Dear friends,
I am creating this open thread for your to exchanges views and information about the Ukraine (please stay on topic!) and I expect my next analysis to be up tomorrow, God willing.
Kind regards
Dear friends,
I am creating this open thread for your to exchanges views and information about the Ukraine (please stay on topic!) and I expect my next analysis to be up tomorrow, God willing.
Kind regards
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I love you, Mr. Saker. I have nothing else to add, since you cover the subject so beautifully..
I second that!
I have learned more from this site over the past 5 years than from anywhere else. A great source of analysis based on facts, insight, and inspiration.
Thank you, Saker!
Ukraine is still complaining that Russians stole all of their bomb grade Plutonium.
Radioactive Material was removed to prevent Ukros from making dirty bombs
Re: Opereta
They were given bio labs instead.
This is a fairy tale because it just didn’t happen. We know that the Russians have seized cobalt that could be used in a dirty bomb – study it. Now I know why the west is doomed. It’s not because you lie, but because you end up believing your own lies. Yesterday you said that the “Russians were losing the war”, today Mariupol is falling, tomorrow it will be Odessa. But surely the biggest lie of all is that “the American economy is healthy.” 30 trillion debt.
“A lie told often enough becomes the truth”
Vladimir Lenin
“A lie told often enough becomes the truth”
It becomes the lie people accept as the truth. The truth is still the truth.
The “truth” is a social consensus, different from Reality. So a lie agreed to by a (large) majority becomes the “truth. Semantics.
A dangerous point of view. Magical thinking. Reality always has the last word.
Lenin was wrong. A lie never becomes the truth. A lie told forever is still a lie.
Former Budget Director under President Reagan, David Stockman’s latest deposit on the conundrum the Fed faces:
inflation is raging due to massive money and recently due to shutdowns, so the Fed has no choice but to raise interest rates in an environment of debt up to eyeballs. They need to raise rates to 4 – 6%, but last time in 2018/2019 they couldn’t go beyond 1.75%.
This time if the Fed goes beyond 1 -1.50% the financial markets will likely implode. The Fed know it, Wall Street knows it, but they will do it to cause suffering to the masses because they are rising up due to vaccine injuries.
Next 2 – 3 years is going to be very difficult for the world. God forbid we get a World war.
Unfortunately war will likely be used as a distraction from the harm caused by the pirate ruling class
Stockman is an austerian of long standing, but even a stopped clock is correct twice a day.
A more accurate view of US inflation today vs. the 1970s is: the Effective Fed Funds rate (EFF) in the 1970s was 5% to 12%. Broadly speaking as in +- 2%, EFF was roughly where inflation was during this period. You can see the historical EFF data here:
US inflation right now is going to be at least 8% (report for March 2022 coming out later today on April 12). So strictly speaking, if we Americans want to have a similar inflation spiral as in the 1970s, we should have the EFF to at least 6% and more like 8%.
Volcker in the 1980s “killed” inflation by going over the inflation rate – sending EFF to the 18% to 20% range. Meaning a modern day Volcker would need to raise the EFF to 10% or higher. Put another way: the EFF minus inflation differential today at ~-7% is the highest in recorded US history…
As for the Fed raising rates: the Fed has NEVER raised interest rates more than 1% at one time in its entire history. It has raised rates 1%, I believe only 4 or 5 times, ever including the Volcker era.
Moreover, the likelihood of even a 0.5% single time increase seems remote given that this is an election year in the US with the ruling Congress and President clearly losing ground to their rivals.
Thus I have zero faith in the Fed raising rates to drive the EFF anywhere remotely close to inflation throughout 2022 – and even 2023 is a stretch unless inflation truly moderates.
Given the impending late summer/fall food apocalypse coming, I don’t see inflation moderating…
The biggest problem today is that the true rate of inflation for all items is at least double the official rate–probably closer to 20%. I lived through the 1970’s and the inflation now is way more obvious, evident in most everything being purchased. The first thing the Fed needs to do is stop pumping trillions into the hyper-inflated stock market.
Well, I’m a dyed-in-the-wool American and I can tell you that it is apparent that Russia is winning the war and could have done so, or could do so much more quickly if it weren’t for Putin trying to do it without levelling the land and its people with it. elensky is a actor – literally and all of his support were part of his camera and production crew – he is the epitome of a puppet. He’s worse than a puppet – he’s SCUM. I hear a lot of positive comments about Putin from Americans.
I don’t blame Russia for not wanting NATO parked on their doorstep. I don’t like them parked on mine, but we’re not their target. If I were Putin, I’m pretty certain I wouldn’t have shown as much restraint. He didn’t want war, he just wants the opportunity to continue to grow Russia and will not kowtow to the globalists, who by all apparent facts staring us in the face have infiltrated America, taken over our national elections, and have been the global terrorist falsely wearing the American flag. I don’t think Putin is perfect, but I’m counting on him to end this and help effect a regime change in the USA. I don’t hate anyone, but I hate what the globalist have done and everyone I know is working locally to try and recover city councils, school boards, the local Sherriff and law enforcement groups because we don’t know how to get these cockroaches out of our walls and from under our floorboards … and the globalists who are causing the conflict in Ukraine are the same ones causing conflict for everyone everywhere … THEY are our enemy and if we don’t get clear on that then things are going to get much worse for everyone. Are there stupid, clueless Americans? Yes, but not everyone here is. The global population is large and not everyone is at the same level of understanding. Some are just shot up with drugs and toxic material that, honestly, I don’t think they are even capable of reason any longer and they are just mechanically going through their lives — I pity these people, but many more are awake and working at what they have the power to fix.
To clarify, what I mean by regime change in the USA is the cleaning needed to remove the Neocon-Globalists who have ruined America. I still think a free market economy and a democracy, as it is intended without interference, works. I think America was corrupted before I was even born.
Mythic Artist, this is a great comment. Perfectly stated. I am by nature an optimist, but I have lost faith in this dire situation to turn around. Most disappointing to me, is the lack of unified action by Americans to route out the perpetrators of this great crime. We know who they are, but Americans – and mostly white America seems to have lost the guts to fight. This could be turned around so easily if Americans would unite in cause and once again be willing to sacrifice immediate comfort for a greater cause.
$31 Trillion US debt
It’s really not a debt, the indebted (the US taxpayers) didn’t consent to any of the borrowing in their name. It’s more of a theft by the governing class, who pocketed the borrowed money and made the US taxpayers, liable for the loan.
Unbelievable rubbish!
They’ve been watching too much The Simpsons, saying the Russian soldiers were stealing glowing green bars that were lying around in someone’s office…
Just wanted to voice my appreciation of this site as it gives us clarification of what’s really happening in Ukraine. Keep up the good work!
On BOJO’s travel to kiev:
It was for real?
If it was a real travel, what about Russia’s NFZ ?
While BoJo is casually striding across a completely intact square in Kiev while the little boy puppet Zelensky toddles in from the other side (meeting as if they were a couple in a chocolate bar commercial) – photo ops all around and the glad tidings that the UK are shipping in more death machines, Patrick Lancaster is interviewing people hunkered down in the basements of shelled apartment bocks in Mariupol and trying to find (along with others from Donetsk) people who have gone missing there, while the whole time shelling and shooting is heard in the audio. The “west” is putting on a real clown show. A deadly, sinister utter three-ring circus.
Yes, Clown World … that’s what Alex Christoforou is calling it. Biden won’t be in office much longer and I don’t know what’s worse him or his replacement(s). It’s got to be crazy for Putin – fighting a war when you know there are only cardboard cutouts in charge of men, many of whom are probably paid mercenaries, with weapons. I don’t think the Ukrainian army has their heart in this game but they are also in a fight for their lives from both the front and the rear. No wonder they are surrendering in mass. The pressurization of Russian with China and allies is pushing the West and hopefully, this will keep the globalists from overrunning everyone — remember, the globalists want depopulation. All our heads are on the chopping block if we don’t work together.
Andrei…can you answer this ,please.
Hey Roberto, any live flight tracker like,19.15/2 will show the skies over Ukraine are empty of commercial flights.
It’s been this way since the special operation began.
Nobody can fly into Kiev without Russian approval, which if you look past the emotional fish hooks and think about it, is unlikely to be given for making anti Russia propaganda movies for western public consumption.
They are made on another ‘set’ safely outside Ukraine.
Amazingly convincing though, eh!
Please understand, the West has perfected special effects, also, there are over 150 PR companies working diligently on convincing westerners that what they see & hear is factual.
The empire of lies needs to keep it’s citizens in line more than ever now.
The other possibility is parts are shot in Kiev, and most of the meetings are held in Poland. Just my theory, Bojo could be a double, its a wide enough shot, that you never get close enough, and also the video isn’t exactly 2k or 4k, so easy to fake.
Why in the world would you send a PM of the UK to a war zone, imagine the amount of coordination, planning, securing every building for snipers, etc, etc, all paid by the UK tax lores. all done in a flurry of a few days?? Even Biden doesn’t travel to Poland without extensive security where in a country not at war.
Something really doesn’t add up with these elaborate PR clown shows.
Thanks a lot Wildsilver
Johnson is supposed to have caught the train from Poland both ways, a 12 hours round trip at least. If he left England on the Friday evening as claimed, and then travelled down to Kiev early on Saturday, it is technically possible. But what a waste of a taxpayer-funded UK public servant’s time!
@ Roberto
From what I have read on other blogs the “stunt” was real.
As outlined on another blog the story of this stunt goes thus:
Johnson flew to Poland on British military plane.
Both Johnson & Zelinsky flew into Kiev via helicopter (unknown if Zelinsky travelled to Kiev from inside Ukraine or crossed from Poland).
Both Johnson and Zelinsky were taken to a pre prepared location which had been “locked down” by a heavy military presence. No residents or any unauthorised personnel were allowed in locked down zone or along route of travel (only actors playing the part of residents, plus security deails, were on the streets).
Photgraphers and cameramen of unknown association (likely Ukrainian and British military as at least one is seen armed) followed the staged walk along the prepared route. Johnson had an SAS security detail of which one was at his side – identified by his hands free walking (British are taught to use a firearm as second resort not first, unlike what appears to US trained Ukrainian protecting Zelinsky who keeps weapon in hand at all times).
At the appropriate time and location an actor pretending to be a “casual resident of the city” just out for a walk presented a photo opportunity / sound bite video. A scripted action and carefully chosen words would then be recorded and sent to world MSM for distribution showing Johnson and Zelinsky walking through Kiev meeting residents.
After a few minutes of photo ops both Zelinsky and Johnson leave Kiev for further photo ops at unknown location.
Speculation on other blogs is that the British did not get “permission” from the Russians to do this stunt – they simply warned the Russians that BoJo the clown would be in town and the mode of his travel, so as to avoid any confusion. It would be very hard for the Russians to stop such a flight after they had been warned it was coming without risking a massive international incident – at the end of the day Russia and the UK are not formally at war and the BoJo / Zelinsky meeting would be classed as a Diplomatic mission.
On a personal note I had hoped that the meeting was filmed on a set in Poland and it would be exposed as another fake, but according to experts it is more likely (but not 100% certain) that they did drop into Kiev for a few minutes before bugging out again. Also, did anyone note how nervous the actos appeared? it looked like they had been told something bad would happen to them if they made a mess of the “chance encouters” and photo ops.
“Also, did anyone note how nervous the actos appeared? it looked like they had been told something bad would happen to them if they made a mess of the “chance encouters” and photo ops.”
With those two bozos anything could happen, or maybe the Uko-nazis were pointing guns at them, like in Asovstal?
@ Clown World Tour
Many thanks.
Supposedly Nathaniel Rothschild has put heavy pressure on all British politicians to stop Russia and Putin in the Ukraine. Some sources say the new world order-wef-globalists were laundering $50 billion a month through Ukrainian banks. Putin shut that down. Some of that is covid bribery money.
This is all too complicated.
BoJo and Zelensky met in Poland. period.
The rest was done by all the PR firms.
The MSM this last Sunday was then full of this stuff.
BoJo admiring the Ukraine Forces for throwing out the Russians.
Check out the car reg plates in the background.
There is a No-Fly Zone over the whole airspace.
The situ in Mariupol surely explains: ANY aircraft is shot down.
To cross over from Poland to Kiev and not be shot down at some point, stretches credulity.
@ Clown World Tour
Frankly I cannot accept your idea that Stupid Boris flew into Kiev in a helicopter. Ridiculous. They couldn’t even think about that Risk -with Russia having a full lockdown of the skies. OK -a few Helicopters have tried to bring out VIPs elsewhere but most have been shot down or forced to flee.
@ James 1
Firstly, I simply wrote a quick summary of the many, many pages I have read on this matter on other blogs. I clearly stated such and did not present it as “fact”, just a plausable scenario.
Secondly, it should be very clear to anyone paying attention that the Russians have not – I repeat have not – got a “full lockdown of the skies” as you say.
Helicopters and drones are openly still flying in parts of western Ukraine, and military helicopters have been spotted in Donbass and even on the Rusian border in the east (and accross the Russian border too if the recent oil terminal attack inside Russia was real).
Heck, there have even been reports of Ukrainian (NATO supplied?) helicopters flying into and out of Odessa – which still seems to be fully under Ukrainian / NATO control.
Also, the very fact that Ukraine / NATO can put together helicopter missions to even reach Mariopol – much less land close to an area under fire to resupply and exfil high-value personnel (and even get as far away as the west of the Azoz sea before taking fire as some speculation suggests) shows clearly that the Russians are still very far from “locking down the skies”.
The Russians clearly have “air superiority”, but they cant fully prevent low level aircraft such as helicopters and drones from at least beginning a mission.
It is therefore certainly not “ridiculous”, as you put it, that Bojo the Clown and his comedian friend could fly into Kiev by chopper – especially if the Russians had been been formally advised a dilomatic flight was taking place – as they allowed under International Law (and such flights cannot be compared to the military operations attempted in Mariopol which you mention as they do not enjoy such protection).
While possible, it is a ludicrous suggestion, because it is just far too risky. Do you really think Bojo and Zalensky would risk flying around in a helicopter in Ukraine just to film a meeting?
Where can you find accurate maps of control particularly mariupol?
If Live maps is owned by the Ukies its useless as an independent source
Operative Map
Crack in the propaganda.
Radio Canada ( french) :
Canada is involved in training ukronazis
Interesting. / And not surprising that it originates with a French-Canadian source.
Yes they are, from the very beginning.
Yes, a quite good article from the francophone CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) and the comment section is giving me some hope about ma province, le Québec! Some are quite aware of the Donbass civil war raging from 2014.
Montreal had larger protests against the war in Iraq than any American city.
There have been reports for several years about the Canadian military training Azov and fascist fighters.
Freeland inserted the most evil and belligerent language into her recent budget speech, saying: “Putin and his henchmen are war criminals. The world’s democracies—including our own—can be safe only once the Russian tyrant and his armies are entirely vanquished.”
That is a recipe for the end of the world. Russia must crush the Ukrainian army to put the West to rest.
Correct thou art: “Russia must crush the Ukrainian army to put the West to rest.”
Well established by now, training azov is not the scary part. The scary part is the pro azov ukrainian diaspora have or are well integrated into the US Canada govt and military. GL
Andrei, the Russian Ministry of Defence says that six, mostly European languages are being spoken by the foreign mercenaries/soldiers holed up with the Azov Battallion in Mariupol, based on the radio chatter. Most likely English, German, French, Polish, plus what? — Hebrew? Turkish?
Most liikely British SAS, USSA special forces, Blackwater/Academy and CIA, French Foreign Legion, Bundeswehr personnel and — also IDF? Mossad?
Plus, the rumor of USSA Army Major General Cloutier having been nabbed by the Spetsnaz is very persistent.
What insight do you have into this matter? It is a huge can of whup ass for the Pentagon/NATO/EU, if true.
Whoever they are they need taking alive.
It’s not Cloutier, it’s Clouthier, major général of US army. He claimed these last days of that he was not in Ukrain but in middle east.
For French, if it’s foreign legion, they can be some ukrainian of them wich deserted at the beginning of the war. They are no more french soldiers.
But if there is french commissioned officers or even major officers or(horror) general officers, there’s no more special foreign legion officers since 1962. Neither parachutist ou marine infantery officer. You have only field army officers wich can only serve once in their carreer in this kind of regiment. Then it could be really worse. These man could from 44e Infantery Regiment wich is the generic name for special or secret operations. They can also come from Marine Commandos.
Such men taken alive could put France in a huge, huge embarrassement.
Not probable that they’d be taken alive.
Reason: Too valuable. The remaining Azovs would probably rather shoot them beforehand.
copied directly from MoAs comment-section
“”How many NATO officers are now in Mariupol?
