⚡️ Statement by Russian Defence Ministry
❗️ Today, on July 3, 2022, the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation General of the Army Sergey Shoigu reported to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Federation Armed Forces, V.Putin, on the liberation of the Lugansk People’s Republic.
▫️ According to the report, the successful operations of the Russian Federation Armed Forces in coordination with the units of People’s Militia of the Lugansk People’s Republic, have resulted in establishing the total control in Lisichansk and various nearby settlements; the largest of them are Belogorovka, Novodruzhesk, Maloryazantsevo and Belaya Gora. The total area of the settlements liberated over the past 24 hours is 182 square kilometres.
This will have an impact throughout the battlegrounds. Allied fighters will move to other parts of the front line as administrative functions are established and implemented throughout the region and local defense will take over.
The Ukronazis, rather their NATO command and control structure, tried to hit back.
The Russian MoD states:
▫️ Tonight, from 03.00 AM to 03.30 AM (Moscow time), the Kiev regime launched an intentional attack by Tochka-U ballistic missiles with cluster munitions and Tu-143 Reys unmanned aerial vehicles at the residential areas of Belgorod and Kursk that have no military facilities.
❗️ I emphasise that this missile attack had been intentionally planned and was launched at civilian population of Russian cities.
▫️ Russian air defence means have destroyed all the 3 Tochka-U ballistic missiles launched by Ukrainian nationalist at Belgorod. Fragments of one of the destroyed Ukrainian missiles fell down at a residential buildings in the city.
▫️ In addition, Russian air defence means have destroyed 2 Ukrainian Tu-143 Reys unmanned aerial vehicles charged with explosives while approaching Kursk.
We have waited a long time for Ukrainians to welcome the Russian soldiers with flowers. At last, in Lisichanks, after full liberation, we did not see flowers, but we saw copious tears of thankfulness and joy, as well as iconic photos.
Love this. couldn’t agree more. but that’s looking like it will happen this fall, maybe early winter. First, kramatorsk, Then Kharkov, Dipnitro, mikholev, and Finally the Odessa!
Odessa shall be the Crowning jewel and shining star that Finishes off this war, and what will be the key 🔑 to building a lasting peace!
Kissinger just said “that if Russia wins and does not return the territories taken, Nato will intervine”. It seems impossible to think that president Putin has not taken this possibility in consideration: are the Russians laying a “trap” for the West?
NATO is already fully engaged in the war.
Yes, but in slow motion. The longer the SMO lasts, the more the Hegemonic ouroboros swallows and chokes on its own tail.
Parts of Donetsk still are shelled 8 years on. Starting to look like tactical, operational things are quite feasible for Niu York in very near future. And then Avdiivka. AFU was using HIMRS (spelling of acronym ??) on Donetsk civilians until EU told them to walk it back out of the city.
Rybar put out a mp4 Bakhmut: a new phase in the battle for Donbass Bahmut_002_2_sound_en . If I send my link for Slavyangrad telegram it will not work unless you are a member. Yuri is good too, I would expect very good analysis from Yuri in near future, he gets the English subtitles quick enough now.
While Odessa and possibly equally Transnistria (Putin says he is there for ALL Russians and that includes Transnistria) are probably integral for long term plans, I say let the RF figure out the best plans for the next two weeks.
Once past Bakhmut etc, it flat as a pancake and no huge towns, RF, DNR, and LNR might juggernaut up to Dnipro. Not to mention what appears to be the lightly manned UnRF forces against lightly manned AFU forces around Kharkiv. RF appears to be taking ground by just being present (slight exaggeration).
Looking at the abandonment of Snake Island and the RF’s stating, hey – wide open now to export grain out of Odessa – it is an extremely sardonic statement. Underneath that is the Ukie problem of all the mines they laid outside of Odessa. It is way beyond sarcastic, it is scornful, cynical mocking of Ukraines inability to export out of Odessa grain. Ukraine has been hoist on its own petard.
I am sure I do not catch all of the RF’s subtle nuances by my only speaking English, but what I do catch is such a high level of communication that I do not care if it is not suited for progaganda.
I think Odessa will be left last. Or Odessa will surrender by itself after all rest of Ukraine will be taken :D
The mines they put in their own port and block their own grain export are priceless. Anyway the grain export is full working by Romania / Constantza port.
And the grain is sold for weapons making Ukraine hungry next year but with a lot of bullets to eat.
Next will be a North – South take on Kramatorsk line, and then maybe Avdiivka or not.
Bahamut will fall by encirclement again.
They might faint to take Krakow and take Kiev instead open a road to Western borders and block Odessa from North.
The real plan is known only by RF army general staff.
Besides RF always poke, test and search for weak spots and take them if possible and that can open new attack paths like Popanska did.
Em 2.014 a OTAN queria a Criméia, o que resta é Odessa, o “calcanhar de Aquiles” no Mar Negro (talvez queiram renomear para “Mar de Obama” clareando um pouco o nome original) :-))).
Tradução Google:
In 2014 NATO wanted the Crimea, what remains is Odessa, the “Achilles heel” in the Black Sea (maybe they want to rename it to “Obama Sea” lightening the original name a bit) :-))).
I think, unless some provocation, Russians will wait till after the harvest to denazify Odessa and other parts of Ukraine and will continue westward after harvest, in meantime focus on restoring Luhansk and Donetsk and blowing up western weapons as they come. UAF will have few months for some identify crisis.
Happy Luhansk Day!
A serious psychological blow to the Zelensky junta, and loss of prestige for ‘western allies.
Or “Lugansk” if we want to respect the Russians living there, who has not been allowed to speak their language for several years, and seen their old place names changed by Kiev. I think that we should use the Russian spelling/pronounciation (Lugansk) and not Ukranian (Luhansk).
Also for the rest of the placs in Donbass with different Ukranian/Russian spelling. (Many o:s in Russian spelling is i:s in ukranian, and Russian g is often h in ukrainian spelling…)
“Ukranian” spelling differences are dishonest.
NOBODY for 1000 years called Kee-yeff as “Keef”
“Ukraine” means “borderlands”
No TRUE country defines itself as someone else’s border with yet some other nation(s)’s border(s). The entire existence of Ukraine as a separate culture/country/language reeks of criminality.
Ukraine is a dialect of Russian, just as “Texan” is a dialect of English, and almost mutually incomprehensible with “Cockney” in BOTH directions, yet nobody claims that Texan or Cockney is a different langauge.
The two new republics in eastern Ukraine are supposed to be the target of new missiles gifted by Western democracies to Ukrainian Nazis.
I also think so… Unfortunately, Russia will have to denazify and demilitarize the rest of Ukraine for peace to be established in the Donbass.
It will. And before it’s over Zelensky will be hiding out in his mansion in Miami.
Better he hide out at his mansion in Israel!
Miami will be safer. No Hezbollah flying drones.
He can live it up like Tony Montana. Until they come for him.
Don’t you worry about that. Russia is about to de-militarize the whole of NATO. There will be none left to fan the Not-zee flame. Certainly not the civilians.
That is why those republics wants to be integrated in the Russian Federation as Crimea.
They need to be an official part of Russia if they want a long lasting peace.
My sincerest congratulations to Russia and the Lugansk People’s Republic on their victory and liberation. May both enjoy prosperity and eventually peace.
There will be a new reality on the ground.
The forces of the LPR will help push the Ukrainian army out of the territory of the DPR – People’s Militia of the LPR
The last statistic that I saw, was the the Donbas People’s Republic was something like 50% under Russian control. But this was a little while ago. Does anyone have a new number here?
NY Times ( I know) is reporting 60% of the Donetsk region is controlled by Russia which appears close to the Readovka map of 2 June.
Of course I meant Donetsk – silly billy me! Not enough coffee!
I think Ukraine will fire Himars from Lvov if possible if only that town remains not de-militarized and not de-nazified.
Unfortunately the only way to deal with attacks on the new republics will be to take all Ukraine one way or another under control.
I think that on each attack of Ukraine on civilians in Donetsk or RF one more new town or Oblast is put on the list to be taken by RF + Alied Army by General staff of RF.
Soon they will run out of city / oblasts to put on that list of TODO for liberation :D
Perfeito, porem não entendo ainda porque a russia não detecta de que lugar na ucrania estão lançando esses misseis e de onde na ucrania estão lançando esses veículos aéreos não tripulados
Amigo, a Ucrânia é um país enorme, é humanamente muito difícil controlar cada palmo do espaço aéreo num país com dimensões continentais com a Russia.
É importante que os sistemas de defesa antiaérea russos têm se mostrado formidáveis.
É só lembrar os clamorosos falhanços dos sistemas norte americanos na Arábia saudita.
Friend, Ukraine is a huge country, it is humanly very difficult to control every inch of airspace in a country with continental dimensions like Russia.
It is important that Russian air defense systems have proved formidable.
Just remember the glaring failures of the US systems in Saudi Arabia.
Não é só isso!
RF não irá mostrar todos os recursos que possui nessa “batida policial” na Ucrânia.
Muita coisa guardada sobre guerra eletrônica e monitoramento não foram usados ainda.
Quando a merda agarrar (creio que no inverno na Europa), aí sim, as coisas ficarão quentes (e RF não terá nenhum estigma “politicamente correto” ao liberar todo pontecial).
Tradução Google:
It’s not just that!
RF will not show all the resources it has in this “police raid” in Ukraine.
A lot of stored stuff about electronic warfare and monitoring hasn’t been used yet.
When the shit kicks in (I think in the winter in Europe), then yes, things will get hot (and RF won’t have any “politically correct” stigma in unleashing all the potential).
