I will be gone for the full day, so I leave you with an open thread (and *please* spare me the Nazi apologetics at least for today!) and this “wonderful” photo. Kind regards,
The Saker
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EU signs association with a Nazi regime. Bravo! |
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This “Association” is a “spit in face” of Turkey, in the waiting list from tens of years (or, to be more realistic, Turkey until now is still free from the embrace of the snake that suffocates).
Il Discobolo
He’s a big boy now
Enjoy your day off, I find that the empires policies are unravelling at a faster pace then ever. Apprently the Iraqi’s are purchasing Russian Sukhois and the Syrians are bombing ISIS positions.
Seems to me like the Asian Troika (China, Iran, Russia) as regional powers are creating a new block.
Its going to be interesting to see how the Shia react to all this and whether or not Syria and Iraq actually join them. Certianly in this current sunni shia conflict it certainly seems like the lines are getting cemented.
I think the Americans are trying to destabilize EU and firmly put it into the American orbit otherwise there is the possibility of a German led if not alliance then at least detente with Russia.
Ohne Worte
Another triumph of democracy.
“I think the Americans are trying to destabilize EU and firmly put it into the American orbit otherwise there is the possibility of a German led if not alliance then at least detente with Russia.”
I agree, but to me the risk of backfire seems huge. Once the official MSM narrative on Ukraine unravels, it creates a great opportunity for Germany and other nations to realign themselves and put more distance to the US.
Norwegian Bob
If ordinary Ukrainians imagine ,in the future, that if they become part of the EU that Western European countries such as the UK (my home country)are going to welcome 100,000’s or millions of Ukrainian workers then they are very deluded – we are already full up with millions of Poles and Baltic people and there are no jobs anyway.They are going to have to fight with the existing Poles/Baltics for the privilige of being a Western Europen “wage slave”
Dear The Saker,
And the energy wars continue…..
From RT:
“In fact, this week saw yet another attack by Right Sector terrorists on critical gas infrastructure. A large contingent of militants from the fascist group seized the Dolynsky Oil refinery in Kirovograd in Central Ukraine. The attack on the facility, owned by a friend and business associate of the deposed former President Yanukovich, is yet another assault on key elements in the Russian energy supply network. While the Right Sector militants justify their actions as being part of a campaign against “terrorists in Donetsk,” it is hard to view these developments as anything other than a direct attack upon Russian economic interests.”
Good luck Chocie Boy – what goes around comes around…..how like ISIS in Iraq – same modus operendai…..
RIP Ukraine.
Anti-Kiev forces in E. Ukraine pledge ceasefire till Monday
That’s a picture of foreplay before Barrosso and Rampuy take Fat-Head Parashchenko into the backroom to bend him over and “truly” welcome him into the EU. ;-)
The 3 Stooges….how repulsive. As someone in an EU vassal country, it makes my blood boil just seeing Barroso & Van Rompuy those spineless cretinous globalist agents.
Nazi regime? The truth is that Poro & Co. will be delivering their country to the enemy if they prevail. And the enemy is anything but a friend of nationalism. Indeed, the enemy has a deep resentment against Christian Europe and its peoples. The English fought against the Germans, seeing themselves as the defenders of their nation against German militarism and aggression. Alas, it was all in vain. As was the case in WWI when the Zionists brought America to Britain’s side in exchange for the Balfour Declaration and the establishment of Israel, the British people were duped by a hostile (non-English) elite and its collaborators (scarecrows of men) again in WWII. The consequences are grim. Mohammed and its variations is now the most common name for newborns in London. France is no better, though no ethnic or racial records are kept. What about America? For the first time since the Declaration of Independence, white births in 2011 were a minority.
Europe needs a multipolar world. It cannot afford living under the sole thumb of the Anglo-American Zionist hegemon. The only nationalism supported by the Zionists is Israeli nationalism. Gentiles suffer under it. The Zionists opened America’s borders in 1965, a long battle they’ve been engaged since the first decades of the past century. They told us it was all done for moral reasons, that the previous quota system was immoral and evil. At the same time they were supporting the Zionists’ ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, which they continue supporting to this day. Of course, there was zero humanism in the 1965 Immigration Act. The passage of the law and the resulting eclipse of the previous demographics can be studied as a classic case of ethnic struggle. Well, they got the upper-hand in America and England, as well as in France. Making them stronger by winning Ukraine is not something I want to happen. I am opposed to American hegemony for this reason.
The demographic divergence between the countries under Anglo-American and Soviet zones of influence is glaringly obvious. Eastern Europeans may criticise Russia for many things, but that they are today nationalistic and lack self-hatred, and their countries are composed almost entirely of Indo-Europeans, is, I am sure, the result of Russian influence during the post-WWII Soviet era (1945-1991).
France vs Hungary
Italy vs Poland
England vs Ukraine
Netherlands vs Lithuania
Belgium vs Estonia
Norway vs Latvia
Sweden vs Croatia
Denmark vs Bulgaria
Portugal vs Serbia
Compare the demographics. It’s not rocket science.
