By Batiushka for The Saker Blog
And they had tails like scorpions and there were stings in their tails and their power was to hurt men for five months.
Apocalypse 9, 10
Introduction: ‘The End of History’
Just over thirty years ago the Communist USSR went bankrupt – it could not raise enough money to pay off its debts on capital markets. The West should have gone bankrupt at the same time because it too had colossal debts, however through the financial manipulations of its Capitalism it was able to raise the capital. So it went morally bankrupt instead.
Firstly, there was the fascism of political correctness. Like so many destructive movements the initial intentions were good, but as we know that the road to hell is paved with them. It was precisely after 1991 that the use of the phrase ‘political correctness’ as a pejorative phrase became widespread in the USA. Secondly, at the same time there began the Western attack on Islam, or rather the Western grab of Arab oil and gas, by telling Saddam Hussein that he could recover Kuwait, which had been illegitimately cut off from oil-rich Iraq by British imperialism, but then withdrawing that support once he had done it and so pretexting a reason to attack him. The first Gulf War followed, with a second one to follow after the invasion and failed occupation of Afghanistan, and then chaos in the ‘Arab Spring’. Thirdly, at the same time, in 1992 there began the attempt to depopulate, dismantle and destroy the Russian Lands, culminating 22 years later in the US coup d’etat in Kiev in 2014, which cost US taxpayers $5 billion and has cost them many times more since. Inbetween there have been all manner of Western manipulations, from 9/11 to covid.
Such is hubris. ‘We are the only Superpower’. ‘The end of history has come’. And so today the Western world finds itself isolated. The ‘international community’, ‘the free world’, has only 13% of the world population and depends on the rest of the world, on the 87%. Outmatched by the population of the rest of the world and its GDP, it produces only a smallish amount of oil, gas, food, fertiliser and manufactured goods. Russia, China, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, indeed nearly all of Asia, Africa and Latin America, stand together against the neocolonial manipulations and neocon lies of the Western world, whose unity is now crumbling. Moreover, the Western world is bankrupt. The USA alone owes an unpayable £30 trillion. Thus, the bankruptcy of the West that should have happened over thirty years ago is happening now.
World War I (1914-2022) Must End
Instead of negotiating with Russia and pulling out of the Ukraine, there is military conflict. Instead of letting Russia win back the Ukraine, as it inevitably will, within a few weeks, the West decided to impose absurd and suicidal sanctions on itself and exhaust its stocks of arms in order to prolong the conflict so that it would last for many months. It means that Russia is in one way or another now being forced to take over the whole of the Ukraine. And as Western military equipment is being destroyed in the Ukraine, the rest of Europe will not have much left to resist any Russian advance beyond the Ukraine, should Russia wish to do so. And it may do so, for the last five months have clearly proved that it is not only the Ukraine which needs demilitarising and denazifying, but the whole of Western Europe.
History should teach the boomerang effect: You do something underhand – you will pay for it. For example, in 1917 Great Britain engineered the Russian Revolution, handing over power to Anglophile aristocrats and bourgeois. Typically, the Anglophiles proved themselves utterly incompetent and lost power to the Bolsheviks in only eight months. This had the result that Great Britain then had to intervene militarily in Russia in order to try, in vain, to defeat the Bolsheviks, far worse enemies for it than the Tsar’s Russia had ever been, whom Great Britain had effectively installed. Another example from the same period of time: Just as the Versailles Treaty that supposedly ended ‘World’ (= Western) War I guaranteed ‘World’ (= Western) War II, we should not forget that there was never any formal peace treaty between the USSR and Germany in 1945, merely a ceasefire.
Since German arms are today killing Russians in the Ukraine, it can be considered that Germany has broken that ceasefire. So now we need to end World War I. All the more so since the defeat of Germany in 1945 left crazy borders all over Europe, from Catalonia to Hungary, from Estonia to Ireland, from the Ukraine to Belgium. As a result, there are plenty of large minorities all over Europe who want to be liberated from oppressive elites, that is, who want to be liberated from the results of ‘World’ War I. That War never ended, but was only interrupted, twice, in 1919 and in 1945, but may now at last be ended. Let us look briefly at some oppressed minorities in the three countries which are considered to be the politically leading countries of the Western world, two in Western Europe, France and the UK, the other, the USA, three of the five members of the UN Security Council.
A Study in Suicide
There is France, with its oppression of its distant colonies and of its near colonies – Corsica, Alsace, Brittany and the French Basque Country. Thirty-five years ago and more, President Mitterrand, ‘the Pharoah of the Pyramids’, promised to decentralise Paris-centred France. Where is this decentralisation? Around Mitterrand several people died, not least his Prime Minister Pierre Beregovoy, who ‘drowned’ in a shallow stream of water, or the Head of his Secret Service, Francois de Grossouvre, who supposedly put a bullet through his brain in the room next to Mitterrand in his palace where, like any good French King, his wife lived in one wing and his mistress in the other. Is it worth speaking of his successors like Chirac, the fallen Gaullist, and Sarkozy, the NATO-loving Americaniser, both corrupt to the core, since when France has fallen even further, becoming a political dwarf?
After the money-worshipping (‘monetarist’) Thatcher, the UK had its own Mitterrand. This was Blair who was elected Prime Minister after the mysterious ‘death’ of the Labour leader John Smith, and whose time in office was marked by the ‘deaths’ of his anti-Iraq invasion Foreign Minister, Robin Cook, who died ‘while climbing’, and the weapons inspector David Kelly, who died ‘while out walking’ (or perhaps because he could find no ‘weapons of mass destruction’). For Blair also promised the Londoncentric UK decentralisation. Thus Blair, with his friend Bush, ensured that the only weapons of mass destruction in Iraq were those taken there and used there to massacre the Iraqis by the USA and the UK. So today the UK is still ‘ruled’ by the semi-alcoholic buffoon Johnson, whose place is coveted by that genius of geography Truss, the pathetic sartorial imitation of Thatcher, who gets the votes of the wealthy class who fly Ukrainian flags over their fancy houses. Still today the English beg liberation from the millennial oppression of the whole London-based British Establishment. As do the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish….
As for the USA, we recall Reagan the Bankrupter, Clinton the Lascivious, Bush the ‘Genius’ (is Truss his illegitimate daughter? That would explain everything), and Obama the Bloodthirsty, who assassinated by drone, created the Arab Spring and the bloodbath in the Ukraine. As for Trump the Narcissist, we recall his slogans, ‘Make America Great Again’ and then, after his failure by his own admission to do that within the allotted time, ‘Make America Great Again Again’. These slogans implicitly presumed that ‘Greatness’ (undefined) is highly desirable and that at some point in the past America was Great and that it is no longer. Both these presumptions appear to be highly doubtful. Was the USA Great when it massacred millions of Native Americans and enslaved millions of Africans? Was it Great during its Civil War, when as many as 1,000,000 Americans died from the greed of the elite in the North-East? Was it Great when the Wall Street Crash occurred and poor Americans starved to death? Was it Great when it carpet-bombed German civilians and dropped Atom Bombs on Japanese civilians? Was it Great when during over seventy years the CIA started wars worldwide, assassinated dozens of world leaders and organised wars and political violence in countless countries that were reduced to banana republics? The whole world has become the oppressed minority of the USA, except that that minority is the vast majority. Is it any surprise that the most friendless and hated race on earth are the Americans?
