I want to draw your attention to a recent interview of Dmitry Orlov by by Chris Martenson from Peak Prosperity. I agree with every single word Orlov’s says during this interview, and I think that he did a fantastic job explaining many complex issues. Frankly, I consider that a *must listen*.
The Saker
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MH17: Dutch “forgot” to rescue wreckage with bullet holes
Off topic, I’m sorry, but wow…
New interview with Strelkov – Dec 1
Saker, can you please comment on these thoughts, Thank You!
Probably you are aware of this – it would be very interesting to properly evaluate the weakest point of Russia which is its elites/owners. Take a look of the RIAC (a think tank that was founded by the Russian Federation Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education and Science in 2010) articles of Vladislav Inozemtsev http://russiancouncil.ru/en/inner/?id_4=3938#top and Igor Yurgens http://russiancouncil.ru/en/inner/?id_4=4532#top ! and tell me that both have the best interest of Russia in mind – Russia doesn’t need any enemies its atlanticist agitators (from the central bank to the business reps) are good enough to qualify. Mikhail Khazin and Sergey Glazyev have also elaborated on these points publicly (inc. the Q&A on the Saker blog).
In a Real Economy, everything can be broken down to Energy, Matter and Manipulation of both to synthesize Products for human ends.
Keeping in mind that technology will be THE decisive factor moving forward (as in Automation, Robotics, Cybernetics etc.), how can anyone, who has a basic understanding of science, technology and basic paradigm shifts not see how an untold potential is lost by Russia by not developing its infrastructure (human and producing inf.) to accomodate for future developments? Russia sits on vast natural riches and is too dumb to make something out of it? even a Chinese slave is getting rationalized in the form of an automatic production line, can there be any doubt there the train is heading?.
Why is seemingly nobody able to see that printed toilet paper is not a necessary input for building up a industrial/scientific autarkical, money independent infrastructure that produces buildings, machinery etc. (with a steadily declining human input factor)? Is Russia really that deluded to compete with a paper economy that is based on slave labor and mindless consumption like the Chinese, US etc. – not to mention having not enough consumer subjects to achieve any of this? Does Russia want to be an cheap auxiliary resource provider for China or the US empire?. Is Russia simply blind to see itself as a potential giant in productive terms?.
Instead of measuring economic strength in GDP terms, why shouldn’t we take health, education, housing, human enhancing capital (i.e. productive capital (automated factories), with ships to planes to spacecrafts…) as the prime measurement for success?.
Am I the ONLY one who can properly see the Real Economy for what it really is?
One more big defeat for Putin.
Russia’s South Stream Project Closure Result of Pressure: White House.
According to a US National Security Council spokesperson, Russia’s decision to stop the South Stream project was reasoned by pressure on Russia from different factors, including sanctions.
Nobody respects the weaks…it all started after Odessa massacre.
Putin is not in charge.
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said that the new US Congress is ready to collaborate with Russia if the country will change its hostile and aggressive policy.
It is turning more like an humiliation.
And now they talk about Russia giving Crimea back.
It will never be enough..
A member of the US Republican Party Adam Kinzinger stated that the Congress supports the idea to provide Ukraine all necessary military aid to ‘give them the ability to defend themselves’.
So, who won?
Did Europe get Russia to pay for gas transportation while retaining control over the ownership?
Did America get to manage gas supply through its proxy Ukraine?
Is Russia selling less gas than normally does?
The answer to all above is a Big NO.
So, who lost? and who won?
I am sure you are from America, where everything is upside down.
Criminals are called Police. while people who ask questions are called Terrorist.
The US National Security Adviser stated the termination of the South Stream project is an indicator of the great price, the country pays for its policy.
Russia’s announcement of not being able to move forward with its South Stream gas pipeline is a consequence of the country’s behavior, and such repercussions to the country’s economy “will mount,” US National Security Adviser Susan Rice said Tuesday.
A worker does the preparation work for welding the first section of the South Stream pipeline in Anapa, Russia
“The news that Russia has pulled back from its South Stream pipeline to southern Europe… is indicative of the mounting cost of that Russia is paying for its behavior,” Rice said. “As a result, a major project, which had been championed by Putin and the Russian government, is now not likely to materialize.”
According to a State Department spokesperson, the US is not connected with the US national appointment as the Ukraine’s Prime Minister.
The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has stated that Ukraine is glad to see that Russia’s South Stream project on gas supply to Europe has been abandoned due to the EU critical stances toward it.
EU and US are opening their best bottles of champagne tonight…
That’s wishful thinking
The outcome is: Russia is free to choose what is better and go for it while Balkan countries being pushed by USA not to allow the project are facing the price of doing what USA wants and not what they want.
