by Baaz
The Putin Interviews – Part 1 (English Subtitles)
The Putin Interviews – Part 2 (English Subtitles)
News In brief
Russia will respond to NATO expansion to keep strategic balance – Putin
Kremlin: Oliver Stone’s documentary on Russia’s leader ‘revealed Putin genuinely’
Snowden’s arrival in Russia took Moscow by surprise, Putin says
No harassment of gays in Russia,
Putin says in interview with Oliver Stone
Putin stressed that Russia’s society is “rather liberal” and “there is no situation like in some Muslim countries where homosexuals face death penalty”
Putin assures Russian government cannot conduct NSA-style mass surveillance
Putin says Trump’s victory in US presidential election changed almost nothing
Putin notes Washington planned to use terrorists to destabilize Russia
Putin spells out why difficulties in Reagan’s US cannot be compared to Russia in the 90s
Oliver Stone: Russia and US could be ‘great partners’
Politicians like McCain fail to see real threats — Putin
US, Russia should think about anti-terrorism efforts, disarmament — Putin
US policies unchanged now matter who is in power — Putin
Putin and team looking forward to Oliver Stone’s documentary premiere
Missile shield will not protect entire US territory — Putin
“Nobody would survive” a war between nuclear superpowers, Putin added
Putin tells Oliver Stone he is pleased with work of his bodyguards
New film about Putin to open up new viewpoint for Americans, Oliver Stone says
The film will cover Vladimir Putin’s view of events since he first became Russia’s president in 2000
‘I challenged Putin the best I could’: Oliver Stone on upcoming documentary
Thank You so much
Blocked in Russia on copyright grounds.
I think Channel One has the rights in Russia. It will be shown at some point.
My nephew in Kazakhstan sent me a liinkto part one already.
— I think Channel One has the rights in Russia. It will be shown at some point.
Yeah, you are right: starting with June 19.
I have not watched TV in decades. But thanks for your reply WoS will help you
Thanks Anon!
Try to find a proxy and get around the ban. The two parts I saw are well worth seeing.
Try Opera browser, it has a built-in VPN.
I did. It was still blocked.
Its also available whereever “Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh, matey” is spoken.
1000 thanks for posting!
Thank you for posting these. I was going to search for them – but now they are here to enjoy.
Fascinating! Thank you for posting these. Looking forward to Parts 3 and 4.
I like the title picture (mooses) very much.
Western president would attempt to project a feirce macho image of him, say – standing over a dead lion with a large rifle in his hands (which he wouldn’t have a clue how to fire, because it kicks back like a mule).
And “Putler” simply wears a t-shirt sharing a nature with other living creatures like he belongs there, and he does.
We all do, actually. We own nothing and rule nothing. We are a part of a large ecosystem which we are systematically destroying in as many ways as we can think of. Mercilessly. All for the sake of profitsss.
Sometimes I think we deserve to exterminate ourselves so that nature can start over…
I think those are elk.
The animals in the picture look like reindeer to me .
Makes sense
Ok, lets stay on topic and focus on the interviews. Thx. Mod
I was enjoying the conversation about moose and/or elk . . .
And, I think the Saker or someone must have chosen that photo, as it doesn’t seem to be part of the Stone film.
One of the main conclusions I can draw, after watching only part 1 of the Putin interview, is that all the US and European leaders that Putin has faced and discussed with seem to not have control or power over their governments and the policies of their countries.
This is contrast to Putin, who seems to have a very strong say and control over his government and his countries policies. It is clear that Putin’s discipline, vision and strategy permeates through-out his entire cabinet of ministers, their ministries and to other branches of government, military and to some extent the private-sector.
Unlike Western presidents and leaders who seem to have no control over their Military industrial complexes and intelligence agencies.
It gives you so much respect to Russia, its people and its leader……and so little respect to the entire Western leadership.
i agree the [problem now is that leaders in US and Nato have no control over intelligence or military, they only listen to the oligarchs. Intel and military are bureaucrats so we have uncreative policies moving forward without anyone able to change them, and most western politicians are utter cowards.
Putin’s influence is vastly overrated.
