The true face of capitalism, the true face of Western “Christianity”, the roots of the society we live in today:
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Capitalism, democracy, and equality are the false gods of our time.
Poverty and exploitation, on the other hand, long preceded capitalism, colonialism, or western imperialism.
Seeing a woman complain that her husband has not been able to find work in five years, while surrounded by four children all of whom are less than five years old should serve as a real wake-up call.
She is the living proof that unless your society implements a humane eugenics program, the default setting is a dysgenics program where only those who are stupid and impulsive go on to demographically displace the productive, law abiding, and contributing people in our world.
Christian dogmas which have upheld weakness as a virtue and promoted silly notions that all men are created equal are largely to blame for this.
@Archeofuturist:unless your society implements a humane eugenics program, the default setting is a dysgenics program where only those who are stupid and impulsive go on to demographically displace the productive, law abiding, and contributing people in our world. Christian dogmas which have upheld weakness as a virtue and promoted silly notions that all men are created equal are largely to blame for this.
Hmmmm. And I suppose that you yourself are a shining example of the kind of person your “humane eugenics” policy would promote, right?
Then I side with the woman with 5 kids and her unemployed husband. Dunno if all humans are created equal (Christianity *never* made such a claim, by the way), but these people are my brothers and far closer to my heart than ignorant freaks like you.
The resistance is beginning.
Seriously, do you think that black woman’s offspring and their racial kin will care whether you or your children are Christian–Eastern or Western–or a liberal-capitalist-or marxist? It’s abject stupidity. You will be hated for being white and your children will face severe discrimination in employment or education as a prelude to absolutely crushing white people economically and finally physically.
@anonymous:Seriously, do you think that black woman’s offspring and their racial kin will care whether you or your children are Christian–Eastern or Western–or a liberal-capitalist-or marxist?
Actually, having seenB razil’s Favelas or Argentina’s Villa Miserias and having spoken to people there I am quite certain that they do NOT at all think the way you assume them to do. Most of them are, very pious Roman-Catholics, and they don’t even think in racist terms, other than being aware that some Whites do look down on them for being Black or Native Americans.
What your post does illustrate is a typical racist’s *PROJECTION* of a fear that “since we persecuted them, they will hate us in return”.
While Christianity never said that “all people are created equal” (a nonsensical statement to begin with), Christianity does reject racism (as do Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism and most other religions with the notable exception of Rabbinical Judaism). Likewise, Socialist ideals, which are the 2nd big ideological influence in Latin America, also reject racism. Hence, racism views in Latin America are pretty much limited to the richer bourgeois Whites, a still powerful, but nonetheless small segment of the population.
There are only two places I have been hated in my life for being White: Washington DC during the late 1980s and Tunisia where the locals mistakenly mistook me for a French guy because I spoke French.
In DC, by the way, every time I was the object of Black hatred of my skin color I openly and rather bluntly told the Blacks who were rude towards me “look, I am Russian, I had nothing to do with what the Anglos did to you guys and, as a matter of fact, the Anglos still ruling in the USA are not exactly our friends”. That ALWAYS took care of the problem which just goes to show that the local Blacks did not hate ‘Whites’ as much as they hated the CLASS of Whites people which began has slave-owners and continued as capitalist exploiters. I can hardly blame them, though I always told them that to judge a person by a skin color is even more STUPID than it is evil (which it is, of course).
Like all White racists, you are projecting your own hatred and fears unto others even though there is not a shred of evidence that the people you fear so much harbor any such feelings. Yes, Anglo Yankees are not too popular nowadays, not in Latin America, not in Asia, not even in many parts of the USA. But that is just the chicken coming home to roost, as Malcolm X would say, and it has little to do with skin color and much to do with history and White racism.
@anonymous: by the way, there is an easy cure for you: learn Spanish, and take a nice long trip to Latin America. Greet people with a smile, treat them with respect, and don’t assume anything about them – just enjoy getting to know them. That’s all. You might ever want to come back. There are Americans all over the planet who “turned native” are are fully integrated and happy. I know a VERY White skinned and VERY “Anglo” family here in Florida (husband, wife, 2 kids) who send 3/4 of the year in different Latin American countries. They NEVER reported any problems even though their knowledge of Spanish is rather basic. What keeps them safe and happy is simply that they enjoy being around Latinos and that they treat all people with kindness and respect.
That is really all it takes.
My 2cts.
@anonymous: one more thing just crossed my mind. Do you know who the heroes of Latin America’s poor are? Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara (White and bourgeois upper class), Evita Peron (White), Dom Helder Camara (White), Simon Bolivar (White), etc. etc. etc.
Just saying…
This is the kind of story which fills guilt-ridden White racists with nightmares about retribution from those whom they oppressed:
Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd. ~ Bertrand Russell
The comment at the top by one archaeufuturist is one of the most repugnant rants I have read in some time. It is a neat summary of just about everything that is decaying and sick in the world.It can only come from someone depraved of love and affection growing up as a child. Or a mentally unstable person filled with hate.
What are you suggesting? That we turn back to the dark ages?
Get proffesional help my friend.