By Quantum Bird for the Saker Blog
Recently, in his widely praised article “Revisiting Russia’s 5th and, especially, 6th columns” (available in English and Portuguese ), Andrei Raevsky, from The Saker Blog, has revisited his – quite original – 6th-column concept, focusing on the Russian political landscape and geopolitical conjuncture.
In this short article, I intend to apply the concepts exposed by Raevsky to Brazil, and as much as possible, identify, at least indirectly, the main members and factions that make up the Brazilian 6th column.
Before analyzing the 6th column itself, it is worth of recalling that the types that make up the 5th column in Brazil are basically members of the local elites and middle class buyers or, more concisely, “comprador elites” – to use another concept common to Saker’s Community. These people – politicians, military, business people, academics, artists or intellectuals – are notorious for their overt, vulgar, and unabashedly servile anti-nationalism. Devoid of any trace of national or civilizing pride, they came to be referred to as mongrels or mutt dogs in the local popular culture.

Brazilian 5th columnists like to present themselves as neo-liberals or neo-conservatives, but, in fact, they are devoid of any real ideology. They are just a remnant of Brazil’s colonial and slave-holding past; always ready to serve the dominant foreign metropolis at the time, against national interests. More specifically, we are talking about supporters of the Washington consensus – with many holding a degree on economics from universities like Chicago, Harvard and similar places in the USA and Europe. They are explicit or implicit supporters of the Monroe Doctrine and serial violators of human rights at home.
Historically, these people coalesce politically around local right-wing parties and a certain local television network. And this is an important aspect, because throughout Latin America, and Brazil is no exception, the main leftist agendas are social justice, anti-imperialism and nationalism, in the sense of achieving and maintaining full sovereignty. More on this later.
What is the Brazilian 6th column?
The last paragraph of the previous section already contains the answer. Concisely, the members of the Brazilian 6th column appear to act as anti-imperialists, nationalists and defenders of human rights etc., but their actions consistently promote the same interests pursued by the 5th columnists, just more indirectly. This apparent contradiction between ends, means and, above all, consequences, provides the members of the 6th column with the necessary cover to carry out complex psychological operations and infect important sectors of society, always promoting the imperial agenda.
Tropical wokeism or “the Borg ultimatum”
The woke movement has been widely discussed in the corporate and alternative media, and there are good articles about it, so I don’t intend to delve too deeply into the definition of wokeism itself. Instead, I chose this excerpt from The Menticide Manual: Wokeness, which, in my opinion, is enough to understand the concept:
“Wokeness is euphoria about gender and race.
Euphoria in psychology is the mental state of aggravated happiness.
[ … ]
The woke are extremely euphoric about their discovery of all the races and genders. To them getting woke is the most important thing in the world.
It is caused by excess release of neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin in their brains, leading to feelings of extreme felicity. The woke people engage in the stimulation of their pleasure system by indulging in unremitting sexism and racism.”
That’s it. Wokeism is a radical identitarian doctrine, augmented with a series of very intrusive, divisive and disturbing mechanisms that try to dictate how people should act and think. The ultimate goal of the wokes is to replace the real diversity of the world with a fake and simplified version of it, restricted to superficial racial issues and artificial gender definitions.
In Brazil, the wokes are part of the sixth column because at first glance their causes may sound honest, and in fact dialogue with legitimate causes such as claims for racial justice, women’s rights, indigenous peoples rights, etc.
However, it soon becomes evident that wokeism is not about the objective social conditions, but about the diffusion of wokeism itself, which, in last instance, promotes social unrest, societal fragmentation and anomie in the host population. The resulting weakening of social structures and the loss of focus on political debate – impossible to be followed by individuals now confused about their own race and gender – creates a favorable environment for the infiltration of imperial structures and agendas.

The violent character of the woke agenda is manifested quite explicitly through the phenomenon popularly known as cancellation, or cancel culture, applied by the woke collective against those resisting its dictates and indoctrination.
The behavior of the wokes towards those who do not adhere to their causes is very similar to the behavior of the Borg, issuing their famous ultimatum,
In fact, the Memory Alpha website, maintained by Star Trek fans, documents:
The Borg are a pseudo-species of cybernetic organisms shown in the fictional universe of the Star Trek franchise.
[…] the Borg use cybernetic enhanced enhancements as a means of achieving what they believe to be perfection
The Borg have become a symbol in popular culture for any steamroller against whom “resistance is futile”.
[…] The pursuit of perfection is the only motivation of the Borg, a mechanical and emotionless perfection. This is achieved through forced assimilation, a process that transforms individuals and technology into Borg, enhancing them – simultaneously controlling them – through synthetic implants.
And so are the wokes.
The red toucans

Toucans are a family of birds that live in the tropical forests of Central and South America. As everyone knows, a toucan with feathers in the colors of the Brazilian flag is also the mascot of the PSDB, the Brazilian Social Democratic Party, notorious for its far-right politics, radical privatizing and predatory economic neo-liberalism, which ruined Brazil in the 90’s, during the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso – another similarity with Russia, which suffered from the similar evil at the same period. All this makes yellow-green toucans organic members of the 5th column. So far, nothing new.
It turns out that the yellow-green toucans are not the only members of the Ramphastida family in the Brazilian political landscape. There are also the exotic red toucans. I am referring to political cadres who, in practice, share the same ideology of the yellow-green toucans, but infest left-wing parties. The exact number of these elements is difficult to estimate, as most of the time these characters play the role of leftists quite well, avoiding exposing their true ideological affiliation by simply not addressing themes such as sovereignty, anti-imperialism, combating and effective eradication of poverty, nationalization of the strategic sectors of the economy, etc.