As far as economical guidelines, mega-projects and the security apparatus is concerned – police, army, foreign affairs – he is the boss.
As far as the private sector of the economy is concerned – banking, media, pharma, health industry, education, IT and internet services, electronics,banking, etc are concerned, the Jewish oligarchs run the show.
Reply to Harry_Red on June 14, 2017 · at 11:09 pm UTC
A practicing Christian, Vladimir Putin, who has two grown up daughters, cherishes and defends family values. Unlike Europe’s predominantly childless leaders [1] who escort this continent to the dunghill fostered by their nihilist philosophy. The Russian president is widely popular in Russia. Indeed his international renown and popularity is enhanced greatly by the extremely hostile press and media coverage he enjoys in the West.
[1[ Premier ministre luxembourgeois Xavier Bettel ; presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri della Repubblica Italiana, Paolo Gentiloni ; premier minstre suédois, Stefan Löfven ; Jean-Claude Juncker président de la Commission européenne ; président français Emmanuel Macron premier ministre britannique Theresa May ; chancelière fédérale d’Allemagne Angela Merkel ; premier ministre néerlandais Mark Rutte ; premier ministre écossais, Nicola Ferguson Sturgeon … Des dirigeants sans enfants mènent une Europe somnambule à l’abîme 15 mai 2017 Giulio Meotti, journaliste culturel à Il Foglio et auteur italien
This list of childless European leaders is actually very shocking. I knew a few of them did not have children, but not this many.
What kind of example does it give to the rest of society ? ……if you want to be successful in politics or become part of the elite, you should be childless and/or family-less (if that is even a word) ?
You should not devote your time, love, wealth and attention to a family ?
Actually, from a demographic point of view, it is pretty catastrophic.
But all things happen for a reason…..
Europeans –> individualistic, materialistic –> no family life or the break up of the family –> no children or children who have no future and no guidance –> replaced by others who do value family (immigrants, refugees).
Reply to > Harry_Red on June 15, 2017 · at 7:58 pm UTC
Quote : “This list of childless European leaders is actually very shocking. I knew a few of them did not have children, but not this many …”.
It seems to me these psychopaths – for that is what you have to be – or to become – to ascend the greasy pole – are too busy abusing or slaying children in sacrificial encounters :
This video is in English with French subtitles. Be patient as the first 1:22 minutes is silent with a sequence of French texts
Initial source :
video URL :
If you don’t find that convincing, try this for size :
Political Ponerology :
It’s in English. There’s a wikipedia article on the subject,
Polish psychiatrist Andrzej Łobaczewski (1921-2008) had one helluva life …
Bon courage to yourself.
And there we are: discriminating along the lines of having a traditional family including children or not. Really?
There are good reasons for having children and equally many against. To name but one, there are enough men on earth. No need to inflate that number on purpose anymore. But it goes against the deeply in-grafted (genetically encoded) wish to expand and spread a personal legacy. The expansion ultimately leads to misery and war. A result you can bet on, just recap mankind’s history.
Saker, I started being able to watch your videos here, got half way through episode one to get blocked with a message saying that for copyright reasons it was not available in my country – Russia. Both are blocked.
Do you have any suggestions?
I must say that I find it somewhat sad, and worrying, that Putin talks about the US/Western campaigns as driven purely by political/ideological considerations, when these efforts are all substantially driven by the desire to buy up and loot Ukrainian (prime farm) land, mineral/oil reserves, etc. (just like the US-advised privatization of Russia was in large part about enabling capitalist class looting). A missed opportunity, besides being an indication that Putin also underestimates the crassness of the motivations of all those (neo)liberals (when it is no accident that they and their ilk make out like bandits every time they succeed in starting another war, arms race, etc..
Can’t someone send him Michael Hudson and David Harvey’s work for bedtime reading?
Compared to US presidents who are normally arrogant and pretentious, Vlad came across as: cool, confident, knowledgeable and genuine.
This guy is way above his counterparts anywhere on the planet. Do you notice that he constantly spoke about looking 25-50 years ahead?
No wonder Russians love him so much.
The West would love for a guy like Navalny to be in charge of Russia, so that they can use and mock him like Yelsin and treat Russia like a colony..
