In a recent interview with Syrian television, senior Lebanese political analyst Anees Naqqash says that he predicts that an American ‘civil war’ will ensue from the 2020 US presidential election on November 3, regardless of whether Donald Trump wins or loses the election.
Source: Syrian Al-Akhbariya, via the ‘Kalam Siyasi’ YouTube channel
Date: October 11, 2020
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Today, if we want to talk about America, we cannot confine our discussion (to America’s situation) in eastern Syria and Iraq, rather, we need to talk about America (as a power) within America (itself). What is the situation of America in America?
I’m one of those who are predicting – following the US elections – the outbreak of widespread chaos in America, to such an extent that it may lead to (the United States) becoming a failed state. Meaning that things will get out of control to such an extent that (Americans) will not be able to identify who is actually (president); they won’t be able to have central decision-making; there will be rebel states; and there is a high possibility that a civil war will ensue.
However, (what is more confidently anticipated is that) violence will become prevalent, and some of the states will rebel against federalism and the federal government in Washington. As for Washington represented by the figure of Trump, it will not accept the election results, in case Trump fails in the elections.
What do you predict (will happen)?
I personally predict a civil war. (I base this prediction upon the available) statistics, studies, and my (long-running) observation of the dynamics (of the United States).
Will a civil war break out due to the re-election of Donald Trump or due to his failure to be re-elected to the White House?
In both cases. The severe ideological, ethnic, intellectual, social and economic polarisation between the very wealthy classes (and the poor) – it is embarrassing to use this term ‘class’ even, because when you have only 10% of Americans possessing 88% of (America’s) wealth, this is no longer a class, this is (more accurately understood) as an “elite” (group) that is holding onto all of (America’s) wealth, this while the poverty of other (Americans) worsens day by day.
There is a critical situation in the United States, till now gone unnoticed to many in the world, because they continue to see (America) as this invincible power that cannot fall. Yet, the Soviet Union was like (the US today) and we all saw how it collapsed. All empires collapse suddenly because they have been (critically) damaged from the inside.
I predict we’ll see violence (in the US). So far, Trump hints that (he will deem) the election “rigged” if he loses. Meanwhile, (opponents) say that if Trump wins again the coming years will witness the destruction of America. There are Democratic states that cannot bear to be ruled by Trump for another four years. They cannot bear it.
During the Corona (pandemic), these (states) began to disobey and rebel against Trump. How could they bear a second term of Trump, especially if this causes their destruction? They cannot bear (another 4 years of Trump), neither culturally, nor economically, nor politically.
While I agree with the analyst that civil unrest and violence are likely, it is also unnecessary; the political hatred in the US has been fomented and encouraged, as if some party wish es for this terrible thing to happen.
I hope that reasonable people resist the urge to participate in chaos, hatred, and violence.
Its been coming for a long long time the election of Reagan in 1980 with the business/banking sector taking control of the government for their own benefit planted the seed of what we are seeing today,and no its not going to go away it may simmer down but it will bubble forth again.There is no give in the 1% they want it all and that’s one of the causes of the unrest we are seeing all over the country, as we become more and more like any third world country,they say in 5 years China will be the economic power in the world and they aren’t willing for that to occur neither Trump nor Biden’s backers.!!!!
Anees Naqqashm is slightly contradictory in this article. He states that he expects civil unrest which might lead to civil war, and after that he states that he expects a civil war. Civil unrest and civil war while similar, are quite different. Let me reiterate what I wrote in my previous comments:
A civil war of the type that was fought in the US between 1861-1865 is virtually impossible, as one would have to ask the following simple question: Who would fight it ?
In the 1861-1865 period, most of the people in the US lived in the countryside, although the size of the urban population cannot be underestimated. What this means is that when a man volunteered for military service, or was compelled to it by the draft, he did not have to worry about his family, which produced it’s own crops. Today this is not the case, as only 2 % of the US population is engaged in agriculture. Worse, the social, economic, financial and ethnic situation in the country is worse than it was after World War Two. Millions are unemployed, millions receive food stamps and millions receive low wages, being forced to undertake two jobs, and in some cases both husband and wife doing so in order to ensure their families survived. In such a situation you cannot have a civil war, creating two armies waving different flags. Who would join up ? How many men would be prepared to leave behind their families, knowing perfectly well they would not be able to survive if they departed ? Not many I am afraid.
