Media analyst Mark Dice asked beachgoers in San Diego, California to sign a petition supporting President Obama’s supposed plan to launch of preemptive nuclear attack against Russia to help keep the United States of America the world’s leading superpower. The results are disturbing.
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The sheeple at its best! We are so doomed!
How depressing this all is.
But of course San Diego means Blue Navy and Marines. Quite Right, right?
What were they talking about?
I was just watching the one of two girls sitting to the right side…hot pants and flesh she has!
If she asked me I would sign too…
Did any one notice the man with women’s clothing at 2.31,.
This whole video is just wrong,…..Except the girls on the bench.
I think the only guy that refused to sign is a military guy…he’s the only one that knows what it all is about.
Please, “Anonymous”, do not compare these people to sheep.
That is insulting to the latter.
“… we see that the people themselves have no original convictions of their own. Their convictions are formed, of course, just as everywhere else. The decisive question is who enlightens the people; who educates them? Capital actually rules in those countries; that is, nothing more than a clique of a few hundred men who possess untold wealth…”
~ Adolf Hitler, 1940
We’re not “doomed,” Anon; we just have to knock the Banking Empire from their grip on the people’s education. The banksters will call us Hitler or terrorists and pay people to act accordingly, but Americans have stood up to this before and they will do so again.
“I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet through all the Gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. I can see that the End is more than worth all the Means. And that Posterity will triumph in that Days Transaction, even although We should rue it, which I trust in God We shall not.”
~ President John Adams, 1776
Morons (these average Californian signing petitions) have signed various propositions over the years which would have cancelled the Bill of Rights, legalized marriage to animals, agreed to split the state into north and south, etc, etc.
No one reads these things. The vast majority of Americans can’t think about anything more complex than Super Size It or what syrup they want in their latte at Starbucks.
As for bombing—that is the only way America fights wars. We bomb. We see infrared video of the targets getting blasted. It makes people think that bombs work. They have no comprehension that bombing is the reason why America doesn’t win wars.
Two + two is far too difficult a concept for the average moron with voting rights in America.
I’m betting most of the signers would not be able to find Russia on an unmarked map of the world.
San Diego is an especially conservative town. Naval bases and tens of thousands of retired servicemen (officers). Patriotism is always in the air. Down the freeway from Camp Pendleton, the large Marine training base.
Bombs away! The American way. Quite exceptional.
These dolts are the product of a failed educational system and the Liberalism that cultivates a dumbed down populace. It’s very effective when leading sheep to have very ignorant sheep.
Don’t overlook California’s current crisis—water shortage. Though California has 800 miles of Pacific Ocean lapping along its coast. There was snow in May at Big Bear, 50 miles from LA.
These facts are symptomatic of the ignoramus quality of leaders, the public and the policies and beliefs.
A petition splitting the state is not a bad idea. California is a disaster. Ret*ard evil libs and gung ho endless war NeoCons and NeoLibs.
The PetroYuan Is Born: Gazprom Now Settling All Crude Sales To China In Renminbi
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/09/2015 – 11:25
As Russia adjusts to Western sanctions stemming from the conflict in Ukraine, Gazprom is now settling all crude sales to China in renminbi. At the intersection of the petrodollar’s death and yuan hegemony is: the PetroYuan…
Odessa needs liberating, and soon.
#ODESSA—The Odessa police to be headed up by former Georgian Dep. Min. Interior, #Lortkipanidze, who in #Georgia curated Chechen extremists.
couldn’t agree more. I’m all for it. Actually, in Northern California’s rural areas there exists a movement to create the state of Jefferson, along with several southern Oregon counties. The economies in these areas have been on the elite hit list for decades and they are really suffering from it. There have been whistleblowers from the Department of Interior who have spoken out about this and in support of the people of these counties.
Though California has 800 miles of Pacific Ocean lapping along its coast.
