By Amarynth for the Saker Blog
The stark difference is imperialism vs multipolarity
Historically multipolarity undermines imperialism, maximalism, and a single point of control over the whole world for example, long arm of the law jurisdiction where US law seemingly is obeyed by lackey countries and groups.
Productive power and ability have spread sufficiently widely to displace the west from being the only central ruler of the world order. Larger numbers of productive power centers around the world are now distinct, they have distinct traditions, distinct ways of managing their economy, distinct institutions, and distinct needs desires, and aspirations of the populace. They are not any longer scared to express this, as they are becoming powerful.
Multipolarity is older than you think and started with decolonization, where distinct countries, groups, and centers wanted to manage their own trade according to their own choices and intelligence, and technology.
The world is already multipolar .. which is why the US fails time and time again now, to try and unite the world under capitalism and so-called democratic values. The single hegemon is now constrained and cannot dominate the world any longer, for its own enrichment.
Multipolarity is all about development and productive cooperation. Free market US hegemony and neoliberalism have never produced development: They have only offered the rest of the world subordination and complete subjugation to their own imperialism. Now the multipolar states are getting stronger .. and the only thing that really ensures development is if the states look after their people and citizens.
This is also the only power known to us now, epitomized by Russia’s military power, China’s economic power, and Iran’s ability to say NO and this is the only method currently that can constrain the US neoliberal hegemon from trying to rule the roost over the rest. The other major power upcoming is a new financial system.
So, what is the hegemon going to do? Gonzalo Lira did a dissection of the “Three Lighthouses” speech that Mike Pompeo just gave at the Hudson Institute. Gonzalo is not wrong. He states that this was a major speech and Pompeo is speaking for the entire American foreign policy establishment. Pick it up here:
Use as open thread.
Joe Strummer with the Pogues, ‘Rum, Sodomy, and the Clash’.
According to ‘an ear-witness’, Winston was having trouble with some of his admirals at a strategy meeting. One of them accused him of having impugned the traditions of the Royal Navy, provoking the reply: ‘And what are they? They are rum, sodomy and the lash’.
Edward Hewlett, Bexhill-on-Sea, E Sussex.
Wow … there are three levels of stuff and each level has three levels. On top of that, it’s funny as F!.
I’ve lurked here a lot but now I’m bustin out!
I don’t think it is worthwhile reading Mr. Pompeo’s speech. It sounds like a sermon. But sermons refer to the Bible, which for many is the word of God, and for many others a great work of literature and a source of moral wisdom. Mr. Pompeo’s speech refers to a fantasy world concocted by think tanks in the service of cynical and powerful private interests. Fair is foul and foul is fair in this world. But it seems to reflect the strict dogmatism that has gripped America. Let them be so self-deluded, by all means, if they so please. The multi-polar world will ignore them, at times the Chinese will lecture them, but it will have little effect. The world has woken up and no longer takes America and its allies in Europe seriously. What madmen babble is irrelevant.
The Biden administration is quite adept at building a deck of lies on a foundation of half-truths. Now they are promoting the “Liberal World Order”, to let their ever-shrinking base think that they will somehow have a seat at the table.
What flies at a G-7 meeting would crash and burn at a G-20. The world looks on and vomits at the Liberal World Order.
Trump did a great job exposing the US at a national level. Putin is likewise doing a great job of exposing the West at an international level.
“Big Mike” has lost a lot of weight and polished his public image. Rumor has it he is putting out feelers for a 2024 Presidential run.
Big Mike is probably not sleeping much given the Quds force guys who snuck across the southern border 9 months ago… biding their time…
Well spoken Beatus.
Unfortunately, these babbling madmen (a description with which I concur) have a nuclear button at the end of their sweaty fingers.
Isnt it just the usual statement, spelling, declaration, swearing, issuing sanctions, threatening, in the hope “something will show up” that will lay Putin down and give us Russia on a silver plate?
But in some logic they are right. They were successful in brainwashing 100 000-200 000 Ukrainians to fight intensively to their death in 4 mth so far. They could probably also make both Poland and Romania to do the same.
Yes Gonzalo is right. They will use Ukraine as the hill where Europe will break its neck and hope THIS will exhaust Russia. Which it wont.
Sterling summary Beatus
They don’t burn out … they just fade away
Me too. I pass on Pompous Ass. Have done so ever since I he made a donkey of himself picking the wrong side on Syria.
This is the only speech worth listening to : A spoof but it will come.
Many of you asked for the capitulation of Zelensky with subtitles,so here it is… — – 1 min video — Must watch
Very interesting Twitter thread (surprised he still has a Twitter)
This is a rhetorical plea to the ever shrinking heritage American warrior class to take up arms one last time! – no thanks
Pompeo is CIA and I will never trust that man.
Also – the United States is not capitalist and has Not been for nigh 150 years. Our parasite leaders push corpocracy around the globe today.
If Russia’s military power is anything to go by then I don’t see the US challenged any time soon :’)
The US have challenged themselves.. developmentally challenged, I think it’s called. But all self imposed. It really has nothing at all to do with Russia.
Apparently you don’t see very well.
What are called euphemistically ” the three lighthouses” are more accurately the three aircraft carriers, the USS Ukraine, the USS Israel and the USS Taiwan.
They can all be sunk, just like the seafaring kind.
The Russian army creeps in this petty pace from day to day. How many dead now, on both sides, and civilians, in this latest iteration of Slav bloodlands extirpation?
Meanwhile, Zel-baby’s projectile verbal vomit continues unimpeded and unabated.
This is what we get for news in the USA. Anyone know what really happened?:
Russians ‘suffer 200 dead, 300 wounded’ in attack on base at Melitopol airfield
Tue, July 5, 2022 at 10:02 AM·1 min read
After the destruction of the military base in Melitopol, collaborators are afraid to go to work
At the moment, the invaders have left the airfield, the mayor said. The fire there hasn’t been extinguished yet.
“There was a line of cars bringing the wounded near the military hospital, which the invaders established on the territory of the children’s sanatorium,” Fedorov said.
“The Russians also stole all the blood supplies from our hospitals. Now local residents have nowhere to get blood from for a transfusion if the need arises.”
According to the mayor, local collaborators are afraid to go to work after the destruction of the base in Melitopol.
The strike of the Armed Forces of Ukraine forced the invaders to actively move their bases and hide them in a belt of forest.
Fedorov said there are three more enemy military bases in Melitopol, located next to residential buildings. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are well aware of them, but they understand that the invaders are using the civilians as human shields.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine early on July 4 attacked one of the four Russian military bases in the temporarily occupied Melitopol, Zaporizhzhya Oblast. The enemy military base was completely destroyed after the attack, the Ukrainian military said.
If it’s ‘news in the USA’, I would go out for a large bag of salt to consume with it.
Its over. An ordinary American cant afford salt to caviar anymore. Our debt is too big. The only lifeline we have left is oratorio and pompous declarations for the sheeple who still pay for the show.
You can get more credible sources on Telegram channels. Western media publish every thing the Ukrainian Government states without filter. I have not found any of those reports to contain and Truth or facts.
I realize that but at the same time look how they covered up Snake Island’s air defenses were trashed and they had to evacuate. I would prefer if the Russian Telegram channels gave us BOTH the good news and bad news.
Regardless, Ukraine is losing.
That’s not what’s been reported. Everything the Nazis send over to Snake island were shot down.
Looks like you prefer to believe Nazi news.
Perhaps you might start regurgitating Ukraine news with…….. once upon a time…….. or perhaps a useful link.
Multipolarity does not mean Balkanization – divide and conquer.
It means state’s freedom to align with like-minded economies with no deference to a Rules-Based-Order.
Don Pompeo, mafiosi par excellence, takes his marching orders from the London Henry Jackson Society, regularly took tea there under Trump’s Admin. Pompeo speaks for the British Empire – D.C. lackey’s notwithstanding.
You have hit the nail on the head. It is the the evil spawn of the Venetian Party, the “City of London”, that has highjacked the USA and is calling the shots. Harley Schlanger hit on something that hints at the “City of London”‘s plans for the new multi-polar order. It seems he couldn’t get a good handle on it but detected that something is afoot. I think it needs watching. You can celebrate “multipolism” all you want. Until there’s a credit system (Fredrick List) aimed at development instead of a debt system, the “City of London” will simply take one or two steps back and reemerge like they have for centuries.
Another way of describing this is:
NATOland wants win-lose
Rest of World wants win-win
” Another way of describing this… Rest of World wants win-win”
Not really, according to everyone else. Cite your sources or this following report for vital info.
Go to 33:20 for Andrei Martynov’s latest expert analysis.
Apparently, the whole world has had enough of the nazi theme.
Pretty hilarious speech by an american too full of himself. The degenerate has nukes and bent on using them :) :)
Considering all the lies and deceipt, I wonder if they still have functional nukes and still know how to use them without hurting themselves.
This is something topical I found on another blog. I would like to share it here. It is supposed to be from Mr Larry Romanoff(sic) visiting professor to Fudan University. Here it goes
Some years ago, David Ignatius wrote an article in the Washington Post titled, ‘Replant the American Dream’ (1), in which he told of travelling the world as a foreign correspondent some 35 years ago, and how he believed that as an American he carried a kind of white flag, presumably of purity and moral superiority, signifying that he – being an American – was ‘different’, and that “the world knew it”.
He then noted dejectedly that the US was slowly “shredding the fabric that defines what it means to be an American”, that Americans are now seen as “hypocrites who boast of our democratic values but who behave lawlessly and with contempt for others”. His basic premise was that the US, and Americans generally, had “used up all their seed corn” and needed now to reach out to the world and ‘share America’s values’ once again.