However, what is very much possible is severe political, social and ethnic unrest resembling a civil war. Such unrest would break out in numerous areas of the US, and it could act as a catalyst for the dissipation of the country, leading to secession, especially since the Confederacy and Dixie Land have hardly been forgotten (the foolish decisions demanding the removal of Confederate monuments only reminded people of the existence of Confederacy, and I am wondering if this was done on purpose, this being acts of provocation and psychological preparation for unrest and secession).
Can dissipation and secession be prevented ? Debatable. The Homelands Security Act placed – in case of emergencies – all police forces in the US under military control. Those who introduced the Act obviously had unrest and secession in mind. However, would the combined use of police and military be enough to prevent secession ? Again, this is debatable. One has to go back to New Orleans in 2005 and Katrina.
When the city became flooded, 50 % of the police force never turned out for work, staying home to protect it’s families. Of the remaining 50 %, 25 % showed up for work, while the remaining 25 % went on a looting rampage, which was even shown on YouTube. Whites from affluent neighborhoods immediately created a vigilante force, which formed a separation line between white and non-white neighborhoods. When impoverished Afro-Americans started to move towards the white neighborhoods, they were met with a volley of gunfire. The events from 2005 are hardly encouraging for November 2020 and the period after that.
What about the US military ? Could it prevent secession ? Would it fire on civilians ? Would it fight at all if the dollar started to crash, becoming worthless ? At the moment one can only speculate. However, one thing is certain. Something will happen after the November elections. However, it remains to be seen what will happen and to what extent it will happen.
I don’t think there will be civil war. Idiots riot but that’s not a war.
Trump’s going to win. If the Democrats wanted to win, they’d have Bernie running.
But they fear Bernie. They prefer Trump to Bernie.
We don’t have long to wait to find out if the mostly white BLM rioters have been spending their weeks preparing for something big. More interesting is if Biden is selected. They have said they are coming after the firearms soon after. Some have expressed the view that this will be the big red line stirring Americans to rise up. This will depend on the position taken by the police and the Sheriff’s departments. If they are not strict upholders of the constitution, they will be making early morning raids. It would take a very long time to take all the guns this way. On the other hand, Americans are not organized. Where are the state militias? I expect a lot of random violence. Maybe a return to the wild wild west of old TV movies.
Ann Watson
I also think that there won’t be a civil war in the US, although something else might happen. You might care to read my above comment.
A couple of poisonous spiders continue to meow their self congratulations as their greed and dollar propogandized christian abominations constrict any idealistic hope the young may still forlornly embrace.
I should like them both to lose and the US enter a period of self reflection and self critical thinking of their place in the world and whether they spread ‘democracy’, ‘corruption’ or manure. Short video of Biden corruption :
My prediction: Business as usual!
Naqqash’s prediction is not out of the question. In America, there is a desperate, willful blindness to the contrary.
Both Democrats and Republicans think their side will win, and win cleanly, with both sides respecting the outcome.
For anyone who has followed reality for the past 4 years, this is an absurd delusion.
To be clear, the conflict is between elite interests. National+Israeli Elite vs. Globalist Elite. Both are hopelessly corrupt & inbred. The former has successfully leveraged proletarian discontent, at least in 2016, but the latter has demonstrated more capacity for reason and governance. For a multitude of reasons, the People are not really party to this conflict (but will certainly foot the bill in blood & taxes).
The root of the elite schism lies in the continuing recession of American Economic Hegemony, as depicted by trends such as US trade deficit and global shift of manufacturing and trade to China. In 2020, Nationalists want economic power to return to the States, while the Globalists do not care whether something is “Made In America” or “Made In China”. However, globalists *do* care about the continuing global dominance of the USD, which requires careful navigation of a rising China.
