This column was written for the Unz Review:
There are clear signs that the Neocons running the AngloZionist Empire and it’s “deep state” are in a state of near panic and their actions are indicating that they are truly terrified.
The home front
On the home front, the Neocons have resorted to every possible dirty trick on the book to try to prevent Donald Trump from ever getting into the White House: they have
- organized riots and demonstrations (some paid by Soros money)
- encouraged the supporters of Hillary to reject the outcome of the elections (“not my President”)
- tried to threaten the Electors and make them either cast a vote for Hillary or not vote at all
- tried to convince Congress to refuse the decision of the Electoral College and
- they are now trying to get the elections annulled on the suspicion that the (apparently almighty) Russian hackers have compromised the election outcome (apparently even in states were paper ballots were used) and stolen it in favor of Trump.
That is truly an amazing development, especially considering how Hillary attacked Trump for not promising to recognize the outcome of the elections. She specifically said that Trump’s lack of guarantees to recognize the outcome would threaten the very basis of the stability of the US political system and now she, and her supporters, are doing everything in their power to do just that, to throw the entire electoral process into a major crisis with no clear path towards resolution. Some say that the Democrats are risking a civil war. Considering that several key Republican Congressmen have said they do support the notion of an investigation into the “Russian hackers” fairytale, I submit that the Republicans are doing exactly the same thing, that this is not a Democrat vs Republican issue, but a “deep state vs The People of the USA” issue.
Most experts agree that none of these tactics are going to work. So this begs the question of whether the Neocons are stupid, whether they think that they can succeed or what their true objective is.
My guess is that first and foremost what is taking place now is what always happens when the Neocons run into major trouble: they double down, again.
And again. And again. That is one of the key characteristics of their psychological make-up: they cannot accept defeat or, even less so, that they were wrong, so each time reality catches up to their ideological delusions, they automatically double-down. Still, they might rationalize this behavior by a combination of hopes that maybe one of these tricks will work, with the strong urge to do as much damage to President-Elect Trump before he actually assumes his office. I would never underestimate the vicious vindictiveness of these people.
What is rather encouraging is Trump’s reaction to all this: after apparently long deliberations he decided to nominate Rex Tillerson as his Secretary of State. From a Neocon point of view, if General Michael Flynn was bad, then Tillerson was truly an apocalyptic abomination: the man actually had received the order of “Friend of Russia” from the hands of Vladimir Putin himself!

Vladimir Putin and Rex Tillerson
Did Trump not realize how provocative this nomination was and how it would be received by the Neocons? Of course he did! That was, on his part, a totally deliberate decision. If so, then this is a very, very good sign.
I might be mistaken, but I get the feeling that Trump is willing to accept the Neocon challenge and that he will fight back. For example, his reaction to the CIA accusations about Russian hackers was very telling: he reminded everybody that “these are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction”. I think that it is now a safe bet to say that as soon as Trump take control heads will roll at the CIA.
[Sidebar: is it not amazing that the CIA is offering its opinion about some supposed Russian hacking during the elections in the USA? Since when does the CIA have any expertise on what is going on inside the USA? I thought the CIA was only a foreign intelligence agency. And since when does the CIA get involved in internal US politics? Yes, of course, savvy observers of the USA have always known that the CIA was a key player in US politics, but now the Agency apparently does not even mind confirming this openly. I don’t think that Trump will have the guts and means to do so but, frankly, he would be much better off completely dissolving the CIA. Of course, that could get Trump killed – messing with the Fed and the CIA are two unforgivable crimes in the USA – but then again Trump is already very much at risk anyway, so he might as well strike first].
One the external front
On the external front, the big development is the liberation of Aleppo by Syrian forces. In that case again, the Neocons tried to double-down: they made all sorts of totally unsubstantiated claims about executions and atrocities while the BBC, always willing to pick up the correct line, published an article about how much the situation in Aleppo is similar to what took place in Srebrenica. Of course, there is one way in which the events in Aleppo and Srebrenica are similar: in both cases the US-backed Takfiris lost and were defeated by government forces and in both cases the West unleashed a vicious propaganda war to try to turn the military defeat of its proxies into a political victory for itself. In any case, the last-ditch propaganda effort failed and preventing the inevitable and Aleppo was completely liberated.
The Empire did score one success: using the fact that the most foreign forces allied to the Syrians (Hezbollah, Iranian Pasdaran, Russian Spetsnaz, etc.) were concentrated around Aleppo, the US-backed Takfiris succeeded in breaking the will of the Syrians, many of whom apparently fled in panic, and first surrounded and then eventually reoccupied Palmyra. This will be short lived success as I completely agree with my friend Alexander Mercouris who says that Putin will soon liberate Palmyra once again, but until this happens the reoccupation of Palmyra is rather embarrassing for the Syrians, Iranians and Russians.
It seems exceedingly unlikely to me that the Daesh movement towards Palmyra was undetected by the various Syrian, Iranian and Russian intelligence agencies (at least once source reports that Russian satellites did detect it) and I therefore conclude that a deliberate decision was made to temporarily sacrifice Palmyra in order to finally liberate Aleppo. Was that the correct call?
Definitely yes. Contrary to the western propaganda, Aleppo, not Raqqa, has always been the real “capital” of the US backed terrorists. Raqqa is a relatively small town: 220’000+ inhabitants versus 2’000’000+ for Aleppo, making Aleppo about ten times larger than Raqqa. As for tiny Palmyra, its population is 30,000+. So the choice between scrambling to plug the holes in the Syrian defenses around Palmyra and liberating Aleppo was a no-brainer. Now that Aleppo has been liberated, the city has to be secured and major engineering efforts need to be made in order to prepare it for an always possible Takfiri counter-attack. But it is one thing to re-take a small desert town and quite another one to re-take a major urban center. I personally very much doubt that Daesh & Co. will ever be in control of Aleppo again. Some Neocons appear to be so enraged by this defeat that they are now accusing Trump of “backing Iran” (I wish he did!).
The tiny Palmyra was given a double-function by the Neocon propaganda effort: to eclipse the “Russian” (it was not solely “Russian” at all, but nevermind that) victory in Aleppo and to obfuscate the “US” (it was not solely “US” at all, but never mind that) defeat in Mosul. A hard task for the tiny desert city for sure and it is no wonder that this desperate attempt also failed: the US lead coalition in Mosul still looks just about as weak as the Russian lead coalition looks strong in Aleppo.
Any comparison between these two battles is simply embarrassing for the USA: not only did the US-backed forces fail to liberate Mosul from Daesh & Co. but they have not even full encircled the city or even managed to penetrate beyond its furthest suburbs. There is very little information coming out of Mosul, but after three months of combat the entire operation to liberate Mosul seems to be an abject failure, at least for the time being. I sincerely hope that once Trump takes office he will finally agree to work not only with Russia, but also with Iran, to finally get Daesh out of Mosul. But if Trump delivers on his promise to AIPAC and the rest of the Israel Lobby gang to continue to antagonize and threaten Iran, the US can basically forget any hopes of defeating Daesh in Iraq.
Our of despair and spite, the US propaganda vilified Russia for the killing of civilians in Aleppo while strenuously avoiding any mention of civilian victims in Mosul. But then, the same propaganda machine which made fun of the color of the smoke coming out of the engines of the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov (suggesting that she was about to break down) had to eat humble pie when it was the US navy’s most expensive and newest destroyer, the USS Zumwalt, which broke down in the Panama canal and had to be immobilized, while the Kuznetsov continued to do a very good job supporting Russian operations in Syria.
Over and over again, the AngloZionist propaganda machine has failed to obfuscate the embarrassing facts on the ground and it now clearly appears that the entire US policy for the Middle-East is in total disarray and that the Neocons are as clueless as they are desperate.
The countdown to January 20th
It is pretty obvious that the Neocon reign is coming to an end in a climax of incompetence, hysterical finger-pointing, futile attempts at preventing the inevitable and a desperate scramble to conceal the magnitude of the abject failure which Neocon-inspired policies have resulted in. Obama will go down in history as the worst and most incompetent President in US history. As for Hillary, she will be remembered as both the worst US Secretary of State the US and the most inept Presidential candidate ever.
In light of the fact that the Neocons always failed at everything they attempted, I am inclined to believe that they will probably also fail at preventing Donald Trump from being sworn in. But until January 20th, 2017 I will be holding my breath in fear of what else these truly demented people could come up with.
As for Trump, I still can’t figure him out. On one hand he nominates Rex Tillerson in what appears to be a deliberate message of defiance against the Neocons, while on the other hand he continues to try to appease the Israel Lobby gang by choosing a rabid Zionist of the worst kind, David M. Friedman, as the next US ambassador to Israel. Even worse then that, Donald Trump still does not appear to be willing to recognize the undeniable fact that the US will never defeat Daesh as long as the anti-Iranian stance of the Neocons is not replaced by a real willingness to engage Iran and accept it as a partner and ally.
Right now the Trump rhetoric simply makes no sense: he wants to befriend Russia while antagonizing China and he wants to defeat Daesh while threatening Iran again. This is lunacy. Still, I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but somebody sure needs to educate him on the geopolitical realities out there before he also end up making a total disaster of US foreign policy.
And yet, I still have a small hope.
My hope is that the latest antics of the Neocons will sufficiently aggravate and even enrage Trump to a point where he will give up on his futile attempts at appeasing them. Only by engaging in a systematic policy of “de-neoconization” of the US political establishment will Trump have any hopes of “making America great again”. If Trump’s plan is to appease the Neocons long enough from him to be sworn in and have his men approved by Congress – fine. Then he still has a chance of saving the USA from a catastrophic collapse, but only as long as he remains determined to ruthlessly crack down on the Neocons once in power. If his hope is to distract the Neocons by appeasing them on secondary or minor issues, then his efforts are doomed and he will go down the very same road as Obama who, at least superficially, initially appeared to be a non-Neocon candidate and who ended up being a total Neocon puppet (in 2008 the Neocons had placed their bets on McCain and they only infiltrated the Obama Administration once McCain was defeated).
One way or another, we are headed for a crisis, the only open question whether the USA will come out of this crisis liberated or doomed.
The Saker
Not sure about Obama, but but in the bottom 5 anyway — the Shrub was appalling, and there might be a couple or three others but I’m not up to reviewing them all.
Trump is an ass: even if he tries to play it straight, he is ignorant in some areas that count, and foolish in some others, lacks a solid core, and is too much onto the crazy side — and his picks for cabinet are generally terrible. Yet, he may be the best who could get in currently, and I think he’ll be darned lucky if he survives even a first term, but with only a reservation about Pence, the two advantages to having Trump in is the reconciliation with Russia noises, and that he is not Clinton, so if he is taken out it would not be all that hard to find someone better — although plenty of much worse could get in too. Best I expect is maybe some sanity with foreign policy while he destroys the country domestically. He often (not always) talks a good story but I doubt with the picks he’s made that this boat is going to stay above water.
What we have is barrel scrapings in all areas — even the usual idiots from FOX and the Republican party are making the neoliberals/cons and democrats look (prove to be) stupid. It’s like a bad Jerry Lewis movie that is so moronic it makes one embarrassed to even watch it.
And the EU? Don’t even ask. When Caligula made Incitatus a senator at least the front end of horse was included.
Dead empire walking…
Great comment, Blue. Saves me the bother of writing my own. I’ll just second yours.
BTW, just saw
Not exactly my take on it, but worth putting on the chalkboard of things to watch.
“Only a Counter-Coup Can Save American Democracy — Paul Craig Roberts
December 17, 2016 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | Print This Article Print This Article
Only a Counter-Coup Can Save American Democracy
Paul Craig Roberts
The CIA has long engineered coups in other countries. Now we are approaching at breakneck speed a CIA coup in the USA.
When the presstitute media first published unverifired, unsourced leaks attributed to unnamed CIA officials, both the FBI and the Director of Homeland Security said that they did not embrace the accusation that Trump’s election was a result of Russian interference in the US presidential election.
Now suddenly we have a report from the Washington Post, a rag whose integrity is in doubt and a mainstay of anti-Trump propaganda suspected of being a CIA asset, that the FBI and Homeland Security are in agreement with the anonymous leaks to the presstitutes:
“FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. are in agreement with a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the White House, officials disclosed Friday, as President Obama issued a public warning to Moscow that it could face retaliation.
New revelations about Comey’s position could put to rest suggestions by some lawmakers that the CIA and the FBI weren’t on the same page on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s intentions.
Note, that this claim comes from the CIA. It has not been verified at this time of writing by the FBI and Homeland Security. Indeed, please note that the Washington Post, which is hyping this story of intelligence agency consensus, reports:
Trump’s critics on the left and right and among the liberals and progressives have stupidly played into the CIA’s hands. I tried to warn them not to judge Trump by the past associations of his appointees as no change was possible without strong knowledgeable appointees. Those who romanticize Bernie Sanders are out to lunch. A person as weak as Sanders proved to be, completely collapsing in the face of his stolen presidential nomination by Hillary, could not possibly have prevailed over the powerful oligarchic groups that rule America. When we finally get a president-elect strong enough to bring change from the top down, the leftwing-liberal-progressive elements join the CIA in denouncing him!
If the generals Trump has announced as his appointees have been too marginalized within the military by the neoconservatives to be able to provide US military protection against the CIA’s coup against the president-elect, do not expect Donald Trump to be inaugurated as President of the United States on January 20.
The CIA seems to be split, as well as elements in other government organizations and agencies. How much of this is pure invention from the WashPost, other media, and various actors such as Soros is not clear either. Not much of anything is clear from down here where I sit under my toadstool. This is definitely a time to keep all the various narratives and possibilities open, and be as prepared as possible for any contingency. Extra flashlight cells, biscuit mix, cat food, and coffee, back up your computer, and all that.
It’s gotten so wierd I have to read the crazy right wing sites (not meaning Roberts) because they may be the only ones looking at some of this, with the liberals, and lots of the left having gone nuts.
The counter coup is already underway, and it’s the military people who are pushing back against the (al)CIA(eda) jihadi supporters at Langley and State Dept/Foggy Bottom.
Scott, if you see this comment check your gmail account.
The Counter-Coup is also led by the anti-globalist/anti-neocon Trump voter.
Good post.
It is all for the best. The world has tired of USA. The best for the country is to dissolve into small states each minding own business and completely dissapear form the world arena.
It is of course program maximum but any step toward that slippery slop must be encouraged.
Many think that USA can stay world power for a long time to come, but it is the beauty of slippery slops that one moment one is still in upright position and next moment he is not seen anymore.
Trump, being who he is shows clearly USA has ran out of all resources including human one. In such a critical moment USA could not come up with truly capable and decent man.
The mountain has bore the mouse.
Does your post imply that I cannot get Vermont maple syrup in years hence? Sad, if that is the case.
Not that kind of maples in the PNW!?
Oh yeah, those import duties, ugh?
Vasya, I hope you are right. Many of us in the USA are really tired of being the arbiter, policeman amd army navy and marines of the world. but it isn’t up to us plebs, it seems to up to the PWB in Washington. I hope they see truth but I think they might be blind deaf and dumb.
Very good article again, Saker.
Comments may be slow because of some glitch by neocon hackers. Two of mine disappeared. with the click to post.
No rest for the Holidays. Not one of those in the two rows of mug shots could play Santa for 5 seconds, so expect no gifts from any of them. They couldn’t even make it as elves in the workshop…………However all twelve could be cast as the Apostles of the Anti-Christ.
Richard Perle’s eyes are always darkened and demonic in every photo I have seen, but this time they are also askew. However it is his mouth that stood out more this time. It is perfectly shaped for a vampire mouth. For a few seconds I thought I saw two white fangs with blood dripping off of them materialize in his mouth. I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision, and the fangs slowly faded away.
Here is the supporting cast for 911 and the world is not safe from a 911sequel, before Jan 20, 2017.
Nor will the world be safe from them after Jan 20, 2017 until criminal or political convictions against the majority of them are driven like stakes through their dark hearts.
