst of betrayals.”
You don’t need that to get the rough treatment:
Matthew 7:13-14 King James Version (KJV)
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Yes and No, both in a row. There are people who betray for money and there are people who are doing the same as vengeance, hate, or others simply as a wickedness, weakness, fear. Not all peoples are eligible for the strait gate to follow.
“Not all peoples are eligible for the strait gate to follow.”
Since the deity knew it was never to be available for Judas do you imagine any benevolence in his creation.
The fact is : we don’t know the ways of God, we cannot cope that just partially in our way. My personal opinion is that one life is not enough to learn the lesson. It can be said : humans are plotting against each other but the biggest plotter is God himself because He is The Rule itself. We call this Rule, God and if this Universal Rule is there in every living creature and beyond in the entire Universe, then God – the Creator of the Rule and all – is there too, embedded in everything. That’s why it is said that He knows everything because He is in everything, he lives in everything. He is benevolent because he gave free will in accordance with His Plan, to each creature accordingly. The humans have a special status in this plan – probably there are other much more evolved creatures in the Universe – the humans need to achieve a higher state of mind and spirit in this plan. We are talking in fact about Time, but what is Time ? Even the Time has been established for humans, one lifetime is not enough, that is for sure.
“He is benevolent because he gave free will in accordance with His Plan, to each creature accordingly”
Benevolence (Latin portmanteau, bene + volence) means good will or disposition to do good.
Having created Judas only to say it would have been better he had never been born (even before his betrayal) is the opposite of the words definition.
it can be easily proved that god cannot be omniscient, omnipotent and good at the same time.
then, as epicure said, why worship him as such?
“then, as epicure said, why worship him as such?”
or, why worship him at all.
No it cant : Unless you yourself are omniscient, How would you know what good is?
“Unless you yourself are omniscient, How would you know what good is?”
does your assertion include that a Palestinian child, who’s mother has just been shot dead by an IDF member, cannot know how good the love of its lost mother was?
The wickedness, weakness, and fear serve the money. Otherwise the money would find a way to put a stop to it, as it finds ways to put a stop to democracy and freedom.
Many so-called ‘Christians’ are not true followers of Jesus of Nazareth-particularly not in the morally and spiritually depraved West. As the authors shows, this is nowhere more glaring than in the support for the vile racist tyranny of Israel.
Motto: I hope my messages get through and see the light !
@ Anonymous
If you punch someone in the face, whose fault is it ? Yours or God’s ?
Let’s concentrate on this for the moment.
PS. Judas committed suicide later, so God was right to tell him:
” Then Judas, which betrayed him, answered and said, Master, is it I? He said unto him, Thou hast said.”
If you punch someone in the face, whose fault is it ? Yours or God’s ?
Let’s concentrate on this for the moment.
God is all powerful and all knowing. God creates humanity with an inbuilt propensity to affront itself and its creator. God not only knows, before its creation, that all this creation causes affront but knows the vast majority of this creation does not decide to jump for the lifeboat of salvation and, instead, suffers eternal hellfire.
God could have designed the creation with no inbuilt propensity (or ability) to cause affront to itself or its creator:
Revelation 21:4 King James Version (KJV)
4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
but, in all the circumstances, does so anyway.
The fault is God’s and the notion of omnibenevolence is a myth exemplified by Matthew 26:25.
Our answers got in the same time,I see yours now,it took you a long time and unfortunately it is not on the bright side.
” God creates humanity with an inbuilt propensity to affront itself and its creator. ”
This is what we call liberty. What about those who save their souls ? The inbuilt propensity not working for them ?
” God could have designed the creation with no inbuilt propensity (or ability) to cause affront to itself or its creator:”
we are the robots ….tam,tam,tam ta.( the song )
What if the Zionists and all evil persons will think like you ? You gave them the perfect crime justification tool. What ever they do,even genocide,it’s not their fault but God’s. This is nihilism and anarchy…and some people wonder why the war to come, there is nothing lower in the Universe like this.
Oh man !
If devil will say only 3 words : God forgive me! he can change back in an angel of light like before. God promise! So easy someone might say but the devil won’t say it,it’s his pick.
“This is what we call liberty. What about those who save their souls”
Liberty that, for the majority of humanity before its creation, is known to result in eternal damnation is not benevolent.
we are the robots ….tam,tam,tam ta.( the song )
Assuming you get to heaven – presumably there is no more sin. What happened to your “free will”?
“If devil will say only 3 words”
If God is all powerful there is no reason for the devil or evil to exist.
“Oh man ! “
If you think a fleeting moment of liberty is worth the chance of an eternal damnation then you took the words right out of my mouth.
I like you,you are an intelligent person.
“Assuming you get to heaven – presumably there is no more sin. What happened to your “free will”? ”
Still alive,of course. No more sins,no more temptations ( devil is over the cliff ) we can chose between good and very good,between talking to a seraphim or cherubim, etc.
“If God is all powerful there is no reason for the devil or evil to exist.”
You almost killed me with God is all powerful…our saints told us if devil didn’t exist nobody would have saved their souls,not because devil is good,but because of fear of him…God uses him in our benefit.
“If you think a fleeting moment of liberty is worth the chance of an eternal damnation then you took the words right out of my mouth.”
“Enter by the narrow gate;for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and there are many who go in by it ”
This is true,that’s why the Church of God is praying for all who departed and maybe went to hell. For these prayers and because we love them, God is merciful and can take them out of there. Communion of Love over time and places !
How many in Heaven ? I think it’s written in Apocalypse,like the sand granules,endless…I’ll find it tomorrow,it’s 2 AM.
“we can chose between good and very good,between talking to a seraphim or cherubim, etc”
That could have been applied for all eternity, for all, without the momentary blip referred to as life. The Palestinians never needed to be born or, therefore, die at the hand of the IDF.
“…our saints told us if devil didn’t exist nobody would have saved their souls,not because devil is good,but because of fear of him…God uses him in our benefit.”
Why fear the Devil, it is God who judges and punishes. The Devil ends up just as bad as, most of, ourselves – repeating:
Matthew 25:41 KJV
Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels
“How many in Heaven ? …[]… I’ll find it tomorrow”
No need, there are comparatively few. Again, Matthew 7:
“Enter by the narrow gate;for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and there are many who go in by it ”
I missed this part of your comment (as to why there may be so many in Heaven compared to “broad is the way that leads to destruction and there are many who go in by it” ), so will respond as follows:
“This is true,that’s why the Church of God is praying for all who departed and maybe went to hell. For these prayers and because we love them, God is merciful and can take them out of there.”
So, not only does God provide the ability (free will) for the IDF to act with impunity in the here and now (which the deity knows will be used prior to its occurrence) in killing the 17 Palestinians (and injuring countless others) but can then find the benevolence that, so long as the IDF guys have some mates in the Church of God praying for them, after their eventual death, they can actually get away (natter to the seraphim for the rest of eternity) scot-free.
So much for the consequences of personal responsibility associated with the much touted free-will.
I can only hope the Christian God of your faith is not the actual deity from the list provided in a related comment.
Question: If you punch someone in the face, whose fault is it ? Yours or God’s ?
Answer: The fault is God’s …. Anonymous
What this answer means ?
The Origin of Evil According to the Orthodox Christian Church:
Some other answers!
“How many in Heaven ?… I’ll find it tomorrow”
No need, there are comparatively few. Again, Matthew 7: ”
Let’s count only the righteous of The Old Testament:
” Therefore from one man,and him as good as dead, ,were born as many as the stars of the sky in multitude – innumerable as the sand which is by the seashore.” Hebrew 11:12 ( the beginning )
“This is true,that’s why the Church of God is praying for all who departed and maybe went to hell. For these prayers and because we love them, God is merciful and can take them out of there.”
Your answer to this is kind of Skripal’s case…no proof at all, just plain accusations.
I say white,you answer black,I try to give some hope,you find a crime….what if I say black ? just wondering.
Because Truth Really Does Triumph Over Error & Lies
The Synodikon of Orthodoxy
“What this answer means ?:”
From that article:
“By his own will he changed from his natural state into one which was unnatural; he opposed himself to God and fell away from good into evil.”
The only possible realities for a created being are those permitted by an omnipotent God. If God had designed creation without the possibility of a created being occupying the “unnatural” evil state referred to then these circumstances are impossible.
However, God created Lucifer knowing that he would not only rebel but that he would come to occupy this permitted evil state and that, ultimately, he would then cast Lucifer into everlasting fire.
If God was omnibenevolent, already knowing the outcome, he would never have permitted the possibility of this rebellion or evil state to occur.
We know that God does not permit rebellion of evil to occur in those of humanity who come to occupy Heaven in the hereafter, for all of eternity. The only type of free will permitted for this class of being is to (as per your previous description) choose between “good” and “very good”.
God could have applied these rules to Lucifer and humanity but did not even though he knew what chaos and affront would ensue.
A God with stated characteristics of omnipotence, omniscience and omniptotence but with a creation wherein evil exists is a logical contradiction. Epicurus was right.
“Let’s count only the righteous of The Old Testament:”
In light of the seeming contradiction between the count of the stars and Matthew 7:13-14 I will assume, for discussion, that you are correct and that those who are originally condemned to hellfire are not necessarily condemned for all eternity but, rather, can be forgiven by God, not by their own belief in the atonement by the sacrifice of Christ but, rather, by the prayers of those still alive on earth after their own death.