However, the red plumage of these toucans falls inexorably once they wield power and start taking decisions. Of course, it’s usually too late, as they’ve already been elected and, in fact, that’s where a lot of the damage they do comes from. When they are not betraying the people by legislating or implementing laws and acts that amplify the penetration of imperialism in the country, the red toucans spend their time sabotaging or dismantling popular organizations. This is done by promoting divisive, alienating and demobilizing agendas. Many of today’s red toucans are also wokes. Others, more subtle, but no less dangerous, pose as intellectuals and produce content that distorts national and international history and culture, promoting myths that are clearly counter-productive to the agenda of consolidation of sovereignty.
Three examples, before moving on to the next category:
- The former presidential candidate for the Workers’ Party (PT), who as minister of education in the Lula government promoted a significant increase in financing, and consequent indebtedness, of Brazilian students by prioritizing the expansion of the private sector of higher education in the country, all while posturing as a builder of public universities. Currently, the same character dedicates its time to torpedo any and all advances in the anti-imperialist struggle in Latin America, attacking initiatives from Venezuela to Nicaragua. He recently felt that he should also attack Russia, for promoting multipolarism and showing respect to Brazil, re-establishing and re-energizing the diplomatic contacts and cooperation with the current government.
- The leaders of the Landless Workers’ Movement/Movimento dos Sem Terra [MST], who spit on the organization’s history and involved it with predatory global financier turbo-capitalism. The MST today has titles on the stock exchange and participates in organizations based in Washington DC, in partnership with entities representing the sharks of global predatory capitalism.
- The network of digital influencers and woke youtubers, who sell themselves as leftists, but are nothing more than intellectual imposters willingly accepting, if not competing for, donations from the foundations of central capitalism imperialists, to buy packages of “likes” and “views” for their contents in social networks, in order to promote their activities that disrupt social cohesion.
The 3th sector

In Brazil, the obscure and entangled complex of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) is, for equally cryptic reasons, called the third sector.
Cryptic because NGOs are full of civil servants and ex-officials and typically interact with government organizations via a classic revolving door scheme, usually followed by ascending escalators.
NGOs provide the perfect environment for distributing the agendas and funding of imperialist entities, under the guise of providing useful services to the public, which is why I classify them as part of the 6th column. As a local proverb says,
The money is injected at the top of the system, via thematic public funding calls and donations by the usual suspects, and then it is redistributed in a capillarized way that it is not very easy to follow. In fact, it is not uncommon to find people who donating money to NGOs without realizing that they are collaborating with the promotion of hybrid warfare and psychological operations, for example. The absence of specific legislation to label these entities as foreign agents and more closely regulate their activities has turned Brazil into a paradise for NGOs.
The concept of the 5th, and especially, 5th columns are very useful to understand the Brazilian political scene, uninterruptedly agitated by psychological operations and enormous ideological confusion. There are thousands of other examples and covering them would require a book, probably a voluminous one. Fortunately, it is not necessary to cover every case to identify the 6th columnists. In fact, it is enough to apply the criterion already indicated by Andrei Raevsky: “cui bono ?”
That is, who gains or is strengthened by the operations of suspicious, but apparently good willing, agents? The answer will point the way.
*Quantum Bird is a computer scientist and experimental particle physicist.
1) The article in Portuguese is available at:
and will be available soon at:
2) English version kindly revised by Lady Bharani.
What or who would be the true nationalist in Brazil? Please cite examples. Would it be Bolsonaro and his gang?
Just keep in mind, Brazil is large. Actually, there are plenty of real nationalists, just they are kept hidden or are suppressed, because visibility nowadays is very driven by social networks and corporate media.
I personally think that people like Lula, Genoíno and some other big shots are nationalists, but they are really surrounded by 5a and 6a columnists. From all sides.
No, dear Sir or Madam, Bolsonaro in no way would be a nationalist much less a true one! He is notoriously known as a servile pseudo-nationalist chihuahua for the empire in the current process of being discarded.
True nationalists are a rare specimen to find, as you may well know. A name that comes to mind is former federal senator Roberto Requiao, from a southern Brazilian state. Even so, he was widely boycotted in the last elections. Nobody understood why the hell he wasn’t elected.
I would include, strictly, overt or covert Getulio Vargas followers, like Requiao, as said by Lady Bharani. Vargas was a kind of “Brazilian Peron”, and his followers are really analogous to peronists. But they represent a very rare species compared to the whole fauna presented in the article :)
Yeah, I agree!
Thank you, Rodrigo!
To complete the previous answer, i wrote it in the hurry:
* Bolsonaro and his governments manages to qualify as 5th and 6th columns in the same time.
* Getulio Vargas followers are for sure nationalist. Modern Brazil is still mostly shaped by Vargas legacy.
* Leonel Brizola followers sure are nationalist.
* Lula used to have nationalist feelings, but he is now mostly impotent and also reluctant about many critical issues. He is also fully surrounded by 5th and 6th columns.
* Forget about all the people discussing “Fora Bolsonaro” (Bolsonaro out) and forgetting about the ongoing privatization of Brazilian strategic assets. All them are per definition 6th.
And so on.
Also be aware of people pretending to be Brizolist or Varguist.
Good afternoon everyone and thanks for Saker and his superb team for their awsome job, and above all right now putting Brasil in the limelight. I totally agre with my compatriot not only about true nationalists, that I also believe are few and widely scattered across a country bigger than the “lower 48”, and about Leonel Brizola for whom I proudely voted and sincerely mourned, just like Darcy Ribeiro, “quand ils sont partis au delà” to put it politely.
In fact I believe those “red toucans” a truly brilliant breakthrough, or as we would put in portuguese uma grande sacada, and I would like to ask prrmission to use this metaphor.