He then ended with a statement of hope about the celebration of American Thanksgiving Day. Reading from his mythological American history book, he recounted the Pilgrims’ desolate fears as they departed the Old World for America, and “the measureless bounty they found in the new land”, which they shared with the local natives. You have already read an accurate account of the first Thanksgiving, which was a bit short on sharing measureless bounty. Ignatius ended with the words: “We need to put America’s riches back on the table and share them with the world, humbly and gratefully.” I wrote a reply to Mr. Ignatius that said in part:
You said that when you travelled the world as a correspondent carrying your American flag, you believed and felt you were different from all the others, a perception all foreigners shared. But that isn’t exactly how it was. What you really meant to say was “I was better than them, and they knew it”. Your despair is not from having shredded your fabric, but a nostalgic regret that those people have finally realised you are not better than them, but are worse, and that they no longer respect you but despise you. You don’t want to reach out and ‘share America’s riches’. What you want is to replant the false utopian values of American superiority in the minds of all those people so you can once again travel the world and tell yourself you are better than everyone else – and to once again see that delusion in their eyes.
You said you must stop behaving as if you were in a permanent state of war, but your America has always been in a permanent state of war. That’s what you do.
Wars of aggression are what define you as a nation.
You don’t want the world to think badly of you about your culture of torture, massacres and war, but you have no intention of ceasing them.
You continue to destroy nations, topple governments, foster regional wars and revolutions, reduce small countries to poverty and misery, but you want to be judged only by the utopian values you preach but never follow.
You say that Americans “travelling and sharing” will make everything okay again, that you would no longer be misunderstood.
But why do you think your US today is the world’s most hated nation? It isn’t because the world doesn’t understand you, but because it does understand you. You are reviled as a nation and as a people, for your values that produce only instability, terror, misery, poverty and death.
You say you want to “give something back to the world”. Well, maybe you could begin by giving back the country you live in, to those from whom you stole it. Maybe you could give Panama back to Columbia and Hawaii back to the Hawaiian people. And maybe Puerto Rico back to the Puerto Ricans. Maybe you could give Korea back to the Koreans and stop preventing the unification they have wanted for the past 60 years. Maybe you could get out of Taiwan and Hong Kong. Maybe you would like to give back the wealth you forcibly plundered from about 100 nations with the strength of your military.
Perhaps you would like to give back to Chile the hundreds of billions worth of copper you stole. Maybe you would like to return all the gold you plundered from all of Central and South America and the Caribbean, when you repeatedly invaded those countries, forced open – and then emptied – the vaults in their central banks. Maybe you would like to convince Citibank to give back the billions in gold it stole from the Chinese citizens who trusted it. Maybe you would like to give back to the Philippines and Nicaragua and Haiti the peace and happiness they had before you colonised and destroyed them.
Maybe you would like to give back to mothers in Iraq the 500,000 babies that Madeline Albright killed.
You said you wanted to share America’s riches with the world, but the time for that is long past. You no longer have any riches to share with anyone, and you never shared them even when you did have. Instead, you shared your depleted uranium artillery with the people of Iraq and Libya, who today have fetuses born that are described as ‘unidentifiable lumps of flesh’. For a decade, you shared napalm and Agent Orange with the people of Vietnam who today, fifty years later, still have tens of thousands of hideously-deformed babies being born.
Your CIA shared its 1,000-page torture manual and its Death Squad training with dozens of your dictators in Latin America. You shared your brand of democracy with Yugoslavia, converting it from a peaceful federation to a broken and pathetic mess of despair, and you then shared that same template with a dozen other nations, priding yourself on your “color revolutions”, leaving nothing but death and misery in each of them.
If you don’t mind, we don’t want you to share anything more with us.
We have had enough exposure to American-style freedom, democracy and human rights, to last us for generations.
And, to tell you the truth, we in the world have lost our stomach for your worldwide carpet of atrocities, brutality, death and misery, as well as our tolerance for your hypocrisy.
All we want is for you to just go home, mind your own goddamned business, and get your dirty, bloody, dollar-soaked fingers out of most of the world’s nations you are exploiting. The seed corn that you refer to, is gone, but it was not eaten. It just rotted.
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Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He can be contacted at: He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.”
I am American born and raised and have nothing to apologize for. I grew up in Kentucky and have many wonderful memories both as a child and a young person growing up. My relatives were both appreciated and loved and we did our best to enjoy what life had to offer.
Although I was aware of a number of things taking place in the world, I certainly did not spend each passing day searching out all the evils my government may have been involved in. And I also do not apologize for the history of my country. Slavery ended almost a hundred years before I was born, and my family owned none because we were dirt poor, for the most part. I obviously can’t apologise for something that I had no part in.
I also had nothing to do with any land that may have been stolen. Besides, the act of stealing land goes back thousands of years and I suspect every one of us had ancestors that took part in those activities.
I had no part in Vietnam, as the war ended before I was old enough to be drafted. I must confess that I spent 21 years in the American military, but did not kill or maim anyone. Perhaps that will disappoint some here who love to blame American citizens for the evils of their government.
What would you like to blame me for? Perhaps for not killing anyone in my government in order to overthrow them? That would be sinful and I would never do that. As a Christian, I have no commands from God to involve myself in evil activities for the sake of liberating anyone! My command is to love my neighbor as myself and that is what I seek to do.
As for my country and countrymen, there are many good people to be found in it, just as their are in all countries. Had I not been an American, I might never have obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ. Christians in other countries appear to be few and far between. How many would you guess there are in China, Iran, Korea, India, Vietnam, Japan and other such places? Few, if any. In fact, I would dare say that there may be many in Russia that claim to be Christian, but how many actually DO follow the Bible as God commands? Again, very few.
So, the bottom line is that no one should blame Americans for the government they have. If citizens have the power to do something about their governments, then why did Russia live under their godless government for so many years? Obviously, the same reason Americans live under theirs. That is, they do not have the power to remove their governments, or else prefer to continue living under subjection rather than not live at all.
As someone born and bred in the US, I couldn’t disagree more. Since WW II, our country has killed tens of millions, putting our government alongside regimes as execrable as Nazi Germany. 4 million Koreans, 4 million Indochinese, 2-3 million Iraqis, upwards of a million in Syria and Yemen each, and 100s of thousands elsewhere, people who wouldn’t have died if not for our invasions. Add in the millions of victims of America”s proxy armies, its sanctions, the pogroms carried out at its behest under the aegis of US security services (CIA, military special operations, etc.) such as the million who died in Indonesia in the 1960s, and on and on. A country whose actions, direct and indirect, all foreseeable, led to the death of some 20 millions, possibly 30, and injured, immiserated, and forced out of their homes scores of millions of others, should be as much a shame to us Americans as Nazi Germany ought to have been to its citizens (ditto citizens of Banderite Ukraine).
That’s what the government did, not me. If you want to apologies for someone or something that is not under your control, go ahead. That is your right. Are you also going to apologise for what your ancestors did before Noah’s flood?
You could apologize for this: “Christians in other countries appear to be few and far between. How many would you guess there are in China, Iran, Korea, India, Vietnam, Japan and other such places? Few, if any. In fact, I would dare say that there may be many in Russia…”
China 40 Million
Iran 0.5 M
Korea 16.5 M
India 32 M
Vietnam 18 M
Japan 2
Russia 75
That makes 164 Million Christians you don’t know because you live in God’s Own Country and are too busy Shining Like a Beacon on the Hill to look anywhere else.
“And the Pharisee prayed: I thank thee, Lord, that I am Exceptional”
Wow! According to you, half the people in Russia are Christians! I’ll bet you are not even counting the children. So, in reality, you are saying that most of the adults there are Christians. That is one very tall tale!
Why then, should I believe your numbers about the other countries? You may not know this, but it takes more than just believing in Jesus to be a Christian. In addition to belief, it also requires repentance, which means to turn your back on sin, or to “die to sin” as the Bible puts it. Then, a burial is necessary, which is baptism. Having been raised up, you live a new life of faith. According to your own logic, there must be about 100 million Christians in the US. Truth is, I doubt there are more than a few thousand, or else tens of thousands maximum. In my book, that is “few.”
I will comment on just one of your sentences, Roger G. Mattingly, and that is “you served in the military, but you personally did not shoot or maim anyone, and therefore you are innocent”.
But by serving in the military you help others to kill and maim.
Everybody understands that not every single soldier is expected to shoot somebody, but the whole thing is “a team work”. Without the “non-shooting” soldiers backing up their collegues, there will be no shooting.
The same goes for mercenaries in Ukraine that “didn’t shoot or maim anyone, they were just drivers and cooks”. Even if that would be the truth, they are still complicit in killing and maiming.
I am not saying that it is wrong to serve in the military, for defence purpose (I don’t criticize Russian soldiers, or Syrian, Iranian, Venezuelan….), but to volontarily serve in the military of a country that year in and year out is killing and maiming all over the world is far from being “innocent”.
You make good points. I retired over 23 years ago. In that time I have learned that my government was involved in things that it should not have been. If I could do it over, I would not have spent that time there. I’m a slow learner. It took me 25 years to realize that my left foot was larger than the right and that I needed to try on both shoes before buying them.
So here we have a guy from USA that have nothing to apologize for. That’s why I don’t stand the americans. Here is a guy with no humbleness and he seems to me having a total lack of looking back in history, seeing the present time and what’s for us in the future. Completely righteous. I don’t care for the most of the americans and I’m not apologizing for what I just wrote. The most righteous guy I read on the saker. We are going to hell if don’t find ONE humble american.
I didn’t say I was righteous and have never had anything to apologise for. I said I have nothing to apologise for concerning my country. That’s because I have no control over my government. Do you? Also, I am not guilty for what my ancestors may or may not have done. Are you? I can only be responsible for what I have personally done. When I do wrongly, I apologise. Do you? But I refuse to apologise for something I did not do, nor will I apologise for being an American. I love the American people and culture. Sometimes they sin and need to repent. That’s God business and does not relieve me of my responsibility to love them. My government is involved in extreme evil. There’s nothing I can personally do about it. I can only pray for help from God. Is that what you do?