Also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVTnOq5DVfQ
At least his party was almost wiped out in the European elections. But UKIP’s civic nationalism is not convincing.
Excellent strategic advantage for their opponents, the number and scope of whom will increase.
Greater integration, greater complexity, greater participation, greater reliance, greater vulnerability, greater opportunity.
The plan is Oceania – the fall-back position throughout – but as someone said, the best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley.
To quote that well known philosopher Mr. Duke Ellington –
It don’t mean a thing
If it ain’t got that swing.
This is final nail to their coffin :) EU will help Kiev regime in transfering last penny and working-age citizen from Ukrainie.
Dear The Saker,
Saw this at Clothcap’s site:
“Gleb Bazov ?@gbazov @ZorroAsura @Steiner1776 @homo_viator
It’s on its way there. If you mean Ukraine, Kharkov is full of guerrillas already. Matter of time.
Kharkov has been ready to over boil for a while – in fact, the rallies are getting larger by the day changing very rapidly. Now that Kolomoisky appears to have fled to Geneva, we may be seeing an uprising in Dnepropetrovsk, from there – Kherson, Odessa, Nikolayev. There is talk of anti-gov’t protests (one already happened) coming up even in Kiev. The country is rising up, and fast.”
Any clarification on this? Has the war criminal fled to Geneva? Is the country rising up?
After seeing that photo (not my 1st time) you made me sick. Why? To much political creatures.
Oracle 911
China is launching a full bore investigation of NGO’s in its territory including untouchables like The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
New Signs That China Is Scrutinizing Foreign NGOs
“The message is clear: Americans use NGOs to conquer…Many Chinese officials believe Western governments use nongovernmental organizations to encourage democratic “color revolutions,” pointing to what they regard as a foreign hand in the recent political tumult in Ukraine and Egypt and in calls for greater democracy in Hong Kong.”
The masters of these activities must be careful. They have brainwashed the American public to the point that they may find themselves confronted with a “popular war” they cannot win. God help us.
As this is an open comment thread, the most recent CrossTalk program from rt.com is very relevant to the discussions we have been having about on the ground reports from Ukraine.
Also, I was heartened by reading comments on the Guardian site article about the Nazi appellation (the article itself being of course slanted proMaidan). I only went through the first page of comments, but every attempt to make the appellation apply to Russia or to Putin was intelligently countered, as well as there being a positive comment on Saker’s site and link to the previous article.
All of this encourages me greatly that the peoples of the world are fighting back against disinformation and attempts to confuse. I hope the people of Ukraine will take heart, and that the pushback against illegal takeover of their country can finally restore it to them after such a woeful period for them all. Well done, CrossTalk; well done.
On 27 June, 2014 14:25, Paul II wrote:
Another triumph of democracy.
“The international community” prevailed over the “Russian aggression” and the people in Ukraine can’t contain themselves with joy, now that they have been lifted out of the darkness of authoritarian oppression…
Olga Shedrova on the upcoming “structural adjustments” of the Ukraine:
While the Kiev junta is waging war against its own people in the Southeast, throughout the country protests are growing due to a catastrophic drop in the standard of living of the populace. An increase in all utility rates is coming July 1. In particular, gas prices for the population of Ukraine will go up by 55-70%; hot water and heating by 40%; electricity by 10-40%, depending on consumption volumes; and centralized water supply and sewage by 78-96%. The greatest increase is expected in Kiev, where on July 1 the price of hot water for Kievans will increase by almost 70% and the price of centralized heating will increase by almost 60%. And this is only the first stage of price increases for utilities, which will continue to grow incrementally until 2017. According to First Deputy Head of the Budget Committee of the Verkhovna Rada Oksana Kaletnik, in 2015 utility rates will increase by 40%, and in 2016 and 2017 by another 20% per year.
Kiev Is Starting a War to Avoid a Revolution – Strategic Culture
Tony Cartalucci on the effort by the US-Empire to disrupt the South Stream project and prevent further Eurasian cooperation.
The ongoing conflict in Ukraine, admittedly an attempt to expand both NATO and the European Union (EU), has escalated in terms of dominating Europe’s energy markets. Attempts to halt the ongoing construction of Russia’s South Stream natural gas pipeline appears to be a direct attempt to further penalize Russia for its role in defending Ukrainians currently under siege by aircraft, artillery, heavy armor and irregular troops.
Of course there are other “beneficial” side effects, that is, when all you care about are zero-sum games and moments of self-gratification:
The West’s plans to use South Stream’s delay to extort concessions from Russia and those working with it on the project. Additionally the delay will help preserve the benefits of Ukraine’s current monopoly on transporting Russian natural gas to Western Europe. To ensure maximum leverage, the West is placing key personnel within Ukraine’s energy sector, in addition to propping up the regime in Kiev. Perhaps the most indicative of the overall illegitimacy and criminal nature of the current EU-NATO posture was the appointment of Hunter Biden, son of US Vice President Joseph Biden, as a member of Ukraine energy giant Barisma’s board of directors.
