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I think a lot of the problems Andrei here and others outline about misinformation, the Ukraine-Russia war, tabloid newspaper bs etc… stems from those in the west particularly the last 20-25 years having access to and exposed to the internet and mobile phones along with too easy a life and not living in the real world.
The mobile phone thing is at the root cause of the problem and steps need to be taken to either shut it down or severely restrict use to business people. One the phones contained computers and wifi etc… (iPhones etc) and all these social media things were at ones fingertips this is where the problems started.
I suppose you could argue that some users access this Saker website and Andrei’s videos etc… and Infowars and others but they access a lot more nonsense on CNN, BBC etc….
Young people, even those now aged to 45 today, are bedazzeled with all this and believe the things they see on it. And its wasting their time.
Those in govt are also effected by this too.
They stop people from leading real world lives and spread disinformation.
Fixing a sub’s reactor with superglue probably stems from this – those who did it don’t care and have immature mindset which comes from living in fairyland and these phones will be part of.
Its one thing have a simple mobile phone to take calls, its another having access to internet and all the tripe on it. Perhaps a limit on young or peoples time for the internet (unless needed for proper use) would be a good idea and what sites they can see.
Russia and others should really aim setting up systems to jam all this if those in the west wont address it.
Or make restrictions on them part of any treaties, trade deals etc… with the West.
Unless something is done about it the viability of the future is at risk.
Its something Russia and Putin needs to look at.
This is one of the most important issues of the day. Society is radically transformed by technology.
We get an virtual reality that is killing reality. The dream is touched on by Meta’s Metaverse.
Being a long standing Neo Ludite, I was forced to get an idiot phone last year. In order to function is ‘Society’.
I used to shake my head at the people glued to their phone, now I’m one of them. Productivity is down to zero.
Computers are great, but you have to show them who is Boss. My mobile phone has three boxes on its front screen. The first one is “Phone” and the last one is “Other”. It’s still a smart phone, but the tricks don’t jumpoutatcha.
No matter how advanced the technology may get, GIGO will forever remain the default state of human-technology interactions.
spot on, but even worse,
moral decay. money money money.
the black mirrors of inanity replaced real life knowledge/experience, suddenly everyone is an expert – google/wiki etc urgh
+ love of money, insatiable greed for tokens, look at me!!!. ..
replaced a love of Life, raw and sometime disappointing, but real.
fair comment : )
God help us.
Andrei, This is not miseducation. This is misunderstanding on our part.
America is run for the benefit of Oligarchs, kept in line by the Neo-Con Gestapo and populated by gutless, immoral, compromised lackeys.
The Oligarchs and the Neo-cons are united in their motivation to make the world eternally safe for Israel and punish anyone who slighted Israel for the past 5000 years. The enemies list is long (Russia, Syria, Iran. Babylon, Rome, Constantinople, Christianity, Islam, Catherine The Great, etc.) and not limited by time or logic
To achieve their aims, they are not bothered by the destruction of Europe, the United States and the Collective West.
Their power and control is at its zenith. They have castrated all internal opposition and therefore do not have challengers. As seen with Trump, Jeremy Corbyn, etc. , they and their lackeys do not hesitate to destroy any resistance, even if that resistance is meek and ineffectual (see Trump, Jeremy Corbyn)
The gutless, immoral, compromised lackeys retain their positions because of fealty to the Neocons. They cannot and will not break free because it would require a wholesale change of character that will never happen (see gutless, immoral and compromised by Mossad and Jeffrey Epstein)
For that reason we in the west are doomed until we are prepared to face very ugly questions and ultimately root out the NeoCon cancer and their Oligarch overlords.
Until we do, this madness will repeat as it has for centuries
Good point. Society is intentionally dumbed down. The IQ quota has been sinking in the west since the 70’s. The test being a relative measurment hides this fact. A 70’s test given today would produce an average way below the 100 mean.
I was digging through some old papers from a relative from the 30s. A public school teacher for a 7 year standard education. I was blown away by the level of the matemathics, knownledge of literatur, news paper clippings etc. Way beyond university level, and this was in the 90s.
I don’t dare think about the level today, but I understand it is perfectly normal to have a teenager laying on the floor having a hissy fit crying and kicking like a child. It need to be accepted, and wastes everybodys time.
I dunno, I think they’ve been found out. protests and public strikes around the cost of living are intensifying. Might take until next winter for the cork to explode but Public servants are beginning to feel the heat as most of the anger’s directed at their mismanagement of the economy.
I say, screw them all, they deserve one another.
Indeed,i live in the UK and experience this first hand,if the Regime through their puppet MSM can make some of the herd that Doctors and Nurses,Firefighters and teachers are the Devil for demanding better pay and working conditions we are in a bad place,its the Goebbels playbook and still works with some brain dead morons,i live in a town that has never had a Conservative MP until the last election,one of the so called red wall seats,enough of the herd were convinced that the Conservative Regime of the previous years had nothing to do with all the problems they had like Hospitals and police stations being closed or cut back to the bone,like i said Goebbels said give me control of the Media and i will turn the people of any Country into a herd of Pigs,thats where we are at, one big Piggery.