“…There are now about 200 NATO officers and foreign instructors…[remaining] in the underground concrete premises of Azovstal.
“[I]n Mariupol there was a large intelligence center of the French Armed Forces, acting in the interests of the alliance and the Kiev regime … but by the time the battle for the city began, there were 53 officers of the French military intelligence DGSE … they could not leave, because the Azov militants … the Nazis decided to use them as a guarantee that they themselves would be pulled out of the boiler.
“In addition to the French, there is a group of mercenaries in Mariupol … officers from Canada, Sweden and the UK, as well as a detachment of Syrian Turkomans… [and] among them there may be career intelligence officers from the Canadian CSIS, the Swedish Must and the British MI-6, who like to use the status of a mercenary as a cover. In general, they, too, were in a trap.
“On March 18, Chancellor Scholz came to help Macron, and on March 20, with the consent of Moscow, a rescue team was sent to Mariupol from officers of the German military intelligence BND. But the “Azov”, believing that this was the only hope for them to escape … turned the Germans into hostages, despite guarantees from the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the representative office of the Azov regiment located in Kyiv.
“This was followed by attempts to evacuate the French and Germans with the help of helicopters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which … [resulted] in five downed helicopters. In one of those helicopters that fell into the sea, there were supposedly two Frenchmen… According to radio interception, 21 Frenchmen died on the territory of Azovstal.
“Now all living (if there are still any) foreign intelligence officers and military specialists held in Mariupol are concentrated at Azovstal to serve as human shields for the Nazis. Since the intelligence officers of the NATO countries and Sweden are of great operational interest to the Russian special services, and the very fact of their capture can have a huge propaganda effect, as well as become a serious trump card for pressure on the Western countries, efforts were made to take them alive.
“This circumstance greatly hampered the assault on Azovstal and did not allow powerful bombing and artillery strikes … But judging by the fact that now the intensity of the work of artillery and aviation has seriously increased, either information has appeared that the foreigners were liquidated by the “Azov” in order to avoid their detention by Russian special services, or, in order not to put the lives of our soldiers at unnecessary risk, they simply waved their hand at them.”
So Russia’s patience and along with it, time for your beloved Nazi Satanists is fast running out.
Posted by: Doug Hillman | Apr 11 2022 22:16 utc | 120
There is still no credible, and verifiable proof of where about is Mr. Clouthier.
The only evidence that’s being provided is ‘still’ photography (date stamps not relevant without forensics and linkedin messages, all based on the internet source, both of which are not admissible evidence.
Whether he is alive or dead, is still anyone’s guess until there is concrete proof, no point talking about it.
If true, my view is that most Tier 1 folks will be let go, albeit on the down-low. //::// Reason is that they are most likely to rise to the highest levels of their professon over the remainder of their respective careers, and could/should be thankful for having their lives being spared, and would/should be thankful to those who have spared their lives. // The contra to this is, of course, that they feel shamed at having been spared, and that this shame does the exact opposite. // Hopefully, this contra dynamic does not dominate, or come into play at all // All of which to say is that nothing is certain in life. // Were/are they “true believers”? Or just following orders? // Back in the day, it used to be said that the majority of Delta (1-SFOD-D, CAG, etc.) guys were “MAGS” – as in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina. // So Southern boys for the most part, though not exclusively so. // These boys, and I have met one or two, are certainly not fans/willing followers of leaders/PMs/Presidents/Commanders in Chief who dance around half-naked in high heels for music videos, or who use their private parts to play keyboard instruments. // What are you fighting for, my son? //
Wishful thinking. They may be grateful, they may be angry on the proteome who defeated them.
If Russia captured that general what it have so do is a video recording showing him to the world, together with some Ukrainian Nazis tattooed with Svasticas.
Let the world know what US was doing. Then he have to be imprisoned for life, unless US release sanctions and give back Russian money.
I don’t think so. The political value if NATO Officers are in the Ukraine instructing and giving orders to the Ukrainian army is to big. I bet at least 100 Euros that Russia would make that public. It would give another justification before the world what the West is up to. The West is not only an Empire of Lies but also an Empire of Stupidity.
Spanish? the south american variety.
Sadly, even if the wildest rumors of foreign combatants in Mariupol are true, it is not likely to matter.
I cannot imagine that standard intel agency deniable asset protocol was not employed: that appropriately backdated resignations are not already on file showing that any given individual or individuals were acting in a “private” capacity.
Why did the Ukrainian fascists believe they could control all of Ukraine, when it is artificial state and only Galicia should be its own state
There’s some rumors going around that an American General named Roger Cloutier has been captured in Marioupul by the Russian forces, does anyone know if this is true or just disinformation?
It seems there was the answer, here a moment ago. A tweet dated Apr. 8 with a vid from Ria Novosti, of an American-looking guy being escorted by FSB into a building. Still in my browser’s short term memory.
On a more theoretical level, how much is this guy worth in negotiations? No doubt the Zone A media will deny his very existence. But apparently he is worth more alive than dead right now. How much leverage does it give Mr. Lavrov?
How much he, and others like him, could be worth, is an interesting question. Worth is not just Intel or barter value. There are other factors that might be relevant – having the likes of Auslander (and I have all of his books) vet and online on these guys might be useful.
The fact that General Cloutier hasn’t taken time out from his no doubt busy schedule to hold a twenty or thirty-minute press-conference just to josh people about the rumors of his demise or captivity being greatly exaggerated seems fishy, very fishy.
I believe this is the strongest argument for the general’s being either already captured or inside Azovstal. It’s so easily disproved if not true. Even a brief five-minute exchange outside his office or home would do it–assuming the person really was the general. (I read somewhere a week or so ago that TPTB were searching for a look-alike. Who knows?)
On you find an article about this.
I know about it since i was teenager, [ born and rise in poland!! ps; I read this [ and more in too] and many books!!THANK YOU!!
@ Saker
While RF Army Forces destroyed the base camp of the “Right Sector” in Donbass, Russian Special Forces killed Taras Bobanich, a nazi psychopath responsible for multiple massacres in Donbass.
It is raining hell on the Ukronazis.
The Russian Armed Forces destroyed the base camp of the “Right Sector”* in the Donetsk region
”…Earlier, the Ministry of Defense reported that Russian special forces five kilometers south of the city Raisin eliminated one of the leaders of the “volunteer Ukrainian corps” of the extremist “Right Sector”* Taras Bobanich, responsible for hundreds of deaths of civilians in Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, including children…”
Lone Wolf
One at a time gets the job done.
“Russian Special Forces killed Taras Bobanich.”
Sorry to hear what sounds like a quick death.
@ Ariadna
LOL…how perceptive.
A death by a thousand cuts would still have been too compassionate for such a beast.
Lone Wolf
“A lie told often enough becomes the truth”
It becomes the lie people accept as the truth. The truth is still the truth.
“A death by a thousand cuts would still have been too compassionate for such a beast.”
If we torture it is still torture.
Hate is a contagion. The Russians must do what is necessary and no more, least “the Beast” lives on.
Taras will be like Bandera the Nazi who sent Jews and Soviet soldiers to death camps or Micheal Chomiak a freedom Fighter to the grandchildren like Canada’s parliamentarian Freeland
We all like when a pest disappear, but we must try to preserve our own civilised dignity and avoid to lower ourselves to the bottom level of these toxic rats. A single bullet, done! For our sake,
I read on Twitter that Russia’s adopting a new tactic in Donbass. They’re now putting VDV to work hunting down the small Nazi infantry teams that have been using MANPADS to ambush Russian convoys on the highways.
Assuming what I read is true, I presume it also means VDV will now be working to intercept and destroy the small Nazi ambush teams that have using MANPADS to ambush Russian tank columns.
Can any well-informed person here comment on this news? Do you think VDV will really be used for this purpose in Donbass?
Also, am I correct in assuming that the Russian army did not use VDV for these roadside search-and-destroy missions in the northern parts of the country currently called Ukraine? I’m talking about Russia’s operations around Kiev, Chernigov, and Sumy. Sounds like the Nazis were able to roam the terrain alongside the highways freely, which is why they executed so many successful ambushes.
I hope this news about VDV’s new tactical assignment is true. If the Nazis are not able to continue their sneaky ambushes, during which they operate in small squads of infantry equipped with MANPADS, the Russia may be poised to do very well on the battlefield in upcoming battles.
What is VDV?
airborne troops,
Commenting on Kaczynski’s desire to base U.S. nukes in Poland. Poland has really diminished itself in the eyes of the world. Pathetic bootlickers sucking U.S. dick. They’re serfs. Content serfs, owned and operated by their western puppet masters. Even the Brookings Institute stated that this was “a singularly bad idea.” The sad thing is that they’ve learned nothing from their turbulent history. Relying on American for future security will turn out about as well as it did for them relying on Anglo-French guarantees in 1939. Those with some intelligence and perspective of course know this. Remember Sikorski’s taped conversations from 2014. ” Mr Sikorski told former Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski at a restaurant in Warsaw early this year that “the Polish-US alliance isn’t worth anything”. Using vulgar language, he compared Polish subservience to the US to giving oral sex. He also warned that such a stance would cause “conflict with the Germans, Russians”. He also used a racially loaded term to describe the Polish stance – “murzynskosc”, which suggests a slave mentality. “[We are] suckers, total suckers. The problem in Poland is that we have shallow pride and low self-esteem,” Mr Sikorski was quoted as saying. ” What’s that? Conflict with Germans and Russians. Is it possible that at some point in the future a resurgent Germany may want its Eastern lands back?
I will add some background. Before Kaczynski, spiritual successor of ultimate crook Pilsudski, came to win second time in 2015 we had good economy, not the best, but still good. Kaczynski, because his is an economic idiot and surrounds himself with other idiots and crooks like him, and due to his stupid polices he pushed Poland into great debt and started to print money like crazy. This and lockdowns led to biggest inflation in EU. And Russia didn’t even fire single shot. There is more to it, but I don’t want overstretch this comment. At this pace with samctions we soon will be also 404 country filled with Rusophobia.
Kaczynski is just a pathetic nobody and his live is one big non-achievment. Badly educated, he even almost failed course of Polish! and English language in college, which prevented him from passing maturity exam and going further to university. He only passed these courses thanks to his dad connections with communist regime officials.
Now compare it to Putin’s education and his achievments. There is no comparision, top dog vs some nobody. Poland is siliding down and at the end there is a brick wall.
Andrew K,
Looking at the real data from 2015 he never printed money like crazy
He slashed the budget deficit from 2.6 to 0.7% of GDP.
In other words he slashed the private sector surplus down to 0.7% of GDP.
EU austerity program.
That’s why the economy was ruined.
Of course look what consumer credit – pushing families into debt did during that time
By slashing government spending they forced consumers to take out more loans from the banks.
As the private sector surplus shrunk. It was replaced by bank loans.
EU economic policy 101
That’s why Poland’s economy was ruined.
When comes to the money printing it is true that in 2015 everything was calm.
But situation with money printing has changed dramatically after Covid-19 pandemic. One of the highest inflation in EU didn’t come from nothing.
And this is data from GUS. Goverment institution controlled by Kaczynski. They were caught multiple times with manipulating data in Kaczynski favor. GUS was reliable institution before 2015.
And regarding consumer loans. Now they are rising interests rate
I enjoyed reading your comments, realpolitik, as Brezinski used to say.
I am supposedly of Polish descent, Werweczcka was the family name. When I got my genetic test, they put my Slavic haplogroup in Bulgaria. I have come to find out, that the State referred to in history as Old Great Bulgaria, in 630, was in modern-day SouthEastern Ukraine, surrounding the Azov Sea.
“the Polish-US alliance isn’t worth anything”.
I have to also add that Sikorski described future rule of Kaczynski’s Law and Justice party. He told that Poland will be at odds with Russia and entire EU and their only ally will be US and that alliance will be worthless.
That vulgar expression of giving sex was description of Law and Justice behavior toward USA.
He also called Kaczynski’s party “total loosers”.
His prediction was 100 percent truth. The problem is that officially Sikorski is also ardent rusophobe, ultimate supporter of this “worthless alliance” and you have to conceal a freaking wire under table to learn his true posistion. His actions are also a reason, why Poland will soon to be 404 state. He is double faced untrustworthy Empire of Lies minion.
If you get rid of Kaczynski you will be better off than Germany! Germany is the real basket case of Europe, I am living in it, and believe me, the only positive side of it, the Army is utterly useless, so no danger for Poland, Russia or even Liechtenstein. The economy will suffer, the people will suffer, but rightfully so, if you elect useless morons for 20 years, you get that result.
This Land is so batshit crazy, I think the US, Poland, Russia, France, Italy, they all will come out of this crisis, but Germany is really lost, probably with the UK, I am seeing people freezing, starving, millions will flee out of it.
Fixing the mess after Kaczynski’s rule is next to impossible. You would need Joseph of Egypt or miracle from Heaven. He set back Poland’s economy back 90s, when comes to the scale of bussiness investment and new infrastracture (PiS doesn’t build new roads, railways, nuclear power plant, power lines etc.). We could soon face hiperinflation like from early 90s after collapse of the Soviet Union. And we have so big debt that we can’t simply pay it back and we need to take more loans to prolong the agony. Also back in the 90s our debt was relatively small, easy to pay it back and all money were invested wisely into mines, infrastracture etc.
So commies had better grasp about economy than Kaczynski. Kaczynski just spent all those bilions of dollars on buying votes or he put money into wrong investments, which never improve our economy. Wasted 30 years of development. Poland despite its long history is about to be thrown to the dumpster.
Germany economy output is a huge chunk of EU, if Germany slows down the rest will suffer massively. But that could’ve been the US plan all along anyway
I noticed that after the NATO meeting with Biden, Poland suddenly became a provocateur likely they were instructed to be as provocative as possible with Russia. I believe their strategy is to get the Russian people to be upset that Putin isn’t hard enough with Ukraine knowing that Putin doesn’t want a wider war with NATO. Earlier Poland was very hesitant about upsetting Russia now they are seemingly mad with bloodlust. Maybe they’ll get their wish for bloodlust though not how they expect it to be.
I don’t believe that. Poland has been very hawkish about integrating Ukraine into Nato at least since 2008, possibly earlier. Poland has also been very active in redirecting the EU’s Eastern Partnership program away from Russia towards Ukraine. The new EU members have subverted EU policy to suite their own nationalistic agenda and hate for Russia. The Polish intelligence service has been feeding its Western partners with biased information about Russia.
The new EU members are very sensitive about being 2nd class citizens in a Western community of which they despise the values. Thus, the West has to humor them in paying attention to anything they claim to know about Russia.
Sie haben militärisch verloren, in Afghanistan sogar gegen Turbane mit Sandalen. Politisch verloren, bei den Sanktionen keine Länder außer ihren eigenen auf ihrer Seite. Ökonomisch verloren, es entsteht ein Handels- und Finanzsystem ohne Eurodollar und SWIFT. Und den Informationskrieg verloren. Wörter des Jahres sind “Operation Z” und “Imperium der Lügen” und deren Gegenschöpfung, dieser Krieg sei schlimmer als andere, da die Ukraine “europäisch und relativ zivilisiert” sei und die Ukrainer “blond und blauäugig”.
Nun entwickelt sich Mariupol zu einem Tsunami: Kriegsverbrechen und Greueltaten von Nazis unter dem Kommando von NATO-Offizieren, Biowaffenlabors. Also drehen sie das einzige auf, was sie noch haben: Die PSYOP-Orgel mit Lügen, Geschrei und Emotionen.
They lost militarily, in Afghanistan even against turbans with sandals. Politically lost, with the sanctions no countries except their own on their side. Economically lost, a trading and financial system is created without the eurodollar and SWIFT. They lost the information war. Words of the year are “Operation Z” and “Empire of Lies” and their countercreation, this war is worse than others, since Ukraine is “European and relatively civilized”, and Ukrainians are “blond and blue-eyed”.
Now Mariupol is developing into a tsunami: war crimes and atrocities committed by Nazis under the command of NATO officers, bio-weapons laboratories. So they turn on the only thing they have left: the PSYOP organ with lies, screams and emotions.
Thank you. Keep telling the truth
Russia cannot prevent Vic Nuland and Zelenskyi from continuing their 2022 Intimidation and Misinformation World Tour but what it can do is send their own delegation (Lavrov, Zakharova, heck, send Natalia Poklonskaya for optics) to share real intelligence/facts about the war with high level officials and leaders of nations with whom it wishes to maintain good relations. I’m sure (hope?) this is taking place with China at least, but should they not be more pro-active? Or would sending out a delegation attract undue attention/tip their hand? All Russia needs to win the long war is to prevent any further neutral nations from being regime-changed or intimidated by the Empire of Lies. This is no easy task, and after witnessing how unprepared Russia was for the PR war I can’t help but fear that maybe their very nature is preventing them from being effective in this realm. Russians seem to believe that if you are objective, truthful and have facts on your side, surely justice will prevail. That is where that big brain of theirs might be a hindrance in this situation.