Ukraine and the Battle for South Stream – NEO
Matt Peppe on the ever regime-changing US-project in Latin America:
The attempted subversion of a country’s political system is not unique to U.S. actions against Cuba, nor is it unique to USAID. Other U.S. government agencies, such as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), have long carried out similar actions. Such organizations purport to be apolitical groups for “democratic” promotion but are in reality nothing more than fronts, essentially political action committees (PACs). Due to the concealment of their purpose, they are more like political slush funds used to advanced the perceived interest of the United States.
Of course, they are not used to promote American “values” or “humanitarian principles” with abstract names like “freedom” and “democracy”, but the interests of the corporate sector eager to seek new investment opportunities outside their own country and control over the resources that they refuse to recognize as the property of local populations.
Destabiliziation in Latin America – Counterpunch
VVP to make foreign policy address July 1 –
Let us hope that he proposes Ukraine consider that path of a neutral, demilitarized state with a special trade regime bridging east and west, in cooperation and peace, as has been proposed, with deep federalization. Let us hope that he proposes new international institutions and cooperation for Russia, Europe, US, the east and west. Let us hope that these ideas are heard and acted upon.
The alternative is continued war, war until the end. Bringing it all back home.
All support to Novorossia!
– from Nazi-occupied Amerika
Turkey is already part of an organisation that is million times worse than the EU. The North Atlantic Treaty (Terrorist) Alliance.
Turkey helped destroy Syria and what is happening in Iraq is also due their subordination to NATO.
Important interview by Putin’s economic adviser on US intentions for war with Russia…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWT5HM_NMlI
Hi Saker, thanks for your work. Wrote an article on Ukrainian Nation Bulding on my blog today.
German language only, sorry. Andreas
Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller has been making strong statements recently.
We won’t be taking part in modernization of Ukrainian Gas Transmission System, that ship has sailed – Miller (Interfax, 16:48)
Europe has lost LNG battle to Asia due to “spot philosophy” – Miller (Interfax, 18:21)
Miller called reverse gas supply scheme a “half-fraudulent scheme.”
Last two days reports from VoS
The war in the South East Online 26.06.2014 Chronicle of events (post updated)
The war in the South East Online 27.06.2014 Chronicle of events (post updated)
The report from the 26th has info and video about the slaughter/rape war crimes by the zionazi’s proxies in Surowca.
“According to incoming information became known for the first details about the mass slaughter and rape, which the national guard under staged in Donetsk village Surowca. It found register militias that went with the RAID in the village, still under the control of nazvanii. Deputy Strelkova Fedor Berezin in an interview with the journalists spoke about the genocide, organized punitive in Surowce.” See:
Резня в Сауровке (The massacre in Surowce)
The EU unelected clowns have just associated us all with the caricature of a Nazi regime.
In Europe, it’s forbidden to research and even talk about Nazism, but it’s okay to support its bloody caricature, to the point of taking it to bed.
You really need an antiemetic looking at that photo.
P.S. – May I libel every celebration of the Red Army and the victory in WWII as Bolshevism apologetics too?
Details of Novorussian 5th attempt at the Artemovsk repair base.
And the fifth fight so very different! The fifth battle tank base in Artemovsk
Thank you “Ohne Worte”!
You gave me a good laughter, I needed it, coming back from some days off, just “fell” on CNN interviewing Poroschenko: man, he plays really good! Sensitive towards the pain of his country people, tolerant, wise, willing to come to a “compromise” with Russia, but also eager to retake Crimea, believing in the strenght of his country. I almost believed him!
Advisor to the Russian President called Poroshenko Nazi
“Adviser to Vladimir Putin, Sergei Glazyev called Petro Poroshenko “Nazi”. According to Glaziev, the forthcoming signing of the Association agreement between Ukraine and the EU “illegitimate” – as well as the new Ukrainian President.
As expected, Petro Poroshenko Press will sign an Association agreement with the European Union on Friday at the summit in Brussels.
In interview to correspondent Bi-bi-si Steve Rosenberg Glaziev said that Europe is trying to force Ukraine to the signing of this document.
“They organized in the Ukraine military coup, they helped the Nazis to come to power. This is the Nazi government bombed the largest region in Ukraine,” said the Advisor of the Russian President.
On a direct question of the correspondent Bi-bi-si about whether he considers Nazi and Petro Poroshenko, Glazyev said, “Sure”.
Predecessor Poroshenko, Viktor Yanukovych was deposed as President in February, after she refused to sign the Association agreement.
The political part of the agreement was signed in March, the economic, the sides will sign today.
“I think that after signing the agreement with the EU, people will wonder when this Nazi Frankenstein, born of European bureaucrats and politicians, knocks at the door of the European countries”, said Glaziev.