Racism excludes multipolarity, the big problem is that racism has no cure and can only be solved with centuries of education, time that the West wasted creating a racist world of white privileges and now they have become a tragedy for the development of humanity .
I strongly suggest you read Professor Kevin MacDonald’s works on which ethno-cultural groups are most open to other races and cultures.
Then there is this…
The Top 10 Least Racist Countries in the World in 2021 – Best Countries Report
1. Netherlands
2. Canada
3. New Zealand
4. Sweden
5. Denmark
6. Finland
7. Switzerland
8. Norway
9. Belgium
10. Austria
Not surprising that the least tolerant are mostly Islamic.
Knocks a big hole in your “white privilege” theory,
Often the best way to deal with this issue? Shove their mouthpiece back down their throat where it belongs. Whites didn’t start slavery…we ENDED it.
Then ask them to name a country run by blacks which has eliminated slavery.
Yes all those evil African countries that enslaved whites and plundered European resources. Real shits they area.
Whites= Western Europeans
Slavs are excluded from that term in most of the world.
Whites historically enslaved Slavs. Arabs were however the biggest slave traders.
Western still practice slavery they just call it spreading democracy now.
LOL, all those countries are super racist. Maybe the Kiwis aren’t. They’re not “racist” because they make sure to keep all the dark skinned people they allow in their countries as low level workers in suburbs. I mean the Belgians have the Congo in their history… no racism there! To be fair they did just give back lumumba’s gold tooth. I’ve lived in Austria, stupidly racist and they’d elect Hitler if he was reincarnated. No disguises necessary. You might want to check the Canadian news for treatment of native Americans.
@Lex… We are talking about present racism, not historic racism.
Even on the relative racism scale. English Canada’s treatment of the native population in the 18th and 19th century was far better than that of the Spanish or Americans. After the American Revolution, the British brought the Indian tribes who fought with them up to Canada and gave them land.
Canada is racist against natives has an issues with French separatists who hate everyone else.
Give Canada back to the natives and go back to Europe.
Then ask them how they feel when you leave. Once they stop dancing with joy.
Maybe for western countries.
Definitely not accurate for the world.
Well there are good people in Canada. Lots. However there are loads of bigots too. Not all European. However there is a white supremacy orientation in the intelligence services and government that is kept out of the public. After World War Two any Nazi from Europe was allowed to emigrate and often given assistance beyond what was available to non Nazi immigrants for participation in anti Russian activities. As part of an effort to stoke the population with people hostile to socialism. Hence our Canadian contribution to the problems in Ukraine.
Mmmm…… great to use American government platforms and statistics to get a non biased approach in today’s American …… and the American governments extremists approach to inciting a nuclear war.
I believe in fairies…….. I believe in fairies…….. I believe in fairies ……. anyone heard a bell…
@Knocks: “Not surprising that the least tolerant are mostly Islamic.”
Even less surprising, the man who did the ranking has a most un-Islamic name: Kevin MacDonald.
The exact opposite is true: woke anti-racism obsession goes along with globalism, while an ethnic nation-state is perfectly compatible with multipolarity.
Education will never work to “solve” racism until it stops to be just childish indoctrination about “all men made equal” and other wokish crap.
Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid resign today.
Rishi Sunak Twitter
If anyone is trying to understand Pompeo, this article “might” be of some help:
“To work, the strategy would require the door to westward expansion to be slammed—hard. The worst of all worlds would be to open up opportunities for Russia in its east while going soft in the west. An effective pivot requires a fulcrum, and Ukraine is that fulcrum. ” (page 4)
SUMMARY: The article appears to advocate completely cutting of Europe’s ties to both Russia & China. (which this war will likely do). Then, once Europe is off the table, Russia will have nowhere to go but Eastward (happening now) and that Eastward focus will eventually put Russia in conflict with China.
This also means that the United States will sacrifice both Europe & Ukraine as the objective is to SLAM THE ECONOMIC DOOR, not win the War or economically revitalize Europe.
*Also, if anyone is following Ray McGovern, he tells a story of Biden getting on his airplane after last year’s Putin summit and saying that he understands Putin has a really big problem with China. Maybe Biden is expecting him to?
In the article sounds good but in the reality is unlikely to happen.
If US is doing something is uniting China and Russia with the extra plus of Iran.
It’s wishful thinking to the extreme to think that both countries will be so stupid to become enemies now just because Europe is closed to Russia.
To start Russia will take all Ukraine, as new Republics in the Federation and the result as a puppet state.
Then rebuild will be their focus. In the meanwhile is totally focus in Taiwan.
Probably EEUU will encounter the situation where China will attack Taiwan and Russia will support it. Or Maybe Russia will attack the baltics and open the bridge to Kaliningrad at the same time.
This is what EEUU is causing with its hands.
It’s impossible to underestimate Pompous Minimus, a deflated gas bag though he be.
Agree with Cid. Its wishful thinking. It will only continue to strengthen both Russia and China.
Russia will take back more and more previous territories and get closer to Europe who will be even more exposed and more squeezed, and China will follow stronger and stronger on the International scene as everybody are sick and tired of seeing the Western clown show now going on for 22 years.
I see this struggle as the eternal battle between elite domination and control versus economic justice. The development of multipolarity is a reaction against such domination. The extreme inequality caused by policies of so-called “democratic” governments increasingly impoverishes the world’s population. President Putin has demonstrated how the corporate-infiltrated collapsed Soviet regime could be turned around to restore sovereignty, rebuild the economy and military, and mitigate the deprivation of the people, while retaining the positive aspects of capitalism. The ability of Iran, Venezuela and other countries to resist pressure from the empire (with help from Russia & China) shows that the US influence is weakening, which ironically will bring about more democracy and economic justice. I believe in the long run this Mulipolar relationship between countries will benefit the vast majority of people while enhancing stability and peace in the world.
Can anyone name one Trumplethinskin cabinet pick who didn’t have a career in DC SWAMP/BANKING?
Sexy Rex Tillerson’s (Once an EXXON man, always . . .) brief stint as Trump’s Secretary of State, where it was thought he could possibly secure prime Russian Energy Resources/Assets, at least discuss old Exxon interests in the country . . . . failed. Recommended by Gates (Defence Sec under Bush & Obama & Condoleezza ‘Chucky’ Rice )
CIA Pompeo’s last active duty was Tank commander across the Iron Curtain, was on the scene at the fall of the Berlin Wall. ‘We lied, we cheated, we stole’ – Pompeo , CIA Training Handbook. A warmongering satanic MIC POS who drifts through the revolving doors of Swampland seamlessly.
Could easily go nuclear under this psychopath. Still there’s so much incest in the US political/corporate arena that any proposed figurehead POTUS will follow orders.
I love Pompeo’s reasoning in the 3 lighthouses speech: “Because pressing NATO to Russia’s borders has been so successful, we must do the same to China.”
Dear Saker,
I think that one needs to better define the ‘imperialism’ that we are facing a little more to understand the threat that we, citizens of the world’ are facing.
The ‘imperialism’ that we are facing is an attempt to create a global ‘colonial’ system. This new ‘modern’ colonial system is to be based in international institutions, under the direction of the WEF (Great Reset). It is modeled on the EU. The ‘masters’ behind this ‘modern’ colonial system are the descendants of those who controlled the former British Empire. These ‘masters’ have already colonized the ‘Western’ world through their control of almost all of the intelligence agencies, politicians and political parties of the West. Any politicians who object are destroyed politically or outright killed.
The characteristics of this new colonial system include:
1. A ‘world without borders’: i.e. the destruction of the concept of nation-states. Nation-states are a threat to colonial rulers. Organizing societies at a local level will prevent any society from developing the political power necessary to present a challenge to the colonial ‘masters’.
2. ‘Sustainable development’; i.e. the end of human development. Development means change, and change inevitably leads to new leadership. New leadership is an existential threat to the colonial ‘masters’.
3. Regression to medieval societies. Large, complex, high-performing societies require large complex societal systems. However centralized control is incompatible with large complex systems, even considering the use of Automated Intelligence. Thus societies must be simplified, to the level compatible with centralized control, such as in the feudal world.
There is no chance that this new global colonial empire can succeed, for the following reasons:
1. For it to succeed, China and Russia must be brought under control. But China and Russia together are already more powerful then the collective ‘West’. That doesn’t mean that the colonial masters will not give it one last desperate try, which they are doing now, beginning with the indirect military war against Russia in Ukraine (which at the beginning was all about retaking Crimea) and the direct economic war against Russia.
2. The world is not controllable. Life on earth is chaotic, and civilization must adapt or die. Societies under centralized control, which almost by definition lack the ability to adapt, will slowly die. Indeed, the gradual disintegration of the collective ‘West’, since the global masters reasserted control (about 1980), which as led to revolts of populations throughout the collective ‘West’ is another major factor in the urgency for the ‘masters’ to act (using excuses such as climate emergency, pandemic emergency).
In spite of the impossibility of success, the ‘masters’ behind this Global Colonial project will never give up. Dividing the world between a colonial West and a Multi-Polar World Order is not an option, as a weak, declining West would soon become geopolitically irrelevant. Failure for the ‘masters’ means the end of more than half a millennia of Western Colonial rule of the World, and the devastation of their personal positions of power. In addition, these ‘masters’ identify only with their fellow ‘masters’. They feel no responsibility for the normal citizens of any county, including the U.S. and the U.K., and thus have no motivation to ‘limit the losses’.
I find these WEF types very interesting. Perhaps my favorite is their prophet/ philosopher/ historian Yuval Noah Harari.
Using AI and biological data to hack the human organism to produce a homosapien free 4th industrial revolution seems kind of far fetched. These types sure imagine a grotesque future where they will take the place of God. Don’t take my word on it, watch this video and listen closely to what is being said.