Keep in mind the ocean is all salt water; you can’t drink it. California could invest in more desalination plants to process ocean water, but I guess all the money is going towards bombs…
“If we put [our scientists] to work making poison gas and more and more fiendish mechanical and explosive instruments of destruction, they will have no time for the constructive job of building greater prosperity for all peoples. By putting them to this useful job, we can all make more money out of peace than we can out of war – even the munitions makers.
~ “War is a Racket,” Major General Smedley Butler, 1935
I commented on this story on another site. The guy who did the petition is a right wing “comedian” who has a bunch of similar videos on YouTube on other so-called “Obama supporter” petitions for fake topics such as putting birth control in the water supply, expanding Obamacare to cover infanticide, or appointing Karl Marx as his successor president, to name a few. The topics so stupid that no one would ever sign a petition for them. The point of the video is not that Americans are stupid but that “Obama supporters” are stupid.
The video is staged. People who make these videos tell the subjects off-camera, beforehand, that this is a joke and ask them if they would like to be in the skit. If you do real “candid camera” videos these days, you run the risk of being beaten up or getting sued for making fun of people on YouTube.
Notice who is signing the “petition.” Almost all of them were fat guys with shades and crew cuts, hardly your typical Obama supporter. And some fat guy’s girlfriend.
“Like all members of the military profession I never had an original thought until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of the higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service.”
~ Major General Smedley Butler, USMC, 1935
As I pointed out on YouTube, useful idiots are not something that needs to be faked.
This illustrates to you what “democracy”, “voting”, “popular support” and alike all mean in practice. There were phases in ancient Greece when the rule of the sheeple (δημοκρατία – demokratia) would for that reason go in disfavour so much, that it would be replaced by “tyranny” (τυραννία – turannia), a government of a single ruler – a great improvement if the right man was in charge.
In my own opinion the best form of government ever was the one that worked under Stalin. Putin’s approach, rule of domestic oligarchs (in place of foreign oligarchs), is closer to what in ancient Greece would be called ὀλιγαρχία (oligarhia), and is definitely a great improvement over Yeltsin’s chaos, but the man is simply not made out of the right fibre.
Clement, some years ago, when some vile and vicious Rightwing regime was in power, a correspondent came up with the perfect Classical Greek word for the system in the West, then and even more so now. Kakistocracy-the rule of the worst in society.
Evgeny Fedorov being interviewed.
The topic is internet trolling e.g. Trolls vs Fedorov
Easy to spot on this site, where they take over the entire thread
I usually choose a handle that in some way indicates the theme of the post.
Not surprising the result, though I imagine he got a lot of people, who like the guy around the middle of the video, who said “no thanks, man”. The title having these being Obama supporters I don’t think is correct as the man asked them if they would support Obama’s plan, not if they were Obama supporters, which is different.
San Diego is a reactionary region of California, much like Orange county, so one would expect more extremist views there. It doesn’t say which beach this was at, but I suspect it wasn’t Black’s beach, since the crowd who frequent that beach would be more reasonably minded than the crowds attending the other San Diego beaches (except for the navy guys with binoculars parked up on the cliff ;D ).
Who is paying this Guy? OK let me know if he or anyone like him shows up in the Sacramento, CA area and I will counter with a ” No mutually assured self destruction ” petition. Does this idiot have any idea that San Diego, Roseville/Sacramento and Seattle will be first strike targets in retaliation:? That is aside from the pure hatefulness of it. MSM brands evil Putin and thus brands Russians as evil people . Neanderthal!!! Forget the principles of international law–evidently the American people are willing to fill their bellies with the detritus from the constant violations of this. sigh. One has to develop a spiritual program to survive intact mentally, emotionally and morally these days which is why I admire Mozgovoi so much–he remained a passionate righteous man with heart albeit with a few old fashioned ideas about women. I want to turn my Che tee shirt in for a Mozgovoi one–they were both killed by collusion of the same forces actually. Sadly Che after his work was really done for the times he lived in but Mozgovoi still needed for the fight. Again, neaderthals!