Conclusion: The End of Western History
But in case we should be accused of being anti-American, perhaps we could generalise more widely about the state of politics in the Western world. The fact is that successful and honest businessmen and industrialists only very rarely go into politics in the Western world and have rarely done so for many decades and perhaps even generations. Generally speaking, it is not the able and the competent, but the failures who go into politics in the Western world. Either these failures want money (they are corrupt), or else they have money and therefore want power (they want to abuse), or else they are sexual perverts. So a thousand years of deviant Europe ends in ignominy, infamy and depravity.
Europe needs liberation. Its pro-Nazi leaders are now grudgingly admitting that they have lost the war they started against Russia in the Nazi Ukraine. They know that Zelensky is finished, though still for the moment propped up by Biden’s neocon backers, and that not only the Crimea and the Donbass but also many other parts of the Ukraine will forever revert to Russia, which is where they were a century ago. And as for most of the rest, if not all of it, it will also be lost to the West. Now the best lie Western warmongers can invent is that the war in the Ukraine is ending ‘in a stalemate’, without any victors, and in a stand-off along the Polish-Ukrainian border. However, the truth is far worse for them than even that lie.
Just over three years ago I remember speaking to the retired ambassador to Switzerland of a certain Western European country. Before that he had spent many years in his country’s embassy in Moscow (he is a fluent Russian speaker). He asked me why the excellent relations of the West with Russia in the 1990s had degenerated and been destroyed. I answered him that it was because the West had treated Russia like a third world colony, which it wanted to exploit and dismember. It was the West which had allied Russia with China and created not only an enemy, but an enemy which would destroy the West. He looked at me in disbelief. On this year’s French national holiday, 14 July, President Macron of France stated that he was ready to declare war on Russia and China – with his pathetically tiny and laughably underequipped and underfunded French military. If so, then expect no fuel, no food and no manufactured goods in France. The same goes for warmongers all over the rest of the Western world.
France’s Prime Minister Pierre Beregovoy did not drown in a shallow stream. He shot himself using his security escourt’s revolver.
It depends on which version you believe. Wikipedia is really not very reliable in such matters.
You confuse Beregovoy (Mitterrand prime minister) with Boulin (Giscard minister of whatever) who, this one, was found drown in shallow water, a made up suicide : Boulin was inflicted with the flaw of integrity ; sometimes, it is fatal.
Beregovoy, too, was a honest man, but he also had deep self-esteem and daddy issues. A very interesting character, underneath the dull coating. With a ruthless spider in its web like Mitterrand as a father figure, he was toast, and indeed was disposed of when convenient. His suicide, even if disputable, is far more likely than Boulin’s.
Boulin was the kind to blow the whistle, dangerous. His false suicide was incredibly reckless, the extreme move of people saving themselves recklessly from the consequences of their own recklessness. Rumor said it was Pasqua and his team, in the name of Chirac. Possible, but who knows : no genuine proof of it. Both were famously reckless (and Chirac was very bold) and it would have been their style, in a situation of despair.
Beregovoy was the kind to take his master’s worst secrets into the grave, with gratitude. His disgrace was also a betrayal from Mitterrand, a very deep wound for Bere, whose lack of malice made him a baffling misfit in the political world. His love for his master was like fidelity of a dog. He could have commit suicide, when rejected. Killing him would have stupidly attracted attention. Not the style of Mitterrand the Sphynx, who was a charming, refined, soft mannered, horrendous manipulative monster.
Batiushka, you should breathe longer and take your time : several times have you made hasty assumptions and even plain misjudgements, at least about France and Spain. I probably missed some which were out of my limited skills.
Being scalpel sharp and whip fast doesn’t replace constant rigor. Play it like Putin.
«Not the style of Mitterrand the Sphynx, who was a charming, refined, soft mannered, horrendous manipulative monster.»
«Mitterrand, who said the most essential attribute in politics is “indifference”.»
No confusion here.
Both Pierre Beregovoy and Boulin had Epstein style suicides.
Epstein dead? Really?
Sort of a like clinton accountant. Deadly profession. Theres extra choices with the recent addition of Ryan Middleton. A epstein clinton associate. Found dead. That parts for sure . Hung from a tree with shotgun wounds to the chest ruled suicide of course.
Or was it Mark Middleton?
My French friends tell me he committed suicide by shooting himself twice in the head….
… nothing new. Look up investigative journalist Gary Webb, who successfully took on the CIA, the LAPD, the Nicaraguan Contras etc.
Twice in the head? And then twice in the chest and after in the legs?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
No, just twice in the head. That was enough for sure.
He lived for a while in my small town where he had friends. Several people that knew him and his wife have seen her years after and they told me that she privately assessed it was not a suicide but that for « raison d’État » it had to be one.
Boulin’s lungs that where stored in the morgue « Institut médico-légal » just disappeared before being examined. Which is pretty annoying for someone found dead in 10 cm of water. We’ll never know if the water in his lungs and water in the pound were the same.
Here, as well as lots of other places in the world, occurred bizarres deaths. The one of Marjorie, Total’s president, in his plane take off in Russia is another one that raised an eyebrow for me.
You just won the internet. A more truthful comment has never been made. Bravo Serbian Girl.
That’s a brilliant comment, although I would have wrote it differently: “… by shooting himself in the head. Twice.”
Wikipedia is much more reliable than the Russia government
I’ve always found the Russian government to be more reliable than Wikipedia.
Looking back over some of the crap I’ve seen posted on Wikipedia I’d take the word of Putins Russia over Wikipedia. Hey apt user name you picked, especially the first bit.
“we should not forget that there was never any formal peace treaty between the USSR and Germany in 1945, merely a ceasefire”
Simply not true. The Germans signed a document of unconditional surrender with the USSR, just as it did with the other Allies. The author’s knowledge of history is a bit deficient.
The result of an unconditional surrender is occupation.
A peace treaty restores sovereignty.
Germany cannot formally sign a peace treaty because it lacks a constitution. The “Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland” (GG) always was and keeps being a limited constitutional replacement during the occupation. Its article 146 defines, that the GG has/is to be followed by a German constitution by popular vote. Article 146 was never executed, hence the occupation (by the Western powers) continues.
Well there you go. You (meaning people in general, not yourself Marcel) learn something new everyday. Thanx for that. As to learning something new everyday, there are too many that learn nothing new, their heads buried in their phones or other devices using them to ‘study’ cat videos or celebrity gossip, etc. instead of utilizing the web as it should be . . . the greatest invention for the expansion of knowledge since the advent of the printing press.
I think history will wonder how the US kept the rest of the world, for so long, in bondage to its candy wrapper, ‘debt-confetti’ banknotes. ‘The dollar is our currency, but your problem’!
