by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted
There’s another Special Military Operation on the market. No, it’s not Russia “denazifying” and “demilitarizing” Ukraine – and, therefore, it’s no wonder that this other operation is not ruffling feathers across the collective West.
Operation Claw-Sword was launched by Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as revenge – highly emotional and concerted – for Kurdish terrorist attacks against Turkish citizens. Some of the missiles that Ankara launched in this aerial campaign carried the names of Turkish victims.
The official Ankara spin is that the Turkish Armed Forces fully achieved their “air operation objectives” in the north of Syria and in Iraqi Kurdistan, and made those responsible for the terror attack against civilians in Istanbul’s Istiklal pedestrian street pay in “multitudes.”
And this is supposed to be just the first stage. For the third time in 2022, Sultan Erdogan is also promising a ground invasion of Kurdish-held territories in Syria.
However, according to diplomatic sources, that’s not going to happen – even as scores of Turkish experts are adamant that the invasion is needed sooner rather than later.
The wily Sultan is caught between his electorate, which favors an invasion, and his extremely nuanced relations with Russia – which encompass a large geopolitical and geo-economic arc.
He well knows that Moscow can apply all manner of pressure levers to dissuade him. For instance, Russia at the last minute annulled the weekly dispatch of a joint Russo-Turkish patrol in Ain al Arab that was taking place on Mondays.
Ain al Arab is a highly strategic territory: the missing link, east of the Euphrates, capable of offering continuity between Idlib and Ras al Ayn, occupied by dodgy Turkish-aligned gangs near the Turkish border.
Erdogan knows he can’t jeopardize his positioning as potential EU-Russia mediator while obtaining maximum profit from bypassing the anti-Russian embargo-sanctions combo.
The Sultan, juggling multiple serious dossiers, is deeply convinced that he’s got what it takes to bring Russia and NATO to the negotiating table and, ultimately, end the war in Ukraine.
In parallel, he thinks he may stay on top of Turkey-Israel relations; a rapprochement with Damascus; the sensitive internal situation in Iran; Turkey-Azerbaijan relations; the non-stop metamorphoses across the Mediterranean; and the drive towards Eurasia integration.
He’s hedging all his bets between NATO and Eurasia.
‘Close down all of our southern borders’
The green light for Claw-Sword came from Erdogan while he was on his presidential plane, returning from the G20 in Bali. That happened only one day after he had met US President Joe Biden where, according to a presidential Erdogan statement, the subject had not come up.
“We held no meeting with Mr Biden or [Russian President Vladimir] Putin regarding the operation. They both already know that we can do such things at any moment in this region,” the statement said.
Washington not getting briefed on Claw-Sword mirrored Erdogan not getting invited to an extraordinary G7-NATO meeting in Bali, on the sidelines of the G20.

That meeting was called by the White House to deal with the by-now notorious Ukrainian S-300 missile that fell in Polish territory. At the time, no one at the table had any conclusive evidence about what happened. And Turkey was not even invited to the table – which profoundly incensed the Sultan.
So it’s no wonder Erdogan, mid-week, said that Claw-Sword was “just the beginning.” Addressing AKP party lawmakers in Parliament, he said Turkey is determined to “close down all of our southern borders … with a security corridor that will prevent the possibility of attacks on our country.”
The ground invasion promise remains: It will begin “at the most convenient time for us” and will target the regions of Tel Rifaat, Mambij and Kobane, which the Sultan called “sources of trouble.”
Ankara has already wreaked havoc, using drones, on the main headquarters of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, whose commanders believe the main target of a potential Turkish ground invasion would be Kobane.
Significantly, this is the first time a Turkish drone targeted an area extremely close to a US base. And Kobane is highly symbolic: the place where the Americans sealed a collaboration with Syrian Kurds to – in theory – fight ISIS.
And that explains why the Syrian Kurds are appalled by the American non-response to the Turkish strikes. They blame – who else? – the Sultan for stoking “nationalist sentiments” ahead of the 2023 elections, which Erdogan now stands a great chance to win despite the catastrophic state of the Turkish economy.
As it stands, there is no Turkish troop buildup near Kobane – just airstrikes. Which brings us to the all-important Russian factor.