É o que a Rússia tem feito. Eles lançam ataques, a Russia identifica a fonte e a destroi, mas não tem com identificar equipamentos estacionários.
That’s what Russia has done. They launch attacks, Russia identifies the source and destroys it, but has no way of identifying stationary equipment.
Perfect, but I still don’t understand why Russia doesn’t detect from where in Ukraine they are launching these missiles and from where in Ukraine they are launching these unmanned aerial vehicles
If history serves, I can hazard a guess. Past behavior is a good tool for predicting future behavior. Thus, here from my own oblast in Southwest, Nigeria (ain’t we all Russians now? May Allah bless V. Putin) the ukies must be launching those Tochka U missiles from the kitchens of some old women who are being forced to prepare meals now in their living rooms for their grandchildren whose fathers have been forced to become ‘heroes for Ukraine’ on some indefensible front lines.
As for the Tu-143 UAVs, they can only be flying off the playgrounds of kindagartens/creches. It’s typical Kiev military tactics as I have learnt on this platform and moonofalabama.
Operation Z will still get them all.
From my Canadian Oblast, to your African One!
May you and your loved ones be blessed with good health and wellness!
The world is awakening and uniting!
may Vlad the nazi destroyer, have continued success in his mission, until the entire continent and world are purged of this Evil!
From my Oblast in Brazil a join my voice to yours. Let us denazify the world.
Nazis and Zionsts are two sides of the same genocidal coin. Always have been. So when you read wipe out Nazis, understand the subtext of removing Zionism and Khazarian Mafia.
It has long been my belief that the Nazis copied their ideology from the Jews. It was a question of revenge … “like” for “like”. This turned the Jewish assault on Germany and Germans during WWI and the Weimar Republic on its head.
This is in the context of many, including Hitler, realizing that WWI and the Versailles Treaty were private bankers (a.k.a. Jewish bankers) warring against the Bismarckian state and its publicly owned banking system. WWI was a “get rich” quick scheme on the part of privately owned banks in the UK and the United States desperate to ensure that the German publicly-owned banking system failed as the model for financing industrialization. It had to be “aborted” before it could prove its worth.
Lending credence to Hitler’s view on the origins of WWI, Germany made its last WWI reparations payment ($94 million) to Jewish-owned banks on September 10th, 2010. The Treaty of Versailles bankrupted Germany, but I guess some debts are sacred and eternal in bankers’ eyes.
From a source: FDR did not want a repeat of massive debt to private banks driving the politics and dynamics of WWII as it had WWI. So, he came up with the idea of Lend-Lease; that is, government-to-government agreements on arms and other purchases to avoid political pressures and social distortions directed against society by the oligarchs of the time. Things seem to change, but then nothing really changes.
There is a lot to learn about WWI and WWII, and it has nothing to do with battlefields and war.
Ageed GoDark. You also know that Hitler was assisting the Zionist program of relocating Non-semitic Ashkenazi Jew ls to their “promised land” in Palestine in the 1930s. Jews also have a carrot and stick approach to getting European Jews to move to the desert. Anti-semitic pogroms were initiated by Rothschild. There is the possibility that Jews were also sorting and weeding out undesirable Jews with German concentration camps. Jews like Soros’ father rounded up Jews, while other Jews were rescuing select Jews. Eugenics was the rage in Germany and the USA. Eugenics is still one of the top priorities for Zionists worldwide.
Diamond Dee;
BurnEye Minds3rdEye ScienceGuy;
Paulo Werneck:
Do meu Oblast no Brasil!
Somos todos “Z”!
Tradução Google;
Diamond Dee;
BurnEye Minds3rdEye ScienceGuy;
Paulo Werneck:
From my Oblast in Brazil!
We are all “Z”!
Born in Jamaica.
Resides in New York.
And, I am Russian!
Hooray, President Putin.
From my oblast in Brazil I pray to God, our Lord, to bless VV Putin and all allied combatants in the war against Nazism and oppression.
I was thinking exactly the same thing. Makes sense for them to be identifying these spots and they don’t seem to be doing it.
Detecting the source of an already done attack does not necessarily equal having a target… with anything more mobile than towed artillery, anyway. Look up “shoot and scoot”.
RF needs to conquer more westward territory so the Ukies can’t get within Donetsk’s artillery or rocket firing range. Drones are a bit harder to deal with but more anti-aircraft defenses would help.
Andrei Martyanov in one of his videos said it is probably because Adiivka and environs is densely populated, and furthermore many people in Donetsk have relatives there. Therefore, it would need to be besieged rather than directly attacked, and for that they have to get there, and control enough territory to do so safely, and so it goes on.
It would seem the longer the range of weapons supplied to the Ukraine the further Russia will push them back the smaller the Ukraine becomes.
Cheers M
Another form of attrition added to troop and equipment losses, until Ukraine eventually surrenders (along with the West). If no surrender, Russia would have to capture the entire landmass and state to expel the junta and bring a new regime under their control. It’s a huge burden but there may be no other way to deNazify, and in the larger picture it probably won’t end with that.
The Democracy Mafia leader, US, had let the Donbass population suffer under Ukrainian gangsters’ malicious abuse, kept on training neo-Nazi AZOV, pretending seeing nothing.
The Human Rights snake oil salesman, US, had left the Afghani people suffer under US fire power. Stole Afghan money, and offered no humanitarian help when people are dying of hunger, disease, female abuse, and earthquakes, pretending seeing nothing.
The Freedom bully, US, had sanctioned more than 20 countries, countless organizations and individuals, using US defined rules and US domestic laws. Abused international treaties no matter whether US was a signatory or not.
Time to get rid of this malevolent virus from the world.
Totally Agree! And further, there are TWO malevolent viruses, one infecting [(((..)))] and controlling the other [US]!
Saw this tweet at Russians With Attitude @RWApodcast:
“From the statement of the Lugansk People’s Militia on the occasion of the capture of Lisichansk:
“The safety of the LPR will be ensured if the Ukrainian army is pushed back from the borders of the republic to a distance of about 300 km.” ”
A happy day indeed! Looking forward to the complete liberation of Donetsk People’s Republic and the end of their torment by the ukrops.
The DMZ distance will need to be moveable, it should be double the distance of NATOs longest range weapon systems and when NATO increases the range, Russia expands the DMZ west.
Cheers M
I am under impression that DMZ is to be all of Ukraine, as in 100% demilitarized, according to VVP.
Denazification ditto. That seems to mean SMO404 cops going house to house, any house.
Some say dezionification too…that would, logically, seem to include Beverly Hills.
Seriously, I don’t see how the DN policy can work if it stops at the Ukie border.
Or even again at Berlin…
Certain unknown factors once/if Russia reaches the Ukraine’s borders will come in to play. A frozen hungry European electorate may skip the ballots (of little btu value anyway) and choose pitchforks, or they may just choose to call the Denazification Hotline. Save the cops all that footwork.
Cheers M
“Denazification Hotline”, priceless!
8 years of horrific bloodshed are ending for these suffering innocents. Pray they have a long and bountiful peace.
The Simplicius76 Bitchute channel seems to be missing this morning.
It had a lot of interesting short videos from the SMO.
it’s still there. renamed to december1991, but when I searched for simplicius this morning it still showed me his videos
This SMO, call it war, if you on the west side, can’t stop in Ukraine. Imagine Russia taking over Ukraine with the land lease imposed by US banking cabal with debt including monstrous interest rates.
The west side of Ukraine dedicated to polish leaches, which are supposed to drain regular payments of interest on the land lease, will not be sufficient to sustain any form of sovereignty (read illusion of), so the hand in the deep pockets of Donbas and Russia is prerequisite for victory declaration.
Trouble is that VV Putin, suddenly does not recognise “our” reality and wants some other world in which we don’t rule. We always supported democratic rules based order where everyone does what we asked what to do. How could you live without it? Who will tell you what to do?
As would mindless Joe claim: “she (Kamala) did not lie to you, she just experienced it differently”.
So there is not point in talks, let them experience it.
Chop, chop at the tentacles but failing to strike at the head of the beast. This is no way to wage war.
So how would you wage war…..you seem to know. The only letter missing from the SMO was P. Special Military Police Operation which is what this is. The Sheriff issued a Warrant: Wanted, Neo Nazi’s, Dead or Alive.
Should Russia choose, publish a list of ‘the wanted’, offer a reward and set up a Turn In Nazis hot line. If Ukrainians are eager to sell pilfered NATO weapons to Russia, who’s gonna miss a few thousand Bandera scum.
Cheers M
The problem is how do you isolate the head or attack it without triggering Armageddon? And don’t disdain the tentacle strategy:
“Here a little, there a little, that they may go and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.”
Isaiah 28:10
It is clear where spokesman Peskov, and I guess speaking for Putin, stands. He says the West does not allow Kiev to talk about peace. This implies that Kiev would be reasonable were it not for the West.
“West still betting on continuing war, not allowing Kiev to talk about peace”
We heard this from Russia before. It makes no sense to someone who reads today what Zelensky is saying and planning to do. His speeches from the last 24 hours are here:
Russia subscribes to the puppet theory which some commenters here have championed. Incredible but true.
“Theory”? “West”? Seriously?
The current regime of the
bananasalo republic in question would not even exist without Orange Revolution.The Orange Revolution is an export product of USA. Just like all other “color revolutions”. Just like all those hot-headed people all around the world who a few decades earlier by some miraculous coincidence “independently” decided to name their organizations “National Liberation Front” (over two dozens… did State Department run out of letterheads for those, or finally noticed this became a running gag?).