Don’t you understand the petition is a joke? Mark Dice has done many of these “hidden camera” videos just to show how ignorant is the public. Many of the people around us are zombies literally.
hey there was a “nuke the gooks” group in the far right in the Vietnam war era: sorry this is no joke! Sick humor really does not make an effective point. Black humor however does: Like a bumper sticker: ” Well, at least the war on the middle class is going well.”
See the difference?
These fake petitions/movements have been in use for a while now. For those open to the concept of parody or satire, this type of humor can make a good point. Why so serious?
I wonder the reaction in the West if there was a petition being signed in Moscow for a nuclear first strike on the West. Now I firmly believe that in Russia it wouldn’t be acceptable.And that the people would react in anger at someone doing that. But it would be interesting to see the outrage on the MSM throughout the West over it.
Norte Americana is awake!…..
So far mostly folks like Bot Tak and Californian….
Have you folks ever watched Mark Dice ?? youtube….hilarious!
Street interviews…’Attack Iran’ ? show on the world map where we should attack from……gives a pin… where, from the east? north ? south? where ?
They stick pins in map of Australia!….. not just once !
Last year…..standing outside a coin shop….begging for quick cash… he offers a gold Eagle worth around $1500 US…..for 50$ FRN notes.
Geographically challenged,or just deliberately and badly educated.
I can assure you that is the same in the UK also….very sad.
Watters World segments on Fox’s O’Reilly.
He goes to colleges and gets the dumbest clucks in the country.
Ignorance is an American consumer product heavily imbibed.
The “Man on the Street” is a moron.
Funny they have Hollywood idea of “nuking” (=US President press a red button in his armored suitcase and 3000 warheads will obediently start to their preprogrammed targets in Russia etc.) These guys would be pretty shocked (if not instantly dead!) by real sequence of events.
Nukes are currently made to be maximally safe (against accidental explosion). 7+ brakes, probability of spontaneous explosion well under 1/1000 0000 per every warhead. some 1/1000 for whole arsenal. If you launched these warheads in this blocked state, it would be hell probable most of them will resist your attempts to unlock them remotely near target and fail. On opposite, if you removed some brakes in your bases/planes/subs, some of those 3000 warheads would definitely spontaneously explode (in your facilities!) and somehow affect all (include other nukes) in range of tens, maybe hundreds kilometers. Now consider your soldiers in these facilities. How will they be willing to undertake such risk? In case of Russian attack, no problem. But for caprice of some insane leader?! All the other parts of Hollywood scenario are also nonsenses (neccessity of authorization from some top boss, two keys principe, preprogrammed targets, possibility of sure remote destruction of headed warhead etc.) If it were true (or close to true) it wouldn’t be in TV…
(I studied Faculty of nuclear reactors in Prague in Soviet times, when “civil nuclear programmne” was pretty void term…)
The chance of an average person living in the US being struck by lightning in a given year is estimated at 1 in 500,000, while the chance of being struck by lightning in a lifetime is 1 in 6250 (estimated lifespan of 80 years).[9]
One estimate is that 24,000 people are killed by lightning strikes around the world each year and about 240,000 are injured.[3] Another estimate is that the annual death toll is 6,000.[4]
‘probability of spontaneous explosion well under 1/1000 0000 per every warhead. some 1/1000 for whole arsenal.’
doesn’t look like great odds to me.
Earlier today we described the situation currently facing Syria’s soon-to-be ex-President Bashar al-Assad as follows:
If Washington tends to go with Plan A, it would certainly make sense why Obama told leaders at the G-7 that this US doesn’t “yet have a complete strategy because it requires commitments on the part of the Iraqis.” The strategy probably goes something like this: 1) bide time until Assad’s army is decimated, 2) issue burn notice on black-flag waving former CIA asset, 3) announce Syria’s liberation, 4) install puppet government, 5) send “you’re welcome” note to Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
Looks like America’s troll army is crawling out the woodwork like cockroaches.