Even now, after decades, the greatest financial minds in Russia and China, seem to struggle with extracting their nations from the throat of the US financial snake, with both countries partially ‘digested’.
The money concept seems to be mysterious to the human mind, baffling, even after 5000 years, especially as those who rule nations love to create the monetary supply as debt, the money for slaves. Money then is converted into psychopathy, by psychopaths!
The “bondage of candy wrappers” has been made possible by the very small club running the world. I just realized that the word “club” has many meanings and intents. I think the most aprapho in this context is applying blunt force to gain acceptance. This club is nearing an end along with most of humanity.
Unfortunately, the US has been taken over by the Western Globalists and Oligarchs, many of which hail from Western Europe.
The only presidents we had with any level of independence were Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan and Trump.
Now, I know you make the point of knocking Trump down, that is a mistake. He is a populist and he has a lot more with Putin than with any other leader (well, perhaps the late Abe). It is the saddest part of his 4 years that the American Deep Estate, the Progressives and the Western Globalists kept Trump from re-approaching with Putin’s Russia.
The concept of “MAGA” is not to conquer the World, but the opposite, to become American First Centric and understand that the US Deep Estate should not be telling other people how to solve their problems.
Spot on.
Although I think a big part of the answer is that the conflict isn’t quite how the author has framed it of the west and the rest. It’s not some countries against other countries, 8X% vs. 1X%, etc.
Rather, it’s the ruling elite pretty much everywhere against their ordinary domestic citizens pretty much everywhere. There is tremendous global coordination/info sharing/etc. at the upper levels of power.
Zone B power structures overwhelmingly backed the imperial currencies decades ago and it remains notable even at this late stage how interconnected countries from China to Mexico remain with the empire. Of course they blame Americans when speaking publicly but for some reason it’s never quite the right time to actually stop doing business with criminals.
Also, a secondary analytical issue is some underestimating of the resources within Zone A. The Five Eyes alone directly control a large portion of land and sea plus they receive both natural resources and productive output from many Zone B countries. Unsustainable things, while eventually ending, can go on longer than it feels like they ought to be able to in the moment.
This is why the empire’s war on the RF is so central. Russia is the most independent/least interconnected of any major country (much more so than China or anywhere in Africa or the Americas).
“Liberating Europe” almost succeeded, but “Operation Overlord” spoiled the whole thing, the invasion of Normandy, June 6, 1944. After that, the beginnings of NATO was being hatched, most likely.
That day the US warmongers realized, spreading democracy is actually a profitable thing.
The rest is history.
What is puzzling is Russia continues to supply them with gas, oil, and food. It’s actually tiring hearing the threats Russia could do this and do that when they’re being attacked daily and yet business continues as usual.
Think Big Bear Squeeze
early on Russia stopped all fertilzer exports then EU stopped buying oil from Russia
now Russia has shutdown 100% gas exports to its main customer Germany , in a few days we will see if it gets turned back on. Lots of bets are it wont
Russia has decided to turn the gas back on; Thursday, 21 July.. Vzglyad–
Thanks for a great article!
I bet it will be turned on after maintenance. Germany will insist it is Canadian gas because one pump has been repaired in Canada.
Just like the German gas they are supplying to Poland. : )
Its the EU that stopped buying fertilizer not that Russia stopped selling.
Because this is not only about Russia and the West. Russia is an active part of building the new multi-polar world order. Doing so I think it is very important, to signal to all by-standing countries, that Russia is not just the next USA and supporting her case isn’t just switching one master for the next. Russia is signalling clearly, that she is committed to all contracts and she is willing to keep politics and economy separated where ever possible.
As I understand it, most of the existing contracts end later this year. I am willing to bet that the EU will find it very difficult to get new contracts at anything like the previously good terms.
Payment in RUB or Gold at a minimum … maybe pre-payment or a large security deposit as well.. and … ‘unfreeze’ our central bank assets and restore SWIFT access.
Russia has been historically humanist; traditionally internationalist; and essentially a noble country. The USSR was the only ’empire’ in history that gave more to its ‘satellites than received from them in return. actually, Russia uplifted all other members of the USSR economically, socially and culturally. She succumbed under relentless pressures from the imperialist West and treason by their Trotskyist acolytes within. What we are witnessing today is a repeat of history. With one minor difference. This time it is the enemies of Russia and progressive humanism who will go down in toto, and for the next three centuries.
Not that it was ever benevolent, but the US pumps a heck of a lot more money into its satellites than it ever gets back.
You are absolutely correct. As frustrating as it is to me , Russia is playing the long game as you say ,showing the world it is not like the US, in honouring contracts and not sanctioning parties not officially part of the war.
As a Christian ,Putin is showing the other cheek , but Jesus does not say to allow oneself to be continuously slapped. In other parts of the Bible he definitely says to fight back and destroy your enemies, the best way possible. Hopefully this is what Russia is doing.
The only important think for Russia, while building a new multi-polar world order, is to crush the US to the point that it never recovers again, especially to be a treat to Russia and its interests. You simply cannot have empathy for someone who for decades has wanted to wiped you off the face of Earth!
Thank you for that. That makes sense to me. Help to see in a better light.
Sorry I’m just getting use to how to reply. My precious comment thanking you was directed for you. Your comment makes sense to me and helps to better see the big picture. Again, thanks for your clarity.
Putin does not want to kill the EU, but dominate it. There is nothing to gain from turning EU into a MadMax wasteland.
Russia wants to trade with the countries in the EU. And he wants the EU to be neutral/sovereign. He see’s how hard it is for a country like the US to try and dominate the world. And believes that sovereign neutral nations trading with each other in peace is a safer,better,way for Russia to live. He thinks that you can get more accomplished with diplomacy that with force. Which is why he tried over and over to get along with even the crazies in Kiev and NATO/Brussels before being forced to take action in Ukraine.
That does not mean that when forced by circumstances he won’t make the hard decisions. But just that force is never his first,or even second choice. It’s his third or even forth choice. But once that choice is made,his track record says he will continue until the situation is completed.
I dont know about that. Dominate sounds like a nasty evil word. Unless you meant something different.
@Pennsylvania Chuck: ” puzzling is Russia continues to supply them with gas, oil, and food.”
Russia is famous for negotiating while they fight. Same as Russia is famous for finishing wars rather than starting them. Watch out: the Russian Army will negotiate while fighting all the way to Berlin or Paris if necessary. Done so before, can do so again.
Germany has arranged to purchase some Russian oil provided it’s called Greek oil because it arrives in a Greek ship. But nothing more for the moment.
The EU is arranging to purchase some food from Russia. But nothing more for the moment.
How many Eussies will it take to open a gas tap? Negotiate; how else to find out?
Greed and racism originated the genocide of the conquests, it is the great sin of white Europe and it must pay a great price for the crime.
It would be fair if they at least returned everything stolen since the hundreds of millions of dead in six centuries cannot be resurrected nor can the Christian religion be cleansed by their participation.
You are a racist.
@R Mattingly
Doesn’t sound racist to me. And that word really only should be used for a real racist. Basically someone who believes hes better than the next becuase of differences. Pointing out a groups sins, flaws, evils is not racist.