This gives hope to the members of the IDF involved who murdered the 17 Palestinians.
If you feel comfortable, potentially, spending eternity with one of these individuals, that is up to you. I’d rather spend an eternity in hell.
I can not reply to your message below cos you or someone else deactivated ( removed ) the Reply button .Maybe you are not that much Anonymous.
All the best !
Guys,you are funny! I got the message.
No need to post it.
God created only Adam and Eve.
Then Adam knew Eve,his wife and she conceived and bore Cain.Then she bore again,this time his brother,Abel.
And then Cain knew his wife ( I don’t think God pushed him or turn any magic key at his back )and she conceived and bore Enoch….and so on till nowadays.
It is right that God put the soul since the inception, a soul that is in His Image but also some of his parents inheritance. So there is three who ” create ” born a new life. The parents for the body and God for the soul.
I’m not sure this is right but I hope so.
There is a principle in criminal law, Blackstone’s formulation:
” It is better that 10 guilty persons escape that one innocent suffer.”
Let’s mix this with Jesus finding the lost sheep.What kind of lost sheep,one from the future .
Let’s imagine that there are 2 parents who will not save their souls,they give birth to one kid,grows up,get married,no salvation, another kid…few generations,no salvation at all,but then,a miracle, a newborn who later on will save his soul and goes to haven.
My question to you: Is it fare to you that God will let live at least 10 people over few generations,even if by their will and life they won’t save their souls only for Got to reach the lost sheep in time ? …the innocent one ?
Do you know that some people learn from others mistakes or wrong doings ? The wise ones. And they might save their souls too on the perish of others. Everybody can choose life or death, virtues or sins, communion or selfishness, heaven or earth…. nobody to blame but ourselves.
And for an atheist to blame God,is out of my mind.
To blame the people who believe in God but don’t have the life of God in them, could be ok but there is a risk when judging others too much. We might falsley think we are on the good way and the righteous ones.
“My question to you: Is it fare to you that God will let live at least 10 people over few gennerations,even if by their will and life they won’t save their souls only for Got to reach the lost sheep in time ? …the innocent one ?”
Let’s, for discussion, assume a Christian God with the only method of atonement being trust in Christ’s sacrifice in order to wash clean the affront caused, by sin, to the deity.
Let us imagine these 10 people are afflicted by original sin but otherwise have the best of human virtues. They happen live and die with faith in a deity with nature described to them as that of Allah. Let us imagine that God considers their worship of Allah as idolatory and sentences them to eternal damnation.
I am confused, when you say the that God reached out to the innocent one. Do you mean that the deity must do something supernatural to cause this one (up to that point, guilty creature) to become innocent i.e. to come to believe in Christ’s sacrifice?
In any case, either the innocent one was “lucky” in choosing the correct deity/method of redemption or God’s lack of benevolence (in not reaching out to the 10 “guilty”) is further exemplified.
If you consider the 10 as guilty through their best intended faith in the “wrong” deity then God remains guilty as charged
We answer in pairs.Soon i gotta go to bed.Sorry for my previous answer,kind of rough.
God doesn’t send anyone to eternal damnation or at least not like a judge in court. We,through our faith,life and acts fit one place or another. And for somebody who really loves,there is no offense or affront but mercy and hope for change.
In Heaven,we are together with God and Saints and Mother of God,and angels,this is the reality,I don’t know if in Islam people can stay together with God,if not…what can God do ? Likely they wouldn’t stay or recognize Him as God, I don’t know.
My little curiosity: Did you move from Christianity to Islam or it was just an exercise,….
Have a good night and all the best!
“God doesn’t send anyone to eternal damnation or at least not like a judge in court.”
Matthew 25:41 KJV
Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
“what can God do ?”
Since the deity is, allegedly, omnipotent it is without limit of action (but see PS below). Presumably that means it can choose to also be less than omnibenevolent (even if that is self ascribed) or, perhaps, even to be evil (no matter how abhorrent that concept could be to those of faith in an allegedly “omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent being).
“My little curiosity: Did you move from Christianity to Islam or it was just an exercise,….”
While I think a deity, or deities, is/are more likely than less in explaining reality none of this list, or any other list, seems more or less likely to be the real deal
“Have a good night and all the best!”
And to you also.
Omnipotence is an attribute which means unlimited in power – without limitations to action. This attribute is paradoxical and can be shown as impossible through the following argument:
Question: Can an omnipotent entity, X, create a rock that X can not lift?
If yes, then X is not omnipotent; if no, then X is not omnipotent.
Therefore X is not omnipotent.
@”Question: Can an omnipotent entity, X, create a rock that X can not lift?
If yes, then X is not omnipotent; if no, then X is not omnipotent.
Therefore X is not omnipotent.”
I think about the lifting stone problem the best answer I have found is:
“Yes”, of course. But then, you say, he would not be omnipotent as he can not move it. But that’s wrong, he can. Because he is omnipotent. Hence a omnipotent being is able to move that which he is unable to move.
If you want to call this consistent or not is up to you. But remember that my next question to you will be about your concept of consistency (look here below the link about Kurt Godel). It is inconsistent as seen from a logical framework. But it is consistent with the standpoint that an omnipotent being by definition can do anything, including breaking the laws of logic.
God is generally claimed to have created everything, including logic, so he is not susceptible to them, or any form of reason. That also per definition makes God unknowable, unreachable and unscientific. He can not even be discussed in any form of meaningful way with human words, rendering your question and my answer equally meaningless. Hence, why am I wasting my time with you? Well, I don’t know… or perhaps I only know that I don’t know. :-)
Have a look at Godel’s works, if you want to know about incompleteness of axiomatic systems:ödel%27s_incompleteness_theorems
At last, look at this:
“This sentence ends exactly here.”
Where does the sentence end? The word “here”? The point? The last atom of the point?
[For those people interested, on this type of topic search Augustin, Leibniz and Descartes.]
“That also per definition makes God unknowable, unreachable and unscientific. He can not even be discussed in any form of meaningful way with human words, rendering your question and my answer equally meaningless. Hence, why am I wasting my time with you?.”
The reasonable conclusion would then seem to be to cease discussion of God’s character and just say we have no idea whether that deity (if it exists) is good or bad or has any interest in us whatsoever.
If that being has forgotten us there is no way to know but we would probably do better to forget about him rather than continue to chase our tails in discussion.
Now – to the real issue, how do we obliterate the IDF :-)
what God ate, at least you got it, the human reason is his prison.
ioan, you are a gem however, even after all this time, I still have no idea why you have faith in God rather than, say, Prometheus
“Good question Anonymous and wise one…that could be amplified in many directions, from the big-bang to monkey to the ufo’s, where to stop ?”
I’m with you. The author is quick to condemn, but I have protested many times the plight of the Palis as have many of my Orthodox friends. Nor have the clergy I meet been reticent to voice an opinion. Seems he has judged rather quickly to me based on a small sample size…or simply shot from the hip.
The problem isn’t that no one is protesting. The problem is the protesters have no power. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do it, because it is indeed a moral duty. But we need to be realistic: so long as the dollars keep flowing to Israel, they won’t stop their atrocities. I don’t think it’s helpful to point to your favorite punching bag and tell them they aren’t doing enough.
Here in Austfailure NO politician dares to EVER criticise Israeli barbarity in any fashion. To do so would end their careers, stone dead, in a tsunami of filthy denunciations as an ‘antisemite’. With the ‘antisemitism’ racket, the Zionazi elites have created a situation where ANY criticism, of ANY action by ANY Jew, ANYWHERE, is instantly denounced as ‘antisemitism’, a situation that creates a narrative where ALL Jews are incapable of committing any crime, misdemeanour or even mistake, and any who dare argue so are merely bigots.
Moreover, this viciously enforced diktat, being legalised in slave states like France, with the criminalisation of the BDS movement etc, posits the familiar Zionazi position that ALL Jews think and act exactly alike, ie in total accord with the Israeli racist regime, and the Zionazi Diaspora elites. This, in fact, is a true ‘antisemitism’, equating all Jews with the likes of Netanyahoo and his filthy racist regime, although many Jews inside Israel and in the Diaspora reject Zionazi barbarity.
Not only do no politicians dare criticise Zionazi barbarity anywhere in the West these days, or only on the margins, but plenty are prepared to engage in ‘hatred signalling’ to the generous Zionazi political contributors. The denunciations of the Palestinians as ‘terrorists’ always flow freely whenever Israel is slaking its blood-lust by offering up some mitzvot to its psychotic ‘God’, and in this country the Murdoch fakestream cancer is always to the fore in that odious process.
And Israeli barbarity serves another purpose. Talmudic Judaism, and its secular bastard offspring like the Zionazism of the Jabotinsky and Ben-Gurion tendencies, thrives on hatred and hostility. Judaism is most assuredly not a religion of love, not even among Jews themselves. While the hatred and fear of the goyim is millennia old, and seen throughout history, along with the reciprocal hatred of some goyim in return, it is often forgotten just how virulent is Judaic internecine hatred. Orthodox Jews rule the roost in Israel, and do not even accept the Jewishness of the non-Orthodox. The Bene Israel from Ethiopia were, and continue to be, treated vilely by the State, and the Arab, Sephardic or whatever you call them, Jews, from places like Yemen, were abused vilely by the Ashkenazi elites when they were ordered to move to Israel by the likes of Ben-Gurion, after the Nakbah.