The Russian govt. is a little resigned to the fact that they can’t penetrate what they call the “Informational Iron Curtain” that the West has erected, not just recently, but since the start of the Cold War. They actually have vast experience with public relations from Soviet Union times. Soviet propaganda was superbly executed and disseminated, internally and in Zone B. Soviet documentary film-makers were the best in the world.
The only time I can think of that Soviet documentary film-makers successfully got anything to the broadcast market in the West was their monumental “The Unknown War” series about Red Army and home-front operations in WW II. I think it was a joint venture with the US documentary film-makers of “Victory at Sea.” Russians/Soviets filmed everything. They were very thorough. You can watch the entire doc series, made for a western audience, on YT for free. It will blow your mind. When the multi-ethnic Russian Empire (Monarchy, Soviet, Federation, whatever) decide to do war, they can do it on a vast and monumental scale if they want to. Never march on Moscow for a reason. Their organizational skills simply can’t be beat.
Hell even us US citizens in the know (perhaps at most just 10% of us) are behind the “Informational Iron Curtain”. Godspeed Russian troops!!!
“The only time I can think of that Soviet documentary film-makers successfully got anything to the broadcast market in the West was their monumental “The Unknown War” series about Red Army and home-front operations in WW II.”
Is that the one narrated by Burt Lancaster? Great stuff, very long but moving and powerful, should be required in every USA high school. And, why not? Got something against Burt!
Looking back the Cold War was sunshine and rainbows compared to the neo-liberal shit-storm that followed.
För those interested in watching the series “The unknown war”
A question for the Vineyard community:
“What events have to transpire in order for the United States to cease aggression against the Russian Federation?”
Aggression is defined as:
1. Economic sanctions designed to interrupt opportunities for Russia to engage in international commerce
2. Continue shipments of various munitions to the AFU (Armed Forces of Ukraine)
3. Continue AFU training in the use of weapons, tactics and media propaganda
4. Deny Russia an equal voice in the United Nations Security Council and the General Assembly
5. Influence European nations to join NATO in order to install offense weapons pointed at Russia
6. Harass Russian citizens abroad by punishing them solely for being Russian and not for any crime
7. Threaten Russian high-ranking elected officials with assassination
8. Providing support for known terrorists to serve as mercenaries to fight against Russia
9. Support the torture of Russian POW’s in violation of the Geneva Convention
10. Threaten other nations with sanctions that support Russia’s liberation of Ukraine
The U.S.A. is in a State of War against the Russian Federation. Nothing will stop that unless Russia avoids getting dragged into a NATO confrontation and instead takes the fight directly to the U.S. mainland.
This is the only way to stop the U.S; the only way.
That’s the point… it won’t stop until the confrontation is direct (even under nuclear penalty)… it’s extremely comfortable for the US to wage these proxy wars while the rest of the world explodes.
At the point we have reach I believe one can assess that instead of launching SMO, Russia would have benefited from a much better outcome by cutting all gas pipeline to Europe flat out.
An ultimatum reminding all conditions in the Memorandum sent to US diplomacy in december, to be implemented within 7 days or else.
No gas total panic!
No need for war.
Well, they should do it today.
They could, they won’t though, it is much telling …
It’s a good point but it risks the EU declaring war on Russia and, once again, the US going into the old “proxy war” mode, with its territory intact.
PokeTheTruth wrote:
What events have to transpire for the US to cease aggression against the Russian Federation?
My Comment:
Several blow backs are coming to the US:
Large US debt – Large US deficit – Loss of world reserve currency – Hyperinflation – Interest rate hike – Federal bankruptcy – State secession’s – Civil war – Retaliation for the war on Terror – Retaliation for the color revolutions – Retaliation for the financial crisis – Retaliation for the Migrant crisis – Retaliation for the Bio weapons – Military defeat to Russia – Military defeat to China – Isolation – hunger – Depression.
Do the US need anymore beating in order to become humble?
Yes, it’s disintegration and the word “American” becoming merely a curse word. Oh happy day!
There is no way Russia can take the fight to the Empire’s heartland; short of thermonuclear war, which is undesirable. The “elites” will not be moved, the public plays no role. And in any case the ongoing culture war makes sure the U.S. will implode. So the battleground for now is Europe – the Third German War. While being cautious about Syria, Serbia, Transnistria, Kaliningrad, Belorus, the Stans and the Caucasus. Finland in NATO would be a blow but nothing can be done at the moment. In this hybrid war over the EU Russia is doing things mostly right. In Ukraine they are too slow; but no wonder if there are really only 40 BTG in Ukraine. Russia plays this very careful, not exposing its flanks to a NATO attack. Nevertheless, Odessa and Izmail should be taken by combined forcible amphib and aerial assault, and the bridges over the Dnjepr should be taken.
Fight can be taken to the main land with just one carefully aimed 500 kg conventional bomb on las palmas. But the after effects politically and military wise is open question.
The US will destroy itself. There is no need for military confrontation as this would play into the arms of US bigots. At the moment, US militaries are composed of failed gangsters and white trash who couldn’t defeat religious bigots. Not even with the world’s complete support, absolute air supremacy, and the world’s ‘best trained and best armed military.’
Voltaire: “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”
The most interesting result of this war is the complete lack of support for US-NATO in every other part of the world. They know Western hypocrisy in their bones. US-NATO promises and treaties are worthless. Their short and long term strategy is to attack Russia and every other country or leader wanting real democracy and an economy designed to support their own people. They attack the leadership with contemptible lies and treacherous US trained military violence.
Thomas Paine: ”To argue with a person who has renounced reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”
Putin has heard all the promises, watched the treaties signed, and quickly ignored. He knows of the racist genocides committed and planned. It won’t be the vacuous opinions of irrelevant Westerners that define this war. It will be blunt demands and brutal facts on the ground that outline Ukraine’s public defeat. This war will end with Russian tanks shaking the ground at western borders.
Western lies and atrocities are endless and stretch back to slavery, Colonialism, and First Nations genocides. It is easily traced through every Presidency and Western country. The US began with Washington, who would rather sell his slaves to support his army than free them so they could fight in his ranks. Here in Canada, RCMP trained cowards routinely set lethal sniper over watch on First Nations protests. Meanwhile hundreds of First Nations children are found anonymously buried in residential school graves. Prince Charles lied to Princess Diana so the royals could have a beautiful, compassionate woman reinvigorate their ugly stupid lineage.
H. L. Mencken (1880 – 1956): “The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.”
The US now, and always, makes allies of the most corrupt, violent collaborators. Recently, US trained military yahoos have committed 8 coups in West Africa. ‘Los Zetas’, Mexico’s worst narco gang were trained and armed by US ‘special forces’.The US created the Taliban monster. Honduras, where democracy was recently restored after a US-OAS coup installed a president and family now facing decades in US prisons for drug trafficking. El Salvador, where ex-President Cristiani is facing murder charges for the executions of 6 Catholic priests, housekeeper, and her young daughter. NATO welcomes military coups and death squads everywhere so long as it favours corporate greed and terrifies people with human rights violations. Only the most savage, racist, drug-dealing monsters are embraced as worthy NATO allies.
Isaac Asimov (1920 – 1992): “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that your ignorance is just as good as my knowledge.”
After the a 100 years of lies and murders, every western ‘media’ cloaca drips adulation for Zelenskiy and his brutal, subhuman NATO-trained army.
Great comment with excellent quotes. Thanks.
I can add that every brutal reflex of the UK state and its ruling class is understated, lied about or suppressed by Government and a MSM. This is normalised under the umbrella of a sclerotic democracy that whitewashes its crimes in servitude to a financial oligarchy whose history is defined by greed and cruelty. The people (in true Orwellian style) are deliberately kept ignorant and reactionary by education and information control enabling the State to frame and conceal its crimes by the absolute assertion of its principled benevolence and humanity. This cynical and totalitarian brainwashing is no better exemplified than in UK policy to the Ukraine crisis where barbarism is portrayed as civilization, evil as goodness and truth as falsehood. The dramatic staging of PM Boris Johnson’s visit to Zelensky in Kiev exhibits the shallowness and duplicity of political culture in Britain portrayed as a samaritan like gesture to a embattled hero it faithfully sanitises the reality of M16 and the MOD’s lengthy involvement in the war in Ukraine since 2014 (not forgetting its support and arming of Banderite fascists in the 1940’s and 50’s). The UK ruling class has no qualms in supporting and arming fascists whether in Europe or South America to protect its placement in the global financial hierarchy of the US Empire.
Classically, the elites so impoverish the State and loot the people and the treasury to the point that they cannot pay the army. After that…well, everybody knows. Even the doe eyed blond at the Dewdrop Inn knows what happens when an army realizes it’s been betrayed.
I cannot imagine a strategy more doomed to failure than Russia attacking the continental (or even Alaska/Hawaii) United States.
The reason why the US gets into so much fuckery around the world is economic.
Fixing that is what will force the US to redirect its efforts internally – and that’s what is already happening thanks to the US breaking the most basic rule of banksters: trust.
Read up on Zoltan Pozsar’s Bretton Woods III thesis.
Some commenters on this blog have expressed some doubt about the probability of Russia’s military success in Ukraine. To those people I suggest that you read/watch Andrei Martyanov’s articles and videos.
Four hours ago, WSJ reported, without WH confirmation, that Army Gen. Christopher Cavoli, the current commander of U.S. Army Europe, is slated to head U.S. European Command. And Army Lt. Gen Bryan Fenton is slated to lead U.S. Special Operations Command.
No mention of Lt. Gen. Roger L. Cloutier Jr., commander of NATO’s Allied Land Command.
The generals who have lost people in Mariupol will be replaced.
I bet Cloutier has retired to “spend time with his family”… more precisely with his ancestors
Text is in Russian. NATO is selling Ukraine outdated junk, rusty coffins, and brainded European politicians think that they will somehow blead out Russia by throwing metal scraps at them.
Yandex translation of
“Yuri Selivanov: The dump of the NATO illiquid
11.04.2022 19:21
To share
Source: infoglaz.Russia
Informal European “allies” of Ukraine in the most shameless way get rid of their military junk under the guise of “military assistance” to Kiev
After a recent trip in a “fantastic Ukrainian train” on the Warsaw-Kiev route, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson set himself on fire to turn the British army into almost the main supplier of military equipment to the Kiev regime. It is not by chance that we use in this case the cautious expression “military property” instead of the seemingly more appropriate “weapons and military equipment”.
Because, as it turns out, the range of upcoming British supplies is so peculiar that the Kiev “warriors of light” do not have to be envied.
Source: bmpd.livejournal
This strange rattletrap, hung with anti-cumulative grilles, is called “Mastiff” and is a clone of the American armored car “Cougar”. The one who covered himself with very dubious fame in the battles with the Yemeni Houthis. They mercilessly burn these armored vehicles, apparently because they “did not finish the academies” and simply do not know that they are facing the most advanced American MRAP class equipment.
Source: bmpd.livejournal
And this is what another long-awaited British gift to Ukraine looks like after a close acquaintance with the Houthi RPG–7 – a “lightweight armored car” of the Husky type.
Source: bmpd.livejournal
And finally, achtung, the “pearl of the collection”!
“Spartan is an old light tracked armored personnel carrier of the Scorpion light tank family (SRV(T)), withdrawn from service with the British Army back in 2009. To date, the British have managed to attach decommissioned cars of the CPV(T) family only to Latvia. The practical value of the Spartan is now very doubtful, but it can be assumed that Ukrainians are being offered to use it as an armament carrier.”
The same “Spartan”, which managed to be attached only to Latvia, and even then because of its hopeless poverty. Source: bmpd.livejournal
However, the real hit of this British auction of unheard-of generosity promises to be the American RGM—84D Harpoon Block 1C anti-ship missiles, purchased by the British in the ancient world – in the early 80s of the last century, which they themselves plan to scrap in five years. But it still went nowhere – the Kiev regime will definitely have enough for its century. But here’s the joke. This “super-duper” technique is served on all telegram channels in the form of a kind of fully combat-ready mobile shock complex. Like in this picture.
Source: aviationweek
However, the trick is that except in the picture, in this form it does not exist anywhere. Here’s what knowledgeable people write:
“Although these missiles are used by the British only as ship-based, however, if desired, the rearrangement of their transport and launch containers with the appropriate equipment on land-based wheeled chassis for shore-based is unlikely to pose a serious technical problem. Previously, one variant of such adaptation was already known, when in the early 1990s the Danish Navy rearranged four four-container launchers with Harpoon Block 1C missiles from two Peder Skram-type frigates decommissioned from the Danish fleet to 8×8 commercial wheeled automobile chassis, the two batteries of semi-improvised mobile missile systems thus obtained were in service with coastal defense Denmark until 2003.”
Aha, now! Well, you understand — the Kiev army, in fact, is offered such a Do-it-yourself kit from which, with the help of improvised means in Ukraine, they will be able, if possible, to compose something remotely similar to the indescribable beauty mentioned above.
Considering how many years in the same Ukraine the infamous Neptune missile defense system was brought to mind, which in the end never fired at a Russian ship, it is not difficult to imagine how many years it will take to modernize British missiles within the framework of such a circle “Inept Hands”. Moreover, there are no other opportunities besides this circle — the military industry has been “calibrated” by the Russians to a complete “alles”.
But the British are not the only ones in this race of European champions for the love of Ukraine. The Germans are breathing down their backs. who urgently freed themselves from the “guilt complex” in front of Russia and decided that it was impossible to do without German tanks in such a case.
That’s just with the tanks themselves, a small hitch came out. As it turned out, there were no “Tigers” and “Panthers” already tested in Ukraine on the farm. And more or less similar to modern tanks “Leopards 2” the Germans themselves have less than three hundred pieces. And if you share it with Ukrainians, then there will be nothing left at all.
“The German Defense Minister, saying that almost everything they could have been sent to Ukraine, told the pure truth. Today, the Leopard-2 tanks that were in storage and requiring serious repairs are being removed from the deconservation and restored. But not for Bandera, but for the Bundeswehr, whose tank fleet for the war with Russia is recognized as completely insufficient. Something similar is happening in almost all European members of NATO.”
But the way out. They found it after all! And even cleaner than the British! Someone knowledgeable in ancient history remembered that before the Leopards-2, the Bundeswehr was armed with the Leopard-1 tank. And it seems that somewhere in the wasteland near Berlin, you can still find whole deposits of these well-rusted gizmos. It turned out to be true, they found it!
Leopard 1 tank storage base in Germany. A snapshot of 2019. Source: odetievbrony
Complete with this “betrayal of the deep antiquity”, the cunning Germans intend to sell Marder infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine, and for money (!) exactly the same record exposure – 50 years with a bang! But it’s only cognac that gets better over the years.
The list of fantastic gifts that will fall on Kiev in the near future can be continued for a long time. But, in our opinion, this is quite enough to understand what we are talking about.
In general, it turns out that the weapons and military equipment that are currently in service with the “APU” are even more modern than those artifacts of antiquity that the Western fans of Kiev are going to send to the eastern front.
But here’s the question that arises! If even with the presence of quite good-quality Soviet military equipment, the “Ukrainian army” managed to lose almost everything it had in just a month and a half of fighting and hopelessly stuck in all sorts of boilers, then how much will it gain by getting all this Western antiques for supply? The legend is fresh, but it’s hard to believe!
Yuri Selivanov, especially for News Front”
Feel bad for the 40 year old guy not allowed to leave and is being told get in this rust bucket drive it to eastern Ukraine and get the Russians. Not his choice, they’ll shoot him if he doesn’t do it and will most certainly die within a week or two scary stuff.
He, like many others, has had years to get out, even into Russia if he isn’t an “undesirable”. Remember, nobody in the Ukraine can say they didn’t know what has been going on. Folly rewards itself, as they say.
This confirms everything that i researched myself when doing a consultancy project assisting British companies. The more i looked at the type of work that was available to support the British and German armies the more shocked i was at the amateurish procurement and preference given to patching up and upgrading and returning to service all manner of ancient infantry support vehicles, rather than any dedicated new programme of development of a more modern technology / mass production / improved armour
The whole game is to clean out and buy US weapons with local productions in Germany, France and UK.
Ukraine and later Poland used as willing wasteland.