The phony “alternative” media mouthpiece Zero Hedge is showing its true colors, as it is repeating the “Assad is about to go” meme just like the mainstream American media.
America thinks it can simply manufacture reality out of whole cloth.
Try again.
Here’s a better persepctive on Syria:
SyrPer is fun, but Ziad does a lot more cheer-leading than sober analysis. He sees himself as the Ba’ath information minister, so I don’t visit it as much as I used to. But some of Ziad’s more sarcastic screeds are real treasures!
True, he admitted it as much himself. he’s more Goebbels than Baath. I can understand that since all other media are anti-Syria. When everyone is on one side, being partial is stupid.. So make the best of every little victory.. We know things are serious when iran is now training troops in iran instead of in Syria. The untrained militia in Syria cant even hold onto territory since the ISIS shock troops are so ruthless that it is just like throwing people in front of machine guns. Unlike war, terrorists mingle with the civilians and then attack from behind or underground. Hard to defend against them when most of your country is surrounded by terrorist supporters.
The difficulty is this is nothing like a poll even. We see maybe a dozen brain damaged zombies signing this, but out of how many people asked? 100? 300? 1,000? No way of knowing.
Yet, I have run into plenty of people like this who say ‘Nuke them!’, be it Russia, Middle East country, whatever. A lot of totally mindless people here. And the predominant opinion is ‘everybody is entitled to their opinion and to say and think whatever they want’ with no regard to reality.
Back in grammar school there were teachers who said that democracy is just majority rule, and had the class vote on stuff — even stuff which violated fundamental human rights and law — and that’s what was taught to be ‘freedom’, with no thought behind voting or having an opinion or preference which was to be enforced on everyone. In high school the history teacher, who later became the town superintendent of schools, handed out a list of rules he made up and announced it was the ‘class constitution’. He was a completer fascist. But that’s what was taught. And if you opposed that you were judged to be a problem, or troublemaker, or crazy, and failed or were driven out of school. The whole school system was fascist. So what to expect from people — with the school system even worse now, where little kids get tazed and arrested by police.
This US culture is insane.
Camoron in the news daily about how he wants any “referendumb” on leaving the EU handled—the correct answer is ‘same as how he handled it in the Scot referendumb.’
Tory MPs today lined up to criticised plans to use public money to campaign to keep Britain in the European Union.
Legislation paving the way for an in-out referendum is being debated in the Commons, with Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond promising the vote could be held as early as next year.
But he faced heavy criticism for a plan to lift the ban on the government spending money on a ‘deluge of propaganda’ in the run-up to polling day.
# 1 country in murder
Dice has been doing these petitions for years to demonstrate how stupid the American people have become.
95% of them couldn’t find Russia on a map but they can tell you what Kim Kardashian wore to some awards program 3 years ago.
Dont worry Russia. The informed Americans know Russia is not the problem.
The problem lies in Washington DC, London, Brussels, Riyadh and Tel Aviv.
Aim your missiles there, Vlad.
We wont mind.
‘95% of them couldn’t find Russia on a map but they can tell you what Kim Kardashian wore to some awards program 3 years ago.’
They are being constantly hit by cognitive depleters such as unsaturated fat, processed sugar, flouride, gmo, psychological effects of mass immigration at replacement rates (instead of enrichment of controlled immigration), antidepressants, pasturisation of everything, constantly told they are either racist or oppressed or sexist or assalted or both, (anything to pit everyone against one another and create cognitive dissonance and fear), progaganda, computer games, engineered poor education system. Anyone would think that the Zionists have created the perfect slave:
The zionbie.
Only in America…
What the heck is this all about?
Now I see
“The document states:
The certain areas with special status or their associations are an integral part of Ukraine, and within the powers defined by the Constitution, special laws of Ukraine, as well as agreements on the delimitation of powers between these areas, their associations and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the ministry, other central bodies of executive power settle the issues, carried to their authority, by themselves.”