Of course, the Nationalist, neocon coalition is greatly bogged down by trying to satisfy Israel’s geopolitical interests. The Globalists have been long pivoting to a “great power” confrontation with China, which means Israel and the Middle East are no longer issues of focus. Meanwhile, Pompeo is joined at the hip with Netanyahu, and their clown-show touring MENA only seems to intensify as the election nears. One might question what role genuine American domestic interests actually play in the Trump coalition.
To return to the issue of the election, I see two possible outcomes:
* Biden wins a clean, landslide victory. Trump camp is demoralized. No real motivation for domestic instability beyond some localized riots. Trump is given an opportunity to quietly flee the country (to where?) with his associates, or face punishment. This is something that will have to be planned in advance. Given how quiet October has been, plus how assertive Biden & NatSec & Big Tech allies have been, this could already be underway.
* The election result is contested. Both sides claim victory. States begin recognizing different presidents. Some locals stop recognizing their state government. Widespread instability, violence. Pacific States unite, New England unites under Biden. South unites under Trump. This obviously causes a total collapse of faith in the US as a state, and USD by extension. Globalists really, really do not want this outcome, even if they could realistically win a civil war.
Either way, not pretty for the American proletariat.
Succinctly put.Have a recommend.
Trump? Flee or face punishment? For what? For kowtowing to the Apartheid Occupation of Palestine? He’s the sitting president and regardless of Nov 3rd he gets a SS protection for the rest of his life………..wonder where he’ll have his Presidential Library. He’s piled alot of shit up over the past four years.
Cheers, M
He gets a presidential library also? Maybe on the shelf next to his own book Trump: The Art of the Deal (which rumour has it he did not write) he could also have Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and Too Much and Never Enough: How my family created the world’s most dangerous man.:)
No way Donald Trump wins without massive vote suppression, theft and right wing terrorism. Millions purged from voter rolls and they want to lecture the world on democracy !
Witness vote suppression in GOP held states in real time, voters in democratic counties have to wait in line for 7 to 11 hours to cast their vote !!!
The lebanese analyst is right about one thing, states with majority democratic populations are getting tired of clerical fascism and subsidizing backwards, intolerant – poor republican states like Mississipi, Alabama, Kentucky, South Carolina, Indiana, Louisiana, etc. In many ways Donald Trump is Boris Elstin echo… Explosive situation, nobody wins, except American oligarchs who will accelerate their looting operations, certainly not the masses of americans .
Qute: ” poor republican states like Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, South Carolina, Indiana, Louisiana, etc.”
Something tells me all of these states are Southern states. Fine, back to 1861. There is no Texas on the list. The question is what will Texas do. Will they join the South or become an independent state?
In any case, there will be no more USA as we know it. Could it be USA contracted Balkan Bug in 1990ties, and they fell ill. We all know the outcome of that illness – breakup of federal state, just like Yugoslavia. What goes around comes around. Carma is a bitch, eh…
It is indeed. All the decades of intervening, threatening, invading, plundering, and destroying have to come full circle somehow. There must be some effect on God the millions of victims of US policies who through the ages have claimed to the high heavens for some justice and even revenge.
Voter suppression of blacks? Rollingstone, Channel 4, 11Alive (NBC)…? Why are you willfully destroying your brain?
It’s beginning to look like Trump won, while a quiet coup d’etat has been carried out in the background.
The solution is FEDERALISM. Conflict between large and small states, between rich and poor states, and between rural areas and cities is as old as the hills and the Articles of Confederation. By returning to federalism, and letting the individual states have a great deal more freedom with respect to their own laws, consistent with the rights given in the bill of rights, we can get through this.
I am not optimistic, since the American left has dumbed down education so much that most American high school seniors read at the 8th grade level (especially blacks), and remedial algebra is the most popular math class for college freshmen. So it will take citizen militias and active educational programs to mitigate the stupidity that has dominated the post WWII era.
Dumbed down kids……………how about useless pathetic stupid parents………you can send your kids to school and still educate them outside the ‘dumbed down system’ if, the parent takes an interest in what they want their kids to learn. We sent ours to school with the ability to read, write, add and subtract before they even got to grade one. Parenting carries certain responsibilities, or………….you can blame the system.