In his words, Poroshenko is illegitimate, because the whole regions of Ukraine did not vote in the may elections.”
As Poroshenko is not Jewish, calling him a nazi shouldn’t upset the web sayanim… ;)
Interesting article from the IGPC (Information Group on Crimes against the Person). An interview with Alexander Brod of the Moscow Bureau for Human Rights:
Alexander Brod: the Formulization “Human Rights” Does Not Apply to Modern Ukraine
Anybody here up for a good laugh? Try The Guardian’s new article on Poroshenko: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jun/27/ukraine-president-petro-poroshenko-vladimir-putin.
Here’s a few little gems:
“Poroshenko signed the outstanding chapters of a historic association agreement with the bloc that brings Ukraine significantly closer to European markets and the EU – though with no prospect of eventual membership.”
Well, Maidanski, it looks like all those protests were for nothing after all. You see, the EU never really wanted you in the first place. It was all a big ruse to try and weaken Russia.
Or how about this:
“Asked whether Ukraine would get Crimea back during his presidential term, a smiling Poroshenko said: ‘Certainly.’ He did not reveal how this might happen.”
Ha, ha! He didn’t say how it’s going to happen because it’s not going to happen.
Enjoy the article, but realize you won’t be able to share your mirth with other readers there because, once again, the Graun has turned off the comment section. Too many ‘pro-Russians’ commenting there lately it seems.
Seriously, though. Here’s a truly good piece written by a self-described Ukrainian/Russian tearing apart the BBC’s propaganda on Russia: http://veragraziadei.wordpress.com/2014/06/25/the-cunning-demons-of-russian-propaganda-or-what-the-bbc-forgot-to-warn-us-about/
I just wonder, not knowing an ounce of Russian, if the Russians have put on their statute books something like this!
Read between the lines, a new Maidan in Moscow is being planned and it is well underway.
Here are some extracts ( for those of who have bothered this far in my message): which might of interest.
Post script: Is there any similar US text but for the Ukraine, ( it might be old but the text might be interesting for those who like to do document forensics such as I).
Russian Aggression Prevention Act of 2014 – Directs the Secretary of Defense (DOD) to submit to Congress a strategic framework for U.S. security assistance and cooperation in Europe and Eurasia.
Prohibits the President from: (1) entering into any agreement with the government of the Russian Federation regarding the reduction of nuclear forces except with the advice and consent of the Senate; (2) reducing the number of deployed or non-deployed launchers under the Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms while Russian armed forces are threatening the territorial integrity or sovereignty of Ukraine or another European or Eurasian state;
* Directs the Secretary of State to provide access to appropriate consular resources, including prioritized access for refugee and other immigration or travel status to the United States, for journalists, political and civil society activists, and dissidents in the Russian Federation.
*Directs the President to increase: (1) U.S. Armed Forces interactions with the armed forces of Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia; and (2) U.S and NATO security assistance to such states.
*Directs the Secretary of State to: (1) strengthen democratic institutions, the independent media, and political and civil society organizations in countries of the former Soviet Union; and (2) increase educational and cultural exchanges with countries of the former Soviet Union.
Directs the Broadcasting Board of Governors and the Voice of America (VOA) to provide Congress with a plan for increasing and maintaining through FY2017 the quantity of U.S.-funded Russian-language broadcasting into countries of the former Soviet Union, with priority for broadcasting into Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova.
“The European Council on Friday said it would give Moscow three days to de-escalate the situation in Ukraine, or it will impose new sanctions against Russia, according to a statement published Friday.”
You can’t make this stuff up!
An interesting summary of the current situation by Xavier Moreau can be found here:
This would actually be funny if people’s, you know, lives weren’t at stake. To say that Ukraine is tottering on the brink of financial disaster is to paint a rosy picture. Try this instead:
“If bonuses are in fact discontinued, the salary of library workers, for example, will be a little over 1,000 hryvnias ($83) per month, for doctors 1200 hryvnias ($100), and for municipal civil servants 1500 hryvnias ($125). But the average utility bill will reach 1100 hryvnias.”
And that says nothing about food or meds, both of which have skyrocketed. Yatsenyuk meanwhile, the brilliant banker (which does seem an oxymoron, doesn’t it) cited Italy and Greece (!) as examples of how the size of social benefits and public sector salaries need to be reduced. But apparently the game plan is to blame it all on Russia. You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time but I do believe it’s only Americans where you can fool dang near all of the people absolutely all of the time. Hopefully, Ukrainians are wiser, or at least fast learners.
Do read this piece — It. Gets. Worse.