It would appear that phase 2 of the Russian Operation in Ukraine is now well under way?
MARIOPOL: Hopefully this is concluded soon for the sake of combatants and civilians. Azov fighters must be close to running out of ammo and food by now. Wonder what “Little Secrets” lie hidden within that Steel Plant? (Maybe NATO knows?)
DONBAS: They say at least 60,000 Ukraine Troops in the Donbas Cauldron – maybe more? Would imagine lots of air and artillery strikes ahead. Col. Douglas McGregor and Former Weapon Inspector Scott Ritter state that the Ukraine Military is no longer capable of large scale maneuver operations. They have no air power or naval forces to assist them. The Ukraine Troops in the Donbas area should surrender. Likely not though.
WEAPONS: Wonder if Russians will employ Armata armored platforms, (T-14 tanks, T-15 heavy infantry vehicle, and 2S35 152mm self-propelled artillery), that could be brought into the Donbas theater and elsewhere? Good time to test their capabilities.
The T-15 heavy infantry fighting vehicle might have been a good addition in this conflict as it is almost as well armored as the T -14 tank and has the weapons to take out both tanks and troops. T-15 also can carry 9 infantry into battle and can sport an A-220 57mm auto cannon. It might have helped reduce armored and troop losses earlier in the conflict.
– Will they, or have they, introduce the 2S38 Derivaciya PVO – Russian 57 mm Self Propelled Anti Aircraft Gun, (on BMP-3 Chassis) and the BMP Terminator infantry fighting vehicles for urban combat and drone destruction?
I’m not a strategist but there’s one thing I know: each time, each time, each time for years now, Russia always surprise everybody. Each time.
Everybody is waiting for a huge and massive offensive in Donbass.
They probably will do something else.
will we see fireworks…as 09/30/2015 in the Syria ???…I think so…Vladimir Vladimirovich will pull out from his “hat”..another surprise….go ahead Vlad !!!!!!!
“Russia always surprise everybody.“
Consider the psychological pressure building in the Donbas cauldron. The silence must be deafening and coffin-like between barrages of artillery fire. Great time for the 60K Ukrainians to reflect and soul search.
Waiting and not rushing might also serve the overall objectives.
Largest mass surrender since WWII. Russia is just waiting for the Ukrainian conscripts to start shooting their Nazi officers before accepting the surrender.
Soon Russia will be the only country in the World who can say they are 2 & 0 against Nazis.
It’s known that UA soldiers are under the gun of their Nazi masters. They are human shields themselves. But if they do manage to kill or disable the Azovs etc, oppressed them for so long.the bulk of the army may be salvaged to function as the new law enforcement in Ukraine. And they will not deal kindly with remaining Nazi and other thugs like Kolomoysky et al.
They will likely march on the western portion of Ukraine and wipe out or drive out the remaining criminals.
As for Mariupol, Odessa and other towns, I hope public war trials will be held in each city by their respective citizens.
Ukrainians must be the ones who smash up the statues of Bandera, rename streets etc to regain their sense of pride and ‘rightness’, or righteousness and henceforth celebrate their collective victory over the vile evil.
Really appreciate the insightful coverage on the Russia/Ukraine conflict 👍
There is currently happening right now, the biggest artillery barrage I’ve seen @ Kharkiv since the start of the war, is this the beginning of stage 2 of the Russian operation or has it already begun previously?
Mr. Akawie,
U.S./NATO’s reason for Finland and Sweden to join is not to assimilate their national militaries into a larger NATO force. The purpose is to install surface-to-surface missile platforms pointed at Russia. Each installation represents another Russian western city to target and terrorize.
Russia is being systematically surrounded with more and more missiles that will have tactical nuclear warheads to destroy western Russia. Russia will not be able to stop them all. And the U.S. mainland will not suffer the ravages of war just like they have never experienced death and destruction in modern times.
Russia has to act with a massive preemption on a scale they are more than capable of executing. They have to make a decision soon otherwise they will lose the country to Satan’s minions.
There are 44 days left until May 24; that is 90 days from February 24, the beginning of the end of the U.S. agenda to rule over the world. In my opinion, Russia will have no other choice unless by divine intervention the U.S. is stopped.
”Russia is being systematically surrounded with more and more missiles that will have tactical nuclear warheads to destroy western Russia. Russia will not be able to stop them all. And the U.S. mainland will not suffer the ravages of war just like they have never experienced death and destruction in modern times.”
Pah! you think anyone would win this contest! Do wake up old chap!
Full-scale nuclear exchange – as follows: US and its proxies have this demented notion that they could survive a nuclear war! Let’s envisage the scenario. The West will mount full scale nuclear attack, destroys sitting duck Russian nuclear assets and urban centres. However other Russian assets – they have plenty – will survive the initial first strike, but will be completely vulnerable to the Russian counter-attack launched from submarines, airborne strike forces from both within and outside of Russia. There is no way the west could survive this massive counter-strike and they know it.
If global nuclear famine could result from just 100 nuclear detonations, what might be the result of a fuller exchange of the several thousand warheads held in current inventories by the US and Russia?
One 2008 study looked at a Russia-US nuclear war scenario, where Russia would target 2,200 weapons on Western countries and the US would target 1,100 weapons each on China and Russia. In total, therefore, 4,400 warheads detonate, equivalent to roughly half the current inventories held each by Russia and the US.
Nuclear weapons held by other states were not used in this scenario, which has a 440-Mt explosive yield, equivalent to about 150 times all the bombs detonated in World War II. This full-scale nuclear war was estimated to cause 770 million direct deaths and generate 180 Tg of soot from burning cities and forests. In the US, about half the population would be within 5km of a ground zero, and a fifth of the country’s citizens would be killed outright.
A subsequent study, published in 2019, looked at a comparable but slightly lower 150 Tg atmospheric soot injection following an equivalent scale nuclear war. The devastation causes so much smoke that only 30-40 percent of sunlight reaches the Earth’s surface for the subsequent six months.
A massive drop in temperature follows, with the weather staying below freezing throughout the subsequent Northern Hemisphere summer. In Iowa, for example, the model shows temperatures staying below 0°C for 730 days straight. There is no growing season. This is a true nuclear winter.
Nor is it just a short blip. Temperatures still drop below freezing in summer for several years thereafter, and global precipitation falls by half by years three and four. It takes over a decade for anything like climatic normality to return to the planet.
By this time, most of Earth’s human population will be long dead. The world’s food production would crash by more than 90 percent, causing global famine that would kill billions by starvation. In most countries less than a quarter of the population survives by the end of year two in this scenario. Global fish stocks are decimated and the ozone layer collapses.
“Pah! you think anyone would win this contest! Do wake up old chap!”
Please do wake up to the fact that the corrupt West is not run by reasonable people but by a cult of demon-possessed, theistic Satanists.
“There is no way the west could survive this massive counter-strike and they know it.”
What makes you think they care? If they gave the slightest damn about risking the-end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it they wouldn’t be doing things like exiting the INF treaty and trying to surround Russia and China, etc. Their evil empire is going down and they’re desperate. Would you expect these evil people to graciously accept defeat (especially after all of their heinous crimes against humanity)? I wouldn’t.
Please, you’ve been comprehensively answered, and REM actually recommended avoiding the brain-rot MSM and calming down. Best regards to you in these trying times.
Your post and Nicholas Hagenau’s below are on point, imho. However, what keeps nagging at me is the question of how the West would respond to any hypersonic missile strikes. For instance, they appear to be highly destructive due to their massive kinetic energy (on the order of that of a strategic nuclear strike): does this mean the targeted nation would be unable to distinguish them from a nuke early enough to prevent a nuclear response? Or, do you think the target would simply retaliate with nukes in the face of the sheer power of hypersonic weapons?
Further effects of a nuclear war:
(1) The ozone depletion is dramatic due to a reaction with NOx created from the reaction between diatomic oxygen and nitrogen within the thermal fireball. Secondary UV damage to remaining plant and animal life will be dramatic;
(2) which levels of SO2 from the atomization of calcium sulfate wall panels in homes and other buildings;
(3) dramatic increase in carbon dioxide from secondary fires causing global cooling above about 10,000 ft and global warming below 10,000 ft which will persist for years even after the carbon black (soot) is washed out of the upper atmosphere via mixing of the atmosphere. The carcinogenic volatile organic compounds from the fires will be a secondary effect;
(4) long term radiation dead zones if nuclear blasts go off at ground level over depleted nuclear fuel rod storage ponds. Hitting metallic uranium fuel rods at storage areas would pose an even longer-term hazard due to the high fuel burnout of metallic uranium fuel from subs (e.g Sr-90 and Cs-137)
As an aside, many of the submarine-depleted metallic uranium fuel rods at Hanford (some two million pounds) were stored in a fuel pond. Following 9/11 the politicians were finally told that had a terrorist plane crashed onto the pond the highly radioactive metallic and pyrophoric uranium would have caught fire contaminating vast portions of the Western US for thousands of years.
(5) Nuclear torpedoes detonated near shore will add a water surge to coastline areas and even parboil people from the steam generated from the blast.;
There are a lot of other secondary hazards but these will not change the outcome detailed above.
On the bright side, if most missiles are shot down, the subsequent nuclear winter effects will be minimized.
I think you mean kiloton – there are no nukes anywhere in the world with more than 5 or 10 megaton yields today.
As for nuclear winter: this is one of those highly speculative theses.
The originator: Carl Sagan in the 1970s, took the meteor-killed-the-dinosaur thesis and repurposed it for arms control.
The problem is that a dinosaur killer meteor has more energy, in a single spot, than most of the world’s nuclear weapons today put together.
Sagan later predicted a mini-nuclear winter from Saddam’s firing of oil wells in the 1st Iraq incursion by the US in the 1990s. Temperatures locally fell by 5-7 degrees C, etc but it all cleared up in 2 weeks or so – and Sagan had to admit he was wrong. It also turned out that Sagan’s original thesis overestimated the amount of soot/smoke from fires by at least 400%.
The present nuclear winter theory – which is mostly pushed by one guy – is that smoke/debris has to go over 70K meters in order to stay in the atmosphere. Even this is questionable since Pinatubo in 1991 did not have a multi-year effect – and we’re waiting now to see if the recent Pacific mega-eruption will have any effect at all. Both eruptions sent enormous amounts of materials dozens of miles into the atmosphere – well above the 70K meter level.
It is also not at all clear that the almost exclusively sub-megaton warheads of today will be able to generate enough fires to get debris above 70K meters.
I’m not saying there cannot be nuclear winter.
I am saying that the supposed science has been disproven several times in practice and has been evolving to compensate.
In my view, you don’t need a potentially fictional nuclear winter scenario in order to not make nuclear war.
A strategic thermonuclear strike would end civilization. Unlikely to be initiated by any side. But there are danger factors. Like: MAD is designed for two powers, not three (China). Makes everything complicated and unpredictable. The other danger is “slipping into it”. For example use of tactical nuclear warheads against targets in Poland, Germany, Holland, Italy (the bomb bases in these countries) in response to a NATO attack on Kaliningrad and rapid escalation to the strategic level. Or an USN attack on Russian positions in Syria, with Russian nuclear response against the USN CSG or SSGNs, also with escalation potential to the strategic level. All scary. In all scenarios the West would initiate.
So much more…
EMP strikes only to disable anything with a circuit board would end civilisation without any destruction. We built this civilisation on the easy pickings in the Earth’s crust, now they are gone we couldn’t start again with what is left.
No electricity, no vehicles, no food deliveries. Now, which countries haven’t converted their vehicle fleets to electric?? Which armies don’t need night-vision gear, electronic targeting, computer controlled aircraft…
However, I think more and more countries will give up on the USA and avoid their petro-dollar, leading to the economic collapse of the USA and quite likely it’s breaking up.
U.S./NATO’s reason for Finland and Sweden to join is not to assimilate their national militaries into a larger NATO force. The purpose is to install surface-to-surface missile platforms pointed at Russia.
PokeTheTruth on April 11, 2022 · at 4:53 pm EST/EDT
Any country that joins NATO right now for such purpose in order to make themselves.more “secure” is a major contestant for a National Darwin Award, in spite of the hot competition.
You know what, folks?
Survived 90-es in Belgrade; lost my veteran traumatized brother to booze; survived 2nd Intifada just because hamsin was coming so I’ve stayed back home with kids that particular day when two Palestinians AKed folks in bakery that I liked so good to frequent … back to Belgrade to enjoy “transition”. All the f…in’ joys of directed and controlled democracy. I’d like to, and I’d be grateful to be allowed to, comment on Mr. Lavrov’s remarks.
Long bullshit short: It happened that us all got stuck in The Blues Brothers flow of events. “Shit. What? Rollers! No. Yes. Shit.” Of course, we are presently in default knee jerk position: “Unnecessary violence approved!”
Commentator PavewayIV posted the following comment at Moon of Alabama earlier today:
What important people are stuck in the Azovstal Complex in Mariupol? My read: 1) next fascist-leaning leadership of Ukraine groomed to replace Zelensky, 2) U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) anti-terrorist assassination/capture teams, intel units, propaganda units and the SF trainers responsible for training the Ukraine Foreign Legion and all the extremist militias.
Regarding Ukraine leadership, Zelensky is all for show and popular support. He does presidential stuff, but the important part of managing the conflict is out of his hands. The CIA, their paid-for Ukrainian oligarch minions and various extremist Ukrainian nationalists run the intelligence services, SBU and internal police. They don’t covertly run Ukraine as a whole, but they do own all domestic terror aimed (today) at ‘Ukrainian separatists’ and Russia.
Zelensky and the Ukrainian government control the regular (but relatively useless) military of 500,000. They really only act in a supporting role to the much better equipped, trained and motivated ultra-nationalist and foreign militias empowered, equipped and trained by the U.S. (and assorted NATO cronies) to kill anti-Maidan Russia sympathizers or separatists. Those militias act in coordination with but mostly independently of the Ukraine armed forces. Azov is only the tip of the iceberg – the troop levels of the ultra-nationalist were grown to be almost as big as the Ukraine army itself. Ukraine can’t possibly afford to field an extra quarter-million head-chopper militia. That’s where my tax dollars (US) comes in. Not directly, of course – we hide that funding as much as possible. Ukrainian oligarchs launder much of that illegal aid from us, so it’s not traceable back to the US or NATO.
Zelensky (by US neocon reckoning) is useful for now, but quite disposable. He puts a good face on (for the West) of the poor Ukrainians struggling for freedom against evil Russia. He does not have the fortitude what the U.S. ultimately desires: a militarized, tyrannical, paranoid fascist Ukraine monitored by it’s own Stazi and the lands ethnically cleansed of Russians and those sympathetic to Russia. It will take a replacement president for that kind of evil, and that’s where Mariupol and Azovstal come in.
Corrupt Ukrainian oligarch Rinat Akhmetov owns Azovstal and – coincidentally – finances the strongest organized opposition to Zelensky. That’s where the next US-backed dictator of Ukraine will come from. Akhmetov really isn’t an ideologue concerned about Ukrainians, though. He’s a billionaire that was pro-Russia when that was profitable, and is now anti-Russia (because that’s profitable now). He eagerly cooperates with the US neocons (because it’s profitable) in all manner of covert stuff we’re doing there. Biolabs and CW stockpiles in the tunnels beneath Azovstal? Why not. SOCOM headquarters and training camps for running our covert war against pro-Russian Ukrainian separatist ‘terrorist’? Sure. Azovstal is supposedly the main black site for torturing disobedient Ukrainians – I guess we’ll find out. The extent of U.S. involvement has to be hidden from the world AND from Ukrainians.
I keep mentioning USSOCOM – this is very important. Since 9/11, there has been a war between the CIA, old-school Pentagon and a third neocon group aligned with Special Operations and counter-terrorism. The third emerged over the course of the last 20 years as a unified Special Operations Command. That’s where the SEALs, SF, MARCON, some Rangers and Delta Force ended up. The commanders intended to bypass both the CIA and Pentagon for their capture-and-kill-team missions, and have their own intelligence and propaganda arms. They bypass the Pentagon’s reporting structure and almost have a direct line to our Secretary of Defense. Nothing against the soldiers, themselves. This was neocons seizing an arm of the U.S. military because Congress and the regular military were too much bother.
In effect, they’ve side-stepped the U.S. Constitution and Congressional oversight, as well as the CIA and the Pentagon, to do their own thing the way they want to, unhindered by rules or bureaucracy. They coordinate with the CIA and Pentagon – when they feel like. The CIA’s paramilitary efforts have largely been lost to SOCOM. CIA still does it’s regime-change thing, but concentrates on corrupting Ukraine government and creating a permissive, uncontrolled environment for ultra-nationalist militias to operate.
