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I just got his book Disintegration
fantastic – I can’t even describe how much its helping me to see the US clearly –
Yes Operation Barbarossa or red beard…a German king. Got off to a great start for the Germans but bad decisions down the road cost them their ability to defeat the Soviet Union.
Barbarossa was always a long-odds gamble which had failed by September 1941.
Has anyone heard anything new about the Lysychansk situation? Today’s news is dramatic. The Russians overran five villages southwest of the city, then advanced into Lysychansk itself. Does this mean Nazi defenses in that sector have partially or totally collapsed?
Today Russia also clinched an encirclement of 2,000 Nazis at Zolotoe. Events may be moving quickly now. Post updates here.
I’m not sure how many years Andrei has lived in America/West but there hasn’t been a week in my life where I’ve not been subjected to extreme idiocy. Whether from politicians, MSM or the General Public there’s no escaping zombies, should you decide to leave your home.
As someone who looks up to Andrei, I suggest he accepts western limitations/ shortcomings at all levels. How I’ve not served time in prison has been a major accomplishment. Turn the other cheek, give the benefit of the doubt, address people with a smile and understanding, even if underneath you’d like to bludgeon them with a blunt instrument.
I can sense a frustration boiling up throughout when the reality is that Andrei/ we sufferers should be cock-a-hoop that we’re witnessing this Western Circus pull down the Big Tent after tossing tens of thousands of stuffed toys out of its pram.
Think about the abject misery, the delirium/panic spreading through the western corridors of power; Bulgaria’s puppet Government fell today. Remember John McShitstain spending time strong-arming this poodle to turn down the proposed Gazprom Transit Route at a cost to its economy? Preferring to manufacture weapons for McShitstain to deliver to Al Qaeda on the Syrian/Turkish border, where he had a famous photo-shoot with HTS commanders.
Trumplethinskin didn’t help Russia relations, but his hands were tied from Day One and he eventually succumbed for easier pickings/less hassle elsewhere. However, it was OBAMA & Administration who poisoned relations between US-Russia long before, during and well after Trump.
In a commentary on the findings, the report said: “Bulgaria appears to be a regional outlier on Nato with the opposition to Alliance membership increasing by 13 percentage points over a year.
“This decline in support leaves the population evenly divided between backers of membership and those either opposed to it or holding no opinion on the subject,” the report said.
“The impact of the Kremlin’s war propaganda, disinformation narratives and smear campaign, however, are taking their toll in numerous countries including Bulgaria, Slovakia and Hungary,” the report said. “A total of 50 per cent, 42 per cent and 40 per cent in these three countries, respectively, view Zelenskyy negatively.
Better late than never.
The US spends $10’s of Billions on a global network of propaganda but when Russia takes out (or did ) a few Adverts on Facebook, they managed to swing the 2016 Election spending $2,000.
It’ll be a pleasure to read in the future that Grain Prices went up due to a bad harvest in Russia & Republics of Donbass/Other rather than due to a manipulative US Exotic Financial Instrument.
Or when American dissidents and Russia happen to have the same positions or come to the same conclusions, somehow it’s Russia’s fault.
Even though American dissidents and even the Ukrainians have much better Internet propaganda skills than the Russians, which the Russians like Andrei Martyanov have themselves pointed out.
““The impact of the Kremlin’s war propaganda, disinformation narratives and smear campaign, however, are taking their toll in numerous countries including Bulgaria, Slovakia and Hungary,” the report said.”
The unspoken presumption being Russia’s vital national interests and concerns have no rational, legitimate basis in reality. As if any and all stated Russian positions are just lies.
How could the Western public be so stupid as to fail to grasp that the real propaganda is US/NATO’s labelling of Russia’s position as “propaganda.” Sadly, many suggestible Americans presume the truth of this anti-Russian propaganda.
“I’m not sure how many years Andrei has lived in America/West but there hasn’t been a week in my life where I’ve not been subjected to extreme idiocy.”
Like a bad Vaudeville routine, but with real danger.
“John McShitstain” = “Songbird”? Is new name to my experiences. Songbird, aka Johnny Wet Start…treasonous broadcasts…searchterm> hanoi broadcast mccain. Then there were the POW’s left behind, and the cover-up…Kissinger’s broken promise.
We know how animals, when they get shot, sometimes, thrash around screaming. Seem like west animal is doing that. After awhile it will quiet.