The MSM keep referrng to Navalny as “Russian opposition leader’ and “prominent Russian politician and fierce Kremlin critic” etc. etc.
The guy cant even muster a crowd of 500, and yet they try to give the impression that he is popular in Russia.
Soros and his tribe can dream all they want and spend all they money that they can print, but one thing is for certain, they will never have Russia!
Long live Putin.
Long live Russia.
love the user name !!
Superb. One of the finest offerings found anywhere for many moons. Many thanks, comrade.
Dear Saker,
Thank you for the interviews .Was able to see the first one, but am unable to see the 2nd one,
as it says unavailable.
who tries to block it?
Kind regards,
Dear Saker, many, many thanks for enabling to see these documentaries (it is more than just some interviews, it is also a description of years of Russian history seen through the eyes of Putin). There are many historical moments touched. My personal favorite is the announcement of Putin in 2007 on a conference in Munich, that there could not be a unipolar world. The completely frustrated face of John McCain is priceless.
It is truely historical.
If I compare the questioning of Oliver Stone with the shameless press conference in Washington lately with Sergei Lavrov, well, this is really breathtaking. Putin showes that he is the adult in the room, and I didn’t know yet that he had such a dry humour.
So, many thanks for that. I have enjoyed something special.
The second documentary doesn’t work for me either.
If the mods allow it, here is a link to part 2 on Youtube:
The link is safe, but might not work in every country. In that case I would recommend using a VPN. In a browser like Opera this is already build in, in others like Firefox you can install add-ons on that. I use a professional VPN, virtually I’m surfing from Switzerland.
part 3 of The Putin Interviews
click here to watch or download
Part 4 of The Putin Interviews
Why on the map that is shown at the beginning of episode 1 Crimea is part of Ukraine???
I have just finished part 3, and after having seen 3 hours I can only say that I am highly entertained and loved every second of it.
Again, this is truely historical.
Thanks Saker, and best greetings, Rob
Thanks Saker and Baaz.
Dear Saker and Baaz
Many thanks for the interviews!
S-400 remarked that Putin constantly spoke about looking 25-50 years ahead. One thing that will surely happen in 25 years is Putin retiring. Who is going to succeed him? It seems that China has a decent way of finding and grooming future leaders. What about Russia?
Don’t worry. As I understand Vladimir Vladimirovich, he has crown princes. I have a hunch, but I will not name names. Nobody knows if he wants to be relected. Russia needs a restart and he knows it.
Just finished part 4 as well. Thanks Baaz, for providing the link.
Again, it was a real treat.
I don’t think he will read here, but my compliments also for the interpreter (Sergei Chudinov).
I might dare to say that Oliver Stone is an impressive movie director with quite a track record. Therefore I had some hope that this documentary (that imho is already legendary and historical) might at least give a ‘twist’ to the present toxic consciousness in the USA at least.
In this link you will find an interview that was held in the USA with Stephen Colbert (and he’s not just ‘some TV guy’):
Stephen Colbert (and also the audience) just confronted him with disbelief and hostility.
There is still a lot of work needed here. Oh dear.
Reply to Rob on June 16, 2017 · at 5:14 pm UTC
Guest of a CBS talk show Oliver Stone is invited to speak about his documentary, based on 20 hours’ worth of interviews with Vladimir Putin spread over 2 years. His host Stephen Colbert, who gave his name to the show, challenges Stone about Russian interference in the US election. When in reply Stone addresses the issue by saying Israel’s interference in the same campaign was far greater, CBS suppress the sequence …
Source : CBS censure Oliver Stone qui accuse Israël d’avoir interféré dans la campagne US 16 June 2017
There is simply no way an objective discussion is possible in the US media at present. Thankfully we have this documentary to hear Putin’s words for ourselves
Oliver Stone interviews the Russian president Vladimir Putin
Part 1 –
Part 2 –
Part 3 –
Part 4 –
I might add something for the interested.