That brings a resentment and that’s a win for Russia. Russia will come back when they are ready
The Ukrainian Ambassador to NATO has stated that Ukraine asks NATO for lethal weapons during bilateral negotiations.
Gladio B and the Battle for Eurasia.
Reinforces with clarity what is evident. Russia knows what it is doing, the West are greedy, ignorant and soulless.
Pre-the Turkish gas deal, but points to it by predicting there would be more surprises.
And there will be many more surprises from Russia.
Saker sorry but I’m not buying your analysis anymore.They all have been proven wrong at the end.
Maybe are you an FSB agent?
Indeed, Saker, this was very good, and thanks to Grieved whose link I followed on an earlier thread, didn’t have time to thank her there.
The conversation makes sense of recent events in terms of the frustration Putin must feel at the non-dialogue with Western leaders in Brisbane and the inability of such leaders to pass beyond media posturings and games of charades.
Worth listening to a second time!
I thoroughly agree with Zerone.
Also what if there were substantial efforts to woe the Balcans All of them I as I see it is the natural land bridge to open world. and a great meeting point of all these people who need to progress forward in achieving fulfillment.
With Automation there need to be profits for all humans NOT only the Oligarchs. Who only usurp the power of all the People.
Hi Saker, I would have liked to hear from Orlov about the Central Bank. I liked the fact that there is total calm about big war. Same as Saker.
Sorry anon, but my immediate reaction to your comment:
“Keeping in mind that technology will be THE decisive factor moving forward (as in Automation, Robotics, Cybernetics etc.”),
I would have thought agriculture is going to be another big factor in the coming decades…monstanto has damaged and is damaging the entire planet, except for Russia… I think the whole world is running in the wrong direction as far as robots etc go, and when there’s no money in several of the large continents, there will be a reduction of tech… I hope so anyway.
” Saker sorry but I’m not buying your analysis anymore.They all have been proven wrong at the end.
Maybe are you an FSB agent?”
this guy’s a joke !!! This is so funny…
….MH17: Dutch “forgot” to rescue wreckage with bullet holes
Thanks, missed this one.
Anyone who can claim with a straight face that the sanctions are not impacting Russia has lost all credibility in my book.
Russian officials themselves are saying they are hurting the economy.
Putin himself in his interview on German TV said so.
Question, why does Orlov, who has been predicting the collapse of the American society (for about 15 years now), still live in the U.S.?
What did he start peddling his book on learning to read English if he truly believes in what he is saying? You would have thought he’d have published something on learning Russian or Chinese.
I think we have much more in common than you might realize:
“I would have thought agriculture is going to be another big factor in the coming decades…monstanto has damaged and is damaging the entire planet, except for Russia… I think the whole world is running in the wrong direction as far as robots etc go, and when there’s no money in several of the large continents, there will be a reduction of tech… I hope so anyway.”
I agree. Monsanto is applying scientific research in a way as to monopolize agricultural production, controlling the most essential part of human society which is the means to survive and life itself. Patents, GMOs etc. are all weapons in this profit, to be more precise, power elite driven terrorist enterprise.
That said I do not believe that humanity is not in favor of improving living standards, the “natural” production being the minimal standard, every progress in foodstuff has to be proven to be objectively safe and desirable/beneficial in its quality before – ANY – change in production is allowed. i would emphasize if the affected population is against these changes the change will have to be prohibited until further developments (like a veto, build on strict consensus).
There I think that we might differ is the topic of automation. It absolutely true that recent developments in this regard are mostly to the detriment of the affected people.
– but – I think, I certainly hope that humanities end is to be freed of any bondage of labor from the beginning of the existence of the self conscious human. What is the point of living like bacteria multiplying and growing mindlessly and to be under bondage, like a small cog in a machine? Is self-fulfillment not the desire of any human no matter what the particular goal is (religious, epistemological etc. goals)?
Don’t we behave, if we try to subdue and hinder other humans because of their beliefs life goals a.o., in the most violent way? – denying a self-determination to a individual or collective entity?
I think the most atrocious crime that a thinking entity can commit is to deny other thinking beings their self-determined existence.
Accident Took Place At Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant, Prime Minister Reveals
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/03/2014 – 07:49
Several days ago we heard rumors, unsubstantiated, of an accident at Ukraine’s Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, Europe’s largest and the 5th biggest in the world. Considering Ukraine’s history with nuclear accidents, and resultant panics, we decided it would be prudent to wait for an official confirmation before proceeding with a report. We got the confirmation about an hour ago, when Ukraine’s new/old Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk, or “Yats” as his puppetmaster Victoria Nuland likes to call him, said “on Wednesday an accident had occurred at the Zaporizhye nuclear power plant (NPP) in south-east Ukraine and called on the energy minister to hold a news conference.”