An almost comic, but typically vicious, example of this communal hatred is evident in the UK, where the ‘antisemite’ Corbyn, dared to attend a Passover seder, but with the wrong type of Jews!!! A bunch of Jews, in his local area, who have dared tell the truth about the filthy and phony campaign of false accusations of ‘antisemitism’, being used by the Zionazis elites to destroy UK Labour because they no longer control it. Visiting with these ‘wrong’ Jews was yet another ‘insult’ to the ‘mainstream’ Jewish community. With the Zionazis, by definition, a goy can never win.
This might resonate well:
Yes, Anon-it was a fine contribution. Actually it appears as if the Zionazis are engaged in a truly gigantic effort to destroy ALL resistance to Israel’s barbarity, ALL support for the Palestinians, and ALL criticism of the actions of any Jew, no matter how depraved and criminal, throughout the West. Every day brings reports of some new group (eg UK Labour, German NGOs working in Palestine etc) and individuals (eg Corbyn and half of UK Labour etc)beset by a braying Zionazi lynch-mob, working in ACTIVE collaboration with the Western, Zionazi dominated, fakestream media sewer, demanding their destruction, over mostly ENTIRELY fabricated charges of ‘antisemitism’, which, apparently, has replaced aggression and genocide as the ‘Supreme Crime’ in the West.
And everywhere, so far, the mere accusation by the Talmudic lynch-mob is sufficient for INSTANT judgment, conviction and total ostracism and social death. Moreover the victims, UK Labour and Corbyn surely the sorriest example, seem mesmerised, as if by a poisonous viper, in the face of these mob attacks to destroy their lives and life’s work. None dare utter a word in their own defence, or in rebuttal. They all turn tail and flee, or get on their knees to beg forgiveness, and yet, it avails them nought. The mob, tasting blood, just grows ever more belligerent and demanding, insulting and vilifying. The moves to CRIMINALISE ALL criticism of Israel and its utter barbarity move on apace, protections for Free Speech and Freedom of Opinion being eviscerated to please the Zionazis unpleasables. It is truly one of the most amazing spectacles of societies being controlled by a tiny cabal (the Zionazis are but the elite of Jewry, and represent only a small fraction of the whole, many of whom would reject this Evil witch-hunt as either immoral, or self-harming, or both) in history. The only good and honest description of the true nature of this vile episode, in the UK, has, ironically come from that group of Orthodox Jews, ‘Jewdas’, who Corbyn had the temerity to attend a Passover seder meal with. Apparently THESE Jews, who rightly reject the campaign against Corbyn and UK Labour as a witch-hunt, are not the Right sort of Jews, doncha know. Spending time with such Jews is just another insult to the ‘mainstream’ Jewish community, apparently, who are united, to a man, woman and child, in detesting Corbyn, his support for Palestinian ‘terrorists’ and his odious ‘Leftwing policies’-and isn’t the last a real giveaway to the real nature of ‘mainstream’ Jewry in the UK?
Charles Boycott…………..he lends his name to the movement. A safe and simple movement. Easily applied by any individual person(s)……………..and thats where ending the illegal occupation of Palestine by the Aparthied State lies. Yes, BDS is a good place to start, but states, countries, corporations, investment firms can be bullied but each single person holds far more sway. Where they put their money, how they spend their money………….no one can stop that. No money, no Aparteid State.
why worry?, after all it is a GOOGLE world,we are told by the mass media what is reality,so nothing to see unless informed.
I was taught that Jesus said to the Rabbi, “Let him without sin cast the first stone.”
In other words Jesus was against capital punishment especially by mobs, but then the various churches, being institutions created by Paul decided to punish any ‘hearsay’ by death, be it on the Cross, by burning at the stake or by drowning or any other form of barbarity, and all in ‘Gods name’.
How did the Jews get the original inhabitants to flee from their native homeland of over 2000 years? by methods used at Deir Yassin, of executing the old men women and children and throwing the bodies down the well.
And of course I still remember Rachel Corrie.
then the various churches, being institutions created by Paul
This is total nonsense.
But it is prevalent.
Sigh, rolleyes…
I might have to write a full article to debunk that stupid myth…
Okay, I will try as soon as I have some time (which right now I really don’t)
this nonsense about “Paul” really has to stop
The Saker
Paul was a Roman intelligence operative.
Operation Messiah (book)
Introduction to Flavian Origins of Christianity theory
Debunk if you can!
Dear Jerry,
I am afraid that the book is wrong.
Saul of Tarsus was a Pharisee and a disciple of Gamaliel and thus would have been a disciple of Josephus. As Paul, Saul would have organised the Judeans into ‘Christians’ and the equivalent of todays ‘terrorists’, ergo not a Roman Intel Officer but rather working for Josephus in the destruction of Rome.
I wish you could understand how foolish that sounds. Please conduct even a cursory study of history before commenting on The Saker’s site. If you really care to know the truth, try reading Prof. Pelikan’s The Christian Tradition. It is well worth the effort if you’re actually interested in how the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic (Orthodox) Church has always viewed itself, from the very beginning. Try reading the Apostolic Fathers too, especially Sts. Ignatius of Antioch and Polycarp of Smyrna. If that’s too much trouble, at least remain silent and spare yourself the embarrassment.
Which is why so many ‘Christians’ were fed to the lions in the Colosseum, but perhaps I should keep my mouth shut as one man’s truth is another man’s poison.
Josephus was also a Roman agent. How could it be more obvious? In his retirement, he was rewarded with the title of Flavius.
Right, That theory is in full agreement with the rabbinical version.
Do they pay you in Shekels or in Dollars?
The Saker
Seems a message for Saker.ZZ
Dear Saker,
If Paul, being Saul of Tarsus, a disciple of Gamaliel, and thus a Pharisee did not ‘create’ the churches and also the new status of ‘Saints’, then who did?
It cannot have been Jesus as he got nailed on a cross as soon as he hit Jerusalem, much the same as ‘Saint Peter and St Andrew. Matthew Mark Luke and John all got tied up writing their versions of the life of Jesus, and none of these had the authority to ‘create’ the churches and the saints.
Fifty or so years later, with a dying sect, Paul then writes his epistles to the Church in Corinth, in Thessalonica to the Church in Rome and so forth and a new religion is rekindled. The only epistle that I am aware of that was written by Paul to an individual was his ‘Epistle to Timothy’.
So why is this nonsense and why must it stop?
As I said, I will debunk this “Paul” thingie in a soon to come article
I just don’t have the time to write it now
But I will have to I suppose, this is becoming tedious and somebody needs to debunk this nonsense.
Stay tuned
The Saker
Dear Saker,
Why is it that it is you personally that has to debunk our own personal beliefs in God? Why?
Would I deprive you of your beliefs? Why should I?
Would I deprive anyone of their beliefs in God? How can I? These things are extremely personal and it doesn’t matter which beliefs you have, as they are your connection with God.
How many pious men and women have there been throughout history? Did it ever matter what their personal beliefs were to God?
How does a person accept ‘collective guilt’? How could God create a ‘collective guilt’? That’s a ‘man’ thing!
And may I suggest that you study and appreciate your own religion better, because it has much beauty, but please leave me out of your beliefs; I find heretical judgements too high a price to pay.
Thank you for the journey, I have decided the cost is too high to partake in bigotry.
“and it doesn’t matter which beliefs you have”
That does not seem to be plausible.
Either the belief is based in relaity or in fantasy. It therefore does seem to matter which belief you hold and why.
“a god of love that doesn’t dare telling his or her disciples and followers to stop hating, to stop killing, to love each other. ”
Or perhaps, their followers just aren’t listening?
Living in America, its easy to get sick of the pro-war, kill-everyone, pro-torture, hate-the-poor sort of rightwing Christians. The corporate media promotes these types, so one gets a stomach full of them.
But, then I’d go to a protest and see the nuns and priests and other Christians who are protesting war or nuclear weapons or torture. This served as a useful reminder that not all the Christians are crazy rightwingers who want the opposite of what Jesus seemed to try to teach. Nothing like a day spent with nuns who are deliberately getting arrested to protest torture or nuclear weapons to reset one’s mind away from what the propaganda machine has been saying.
So, while yes, it is easy to get the impression from the propaganda machines and the politicians that support people firing live ammunition into crowds of other people, but it seems a huge leap to say that somehow these Gods are not trying to say anything against this. If you believe in these Gods, and anything like their original teachings, it seems at least reasonable that they are still saying the same things, but that only a few are still listening.
I understand you’re angry Peter, all decent human’s with an inkling of decency in them will feel the same way when it comes to the plight of the Palestinian’s. I learned about the situation of the Palestinian’s at the the age of 5. It was the first instance in my life, where i realized the depravity of human beings. It was the first time i realized that one group of humans can oppress another group of humans to that degree. I been waiting for the collapse of this imposter Israel ever since that age. As i got older i also became hopeless, because i looked around the world i was living in, and majority of them were believeing in nothing but lies when it comes to the palestinian issue. That situation helped me understand the power and influence that was yielded by the Zionists. However the truth eventually comes into the light. Just within my relatively young life, i see how much the world has woken up to this specific issue, and God willing the people will continue to wake up. We live in a world of cause and effect, the effect of good will be good, and the effect of bad will always be bad. I will leave with you a small excerpt from Tafsir Al Mizan, which is commentary on the Quran from Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Ṭabāṭabāʾī.