I too…well, I would like Andrei to write his autobiography. I have known a few “Eastern-Block” “escapees”…they didn’t fit in to the sort of way of their Countries, and a White Russian Count, long ago…they all had stories about why they were so far from home, mostly true I think. Fine people, except, maybe, for the Count…”Igor D”…I think he was a rogue, used to be my “sitter” once in a while, I expect he was somewhat like Monsieur Verdoux (Chaplin)…Igor had been in the Imperial Russian Army. One day he disappeared…cops found his car at the beach…but he had two cars…and one was missing…
Oh! Bummer the spawn of see eye eh made man makie bad? Yewbetcha! Good actor though, fine bamboozler. They say he’s a pervert…well…it would figure.
In a way the clownish Trumper reminds me of the lesson Herman Wouk gave in “Caine…” If Queeg had been properly served and supported by his officers the ship would probably survived and avoided the mutiny… The Trumper was not supported properly, rather otherwise…it’s to his credit that the nazijunta is trying to screw him yet.
I like the Texas statement about whoze on first. Cute!
POWs left behind. You mean the ones the US agreed would be returned AFTER the US paid 3 1/2 billion dollars in war reparations for? The US never paid. People act like the Viets are Fd up but it’s the US that are the rats.
Appalling behavior from jump. Well, here are a few simple admonitions for young and old, man and beast.
I love this. Thanks!
Smoothie, my impression is this recruitment of the cretins and inadequates has been deliberately desired and cultivated since the end of the Cold War. CAF: “You can tell where a system wants to go when it refuses to learn.”
When you want someone to descend into the gutter and plumb the depths of a sewer, you do not hire a cultured professional wearing a nice english suit and sharp italian shoes.. A decision was made to overtly dismantle Russia and acquire its resources during the Yeltsin years and all subsequent actions flow from these aims.
The West was broke and overleveraged and beyond desperate. The course has not deviated an iota since then. You need amoral ignorant thugs who will see the job through, no matter what it takes; their blunders actually further commit the west to war on Russia. Neocons were convenient hate-filled pus-bags who were swivelled into position as they could be counted to use their accounts-settling towards the general aims. All industries and departments and agencies are led and staffed by sycophants sympathetic to these war aims. Complete ignorants who can be relied on to make peace with Russia impossible, and through unrelenting pressure work to internally fracture Russia. All those hesitant or historically knowledgeable or capable of real-politik were shoved aside, such as Professor Stephen Cohen.
The lifeblood and continued hegemony of the combined parasitical west depends on achieving these near-impossible aims. They have gambled everything and have no Plan B. Very dangerous times ahead now, unless through some miracle these elites are changed per VVP.
Ray McGovern mentioned Jack Matlock, as a former US ambassador to Russia, many times.
Lately he mentioned Chas W. Freeman, Jr.. I looked him up.
I’m impressed.
I am also a fan of Eric Margolis, for military analysis, but he disapproves of this special military operation on his basis of classical blitzkrieg tactics.
But I think I can see that the aims of this special military operation differ considerably from typical Nazi and German World War Two operations, and I can applaud the differences, for much the same reasons that Ritter applauds them, on a military level, from my limited armchair noncommissioned untermensch-perspective, and lazy boy inexperience, of course.
All the diplomats seem to have fallen from favour. Margolis as a journalist was blackballed for reporting truth about Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan.
January 6th was an attempted regime change but it appears American journalism and their State Department was regime changed long ago.
Ray says it’s the MICIMATT complex, the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-MEDIA-Academia-Think Tank complex. (MICIMATT complex, like Mickey Mouse)
It seems to me that the money and influence have left the ones that know what they are doing, militarily, historically, diplomatically and geopolitically, because the MICIMATT complex doesn’t think that there is a buck in it.
Andrei has mentioned his friend Larry Johnson so much, here’s some of his work:
Western Military Analysts, Including the CIA, Dazed and Confused
By Larry Johnson
June 22, 2022: Information Clearing House
It’s pure refreshment compared to the propaganda.
Larry lays it out: “One Big Reason Americans are Ignorant About Russia’s Role in WW II”, but Americans largely ignore it.
By Larry Johnson
Published June 24, 2022 at 7:00am
Please ask this question in the MFC where off-topic conversations can be made. Mod.
We apologize in requesting help. It’s certainly “off-topic” but we don’t know where else to ask.
A few of us in America, would like to know about The Great Purge during Stalin’s time. There is no use in finding unbiased British, American authors who can explain this time. Nor is there any online research in English that would provide an unbiased look at those events.
Please let us know if you know of a source that may help us.
Sorry to be off-topic.
Thank you.