Oligarchical topography of Ukraine. Andrey Fursov
Andrei Fursov video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXLUJpqaQpY
70 minute lecture, interesting, especially at end where there’s sthg in common with Fydorov interview linked sone days ago
All best to friends,
Oligarchical topography of Ukraine. Andrey Fursov
Andrei Fursov video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXLUJpqaQpY
70 minute lecture, interesting, especially at end where there’s sthg in common with Fydorov interview linked sone days ago
All best to friends,
None of the trees can grow up to the sky…………..we are getting to the final exposure of the Empire
Oligarchical topography of Ukraine. Andrey Fursov
Andrei Fursov video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXLUJpqaQpY
70 minute lecture, interesting, especially at end where there’s sthg in common with Fydorov interview linked sone days ago
All best to friends,
Regarding Ukie losses.
I went back through Kyivpost lists of the fallen and noted the following in their tally of 174.
MI-8 early in Slavyansk – 5
MI-8 on 5/29 Slavyansk – 12
AN-30 Slavyansk – 5
IL-76 Luhansk – 50
MI-8 on 6/24 Slavyansk – 9
Total fallen from the sky – 81
Battle of Mariupol 5/9 – 6
Battle of Oktyabrske 5/13 – 6
Volknovakha Ambush 5/22 of 51st Brigade – 17
Battle of Mariupol 6/14 – 5
Battle of Yampil 6/19 – 11
Total in major battles – 45
The rest of the deaths are singular events here and there by this official tally.
They admit to just 4 National Guard deaths apart from 5/9 in Mariupol and the 5/29 MI-8 downing. The destruction of Aidar Battalion, Donbass Batallion, etc. is strictly off the books. The official tally shows almost no deaths in Lugansk Oblast apart from the IL-76. Almost all of the dying by official tally is around Slavyansk and Mariupol, and of course the IL-76 downing.
So for all the shooting that has gone on for over 2 months, according to Minitru in the Ministry of Defense, half the deaths are from 5 downed aircraft, and most of the gunfights have resulted in no official casualties.
95,000 people have applied to the Federal Migration Service to clarify their status on our territory. They are part of the approximately 400,000 people who, taking into account the difference between people leaving and entering the country, have officially applied for refugee status, for the right of temporary asylum, or to be granted citizenship or right of residence.
Meeting with Government members
Compared with the joke called FEMA in the US, Russia appears to be providing for its people in a timely manner.
The Eu will take basically any nation who is white.
In other words, not Turkey, no matter how important Turkey is to Nato, apparently.
Well, its probably better for Turkey to be outside the range of that Vampire Squid anyway.
This is a must read:
While the Kiev junta is waging war against its own people in the Southeast, throughout the country protests are growing due to a catastrophic drop in the standard of living of the populace. An increase in all utility rates is coming July 1. In particular, gas prices for the population of Ukraine will go up by 55-70%; hot water and heating by 40%; electricity by 10-40%, depending on consumption volumes; and centralized water supply and sewage by 78-96%. The greatest increase is expected in Kiev, where on July 1 the price of hot water for Kievans will increase by almost 70% and the price of centralized heating will increase by almost 60%. And this is only the first stage of price increases for utilities, which will continue to grow incrementally until 2017. According to First Deputy Head of the Budget Committee of the Verkhovna Rada Oksana Kaletnik, in 2015 utility rates will increase by 40%, and in 2016 and 2017 by another 20% per year. The veracity of these figures is dubious, since as of May 1, 2014, for example, the public was paying only 24% of the actual costs for production, transmission and delivery of electricity.
And here’s an article about NATO arming Ukraine.
NATO Foreign Ministers agree on Readiness Plan, endorse support package for Ukraine
America is a mad dog. It really wants everything it’s own way. Mind you it is a continuation of the English empire with better propaganda and weaponry but same objective. Domination and “Free Trade Economy” by that I mean Gun Boat Diplomacy.
With his distinctive style, interesting edition of “Desde la sombra” by Daniel Estulin:
What is the unlimited power?
Spanish edition. May be you can enable subtitles.
Enjoy. Kind regards.
Here’s a link to a Militia leader “Brains”. He is a poet. But he has a military background. He is a top leader. He has some very crucial comments about relationship with Russian strategies.
In particular, visited Moscow, where he met with leaders of the Russian parliamentary parties, gave interviews to the Russian media:
“I wanted to convey information about what is happening. Because the media, even in Russia, the situation is distorted. All shows several gently. But actually the situation is very hard. I talked with the state Duma deputies Sergei Mironov and Vladimir Zhirinovsky Specific plans… I am not going to disclose. But to be honest, I went back and looked at a lot different.”
And if we think of these brave leaders as a motley lot of science fiction writer, poet, Tsarist military recreationist, we have to remember, they are cultured Russians, more sophisticated in Russian culture than American notions of culture. They have creative talents. Yet, they love their land and people and reacted early to the mortal threat of Maidan.
Cossack Alexei Brain
Drop it into Yandex for translation if you need English as I do.
BBC reports that “someone” is destabilizing the economy of Bulgaria causing runs on several banks. Hmmmm. Well, if it is rotten to the core, it only takes a little shove to topple it over the cliff. That will teach them to mess with South Stream.