“Let a wrong disguise itself as right, or an evil masquerade as good, or a lie take the place of truth, or dishonesty appear as honesty, or deception camouflage itself in sincerity — all these disguises may fool the onlookers for a period, but ultimately all the protective coverings must come off, revealing the ugly reality underneath. It is the system created by Allāh in His creatures, and: you shall not find any alteration in the system of Allāh, and “you shall not find any change in the system of Allāh” (35:43).
The truth does not die, nor does its effect fade, even if, for a short time, it is not perceived by lookers on. And a lie can never stand on its feet, nor can its effect be sustained — even if at times it causes confusion. Allāh says: So that He may manifest the truth of what was true and show the falsehood of what was false . . . (8:8).Allāh shows the truth of what is true by stabilizing its effect; and manifests the falsehood of what is false by exposing its corruption and depravity and unmasking its reality. He says: Have you not seen how Allāh sets forth a parable of a good word (being) like a good tree, whose root is firmly fixed and whose branches are in heaven, yielding its fruits on every moment by the permission of its Lord? And Allāh sets forth parables for men that they may reflect. And the parable of an evil word is as an evil tree pulled up from the earth’s surface, it has no stability. Allāh confirms those who believe with the sure word in this world’s life and in the hereafter, and Allāh lets the unjust go astray, and Allāh does what He pleases (14:24 — 27). Thus Allāh lets the unjust people go astray in their affairs. And what is their affair? It is that they want their evil ways to lead to good results. As Allāh quotes Yūsuf (Joseph) (a.s.) as saying: I seek Allāh’s refuge! Surely my Lord made good my abode: Surely the unjust do not prosper (12:23). An unjust person cannot prosper in his injustice, nor can his injustice lead him to where a virtuous man is led by his virtue and a pious one by his piety. Allāh says: And (as for) those who strive hard for Us, We will most certainly guide them unto Our ways; and Allāh is most surely with the doers of good (29:69).And He says: . . . and the (good) end is for piety (20:132).
The Qur’ānic verses with this meaning are very numerous; but the most complete and most comprehensive is the following:
He sends down water from the heavens, then the valleys flow according to their measure, and the torrent bears along the swelling foam; and from what they melt in the fire for the sake of (making) ornaments or apparatus arises a scum like it, thus does Allāh compare truth and falsehood; then as for the scum, it passes away as a worthless thing; and as for that which profits the people, it remains in the earth, thus does Allāh set forth parables (13:17).
As mentioned earlier, reason also confirms this truth. The universal system of cause and effect demands it and human experience testifies that it is so. Every man knows one or another episode which shows that the end of unjust people is always bad, and that their endeavors never succeed.”
I knew that Israel was bad news, but was pretty brainwashed in the ‘Holocaust’ pseudo-religion to forgive the Jews anything because of the Nazi Judeocide, and despise the ‘filthy Arabs’, for getting in their way. And I still see no need to destroy Israel, an absolutely no chance of it, as the Zionazis have promised to destroy the world if that eventuality occurs. Israel must change, of course, ceasing its relentless and global aggression, and make proper amends with the indigenous Palestinians, but how to force a vicious, heavily armed regime, whose Fifth Columns now totally control all Western states through straight money power, is beyond my ability to describe.
Oddly enough, I suppose, I first learned he real truth of the length in time and breadth and depth in depravity of Zionazi barbarity, from reading the works of a Jew, Noam Chomsky, in his ‘Fateful Triangle’, in fact. It is a dreadful situation, where the worst of the Jews, driven by an unquenchable hatred, of the goyim, of the Palestinians, of Arabs and of their own brethren who do not share those hatreds, are not just committing vile crimes against a defenceless imprisoned population, aggressively attacking all Israel’s neighbours and debasing and poisoning their host societies in the West (the villainous campaign against Corbyn and UK Labour the latest such manifestation), but also making Israel’s own destruction in the near future almost certain. The ascendancy of the Bibi tendency, and worse, has already caused Israel’s moral and spiritual death, but Bibi et al seem insanely intent on causing even worse self-harm.
Yes, I certainly can’t blame you for you’re previously held view. I myself remember during the beginning of the Iraq war, believing in all of the war on terror bs. I actually believed the US army(imperial storm troopers) were actually fighting on the side of good. The propaganda was rather strong here in the US. I also don’t wan’t to see the people in the occupied lands “destroyed” in that sense. I just want the entity itself to cease functioning, and the accountable ones to be bought to some form of justice. I honestly feel pity towards most of the people of fake Israel, just as i pity “christian” Zionists, or “muslim” wahhabis. Lol yes Bibi is a real piece of work, i remember as a kid thinking “it can’t get worse then this POS Ariel Sharon” but yeah these zios just keep on topping each other in their blood lust. I always enjoy reading you’re opinion, they usually hit the nail right on the head, keep posting, and take care my friend.
Typo ( I think)
Seized = ceased!
Seventy years of unspeakable crimes by a people who call themselves ‘chosen’. When will it end?
A powerful video of a Palestinian activist living in Canada. Her poem was a heart cry in response to the IDF bombings of Gaza in 2011, but it also speaks to the everyday crimes by the jewish state on the Palestinian people.
“Today, my body was a TV’d massacre.
Today, my body was a TV’d massacre that had to fit into sound-bites and word limits.
Today, my body was a TV’d massacre that had to fit into sound-bites and word limits filled enough with statistics to counter measured response.
And I perfected my English and I learned my UN resolutions.
But still, he asked me, Ms. Ziadah, don’t you think that everything would be resolved if you would just stop teaching so much hatred to your children?
I look inside of me for strength to be patient but patience is not at the tip of my tongue as the bombs drop over Gaza.
Patience has just escaped me.
Pause. Smile.
We teach life, sir.
Rafeef, remember to smile.
We teach life, sir.
We Palestinians teach life after they have occupied the last sky.
We teach life after they have built their settlements and apartheid walls, after the last skies.
We teach life, sir.
But today, my body was a TV’d massacre made to fit into sound-bites and word limits.
And just give us a story, a human story.
You see, this is not political.
We just want to tell people about you and your people so give us a human story.
Don’t mention that word “apartheid” and “occupation”.
This is not political.
You have to help me as a journalist to help you tell your story which is not a political story.
Today, my body was a TV’d massacre.
How about you give us a story of a woman in Gaza who needs medication?
How about you?
Do you have enough bone-broken limbs to cover the sun?
Hand me over your dead and give me the list of their names in 1200 word limits.
Today, my body was a TV’d massacre that had to fit into sound-bites and word limits and move those that are desensitized to terrorist blood.
But they felt sorry.
They felt sorry for the cattle over Gaza.
So, I give them UN resolutions and statistics and we condemn and we deplore and we reject.
And these are not two equal sides: occupier and occupied.
And a hundred dead, two hundred dead, and a thousand dead.
And between that, war crime and massacre, I vent out words and smile “not exotic”, smile “not terrorist”.
And I recount, I recount a hundred dead, a thousand dead.
Is anyone out there?
Will anyone listen?
I wish I could wail over their bodies.
I wish I could just run barefoot in every refugee camp and hold every child, cover their ears so they wouldn’t have to hear the sound of bombing for the rest of their life the way I do.
Today, my body was a TV’d massacre
And let me just tell you, there’s nothing your UN resolutions have ever done about this.
And no sound-bite, no sound-bite I come up with, no matter how good my English gets, no sound-bite, no sound-bite, no sound-bite, no sound-bite will bring them back to life.
No sound-bite will fix this.
We teach life, sir.
We teach life, sir.
We Palestinians wake up every morning to teach the rest of the world life, sir”
Hamas attacked Israel using their own children as human shields. The godly need to condemn Palestinian murders, terrorists, and war criminals. Only, followers of evil would send out a little girl to die so they could gain a headline. (1)
The was nothing peaceful about the latest round of violence in Gaza sponsored by Iran’s proxy Hamas. The background of the armed incursion team using the event as cover for invasion is summed up here. (2)
The real tragedy here is the false hope of seizing Jewish land pushed on people trapped in UNRWA camps and stigmatized as ‘refugees’. Palestine (a.k.a. The Palestinian Mandate) is a huge region (3). There is plenty of room in East Bank Palestine and Sinai Palestine for the bulk of the Palestinian population to have a life 100% free from Israeli control. All that is needed is Palestinian leadership willing to accept peace. However, Abbas in the 14th year of his four year term in office is clearly not such a leader.
Note the lie about “jewish land”. The lie is the ridiculous claim that because a book says that a jewish people lived on this land some 2000 years ago, this is thus automatically now ‘jewish land’.
The funny part is that even the Israeli’s own legends say that they stole this land with a campaign of crimes against humanity and ethic clensing. So, if who owned the land thousands of years ago, I say that we recognized the people who had the line before they were ethnically clensed off the land.
“Canaan for the Canaanites!!!!!”
According to the DNA analysis I received from the Genographic project, my ancestors passed through the so called holy land some 10-20 thousand years ago on their way to northern Europe. I suspect many settled in that now unhappy land.