As for our pitiful and pathetic “elites”, or the semi-literate puppets that are alowed to be elected for the top spots in Brasília, I sincerely see not a tiny minimum possibility of improvement or change in their Weltanschauung for the foreseable future. Mostly because they are completely clueless and ignoramuses, and I shall underscore that it’s not just about the eligible political elites but also the judicial ones. The blatant ignorance of Sergio Moro and Wilson Witzel, their unbelievable misuse of our mother language and the blatant juridical absurdity of their proposals in many assertions show us that the hole is really deep and the road we must plough ahead to become a “subject”, not an “object” as Andrei Martyanov likes to put it, saravá for him, is a very steep one. And as QB put it perfectly, it’s way harder to fight these inside and insidious enemies of our country that are hidden within our own people and betraying us all the time and for a truly looooong (sorry moderation) time, I mean 200 years of “independence” this year but must always be quoted because we are, and under Bolsonaro and his cabal more than ever, a victim of non-stop US attempts to colonization. Cheers from a balmy (32C/ 90F) vale do Ipiranga.
The Bozonazi is a CIA asset. Can someone imagine Vladimir Putin visiting their headquarters?
Many in Brazil today would say “Ciro Gomes”. However, in my opinion, he is the best example of a true (5 or 6 star) traitor.
You mentioned Ciro Gomes well as the 5th column. His book was prefaced by Mangabeira Unger, an alien: because this traitor could never be a Brazilian, just look at how he speaks the language of his country. The Duplo Expresso channel is by far the only reliable source of information in Brazil, the rest is in the 5th column, Topics such as the Banestado scandal and the “Umbrella deal” are banned from the agenda.
Voce citou bem o Ciro Gomes como 5a coluna. O livro dele foi prefaciado por Mangabeira Unger, um alienígena: porque esse traidor nunca poderia ser um brasileiro, basta ver como ele fala a lingua do seu país. O canal Duplo Expresso é de longe a única fonte confiável de informação no Brasil, o resto é 5a coluna. Temas como o escândalo do Banestado e “Umbrella deal” são proibidos de entrar na pauta.
Nunca entendi essa critica do Romulus ao Ciro , cancelamento por um prefácio de livro.
Ao contrário Mangabeira foi ministro dos assuntos estrátegicos nos governos Lula e Dilma.
if i may offer my opinion. As others have pointed out better than I could Bolsonara is an opportunistic neoliberal, who fully adheres to the program of neoliberal globalism and political self aggrandizement . Most of the Latin American ” fossil Marxists” that is to say the ACTUAL Marxists are true nationalists. Ie., the FARC commanders who refused to become stock brockers and or tools of the CIA after the “armistice”, and of whom some have taken up arms again and returned to the field.
É demasiado simplório tachar a sexta coluna brasileira somente à esquerda. À direita também temos os chamados nacionalistas e cristãos que sempre apóiam o Ocidente judaico-cristão.
It is far too simplistic to criticize left-wing forces only. The sixth column also (always) comprises the right-wing as well. In Brazil, they are the so-called Christian patriots, who always end up supporting the Judeo-Christian West.
I just submit that both 5a and 6a are not left-wing at all.
I would definitely include the evangelical right as a integral part of the 6th column, side by side with wokes. They represent different sides of the same coin (inflitration of Anglo values) and thrive of each other.
and you know how structured they are. many of them even have international branches that promote whatever the updated kalensky doctrine is nowadays. they are riding high on the late trend of migrations.
I agree. Good call.
The right-wing in Brazil has no need to resort to a subterfuge like “6th column”, all their members are OVERTLY 5th columns!
Exactly !
The modern problem, which arises from the scale and coverage of the internet, is that however deranged your views; it is always possible to find someone who agrees with you and can feed your delusions, allowing them to grow and prosper, taking off like a spaceship to leave reality far behind.
This is perhaps one of the problems with the media, and the reason why defending the truth is no longer a just cause.
LTSD. (s)
Excelente artigo! Observa e disserta com maestria os tipos característicos de uma rica “colonia” sul global. Eles teriam opções de sobrevivência digna? Talvez poucas. Mas para isto teriam que renunciar ao próprio “ego” mal educado e infantilizado. ‘Quantum’ magistral…
Google-translate from mod:-
Great article! Notes and dissert with mastery the characteristic types of a rich “South Global Colonia. Would they have dignified survival options? Maybe few. But for this they would have to renounce the “ego” ego “poorly educated and infantile. ‘Quantum’ Magistral ..
Unfortunately, Quantum Bird’s transposition of Saker’s principle of “6th column” to Brazilian polical scenario could not be more acurate…
Amongst many other questions, after decades of neo-liberal indoctrination (and a happy absorption of it!), is there any left-wing “intelligentsia” left (in both senses)?
I think it is. Also, most of the worker people does not like what is going on at all. They have actually accurate gut feelings about the situation.
I think that one of the operations that the 6th columnists managed to carry on very well was the suppression of popular organizations. They infiltrated it and imploded it. The case of MST is quite representative.
I think the possible alliance of Lula with Alckmin can very be the straw that will break the camel’s back. People will not tolerate it. A lot of friction is already going on among the bases of PT and basically only 6th column is commemorating the possibility.
This dog in te First picture deserve more respect. He (Aka vira lata caramelo) is a National symbol of kindness and loyalty. He is a true patriot compared with guys like Moro ir Doria
The Dog reminds me of the European Basenji aka Orenji in East Africa…very clever dogs…not intelligent but street-smart…seemingly stupid in the way they act but actually cunning and devious with a mind of their own…totally fearless and that is why they are seen wandering around near lion packs…a well adapted survival instinct…almost impossible to catch again, if it slips off a lead…
I always felt that my own Basenji would make a great politician…
Sure thing!
“Who pays the band, chooses the music”, indeed!
This could shed some light on most of what you’ve discussed.
Tough picking up just one, a current phenomenon that you’ve mentioned: the YouTubers and influencers who are launched to a social media stardom amazingly quickly thru dubious financial means and platforms.
They kind of do what they’re told, so, they largely create and/or foment polemic situations adding more stress and polarization to a dire social-political conjuncture.
