In a recent extended interview marking 13 years after the major conflict between Hezbollah and Israel in 2006, Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said that based on “logic” and the “development of events in the region and the world”, he has great hope that he himself will “pray in the al-Aqsa Mosque in al-Quds (Jerusalem)”.
Earlier in the interview, Nasrallah shared with viewers detailed war-time plans using maps of the ‘Israeli entity’ and its major political, financial, military, and industrial centres and facilities, all of which have been designated as potential targets of Hezbollah’s precision-guided missiles ‘if Israel were to wage another war on Lebanon’.
Source: Al-Manar TV (YouTube)
Date: 12 July, 2019
Which is precisely why the next Israeli attack on Lebanon will be coordinated with the US and involve US troops and B-52 strategic bombing. Israel can’t afford to attack Hezbollah on its own and it knows it. Israel also can’t afford to attack Iran – or let the US attack Iran – without Hezbollah being degraded first.
Therefore another war between Israel – with US help – and Hezbollah is inevitable, as is the resulting war with Iran.
The problem w/your analysis is that you believe this outcome will be derived from an Iranian attack that overwhelms the nation of Israel, and the Nasrallah man believes Israel will be brought to justice by a deity that finds a way to neutralize the country ergo allowing him to pray at such a moment. The problem arrives when you want a first strike capability acting on your false interpretation, where as if you were to simply wait for the event to occur, the old man Nasrallah would pass of old age before said deity arrived to fulfill his desires. Neither one makes any sense but yours makes less sense because of the method chosen to attack.
In my humble opinion, even the US cannot fight both Hizbollah and Iran together. To fight well, the US should bring 200K troops from the US and the human cost to the US will be enormous. If the US decides to use Nucler weapons, China and Russia will help Iran. Maybe, Russia will nuke the US and Britain.
Maybe, then, we all die in a thermo-nuclear Holocaust or the subsequent nuclear winter.
Russia and China will do absolutely nothing other then condemn a US nuke attack on Iran. That will be the extent of their involvement.
The man is indeed rational, logical and wise.
However, geopolitics and human venality do not conform to reason, logic and wisdom.
Israel will never be standing alone. There are several fascist armies and several terror-based proxy armies that will aid it in a prolonged ground war.
So, projecting or predicting the forces Hezbollah will face is a guessing game.
What truly matters and will make the difference is the missiles and rockets Hezbollah can launch in the first hours of the next war. This won’t be another 2006. And the reason there has not been another war is Israel knows what is coming. She cannot sustain such loses those missiles will inflict.
Thus, the Israelis have been trying to create a new dynamic, a war against Iran and all things Iranian. A very big, very wide war with half the world aligned against Iran and Hezbollah. So far, not many takers. Lots of noise, chatter and flashing swords. The US wants vassals to fight it, and Israel wants proxies.
Seems that these two big tough militaries are frightened. By Nasrallah’s militia and their 100,000 rockets and missiles.
They should be.
And naturally w/all those missiles flying around not one is going to destroy the holy Mosque that is the basis of all the fighting.
Tel Aviv and Haifa are the two cities that will be primary targets.
Tel Aviv and Haifa are the two cities that will be primary targets.
…. along with every settlement. The missiles are sufficiently accurate to target specific groups of buildings.
If anyone thinks that Hezbollah can be bullied or surprised then they have another think coming. It would take only a few hours to make Rogue State untenable (the inhabitants have a low tolerance for hardship) whereas it would take months to inflict the same level of distress on Hezbollah.
I really don’t think Nasrallah is forecasting a war so much as undercutting Rogue State’s confidence. All he has to do is convince the average Israeli that they face a dismal future.
The sequence goes like this:
1) New economic zone sidelines Hegemon
2) Hegemon’s allies fail to support Hegemon during some particularly brutal cold weather where the only reliable had supply is from Russia.
3) Hegemon can’t buy enough crude for domestic needs.
4) Someone delivers an ultimatum to back off or face (localized) starvation
At this stage two options are flee or fight.
Either way the Rogue State problem goes away.
I give them five years, max.