Heck I rail alot about a certain group but do so based on their actions so it’s not racist or anti Semitic. Just my opinion. That word is thrown around to much and unjustly.
In what way does the Christian religion need to be cleansed?
The Cathars? Four hundred years of the Spanish Inquisition? More recently Salisbury Cathedral and Westminster Abbey turned into jab centres. Justin Welby has his plot booked next to Epstein and Janner in Tel Aviv.
The Vatican has been as much a geopolitical player as the City of London (aka the City) and the Pentagon.
Has been since the Great Schism of 1057 when its tried to reel back in, first, the Eastern Orthodox Churches and then the Protestant denominations of N. Europe.
Since the death of Pius XII, the Roman Catholic Church has been infiltrated. Witness the ‘election’ of a pope from eastern Europe Pope JP II to be used as a lightning rod to help bring down atheistic communism after the assassination of Pope JP I after only 33 days.
Witness the role played by Croats in engineering the catalyst for WWI & the jackal of Europe, Roman Catholic Poland, as a wedge between German capital & technology OTOH & Russian natural resources & manpower OTO – which continues to this day.
Do try to keep up.
The Catholic Church in all its forms, as well as all the Protestant churches in all their forms, and ALL the other man-made churches on earth have nothing whatsoever to do with the church that you can read about in the Bible. Sinners were becoming Christians and being added to the Lord’s church many hundreds of years before the Catholic and Protestant churches ever existed. (Acts Chapter 2)
Only Christians are added to the Lord’s church. They are saved. As such, they have already been cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ. I do not doubt for even a moment that those who are members of the Catholic and Protestant churches need to be cleansed. However, it’s because they are not Christians and never were cleansed by the blood of Christ. Or else, they became Christians at one time in their lives and then fell away from the truth and from Christ. If they fall away, their names are blotted out of the book of life.
Bottom line: Christians have already been cleansed. Everyone else will die in their sins if they do not obey the gospel exactly as the Bible instructs. There’s no salvation to be found in the Catholic or Protestant churches or any other man-made religion.
Are you referring to the gospel in the bible written by the babylonian talmudists?
I just want to make sure I understand your statement correctly.
The Scriptures were written by selected men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit. To reject them is to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit. There is no cleansing from sin available to the one who does that because he has rejected the true writings of God, which are the ONLY writings which reveal the plan of salvation through Jesus Christ.
So you have a reserved berth then? Harp music all day would get on my nerves – how about yours?
There’s no joy in hell from knowing that the person nearest you is suffering just as much as you are. What’s worse will be to hear the agonizing screams and then realize they’re coming from your own mouth.
In heaven there is life to the fullest.
Just what the world needs Roger, more fear.
Yes the World does need more fear, fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy is understanding. I agree with Mr. Mattingly on that. Too many foolishly think there is no hell or consequence for living a wicked easy life.
Jesus taught forgiveness and the greatest name of Allah is The Most Merciful. Pain brings people to God. Not fear.
@Rodger G Mattingly
It needs cleared of the liberal Zionist world filth that’s would be a good start at cleansing. Churches around my area promoting sodomite lgbt filth and zionist blm filth. The filthy whorish women in the pulpits especially in the Lutheran church it surly needs a good and healthy cleansing.
And please stop using that racist word unjustifiably. Too many use it today and its not right.
I say it because I’m fed up with people blaming the world’s ills on the white race. People of all races are involved in evil.
I don’t worry about anybody else.
Excuse the question. Do you seek revenge or justice?
I seek justice. If an avenging is needed, then God will take care of that.
I remember all to well about the “end of history” propaganda after the “death of communism” celebration. The truly underestimated Russian culture.
No, what they underestimated was the genius and greatness of Vladimir Putin.
Part of the genius and greatness of VP was to remember the genius and greatness of Russian culture, including religion. I shall never forget the look of genuine admiration and affection on both faces, in that photograph of Putin greeting the aged Solzhenytsin.
“Russia, China, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, indeed nearly all of Asia, Africa and Latin America, stand together against the neocolonial manipulations and neocon lies of the Western world, whose unity is now crumbling.”
IMO the WEF’s and the WHO’s Pandem-onium Mandates are a good test of that analysis. Thus far I haven’t seen such evidence of unified resistance against them by the non-Western world, and I gather the next viral monkey business is in the works.
Rather than East vs. West, a more accurate framework might be class war – the elite private financier class against everyone else.
I agree. The real war is a class war, between the productive class and the rentier class, but people are bashful and don’t say that openly lest they be called Communists. “Everybody knows” (except 2 billion Chinese) that Communism doesn’t work.
Este autor se nota a leguas que es un feroz y visceral anticomunista. Tan es asi que invoca constantemente mentiras para desprestigiar a los comunistas y su experiencia revolucionaria. plasmada en Revolución de Octubre que pudo crear un inmenso país como lo fue la inolvidable URSS y que pese a quien le pese, esa revolución ha iluminado y iluminará en el futuro, el camino de la lucha de liberacion de los pueblos explotados por los imperialistas occidentales en los ultimos 100 años.
Google-translate from mod:
This author shows leagues that he is a fierce and visceral anti -communist. So it is that he constantly invokes lies to discredit the communists and their revolutionary experience. Plasma in October revolution that could create an immense country as was the unforgettable USSR and that despite the one weigh, that revolution has enlightened and illuminated in the future, the path of the liberation struggle of the peoples exploited by the Western imperialists in the last 100 years.
Glorificas el barro al alabar el comunismo…pero no ves el comunismo financiero que adoras. Adoras a Mammon
Google translate from mod:
You glorify the mud when praising communism … but you don’t see the financial communism you love. You worship Mammon
It is no longer a fight of ideologies like before, ie. comunism vs capitalism. The game has changed this from some time ago. Now the fight is for nature resoruces or what is left (which Russia has still plenty of). Then the excuses to attack these few left resource rich countries are multiple just use imagination: “Putin is a dictator”, “Putin is a tyran”, “Maduro is narcoboss”, “XiJin Pin kills uygurs” and so on, so on. Thats the game because our “masters” from the west have to find different excuses to keep plundering.
I agree.
Sorry, but as Putin himself recently disclosed 85% of the Bolsheviks were jew. The point? They hated Christians & hated Ruskies.
With regards so-called “communism” in the USSR, we actually have to read history.
As a controlled academic not everything Chomsky says is accurate (winess how he deflects evry time he asked a question on 9-11)
However this discussion will open your eyes as to how Lenin (& Trotsky) pivoted from their previous positions to advocating the destruction of workers organizations – the exact opposite of socialism, which, after all, the core of socialism was understood to be workers control over the means of production, distribution & exchange.
“Then Lenin took power in October 1917, and what’s called a revolution, but in my view ought to be called a coup, and then things followed that coup, or revolution, if you want to call it that. One of the things that followed it was the immediate moves to destroy the Soviets and the factory councils. Those were some of the first moves of Lenin and Trotsky after they took state power.”