So, they act as distractions that blur us from what really matters, from the significant national issues that should have been discussed by the various sectors of society and government.
Very well analysed and written: Congrats!!!
Totally agree. And they are totally just like Ana Maria Braga or the other ones around our multiple media ways nowadays, always telling just what they must to continue being funded while posing of “bons moços” (good boys). They are the quintessential “quem paga a banda, escolhe a música”, just like our other “celebrities” like football players (soccer US) that are all around the media talking about everything and actresses and actors that are blatantly clueless about the complex world reality – nevertheless, these are the people that is really listened and watched and, even if most of the audience does not give a damn, many “triggers” as Mad Damsgaard puts it excites some sort of “recall” of some deep inserted social issue and that is fundamental to the way nowadays full spectrum political propaganda works for people’s indoctrination and dominance. Cheers and salute
Yep! You got the feeling well! I totally agree!
It’s quite unfortunate that clueless celebrities who are total egomaniacs rule the mainstream media and social media while scientists, inventors and teachers are deemed as unsexy or unimportant people. Cheers and Salute! Live long and prosper!
This is an excellent analysis, Congratulations, @QuantumBird! You rock!
As a humble suggestion, maybe you could examine further what you say here: “They are explicit or implicit supporters of the Monroe Doctrine and serial violators of human rights at home.”
Explaining to a broader audience how and why these comprador elites act as serial violators of human rights in Brazil.
Unfortunately, I can imagine fine examples are going to abound.
Thank you, man!
Thanks. Indeed, very important topic to think and write about.
A necessary text to clarify for the readers about the pattern of the current political class in Brazil. We are under a set of systematic attacks by the media and the political class around pure distraction, while the country is given to foreign multinationals. In the middle of an election year, there is not even one party with a government plan worthy of the name. They only seek agreements on top or fashions of social networks to act in an opportunistic way. Today a good part of our representatives behave like gangsters around the division of the spoils. We are tending toward a situation of political collapse.
Indeed !
1 – On the concepts of 5th and 6th columns.
The fundamental fact is that if you plan to destroy something, one of the best ways is to do it from within, and therefore you must conceal your intentions. You do not catch flies with vinegar – Não se apanham moscas com vinagre.
Some traitors are however more difficult to identify than others.
Let me state that the concept of “6th Columnist” will add anything to the existing concept of “5th Columnist” – i.e. a classical traitor – unless such person (the 6th columnist) is, in his own mind, at least, a actual believer and defender of the cause (in both cases discussed on this blog, the well being of a nation, respectively Russia and Brazil).
A non-trivial 6th columnist will be someone which will collaborate tactically with the classical traitors, in order to later achieve an outcome undesirable for the 5th columnists. It would be a sort of double agent, a traitors’ traitor.
Given that is so hard even to change a collective reality in an open way, you can imagine how reduced are the probabilities of success such a convoluted operation.
On-topic Note: On the original post by The Saker, I put into question the concept of 6th column, but using so little words that it was best useless, and trolling, at worst. Again, my apologies to The Saker. I later added a few more words on a late (zombie), but without addressing the issue of the concept. I took the opportunity given by your column to correct that.
Off-topic note: I am Portuguese, and I care about history. My relationship to Brazil is strictly geopolitical, and involves visions that transcend both countries. But there is something that strikes me every time.
Brazilians keep talking about the colonial times, forgetting a unique aspect of the Portuguese-Brazilian connection.
Starting in 1815, Brazil was no longer considered a colony, and instead it was a member of a political union – The United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves. It was more to it than Portugal and Brazil, actually, but that will be for another time.
Furthermore, when the Napoleonic wars ended, and came the time of the Portuguese royal family and its surrounding, mostly aristocratic, elite, to return to metropolis, a significant fraction decided to remain in Brazil. So much, that in fact your first king was a son of our (common, at the time) previous king, and that even after the independence of Brazil, for a brief period – there was an ideologically motivated civil war going on in Portugal at the time -, the Brazilian Emperor also held the crown of Portugal.
It was not the typical break-up between colonizing power and colony, was it?
Were we a richer or more powerful nation, and you would be able to recognize that. But then again, if you did so, you would not be able to, once in a while, blame us for the current state of Brazil.
This year, 200 years will have passed after the break-up event. Therefore I thought I should say a word. You may consider the points I have raised too subtle, maybe.
Good afternoon, your point is quite interesting and should necessarily be more appropriately discussed in a full article or even a full set of articles, or even a book indeed. Because the very situation on the ground, or the material world, was unique in so many ways that it’s quite different and way more complex the interconnections between the once metropolitan elites and the local ones, and one telling example is the fact that a family of portuguese nobility, the Bragança family, became brazilian ruling elite once the secession took place. But how much indeed could we talk about a true secession? And I should underscore also other facts that shall be taken it account incentive we delve into all this: there’s the issue of the revolução liberal do Porto that produced the 1822 constitution, but that the local brazilian elites detested and ganged up with Pedro I of Brasil/ IV of Portugal that decided not to swear loyalty to it and wasn’t bound by his father solemn oath and that maneuvered for it’s revocation as soon as he could when he decided to take on his brother. And mostly, Pedro IV/I was a man of his time, he thought by those early 19th century standards of power being measured by the numbers of crowns his family holds, just like the Habsburgs from Central Europe – and it is telling that his son, Pedro II, that was emperor of our huge continental landmass, was also the son of Maria Leopoldine Josepha von Österreich, from the house of Habsburg-Lothringen, and by the way she died here in our Paço de São Cristóvão or Palácio da Quinta da Boa Vista.