Human beings have lived in Palestine for 70,000 years, settling there as we left Africa. The Jews did not even invent themselves until 3500 years ago. Jews were just one of numerous peoples living in the region, but one of the few still extant, and not subsumed by other groups. They were dominant, in small parts of the area, for periods, but not more than a few centuries. David, Solomon, Moses, the Exodus from Egypt etc, are all known now to be nothing but myths, made up later. Th Israelites lived under foreign rule for most of the time, until the last such rulers, the Romans, grew tired of the Israelites’ constant rebelliousness, and the various massacres they committed on others, and expelled the Israelite elites, most to the East, where they settled in Mesopotamia among other places, and lived, mostly peaceably, for two thousand years, until ordered by the Zionazis to leave and move to Eretz Yisrael, to occupy the land cleansed of the Palestinians in the Nakbah. The Zionazi claim to all of ‘Eretz Yisrael’, ‘..from the Nile to the Euphrates’ (some include the Arabian Peninsula as ‘theirs’) is pure religious mythical lunacy. And a recipe for genocide, the earliest still extant descriptions of which, and calls for it to be undertaken, are in the Torah/Old Testament, and that is a bitter irony indeed.
“The Jews did not even invent themselves until 3500 years ago.” It is incorrect to describe them as “Jews”. There were twelve Hebrew tribes that settled Canaan (according to the Bible); the tribe of Judah was only one of them. Better to call them Hebrews.
The ten “lost tribes” were ones that were not taken to Babylon. The tribe of Judah returned from Babylon to what we (I) now call Palestine and set up a puppet government under the Persians. Since the ten “lost tribes” had abandoned Yaweh, the volcano god, in one fashion or another, the tribe of Judah became ascendant among the Yaweh believers and we now call them Jews.
The tribe of Judah settled an area later called Judea, with Jerusalem at its northern border. North of Judea was Samaria, a region considered by Judeans to be primitive. Even north of that was Galilee, a very marginal region. As John Paul Meier in his multi-volume study of Jesus of Nazareth titled his series Jesus of Nazareth: A Marginal Jew. At some point, the tribe of Judah took control of the Hebrews’ religion. After the birth of Christianity, the tribe of Judah spent much effort, even to today, fighting to destroy Christianity. It is more of a heresy to Judaism than Islam.
A Breitbart / IDF combo – where up is down and East is West.
A123 They were driven off their land, why should they accept that?
Would you?
Good question…. If I lost my land and got nothing, would I accept that? Not easily.
However, I’m not a farmer tied directly to the land. If I lost my land, and got a good sized bundle of cash to set-up elsewhere? I could accept that.
Given the number of times land has changed hands between Jews, and Romans, and Christians, and Muslims, and others…. There are many more ‘legitimate’ claims than parcels of land. Going down this line of questioning will inevitably lead to non-acceptance by all sides as they demand “their land”. 60+ years of this thinking has lead us to a place where many have little to no hope, trapped in UNRWA camps from cradle to grave.
Instead, I offer different and more practical questions, “What should be done to help those who lost land? To get them out of camps? What can be done given the situation as it is today?”
There is a great deal of promise in the idea for a land area for Palestinians outside of Israeli control and compensation to start up life in that new land. No more 2nd class status as a refugee, no fights over water, no security restrictions on movement, no need for Israeli permits to build. As long as there were sufficient resources & backing, there would be many takers who want to build a future for their children away from the perpetual armed conflicts.
It would be naive to believe such a thing would immediately end all hostilities, but it would allow constructive forward progress towards a peace.
A123, I’m afraid we live now, and these days ethnic cleansing through massacres, murder and terror, as committed by the Zionazis in 1947-8, and after 1967 in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Lebanon, is a major Crime Against Humanity. Yes, I know-mere International Law, being based on ‘Christian Morality’, as the Talmudic grandees declare it, doesn’t apply to Holy Eretz Yisrael, and its stooge puppet hyper-power ensures that impunity, but what if, or should I say when, the USA falls, and Eretz Yisrael has no attack dog to protect it, what then? After all, the world rejects the Zionazi ideology that a Jew from Brooklyn, whose antecedents, being later converts, have had NO link to Palestine at all (in the last tens of millennia at least)has the ‘right’ to travel to Palestine and terrorise a local whose family have lived there for thousands of ears. Indeed those Indigenous have family roots that include Jews who remained after the Roman expulsion of the Jewish elites, and whose descendants later converted to Islam or Christianity (thus losing their ‘precious Jewish souls’ as our Talmudic betters put it). Every opinion poll taken in most of the world shows Eretz Israel to be on the nose. Even in the West, where the population has been brainwashed in Jew-worship for decades, and where the merest dispute with even the most belligerent Zionazi brings instant abuse as an ‘antisemite’ (Jewish Islamophobia is, naturally, not just ignored, but transferred to the host populations and normalised)mindless support for Israel is falling, and support for the Palestinians is growing. And with the insane aggression of the current Zionazi campaign to outlaw ALL criticism of Israel, or the actions of ANY Jew, ANYWHERE, and ANY support for the Palestinians, and criminalise these actions as ‘antisemitism’, the day draws near when a critical mass of Western populations will finally have the scales fall from their eyes, and Holy Israel will be in deep doo-doo. May I suggest that you abjure the habits of a lifetime, start treating the Palestinians as fellow human beings, and make a decent peace with them, and reparations for past crimes, before your arrogant aggression brings a catastrophe for all, including Israel, down on your heads.
You are obfuscating.
They didn’t ‘lose’ their land,they were driven of it!
The difference is as wide as between a girl who ‘loses’ her virginity and one who gets raped.
Then again you’d probably stand there and advise the victim to move on and to maybe accept any money that might be offered as the crime is still ONGOING!
In those terms, the tale of Exodus is Jews being “Raped Off Their Land”.
Do you think the Israelites should accept that STILL ONGOING crime?
Do you see how hard it is to move forward if all sides emotionally supercharge the situation with terms like “rape”?
This is how Hamas makes the situation worse. Using children as human shields in an attempt to manufacture an emotional super charge. Except this time they got caught red handed.
A123, the ‘tale’ of Exodus is just a myth, as ALL authorities but Talmudic loons agree. And how does even this myth transform Egypt, or Canaan for that matter, into ‘their (ie the Judaic Herrenvolk)land’? And how is that ‘crime’ still ‘ongoing’? Only in the sick and twisted psyches of those who see the populations of ‘Eretz Yisrael’, ‘..from the Nile to the Euphrates’ as sub-human, inferior beasts and ‘human dust’, as the Palestinians well know from decades of bitter experience of Talmudic Zionazi hatred and cruelty, who must be swept away or exterminated on the basis of xenophobic religious bigotry and hatred. And your sickening lies and excuses for Zionazi child butchery in Gaza, and elsewhere like Lebanon, are truly Evil.
“However, I’m not a farmer tied directly to the land. If I lost my land, and got a good sized bundle of cash to set-up elsewhere? I could accept that.”
I wonder … are you an American? To you the money is the end, to most of us out here in the big wide world – and including the Palestinians – money is the least of it – it is merely the means to the end. Their end is their land – and it’s not “Jewish land” just because it was stolen by Jews. It’s their land – Palestinian land.
Israel’s greatest crime is not her endless murder of Gaza’s children, or her continual stealing of Palestinian land – it is the destruction of her own soul and the souls of her people. One can mourn children and move on. One can hope to live on one’s own land again one day – but how do you recover the loss of your own soul?
You would accept that – I would not. Not ever.
I am not a farmer either.
Shahna, that is the second tragedy after that of the suffering inflicted on the Palestinians, with pitiless racist hatred. The moral and spiritual death of Israel, despite the insanely odious claims to ‘moral purity’, guarantees its inevitable destruction. Driven on by its Talmudist and secular fascist elites. Israel is, by nature, entirely driven by a mixture of malignant narcissistic self-glorification, and by a hatred of the Other that is rooted in Judaism itself, in the settler colonists’ hatred of the Indigenous that must be exterminated or swept away so that the Herrenvolk can gain their God-ordained lebensraum, (and of any who dare support the Indigenous peoples)and by the understandable hatred of the goyim that grew out of the Nazi Judeocide.
This hatred permeates the Diaspora elite and much of Diaspora Jewry, but not all, of course. Perhaps Jewry’s only hope of saving itself rests with them-the non-hateful. Unfortunately the power in the Jewish community, the money power to be precise, lies with the hard Right, supremacist, manipulating and hateful elites. You can see a perfect example of the situation in the UK where the hard Right Jewish elites, claiming to speak for ALL Jews, have launched a vicious hate campaign against UK Labour, in open collaboration with the sewer of the UK Rightwing fakestream media, the Blairite Quislings in the Parliamentary Labour Party and with the Tory Party. The Jewish elites openly, so great is their arrogance and certainty that they will triumph and destroy Corbyn, one way or another, stated that ‘antisemitism’ in UK Labour includes all criticism of Israel, support for the Palestinians and Corbyn’s ‘Leftwing policies’. Meanwhile support for Corbyn from non-elite Jews is ignored or actively suppressed, and when Corbyn dared take seder supper at Passover with non-elite Jews, the ‘Jewdas’ group, who openly denounce the campaign of utterly fraudulent accusations of ‘antisemitism’ against Corbyn (a campaign that has reached heights of hysterical abuse that only the Zionazis and their Sabbat Goy stooges can reach)he was once abused as ‘antisemitic’. For supping with Jews who dare to differ from the hard Right elites!!!