Noam Chomsky on Leninism
So true. I have read an interview by Chomsky on where he said there was no question in his mind about the perpetrators of 9/11. I found that to be annoying since thinking people have a Lot of questions.
The feeling is general now that the Russian SMO in Donbas has brought the entire order of nations into a new era of some sort, yet indistinct but with certain vaguely recognizable features, aka force vectors.
Conditions such as these occasion in the domains of space, time, causality, and substance hyperbolic declarations as well as serious observations. People want to see and understand what is happening and what comes next.
This elegant essay is serious observation occasionally admixed with mild hyperbole.
At any rate, regardless of the consequences, it appears the US is
determined to “sow the wind” by providing these long-range missiles to Ukraine.
What they reap in return remains to be seen, but it is almost certain to amount
to much more than a tempest in a teapot.
Americans are not a race; and many other points go wrong with your writing
Americans are anything but a race, if anything it is a picture of globalism. In ten years time, the previous white-European descendant majority will become a minority. At the present rate the southern border is being flooded with people from all over the global, it might be sooner than that. Fifty years of birth control, abortion and the relatively new push toward homosexuality guarantees all of that. The messages of “family planning” was directed straight at their target: Whites. Add to that fact that their upward mobility has been handicapped by Affirmative Action rules and quotas, and their seemingly hopeless situation turns many to escape into drug and alcohol addiction. Look at the plight of whites in South Africa. Same thing is beginning to play out here in the US.
The Native Americans had similar quibbles regarding subjugation by invaders.
So what is this I’m hearing about Russia turning the gas back on beginning Thursday? What happened to all the tough talk about “only doing business with friendly countries”? Did Putin get something from the Germans? Why else would Russia do this, after all, this is war, and in war, you don’t supply your enemies and win.
Isn’t it a much better demonstration of power to continue serving the contracts? Like this:
– All the ‘evil Putin will stop the gas’ shows its self to be a propaganda lie.
– Russia makes it hard to be blamed for the coming energy shortage in Europe. Nobody will believe this who looks just a little into the matter.
– Russia shows, that it doesn’t have to engage in economic warfare to finish her SMO.
– Countries, thinking now if they can risk leaving the western influence, see that Russia is not just the next world hegemon, but that the proposed multi-polar world will be different
The US is the enemy. Germany needs to squeeze the ramstein pustule and resume friendly relations with Russia. Cheap gas, trade with China not threatened by USUK pirates.
This reminds me of a Tom Baker era Doctor Who episode. The Doctor and his lovely assistant, er, companion, arrived at a planet that looked eerily like an abandoned Welsh coal mine. There were many such planets around the universe in the 1970’s. And they had low budgets. The ‘aliens’ living there looked suspiciously like Welsh extras.
During their investigation, the miners said that they had been working there all their lives, until the mines emptied. “Emptied?” said the Doctor. “What happened then?” “The stars changed and the mines were full again.” “What? You just woke up one day and the mines were full? Just like that.” “Yes!” they all said in surprise. “We just got up and went back to work.” “And the stars, you say. The stars in the sky were all different?” “Yes. Is that bad?”
“Bad,” railed the Doctor. “It’s immoral.”
For of course, the ‘planet’ they were living on was actually a pirate mining machine that could jump across star systems and materialized around juicy planets, which were then extracted like a wasp on a paralyzed cockroach. Sometimes they were even uninhabited when they got there, though it never made a difference.
This always struck me as a metaphor for Capitalism.
Don’t tell me that the Eurocrats are finally coming to their senses. How humiliating
#BREAKING EU proposes to unblock Russian bank funds to boost food trade: document – AFP News Agency
” Pierre Beregovoy, who ‘drowned’ in a shallow stream of water,”
Actually it wasn’t Bergovoy who died this way but Robert Boulin. Pierre Beregovoy supposedly committed suicide with the handgun of his bodyguard. What is interesting is that in both the death of Bergovoy and Francois de Grossouvre the handgun used was Manhurin MR73, which at the time was used by GIGN members, which were providing “protection” to the President.
Many accuse the Western elite of corruption, abuse of power, pedophilia and greed. Those accusations are true, but the biggest problem is the people who have allowed this kind of abuse for so long. In fact, the people are just as bad, because when most of them get into such an elite position, they are going to do exactly the same thing. All those kinds of people are in the same rat race and at some point they have lost their moral compass. The whole of Western society is rotten to the bone. Certainly there are exceptions, but they become less and less, not being able to stand up against the primitive majority. Fortunately, people are waking up now, which is the big advantage of pushing to the limits and causing all the trauma. No idea how this is going to end, but hopefully this Western decadence will come to an abrupt end. Where it is also questionable whether ‘the other side’ is so much better and can keep a moral compass over time.
There are no exceptions. The only “profession” where “prospects” kill each other for the seat.
Can you guess why? Let me clue you in: Unlimited and Unchallenged access to EVERYTHING.
Your ordinary man will need many lifetimes to become “well off”, whereas these parasites accomplish such a feat within a year or two.
Answer this: what is the difference between a ruler of 5000 years ago, and a one of today?
You are witnessing a regression of mind.
You gave me an intelligent and spiritual answer so you will know in evolution there are always exceptions. But thanks for your input and question.
I don’t see much difference between a ruler 5000 years ago and one of today. Nor much difference between people being ruled then and now. Although the world is getting smaller in a sense people get more opportunity to be aware. And more people get aware, conscious, everywhere on this planet. Evolution takes time and this path is the path it takes, so it’s ‘good’.
By the way, having ‘nothing’ (or much less) is not a certainty to be aware or having a decent moral compass.
Agree fully with you. A nation deserves its rulers.
Also once a corrupt system is in place, it is only the corrupt or those who adopt this corruption who can rise to positions of power.
You cant fight filth with filth. You have to come out and present a viable alternative. There are moments when this alternative can be presented and implemented successfully
Currently this moment will come when the corrupt system will exhaust itself fully and begin to eat itself in a cannibalic act of suicide. That is when the alternative will become viable. It may be sooner than expected. Maybe a decade or two at most.
Question is where is the alternative.
Russia – banker run and owned
China – another banker run system
How long before they turn into another west only located in the east. What will prevent them from acting out. Godless hedonism wont replace the west. It has to be something more than that.
Let us see.
Great addition Mercy, merci :-)
I think every system can work or disfunction depending on who’s setting the culture and how strong is this culture anchord in society.
Culture is something different than religion. Religion can be a base, but has also dogma’s which eventually makes it an institute and therefor always corrupt in the end. Religion is a system build by people who want power. Every religion has a base which is evolution of life in this universe. Upon this base people build rules, habits, believes and so on. With that the leaders of such religion place themselves between ‘God’ and the people, instead of motivating the people to make a direct connection. Whatever ‘God’ exactly is, because no living person knows for sure. And yes, we do know that the absence of religion can also be harmful, because people then can have no anchor at all.
I think mister Putin is doing a very good job for not only Russia and Ukraïne, but after his period new leaders get to power and then what. Mankind as a whole need to be more conscious so a new culture can arise and from such culture new leaders can be born. I hope mister Putin is building on such a new culture and he succeeds into laying a strong new base for it.