And another issue that must be brought to light is that the whole Portuguese Empire was indeed very indebted and with many unequal treaties that were vigorating by the time with the British Empire. And the brittons indeed betrayed the portuguese and once in 1823 the “new rulers” – indeed, the same bunch of small minded and rentists that always plagued our austral lands – decreed that all the treaties and warrants given by the former government, id est, him because he was regent once his father was back to Portugal, and mostly after the January the 9th 1822 “dia do Fico” when he stated that he would be the “defensor perpétuo do Brasil”, it was clearly intended to be just like the famous quote from Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa “everything must change completely in order to remain absolutely the same”. And so the brits went on making a really lot of money trading with the new “independent” country that, by the way, did not have any constitution by that time and the one produced in 1824 was imposed and thus called “a outorgada”.
We could go on and on because this is truly a complex issue but one point that I think it’s crucial for understanding is that being or not Brasil a portuguese colony or a united kingdom with equal status it doesn’t change the facts on the ground that Brasil was a huge territory that was left undeveloped and not fully integrated, and still is not, with unbelievable lack of basic infrastructure and a total lack of qualified public discussions on the real issues that inflict the country: extreme inequality, lack of basics like railroads and roadways, ports facilities, tunnels, water, electricity, urban planning, urban and land reform (urgent), unemployment at unbelievable levels – or restart nation building and working not for the sake of some handful of billionaires but for the majority of the (poor) brazilian people, what our present elites simply can’t do because they do not even know how to think about it. Cheers and salute
Thank you for your long and detailed reply text.
First of all, I certainly agree, what really matters is human development; to provide public education, health, and justice; to have affordable and decent housing, and – I had never thought how serious this might be a problem to such Brazil until you called my attention to it on your text – the necessary transportation infrastructure to ensure economic viability and the easily travelling of people.
These are political choices – literally, the affairs of the organization of the city, and by extrapolation to the modern age, of the nation – and therefore, given them being the most important issue, you did very well in mapping the rulers at the time of independence to the political choices of the age, between absolutist and liberal monarchy, the first being associated with a rentist economy based on land ownership directly descending from feudal times (and in our times based on its younger brother, large scale real estate ownership), and the second associated with the rise of a productive industrial economy, a political debate which would later in the 19th century focus in the conditions of living of industrial workers and the older type of servants (agricultural serfs).
I have imagined myself – a gedankenexperiment – having being born 100 years before, becoming an imperial officer with developmental ideals, only to quickly find myself seriously frustrated by a systematic lack of desire of developing local conditions, and even more, the fear from those benefiting from underdevelopment, of having the natives and, in fact, poor people in general, to become suddenly able to advance with their lives.
And then, as the lights turn on (I return to the present), as if the last music on the disco had just been played and it was time to go home, and that is what is happening everywhere in the West now, even in the realms of scientific research and high tech evelopment. Just tricks of perception hiding a cold hard reality of a deeply sub-optimal social organization, that enslaves everyone – only the quality of consumables and its associated price will vary from person to person -, but those who are simultaneously very rich and totally insensitive, so much that they cannot imagine how far away where we might be, had everyone the practical ability to fulfill their own potential.
What does worries me on Brasil, mostly? Actually, the organization of the city. In particular, the creation of a spatial distribution able to minimize the conditions under which betrayal is a strategy that pays off. Because the high levels of aggression of Brazilian society cannot be anything else than an adaptation to preexisting circumstances that minimize social retribution for misdeeds.
To be continued..
O texto é ótimo, é a crítica da crítica. O PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores) possui a seguinte retórica, produzida para suas bases, que interpreto sob uma ideia mais ou menos simples de ideologia – interpretações que precisam ter algo do Real para se legitimarem e terem poder alienante -:
– Somos o melhor em 500 anos.
– Em 500 anos construíram X universidades, nós construímos X+(o número de universidades construídas, realmente grande, na comparação, mas muitas convertidas e renomeadas também, há que se falar).
Por outro lado, Lula, que talvez ganhe meu voto, e que a parte de mim que não quer acreditar que estamos sob o jugo de jagunços fãs de gringos (nomeadamente a cúpula hierárquica com Heleno, Mourão e outros) vê esperança para mudança do cenário, para tirar o carrasco, miliciano, provavelmente traficante de drogas e corrupto, proto-fascista Bolsonaro do poder, e restaurar qualquer traço de civilidade e “statehood” brasileiro, é ele mesmo, o Sr. Lula, que disse frases como:
-No meu governo os banqueiros lucraram como nunca.
O Lula falava de revolução há décadas atrás, era sindicalista. O PT quer falar sobre ingratidão da elite, dessa maneira, e quer posar como o melhor que houve, mas isso só é possível quando se esquece O MELHOR QUE PODIA TER HAVIDO E NÃO HOUVE, graças à derrota e inação de muitos, em 1964, vide caso Marighella (grande e inspirador revolucionário, brasileiro e, sobretudo, patriota) e graças, também, ao PT, por não apoiar Brizola incondicionalmente, o que teria feito deste querido e guerreiro brasileiro, um dos maiores patriotas, nosso presidente, mudando de maneira qualitativa nosso país.
Brizola uma vez disse: Querem que apresentemos programa de governo, ora, precisamos é de ideias basilares! E foi ele que fez CIEP (escolas integrais, interdisciplinares, capazes de transformar a sociedade), que empreendeu a campanha pela legalidade (o último grande momento do Brasil enquanto nação soberana, antes da ditadura e desde seu fim), e que iria pôr um intelectual do tamanho de Darcy Ribeiro para construir nosso país, O verdadeiro professor, e não um professor como o candidato de 2018.
Hoje temos programa de governo, discussões desenvolvidíssimas sobre políticas públicas nas academias, uma ciência sem fronteiras num mundo de ciência com fronteiras imperiais, o nacionalismo é visto como atributo puro da direita e temos um país em frangalhos, crise, dominado pelo tráfico, Bolsonaro no poder e, o melhor que tivemos faz questão de exclamar que os banqueiros lucraram como nunca. O que ele espera dessa gente, acordos verbais confiáveis? Isso é uma afronta inadmissível.