Excellent post. Especially your reason 2, why the 500-year-old Western bid to control the world cannot prevail.
Also your final paragraph describes the present precarious situation of these would-be Masters of the Universe: “Aut Caesar aut nihil” (“With me it’s All or Nothing”).
Hi Amarynth, congrats for this excellent piece of yours on ” MUltipolarity” .
I saw you as author and took for granted that you check out this comments section. So for just once (and never again) I decided to use this comments section in a different way. Please everybody excuse me for doing this but please understand that circumstances so demand it.
Amarynth, I am having serious trouble with my traditional email server which I am trying to solve as we speak. Right now I cannot receive nor send any emails thru my traditional email server. Si if I contact you through a different email address account (such as Gmail) please do not be surprised as it´d be just me. I hope that the technical problem with my current ISP is solved soon, but just in case please be advised that I could be communicating with you from a different email account. Cordially Jorge
Amarynth, I have just sent you an email to see whether my temporary substitute Gmail server works out okay. Please check it out if all possible. Thank you and all commenters please excuse me Cordially Jorge
Got it Jorge!
I’d like to see Pompeo debate Ahmadinejad, who has been saying weird things about Ukraine, Taiwan, and Iran being targeted by Russia, China, America in a conspiracy, and about India being Iran’s best partner…
I love too much the politics of the opening of multipolarity by Russia and China against the cerement of US capitalism the people are suffocating under, to be able to make a statement which could be serene. USA is the cerement or shroud for the planet’s people. There is no-one in the US political class with a vision for reality despite all those think tanks and university papers. The Pompeo’s speech at the Hudson Institute is the expression of complete blindness. And not only blindness but also a big portion of malevolence. There is not a shade of humanism in what he is saying. The best way for people like me is the orientation to the reality of multipolarity which just came to light with the Eurasian partnership. Hopefully it will unmake all the obstacles of the Washington vampires.
“A multi-polar world” when/if it becomes a reality, absolutely requires a Financial System that does NOT use the US$$. Instead, *if* the system is ever set up successfully, it must have a sophisticated establishment involving each nation’s currencies, established trade agreements signed and documented.
Moreover, a “world bank” NOT in any tied to the US $$ hegemony is required, along with each nation’s banks all acting in sync with the system itself.
To date, China/Russia/Others are only now beginning to establish that very intricate system.
We have not arrived at a “multi-polar world,” yet, especially now that the US Financial Hegemon is presently aimed at both Germany, Russia, and China.
Excellent, the Russians will finally quit letting Israel escape with its cake and having it, too. There is no more tiresome group than those arrogant, JFK-killing, 911-bombing and apartheid jerks!
I don’t have software to get around the difficulties the English government put in place to read both sides of the argument or any independent news. I’m Banned from such sites as Te, Russian military reports etc, Twitter and Gonzalo Lira’s post of the degenerate Pompeo’s speech.
Unable to get RT, and posting on Presstv, almost impossible, pages overwritten, unable to type, wiped posts, delayed typing….. wonder what Englands afraid of….mmmmm perhaps the English weakening up and hearing the truth…… no….. not a chance…… they still like turkeys voting for Christmas. There are English people who are starving, the cost of food going through the roof, people’s water cut off because they can’t afford the privatised water charges, English people are dying because there government has privatised the NHS, to American medical companies and American banks, and Jeremy Vine is on the radio advertising an American film for forty minutes as England pushes for war with Russia! They say Americans are daft…….!
Little England mentality, English education and …….. the empires “democracy” all at its very best!
Where is the English oak, a man who isn’t a neutered dog, too late now for English sovereignty, lost as brexit gave that way to American neocons, but what about at least keeping some English pride?
Or how about, not letting your English children starve?
@ Highlander
All you need is a VPN that would allow you to get an IP from different countries.
There are plenty, and some are offered for free by some progressive online services, i.e.
All you have to tell them is your line of work, that you’re anti-imperialist, anti-nazi, they will love you.
Do not get a “free” with ads, those are not to be trusted, plus they are VPNaggers with their ads.
Lone Wolf
Colonialism in the world could easily have died in 1945. Franklin Roosevelt read some sort of a riot act to the French and British prior to the end of WW-2, sort of like
‘…You know, I hope you clowns understand that a whole generation of Americans hasn’t just gone through all the horrors of this war merely in order to allow you to reconstitute your colonial empires around the world…’
Nonetheless Trumann turned out to be just another lackey/stooge for the world’s main villains and the effort crumbled after FDR’s death.
If FDR could have lived another ten or twelve years in reasonable health, we probably would have had an end to colonialism at least by 1950. Multipolarity would have been another issue; the US was not going to just share the secrets of nuclear power in 1950 after the effort we had expended to achieve it.
@Ted: FDR was killed like JFK… Cheers
I join you to shed a tear of memory for FDR.
Readovka blocked in your country ?
A masterpiece of imperial propaganda, preacher Pompeo’s “Three Lighthouses” threatening speech overflows with wishful thinking. Above all, Pompeo indeed keeps on underestimating how vulnerable and dependent, more particularly on both Russia and China, yesterday’s Empire is, today. However much it can still make a world nuisance of itself, said Empire has neither the material nor the human resources to impose its hegemonic unipolarity on today’s world.
The Global South is now set to make the ultimate difference, in favour of the Sino-Russian front.
Agreed, the struggle for freedom under multipolarity promises to still be long and difficult. In order to prevail, Russia and China will need to strengthen their will and determination to strike so much harder on the battlefield. That they can do and will soon conclude they need to do. Hence, stay tuned: we haven’t seen anything yet. On all continents, the World War for humanity’s liberation is just beginning.
Pompeo was echoing the Wolfowitz Doctrine. In a nutshell, the doctrine says no country will be allowed to attain the status of a superpower. It doesn’t matter whether Republicans (Bush, Trump) or Democrats (Obama, Biden) occupy the White House, the Doctrine will be followed.
Within the Wolfowitz Doctrine, competing interests fight on how to implement US supremacy. Expansion of NATO, naming a viceroy (Bremmer) over Iraq, funding terrorists in Libya/Syria, color revolutions in Ukraine – its all about maintaining US supremacy. Bolton and Pompeo understand control of fossil fuels is key. Biden and his supporters seem to believe green programs will elevate the US. Perhaps the “left-leaning” Neocons want to turn hegemony over the WEF? Either way, the central premise is that neither Russia, China, or anybody else must ever become a superpower; only the United States.
The great 20th century prophet George Orwell’s guide book for a totalitarian society is being used word for word.
Of uttermost importance is that some one really needs to open Paul Craig Roberts eyes to the very considerable achievements of Operation Z and the Russian people. Turning Ukraine into an enormous toxic ash filled firepit and “achieved” in merely a few minutes cannot really be categorized as a successful outcome !
Odessa Next?
Throughout several threads I have seen many a comment expressing their opinion about the next steps in the SMO, and several of them are calling for an offensive toward Odessa. Among the posters there are well-wishers and armchair generals, the former wishing a rapid end to the campaign, the latter barking orders to the RF Army Forces.
Neither one has a grasp of the difficulties facing ahead for the SMO, and of the battlefield distance between the current operation environment in Donetsk/Lugansk, and Odessa.
It took 129 days exactly, if we take July 3, the day the Victory Banner and the Russian flags were hoisted in Lysichansk, to liberate Lugansk. There were many factors that allowed the taking of this city at lightning speed, but as explained by onlookers, one of the Ukrainian units panicked, unleashing an stampede that kept the city from being destroyed. What caused that stampede, nobody knows, however, among the UkroWehrmacht servicemen, there are veterans of the multiple campaigns against Donbass, and many of them might have survived Debaltsevo to tell the story and run out before the cauldron was slammed shut.
They knew that, given the power of Russia’s “Queen of the Battlefield” they experienced first hand (have you seen the videos of poor VSUshniky cowering under the rain of fire), they had no chance for survival if they stayed in the city. And we can be sure they have also seen the videos of Mariupol and other cities, plus, they knew the Chechens and Cossacks were coming after them, and these two warrior tribes mean business.
Whatever factors saved Lysichansk from getting completely destroyed, and freed the people from the neo-nazi terrorists (have you seen this,, were not only a blessing to the population as a whole and for the Allied soldiers, but also an exception to the rule. Severodonetsk and Lysichansk were supposed to be “impregnable” fortresses, surrounded by fortified defenses such as Zolote/Gorskoye, which also fell at an impressive pace.
A key factor no doubt was the Allied forces new tactic of “deep coverage,” grinding the enemy by non-stop volleys of artillery and tank fire, so much so Ukrainian servicemen call it “Hell on Earth!” in an interview to AP.
Lugansk campaign over, a little mopping up here and there, Allied forces crossed the border to Donetsk to continue the clean up operation, the next target is yet another “fortress,” Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. AFAIK, they are bypassing Seversk, already focusing on Slavyansk.
The new operational environment is crucial in the battle for the liberation of Donetsk.
Seversk is part of a defense line that runs north-south from Seversk to Artemivsk (Bakhmut), and even further south to Ugledar. Remnants of the UkroWerhmacht units that stampeded from Lysichansk moved to fortify this line, now part of the defense for Slavyansk/Kramatorsk, or were incorporated to defend these cities proper.
To have a better idea of what this developing operational environment could become, “Military Chronicle” published a very illustrative video. The video is in Russian, regardless, no need to know Russian to understand troops displacements, attack and defense, just follow the arrows that show the axis with the main line of direction.
The video also addresses the issue of what’s next in the battle for Donbass, and what they call the “banal question” of “Why don’t our troops attack locality N, because from there there is a direct road to victory?” Please scroll down to video, count to 15.