The west is lost in my opinion. When I look at myself I still surprise myself everyday how little I know and how fooled I was my entire life by the propaganda from the empire of lies. I like this term a lot, since it makes it perfectly clear what the west really is. When I now look at the commercials on TV, I see nothing but lies. And when I’m still half blind, talking to all the people around me here in The Netherlands, it seems the far majority is fully blind. They were blind with corona and they certainly are blind and deaf with Ukraïne. It’s hard to believe this is the truth I’m living in. The gap is enormously and I think just to big for this time. The west is lost.
If you really want to become aware, you should not only be willing to descend into the pit. You must be prepared to reach the bottom of the pit. You must be willing to die for the truth.
Ich sehe hier ein großes Theater. Warum? In Deutschland werden Energie, Lebensmittel und Geld knapp – so zumindest berichtet der Mainstream. Nun berichten aber die Bauern, dass Ihre Vertragspartner kein Weizen mehr abnehmen. Das legt doch den Schluss nahe, dass diese Krise politisch gewollt ist. Wenn wir dann noch die Tatsache hinzuziehen, dass auch für Kriege Haftungen übernommen werden, die von der UPU in Bern getätigt werden, (Russland ist dort Mitglied) sollte jedem klar sein, dass dieser Krieg geplant und genehmigt wurde. Was bedeutet das? Die ganze Welt wird hungern und frieren. Das WEF um Klaus Schwab erzählt uns immer wieder, dass wir “nichts besitzen, aber glücklich sein werden”. Ich vermute, dass es genau so kommen wird. Weltweit werden die AGB für die Staaten oder Nation geändert, die alle nur Handelszonen sind. Alle Präsidenten sind lediglich Geschäftsführer – auch Putin und weisungsgebunden. Was ist das Ziel dieser Aktion für die wirklich mächtigen Puppenspieler?. Die absolute Kontrolle der Menschheit durch den Chip. Der Impfstoff hat versagt, dass berichten derzeit alle Mainstream-Medien. Aber der Chip ist so intelligent, dass er jedes Virus erkenne und eliminieren kann. So wird es jetzt schon vereinzelt in den Medien dargestellt. Die NWO ist nicht tot. Die NWO ist kurz vor der Vollendung. Das ist meine Sichtweise, die ich hier gern zur Diskussion stellen würde. Danke.
Google-translate from mod:
I see a big theater here. Why? In Germany, energy, food and money become scarce – at least that’s what the mainstream reports. Now, however, the farmers report that their contractual partners no longer lose wheat. This suggests that this crisis is politically wanted. If we then consult the fact that liability that are made by the UPU in Bern (Russia is a member) should also be accepted for wars should be clear to everyone that this war has been planned and approved. What does that mean? The whole world will starve and freeze. The Wef around Klaus Schwab always tells us that we “own nothing but will be happy”. I suspect it will happen. The general terms and conditions for the states or nation are changed worldwide, all of which are only trading zones. All presidents are only managing directors – including Putin and instructions. What is the goal of this action for the really powerful puppet players?. The absolute control of humanity through the chip. The vaccine has failed that reporting all mainstream media is currently reporting. But the chip is so intelligent that it can recognize and eliminate every virus. So it is already shown in the media. The NWO is not dead. The NWO is shortly before completion. This is my point of view, which I would like to put up for here. Thanks.
Regarding WEF, Worst Economic Forum, I think they already lost. All these unintended consequenses… There will be a new world order. There is no economy anymore in the west. Only debt. How this war in Ukraine has unfolded is just one of the unintended consequenses. It was not meant to be like this! So they hav panicked. Just read MSM.
And as long as people have humor there is hope. Google Maps Shows New Historical Landmark: Brandon Falls
History should teach the boomerang effect: You do something underhand – you will pay for it. For example, in 1917 Great Britain engineered the Russian Revolution, handing over power to Anglophile aristocrats and bourgeois. Typically, the Anglophiles proved themselves utterly incompetent and lost power to the Bolsheviks in only eight months.
Kerensky was a Jew, as were the Bolshevik shot-callers and their paymasters. The International Neocon is their latest iteration. Trotsky’s revenge.
Now you know why Kerensky was allowed {enabled} to escape. He had served his purpose, but they weren’t going to just kill one of their own, so they arraigned safe passage for him to New York {from where the whole plot originated from}.
Agree with your axiom but as far as I know Kerensky was not Jewish at all. However, his family was family- friends with Lenins’. Kerensky’s father was Lenin’s teacher.
If Kerensky is Jewish , I would please like to know how you know it , as that would be interesting to study what that source has to say.
Strictly speaking, Kerensky would not classify as a Jew, but his father allegedly did.
A different take on Kerensky:
And a peculiar attempt to fight fire with fire:
It is exceedingly difficult for me to imagine Shoigu in a blind panic about anything.
Mitterrand, as a good Mason that he was, liked everything esoteric. So he covered Paris with symbols of Freemasonry such as the pyramid, a symbol of great power and form that unites matter with spirit—>the Great Architect of the Universe and Bearer of Light. =Lucifer.
In France if you are not a Mason you are out of the game.
PS: For greater depth of the symbolism of the forms in Masonic esotericism, I recommend reading the Romanian Matila C. GHyka: “The Golden Number”
Mr. Batiushka, almost at the end the author declares that his objective is to destroy the Catholic/Orthodox Church…says absolutely nothing about protestants.
This book is almost 100 years old.
Buen provecho.
Replica temple gates of baal are in dubai (world goverance site) london and now one in new york. Another thing i only learnt in japan is, shinjuku central tokyo. Subway has glass pyramids as natural lighting below with another gold pyamid with 2 british lions. LIONS club. Liberty intelligence our nations security is the inscription. And i thought they were just a nice club donating park benches and medical equiptment.
Colonel Macgregor.
Fronteras locas 1945 Cataluña?
Te has desacreditado
Google-translate from mod:
Crazy borders 1945 Catalonia?
You have discredited
Folks it’s the 2240th Anniversary of Hannibal crossing the Alps (218BC).
George Soros & Friends wanted to emulate this historical event/feat by crossing the Urals, only to be told he’d best wait another year until US-NATO won the war in Ukraine, with the invasion of Russia to begin soon after.
That was the Plan Stan, more or less, over a decade in the making. A serious miscalculation , which half a century ago, men of honour would do the decent thing and resign. Not this bunch of hapless degenerates who bet the house on black, doubled, tripled and quadrupled down, crippling every western economy, tied at the hip.
Keeping the lights on this winter is touch and go, however, a stiff upper lip and a pretence that all is well is our only way of saving face..
As the great Robert Burns wrote ‘The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley’ – In short, we’re up shit creek paddleless.
The West is ruled by a corrupt banker class (families). Under them are the corrupt economic class (MIC, OGAM and FIRE sectors, and the corrupt political class.
Now that the world is becoming multipolar and de-dollarizing, the question is if the rest of “zone B” will abandon this monstrosity of an economic monetary system that has devoured mankind after the fall of the Ottoman Empire.