“Jewish land”?!
Who do you think you are kidding here?
Wrong blog.
Try elsewhere (though that elsewhere is also shrinking fast!)
The Saker
Thanks for calling this poster out saker. I honestly wonder if he really believes some of the nonsense he posts on this site. I read many of his posts and he always has a complete inverse outlook on most topics. At this point I don’t know if he’s a brainwashed zombie, or just a troll.
As Arthur Koestler wrote that of the letter (The Balfour Declaration); “one nation solemnly promised to a second nation the country of a third.” More than that, the country was still part of the Empire of a fourth, namely Turkey.
(Part of an article I wrote for the centenary of the Balfour Declaration)
Pure, unadulterated, lies, driven by Zionazi hatred. Reads like the Letters page of any Murdoch sewer.
lol yup. I would advise anyone to read A123’s post and then believe in the complete opposite, its “highly likely” that they just stumbled upon a kernel of truth.
The Palestinian Arabs have been taking the Zionist whip to their backs for 70 years and little can be seen that it won’t continue for another 70 years. The main reason is they have no professional army because the people are weak in spirit and afraid to lift one finger in lethal opposition. They lament with tears from their faces, pull their hair and wring their hands. They are afraid to organize, serve, and train on military tactics with the single goal in mind to protect their land and culture from the ongoing Zionist Hell they live in today. To suggest throwing rocks at armed soldiers or slapping them in their arrogant faces in an act of symbolic defiance is ludicrous. Commonsense dictates the IDF cannot be defeated by the Palestinians without modern weapons anymore than the stone-age American plains Indians could defeat the U.S. Calvary in the 19th century with spears, bows and arrows. To think otherwise is not only folly; it’s stupid and a waste of human life.
Look at the Hoothis of Yemen. Those are brave, Arab men who fight the Saudi Arabian bully with fierce tenacity and raw fortitude. Thousands die but they are resolute to defend their land. There’s the Taliban of Afghanistan who have defeated every invader including the powerful U.S. military with less than 100,000 in strength. Men wearing turbans on their heads and flip flops on their feet endure year after year and never quit against an invader. They are to be admired despite their perverse, medieval interpretation of Islam.
Hezbollah of Lebanon led by their well-spoken and intelligent leader Hassan Nasrallah, has stood up to the Zionists and is feared by the Israeli army for their military prowess. We must not forget the Persians of Iran who built up their military and remember the atrocity of war their people experienced and Israel’s constant subterfuge to undermine their nation’s leadership.
The governance of the State of Palestine is split between Hamas in the Gaza Strip and the PA (Palestinian Authority) in the West Bank. They are both vying for political power and will not resolve their differences anytime soon which fits very well in Israel’s plan to control every facet of the lives of nearly 5 million Palestinians. The Zionists cleverly manipulate them by keeping the major population centers apart and work behind the scenes to create more acrimony between the two body politics. It is a win-win situation for Israel and nothing short of all out war will stop them.
But who else benefits from the Palestinian’s suffering? The Arabs of Egypt, Lebanon, Jordon, Syria, Iraq and the Iranians are relatively safe as long as Israel spends billions of shekels and man hours to guard over 100 checkpoints, maintain the 200 mile apartheid wall, patrol the Mediterranean Sea to harass Gaza fishermen, protect the settlers in the West Bank while they steal more Palestinian land and collectively punish the citizens of the Gaza Strip with the occasional but deadly act of “mowing the lawn.”
The Palestinians are the sacrificial lamb; their leadership is in the back pocket of the Israelis, no country will stand up to help them and the United Nations pays them lip service. Why do they continue to delude themselves with false hope for peace in their own land or a two State political solution? They have no position of strength to bargain with because they are essentially a captured people. The Zionists want all the land, every square kilometer and have no interest in treating the Palestinians with anything but contempt and mockery.
Since the Palestinians have not committed to fighting to the death, what if they announce to the Muslim countries in the Middle East they plan to leave Palestine? The misery, anguish and theft of property at the hands of the Zionists have left them with nothing but the painful memories of dead relatives and friends, the clothes on their backs and a few shekels in their pockets. Perhaps North Africa, Southeast Asia or South America will give them a new life.
What would occur is a shift in the balance of power in the Middle East overwhelmingly in favor if Israel. That is a real threat to the Middle East if Israel has complete control over Palestine and will embolden them more to assume greater economic and military hegemony in the region. The Zionists talk about “Greater Israel” and we laypersons associate that with Hebrew Biblical teaching but that is not their agenda. They want to exploit the resources of the entire Middle East in concert with the United States. That I believe is their ultimate goal once Palestine is completely under their control.
There is also the religious issue about rebuilding Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem which the crazy U.S. “Judeo-Christian” zealots will clamor to be done. That will threaten the Muslim holy shrine of the Dome of the Rock, the al-Aqsa Mosque and the prayer house called the Dome of the Chain that sits on the Temple Mount. Powerful Talmudic Rabbis will want these Islamic treasures removed, claiming it encroaches on the original temple grounds. It will add more fuel to the fire of Islamic tension not only in the Middle East but other global countries that have a huge Muslim population. War preparation will escalate if the Palestinians make good on their threat to plan to leave because today they are used as a political buffer and made to suffer since no country will help them retain their land.
The fact that Israel will grow in power due to geographic expansion is an extreme threat to the rest of the Middle East and the temple issue will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, so to speak. The Palestinians now have a bargaining chip they can use to get meaningful aid and training from the surrounding countries to defend their land and homes or they will leave the region and let the other countries fight the Zionists.
Look at it this way from a simple example. You live in a neighborhood with 7 other families on your street. A criminal syndicate has illegally moved in and taken over 1 of the families and oppresses them. It costs these criminals time and money to control the victim family. The threat to the other 6 families and yours is minimal since the crime syndicate is too busy with the occupation and management of every facet of the victim family’s lives. You feel empathy for the victim but don’t provide any significant help because you’re not directly affected and as long as the crime syndicate is busy with them, they’ll leave you and the other 6 families alone.
The victim family tries to fight off the criminals but they lack the means and the will to do it alone. Then the patriarch of the victim family meets with you and the other 6 families and says they are planning to leave the neighborhood and the remaining families will have to deal with the crime syndicate themselves. What would you do then? Logic says you and the other 6 families would provide serious aid and assistance to the victim family to repel the crime syndicate otherwise you’ll all be next.
Either the Palestinians commit to fight to the death or they should emigrate elsewhere. But to remain and see themselves and their children’s lives drained of the blood of life every day and die a death by a thousand humiliating cuts is a disgrace and not worthy of the world’s pity and compassion.
‘Woe to those who plan iniquity, to those who plot evil on their beds. When morning comes they do it for it is in their power of their hands. They covet fields and then seize them, And houses and then take them away. They rob a man and his house, A man and his inheritance.
Therefore says the Lord, ‘Behold I am planning against this family a calamity from which you cannot remove your necks, And you will not walk haughtily, For it will be an evil time…’ Micah 2 : 1- 4
Woe unto thee ye ‘Israel’
As an American, I look at the millions of Iraqis, Afghans, Libyans, and Syrians killed by the “War on Terror” and think we Americans should get our own house in order before criticizing a foreign country. Of course the failure of the US protestant ‘leaders’ is disgraceful and shameful.
The War of Terror against Islam is 100% a Zionazi project. It is they who created the propaganda trope of the ‘Clash of Civilizations’. It is they who comprise virtually all the leading ‘neo-conservatives’ who presciently predicted the ‘New Pearl Harbor’ of 9/11, which the Zionazis pulled off, in their greatest ever ‘false-flag’ triumph. It is they who have brainwashed Western publics in Islamophobic hatred through decades of hateful propaganda, nowhere more so than in the product of that Zionazi cottage industry, Hollywood, that portrays Arabs and Moslems universally in a negative fashion that would NEVER be tolerated if the despised were Jews.
Peter is crying out for justice, mercy, love, and compassion for his fellow human beings. I think many of us
as we view the great tragedies of human suffering brought on by “man’s inhumanity to man” can relate to the sheer injustice and frustrating silence by those who claim to understand what true mercy and compassion is.
So many professing Christians in the West are supporting a violent and destructive State, all in the name of “Evangelical Zionism.” They have been cheerleading the genocide that has gone on in the Middle East for many years now with the perverse and mistaken view that God’s chosen people, modern-day Zionist Israel will usher in a millennial kingdom where they will reign with Christ.
I believe that the true Christ of Scriptures would and does not condone the terror and death so many in the West have supported in His name. The Prince of Peace commands us to “love our enemies”, “love our neighbors as ourselves”, “do unto others as you would have others do unto you”, and to spread the Gospel of Peace in love, hope, and benevolence towards all of mankind.
If more of us who proclaim the name of Christ were truly walking in obedience, love, peace, and justice, people like Peter would have no room to rightly denigrate so much of what is proclaimed as “Christianity”, but in reality is a false gospel.