“Problem has been repaired. fk mod”
The Saker, Can you please stop calling it AngloZionist. You personally invented the term – and it is now all over the Internet. Before you – the Zionists were just called Zionists – and Now you of Russian origin – are trying to make out they are English. They have virtually nothing to do with us English. The vast majority of them are Russian. The only difference between us English and most of the World is that we are not Racist – well a bit but far less than the rest of Western Civilization including Japan and China.
Otherwise I thought your post was totally brilliant – Thanks
Meanwhile – I remain a fan of Craig Murray and my local pub..
Personally, I have never been East of Thailand, but buy nearly all my tech stuff direct from China…hardly anything from the USA – they are just too slow….and partly that is the fault of the UK Postal Service… unless its a book.
Craig – You Make a completely Brilliant Diplomat. I might argue with you about some political things (well most actually)…but I think your Diplomacy Skills are So Good – that You should Apply For (I was going to say – your old job back) but you should aim much higher (once you get back in). You are so good they will promote you back to the Top
Of The
Foreign & Commonwealth Office – GOV.UK
I mean who else have we got in The UK who can talk at least a bit of sense to both The Americans and The Russians…without upsetting them? Boris is trying his best – but he ain’t quite in your class.
You Craig Murray – are The Man for The Job…
You have just got to apply.
Surely you know these Interview techniques by now.
You are a Master of It.
“PS (No comments! There are no comments yet, but you can be first to comment this article.)”
That is fair enough – but in my experience the first comment on your website doesn’t work. You have a nice preview if you are second – but not first.
Happy Christmas Moderators.
The Saker, Can you please stop calling it AngloZionist. You personally invented the term – and it is now all over the Internet
It is??
Excellent!! :-)
Who raped Africa from Cairo to Cape Town? Who genocided the oldest living culture in Terra Australis? Over whose Empire did the sun never set? We are the mailed fist under Zionism’s velvet glove. Anglo doesn’t just mean English, but includes the countries of the British Diaspora. The capital of the Anglo Empire just moved from London to Washington in 1941, and the jury is out if Wall Street or the City of London truly rules the world.
Anglo-Zionist is on the money mate, you know it is the truth when it hurts.
My choise is “The Natoists”.
The Natoists are cause of wars and all ills.
The Polish government is worse than any “Anglo-Zionist”. The Polish government is the biggest ‘Natoist”.
The biggest threat for the multipolar world are the Natoists.
Please do no offend all nations, like the Anglos or the Jews.
Let me get this straight. Zionism isn’t the problem, the Anglo Empire isn’t the problem. The problem is a bunch of bankrupt states that can’t even defend their own borders? NATO is nothing more than political cover for the Empire, and an organisation which prevents Europe from becoming independent.
Note to commentator … your continual racial comments will not be posted … this site strives to discuss world issues in a polite, mature manner…. please adhere to these standards
regards … mod-hs
Isnt the first comment a racial one? This sounds pretty racial to me, which is that comment allow to be posted then?
“Who raped Africa from Cairo to Cape Town? Who genocided the oldest living culture in Terra Australis?”
“The Polish government is worse than any ‘Anglo-Zionist’. The Polish government is the biggest ‘Natoist’.”
Indeed, Nazi Germany had assessed the, ahem, “moral stature” of the Poles quite accurately, building concentration camps in that truly glorious neighbouring country. Ditto the Pindos with their CIA torture dungeons there nowadays. The Poles’ happy partaking in the rape of Czechoslovakia in the wake of the Munich accord speaks volumes of their instincts.
Bottom line: A Katyn a day should keep Polaks at bay.
call em Atonists. You can follow their movements over the millennia through the empire’s that rise from the location they settled. And major looting operations go out from these areas.
The latest known movements of this evil cult went from Egypt to Iraq, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Greece, Venice, Rome, Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Brittain, USA.
Yes Anon!!
I have seen this too. I use the analogy of the Ring; like Gollum the Wearer is invisible and robbing from the villagers until they start suspecting and banish him. He just goes to another village and does it all over again. As you point out, Golem always moves to where Power is the strongest; the Ring is drawn to it.
I also use Marxism to explain this phenomenon. Once we settle, a surplus forms which becomes the prize the ruling class fight to gain and hold. The greater the civilisation, the greater the surplus/profit. Since we settled, it has been a constant struggle between the Civilised (the Children of Light) and the Barbarians (the Children of Darkness). Between builders and takers, between creators and destroyers. And as I am currently exploring, between Humans and Sociopaths. Hitler called them parasites, I thought that was harsh at the time. But if the boot fits…
Please read our moderation policy .. we are here to discuss ideas and events of the world … not to attack other commentators (an ad hominem argument) … your comment has been removed … mod-hs
The Zionists, even though they are in power, would not have been able to continue their domination without the English. The English were in lead and colonized most part of the world (I give them thumps up for being a tiny island and yet, being able to control most of the world!). Still, if Britain is getting weak, it will face the world’s wrath against it so even today, Britain plays a huge role by playing like Chess around the world for its protection, alliance and domination out of its fear of the world.
“and it is now all over the Internet”
So we own Saker a “BIG THANK YOU!”
@They have virtually nothing to do with us English.
The problem really is that the English have to do with ‘them’. Since at least the Reformation, the English have been steeped in Judaism to the extent that they ended up thinking of themselves as the descendants of the ten ‘lost’ tribes of Israel (the ‘British Israel’ movement) and embraced aevery Jewish cause. Zionism in particular.
Are the English not racist? You would require a suspention of disbelief in order to believe that. Huston Stewart Chamberlain, Cecil Rhodes were English.
History 101:
It was Cromwell who took Zionist money to implement “Regime Change” and brought the tribe back to England and
it was the shitty Balfour Declaration -devised to please Lord Rothschild- that made the mass-murdering Zionist Entity possible,
so please do not try to divorce the English from their well documented list of dastardly deeds.
Also please remember that the crazed Whahabbis that have defamed Islam -and even today prevent women fron driving- that they too were imposed upon the region by the cursed machinations of the English.
And these are just a choice few from the long list of what the Anglo camp has wrought, so please do not come here and disparage the title : Anglo-Zionist.
It was a title duly earned in the annals of human infamy.
“Are the English not racist? You would require a suspention of disbelief in order to believe that. Huston Stewart Chamberlain, Cecil Rhodes were English.”
It seems you have some difficulty differentiating between general terms, “The English”, and specific examples “Chamberlain, Rhodes…”
One refers to a group in general. Like “The Chinese are shorter than The Dutch”. The other refers to a small subset. Like “Yao Ming is taller than most Dutch.”
You personally invented the term – and it is now all over the Internet.
If that is really the case and if I am really to credit at least partially for that, then my life has not been lived in vain :-)
They have virtually nothing to do with us English
You gotta be kidding me?! Not only are the Zionist a rather late addition to a much older Anglo (first British then American) Empire, but British Freemasons have played a key role in making Zionism the worldwide plague it is now.
Mind you, I am not more accusing the English people for Anglo Imperialism than I am accusing the Germans of Naziism, Jews of Zionism or Russians of Communism. For one thing, I don’t believe in collective guilt. But neither am I willing to overlook the role various nations have played in history and the tally of the British is truly exceptionally ugly. Sorry, but that is a fact.
Kind regards,
The Saker
Nor am I willing to overlook the role various nations have played in history and the tally of the Russian is truly exceptionally ugly. Sorry, but that is a fact.
Kind regards
good try, but no cigar…
First, if you compare the British Empire to the Russian Empire, the Russians come out (comparatively) as soft, shy, kind hearted, compassionate angelic saints
Second, while there have been plenty of horrors in Russian history, most of it was inflicted by its elites and against the Russian people and not at other nations/ethnicities
Third, by 1900 not a single nation in the Russian Empire had disappeared. Not one. Compare that with what the English did in North America were an entire continent was genocided.
Fourth, the low point in Russian history was clearly the Bolshevik regime. And who, might I ask, created and put it in power? Yup. The AngloZionists :-)
Fifth, what the British did in Africa, India and China simply has no parallel in human history. No need to compare with just Russia – compare with any other country or empire and you find the worst in human history, and you will see that in comparison the British rule was infinitely worse in scale, duration.
Sixth. You forget one thing: the Russia was always multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-religious. This is why there is really no such thing as Russian racism. Compare that with an island nation like the UK (or Japan, for that matter).
So your retort is cute, but it totally ignores history, sorry.
The Saker
Well, while many Russians seem like you describe, soft, shy, kind hearted and compassionate, especially at grass roots levels, ( I wonder if that is not the same at grass roots levels of any nation, being wealth and power the main corruptors of human being ), I do not agree that all in the Russian Empire was a path of roses.
Without going further, I do not agree that the “Bolshevik regime”, as you say ( when this was a “regime” widely supported by almost all the population, being them serfs under the “Tsarist regime” and so exploited in exchange of crumbs ), was the lowest point for the Russian civilization, but you have that amongst the “Romanov´s self-imposed and self-considered divine regime”, they were always killing themselves amongst each other to grab power or because they did not like the direction the things were going under the rule of others, not to mention the huge quantities of money they dilapidated in extravagant luxuries while the people died of starvation or disseases, and, while, at the same time, they mantained the Jews, who came into the Russian Empire after Poland was defeated, and so annexed, under the Pale, so not so much for equality and justice.
Obviously, each one find it difficult to see the errors of its part, so, not being neither Russian nor English, nor any place near any country under their influence, I would say that any Empire had its hits and its mistakes, and we must conclude that what is wrong in itself is the concept of “Empire”, meaning the achievement of expanding frontieres by submission of other nations and the plundering their wealth and making their populations slaves in one way or another.
On score of Russian regimes, I would say that some started with all the means at their disposition and others with what they could, and that we should measure what they achieved for the majority of people in concept of welfare ( including in this concept housing, education, health, and the concept of leissure time ) for the majority, not only for an elite, to determine what the lowest point of the Russian civilization was.
Would you please care to inform yourself with some more and barely known facts about ‘Anglo’ horror?
Have a read here:
Yes, no mass genocide, deportation, enormous concentration camps holding the equivalent of small countries of humans in torturous conditionsm brutal colonization and the most ruthlessly assimilation policies on the planet commited by the Russian state no no.. Sure, The Russian government was “soft and cute” like you say, say, where did the the circassians go?
How did Russia become so big? Was Russia like you say “kind and soft” and expanded by democratically allowing all the 100+ ethnicities to join freely? Or did it stamp down on them and rape and murder them into submission to such levels that these poor abused minorities even forgot their own language and culture and start to call themselves Russians? I doubt few nations have committed as many crimes to so many ethnic groups as Russia has, hint, the more land a country has, the more ethnic group it has likely stamped into the dirt to get that land. Nothing strange with that of course, not blaming Russians or saying dumb things like Russia’s role in history is ugly of course. All humans behave the same.
Really? The muslim arab enslaved around a 100 million africans, seems pretty comparable to me, the Russians soviet how many did they kill? Pretty incomparable, except if you look at how many China killed off course But of course, then you must ignore the Ottomans and the mongols where genocide was standard, weird, I guess humans behave the same everywhere no matter what race they are huh? Oh, no, your dear racialist ideoogy is falling to pieces.. I guess hard selectvism is the only way you keep your nonsense togheter.
Also, Russia has never been multicultural and multi-religious, Russia has always been a white christian European state that has brutalised its minorities with assimilation policies that would make the british twist their face in horror. Mass deporations, genocides, brutal brutal brutal assimilation.
Of course you say there is no Russian racism, just like a jew would say there is no jewish racism. Extremists always spout such nonsense.
LOL. Anon.
As a Chinese who know fair amount of history, and also as someone who lived along with russians I agree with you.
Russian need face and teach their past objectively without glorification, fully rectify its past wrong for others to fully trust it.
Russa think because it has big gun, can brutally put down others, so it can change the narrative of history anyway they like. But its neighbours, and the rest of world remember the truth.
The worst part is that it make its youth think there are wronged, and hate the world more, and go down same backwards path. How can you change for better if you can not or refuse to see your past objectively?
Russia’s ‘neighbors’ and the ‘rest of the world’ are primarily vassals of the USA and what they ‘think’ is what they have been taught to think by the CIA-controlled mass media. So why not save your pious lectures for your own crimes and sins, whether on a national or personal level?
To call Russia a ‘big gun’ in the face of USraeli Empire invasions of the entire Middle East and the former states of the USSR, as well as the border tickling of China, is ridiculous.
It makes me doubt that you are Chinese. I know that you do not “know a fair amount of history”, as you claim. There is a smell of stage glue in the air.
Whatever your say Franz. So what ever wrong with Russia are western conspiracy. A great way to move forward.
Chinese just loved the way Russians came over demand treaties twice with flowers and honey, and Qing empires loved Russians so much so they even give part of his own ancestral land to them… And even after taken the land, the russians marched Chinese into Black Dragon River with nothing on their backs, with celebrations of Shotguns points to their head. Very humane and loving people.
Mongolians also love to change their language to Russian alphabet, and has their ancestral home land lake baikal stolen from them as well.
Get real and get a grip.
PS, lake baikal was in Chinese history book for more than 2000 years, Russia has no claim to the land and lake.
Russia is the best thing to have ever happened to the Chinese northern border. Thousands of years building the world’s biggest wall didn’t keep the Khans from setting up their tents in the Forbidden City. The Russians suffered from the Golden Horde too, as did almost every civilisation bar the European peninsular sticking out at the NW extremes of Eurasia. The Mongols gave the world to the Europeans, after destroying the Islamic golden age, Indus Valley/Aryan India, while sending China into the Dark for 500 years. Russia is the buffer state between the great civilisations (becoming one as a result), and they are responsible for stopping the constant east-west travails of the Horse Lords. And for their troubles, the Russians gave the Mongols Cyrillic? For what that race has done to Humanity, they should have all been put to the sword! But I better stay that hand, for History is coming for my people too.
“Russia is the best thing to have ever happened to the Chinese northern border.”
Of cause. Japanese right winger said same about their occupation of Korea, accompanied with half naked Korean women, compared with full dressed Japanes noble women, and proclaim they were there to liberate Korean. Koreans still in love with Japanese I am sure you are well aware it.
“while sending China into the Dark for 500 years.”
Nice history lesson you learned… from Russia?
Yuan Dynasty lasted less than 100 years and became Chinese, then Ming followed. But who care about the historical fact, and yes, we thank Russia for liberate our land and people from us…. continuing on into Soviet time.
China was at least 100 years in front of the world before the Mongols invaded, after that a handful of pale barbarians kept the most populous place on Earth under heel for centuries. I call this a Dark Age, what else would you call it? If the Chinese could have tamed their Wild North, they would have instead of building the Great Wall. So rather than disparaging your saviours, a simple thank you would do.
I can only think that an absurd little post like yours comes from a poster who may be characterized in the same way.
I got your point, the dark age China was trade with rest world in peace, a manufacturing power house for the world at the time (just like it is not), produced world most steel, the enlighten Russian tsars were sending their Cossick to neighboring land to rape, to kill, to steal. Victoria Nuland should send a thank you letter to Russian school of delusional history. Better yet, it should be given nobile peace and history award!
“after that a handful of pale barbarians kept the most populous place on Earth under heel for centuries.” Yeah, you really need to go back to thank your history teacher.
“So rather than disparaging your saviours, a simple thank you would do.” Yes, Chinese thank all barbarian come down south. We will welcome Russians come over same way as we did Mongolians, Manchus… well the few pale non-russian barbarians did not came in deep enough, and did give up all their claims, but why bother with facts. By the way, Japanese already claimed to be savior of east asia. You are too late. This is first time I hear such claim from russians,good for your. You are really in good company.