Said regime retained ties with American oligarchy (Biden family, for one).
The unfortunate fact of it and everyone around having yet another bad day now is a direct result of making a move to join NATO, in violation of the previous agreements.
NATO was built around USA, and depends on USA, and without its participation would lose any meaning and dissolve, just like Warsaw Pact would not make sense without USSR.
The cheerleaders of the “poor innocently attacked” Ukraine are also loyalists of the current American regime or are marching to the American tune. The infamous Reddit Interbrigade cosplayers were also, uh, clearly not a Swiss community.
Which part of the above is even a tiniest bit dubious?
Or do you object to the term “puppet state”? Fine, there are distinct variations. Mencius Moldbug proposed a distinct term specifically for the “more lifelike impression” of independence plugged into USA State Department: “muppet state”. Let’s use this one instead?
If we are to use the terms puppet and puppet master (not my terms), then Zelensky is a puppet master who gets the money he wants and more after insisting that he must get it. He wants the West to fight directly also. We don’t know if he’ll get that too. His supporters who give him what he wants do not look like the masters (to me at least).
You do know that a puppet show can have more than one puppet in it, don’t you? Take Aussie PM Albanese appearing in Kiev and offering more hard earned Aussie tax payers money to the fraudster Elensky.
Albanese is not doing this to curry favour with Australian voters, he is doing it because it is what the US pupppet master wants him to do.
As to who the US puppet master is answerable to, that is where the real power resides.
Its very obvious that Zelensky is a puppet. He is a well paid one that can occasionally negotiate a price but he is not making the final decision. There are so many examples of his subservience including failing to implement Minsk and being handed the order from messenger Boris Johnson to not seek peace. We could go on and on with examples….
I subscribe to the theory that Zelensky is either a puppet or he is certifiably insane.
Closer to certifiably insane than to puppet. Note that the insane are not really “puppets”, and that a political puppet is understood to be corrupt but sane. You’d have to choose one of the two.
Zelensky is an actor. So yes *HE* indeed is a puppet.
As for the Ukrainian leadership. Well, the “puppet theory” has one big advantage. It allows the Ukrainians to wipe the floor with their leadership at any point AND claim they were forced from outside.
Russia accepting this theory, in turn, gives the Russian possibility to be lenient /i.e. without facing major flak at home/, should such a senario come to pass.
Irrespective if true or not, the concept serves Russia. So they stick to it.
Let’s just call it as it stands:
Ukrainian leadership is led by a certifiably insane (by our standards, not his) actor who like all (onstage) actors is a puppet of (offstage) directors and producers.
Drug addicted in addition to the above.
Zelenskiy is a human ruin.
Honestly speaking I can’t grasp who in their right mind would accept the idea that a second tier comedian who never had any touch with state governance can come out of nowhere and become a president.
“it’s a crazy world.”
Well the last 4 POTUS’s have been mediocre to pathetic. The last 4 UK PM’s have been piss poor, really piss poor. EU leadership is non-existent.
All in all, a common theme! BANKCORP now rule the roost and the only qualification required by a Public figurehead is compliance, as the MSM have BANKCORP’s script.
Gates, Bezos, Musk, Buffett, Fink . . . . . DNC/RNC dance to their tune.
WEF Soros et al. Macron came out of nowhere so did the current President of Bulgaria. Finish PM is WEF as is Swedens. Draghi in Italy has never run for an election or contested one. He’s WEF. Look at any of the collective West’s Leaders. Bojo here in UK got in power through a seriously rigged election (CIA MOSSADO AND MI6 collaboration. They are all, at the present time, scrabbling around to salvage the WEF’s One World International Rules based Order and ensure their total power. Russia has stepped up and given them and these ideals a serious punch in the face.
Regarding the reactions of the population: We should expect regular people to show a lot of happiness about the arrival of the Russian troops. After all, they still might fear that the Russians could sign another agreement of the Minsk-type. Moreover, some of them might have seen pictures about what happened to the russophile people in the villages around Kiev after the Russians decided to withdraw from there. I think that it is smart for the people to remain careful as long as the Russians have not put their signatures under official annexation decrees.
In any case, I am very happy for the russophile population in Lisichansk. If Russia takes them in, they will indeed be far better off than under the hyper corrupt Kievan outpost of the Empire of Evil.
Btw, the guy on the Military Summary channel mentioned in one of his videos (maybe a week or two ago) that Nikolaev is ripe for the taking because on the one hand people there are starting to seriously suffer from the complete economic collapse that is happening in Ukraine and on the other hand the population can see that things are starting to improve in Kherson oblast. Does anyone know if this is true? What is the evidence? Given that the Russians have not made any official announcements about the future of Kherson, I find it hard to believe that people there are confident enough in order for the economy to start stabilizing.
There is a “not” missing in the second sentence (We should NOT expect…)
Kherson has already adjusted to the Ruble zone and is currently organizing a referendum on joining the RF as a full Oblast. This has been reported many times.
This was also inevitable as it solidifies logistic supplies to Sebastopol.
After 2014 many Ukrainian families found themselves living in different countries. So when people suggest Russia flatten Adievka(sp) the trapped civilians there, are related to the shelled citizens of Donesk.
I think, hope and pray, that after Russia seen what Ukrainians did to the civilian population of towns they left, that sealed the deal, you liberate, you hold forever. Why spare civilian lives only to have the Ukrainians kill them.
To get to Odessa, Nikolaev will have to be taken. Letting the population there see what life looks like on the other side, which has markets full of fresh local produce, envy here on my part, will make it easier to call the Turn In Nazis hot line.
Cheers M
Wonder what a Nazi is worth….like would you pay more for a dead one? Jobs done already.
The liberation of Lugansk is just a first step in the liberation of Ukraine in its totality. We don’t want any Idlib-like nazi province in Ukraine. All the nazis must be exterminated because it was established that nazis cannot be rehabilitated. It’s precisely because not all nazis were exterminated by the end of WW-II that Russia is fighting them in Ukraine. Defeating the nazis in Ukraine is also defeating the empire of lies.
I just hope that more countries participate in the fight against the empire of lies especially the countries that will benefit more than Russia. Neutrality is cowardice in this situation given the stakes.
Congratulations to the 100% free and sovereign Lugansk People’s Republic!
Now to get the Ukrop squatters and their artillery away from Donetsk…
Well, the town of Verkhnyokamyanka is in Lugansk oblast and still under Ukrop control, so it’s not quite 100% yet…
Four months after the initial assault on the Ukies and Rooskie cities are being struck with missiles? Anyone care to explain this level of stupidity and incompetence?
Is it not time for Saker and his fans to admit the Russians have mishandled their splendid little war, and have little consideration for their soldiers or even their civilians? Whining about the Nato Nazis doesn’t get it. Let’s hope the Chcinese are not this incompetent when they take back Taiwan.
There is still time to change course if anyone in Moscow has a working cerebral cortex:
1) Use 50 to 100 missiles to take out the major west ukie power substation transformer complexes, casting all of western ukieville into darkness. No modern society functions in the dark with no lighting, no communications, no commerce, no internet, no transportation.
2) Flood the euroweanie satraps with another 15 million freedom loving ukie refugees burdening the euroweanie welfare systems and law enforcement to the max…..
3) Keep the power grid knocked down as repairs are attempted. Within a month or two, the ukie military will fold for lack of supplies, and the remaining civilian population will be stealing, eating their pets, and then eating each other.
4) Cease supplying electric power to the baltic satraps and cease supplying any nat gas, oil, or petroleum to the euroweanie satraps i.e. cut all trade…let the euroweanies heat with their bird killing windmills and power their crappy cars with organic solar cells strapped to the hood.
5) The Nato Nazis won’t be sitting still for total war so prepare to touch a nuke off over at least one euro capital to demostrate purpose (gravitas is the globohomo euphemism). London or Berlin would be my first choice, but Warsaw would do.
6) Put all nuke forces on alert. i In case of any retaliation by the Nato Nazis….go for it…..total full scale nuke war. Best guess is that the globohomos will capitulate along the way and settle on reasonable terms….avoiding a full nuke exchange and the ensuing nuclear winter (forget global warming).
The alternative is to just blunder along looking weak, silly, and incompetent……..
Good God! Glad you’re not in charge.
You again? Several people have already mansplained this to you. You don’t defeat Nazis by becoming Nazis, you just replace them. Please write that down several hundred million times.
And after 500,000 dead children and civilians, you will declare it was worth it yes?
“Mission Accomplished!”
The OP is a fool, as if Putin and his generals can’t think of an idea to strike all power stations. That idea was suggested, and discarded before the war even started.
The SMO is not a war against the Ukrainian people, however misguided some citizens maybe. It is against the Nazi elements within Ukraine’s military, government, and militias that are dictating policy under a guise of “neo-liberal values”.
Wollt Ihr Den Totalen Krieg? I do hope there are no NSDAP morons in Russia. And no Dr. Goebbels somewhere at their establishment either. Yes, call it for a pure selfish reason, IKEA armchair marshal, for I am just Good Soldier Schweik from a teritory possible to be a proxy nuke battlefield sooner or later. Economic it is has already been and my government has been doing the best to escalate and become direct party.
The people who will be braying for Totalen Krieg are in Washington and London. Spend 5 minutes listening to Senator Tom Cotton.
These war mongers couldn’t care less what happens to Europeans.
Someone skilful enough should write an update of that brilliant novel (Good Soldier Svejk) and set it in ukraine with svejk conscripted by zelensky; his adventures would be hilarious and instructive!
