ISIS, Al-Nosra and Al-Qaeda are tools of US imperialism
Speech by Secretary General of Hezbollah, Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, on March 18, 2021, on the occasion of the celebration of the Day of the Wounded of the Resistance, celebrated each year on the 4th day of the Islamic month of Sha’ban, which saw the birth of Abu Fadhl al-Abbas, half-brother of Imam Hussein who was horribly mutilated and killed in Karbala.
Source: video.moqawama.org
Translation: resistancenews.org
Vidéo: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8066et
[…] Those (Hezbollah fighters) war-wounded who fought and made sacrifices, as well as the wounded people who bore the burden of these struggles —I am talking about the many wounded civilians affected by Israeli aggressions and abuses by collaborators during the occupation (of Lebanon), whether they are war-wounded among combatants or civilians due to the consequences of the battle against Takfiri (terrorist) groups, those who were injured by the car bombs that were sent to our towns and villages in previous years, or even during the Israeli occupation, because (the Zionists) also used car bombs against our towns and villages to kill our cadres and our fighters…
Anyway, day after day, these war-wounded become more lucid, as is the case of the families of martyrs, and of all the resistance fighters, mujahideen and supporters of this path (of Resistance): their awareness, understanding and faith are constantly increasing thanks to (new) facts and (new) data, confirming and convincing them that the struggle in which they entered, fought and were injured, that the place where they were injured, paying the price for their stance (in favor of Resistance), was rightful and appropriate. Regarding the fight against Israel, the legitimacy of this fight is clear, and concerning (the fight against) the terrorist takfiri groups, I will limit myself to pointing out only one thing before evoking the internal situation (in Lebanon): day after day, as we now commemorate the tenth anniversary of the outbreak of the universal war against Syria, the role and true identity of these armed Takfiri terrorist groups appear day after day with ever greater clarity, as well as the role and identity of those who use them, direct them, protect them, support them and push them to act (in such and such a direction). In addition to the confessions and previously revealed documents that prove all of this, new evidence is emerging day by day, and I hope that despite the attention of the Lebanese being monopolized by (the acute economic crisis of the) dollar and its parity with the Lebanese pound (which has reached its lowest threshold in history), the Lebanese people and peoples of the region will take into consideration what was published yesterday in the media by our brothers in Yemen, in Sana’a.
Living evidence, a sound recording, shows that the Director of the CIA himself (George Tenet), expressed concern for the fate of a well-known al-Qaeda leader (Anwar Al-Awlaki), who was detained in Sana’a during the time of the former President of Yemen (Saleh), to the point of contacting the latter directly to ask him to release this top leader of the Al-Qaeda organization. And this while it is a terrorist group, and that you (Americans) have torn apart the whole Middle East from (the invasion of) Afghanistan (in 2001) to (the invasion of) Iraq (in 2003) and the whole world on the pretext of fighting Al-Qaeda. But that does not prevent Tenet from demanding the release of this terrorist leader, demanding that he be handed over (to US forces). Of course, (Anwar Al-Awlaki) was released, and for a while he carried out a lot of (terrorist) operations. Then when they no longer needed him they killed him. All of this is clearly said in an explicit sound recording.
This rare audio (with English subtitles) recording gives us an eloquent glimpse into how the CIA operates behind the scenes, even with heads of States who have no choice but to oblige to any kind of request. The fact that this sensational revelation has been completely ignored by the Western media is indicative of the invincible omerta imposed on the so-called “War on Terror”, which is only an instrumentalisation of terrorism to justify the perpetual military occupation of the Middle East. That the al-Qaeda attack referred to in this phone call, a suicide bombing attack on the USS Cole on October 12, 2000, killed 17 US Marines and injured 39 others, shows the extent of US cynicism. For more details about Anwar al-Awlaki, the first Muslim in history to conduct a prayer service in the U.S. Capitol in 2001, see Did the CIA pressure Yemen to release al-Qaeda propagandist Anwar al-Awlaki?
Other new documents were (recently) released indicating that the US secret services recruited prisoners who were being held in US prisons in Iraq, in order to create what has been called the Islamic State in Iraq, then the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) and finally the Islamic State Organization. The role of the US secret services in recruiting, (training) and releasing leaders from what would become ISIS (has been proved in new documents), as well as their role in the creation of the Front al-Nosra, resulting from a split with ISIS. And until now, the role of the American secret services in the release of ISIS members who were prisoners of the Qasad militia (Syrian Democratic Forces, Kurdish separatists and pro-Americans) east of the Euphrates, and sending them to Iraq to revive ISIS there, while others were brought to the US base in al-Tanf in Syria, near the Jordanian border, to push them towards the Badia (a vast semi-desert region in central Syria) and to perpetrate the (terrorist) actions that we see almost daily in this region.