I know a few century seems eternity for Russians, but to Chinese, it is a little longer than snap of finger. So come on down after you finish with other people’s land up north, we Chinese can not wait for a few more barbarians to bring us more land. There is no faster way to make China stretch to the bank of black sea. Well, I think we will let you keep your European part, you and your fellow enlightened pale skins can keep busy with your enlightened continental sports of perpetual wars. You pale skins deserve nothing less.
I am waiting for the new generation of Russian historians to elucidate exactly what Lenin did with all that gold that was given to him by the Germans ( another classic story of subversive, seeming clever, plot that ended eventually in a big blow back in the fall of Berlin some 30 years later). Yes, at a crucial time in history of Russia it was used in classic NGO type color revolution tradition to cut off the legs of the opposition. One can judge whether this was “good” or “bad” according to one’s political sympathies. But it did happen and Lenin was extremely paranoid about the circumstances of this transfer of gold. When he arrived to be greeted by a crowd of mainly Menscheviks in St. Petersburg, he was initially booed for it. Facts. Discernment. History.
In internal writings.Lenin made no bones about the failures of the 1905 revolution and other attempted coups and street manifestations and made his tactical and strategic plans for the future. Like many charismatic leader types in times of crisis, he attracted many competent, idealistic people who saw the backwardness of Russia, the social suffering and the need for change.
I shall check out what Prof S. Cohen says about this period of Russian history as he seems to be a truth teller who avoids slapping labels carelessly in careful attention to the rules of his scholarly craft.
“.no such thing as Russian racism. ”
-lol, so Russians arn’t humans then?
Perhaps racism is not a human characteristic but a cultural invention — like the idea of race itself?
“Perhaps racism is not a human characteristic but a cultural invention — like the idea of race itself?”
I really hope that was a poor attempt at humour.
Not at all.
First, race doesn’t exist: it is a cultural invention, not a significant over-all genetic variant, with only a few traits carried over. There is more genetic variance among people within a ‘race’ than between .races’.
Secondly, small children have little reaction to those of other ‘races’ or colors — no more than t those with different hair color or eye color, for instance. Racism is taught (like the song from South Pacific says).
Do you have anything intelligent or informed to say instead of a sideways wise crack?
Your post is completely off-topic. Please stop resending. Can everyone involved in this conversation close it down. Any further comments will go to the trash. Mod
Bravo Saker!
“/…/ the tally of the Russian (nation) is truly exceptionally ugly.”
Couldn’t agree more. One of those monstrous deeds — particularly upsetting to Zionism — was when the Bolsheviks made public the Sykes-Picot conspiracy (including Czarist Russia) which has brought unending horrors in the Middle East for a whole century. Then Lenin’s and Stalin’s USSR who kicked out the forces of invading Western supremacist über-mensch twice over, topping it off by responding most appropriately to Western nuclear blackmail. And so it continues all the way to the very present with heinous crimes such as the humanitarian catastrophe inflicted by Putin in Syria, and — of course — that pesky annexation of Crimea, when the latter could and should have become a prosperous NATO compound accompanied by the usual “niceties” in its vicinity.
Small wonder the Russians feel emboldened by now to interfere in the Pindostani election circus, eh?
Lots of big statements about how bad Russia was. Frankly? I don’t expect anything less and I couldn’t care less either :-) I never expected my short comment to be greeted with anything other than the usual garden variety cliches about Russia. I am not interested in pursuing this any further and I readily admit total defeat in this exchange :-)
You are right, and I was wrong. Hopefully, one day, we Russians will learn ;-)
The Saker
Well, see — Russia is deplorable, but it’s too big to fit in the basket with the rest of us.
BTW, I just saw
Polls: Half of US ‘Bothered’ by Hacking, Want Electoral College Vote Delayed
© REUTERS/ Stevo Vasiljevic Politics 23:48 18.12.2016(updated 23:57 18.12.2016) Get short URL 8850118 More than half of the Americans in two recent polls said they were disturbed by allegations of Russian hacking into the presidential race that ended last month and that they favored delaying the Electoral College vote scheduled for December 19 until it can be looked into. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll of 1,000 adults found that 43% of respondents were bothered a “great deal” by the purported Russian hacking and 12% were bothered “quite a bit.” Nearly a quarter — 23% — aren’t bothered at all by the accusations.
NBC and WSJ pollsters are sure in a panic. (Are these the same 1,000 people who were so sure Clinton was going to win?
I don’t who wrote this story at Sputnik, but I am bit suspicious of some articles they run.
So anyway, it looks like the political coup attempt is the big story for next week.
Maybe with a little more sincerity than Japanese right winger exhibit this days.
You can learn something from them, Tweet pictures grand duchess of Tsar era, and dirty peasants of locales that Russia acquired with honey and bread, and tell the world you were there to modernize them, and make them all Duchesses.:-) as Japanese did in Korea for 50 years. :-)
In actual fact, the ‘denunciation’ of the secret treaties of WW1 by the Trotsky-Lenin gang was meant to eliminate Russia from any peace settlements in the ME and save the Ottoman Empire from total dismemberment (they were busy preparing Russia’s dismemberment – Brest-Litovsk).
The agreement stated that Russia’s tsar would keep his stake in Istanbul, the territories adjacent to the Bosphorus strait and four provinces near the Russian borders in east Anatolia. Greece was allocated control of Turkey’s western coasts. Italy was given control of Turkey’s southwest. The Ottoman Jerusalem sanjak, which was the northern part of historic Palestine, should have been internationalized due to its religious significance. Russia would have naturally had a major stake.
The idea that the aims of the war in the ME were the creation of a greater Arab State (let alone a Sunni Muslim one) was a self-serving interpretation of King Hussein. In what is known as the McMahon-Hussein Correspondence, Britain laid out some conditions: It wanted to maintain rights in Baghdad and Basra, and it wanted to set aside pieces of present-day Syria, which it said were not fully Arab (“The districts of Mersina and Alexandretta, and portions of Syria lying to the west of the districts of Damascus, Homs, Hama and Aleppo, cannot be said to be purely Arab, and must on that account be excepted from the proposed limits and boundaries”). In addition, areas in which France had interests were excluded.
British Imperialism has long hidden itself behind a carefully woven arras depicting magnanimous aid and education for the world’s poorest, the language! the literature! the political ideas!… enlightened adventures in foreign lands and on the high seas on behalf of a wise and beneficent monarch, just a top-grade PR job that has had an incredible run through history. Wearing sickeningly thin now.
I would say they are particularly ugly…the ugliest of them all…in fact they are in the 9th circle heinous/diabolical category not just the run-of-mill, 8th circle horror shows of Naziism and Bolshevism.
And who can even distinguish Zionism from its massive US cudgel and its UK cloaked dagger?
The British and the American states have betrayed their own beautiful ideals of freedom and democracy…which are dirty words now…I can’t bear to hear them mentioned as they are used by butchers, culture-annihilators and thieves to wipe their bloody hands… ideals that could have been the first substance of a harmonious planet.
British Imperialism has always hidden itself behind a carefully woven arras depicting magnanimous aid and education for the world’s poorest, the language, the literature, the political ideas… enlightened adventures in foreign lands and on the high seas on behalf of a wise and beneficent monarch, just a top-grade PR job that has had an incredible run through history. Wearing sickeningly thin now.
I would say they are particularly ugly…the ugliest of them all…in fact they are in the 9th circle heinous/diabolical category not just the run-of-mill, 8th circle horror shows of Naziism and Bolshevism.
And who can even distinguish Zionism from its massive US cudgel and its UK cloaked dagger?
The British and the American states have betrayed their own beautiful ideals of freedom and democracy…which are dirty words now…I can’t bear to hear them mentioned as they are used by butchers, culture-annihilators and thieves to wipe their bloody hands… ideals that could have been the first substance of a harmonious planet.
As a Brit, I agree that we are by far the ugliest but with a very efficient PR machine, particularly that part directed at our own people. History has always been written by the victors. This round-up of infamy is mostly unknown, even to supposedly well-educated Brits:
Once I got into argument on a small town british newspaper site. The locals think no wrong of their british empire, “thye only there to bring profit empire”, and question me why there was violent uprising in South East Asia, her mother was there experienced it all. I showed her a few picture of british soldier holding human heads and ask her if her mother was part of it, and she disappeared.
When I mentioned about opium war, and they women immediately went on to discuss which women was part of the family profit selling opium and etc.
I was very disappointed at locals educational level. It explains a lot of what’s happening there.
Thank you Helen,
You are a proof that not all Brits are bad. They produced a Shakespeare, not only hideous witches as ‘Gloriana the Good Queen Bess’ or pudgy Victorias (All right, she was not English).
Thanks my dear Saker for the second picture of them! I will use both pictures posted on this website (the first one with their names!). Starting on the evening of December 23rd I will burn these pictures under the diminishing moon, and every night, until the last moment of the New Moon on December 29th. Will also use this with the ionic dissolving powers of water. Lets see if I can help wash away the powers of the Neocons! Trump needs all the help I can give him.
Maybe I should do this during each lunar phase of 2017. Trump and our country are in a lot of danger.
Cheers! Blondinka
Dear Saker,
Initially I bought into the Big/Little Satan meme that America was Israel’s patron, and the rest of the world has to like it or lump it. But in the early 2000’s I saw Pilger’s fantastic doco “Palestine is still the issue”, which exposed Britain’s continuing role in supporting the Occupation. I still feel the sickness from watching Israeli soldiers standing around a Palestinian boy and breaking his limbs with batons. This is when I started to call it the Anglo-Israeli alliance; I saw the alliance as real but necessarily informal. I knew I was on the right track, because when I would use this point in debates it would drive the Zionists insane. Then in 2003, over the howls and wails of our people, Australian special forces were the first to go into Western Iraq before the bombs fell to take out the Scuds pointed at Israel. In…My…Name :(
But an Anglo-Israeli alliance does not cover all the other poles of this sordid affair; it misses NATO and the Arab League; and all the shadow players at the top of the global economy. The fact of America’s Empire was not crystal clear to many in the early 2000’s, before the dark times. Once the Empire came out, splendid in it nakedness, most of us had to adjust our paradigms. It became clear that Zionism was not just Jews stealing a fake homeland, but included the Bankers and Oiligarchy, Christian fundamentalism and the Deep State. Zionism is the return to politics divorced from morality and law; Israel is just a by-product. For Imperialism to succeed, it also has to divorce itself from morality and law. They are a match made in hell; Imperialism and Zionism are the same thing, one uses force, the other subterfuge. AngloZionist is not race-based; it is a collection of forces bent on stealing and raping rather than building and earning. It is a dog whistle only sociopaths and psychopaths can hear.
You are right mate not to hold the people responsible for the actions of our leaders, but that does not absolve us from our duty as citizens. Evil flourishes when good people do nothing. People have an amazing capacity for self-deception, but in the end the Light shines through. The bright truth of the AngloZionist Empire drives away the darkness, hence the gnashing of teeth on this thread.
Shine on brother.
“The Saker, Can you please stop calling it AngloZionist. You personally invented the term – and it is now all over the Internet.”
Tony_0pmoc, the fact of the matter is that I had “coined” that very same term AngloZionist too, long before I came across the Saker. It just made perfect sense to understand plain reality, and this is why the term has spread like wildfire; all what was needed was somebody who had come to the same conclusion independently started to promote the term in a professional, consistent, and thought-out manner. Saker rose to that occasion.
“They have virtually nothing to do with us English. The vast majority of them are Russian. The only difference between us English and most of the World is that we are not Racist”
Silly beyond laughable. Zionism is firmly entrenched in London and Washington; less so in Moscow. Ask the Syrians and Palestinians if in doubt. Oh, by the way, it’s really fine you’re not racists anymore. However, that doesn’t quite entitle you to continued worldwide war and plunder.
To Tony_0pmoc
“AngloZionists …. have virtually nothing to do with us English. ”
I recommend you read a book by William Engdahl, called “A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order”. It is an excellent historic account of the last century in general, and the contribution that the angelic English have made to the world in particular.
I take the term to stand for the conspicuous alliance between Zionist Israel and the Anglosphere (the English-speaking countries of the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, aka “IngSoc”) which together believe they control (or should control) all affairs at every level in every corner of the world, including Russia, China, India and Iran regardless of their size, influence and independent bent. The US thinks they are the ultimate chess master in this game, with others in the alliance as their vassals, but every thinking person can recognise that it is really Israel and AIPAC that calls the shots. Correct me if I am wrong, Saker, since folks here credit you with inventing the term.
“Trump rhetoric simply makes no sense: he wants to befriend Russia while antagonizing China”.
“Divide and Rule” as explained by Pepe Escobar here
Everything that has happened post election confirms my thesis that Donald Trump was placed in office by that order of power located above the level of governmental factions (neocons, etc.) and that he understands his task to be the destruction of the neocons as a force in American politics.
Yalta 2 is the underlying reality, and if you want to know the secret requirements that were hashed out in March just read the Plutonium Ultimatum.
Keep up the good work.
Let’s hope is Yalta and not Malta.
“… the only open question whether the USA will come out of this crisis liberated or doomed.”
Doomed …
“Of greater concern than the parasitic politician/financier class is the current social drift that is happening in the USA. The ideals of courage, honor, duty, and social cohesion that drive societies to adapt and survive have been replaced with hedonism, greed, and self interest. No society composed of these disruptive virtues has ever managed to reconstitute itself.”
@ Jack
Indeed, such societies start rotting from the inside. The appalling inequality in wealth and political participation/influence between Public Joe and the elites cannot but doom such society to ruin and oblivion. It may take some time and cause immense havoc but that’s the price to be paid for letting the rot to set in in the first place and all Public Joes are guilty for their fecklessness.
Russia shouldn’t be too quick to trust Trump. At the moment his policies appear to be set on demonizing China and Iran while appearing to make friendly overtures to Russia. This could allow the US a better opportunity to pick off one country at a time, starting with Iran and then China.
@ Lavrenty
Russophobia apparently is endemic in the US and, let’s even assume that Trump does not suffer from that condition, he is a transitory event in a deep morass incapable of amends. Besides, the economic reality of the US parasitic dependence on plunder to sustain the billionaire caste, almost interchangeable with the Zionist one, prevents the dweller of the Whore House from making more than superficial cosmetic changes to the neocon project of continuing plundering the world and guarantor of the Jewish state which, together with the energy resources, is the reason for the cause for much suffering in the Middle East and Libya.
You are right. The US cannot take Iran, Russia and China all at once; but they can pick one at a time, starting with the weakest, then progressing to the next (China) while cajoling the other with blandishments and forked-tongue promises (Russia). It has been done and Russia should remember that the Great Patriotic War was not concocted in Berlin but in London and Washington.
Russophobia is limited to leftists, the nationalist and conservatives, like Trump, Farage, Le Pen, Afd, NPD, Golden Dawn, SD, PVV all like or love Russia.
The anti-globalist see Russia as a bulwark against globalist influence.
The conservatives see Russia as a global leader and protector of conservative values.
The civic-nationalist see Russia as a bastion of European civilization.
The ethnic/racial nationlist see Russia as a bastion of the white race.
From the most moderate like UKIP to the most extreme like NPD or Golden Dawn Russia is held in high regard.
‘Russophobia’ (i.e. hatred of Russia and Russians) is ingrained in the collective Anglo-American brain, where it was instilled by Jews. It is the hatred reserved for the those who resist conquest.
That is one of the best and most pithy descriptions of Russophobia I have ever heard.
But how does one explain the shameful display in Europe?
Europe has been conquered for long.
From first 2 minutes of the video in this fox article you can get a hint why Trump is out to get China:
He met many Chinese people, and they dare to tell him mind his own business, take care of their debt;
It seems suggest Trump think Chinese play unfairly, and taking away the business.
If you google, you can see he took his business partners to court after a success business adventure in China.
So basicly his feeling is exact what we saw through out his campaign: thin skinned, can not take criticize… Just what America need to push it over the cliff!
If the businessman trump have hard time dealing with Chinese, the President trump can change some rules to rig the game. Except, It will hurt America more than China, and Trump the clown can not stop the history train move forward.