SOCOM conducts most of their operations under U.S. authority and secrecy spelled out for Intelligence activities, and NOT under the authority specifically given to the regular military for military operations. For all practical purposes, this is the neocon’s SS answerable to nobody because they’re fighting ‘terrorists’. Label some pissed-off Ukrainian separatists and sympathizers as ‘terrorists’ and SOCOM shows up torturing them under Azovstal. Was SOCOM involved militarily in Ukraine against the wishes of Congress? Well, no (in neocon minds) because they were technically operating under spy and anti-terror authority. There’s probably plenty in Azovstal, but it doesn’t matter. They’re somewhere in Ukraine – the anti-Russian fascist militias don’t just train and equip themselves. NATO SF tag-alongs? Probably. The US wouldn’t care about SF solders and their commanders potentially lost there. The US Government is far more worried about how to explain presence of the US military fighting in a Ukraine civil war and provoking WWIII *especially* since our Congress specifically told them not to do this. I don’t think the ‘intelligence authorization’ loophole will work this time.
But these SF personnel may not be allowed to live to tell the story though.
I should have included all his analysis on the topic which includes the likelihood of the outcome you suggest. The follow-up question that wasn’t asked: Is there enough acid to dissolve the bodies of all those assets?
This is very interesting, think it’s from French tv, report from journalist, about nato commanders on the ground.
I am a long-time reader of this blog, although I rarely speak up. Well, my country most often is referred here as a ‘hyena’ at best. I understand where such epithets come from. Poland is the worst kind of US lackey, a mindless executor of the orders of the Empire of Lies. With this I agree. Russophobia propagated by the Polish authorities and mass media knows no limits. I agree with this. However, I’m astonished by statements like (from this blog):
Robert Lindsay on March 31, 2022 – at 1:30 am EST/EDT
Why don’t you elect some of these non-Russophobes as leaders, sir?
I don’t know – laugh or cry? Truly, any reader of this site has more or less an idea of what reality looks like. And yet it turns out that you can make free choices in Poland! Poland suddenly turns out to be the only country where free elections are allowed!
What saddens me is that a large part of the participants of the discussions taking place here (not excluding the host – sorry) dehumanize Poles. Meanwhile, in reality we are a nation like any other. Neither better nor worse. In 1989 the Poles were given the shock doctrine exactly as Naomi Klein described it. Property earned by at least two generations was looted and society was put into debt. Then people were brainwashed for thirty years.
Is Poland really any different from France, Holland or Spain? Like everywhere else in Central-Western Europe, elections are just a sham. People in Warsaw are brainwashed the same as they are in Paris or Vienna. Although it is not at all the case that most Poles are russophobes. I would say it’s a minority. Many people are neutral or distrustful to Russia. Agreed. But on the other hand, outside the big urban centers, where all kinds of Western agendas are grouped, it is not so easy to find a russophobe. Here where I live, in the eastern part of Poland, where the majority are Orthodox Christians, I don’t know ANY person who is openly hostile to Russia. But let’s leave the east of Poland. In Warsaw – do the readers of this blog know? – a monument called the Four Sleepers was dismantled in Praga (a district of Warsaw, not to be confused with the Czech Prague). It was a monument dedicated not only to the Red Army soldiers, but also to the Polish Army soldiers who together liberated Warsaw from the Nazi occupation. Do you think that the inhabitants of Praga wanted this? No, they protested. But so what – the monument was taken down. As many others.
Do you think that the friendship between Poland and Ukraine, so loudly demonstrated by the ‘Polish’ authorities nad ‘Polish’ mass media, is something authentic? No, it is just another political order. Poles, inhabitants of this land, remember Volhynia (and more than 140 kinds of torture to which Ukrainians were subjecting Poles), they remember Ukrainian Dirlewanger units massacring civilians of Warsaw in cruel manner during the Warsaw Uprising.
Poland is groaning under the American yoke just like dozens of other countries. It is just as exploited as many other countries, run by puppets on the US payroll. American troops are occupying our country. Do you really think we are happy?
I don’t mean to diminish our guilt. Nor to whitewash our history. However, it would be good to know proportions and apply the same standards of judgement to Poland as to other countries that also have a lot on their conscience.
Coming back to the essence. Lavrov’s words today are an open declaration of war. The Empire of Lies cannot treat differently the declaration of intent to dethrone the hegemon. Fine. The war is already going on anyway. As we know it’s a full-scale WW III.
But I think it’s not just a war between Russia and the US. This is just a current political dimension.
But it’s not even a war between zone A and zone B as well.
This war has an almost metaphysical dimension. Not because it is about whether the world will be free or groaning in the shackles of tyranny.
It is time to open our eyes wide. Because it’s just biblical moment we are witnessing. Because we can watch Saint George slaying the dragon.
I agree with your take. Many Poles, especially the under 40s, have been seduced by the glare of Western materialism. Iphones and Nikes and a comfortable lifestyle. Poland, like Ukraine and Russia, faces a steep demographic decline. So far, they have resisted mass immigration as a solution. But the closer they tie themselves to the U.S. globalist agenda, the more faggotry, transgenderism, atheism, immorality of all kinds and annihilation of tradition will be shoved in their faces. Those thousands of U.S. soldiers stationed there are busy producing babies of all shades. Maybe that’s their solution to the demographic problem. Or maybe they’re hoping that many of the young, female Ukrainian refugees will stay in Poland permanently.
Hello Viola,
Just trying to understand your point as I am also writing from Poland and a long time follower of not only Saker’s blog but as all of us do, many many other sources including the daily fake reality we are being fed and conditioned to accept as “reality”. Same as you I do not comment much and let the others speak first. As they say a man has two ears and one mouth so it is better to listen before one speaks, but at the same time we should and cannot remain silent. I am just afraid that in reality the voices of sanity and common sense are few and in between. It is easy to find kindred souls and people who think the same or similar to you, but it is always much harder to convince and speak openly to the “nonbelievers”. And I think that most of the time we remain silent and do not speak up in front of the people who in general believe and think that what they are told is the truth or some approximation of reality even though it is virtually created for them by the dominant narrative. 99% of the time we give up and do not argue our points, so we make the mistake that the “unrepentent” cannot be “converted” no matter what we do or say. It is easy to post comments on this or any other alternative forum and we will always find people who share our point of view and this is very important because we have proof that we are not alone in our thinking but it is something completely different to go and try to convince someone who has a totally different opinion and believes the opposite of what we think regardless if it is because of media manipulation, propaganda, mental laziness or “ignorance”. I am Polish by birth and this is part of my personality, upbringing and maybe even mental outlook, but I am also diametrically opposed to the thinking “my country right or wrong”. The only thing you can do is to show by your own behavior and example that you as a person of whatever origin are a part of the human community and show and share your best traits to other, different nationalities, races or cultures. This is true diversity. From my experience the result of such an approach is that in contacts with each other we discover that we are all very similar if not the same and I mean all the people of the world and it’s only the 0.01% of the deranged and selfish individuals that take advantage of our gullibility and good nature. In any case it is late here in Poland and we have to get to work in the morning ;) Let us all fight a good fight for the truth and sanity while we are still alive. This is the best we can do and even if we do not accomplish everything that we dream of for sure it will not be in vain. High regards to all who are here! Cheers. Wlodek from Sopot, Poland.
Pres. Putin seems to understand that the “hyenas” are really the small minority in every European country, even ex-Warsaw Pact countries, who have a bigger axe to grind. Most average citizens are not Russophobic because they don’t have any logical reason to be. They get their gas and oil from Russia, they are not stupid. As Lavrov says, Russia will always be ready to open the door to the West, under the right circumstances. They have certain red lines: bio-labs, missiles. Most Poles don’t hate Russia, most Germans don’t hate Russia. Of all people, Germans don’t want conflict with Russians. You may have seen how, for example, Arnold Schwarzenegger told the story of how his father came back from the (Eastern Front ?) a broken man. Most readers of this blog would love to hear from more ex-Warsaw Pact citizens; fascinating countries with fascinating histories and perspectives. It’s great! Also love the comments from Africans, East Asians, West Asians, Five Eyes! Thanks for all your interesting contributions, guys!!
Hey :)
I’m what people see as Russian.
I’ve been to Poland and I knew only kindness. People weren’t unfriendly to me when I spoke Russian to them, because I needed help and only could ask in Russian.
I’m living in Germany. And most people here, too, don’t hate Russians.
It’s the twisted politics. I know it.
Lots of love :)
Thank you for your post. What you are describing of Poland, certainly is also the discription of many other countries even that of the United States itself.
I never saw Poland as being a “hyena”… right now it is in a pretty difficult position and playing its cards pretty close to the vest. IMHO Last month when it came to transferring the MIGs it did a pretty good job of embarrassing Anthony Blinken. And just a few months ago, it was being sanctioned by the EU for reorganizing its judicial system and not wanting to shut down its coal mines. So, it is obvious that if Poland play’s it cards right, its coal mining sector will be saved and may be the salvation of the EU once they drop all of the green NetZero idiocy and start thinking about a real economy again. And then who knows what other blackmail the EU and the US are holding over its head? With Orban it is different, as the EU has already shot most of its ammunition against him and he is still standing. If they had any other tools to use against Orban they would have done so by now. And Lavrov is pretty understanding about what countries are being forced to do things against their will by the Empire of Evil.
And as far as judging a country by what it was like in the 1930s, that is pretty idiotic as well.
I think a lot of people here, myself included, would like to see the EU stand up against the United States, and throw them out. However, there are not any figures in the EU with the stature of a Charles De Gaulle, with the exception of Orban… as it seem that Charles Schwab and the WEF have hand picked most of the leaders.
To tell you the truth, I don’t get the EU… they let the CIA foment a war on it Eastern border and then let the US destroy its economy by cutting it off from energy and and raw materials? And on top of the West is being led by a mental vegetable installed by the US intel. Community. What happened to the Europe of the 1980s where they were demanding the United States withdraw its Pershing II and took the prospect of nuclear war seriously?
Beautifully written. Unless that which is human within us speaks, what good is anything? One tribe of brutes and savages celebrating over the burnt villages and carcasses of their enemies.
What needs to be done to denazify Ukraine and defang Empire must be done. But we must never stop listening for the human voices in the breast of those we imagine to be our enemies.
That is why the restraint of Putin and the RF is vital as it is exemplary. Lies are not defeated by lies, nor evil by evil.
I was reminded this morning that this year Passover/Easter coincides with Ramadan. I pray that something holy emerges out of this orgy of lies and carnage.
Thank you for your comments. We need input like yours to come back to reality from the hate that is easily fallen into. Please post whenever you feel something cneeds be said
An excellent post. I totally agree and I must say that most people that frequent this site completely understand your point of view.
Maybe I know how you feel.
I think it is even worse in the Czech Republic. There is talk again of an US military base on our territory. My country supports Ukraine with weapons. And the government is doing everything to harm Russia. No evil is good enough. They don’t care how much they harm their own citizens. Their own citizens are just a second-class trash.
I don’t know if anyone can understand this, but what is happening really hurts me. It’s worse than the physical pain because it can’t be suppressed by painkillers. And it’s getting worse. Every day it gets worse and worse.
Common people are often with Russia, or at least are not Russophobic. Unfortunately, everything here is controlled by the government, the media and the so-called “Prague cafe”. The gravediggers of President Havel.
Russians are pure evil and Ukrainians are pure good. No one mentions Nazi battalions and if they do, they are heroes. Of course you won’t find any swastikas anywhere. The propaganda will take care of that. There are many people who believe what they are told on TV. It’s difficult. It’s interesting that the countryside is much more sensible about this and is a lot more pro-Russian than Prague. But no one listens to the voice of the countryside. And Prague. Well, it’s a real snake’s nest. City of evil. Not only lies, not only hatred, but pure evil, what represents all imaginable aspects of evil.
Nobody remembers the Czechs who were murdered by the Banderovists. Of course, there weren’t as many as Poles, Jews and Russians. But they were. And it was my family that was affected by their rampage.
I know who the real friends and enemies are.
It hurts a lot that I am an enemy to those I consider my brothers. But I understand that opinion. We are silent because we don’t have the courage of the Serbs.
Zelensky Ordered Ukrainian Army To Attack Territory Of Russian Federation (Video)
Hail Mary pass?
He’s gotta be out of his mind.
Patrick Lancaster> “BREAKING: My Family Almost Hit By Tochka-U As It Hits Village In Russia”
Pure coincidence.
Very impressive crater. In Russia.
There is bound to be a few attacks on Russia.Ukraine is next door and there are plenty of Ukrainian nazis wanting to kill “Moskals”. But being stupid as well as nazi,they don’t realize how counter productive that is for them. It helps kill their “victimhood” claims. When they are attacking civilians in Russia,their claiming the Russians are attacking civilians in Ukraine loses a lot of its bite. But worse than that for them is the affect on opinion inside Russia. Now Russians can see personally what Donbass has had to go through for 8 years. And from over 80% of Russians supporting the SMO and Putin,the support will go into the 90’s%. Did they really think that shelling Russian towns was going to frighten Russia into retreating,it will only make them angrier, foolish nazis.
Do the Russian armed forces have night time combat capability?
No, they don’t. Even in daytime they are equipped only with one set of goggles (the primitive kind that just keep the dust out) for every three soldiers so they must use them by rotation.
Silly goose…
I almost started to believe you’d been smoking something you shouldn’t have until the last two words….😉
Maybe ariadna will correct me and say that the Russians are about to discover the wheel.
In the US the story that “the Russians do not attack at night because they don’t have night vision equipment” has been banded about by many geniuses on the MSM so I was riffing on that.
But if you say they even export them then, well, I don’t know what to say except that you must be pushing… Russian propaganda….
About mystery people in Azovstal:
I suggest silence is best.
No one needs to hear from it anymore, keep the lid upon the mystery, be it wrapped in an enigma and forgotten forever …
The Fog, A Murder Mystery
Night like a shroud, blankets the sand and the sea.
In the distance a rolling fog clings to the tide.
The fog is like a living thing as it enters the harbor.
It Swallows up the ships into a gray abyss
As it inches toward the shore.
One lone fisherman ignores the threat
And just continues to fix his nets.
The fog now reaches the coast
The ancient mariner stands his ground.
For an instant the two enemies meet
The fog advances the man will not retreat.
The man vanishes in the ghostly mist.
Like an army, the fog maneuvers over the coastal plane.
Retreating as daybreak begins.
Slowly returning to the sea.
Past the point where the fisherman made his final stand.
A silent reminder of the mystery and of the man.
S.V. Mastison–A-Murder-Mystery-by-S.V.-Mastison
About meeting Austrian Chancellor with Pres. Putin: There must be some secret offers from some central european countries which are not as hard as Poland or Baltics, in order to stop Russia from total cut towards West and total anihilation of Ukro-Nazis.
Vladimir Vladimirovitch, If you (ever) dine with an Austrian Chancellor, you need a (very) long spoon …
The situation in Ukraine isn’t all that complicated if one looks for the motivations. The CIA has been there, behind the scenes of course, for many years. The 2016 declassification of over 3800 documents by the Central Intelligence Agency provides detailed proof that since 1953 the CIA operated two major programs intent on not only destabilizing Ukraine but encouraging the followers of the World War II Ukrainian terrorist and Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera and others who are inspired by the radicals’ concept of nationalism: 58 pages of the declassified documents:
The Russians have more interests than just the financial aspects, breaking the yoke of the dollar. For them it all began with the illegal coup that was orchestrated by the U.S. State Department. Here’s the recording of a phone call featuring Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs (whose boss was Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton) in a phone call to US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt; a phone call leaked to the news media on 4 February 2014.