Not possible. The story stood on the absurd BUT CIVILIZED nature of the Austro-Hungarian buerocracy.
There is nothing civilized in the Ukrainian buerocracy of today. Especially the military one.
The only acts of sense we see are when individuals GO AGAINST THEIR ORDERS. And many pay by their lives for that. You cannot place a Svejk in such an world. He would be dead within the first chapter or you would have to fake it.
Do not combat nazis with nazi actions.
I think Russia should not sell energy to enemy countries. They must gave good reasons for doing that.
You illustrate well the difference between the US destroying civilization and Russia dealing with a neighbor.
To the commenters who believe nsa has gone off the rails:
In June 1941 Russia got caught with its pants half down. It was not fully prepared for Operation Barbarossa. We all know how the first six months of that went. The fortunes of the Great Patriotic War turned after Stalin started shooting generals for incompetence and cowardice.
How long before Russia takes Western belligerence seriously? Do you want to wait until the enemy is again at the gates of Moscow? Stalin would promote Col. nsa and shoot Gens. Guy through frankly.
NSA, You’re dealing with propagandized numbskulls who ludicrously equate a western, internationalist money-laundering operation (Ukraine) led by jews with historical national socialism because dumbass Live Action Role Players whose grandfathers were allied with Germany 80 years ago are now serving their former enemies.
I understand your submission. Issues of live and death (which wars or SMOs are) should not be handled with velvet gloves. But, while being ‘strong like a lion’ is applaudable, one will be judged as a beast when one deploys his might like a lion. As such, it is better that RF keeps her focus on military foes, military installations, and denazification. It may be the approach favoured by leaders with conscience.
Sure, plunging the remainder of Ukraine into pitch black darkness might hasten the end of this SMO. It will also put a blot, no matter how small, on the white dress of RF because of the large percentage of civilian suffering that will come with it.
Poignant metaphors and poetic virtue signalling don’t win victory in wars and conflicts (especially serious and existential ones) – DOING THE THINGS NECESSARY FOR WINNING, DOES. Because of this self-righteous “moral purity” claptrap and trying to fight a “polite” war with one hand tied behind the back, both Russian/DPR/LPR troops and civilians are suffering grievously. This is EXACTLY why the enemy does not really respect or fear the Russian side and has contempt for it, despite several battlefield defeats. For people like you, it costs nothing to hand-wring and virtue-signal and wax hyper-moral on the internet; but in real life, this stupid mentality translates into snuffed out Russian lives.
Ukraine is part of Russia. Lots of Ukrainians have family and friends in Russia. With the exception of a small piece in the west of Ukraine, it all belongs peacefully together with Russia.
“and the remaining civilian population will be stealing, eating their pets, and then eating each other.”
No need for USA-style satanism.
Get back on the medication NSA
Winter is coming! The pain on earth 404 should increase until you wake up the zombies. Unfortunately, there’s no other way.
Head of the LPR Leonid Pasechnik on the complete liberation of the Lugansk People’s Republic:
“Dear compatriots! Citizens of the Lugansk People’s Republic! Today, the third of July, is a great day that will forever be included in the calendar of our Fatherland. It is today that what we have all been striving for for eight long years has happened. Today, our troops, with the support of the armed forces of Russia, liberated the city of Lisichansk, thereby completing the liberation of the Republic within its historical borders.
Ukrainian neo-Nazis who came to our land to kill and rob have been defeated. They used vile tactics, using civilians as human shields. Therefore, our military had to carefully win back literally every house, every street, every village. And now, finally, such large cities of the Luhansk region as Rubizhne and Severodonetsk were taken, and today Lysychansk has been completely liberated!
I sincerely congratulate all of us on this new Great Victory Day! This holiday, as in the distant 1945, also with tears in my eyes – the battles were heavy and bloody. And the Victory is ours again, it will always be so! ”
Great news!
Congrats to people of Lugansk!
Looking forward to the day Donetsk will hear a similar announcement!
RF will secure the Donbass border + the distance Ukrainian (NATO) missiles can fly.
Thats the only solution,not sure how far that is but i could see the Russians taking territory up to the Dniper.
Looks like there is a classic CIA regime change op underway in Uzbekistan. There were large protests in the main city about some legislative changes. After the protests, the government announced the changes were being dropped. The protests continued, and turned violent. The government states that there have been injuries and fatalities on both sides. I have a vague memory that Uzbekistan was ‘honored’ with a visit from a top US military honcho not too long ago – ‘nice contry you got there, shame if something bad was to happen to it’
So far, the government seems to be following the Lukashenko approach – standing firm against organised violence.
Never ceases to amaze me how the Reich find it so easy to trigger this shit off,are all those morons bought ?i know they buy leaders but the regular citizens is another story.
They are very good at propaganda and pay a lot of cash to the local politician
If I am not mistaken, Uzbekistan is not even in CSTO, so they cannot appeal for someone to save them like Kazakhstan or Belarus. But if, somehow, they manage to stop this, Uzbekistan will become another brick of the Eurasian block. These nations should realize that they MUST choose, definitely, no more double games, which side they belong.
ps. Congrats to all people of Luhansk People Republic!
Sometimes, it is difficult to know when to laugh and when to cry. But here is a joke .. those lying Ukronazies!
Killed in the overnight shelling of Belgorod, was a Ukrainian refugee family.
Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Maxim Buzhansky about the shelling of Belgorod:
“The Ukrainian morons bragged about the blow to Belgorod until information about the deceased family of refugees from Kharkov came out. Then the freaks tried to change their shoes in the air and announced that the Russian city “fired at itself.”
The liberation of Lysichansk and the Lughansk People’s Republic is a significant victory for Russian and Allied forces in the ongoing SMO. It’s also another nail in the coffin of the ukronazi Zelensky regime and a knee in the groin to NATO. Congratulations to all who are involved in Operation Z you are doing an excellent job.
Greetings from Iran on the occasion of the liberation of the Lugansk from NATO-backed Nazi thugs. Look forward to seeing the all the lands of the Donetsk and the entire Novorossya regions are liberated. And today western MSM, don’t say a word about the situation in the Lysychansk, which according to news from past weeks was supposed to such a formidable Nazi stronghold, due to its surrounding terrains including a very difficult if not impossible river for LPR and allies to cross, western experts claimed. Well that took less than a week for the LPR and allies to capture Lysychansk. following the liberation of Sverdonetsk. Congratulations.
Lisichanks used to have hundred thousand citizens. Even if only twenty thousand stayed behind, the crowd seems to be very tiny, right? Looks like 0,1%! It suggests to me that the majority just wanted to be left alone and were not dreaming of any liberation. Just peace and income like everybody else. And they rather not show themselves. Then again, fear and shellshock are a factor too. However, black and white it certainly won’t be.
This is wonderful news. I am speechless with joy. Bless the fighters, the civilians and the victims, you are heroes in whom the spirit of you forebears blazes.
💢 The American Conservative says that Washington should privately convey to Vilnius and other capitals across Europe, especially in the east, a clear and tough message:
💢 Inciting Moscow to strike will release the United States from any obligations to protect them, even if they are members of NATO.
👉 The author is a former special assistant to Ronald Reagan.
@ JJ on July 03, 2022 · at 12:10 pm EST/EDT
US pundits and Eurostan officials, are concerned about Vilnius’ stupid provocation of the Russian Bear.
They all know the region is now a powder keg, and do not want to add more gas into the fire.
Vilnius’ reasons, however, are purely selfish, and US/NATO hawks might be exploiting that selfishness to poke The Bear into expanding her swat beyond Ukraine.
I’ve been wondering what was behind Vilnius’ stupidity, and found a good article about it.
See below.
Why Lithuania lost its brakes on Kaliningrad
“…Meanwhile, experts believe that despite the position of Brussels and Berlin, Vilnius is still ready to continue escalating the crisis. This is also due to economic reasons. So, it is profitable for Lithuania to present itself as a victim and demand from the United States and other NATO allies to deploy additional military continents on the territory of the republic under the noise of the press, because their maintenance brings unnecessary money to the Lithuanian budget.
As for serious military and political risks, Vilnius does not think about them.
“Lithuania behaves as if it has lost its brakes. Vilnius in its policy can bring things to war. Even if they don’t want it. Therefore, they were pulled back from Germany, noting that they should not go any further”,
– said in a conversation with the newspaper VIEW Associate Professor of the Faculty of International Relations and Foreign Regional Studies of RSUH, political scientist Vadim Trukhachev.
At the same time, he noted that “we are still seeing a publication in the press, and not any public actions of the German leadership.” “Official Berlin cannot afford such demarches in public. Any public word against Lithuania in this situation will mean support for Russia. But the answer to the question of why Germany expressed dissatisfaction is quite simple: Berlin does not want a war with Russia, ” the source stressed.
The pundit from The American Conservative might represent a sector of the US establishment that has some semblance of sanity, and knows perfectly well NATO cannot win a war against Russia. Eurostan bureaucracy is reading from the same page, and is trying to restrain NATO’s eastern yappy lapdogs, the 3B + P.
Lithuania, however, is a rabid, Russophobic, yappy dog, always foaming at the mouth their vitriol against Russia. They are taking advantage of their size to pretend they live in permanent threat of being swallowed by The Bear, therefore they need US/NATO troops at the “frontline” that would give them protection. And money.
Lone Wolf
MacGregor asked in a video to ‘suspend’ Lithuania from NATO.
The day the EU and Nato accepted the 3B+PL+RO+BU, they signed their death warrant.
This relies on assumptions that don’t seem valid after the proxy war in Ukraine started.