Manbij and Tel Rifaat, west of the Euphrates, are much more important for Russia than Kobane, because they are both vital for the defense of Aleppo against possible Salafi-jihadi attacks.
What may potentially happen in the near future makes the situation even murkier. Ankara intel may use Hayat Tahrir al-Sham jihadis – which have already taken over parts of Afrin – as a sort of “vanguard” in a ground invasion of Syrian Kurd territory.
Selling stolen Syrian oil to Turkey
The current fog of war includes the notion that the Russians may have sold out the Kurds by leaving them exposed to Turkish bombing. That does not hold – because Russia’s influence over Syrian Kurd territory is negligible compared with the US’s. Only the Americans could “sell out” the Kurds.
The more things change, the more they remain the same in Syria. It could all be summarized as a monumental impasse. This gets even more surrealist because, in effect, Ankara and Moscow have already found the solution for the Syrian tragedy.
The problem is the presence of American forces – essentially protecting those shabby convoys stealing Syrian oil. Russians and Syrians always discuss it. The conclusion is that the Americans are staying by inertia. They do it because they can. And Damascus is powerless to expel them.
The Sultan plays the whole thing with consummate cynicism – in geopolitics and geo-economics. Most of what is unresolved in Syria revolves around territories occupied by de facto gangs that call themselves Kurds, protected by the US. They traffic Syrian oil to resell it mostly to … Turkey.
And then, in a flash, armed gangs that call themselves Kurds may simply abandon their “anti-terrorist” fight by … releasing the terrorists they apprehended, thus increasing the “terrorist threat” all over northeast Syria. They blame – who else? – Turkey. In parallel, the Americans increase financial aid to these armed gangs under the pretext of a “war on terror.”
The distinction between “armed gangs” and “terrorists” is of course razor thin. What matters most of all to Erdogan is that he can use the Kurds as a currency in trade negotiations linked to bypassing anti-Russian embargoes and sanctions.
And that explains why the Sultan may decide to bomb Syrian territory whenever he sees fit, despite any condemnation by Washington or Moscow. The Russians once in a while retake the initiative on the ground – as happened during the Idlib campaign in 2020 when Russians bombed the Turkish military forces that were providing “assistance” to Salafi-jihadis.

Now a game-changer may be on the cards. The Turkish Army bombed the al-Omar oilfield north of Deir ez-Zor. What this means in practice is that Ankara is now destroying no less than the oil infrastructure of the much-lauded “Kurdish autonomy.”
This infrastructure has been cynically exploited by the US when it comes to the oil that reaches the border with Iraq in Iraqi Kurdistan. So in a sense, Ankara is striking against Syrian Kurds and simultaneously against American robbery of Syrian oil.
The definitive game-changer may be approaching. That will be the meeting between Erdogan and Bashar al-Assad, (Remember the decade-long refrain “Assad must go”?)
Location: Russia. Mediator: Vladimir Putin, in person. It’s not far-fetched to imagine this meeting paving the way for those Kurdish armed gangs, essentially played by Washington as useful idiots, to end up being decimated by Ankara.
It seemed a strange statement recently when the Sultan blamed Russia for not controlling the Kurds in their zone of influence.. As Pepe rightfully notes, Russia has little leverage or interest in this situation..
When it comes to a clear analysis of the exploits of the Sultan of Swing, nobody does it better than Pepe.
Diplomatic double-speak, say what you mean but don’t mean what you say. Erdogan is a master gamer,
Turkey is taking advantage of the Ukraine war, where the US cannot be seen as having a dispute with a fellow NATO member. This would look bad and affect the appearance of solidarity. Once Ukraine is settled, this window of opportunity will close.
From that perspective, this is the best time for Turkey to act.
Da! Cloak, mask and dagger musical chairs, he’s behind you.
“And that explains why the Syrian Kurds are appalled by the American non-response to the Turkish strikes.”
What are they, new here? Seriously, the Kurds are way past their sell-by date for Americans giving a wet slap about them. Poor, mentally lazy Muricans can only be fooled about one world event at a time, so they’re all filled with “concern” about the poor The Ukrainians (meaning they put some yellow and blue in their social media profile).
And obviously nobody in officialdom ever cared about Kurds, and since the Russians aren’t actively involved in the attacks, they’re not about to start caring now.