What’s important here is the level of planning for the coup that overthrew the elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, which brought to power (as heard on the recording) a group of select individuals described as “moderate democrats.” In fact, most of them, including Oleh Tyahnybok (whom Nuland insists the new head of state consult four times weekly), are a far-right nationalist faction with overt and long-standing ties to the neo-Nazi movement in Western Ukraine. Yanukovych had first applied to Russia for a loan, though Ukraine was already deeply indebted to Russia, but because previous loans were always channeled into banks owned by Ukrainian oligarchs where the loan money could not be tracked, Putin told him that another loan could be arranged but only with the stipulation that the loan money had to be fully accounted for and spent only on those things named in the loan agreement, and he also offered a plan for economic integration to Ukraine. Yanukovych then turned to the EU and the EU offered to underwrite a loan from the IMF, but only if Ukraine would back-out of trade agreements with Russia and do all sorts of other things to their economy, commonly known as “structural adjustment.” This included cutting public sector wages, shrinking the health and education sectors, privatizing the economy and cutting gas subsidies for the people. When Yanukovych hesitated, the coup was put in motion. So, when Nuland says ‘Fuck the EU’ she is implying that the IMF loan will be made available regardless of what the EU had demanded, answering Pyatt’s concern that the Russians might try to ‘torpedo’ the deal by granting Yanukovych’s loan request first. Joe Biden’s involvement in all this is revealed near the end of the call:
Nuland-Pyatt leaked phone conversation _COMPLETE with SUBTITLES
The “war” actually began some time ago when members of the Right Sector shot to death and burned alive protesters who rejected the coup government’s attempts at running them out and into Russia, when the Ukrainian rightists burned alive 39 at Odessa union building –
Angry tears at Odessa trade union building after blaze –
For more than eight years the UN ignored its own monitors, including UNICEF, said very little and did nothing, while approximately 13,000-14,000 people have been killed during these years, more than 500 children have been killed or injured. In the first 6o seconds of this clip, is Petro Poroshenko, the former President of Ukraine about eight years ago, quite adamantly stating his intentions for the citizens of Donbass – hit the “cc” button for English.
– Attacks on kindergartens and schools have been a sad reality for children in eastern Ukraine over the last eight years, the UN Children’s Fund, UNICEF, said on Friday. Since the beginning of the conflict, more than 750 schools have been damaged.
-Shells. Landmines. Shrapnel. For almost eight years, fear has filled the lives of children in eastern Ukraine. Now, with an escalating conflict, children are more scared than ever.
Donbass: The Grey Zone – Life in the frontline villages –
Russia twice initiated peace treaties, negotiated, signed and observed, called the “Minsk Protocols,” and the Ukrainian neo-Nazis, the Azov regiment, violated the ceasefires immediately and were supported by the government in Kiev.
So, once again, Russia sat down at the negotiating table to try for a third ceasefire. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian Right Sector accelerated the strikes in Donbass. Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the world’s largest security-oriented intergovernmental organization with observer status at the United Nations:
You are the Russian President. What do you do? With diplomacy dead, Russian speaking Ukrainians under siege and weapons pouring in, including potentially nuclear missiles, do you wait?
Wait for what? Law and order?
Finally, there are the socioeconomic aspects which will bring permanent change to our world, for everyone. The reason the US wants war in Ukraine is ultimately all about the dollar –
America’s Real Adversaries are Its European and Other Allies –
America Defeats Germany for the Third Time in a Century –
Michael Hudson: Sanctions: The Blowback –
The Saker interviews Michael Hudson
The End of Dollar Hegemony by Michael Hudson
Anyone have info on the large explosion in Nikolaev yesterday?
Ammo dump, fuel depot, S-300’s from Slovakia. Take your pick.
From MoA April 10, 2022, thread
From Rybar Telegram channel… It appears that blast in Nikolaev was a saltpeter warehouse in the port of Olvia. Similar to the Beirut blast from a couple years ago, allegedly.
The fact that the strike of the Iskander OTRK in Nikolaev was carried out ( on the port of Olvia is confirmed by the message of the head of the Nikolaev administration Vitaly Kim that “the forest fire has been eliminated.”
It hit the warehouse with saltpeter, according to local sources. Half of the port was destroyed, the Balabanovskiy forest, located to the east of the port, caught fire.
#Nikolaev, Ukraine
About the force of the explosion in Nikolaev. We remind everyone what happened in Beirut on August 4, 2020.
Therefore, we readily believe in reports that half of the Olivia port is missing (, if it really arrived at the warehouse with saltpeter.
#Nikolaev, Ukraine
Now there are two versions: the saltpeter warehouse exploded in the Nika-Tera port or in the Olvia port ( Both are located side by side (Aivazovsky 23 and Aivazovsky 29).
More is known about Olvia: there really were saltpeter warehouses there. Moreover, after the explosions in the port of Beirut in August 2020, public figures sounded the alarm.
Article ( dated August 12, 2020: “Why ammonium nitrate in the Yuzhny port is the tip of the iceberg.”
The statistics of storage and transshipment of imported ammonium nitrate in Ukraine is amazing: from 100 to 150 thousand tons of this substance imported from Georgia, Bulgaria, Turkey and Romania are stored and transshipped in Ukrainian ports every month. Since saltpeter is actively used in Ukraine as an effective fertilizer in the agro-industrial complex, the supply volumes traditionally increase on the eve and during the sowing campaigns.
On behalf of Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Denys Shmyhal and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine should take care of all these issues in the very near future. Since ammonium nitrate is also in great demand during the autumn sowing campaign, quite large volumes of this product will flood the market in the very near future. How much ammonium nitrate is stored in Ukraine at the moment in warehouses cannot be accurately calculated.
Georgian ammonium nitrate from a Russian manufacturer is actively transshipped through the Nikolaev port “Olvia”.
#Nikolaev, Ukraine
Posted by: Richard Steven Hack | Apr 11 2022 0:54 utc | 160
Patrick Lancaster reports Ukraine has fired a Toncka-U across the Russian border. He’s worried: his wife was sent overther for more security!
Probably a lot of people here have seen the video of the Ukie soldiers being blown apart at close range by a tank. It seems that it turns out it was a Ukie tank killing their own soldiers in a “friendly fire” incident,ooops:
How the APU destroys the APU.
A story in three acts
1) A video appears on the Internet, in which, allegedly, a Russian tank destroys the manpower of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
2) There are reports that the blow was delivered not on manpower, but on the “behe” standing nearby
3) It turns out that the tank was Ukrainian, and illiterate tankers, seeing an abandoned Russian beha in the forest, mistook it for an ambush, and “brothers” for Russian soldiers. And, without hesitation, they hit the behe, near which the manpower of the Armed Forces of Ukraine had accumulated.
The curtain…
The aftermath video is extremely brutal,so be prepared:
That’s what I originally thought as one of the soldiers can be seen waving to the persons in the tank. At least that is what it looked like to me.
Your post somewhat reinforces my thinking of the time.
Reminds one of the US airforce on speed blowing up farm tractors in Afghanistan.
It has something to do with paranoia and chemicals effecting trigger fingers before mental faculties.
What a sorry mess to see a country dissolve away.
Beware of Kursk!!
The Ukrainians are in a salient in which they have prepared fortified positions in hedgehog formations rather than in concentric rings, as was done at Kursk. The Ukrainians don’t appear interested in planning staged withdrawals.
The Russian intentions are obvious: Encircle the salient then reduce it through bombardment. But will they be able to accomplish the first and then accomplish the second?
If the battle of attrition takes long enough, can the Ukrainians -provided with real-time battlefield intelligence, logistics systems, command and control, weapons and weapons-training, and unit reorganization by the Americans- mount a counter attack from the west?
If so, beware of Stalingrad!!
I am uneasy. The situation is too obvious.
Some important news:
Special operation in Donbass to be intensified — Donetsk republic’s leader
MOSCOW, April 11. /TASS/. The pace of the special military operation in Donbass will be stepped up, the leader of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Denis Pushilin, said on Monday.
“Given the combination of factors in the current complex situation in which the people have found themselves, and also the provocations being staged by the regime in Kiev, including the bombardment of Kramatorsk, we believe that the liberation operation must be intensified,” Pushilin said on Russia’s Rossiya-24 round-the-clock television news channel.
“I cannot mention any details for the time being, it will be possible to see everything in real time very soon,” Pushilin said.
Sputnik News has also provided a helpful timeline of events from 2004 to 2022:
If Russian SOF captured US LTG Clouthier, I would suspect that, primarily, that was to keep him safe from UkoNazis. I am not sure Russian SOF captured US LTG Clouthier.
Why would Russian SOF try to keep him safe from the nazis and why should the ukronazi wants to kill him as the general has been helping the nazis. I don’t get the logic here. If he was caught alive then he would definitely be a big bargaining point for Russia.
The Ukronazi’s handlers would not want him captured alive ‘cos he knows too much.
Lets cut to the chase. Nato has been in Ukraine since 2014. Nato advisors, trainers have been training, upskilling, ukraine army to nato standard. The Ukraine army is Nato. It is getting its but kicked. Nato has lost in Ukraine. Its Nato army is finished. Thats what USA and Nato cannot come to terms with that it. Sure had good outcomes here and there but that its nato led commanders and military are getting beaten is what is a hard pill to swallow. Particularly as the ukraine army was trained to a higher level than the other laughable Nato allies.
As well as certsin Nato leaders are now in the hands of the Russians.
Will make for some interesting outcomes.
The biggest strategic mistake Russia made in this war was not repatriating their deposits in foreign banks before the outbreak of hostilities.
Now they are paying for both sides of the war.
The United States will keep supplying arms as long as there is Russian money in the bank.
Whoever made this blunder must be removed from their position.
Putin reinstated the person who made this blunder, head of the Russian Central Bank, for another term. No one can understand his logic in doing that.
It was no blunder but an opportunity to shift International currency to Ruble.
The subsequent consequences resulted in raise of the International Ruble value, doubling Russia’s revenues by the increased prices in commodities, free hands to replace the freezed foreign deposits to increase internal state loans in the same amount in Ruble, free hands to cut inconvenient ties to West.
Nabiullina was probably appointed again by Putin, because of her outperforming and outsmarting West in the Financial game.
Fiat money is a very complicated, superficial thing. It turns out that you can’t really repatriate electronic money. Especially if it’s foreign currency denominated. The 300bn dollars is not and cannot be in cash. So what do you do? Electronic dollars only matter if you can get the us fed to acknowledge them, otherwise it’s just imaginary money. If these were rubles or gold Russia could have repatriated and did repatriate to a large extent. The US government controls all electronic dollars in the world. It’s not your money, they just loan it to you. The same goes for the trillions of dollars in china’s forex reserves. It’s imaginary cyber money. You can use it to buy stuff and pay bills but only for as long as you’re in good terms with the issuer. All the electronic dollars in the world are in America, including Japan’s, Germany’s and china’s. This is why they obey the geopolitical dictates of the issuer like lapdogs. You must have precious metals or your own sovereign currency and economy to break out of this monetary colonialism. Vice versa, Russia’s yuan reserves are all in Shanghai and hong Kong. You can’t repatriate foreign currency electronic money unless maybe with currency swaps which is something else altogether which requires mutual consent and friendly relations. Caveat: This is just my layman’s understanding.
You are under the mistaken view that the dollars/euros in foreign banks are “savings”.
They are not. They are liquidity backstop for foreign exchange brought in/sent out by Russian exporters and importers.
And they are in the control of foreign banks because otherwise literal cash deposits would erode every single year from inflation. That’s why the CBR kept them in eurodollar and euro government bonds – these bonds are just registration numbers.
The only way to get around this is by doing what Russia wound up doing: get paid in rubles.
My understanding is that there is no physical gold that was confiscated but gold futures assets were frozen as they were in foreign currencies.
I doubt that something of this nature was a simple blunder given Russia knew that sanctions would impact the West more than it would impact Russia.
Russia still hasn’t turned off the gas to the EU. Yes, summer is approaching in Europe but what of their industries who need a constant supply of gas to keep its doors open? The noose can be tightened significantly.
What CBR assets that were “frozen” were euro/eurodollar deposits in European banks, in the form of bonds – not gold futures or gold.
The CBR gets its gold by buying from domestic Russian gold miners.
I believe the main problem for Russia is that the government tries to be Goody Two Shoes in its dealings with Satan. I see the Kremlin has now backed off its plan to nationalize Western businesses, because it wants to show that Russia, unlike the West, respects private property. And despite Germany’s hostile actions against Russia, the Kremlin is still supplying Germany with energy in order to demonstrate, again, that Russia, unlike The West, adheres to contractual obligations. It is this kind of stupidity that can defeat Russia. The West doesn’t respond by saying, “Look how reliable the Russians are.” Instead it says, “Look how stupid the Russians are. We are doing everything possible to frustrate them in Ukraine, and in Slovakia, Finland, and Sweden, and are putting more troops and bases on their border, and they sell us the energy with which to do it.”
Perhaps the Kremlin is betting that the EU’s attempt to ban Russian energy from Europe, which has met strong opposition from European countries, will end with NATO’s breakup, but Russia itself could break up NATO and the EU by turning off the energy. Apparently, this sensible step is blocked by the Russian central bank chief, who advises the Kremlin that Russia has to have export earnings from the West, thus effectively blocking Russian counter-sanctions and contributing to the success of the sanctions against Russia. A government that cannot get its act together can lose the benefit of its military superiority” Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Indeed, this will be interpreted as a sign of weakness by the west. It will only provide more opportunities for the west to further humiliate Russia. Putin is not willing to admit how the status quo he is so hard trying to maintain was already shattered beyond any possibility of recovery. When he realizes that…. then I guess we will see proper actions being taken against the west.
“I see the Kremlin has now backed off its plan to nationalize Western businesses,”
Why should private companies or persons who have nothing to do with their government’s decisions have their assets nationalized? It’s only fair that they finally decided not to.
Paul Craig Roberts does not think that saving civilian lives should be a restraint on the more aggressive military actions he says should have been carried out by Russia, and of course he doesn’t care about these American civilians either.
The West doesn’t respond by saying, “Look how reliable the Russians are.” Instead it says, “Look how stupid the Russians are. We are doing everything possible to frustrate them in Ukraine, and in Slovakia, Finland, and Sweden, and are putting more troops and bases on their border, and they sell us the energy with which to do it.”
And this fixation on what the “West” or “Washington” will say or think, from someone who calls them “idiots”, “stupid”, “dumbshits”, and so on. One thing or the other: Is it worth it to consider what “dumbshits” say, or is it not? However, they could be geniuses and still Russia cannot act (or no country should act) as a function of what politicians from another country might say or think. Syria’s Assad is always very good at addressing this issue whenever he is asked about what might the West or Washington think about him. He says that he (maybe uses the plural form) doesn’t care at all, that it’s not his business or his job to care about what is going on in the West, or to take that into account when deciding on his country’s best interests; P. C. Roberts might want to watch Assad answer such questions on
The British have pledged to sent anti-ship missiles to Ukraine. This to my mind makes it imperative that Russia cut off Odessa and seize the entire black Sea coast of Odessa Oblast. If they get those weapons to the coast, it’s going to be an issue for the Black Sea Fleet.
Can someone at Saker get on the chemical false flag just reported in the last couple of hours where the Ukronazis accused Russia chemical weapons (Sarin, Organophosphate) by way of UAV in Mariupol?
I think unless you want Russia to start using nuclear weapons on the invading NATO armies, it would behoove you to help debunk the false flag. Even though when they accused Assad debunking didn’t stop the use of obsolete 2/3rds failure cruise missiles into Syria, this time is 1 billion are on the line.
Some videos for today.
Military operation aims to put end to US domination – Russian FM Lavrov:
‘They don’t want to fight with us anymore’ – Russian soldier on fight with Kiev-regime forces:
Western media reports display Banderite Nazi symbols (without telling their viewers the significance of these symbols):
Chechen military tells about clearing op in Mariupol:
Iskander’ missile system crew commander on their missions:
Shows strike taking out a Kiev-regime armored personnel carrier:
Have heard from a couple of sources that Ukraine will be surrendering soon. Not unexpected.
Where did you hear that? And what do you mean by “Ukraine will be surrendering”?
So ,,how is that captured US general going,,or is it a fabrication?
So, what do people here have to say about Gen. Alexander Dvornikov, the new commander-in-chief of Russia’s forces in Ukraine? Does he have a history of being a superb battle commander? I ask only because I know very little about his background.
Of course – and this goes without saying – it’s impossible to obtain any quality information about Dvornikov by reading Western media reports about him. Obviously, all Western media has been tasked the assignment of treating Dvornikov as if he’s a three-headed monster.
I know Dvornikov won the war in Syria. He is credited with defeating ISIS, Al-Nusra, the so-called “Free Syrian rebels,” and the assortment of other militias that America and its allies put into the field for the purpose of overthrowing Assad. But in that operation, Dvornikov didn’t have to command many Russian ground troops. He was able to rely on the Lebanese Hezbollah, the Syrian army (including its formidable Tiger Forces), Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, and lots of Shia volunteer units from different parts of the Moslem world.
Now Dvornikov is relying exclusively on Russian troops. On top of that, he’s fighting a conventional 21st century war against a well-equipped and trained NATO proxy army (at least so far).
As for Western media reports on Dvornikov, it’s all vile anti-Russian propaganda. Of the worst sort. The US and UK newspapers talk about Dvornikov based exclusively on the “collateral damage” associated his battles. By that, I’m talking about the civilians who were trapped in and around the urban entrenchments held by the anti-Assad rebels, which Dvornikov obliterated. Needless to say, Western MSM totally overlooks that all too often, those civilians were being used as human shields by the anti-Assad rebels (who usually US-backed). It’s disgusting to see Western media so willfully distort the facts about the Syrian war.