Cheers, M
I would like to make an observation about a fallacy in the Education field:
I am a worker in the education field and sadly the demise of American education system has nothing to do with liberals or conservatives, neither does it have anything to do with left or right. It has everything to do with American society as a whole and her spiritual and moral relegation. People have been fed a diet of sugary foods and fat meat – less likely to engage in Critical thinking skills. America as a society has also championed anti-intellectualism to the point where it is socially unacceptable to be an intelligent student in school (I see this everyday). The education system has also been dumbed down to meet the needs of a population of poor people who have no education and yet have managed to reproduce and therefore passed on bad habits and poor intelligence acquisition skills to their children. The education system is fighting the electronic world with its instant rewards and computer generated fake dreams that abound. The education system is fighting the false philosophy that even a job at McDonalds will provide you with an income that you can raise a family on, therefore why desire more?
I am an economic leftist, but a social conservative and I can tell you – the Right or the Left did not create this bad system – We, ALL AMERICANS did.
Education – It is sad to see such a powerful state that held so much promise decline. To list the things that prevent America from being Great Again may require a page larger than the Declaration of Independence.
Legacy news media consumption and grievence studies education is about as healthy for your brain as eating a cigarette sandwich is for you body. ‘No legacy is so rich as honesty.’ Shakespeare. “Tonto, I’ve got a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” or
Wishful thinking. No Civil War II, just more of the same, only more of it. No matter who “wins.”
Ramin Mazaheri adressed the american anomy here in the saker’s self earlier:
When I ask people “what will this civil war look like,” they look at me like a deer in the head lights. I ask them:
1. Will there be military force sized units on each side?
2. Will they fight in towns and cities or only in suburban areas?
3. Will the supposed white supremacist come into the urban ghettos to fight or will the ghetto’s come out to the white supremacists?
4. Will there be trench warfare protecting certain areas or will there be flowing lines of contact for the fighting?
5. Who exactly is fighting whom?
6. Will this be throughout the nation?
etc, etc.
When you break it down like that, no one knows or can only guess and speculate. Like someone said, riots and yelling on one side but civil war, no imho.
Let us cross the bridge first and all your questions will be answered. Be patient. It is only a little more than two weeks. Hubris goes first before the fall.
Where does power lie? Who eventually emerges powerful after each war/civil disturbance?
How is this power to be challenged, by whom, and with what chances of success?
Militarily and financially, the USA holds most of the cards at present. The might of the Pentagon could overwhelm any internal protest if and when push comes to shove. Nor is there any external threat to the banker/military alliance. Neither Russia nor China seem to be actively fomenting trouble in the USA, despite propaganda to the contrary.
The greatest threat to the USA is the collapse of the petrodollar and its dominance in world trade, NOT internal unrest which is magnified umpteen-fold by a servile media that serves the banker/military complex.
While a plan to destroy the Soviet Union existed, there was no coherent plan to deal with the aftermath; hence Russia has slowly regained some limited cohesion and strength. If, a big IF, the USA were to collapse suddenly, like the USSR, how would the aftermath be handled, by whom, and to what end? Where is the plan to identify and dismantle all of the many danger points and establish a vibrant community?
There are many who would love to see powers fail and be replaced, but what replaces the fallen power is never any better for the minority. Is Naqqash implying that it is different in Syria and Iraq? Are Syrians and Iraqis 88% rich and 1% poor? Does Justice prevail in the majority of altercations between the ruled and the rulers there? God help us all. I know corruption abounds in the USA, Europe, and all the colonies, but there is no “light” over there in the Middle East either. I suppose myself to be Christian, but I do not support the state of Israel. It is absolutely blasphemous what the Beast Nations have done to put so-called Israel there. The Beast in prophecy symbolizes a mass of people with no god or history of their own, so they stole someone else’s God and ruled the world with it. This will have an end.
It is unbelievable how many people here are acting as advocates for and defenders of the criminal enterprise that is the United States. As if this fomentor of chaos and harvester of innocent souls deserves to live among the nations. As if the litany of murder, destruction and suffering it has sown around the world entitles it to any sympathy!
Selfish and hidebound fake “Americans” wave their kitschy flags in order to sustain their fragile egos while nursing ancient grudges inherited from their immigrant grandparents… The worst of the worst.