Since Judaism, Islam and Christianity are considered Abrahamic religions we’re worshiping the same God (some may be inclined to throw insults at me for that statement). The major difference is the way to worship our Almighty God. Everyone thinks to do it the right way. Nevertheless make many the same mistakes. The Ten Commandments apply for all Abrahamic religions. “Smart” people try to deny those Commandments others by labeling them non-believers who’re “excluded” from being killed. My gut feeling tells me that this approach is quite wicked. As far as I know nobody is forced to live the life of a believer. God permitted us humans to choose. This explains why He didn’t intervene in past wars and will not until Judgement Day. Prophecies reveal that our Lord knew about the wickedness of mankind and that we’ll manage to fulfill some of them ourselves. For example those beasts written of in the Book of Revelation represent nations. Only a few years ago I was unaware of this meaning, the text was “weird”. But then I discovered excellent teachers on the internet. Since that point of time I found many more sources, with some seemingly closer to the real truth than others.
Check for example the web site Since I’m hardly watching TV anymore I don’t know if all the animal deaths are reported. I doubt that media focuses too much on this specific topic on a world wide scale (
Hosea 4:1-3 …’Hear the word of the Lord, ye children of Israel: for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood. Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.’
The web site documents animal deaths since 2011. You’ll be shocked at the amount of links to the respective news reports.
Another explanation why God doesn’t intervene can also be found on the same web site (
If you’re searching the Internet for the keywords “rivers blood red” you’ll find lots of pictures of red rivers and lakes. Revelation 16:4 says Then the third angel poured out his bowl into the rivers and springs of water, and they turned to blood. When I read this sentence I thought of a war and real blood causing waters to be red. But since I came across the aforementioned Bible scholars I’m aware that not every word is to be taken literally. From a scientific point of view organisms cause several of those rivers turn blood red, but prophecies aren’t written in a scientific way.
Revelation 17:5 tells us about the whore of Babylon: And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth. Many people may have heard of historical Babylon, but that’s all. With regard to mystery Babylon there are several theories. Some think it’s NYC, some think it’s the US. Maybe they’re correct. Especially in the US you’ll find many strange symbols with roots in paganism or the worship of different gods (for example the streets of Washington DC forming a Pentagram: or the Washington Monument, an Obelisk – with roots in ancient Egypt symbolizing a phallus). Some other strange thing about the US comes to my mind. In Wall Street (a former slave trading place) you’ll find a bull, which represents rising markets. In the past people worshiped Moloch (resembling a bull) by sacrificing children through fire. Think of the moment of the present. Isn’t war good for profits and thus rising markets? Nowadays people are still serving Moloch by bombing helpless nations and sacrificing children through fire. Evil is hidden in plain sight: in the worship of the money, although it should be a tool and nothing else. (You have to believe for money to work, otherwise it’s just a colored piece of paper way to small to be used as an ass wipe.) Now I would like to get back to the content of Revelation 17:5. The Bible tells us that the Church (the original meaning is community) is the Bride of Christ. The Church (the organized institution) sided more than once with the rich and powerful instead of siding with believers. Many interpretations state that the Roman Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon and that the denominations that split from it are the Harlots. The purple and scarlet color of her clothes point towards the Catholic Church. Maybe the prophecy includes all churches that claim to be Christian. I don’t know, but it’s quite strange that rarely some Christian Church denounced weapons manufacturing and wars. Probably most Churches either benefit from collected taxes (even those of weapons manufacturers and their employees) or from donations (as well from weapons manufacturers and their employees).
Some so called professed Christians, Moslems and Jews also actively work towards fulfilling the prophecy of the Battle of Armageddon (; Armageddon – Auszug aus Erich Fromm Preis 2012 für Georg Schramm). It seems like a race between satanic money worshipers and fanatic believers. Maybe prophecy will be fulfilled in a totally different way: the super volcanoes of Yellowstone National Park and Naples show increased seismic activity. Aside from the volcanic activities many places of the earth are struck by natural disasters (severe floods, hail storms, …). Those natural disasters could’ve been caused by mankind (climate change), but it’s also very possible that humans aren’t the only ones responsible.
Regarding climate change I would like to change the topic to science and scientists. Nowadays many very smart people think that science made lots of progress in such a short period of time, mankind can play god itself. It starts with fantasizing about genetically modifying people, creating children according to the wish list of parents, bio-engineering, etc. Lots of scientists seem to have lost touch with reality. They may know lots of things, they may discover even smaller parts than the Higgs boson particles, but they’ll never be able to explain the origins of those small parts.
Finally, before ending this comment I would like to refer to a joke that I’ve heard several years ago, which may contain more truth in it than some realize: it’s called the drowning man (
Keep up your good work.
I should’ve proof read the text, which had been written in a hurry, before sending clicking the button.
Nevertheless make many the same mistakes.
should be
Nevertheless many make the same mistakes.
… labeling them non-believers who’re “excluded” from being killed.
should be
… labeling them non-believers who’re “excluded” from not being killed.
God is an absentee landlord over His creation?
Dear Mr. Koenig,
Do you know what is the single biggest problem with religious people, doesn’t matter what denomination or culture including Judaism? It’s this – people never bother to go into the bible to find out if what the preacher or leader is teaching them is the truth or not? Bible reading is mostly irrelevant. Next to this there is the issue around how God’s people largely accept only the good things that the bible must say while neglecting and sadly rejecting the hard and difficult things it has to say. One need only look at droughts to see the truth of these statements like for example the current drought conditions in the land of Palestine. For over 6 years now that land has little to no rain and the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee are drying up. The Jordan River is little more than a trickle and if things continue down this road well I don’t have to explain to you the ramifications or consequences!
Now why am I telling you this? Because many centuries ago the God you think has no voice gave a people an astonishing promise:
So, if you faithfully obey the commands I am giving you today—to love the Lord your God and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul—then I will send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and olive oil. I will provide grass in the fields for your cattle, and you will eat and be satisfied.
Be careful, or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods and bow down to them. Then the Lord’s anger will burn against you, and he will shut up the heavens so that it will not rain and the ground will yield no produce, and you will soon perish from the good land the Lord is giving you. Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. (Deuteronomy 11:8–18, emphasis added)
Centuries later this was again restated to the people of Israel through their king Solomon:
When the heavens are shut up and there is no rain because your people have sinned against you, and when they pray toward this place and give praise to your name and turn from their sin because you have afflicted them, then hear from heaven and forgive the sin of your servants, your people Israel. Teach them the right way to live, and send rain on the land you gave your people for an inheritance. (1 Kings 8:35–36)
Now given this do you think it is just some kind of a coincidence that what was promised thousands of years ago continues to this very day and age? Believe me I certainly don’t think so. In fact, it gets worse much, much worse because God makes it abundantly clear in practically every book of the bible that climate change is His work. That is why when scientists today are often want to say “that they don’t understand certain abrupt meteorological events that pop up now and then” the answer can be found easily enough within the pages of the bible:
Rain will come in torrents, and I will send hailstones hurtling down, and violent winds will burst forth. When the wall collapses, will people not ask you, “Where is the whitewash you covered it with?”
“Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: In my wrath I will unleash a violent wind, and in my anger hailstones and torrents of rain will fall with destructive fury.” (Ezekiel 13:11–13)
When he thunders, the waters in the heavens roar; he makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth. He sends lightning with the rain and brings out the wind from his storehouses. (Jeremiah 51:16)
The Lord will cause people to hear his majestic voice and will make them see his arm coming down with raging anger and consuming fire, with cloudburst, thunderstorm and hail. (Isaiah 30:30)
See, the Lord has one who is powerful and strong. Like a hailstorm and a destructive wind, like a driving rain and a flooding downpour, he will throw it forcefully to the ground… “I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the plumb line; hail will sweep away your refuge, the lie, and water will overflow your hiding place.” (Isaiah 28:2, 17)
I struck all the work of your hands with blight, mildew and hail, yet you did not return to me,’ declares the Lord. (Haggai 2:17)
The one book a truly glorious book that lays the foundation for understanding everything about present day climate change it is the book of Job. I love God’s question Does the Rain have a Father? Who Fathers the drops of dew?
Two questions that given your speciality in water resources and environmentalism should be looked into. The author Gerry Fox has answered them and quite magnificently, in fact proving beyond a question of a doubt that this idea that God is an absentee landlord is total and complete rubbish.
“Scientists don’t understand certain abrupt meteorological events that pop up now and then?”
Dear Mr. Koenig,
It often amazes and confuses me that so little is written or understood that climate change is the work of God. It is the book of Job however, that truly lays the foundation to understanding it completely. ie:
Job 37:5-13. “He brings the clouds to punish men. or to water His earth and show His love.”
If the bible however, is to difficult and boring a read may I suggest the news of the day:
CENTRAL IRAQ – “Neither hail, sandstorm, pestilence nor rugged terrain can halt the slow, inexorable advance of U.S. forces toward Baghdad.
A tempest of biblical proportions swept across the Mesopotamian plain Tuesday, cutting visibility first to 40 to 50 metres, then to as little as one or two meters.
The storm sprang out of nowhere after a pleasant start to the day.
At the height of the tempest, the wind was so strong no one could go outside our light armored vehicle {LAV}. It was also so dark, the sun could not be seen. Everything was bathed in an odd orange glow.
Inside our vehicle, we felt almost as if we were in a small boat, as the heavy gusts of wind shook the 14 tonne LAV.
Six of us were crammed inside, along with extra ammunition, personal belongings, military equipment, radios and communications gear.