Anyway, to repeat myself, I’m wondering how good of a battle commander Dvornikov is. If Putin hand-picked Dvornikov, that’s an indication that he may be pretty good.
As best as I know, dating back to the 1970s, the last two really good Russian battle commanders were General Boris Gromov and General Mikhail Zaitsev. At least that’s what I’ve often read: that Gromov and Zaitsev were high-quality generals in the historical Russian tradition of Zhukov, Konev, Brusilov, Skobelev, Totleben, Diebitch, Kutusov, Barclay, Bagration, Miloradovich, Suvorov, and Rumyantsev.
False flag alert!
The head of the Azov battalion just announced a Russian chem attack on Azovstal. Details are still blurred, information is coming in a trickle, please post any information you can find out. Thanks.
Lone Wolf
They’re just taking Basurin’s earlier comments and running with them.
He probably shouldn’t have mentioned “chemical troops” in his press release. The media jumped on it straight away.
I suspect that Ukraine’s claim that Russia used chemical weapons in Mariupol is merely an attempt by USA/Ukraine to create a bargaining chip in negotiations with Russia to let some very important people escape from Azovstal. The USA/Ukraine are communicating to Russia that unless you let these people escape, we’re going to push this chemical weapons PSYP and create a lot of trouble for you.
Does it matter at this point? Using any sort of weapon against clear combatants at Azovstal is *not* going to look worse than the Bucha PSYOP, and Russia can still turn things around if any of the foreign scumbags there are captured, dead or alive.
In fact, I wonder how long until some Azovists add two and two and try to ransom themselves out by using the foreigners as a bargain chip.
Symptoms only.
00:01 Основатель полка Азов Андрей Белецкий заявляет, что в Мариуполе произошла химическая атака на завод Азовсталь.
“Три человека имеют признаки отравления боевым химическим веществом, но без катастрофических последствий. Эта атака – отчаяние россиян, которые не могут взять Мариуполь”, – заявил Белецкий.
00:01 Andrey Beletsky, the founder of the Azov Regiment, declares that there was a chemical attack on the Azovstal plant in Mariupol.
“Three people have signs of poisoning with a military chemical, but without catastrophic consequences. This attack is the desperation of the Russians, who cannot take Mariupol,” Beletsky said.
Could have been symptoms of hunger or anxiety.
So this appears to be the Azov tweet that started this chemical attack claim tonight:
and then there’s this:
Russia needs to pull off some of their own “False Flags” and to start with I suggest blowing up the gas pipe lines to Europe and making it look like Ukraine was responsable.
Nah, Russians won’t let ordinary innocent civilians freeze to death. For the same reason they don’t bomb civilian infrastructure (power plants, water treatment plants, air raid shelters, etc., a la Iraq). They don’t have to and they don’t want to. True, Nazis regard niceness as a sign of weakness, but that is strictly their problem. The RF has every intention of winning both the war and the peace. Because they have to. They don’t have the luxury of being jerks like the US (USA has friendly neighbors and two oceans on its borders).
The false flag has arrived!
At least once in recent days, someone here has asked under what circumstances Russia could end this war having salvaged a “win” of some sort. I posted my answer a couple days late on another thread, and I don’t think that individual (asking the question) saw my comment. So I’ll post it here again.
There is one simple, clear, easy condition Russia could attain which would, by any reasonable measure, qualify as a “win.”
That is, to make Ukraine agree to permanently end any and all military cooperation with the United States and NATO. Further, to make Ukraine agree to permanently limit the size of its military. That’s all Russia needs to attain to finish this war as the victor.
I say this because the root cause of this war is America’s and NATO’s multi-decade effort to turn Ukraine into a military base that can be used to subvert Russia’s national security and sovereignty in international affairs. That’s what caused this war.
Putin has been warning the US and NATO since 2007 that any further US/NATO expansion into the former Soviet space will not be tolerated. That is with particular respect to Ukraine. Obviously, US/NATO didn’t get the message.
Russia’s military action in Crimea and Donbass permanently ended NATO’s efforts to turn Ukraine into a member of the alliance. But, unfortunately, in subsequent years, America took measures to slowly set the stage for Ukraine to eventually be declared a “special US military ally.” That’s essentially the same as putting Ukraine in NATO. Therefore, Russia was forced – against its will – to take military action in Ukraine this year to end America’s (and NATO’s) ongoing militarization of Ukraine.
So, if Kiev agrees to a peace which permanently bans US and NATO involvement in Ukraine, in addition to limiting the size of the country’s military, that means Russia gets what it went to war to obtain.
Another way of putting this is to say that Russia wins if Ukraine becomes “Finlandized.”
My guess is that Russia doesn’t necessarily need to win any big battlefield victories to achieve this goal. All that’s necessary is to make the war untenable for Ukraine. That will happen when Ukraine’s manpower reserves can no longer meet the demands of sustaining combat on the front lines. Ukraine is appears headed in that direction right now.
That’s my two cents on this subject.
Why should Russia negotiate with anyone who will tear up any agreement as soon as it suits them? Russia should take the entire enchalada and have dinner, secure with some vodka.
“There is one simple, clear, easy condition Russia could attain which would, by any reasonable measure, qualify as a “win.”
That is, to make Ukraine agree to permanently end any and all military cooperation with the United States and NATO…
So, if Kiev agrees to a peace which permanently bans US and NATO involvement in Ukraine, in addition to limiting the size of the country’s military, that means Russia gets what it went to war to obtain.”
That’s no kind of “win”. You still talk in terms of the Kiev regime in its current form continuing to exist at all, as opposed to being abolished and replaced with a Russia-friendly Galician government. But this abolition and replacement already is implicit in the proclaimed Russian war goals and in Putin’s own rhetoric about Ukrainian sovereignty ceasing to exist.
At any rate Kiev cannot agree to anything, since it already is not sovereign but an imperial puppet, and literally anything it pretends to “agree” to will be only with the empire’s permission and will be a purely fraudulent agreement to be broken the second the empire orders it.
We’ve already been through this with Minsk I and II, which is indisputably at least one “agreement” too many.
Some new gov is needed.
May be russophones from Eastern Ukraine could lead it.
Finland is now saying that it wants to be part of NATO. That’s all due to their current funny-looking president. I remember how he rolled his eyes in Moscow while listening to Putin answer a question. (I don’t like to call names, but he’s as stupid as he looks; it’s like that sometimes and if you don’t believe me, watch him.)
“That’s my two cents on this subject.”
Russia is also demanding that Ukraine accept Crimea as Russian and the Donbass as independent of Ukraine. Once Ukraine accepts that it is so, other countries will have no valid reason to sanction Russia for Crimea and the Donbass. Ukraine would also cease to be a potential enemy on that score. However, on the “60 Minutes” CBS TV program this past Sunday, Zelensky made clear that Ukraine has to be defeated in war for something like that to happen. “Victory” for Ukraine is to recover Crimea and the Donbass! How does that help “statehood”? After February, Putin said that Ukraine was on a path to losing its statehood (that the way things were going…). What are the chances of Ukraine losing its statehood as things stand today, many weeks after Putin said that? 70-30? Too small. 80-20? No. 90-10? It may not be so but, after the 60 Minutes interview, I don’t see Putin reversing his views on Ukrainian statehood, and who does?
Let’s not overlook that much of what Zelensky says is just hot air, spoken to impress his domestic audience. Zelensky’s also expressing lots of bluff because he needs to pander to his US/NATO benefactors.
Some reports I’ve read in recent weeks suggest that Zelensky might be flexible on the issue of Crimea, Donbass, and even some degree of “Finlandization” for his Nazi-nest of a country.
“What are the chances of Ukraine losing its statehood…”
To obtain this goal, Russia would have to conduct large scale, long-term military operations west of the Dniepr River. I really can’t picture Russia taking the war to that level. East and south of the Dniepr River, sure, I can envision Russia making big military and political moves. But west of the river is something else altogether.
Official report: War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Ukrainian Military-Political Leadership in Donbass
Sorry for the all caps in my last post. I copied-pasted from the document, forgot the rule.
I am sure President Putin and many others in the Russian Government have born a great emotional burden having witnessed the monstrous persecution of the ethnic Russian people of the Donbass over several years. The above-linked report summarizes these crimes and Russia has extensive documentation beyond this.
I find extraordinary the degree of mercy extended to the Ukrainian Military thus far, giving them a chance to lay down arms and surrender. But this has been at a cost to Russian troops. From what I’ve read, the Russians have given the Ukrainian civilians every possible avenue to escape the war, while under threat from the Ukrainian thugs that use them as human shields and unwilling conscripts.
Now the major siege that is fully justified must commence with no mercy, as Russia’s disciplined and well-equipped military brings enormous destructive power to bear against the entrenched Ukrainian forces. Very sad but good riddance!
If Zelensky doesn’t surrender, he will be held responsible by Russia and also by Ukraine (afterwards) for all the needless destruction. (It’s like in boxing when the fighter is on the ropes badly hurt and with no chances of winning, and the broadcasters themselves start calling for the referee to stop the bout and feel he’s responsible for whatever happens for not stopping the fight!)
Seeing a lot of conjecture, sophistry, low information posts (simping for Russia, as if they know best military strategies, etc for RF, how they’ve gone wrong, etc.)
Cringey but I’ll still read many of them. Just to get a feel for the type of person behind them, how they think.
There is genuine anxiety out there, fear, uncertainty. Its great of Saker to allow for us to vent a little or share information. Can tell which comments are somewhat weaponized toward demoralization and the like, however.
Regarding War Crimes Trials :
Kiev nationalist troops are guilty of the most heinous atrocities against POWs and Civilians. Social media is full of snuff films. Those units will eventually be held accountable for their crimes.
Note, that NATO High Command is also at risk of being tried for these war crimes. They trained and to a certain extent controlled these Kiev nationalist units. There are 2 illuminating examples of General Officers be found guilty in similar situations – General Tomoyuki Yamashita and General Radislav Krstic are 2 precedents for holding NATO general officers to account.
The Yamashita and Krstic trials would be illuminating to study. NATO officers are at risk here
Yes, you are not alone in thinking that. The odds of it happening though? Not very high I suspect, until the US suffers a terminal defeat.
War crimes have no statute of limitation. Arrest Warrants can be issued for the relevant NATO commanders. These commanders can‘t travel outside of 5 eyes for the rest of their lives for fear of getting arrested on war crimes charges.
My favorite journalist, Thomas Röper from St. Petersburg (author of “Ukraine 2014” and “Inside Corona”), was invited to visit Southern Ukraine and the Donbas region, together with other international journalists.
According to Röper, the infrastructure is in a good state (for Ukraine) and most people are happy to have been liberated, although they fear the revenge of the Ukranazis should Russian troops leave the area. The nationalists are quite aggressive and directly insult the Russian soldiers, but the latter are disciplined and stay calm.
In the Donbas region, people are openly hostile towards the Nazi regime in the Ukraine as it has bombarded them for 8 years and killed countless women and children!
Currently, Röper has been invited again to visit the war region and he will do so and report about it.
Thomas Röper publishes a German language blog called Anti-Spiegel
Yesterday’s nine o’clock news on Russian Perviy Kanal interviewed him in Volnovakha.
(Schoolchildren were happy to finally be allowed to study in Russian.)
Yesterday, April 11th, it was widely reported in the western Press that Zelensky feared a chemical attack by Russia.
Today, it is being reported that there has in fact, been a chemical attack by the Russians on innocent civilians in Mariupol, although Liz Truss is saying she is waiting for confirmation of this.
Now, as Zelensky has continued to ‘demand’ more help from the West, it begs the question, has he now become so desperate to get Nato involved, that he has invented this attack?
The Ukrainian leader, is determined to escalate this conflict into WW3, and he even has his wife now giving interviews to American magazines, in an attempt to get his message across even more, despite the fact he has appeared anywhere and everywhere, including at the Grammys last week.
Surely, his time would be better spent trying to reach a peace deal to end the slaughter of his people,.
Thank you for the open thread. Please fo include one each day. For example, not doing so during the Bucha analysis basically put both the site and commentariat on the defensive.
Scott Ritter is right on about Russian strategy in Biden’s War, especially the use of maneuver tactics and aerial supremacy in the first week of the war, which effectively denied the UAF forces mobility, allowing a very small RF force of no more than 100,000 to effectively defeat at total UAF force of 300,000 or more, corralling the UAF’s Donbass invasion strike force in the Donbass.
However, Putin’s strategy is reflects a different mindset from the one we are used to in the West, and also that which characterized the Soviet military. It is closer to Sun Tzu, Bruce Lee and Miyamoto Musashi than Montgomery or Patten.
“Maneuver” warfare was invented by military maverick John Boyd who advised Cheney in the first Gulf War. Boyd, also known as “40 second Boyd” and “Genghis Boyd” defined warfare as a.) physical b.) psychological c.) moral. (Putin and the Fighter Pilot)
To the extent that Putin’s goals are not conquest or “shock&awe” type destruction but ultimately “denazification” (the Ukrainian ultr-right are not really Nazis in the German sense: they channel Galician-Polish fascism from before WWII, he must achieve a moral victory to win over the Russian speaking people of the Ukraine. The emphasis on preserving civilian life and, if possible, infrastructure defines a very principle approach to warfare, which the Western mind cannot comprehend.
However, the military phase of the war is almost over. Many complain that the Russians seem to proceeding slowly. But that “slowness” reflects the principles underlying their approach and something else — what Boyd called the “OODA loop” which is poorly understood in the West. OODA stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, Act. The “loop” means start all over. The idea is to define tactical options within the context of a larger strategy. So, right now, Putin is assessing the situation.
For example, the RF could, if it wanted just blow Azovtal to pieces with bunker busters. But they clearly want prisoners to put on trial. The trials (June) are an essential part of their psychological strategy, especially if NATO officers and mercenaries are captured. As some on here has pointed out the Russians cannot change the mind of the West’s brainwashed public, if only because this brainwashing reflects cultural biases which have evolved over centuries. But Putin can change the minds of the Ukrainian public who, after all, voted for Zelensky hoping for peace and rapprochement only to get war, autocracy and economic catastrophe.
After Mariupol, the Russians will mop up Donbass quickly, take all of the Ukraine east of the Dniepr and put the screws on Kiev, with a westward thrust to control routes of escape. Watch the fascists run for cover in Poland. Some will get there. Some won’t.
The West keeps threatening Russia with war crimes investigations. I think Russia should inform them that they are already investigating war crimes,and after the SMO is completed trials will start to be held.Also inform them that countries that have been sending aid to harm Russians,those responsible in those countries will be investigated and brought to justice during those trials as well. Give them something to think about,and start getting some warm clothes ready for those long Siberian winters they’ll be enjoying pretty soon.
On the matter of those Russians and Russian companies whose properties have been seized in other countries. Russia should announce that those people and companies should register with the government their losses. And that those losses will be make good from foreign owned assets inside Russia.So that say Germany,France,Britain,or Italy as examples, seize someone’s property ,that the value of that property will be compensated by properties from people or companies of citizens from those countries inside Russia.I suspect that might give those countries something to think about.
Another idea might be to just add a compensation tax to the goods sold to those countries. So say if Germany seizes Russian property worth $1 a tax of $1 would be added to any goods (gas,oil,wheat,metals,etc) sold to Germany. And that tax would be adjusted to reflect the value of the seized property.
“The West keeps threatening Russia with war crimes investigations.”
In WWII, neither side spent much time on public accusations and insults through the media. The winner of the war is the one who will conduct the war crimes investigations…as far as we know from history. If it were about winning with words, Russia would have lost this war already to Ukraine. it should not be necessary to remember next that it’s not about words, that wars, as brawls, happen past that point.
To see retired Generals incur in this error on TV…To see El Zelensky still talking as if he were going to stay in a bunker to the end while so many are suffering needlessly…in another post somebody was criticizing me for listening to “High Heel Sneakers” (as sang by Presley). A fellow commenter says, “There is genuine anxiety out there, fear, uncertainty.” Some may be forgiven for taking one good glass of whiskey, for a curse or two, etc., even for tuning out if they must. Zelensky should call his top Generals to a meeting and ask them for their stand on whether the war should continue and about whether, in their judgment, there may come a time to surrender. There would be no shame in doing so. It is only normal.
