Guys, this is not a joke!
This is the original page:
See for yourself below.
These guys really have no shame, no sense of ridicule and no idea of how terminally stupid they all look :-)
The fact that they felt the need to engage in this tells you how panicked they really are.
The Saker
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Article on RT is mentioning remote mind control and MKULTRA program.
US govt counterterrorism center accidentally releases ‘remote mind control’ documents – report
The Washington State Fusion Center, a multi-agency counterterrorism center, accidentally released some puzzling documents this week: A dossier on the effects of remote mind control, a media report claims.
Investigative journalism site Muckrock filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the center, looking for documents on Fusion’s investigations into white supremacist groups and far-left activists Antifa. Among the trove of documents they got back was a file titled “EM effects on human body.”
The file contained an apparent explanation of the effects of electromagnetic waves on the human body. These waves, one document explained, can read and broadcast a person’s thoughts, manipulate their limbs, control their dreams, and create sensations, from agonizing all-over body pain to involuntary orgasm, the report states.
Another document seems to explain how electromagnetic mind-control weapons can be deployed by satellite, through mobile phones, or from equipment hidden in the back of a sinister-looking black van.
Nowhere in the file is any research by the Center on this technology mentioned, nor is the origin of the images explained. No agency logos are present on the images, and it is unclear whether they were intended for a different release or not. Likewise, they could simply have belonged to a member of staff and found their way into the FOIA release by accident.
According to Popular Mechanics, some of the images are from an article in Nexus magazine, a fringe Australian publication about conspiracy theories and the paranormal. The article in question describes a lawsuit filed by a John St. Clair Agnew against the NSA in 1992. Agnew claimed that the NSA used electromagnetic technology to “assassinate US citizens covertly or run covert psychological control operations to cause subjects to be diagnosed with ill mental health.”
The outcome of Agnew’s lawsuit is unknown. Historically, the CIA experimented with mind control as part of its MKULTRA program during the Cold War. According to Senate hearings in 1977, these experiments included the use of hallucinogenic drugs, hypnosis, and sensory deprivation.
I tend to think this is disinformation meant to overstate remote mind control capabilities and intimidate opponents. I am certain targets can be fried, via microwave weapons for example, but I’m less sure involuntary limb movements and orgasms can be provoked, or thoughts can be closely read, except perhaps under highly controlled circumstances.
I agree.
The human brain emits waves of different type, but a way to check it IMHO is not been found and not will ever. Otherwise we would be already all of robots. There were indeed experiments by the Americans and the Soviets in the years 50s- 80s of XX (search for example for a soviet woman called Nina Kulagina), they also tried with the spiritic seances, but concluded that these powerful forces unleashed are not controllable by man. On the contrary… the same experimenters were infested: a perfect boomerang effect. These powers of air are the same described by St.Paul.
Hence, the day I will heard a cat barking I will begin to worry.
…another interesting similar matter of study is the Istrumental Transcommunication, using some modified CCTV and valves radio circuits:
Fascinating, as it seem not to be mere background noise, but I think these are very dangerous studies to carry on… So my heartly advice is to learn if you want but to NOT try yourself.
I think this is related. Some better news from Germany lately in the media (which is not that difficult in current lying media).
– (Google translate) The world continues to puzzle over whether the outlawed #chemical weapons were used in #Duma. ZDF correspondent Uli Gack is in #Syria for us – you were in a large refugee camp today and talked to a lot of people – what did you hear about the attack there?
– In launching airstrikes against Syria, over the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, an independent German Parliamentary report has declared that the US, Britain, and France have breached international law.
The grounds for the finding are that the prohibition of the use of force still applies when the anticipated recipient of the the forceful action has violated international treaties.
– From comments on SyrPer: A few weeks ago, they [German state media] had a documentation about the freemasons and their influence on central banks etc. in state TV.
There is an article in The Times titled: “If the Kremlin didn’t poison the Skripals, who did?
The theories it proposes is that, if it wasn’t the Kremlin, it must have been either “Ukrainian separatists” or “former Soviet soldiers”.
An observation that I have not seen anywhere, is how seeming strange it is that Russians who are regarded by many as expert and devoted assassins, failed to easily kill off Litvinenko, and completely failed to kill Sergei and Yulia Skripal. Russians, who are supposed to be so clever at these things, seem only to use chemical weapons in London. There are no reported cases in New York, Paris or Sydney. Only London. Which suggests to me that the source of the attack on the Skipals, is London, not Russia.
UK is trying to deflect a culpability in yet another way – ‘probably certain Russians did it’.
UK Police Probing for Alleged Skripal Case ‘Persons of Interest’ – Reports
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – UK police and intelligence agencies claim to have identified key suspects in the poisoning of a former Russian spy, Sergei Skripal, British media said Saturday.