I want to continue to believe that Donald Trump will keep his promises to his supporters and put America first, but I am beginning to lose hope. Witness his pick of John Bolton, a neocon’s neocon to be under secretary of state,and of course the rabid ambassador to Israel. He does not have the intellectual fortitude of Vladimir Putin to vanquish the neocons. They will slowly infiltrate his administration and regain their stranglehold on America. As has been said here and elsewhere, America has long been lost to these traitors.
Exactly john Bolton will perform the Victoria Nuland role
She went to Ukraine, Greece, Cyprus, the Balkans spreading chaos
Russia’s best bet is to keep the US at arms length
Trump is not clever or wily enough to outwit the neocons
What do you mean? He outwitted the Republicans the Dems, the media, the MIC, the PC movement and the banks. His campaign revealed him to be a brilliant strategist.
If you consider that the neocons ‘obscenity’ everything they try, Trump will crush them.
Don’t believe the media and don’t underestimate Trump, and don’t forget he has powerful backers in the deep state.
Dear Saker,
I agree 100% with your assessment, and share your hopes and fears. At least now there is some hope, things looked dark there for a while. This twilight sitzkrieg period is a little tense, as you say what evil are they cooking up? Even once he takes office, we know these people are not afraid to kill a president. They need to know the People won’t roll over this time. I dare say 2017 is going to be one for the history books, for good or ill.
I wonder if ‘they’ are softening us up with all these stories about Russian intervention
That would give a ‘reason’ to declare the election invalid
In Aus, I read yesterday how Hillary lost, directly because of the Russian intervention. I also read another article about how Trump only won because of the Russian intervention.
A lot of people I know ‘hate’ Trump with a vengeance, I assume it is the same in the US, so they would welcome another election and would need little justification.
There is also a lot of talk about the Electoral College not doing its job and how Hillary won the majority of votes.
…. and yes, Trumps actions to date puzzles me
As for Trump, I still can’t figure him out. On one hand he nominates Rex Tillerson in what appears to be a deliberate message of defiance against the Neocons, while on the other hand he continues to try to appease the Israel Lobby gang by choosing a rabid Zionist of the worst kind, David M. Friedman, as the next US ambassador to Israel.
Divide et Impera (Divide and conquer) — standard procedure.
Anglo-Zionist : refer to The Anglo American Establishment (Quigley), factoring in the Rothschilds.
That’s right T-t-C,
Zionism is the junior partner. Thanks for Quigley, reading it now.
“Zionism is the junior partner.”
LOL. That’s why everyone kowtows to them and trembles should they even accidentally misstep or offend them. That line is the standard zip fake left nonsense that permeates sites like, moonofalabama and the sayanim who live for the guardian’s comment sections. It also is what Chomsky pushes, what allows aipac a free ride, and zionazi purveyors of that protection scheme have been responsible for neutering the left to the point the left has hardly even a voice in that zionazified west, for the interests of that (cough) “junior partner”.
Vot tak,
We jump when they say so because their chestnuts are in the fire. Israel is the ultimate honeypot, a legion of fanatical followers there and abroad, all fired up to be America’s fixed aircraft carrier in the ME. When the Anglos no longer need the Oil lever, we will drop Israel like a hot rock. I feel sorry for them, though they are making it hard these days. And when it is all over, you people are all set to believe it “was all the Jews fault again”, while the Anglos slink away. Let the Jewish soul be their problem, I am worried about ours.
“Israel is the ultimate honeypot, a legion of fanatical followers there and abroad, all fired up to be America’s fixed aircraft carrier in the ME”.
Like the claim pooI rittle israel is america’s colony, that carrier line is another regularly used by phony left crypto-zionists to obfuscate the zionazi role in geopolitics.
That PR line about being america’s carrier was thought up by zionists to get recalcitrant american oligarchs behind support for israel. In the 1940-50s, there was still a lot of the oligarchy which didn’t support israel. Back then, the zionazis were the junior partner. By the 70s they were equal partners and by the end of the 90s became the senior partner.
“And when it is all over, you people are all set to believe it “was all the Jews fault again”, while the Anglos slink away.”
That is another crypto-zionist approach. Or rather attack, since it is a not so subtle smear that those who dispute the Israel as victim bs are anti-semites. Note how earthrise changed the goalposts here. The argument was about israel’s role and zionist power and e changed it to be about getting rid of “the Jews”, IE: the standard zio-smear of associating criticism of israel/zionism with Jewish genocide.
These sorts of tricks are standard fare on phony left jewish run websites where if one disputes the israel as exploited victim meme, they are labeled anti-semite and ejected. For example, at the moonofalabama site this nonsense is taken to the level of a high art form. The point of this manipulative effort is to obfuscate, and therefore defend, israels/zionisms role and deflect serious criticism away from them and get it directed at someone else instead.
Other common tactics these crypto-zionists use is to reinforce each others zio-defenses and fill a website up, and seek to fominate it, with their verbiage.
It is duplicitous tactics like these that zionists used to neuter the left to the point where it no longer is the left any more throughout much of the zpc/nwo colonies.
Cheers Vot,
Have you come across the idea of creating an ‘Anti’ statelet to control a larger one? So when Britain left it’s colonies, it often broke off the richest parts and created anti-states (Singapore, Kuwait, Israel) to prevent the original nation from being complete. This anti-state keeps the pressure on the new government, freezing the conflict and allowing the old imperial master to exert a degree of control on their recent vassals. Without Israel, the Arabs would be united (for a while). Without Israel, the Anglos would have to have fought all those Arab wars during the last half of the 20th Century; that Oil wasn’t going to defend itself! Israel gives the West deniability, and as I said very motivated and fanatical mercenaries with which to do the heavy lifting.
You know ‘Israel’ has almost nothing directly to do with Judaism? Most Zionists are secular atheists, and many orthodox Jews denounce Israel because it was given by man rather than God. The Jews are being played, again, and unfortunately heading for the same result. There is no greater enemy of the Jewish people than their own leaders. One day, maybe we will see it, all those flies in the honeytrap will be sacrificed, as their leaders skip out in their Learjets with what is left of the gold. Palestine was the first, and will be the last, Western colony. I am not saying you are wrong, but that your take only helps the propaganda specialists to twist this story to hide our part. Israel is a Western construct, much like the Jews themselves.
As I said above, the Jewish soul is their problem, my task is to shine the light on ours; the cancer is spreading.
“Without Israel, the Arabs would be united (for a while). Without Israel, the Anglos would have to have fought all those Arab wars during the last half of the 20th Century; that Oil wasn’t going to defend itself!”
LOL, it was Arab opposition to blatant israeli land thievery that united the Arab countries. The wars were against israel. Without israel, there was no reason for them. The american and European support for israel actually caused several Arab countries to seek support from Russia, and took these countries out the zpc/nwo sphere.
Those claims by e are more of the standard crypto-zionist hasbara used to defend poor rittle exploited and taken advantage of israel, btw. :D
As for the rest of the claims in the 2nd paragraph, regardless of the deflections used by websayanim to absolve Jews of israel, another standard crypto-zionist tactic, btw, the fact remains that israel and Jewish israelis, proudly refer to the country as the Jewish state. And so do a lot of Jewish people outside of israel.
You are missing the point. Blaming the ‘Jews’ for everything is not only lazy, but self-destructive. If there really is something called “the Jews”, and they have been able to fool the West into hosting a hostile parasite, then more power to them. I can’t change ‘Jewish’ behaviour, it is not my duty. If the West has let in a hostile parasite, then the fault is ours, and we have to do something about it. The fault is ours Vot, blaming them only deflects the truth.
Rather than calling me a crypto-Zionist (and for someone who loves the Palestinian people with all his heart, this is quite the slur), what if I call you an Anglo-apologist? As if we Anglos were just sitting quietly sipping tea and eating scones, then a big bad Jew made us go around the world and genocide whole continents. We did that Vot, not the Jews. At best the Jews saw a kindred spirit, and married into the family. They may be a parasite on the Anglo host, but we are the dog. Rather than blame the fleas, let me see your powerful perceptive capacity turn instead to our crimes, rather than deflecting them onto others. Until we see ourselves for what we are, blaming the Jews is the problem.
“Blaming the ‘Jews’ for everything is not only lazy, but self-destructive.”
The websayanim ploy of misrepresenting what was said by someone in order to smear them as antisemitic, again. Gee, what a surprise.
I guess the population of Aleppo was over 3 million in 2010 and without the war would have been 3.7 million now. It’s actually bigger than Damascus (2.5 million in 2010).
Not much to say, other than my hunch that any detente with Russia will be just long enough for hostilities to begin for real, such as we have seen with ceasefires in Syria. I say this in spite of any good will or common sense I seem to detect from Trump and the people around him.
One thing we haven’t considered is that maybe Trump “truly” buys into the “Judeo-Christian” civilization theory. He’s from New York,the home of Jewish zionism in the US. There are over 2,000,000 Jews in NYC. And he has been deeply involved with Jewish owned businesses throughout his career. His son-in-law is Jewish (I assume a zionist. I’ve never heard he wasn’t).And with the zionist control of the media,education,and heavy influence in popular culture in the US (especially in New York). Its very likely that thinking has had an effect on Trump.I would imagine he ,like most Americans,has been “taught” to respect Israel.That I think explains a lot of his thinking about the Mena.The fact that he wants to be friendly with the RF,the huge majority of whom are Christians and ethnically “Europeans”.Doesn’t seem so strange and unusual to me.One mode of thinking doesn’t say anything about the other.
@ Uncle Bob
Trump has already declared his allegiance to the Zionist state, including the jewish settlements in Palestinian lands. I guess you cannot succeed in business, judiciary or politics in US without Jewish consent…
Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey, former district attorney-general, and long-time Trump supporter, was in line to be in charge of the “presidential transition”. But, because he trod on some Jewish toes (he put a big one in prison) he was declared by son-in-law Jared a persona non grata and taken out of Trump’s entourage. See link below.
It’s obvious that he has to make a choice as to which enemies and in which order the US has to deal with. The rabid neocons wanted to take on all of them at once (Iran, China, Russia) but the moderate neocons, seasoned in the rough-and-tumble world of business, prefer a more gradual cost-effective approach; hence some rationalism in the New World Order enterprise. Iran is in the cross-hairs and that is going to be Russia’s litmus test whether a fair-weather friend or a trusted ally.
I totally agree there. The litmus test that countries all over the World will see and make their judgments about. Is whether Russia stands with Iran. If not,that should certainly make China rethink a few things.Of course the opposite is true as well. If Russia stands by Iran. That “should” get the Chinese to be even more committed to support Russia. Seeing them as a loyal pardner for the “long term”. We’ll have to wait and see if Russia realizes that only “standing by your friends” allows you to “have friends”.
I always like you comments, I can add that nothing will satisfy Russia but a multipolar world, so don’t worry, Russia will never turn her back on Iran and China.
I disagree. Christie getting tossed had nothing to do with stepping on ‘Zionist’ toes including those of Trump’s son in law Jared Kirshner and putting the elder Kirshner in prison. It had to do with Christie’s corrupt stupidity with Bridgegate and the fact that Christie as a GOP candidate was the one demanding we threaten Putin with shooting down Russian planes bombing Syria. Trump could scarcely conceal his disdain for Christie as time went out, Google the ‘get on the plane and go home’ video of Trump ordering Christie to get out of his sight if you don’t believe me.
Very well said. It is very naive to see Trump’s victory as a defeat of the Zionists. It is not. With a synopsis of his cabinet (Pompeo, Mattis, Flynn, Friedman), there should no longer be any doubt that Trump is not just a maybe-Zionist, but rather an ultra-Zionist. Whether he was a Zionist-lite or Zionist-hardcore from the beginning or became one through bribery/blackmail can be debated.
Yes, the entire media was against him, including the majority of the neocons, *but* he was *allowed* to win the election. If he was allowed to win the election, it is only because the *highest* echelons of our Anglozionist establishment secretly decided, even leaving their loyal foot soldiers in the dark (the majority of the MSM, the majority of the neocons), to throw their support behind Trump, at the last minute so to speak, as evidenced by Netanyahu’s associate Adelson agreeing to give Trump $25 million a week before the election. In the process, even sacrificing their indefectible supporter Hitlery.
The question must be raised: What could the novice, untested Trump offer the Israel-firsters that corrupt-to-the-bone Hillary didn’t already offer them? One can only imagine. Trump must have somehow outbid Hillary who had nevertheless promised to take the United States’ relation with Israel “to the next level.” Netanyahu’s professed glee at Trump’s victory suggests that the last-minute green light for Trump to win the election came straight from the Beit Rosh Hamemshala in Jerusalem.
That Trump was able to stoop even lower than Hillary in championing and guaranteeing Zionist obsessions is a very scary thought experiment.
A segment of the Zionist elite must have concluded that the Clintonista strategy of taking on Russia and Iran at once poses a significant danger to Israel, since Russia’s missile defense system in Syria, not to mention their aviation there, is a sword of Damocles hovering over Israel’s borders. Plus, plausibly a non-Zionist factor, the oil lobby, represented by Tillerson, appears to oppose the sanctions and the war on Russia, since they are exempted from the embargo on Russia and might want to expand their operations.
But Tillerson and the oil lobby know their rank in the pecking order: their mission is to coax the Russians into throwing Iran under the bus. If the Russians refuse, Netanyahu, not a Faustian Trump, will decide whether the United States should go to war against Russia. Trump knows it. Stooping lower than Hillary can only mean that.
My warning to all Free American People :
The upcoming decision by the Electoral College will decide your future and whether Democracy will survive even though it is rather fledgling in its current state . One thing is certain if the Foreign Imposters that are manipulating the US Government get their way ,you’re freedom will be destroyed and you will become the ‘cannon fodder’ of the Ziocons . It is high noon for the USMC to ‘stand to ‘ and protect the Constitution ,that of which all members have sworn allegiance to. In times of duress your friends are not those that you expect but members of this Planet that have a common goal shared by your Mothers which is the protection of Gaia’ offspring . Remember that Galileo and Copernicus challenged the Stupidity of the ruling class at the time and remember that WE are part of Gaia and Not the other way around . If the Rubicon must be crossed then ‘do it’ .
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
I don’t think it needs to come to this. I am calling it a peace movement by omission. They need to know we will not fight their wars, and we will not suffer again the assassination of our leaders. Sun Tzu teaches that wars are won by checkmating before conflict, that once it starts there is no predicting the end. A big reason we are not in Syria is because we won’t go. This is a check, Brexit and Trump are also checks. We need to keep the pressure up; time to corner the King.
”Not in Syria ” are you not blind to this falsehood . If Brexit does come to fruition who is to commend ,is it the British People ? The Kings of old are gone ,they have been replaced by cowards with ‘Fiat’ yet the ones who service their desires and designs remain unchanged. Yes philosophers of old do have words of wisdom to share ,but they never had that weight of the total destruction of the Planet to weigh.
Of course ‘we’ are in Syria, by proxy through our delegates the takfiri liver-eaters. But We are not in Syria, Western troops are not involved in a direct occupation. If Iraq had gone to plan, and Western public opinion had held, then We would be in Syria, a number of years ago.
No :your assessment is incorrect ! The negligence on your part to state that the West is not ‘directly’ involved in destabilising a Sovereign State is false.
Oh man this is tiring,
Stefan, if English is not your native tongue, then I apologise. We are not directly involved in Syria because we can’t, world opinion is against us after Iraq. We are ‘in’ Syria covertly not overtly, which is my point! We setup the ISIS strawman, then we use it as our propaganda tool to get more directly involved. Of course the CIA has teamed up with the Muslim Brotherhood to provide us with another fake strawman (the Rebels); as always we have our mercenary death squads to do our dirty work when we cannot do it ourselves. This is how we have always acted, the times we have had to get directly involved (Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq) have not only turned the world away from us, but also our own people. This is why we shy away direct involvement, it ends up as a propaganda nightmare.