Also, others see the exact opposite going on: https://graymirror.substack.com/p/gory-to-ukraine
As in: “we were distracted, can we have a do-over, please?”
Well, probably no. The fake missile crisis on Ukraine initially worked just as planned because the Kremlins still retain knee-jerk reactions back from early 1980s or so. But this mattered only when they were surprised.
Of course, it’s but another rude gesture, not a real problem. Kaliningrad obviously is always easy to reach by sea. In late 1990s this would lead to escalating provocations. Now, who will do that? NATO did not jump to help “poor little Ukraine” due to its own problems that did not go away since, and the Baltic guys are unlikely to be competent enough to do more than embarrass themselves.
Anyway, it looks like a good game for Russia after finishing Ukraine would be to work with Poland. At which point EU would start to crumble and the Baltic states themselves end up isolated as an useless enclave.
I’m worried by the steadily increasing number of “voices” in print and elsewhere, pushing for the use of nuclear weapons. The US rulers are sore losers at best (stealing $7 billion in Afghan deposits, not to mention billions more over the years of corruption, e.g., and the looting of Japan — see today’s post above). There’s a group of neocons in and out of the military and political establishment that just aches to teach the uppity Slavs a lesson, to bloody their noses with the one set of weapons that may still be available to use. I hope the RF’s ABM systems are up to snuff, that their intelligence is keeping track of where deployable “false-flaggable” tactical nukes are in real time, and that the RF + China are making it very clear that “stern measures” will immediately follow any recourse to nuclear weapons by the broke-dick former “Free World,” now self-restyled as the “Combined West.” Sadly, of course, nuking DC and the West Coast etc. as reprisal for the US’s next example of first use (sorry, Hiroshima and Nagasaki) does not really serve the best purposes.
And there’s the effing wild card of the charming Likudniks in Israel, with their own hundreds of nukes and an Armageddon-sized chip on their narrow shoulders.
Agreed. With distinctions.
As Russia declares: We’ll never initiate the use of Nukes. If Nukes are used against Russia in Ukraine, or, against a limited set of Russian targets in Russia from apparently Ukrainian sources, what to do?
Even if “small / intercepted” (??!?!) it will be rightly designated by Russia as a NATO/U.S. action. If intercepted or not what then to do? Responding by attacking the continental U.S. directly under such circumstances will result in mutually assured destruction (for all of us).
Would an ALL AT ONCE, in response, precise-wiping away response of most NON-U.S. U.S. military bases [i.e. foreign-bases all over Europe, U.K., Korea, Japan, Israel et al.] then be considered a reasonable Russian non-U.S. (though clearly ‘NATO’ focsed) restraint? No U.S. mainland (military) hits.
No ‘host’ of a U.S. foreign base could/would argue Russia’s response if such an attack in Ukraine (on Russian troops/allies) or directly on even a limited part of Russia occurred (not my wish) – except perhaps Israel. And which ex-US NATO country so hit would call for “more nukes!? (Okay, maybe the smallest chihuahas, like Estonia, Lativa, and Estonia)/
If matters [use of nukes] “ended” there, as many presently reason / argue / feel they would/should, world-wide reaction would demand an irresistible end to the Ukraine conflict. Few if any would blame Russia for its re-action action. Many, and perhaps even in the base ‘host’ countries, may even ‘privately’ welcome it.
And the U.S./NATO would both be reviled and could never again afford – in money and in sovereign country allowance – to recraft or rebuild its (and NATO’s) present global military presence.
Just thinking some unthinkables about the implications of your statements against the idiocies (neocon and otherwise), charmers (Likudniks), and the ‘can’t hold back much longer / can’t deflect / distract from much longer’ rising pressures of the quadrillion derivative and U.S. national trillions (’30’T+), and Federal Reserve (another at least ‘9’T+) DEBT.
Basic Hegenomics [economics]: Follow the (((money))). The total value of the USA, above and below ground, assets are an estimated $75 trillion, not adjusted for inflation. The national debt is approximately $30 trillion, the Federal Reserves (‘balance’ sheet) approx. $9 billion (public guesstimates – all which many feel are an underestimate). Today, the combination of personal greed, impatience (rising age), blessed Weimar / Zimbabwe “print it” behaviour (i.e., “Qualitative Easing”), and truly enormous derivative debt ($Quadillion’s’!) are rushing TPTB (the powers that be) to act now. ‘Patience’ is not an option, despite the multi-billions being ploughed into age/life extension.
[The term “Quantitative Easing” was coined by German economist Richard Werner who was a visiting fellow at the Bank of Japan in 1995. Werner advocated quantitative easing as a way to overcome the limitations of the Bank’s interest rate policy. The Bank of Japan however only introduced QE from March 19, 2001, until March 2006, after having introduced negative interest rates in 1999. Most western central banks adopted similar policies in the aftermath of the great financial crisis of 2008. Today, despite the take-a-breath definitions / explanations at https://www.investopedia.com/terms/q/quantitative-easing.asp and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantitative_easing – it is widely referred to as “printing money”.]
So, connecting your comments about “nukes” to “debts” and the foundational unwillingness of those who are about to lose their “mu$ical chairs” as Russia turns off the “mu$ic”, transatlantic debt burdens [of, loosely, the ‘West’] of mostly unpayable derivatives losses of more than $1.2 QUADRILLION – that’s $1.2 THOUSAND BILLION i.e., 1.2 quadrillion is 1,200 Trillions or 1,200,000 billions, are about to fell the hegemony, vassals, leaders, viruses, and all.
Or in plain language:
– Debts that can’t be paid back won’t be paid back (irresistible force);
– Debts than can’t be paid back won’t be paid back (immovable (((object))) );
– Debts that can’t be paid back won’t be paid back (inconceivable disturbance)
– which is what you’re “hinting” at.
Live by the sword (colonialists, capitalists, hegemonies) and, now, almost some 600 or so years later ~ 1422 – 2022 – courtesy of Mother Russia – it’s come time for this millenniums original ‘sword swingers’ to die by the sword.
The SMO Grind Continues Onwards. IMHO, it would be prudent to “Liberate” Odessa to disincentivize NATO from harassing RUS+LNR+DNR+Others through the Coastline and Black Sea.
NATO still can try by tooling around from TRK and BGR; but losing Odessa really deprives NATO to Ability to Proxy-War the Black Sea
@ Kempston on July 03, 2022 · at 10:29 am EST/EDT
Head of the LPR Leonid Pasechnik on the complete liberation of the Lugansk People’s Republic:
“Dear compatriots! Citizens of the Lugansk People’s Republic! Today, the third of July, is a great day that will forever be included in the calendar of our Fatherland. It is today that what we have all been striving for for eight long years has happened. Today, our troops, with the support of the armed forces of Russia, liberated the city of Lisichansk, thereby completing the liberation of the Republic within its historical borders.
Ukrainian neo-Nazis who came to our land to kill and rob have been defeated. They used vile tactics, using civilians as human shields. Therefore, our military had to carefully win back literally every house, every street, every village. And now, finally, such large cities of the Luhansk region as Rubizhne and Severodonetsk were taken, and today Lysychansk has been completely liberated!
I sincerely congratulate all of us on this new Great Victory Day! This holiday, as in the distant 1945, also with tears in my eyes – the battles were heavy and bloody. And the Victory is ours again, it will always be so! ”
Hurray!!! Hurray!!!! Hurray!!!
Lone Wolf
Everybody is acting as if US doesnt exist anymore. But we are still here on the hot spot, and only if we say an area is liberated, this area is liberated.
If US havent said anything, it means that neither Crimea and/or the new areas are liberated, because the International community and the civilised world havent approved it.
Lugansk can never be liberated into freedom, unless US and its Allies approve it is not a dictatorship.
I love your sense of humor.
That’s the point, isn’t it?
NATO didn’t stop China. Then NATO didn’t stop Russia.
Now once there are new borders in Eastern Europe and nobody cares whether USA approves them, that’s it.
All muppet states lose stability. What protects all these regimes now?
USA State Department may refuse to bless the new regime? Well, that’s sad. But they are not the ones supplying fuel. Or even cellphones. Their power as the Quack Vatican is more dead than alive: now that instead of high-end demagoguery their weird theology promotes Energiewende and ridiculous-to-inhuman tumblr nonsense, those still eager to play this game may find it hard to gain popular support even in a madhouse. And now they hesitate to send Navy, too. So… why exactly is their approval so important?
Moldbug predicted that after the enforcement fails, most muppets will be coup’d. I rather expect many to “see the light” (in the clownish XX Congress of Communist Party of Soviet Union style) before the bird squawks thrice, once they see where the wind blows these days.
Those lest corrupt and already chafing may simply walk away. India and Turkey made it clear how eager they are to serve the senile suzerain. My bet is on Poles, Hungarians and Czechs not sticking with EU much longer.
As long as US and Nato exists, our Navy will continue to sail ups and downs in front of Crimea to show we mean business when we say freedom for the innocent population of Crimea who have never experienced a free open society.
Remember we spent $5 billion bucks on the sh-thole before Putin snatched a legal enterprise with his criminal behaviour thus committing International criminality.
An article from the National Interest, August 2021:
“To work, the strategy would require the door to westward expansion to be slammed—hard. The worst of all worlds would be to open up opportunities for Russia in its east while going soft in the west. An effective pivot requires a fulcrum, and Ukraine is that fulcrum. ”
SUMMARY: The article appears to advocate completely cutting of Europe’s ties to both Russia & Chi. (which this war will likely do). Then, once Europe is off the table, Russia will have nowhere to go but Eastward (happening now) and that Eastward focus will eventually put it in conflict with China.