It was not only the Anglophile Russian Aristocrats and Bourgeoisie that were engineered by the West but also the Bolsheviks.
“Secondly, at the same time there began the Western attack on Islam, or rather the Western grab of Arab oil and gas..”
Yes, additionally the West (4) attacked all religions outside its satanic purview, especially Orthodox Christianity, and (5) having GHW Bush declare the NWO in 1991, and getting ready to move shop and HQ to the Holy Land, was also busy culling arabs surrounding Occupied Palestine as well as possible close-by sources of support, i.e. militant sympathetic co-religionists such as Yemenis and the long-suffering Pashtun..
“The ‘international community’, ‘the free world’, has only 13% of the world population and depends on the rest of the world, on the 87%. Outmatched by the population of the rest of the world and its GDP, it produces only a smallish amount of oil, gas, food, fertiliser and manufactured goods.”
We shouldn’t underestimate implacable Evil, nor count our chickens just yet. The USA is self-sufficient in all those commodities, if it wasn’t busy sabotaging itself. This quote also applies to all former (and coming) Hegemons and Tyrants. A small determined, organized and demonically driven tribe can subjugate multitudes. And furthermore, the NWO already planned the depopulation, deindustrialization, and removal of basic self-sufficiency of the West even before ww2. In an 1980 interview with Robert Sheer, when asked how do you win in a nuclear exchange, then VP GHW Bush said, “You have a survivability of command and control, survivability of industrial potential, protection of a percentage of your citizens, and you have the capability that inflicts more damage on the opposition than it can inflict upon you. That’s the way you can have a winner….” Since then they published white papers on the feasibility and survivability of nuclear war, clearly aiming for a first-strike. So they have not deviated an iota from their plans, being fatally “locked-in.”
They can still destroy all wholesale, if they cannot get Russia-China to submit via brinkmanship, then Build Back Better – their go-to failsafe of Ordo ab Chao. So let’s pray the Beasts are safely interred before they require radioactive tsunamis and other Doomsday weaponry.
“Instead of negotiating with Russia and pulling out of the Ukraine, there is military conflict. Instead of letting Russia win back the Ukraine, as it inevitably will, within a few weeks..”
The SMO and Russians are being used for attribution for all the global evil plotting by western Technocrats. To institute famine, energy shortages, and the crashing of the world economy itself, all to maximize depopulation in the setting of biowarfare and food insecurity. The criminals wish to keep clean images and hands (ha!) during this process. This has NOT passed muster among the non-West 85% Rest, with G20 and other multilateral organizations increasingly blaming western sanctions, removal of shipping insurance and from SWIFT, and cruel western intransigence,
etc.. for current breakdown of supply chains. And they are aware of western printing presses and raising of interest rates fueling inflation and insolvency.
“I remember speaking to the retired ambassador.. It was the West which had allied Russia with China and created not only an enemy, but an enemy which would destroy the West. He looked at me in disbelief.”
This is the sad part of the current Debacle. Courses could have been corrected, and a softer landing provided, if that retired generation, the last capable functionaries and academics – the prudent Cold Warriors, had (1) been heeded, as exemplified by Kennan’s “Expanding NATO would be the most fateful error of American policy in the post cold-war era. Such a decision may be expected . . . to impel Russian foreign policy in directions decidedly not to our liking.”
(2) If they themselves kept their eye on the ball. Many appear to have swallowed Fukuyama’s nonsense and bought into the peace dividend of a global AZE, letting the crazies roam wild. Rather, they should have been offered either exorcisms or bullets in the basements! An arrogantly ignorant generation thus inherited them, undoing 500 years’ worth of work.
It went morally bankrupt instead long before then!
Fidel once said –
We must establish a new world order based on justice, equality and on peace that has never been on the collective west job sheet especially the neocon neoliberal one!!
If you go to The New Atlas Brian Berletic will explain to you exactly why Russia is taking this situation carefully. He suggests that Russia will need to finish taking Ukraine to the North in order to safely destroy the 8 years of fortified positions the ukranians are operating from.
«semi-alcoholic buffoon Johnson, whose place is coveted by that genius of geography Truss»
They are just performers as _elensky, or franchise-managers of the local branch of the “Washington Consensus” brand. They are not the real powers.
«why the excellent relations of the West with Russia in the 1990s had degenerated and been destroyed.»
An insider claims that GW Bush wanted to keep them, but Clinton and subsequent presidents, who probably were better informed by that time on how very weak the USSR had been, thought the the Russian Federation was merely Brazil with nukes.
Something that people forget is that after the USSR collapse the USA-NATO spy agencies bought for very cheap access to all the USSR military and security services, and they discovered just how weak the USSR really was.
«the West had treated Russia like a third world colony, which it wanted to exploit and dismember.»
That worked really well with the USSR and then during “yeltsinization”. What the USA want is a repeat of that, with Ukraine replacing Afghanistan, and the banderista “freedom fighters” replacing the islamic ones.
«many other parts of the Ukraine will forever revert to Russia, which is where they were a century ago. And as for most of the rest, if not all of it, it will also be lost to the West.»
That is USA-style imperialist thinking, instead the RF government is very keen on the right of people (e.g. south ossetians, abkhazian, crimeans, novorossyan and malorossyan) to self-determination, more than historical claims, otherwise the mongolians would have a pretty big claim to a large chhunk of the Russian Federation itself :-).
I would think that however Novorossya and a large chunk of Malorossya would want to be pro-russian or at the minimum neutral, but the great hope of the USA is that the ruthenians will never stop to be anti-russian xenophobes.
«Europe needs liberation.»
That’s overly ambitious. The western european states are too small and weak to be truly independent, and so they must be protectorates; some can choose a “roof” (“krysha”), most cannot, but a “roof” they must have. The obvious choice is the USA, the arguments in “realpolitik” are simple:
* What is worse, USA or RF sanctions?
* What is worse, being the target of USA or RF “regime change” operations?
* Who is more generous with “black” campaign funds, the USA or the RF?
* What is more beneficial, being able to export to the USA or to the RF?
The basic issue is that they would like to choose “both” (and add the PRC to the “partners”), but the USA elites are jealous masters, so it is either-or.
For countries very near to the RF borders and with past relationships with the USSR it is still better to be RF satellites, but for most western european elites being USA vassals is better, and in any case most cannot really choose.
I agree with that: in the european countries where I have lived vassallage to the USA is both inevitable, is not too oppressive, and it has some advantages, so in that sense I am pro-USA. I still wish, like most pro-USA european, that the USA were weaker so european countries had a bit more autonomy, but there are practical limits to that.
In an ideal world the english, french, german and russian elites would agree to a profound alliance or a merger and the other european countries would go along with that, creating a continental power, and such a combination would be very beneficial to both sides, but that will be the last thing that the USA will allow as long as they have the power to prevent that.
Besides because of the long shadows of history and their idiotic sense of self-regard many the elites of many european states (in particular the UK and France) would prefer a more oppressive subordination to the USA than accept as “primum inter pares” another european country like Germany or Russia, even if that were a realistic alternative.