The US has sold out the Kurds time after time. Even the British used poison/mustard gas against them prior to WW2. To be fair, some British pilots refused to bomb the Kurds – their careers were terminated but reinstated during WW2.
My simple analysis is that the Kurds have a western preference for capitalism – despite appearing socialist/anarchist in structure. It was ever thus – fools to the front!
The reality is they are enemies with Syria and Turkey with only the US between them and destruction. Russia is allied through circumstances with Syria. Turkey and the US supported ISIS to bring down Assad and to defeat Russia in Syria. The US uses the Kurds (Syrian Defence Force) to… battle ISIS, annoy the Turks and humiliate Assad by occupying Syrian territory. The US allows Israel to continually occupy the Golan Heights for the same reason.
I did try to get in touch with William Shakespeare about writing a play about it all but he just laughed “…far too preposterous!”
To the Kurds, brothers and sisters of the YPG, time to negotiate a deal with Assad independent of the US.
It’s weird that western people apply economic ideology as the foundation of their society. Even weirder is to think that rest of the world thinks mainly along the economic ideological divide.
I can assure you even china despite the communism in it’s political structure doesn’t care much for economic ideology.
In middle East, Africa and much of Asia it’s ethnicity, tribal affiliation, language and Religion which plays preeminent role in political discourse.
Very few people care about economic ideology.
Kurds like all hill people who have less resources, low population and difficult access develop unique cultural identities which they take lots of pride. Be they kurds, or hilly afghans, or ethnic groups running all along the himalayas.
These same groups who take so much pride in their cultural identity that they make enemies out of plains people they are very easily seduced by the culture which is very economically dominant but is far removed from their local plains peers.
They take extreme pains to defend their culture and are the most quick to abandon it when they ally with a economic hegemon who is far away.
Hill people are thus more tribalist but often poor in resources due to the nature of the land and fal very hard for generous economic incentives. Be they in Kurdistan of syria Or balochistan of Pakistan Or those in hunza valley Or in the hills of nepal Or in the far East hills of india bordering Myanmar. There are always insurgencys going on all over the world except perhaps in Switzerland.
“Turan” battalion, which is fighting against the Russian army in Ukraine, has about 350 people, including mercenaries of Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uyghur origin, as well as immigrants from Azerbaijan.
Spriter Monitor
It is said that “Turan” was joined by the notorious Zhasulan Duysembin, a bandit from Kazakhstan who fights on the side of the Kiev Banderov regime, and who previously promised to organize “hell” for the residents of Zaporozhye and Kherson due to their support for Russia.
An interesting fact is that the battalion was created with the financial support of Turkey.
So as well as Bayracters. International Crimea Platform…..
Can a claw hold a sword and use it to best effect?
Yes, if you double up the magic sword with the Saudi Sunni Golden Orb.
The dance is optional, Bubba Bush nailed it though (Trump was a tad awkward, didn’t have his heart in the ceremony and said absolutely no tongues, he’d rather kiss a camel than the ailing King), even went on to stick his tongue down Saudi King Abdullah’s throat.
Back to the main topic comrades – Operation Claw-Sword sure does sound vengeful, gladiatorial. However, in this topsy turvy world where WAR = PEACE, I’m optimistic that Operation Claw-Sword will be less brutal than the previous operation, aptly named, Olive-Branch.
Iran IRGC has also attacked Kurd separatists in northern Iraq as Turkey has ….apparently there is a common issue re this subject between the countries but have they just avoided each other or been in contact one wonders.
Previously there have been arrangements over gas and oil pipelines imports etc. Turkey supports Azerbaijan and Alyiev seems to be causing trouble again there for Armenia( the Russian brokered agreements seem very vulnerable and not stable)… and back in August
,,”Iran has reacted to military clashes between neighbors Armenia and Azerbaijan, reiterating that it would not accept any border changes between the two countries.
Foreign ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani was quoted by the official government news website IRNA as saying that Tehran was following “this issue carefully” and offered Iran’s help to resolve differences.”
Iran seems to be quite concerned about this again now as is holding exercises on the border…..warning?????
Will Russia might have to prefer Iran and support any actions it might take over Alyiev if tensions increase to action? Knock on effect to Turkey-Russia.. Turkey-Iran….or is there a Turkey Russian Iranian triumvirate???? ????