My wife, a lawyer and daughter, a recent teenager, ask my advice on everything from the former’s legal responses, best holidays, techniques, tactics and conditioning across a series of sports (ex pro), general knowledge, advice on their interpersonal relationships, maths, physics, chemistry homework, not to forget all the Free advice I offer on such practicalities as food hygiene.
Despite all of the above they both consider me a Putin/Russia propagandist.
English, it’s hopeless!
Where were you bleeding hearts when the Donbass was being shelled over the last 8 years is the last time I spoke directly to family members.
It’s not all bad news English (taken from that Harry Palmer film with the KGB General), Liz Truss is considering a comeback, realising that the people who handed her the crown and also pulled the rug, regard Rasheed (Biden) Sunak equally incompetent. lol sarc
sarc, lol.
that doesn’t cut it.
I share an island with anglos, but I wouldn’t even call myself “british” at gunpoint.
Stop insulting a significant minority in the (european west), and that includes very many “anglos”.
I’ve been howling about Donbass since it kicked off, got me kicked out some forums in 2015. If it is not on MSM here, nobody cares, sad but true. Then there is the entire clownworld that people here do pay attention too!!! get me outa here!
seriously, try living here. not fun. freakshow. inversion.
For what it is worth, the English “proles” have shown more balls than any Celt these past 3 years. Celtika is more transworld-pervo-medical-military-facist than England (by the peoples’ measure, not the .Gov). Take note Batiushka, history may suggest one thing, reality today proves different.
I’m a Celt, a thoroughly disappointed one, what happened to us??? (Batiu CAN answer that!).
But constant bashing of “anglos” and the sick west, will only breed a hatred, in you, against “us”. Curtail that please.
? So, naval infantry will mow me down when I greet them on the beach 3 years hence, because i was “one of them, not us,” ??
1/3 of the people I know,here, who know wtf is going on in the world,
give us a break.
Yes ! I always thought that I was an Anglo Saxon with blue eyes, fair skin and auburn hair born in England. However, recent DNA tests reveal that my paternal line of descent is Hiberno Viking with DNA matches in Finland, Norway, Sweden and Caithness, Scotland.
Unfortunately, UK politics is controlled by the money masters, who create money ex nihilo as interest bearing debt, who are definitely neither Anglo Saxon nor Celt, but we get the blame for all that ails the world. I recently watched a video online where some crazy woman in the US was advocating that all the white folk who refuse the mRNA jab should be exterminated.
Footage has surfaced of a top Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) official Dr. Carol Baker saying that the elites should “get rid of of all the whites in the United States” and replace them with immigrants to reduce the number of people who refuse vaccines.
1/3rd of Brits (possibly half) couldn’t point to Ukraine on a map.
By the way I’m British, living in Britain, where controlled opposition like LGBTQIA2+/Ukraine- LuvvyTards won’t cut it.
Pretending to be a Player, when your entire army couldn’t fill Wembley is SAD.
I’m happy, if it’s true that a third of the great unwashed are clued up in your hamlet.
Actually it was Rashid Sanuk LOL!! as for Donbass like you i have been asking those bastards where they have been for 8 years not one MSM report from places like Donetsk,thats because if they reported the 8 years of shelling they couldn’t hide the truth from the Herd at large,i have been thrown off four forums for challenging their bullshit narrative,i am quite proud of being thrown off those forums ,it shows how terrified they are by the truth and facts.
Most peoples’ problems in the US, UK and EU stem from the rising cost of living, while their incomes have remained stagnant caused by inflation of the currency, either by the banks issuing more debt, or defaults on existing loans. Normally the banks control the rate of inflation by deleting the money they created ex nihilo as debt, by deleting it back out of existence as the principal is repaid. When loans are not repaid they cannot delete it. In addition to that, the Federal Reserve has created money ex nihilo without needing a borrower to buy up US Treasury Bonds no one else wants these days. The Federal Reserve now owns $8.5 trillion of US Treasury bonds, that has effectively put another $8.5 trillion of Federal Reserve Notes in circulation. But the former head of the IMF Christine Lagarde has no idea how the recent surge in inflation has come about. The current urban myth is that the Russians have caused it.
I don’t always watch this site because sometimes I think it is pro-Ukrainian. But this video is very important. It reports on an important interview by an Australian blogger with a Australian mercenary fighting in Ukraine. The merc is telling him the truth:
“Ukraine is losing” Foreign Volunteer admits in INTERVIEW with Willy OAM
Its losing badly, the west is now preparing for a long war militarily, but the Russians are apparently stacking up troops to mow down and then replace Ukraine gvt personnel.
It even has the look of a combination Taiwan strike or even something involving Iran.
The west is stretched thin on labor and this is directly related to back up strength in a direct conflict..
I really wonder if they would pull the draft cord or simply fold their financial cards and take the punishment.