The battle for Lisichansk is over: THE NEW TACTICS of the Russian army have proved their superiority! Summary of Yuri Podolyaka (19 videos)
Bakhmut: a new stage in the battle for Donbass. One of the most popular questions during a special military operation is reduced to the banal “Why don’t our troops attack locality N, because from there there is a direct road to victory?”. Both Popasna and Bakhmut were asked this question repeatedly. So instead of a thousand explanations, we decided to make a video explainer — a visual video explaining what is happening. Today, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are trying with all their might to contain the offensive of the Russian forces. Reinforcements are constantly being deployed near Bakhmut, and the enemy’s artillery and tactical aircraft are working against the advancing units. The defensive lines to the east of Bakhmut are being hacked by assault detachments of the Wagner PMC.
You can also watch the video at the “Military Chronicle” channel, but they might ask for a subscription at mid video.
Seversk might run the same fate of Lysichansk, UkroWerhmacht may retreat to Slavyansk before getting cut off and isolated, and it might fall in a few days. Slavyansk/Kramatorsk, however, will not be that easy, we can expect some of the new wonder weapons delivered to Ukraine to have been emplaced there (if they haven’t been sold on the darknet, yet), maybe HIMARS or some other US junk, like the M777 howitzer.
Differently from the armchair generals, I profoundly dislike timing combat operations, following von Moltke’s maxim that “No plan survives contact with the enemy.” Here you read stuff like “a week to take that target,” or “by the end of July Allied forces will be in Odessa,” etc. So far, the UkroWerhmacth has been routed, and we hope that trend will continue, despite the new hardware delivered to them, nevertheless, we have to keep in mind we are not fighting the UkroWerhmacht.
Allied forces are fighting USEUCOM and all what that entails, C&C, surveillance, intelligence, logistics, operational direction, in sum, UkroWerhmacht is being managed from Berlin, Brussels, London, and Washington, DC, and an essential goal for the Collective West is to learn the new Russian Way of War, logistics, tactics, weapons, and fighting abilities.
This is a factor we have to enter into the equation, the Collective West is learning, they have operational commands in Kiev that are doing their best to turn around the defeating trend and setup a front, sort of, to stop the Allied forces somewhere before the Dnieper. The liberation of Donbass is the urgency of now, a task that cannot be postponed. We have to settle accounts with those that have been and continue to kill people from Avdiivka and surroundings, we have to stop the bleeding of innocent people.
Logically and logistically, Odessa is an impermissible jump given the current operational environment, and the compelling tasks at hand. The train to Odessa has no wheels. Donetsk is the priority, and should be the focus and the end of Phase II. It might take most of the summer, it might be a month, who knows, but we cannot run to Odessa before Donetsk can walk in freedom.
As an old acquaintance used to say, “you might have the liberty to go to the moon, but you don’t have the freedom.”
Same with Odessa.
Lone Wolf
We need a new SitRep to post on, L.W. Maybe, tomorrow.
@ Russian Bear on July 05, 2022 · at 10:24 pm EST/EDT
We need a new SitRep to post on, L.W. Maybe, tomorrow.
Well, this is an open thread, you can post your reports here, and more.
In fact, I’ve been looking forward to them, there is very little info coming from the Seversk front.
If you have anything, particularly from Older than Eda, please post it. Thanks.
Lone Wolf
Mike Pompeo is right that among the nations today there are Three Lighthouses of Liberty. He misidentifies them, however. He has not been paying attention, which puts him in numerous and distinguished company. The Three Lighthouses of Liberty are not Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. They are India, USA, and Russia.
“The world is already multipolar.”
Good point. I think Lavrov stops a little short of saying this.
“Free market US hegemony and neoliberalism have never produced development”.
I think it’s fair to say capitalism produced it in China.
Thanks for the link.
But correctly socialism produced it in China. It does allow for a mix of state and private. Whereas capitalism seeks the state withdraw and markets are unfettered. Capitalism would not have ensured 100s of millions rising from poverty. The internal logic of capitalism results in poverty, albeit sometimes in degree but certainly when in crisis.
So, its totally unfair to say “capitalism produced it in China”
Is it fair to say private “foreign investment” produced it in China? That’s capitalism too.
You do not seem to understand the difference between industrial capitalism, that makes useful products for sale, and financial capitalism that creates money out of thin air as interest bearing debt by privately owned banks.
China has embraced industrial capitalism, but rejected financial capitalism, by having all its domestic money created by its government owned central bank free of debt, that is communist. The citizens of the US and EU are debt slaves to parasite banks.
American and European companies made their products in China, right? Then China became the world producer it is. It also has its own consumer good products, but they’re not as good usually (Chinese cars, shirts…).
“You do not seem to understand the difference between industrial capitalism, that makes useful products for sale, and financial capitalism that creates money out of thin air as interest bearing debt by privately owned banks. China has embraced industrial capitalism…”
I did not mean or even mention financial capitalism. Also, the first meaning of “capitalism” is industrial capitalism. No other than Karl Marx who coined the term “capitalism” and it always referred to industrial production profits accumulation. I don’t think that Marx wrote much if at all about the financial system: There was capital, labor and land, and capital was accumulating the profit and exploiting labor. My point was the one you make in this quote. Praxis denied it and said it was due to socialism.
It’s not very well-known that Karl Marx invented the term “capitalism.” Ludwig von Mises, the noted classical liberal economist, mentions it (I think in book Human Action) and he says it’s a good term for it.
But you would think that they (liberals) later would think of calling it something else rather than what Marx called it! (I would have!). But, Mises said it was a good term for it, that that’s the main characteristic of the system, capital accumulation, but of course that this accumulation is what allows for economic progress to happen. No doubt that’s true. His student Murray N. Rothbard illustrated this with one man in an island all alone. He improves his economic conditions as time goes on, showing how at each step this stranded man is accumulation capital by saving part of his production and not consuming it and improving his tools, etc.
Now China has so many billionaires. Karl Marx was wrong! I once worked in a construction building project. We all made money except the entrepreneur who gathered us all! The masons, electricians, administrators – all got paid well their monthly salary. The contracting company received the buildings-houses it wanted. On the other hand, the entrepreneur earns his profit only after it’s all over and if he can recover all the cost outlays, part of which fed us workers for a wonderful year and a half (I even saved money there)! Because of the exigencies of the contracting company, legal coercions and unrealistic pressures, then long delays in payments, the poor entrepreneur did all that he did not just for free for everybody else, but he actually lost money and was left in debt. When it goes well, he is an “exploiter.” I know the reality can be more complex, but this is a true story. I hope Praxis reads this.
“…China has embraced industrial capitalism”
Kapricorn4, that’s the only thing I said; didn’t even think about ‘financial capitalism’ (“foreign investment” also refers to multinationals investing in China).
Angus Maddison in his book “The World Economy: Historical Statistics” gave estimates how during last 2000 years China and India until year 1820 have had around 50-60% of world’s GDP. Only 200 years were those dominated by so called west. India had largest economy during first 1500 years (A. D 1-1500). In 1820 around 1/3 of global GDP was made in China. The collapse of China and India (caused by Western imperialists) was so dramatic that in mid 1900’s they both had share of only 4% of global GDP.
The Western European decline started in early 1900’s. Using latest figures of GDP PPP the Western Europe had now
@Matias: “India had largest economy during first 1500 years (A. D 1-1500).”
The big surprise of Maddison’s data is how China achieved its relatively highest point of global GDP share in 1820 (33%) but India went down from 25% share to 15% from 1700 to 1820. When Western Europe stay quite in same level (22% share) it seems to have been China taking market share from India during that period. Noam Chomsky once mentioned how British Empire destroyed especially textile industry of those eastern giants and moved it to Britain (after 1820). According Chomsky this won’t have happened without state terror, there was nothing else explaining that dramatic shift. The natural countries for textile industry strongholds would have been China, India and Egypt.
The history of 1820-1947 underlined what will happen to non western powers if the are not determined to defend their self interests. I don’t the case of India during period of 1700-1820 and the reason why it lost large share of its economic power mostly to China suggested by data of Maddison.
It seems to me that the US leadership in many fields of science, engineering, culture has been slowly hijacked by small groups of people and lobbying groups. The end result is intimidation and mob tactics against other countries have become the main tools of the US administration. This is the world of arbitrary dictats and arm twisting and privileges as opposed to open negotiations and accord. They seek hegemony.
By contrast other countries will see the US administration and its allies as immature thugs while they aspire to some order and some predictability in international affairs and they are working together as maturing adults and as equal partners. They seek mutual understanding.
The reason why many countries support yhe Hegemon is not that they agree with him. They just believe that an ennemy they know is better than the unknown. They fear another hegemon will quickly take over the role of the US. They have no confidence in their own capabilities to perform within the larger community of nations and the new institutions that will replace the existing ones like the IMF and so on. The guys in Washington know all of that and they keep the flock of their colonies in tight control.
What worries me sick is that Pompeo’s speech may appear to be a justification for the assassination of President Putin at the G-20 in Indonesia.
God protect President Putin.
That would be an almost impossible task. The Indonesian elite class are an odious group of scumbags (just ask the Timorese, Acehnese, and Papuans, among others), however they are supporting Russia.
If the Empire of Lies did manage to penetrate the Russian and Indonesian security blanket and kill VVP it would be the end. Nukes would fly to London, DC, Brussels, etc.
The Ukraine air force tried to take down Putin’s presidential jet on 17 July 2014 as it flew over Ukraine on its way back to Moscow from Rio de Janeiro, but they shot down the wrong plane by mistake MH-17 and then blamed it on Russia.
Pompeo in this Hudson Institute speech:
“Vladimir Putin’s utter lack of basic humanity ensures that as long as he remains in power, Russia will be a virtual prison and no nation that borders its expanse will ever be safe.”
Pompeo in January this year:
“He is a very talented statesman. He has lots of gifts”.