OBSERVATIONS: The present Neocon Strategy appears incomprehensible to me, but this article could explain it? It is incredibly cynical to Europe and its people, who will have to sacrifice themselves. It also means that Ukraine will be sacrificed and the Ukes are indeed cannon fodder, the US does not care if they win or even exist after this is over, only that Europe is cut off. And it banks on the long term idea that frictions between Russia and China will eventfully develop putting Russia on the side of the United States. It was also published right in the middle of the rapid/chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, which I think is related to the Neocons knowing the Ukraine conflict was coming.
QUESTION: This really hurts my head to think about or process as it seems completely backward, but maybe I just don’t have the 4D Chess IQ to comprehend it. What do others here think? Is this currently what the US Neocons are up to?
Your gut feeling is correct,it is completely backward,the neocon fanatics have always
been batshit crazies, and this article is just another confirmation of that fact.They
are the reason the US is rapidly going down the toilet.
every time i hear plans like these, it makes me sick. so much murder, without a thought.
it seems that russia and china are sincere in wanting peace. i hope so.
and by the time enough people realize, it’s way too late. i’m furious, ashamed, and many other emotions, on top of the atmosphere that people like me are traitors. i don’t blame the regular people, busy with jobs and life–it takes a lot of reading and searching to learn the truth and the luck of having a few good teachers along the way. tptb are the traitors.
Great news for Lugansk and Russia.
A glove in the face of Soros and Obama and their EU masters !
Extra extra…Tuvalu joins NATO!
What can one say well done!
Excellent news. Congratulations on the liberation of Lugansk. A great victory for the Russian people.
Where are the red lines? #2
The Ukrainian state has been hijacked by the US since the coup in 2014. The same has occurred with Brazil as of 2016.
While in Ukraine an open civil war is developing, in Brazil there is a low-intensity process.
Without a rescue of Ukrainian national sovereignty, there will be no peace. The proxy war will continue.
After several summonses, the Ukrainian government is now also beginning to recruit women. Like a vampire whose bloodlust is insatiable, the US will suck every last drop of Ukrainian blood. Along with this, also whatever it can get of Russian blood.
Nor is there national sovereignty in Europe.
Germany has been under military occupation since 1945. France gave up any such vehemence when de Gaulle resigned himself powerless to get back French Gold, when the US unilaterally broke off convertibility with the Dollar (1971).
England comes out of World War II as a fallen Empire. And after the neoliberal shock imposed after the Thatcher period, it became a socially devastated country and reduced to a mere platform for financial management (Wall Street & The City).
World geopolitics must be analyzed beyond a struggle between countries, but mainly from the perspective of the globalized dispute between transnational economic mega-interests.
For these there is no red lines. In the case of the war in Ukraine, they must be sought no longer in Minsk I and II, but in the Istanbul negotiations.
“The aim is to secure Lugansk People’s Republic. And weaponry possessed by Ukrain army means that securing our land would need taking control of about 300 km zone outside our borderline.”
Whether that was wishful thinking or “sending a message” is anyone’s guess
Podolyaka (YuraSumy): reportedly UkroArmy is fleeing so desperately – they dashed through strongpoints in Grigorovka and Verkhnekamenskoe. If true that would mean Seversktown would be surronded by Allies from 3 directions, and all those on advanced heights. Defending Seversk town would be impossible if so.
Semi-confirmed by RuMoD
Successful offensive of Central group of troops commanded by Colonel General Aleksandr Lapin have resulted in establishing contol in Verkhnekamenka, Zolotaryovka, Belogorovka, reaching Seversky Donets river and having cordoned Lisichansk in coordination with Southern group of troops commanded by General of the Army Sergey Surovikin.
Possible approaches to liberate Slavyansk: https://aftershock.news/?q=node/1127260
If the Seversk would indeed fall soon, it would have direct implications.
4 (or 5) citizens died in Ukrainian attack on Belgorod city. Most of them were Ukrainian refugees.
Tonight, from 03.00 AM to 03.30 AM (Moscow time), the Kiev regime launched an intentional attack by Tochka-U ballistic missiles with cluster munitions and Tu-143 Reys unmanned aerial vehicles at the residential areas of Belgorod and Kursk that have no military facilities.
❗️ I emphasise that this missile attack had been intentionally planned and was launched at civilian population of Russian cities.
▫️ Russian air defence means have destroyed all the 3 Tochka-U ballistic missiles launched by Ukrainian nationalist at Belgorod. Fragments of one of the destroyed Ukrainian missiles fell down at a residential buildings in the city.
some videos: https://t.me/dvesti22/10238
@ Arioch on July 03, 2022 · at 4:57 pm EST/EDT
Thanks for the brief, concise and to the point.
300 kms not enough. Double that, for starters.
Lone Wolf
I am used to read the Institute for the Study of War news on the fight in Ukrania. The american think tank states that Russia is not winning and that the ukrainian forces are just moving to better positions. Probably it is a neo-victory or post-victory concept in our world of virtual reality. :)
The further northwest you go the less people will welcome you in ukraine.
Even in Kharkiv many people resent russia.
I don’t know if it is smart to do more than take Donbas and Kherson and just destroy everything
military in the rest.
Do it like the US did in Iraq in between the wars. Nofly Zone no permission to have anything that
can shoot at your planes and detroy everything that looks like military time and time again.
To fight russian demographic problems and make the borders easier defendable perhaps try to incentivise the relocation of all russians from the baltics and modova and those in rest ukraine left who do not praise bandera.
Long Libe yo te russian army
Some videos for today.
The Victory Banner was raised over the LPR town of Belogorovka, completing the liberation of 100% of the LPR’s territory:
Chechen troops greeted in liberated Lisichansk:
Another video showing the people of Lisichansk greeting their liberators:
Abandoned Kiev regime trenches near Lisichansk:
Shows troops clearing out Lisichansk:
Russian artillery taking out a US-supplied M777 howitzer:
US mercenaries admit to suffering casualties in recent video:
@ Nate on July 03, 2022 · at 9:17 pm EST/EDT
Some videos for today.
Thanks, Nate.
All videos are great, but the first one, with the brother going to pay homage with a military salute to the fallen at the monument to the Great Patriotic War in Bilohorivka, after hoisting the glorious “Victory Banner” at the administration, is a breathtaking moment.
I was moved to tears by his intent, his salute a report to the Great Patriotic War heroes looking at him from the beyond while telling them, “Mission accomplished. Next.”
1941-1945 / 2022
A true historical merging moment of heroes.
Lone Wolf
Russias strategy now is quite obvious, the new weapon systems that supposedly are been deployed by Ukraine need consumables (ammunition) Russia needs more intel on these dumps because supply is usually in bulk.
Target and destroy these dumps and the fuel needed to transport them.
Odessa is a long term strategy, make Ukrainian send lots of defenders by feigning an attack…then cut them off from resupply.
More mouths mean quicker the food supply is used.
One down, more to come! Congratulations to Russia!
@ JTMcPhee on July 03, 2022 · at 12:10 pm EST/EDT
I’m worried by the steadily increasing number of “voices” in print and elsewhere, pushing for the use of nuclear weapons.
Nuclear war? Oh no…there goes my career.
Lone Wolf
Prior to the Russian SMO Ukraine had sent troops to train in Syria. ie invaded a sovereign nation, now that is ironic.
It is quite shameful that NATO and 60 vassals as far away and Australia and NZ are in direct confrontation with Russia ,and the British who have historical animosity against Russians and Orthodox people in general are training and supplying long range offensive weaponry to take the conflict to Russian soil. It is also quite baffling as why Russia has not taken out the puppet Zelensky clown’s C3I. The velvet glove approach by Russia will only encourage more US, UK and NATO aggression and continued Slavic fratricide, which is their main goal. The Nazis of Ukraine will only come their senses if there is great pain. Destroying the railroad, airports and roads should be a key priority to stop NATO weapons and mercenaries moving around.
“It is also quite baffling…”
Spokesman Peskov basically explained all that yesterday or the day before: “Now the demand for initiatives to pacify the situation has declined. But we have no doubt that sooner or later common sense will prevail and once again the turn of negotiations will come.”
About negotiations, President Biden laid out the goal clearly in The New York Times, which is the presidential way to do it that nobody else knew before (irony). When Defense Secretary Austin was asked by the media about what the goal was, he referred the reporter to the NYT article. Biden wrote clearly that negotiations are the goal now, but from a position of strength which doesn’t yet exist, but that will exist when a “stalemate” is achieved, so that all the military help to Ukraine is trying to achieve this stalemate to negotiate from a strong position.
So that’s how it is (if you don’t read the NYT, you don’t know the policy). The likelihood of a stalemate between Russia and Ukraine is like the likelihood of a stalemate between Brazil and neighbors Paraguay or Bolivia if the latter are provided with weapons and money; it’s too incredible. Biden should begin negotiating already since he wants to negotiate. “What if Russia’s position gets even stronger as time goes on, and how likely is that?” is the question. Based on the stated prerequisite, the commonsensical thing is indeed to negotiate now. It’s much better to just say ‘thank you for this offer’ and negotiate.