Another thing that is a first in history, I think, is Ukraine’s leadership spending so much time asking for new economic sanctions against Russia, trying to persuade nations about not buying gas, etc. In a war, real leaders have no time for that. They’ll talk about the subject in private only and maybe just thank other nations publicly for their efforts. Right? Or when have we seen this? Incidentally, when have we seen a man become president of a country five years after a queer dance video production that probably deserves the prize among them (link below)? If they were more engaged in the actual war, which is not about words, Ukraine’s leadership, for love of country, would be thinking about surrendering if their own Generals tell them that the war is lost.
Newsweek magazine confirmed its authenticity and said it came out in 2014 (nobody should die for this dancer):
I thought it a stroke of genius when Russia announced it would buy gold at 5,000per gram and the falling rouble rallied immediately. The CBR must have had a call from their masters at the IMF because they stopped the policy, I don’t know quite what they replaced it with, the excuse being that the Gov. might overspend it’s budget. Now for a country assailed on all sides with few allies I’m sure that’s the number one priority, not. Rationing roubles and forcing ‘unfriendlies’ to sell gold at below market and forcing them to attempt to recover gold from Londons vaults to do so seemed such a brilliant idea too, never mind Nabiullinas banker freinds will be breathing easier so it’s not all bad, well excepting for Russia of course.
“Ruble retreats as central bank eases capital controls ” at RT from a link at smoothieX12
Certain ‘people’ at the Central Bank of RF should be taken out in the street and shot.
They have routinely kept the bank interest rate so high that it has smothered business. (In the 90s they destroyed all chances of a normal economy by running it up to 120% or even higher). Why are they allowed to continue even now??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
EU Taking Responsibility for Genocide
A sickening show happened in Bucha with Ursula von der Leyen kissing Azov’s Nazi ass. She must have known who really killed these people. By rewarding Ukraine for warcrimes she is ordering more of the same. The Kramatorsk massacre happened during her visit. George Eliason comes to the same conclusion, she is guilty of genocide!
It is interesting that only Ursula and her sidekick Josep Borrell visited Bucha. It is as if the EU takes their orders from the US and UK, not from any EU member states. Also, any national leader would be informed by their countries military intelligence of the true events. Is it because the EU has no army or military intelligence, that these clowns think they can evade culpability?
Boris Johnson only visited Kiev. He must know better, so he avoided getting his hands bloodied in Bucha. But his visit shows that the UK is the driving force behind the massacres.
It was evidently Macron who asked Zelensky for proof of the “Bucha massacre” claims. France sent military experts to Bucha to investigate. Everyone knows what happened, but he Macron needs absolute proof before he can denounce the cabal.
Macron! Yeah, he is smart enough.
As soon as Russian army left Chernobyl – ukrainians started looting spent nuclear fuel.
This morning from the BBC:
Ukraine War: US ‘deeply concerned’ at report of Mariupol chemical attack
“The US and Britain say they are looking into reports that chemical weapons have been used by Russian forces attacking the Ukrainian port of Mariupol.
Ukraine’s Azov regiment said three soldiers were injured by “a poisonous substance” in an attack on Monday.
UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said officials were working to “urgently” investigate what she called “a callous escalation” of the war. ”
We are inching closer to direct involvement by the U.S. and UK in the Ukraine SMO.
“three soldiers were incapacitated by withdrawal symptoms”.
Fix it for ya, your welcome.
Ukranians nationalists are spreading through the whole Europe.
I can also feel the increase of Spanish nationalists here where I live in the South of Spain.
Skinheads, camouflage pants, jackets with the spanish flag on, ugly faces like someone who is looking for trouble.. I can spot these fellas from distance, since I’m originally from São Paulo – Brazil and there, we all have witnessed gangs like Carecas do ABC, Integralistas, Klavs Klan, SkinHeads, Hell’s Angels and other Nazi-Like groups.
So, from now on, I’m not into geopolitics only out of curiosity and passion for journalism.. Now, it is a matter of personal security…
I believe they are preparing for the prophesized industrial collapse to attack.. or maybe they have other “sooner plans”…
I would like some clearance on this if someone is perceiving the same thing, please text me. thanks
Hello Mr. Saker!
I’m using the nick for consistency to when I wrote here first.
The situation as you might have guessed, in Slovakia, is interesting to say the least… I’m thinking of Karl Marx saying that history repeats twice, first as a tragedy, second time as a farce. Our current government can only be described as the farcical parody of the “first republic” of Jozef Tiso – one completely disconnected from its people in terms of policy that’s being passed. In short, we have a government that’s got a constitutional majority but at the same time is so unpopular (they resisted a massive – 600 000 signatures in a country of 5.5 million – call for referendum on their removal by simply making up an excuse for why it would be unconstitutonal) that they know they’re not going to rule again, and so they abandoned all pretenses – as with the latest move of donating our S-300 PMO complex to Ukraine where it was allegedly destroyed in Dnepropetrovsk. You might have noticed, opposition organized a protest to this fittingly at the memorial to Soviet troops last Sunday.
Now, some of our domestic Quislings have called for the chairman of the biggest opposition party to be arrested on the grounds of espionage… on the basis of spreading a publicly available video from our border proving that when he denied the S-300’s theft, our minister of defense (a man btw who was unfit for military service while it was mandatory) lied through his teeth.
On the other hand, I think people, at least not the youngest gen. are maintaining an increasingly sane perspective, especially the older gens – both statistics show about a third of the populace blames the US for the conflict, with next biggest group being “unsure”, and also my personal experience of people I meet on commute etc. It’s also important to note what contributed – banning of opposition media, the fact govt. members are shamelessly enriching themselves on refugee help, and also, some services offered to them that were previously denied to our own people on grounds of lack of capacity , like preschool spaces.
Growing gas prices and the slow shutdown of our industry isn’t adding popularity either, and the trade unions have already said things might go to general strike if the conditions of normal people ,already deteriorating through Corona will keep getting worse.
Looks like we’re living in interesting times… I just hope we’ll get a government that won’t shame us further.
Have a lovely day, you and all the mods, and keep information coming.
P.S. Considering sputnik can still be accessed by proxy, I’m a little sad they seem to have shut down the czech branch of its site. I get the drop of readership is discouraging but … that didn’t stop westerners from propagating news into eastern europe during the cold war, right? Propaganda is important.
“…they’re not going to rule again, and so they abandoned all pretenses – as with the latest move of donating our S-300 PMO complex to Ukraine where it was allegedly destroyed in Dnepropetrovsk.”
Did they announce to the world that this S-300 PMO complex was about to be sent to Ukraine so it would be destroyed? Although it sure looks that way, and definitely that is how they were actually destroyed (“thank you for telling us”, says Russia), I think the answer is that they wanted the “credit” so much that they couldn’t wait, and that nothing else really mattered (now they are probably wondering).
Anyway, I think they prefer it this way. They can say: we did our part and didn’t kill any Russians, so Russia won’t attack us for this, so it’s perfect.
It’s more complex than that – our coalition kept lying about it and denying it, including the minister of defense saying it’s unthinkable until we get an adequate replacement, despite all the pointers to the contrary (such as moving it to the east of the country with the excuse that it was there to protect against through-border threats) until someone filmed a suspicious transport of military technology across border which our former prime minister (the one with the denouncements on him from the current quislings) went and exposed to our voters. They finally admitted the truth once it was in Ukraine.
It was rather irrelevant as it turned out it was also filmed by citizens crossing through Poland, even before this.
They definitely wanted the credit though – our vodka salesman prime minister chickened out of the last PR-building visit so he did this plus went off with Ursula von der Lugen on the latest trip to try and fix his public image as a puppeted nothing-man (puppeted from abroad as well as from his own “political party”).
He’s also outright threatened our political opposition since his return saying he’s had enough of them, implying steps would be taken… easy to do when we have a special prosecutor who’s a criminal in probation (car accident, he killed an old guy who was already halfway through a pedestrian crossing) and isn’t even a prosecutioner, and a new chief of police that basically wags his tail at anything our corrupt and immensely dull minister of interior says.
PS: Immensely dull – I’ve seen a random segment on TV when the (pro-western of course) private channel interviewed him on whether preparations have been made for accidental fallout from possible RU attack on Uzhorod airport which is just a few hundred meters from our border.
His response had been along the lines. “Yes we’ve made preparations in the sense of making preparations so that we’re prepared.” I’m not even kidding, what he strung together was worthy of Biden.
Thank you for this information. Sounds familiar. I think I remember also the defense minister saying they had no replacement for it. “They finally admitted the truth once it was in Ukraine.” They are taking sides and had a responsibility to try to protect those transporting their weapon.
Prime minister: “Yes we’ve made preparations in the sense of making preparations so that we’re prepared.”
Against an attack. They – these politicians – send weapons to kill Russians and talk about the need to stay out of such a war because WWIII must be avoided. Neither do they say how sending weapons helps to avoid WWIII nor does the media ask them. Sending weapons is also like “preparation” for starting a war. They should know that whether the sending of weapons causes a war or not, is also going to be decided by Russia, not just by themselves. If they think it well, they should realize that it makes as much sense to send weapons to avoid WWIII as it would to ask Russia if they can send those weapons to Ukraine. “To be or not to be, that is the question.”
Politicians play politics and soldiers die for it.
Reading the current UK press suggests that a NatoNazi false flag operation is coming soon. Hope the Russian Government is preparing.
Are they going to blow up the biolabs under the Azovstal? Just flood everything and the nazi cockroaches will die together with the viruses and the natostan whores.
That is the normal mode for the UK press regarding Russia
Should have said a chemical weapons attack. The UK has been providing equipment and training now for years. The propaganda has been getting louder! Clearly something momentous is threatening.
@ Arthur G Brina on April 11, 2022 · at 7:57 pm EST/EDT
Beware of Kursk!!
Any tactics, in defense or attack, are as good as the army behind them. I am not so concerned about the “hedgehog tactics” of the Ukronazis, if, as you said, they will be using that somewhere (you mentioned a “salient,” where are you thinking exactly?) in the coming days. Our main glitch in the comprehension of the war we are witnessing, is to perceive it through the mental pictures we have of WWII. This is another type of conflict altogether, one that will force us to drop our WWII pictures that filter our outdated views, forever.
Inestimable A. Martyanov keeps on hammering this concept again and again, it has become his mantra, he knows very well that Russia has developed a new way of war that surpassed the obsolete US/NATO precepts. Syria has given us a glimpse, though limited, of what the war in Ukraine would be, we could aptly say Syria was a “dress rehearsal” for Russia before Ukraine. Let’s assume Ukronazis have set up a hedgehog defense in depth with mutually interlocking points and deep concrete bunkers, what are the options for Russia to dig them out of their holes?
There are many in the Russian menu, they have Comrade Khinzal, already proven in Ukraine with the underground warehouse built under rock, they have Comrade TOS-1, tested in Syria, vacuum thermobaric multiple-rocket launchers that work perfectly well as bunker-busters, no matter how strong and deep, as they suck the air of the lungs of the poor bastards send to die as cannon fodder for the Empire of Lies. Russians have many more options, as you well know, Comrade Kalibr has been demonstrating his love for Russia in multiple occasions for this campaign.
However, there is an opportunity cost to the use of any of this options, commanders on the ground will have to decide what is appropriate, given the cowardly use of innocent civilian population as human shields by the Ukronazis, and the Ukrainian army in general. The Geneva Convention does not apply to them, only to Russia when using thermobaric weapons, too cruel to deprive the nazi criminal trash of oxygen. Ukraine is becoming a larger dress rehearsal for Russia in her confrontation with the US/NATO, and Russia will be using new weapons and tactics, some of them a total surprise for us, neophytes in the art and science of war.
We will have to open our perception to a new concept of war, and learn along the way from every campaign the Russians launch in the foreseeable future. Kursk? Yes, a great battle, a glorious victory for the Red Army, and the experience from that victory is embedded in the modern Russian army, as a memory and a lesson, but we are light-years away from WWII, fighting in another era, engaged in a new battle against neo-nazis, with new strategies, tactics, and weapons, and new glorious victories for the Russian Army Forces, heirs to the forever glorious Red Army.
As Putin stated yesterday, while congratulating industry workers and Russians on “Cosmonautics Day,”
“Today, our officers are participating in a special military operation in Donbass, Ukraine. They provide assistance to the people’s republics of Donbass. They act courageously, competently, effectively and efficiently, use the most modern types of weapons with unique, unparalleled characteristics,” he said.
Key words: “… They act courageously, competently, effectively and efficiently, use the most modern types of weapons with unique, unparalleled characteristics…”
“…Unique, unparalleled characteristics…,” no “hedgehog formations” to fear.
Lone Wolf
@Lone Wolf.
I always look for your commentary. Very much appreciated
Have A. Martyanov books on order. I do not know your background, but you seem extremely well versed in Russia. Could you by chance, be able to recommend a good book on Russian history and her culture?
Many thanks
arestovich, does anybody know if he has jewish ancestry?
This has been reported: Regular military clashes with Russia until 2035. This was stated by ze’s adviser arestovich, referring to the experience of Israel, which fought 5X with Arabs. “So it will be with us. I don’t know if it will take 5, but several military clashes are guaranteed by 2035.” And there will be a “new Israel” in ukraine.
I don’t think the Russians would want that. Their ancestors kicked them out of the area for a reason and to have them return and take up their age old shenanigans. Nah – not going to happen which – also is why Russia is soft on Israel despite the S- Storm Israel kicks up against it neighbors. Better over there than next door.
Think of all those brave Ukrainian Politicians and wonder, what country their illegal passports belong to…….
(Illegal in that per the Ukrainian Constitution, members of Gov are not allowed to have dual citizenship).
The biggest problem today is that the true rate of inflation for all items is at least double the official rate–probably closer to 20%. I lived through the 1970’s and the inflation now is way more obvious, evident in most everything being purchased. The first thing the Fed needs to do is stop pumping trillions into the hyper-inflated stock market.
I’m an American and I endorse the Saker blog and the following video showing Biden, Cackling Harris and Pelosi.
Has everyone seen this yet? The Azov Battalion is claiming Russia used chemical weapons at he Azov Steel Works where they are hiding out That VERY SPECIAL group of people. Now the West must come in to investigate ie: Rescue them. Who is there and in addition what is there? Russia needs to figure out how to seize this place.
This British idiot was captured in Mariupol,probably by the DPR,wouldn’t like to be him,there are probably more foreign terrorists there.
Is it my poor eyesight or are Ukronazi forces wearing uniforms of the RAF?
I see some instances of green uniformed fighters and have trouble identifying their forces.
Case in point?
An interesting article.
NATO is waiting for a scandal: It became known what is located in the dungeon “Azovstal”
There is also a secret NATO facility PIT-404- and a secret NATO bio-laboratory with biological weapons. At the PIT-404 facility, NATO officers are blocked. The tunnels are equipped with a bunker system with armor protection.
Inside are about 240 foreigners, including officers from NATO and the French Foreign Legion, as well as personnel from the biolab. Their guards, financed by Akhmetov, number up to 3,000 people.
The biolab under the Azovstal plant in Mariupol at the so-called PIT-404 facility was built and operated by Metabiota, associated with Hunter Biden, Rinat Akhmetov and Vladimir Zelensky.
In the laboratories of this facility, tests were conducted to create bioweapons. Thousands of residents of Mariupol became “guinea pigs” in these terrible trials. And in these inhuman experiments, mainly Western “specialists” took part.
French intelligence and special operations officers were unable to take their colleagues out of Mariupol. That is why Macron called the Kremlin so often and asked for “humanitarian corridors.”
Some French intelligence officers died during the rescue operation. The head of French intelligence, Eric Vido, was fired on March 31, 2022 for the failures of French intelligence in the war in Ukraine.
Officers from the USA, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, Sweden, Poland and Greece are now blocked in the dungeons of Azovstal. American Lieutenant General Roger Cloutier, who was recently captured by the People’s Militia of the DPR from a downed helicopter, was tracked by the GRU of the General Staff and the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service in Mariupol based on the results of external surveillance of his mistress in Turkey in Izmir.
A citizen of Ukraine, known to intelligence as Klute, always accompanied the general as a field wife, confidant and translator. As soon as information was received that this lady had arrived in Mariupol, Russia launched a military operation and blocked the city.
I am always perplexed why the Russian politicians give time to minions like the Austrian diplomat who used an apparently unfriendly tone to speak to Putin, saying that the longer the war drags on the worse the sanctions become for Russia.
Do these countries not see that there is a real war going on near thete borders and that there is no bluffing regarding Russia’s stance on deNazifying Ukraine?
Did Putin indicate that only Ukraine would be deNazified? I don’t believe so. Will the Baltic states be next in line for similar initiatives and demilitiarizations?
Tough talking lackeys Finland and Sweden should learn to tone down their rhetoric but like their Austrian counterparts they seem to live in a world of virtual reality.