Armenia is making too much noise being the geopolitical minnow here and heavily compromised at that by the American mafia.
Putin should have tamed Aliyev by now, read him the riot act when seeking mediation from rent-boy Macron.
@ JJ on November 27, 2022 · at 5:09 pm EST/EDT
,,”Iran has reacted to military clashes between neighbors Armenia and Azerbaijan, reiterating that it would not accept any border changes between the two countries.
Foreign ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani was quoted by the official government news website IRNA as saying that Tehran was following “this issue carefully” and offered Iran’s help to resolve differences.”
Iran seems to be quite concerned about this again now as is holding exercises on the border…..warning?????
Will Russia might have to prefer Iran and support any actions it might take over Alyiev if tensions increase to action? Knock on effect to Turkey-Russia.. Turkey-Iran….or is there a Turkey Russian Iranian triumvirate???? ????
Iran’s forceful attitude toward Azerbaijan falls within the context of what Pepe coined as the War of Economic Corridors, and is part of the complex geopolitical, geo-economical maze Pepe is working to disentangle in the current and former articles.
St. Petersburg sets the stage for the War of Economic Corridors
In St. Petersburg, the world’s new powers gather to upend the US-concocted “rules-based order” and reconnect the globe their way
In Eurasia, the War of Economic Corridors is in full swing
Mega Eurasian organizations and their respective projects are now converging at record speed, with one global pole way ahead of the other.
A Eurasian jigsaw: BRI and INSTC interconnectivity will complete the puzzle
Shrugging off western obstacles, Eurasia’s ambitious connectivity projects helmed by China and Russia are now progressing deep into Asia’s Heartland
Iran & Azerbaijan have strong economic connections, and despite the heated rhetoric, thanks to Russian mediation and constant intervention, there is no possibility of a serious conflict. For now. Iran had no problems with Azerbaijan until after the Second Karabakh War in 2020, when Azerbaijan recovered its historical borders with Iran, which Armenia occupied for 30 years.
This event opened up the potential for a new corridor, from Azerbaijan to Nakhichevan, and from there to Turkey, the “Zangezur corridor.” Azerbaijan has developed a close alliance with Turkey, Iran’s opponent in the region, which gave Baku the military edge needed to defeat Armenia in the ongoing conflict for Nagorno-Karabakh, the Bayraktar drones and other weaponry. Moreover, Azerbaijan is in close relations with Israel and the US, Iran’s archenemies.
Despite the heavily charged geopolitical background, the “cold war” between them is more related to economic issues, mainly the economic corridors. Russia recently inaugurated the International North South Transport Corridor, INSTC, which runs from Moscow through Iran to Mumbai, India.
First Russian rail transit cargo to India arrives in Iran
Two main routes can be used, Russia-Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran-India, used for the inauguration of INSTC, or a shorter route, Russia-Azerbaijan-Iran-India. The war in Ukraine has increased the urge for new transportation routes, the Southern Caucasus has felt their new importance.
To quote an expert Orientalist,
“…Orientalist Said Gafurov believes that Aliyev’s bellicose statements are connected not so much with the history of Iranian-Azerbaijani relations and the national issue, but with intrigues surrounding the implementation of a specific economic project. The expert recalled the professional diplomatic qualities of Aliyev, “who just doesn’t say anything.” “His statements are related to internal issues, not external ones, in which Aliyev is usually much more careful,” Gafurov said. According to the expert,
A more important issue is at stake – the North – South international transport corridor, which “makes Azerbaijan an important transit power.”
“When it comes to concrete project implementation, that is, huge cash flows, the main question is who these contracts will go to. Aliev may try to put pressure on the right organizations to get contracts. Now the division of this corridor has begun, which is important for everyone, because it is a huge breakthrough – it is the shortest route from South Asia to Europe. Now you can bargain, because everything is frozen in connection with the conflict in Ukraine,” the orientalist suggested…
(Need Yandex or Edge to translate)
As Pepe closed one of his articles I linked above, In Eurasia, the War of Economic Corridors is in full swing
Welcome to the new Eurasian mantra: Make Economic Corridors, Not War.
And that’s the choice.