Trump already said negotiations should have happened and I think that as president he would now be negotiating. He would certainly not act as if he were Zelensky’s puppet. Let’s get real on puppetry. I wrongly thought Biden would be better than Trump on foreign policy. Biden allowed someone who Trump would probably have insulted publicly by now to become “Churchill” and harangue the world for its slow support like a – puppet master?
traquilocomp…… sorry but apparently you know little about-internal politics – in the USA….BIDEN is been always
neolib/warmonger…pres. D.J.Trump do not wanted armed conflict with Russia…
Trump was mostly bad on foreign policy. He could have signed a deal with North Korea in Vietnam. South Korea and North Korea could be at peace and friendly now. He told N.K. that they had to give him all that he wanted and only after that would he start to respond in kind. That’s what you demand when you win a war; North Korea did not lose one. He treated them as if they were like building contractors he dealt with in the past. Now North Korea is testing dangerous missiles. He says no one was tougher against Russia than he was. He was aggressive against Russia because he wanted to be popular in the U.S. He also said that ‘to the victor belong the spoils’ and began to steal Syria’s hydrocarbons. “Take the oil” from the countries the U.S. had been at war with. He said that on TV. He said “we” should have never invaded Iraq too; he was in favor of taking their oil, as well as anybody else’s that had been invaded and had it, in the name of the United States. He killed Soleimani, an Iranian General whom he called the biggest terrorist in the world, but he wouldn’t call the Ayatollah the biggest terrorist in the world – why not? As a result, two U.S. bases in Iraq were bombed by Iran with long range missiles and in four salvos every 15 minutes in one hour or so. No army attacked the U.S. like that (last two centuries). Trump said Iran was trying to bomb some embassies; the Ayatollah told the world press (we could read all this) that this was untrue. The Ayatollah instead ordered his army to respond for the killing of Soleimani, and so they did. Then he wanted to start an arms race with Russia (in his last year). He said that ‘we’ already have the hypersonic weapons; he just has not seen them.
So, yes, I thought Biden could do better than him on foreign policy, but I was wrong (I don’t feel guilty for being wrong about that).
Are these local Communist Party members? Could someone translate what it says on the flags? Interesting iconography.
It is the Victory banner, that was raised over Berlin when the Soviet Army took it.
The text says which army divisions were involved.
You can “google”: Victory Banner Soviet Union.
“German chancellor says many thought the world moved past countries trying to conquer their neighbors but that ‘agreement is now canceled by Putin'”
He doesn’t really believe it but likes saying it. He should be honest to himself and to all: NATO wanted to expand itself to Ukraine and to Georgia because it thought those days were not over. “We were right!”, he would now be saying if he were honest, “but too slow.” Or why act ‘stupid’ in the middle of the “special military operation”?
sooo frustrating, the lies that are repeated in the wes, with no alternative view. sickening. i don’t watch it, but it has captured so many. aaaaaaahhhhh.
According to Colonel Cassad just now, the square near the brit embassy in Moskva will be called Lugansk People’s Republic Square.
LPR liberated on July 04 (not 03: clean up continues, so technically not liberated yesterday) from yank evil losers, so July 04 in the LPR should be called Independence Day from cowardly yanks (fighting a proxy war).
“fighting a proxy war”
They deny that their arming of Ukraine is an act of war, but it’s so much so that I think Putin has only called sanctions an act of war; it’s so serious that he didn’t define it. The fact that Russia is actually winning helps him do that. That’s another question too, “Would Putin even accept a ‘stalemate’, and what does that mean…?”
Western Lies, Russian Success – It Ain’t the Flow of Weapons, It is the Soldiers
By Larry Johnson
Published July 4, 2022 at 8:30am
A note from the author:
My friends, Jim and Joe Hoft, are being attacked by some readers of this website because of what I am writing. Some of you (and you know who you are) accuse the Hoft boys of being “pro-Putin” or “pro-Russian.” Why? Because they allow me to write about the real situation in Ukraine that does not kow tow to the bullshit narrative being spun by Dementia Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer, Lloyd Austin, Hillary Clinton, Clinton-lackey Jake Sullivan, George Soros, Mitt Romney, Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney.
Now, if you are comfortable endorsing the pro-Ukraine, fight to the death of Russia messages those folks are repeating ad nausea then we are not friends. The people I named above epitomize the evil and corruption that infest Washington. They oppose vehemently the idea of America first. And they do not believe the Democrats stole the election from Donald Trump. I do. So, what you think of me spouting pro-Putin propaganda, it is not. It is my declaration of ideological war against the neo-cons and deep-staters who are hell-bent on destroying this Republic. They want to persuade you to back another phony foreign war that has nothing to do with America’s security while they do not do a goddamn thing to stop the flood of illegal aliens crossing our southern border. At least Vladimir Putin is not afraid to defend his nation’s borders.
I think weapons deliveries to Ukraine are playing a bigger role – proportionally – than the role of Lend-Lease in WWII. During the world war, the Germans acknowledged that the Soviets were multiplying their production of weapons (every tank destroyed was replaced by several more). In war appeared the production “incentive” that communism lacks. The high production of weapons showed it; they might have – proportionally – increased that production no less than the U.S. did. The same high replacement must be happening today as well; countries become efficient at producing their own weapons in war.
The era of WW2 was different. USA produced over 10 times more crude oil than Soviet Union. Now Russian production is quite near that of American. Besides technologically Russia is relatively not as backward as Soviet Union was (compared to USA). The industrial and technology giant of our era is now China, not USA. China’s biggest weakness is largely lacking own oil resources. That is one of reasons of partnership with Russia. WW3 is just like WW2 was – the battle of strategic resources and industrial technological production. Oil is the key corner stone.
Now when Russian military is not collapsing and ammo depots not empty The Newsweek declared that Russian economy is collapsing. I guess what is collapsing is the economy of Russian young snowflake pro west YouTube generation. Correct me if i’m wrong.
Brazil journalists on NATO aggression against Russia: “We can be next”
Victor Ternovsky, Sputinik News
The crucial battle between the hegemonic aspirations of the US and its allies, and the hope of a multipolar world. This is what is currently being decided in Eastern Europe, the scene of the Russian military special operation in the face of NATO expansion. This is supported by Brazilian journalists Eduardo Vasco and Rafael Dantas.
Faced with an unprecedented “information blockade” in the West aimed at not knowing the truth about the conflict in Ukraine, both communicators traveled to Russia and visited Donbas to broadcast the events in first person for the newspaper Causa Operária, belonging to the eponymous political party of the Latin American giant.
A service commission that began last April and served to collect “exclusive material” that leaves the narrative of the dominant ‘press’ in nothing, both about the causes that forced Russia to intervene in Ukraine, as well as about what is happening on the ground of the fighting, among other testimonies collected by journalists.
During their trip, they were in several cities devastated by the Kiev regime, which abandoned the survivors of its atrocities to their fate, that is, without water, without electricity or without gas, where aid comes only and exclusively from the authorities of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, as well as from Russia that makes humanitarian shipments “every day”.
“But the UN, the Red Cross do not send anything to those people who are in great need. Where are the international organizations that claim to defend human rights?the journalists asked themselves, also denouncing the international silence before terrorist practices of the Ukrainian forces, such as barricading themselves in hospitals, kindergartens, schools and other civilian infrastructure, and using children, women and the elderly “as human shields”.
“They are attacking the civilian population and we could see that very clearly,” they stressed.
According to the communicators, the fighters who are resisting Ukraine “are real anti-fascists.”
They verified that “there is nowhere in the world where there are so many soldiers, so many volunteers with an anti-fascist and anti-imperialist spirit.” A spirit that not only touched on Donbás, but also in Russia, whose people are very “aware of the importance” of the special operation military in Ukraine turned into “a tool in the hands of imperialism” of the US and its vassals within the strategy to eliminate pockets of resistance to u.s. hegemony.
“If we can say that there is a people who want peace in this world, it is the Russian people,” the journalists emphasized, insisting that Moscow was left with no choice but to defend itself against the advance of NATO and the implantation of Nazism on its borders.
Finally, both communicators agreed that the struggle that Russia is waging is for a multipolar world, where all those who want a just and equitable international order must support it.
“We can be next,” they said, referring to the current situation of this conflict in Latin America.
Yandex Translate
@ alfeu* on July 04, 2022 · at 1:17 pm EST/EDT
Thanks for that report.
Any country within the sphere of influence of the Empire of Lies can be next, if the empire considers it important enough to keep it subjected. Brazil is a country the US is not going to let go of easily, either in its own independent way, à la Cuba or Venezuela, or to fall within Russia’s/China’s economic/political influence. Brazil is cardinal to keep South America as subjects to the empire, if the US loses Brazil, the rest of South America will fall like domino pieces.
Glad the Brazilian journalists could be witnesses to the state terrorism inflicted on Donbass by Ukraine, and were able to verify the moral turpitude of the criminal Collective West, that has allowed the genocide of these people for so many years. For the Collective West, Donbass people do not exist, a fact corroborated by the journalists who question where is the help from the International Red Cross or the UN for those people in need.
Lysichansk could have been one of the cities where the Ukrainians are “…attacking the civilian population and we could see that very clearly,” as the journalists witnessed in other places. The show of love in the form of hugs, tears, and flowers offered to the Allied troops that took Lysichansk, is a palpable demonstration of the deep seated fear these people have been living in for years, mostly women, mothers and daughters who are the ones more in danger of rape and abuse.
Talking about who could be next, and in the context of the struggle against the empire’s Full Spectrum Dominance, Brazil will be facing a test in the upcoming elections. The empire and its Brazilian agents certainly tried hard to erase Lula forever from Brazil’s political world, however, this shoeshine boy has the resilience of a Mandela, and like the Phoenix bird rose out of prison and slander to challenge the empire and its local minions once again, in the name of the Brazilian suffering people.
I am sure the empire will try hard to keep Lula from becoming the president of Brazil for another period.