Every minute that you are incapacitated, focussed on your own rapid decay or otherwise distracted is a sheer bonus for the world. Anyone who wishes to see you strong and resurgent should feel ashamed.
Mr. Ken Leslie,
I hope to read more articles from you. Thanks.
Dear Chaucer,
Thank you. I am waiting to hear from our gracious host–you might like what comes next in the dark saga of Western imperialism.
Harsh but true.
He’s quite right.
Voting fraud enmasse by Democrats to rig or steal election and dispute and disrupt the process to January and beyond tied in with civil war to some extent is whats coming.
What Trump needs to do after Nov 3 if disruption starts is come down heavy on everyone involved.
The current lull is ANTIFA & BLM etc preparing.
Well your assuming Trump wins and you know what they say about assuming,many out look at it as if they won’t loose what they never had which are decent paying jobs and respected as an American work force,there’s blame on both sides of the fence and all you have to do is look at a do nothing congress to understand where the problem lays,a well run government which should run for the benefit of the people but instead runs only for the benefit of the select few is worse then no government at all, and the American people should rise up and create a government with its powers and safe guard firmly in its constitution will be the only way.!!!
Trump may take action whether he on the count wins or not.
I predict if Barr fails to take orders he will get sacked.
Many US military commanders are on Trump’s side.
There will not be civil war in USA.
Deep State has everything under control. All this mess is just a circus. Orchestrated and organised by Deep State.
I think you’re right Bosnian Croat. Life will still go on as is. Many here are hoping that major changes will happen but you know what, they won’t. The rich will still get richer, and the poor still get poorer. The American dollar will not collapse. The US will not break up and dissolve the Union. Smaller countries will still get invaded. The people of the world will not give up their obsession with all things American or Western for that matter. Big Pharma will continue to ensure cures are never found. Russia and China will continue fighting both internal and external goes to maintain their existence. I’ve finally realized this is the reality. What we all hope for can only be brought about by divine intervention.
Yes, “The rich will still get richer, and the poor still get poorer”. And how long can this last, before you get an uprising by the modern serfs ?
“The American dollar will not collapse”. Are you sure about this, when even American professors are not sure what the foreign and domestic debt of the US is, and when the dollar is printed backed by nothing, except of course the US military ?
“The US will not break up and dissolve the Union”. This remains to be seen, bearing in mind the US already broke up once, in the 1861-1865 period.
I’m pleased that you are far more optimistic than me but the modern serfs can’t fight against guns and lethal weaponery. Riots will be a nuisance for the elites for a while and then die out. Same with the American debt. Yes, it’s only backed by it’s military. Need I say more. As for a breakup, like someone else commented here, there is no one in that country that can organize successful secession movements..
Biden will win, easily. Trump will step down with a golden parachute and a guarantee of no prosecution for taxes provided by the deep state–that’s all he wants. The idea that there will be a civil war is absurd. There are no dissidents in America, Right or Left, with enough organization to fight the Girl Scouts. Americans only get truly upset if their sports team loses or they lose the channel changer.
Billy Meier predicted 2 civil wars in America :
1981 :
“In future times, America falls yet into two civil wars, which will politically divide the country into four or five parts.”
1987 :
286. Yet the misery on Earth will continue, as two terrible civil wars will break out in America, whereby one will follow the other.
287. Afterwards, the United States of America will break apart and deadly hostility will prevail among her, which then leads to the division into five different territories; and it cannot be prevented that sectarian fanatics will play a dictatorial role.
288. Anarchy will be the worldwide condition that will prevail and torment human beings over a long period of time, as human beings will also be tormented by the many epidemics and diseases, many of them new and unknown to human beings and for this reason incurable.
Quite interesting read!
It corroborates Edward Cayce’s predictions.
There are forces that are done using the US to destabilise the middle east. That objective will be complete after the war with Iran, China and Russia. However unfortunate it may be…this is the bitter fruit of phony democracy and crony capitalism…labour and wealth has been extracted from the middle-class, so kill them by introducing a manmde virus/bacteria. After paying a heavy price people will come to the realization that true leadership comes from fear of God, Mighty and Majestic.