Pompeo in mid-February this year:
“I have enormous respect for him – I’ve been criticized for saying that.”
He must be playing to the crowd in this speech. I saw him gushing this praise over Putin on TV this year. It was out of place for a recent Secretary of State to praise so much, so he was criticized again for that.
This article expands upon some of the points I touched in my last post above.
It explains the nature of the terrain in Donbass, the high concentration of populated areas on the line Seversk/Artemivsk, which has allowed the UkroWerhmacht to interconnect defensive points along the line. One of the reasons for the UkroWerhmacht and their advisors to fortify a defensive line in this area, is that it marks the end boundary of the industrialized Donetsk, beyond here all the way to the Dnieper, is basically uninhabited steppe, a terrain that denies the Ukronazis a hold to use the population as human shields. Also, it is great for tanks.
For the Ukronazis, defending this line is vital.
The aftereffect of breaking this line will move in concentric waves toward the north in Kharkiv, and south to Avdiivka. Holding Kharkiv will become meaningless for the UkroWerhmacht, as they have been using it to pressure the Russian flank through Izyum. That will be no more. Once Slavyansk/Kramatorsk are taken, Avdiivka is next.
The article also points out the set-piece mentality of the UkroWerhmacht, which has allowed the Allies to hit them where they less expect it. In summary, the UkroWerhmacht is unable to recover the strategic initiative, their “strategy” is purely defensive, they don’t have the manpower to launch a counter-offensive in basically any front. Their collapse is a matter of time.
The author allows two weeks for the breaking of the defenses in Slavyansk/Kramatorsk, and have no doubts it is a done deal, as it is the breaking of the Seversk/Artemivsk line, which will bring the entire SMO to a new stage.
Read on.
A new stage of the Russian special operation is ripe in Ukraine
After the liberation of Lisichansk, units of the Russian Armed Forces and the People’s Militia of the LPR came close to Seversk – the last relatively large settlement covering the path to Slavyansk. What does this mean and how can events develop in the central sector of the front in the near future? There is reason to believe that we are witnessing the beginning of major military events.
For several weeks, the enemy has been building a new defensive line along automobile and railway routes running from north to south from Seversk through Zvanovo to Soledar and then to Artemivsk (Bakhmut is the Ukrainian name after the renaming in 2016). For this purpose, units were removed from the Slavyansk garrison and new units were sent, recruited in the hinterlands of Ukraine. Those who managed to escape from Lisichansk also ran there.
According to the plan of Kiev, a new front of the Ukrainian defense of the Slavyansk – Kramatorsk area should be formed along the highway. This is already a familiar tactic, since the enemy previously formed defense lines along other natural obstacles. First of all, rivers. Among them, the Seversky Donets River stood out, which the Ukrainian Armed Forces tried their best to turn into an insurmountable obstacle, using the climatic factor (flood and flood), as well as imported weapons to destroy pontoon bridges.
As a result, the Russian Armed Forces and their allies adopted a new tactic. Lysychansk was surrounded and eventually liberated not by a direct assault across the river from Severodonetsk, which the APU literally asked for, but by entering the rear of the Ukrainian positions in Lysychansk from the conditional Popasnaya area. Along the way, the boiler in Gorsky – Zolotoye was created and eliminated.
Kiev’s plan does not change strategically. The Ukrainian General Staff continues to try to slow down the advance of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and its allies at a certain new line. This time it is directly in front of Slavyansk, which is 7-10 kilometers away in some parts of the front. Kiev’s task is to create new lines of defense from scratch after the rapid loss of a major industrial center.
Beyond the Seversk – Soledar line is Slavyansk itself, beyond which no new line of defense can be organized. This is, surprisingly, a matter of history and geography. Beyond Slavyansk and Kramatorsk to the west, the industrial region of Donbass ends. Avdiivka, with its huge industrial zone, remains in the rear and surrounded, but its garrison will almost certainly suffer the fate of Lisichansk. Encirclement and / or escape and capture.
And the peculiarity of the historical formation of the Donbass as a region is extremely dense development. Cities merged with each other during the decades of Soviet industrialization and urbanization. If there is an empty space between them, it is filled with industrial zones and small villages.
Networks of roads are woven between them in a web. For example, the Seversk – Soledar – Artemivsk highway, which is currently being built along a new line of defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, does not have a designation as a highway. These are just streets that flow into each other in conjoined localities (Pushkin Street in Seversk turns into Shevchenko Street in Zvanovka, and further south is Gorky Street all the way to Soledar).
That is why it was so easy for the Armed Forces of Ukraine to create defensive fortified areas, when practically intertwining settlements can be turned into a single chain of fortifications. And this chain had to pass village after village, village after village, which is why the official reports constantly flashed the names of little-known villages that the APU turned into a solid array of defense.
But beyond Slavyansk to the west, the landscape is changing dramatically. There, in fact, is no longer the Donbass, but the Left-bank Ukraine. And so on up to the Dnieper River and the city of Dnipro, better known as Dnepropetrovsk. Between the district centers – huge almost empty agricultural spaces, where you can not organize a new line of defense. This is not the Donbass with its eternal urbanism. There’s nothing to catch on to.
And after the encirclement/liberation of Slavyansk, a huge hole is formed in the Ukrainian defense in the steppe up to the Dnieper. Of course, with some amendments, but it is difficult to imagine that the enemy will be able to cling to at least one locality there. It will be difficult to recruit even teroborona there, because those who could have been mobilized have already been mobilized and sent to Mariupol or Severodonetsk.
The same story is bound to happen a little further south after the occupation of Artemivsk (Bakhmut), which opens up exactly the same possibility of moving along the steppe in the direction of Zaporozhye. And this, in turn, automatically puts the enemy in a critical position on the front from the city of Zaporozhye to Gulyai-pole.
The destruction of the Ukrainian defenses around Slavyansk and Artemivsk is, of course, important in itself, including from a symbolic point of view (the completion of the liberation of the DPR). But in strategic terms, it is extremely important for the further promotion and destruction of the military structure of Ukraine as a whole.
In other words, the encirclement/elimination of enemy groups in Slavyansk-Kramatorsk, then in Avdiivka, Artemivsk and Kurakhove does not just destroy the front in the Donbass and destroys the largest group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the moment. The most important result will be that this should bring the troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and its allies to operational space in a vast territory. Along the way, the enemy’s defense of Kharkiv is sagging on the northern flank, and the activity of Russian troops in this direction has sharply increased over the past week.
In the near future, the destruction of the defense line from Seversk to Artemivsk, which Kiev is trying to create, is on the agenda. And there is every reason to believe that the Russian command has already adapted to local conditions. The fact is that there is no need for Ukrainian units retreating from Lisichansk to fight their way to Seversk. Over Seversk from the north (sorry for the tautology) hangs another group, which just came to Slavyansk for 7-10 kilometers.
Kiev repeatedly expects strikes where it came up with it for itself, but receives (has already received several times) blows to the flanks and rear. The same story may be repeated literally in the coming days with Seversk. Moreover, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief recommended that the forces that participated in the liberation of Severodonetsk and Lisichansk should be allowed to rest and increase their potential. But for parts of the “East” and “West” groupings, he recommends that they continue to perform their tasks.
Further events may be divided into several operations that differ in scale and duration. It is possible that hacking the defense lines around Slavyansk (no matter how many of them there are) will take up to a couple of weeks, depending on the level of morale of the defenders.
It is already clear that after the loss of Lisichansk, the fighting spirit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine plummeted, but the rear units of the garrison in Slavyansk are less panic-stricken. It will enter there as soldiers from the three brigades that were defeated in Lysychansk and Sievier-donets arrive at the garrison, including the 10th Mountain Assault Brigade, which was recruited mainly from the mountainous regions of Western Ukraine and suffered critical losses in the last week. But both the occupation of Seversk and the encirclement of Slavyansk is a matter of time, that is, quite a predictable local operation.
But then the free selection field begins. An open gap in the front will allow Russian troops to advance all the way to the Dnieper. Hopefully, a whole group of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the southern sector of the front will fall into the operational environment. For Kiev, attempts to hold the Kharkiv region will lose all meaning, since previously this was necessary solely to exert pressure through the Izium on the flank of the Russian group.
Where the Armed Forces of Ukraine will take reserves in this situation is completely unclear. This is the very case when, through a series of consecutive operational and tactical operations, if not the entire front of the defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, then a significant part of it may collapse in the near future. The coming days will show how quickly the Russian Armed Forces and their allies will reach a new stage of the operation.
Lone Wolf
There is a lot more on the Russian Way of War, but it is time to call it a night.
We got some good news before bed time.
Klynovoe is in the bag, Pokrovskoe is about to fall.
These two towns run in a north/south line to the east of Artemivsk, from them the city can be enveloped in a “fire bag.” The prediction is that the UkroWerhmacht will decide “the city is not strategically important” and abandon it.
If that happens, the southern flank of the defensive line will break, opening up the way for the disintegration of the entire line.
Let’s hope for the best.
Additionally, the Seversk/Artemivsk highway and railroad were reached north of Soledar. Isolation is the name of the game, no more supplies north to Seversk, or south to Artemivsk.
The Wagner Orchestra is playing all around this area, and their music is extraordinaire.
Our troops after the liberation of Klin came very close to Artemovsk
Reports are coming from the Artyomovsky direction that Russian assault units, together with Republican troops, have moved about 5-6 km to the west after liberating the village of Klinovoe. This made it possible to get close to Artemivsk (the Kiev regime renamed the city Bakhmut a few years ago).
Progress is also being made from the village of Pokrovskoe.
Thus, the enemy garrison in Artemivsk also finds itself in a real “fire bag”, which gives reason to say that the APU in this area does not have many chances to survive for a long time. Accordingly, the situation is such that it is quite possible to expect from representatives of the Kiev regime regular statements in the style of: “The city is not strategically important, and therefore it is better to leave it to save your strength.”