@ Seamus Padraig,
According to Poro, taking back the East wold be a matter of hours… something he said three weeks ago :o)
@ Nora,
Hope you and yours are well. Yats ‘I will Take a Bullet to the Head until they really start shooting and you’ll never see me on Maidan Square again until I’m PM’ Nuland’s bitch will surely slash his own salary before he’ll slash… ehhhum… errrr… Hey, look over there!
Anonymous said…
PCRobert’s quote from his recent article: “Putin is afraid to stand up for Russians and has sold out Ukraine’s Russian population.” So it is.
That is a complete distortion of what PC Roberts wrote, by lifting it out of context. What he wrote was this:
“Inside Russia, Washington is encouraging its NGO fifth columns to undercut Putin’s support with propaganda that Putin is afraid to stand up for Russians and has sold out Ukraine’s Russian population. If this propaganda gains traction, Putin will be distracted by street protests.”
Ukraine extends ceasefire by 72 hours – Al Jazeera English
The truth, the whole truth and… oh, f*** it!
На Украине пройдет всесодомский антироссийский гей-парад “Киев-Прайд 2014” (Ukraine will take place sistemski anti-Russian gay pride parade “Kyiv-pride 2014”)
http://rusvesna.su/news/1403910903 (trans) http://translate.yandex.net/tr-url/ru-en.ru/rusvesna.su/news/1403910903
“The Ukrainian gay-ultras during the week will be sahovati for a United Ukraine and curse Moscow, demanding the continuation of punitive action.
From June 30 to July 6 in Kiev take place anti-Russian parade of gays, lesbians, zoophiles, pedophiles, necrophiles, gerontophile, know, transgender people and other minorities who Express their solidarity with Ukrainian nation. The organizers of the festival “Kievprim-2014” their task they consider the fight against “jackets” and Pro-Russian provocateurs”.
“We want our fellow citizens and degradante knew LGBT for a United and strong Ukraine, which is building closer relations with the EU”, – said the head of the all-Ukrainian LGBT Association “Gay-Alliance Ukraine Taras Karasiuk.
“This year our goal is to prevent the “jackets” and Pro-Russian provocateurs to prevent human rights in Ukraine for all, including the LGBT community,” said co-chair of the Coalition for combating discrimination Nazarius Bor.
In the frame of the festival concerts, exhibitions, lectures, workshops and parties. Details of the training are not reported.
The news about the anti-Russian sistemska parade is a logical continuation of the great anti-Russian campaign, launched this week, Vice-President of the USA Joe Biden.
Biden said literally the following: protection of the rights of sexual minorities is the hallmark of a civilized countries and should stand above national cultures and social traditions.
“I don’t care what your culture, ” Biden said about one hundred guests gathered at his residence at the naval Observatory. – Inhumanity remains the inhumanity and prejudice – prejudice”.
For many people in Russia still is not clear that homosexuality and fascism are related phenomena.
Civil chaos of the last months, what is happening in Ukraine, demonstrates that fascism and sexual perversions are the same value basis and the same pathological nature.
“Eurogates” as a phenomenon has deep roots in the ritual sodomy German order of the SS. However, even without going into conspiracy details, you can make a simple conclusion that fascism and sodomy common animal consumer logic. Both of these viruses are the products of the capitalist world Outlook, self-centered and acquisitive by nature.”
Same sort of connecting social mechanic shown here with the celebration of a depiction anal raping Ahmadinejad:
Pinkwatching And Pinkwashing: Interpenetration and its Discontents
I’d think more likely US/Eu is trying to destabilize Bulgaria.
Guaranteed: US will designate Novorossian political and military movement as a terrorist organization. Material support for terrorism will be the charge for speech, Paypal donations, etc. A secret Presidential finding may exist specifying regime change in Russia. The US is going all the way no matter what happens in Europe. The policy is executed by fiat, there is no political resistance, WWIV, unannounced. The campaign has been prepared for decades, there is no turning back. Russia is being attacked on every front. A Nazi regime and a civil war has been installed a short distance from Moscow. Whatever we can do, as individuals, and together, we have to do it now.
@ вот так 00:56
Wow just wow! That was something that really just took me by surprise I wasn’t expecting that at all! So not only are they shoving this crap down the American throat but their trying to force it down every Ukrainian throat as well. Wow! This is a really interesting outlook into these depraved freaks. I went back and read some of The Sakers post in 08 and came across an article that was putting it out there, that chemical weapons, that would turn the Iraq battle field into some science fiction sounding homosexual freak show. Could that be the cause of US Solders committing suicide in the last couple of years more than any other time in history of our nation (an alarming rate)? Our leaders are spreading this puke in the name of democracy on an orthodox country is appalling, seriously disturbing to say the least. Thanks for sharing that info. Gives a new prospective…
Where does this all end for the West?