A breakthrough in the criminal inquiry was allegedly made after investigators studied CCTV footage in Salisbury and flight manifests to and from the United Kingdom, according to The Telegraph daily.
The newspaper reported that the police are trying to build a case against “persons of interest” in the investigation and that they believe those people are now in Russia.
The outlet also quoted David Videcette, a former Metropolitan police detective, speaking on the topic: “There may be circumstantial evidence that shows certain Russians were on certain flights and were also in Salisbury at the time but that doesn’t necessarily prove evidentially that they carried out the attack. I suspect that is where the police have got to so far”.
Who benefits? My guess is that The Times sold more newspapers. Therefore, it was The Times who poisoned the Skirpals. From their point of view, it was just a couple of Russians. A small price to pay to meet the circulation goals for the first quarter. :)
Well I never knew the Pulitzer prize was for children’s fiction writing. You learn something new every day.
Nothing to see here, friends. The Jewish Mafia hands itself another Jewish Mafia prize for excellency in Jewish Mafia journalism. So f***ing what? Jewish Mafia business as usual.
It would be a huge mistake to think that the Mafia has become more brazen and ruthless and that things were better yesterday, a year ago, ten years ago, hundred year ago, a millennia ago. No, they were not. The only difference there is, is that for the coming technotronical control, Empire absolutely needed to introduce the internet, as it was forced to introduce the printing press a couple of centuries earlier.
Between every mass-introduction of a new broadband information technology and its complete assimilation by the Controllers opens a short temporal no man’s land, that common folks eagerly use to share poems, recipes, laughs, opinions and ideas.
The Mafia being brutish, impotent and lacking even the most rudimentary creativity, its crude cheats, crimes and clowneries can easily be detected and deconstructed in real-time with the internet at our hands. It is not only fun to do so, it’s our responsibility.
Smeared as ‘Russian Bot’, UK Man Demolishes Sky News Hosts, Slams ‘Neocon Wars’
An interview with a prolific Twitter user accused by the British government of being a “Russian Bot” quickly turned heated as challenged their arguments, particularly their claim that by not toeing the UK government line, he was “anti-Britain” – and perhaps even a Kremlin agent.
It all started with a blog post from the Digital Forensic Research Lab of the DC-based, Gulf-funded think tank Atlantic Council, which said that some of the conversations about the poisoning of double agent Sergei Skripal “appear to involve organized activity, including possibly fake accounts masquerading as English users, in the well-known pattern of the ‘troll factory’ in St. Petersburg.” The post devotes a substantial portion of space to Twitter user @Ian56789, cited as an “unusual account” that was “especially active” on the subject. …
What you have to understand is that this is being done to lend what is in their view, some desperately neeed credibility and validation to the whole Russian “interference” thingy.
Right now anyone with the smallest amount of intelligence and basic ability to reason, knows that the whole thing about “Russian interferance” in the 2016 US election is a huge “nothing burger”.
With this putz prize, that they have essentially awarded themselves, they’ll now be able to say: look, its must be true, because we won a “prestigious award” for it!
Personally speaking, I think these “awards” a over-rated and heavily politisized – and obviously manipulated.
I’ve seen where more and more MSM journalists, no longer use the word “allege” when speaking about Russian:
-call it what you may – in the 2016 election.
In their Orwellian world it has slimply morphed into a fact, and now with a putz in hand, no one will be allowed to challenge their “facts”.
They are pathetic!
This is why they believe they have to have full spectrum dominance of the global media space.
No country, individual, or blog etc must be allow to challenge the agreed narrative.
Thats why we need RT, and Press TV and Tele Sur and more to put truth to their stinking lies.
This pulitzer outfit has a long history of rewarding propagandists, so this govno is neither nothing new or unusual for them. Just more of the same from the lowest rung on the civilization ladder.
Dear Walter is apparently alive and well. Scary.
The elite awarding itself a prize. Nothing more. However, the Pulitzer prize now has the status of a comedy prize.
I was thinking along the lines of Badge of Shame.
A nonsense ‘prize’, like the the Nobel ‘Peace’ prize awarded to the likes of Kissinger and Obama.
Funny how the Internet has effectively exposed these ‘distinguished’ awards as little more than soft power agit – prop.
They will never be taken seriously again.
What I am seeing in the United States (where I live) is that the legacy media (or corporate media, if you wish) is going into a self-perpetuating nosedive as far as credibility is concerned. They have lost a lot of credibility in the past few years but apparently don’t realize that fact, so they continue on with total disregard for how they are actually being perceived. This just makes their situation worse. For instance, each time some thing like this happens (the Pulitzer Prize given to “reward” clear propaganda) more and more people just shake their heads in total disbelief that things have gotten so bad. The end result is that attempts – like this one – to bolster the credibility of the legacy media simply accelerates the destruction of whatever credibility they have left.