Oliver Stone asked a few questions to Vladimir Putin about Edward Snowden. Putin said that he considered Snowden a brave man, but that he could not agree with what he had done. Also (and I didn’t know that yet), Stone confronted him with a detail from his movie ‘Snowden’, that the USA had placed ‘sleeper cell’ software in many of their ‘allies’ which makes it possible to get the entire country into the dark when they want that. Putin responded that when you do that to an allie, it just will enhance distrust.
My guess is that Putin knows damned well that the USA consideres (maybe outside the UK, Israel and Saudi Arabia) no nation in the western hemisphere as an allie. they are considered as vassals: . Brzezinski stated this openly in his novel ‘the grand chessboard’.
I might invite anyone interested to see the movie ‘Snowden’: , it’s a great movie.
Just ignore the subtitles, it’s in Croatian. Unless you’re Croation, of course.
Great interviews, all four. Even though I knew already a lot of the arguments and viewpoints discussed in the interviews (as most readers here, I bet), it was fascinating to see you and President Putin talk quite emotionally at times. Truly amazing.
Oliver Stone and Vladimir Putin, thanks a lot for your passion for diplomacy and peace.
Yes, great
The links I got from Baaz to part 3 and 4 via YouTube have vanished before I could see those parts.
However, our internet and channel server in the Netherlands gave us yesterday Part 1 and 2 via National Geographic and tonight at 10;00 pm we will have parts 3 and 4 broadcasted via NatGeo.
Vlad finally has the world audience he deserves!
check here if it helps
Thank you so much for the link. I have been fervently looking every where to see the four parts of the interviews.
Thank you once again for giving me the opportunity to watch these. I am a long time great admirer of President Putin and I am so pleased you were so kind to post the link.
Carmel by the Sea
Thank you Baaz. Yours is the only link I finally found that works. I finally got to see the series. Much appreciated.
It is interesting, that recent Putin’s interview with Megyn Kelly was forged by NBC News.
So far, possibly, 6+ million people watched forged version which NBC News should fix and apologize:
Original is:
Most striking moment of the forgery is removal phrase from the middle of the answer.
Presenting less than 11 minutes out of 20 original cannot be called “full interview” either.
By the naked eye, fifth of 6700 commenters to NBC-posted forged interview are outraged and looking up for the original one. But apparently, if to post comment with the link to original, Google entirely blocks this comment. Try yourself.
NBC has similar problems with Assad’s interview:
It is similar with the inability of American journalist, Bill Neely, to follow up the meaning of answers and repeatedly asking the same questions again and again
Notably, Bashar Al Assad was more careful not to let the journalist to forge the video and did recording with own services.
I made a small research with more details and credits:
Interesting that you mention that, also TMWNS pointed at cut out parts of the Oliver Stone interview (therefore my thanks).
With slight regret I have to mention that these practices are not unique for the US press. Here in Europe the same BS has become the standard.
In interviews and talkshows the hosts have devices in their ears, and ‘communication specialists’ and ‘spin doctors’ are shouting in their ears how to react. Sometimes that is so loud that you can hear it.
I couldn’t find it back anymore, but a couple of years ago Angela Merkel made a local election speech on a square in Stuttgart. She had just returned from a visit to Greece (where she was not friendly welcomed), but the Germans didn’t like that either. For almost 10 minutes she was booed at loudly by thousands gathered there. That evening on the ZDF they had cut out that completely.
Let’s stop calling that journalism. It is simply what it is, namely propaganda.
Forgeryright (F) 2017
June 18, 2017. Today, things unfold in surprising way. Instead of making an apology for the forgery, NBC News begins removing authentic versions. On copyright grounds. For example, full version “Vesti” and differential version of Inessa S.
Version “Vesti” seems an authentic domestic Russian TV copy. Was Mr. Putin did not retain the copyrights for own interview? Was this interview broadcast on Russian TV legally? Then why NBC News removes this copy from Russian youtube channel?
Perhaps because of English subtitles. Perhaps for the same reason that Oliver Stone English version cannot be broadcast in Russia? Separation of copyrights? RT version is still alive.
Let’s see how the show unfolds … Please, any news on a topic are welcome …
Sorry and congratulations dear American friends, you have a new law: Forgeryright protection.
Citing from this interview: “…You know, you’re just very resourceful people there, well done, probably your lives there are boring…”