Paul Christie for german EER
I think gardening and farming are not “labor” that should become obsolete. People do it now for hobbies, but people need to do this type of “loving labor” for food worldwide. Not robots…I think that’s totally the wrong direction.
Personally I think space exploration is the wrong way the spend money too. If we could make all of Earth a garden, then we’d be going in the right directions.
I think what is missing so far as an under-estimating of the desperation of US bankers. The US / UK / EU Financial system is done, unless… Unless they can make everyone agree to use the dollar as the world reserve currency. Russia is leading the world away. Cheney said deficits don’t matter. What he meant is what matters is US military might. I think Khazin does; he says overthrowing a reserve currency has never been done without a war. This is what 911 was all about, the war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Egypt… Will the US back down now, or did they “cross the Rubicon.” Or do they think a nuclear war can be won? Do you think the Capitalist financial system will give up without a war? War is like gambling – everybody puts their chips on the table – and we are their hostages.
Keeping in mind that technology will be THE decisive factor moving forward
THE decisive factor moving forward is spiritual.
The US and Canada, which I am most qualified to discuss, did not become spiritually impoverished overnight. It took time and for the most part the path towards total degradation has been guided every step of the way. From Madonna to Miley I have watched all my life but instead of a reaction against I see everyone continuously accepting what was intolerable just a few years before.
The degradation is not strictly a result of material success either. While I understand that people do change when they become wealthier, they do not change their values so completely as has happened in the West without having been pushed strongly in that direction.
I do not buy the argument that Western elites are too stupid to understand they are destroying their respective societies. Nothing could be further from the truth. The takedown of the USA, for example, is occurring because a very small group of people have decided strong national governments are the only remaining threat to their power. They want to destroy the USA as much as Russia, it is blidingly obvious. Dimitry Orlov demonstrates zero understanding of this fact. I think he’d sooner be sailing around the world in his boat rather than informing his audience.
My strongest advice to Russia and Russians is to remember who you are and fight for your values. Abby Martin does not represent Russia and I sincerely hope a pathetic suck up like Peter Lavelle doesn’t either. RT is a carbon copy of American b.s. like CNN and will do nothing to protect Russian Civilization from the carefully planned and staged devolution I see taking hold of all the nations of the world including Russia, China, Brazil, India and so on. Why is it a bad thing that Russians are too sincere and decent to imitate the propaganda of the West?
I don’t know what is happening or why smart people are giving up their Resistance to the dismantling of the things that unite us. Is it fear? Why are people suddenly so eager to draw distinctions and take sides against people exactly like themselves while global elites scoop up everything.
I especially don’t understand why everyone’s memory has become so short.
Why have people stopped thinking expansively? Is it the drugs or the fluoride or our GMO food? Why aren’t Christians or Muslims representing the values of their faith anymore? It’s as if everyone is following the Catholic example after Vatican I & II — to a T.
The solution to all human problems are cultural and spiritual. THERE IS NO APP FOR THAT. We have to think for ourselves and recover the power to act collectively. Speaking of pornography, anything that doesn’t push in this direction is just a different form of jerking off. All technological solutions are a trap unless they empower us to do things for ourselves.
Dmitry Orlov did not tell me anything interesting and I certainly didn’t learn anything from him. If anything he oversimplifies everything preferring to paint Russia purely as a heroic victim and the USA as a monolithic evil. Where is the class analysis from this supposedly brilliant guy? How are his hopelessly generalized talking points useful to anyone who’s been visiting the Saker blog for more than 6 months?
Where is the analysis of the complicated relationships between various factions both within Russia and without? What of the competing interests and who actually speaks for Orthodox values? All I see now is a bunch of nonsense amounting to my religion is better than your religion but I won’t bother explaining it becaue you’re too stupid and brainwashed to understand.
To Saker especially, when I listen to the thoughtful and nuanced voice in your podcasts, I can barely square it with the uniformly partisan content to which I am now almost always subjected.
My rant is done. I don’t know what else to say.
Bonjour ,
M. Dmitri Orlov was one of the leading advocates of the “peak oil” scam .
Don’t forget it.
Best regard ,
I like Orlov a lot, but in addition to his total Pro-Russian stance, with no nuances for Russia’s problems, or subpowers agitating throughout the west and/or world, AND still lives in the U.S., he also believes that the world will be more or less entirely underwater in just a few years. We are all smart about different things, but even if we will be underwater someday, it’s not very engineering-savvy to have the professional belief it could happen that fast.
As I said, I don’t want to pick on him, but he seems to have substantial blind spots he’s not addressing.