Bem, essa fala deve ser contextualizada sob os crimes do Umbrella Deal (acordo para privatizar o Brasil, assinado por FHC), sob a economia política que desde 1994 é a mesma, e que coloca FHC, Lula, Dilma, Temer e Bolsonaro (Paulo Guedes) na mesma mesa, trocando as figurinhas do jogo que cada um pode trocar, desde que mantidas as principais na mesa!
Dizer que os banqueiros ganharam como nunca e isso é ingratidão não é ingenuidade, porque ignora o acordo acima mencionado, e a forma com que a dossiêcracia transnacional operou, e opera, no país (vide caso Banestado), mas, no mínimo, capitulação.
Isso no país que produziu um intelectual como Moniz Bandeira.
Agora vejamos a “antítese” do PT, o Sr. Ciro Gomes. Numa palestra que assisti em 2018, disse que sonhava que o Brasil se tornasse uma “potência associada como a França”. Há ingenuidade maior? Um homem como Ciro Gomes é ingênuo? A França herdou essa posição por causa das guerras que travou na Europa, das suas colônias, enfim, vocês sabem… e saberia o Sr. Ciro Gomes que Moniz Bandeira já deixou bem claro, documentado e comprovado, que para os colegas americanos e sua política externa seremos algo entre adversários e a inimizade. Isso desde o século XIX, pelo menos. Antes, éramos o Império no continente da república recém-nascida. Depois, fomos uma potência naval que lhes dava algum tipo de competição. Disputamos o comércio de escravos ilegal. Ingleses e Americanos poderiam averiguar barcos brasileiros, o contrário não (isso está em Moniz Bandeira, foi em algum ponto da metade do século XIX). Depois veio Getúlio, inadmissível, a campanha da legalidade (Obrigado Brizola, governador corajoso!) e, finalmente, o golpe de 64. Aí morreram muitos, como Marighella. A CRFB/88 abriria um novo capítulo, não fosse o golpe mortal do Umbrella Deal e a faxina promovida nos porões da ditadura, e o trabalho sujo das cobras gestadas durante a ditadura, e que hoje são a cúpula militar promovida, adivinhem, pelos governos petistas, na sua doce ilusão de ser uma potência ao comandar a missão de paz do Haiti.
Cometemos crimes no Haiti!? É triste saber que algumas bombas de lacrimogêneo que extraíram lágrimas dos árabes oprimidos pelo Império vieram daqui. Mais triste é saber que nossos lançadores de foguetes foram vendidos para Sauditas (astros 2). Isso é o que nos tornamos.
Os colegas do Saker fariam bem em saber que os brasileiros de verdade são o povo, e os poucos, que figuram aqui e acolá, neste autor, num professor aqui, noutro político lá, num núcleo de jornalistas independentes que contra-efetua a guerra híbrida da cúpula militar no poder desde 2018… Isso é o que sobrou, e já tivemos Brizola, Marighella, Getúlio. Tudo bem, cada contexto histórico tem o que precisa, ou sucumbe. Alguns camaradas lutam, lutam sempre. O brasileiro terá que lutar como nunca.
Essa é minha epifania revoltada.
Seguirei lendo seus textos, QuantumBird!
Google-translate from mod:
The text is great, it’s criticism of criticism. The PT (Workers’ Party) has the following rhetoric, produced for its bases, which interpreted under a more or less simple idea of ideology – interpretations that need to have something of the real to legitimize and have alienating power -:
– We are the best in 500 years.
– In 500 years they built X universities, we built X + (the number of universities built, really large, in the comparison, but many converted and renamed too, it is necessary to speak).
On the other hand, Lula, maybe win my vote, and that the part of me who does not want to believe that we are under the yoke of jaguns fans of gringos (namely the hierarchical summit with Heleno, Mourão and others) sees hope for shifting scenery , to take the executioner, Militian, probably drug trafficker and corrupt, prototo-fascist bolsonaro of power, and restore any Brazilian civility trace and “statehood”, is himself, Mr. Lula, who said phrases such as:
“In my government the bankers profited like never before.
Lula spoke of revolution for decades ago, was a trade unionist. The PT wants to talk about elite ingratitude in this way, and wants to posing as the best, but this is only possible when he forgets the best he could have and there was, thanks to the defeat and inaction of many in 1964, See Marighella (large and inspiring revolutionary, Brazilian and, above all, patriot) and thanks, too, to the PT, for not supporting Brizola unconditionally, what would have made this beloved and Brazilian warrior, one of the greatest patriots, our president, changing Qualitative way our country.
Brizola once said: Want them to present a government program, now we need to be a basic ideas! And he made him who made CIEP (whole schools, interdisciplinary, capable of transforming society), who undertook the campaign for legality (the last great moment in Brazil as a sovereign nation, before the dictatorship and since its end), and that would put a intellectual size of Darcy Ribeiro to build our country, the true teacher, not a teacher as the 2018 candidate.
Today we have a program of government, developing discussions on public policies in the academies, a borderless science in a world of science with imperial borders, nationalism is seen as a pure attribute of the right and we have a country in tidy, crisis, dominated by trafficking, pollsonaro Power and, the best we had a point of exclaiming the bankers to profit like never before. What does he expect from these people, trusted verbal agreements? This is an inadmissible affront.
Well, this speech must be contextualized under the crimes of Umbrella Deal (agreement to privatize Brazil, signed by FHC), under the political economy which since 1994 is the same, and that puts FHC, Lula, Dilma, Temer and Bolsonaro (Paulo Guedes) At the same table, exchanging the game’s figurines each can change, since they kept the main on the table!
To say that bankers have won as never and this is ingratitude is not naive, because it ignores the above mentioned agreement, and the way transnational dossier operated, and operates, in the country (see Banestado), but at least capitulation.
This in the country that produced an intellectual as a flag moniz.