It ends in Kiev. They will celebrate homosexuality and call it a triumph.
The gay parade in Kiev tells the whole story.
An abomination!
“But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he was drowned in the depth of the sea.” Mark 9:42
“They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator– who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.” Romans 1:25-27
The nihilism of the West, led by a freak in charge of the Hegemon, arming the Death Machine of NATO and agitating the psychopaths and sociopaths of nazism and fascism can only lead their societies to ruin.
Pray for them. Pray for their conversion. Pray for the brave who will have to kill their soldiers. Pray for innocents caught in the battle.
Humanity can rise to a higher behavior. We see the resurrection of Russia, coming out of the ruination of the USSR. We see the calm, confidence of Putin. And we see the spiritual resolve of the people fighting the godlessness and satanic behavior challenging the religious and spiritual people who reject the way of the devil.
Humanity is at the brink. Novorossiya is the front line.
I’m looking for the opinon on this blog. Mr.Poroschenko received after the report from MSM that he recieved from 38.9-42% of the votes from Ukrainan population.
I’m not a lawyer and I’m just wondering if the person received such a low preference from the population does he can sign a such a importatnt document on behalf of the all of the population from Ukraine?
Is this a questionable situation regarding to the international law, or not?
These three Monsters are smiling like they have a three 666 on the top of their head .
And now serious confirmed information regarding to the Mr. Poroschenko chocolate business. My girlfiend from Russia / parents still live in Ukraine / confirmed that Russians are refusing to buy all of the chocolate products from Poroschenko factory, same story in Ukraine, same story are coming from the former East European countries because they much prefer the high quality Swiss or Belgian chocolate products.
Countries where Mr. Poroschenko has orchestrated some hidden gang related short wars conected to secure his cheap and extorted coccoa suplies, it looks like he can’t sale his products there too.
In Canada Russians tossed all of the Poroschenko’s products into the garbage bin, same stories are coming from New York – Russian neighborhoods??????
It is going to be interesting to watch how it is going to be developed to reach his high EGO expectations striking almost to the universe.
Now the Novorossia has even better position to establish their own republic /state / because Mr. Poroschenko definitely not representing the wish of the peaceful residents of Novorossia.
Lets hope that this agreement will be scraped away becaue of the low number of the votes from Ukraine citizens.
I thought of a trap NATO could pull on Putin and force his hand militarily or demonstrate he is a paper tiger.
A US vessel with 1000 Marines heading for the Middle East is diverted to the Black Sea. It heads straight to Odessa and anchors in the harbor.
Ukraine invites the Marines to come ashore.
They will stay. Obama announces they will be based in the area of the harbor.
At any point in this scenario, Putin is in a deadly trap.
It is actually similar to what the USSR did in Vietnam. They always had ships in Haiphong Harbor to prevent the US from bombing and closing the maritime link for Soviet resupply.
Putin has to dread direct US action such as above at Odessa.
I think he needs to have Odessa erupt like the East. In fact several new cities should join the separatist/independence rebellion.
Odessa is too critical to leave unplayed. Even the bozos in the US will eventually figure out this gambit.
It is 300 miles from Crimea but crucial to obtain and prevent Nato, US or Ukraine itself from using it. It would be like letting NATO missile shield be installed on Ukraine soil.
@cardinal points et al
I am in Russia now and believe me, there will be no maidan here. The Russians look at Ukraine, and even those who were Maidan sympathizers to begin with, or ‘left liberals’ – most of those are basically seeing what they do not want to happen. There is no viable opposition to Putin at this moment, and no strong leader has emerged to even begin to hold up the candle to him, and everyone knows this. Everyone is also aware of the tension between the West and Russia, and even if a few hundred people take to the streets, you can believe me when I say that there will be thousands to oppose them in that same street/square.
Basically, what is happening in Ukraine is tragic, but it has also taught the majority of Russians a valuable lesson and they will sit tight and support their president who is keeping them out of that mess – for now. As they say, sometimes bad things are blessings in disguise – like dysfunctional family members – as much as it hurts, you also learn from them as to what NOT to do.
@ Larchmonter 28 June, 2014 02:59:
NATO exercises in July, and what you just describe scare me: who believes they will ever leave?
I would be interested to find out Sakers opinion about this. Would Putin let this happen?
Preventing seems to me one thing, but to get them out would require a real war.