Therefore, they are by no means Islamic / Islamist groups, nor groups that aspire to justice, welfare, (political) participation, democracy or elections. We are facing armed Takfiri terrorist groups that are created, trained, armed, supported, directed and financed by the American secret services, which organize and facilitate their travel, and advise and guide them in their various actions aimed at destroying armies, destroying peoples, destroying societies, and enabling US hegemony in the region, so that Israel would be the refuge, the hope, the pearl, the jewel of the Middle East (while all other countries would be ablaze). This is the old and new project of successive American administrations.
I only wanted to recall this and say that these war-wounded (Hezbollah fighters and supporters), who are in very large numbers, and who took part in this battle (against ISIS, Al-Nosra, etc.), contributed to defend Syria, of course, but also to defend Lebanon, the Resistance, Palestine and the future of this region and this Umma (Muslim community), especially since these documents speak clearly of the purpose of the creation of these (terrorist) groups during these last decades. And these goals are still relevant today.
Anyway, on this day of yours, O my dearest war-wounded, O my brothers and sisters, I address you and your noble families, especially the mothers and wives of the wounded. To all these noble families, I address my congratulations on this day, on this occasion and on this commemoration of the birth (of Abu Fadhl al-Abbas, half-brother of Imam Hussein). […]
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“Any amount counts, because a little money here and there, it’s like drops of water that can become rivers, seas or oceans…”
This audio tape is very important in that it provides material evidence what the alternative media have been saying for years: the United States is sponsoring terrorist groups like Al-Queda (or ISIS), even as it claims to be fighting them in the USA-led Global War on Terrorism.
The Free Press (aka mainstream media) has denied these accusations of American state sponsored terrorism by branding them as “conspiracy theory” but this tape recording is hard to refute.
More on this issue:
Did the CIA pressure Yemen to release al-Qaeda propagandist Anwar al-Awlaki?
Being branded a “conspiracy theory” these days is like getting an official seal of authenticity. It guarantees that said theory is uncomfortably close enough to the truth to be branded. Won’t be long before the MSM realizes they’ve worn that term out and have to come up with another one.
Using proxies to fight banker wars is an old trick. By now it’s common knowledge that the US created ISIS and others. What George Tenet demanded is logical. He needs proxies in the field.
I liked the observation in a comment on the YouTube page of this recording, namely that it sounded like Tenet didn’t want this man talking, like he knew too much.
So when we see Tenet saying this is his man, his problem, and that he told the rest of the government that he would deal with it, one can almost see the fear of this man leaking secrets of top government sign-off on the Daesh project, with Tenet taking responsibility to be the cutout, the firewall between this man and others in government.
Speculation of course, but why else would the head of the CIA take such an exclusive and individualized role in this?
“I liked the observation in a comment on the YouTube page of this recording, namely that it sounded like Tenet didn’t want this man talking, like he knew too much.”
I read it that way as well. He’ll likely fall out of the helecopter on the way ‘home’ and take his secrets with him. And clearly it is back-channel tensions within the US system. Dead men tell no …
Corroboration of what is now common knowledge for anyone with perception.
It will be ignored and won’t matter, just like the Skripal story remains orthodoxy, and the white helmets regularly appear on the MSM to tell us that Assad is bombing hospitals again.
Tulsi Gabbard’s resolution in 2017 to prevent the US government from funding groups on the terror list was only able to garner 14 supporters in Congress (535 seats). How clear does it have to be?
What is the real story behind the Cole attack?
Could someone please post a few credible links to the story
The video is a proof of the criminal activity carried out by the CIA on its own, hide from US government, Congress, and even other law enforcement corps.
Saleh, an old desert fox, tries one time after another to get this through all the official channels and representatives of the US government in Yemen, say, the US Embassy, the FBI, especially since the prisoner is part of the group detained in realtion to the USS Cole attack…
Then you have Tenet trying to asure he has already the permit and acceptance of the US government, which must be trusted based only in his own word, and trying by all means to keep the issue between him personally and Saleh, even avoiding who seems to be military intelligence official in charge in Yemen, al-Qamesh, so that to avoid possible leaks to the US military…This is why he needs to solve the issue in the next 48 hours maximun, so that the FBI team arriving in Yemen has no chance to notice anything or just to have this guy questioned…
This video should enjoy a widespread international broadcast.so that everybody, every people in the world, can understand who are really behind the multiple bloody terrorist attacks vindicated by the combo ISIS/Al Qaeda throughout the world but especially Europe, and the whole destruction unleashed on Iraq, Lybia, Syria and Yemen…