Blood is expensive, said The Godfather, and the same maxim can be applied to the complex geopolitical situation in the Southern Caucasus. The War of Economic Corridors is in full swing, there is an enormous potential for economic growth, which elevates historical conflicts and border disputes to a new level. Russia and China are playing the role of firefighters, putting out internal fires ignited from outside (Kazakhstan), flare ups between countries (Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan), and potential conflicts all around Eurasia, making sure the Heartland, HQ to the New Multi Polar World, remains peaceful and viable for the future they envision.
Lone Wolf
appreciate info thoughts re Iran etc thank you cheers.
Nicely put together Mr Wolf.
From the article; the “Assad regime” in Syria.. some propaganda phrases never die.
I think it’s because regime rhymes with change, depending on which language you use. lol
@ Pepe
Obrigado, Pepe, as always.
Operation Claw-Sword?
That is a contradiction in terms.
As a practitioner of Aikido sword, which uses the same principles of Kendo, or any other martial art that uses swords, “clawing” a sword is the shortest way to lose it. Obviously the military “genius” that decided upon that name in Turkey’s Army Forces, knows nothing about holding a sword.
Misnomer aside, crooked Erdogan continues to use his favorite political methods, lies and slander, to reach whatever goals he intends to. However, wily as he is, his slandering lies always have a purpose hidden in his verbiage. For example,
“Despite our repeated warnings to Russia, which committed itself in 2019 as part of the Sochi deal to clear terrorists from northern Iraq and Syria, Moscow cannot and refuses to fulfill its duty,” Erdogan said.
This is a monumental Goebbelsian lie, with no basis in reality, easy to debunk. Just read the
Memorandum of Understanding between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Turkey
October 22, 2019
Any mention of Iraq in the agreement? None. Why would Erdogan choose to be caught on a lie (call it misinformation) which anyone with modicum access to information can rebut? IMHO, he wants to keep a facade of “anti-Russian” that sells to the Collective West, which helps him remain viable as a mediator/middleman/go-between the west and Russia.
There is no other reason to utter such lie that would make him look stupid. As the article I quoted above from headlines the paragraph, “Can’ read?” meaning the 2019 Turco-Russian agreement.
Erdogan is not a strategist of Putin’s caliber, he cannot see as many moves ahead in the chess game he’s playing as a bridge between the Collective West and Eurasia. He knows his space is limited, Russia already checked him once, after his (first) stupid mistake shooting a Russian fighter, which almost broke his economy, now again in dire straits.
He’s facing an unhappy electorate in the 2023 elections, and the Istiklal Avenue bombing was an electoral gift Erdogan is exploiting to the fullest. While attacking Russia for no reason whatsoever, he’s also juggling a “reconciliation” with Syria’s Assad, whose realization is also depending on his electoral ratings…and Syria’s willingness to go along with his not-so hidden games.
Erdogan sent a message to Assad, expressing his desire to send Turkish officials to Damascus, which Assad refused, suggesting instead “a third country” for the negotiations.
AP: Erdogan sent a message, Assad refused
President Erdogan allegedly told Assad that he was “ready to send Turkish officials to Damascus,” but Assad suggested that the meeting be held in a “third country.”
The “third country” is, of course, Russia, Assad knows Russia is the only power able to subject wily Erdogan to serious negotiations ending in substantial agreements. For now, Erdogan is playing everything against his election. Also, as Pepe pointed out,
“He’s hedging all his bets between NATO and Eurasia.
So far, Putin has been able to make the best out of a power thirsty, greedy, mongrel, and Erdogan is not as stupid as he looks. Turkey is becoming a gas hub for Europe, is using its strategic position as an East/West bridge to the max, same as a gate to the Black Sea/Mare Nostrum. Erdogan’s political capital is not expanding, he’s able to maintain it by playing political games on a facade easy to recognize as fake and phony.
Erdogan’s Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States, or Turkic Council, an anemic attempt for a post-modern “Ottoman Empire,” has been overshadow by what Pepe calls the “jigsaw” of multiple institutions crisscrossing Eurasia. The US is now working against him, he’s been a target for a long time, and he knows it. His massacre of the internal opposition gave him a few more years of political life, however, IMVHO, Erdogan is ready for the trash bin of history.
Lone Wolf
PS: Thanks again, Pepe. Wonder if you could expand in a future article on the “Zangezur corridor,” Azerbaijan-Nakhichevan-Turkey, and why Iran is so opposed to it. Appreciate it.