For you to think anything else of me suggests you either are struggling with English, or you have never read a word I have written here.
Your last post I agree with . I hope that the Syrian Crises ends well (for the Syrian people).Yet it seems that it is still far from over -the hegemon just wont quit. I believe that Syria is the key to the West’s along with Israel to redraw the map of the Middle-East .After all Israel will not limit itself within the small area that it now occupies.
Whatever decision Trump is going to make because Trump himself does not know. What we know about Trump is that he plays the long game and he likes to keep his options open.
I do not think for a moment that Trump decided to do “The Apprentice” then later on decided to run for president. He most likely decided to run for president, then figured The Apprentice into the mix. He had the option to run or not run, but if he had decided not to run, nothing lost; he still had the success of that program.
There is a pattern to his appointments; he is keeping his options open and probably expanding them somewhat.
Whatever decision he makes in the next eight years will be “obvious” because he has prepped himself to make that decision, but do not lose sight of the fact he prepping himself to make any decision he deems most beneficial to the dollar.
Friend of Russia as SOS,
a friend of China as ambassador to China,
a friend of Israel as ambassador to Israel…
That seems to be quite consistent IMHO.
There is no point in trying to guess Trump’s foreign policy before he gets sworn in. His major concern right now is getting the job.
I think too much attention is being paid to the political orientation of Trump’s choices. I suspect he picks people for their competence and usefulness to him. After all he is a business man with a number of companies all managed by managers with different methods of management. But they all report to Trump. And it wouldn’t make any sense to send to Russia an ambassador the Russians hated. Negotiations would go nowhere under those conditions.
Yes,that in itself would be a different model for the US. In the past they seemingly picked the US Ambassadors to Russia on the basis of their Russophobia. With the higher level of it,the better.
I was just thinking that, at least visually, Trump reminds me of Yeltsin. Maybe his destiny is to create a massive shake up of the empire, and as soon as the dirt (zionists) will start disintegrating, someone else might come to do the actual good. This is not based on any analysis or facts, just a visual glimpse.
@ Nightingale
“Trump reminds me of Yeltsin”
Very perceptive – and I hope intuitive – of you; and also hope it is more than figurative. He would indeed perform a historical mastertask – and perhaps save humanity – If he were to do a “Yeltsin” and wreck the empire! No chance though, the neocons are already sharpening their knives for much less.
Panic is good for neocons. So are public displays of rope* with nooses – especially hung right outside their residences and businesses.
*Rope made of hemp fiber, of course.
Absolutely loved your comment. One of the best I’ve had the pleasure of reading.
Could not agree more.
I remember saying that the US Presidential winner would be the one spouting the most Russophobia in the election. I was proved wrong there (with the Electoral College) ,even though Clinton did get more votes.But now it seems the Russophobes are determined to “go for broke”. And try to steal the election by using “extreme” Russophobia. Hopefully,they will fail. But we can’t really know until January 20th.
The only comment actually I can post ATM is this:
Information overload i’m afraid for my part (As in Fred Hoyle’s “The Black Mist) the very few of you I would imagine that know that Novel, person, etc. will know what I mean.
Take Care
Israel knows that Trump will support them no matter what. Trump has always talked tough against Iran to gain respect from the neocons in the Republican Party. Iran is the one that is sending the money to Syria, who sends it to Hezbollah in Lebanon. We know that Russia supports Iran, but it is not as simple as that. Iran is a direct competitor to Russia in the oil market. That’s why after the Iran deal, relations between Iran and Russia have been good but not as good as they used to be a few years ago. I believe that Trump has convinced Putin to drop his support for Iran in exchange for the normalization of US relations with Russia. Putin would do that in a heartbeat, because it means less competition for Russian oil in the European energy market. Trump is of course doing all this to please the Israelis, because it is well known that American foreign policy has for a long time been influenced by Israeli interests.
You have to realize that the NWO/elites/are not one giant entity that all think and act the same way. There are multiple groups and factions that compete for influence even amongst themselves. It sort of mirrors the Republican/Democrat divide we see in Congress.
Group #1 is the “old money”, oil and gas interests, etc. These guys are usually more nationalist. Netanyahu and Republican neocons are some examples of them.
Group #2 is the “new money” like Facebook/Google/Silicon Valley billionaires, transhumanists (google more about them), and they are liberal. Guys like George Soros and other globalists like Hillary are in this group. So what do these two sides agree on? Well, considering that many of these elites have Jewish ancestry, it’s easy to see why all of them are very pro-Israel.
Group #1 favors a very strong Israel and wants Israel to be a major center of power in the world (guys like Republican neocons and Netanyahu are in this group, remember).
Group #2 is also pro-Israel, but believes that it is more important to focus on social issues like pushing socialism, identity politics, migration etc. in order to solidify their control over areas like the US and Europe. You see, they both have the same end goal, but they differ on what plans they would use to achieve their end goal.
At this point, Group #2 has grown very powerful since their puppet Obama has been following their instructions very well. They also now outnumber Group #1 greatly. However, many of the “old money” elites from Group #1 were growing frustrated, as Obama’s actions really cut into their profits (energy companies) and also didn’t give enough support to Israel in their eyes. Trump has been a huge friend of many of the elites, being a billionaire in NY it’s pretty easy to see why. He also wanted to increase his brand, so he pretty much told the guys in Group #1 that he would carry out their goals if they let him become president. So I believe that he got enough support amongst these particular elites to win, and they let him win. Now, Group 1 doesn’t want to open a new front by attacking Russia. They are more focused on Israel, and they know that Iran is the biggest threat to Israel in the whole world. Their plan is to make peace with Russia while being very tough on Iran in order to cut their support of anti-Israel groups like Hezbollah which are a big thorn in Israel’s side. I still think that even though Trump will ease up on Russia, he will still be anti-Assad. I believe that by the end of Trump’s rule, Syria will have a totally new, pro-Israel government (just like Egypt and Saudi Arabia) and also Iran will most likely have a regime change or war on their hands. We’ll see what happens.
(NOTE: This is a copied and pasted reply that I made on another website. In light of recent events on the “Russian election hacking”, keep in mind that the CIA, NSA, all of the mainstream media, etc. are in the Group #2 camp. And this is just a theory of mine, so if you agree/disagree let me know what you think.)
I think you have too few factions, and got some wrong. I don’t see neocons as old money, or even true nationalists, for example, but more as globalists who talk ‘America’ as a ploy, and are fairly new on the scene and more concerned with political power than money as a vehicle. I see the CIA as mostly aligned with the neocons, but not the FBI and NSA so much. Obama may be a compromise president, although closer to the CIA. The problem with the NWO is that it messes up the old world order and the established imperialists. Neocons aligned with zionists — OWO not so much, and see Israel as a tool.
But there are no clear cut divisions among the individual actors and alliances can shift by how the wind blows and who has their fingers in what. It’s a complex matrix, something like a free-for-all bar fight. They have trouble keeping it all straight among their own minds, I think.
Now Trump might be playing much deeper than it seems and his foolishness and unpredictability just a strategy, layer upon layer — he might be playing up to Israel only to stab it in the back when he judges the time to be right. How could we tell from here? Thing about real-politiks goes with the saying: nations (or oligarchs) have no permanent friends, only permanent interests (which I think is a mistaken conceptualization, but there it is). Oh, what tangled webs…
BTW — that no friends but interests thing? On an individual level that’s a pretty good description of the sociopath or narcissist — and maybe Trump. I would not be so quick to put Trump down as a tool of anyone else, either: with his money and experience he can be a player in his own right, and he isn’t exactly new money either, being a second generation real estate mogul, even if considerably richer than his father, plus he has more than just money, but also the confidence and power he has accumulated over the years. Sure there are those with much more money and power, especially as part of a group, but how much you can do with it depends on other players, and they can’t turn on a dime since the position they have built over years or decades depends on a degree of stability and reliability, and institutions. Obama isn’t anywhere near the same class, but is a new comer and a pawn, without much money or power — a functionary, who can easily be squashed by the ‘elite’. Squashing Trump didn’t work out too well. He was grossly underestimated.
That’s the way it seems, for me right now.
Maybe second gen real estate mogul, but the 1st generation to hit US shores as an illegal immigrant/draft dodger made the nest egg for the Trump empire running brothels in a couple gold rushes. Granddad Trump did do some shady/rule-bending land transactions, but the real money was in alcohol and sex… some things just never change.
Psychopathic business? Watch “The Corporation”, and remember guys like Trump, Soros and the Koch Bros and Rothschilds are the top brains behind psychopathic corporations. And if you’re looking for more to enrage you, watch “Tax Free Tour”…
Sherrif Joe was a long deferred ace played at just the right moment to cut al-buraq off at the pass yesterday. Trump and Joe are mates and despite Trumps 2012 retraction Tump was still under the radar a birther. Joe’s analysis of the long form certificate is accurate….it is a fraud.
Ipso facto al-buraq is an imposter…son of perdition.
Trump has DoD…surrounded by top rank.
US reservists put on combat alert.
By definition al-buraq is insane…has been occupying and exercising office of Prez unlawfully…he has the keys.
This is nuclear stand off at apex US power.
He still has the keys.
30 days he has left…his time is short.
Has in effect taken world as hostage.
He still has the keys.
He and his believer convert Brennan in conjunction with zi and wahab pursuing exchatalogical imperative.
He still has the keys.
The establishment have an ordered list of options open to them stage 1 and 2 have passed. We’re at 3
1. Stop trump being elected by the people (he was never expected to win anyway)
2. Recount effort using Jill Stein
3. Electrol College pressure this may win depending if 37 repub refuse to back trump this is the whole ‘hacking thing’
4. Set him up to be impeached if he makes it to be president cant be too difficult since he’s a billionaire business tycoon with more skeletons in his closet that most people. Maybe a fake business deal or rape allegation could do it.
5. Blackmail him to do what they want him to do (maybe 4 and 5 the same)
6. Assassination obvious like kennedy or subtle like a heart attack or other quick illness (he is over 70 years old)
4. Set him up to be impeached if he makes it to be president cant be too difficult since he’s a billionaire business tycoon with more skeletons in his closet that most people. Maybe a fake business deal or rape allegation could do it.
5. Blackmail him to do what they want him to do (maybe 4 and 5 the same)
I don’t think this is an option.
The original reason for the creation of the FBI was the collection of “dirt” on congressmen, senators &c. to control them. It was (is) effective.
Now, with the Podesta material and so on, there is enough dirt on probably everybody in Washington, New York &c. that if Trump were attacked that way he could take his attackers down with him — mutual assured destruction.
Net result = that option is off the table.
Yes maybe Assange/Snowden and who knows…even RF services have some ‘gifts’ for him against the neocons,Congress,Banksters etc?Just to protect him if he shows a good behaviour toward Russia of course.
I tend to agree with TTC re blackmail.
Once Trump gets into office he’ll hhave access to a lot more info than he has now.
I think it is more likely that he will be the one doing the blackmailing (or, applying “pressure”).
“4. Set him up to be impeached if he makes it to be president cant be too difficult since he’s a billionaire business tycoon with more skeletons in his closet that most people. Maybe a fake business deal or rape allegation could do it.”
Fair enough. Set out the skeletons for all to see. No doubt you will have links and so forth? No doubt the extremely Trump friendly media kept these impeachable skeletons out of sight.
Anyone heard about this news?
The Security Council meets in secret after the arrest of NATO officers in Aleppo
Voltaire Network — The Security Council meets in secret, Friday 16 December 2016 at 17.00 universal time – NATO officers were arrested this morning by Syrian Special Forces in a bunker in East Aleppo.
Published at
BREAKING: 14 US-Led Coalition Military Advisers Captured by Syrian Special Forces in Aleppo
At least 14 US-led coalition military advisers have been captured by the Syrian Special Forces in a bunker in the city of Aleppo, according to media reports.
The event allegedly took place in the morning on December 16, 2016 (
“The Security Council is sitting in private on Friday, December 16, 2016, at 17:00 GMT, while NATO officers were arrested this morning by the Syrian Special Forces in a bunker in East Aleppo.” also provided a list of names of the coalition’s military advisers captured in Aleppo, citing a Syrian member of Parliament:
Fares Shehabi, a prominent Syrian Parliamentarian and head of Aleppo’s Chamber of Commerce published the names of the Coalition officers on his Facebook page on the 15th December (emphasis added):
Mutaz Kanoğlu – Turkey
David Scott Winer – USA
David Shlomo Aram – Israel
Muhamad Tamimi – Qatar
Muhamad Ahmad Assabian – Saudi
Abd-el-Menham Fahd al Harij – Saudi
Islam Salam Ezzahran Al Hajlan – Saudi
Ahmed Ben Naoufel Al Darij – Saudi
Muhamad Hassan Al Sabihi – Saudi
Hamad Fahad Al Dousri – Saudi
Amjad Qassem Al Tiraoui – Jordan
Qassem Saad Al Shamry – Saudi
Ayman Qassem Al Thahalbi – Saudi
Mohamed Ech-Chafihi El Idrissi – Moroccan
Damascus-based Syrian journalist Said Hilal Alcharifi also reported on the issue in his Facebook account:
Very urgent
The Syrian authorities were able, thanks to information thorough, arrive at the headquarters of senior officers and western regional in the basement of a district of Aleppo-is, and capture them all alive.
A few names have already been ex filtered to Syrian journalists including me.
Seen the nationalities (us, French, British, German, Israelis, Turks, Saudis, Moroccans, Qatari, etc.. etc) of these scumbags and their military ranks, I assure you
Syria holds in this moment a big treasures to carry out the negotiations with the countries that have destroyed.
Earlier in December, SF already noted that the US despearate attempts to push a “diplomatic solution” in Aleppo could indicate that the Obama administration stalling for time to extricate US mercenaries and special service members from the Aleppo pocket:
Considering that US-led coalition military advisers have been widely operating across Syria, training and assisting to the so-called “moderate opposition” openly linked with al-Qaeda, the recently appeared reports are likely true.
For isntance, British military advisers have officially arrived to Syria to restore combat capability of the ‘moderate’ opposition, retreated from Aleppo:
British military advisers have arrived to Syria in order to restore combat capability of units of the ‘moderate’ opposition, retreated from Aleppo, the Izvestiya newspaper reported, citing a statement of UK Defense Minister Michael Fallon. According to Fallon, 20 British military instructors, who will train the opposition forces, involved in the fight against the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group, have already arrived at the destination.
The dispatch of British advisers was announced in October, long before the recapture of Aleppo by the Syrian government forces. Initially, they had a task to train recruits to conduct combined arms combat, as well as to teach them the basics of tactical medicine and combat engineering. However, the situation changed and the task was changed too.
Very likely it is the truth.
The problem is that the Russian side does not know to optimise the gain.
They [ the Syrian government or the Russians ] should slowly, every day publish a picture of one of them, the copy of his documents and a short video where he answers a couple of short answers.
Is Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Morocco, Israel part of NATO?
It seems the Syrian special forces have captured some embarrassing VIPs, but not NATO VIPs.
US led anti ISIS coalition VIPs
Well, we could also ask, are those named countries by you “Anglo-Zionists”. Not.
Are the governments in Poland, France, Croatia, Italy, Portugal…anglo-zionist, definitely not.
Still the biggest threat to the mankind are the Natists.
Those named countries by you follow the NATO out of fear or because of short term interests, because the NATO promised them the crumbs. Israel is exception in this all story.
It is almost funny you think Europe is something more than a collection of vassal states in the AZ Empire. Europe’s strongest state Germany remains occupied by the US since the the end of WWII. NATO barely adds any military strength to the Empire, same goes for the core Five Eyes countries, we are mainly for show (The Allies/International Community). NATO’s other role is to funnel arms sales to the US MIC, preventing rival arms competition. The only place endangered by NATO is Europe.