After several hours, the wind subsided, then the sandstorm became a hailstorm, with thunder and lightning, which turned the desert floor into a silky mud almost bogging down the eight-wheel drive vehicles.
A small pool of water, a little lake almost, quickly formed behind our vehicle.
We had to move to avoid getting swamped.”
{The Vancouver Sun, Wednesday, March 26, 2003 pg. A4}
Since when was faith blind? Never in a million years did I think that I would open a newspaper and witness the work of God like this! America made the biggest mistake of their lives going into Iraq and Jesus showed up in response to the mothers of Iraq who were screaming at the top of their lungs that first there were no terrorists in Iraq and who should know but the mothers of Iraq and then to God to help them. Imagine Jesus showed up on the battlefield but sadly because of the utter lack of knowledge of the bible Bravo Company continued on their course of action? I figure big mistake. How about you Mr. Koenig? Hmmm
God is an absentee landlord over His creation? Really wow?
Tell me does anyone know why strange trumpet like noises are going off in the atmosphere and this all over the world and this in the first month of the year?
Isn’t that odd the first month? Why? Well, for those of us versed in Jewish history knows about the Shofar which is a ram’s horn that was blown in the first month of the Jewish year. The blowing of such a horn had many meanings like a warning of some impending danger which the nation had to be aware of. More significantly though is how its blowing was meant to be a call to reflect upon one’s transgressions from the previous year in the hopes of influencing God’s judgment for the coming new year! Are these trumpets then a warning for us to get our hearts and minds right with God? That is an important and vital question.
I have always loved a quote by Arthur Wallis….
“A Christian is really no bigger than his or her prayer life. In that coming day when the hearts of mankind are revealed – a day nearer than when we first believed – there will be some big people who will appear very small and some small who will appear as spiritual giants.”
“How different are spiritual values, when God takes them from the scales of human judgment, and weighs them on the balances of the sanctuary.”
Prayer changes things and one of the greatest places I have turned to in the past is an Organization called the League of Prayer under the auspices of Dr. Mary Stewart Relfe.
If one wants or needs to learn about prayer that is a great place to start. And Saker if I may add here’s a quote that you may or may not identify with from her own life:
“Someone surmised that most of the world’s progress has resulted from loneliness, as it provides the opportunity to cut adrift and find yourself. The process isn’t without pain.”
She also has a Russia component and was the first western ministry to enter Russia at the collapse of the Iron Curtain. She also has her own Russian legal team or at least from what i can remember did out of Moscow Central hospital.
Be encouraged and cheers. God Bless Russia
Organized Religion is the biggest impediment to Human progress because the ruling classes have used it for this very purpose: to hold the oppressed and exploited masses forever down and unable to rise above the madness of capitalism.
We have more to fear from bankers I am afraid. Catherine Austin Fitts rightly surmised this in a video she
did some time ago
at the 36 minute mark she makes it all to clear where we are headed. There is a crisis of values coming in which those in the establishment/leadership simply can’t conceive of a way to share civilization with the general population. Their way of dealing with it then amounts to ‘livestock management.’ What a great term because this is it exactly. They are looking to manage humanity as if we were live stock going so far as to mind control us. She goes on to say that is why their answer is to chip all of us. Not to be missed this interview!!!
Now if this wasn’t bad enough consider this astounding article I picked up just yesterday and should send shivers up ones spine. It deals with China and their roll out of a social credit system. It is by Doug Casey:
Justin: Doug, I have a lot of questions I want to ask you today. But can you first tell me what a social credit system is?
Doug: Well, Americans are familiar with credit ratings that they get from companies like Experian. These ratings judge one’s ability to get credit, pay bills and such.
China is rolling out something similar, but vastly more comprehensive, and on a national scale. They’ll judge much more than your financial capabilities. It rates people based on where they live, what kind of car they drive, what they say or do on social media, their educational background, their political views, their friends. You name it. Social engineers are quite devious about these things.
And it’s fiendishly clever for the Chinese government to do this. A high social score gives a citizen lots of benefits and privileges. A low score penalizes you in many ways. People will start competing to be good little lambs. It gives them complete control over who can do what.
Justin: How can people defend themselves from this? Is there any way to opt out?
Doug: You could decide to not have an electronic presence, of course. You could disconnect, or go off the grid as they say. But that’s the equivalent of becoming a non-person. You’d be branded as antisocial, suspicious, and a possible enemy of the state. It might bring all sorts of disadvantages, like not being able to get a passport or even a driver’s license.
Justin: Yeah, not being able to board a plane or train due to a bad social credit rating is already terrifying. But I’m wondering how far China’s government will take this.
Doug: Well, I haven’t been to China in several years. So, I’m relying on press reports. But they’re saying that there are already millions of people involved in China’s social credit system, and it’s quite believable. This is happening already—it’s not science fiction.
And neither is it surprising. China’s very computerized; most people now use their smartphones, not credit cards or—god forbid, cash—to pay for things. Just as in the US, where many people Google others to find out about them, so do the Chinese.
This is a computer-driven phenomenon, and therefore advancing at the rate of Moore’s Law. The phenomenon will get much bigger. And not just in China.
It will impact whether people get jobs or promotions. It will quickly find its way into online dating. People with low social credit ratings will be looked upon as deadbeats. Others will disconnect from them, because having a link with someone of low rank will reduce your own rank.
In brief, this is a very big deal. I recommend the episode “Nosedive” on the series Black Mirror, where we see what happens to a woman who gets caught in a downward spiral for her social credit score.
Christ told us we are not to judge and lo and behold governments in cahoots with bankers are now oppressing us in ways truly diabolical as Casey says:
This is the wave of the future. Personally, I don’t like it at all. Not because I have something to hide. I’m sympathetic to the Randite motto: “Judge, and prepare to be judged.” But I prefer to determine my own criteria—not have some bureaucrats do it for me. And enforce that on society.
I believe this is the foundation to what is prophesied in Rev. 13 666 and they want to chip us all!!!!!! Wow. Legislated morality.
Deus, é yadelbayoth,o demiurgo.. deus é o próprio diabo. Esse ser q nos aprisiona. Há eons.
Translation:God, it’s yadelbayoth, the demiurge. God is the devil himself. This being that imprisons us. There are eons.
” Palestine is being murdered, every day a little bit.”
Peter is right here.
If i would be a seraph,i could try to get as many of them ( Palestinians ) under my wings and fly straight to heaven….and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain.
If i would be in charge to find a flag bearer for the best of mankind nowadays,close to the end of times,my pick:
Russia,Syria and Palestine….no rank here.
“If i would be a seraph,i could try to get as many of them ( Palestinians ) under my wings and fly straight to heaven….and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain.”
If the seraphim is of the same class of created being as Lucifer, presumably its permitted states of free will include it to rebel against God and to occupy the evil state.
If God knew, before its creation, that it will become evil and, ultimately, occupy the lake of fire for eternity then it will hate God, for all of eternity, for its existence.
Who’s fault is that? the answer is here
Anonymous, right now the ” world of antichrist ” is attacking Syria. I don’t know if Russians respond to it or not.If yes,we are one step close to the end of times,I’ve just read the news now. I hope the attacker will back up if attacked.
” If the seraphim is of the same class of created being as Lucifer, presumably its permitted states of free will include it to rebel against God and to occupy the evil state.
If God knew, before its creation, that it will become evil and, ultimately, occupy the lake of fire for eternity then it will hate God, for all of eternity, for its existence.”
The first statement is right. I’m afraid of the second one,too..
The devil mind went upside down. Instead of blaming himself for his rebellion against God he blamed all-knowing God for its existence. He can say only 3 words, ” God,forgive me! ” and get back in Grace for eternity! But he prefers the hate and the hell for eternity !
Always, the best possible intelligence in the world and beyond,takes you to hell if it is not backed by humility and love !
God COULD NOT create beings without free will.And because they are immortals and get from power to power,from knowledge to knowledge,from light to light….an infinite process,better sooner than later some of them could opt for opposing God and fall from Grace.
But Their Fall Will Serve The Others To Learn From It for ever. ( i hope you get it here )
Same for us,humans. Wise people learn from others mistakes ,common people from theirs and stupid people usually don’t learn but keep repeating them.
PS. I’m just a cleaner ( and not a good one ) in the church,the last one to talk ” ” ” theology ” ” ” with. My background ( private detective ) doesn’t help at all.
Paul’s Vision and His Thorn : 2 Corinthians 12
The memory of what happened to devil and his followers is for angels like the Thorn for Paul ( kind of )
The same thing for the people who will save their souls,the memory of what happened once on earth will prevent them in eternity of heaven to fall or go against God.
You must realize that Israel controls the narrative. No matter how outrageous the situation becomes, they know how to turn it in their favor. And the reason why they control the narrative is that they have the Western media behind them. These thousands of protesters marching unarmed to claim the right to return to land the international community has long recognised as theirs become violent invaders “swarming” into a “sovereign land.” And that spin goes unchallenged because the financial deck is stacked against the Palestinians, as it is against the people of Greece and the working people of Italy and Portugal and Ireland and in fact against all working people in the world. For us working people, the numbers just don’t work. Too much is at stake for us not to go on working for less and less.
Too late Saker ,I have just posted . There was no message from you when i start writting.