Maybe lost in translation, But I keep reading this and can’t figure out what it says — if anything. Nothing is specific or defined.
TEHRAN (FNA)- Russia and China have marked an area in the Sea of Japan to hold the second stage of joint naval exercises, the Russian military said Tuesday.
Officers from the Russian Eastern Military District, the Pacific Fleet Headquarters and representatives from the Chinese Navy held a reconnaissance mission at the Knevichi Airfield, RIA Novosti reported.
TEHRAN (FNA)- The UN humanitarian office said Tuesday that 6,454 people had been killed and 16,146 injured in the conflict in Eastern Ukraine from April 2014 through June 3, 2015.
More than 5 million people are in need of humanitarian aid, Jens Laerke, the spokesman for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said in Geneva, Itar-Tass reported.
This site needs a little humor picker-upper.
think of this as the much lower tech procedures the church uses to exorcise unwelcome poltergeists.
TEHRAN (FNA)- Instagram apologized for the closure of the account ’emamKhomeini’ dedicated to the late founder of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Khomeini, saying it was the result of a “mistake”.
The account which had over 100,000 followers was deactivated on the threshold of the annual ceremonies held in Iran to commemorate the anniversary of Imam Khomeini’s demise on June 4, and another account ’emamKhomeiny’ was launched to replace it – by the owners of the original account. But the original account was restored on June 1
This should amuse a few here
Anyone at The Saker, or in the area, know if this is significant?
It is apparently “huge.” And all over the European & Russian media.
I wondered if Saker would pick this up and if so what sort of comments would occur. As several note, Dice’s been doing this sort of thing for several years now. No sane human in any country should want nuclear war, which is to say those signing the petition are insane. If he had a pistol and asked how many would be willing to put it to their head and pull the trigger, that would essentially equal the outcome of his original question. The dude Sputnik now showcases, Brad of the Bradblog, did the same sort of thing at Tea Party rallies when that false phenomenon arose, and the results were just as sad/hillarious.
The one thing proven beyond doubt by Dice’s exercise is the power of the Propaganda and Indoctrination Systems within the Outlaw Empire. He could do the same thing at South Beach in Florida and get the same responses. Overcoming such ignorance and brainwashing is why peaceful change is so hard to make happen within the Empire.
I mean, the horrible thing to say here is that almost all the signers were not WASP. I guess its the education factor.
Yes, definitely this is the confirmation how the humanity fell from grace and how intentionally people are raised become dummies.
This is off topic, but also explanation how it is working around the world for a very, very long time. Hopefully it will be over pretty soon
Very interesting, thank you. Perhaps people will wake up before the entire crookery blows up.
Good find, Anon. I didn’t see that one yet. And no, the debt-money system is not off topic — it’s the reason why so many people are so dumbed down.
For a laugh, take a look at this map of ‘the world according to muricans’!
I gotta say they got the europeans right though!! ;-)
On a more serious note, watch a former marine interviewing movie goers who had just seen the propaganda piece ‘American Sniper’ movie. The movie is supposed to be the true story of the alleged deadliest sniper in murican military history, the big mouth C.Kyle( now dead, killed by another former soldier in zamerica). C.Kyle was caught telling many LIES, yet hollywood made a movie on him and it was a huge box office hit.