This may be related:
“American terrorist allies stuck in East Aleppo tried to escape as kidnapped Syrian soldiers last evening but were identified and the evacuation was stalled. Part of the agreement with Obama’s murdering savages was that all kidnapped individuals and soldiers held by the terrorists would be released in exchange for the evacuation. This is why the Syrian government agreed to send in buses at its own expense. In truth, the government not only wanted the kidnapped soldiers and citizens, they also wanted the 11 Americans and 2 retired British SAS operatives who could not escape East Aleppo. The publicity from such a capture of foreign agents would be priceless and prove that Obama and the limeys were 100% complicit in the murder of Syrian citizens. This is the reason why the United States and its allies in Europe are ramping up the clamor over the cease fire. They were actually hoping to extract their murderers and criminals without exposure.”
yes and here are their names:
Mutaz Kanoğlu – Turkey
David Scott Winer – USA
David Shlomo Aram – Israel
Muhamad Tamimi – Qatar
Muhamad Ahmad Assabian – Saudi
Abd-el-Menham Fahd al Harij – Saudi
Islam Salam Ezzahran Al Hajlan – Saudi
Ahmed Ben Naoufel Al Darij – Saudi
Muhamad Hassan Al Sabihi – Saudi
Hamad Fahad Al Dousri – Saudi
Amjad Qassem Al Tiraoui – Jordan
Qassem Saad Al Shamry – Saudi
Ayman Qassem Al Thahalbi – Saudi
Mohamed Ech-Chafihi El Idrissi – Moroccan
too bad the Russians are STILL trying to play gentlemen and not releasing this info for everyone to see. If Russia continues this way they will lose.
Of the 14 listed, I see 8 Saudis, and the remaining 6 are 1-offs from the commonly known terrorist-supporting states, only two of which are from NATO countries. I can easily imagine the 8 being deeply into planning, advising, and reporting back to Riyadh, with the others providing the latter function for their respective govts. The Saudis are no surprise, and I don’t see anything that would explode an myths here.
If/when we see 11 American and 2 British names, we would indeed be looking at a “huge propaganda coup”. That is, if the mainstream media paid it any mind, which they won’t.
This 14 is all that’s left after the Russian forces bombed the main US-run command and control center…
“The Russian warships fired three Caliber missiles at the foreign officers’ coordination operations room in the Dar Ezza region in the Western part of Aleppo, near Sam’an mountain, killing 30 Israeli and western officers,” the Arabic-language service of Russia’s Sputnik news agency quoted battlefield source in Aleppo as saying on Wednesday.”
Later reports said there were CIA among the dead.
More over here:
Disclaimer: I wouldn’t normally link to this site which is inconsistent and publishes laughable and deliberate disinformation on a regular basis. However the Voltaire link, which I do think reliable, is the only source so far and no mainstream source is likely to publicise this anyway:
“…and the news that they were not really “captured” but were allowed out as part of a deal between all parties involved. You see the Moroccans are missing in these numbers.
No. of American officers is 22
British 16
French 21
Israeli 7
Turkish 62 “
I read VT quite a lot until the POTUS election campaign got far enough along for them to fly their true colors. The reason that I rarely visit the site these days is because of psychopath Ian Greenhalgh. Even when attempting to read titles of interest that he’s written, his agenda becomes clear which taints the subject matter, so I just move on.
There are a few journalists that contribute to VT that are professional and truthful. I thoroughly enjoy everything I’ve seen from Jonas Alexis. The piece that you referenced was written by the Managing Editor, Jim Dean, who has good contacts/resources and vets the information before he writes.
Too right Arrow,
I learnt a lot from VT; about Sociopathy, real Jewish history, and as Gordon says “how the world really works”. But when they came out so strong for Hillary, they lost me for good. I miss them, but stupid is as stupid does.
Gore gets 1 college vote.
Romney gets one vote for Veep.
One senator and one congressman submit a written repulse of the proceedings and electoral college is stopped.
The swamp protects itself.
Deal done to give gore the purple.
Romney Veep.
Swamp is happy.
Gore cometh.
This is a good example of zionazi Jews/neocons “doubling down”:
Western media’s epic fail on Craig Murray and the Russian hacking story
“The Western media is concealing Craig Murray’s revelations about how he acted as the go-between between the US insider who provided the Clinton leaks and WikiLeaks.
However the Western media has taken a completely different approach: silence. Though Craig Murray provided his information in interviews to the Guardian and the Daily Mail, the rest of the media, and indeed those same newspapers, has otherwise entirely ignored this story.
There is a point beyond which silence amounts to outright concealment and suppression of the truth.
Amidst all the accompanying media frenzy about Russian propaganda and ‘fake news’ the concealment of Craig Murray’s revelations is perhaps a telling sign of who the true purveyors of ‘fake news’ actually are.”
Yup, the six zionazi Jewish oligarchs who dominate western media. Those whom they assertain are a threat and that they feel they cant smear and demonise, they have their media shun. Can’t have those “deplorables” getting real information, can one.
and what is so confusing to you about Roy Cohn’s protege getting the presidential gig?
The CIA is leading the charge in the Russia dunnit meme regarding the election of Trump. The CIA is also in control of the western media.
Who controls the CIA? Who is their loyalty to?
Why is Trump such a danger to the CIA?
The CIA’s heritage from their predecessors in WWII is covert offensive operations rather than intelligence gathering.
Now they are running a not so covert offensive operation on Trump. Why?
Per Global Research,,
it is a fight between two groups of oligarchs, the MiC weapons manufacturers w ho want to keep making $$$ via the world hegemony scenario (plus of course get control of Russian’s resources) and the business oligarchs, w ho want to make money through deals.
If this is true, then the CIA must be backing the weapons manufacturers.
Also, Trump supports Israel wish to transfer their capital to Jerusalem. Basically, an affront to the Islamic world. All for the minuscule Zionist lobby.
The Trump show is a horse and pony show. Its a way for the establishment to backpedal and try a new approach with Russia. Make friends with Russia and go after China and Iran. Its a clever plan to try and spit up the alliance of Russia-Iran-China.
This whole thing is a ‘shell-game’.
Beautiful news here : Take a look. Beautiful news indeed :
At least 14 US-led coalition military advisers have been captured by the Syrian Special Forces in a bunker in the city of Aleppo, according to media reports.
The event allegedly took place in the morning on December 16, 2016 (
“The Security Council is sitting in private on Friday, December 16, 2016, at 17:00 GMT, while NATO officers were arrested this morning by the Syrian Special Forces in a bunker in East Aleppo.” also provided a list of names of the coalition’s military advisers captured in Aleppo, citing a Syrian member of Parliament:
Fares Shehabi, a prominent Syrian Parliamentarian and head of Aleppo’s Chamber of Commerce published the names of the Coalition officers on his Facebook page on the 15th December (emphasis added):
Mutaz Kanoğlu – Turkey
David Scott Winer – USA
David Shlomo Aram – Israel
Muhamad Tamimi – Qatar
Muhamad Ahmad Assabian – Saudi
Abd-el-Menham Fahd al Harij – Saudi
Islam Salam Ezzahran Al Hajlan – Saudi
Ahmed Ben Naoufel Al Darij – Saudi
Muhamad Hassan Al Sabihi – Saudi
Hamad Fahad Al Dousri – Saudi
Amjad Qassem Al Tiraoui – Jordan
Qassem Saad Al Shamry – Saudi
Ayman Qassem Al Thahalbi – Saudi
Mohamed Ech-Chafihi El Idrissi – Moroccan
Damascus-based Syrian journalist Said Hilal Alcharifi also reported on the issue in his Facebook account:
Very urgent
The Syrian authorities were able, thanks to information thorough, arrive at the headquarters of senior officers and western regional in the basement of a district of Aleppo-is, and capture them all alive.
heres the link :
@ Bored Muslim
“All for the minuscule Zionist lobby. ”
I had a good laugh for that understatement of the century!
That miniscule lobby rules the United States of America (still work-in-progress, Cuba and a few others haven’t succumbed yet), most of Western Europe and even has a strong hand in Russia. They are within a whisker of a global take over.
Paul Craig Roberts Warns “A CIA-led Coup Against American Democracy Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes”
The below theses are thus far only a general outlay…
There is an “elite” coup attempt underway against the U.S. President-elect Trump.
The coup is orchestrated by the camp of Hillary Clinton in association with the CIA and neoconservative powers in Congress.
The plan is to use the CIA’s “Russia made Trump the winner” nonsense to swing the electoral college against him. The case would then be bumped up to Congress. Major neocon and warmonger parts of the Republicans could then move the presidency to Clinton or, if that fails, put Trump’s vice president-elect Mike Pence onto the throne. The regular bipartisan war business, which a Trump presidency threatens to interrupt, could continue.
Should the coup succeed violent insurrections in the United States are likely to ensue with unpredictable consequences.
No general plan has been published. The scheme though is pretty obvious by now. However, the following contains some speculation.
The priority aim is to deny Trump the presidency. He is too independent and a danger for several power centers within the ruling U.S. power circles. The selection of Tillerson as new Secretary of State only reinforces this (Prediction: Bolton will not get the Deputy position.) Tillerson is for profitable stability, not for regime change adventures.
The institutional Trump enemies are:
The CIA which has become the Central Assassination Agency under the Bush and Obama administrations. Huge parts of its budgets depend on a continuation of the war on Syria and the drone assassination campaigns in Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere. Trump’s more isolationist policies would likely end these campaigns and the related budget troughs.
The weapons industry which could lose its enormous sales to its major customers in the Persian Gulf should a President Trump reduce U.S. interference in the Middle East and elsewhere.
The neoconservatives and Likudniks who want the U.S. as Israel’s weapon to strong arm the Middle East to the Zionists’ benefit.
The general war hawks, military and “humanitarian interventionists” to whom any reduction of the U.S. role as primary power in the world is anathema to their believes.
Read more here…
The article is a documented and accurate description of a coup that is underway. The extraordinary lies that are being perpetrated by the media and by members of the US government have as their obvious purpose the prevention of a Donald Trump presidency. There is no other reason for the extraordinary blatant lies for which there is not a shred of evidence. Indeed, there is massive real evidence to the contrary. Yet the coup proceeds and gathers steam.
President Eisenhower warned us more than a half century ago of the danger that the military/security complex presents to US democracy.
In the decades since Eisenhower’s warning, the military/security complex has become more powerful than the American people and is demonstrating its power by overturning a presidential election.
Will the coup succeed?
In my opinion, former and present members of the US government and the media would not dare to so obviously and openly participate in a coup against democracy and an elected president unless they expect the coup to succeed.
It is an easy matter for the ruling interests to bribe electors to vote differently than their states. The cost of the bribes is miniscule compared to the wealth and income streams that a trillion dollar annual budget provides to the military/security complex. The fake news of a Putin/Trump election-stealing plot generated by unsupported allegations of present and former members of US intelligence, the lame-duck President Obama, and the presstitute media provide the cover for electors to break with precedent “in order to save America from a Russian stooge.”
The CIA-controlled European media, the politicians in Washington’s European vassal states, NATO officials, and the brainwashed European peoples will support the coup against Trump.
The only ones speaking against the coup are the voters who elected Trump—all of whom are alleged to have been deceived by Russian fake news— the Russian government, and the 200 websites falsely described by the Washington Post and the secret organization PropOrNot as Russian agents.
In other words, those objecting to the coup are the ones described by the coup leaders as those who made the coup necessary.
I do not know that the coup will succeed, but looking at the commitment so many high level people have made to the coup, I conclude that those bringing the coup expect it to succeed.
Therefore, we should take very seriously the expectation of success that those who control levers of power are demonstrating.?
A note about other things that Eisenhower spoke about@
“Eisenhower spoke about this [the possibility of jihad against Communism] in a memo summarizing discussions with the CIA covert ops chief, Frank Wisner who figures in Obama’s Arab Spring scenario in 2011, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The memo notes:
The President said . . . we should do everything possible to stress the ‘holy war’ aspect. Mr. Dulles commented that if Arabs have a ‘holy war’ they would want it to be against Israel. The President recalled, however, that [King Ibn] Saud . . . had called on all Arabs to oppose Communism.”
The context was the creation of an ad hoc Working Group on Islam, including officials from the US Information Agency, State Department and the CIA who created an “Outline of Operations.” The major push was to back the “reformists,” meaning the Muslim Brotherhood, versus so-called “reactionary groups” and the promotion of Said Ramadan (the son in law of Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the MB) to the leadership of the World Muslim League in the 1960’s.
Long before Brzezinski!
I suspect this is something the whole zpc/nwo establishment is worried might become a world wide trend.
Duterte Says US Forces Must Be Prepared to Leave Following Economic Aid Halt
“Prepare to leave the Philippines. Prepare for the eventual repeal or the abrogation of the Visiting Forces Agreement… “We [the Philippines] will never be ready to fight with China. It is you [the US] who is egging a fight there. We will never fight with Russia — that’s too far away. And besides, we are friends [with Russia],” Duterte said as quoted by CNN Philippines.”
I think most of us are missing the point of Trump’s cabinet picks. They are first and foremost people he trusts not to kill him. Trump appears to be smart enough to know his first act must necessarily be to control the Praetorian guard. He’s fine at trump tower but once he moves in to the big house, he’s gotta watch the grassy knolls at Langley and foggy bottom.
“… now she, and her supporters, are doing everything in their power to do just that, to throw the entire electoral process into a major crisis with no clear path towards resolution.”
Doesn’t that describe all of Hillary Clinton’s endeavors? Create a major crisis without a clear path towards resolution? Toppling Mubarak, Khadaffi, and the war in Syria.
She has a congenital inability to think ahead.
I think there’s a pretty obvious explanation for Trump’s positions on Russia, Iran, and China, as well as the Russia bashing by the Neocon faction, without resorting to “lunacy”.
The US faces Ischenko’s Either / Or. Either it tries to become/remain World Hegemon, Or it recedes to take care of its collapsing homeland.
I long thought Trump chose the latter, but looking at his appointments I’ve since come to think he’s not going to abandon the “Grand Chessboard”, opting to play a more realistically fine-tuned Great Power role in the Great Game.
The Old Anglo-American Imperialists recognize that “World Hegemony” is a pipe dream, that there’s now 3 Great Powers in the world, and that the Neocons have all but taken America out of the Game. At that level the balance of power is everything, a constant, wary dance between the three allying in turn two against the 3rd on this or that matter of interest. Orwell knew this, as did Bismarck. Kissinger/Nixon “opened” China to drive the wedge between them and the Soviets deeper. Kissinger and Brzezinski have both recently come out with statements that the Game is back on the menu, and I think Trump subscribes to this view of the world. Insane? No. Unrealistic? Probably not.
My guess is that this has been in the works for a while, and is what the “Kerry-Lavrov Pact” is all about. Russia gets Eastern Europe and leverage over Western Europe, in exchange for mitigating Russian support of China’s interests in the ECS & SCS, and Africa, and having American interests considered in the building of OBOR / New Silk Roads. If so, it is an attractive offer that any Great Power would seriously consider. The unrealistic part is that the US’ ability to deliver is doubtful, regardless of its intent. Also, the Russians are smart. Together with the Chinese, they’re smarter than the Americans know, and they may well snatch the cheese and leave the trap unsprung. We’ll see.
This is anathema to the Neocons. Theirs is a post-national, globalist ideology whereby they envision themselves running the world through the institutions they control – the UN, the OECD, the IMF, the BIS, G20, etc – backed by American military power. It’s heady stuff that sounds awesome in faculty lounges and Thinktankland, and swelled many heads both inside and beyond the Beltway. What they seem utterly blind to is that it has already failed in the real world.
The Neocons pissed away their “World Hegemon” cards bombing hospitals and shepherds while their two competitors (Russia & China) husbanded theirs, and began a process of allying to the detriment of the USA. Trump is on record saying that driving Russia and China together was the stupidest foreign policy result of the Neocons’ ideology. Hard to argue with that, and he shows every inclination to try to “win Russia back”. In appointing Tillerson he picked the perfect man for the job.