There won’t be a civil war, at least not in the sense of the Union vs Confederate, Grant vs Lee type of war. But Americans will more and more be at war, an increasingly violent but ‘low intensity conflict’ sort of war, whether political, cultural, economic, religious or racial war; or a combination thereof. More important than political division as a cause for that kind of war is the loss of social cohesion, and the US’s social fabric is fraying pretty badly, and pretty quickly.
The Deep State won’t mind, being insulated as they are from the social ‘troubles’, now and in the future. In fact, as far as they’re concerned, it’s so much the better, something to be desired. A citizenry so absorbed with myriad grievances and enemies — snakes in the grass –, real or imaginary, but mainly imaginary courtesy of the media, will have no time to think about exactly why they’re getting poorer, sicker, hungrier, unhappier; why a wedding party in some godforsaken country got droned or why a son, brother, daughter or sister came home from another godforsaken part of the world in a body bag.
The government in Washington has encouraged Belarusians who feel that their recent national elections were rigged to revolt against the established regime of Alexander Lukashenko which claimed a landslide victory. American Secretary of State Pompeo has vociferously warned Russian President Vladimir Putin not to meddle in Belorussian political affairs, obviously because Washington wants to reserve this right for itself.
If, according to Washington dogma, fomenting a rebellion is considered a God-given right because one’s political party has lost a national election, does it not follow that we Americans should have the same right ourselves? By green-lighting a potential civil war in Belarus, are not our American leaders encouraging the same sequela to our own national elections on November the 3rd? Whether we are for Trump or Biden should not matter: it should be our right to fight, based on the words flying out of DC.
To rule the world we need to see how Macbeth tried to rule Scotland according to a little known writer called Shakespeare. First you need to listen to the witches (CIA, MI6 and Mossad) then you need to murder, steal, rape and destroy until the witches appear again.
People might enjoy Vladimir Golstein ( Brown University._
excerpt: “…Soviet Union. That collapse meant that Russia, in fact, has re-entered time, that the country gave up its reliance on dead schemes that stifled change and innovation, that it has entered the real world, at last.
Not so with the USA, which went in the opposite direction by triumphantly declaring the end of history. Which means the end of time, and therefor…”
Well, yes. Wm Pfaff also wrote about this interdependent character, and Szilard mentioned it too.
Golsetein ties Shakespeare, MacBeth, and the characters of now nicely together.
This is hyperbole. See Assad’s recent comments on Trump being very much part of the establishment.
An October surprise seems to be in the making. Seems to be very big. Kamala Harris is trying to abolish the death penalty for his master Brennan, Killary and Obama.If this is real? Can the arrest of these three and a few others introduce another dynamic? Is a rallying and submission of the neo-con to Trump, Mattis, etc. possible? Didn’t the Nazi deep-state rally to the US at the end of WW2?
The fall of American power would be a blessing for the whole planet, including the “deplorable” in the USA.
The thing that will prevent that is that blue states contribute the lion’s share of the Federal budget. Red states are the poor states. For instance, California is still the 6th largest economy among nations. That fact is a major bone in the throat of RW propagandists. A sanctuary state with the largest income of all US states doesn’t fit into their propaganda, LOL. Right Wingers needn’t vote in California because the state will always go blue. The Repub politicians that are left there are primarily in the districts hosting large military bases. So if there is a Civil War, it will not end well for the Right Wing. The Deep State needs the RW so, they will do all possible to not let this happen on a large scale.
Before there is a US civil war, the Washington leadership will do what they always do: try and unite the country by going to war against a non-white country. Just look at the racism against China, and Iran; while they are not (yet) using racist terms against Chinese & Iranian people, virtually all US media, from mainstream to alternative media like Zerohedge, constantly demonise China & Iran. Twitter & Facebook only allow articles & commenters that criticise China & Iran. If surveys are to be believed, over 70% of respondents in NATO countries view China & Iran as threats/enemies. In other words, the general population of NATO countries would support violence against China & Iran. This plan, however has many flaws:
*NATO is built strictly to “throw a crappy country against the wall, just to show we mean business.”
*Neither China, nor Iran are “small weak crappy countries.”