Lone Wolf
Act of surrender of Zelensky after the defeat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the LPR
This link might asked for a subscription in the middle of the video.
Use this one, then. Scroll down to the 22nd video.
Lone Wolf
От моей области Russas-CE, Бразилия, я ожидаю победы России над НАТО. Да благословит вас всех Бог.
Google-translate from mod:
From my area Russas -ce, Brazil, I expect Russia to win NATO. God bless you all.
Still on the red lines.
They were found today. In Donetsk. After more than 5 hours of Ukronazi bombing.
Amidst the ruins, the wounded and the dead, there were the red lines: pulverized.
The 4 July 202 Military Summary report, https://rumble.com/v1b4e5r-ukraine.-military-summary-and-analysis-04.07.2022.html , contains an interesting detail.
Its 19:00 – 23:10 segment informs that the Russian government has in effect already started the first phase of military mobilisation: on 13 June 2022 the Russian parliament introduced crucial laws of “industrial mobilisation” – that necessarily precede the actual calling in the draftees.
Russian Federation is methodically preparing for a long haul winter campaign.
Paul Craig Roberts: “Why hasn’t the Kremlin terminated all energy flows to Europe? Why does the Kremlin sell the West the energy with which to carry on its war with Russia? JPMorganChase says if Russia cut its oil exports by five million barrels, the oil price would rise to $380 per barrel. https://www.rt.com/business/558256-jp-morgan-alarm-oil-prices/
Why doesn’t Russia do it? Europe would immediately and totally collapse.”
This reminds me about his point that the SMO should have ended in just 48 hours, one week at most. Thankfully, Putin does not do that. Can you imagine gasoline prices if the barrel cost went up to $380? I think I prefer Biden to Roberts. PCR will be the first to cross that finish line no matter what it takes (chuckle).
My reference to Biden was meant in a general sense. I meant no disrespect.
A president like PCR would make a lot of waves. I am actually a little worried about who might succeed Putin one day. We all care about Russia having a good (responsible) leader. I sleep peacefully thanks to Putin being there (really). I might lose some sleep if someone like PCR were the president of Russia.
Same here.
Imagine what’d happen if someone like PCR became president of Russia. Imagine if Putin weren’t the Orthodox Christian that he is. I reckon we’d have Russia doing almost the exact things we’ve condemned the USA for doing for years.
If the analogy is apt, it reminds me of Democrats opposing the Iraq War only because it was waged by Republicans and not because it was immoral.
It reminds me of certain readers in English RT who want Russia to incur massive suffering on the European population (e.g. cut off the gas supply to destroy their industries) just because of the actions of the US-controlled elites (that, chances are, said population has little control over). In other words, out-Yank the Yanks?
“…out-Yank the Yanks?”
P.C. Roberts is a “Yank” who calls Russia “stupid.” Anyone can guess what their opinion of him is now. At least Peskov might still be reading him a little. Peskov said long ago that they would consider giving PCR the Russian nationality if he asked for it. Good for them that he didn’t ask, right?
PCR: “The Kremlin could tell the Europeans that energy would reappear when Europe exits NATO. As I have previously written, the Kremlin holds all the cards but is not competent to play them.
What explains this stupidity? Russian soldiers are dying and the Kremlin is supplying the enemy with energy. I believe that the problem is that the Kremlin has a mystical belief in legalism. The Kremlin, playing goody two shoes, is trying to impress the West by showing how Russia, unlike the West, respects contracts and agreements with her enemies even when she is at war with them. It is extraordinary that the Kremlin thinks this makes any impression on the West other than a demonstration of Russian stupidity and weakness.”
As you know, it’s worse than weak and stupid not to mention there that Russia is selling the gas for the money it receives, to not say one word about the enormous revenues Russia is getting from selling gas and how that must be helping it financially. The “West” is wiser than he about why Russia sells its gas. The thought of money payments is erased from his mind or is suppressed, so that a “mystical belief in legalism” can be it. I think it’s bias, not old age.
@ tranquilocomp
“… Russia is selling the gas for the money it receives, to not say one word about the enormous revenues Russia is getting from selling gas and how that must be helping it financially. …”
Yes, I see your point.
Now imagine, just imagine, the year is, say, 1942…
… The blood thirsty Nazi hordes are in full swing plundering Mother Russia, murdering and maiming the untold millions civilians, burning to the ground their peaceful villages, levelling their historic cities … … as they indeed were.
Stalin is, of course, strapped for resources: his gargantuan defensive war effort is mightily costly, stretching the industrial capacity of the country to the limits and beyond.
All the while Hitler’s Panzerkorps is chronically short of fuel, the oil fields of Baku beckoning from distance … yet thoroughly unattainable, like a Mirage…
What do you honestly think that Stalin would have done if Hitler’s generals, in midst of that epic fight, had offered him a “temporary deal”, to supply them with some of the immense Soviet oil reserves – in exchange for gold or some other vitally needed commodity?
What would Stalin have done? Whatever it takes to win. If he thought it was advantageous for the war, he would have done it, just like he signed the 1939 pact with Hitler that Putin and others now downplay, ignore, or forget.
It does look like he made a deal with the “allies” back then prior to June-1941. They certainly approached him prior to June-1941…”Hitler can only go so far and you know from his own book that he wants to attack the USSR…” “Yes, I have known that all along. I have been getting ready for war against him.” “The historians and the Russian leaders of 2022 will say that you were surprised by the Germans, yet without wanting to say that you didn’t expect them to break the pact eventually and invade you.” “Ha, ha, that’s funny.”
Personally, I’m not sure Stalin was even a marxist-leninist. He may have been early on (just my opinion). He killed a lot of them (as if he hated them, even). He may have disliked this powerful doctrine he always had to “make a deal” with. It’s pretty clear that he would have made a deal with the devil too if that’s what he thought was necessary.
Mounting frustration with the horrific and increasing shelling of Donetsk:
Voenkor Kitten Z
forwarded from
Sladkov +
Why heavy? Will explain. shelling. Again and again unanswered shelling. Well, someone “in the know” can say: “Sasha, yes, the enemy is reconnoitering our firepower with such provocative shelling!”
And I would answer him: “What the hell are you talking about!?!?!? The city is smashed to pieces all day, and in response we only have six Grad rockets and that’s it ?! And that is not there!!! Great Russia is being shelled, but we are silent.
I dined with two professional gunners today. I’d rather not ask them my questions! When will the changes be here, near Donetsk? They tell me to be patient. But this is not just shelling, they can be tolerated, but this is humiliation!
Why do we all have to endure humiliation here? There is no need to blame everything on the “unsurpassed” performance characteristics of imported weapons, everything is the same with us! And we are present in space, and the military-industrial complex is working.
Why is all this happening again unanswered?
@ Russian Bear on July 04, 2022 · at 6:48 pm EST/EDT
We need to keep on asking those questions.
Where is Mother Russia when these people are getting killed like roaches while living like rats in basements?
Yes, this is humiliation, and every day the news come with more dead from shelling in Donbass, the less we understand why we have to withstand this humiliation at perpetuity, as we can see no end to it.
Anger mix with impotence is a dangerous cocktail.
Lone Wolf
Some videos for today.
Murad Gazdiev’s video report on Lisichansk’s liberation:
LPR soldier is now able to see his family in Lisichansk for the first time in eight years:
Construction of massive residential area begins in Mariupol:
US weapons for the Kiev regime are being sold on the Internet:
The Kiev regime continues shelling Donetsk and nearby suburbs:
Donetsk News Agency:
“Three civilians killed, at least 13 wounded in Ukrainian strikes at DPR on Monday”
Haha,the best at trolling Russia’s enemies is Kadyrov,lol:
@ Uncle Bob
Sorry, Uncle Bob, I was one step ahead.
See link.
It doesn’t hurt to have it twice.
Double the laugh.
Lone Wolf
The DNR explained the procedure for carrying out the death penalty.
1. The execution of a convicted person is carried out non-publicly.
2. The execution is carried out separately for each convicted person.
3. The body of the executed person shall not be handed over to the relatives
4. The body of an executed person is buried in secret.
5. Method of execution is by firing squad.
Help me to understand: If there is no body, how can we know if there was an execution or not?
PS: Brazilian woman dies in Ukraine, only 3 weeks after her arrival. Although she was a sniper, it is said that she was only helping the wounded. May all Brazilian mercenaries who defend Nazism die! And quickly!
It is the most dug in, fortified zone. It is an area that needs to be taken from behind. That is why the Lisichansk area needed to be completed. Now with some rest, an attack from the North is now possible. There have been no major frontal attacks; cut supply lines, surround, destroy. Donesk should be the next big push.
Cheers M
“Help me to understand: If there is no body, how can we know if there was an execution or not?”
Can you think of any state that has ever lied about such an execution (saying someone was executed by firing squad when they in fact released him)? It doesn’t happen. The thought or question is wrong. States lie but a lie like that puts at risk “the faith of the state” as they say in Spanish (la fe del estado), and no State will run that risk for a despised prisoner of war. I hope this helps. When Russia announced it had hypersonic weapons, Secretary Mattis disbelieved it on worldwide TV. He did not understand that a public lie like that would compromise the “faith of the state”, and that it was too inconceivable to risk their “faith of the state” for a stupid lie that. The announcement could only be true, as indeed it was. The DNR will not liquidate itself like that. It has to be true. When during the campaign of 2020 Trump said “we” had hypersonic weapons already, and described them, he compromised the faith of the State one more time. When investigations last…let me end here before I…
Correction: …for a stupid lie like that (in sentence after TV mention).