“… the excellent relations of the West with Russia …”
Historically I think the 90’s will go down as “the Rape of Russia” by the West.
How one feel about it, probably reflect on which side of the victim equation one where.
“Europe needs liberation. Its pro-Nazi leaders are now grudgingly admitting that they have lost the war they started against Russia in the Nazi Ukraine.”
Unfortunately our leaders are just that. Nazis. They just don’t know it yet. And even more worrying, so is a big part of the citizens. That must be said.
I was born in the 50s. I could never understand what happened with ordinary decent people in Germany and other countries accepting and endorsing nazism.
I think I understand now. It does not make me happy to understand.
The real fear is that the oligarchs are crazy and evil enough to blow up the world and hide in their underground shelters while the rest of us get wiped out
The USSR went bankrupt trying to match the US military 1:1. The US was bankrupt even before that, cannabalizing itself. Russia learned from the experience, the US did not.
Russia built an intelligent, sophisticated, and exceptionally powerful military for far less than 1/10th of the US annual military budget (officially $850b but actually betweeen $1.3 – 1.4T).
Meanwhile the US continues to cannibalize itself by pouring money into hugely expensive and often dysfunctional weapons that in reality have only one purpose: massive profits for everyone in the chain: contractors and industrialists, financiers, lobbyists, and politicians. Health care, education, and infrastructure have all been abandonded and turned over to corporate profiteers that operate on the same principles.
U$A, the world’s largest Banana Republic.
Hearing you.
I used to get upset with the way the AMERICAN lead world was collapsing in to madness.
It’s a cycle. Evil and hate floats like scum on top of water, it’s in the plan. Good eventually wins over evil and hate.
That’s why the West does not speak German and the East does not speak Japanese.
Until humanity says “No more evil, No more hate,” only then will goodness be universal.
It’s that easy.
Once you understand it, the flash backs and night mares all go away. Alas the suffering will continue until morals improve.
Bare knuckles, punching on.
What can l say?
What can anyone say, when “truth,” slams you between the eye balls.”
In times of crisis, fancy words and convoluted, delusion superiority, aarondon’t cut it anymore.
I’m giving this article a score of 10/10.
The author names all the culprits….except the real ones…..wonder why?
I know this article is on Europe but here is a middle east perspective on anti russian sanctions
Sorry if I have double posted
This is the most idiotic sentence I read today, Bravo!
quasi’s working very hard from Langley to earn his keep…lol
How do we know that these noble efforts Russia is doing is not only good intentions on the way to hell and in 20yrs Russia and China will turn into worse global tyrant than USA ever been ?
That pattern of thought merely leads to the totally unhelpful conclusion of “what is the point of doing anything?”
An outstanding summary in the broad context, even if some detail is being criticised by the readers of this article (but where no real proof is – or can be – offered of many outcomes due to the sinister nature of the psychopathic leaders).
i can add Alfred Herrhausens assassination to the list. Bush Senior ordered the hit but the crime scene was dressed to make it look as if the Baader-Meinhof people did it…
Joska Fishers direct and clear involvement in the assasination of Hans-Martin Shleyer is another…
The core topic is the venality, corruption and complete lack of self-awareness of the elite class of the combined West.
Most of the Western populations, perceive some of what is going wrong. When more are enlightened, will they finally rise up and actually correct all the wrongs? …after a period of general rebellion and destruction, which might no longer be containable by the security apparatus? At its core is the financial mafia which is deeply embedded and hiding within the sycophantic richer class. Will all these feel real pain in the near future, enough for them to make concessions and adapt? Will Western Europeans be able to do this themselves or have to rely on Russia?
I am glad that Batiushka mentions the truth about Kuwait and Iraq. Indeed, the very same applies to Belize, carved out from Guatemala by the British, with Guatemala being hindered at one stage from attempts to regain Belize…Guatemala in turn having been carved out of the original Mexican entity. it will be the righting of a historic wrong, if California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, were to revert to Mexico… maybe too this is the moment when Argentina can regain the Malvinas (i am indebted to the readers on these pages for enlightening me and countering the propaganda that was stuffed into me by the ruling elites here in the UK)
Certainly within Europe, the Issues of Catalonia and Belgium are strong examples of what need to be addressed. Having visited Sardinia for a conference organised by Italian sponsors, i noted that the Sardinians did not recognise or respect Italian control over their affairs, much to the consternation of the Italian sponsors when i raised this issue…
So much good could have evolved within Europe but it does look like a new revolution is now needed…
Not just europe. The whole world needs denazification.
Thanks for mentioning robin cool. He was a courageous man and honest (a trait that is lacking among the British politicians). Maybe this was because he was scotish. The timing of his death was suspicious. Blair pulled a khashogi on him and others. What is infuriating is Blair still gets media time. He is such an ass.
Heat, heat check out the new transportation corridor which is already functioning and will help to decouple t e Nazis and also the zios from the rest of the world.
World War 1 has never ended and there has never been a peace treaty for Imperial Germany. The dictate of Versailles was nothing more than an armistice. A treaty “towards” peace.
Besides, the legitimate government, the eternal federation (Ewiger Bund) under the Kaiser, was destroyed by an illegal putsch from a gang of traitors and deep state bootlickers (SPD, Weimar Republic).
Even our highest court has ruled in 1974 that there is a subject of international law called Germany and the Federal Republic of Germany. The former one has been inactive since 1918 due to a lack of organization. The latter is actually nothing more than a trustee firm to plunder Germany.
The “Vaterländischer Hilfsdienst” is currently trying to rebuild Germany through the tools offered to us by the state of siege we are still in since 1914.
Europe “needs” this and that but in reality there are no real opposition left, no counter culture among young Europeans and no necessary first sign of hope, at least small one needed for the counter revolution, uprising. Europeans are brain death. Look at their pop stars and celebs masturbation down on knees in front of Cocaine Zelensky. This is the Europe of 2022. When their houses are burning they keep on jerking off. If you tell average European that their EU project is rottening and Europe marginalized by growing big nations especially China and India they just can’t get it (“Macron is so nice, and we will beat Russia”) . Telling them being no more than prostitutes owned by 600 Pounds Dollar Gorilla will make furious and claiming you to be Putin’s troll.
Well. No hope. To. Europe. Good Night. Ursula. (the winter is coming)
What’s wrong with You? A blind panic now just plain ignorant.
John Smith, leader of the Labour Party, heart attack picking up the milk from outside his doorway. Allowed bLair to take the reins of course with the help of MI5.
Robin Cook, foreign secretary heart attack while walking in the hills, of course his death, it stopped him from revealing the lies which bLair had MI6 perpetuating ever since, regarding WMDs.
Donald Dewar, heart attack, he would never lay to rest the murder of his life long friend Robin Cook.
Willie MacRae QC, shot twice in the head, a fact only picked up at the second postmortem which was requested by the family. He supposedly after shooting him self, he then got out of his car threw the keys more than 150metres from the car got back in locking the doors at the same time. Suicide!
Ooh, and the policeman who found him, was forced by senior officers to make a statement he knew to be false. Aye….. English democracy!