… Cognitive Dissonance…
What happen when a deeply deluded person face reality and truth ? he will of course keep to his delusions instead of accepting the TRUTH because his whole world of lies will crumble if he allow fact and truth enter his thought process…
This poll, while started as a joke , indicates the troublesome thought process of americans , who already lost their ability to think critically and totally dependent on goverment mass media / propaganda to do their thinking.. (this is disturbingly more prevalent among america’s teenagers , who instead of questioning everything , they accept the goverment propaganda as truth…)
Many americans foolishly believed in their military superiority , in part because of the goverment propaganda that always show american victory with their enemies. Once the real SHTF happened , they choose to rationalize it , even to the absurd levels…
Iranian hacked the stealth drone RQ170 and landed it successfully , the reaction of american : Iran lies, Iran dont have the technology to hack , Iran is a horse-cart driven civilization that cant even do anything technological , The drone is a trojan horse to mislead iran on american technology levels… etc… Here you see the hilarious way those Americans trying to rationalize the loss of RQ170 into anything except accepting the truth/fact that Iranian beat their own high tech drone , the so called ‘beast of kandahar’…
A Chinook full of american special operators (32 spec ops including 24 SEALS) was shot down when it flies at low altitude and slowing down trying to land (speed about 55 mph ) , by 2 taliban night watchmen , using only 3 RPG rounds (2 miss , 1 hit the rear rotor). The RPG hit on the rear rotor caused the chinook to roll over and impacted the ground, incinerating the special operators inside who got burned alive in the wreck… American Reaction ? this is a CONSPIRACY to kill SEALs who participated in the bin laden raid… the gist = only americans can shot down a chinook and killed the spec ops inside , the taliban dont have the capability to shot american chopper … murica !!
and many more examples of americans trying HARD to explain their failling in realworld , while avoiding the TRUTH..
Battle of Ong Thanh – After minor enemy contact the previous day, a battalion commander led 155 American soldiers single-file into the bush to destroy the enemy. They ran into an NVA regiment with some 1400 men. Alpha company was wiped out in 20 minutes, and by sundown, 59 American soldiers lay dead with 75 wounded.
Battle for LZ Albany – The 1st battalion of the 7th Cavalry barely survived its now famous 1965 battle in the Ia Drang valley. After saving its 1st battalion, the exhausted 2nd battalion headed for LZ Albany for an aerial extraction. It was in a long column in open terrain when it ran into a concealed NVA battalion, which attacked and shot it to pieces during a bloody battle that claimed the lives of 155 Americans, with 124 wounded.
Some of those were in the act of signing before they even knew what it was. Others seemed to pay no attention to what it said — they ‘signed a petition’ just to sign a petition, not to say anything at all. True sheep who would have signed anything. Mindless.
this guy is fantastic…very funny…those dum Americans…how hilarious….they have no idea….
Now while chubby US military brats wanting to nuke Russia seems silly, this is much more ominous:
New Poll: Darth Vader More Popular Than All 2016 US Presidential Candidates
In the current media landscape, with every misstep filmed and posted online for the world to see, running for president can be tough. Of course, having his villainous rise chronicled in six Star Wars films hasn’t hurt Darth Vader, who is evidently polling better than all other prospective candidates for the 2016 election.
But according to a new poll conducted by the Washington Post, all of them may well just give up, since they’re widely considered even less likable than many of Hollywood’s most illustrious bad guys.
Most notably, Darth “I Chopped My Son’s Hand Off” Vader.
Just to understand what, precisely, that means, let’s do a quick review of some of the things that make Darth Vader a villain.
1. Betrayed a sacred oath sworn to the Jedi, which knowingly resulted in the deaths of dozens of his peers;
2. Disappointed Ewan McGregor;
3. Premarital sex (Which is really only evil if you ask Rick Santorum);
4. Used the Force to choke an Imperial Officer during a religious debate;
5. Kidnapped his own daughter and imprisoned her without even a TV;
6. Blew up an entire planet just to prove he could;
7. Tried to eradicate the indigenous species of the Ewok;
8. Not to mention being pretty much personally responsible for launching an intergalactic war. A “Star War,” if you will.
Yet, even after all of this, Americans still think he’d make a better leader than anyone tossing their wookie into the ring for 2016.
The presidential candidates were also outpolled by Jaws, but all he ever did was eat a couple of people before being blown up, so that’s not very surprising.
Then there’s Voldemort, the pig-nosed antagonist from the Harry Potter series. He somehow got sandwiched between Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. Surveyors were most likely impressed by Voldemort’s relatively progressive religious tolerance, but ultimately felt he wasn’t tough enough on unions.