The Neocons, of course, want none of that. They want it all, their ideology demands nothing less, and the lesson they have yet to learn is to what extent Russia & China have risen, the depth of their strategic alliance, and the state of decline of American power. Their strategy to take control of Russia (rather than ally with it) to isolate and manage China has already failed. It failed in Syria, it failed in the ‘stans, it failed in Ukraine, it is failing in Europe, and has utterly failed inside Russia itself. More to the point, it has failed within the USA itself. They lost on all fronts – military, political, social, financial, cultural – on the world stage, and they lost the consent of the USA population. This failure has been exposed, so they’re acting like children, hoping they’ll achieve by throwing a tantrum what they failed to get by thievery. Namely, by planting the meme of evil Russia, they hope to set the stage for disrupting Trump’s freedom and scope of action in wooing Russia. That is what the panic is all about. Yes, they want to double down on “World Hegemony”, while Trump realizes that’s an ideological delusion and wants to restart the Great Game.
Obama, idiotically, said Russia is “a small and weak country”. Trump knows better, and so do the Generals he’s surrounded himself with. They all know Russia would be a formidable foe, so better that they turn it into a formidable ally. The 2 greatest energy producers, the 2 greatest military powers, the 2 largest countries (esp if one includes America’s Scotland, Canada), can indeed, together rule the world. That’s almost as heady as the Neocon dream, but an order of magnitude more realistic.
As for Iran, one glance at the maps of the ancient Silk Roads shows that most of the ancient routes converged on Tehran before heading off again in various directions to MENA and Europe. In ancient times, Tehran was the fulcrum on which Eurasian trade balanced and that role isn’t obsoleted in the modern version. It is critical to Anglo-American interest in the Great Game that Iran’s participation in OBOR/New Silk Roads be “managed”.
It is also to Russia’s interest. Iran will be a major energy competitor, especially should it rise to regional hegemony in the ME. Also, the new Silk Roads have few options but to take Russian routes should Iran become less available.
Summa Summarum, the questions revolve around whether the Great Game is on again and the extent to which Russia welcomes that development.
When you wrote: The 2 greatest energy producers, the 2 greatest military powers, the 2 largest countries (esp if one includes America’s Scotland, Canada), can indeed, together rule the world. That’s almost as heady as the Neocon dream, but an order of magnitude more realistic.” I recalled a biography I’ve read…and from that I believe Elliot Roosevelt referred to the FDR-Stalin post-war plan as a “condominium” to rule the world together… So he wrote.
If this is true, then Trump represents a return to the FDR policy, though I do not imagine an intentional one – it was logical then, and it’s logical now.
There are those (Tarpley et al) who maintain that the switcheroo in ’44 that placed Truman in the VP job was the first act in the cold war, and that FDR was done in (presumably with poisons) by white Russian agents of the English elite.
Maybe so. If so we would see similar forces at work to-day…
And we do…
Delmar, this is a very insightful, thought-provoking comment.
From my perspective, this will never work because the US and RF just can’t work together integrally like this. Nice idea, nice concept on paper and in the think-tanks, but on the ground, it fails every time. Which is the key, the crux, IMO, to Canada maintaining a scrap of sovereignty right up to 2016. Otherwise this country would have completely folded like a card table many years ago. The world needs more than one superpower, it seems – Putin himself has stated this as well. “Strategic balance of powers”?
They don’t have to “work together integrally”.
I see it more like splitting the world into “spheres of influence” and making sure #3 (China) doesn’t get so large a sphere of influence for itself that it impacts on theirs. They will still be competitors at the margins, of course, but will respect each other’s core interests, perhaps a little more than they respect China’s.
The backdrop to all of this is the imminent drop of the Global Financial Crisis’ second shoe. China is in a position to bring the US low without firing a shot, and it may be forced to to save its own skin.
The Great Game was in play all the time. The real question is whether the Pirate Empire has any power to win it. The idiotical pronouncements of Obama show again that the Empire has no real knowledge of the Russia. Its ‘intelligence’ (an oxymoron) about Russia was always fragmentary (because Russian counter-intelligence is, like it or not, second to none) and therefore the political assessments made on that basis are flawed. American policy is based on the ‘Game theory’.
I don’t disagree, though I think the Great Game is certainly being redefined. The US has thought of itself as playing a game of solitaire for the last 20 years. The Neocons think that game can go on, while the Trumpians realize there’s been a sea change. I should have been more specific.
Part of why they got caught napping is that their understanding of both China and Russia is so dismal. I think both Trump and Tillerson bring a lot of awareness, especially of the latter, to the table.
Anyway, it looks like nap time is over.
They were not only napping. They fell asleep at the wheel becoming a real and present danger for all traffic and passers-by and for themselves.
Agree with your further comments, WizOz and Erebus. Actually, there is an opportunity to secure a very stable world order, following Erebus’ suggestion re: spheres of influence. As long as RF and US collaborate, without coalescing or combining power between them, the two nations can produce a very stable situation. Canada, the designated groveller, the keeper of ‘olive branches’, the one who always takes a knee, makes the first move… prevents either superpower from ever having to directly bow down or concede to the other (in their ‘home turf’). This may seem inconsequential from the outside, but it is not. It is very significant. It helps ensure stability. Neither superpower ever has to back down directly to the other, because Canada (when it’s ‘clued in’, militarily and diplomatically) always can run interference.
On the other hand, if some other nation wanted to become an empire/superpower (UK? Israel?), that aspiring nation would definitely benefit by encouraging RF and US to coalesce power, excluding or undermining Canada’s role in the process.
This would create a perfect, wide open gap for a new superpower to emerge. I really believe that Trump will figure this out really, really quickly. And he’ll support the RF/US/Canada set-up. Thus, the frantic panic from the “Israel-first” crowd. Pat Buchanan recently complained in an article on his blog, that the Brits are the force behind the US entering wars which diminish the US’ power. I don’t know – maybe??
Since I referred to it, I might as well include the link:
Pat Buchanan: Fake News and War Party Lies
Analogy is often a lazy device, but here it might be helpful:
The State of Israel is as important to the United States as Crimea is to Russia. Maybe even more so.
If you entertain any idea that the United States will ever turn its back on Israel give it up. It will never happen. Ever.
And that should be a useful bit of information. If Russia and the US agree on that one issue then everything else is 100% negotiable in the Middle East.
The criminal project of an apartheid jewish state in Palestine should be boycotted…
… keep on bashing your head against that wall, bud. You’re going to have a really bad time.
I agree with you in principle, except for one thing; the US will turn it’s back on Israel when it is no longer useful. Nations have interests and not friends, America’s interest is controlling ME oil to control the whole world. Once this lever no longer works, America will move on. Would you think that Britain could abandon Australia, one of her own children? She did, Singapore fell without much of a fight and we were passed on to America like a drunk prom date. America will defend Israel until it can’t, then it will move on like they never existed.
Note to commentator …. obscenities will not be posted here … please describe your ideas in a less course manner … mod-hs
‘memo to all incoming Presidents’ (JFK)
Rules of the house
#1 Don’t screw with Israel
#2 Don’t screw with Israel
#3 If in doubt – Don’t screw with Israel
I am looking for a good link, which is legal [ without login ] how to download the book “Murder in Samarkand” , written by ex British ambassador in Uzbekistan Craig Murray.
Quite a few of former download sites for this publication shows either a 404 error, or blank page.
Try these.
About Epub file format:
Take Care
The Elite Will Not Stop, They Will Try To Retain Their Power: Doug Hagmann
Now we know why Kerry & Co were crapping their pants for a ‘cease-fire’ in Aleppo:
At least 14 US-led coalition military advisors captured in a city of Aleppo bunker, according to media reports.
And no doubt these are the ones who couldn’t make it out hiding in women’s clothing… !
Fares Shehabi, a prominent Syrian Parliamentarian and head of Aleppo’s Chamber of Commerce published the names of the Coalition officers on his Facebook page on the 15th December (emphasis added):
Mutaz Kanoğlu – Turkey
David Scott Winer – USA
David Shlomo Aram – Israel
Muhamad Tamimi – Qatar
Muhamad Ahmad Assabian – Saudi
Abd-el-Menham Fahd al Harij – Saudi
Islam Salam Ezzahran Al Hajlan – Saudi
Ahmed Ben Naoufel Al Darij – Saudi
Muhamad Hassan Al Sabihi – Saudi
Hamad Fahad Al Dousri – Saudi
Amjad Qassem Al Tiraoui – Jordan
Qassem Saad Al Shamry – Saudi
Ayman Qassem Al Thahalbi – Saudi
Mohamed Ech-Chafihi El Idrissi – Moroccan”
The list of those 14 names are actually cover names as usually used in these secret operations. Actually there’s another list of 128 western, Israelis and Turkish with no names at all available. Perhaps they were released as part of deal to safe civilians from Idlib and other towns controlled by terrorists.
I am surprised by how the ringleader nations only have one each! Too tidy!
Hope they get put on trial.
“As for Trump, I still can’t figure him out. On one hand…” — study the enneagram Type 8 personality (“Boss”).
The logic which works for me is he is entirely confident of his innate ability to rule — and therefore having the requisite samples pissing ‘inside’ the tent makes good sense.
If this theory is correct, and he is following Putin’s playscript (and Berlusconi, to whom Putin also warmed) then expect some real juicy reality show TV with “you’re fired” type memes to entertain ‘his’ deplorable masses — yes, folks, it’s the ‘bread & circus’ time again!
He’s a Russian preview:
(and he’ll even engineer a ‘give my pen back’ event, imo).
the gods of war are fear and panic…when these spirits dominate the ground there is violence…
this is the general principle discovered in human history – a true thing.
the claim that the nc is in panic (and agony – “intense pain”) is obviously credible…
thus some may reasonably expect violence…but when? where? Ah!
They say that no plan survives first contact…
le partie continue…maybe at the various federal buildings…nobody knows? But one can hope for peace…
I see mighty fine words and ideas here. Some hands are pro.
None of it is real.
Stalking horses every which way one cares to look.
Physically and ethically compromised Hillary…a stalking horse. And Bernie… He helped shape things…introduced radical concepts…wove a narrative out of the threads…blocked him…created angst doing that…but woke things up…set the scene. Yes Bernie was/is a stalking horse too.
Trump’s a stalking horse.
All stalk for Gore.
After Al lost and was teachin at Columbia University Murdoch pulled up and entered a basket ball stadium while Gore was giving a lecture on a stage…al handed the duties over to an aide and Rupert and big al sat down on the steps on the stage and as the lecture continued ate a sandwich each from Al’s lunch box and had a nice long chat…
You don’t know diddley squat.
Eschatology is too close to the admonition your parents gave you when you were caught first time readin star signs….damaging thereby your critical potential….blinded in an instant….unbelief is no wise disbelief.
A people yearn for their saviour. And other peoples do too.
The Indians now have their Agni.
Mitt thinks he’s a white horse.
Obama’s first name al-buraq…the white horse (lightning bolt) on whom Mohammed rode.
..the white horse whose presence signifies the return of the 12th Mahdi.
Eschatology guides every move whether it be Han, Christos, Indo, Jew, Moslem, LDS….all are activated and playing out….the great attractor draws all in.
A little comment…
Trump has chosen a rabid hyper-racist jewish zionist for the next US Ambassador to Israel, and people are *really* asking what this is all about? Have IQs dropped in the last few days.
Soft-soap, pseudo-liberal jews (who usually present themselves as ‘atheists’- like Noam Chomsky) have been successfully fronting and selling the most extreme zionist regimes in Israel across the last 20 years. The very startegy of zionists is to unify jews world wide with liberal ‘reasonable’ sounding public facing salesmen while the core of zionism becomes ever more powerful and vicious. Trump has very cleverly ended this.
Now the war between ‘liberal’ jews and ‘extreme’ jews, so common before Tony Blair first rose to power, has started again. The jewish/zionist unity that Blair worked so hard to manufacture- like Blair’s manufactured unity between the controllers of the ‘left’ and ‘right’ political parties in all major Western nations, is unravelling. Trump is chosing people specifically to break this cosy arrangement, and set the fox amongst the chickens.
Of course so many of Trump’s picks are *vile*- that’s the whole damned point. So vile, the demons are forced to war between factions they had previously joined together to hurt Greater Humanity. And Trump doesn’t have to worry cos as President, he is the *Big Boss* who gets to keep his attack dogs on a very tight leash, ensuring their loyalty to *him*, and not to Israel or the demons.
Those that are crying over Trump’s actions, because they have been *groomed* to think the Tony Blair method is what politics should look like, should be ashamed of themselves for having been so easily brainwashed. We want and *need* a return to vicious *real* fighting between the ‘left’ and ‘right’, ‘liberals’ and ‘statists’ because only this hard approach to examined Humanity’s destiny can keep us on the right road. ‘Consensus’ politics was head Demon, Tony Blair’s, main weapon against us. Blair even invented an organisation called ‘Common Purpose’ (I kid you not) to train ‘consensus’ thinking into all rising ‘leaders’ in British Society.
You ‘hate’ that Trump is breaking the ‘consensus’ with his picks and forcing people to actually protest again- you should be on you knees thanking him!
The Battle of Armageddon. The Douay Rheims Catholic bible says in the footnotes, Armageddon-in other words-hill of robbers.
What is going on in this world right now is nothing new. It has happened time and time again. One nation takes over the wealth and strength from another nation. First, Babylon, then Egypt, Assyria, etc, etc, etc, then the instigators of all this were destroyed in 70AD the Romans. Who were they? The Hebrews of the tribe of Judah. Whatever happened to the other 10 tribes? Someone just doesn’t get lost.
I think they were told to migrate to other nations by Jacob. I think there are a lot more of these Hebrew/Jews in this world than anyone realizes and that is why they have gotten away with so much. Remember, by deceit we shall wage war. This is their motto. And they have been doing it for thousands of years. When Judah was destroyed in 70 AD, they just adopted the Turkic-Mongol Khazarians as their new army.
Armageddon-the hill of robbers. Money is their sledge hammer. There will be no peace in this world until any and all monetary forms are completely and utterly destroyed. The battle is called Armageddon now because the whole world is involved.
“There will be no peace in this world until any and all monetary forms are completely and utterly destroyed.”
Amen Dogwood, the core issue. And while we are there, unfence the commons. Why do we pay someone for our birthright?
Every time we think something must be eliminated because of its harm, it is replaced by other things which again becomes controlled by the powers. After cash is eliminated what is going to be guaranteed that protects societies from the powers? We don’t need one global monetary system or digital/virtual currency because they will end up being controlled that harms other nations. My advice? Until the world is mature and stable enough to talk about the type of monetary system, go back to nations developing their own currency! Right now, the bitcoin, cashless system is becoming policy by the globalised and we are going back to square one. We need to avoid this vicious arms and currency race. This vicious competition is what is driving the wars. China in fact is the biggest competitor. The U.S is creating wars where China is and yet, China hardly is involved in wars like Russia is to save humanity. Why not?
Trump has to retain the support of a significant number of influential Jews in order to function. If he loses the Jews he loses the presidency.
So, Trump is sacrificing the Palestinians, and encouraging the Jewish-staters/uber-zionists. The Palestinians have absolutely no political influence in the United States. His assessment is no different that Truman’s decision to recognize Israel at the expense of the Arabs in 1948.
Notice that Trump is focusing on changing the terms of “the deal” with Iran, not on Iran in total. Again, this is a favor to the Netanyahu-branch of the zionists. There will be a lot of talk for a while, and a lot of foot-dragging. But no major changes until Daesh is destroyed (if then).
Obama has already ceded control of the South China Sea to China, and -by all appearances- he has lost the Philippines too. Trump needs to do to China what Obama has done to Russia, in order to get significant political support for imposing tariffs on goods imported into the United States from “select” countries -China primarily and Mexico secondly- while leaving our market relatively open to other countries which we -as Americans- are supposed to “like”. The Chinese have no effective response to this, other than doing more in the ASEAN countries and the South China Sea than it has already.