At the same time, our troops are reported to have reached the Seversk-Artemovsk road and railway north of Soledar.
In the Slavyansk direction, the Russian Armed Forces are processing enemy positions with the help of artillery and combat aircraft. In particular, strikes were carried out on the positions of Ukrainian militants in the area of Adamovka, which is a few kilometers northwest of Slavyansk.
Massive artillery and air strikes are being carried out on enemy positions in the Mykolaiv direction. Fortifications of Ukrainian armed formations in the area of Luparyovo and Shevchenkovo are being destroyed. The village of Shevchenkovo is located a couple of km from the south-eastern outskirts of Nikolaev.
Lone Wolf
Caitlin Johnstone has plenty to say about Pompeo here, and she writes extensively on geopolitical issues.
“People like to talk about secret conspiracies by shadowy cabals to establish a one-world government, but what is by far the most tangible and imminent global domination agenda has been orchestrated right out in the open. The US government has long sought to unite the world under a single power structure, no matter how much violence and devastation it needs to inflict upon humanity and no matter how much world-threatening nuclear brinkmanship it needs to engage in to do so.”
“This is the US empire which corrupt psychopaths like Mike Pompeo support. A power structure which wages nonstop wars in order to keep the peace, which continually oppresses populations around the world in order to protect freedom, and which risks nuclear war with increasingly reckless aggression to in order save the world.”
Capitalism and “Democratic Values” – there’s the mix that looked so “natural”some 40-50 years ago, but has now become a toxic brew.
The US – many therein – used to believe that Capitalism is all about the thing called “free market” and that this economic system not only provides the quickest route to prosperity for most, but also cannot but bring “Democracy: in its wake. I think that in this one sentence we can already see multiple contradictions and assumptions that were backed more by faith than facts. Yet this is what the vast majority of policy shapers, as well as a large number of the west’s citizenry – especially in the US – believed with all their hearts.
The biggest chip in the armor of these twin “values” – capitalism and democracy (as perceived in the West) – came in the form of China. When China opened up its economy, started trading with the west and even adopted many economic western customs (such as commitment to free trade, with rules set by the WTO, which it joined), the majority of the US movers and shakers felt that this opening up of trade will surely lead to democracy, and away from the Communist system and customs that China has been living with. But that didn’t happen quite the way they hoped/imagined.
Just as China came up with the concept of “Communism with Chinese characteristics” it also came up with a system, best described as “Capitalism with Chinese characteristics” – a unique mix of a centrally managed form of Capitalism that still allows considerable autonomy to private businesses, freedom of trade and certain liberalization of economic alliances. Yet it ‘s a system that set long term goals and often undertook extremely ambitious projects (just as the train system) to carry the country into full industrialization while lifting the majority of its population, including the agrarian workers, from poverty, In that it succeeded, becoming in the process an industrial power house and along with it, a world power that rose high enough in terms of GDP, a fast rising middle class and efficient and far reaching commerce, to threaten a US, still intent on maintaining hegemony.
Yet, through it all, China never did become a western style democracy of the kind the US wished/hoped for, (even as internally it did democratize many institutions on local, region to region levels). Hence the spite now directed China’s way – that it dared to achieve prosperity without recourse to the traditional western style electoral political system, with all its known short-comings.
China’s success, while still incomplete on some levels (what with 1.4 B people!) is what gave the new multipolarity model the greatest encouragement. It has demonstrated that alternative economic and governance models can live side by side with more traditional values of the kind that do not require adherence to some radical forms of individual liberalism. Which in the west, as we can see, already gave rise to a new form of oppression as the PC values so embedded in the liberal order, slowly but surely morphed into wokeness, which is already in the process of tearing the US apart.
Ultimately the US provided a master class (over more than a century) of the ways in which a rules-based society (ie, with a well-entrenched judicial system), supposedly open and “free”, can become entangled in thousands of threads of corruption, as Capitalism, in its neoliberal version, has passed its zenith and started to descend into an abyss. Those much vaunted “democratic values”? ask the homeless in the tent camps of each American city. Ask the supporters of a candidate like Bernie sanders, who was not allowed to even become a candidate and is widely believed to have been cheated in 2020 by the machinations of a Democrat party that is anything but democratic. Ask the millenials who can’t afford to buy a home as real estate prices hit the stratosphere, aided by a rentier culture of the Blackstones, etc (Hudson can tell us all about that). Or just ask a population that’s become so polarized and cynical about the entire voting process that most don’t bother, and those who do, hold their noses at the sight of being given a faux choice between two parties, both of which are mere facades for the ruling corporatocracy. Not for nothing that so many believe the US – and the entire West behind it – have entered the so-called “Late Stae Capitalism”. Now, why would any emerging, developing country even want that ? yes some do, but even so they can see how a system that leads to wealth accumulation in the hands of the lucky 1%, is not exactly going to lift all boats by more than a paltry amount, and even that at a great cost to their own value systems and societal cohesion.
The world yearns fro new models, both of governance that’s fairer to more people, and of economic systems that spreads their rewards wider and hopefully with less inequality than the models west has bequeathed.
Sorry for the tl;dr. Got carried away with my thoughts….too much Hudson, perhaps…and I didn’t even get to Russia! which is the other important pillar in the emerging world.
Funny how the comments develop their own new line of comment. How did we go from multipolarity to sodomy in the British navy… Well, we just did.
If I were a British man, I would probably be homosexual as well, just look at the womenfolk there! Poor guys! Fortunately Danish, Swedish and not to forget Norwegian girls/ women are very, very pretty, so I am not complaining in any way, anyway I can’t remember why girls and women interest me, to old ;) and lets not forget French and Italian girls/women, even Belgian chicks. (I lost my virginity to! a similar aged Belgian girl in Berlin in 1972, I actually wrote with her for a couple of years, sigh…
Back to topic, Ukraine is basically Faacked, has always bee and will stay so unless Russia takes over the whole mess, which I think they will abstain from, 404 is dead in the water. Best thing is to carve it up between neighbours, they have demonstrated they can’t be governed, unruly lot, Poland at least seems rather stable, Russia is untouchable, Orban, I dont know much about.
When all of the neighbours take their part, there just might be a tiny bit centred around, well somewhere.
No Nato for them this time, or ever.
I’ve read the entirety of Mike Pompeo’s speech. And Gonzalo Lira’s comments.
Sifting through the rhetoric, lies and hypocrisy from Pompeo, the key takeaways for me were these:
(Pompeo’s words are in quotation marks )
“By empowering Ukraine we demonstrate to China the cost of invading Taiwan.”
And Taiwan is off-limits because of their strategic location, and economic essentials, like semi-conductors. In additional Pompeo is saying he fully expects China to invade Taiwan. Whether this will in fact happen, time will tell. And China would have calculated many of the risks by now, and have learnt well the lessons since the SMO was launched on 24 February 2022.
The US has declared all out war on Russia and China, ( as if we needed more confirmation ).
Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, as the “three lighthouses”, will be fortified with endless firepower to fight an open-ended proxy war with Russia and China.
The US is terrified Russia and China will control energy, food and other essential commodities.
The US covets the natural gas and coal of the Donbas and; Ukraine’s untouched oil fields.
“It is my conviction that America and the West must acknowledge the centrality of hydrocarbon energy to the world geopolitics and indeed to man’s ability, humanity’s ability to adapt a cornerstone of life.”
“Energy and economic security along with military strength are the pillars upon which geostrategic power and peace rest.”
“Energy is the fundamental basis for everything we consume.”
America had energy dominance. America once led the way in controlling the world’s hydrocarbons. That world is no more.
Whoever controls energy controls all production, and payments, using the new monetary system and their currencies based on gold. Not yet, but in due course, long planned by Russia and China. There is no other way.
Full speech here:
@Colin Miller
The use of gold as a currency (or medium of exchange) is a clumsy anachronism.
Digging up gold and then burying it again in bank vaults is a waste of energy, but gold can be a hedge against the inflation of any given currency.
The problem the US and EU face is that their money supply is privatized, since it is all created as interest bearing debt by private banks acting as a burden on their economies. By contrast China creates its domestic currency the yuan free of debt using its state owned central bank. This has enabled its agrarian economy to transform itself into an industrial powerhouse within the space of thirty years by enabling the government pay its workforce directly to produce modern infrastructure.
“Money is gold, nothing else.”
“Understanding the relationship between money which is only physical gold coin, currency which is bank notes and credit which includes bank credit, shadow bank credit, derivatives, and personal guarantees, is vital to understanding what is required to replace the fiat-currency system.”
It can take years for the knowledge of monetary systems throughout history in relation to the use of the only sound money, gold, to sink in.
Research is essential to the understanding of this topic.
The choice has been made by Russia and China to use gold as backing for their trade settlements and domestic currencies regardless of what others think money is. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen.
The US is already insolvent. If they try to sanction China when China invades Taiwan, the nuclear option China has is to reveal their total “undeclared” reserves of gold held and revalue the price of gold in Renminbi which would have the effect of destroying the USD instantly, and faith in the US government to honour it’s debt to bondholders. The US government would turn in on itself and civil war would break out, if it hasn’t already by Christmas.
@Colin Miller
These days nowhere is gold legal tender, whether in ingots or minted as coins.
If you want to split hairs as to what constitutes the difference between money and currency, you are free to do so, but for all practical commercial purposes, they are one and the same. Long ago all money was in the form of gold, silver or copper coins; cumbersome for commerce. Therefore the banks issued paper notes representing the gold in their vaults. Then they hit on the bright idea of printing more bank notes than there was gold in their vaults – the birth of fractional reserve banking.