Vader does, nevertheless, have a contender. Topping the poll as the most favorable individual is the Terminator. That’s a bit of a gray area. On the one hand, the cyborg tries to kill Sarah Connor. On the other, he tries to save her in the sequel.
Plus, Arnold Schwarzenegger was governor once, so he’s as qualified as anyone, right?
“imprisoned her without even a TV” Wow! Hard to imagine Americans forgiving him for such wanton cruelty. Darth Vader was sort of popular in the Ukraine last year, too, I remember, though unlike the USA, didn’t manage to reach such a popular political status.
In the end, Darth Vader returned to the light side and lost his life by doing so. I don’t see any of the 2016 candidates doing that.
There were a few people who complained on here of all places about how we should not have any animosity towards Americans in general since they are such nice people.. Now I am not in Russia so I wont die immediately but I would wish I had died sooner rather than later after this.. But I am such a nice person that all that suffering I would suffer would just be taken as my own fault. Actually it would be my own fault hence I don’t actually consider the people of a country as far different than the policies of their country. Even if I have relatives and friends in that country so what, we don’t have assholes in our families? I did have a few friends who admitted their faults, which is a far cry from the arrogant imbeciles who are worse than the ISIS goons who wants to shove their views onto others.
I wonder.. did the judges at the Nuremberg trials make a difference between those who voted for Hitler and those who did not and if America spared the women and children in tokyo from their fire bombings since women in imperial japan had no say in policy.. I noticed it is not the Japanese women getting raped by imperial troops but the ones whom they colonized in Okinawa. Even the sex workers seem to be afraid of them.
Thank you for this video. I’ve now subscribed to Mr. Dice at Utube, for ongoing demonstrations of the fact that USA is overloaded with the most abject morons possible! Pardon, while this and all kinds of lies make my blood boil.
Il faut dénoncer ces criminels abrutis qui veulent déclencher la guerre mondiale. Ils sont des possédés de satan qui périront de leurs crimes
(Google translation from French) We must condemn these morons criminals who want to start a world war. They are possessed by satan who perish of their crimes
here’s one for mandatory euthanasia for seniors
then he has another one for infanticide…
A couple of things. Mark Dice is in California, and I’m not picking on the west coast folks, but it seems, they are dumber than a sack of rocks. He had one signature petition that actually made me laugh. It was a petition to euthanize old people, and there they were, folks just as old as me signing the petition to get euthanized. Mark comes out with all kinds of crazy petitions to demonstrate how ill informed people are.
I have a hard time wrapping my head around, what if the whole damn US was that bloody stupid. Mmmm, that is a gritty thought. Bottom line is, reality dictates, that people that stupid, have no chance of defending themselves, should a country who can, decide they have had enough, and slap the morons down for the practical safety of the world.
Такие инициативы “партнеров” РФ необходимо начинать переводить в дипломатическую плоскость.
И использовать в серьезных политических стратегиях, в качестве инструментов реагирования на общую ситуацию в отношениях с западом.
Представьте какой-бы вой там поднялся, на всех уровнях, есть что-либо подобное наблюдалось со стороны русских. Кста, наши не такие кровожадные
[TR:Such initiatives are “partners” of Russia should begin to translate into diplomatic plane.
And use in serious political strategies as tools to respond to the overall situation in relations with the West.
Imagine what a howl would go up there, at all levels, if there is something like that observed on the Russian side. Incidentally, we are not as bloodthirsty]
video translated here
I really don’t like this Mark Dice character.
1. He is always going on about the mythical Illuminati. Can’t take him seriously.
2. His videos add absolutely nothing to any kind of discussion. Sure he points out gullibility and ignorance, but we already know most people are like that, what’s he trying to prove? Nothing constructive or positive is ever offered on the table.
3. How many people did he not include in the video that said no??