Meanwhile, Russia has pursued its foreign policy in a manner that does not align with China’s interests. It is rebuilding military and energy ties with India and commercial ties with Japan.
Things are getting more complicated. I hope that grownups are in charge.
As of today 12/18/2016 the electoral count stands at Hillary 232, Trump 306. The electors meet tomorrow, after which I expect the count to further advantage Trump: 307+, possibly 310, or even higher. Most electors are hard-working, child-raising, church-going members of their communities. Children are their focus. No minute passes without answering the question: is my child safe and healthy? Loss of a child is an unthinkable terror. I am familiar with this terror, having caught and arrested a stalker of my own children. I believe the electors cannot and will not overlook even the slightest circumstantial evidence that a candidate of this presidential election or a close associate might in any way be connected with criminal behavior against children. Trump’s comments, though boorish and juvenile at times, do not rise to the same level of concern. Therefore, I expect Trump to be inaugurated with more electoral votes than he was assigned November 8.
I agree Trump rhetoric makes no sense, but this merely indicates to me that Trump does not follow an external script. I believe Trump is open to persuasion and deal-making. World leaders can look forward to a high potential for making positive, mutually beneficial agreements with Trump. At the same time, the alternative media community must continue pressing the case to Americans and Europeans that it is in US interests to withdraw US and other NATO forces from eastern Europe and the Middle East, to seek a peaceful partnership with Iran, and to stop supporting terrorism everywhere.
Update December 20, 2016 after the electors voted: Hillary 227, Trump 304, and 7 faithless electors. Of the 7, 5 defected from Hillary and 2 from Trump. None of the 7 voted for Hillary or Trump, resulting in fewer total electoral votes for each candidate relative to November 8. Although the expected increase in total votes for Trump did not occur, the overall result was directionally the same – the spread of electoral votes increased in favor of Trump. If the defectors had been forced to vote for the other main candidate, Hillary would now have 232-5+2=229, andTrump 306-2+5=309. To my knowledge, the defectors offered no explanation for their defection, and we may never know why. Seven defectors may seem a small number, but historically this is unprecedented and indicates significant turmoil within each main party. Based on the number of defectors, I am more hopeful that Trump may actually be the outsider this nation needs in order to rebuild US relations with the world, rather than a masquerading neocon vis a vis Obama.
Parenthetically, I also note that the Stein recount, though criticized by almost everyone, also favored Trump by exposing irregularities of the popular vote in districts Hillary won. On the one hand, Stein appeared to be pro-Hillary by choosing states Trump won. On the other hand, the outcome of the recount secured Trump’s election victory and strengthened his legitimacy as President-elect. Was this a coincidence or an expected (and desired) outcome? Jill Stein must have been aware that a high probability existed that a recount would expose irregularities especially in the Democratic popular vote because it was well-known that Hillary was unable to attract large crowds during the campaign, and small crowds do not translate to large vote numbers. Is Stein actually pro-Trump? I wrote the Trump team urging them to consider Stein or at least interview her (at the time for Secretary of State). If this accomplished nothing more than a hearty laugh, then Merry Christmas to all. I voted for Trump, and I continue to believe Stein would make a significant positive contribution in a Trump administration.
It’s not charity. I am buying the book (in hardcover). I can’t judge it yet, cos I haven’t read it – but Yanis Varoufakis is a mate of the Australian Economics Professor Bill Mitchell – who is one of the very few economists I have any respect for.
I also have massive respect and affection for Greek people. I have spent the equivalent of over a year of my life in Greece. Our children spent most of their summer holidays there as they were growing up.
We are planning to go to Cyprus next year even though some Americans are completely insane and have just sold loads of ground to air missiles to their Islamist headchoppers in Iraq and Syria…
Aren’t your mates at Ben Gurion Airport a little bit worried about this?
Did the US Arms traders ask permission from the Israeli Government?
I know we had the IRA to contend with – but even the UK Government wasn’t that insane to give them the missiles to shoot down Concorde on take-off from Heathrow.
Try this article by Andrew Korybko, if you’d like to know the truth of opportunist Varoufakis.
A bit off topic, but maybe biden has given the go-ahead: Fascist attackers are trying for a breakthrough now in the contact area of the Donbass, but are suffering losses.
Hopefully this will be the last of the US backed attacks before Trump gets in.
Smilin’ Joe does so badly want that job in Ukrainian Fracking for his disgraced, drug-addicted, ex-Marine son.
Well, . They did have some very amusing moments in 2014 and 15. Didn’t they??
Certainly appears so..
Take Care
It’s recently been posted on South Front that 100 foreign advisors have been let free from Aleppo, these advisors are from US, UK, France etc.
WTF.. If this is indeed true then why support SAA and their allies. I understand that this may have been for the greater good but the greater good in who’s eyes.
The quality of South Front is on a slippery slope if they are going to reprint Veterans Today fiction.
Excerpt from Paul Craig Roberts article Dec. 17.
Rep. Nunes statement makes it completely clear that the CIA is using the presstitute media to launch a coup against president-elect Trump. CIA director John Brennan’s audacity suggests that he expects the coup to succeed. Otherwise, he is dead meat along with Bezos, The Washington Post and the rest of the presstitute media.
John Brennan qualified to be in the gallery of “Faces of Evil” years back.
Looky here if in doubt:
And here:
Take Care
“David M. Friedman, as the next US ambassador to Israel”
Hey it gets one Zionist out of the USA and over to Israel doesn’t it? Pay “homage” to the Israel lobby by sending them one of their own? As ambassador to Israel he is really out of the picture from a Washington perspective. Just my SWAG as to why he did that particular move.
Here is hoping that Trump’s attitude to Iran goes the way of his attitude towards torture. Meet with a general who knows the score and admits he was wrong and changes position. On that front I have some hope.
Friedman did an excellent job when he acted as Trump’s bankruptcy lawyer and he saw Trump through a difficult time.
He’s giving a loyal Jewish friend the job as ambassador to Israel as a gift, simple as that.
There is nothing Trump can do about the CIA or FBI, they come as they are as part of the job. He can only suggest a change at the top. But the top man is only a figurehead.
Tillerson is really part of the Washington swamp which is why he was appointed. Besides when he was top bod at the Boy Scouts in 2013 he introduced homosexuality in to the staunchly conservative organisation. With homosexuality always comes paedophilia as homosexuals tend to get involved in paedo activities more than any social group apart from Muslims.
Tillerson also runs the largest, most profitable and exploitative oil company in the USA and is responsible for tens of thousands of innocent deaths worldwide for the sake of profit, not to mention millions of wild animals and whole ecological environments destroyed. Tillerson is a total b*st*rd and utterly untrustworthy.
TBH as Trumps team of brown nosing yes men generals, corrupt businessmen and ultra dubious politicians gather, I can’t really see that there will be much difference between him and Obama except on employment and infrastructure.
Trump clearly does not have a clue about foreign policy. If he tries to smash Iran he’ll find Russia will stand by them so his pro-Russia gambit will die a sudden death. He does not seem to have a clue about Europe and the vast Zionist problem it suffers from.
If he continues to be agressive towards China he will lose out on the One Belt One Road trading block and be completely ostracised from Asia. Trump may be a good wheeler dealer when it comes to US business, but in the rest of the world he’ll cold shouldered by everybody if he goes on like this.
IMHO I believe he will be assassinated sometime in the next year, especially if he tries to hold the Fed to account. It is almost certain the Fed assassinated JFK for presidential order no: 11110 which would have put the Fed out of business for good.
Besides, the puppet master Mr Rothschild, will play Trump, just like all the other presidents. And if Trump refuses to behave Rothschilds Banking Group will bankrupt him. Until there is a real revolution or civil war in the US nothing will change. All the media, all the bankers and all the political class need to be strung up by the neck until dead. Anything less and every President will dance to the piper’s tune.
Trump represents the segment of the US elites that have finally decided that the neocon policies are bad for business. With Tillerson, we are back to that huge oil and gas deal that was scuttled between Rosneft and Exxon Mobil due to Washington imposed sanctions post Maidan. We’re talking hundreds of billions of dollars, that’s no chump change. Just like the German business class and others in Europe, the sanctions imposed on them are getting in the way of business and this crisis can no longer be tolerated. Trump is a business man.
Putin was like, look guys, are you willing to jeopardize (the big dare, those sanctions will be “mutually damaging”) these lucrative deals? The neocons said yes (what do they have to lose), at the expense of US big oil and other major economic interests especially in Europe.
The Donald must know that the only groups making money under these neocon war policies are the military industrial complex, arms makers and niche war profiteers. Where are all the markets we were promised (to the business elites)? How come we didn’t get the oil after we listened to all your crazy regime change advise? In other words, they never got much out of it. Not sure who is going to win this fight.
Fox News commentator, Dana Perino, is saddened by Al Qaeda’s defeat in Aleppo [Video]
“Dana Perino, who coincidentally was Bush’s Press Secretary from September 14, 2007 to January 20, 2009, agrees with Power’s UN speech, noting that “there is nothing that can shame them”…referring to Russia, and its help in defeating Al Qaeda and ISIS in Aleppo.
The shame falls squarely on Dana Perino, The Kelly File and Fox News for reporting more “fake news” that comes out in support of Al Qaeda and ISIS “moderate rebels”, who invaded Syria with the ultimate goal of removing a secular, sovereign government and replacing it with a Wahhabi, Sharia law theocracy.
Perhaps Perino needs to spend a few years in Saudi Arabia to recognize what “shame’ really means.”
The zionazi Jewish owned/run media and colonial quisling leadership corps has gone from using the defeat of al qaida as a reason to invade other countries to citing the need to defend al qaida as a reason to invade other countries. That isn’t irony, btw, its spit in your face chutzpah.
The last time someone seriously suggested dissolving the CIA it was senator Frank Church in 1975. Church was Chairman of the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities.
No less than Kissinger and Rumsfeld led the charge against Church. Then they scuttled Church’s career in an early case of character assassination and funding a Zionist opponent to oust Church in the next election.
Here is a quote from Frank Church, but the entire report, which is available online, is worth reading.
“If this government ever became a tyranny, if a dictator ever took charge in this country, the technological capacity that the intelligence community has given the government could enable it to impose total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back because the most careful effort to combine together in resistance to the government, no matter how privately it was done, is within the reach of the government to know. Such is the capability of this technology.”
Wiki Article: (…)
Entire report photographed:
I remember the thrill of rebellion and suppressed truth emerging in the original Russian Language YMCA press edition of The GULAG Archipelago. I particularly recall a center-spread (pace Hefner)
which showed the mugshots of the executive directors and all regional heads (sixteen, I think) of the GULAG genocide machine. Much like the fabulous snaps of the Neocon Cabal, which should perhaps come with an eye-damage warning.
In Solzhenitsyn’s great catalogue of horrors, they too were all Jews. Though, my bad, Bolton is apparently not a Jew.
The ‘spread’ was censored in the English language and later editions.
“In light of the fact that the Neocons always failed at everything they attempted, I am inclined to believe that they will probably also fail at preventing Donald Trump from being sworn in.”
Actually Trump has them trapped inside a paper bag and they may never break free…
> he wants to befriend Russia while antagonizing China…. This is lunacy
No, it is not.
It is what USA Foreign Policy under Kissinger guide successfully did after Khrushchev’s coup in USSR
It is very real threat
I also read this article at the Unz Review.
I was curious about the comments, and I have been checking in to the Unz Review recently—they were under my radar for a long time.
Also, the Unz Review gathers a lot of interesting items in one place.
Many of the comments there are interesting.
Some, of course, are ignorant and stupid.
And quite a few take the form of personal attacks.
In fact, I am taken aback by the level of purelie hostility and puerile personal attacks allowed by mods there.
Makes me appreciate the better tone maintained here by the mods. Thanks!!
Mr. Saker has done a very good job of informing me how the Putin-Medevev government was a coalition of factions. Mr. Putin and the ‘security’ faction was not strong enough to hold the government on their own, so instead they made a deal with the more pro-western, pro-western banker faction led by Mr. Medevev.
Is it not inconceivable that Mr. Trump is having to do the same thing? He led a radical, outsider faction within the Republican party. The faction once known as ‘the tea party’, although you don’t seem to hear that term so much anymore. He directly took on and defeated pro-war, pro-neocon, pro-deepstate faction in the Republican Party, led primarily by Jeb Bush at first, and then others tried to step into that leadership role and stop Trump.
Now that he needs to govern, he has to pick his enemies. Obviously, the CIA and the deep state is an enemy of Trump. The CIA has made this quite clear. Both in the leaks and stories saying the election was fraudulent, and the silence of the top of the CIA with regard to these leaks.
So, is this really the time for Mr. Trump to be starting other fights with say the vocal and well-supported pro-Israel wing of the Republican Party? Or is his accepting their choice for a role like ambassador to Israel really just a way of making a temporary alliance and keeping things quiet on that front while taking care of more urgent problems ….. such as the infiltration of the deep state into the US government and the need to ‘drain the swamp’ of them?
This sort of deal making (and Trump is a deal-maker if he’s anything) could be a good explanation as to why he doesn’t seem entirely consistent at this point in time.
Makes sense to me.
He has seen the signs.
He has to tread softly and carry a big stick (but maybe hidden).
And do a few loyalty tests in the meantime.
And, like an elephant, never forget . . . .
“Is it not inconceivable that Mr. Trump is having to do the same thing?”
I’m pretty sure you meant that it is conceivable, and if so I wholeheartedly agree.
Trump has put together an assortment of people who may disagree on a lot of minor issues, but are in lock step on the big issues. The biggest issue is that the Neocon ideology has led the US into a cul de sac geopolitically. The next is that “Globalism” has led it to the same end financially/economically, and culturally.
As a supremely Brand oriented guy, he’s painfully aware that Brand America has suffered all but irreparable damage under their (mis)management. I think much of what he means by “Make America Great Again!” is “Revive the Brand!”
That he’ll have to do real things in the real world to accomplish that, is how America and the world will benefit.
As for things like his new Ambassador to Israel, would that he could appoint 10-15 such Ambassadors and send them all there! Isn’t it better to have your enemies where you want them, sidelined but exposed, than having them crawling around in Washington fomenting trouble?
“e” is me, Erebus.
I think that you are completely correct, Vlad (to the extent that anybody cares what I think).
I also think that a review of the way Stalin gradually gathered the political power which enabled him to depose the ((“Old Bolsheviks)),” one (and a few) at a time until Trotsky was exiled would be an instructive parallel. History teaches those who will learn from it !
Rarely noted (in accounts I have seen) (which are few and superficial) is that Trotsky’s exile (NOT liquidation) shows that there are limits involved which both sides respect. IMO, it is like God not killing Cain in retribution for his murder of Abel. (Note that Cain was, similarly, exiled — no eye-for-an-eye).
A completely irrelevant observation with no conceivable validity ? Maybe like Hitler in Argentina after WW II ? Or maybe relevant in that, since “History repeats itself. (The first time as tragedy; after that as farce” — Marx), maybe there are archetypes beneath the surface of seemingly unrelated events, this being an example of one of them (?)
It is quite amusing in a depressing way – how ‘pro-Russian’ sites are cock-a-hoop about Trump ‘winning’ the US election.
You must all be in such a weak and pathetic position if you’re hoping for him to help you out. Sure, you/Russia may be thrown a few bones but really – celebrating the toxic git from Exon oïl as some sort of people’s choice for secretary of state as a win for the world is just delusional. Trump will round on Russia if it suits him – don’t worry about that. You really think the US is going to stop playing in the Ukraine? Wake up.
I have lost a great deal of respect for this site and RT for their Trump jubilation. He’s a President for the super-rich and will launch aggressive and reckless wars in the next few years.
At lleast add a grain of scepticism to the mix before you all sign up to the next wave of US imperialism and sober up.
I can not but agree with you. Amen.
The US will fragment in chaos. It is already well on the way to that end.