Is truth (T) always average of near average of two extremes? Sometimes i got a feeling that progressives and “critical thinking people” have been fooled to think this T= (A+B)/2 formula. It’s safe. It makes you look “objective”.
A= Anglo Zionist claims
B= claims of bullied
T= truth
The reason why so many believe in that formula above is mental laziness of people to even try to reason things. Oppressed and bullied people are (mostly) right because it’s all what they have is truth. The problem here is that bullied people sometimes got so terrible leaders and agitators who after agitating those people are first escaping and let bullied to be crushed. Malcolm X’s question: “to be house negro or field negro” is still so actual.
WP and NYT, both willing agents of the Deep State core run by the CIA and Wall Street.
They are heartless so what is pumping blood through their veins?
Blood?? Make that vomit and excrements, and you get a scientifically accurate picture of the corporate MSM in its entirety.
The majority of us would’ve believed all this rubbish a decade ago. Seems like the (((Masters of Discourse))) are banking on still being able to mind-control a rump of the population in order to keep their racket rolling along. But to what end? Perhaps they are addicted to their one tried-and-true method of manipulation…
“Just one more false flag…just one more false flag”
The addict is finally being destroyed by a very nasty, dirty habit :D
“The majority of us would’ve believed all this rubbish a decade ago”
Speak for yourself, thweetheart.
I’m trying to think back to when I believed the NYT. Sadly, I’m old and my memory isn’t what it used to be, so I can’t remember a time when I believed the New York Times. Since they were lying about the Vietnam War, I probably knew from when I learned to read that the NYT was a bunch of slanted, biased liars and propaganda artists.
Next up, America post-posthumously honors Joseph Goebbels with a Pulitzer Prize and a Congressional Medal of Honor!
The American Empire has no clothes, but it continues to push its disinformation in a maniacal frenzy–as if nobody notices that it is propaganda.
Maybe the brainwashed American masses don’t want to notice, but that is not true outside of belly of the America Beast.
There is something deeply psychotic about America’s efforts to rationalize its demonization campaigns and psyops “journalism”–as if the United States is deathly afraid that if it doesn’t do so, it will start to unravel as an entity.
Even inside the United States, more and more people recognize that the MSM is simply a disinformation tool.
That was the lesson of the last election.
The people who believe CNN, The New York Times, the Washington Post, etc voted for Hillary. The people who don’t believe them voted for Trump.
After all, CNN, NYT and WaPo were all openly campaigning for Hillary. And all were shocked that Hillary got defeated, and have been spinning strange conspiracy theories ever since. I suppose they don’t want to admit that many Americans think that they are liars and print trash.
Anonymous, You are absolutely right. The MSM destroyed their credibility in the last election. I did not like either candidate, so I had no preference. But it was so painfully obvious that someone (or some group) had decided that Hillary had to be elected over Trump. It was absolutely shocking. It was especially shocking to someone like me who thought that the MSM wasn’t very good but at least had some scruples.
It was an education for me.
I realized for the first time in my life that those folks (who I had thought were “off the wall”) that claimed that the news was “rigged,” were simply correct. The news in America was a rigged game.
Well, now that it has been duly rewarded, I do believe in this idiotic Zio-garbage (not).
Saker’s judgment ”The fact that they felt the need to engage in this tells you how panicked they really are” strikes me as a bit far fetched. The Pulitzer prize, like so many other Western awards, is just a worthless frill. Rather, it reinforces the very accurate characterization of the Zionazis as ”terminally stupid”, not understanding that their ”pomp and circumstances” only breed contempt/indifference.
I’m getting ever more irritated over the criminal neglect on the part of the Nobel Peace Prize committee. It’s been almost 30 years since the Warsaw Pact was dissolved and endless humanitarian interventions ever since and, still, no Nobel Peace Prize neither to NATO, nor to BHL. Have the notorious Kremlin trolls infested aforesaid committee? What a relief the Pulitzer Prize still remains incorruptible.
What did you expect? The prize is given out by NY’s Columbia Univ., a leftist citadel.
Not that it matters much; after Obama got the Nobel all such awards are suspect.
Hmmm, so they give “Pulitzer Prizes” for Best Fiction now?
Lol, “for deeply sourced” story. Sourced from the depths of a septic tank, no doubt.
“”What a travesty is the US making of itself. Tragedy of endless ramifications. Self suicide. Genocide of Liberty.
Ok. The Pulitzer just entered the realm of irrelevance. Like the Nobel Peace prize. For the former, you simply need to tow the American lie; for the latter, you need to bomb a country or two.
Up is down. Right is wrong. War is peace. Ignorance is strength. Pulitzer for Lies. Nobel for War.