“had” = “gas”
It is hard for me to believe that if all hell breaks loose as described, that Israel would refrain from using its nuclear weapons. The same might also be true for the US if a variety of US naval vessels are sunk and US military bases go up in smoke.
The nukes Israel has could cause ecological damage to the whole world. I read a study that indicated a “minor” exchange between Pakistan and India could cause a great deal of ecological damage, including dangerous world cooling, perhaps enough to damage world food supply. Consider also the radiation hazzard, the fallout. Lebanon is so close to Israel I suspect a sudden wind shift could destroy Israel.
There is little doubt that Israel will use its nuclear weapons if it receives the Iranian retaliation for a strike. The situation is very dangerous. Iran will also be destroyed, breaking another nuclear taboo into the world with unpredictable consequences. That makes the Trump administration looks even more foolish, not considering the consequences.
Nuclear weapons are of limited if any use to Israel if used.Their value consists purely as a big stick to threaten bigger powers.
They can’t use them on hezbollah or Syria. To use them against Iran, they’re going to have to use quite a large number of make an impact:
– If they don’t go all out, Irans conventional retaliation will wipe them out.
– If they use their entire nuclear capacity against Iran, the nuclear, political fallout will be global, and the retaliation in terms of rockets from Hezbollah, Iran-backed proxy forces will be substantial.
I think Alabama has a point. In a war the Zionazis will almost certainly move to destroy al-Aqsa and drive the Palestinians out, particularly if they take heavy casualties.
Perhaps war on Israel and subsequent destruction of Al-Aqsa is the point?
Isn’t Al- Aqsah the mosque that needs to be destroyed to build the Zionist’s temple? The Zionists need to rebuild a temple (that was destroyed more than 2000 years ago) for their messiah to arrive. I remember reading that in order to “make room” for the temple, a muslim holy site would have to be fully or partially destroyed…not sure if it is Dome of the Rock or Al aqsa…?
Presenting this as collateral damage in a war would be one way for the zionists to get away with it…
Nasrallah continues to feed the flames with inappropriate, reckless, and counter-productive rhetoric. Very concerning. Highly suspicious.
Its what’s on the menu.
He said :
1. God willing – he will pray in Jerusalem
2. Israel exists purely as a result of US support and protection
3. Treacherous Arab regimes must stand aside and stop undermining the efforts of the Resistance
Just what exactly is “…inappropriate, reckless, and counter-productive…’ about that?
Pray tell.
@smr. Once again smr accuses the Rev.Nasr’Allah of “outrageous rhetoric”. For instance: ” smr on July 07, 2019 wrote: “I would advise Nasrallah to tone down his outrageous rhetoric a notch or two.” But smr has not backed up his accusations with a single concrete example.
Highly suspicious.
PS: What is “outrageous” about a Muslim cleric or a Christian cleric wishing to pray in the Jerusalem, even if they do not approve of the Apart-hate practised in modern Israel? We had some “outrageous” Christian clerics in South Africa when I was a boy, called Father Ronald Knox and Father Trevor Huddleston. They “outraged” the Apartheid British Commonwealth by preaching that a black man’s soul could be as white as a white man’s soul – and were expelled from British South Africa. Today’s South Africa is a better place because it learnt from these clerics. May tomorrow’s Israel learn the same tolerance and love of humanity, which ought to be the distinguishing mark of The Holy Land. The Land is Holy not because such-and-such a places of worship have been built on it, but because certain men and women walked on that ground and became imbued with the Holy Spirit, which spread to “all sorts and conditions of men”.
South Africa is today a better place? Now THAT is outrageous
Ahh-an apartheid nostalgist. You’d love Israel.
@xyz, there were 3 things wrong with the South Africa of my youth:
1. Apart-hate policy.
2. Ruled by England.
3. Owned by Jews.
Two down, one to go!
As a South African I can say with authority it is a much better place. Yes, the crime levels are not acceptable, but they are not higher than they were under the white Afrikaner government – just that everyone is involved now while back then the government did a good job of monopilising murder, corruption and theft.
People of all races have far more opportunities to develop themselves and even leave they country if they so wish. Under the whites, we were restricted from leaving the country.