Now let’s see the “antithesis” of the PT, Mr. Ciro Gomes. In a lecture I watched in 2018, he said he dreamed that Brazil became an “associated power like France.” Is there bigger ingenuity? A man like Cyrus Gomes is naive? France inherited this position because of the wars that caught in Europe, its colonies, finally, you know … and you would know Mr. Ciro Gomes that Moniz flag has already made very clear, documented and proven, that for the American colleagues and its policy External will be something between opponents and enmity. This since the nineteenth century, at least. Before, we were the empire on the continent of the newborn Republic. Then we were a naval power that gave them some kind of competition. We have disputed the trade of illegal slaves. British and Americans could find Brazilian boats, otherwise not (this is in Moniz flag, it was at some point in the middle of the nineteenth century). Then came Getúlio, inadmissible, the legality campaign (thank you brizola, bold governor!) And finally the coup of 64. Many died there, like Marighella. CRFB / 88 would open a new chapter, were not the mortal blow of Umbrella Deal and the cleaning promoted in the basements of the dictatorship, and the dirty work of the gestured snakes during the dictatorship, and that today are the military dome promoted, guess by governments Petistas, in his sweet illusion of being a power to command Haiti’s peace mission.
We make crimes in Haiti!? It is sad to know that some tear bombs that have extracted tears from the oppressed Arabs from the empire came from here. The saddest is to know that our rocket launchers were sold to Saudis (Astros 2). That’s what we become.
Saker’s colleagues would do well to know that Brazilians are truly the people, and the few, who are here and there, in this author, in a teacher here, in another political there, in a nucleus of independent journalists who contraversed the hybrid war From the military dome in power since 2018 … That’s what’s left, and we’ve had Brizola, Marighella, Getúlio. All right, every historical context has what you need, or succumbs. Some comrades struggle, always fight. The Brazilian will have to fight as never before.
This is my disgusted epiphany.
I will continue reading your texts, quantumbird!
I changed something from the auto-translated-google tool. Sorry for not doing that myself.
The text is great, it is the critique of the critique. The PT (Workers’ Party) has the following rhetoric, produced for its bases, that I interpret under a more or less simple idea of ideology – interpretations that need to have something of the real to legitimize and have alienating power -:
– We are the best in 500 years.
– In 500 years they built X universities, we built X + (the number of universities built, really large, in the comparison, but many converted and renamed too, it is necessary to speak).
On the other hand, Lula, that maybe win my vote, and that the part of me who does not want to believe that we are under the yoke of jaguns fans of gringos (namely the hierarchical summit with Heleno, Mourão and others) sees hope for shifting scenery , to take off the executioner, Militian, probably drug trafficker and corrupt, prototo-fascist bolsonaro of power, and restore any Brazilian civility trace and “statehood”, is himself, Mr. Lula, who said phrases such as:
“In my government the bankers profited like never before.
Lula spoke of revolution for decades ago, was a trade unionist. The PT wants to talk about elite ingratitude in this way, and wants to pose as the best that was, but this is only possible when he forgets the best that could have been, and there was, thanks to the defeat and inaction of many in 1964, See Marighella (large and inspiring revolutionary, Brazilian and, above all, patriot) and thanks, too, to the PT, for not supporting Brizola unconditionally, what would have made this beloved and Brazilian warrior, one of the greatest patriots, our president, changing in a Qualitative way our country.
Brizola once said: They want us to present government programs, well, we need fundamental ideas! And it was him who made CIEP (whole schools, interdisciplinary, capable of transforming society), who undertook the campaign for legality (the last great moment in Brazil as a sovereign nation, before the dictatorship and since its end), and that would put a intelectual of the size of Darcy Ribeiro to build our country, the true teacher, not a teacher as the 2018 candidate.
Today we have a program of government, developing discussions on public policies in the academies, a borderless science in a world of science with imperial borders, nationalism is seen as a pure attribute of the right and we have a country torn into pieces, crisis, dominated by trafficking, Bolsonaro in Power and, the best we had makes a point of exclaiming the bankers to profit like never before. What does he expect from these people, trusted verbal agreements? This is an inadmissible affront.
Well, this speech must be contextualized under the crimes of Umbrella Deal (agreement to privatize Brazil, signed by FHC), under the political economy which since 1994 is the same, and that puts FHC, Lula, Dilma, Temer and Bolsonaro (Paulo Guedes) At the same table, exchanging the game’s figurines each can change, since they kept the main on the table!
To say that bankers have won as never before and this is ingratitude is not naive, because it ignores the above mentioned agreement, and the way transnational-dossie-cracyr operated, and operates, in the country (see Banestado), but at least capitulation.
This in the country that produced an intellectual as a Moniz Bandeira.
Now let’s see the “antithesis” of the PT, Mr. Ciro Gomes. In a lecture I watched in 2018, he said he dreamed that Brazil became an “associated power like France.” Is there bigger ingenuity? A man like Ciro Gomes is naive? France inherited this position because of the wars it fought in Europe, its colonies, well, you know it all… and would know too, Mr. Ciro Gomes that Moniz Bandeira has already made very clear, documented and proven, that for the American colleagues and its external policy wel will be something between opponents and enmity. This since the nineteenth century, at least. Before, we were the empire on the continent of the newborn Republic. Then we were a naval power that gave them some kind of competition. We have disputed the trade of illegal slaves. British and Americans could search Brazilian boats, otherwise not (this is in Moniz Bandeira, it was at some point in the middle of the nineteenth century). Then came Getúlio, inadmissible, the legality campaign (thank you brizola, bold governor!) And finally the coup of 64. Many died there, like Marighella. CRFB / 88 would open a new chapter, were not the mortal blow of Umbrella Deal and the cleaning promoted in the basements of the dictatorship, and the dirty work of the snakes gestured during the dictatorship, and that today are the military dome promoted, guess by whom, the governments of PT, in their sweet illusion of being a power to command Haiti’s peace mission.