*People of NATO countries are mostly emotional passive-aggressive types that are only good at using “lawfare” or “cancel culture” to bully people; it is unlikely they have the stomach for war.
Once this plan inevitably fails then the true civil war will begin, because:
*(a) whatever Americans remain will have nowhere else to direct their rage than against each other,
*(b) most Americans are ignorant to the fact Wall Street + MIC + Washington Think Tanks are the true cause of their misery, and
*(c) extreme poverty will prevail in the USA, thus Americans will have nothing to lose
In the event of a US civil war, will Russia + China need to deploy navalised S-500s and A-235s in Cuba to protect the Eurasia against stray American ICBMs?
What about Russia? Is Russia non-white? Let’s not focus too much on race.
The Calvinistic, Lockean powers-that-be hate all of humanity.
A “civil war” classically requires armed forces to be involved – there is zero evidence that the military would participate in any insurrection on either side (eg as in the US Civil War in the 1860s).
If “civil war” means militia groups fighting against each other with arms – that’s a bit more likely though it will be sporadic and no where as widespread to be called a “war”.
If “civil war” means a move towards separatism by states or more independence from the Federal Gov, that’s more likely and that’s already happening at various levels. Many States in the US already resent Federal interference and are likely to press for more depending on who wins. The importance of the Supreme Court will become more obvious as cases challenging Federal vs States rights will before them.
Economically, the crushing debt the US has taken on will likely be a drag on expansion. A Biden victory will be worse for the economy and financial markets than a Trump one.
Should something happen that requires foreign US bases to close and the troops to return home … home to what? How will they interact with the deep state control, the political situation and the fact that many of the population are overweight, poorly educated and agressive? Will they realize their true enemy may be Shylock?
‘Shylock’s Revenge’ maps the degredation of America using the CIA, FBI, Mossad and MI6. All the main actors show up here as Roman soldiers or senators none of whom consider democracy a goal to be achieved without corruption. A pound of flesh is taken and the blood flows freely. or
It is both amusing and depressing to see how many “biden will win” bc “the polls say so” NPC`s there is commenting here.
I guess Lavrov is right when he said no one learns from history😂🤷♂️
Dead right there Norseman
MY PREDICTION: There will be no declared and accepted Presidential winner and the Election will likely be thrown into the US House of Representatives. There special constitutional authorize state governors to assign a voting delegate in the House vote. The GOP holds the majority of governerships and that probably doesn’t change.
If that’s the scenario that plays out, political disintegration will ensue— possibly leading to secession by several states.
Generating this chaos is the likelihood that election results will be deadlocked in a torrent of court hopelessly knotted court challenges, such that a quorum cannot be seated in the Electoral College.
The mass (including social) media is obsessed with the hue of someones Dermis rather than their class.
This quote from text of Lincoln’s first inaugural> This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can
exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary
right to dismember or overthrow it. ( )
This mooted “right to revolution” is no longer considered legitimate in US, I have been told, and agree. Nevertheless there’s the natural “right” of all life to engage in violence – it’s always an option, legal or not. Dogs bite, though it’s a dogcrime (usually), But a dog that will not bite is a mighty poor specimen…
It seemed to me when USSR self-destructed (due to internal contradictions (?)) that it became inevitable that so would the Imperial USA, and for quite similar reasons.
After collapse there’s a fight for power. This is the nature of man. Thus I would say that the US has already collapsed, and naturally when this become commonly recognized, then the fighting will begin. Of course the elites will curate private armies of dupes and stooges… A nasty business we see already in somewhat limited degree.
Lincoln’s 1st inaugural seems germane just now, on cusp of CW2/usa. I wonder if our friend Naqqash has read it.
Hopefully the freedom-luvin, liberty-luvin American electorate will do the right thing. ahem!!
This quote seems very appropriate for our toxic times:
“If you take all the machinery in the world and dump it in the ocean, within months more than half of all humanity will die and within another six months they’d almost all be gone; if you took all the politicians in the world, put them in a rocket, and sent them to the moon, everyone would get along fine.” – Buckminster Fuller
Karma time!
Thou shall reap what thou has sown.
I got the popcorn…get it on already.