The old south african holdouts will bitch and moan about how things were so much better, but even they have more opportunities to progress than they did before – simply because the country is open to international investment which simply wasn’t there under white rule. These whites are the same ones who despite affirmative action still have the pick of the best positions in south african corporations, they’re just bitter that their privileges are not enshrined in law, and nervous about the fact that the field is open to competition from blacks and coloureds and their fragile conception of white superiority is threatened.
And if you’re one of those people who go on and on about democracy – we have a true democracy now, for what it’s worth.
Well, facts are Israel and Judaism related to Jerusalem have been not only invaded and occupied, by moslems, arabs, syrians, egyptians, romans, christians, but also banned from entering Jerusalem and worshipping their religion.
So as long as the same Moslem and Christian priest don’t recognize Israel and Jerusalem as belonging to the religion Judaism, we could understand why Israel being a little sensitive about the matter.
I’d understand if these Jews were the modern descendants of the original Hebrews, but they’re not. So them being a “little sensitive” about the matter makes no sense to me.
Jerusalem doesn’t “belong” to any one religion, it was there before Judaism, it continued once Judaism was removed from it by the Romans. It is well and truly Islamic now, just as it is well and truly Christian.
The White House and the Pentagon officially announced the exclusion of the Turkish side from the F-35 production program on July 17.
Trump Taking New Moves With Russia and Turkey In Nuclear Weapons because Russia and America work further for next-level development in advanced Nuclear weapons.
I too hope that Nasrallah gets to worship in al-Aqsa, but, in my opinion, it is only possible to see that occur while Jews poke their little messages in the Western Wall, and Christians visit their Holy sites for worship. Jerusalem, al-Quds, is Holy to all three monotheisms, and must not be monopolised by one. For my desired outcome to occur, peace must prevail, not war or ‘victory’. Israel, in fact, cannot be militarily destroyed, because it is too powerful and too ready, even eager, to use its nukes if ‘threatened’. How to get the Zionazis to accept peace and equality with people it regards as insects, is the hard part, but remains the lesser Evil besides war.
The commentators seem to overlook one important item. Namely over 900 000 jews of Russian origin living in Israel and are NOT meaningless to Vladimir Putin. These 900K are a kind of hostages acting both way. There presence protects Israel from any meaningful strike against it either by Hisbollah or Iran. Russia will not tolerate their extermination.
Israel has a wide array of weapons of mass destruction at its disposal including nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and delivery systems. Israel if it feels existentially threatend will use them without a second thought.
However, it will do its best to use the US military to carry out the dirty work.
Very true Harry. Iran better buckle up for the unpredictable if and when the situation escalates. Iran needs to go nuclear soon. The situation demands it. You can’t fight with genocidal terrorist imperialist nuke nations conventionally.
The day Iran resort to the use of WMD’s is the day you know they have been infiltrated by idiots. I estimate a large part of the reason Mossad (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) said in the leaked mossad cables 2012 that Iran was [sic] “Not performing the activity necessary to produce weapons” was because Islamic doctrine prevents Iran from a war strategy employing indiscriminate killing through the use of WMD’s.
Prof Michel Chossudovsky at Global research has written several articles on the possible scenarios of a confrontation with Iran including the folly of it.
In my opinion although a tactical nuclear strike on Iran is possible I believe unless Iran are perceived to have brought it on themselves in the court of public opinion it is unlikely as a first option, more likely that the Anglo Zionists will try to lure Iran and Hezbollah into a conflict in northern Syria then open up a second front through Aden, the ground work has been laid for this already.
Hassan Nassarah’s hope/prediction of praying in the al-Aqsa Mosque in al-Quds is likely also based on his eschatological understanding, the intersection point between reality and prophecy. Of course if Hassan is correct then Saud/Wahhab’s reign may very well soon end, a great battle could occur between Muslims and an Army under 80 banners, its possible war using WMD will ensue ending the lives of most Arabs in the Middle East, Constantinople may be handed over after hearing the call, the Hagia Sophia might return home and “the wall” the opressors are building around themselves will likely become their tomb, God Knows Best what will really happen.