Did we made crimes in Haiti!? It is sad to know that some tear bombs that have extracted tears from the oppressed Arabs from the empire came from here. The saddest is to know that our rocket launchers were sold to Saudis (Astros 2). That’s what we become.
Saker’s colleagues would do well to know that Brazilians are truly the people, and the few, who are here and there, in this author, in a teacher here, in another political there, in a nucleus of independent journalists who contraversed the hybrid war From the military dome in power since 2018 … That’s what’s left, and we’ve had Brizola, Marighella, Getúlio. All right, every historical context has what it needs, or succumbs. Some comrades struggle, always fight. The Brazilian will have to fight as never before.
This is my disgusted epiphany.
I will continue reading your texts, quantumbird!
Wow! Thank you very much for this very accurate comment, which I think complements very well the article.
What makes it hard to compare the two political landscapes is the fact Russia indeed have at least two spheres of power (“Atlanticists” and “Eurasianists”) striving to define the Russian destiny. Brazil, in the other side, have this all-encompassing, heterodox, seemingly paradoxical “Sao Paulo blob” which strives to make the political landscape look like a “open system” (manifesting itself in weird, “chaotic” and paradoxical ways), while acting de facto like a empire.
I don’t know where “comprador elite” was taken from. In Portuguese we use to say “síndrome de vira-lata” meaning someone who freely diminishes his own nation or nationality (generally to praise something from abroad). If you wish to refer to the “elite”, you could say “elite vira-lata”, however this is not a very common phrase in Brazilian Portuguese. However, “comprador elite” makes absolutely no sense at all in Portuguese and put in doubt if the writer knows a minimum of what he is talking about Brazil and its actual situation.
It’s a English term, not Portuguese. It refers to the modern “colonial elites” acting in the interest of foreign empires in their own country.
Is “comprador elite” written in English? “Comprador” in Portuguese means “buyer” in English and “elite” has the same meaning both in languages. For the meaning of a “modern ‘colonial elites’ acting in the interest of foreign empires in their own country” we say in Portuguese: “elite vendida” or “elite corrupta”.
Comprador is a Portuguese word. It must have originally referred to those wealthy Asians who acquired objects of commerce coming from the metropolis, or other parts of the Empire, and sold it to their countrymen. As such, they developed a communality of interests with those foreigners; interests that – this is the crucial fact – could be divergent from those of their countrymen and home nation. A beautiful associated term is “Comprador class”.
Why in Asia? Because the Amerindian societies had been wiped by Eurasians germs; because Sub-saharan Africa was only starting the agricultural revolution by then, and therefore could not afford mass importing of goods. Why Portuguese? Because they were the first global maritime traders.
Thank you, O. B.! I couldnt expaint it better myself!
Rogério, perhaps you could avoid thinking about trying to translate the term in your mind, trying to convert it from Portuguese to English. A much better way is to understand its meaning from a historical and linguistic context like O.B. explained so well!
I hope one of my fellow Norwegians visiting this blog and that are better wordsmiths then i am will write about our 5th and 6th columns.
>…”The leaders of the Landless Workers’ Movement/Movimento dos Sem Terra [MST], who spit on the organization’s history and involved it with predatory global financier turbo-capitalism.”…<
Well, I don´t know what the MST leadership is doing behind the curtain, but I can vouch, personally, for the violent and lawless activities of that group here "on the ground" in the eastern part of the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. Two neighbors here have had their farms invaded, looted and occupied by the local chapter of this supposed "champion of the poor and disenfranchised". Whatever noble goals they may have originally had for redress of centuries of slavery and exploitation have given way to common banditry.
I am no great fan of Brazil´s current Trump-clone president, but I do have to admire his good work in quickly putting an end to the MST reign of terror in this neighborhood.
A Toucan is also the logo for Kelloggs “Fruit Loops” breakfast cereal – and the analogy with fruiters and those if different political colors is a fair one.
I think the writer over simply these matter as Brazil is a former Portugese colony not a Spanish one and the mindset is different.
These multi-layer groups infest most countries around the world all being linked to the EU evil forces current behind the Ukraine crisis.
But what about the 3rd and 4th columnists and El Globo (national TV network) ?
Dear Quantun Bird.
About MST, when you say
“The MST today has titles on the stock exchange and participates in organizations based in Washington DC, in partnership with entities representing the sharks of global predatory capitalism”.
Could you please be more expecific? Could you share with us a link of an article, interview, anything you’ve got about it? I am interested on dive in this subject. Can be in Portuguise no problem.
Texto esclarecedor.
Acredito que a maioria desses ‘quinta=colunas ” na realidade estão debaixo de alguma sofisticada forma de “chantagem ” principalmente pelo alcance das lei americanas.
Aposto realmente o caso ” Banestado” é crucial para entender a domesticação da oposição, mostra que existe uma parceria amplo expectro nesse modêlo econômico de saque ao Brasil.
Esquerda e direita escondem o “Banestado”: poque sera???
Yandex translation. Mod:
Enlightening text.
I believe that most of these ‘fifth = columns’ are actually under some sophisticated form of ‘blackmail’ mainly for the scope of American law.
I really bet the ” Banestado ” case is crucial to understand the domestication of the opposition, it shows that there is a broad-spectrum partnership in this economic model of looting Brazil.
Left and right hide the “Banestado” : Poque sera???
O economista Eduardo Moreira tem em seu canal uma live em que se gaba do “feito”
Texto esclarecedor.
Acredito que a maioria desses ‘quinta=colunas ” na realidade estão debaixo de alguma sofisticada forma de “chantagem ” principalmente pelo alcance das lei americanas.
Aposto realmente o caso ” Banestado” é crucial para entender a domesticação da oposição, mostra que existe uma parceria amplo expectro nesse modêlo econômico de saque ao Brasil.
Esquerda e direita escondem o “Banestado”: poque sera???