On 27 June, 2014 18:59, вот так wrote:
As Poroshenko is not Jewish, calling him a nazi shouldn’t upset the web sayanim… ;)
Some sources disagree with your assertion:
Forbes lists Petro Poroshenko as the 130th richest Jew in the world with 1, 6 billion dollars. The would-be President of Ukraine Poroshenko was born Waltzman. Poroshenko is his mother’s name, she was also a Jew.
source: http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2014/05/24/weapons-prostitutes-drugs-things-poroshenko-associated-with.html
Looking up Wikipedia is, quite unsurprisingly not of much help either, since the article was very obviously written by Pro-Maidan contributors:
Among the extreme right in Ukraine, it is taken for granted that Poroshenko is Jewish based on an unproven urban legend that Poroshenko’s father was actually named Valtzman until he adopted his wife’s Yevgenya’s last name. According to Moshe Reuven Azman, Chabad chief Rabbi of Ukraine, Poroshenko told him directly “he wasn’t Jewish”. In 2013, Poroshenko’s spokeswoman Irina Fireez asked Forbes Israel to remove his name from a list of the world’s richest Jews. The spokeswoman, Irina Fireez, did not say why she wanted Poroshenko’s name removed. Poroshenko’s office did not reply to queries from JTA on this issue. State-owned Russian television channel Russia 1 (has also) reported the “Valtzman” urban legend as fact.
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petro_Poroshenko
Note the qualifiers “urban legend”, “extreme right” and “State-owned Russian television channel”. This is not exactly how a fact based, neutral entry looks like. But the implication that everyone who agrees to this point of view has got to be a “right wing” apologist is the perfect weapon to stifle a meaningful discussion. Also note the absence of evidence and that Poroshenko refused to comment on the issue. The entire paragraph raises the (non-)argument from authority. It is (supposedly) true, because the author says so and the reader thus has to take it as granted…
Another striking feature is the absence of criticism. Let me contrast that bit with above mentioned “Strategic Culture” article:
[Petro Poroshenko] made a head start thanks to the criminal connections of his father sentenced for large-scale theft in 1986. Having served the sentence, Poroshenko Sr. launched his own business making his son involved in the activities. The business was dirty, it all started with plundering state property by armed gangs. The Poroshenko family had plans to expand the activities beyond Ukraine. Tatyana Mikoyan, a well-known Kiev-based lawyer, remembers what the family did in Transnistria, «It was horrible back in the 1990s: illegal arms, prostitutes, drugs – all bringing profits to father and son». Poroshenko Sr. was awarded for his merits – in 2009 he received the Hero of Ukraine decoration bought for him by his son who paid to then President Yushenko, the Godfather to Petro Poroshenko’s children. The would-be President-elect is well known for misappropriating budget funds. He has the reputation of someone who knows how to make money out of thin air. Many times he has been accused of being involved in large scale corruption schemes, open lobbying, embezzlement of budget allocations, tax evasion, illegal operations to acquire shares and physically threatening political opponents and competitors. Certainly he is not just another swindler but a tycoon, an owner of huge and diversified business empire.
The Wikipedia reader is not supposed to know about that, but is instead to accept the airbrushed history version as provided by the State Department.
“Who benefits from wars?”
Re Larchmonter445 28 June, 2014 02:59: A U.S. ship permanently docked at Odessa would violate the 21-day restriction of the Montreux Convention, which Turkey so far has been fairy circumspect about observing (sometimes permitting extra days for “repairs”, etc.). While the Marines could be disembarked, and U.S. ships rotated to the Black Sea (as seems to be happening), it would be easier and simpler to fly Marines (or Airborne) in from Germany across Poland.
Hello, I’m curious to know your perspective on the new Ukraine-EU trade deal. From what I understand about this, the paperwork laying out the terms and conditions of this deal are thicker than The Bible. One writer I enjoy reading is Naomi Klein who wrote that many of these pro-American deals are concocted in think-tanks, months and sometimes years before a regime that’s amiable to US interests comes into fruition. If this is the case with Ukraine, what the hell did they just commit to, and how could this hurt/provoke Russia?
Addressed to Bot Tak, but to set the record straight:
I am posting this on open thread because it is too off-topic under Saker’s beautiful “Cri du Coeur”.
My comment under “Russia’s Western Front Has Become a Desert”, which you (Bot Tak) quoted in full, was: “A brief aside: Occasionally commenters mention China as a possible economic supporter of Novorossiya. I would caution that being under China’s thumb would be far worse than being under the Kiev Nazi dictatorship. China murdered some one million Tibetans when it invaded that country, in scenarios more horrific than what we’ve seen in Donbass.” Being off-topic, I had made my comment brief.
You replied, in part, as follows: “Yes, justthetalk.com zio-queen . . . No million Tibetans were killed by the Chinese, that’s zionazi propaganda.”
Your statement is the opposite of the truth. The knowledge I have gleaned on the Chinese massacres of Tibetans came from sources far removed from the “zionazi” media, which I never look at. In particular, as an avid reader of expedition literature, I have gained much insight from books by mountaineers who have visited or lived in Tibet. Mountain climbers are an excellent information source, being one of the few groups that visited Tibet during and following the Chinese invasion. They have little in the way of a political agenda.
This is perhaps a Cri du Coeur of my own. Yet I believe it sheds light on the relative threats of the world powers, on the meaning of “zionazi propaganda”, and on the question of what constitutes propaganda in the first place.
I am a strong supporter of Novorossiya.