Now currencies are 98% data entries on private bank computers created when loans are granted such that no debts = no money. As the principal of these loans is repaid the banks are required to delete it back of of existence, but they get to keep the interest. Apart from credit card debt at 18% most bank loans are mortgages backed by the borrowers assets, usually real estate, not by gold or anything else. So called bank reserves these days are also just data entries.
2% of the US money supply is printed on bank notes by an arm of the US Treasury and sold to the banks at their printing cost.
China’s great economic advantage is that they create their domestic currency using their state owned central bank, enabling them to pay their workforce to build infrastructure, education, healthcare and their military without incurring debt. All other Chinese banks do not have the authority to create money, they have to borrow it at interest from the central bank, becoming money re-lenders rather than creators.
Putin gave foreign buyers of Russian gas exports the option of paying in rubles or gold valued at 5,000 rubles per try ounce if I remember correctly. In any case there was a work around this stipulation allowing payment in Euros or dollars directly to Gasprombank in Moscow, who convert them to rubles.
Currently China owns $2.3 trillion in US Treasury Bills, that can be converted to US Federal Reserve Notes accumulated from their export trade with the US, that can be used to pay for some of China’s imports or spent within the US economy. I have it on good authority that most of the Chinese born H1B visa immigrants already have multi million dollar bank accounts before arrival, most likely as a result of kickbacks by American importers.
The US Treasury debt of $39 trillion will never be repaid, but as long as the interest payments of $500 billion per year to the holders, most of them are not complaining.
“These days nowhere is gold legal tender, whether in ingots or minted as coins.”
Just two of hundreds of references.
Research is the key to enlightenment.
When you have lived in those countries, as I have, that use gold in everyday transactions then you may have a better appreciation for the true meaning of money.
In any case, a comments section on a web blog is not the appropriate venue to mount a cogent argument for the purpose of this topic.
@Colin Miller
There is not enough gold held by central banks to conduct international business using gold coins. It might well be feasible for your corner shop or farmer’s market, but it is just too clumsy and time consuming for multimillion dollar international trading, that now uses instantaneous payment via say SWIFT whereby the buyer’s and seller’s accounts are simultaneously debited and credited in the same instant of time, that can be verified in a court of law.
Current value Gold held by all central banks $1.75 trillion
US corporate debt $15.5 trillion
US consumer debt $16 trillion
Student loan debt $1.7 trillion
Credit card debt $1 trillion
International business runs into the $millions per hour of transactions, that could not possibly be handled by transporting tons of gold from buyers to sellers, not matter what the gold bugs promote, who have obviously never been involved in running a major business enterprise.
Your premise of a unworkable gold backed money subsitute or “currency ” couldn’t be more wrong. It has been the norm throughout history. The aberration of fiat currencies is poorly understood, if at all. Who said anything about transportation of gold? Usually the pejorative ‘gold bug’ is used exclusively by those who have no idea of the topic. However for the sake of those who cannot or will not accept reality I will let the evidence speaks for itself.
The Secretary of the Russian Federation’s Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, said that Russian experts are working on a project to back the Russian ruble with gold and other commodities.
The interview, which is in Russian, can be seen on the RG website.
RG Question: “And what do we need to do to ensure the ruble’s sovereignty?”
Nikolai Patrushev: “For any national financial system to be sovereignized, its means of payment must have intrinsic value and price stability, without being pegged to the dollar.”
“Now experts are working on a project proposed by the scientific community to create a two-circuit monetary and financial system.”
“In particular, it is proposed to determine the value of the ruble, which should be backed by both gold and a group of goods that are currency values, and to put the ruble exchange rate in line with the real purchasing power parity.”
RG Question: “Similar ideas have been voiced before. However, a number of experts stated that they contradict the conclusions of economic theory?”
To which Nikolai Patrushev replies:
“They do not contradict the conclusions of economics, but rather the conclusions of Western economics textbooks.”
“The West has unilaterally appropriated an intellectual monopoly on the optimal structure of society and has been using it for decades.”
“We are not opposed to a market economy and participation in global production chains, but we are clearly aware that the West allows other countries to be its partner only when it is profitable for it.”
“Therefore, the most important condition for ensuring Russia’s economic security is to rely on the country’s internal potential, a structural adjustment of the national economy on a modern technological basis.”
“The current global financial system is built solely on trust, including in the United States as the issuer of the world’s reserve currency. Half a century ago, the gold factor was present, but in 1971 the States untied its currency from its quotes, which made it possible to issue money virtually without control.”
“The US has declared all out war on Russia and China”.
I think it’s important to know that Biden or Pompeo don’t think such a war has been declared. They think it’s all about self-defense and that the other side is declaring ‘all out war.’ Right or wrong, that’s what they think.
Israel is not playing a role here.
“The US covets the natural gas and coal of the Donbas”
…not now, not any longer.
It would be interesting to see what this multi-polar world order will produce in terms of technology, how it addresses global challenges, climate, changing cultures, mores and values as our communication, education and mobility keeps changing. There’s not much so far to analyse. There’s no reason to count internal situation in China Russia or Iran as “stable” by any standard. And this will effect credit status and the insurance world. Which drives most of the economical boom. Of course one can boost by decree as in Soviet times? How will that work multi-polar. In my view the old is older indeed waning but the new forms are still in motion and highly uncertain under all the bold statement about how things ought to be or could be. We’ve heard so many words over the ages.
The West, or much of it, says that initially Russia tried to conquer the capital and other big cities of Ukraine so as to absorb all of Ukraine into Russia. It was a “strategic failure.” Trump and Pompeo added that it failed because of the Javelins send to Ukraine during their administration or tenure.
Russia said it was all only a bait to keep more Ukrainian troops from going to the Donbass. It saw it as a strategic success.
In retrospect now, maybe we can speculate better about the long column of trucks parked strangely on that road for a long time, the attacks made on those city areas, and why such a difficult – costly – move was made (historians and pundits will debate it a lot).
I don’t believe it was the bait the Russian Mod or military spokesman said it was. If it was, did it make Ukraine minimize the number of troops in Donbass? It didn’t. Much later, they even sent people with two weeks of training over there (as the NYT reported on the ground).
But was it meant really to conquer all of Ukraine directly? Not enough troops were there to accomplish that. The Western media even reported serious supply problems for those advanced Russian troops. It showed no signs of being an attack with that objective.
There may have been other untold objectives, of course, but I think this first move executed within 24 hours of the SMO was a failure anyway. It was no success…I believe one big reason for this first move, and it might have been the main reason, was to provoke a military coup.
Russia wanted (still wants) one. Within the first 48 hours, during those hours, Putin told the Ukrainian Generals, and the whole world, that he would prefer to negotiate with them, inviting them to stage a military coup. It failed in achieving this. One cannot say that it was a mistake to do it. People well say there are things you cannot do or know without trying and that they are worth the try. Maybe there was poor political/military “intelligence” behind it, or maybe it was correct but ambiguous or limited.
The world class economist, Dr. Hudson, has recently observed how the world is beginning to fracture. That does not mean, the world is becoming multi-polar:
“So right now, for the first time, you have a critical mass. And you have the ability of China, Iran, Russia, India, other countries together to be self-sufficient. They don’t need relations with the United States.” (Future tense.)
“They can handle their own; they can create their own monetary system outside of the International Monetary Fund, which is basically an arm of the Defense Department. They can give loans to build up the infrastructure of countries outside of the World Bank, which is basically an arm of the Defense Department, the deep state.” (Future tense.)
” So you have the American economy – essentially a merger between the military-industrial complex and the Wall Street FIRE sector, finance, insurance, and real estate – really cannot develop any more than the Roman Empire could develop, by trying to obtain militarily what it could not produce at home anymore.
Well, China and other countries, now that they have their industrial base, the raw materials, the food, the ability to feed themselves, the agriculture, and the technology, they can go their own way.
And so we’re seeing in the last few months the beginning of a war that is going to go on for, I think, 20 years, maybe 30 or 40 years. The world is splitting away.
And it won’t be a pretty sight, because the United States and its European satellites are trying to fight to prevent an inevitable break away they cannot prevent, any more than Europe’s landlord class could prevent industrial capitalism from developing in the 19th century.”
Note what Dr. Hudson explains:”China, Russia, Iran, India & other countries have the ability to become self-sufficient.” (Future Tense.) “……they can create their own monetary system outside of the International Monetary Fund, which is basically an arm of the Defense Department. They can give loans to build up the infrastructure of countries outside of the World Bank, which is basically an arm of the Defense Department, the deep state.”
Again: this is future tense. It is not a reality at present. It takes incredible amounts of sophistication to engineer a New Financial System. Meanwhile, you have to have these nations all in sync with the system By no means, an easy task.
Until that is mastered, you will only have “a fractured world, but not “multi-polar” because “Multi-polar” equals an alternative, well functioning financial, economic, banking system that functions on its own.
Designing a new banking and trading system for the BRICS members is not easy as you note.
There is the difficulty of five different languages, not only spoken but have to be translated and written into law.
There is also the problem of five different currencies that have to be taken into account when goods and commodities are traded. In the past, exchange rates between currencies were determined by the foreign exchange departments of major banks, who employ traders who make bids and offers on a minute to minute basis, either accepted or not by the commodity traders, who put the deals together.
The world of international trading is dominated by relatively few companies, who employ expert traders conversant with the detailed specifications of the commodities they handle not traded on commodity exchanges. These traders generally know each other personally, and either have met in person or communicated by phone, so they know each others’ idiosyncrasies to determine their character, reliability and integrity. How one builds this into an automated trading system is next to impossible. People will always have to be involved in international trading, it cannot be done by machines alone.
A new banking and trading system for the BRICS members has already happened.
“So you want to buy gold?”
“Buy basic necessities. Or invest in real estate, in something reliable. As for investing in dollars and euros… They have already ceased to be a currency for us. This is no longer a currency, but some obligations of other countries that may or may not be fulfilled.”